Planning Commission Minutes 04-09-1970 ,......,: ' Plannint; Commission April 9, 1970 8:30 A.M. Meetint; of the Plannint; Commission cal ed to order b.1 Actint; Chairman Father Patrick Gearty. Members present: Rob rt Davis, Larry Flake, Dale Lunt;Witz, Dr. C. Erlandson. Absent: Grant Schle f. The question to be considered is to ad se Villa~e Council on our recommend- ation for procedure at the hearint; Apr 1 24th, 1970. Father Gearty stated in his opinion it would be disasterous not to ~o ahead with our committment to the petitioner and council. Flake oited the fact that Monticello has always been willin to serve the entire community. It was further stated in discussion th t the methods of procedure may be questionable in that it mi~ht be detri ental to split township. Recent election results could be interpreted 0 indicate that township people do not want annexation or merger. The attached statement was formulated nd presented to Council for its meeting Thursday evening April 9th. It was recommended that interested pe sons in the township write a statement for the hearing on April 24, 1970, an that the Village office be utulized to aid those desiring assistance. Plannin~ Commission recommends to the Council that it approve to the County Zoning Commission that the proposed 4 acre site south of Monticello'be approved for industrial site with pri.lege to approve building plan and landscaping. Motion for adjournment by Dale Lun~~z at 10:25 A.M. -- seconded and carried. "I Don anlund >>et=y DCG/lcg ,,"."',- ',' "'y".'." ,""," .'''''~''''''''''-''''''''''--~