HRA Minutes 01-03-1990 . MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, January 3, 1990 - 7:00PM City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Al Larson, Ben Smith, Lowell Schrupp, and Tom St. Hilaire. MEMBER ABSENT: Everette Ellison. STAFF PRESENT: Jeff O'Neill and Ollie Koropchak. GUEST: Bob Heck and Deb Graham, BDS, Inc. Bill and Barb Tapper, and Lance Hartkopf, Tapper Inc. 1. CALL TO ORDER. The HRA meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM by Chairperson Al Larson. 2. APPROVAL OF THE DECEMBER 6, 1989 HRA MINUTES. . Ben Smith made a motion to approve the December 6, 1989 HRA minutes, seconded by Lowell Schrupp. Without further discussion the minutes were approved 4-0 as written. 3. PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE DISPOSITION OF LAND FOR TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-9. The modified Redevelopment Project and Finance Plan No. 1 and the Tax Increment Finance Plan No. 1-9 having been available for review at the City Hall by the public and after proper publication notice, Chairperson Al Larson opened the public hearing. With no oral or written comments on the disposition of land for TIF District No. 1-9, the public hearing was closed. 4. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE MODIFICATION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN RELATING TO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO.1, THE MODIFICATION OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLANS RELATING TO TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICTS NOS. 1-1 THROUGH 1-8 AND THE APPROVAL AND ADOPTION OF THE TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN RELATING TO TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT NO. 1-9. . The Tax Increment Finance Plan relating to Tax Increment Finance District No. 1-9 having been prepared with a budget for land acquisition of $17,500 ($2,500 annually over 7 years) and administration cost of $3,600. The budget being consistent with the HRA authorization for BDS, Inc. to prepare the TIF Finance Plan. This authorization based on the developer's willingness to construct a 9,720 sq ft metal building (2,268 sq ft commerical display/office and 7,452 sq ft agricultural product warehouse.) Agricultural products of Cargill HRA Minutes 1/3/90 Page 2 . 4. CONTINUED. supplies, seed corn, salt, grains, wood shavings, straw bales with production of bird seeds and grain cleaning during harvest season. Commercial products of pet food and supplies, power equipment, grass seeds, etc. Additionally, authorization based on the developer's willingness to apply proper screening for outdoor and indoor storage. Deb Graham expressed the TIF Plans were distributed to the school district, hospital district, and county commissioners on December 22, 1989 with a planned City Council public hearing and plan adoption on January 22, 1990. . Tom St. Hilaire made a motion to adopt the resolution relating to the modification of the redevelopment plan relating to Redevelopment Project No.1, the modification of the Tax Increment Financing Districts Nos. 1-1 through 1-8 and the approval and adoption of the Tax Increment Financing Plan relating to Tax Increment Financing District No. 1-9. Ben Smith seconded the motion, with no further discussion the motion passed 4-0. The HRA adopted the plan based on the larger agricultural product warehouse to be constructed in ratio to the commerical display/office, increase of property value, and three additional jobs. This applying consistency to the HRA policies and assisting a small local developer. 5. CONSIDERATION TO AUTHORIZE BDS, INC. TO DRAFT A TIF PLAN FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF ECONOMIC DISTRICT NO. 1-10 FOR TAPPER, INC. Mr. Bill Tapper introduced himself and his wife, Barbara, ownersof Tapper, Inc. and Lance Hartkopf, finance director for Tapper, Inc. Mr. Tapper gave a brief summary of his professional background, being a graduate engineer and sales management, originally in the micro wave business which lead to the purchase of Genereux five to six years ago. In those past six years, sales have grown from $300,000 to $1,400,000. Presently, the company manufactures a full line of unfinished custom storages primily for the single family home market (kitchen and bath.) Westlund Distributing, also a business of Tappers, distributes hardware to the cabinet manufacturing industry. With their planned expansion, space and employment would allow them to ship finished products and enter the decorating parts market and provide a full line of services (financial). . . HRA Minutes 1/3/90 Page 3 5. CONTINUED. Expansion plans include an initial 20,000 square foot concrete building with an additional 5,000 square feet as mezzanine, with capabilities to expand to 100,000 square feet. Currently, Tapper's Inc. employs 25 people plus an additional 10 seasonally. Initial expansion plans include an additional 25 jobs with high school part time @ $4.00-$5.00 and skilled labor @ $11.00. Tapper's present facility limits their sales because of unability to offer a complete line of service. Tapper's contracts to kitchen dealers on new higher quality construction and employs four sales personnel. . Site selection is Lot 4, Block 2, Oakwood Industrial Park inwhich they plan to utilize the swale as a natural parkway and building itself will be similar in design to NAWCO. The Tapper's selected Monticello for a various reasons, however, they indicated the nice people, the availability of the industrial park, and the financial proposal assistance. Mr. Tapper felt it was not reality to expect an industrial park of all concrete structures and t:or, thereaft.er;'J the land cost would increase. He did not find the industrial park unattractive. Construction plans are to begin this spring with occupancy in the fall. Bob Heck and Deb Graham informed the HRA of the TIF schedule with planned adoption of TIF Plan at the City Council on February 26th. An approximate $77,500 TIF assistance is estimated for the write down of land cost plus the use of the Small Business Development Loan (IDB) and the Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund. Total estimated project costs is $850,000. Lowell Schrupp made a motion authorizing BDS, Inc. to draft a TIF Plan for economic district no. 1-10. (Tapper, Inc.), the motion was seconded by Ben Smith and passed 4-0 without further discussion. The proj ect is consisten L with HRA policy considerations one, two, three, and eight. Mr. Bob Heck asked the HRA to adopt a resolution of support for the Minnesota Small Business Development Loan, thereby, allowing Tapper expenses to start occurring. Tom St. Hilaire made a motion to adopt a resolution of support for the Minnesota Small Business Development Loan for Tapper, Inc. The motion was seconded by Lowell Schrupp and passed 4-0 without further discussion. . Chairperson Larson thanked Mr. and Mrs. Tapper, and Hi. f{artkopf for their presentation and welcomed them to the community. . HRA Minutes 1/3/90 Page 4 6. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR TIF PROPOSAL PRESENTED TO BRIDGE WATER TELEPHONE COMPANY. Koropchak informed the HRA of staff's proposal as presented to Mr. Rierson based on the HRA's encouragement to swap lands with the City to discourage the illegal use of a non- conforming use at their present location on West County Road 39. Bridge Water's intent was to expand at their present location which can be completed with the amendment of the city ordinance. City staff did not see it as a benefit to remove the present Bridge Water property from the tax rolls and to encourage market efforts of the city lots in Oakwood Second Addition they presented Bridgewater with the following proposal. Pay-as-you-go Option of $2,750 over 8 years for land cost and site improvements (land fill) on Lot 6, Block I, Oakwood Industrial Park, Second Addition, with Bridge Water retaining ownership of their existing property with contingent upon marketing and selling the property to a PZM legal conforming use. Proposed facility is 12,000 square feet of warehouse/storage, metal construction with contrasting Dundas Road front and windows, increase of employment within Bridge Water office and service area. . HRA members inquired why the use of TIF, Koropchak responded to the HRA original interest in this project and why city staff presented Mr. Rierson with a proposal inclusive of TIF. Mr. Rierson did not approach the city for the use of TIF or the idea to relocate their storage facility. Chairperson Al Larson made a motion to deny the use of Tax Increment Finance to Bridge Water Telephone Company, seconded by Tom St. Hilaire and passed 4-0 without further discussion. The denial was determined by the HRA because it only met one of the HRA policy considerations (No.1) and felt assistance was not necessary. < 7. CONSIDERATION TO ELECT 1990 HRA OFFICERS AND TO ESTABLISH 1990 HRA GOALS. In accordance with HRA By-laws, the Chairperson remains in office until such time as his term expires. Tom St. Hilaire made a motion of HRA officers: Ben Smith, Vice Chairperson; Rick Wolfsteller, Treasurer; and Koropchak, Executive Secretary. Lowell Schrupp seconded the motion and the motion passed 4-0 without further discussion. . Tom St. Hilaire suggested the HRA goals consist of tangible results such as three additional industries with employemnt of 50 each. Staff is to write suggested goals, mail the 1989 and 1990 goals to members, and call a special meeting. Chairperson Larson suggested the City hold a strategic planning seminar similiar to the School Districts of which had an excellent facilitator. Jeff O'Neill informed the HRA members that was the real purpose of the joint meeting held in June. . HRA Minutes 1/3/90 Page 5 8. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE ON REMMELE ENGINEERING AND THE LINCOLN COMPANIES. Koropchak informed the HRA members of the planned meeting with Remmele officers and legal counsel, city staff, and rDC and HRA Chairpersons on Friday, January 12, 1990. Remmele Engineering plans to construct an approximate 20,000 sq ft facility with intital employment of 50 with potential to expand an additional 40,000 sq ft and an additional 100 employment in 3-5 years. Hopes are to receive a go-ahead for a Monticello location from Remmele, thereby, coordinating the TIF plan schedule with Tapper, Inc. Al Larson made a motion authorizing BDS, Inc. to draft a Tax Increment Finance Plan for TIF District No.1-II and schedule the HRA public hearing for February 7, 1990, contingent upon Remmele's decision to locate in Monticello. The motion was seconded by Ben Smith and without further discussion passed 4-0. Tom St. Hilaire suggested for the city to do whatever it takes to get Remmele to Monticello. . Jeff O'Neill updated the HRA members on The Lincoln Companies project. The project is still a go-ahead, however, being very complex because of necessary public improvements. Secondary pond may be necesary for K-Mart run off, Seventh Street elevation needs to be raised for K-Mart parking lot therefore no road access off Seventh Street to Hornig's property which may necessiate the acquisition of the bank property. The Lincoln Companies has not received financing, the city has seen no lease agreement, and the cost keep increasing. TIF funds are presently at approximately $437,000. Buffalo's Walmart project use of TIF is $600,000. 9. OTHER BUSINESS. Koropchak asked HRA members who was interested and planning to attend the seminar, Using Tax Increment Finance, on February 7. The seminar is all day and includes lunch and breaks at a cost of $65 per person paid by the City. Ben Smith and Koropchak indicated yes, yes from Al Larson if schedule permits, check with Everette Ellison, and no from Tom St. Hilaire, Lowell Schrupp, and Jeff O'Neill. 10. ADJOURNMENT. The HRA meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM. . ~ \<0'\.t\-\\SL9:~.// Ollie Koropchak HRA Executive Secretary