City Council Minutes 02-10-19701T9
F*brur,ry 1", 1970
Vi_lla,re Council Chambers 8:00 n.m.
The r -;pular meetin7 of the ''onticr�llo Vintage Council was called
to order n t `?: ()0 p.m. b r 14ayor Ronald Schlief with councilmen Franz
Swanb-r7 and ; ,3m -s ,'^us in at --ndr).nce. Walt "`ack, Village Su-otrintend+-nt
w?.s also in attendance,. krrivinr, after ord-r call were; Councilman
Pickard Farti e, P-) _ice• Chief .'rt'1ur '-'clntiree, Li -tor Stor- '`anager
^erild DeLong, 'Jil_l a; --A Fngi.near Thor- `'e ,rer, Villa -#-- attorney Gary
Prinmlle. Fir- Chi -f Ronald IMichaelis did not atttnd.
Minutes of th- previous me -tiny: had been pro, -pared and railed to all
councilmen. Jan, --3 }`aus grade motion that minutes be approved as submitttid.
Franz Swanb-rg sAcond�!d moticn =end unanimously approv-d by all
�w'e'llt-r "-;ick did not ha.v- a formal report to rr,, regard? nF-
5trc�►t, Y:a t;mr ar:ri Sewer departments.
zrthur 't'clntire� did not }iavw a formal report to make pit this time
ut referred to annual report pr-viously submitted.
Gerald Delong had previ.ot;slir rcnuested that off -sale Liquor StorA
opaening be delayed until 10:00 a.m. each day. He reported that a two
5tudir re ,—aloP{i th---t ava1ern. e sal,^5 for t`, -re two hours morni.n4 period
wer-- $20.00, a nay. Discussion rev -tiled that this decision could be
made by the, manager, hotreever, Jar -,,-s Vaus made motion that delayed
opening be tri -d for a 30 -day period to study effect. Richard
:Martie second --.d motion. Voting in favor: James Maus, Richard V;;.rtir-,
Ronald Schli-f,"-,r-)t in favor: Franz Swanherm.
Gera.1r1 DeLone- tPr. -sent-ed John Uvdahl who de;ronetrated a Smoke-trr
air c1 -an -r designed to remov- sTroke and odors frcrtj th- air in
the liquor --store. `'o i ction tak-n p -nding Furth, -r study.
Merry Nrty-•r sti.idy to deter -ane adequacy of
coverages on inventory; the nr-d. for ad-,-'itional cooler spac- for br_er;
inadequate el-ctrical outl-ts ^n bar; water and ice accumulation
at beck door of liquor store; and, floor r -pair. Jam -s Mnus and
Franz Swa ���-}-, p�,.r. a?poi nt -d as a conmitt^d to work with Thor `�"eyf-r
�nrl De*Lon on th-tie studies. R -port duee at "`arch rnr_etinp;.
Thor "'"-ver pre -scented Report #1 of a Feasability r -port on up-
grading ntr--ts and drrina;-e systrTn. Roenort will be studies b -r
council and consider-ri vrith Reports #2 an,' 13 to be prese-nteci 7t a
later date.
Don Granlund, Villar- Clstrk-Treasurer, presented proposal of
Tonka Kennels of ��:'ayzata for dog control service in the village.
James "alis made motion and Franz Swanb►rg seconded it to proceed
with prepare ing working a7;r�-m-nt krith Tonka Kennels. Dog control
notice together frith ordinance to be published twice before
i7.ple^Ient2tion of n7ree-, £ant.
rranz Sw�nbe-- and Ronald Schlief pr--sented report of study in
pre,)Pration for fire ne'rvicA contracts �r•ith neighborin-; townsi,ips.
o]_e•rk-treasurer was instruct -d t� pl .par,. contracts showi.n
call charf;as of $.2.00.- fir first tzr, `'j5.00 for second hour,
,nd "50.00 for each a.dditirnal r: lzr or ."r ,ctin th-reof. Each contract
to include► annual standl�;y cr =r: e's Cta .7o Tovmship, $200.00; Silver
Creek 'Township 4300.n0; 'onti c-1 ?. - T•;,!,-nship �10C�0. Richard Martie
mad- -notion to implernetnt this act;. ,n . Jam -s = second -d it and
coi,,.n c ii -- !n unanimous l_v a t�provPd .
Franz Swanb-r_J s„bmitt-dr, r _int �,f contract negotiati ons with
Al's Sanit pry Service to provid-1 „fu
- se" r)ickup for Vi1_la€�e of 'nnticj_,llo
at $600.00 nr month. Don �r inl :nc?. to -,Iork out special details as
ne-ded. motion to a -.-)prove con t.r-,ct nriade by James I'a.,ag,' seconded bar
Fr--nz Swanberg carried L�r unani. nous :,,ote.
S -v -rat inquiri.` s r,!� arding Proposf►d building, in th- village were
consld-red. Corm^rci -al builai .17 for Broadway- will be considered upon
rActiot of !-)lans and study of b�ail...r�ing cods and z ming. B,li1-dingy of
an Ll -unit ari rtrr-nt Anus- consi '-red favorably. Plans to be submitted
b11efore permit F ranter?. '-r?ur�st 'or permit to rermodel house by ion
uranlwd tabled til n_xt meati r. )Anding builciin� code study.
James }`aus ;Marge. r�otir�n th2�t Vi1.7 ar►e advertise for a Bui._'_dinp, Inspector.
Rich :_, -rd ^.arti,!» SP-Corlu�d motion. i'-rried by unani.m nzs vote.
S-1Pcti..-�n of :Hest::lth Officer tabled urt'i.�_ next mo
of P)oard tai%•1-5 nti-?. next mr,-ting.
�Zevi.A,, or s .lrrvr adjustmrnt f-,. rt,= r "chnelle- ,dr,f�rrc(j for forth - r
s tudy.
Gary Pringle, ;j:�� P at tome ,, :visd +,e ,
at the:)r will.. not act an
defense a.ttorne rs in vi'_1�. - caLsj- . Contract for $1200.00 retainer of
Gary Pringle as vili. ,,, , :-Itt•_,rney both parties.
�r. Frir,mle advised t? .t. :trot. -t torney general '.-,gas brief regarding
'ch_ool wn-t-r and set4er hook -u ) !gin-' t, :.7.l r-nc?cr an opinion in never
Franz Swanber move cd that all �}_lls n -r atti ch -C'. listing; be: paid.
Richard V-arti(e se*c;)ndpd and council en apuroved unanimously.
Bills approved total -d $20,p.�9.',6 `1- Linuor Store;$1581.39 for Street
Denartm�ni; $1632-73 for Se,v '�.
3 ?3 `' ���r e.�-rt."nt; -410.38 for t,`T„ter Department
and 15153.55 f.or General d,*1ir,istra.ti��e• (r✓nlice, Fire, administration)
Discussi:Ijn r*-garding ann-xqt i_^n .)roc --0, in -s and r . vi -14 of a joint
townnhip-municioalit � ann-x,.tir-n ---ti.r held Fehru• ry 9. The Villa
nttornAy was instruct ri to defe-r the- next joint meeting until the week
of Febru• ry 23rd.
,1oti, r by Jam -s ; -aus to a ^pointRoe N=�'
ln Schli.-f Mayor of Plonticv►1]_0
to fi' l un-Y_Ar-d t-rm .^f Don. r=an un a .. �;� r43i;Tne�d. Te I- A +
k_ Ter-,-, �o .xt,.nd „o
DAceTruer 3�, 1071. otion sr ondm:1 b.- A Siranberand passmd bT una.nim,-,us
vote. CoUncilrr in vc�t vac«t�-d h.", Schli * f to be fill- --d at :°:arch meeting.
?•°otion to ca(il urn 'n�( !` b7T F. 'wn.n• ),,!r€; a t 10; 50. co o? b� r
Cirri . d .
J aUS• //