City Council Minutes 02-03-1970 SpecialFebru,-,-,,r 3, 1970
x:10 -
IP -m. Council Chambers
The VillaTe council held a ,, pe c in- -�e
tin- or. Tues a7 nVe nine;
F-bruary 3, 1970 at 70,10 p.. -m. in t hcouncil chan"bers. e, t i ng
was called to order b,f 'Nayor Ron Schli,,�f Councilmen
SWInberg and Jam Franz
Mes �Nlaus were present. R-11 chf,:jrd
xtie was absent.
Ronald Michaelis ha.s been ash -to 'ge present to aid in study
of Fire de Partment costs
fo, Lo,'g, pVV
Jo posed costs for 1070
and discussion of contract pro' I OTIM
POsal to sbip arn, s
protected b -,L?- T" 1,
j..0-11-ticello Fife Dept-�artrnient. Don.'Granlund was
asked to project costs and cost"distribution of ad.ditir - )nal'
fire equipm-_�nt needed. Decision tabled it til regular meetin7.
Tt has been determined that there isprivate property being
a,s part of the municipal parkinc, lost. -Ain aseine.,
record is being spa rched..
i �nnounce_ment of To7.,,ns,-1_7
nerrotiation committee
sit for February 9, 1976 at High. School.
Quostion r4aisnd re=-,arding purity of water com-ing froomnumerousprivat-te .--ells in "llonticello. 'F,4
-jiscussion of providing a water
purity test of all private This is a community health
'�ty factor
,djourned at 8:00 p.,,... to reconvene for hearing- of prooerty
cruners regirdingassessinent. levied on rebuilt alle
,D yway on
Block 35 betw�,.Ien Fine and Walnut 3 t r,-uets .
Hearing called to order by Sclhli�nf. InaddJ_ti,,-.,-n to
councilmen on hand th-, fol-ldw-ini", ;1
proper Y OVM(1!-rs 1 --Te in
attendance: Dr. F. E. Ellison "'rs 1T1.mas chner,1
I'lobert Davis.
tion raided if property- on which alley xias buil.d erasw and holde-,,rs dedicated
conde,med. It was'
that 1L
land- to viijape for alley develop-,jent, at an earlier mee-!,tin-.
Tener�,lly C greed that, village T,-%To-LL1d handle norm -al ma -int enance.
Question if orope_-r notice gone- c -A to -Property
t� L, -
'building was to t, place Verified.
olvners Vhat re
-,,,k e e It was erified
t rt,ch 1,,.nd was notifi&d 1�17 lettir and
e -a--)
Pull ic-Rticns in 76nticnlio Tins.
or Schlief will rnsearch exact mean -in g and respo-risi bi lity
,tion ansa advise land o wners accord_jn;r.v.
'q,;r agrne-ment -at 9:00 n.-
,djournment 1"