City Council Agenda Packet 06-09-2003 . R rrv"'oU i . ~.tf'V'tf'V t Mayor: I AGEN~A REGULAR MEETING - MONTI.1ELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, June 9, 1003 - 7 p.m. Bruce Thielen i I Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, 10bhie Smith and Brian Stumpf I I I I Council Members: 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2 Approve minutes of May 27,2003 regulay ncil meeting. . f ~~I~ ci.~,eri ~#-14f . Consideration of adding items to the age~ - ~>,tiMe ct;/I Jj~-1~1- P1/I#;q..t' 1'/0...I? vi fCMcI p~~ 4{/~ Citizen comments/petitions, request and co 'jnts. ---r . ~ r:Y7 f" 1 ~ /t1. a'~~\(G~A,~~~ ;- (;v1(~..W~ Consi - en mg t e term of the cable franc Communications. \ ! Consideration of request J(Jr preliminar* plat approval of the Featherstone mixed use development. I I Consideration of concept stage planned lmit development in the R-2 district. Applicant: Richard Carlson. I I Review of penalty rate and administrati~e fee for delinquent utility accounts. I I Consideration of amendments to 2003 b dgct. 3. 4. 5. e. /.J-~ C7l-5/ f'~ ISS-L( e- \ Conse @ b Charter B. @ ~~ tJ @) 6. 7. . 8. 9. E. F. Consideration of ratifying new hires. G. Review of first qum1er liquor store finan 'ial statements for 2003. ~ ~t~e @': ~al ~ ~~t~ agreement for Spirit Hills development Consideration of items removed from the conse* ~genda for discussion. I I Public I-karing - Consideration of adopting ann*ation ordinance annexing those properties known as the Wild Meadow development. I Public Hearing - Consideratio. n of a request to vic... a' te roadway and utility easement on property lying in Section 14, Township 121, Range 25. ,I Consideration of amendments to City Ordinance ITitle 4, Building Regulations and Title 5 Fire Regulations. i I I I . . . Agenda Monticello City Council June 9, 2003 Page Two 15. 10. Consideration of review of responsibility for ~esting sewer and water services I Consideration of completing irrigation systenis on median islands on Broadway. I Consideration of reviewing finance plan for Urderground electrical conversion along Broadway. I Update on project bids for Core Street Impro ement Project No. 2002-l4C and call for a special meeting. 11. 12. 13. 14. Approve payment of bills for June 2003. Adjourn. i _________L_ _ . . . Council Agenda - 6/9/03 13. rovement Pro'cct No. 2002-14C and callin for a A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlIND: The Downtown Core City Street Improveme 1t Project was intended to be bid on June 6, 2003 and awarded on June 9,2003. A portion of the i provement project was the design of two State Aid street segments, which needed to be approve by the District 3 State Aid engineer. Unfortunately, due to some minor clerical issues and the fact that the State Aid engineer was out of the office for most of this week, we were unable to obtain he plan approval and thereby needed to delay the bid opening. The proposed bid opening is now S!hedUled for 10:00 a.m. on June 13,2003. Because ~e wO~lld stil.llike to ke.ep this ~roject moviI g as quick~y as POSSible. ' we are re~uesting ~hat the CouncIl consIder a special meetmg on June 16th to consIder the award of the project. This would allow us to keep the project moving forward n the quickest fashion possible. I will be available at the Council meeting to discuss this issue in leatcr detail. Thank you for your consideration. . . . I MI~UTES REGULAR MEETING - MqNTICELLO CITY COUNCIL May 27, 21003 - 7 p.lll. Roger Carlson, GleJ Posusta, Robbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. I I I I 1 Call to Order and Pled~e of Allegiance. ~ Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order' t 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. Thc Pledge of Allegiance was said. Members Present: Members Absent: None 1. 2. A rove minutes of Ma 14 2003 re ula Council meetin . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE fHE MINUTES OF THE MAY 14,2003 COUNCIL MEETING. GLEN POSUSTA ECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a en a. Glen Posusta added tree planting to the agen a. Bruce Thielen added scheduling meeting/workshop dates for the following: 1) Personnel Commit ee and pedi:mnance revicw of City Administrator; 2) Workshop meeting with Towne Centre devel per; 3) FoJJowup meeting with school district and other en.tities ?n collabo~ative ef~orts; 4) Me~~ing on goals an(~ pri~rities ?fvarious commissions; and 5) Meetmg WIth townshIp regardIng annexat/1n concerns. Bnan Stumpf asked how the performance review for thc City Administrato would be conducted. Bruce Thielen indicated the full Council would conduct the performance r view at a closed meeting unless the City Administrator indicated he did not want a closed meeting. 4. laints. I Mayor Thie~en. st~lte~ th~ purpose of the citize,l~con~ments po~.tion of the /~eeting. D~)ll.gla.s. P' r.ahl from 212 MISSISSIPPI Dnve came before the C uncd concernIng thc questIOnable actIVIty m hIs neighborhood. He stated that he has discusse the activity with the Wright County Sheritrs Department and their records show that police ~alls to the area thus far in 2003 have already surpassed the number of calls made in 2002 in Ithe same area. Mr. Prahl listed incidents of criminal activity that prompted residents in the area to C( nduct a neighborhood meeting. As a result of that meeting Mr. Prahl was recommending some co Irses of action lor the Counci I to consider which include reduction in the speed limit on Mississi pi Drive, installation of additional street lighting and adoption of ordinances relating to meth labs. t the present time the speed limit in this area is 30 mph. Because of the number of kids in the area their use of the street as play area and steep incline I -~-_._-1,~~ 2 .~~~.r.""::.r_ . . . i Council Minutcs - 5/27103 I of the driveways which make access to the /"oadway more difficult, he felt the speed limit should be reduc~d to 20 mph. MississiPFi Drive is ~~pprox~matel'y tour-tenths of a mile in length and w.].' thin that dIstance there are 3 street lights. He d]~ not teel thIs number was adequate. Roger Mack, Street Superintendent, stated that City pOlict was to place street lights 600-700 teet apart and to light the intersections. Mr. Prahl stated that the bend in the street made the existing lighting inadequate. The last suggestion presented y Mr. Prahl was that the Council consider adoption of an ordinance that would govern sale of mat~rials used in meth labs and also cover responsibility for clean up of meth lab sites. He cited the ord nances that were adopted by the cities of Oakdale and Anoka as models that the City could review. Brian Stumpf noted concerns with the pro po 'al to reduce the speed limit pointing out that reducing the speed limit doesn't necessarily eliminate~he speeding problem. He added that it was an enJ()rcement issue and efforts should be mad.. to ensure that the speed limit is entorced. Brian Stumpf suggested that these concerns be reJc red to the Police Commission. The Police Commission can meet with the residents and then make a recommendation to the council. Glen Posusta questioned whether additional street ~ighting would do anything to deter criminal activity. Bruce Thielen stated that the cost of addition~1 street lights would be minimal and he lelt it would be well worth the cost. 5. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO REFER THE ISSUES OF THE SPEED LrMIT, STREET LrGHTING AND POSSIBLE ORDINANCE TO TIlE POLlCE COMMISSION FOR THEIR REVIEW AND STUDY AND THE POLICE COMMISSION WILL MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CITY CO NCIL REGARDING THESE ISSUES. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MtTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Roger Carlson stated that he had attended a m+eting of the Wright County Drug Task Force and reported that the investig~tion into th~ meth lap i~ continuing., He added that .the County ~ltorney is reluctant to pursue adoptIon of an ordl11ance rdlatl11g to sale ot meth lab matenals because ]t comes down too hard on the people who sell materiall Douglas Prahl invited the Council to a meeting that will be held 011 June] 0,2003 at 7 p.m. at he Community Center. Bruce Thielen pointed out tha: the Open Mceting Law would restrict the t III council tiom attending unless there was posted notIce. I i I Consideration of gr~nt~ng appro.v al tor.~unici?aJ ~iqu(~r ~~ce~s~s. Recommendation: Approve renewal oJ wll1e/strong becr hqense Jor Crostll1J s (mile and 3/2 on-sale beer license fe)r China Buffet and 3/2 off-sale! beer license tor Cruiser's Gas N Goods contingent I upon submittal of appropriate insurance land payment of license fees. Consideration of approving the apPoin~.ent of Ben Hitter for the vacancy on the Parks CommIssIOn. Recommend'hon: APP1mt Ben HItter to the Parks CommISSIon to 2 I Consent Agenda A. B. I I 2- . . . c. i I I Council Minutes - S/27/03 complete the term of Earl Smith. I I Consideration of ratifying new hiref. Recommendation: Ratify the hiring of the employees as identified. I D. Consideration of adjusting sidewal construction quantities and assessment procedures _ Cedar Street Improvement Project o. 2002-06C. Recommendation: Approve deletion of sidewalk improvcmcnts Irom the project except for those propertics currently being considered or already under constru tion at the intersection of Cedar Street and School Boulevard and to establish an assess nent term of IS years 11..11' the project. E. Consideration of approving Change )rdcr No.1 to Well #S, Project No. 2003-04C. Recommendation: Approve Chang Ordcr #1 adding $2,897.S0 for a design change to the well screcn making a revised co tract amount of$Sl,SI2.S0. F. Consideration of replacement of stre t name signs on Broadway. Recommendation: Select the 9" strect name plats with white Ie tel'S and border on a green hackground at a cost of $2,066.31 for materials with instalIat on to be done by the Monticello Public Works Department. I i i Consideration of approval of award olcon..tract for library demolition.. Recommendation: Move to award thc contract flJr the de nolition of the old Monticello Library building including Alternate A to Veit & Com any, Inc. in the amount of$]6,148.00. It was suggested that agenda item #7, the finall plat and development agreement 1(Jr Hillsidc Farm bc added to the consent agenda. Bret Weiss statfd that under the conditions for this itcm, condition B relating to acquisition of easements could bc 1emoved. I ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE T E CONSENT AGENDA WITI-I THE ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEM #7. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. G. 6. Consideration of items removed from the c enda for discussion. None. 7. Consideration of a roval of tinal Added to the consent agenda. 3 '2- . . . Council Minutes ~ 5/27103 8. Dan Licht Jrom Northwest Associated COll~ultants reviewed the proposed development with the Council. The development consists of 80 acres lying south of County Road 18 and east of the Rolling Woods development. The applical t was requesting rezoning of the property trom A~O (Agricultural Open) to R~ lA, R-2 and R~2 ,concept stage PUO approval, development stage PUO approval and preliminary plat approv' 1. The developer is proposing the south 40 acres for development of single family homes meetin the R~ 1 A standards and smaller lot single family homes and townhomes on the north 40 acres. One fthe main issues with this development is density. The Planning staff prepared a series of unit ounts and how they were arrived at. The Council would make the determination which of the e density levels would apply to development. If the entire 80 acre site was developed to R-l A st ndards the development would have 184 units. If the south 40 acres were developed to R-IA stan ards and the nOlih 40 acres were developed with a maximum of 3 units per acre the devclopmeJ t would contain 196 units. Based on an acreage split of 37 acres R-l A and 43 acres at 3 units per ere, the density would be 205 units. The applicant stated that by design the R~ lA area to preser e more trees they sacrificed 5 lots and they want the 5 sacrificed lots transferred to the north porti n of the development. If this was done there would be 210 units in the development. The appli ants feel that only 29 acres meet the R~lA standards and 53 acres should be considered at 3 units er acre. This would create a development with 220 units. The applicant in planning the develo ment established 3 units per acre for all 80 acres which would give a density of 240 units. City statr recommended a density of approximately 196~220 units. I I The Planning Commission's recommcndatlOl was to approve the rezoning requests and co~cept stage PUO approval and to table the prellmll1Jry plat and development stage approval 01 until the issues raised in the review of the developmentl were resolved. Dan Licht added that the Planning Commission had approved the development s age pun for the south portion of the plat but that staff had recommended that the development stage lpproval be tabled for now and be considered with the preliminary plat and development stage p D for the north portion of the development. Dan Licht noted that the developer had made changes to the plans but at this time neither the City Engineer or City Planner had an opportunity to review those plans. Another issue on the south portion of the deVel~pment related to tree preservation. The plans do not show the extent to which the developer ha]'taken measures to preserve the trees. The d. eveloper has requested a 50: right of way but t ley have not indicated ho:,: many trees would be preserved by havll1g the 50' nght 01 way lllStea 01 the 60' fight of way. I he other concern IS the process that will he put in place to maintain thelpreserved trees. I Mike Gair representing Lucinda Gardner, the d vcloper, made a presentation to the Council on the proposed development of Carlisle Village. He tated the developer has substantially incorporated all the changes that have been articulated by sta f hut in his presentation he wanted to emphasize the 4 2 . Council Minutes - 5/27/03 merits of the plan. Mike Gail' stated that thJ delineation of the area as R-IA led to the expectation of high <".luality homes in at.' .area witl: natura~ameniti~s.~ow~v~r, a good portion of the. site docs not have any natural amellltles. He felt the -1 A desIgnatIon IS Intended to encumber land that has natural amenities and of this 80 acre site onl 29 acres had amenities such as woods or rolling topography. Mike Gair reviewed some ofth~ changes that had been made to the plans including 1 changes in street and cul-de-sac configuratiof" 1 Mike Gair presented a tree inventory plan w ich showed the trees that would be preserved and the trees that would be removed. The roadway attem was laid out to try to accommodate the trees and the topography. He estimated that 64% f the quality trees would be preserved. Over 1800 trees 8" in diameter or larger will be preserv d. He felt the plan showed an integration in types and style of housing. In addition the sidewalk, tr il and street layout provided connectivity within the development and to other adjacent developm nts. Mike Gair noted the first phase of development would include the smaller single family lots, portion of the town homes lots and a portion of the R-l A lots. He added that in the developmenlt 39% orthe units are townhomes and 61 (Yo are single family homes. In the metropolitan area 51 %f' f new units are townhome units. He felt that the propos~d developl~ent with its landsca~ing, se of open area, an~ architectun~l desi.gn p...rovided an aesthetIcally pleasll1g development. 1 he de eloper was requestll1g that the CouncIl approve density of 240 units for this development. . Jeff O'Neill commented that a considerable a 110lmt of work had gone into the development of this area and noted there were two main issues wi h one being the calculation of density. He stated that it was not the City's intent to have the three ulnits per acre be applied across the entire 80 acres. The second issue was what process would be in place to assure the continued preservation of the trees. Nothing has been submitted by the dev loper that indicates how the 64% tree preservation would be accomplished. Bruce Thielen con uned that the City wants some concrete assurances that the tree preservation would occur and th' t development would occur in thc manner indicated by the developer. Mike Gair responded that when they moved iito development stage approval this information will be provided in detail. He stated that in the s te grading plan they can provide the limits of the tree preservation. The tree preservation plan is a ~pecific plan that will be provided to the city. Bruce Thielen questioned how the developer would ensure that builders were complying with the tree preservation plan. Mike Gair informed the Cfuncil that if a builder wanted to remove a tree in the tree preservation area they would have to reqljest permission from the developer to do so. Bruce Thielen asked who would do the monitoring. IDan Lieht indicated that the City's interest would be protected under the PUD agreement. Bruce fhiclen felt that there should be some type of penalty for the lost of a tree in the designated tree pre1ervation plan. . Robbie Smith noted that there arc nine items l'sted in the R-IA area, nine items listed in the R-2A area and six items listed in the R-2 area and h wondered if all those items had been taken care of. Mike Gair stated that with the exception ofth density issue, the other items had been taken care of. 5 L . Council Minutes - 5/27/03 . Robbie Smith asked about the Wildwood Riidge plat which Lucinda Gardner had also dcve]oped. He Jelt the developmcnt was disappointingl in that what the City was led to believe would be devcloped there did not happen. He did no~ want Carlisle Village to become another Wildwood Ridge. Lucinda Gardner responded that in ~he Wildwood Ridge development they had madc a mistake in putting too many lots in the woo icd areas. As a result the building pads were not large enough to accommodate larger style housin . She felt the R-IA designation would allow tree preservation and a higher standard of housi 19. The Council informed Lucinda Gardner that they would be voting on tabling development sta e PUD approval for the R-IA portion orthe development and asked if she was comtl)fta Ie with that. Lucinda Gardner indicated that she was okay with that but her primary concern was he density issue and her belief that the density should be set at 3 units per acre over a]1 80 acres. ity Engineer Bret Weiss noted his concern about the Council approving density without having d ne the stormwater and other development calculations to verify what density can be supported. H didn't feel the City should specify a number of units until it was known what could be supported. I Bruce Thielen suggested that the City Engineer and Planning Commission should make the dete~mination on density. He stated that the City could handle the higher density but wanted assura~ce of tree preservation and construction of quality housing stock. Roger Carlson asked about park dedication. He was informed that the developer was paying cash in lieu ofland for the park dedication fee. Roger Carlson asked whether it was premature to act on the rezoning request at t is time since it wasn't certain whether there was 37 acres of R-I A land or 29 acres as the deve]o~er claimed. This is something that if approved now, ma~ have to be changed la~er. ~)an Licht sugtested using a certain number ofu~lits as a ?eginning baSIS and then as the techmcallssues are wor cd out and the developer shows hIS compliance to requirements, the City could then look at tree preservation as means to increase density. ! Robbie Smith indicated that he liked the con~ept plan but also understood the City Engineer's concerns. . Bru~e Thielen state.d the City is gping to ask the developer to prove design standards and complmnce 111 order to get Il1creased dens~ty. I ROBBlE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE TfJE REZONING FROM A-O TO R-IA FOR THE SOUTH 37 ACRES OF THE PROPOSED CtRLISLE VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOrrON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE CbNCEP'f STAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR THE R-IA PORTIO~ OF CARLISLE VILLAGE BASED ON THE FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATION oF!'rHE PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY ENGINEER. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. ! I ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO TABLE APPR )V AL OF 1'1 IE DEVELOPMENT STAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR TH R-IA PORTION OF CARLISLE VILLAGE AND SEND IT BACK TO THE PL,ANNING OMMISSION. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . 6 2- . . . I l Council Minutes - 5/27/03 ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPRO E THE REZONING FROM A-O TO R-2 AND R-2A FOR THE NORTH 43 ACRES Or- ~~E PROPOSED CARLISLE VILLAGE. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. rOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROV.. CONCEPT STAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR THE R-2 AND R- A PORTION OF CARLJSLE VILLAGE HASED ON THE FINDINGS AND RECOMMENf AI'ION OF THE PLANNfNG COMMISSION AND CITY ENGINEER. GLEN POSUS A SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSI,Y. Brct Weiss asked if the Council was recom lending a number of units or if they would go with what the Planning Commission came up with. B uce Thielen indicated the City would establish 220 units with the proof of burden on the developer t show that the development can carry greater density. 9. Consideration of a roval of final lat a Applicant: Maplcwood Development. Item was withdrawn from the agenda at the equest of the developer. 10. I Bret Weiss reviewed the proposed design fo!r the intersection of CSAII 75 at Prairie Road and River Street. He indicated the City had me with Wright County and as a result of that meeting a new alternative was being proposed. The n w plan is proposing to offset the intersecting legs of Prairie road and River Street by 350 feet. T is proposal has been sent to Wright County and they are generally acceptive of the plan. The Council was asked to approve the plans and authorize going out for bids. Bret Weiss noted that wile the design improves the intersection it is not a perfect solution. At this point the County h s not offered much in the way of financial contribution to the redesign of the intersection. The Cot nty will be putting in turn lanes and will provide some culverts. The City is still negotiating on the cost sharing for this improvement. Initially the cost estimate was in the area of $50,000 but the jty Engineer was not sure how much the changes would add to the cost of the improvement. ret Weiss stated that when they bring the bids baek to the Council it is hoped that they will also hare a funding plan in place. Bret Weiss reiterated that because of the number of accidents in this a~ea it is important to take steps to improve the safety of the intersection. I i ! BRIAN STUMPF MOVED 'TO APPROVE IrHE PLANS FOR THE IMPROVEMEN'I' OF CSAH 75 AT RIVER STREET/PRAIRIE ROAD AND TO AUTHORIZE TI IE CITY ENGINEER TO PROCEED WITH ADVE TISING FOR nIDS WITH THE COST SHARE AGREEMENT WITH WRIGIrr COUNTY TO BE PREPARED PRIOR TO AWARD OF BIDS. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED TH MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 7 . . . Council Minutes ~ 5/27/03 Glen Posusta asked if the design included;: passing lane. Bret Weiss indicated it did not have a passing lane but there is a right turn lane. i ! II. ark dedication fees. Consideration of a Jeff O'Neill explained the background oftl is item and also reviewed research done in determining what other communities charged for park d dieation fees. I Ie noted that the 4(1'0 annual increase in the park dedication fee did not come close t matching the huge increases in land values. In order to close that gap it is being recommended t1 at park dedication fee be increased. There was discussion on land values and what it woul take for the City to purchase land if they wanted to develop a facility such as a ballfield comple . At $25,000 an acre, which is what JeJfO'NeilI estimated land cost would be, the City woul have a difficult time acquiring land based on their current park dedication tees. The Parks Commission had recommended t e park dedication fee be increased to $1800/per unit. Mayor Thielen felt this was a little high and suggest $1500/per unit. Brian Stumpf concurred that $1800 was too high and suggested a lower r te. Glen Posusta questioned whether park dedication fec should bc applicd to commercial and ind Istrial land. He felt development costs for commercial and industrial land in Monticello was alread very high and adding park dedication fees would be one more road block in attracting commerci~l /industrial development to Monticello. He believes residential property should pay for the park development. Ollie Koropchak reported that the IDC had recommendcd that city staff put a modelltogcther showing land costs with and without park dedication fees. The /DC was concerned arout being competitive with surrounding communities. Bruce Thielen suggested acting on the park dpdication fee for residential property tonight and look at whether to apply it to commercial and ind9strialland at a later date. I The Council asked how a proposed park dedi 'ation fee increase would impact current developments. .TefT O'Neill stated that any d velopment going to final plat this year would receive the current rate but any new developments or ew phases of current development would receive the new rate. Dan Licht inf()fJned the Council th y had done a park dedication analysis f()t, the City of Otsego. The City of Otsego has set their park dedication fee at $2100 per unit for residential and also applied the park dedication fee against c( mmercial and industrial property. Parks Commission Chair, Larry Nolan, stated hat with land costs continuing to rise, it was important that the park dedication fee more cI scly match the rate of growth in land values. The current park dedication fce does not do that. 'he Parks Commission Jclt the proposed increase to $1800 was not out of line with what other con munities charged and the Parks Commission also felt the park dedication tee should be applied agai1st commercial and industrial land. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO INCREASE T~E PARK DEDICATION FEE TO $1600 PER UNIT FOR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY EFFiCTIVE AUGUST 1,2003. 8 I I I :L . . . Council Minutes - 5/27/03 12. ~otion di~d fex a lack of.a second. Bria.n S~fmp'f stated th~ Parks Commission was prop~~s~ng an Il1crease 01 almost 100% 111 the park dedlcah n tee and he telt that was too steep. Bruee 1 hlclen stated that developers understand the value t at parks and trails add to the development. I GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE ~N INCREASE IN THE PARK DEDICATION FEE FOR RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY TO ~1200 PER UNIT EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1,2004 AND INCREASE '1'0 $1500 PER UNIT EFfECTIVE JANUARY 1,2005 AND THEREAFTER ADJUSTED ANNUALLY FOR A COST OtLIVING INCREASE WITH "IlIE COUNCIL TO ACT AT A loA TER DATE ON WHETHER ARK DEDICATION FEES SHOULD BE APPLIED TO COMMERCIAL AND INDU TRIAl, LAND. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WIT ROBBIE SMITH VOTING IN OPPOSITION. I Consideration of pavment of bills for May' BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE A YMENT OF BILLS FOR MAY. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. OTION CARRIED UNANIMOlJSL Y. Added Items: I S'hade Tree Prowam - Glen Posusta indicated there tere funds in the tree planting program and asked whether the City wouldn't consider planting some treles along the boulevard of the City owned parking lot to enhance the area. Bruce Thielen indicated he had ;' et with a group who would also I ike to see the tree plantin~ prog.ra~l revived an~ may possibly ma~e a fi ancial contribution. to t~at. ~ause. He added that the Parks CommIssion had also Itsted the tree plantmg pI' gram as one of theIr pnontles. Meetings' - The Council discussed setting a meeting d~te for the performance review of the City Administrator. Brian Stumpf suggested doing it at 6 I.m. just prior to the June 9, 2003 regular Council meeting. It was suggested that a meeting with the d vcloper of the Towne Centre site be set for 6 p.m. on June 23, 2003. On the follow up meeting regarding ollaborative efforts between the school districts and other entities, Ollie Koropchak reported that the scho I district suggested June II th, June 18th or June 25th I at 7 p.m. The Council selected June 18,2003 at 7 P'l. . as the fiJllow up meeting date. The Council also discusse~ setting a workshop to review the p~ioriti~s . et for hy t~e various ~ity comI~lissions. ^: wo~kshop was set for July 14,2003 at 5 p.m. A meetmg wIll e set up wIth township regardmg annexation Issues once the township informs the city of a date that will ork for them. Jeff O'Neill also alerted the Council that there will be. a ne~d for a work~hop on the interchrnge ~esign for ~~ounty Road 18. Bruce Thielen suggested that thIs be Il1corporated rnto a regular meetling of the CouncIl. I 13. Adjourn I GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 9:25 P.M. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNAN MOUSL Y. Recording Secretary 9 l . . . D. Council Agenda - 6/9/03 SA. I Consideration of resolution extend in th term of the cable franchise held b Charter Communications. (R W) A. RE~"ERENCE ANn BACKGROUND: In December, the Council adopted a reso/uti n agreeing to extend the term of the current cable ij'anchise the City has with Charter Communications until June 30, 2003. The original ffanchise was about to expire on December 31 st, and the Ci y of Monticello, being one often cities in the Sherburne/Wright Cable Commission organi .ation, was requested by our cable administrator to extend the franchise agreement as the commi sion was in the process of making Some changes to the agreement before it was renewed. A revised franchise agreement has not yet beln completed by the cable administrator, and due to recent health problems with the administrator all member cities are again being ~ked to ap.. prove a resolutIOn extcndmg the term of the eXlstll1g . anchlse for another year until June _,0, 2004, so that negotiations may continue. . I I i I Adopt a resolution agreeing to extend tpe term of the cable.. franchise with Charter Communications fex another twelve mtnths until June 30, 2004. I I It is the recommendation of the City Administrttor and the Sherburne/Wright County Cable Commission members that each city adopt a re olution agreeing to extend the current franchise for another twelve months. I I I I i B. ALTEHNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. c. STAFF RECOMMJ;:NDATION: SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution. Creightol~l Braaler tJ~ I Guzzetta, LLC 444 Cedar Sncer Suite 950 Saint Paul, MN 55]0] PI (651) 379-0900 FI (65]) 379-0999 Attorneys at Law Thomas D. Creighton Michael R. Bradley" Stcphen J. Guzzettat Of Counsel Thomas C. Plunkett . . VI'WW. crcigh ton bradley. com *ALSO ADMliTED IN WISCONSIN tAlSO ADMITTED IN MASSA(,HLJStiTS AND THE DISTRIO OF COLUMBIA May 20, 2003 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Rc: Cable Franchise Extenfion Dear Mr. W olfsteller, Enclosed is a copy of a resolut on extending the term of the City's cable franchise with Chalter Commu ications from June 30, 2003, to June 30, 2004. Please present this res lution to your City Council. Once it is passed, please send the original ack to my office and I will ask Charter to sign the resolution agreeing to t e extension. As you know, my law pattner T m Creighton acts as the administrator for the SherbumefWright Count Cable Communications Commission. Unfortunately, Mr. Creighton s ffered a healt attack last week, and wilJ soon be undergoing heart surge y While Mr. Creighton is recuperating, Steve Guzzetta and I will be filling in for him as administrators for the Commission. If YOll have ny questions, please contact me at (65 I) 379-0900, or at br2.dley@ reightcnbra(:lcy.cJl'~~. I I I Creighton, Bradley & Guzzettf' LLC A"~ Very Truly Yours, Michael R. Bradley MRB/efj Encls. , 5A / I . CITY OF M~NTICELLO Resolution fo. I A RESOLUTION EXTENDING THE ~ERM OF THE CABLE FRANCHISE HELD BY CC VIII OPER TING COMPANY, LLC D/B/A CHARTER C MMUNICATIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello (tl e "Authority") granted a nonexclusive cable television a franchise (the "Franchise") to CC VIII Operating Company, LLC d/b/a Charter Communications ("Charter','); and . . WHEREAS the Franchise expires on June 30,2003; and WHEREAS, Charter has requested renew I of the Franchise; and WHEREAS, the Authority and Cha11er ar currently negotiating the terms of renewal of the Franchise pursuant to the informal renewal p 'ocess set forth in Section 626(h) of the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, as amended, 47 U.S.c. S 546(h); and WHEREAS, the AuthOlity desires to ext nd the term of the Franchise until June 30, 2004, so that negotiations may continue; and WHEREAS, Charter has consented and agleed to the terms of this extension. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF 1\.10NTICELLO lhal: 1. The term of the Franchise shall b extended from June 30, 2003 until June 30, 2004, unless sooner revoked, cancelled or terminated. 2. All terms and conditions of the Frm chise, as may be amended from time to time, shall remain in effect during the tel' of the extension. 3. This extension shall not constitute waiver of any rights the Authority or Charter may have under (i) the Franchise, a it may be amended from time to time; (ii) the Cable Communications Policy Act f 1984, as amended by the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competit on Act of 1992 and the l'elecommunications Act of 1996; (iii) Chapter 238 of th Minnesota Statutes, Minn. Stat. S 238.01, et. seq.; or (iv) any other law or regulat on. 4. Nothing herein shall be interpr ted to give Charter additional rights or opp0l1unities to trigger the provisio s of 47 U.S.C. S 546(a)-(g), or to require the Sherburne/Wright County Cable ommunication Commission to conduct or reconduct hearings or other actio s properly taken in conjunction with any renewal proceedings under the curre t Franchise. , I i i SA . . . i 5. No claim that either pal1y may ~ave against the other shall be rc\cased or otherwise affected hy this extensionl. I I I PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City of Monlieeillo this ~ day 01'.__, 2003. I I By Title Accepted by Charter this ~ day of ,2003: By Title , I ,- i :J1 . SB. . . City Council Agenda - 06/09/03 royal of the Featherstone mixed REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND At the meeting of the Planing Commission Ion May 6,2003, the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the Feathjrstone preliminary plat contingent on completion of a number of amendments to he plan which arc identi1ied on page 6 of the attached rcport to thc Planning Commissio . The developer's response to the conditions is also attachcd along with a revis.ed prelim I~ary ~lant. In the respo.nse .the dcvelo~er has responded by adequately addressmg most ~1 the Items, however a few Issues remalll that staff believes can be handled administrativ .Iy. The developer has made a strong effort to comply with city design standards and h s worked creatively to address other concerns. Therefore it is the view of city staff that thi1. plat is ready f(x approval. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS I I Motion to approve preliminary plat (If the Featherstonc Subdvision subject to the following conditions: r I i Permission must be obtained I from Wright County for the access points onto County Road 117. Access approval must be gra~ted by MnDOT for access off of Highway ;5 ' ~ . I ! 1. I. 2. "' .J. Ponds need to have street ex~osure for aesthetic and access/maintenance reasons. (Amendment to pIal needed yet). 4. A portion of pond bottom to e lined so that it holds water. The balance planed with plant materials th t can tolerate periodic inundation. (To be determined). 5. i I The southern park will need t1 be reviewed by the Parks (. ~ommission as to whether to require a small parfing lot off of 85th Street. (Needs to be 'lddressed by Parks). I I Plans fl)r the two proposed m nument signs are to be submitted and reviewed by city staff. Signs .~hould not bc locatcd in a center island median. (Adjustment to plan ceded). 6. 7. Thc submitted grading plan is ubject to review and approval of the City Engineer and should address ity Engineer comments from May 15th letter to developer. (Need final appr val). . 8. I I i All utility plans arc subjectlto review and approval of the City Engineer. (Need final approval). ! City COllncil ^genda - 06/09/03 .., .J. Motion to table action. , i A revised set of preliminad plat drawings is prepared and submitted. demonstrating compliance tith the adopted plat conditions. (Need final). Motion to deny approval of pre lirn+ary plat of the F eathersto ne subd i vi si on. I I 9. 2. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staffreeommends alternative 1. . I SUPPORTING DATA I 5/6/03 Planning Commission repoli with stJtT notes in margins. City Engineer I cttcr of May I 5, 2003. I i . 2 . It. . . Plnnning Commission Agenda - 05/06/03 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGRO ND: Gold Nugget Development Inc. is requestin J preliminary plat approval ofa 220 acre multi-use (residential. commercial. industri, I) development to be known as the Featherstone subdivision. The site is locate directly south of the Kjellberg East traikr park. abutting llighway 25 to the We t 851h Street to the south. and County Road 117 to the east. The project. \vhich w nt through concept approval in March of 2003, consists of 150 acres of residential (si 19k family and townhouse units), 10 acres of commercial. and 60 acres oflight i dustrialuse. A 60 acre portion of the site (Phase 1) has been annexed into the Cit and is currently zoned A-O. Agricultural-Open Space, of\vhich a reques for a rezone to residential uses is being pursued. The application includes developn ent stage PUO approval of the R-2, townhouse portion of the site and a PUO ov 'rlay for the R-l portion of the site allo\ving tlexibility in lot width requirement '. Concerns including site design, buffering be ween uses, and limiting the use of cul- cle-sacs were discussed during concept appn val. The applicant has revised the plans to deal with such issues. The following repo.t is Planning Staffs analysis. review, and recommendations regarding the revised lans dated April 14.2003. [and Use. The land uses proposed for tl e Featherstone development are reflective of the City's Comprehensive land Ise plan and have been the subject of numerous discussions between City Staff th" township. and the developcr. The project proposes that the subject site be rezo 1ed from its current A-O designation to a mixture of land uses including 60 acres of [- ^ (light industrial). 10 acres of B-2 (limited business), approximately 20 acres 0 'R-2 (townhome development). and 130 acres of R-l (single f~unily detached) develo ment. During the Concept Plan review, the IDC recommended that the lancl -Iedicated for industrial use be increased to 65 acres, thereby reclucing the commercial land to 5 acres. After some discussion however. it was recommended by the Plannir g Commission that the land use should remall1 as IS. Pre/irninarv Plat. During concept revie \, staff recommended a higher amount of detached housing versus the number of att'lChcd units. The revised plans have addressed this issue bv climinatin!.! a lar!.!e I1l mber of attached townhouse units . ~ ~ planned for the north end of the site. replacing them with detached single family lots. Other design issues that have been revised in 'lude the removal of "Butt Lots" and elimination of the need fi)r ternporary dead er d connections. dO' Both the single family lot layout and the tOWI homc lot design generally meet thc perlimnance standards for their perspective l istricts. The following table illustrates 5frA . these per remall1: . · The p width to the . avera m lI1nTI Plaoning Commission Agenda formance requirements. follO\ved t 'y a list of issues and concern J -I Requirements Lot Area , 12.000 sf Lot Width 80 feet Front Setback 30 feet Side Setback - 15 feet House Side Sidc Setback - I 6 feet Gnaee Side Rcar Setback 30 feet / usable Roof Pitch 5/12 Ganlec Size 450 sf House Size 2.000 sf Finished Size 1.050 sf Foundation Sizc None Garaec Location .,tandare! setbacks Landscaping Spd & two trees per , lot in new s~lbelivisions or four rces for corner or d )ublc fronting lots R 2 Requirements Lot Area 12.000 sf Lot Area per unit / Townhome Lot Width SO feet Front Setback 30 feet Side Setback ~ 1 0 feet House Side Side Setback - 1 0 feet Garaee Side Rear Setback o feet / usable Roof Pitch 3/]2 lat provides the frontage of the lot 0 the street but docs not det of the lot at the 30 foot setback line Some of single family lot 80 foot minimum lot \vielth requirel 1ent. The R~ I District pem ging. but statf would need to have th ~ lot widths identified to en ums and the averaging requirement are met. ing elevations ane! tloor plans for the townhome units neeel to bt; - 05/06/03 s that ail the s are close 1its sure that the · Build and reviewed. ~ submitted ;:/ 2 Plann ing COIllIll ission Agenda - 05/06/OJ I nUlIlIed C'lIil De1'c!o/Jmelll. The apPlicajon requires Development Stage PUD approval for the 20 acre R-2 (to\vnhome) P )rtion of the project. At concept leveL the Planning Commission and Planning St ff agreed that this mixture of residential uses was adequate. subject to decreasing th ~ overall ratio of attached townhome units compared to detached single Llmily units. evelopment Stage PUD provides the level ofdetail that is necessary to verit~/ th:. t the intent of the PIJD ordinance is met. Design. landscaping. building. and open sp ce comments below address the PUD request fix the townhousc portion of the pI' ject. . Circu!ulion / Access. The residential porti n of thc site shows two access points off of County Road 117 to the east. t\VO access points to the south off of 851h Street and an access to the west connecting the residential portion with the future industrial and commercial uses. The applicant will need ermission from the county for the access points onto County Road 117 and I'vInDOT pproval will be needed for the access ofT of Highway 25. Some right-of-vvay may be needed for the realignment of the intersection at 851h Street and I-lighway 25.\dditional right of way may also be needed w'ithin the commercial and Industria area to accommodate medians and turn lanes. It should also be noted that funds wil be requested for the reconstruction of both Edmonson and 851h Street. Staff is generally com]()rtable with thc mean Icring street pattern throughout the project. The plan consists of a collector stre t with an 80 foot right-of-way connecting 851h Street to Edmonson A venue. The future Cedar Street Street extension within the Commercial/Industrial ortion of the site is currently shmvn \vith a 60 f()ot right-or-way and should be ch nged to an 80 foot right-of-way \vith a 40 (perhaps 44) f(Jot street. The remainder of the minor streets provide t'iJr a 60 foot right-of-\vay width. As requested during the concept stage. the site has eliminated two of the previously proposed cui-de-sacs a ld lessened the length of the remaining three cul~de-sacs to wcllunder the maximum allowed 600 feet. . The plans shovv landscaped center islands in ach of the three cul-de-sacs. The islands meet the design width requirements 0' 80 feet total radius with a 40 foot radius provided for the landscaped median. 'The islands are to be platted as outlots. The t\VO landscaped medians located in the R 2 district are to be owned and maintained by the association. The landscap d median in the R-I district cui-de-sac is to be owned by each of the lots fronting on the cul-de-sac in equal undivided interests. A maintenance plan fen this outlot ~vill need to be submitted and approved by the City prior to final plat approval. Staff fuggests that the maintenance plan be accomplished through :.~ r.estrietivc cO:'enal~t a~reem~nt where th~ six. lots front!ng the cuI-de-sac are held Jomtly responSIble tor ~hc mamtenanee ot the Island whIch include any costs incurred on the City if force~ to maintain it. It has been a general development practice of he City to minimize the need to uSe spur driveways. Spur drivC\vays make it difli ult for City maintenance. garbage. and tire protection vehicles to maneuver. As such planning staff encourages the developer to consider a looped road devclopm "nt within the ro\v-townhouse area as opposed to the proposed cui-de-sac and six sp IITed driveways. The loop would . ;~, 3 Planning COlllmission Agenda -- 05/06/03 likely bt' in the shape of a ""horseshoe"". witll the area adjacent to the street providing some open space. : I The site plan provides for two future connections to the 20 acre piece of land southeast of the site for future developmen . The applicant has provided City Staff with an adequate sketch plan of hmv the sit could be developed in a reasonable manner in the future. . Park i Tru;1. The plans show an approxin ately 17 acre linear park and trail connection running north and south througl the center of the site. The subdivision ordinance requires that 10% of the final pia s gross area be dedicated for park use. In this case. the dedicated amount exceeds the 15 acres required. In accordance vvith the suggestions made at concept level. the < pplicant has revised the plans to include the fiJllowing; an east/west trail connection along 851h street to State Highway 25 and a trail running along the southern portion 0 the most northern pond rather than the northern portion abutting the trailer park as shown on the concept plan. Upon fUl1her review. the Planning Staff suggests the foll( wing revisions: character of the linear park should be enhanced by including moUl ding and increased landscaping. Public Works staff suggests intermittent split rail f nee sections be used as delineators from the park to the rear yards as opposed to vin) I bollards. It was suggested in concept review that the parks commission has been looking for an area to develop a larger. active park withlballfields and that the proposed parkland along 8yh street may be suitable tiJr this pur ose. The parks commission has since decided that this may not be the best locatio 1 for such a park as it would require lighting for balltields which may contlict vvith neighboring residential use. The Parks Commission will continue to revie\v t le possibilities for the larger southern park and will likely require a small parking ot off of 851h street. . Buildin"! Sll1e The applicant has submitted levation and tloor plans for both the four unit townhomes and the quad homes. The 42 slab on grade quad units consist of 4 units each with 4 different styles that can e combined. depending on the desire of the buyer. The 48 townhome units, located round the northern most cui-de-sac are :2 story with :2 ear tuck under garages and 16)0 sq. ft. of finished building space. The townhouse plans need to be revised to provi Ie a 74 foot building separation. The buildings appear to meet the building standa ds as t~lI' as roof pitch and building material. Planning stall suggests that the bl. nk side of the townhouse buildings include vvindows or some type of fa<;:ade tre< tment to enhance appearance. LWIdscupin"!. The applicant has sub litted a landscaping plan whieh generally meets the requirements of the loning Ordinance. The R-] district provides tt)!" t\VO boulevard trees per lot (fi.)lIr on a cor 1er lot) at r diameter. The boundary of the site appears to be sufficiently buffered 1"r Hll both the trailer park to the north as \vell as along 851h and Edmonson Streets. Discussions were raised during concept review as to how to most efficiently buffer tl e residential portion of the site from the industrial/commercial portion of the site to tl~e west. The applicant is proposing a dense mixture ofplantings including (River tirch. Scotch Pine. and Mugho Pine shrubs). to improve appearance and lessen nl ise pollution [fnm the light industrial . <~ 4 Planning Commission Agl'nda- 05/06103 . I lIses. Staff is c0I111()f"table \vith the landscaping plan however. it should be noted that as the industrial lots develop. they will be r'quired to add their portion of the required 50 foot landscaped buffer betweel the industrial and residential uses. which include 160 planting units per 100 feet of a Jutting property line. [t should also be noted that a grading plan and landscaping plan will need to be developed that results in a "wet'" pond, with plant materials that C' n tolerate periodic inundation. Si!!J10Re. The site plans show two 1110 ument signs, one located at the western access off of 85th street and the other at the 10rthern most access off of Edmonson A venue. Plans for these signs are to be sub itted and reviewed by City Staff and should meet the requirements of Section 3~ of the Zoning Ordinance. Grudin!! Plan. The submitted grading plan ils subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Uti/itv Plan. Plans for sanitary sewer, wat r. and storm sewer for the subject site have been submitted. Ponds need to have st 'eet exposure for aesthetic and access/maintenance reasons. All utility plm s arc subject to reviewand approval of the City Engineer. . B. ALTERNA TIVE ACTIONS: Decision 1: Development Stage PU D 1. . Motion to approve the development. tage pun allowing 20 acres of the low density residential site to be utilized <Jr townhome development based on a finding that the overall density and Ia'r1d use pattern is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. Motion to recommend denial of the d~velopment stage PUD allowing 20 acres of the low density residential si e to be utilized for townhome development based on a fIndmg that the overall denSIty and land use pattern IS not consistent with the City's cnmrehensive Plan. Motion to table the request for furthe1 study. I I Decision 2: Rezoning from AD to R-l, ~-2, 1-1, and B-2 I. Motion to recommend approval of the Rezoning li'om AO to R-I for the single fami I)' portion of the site. R-2 f r the townhouse portion of the site, I-I t(W the industrial portion of the site, al d B<~ for the commercial portion of thc site based on a tinding that the pro osed zoning would rencct the intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan. 2. ., ~. ____ 1______ c".' 5 . J Planning Commission Ag~l1da - 05/06/03 I Motion to recommend denial of tlhe Rezoning based on a til~dil~g that the proposed zonlllg does not conslst~nt \Vlth the lI1tent of the CIty s Comprehensive Plan. I i 3. Motion to table the request for fu 'ther study. Decision 3: Preliminary Plat for Fea herstone fo /9 ~uisioll') I. Motion to recommend approval 0 .. the Preliminary Plat for Featherstone. and mixed use development, based on a finding that the land use pattern is consistent with the City's Compre 1ensive Plan. subject to the following conditions; c.Of\c:k:t;oIl5 0/1 "S'/~/tJ3 . CD o 6. 7. 8. 9. . 10. II. 1. The developer verifies that all R-I single family lots meet the minimum 80 foot lot \vidth requirement. or that the averaging allowances of the district a e met. Permission must be obtained from Wright County ft.!r the access points onto County Road I 7. Access approval must be gr nted by MnDOT for access ofT of Highway 25. 4. F~Il1(~s ,"viII be required for tl~e reconstruction of both Edmonson and 8)111 Street. r I Additional right-of.way ma. be needed for the realignment of the intersection of 85'11 street an highway 25. 5. Additional right-of-way may be needed near the intersections in the Commercial/Industrial porti n of the site to accommodate medians and turn lanes. I The future Cedar Street exteision in the Industrial/Commercial portion of the site needs to b revised to include an 80 foot right-of.- wav and 40 foot street. . i i Maintenance of the two landscaped center islands located in the townhouse section of the site is to be provided via the association A maintenance plan for the laj1dscaped center island located in the R- I portion of the site is to be sibmitted and approved by the City. Townhouse building to bUilditg separation needs to be 74 teet. Need to add character to linea park areas. including mounding and increased landscaping. I I I ~ v ~ v v v --." v v- v 6 The submitted grading plan i. subject to .rcvievv and approval of the 1\e..4Ld) ':';I1t... , City Engineer<l ~v..c-.\.& A (e~S c''o Eo"\;'\lf\t(tl ..u... fu:h A.,f(c)~ 1 L O.lV' '^- -\- ~ ~ ro .tV' IV(' G.. () 11' L.l.v n () . All utility plans are subject to review and approval of the City na.-e..d F~"c.lAff(OV Engineer. I I I A revised set (.)fpreliminary Pj.at drmvings is prepared and submitted.l\.u4l F;rc./ demonstrating compliance wi h the adopted plat conditions. ^J Motion to recommend denial of the p,-eliminarv Plat for Featherstone. based on a finding that proposed plat is not fonsistent with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance or the land use pattlern of the Comprehensive plan. Motion to table the request f()r further study. . B 8 6) 18. . 19. G o (8 Q \EJ ! . "l j. 12. I I Planning Comlllission Agenda - 05/06/03 Intermittent split rail fene I sections arc to replace the white vinyl boJlards to be used to dclJeate the park trom the rear yards. v/ V" 13. The three landscaped cent r islands are to be platted as outlots. 14. The landscaped median in the R-I district cul-de-sac is to be owned by each of the lots frontin( on the cul-de~sac in equal undivided interests. Ponds need to have street xposllre fl.)!" aesthetic and A.M.tf\JM.fl./\.t to access/maintenance reason. pto...t\ i\e.~ '1-<- t A portion of pond bottom tf be lined so that it holds water. The 70 /3..e J ?alance. planted with plant l1aterials that can tolerate periodic de ft-{IIV1.,.,e I nllndatlOn. I The southern park will nee~ to be reviewed by the Parks Commission (\e,e..cQ S TO as to whether to require a sl11aJl parking lot of1"of85lh Street. btL.. ~(essec.O "" I P 0'1.. k: S 't> The applicant is to look int~ adding windows or some other form of bu!ld!ng treatment to the sic e elevatiOl:s of the four unit t?vvnhollse V blllldIllgs to add to the char cter and Visual appearance of the bui Idinl!s. I ~ I v As developed. the industrial lots are to provide their portion of landscaping in the required _ () tlJot landscaped buffer between industrial and residential us . v Pla~ls f()r the t,\"o ~ro~?s~~ nlonument signs are to b~ submitted. and AJ.'.....t.. <; f.,v.L.A r reVIewed by City Statt. SIgns should not be located 111 a center Island 1 pI .^ J median. 10 10..1) vl<<lA 7 Planning COll1ll1ission Agenda - 05i06/0] . I I C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION:I I I Staff recommends approval of each of the Ircqucsts, with the recommended conditions. Although there are numerous .pecific recommendations, it is staffs opinion that the plat is laid out in a manne that the conditions \vill aftect only slightly, if at all. The site has been the sub. ect of considerable discussion bet\veen the City and the developer, including a co ccpt plan review by the Planning Commission and City Council. The propo ed plat with the recommended conditions, closely reJlects the intent of these discussions and should meet the City's zoning and subdivision regulations, as well as the Comprehensive Plan and Parks Master Plan. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Exhibit A - Site Location Exhibit B - Site Plan Exhibit C - Preliminary Plat Exhibit 0 - Preliminary & Site utility Plan Exhibit E -- Landscape Plan I Exhibit F - Townhousc building elevation :.Ian Exhibit G -Townhouse building layout Exhibit H - Quadhome building elevation p an Exhibit I - Quadhome building layout I . -.I 8 NO SCAlE -e------,-----T I ~-------I ~ j I ~/ ',< / \ I \ y\ \ v I. !\.\ j' I /\,\ " I ~ \ / \.j I~ ",\ < ,,"'~ " ~ \:/ ",\- I~ \~ .~ -:.. V\,,-:.. 7 I I . '\' ..:,. \ : \/, ,:,8' : ---------t--l ,----- __ ___~ --~~- -- -- ~ I I I ' i6 TH STREET I ' I l\ I I ~ I ~' I' I \ ~\ / I I \ v\ / \ v\ JI/I' \ y< _ I '\1 ,~: I '\1 , I '\1 I,' '\1, <~ /' iE 1 "t \ /' 11 <~ i I' I " '" \, I ~ - 'v/ ,0 -I" ,- 'v/ , " C _ " , ~ I IJI I ~ III J I -e- - - - - - L - L -L - - - - - -L - - t- - - - - - JJ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ SECTlON 22 I SECTlON 23 TOWNSHIP 121 N, 1ANGE 25 W I I LOCATION MAP is. . If I/i' ~~ ~I)I.' "'~ ' / . 0 ~ / e . May 2, 2003 Mr. Jeff O'NeilL Deputy City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street. Suite I Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Initial Comment Letter Featherstone (Gold Nugget) City of Monticello Project No. 2003-( 3C WSB Project No. 1160-79 i i Dear Mr. O'Neill: tl We have completed an initial review of the pr~liminary plat documents submitted by Pioneer Engineering and have outlined the pri ciple issues that should be addressed prior to the preliminary plat approval. Those issue~ are noted as follo\vs: I EXISTING CONDITIONS i I There is a 50-foot proposed UPA efsement along the north side. The developer should provide in.fo.rmation. a~ to w 1at the current stat~ls of the easement is, and whether or not thIS IS a realIstIc pro osed casement WIdth. PRELIMINARY PLAT i l. ;he prop:sed right-otCway width J future Cedar Street and the stub street to Trunk I liu:hwav 25 should be wide~ed to a minimum of 80 feet. In addition. the inters~etiol~s with 85lh Street an i the stub street to Trunk Hi!!hwav 25 '- .- should be addressed to see if a \videned right-of-way is necessary to accommodate turn lanes or possible median improvements. The location of future driveways at the intersection locations will be important information to include in the preliminary plat docu nents so that median improvements can be addressed to accommodate the futllJe traffic volumes. City staff and the developer should vork with the Kjellberg's Mobile Home Park to address an acceptable locati )11 for the termination of Cedar Street. . . 1. Topo should be provided a distanc of 300 feet beyond all boundaries. This is important information in order to n ake sure that there are no drainage facilities, drainage issues, or other concerns t lat may be a detriment to the project that would need to be addressed at this "tage of the project. ! ii- 2. ( 1/"1.\l!(}lI".\ 1l..\1I' 1/5/CU3-j/l,dfl< I Mr. JcffC),NeilL Deputy City Administratorl May 2. 2003 Page 3 . 4. 5. It will be necessary to develop a~ attractive pond design and vegetation plan that vvill i.nvolv~ some lining o. f. th~ storn1\vater basin area and other vegetation to create attractrve storm water b, Sll1S. It will be necessary to develop a future profile of 85111 Street and determine the potential reconstruction cost for he Developer's Agreement. PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN 1. The design of the utilities shouk be completed to City standards. Currently. the plan does not address spacing gl idelines. storm sewer design. and sanitary sevver Issues. MISCELLANEOUS . I. All street \vidth dimensions shOlld be noted as face of curb to face of curb. ! No street widths will be allowed less than 24 feet. " _J. The Citv must have access to alii storm manholes in the rear lot areas with an acceptable stable sUbgraC.le.' to su;port a large truck. This will involve Class 5 with topsoil and seed on the sur ace. In addition. access to all storm water basins will require a 30-foot eas .ment area. I 4. The path in the south park area hould be connected directly to the path along 85111 Street and not zig zag throu Jh the park area. ). The path to the north. \vhich will be used to access the stormwater basin. should be a 7 -ton design vvith a 1 O~foot width to accommodate City maintenance vehicles. 6. A parking lot will be required f r the park area on the south side. The remainder of the park should be graded at a 2% slope to accommodate future park development. 7. I This plat needs to be submitted fO Mn/DOT and Wright County to provide comments. I I f.i.- As is apparent from my corl1ments. there a e still issues that we feel should be addressed prior to approving the preliminary plat. A dressing these issues in conjunction with the , Planning Commission review will allow' th~ Planning Commission to review the actual lot configuration and design issues prior to se ding this plat fonvard to the City Council. . I" 1l"I.\'I)( nl\ II-Jll' IIj{l:II~-i/l,L/l!c I Mr. Jeff <YNeill. Deputy City Administrator May 2.. 2003 I Page 1. I i I Street ^ \vill include both reside~1tial and industrial property accesses. The street \vidth and the transition fnpm industrial to residential property should be addressed. ! . . .., ~. 4. The current City policy on town1Ome area streets is to make sure that an adequate turnaround or loop street is available for garbage collection. In addition. stub streets cannot exc ed 150~1.00 feet of depth in order to satisfy fire department requirements. On plevious projects \ve have encouraged providing loop streets as opposed to turnanunds because we would prefer to not have garbage trucks backing up in residential areas. It is appropriate to develop an ollicial policy on this issue. It a pears that the northerly townhome area could be revised to a loop street scena io which would address our concerns. 5. The proposed town home separa ion is only 68 feet. vvhich is less than our minimum on private street areas I of 74 feet. Overhead e~ectric is shO\vn alon~ ~5th Street. .It would be our recommendation that the Utlltty he relocated. or pr~tcrablY, bUried. The engineer should provide a spil analysis of the site for review. I I I The proposed street section dep nds on the ul1lkrlying soils and will be dependent on the actual soi I sur ey. 6. 7. STREET DETAILS 1. 7 The collector street section is n t adequate as is currently proposed. 3. The bituminous path should be inches of bituminoLls. 6 inches of Class 5. and 12 inches of granular. GRADING PLAN . 1. The collector street design thrOl gh the center of the project should be evaluated for street width. Sidevvalk ShOll d he proposed on both sides of that street. ..., All cul-de-sac islands should in lude a 40-foot internal radius and that island area should be an outlot assigne to the adjoining lots. The developer should make sure that utilities are not placed within the island if they intend to landscape the island area. {;1. .~ ., -) . The lateral park area should be 'mproved vvith benning and landscaping to create a separation from the adj ining lots. ('. 11"1.\1/( n/'\' IIJ II' 11511~1I3,.!u ilf" . Mr. Jeff O'Neill. Deputy City Administrator May 2. 2003 Page 4 Please give me a call at (763) 287-7190 if this information. have any questions or comments regarding Sincerely. WSB & Associates, Il1c. Bret A. Weiss. P.E. Citv Enuineer . 0 cc: John Simola. City of Monticello Steve Grittman. NAC Ilorst Grazer. Gold Nugget Devclopn ent Paul Cherne. Pioneer Engineering sb . ~1. . . ( ll"/.\ll( ilrs /'/.'\ II' /J5/!_'1I3-iu.dl!, \.......... * +' ~"""""'-' ! ~ I' I ..; I i:i i' '''' j , I , :z t " ,~ -' , I'" ,; .- ' - ,5 ., ji i~ l I' 10 0 "' I' IS ~, I " ~ ;; i E !I 5 , , I I ~ i ; ~X" SLJ:; I, :tf~ tX~ l,~~" H0LIS::: c,), 51; " x ,- --_0 ;jii -_:x I , ~' 8 :.~ -~~...............--~- I I L- L....._...._ ..i_____ ~ .-- ,.---- ___, -----.----------..---,----..---- ~~--,-~~~ tl"Oil. ~ ~ ----= --=- ~ m .:......-.=-'~~"-=-..=. PRELIMINARY SITE & UTlLlTY PLAN U'.'iI'l(1'( GOLD NUGGET DEVELOPMENT, IN M:t~ .~'LAHj A\~~it Iol()o/"l'I RRXl..l ''If il',V:,. -..lhlll;[sor.A ~~""'I f'~O'(':~ FEA THERSTONE Y()IIo.!ICLUO ,...." i'(I;J.~b~ ~'''' .. t'i ij ~ !;! i S ~" , ~^! ~, !~ l ~ ~ t'. ~ . ,'~ . ~ ~,',' l' \ y".. . ; I" d 9 " ',0 r1 ~ I h~ I ~ ~~ Ji ! ; a :H~ : .~ ill , iH I: I \." ~..I 11 n I li~ n._~ I II i l ;\'1 ,1.1 It 6liih , &\ ,'in ~~ ..:1-,1.. ~im.~.! ~~ ~!i \)(~j i 'I!~'" .Ill i !!. .. I.. ~ ! L~ tIlt ',\" ~\, -'~ ..-~\ ~.>""~L~'~, -=) _u.::: l')~1H S u .' o 1-:' .' () '~, '- III ~. ill~: I 11' '~~hj ! I . I! [_1'."" !!J ,I ' . ill , ' ~I !II!! ~~ -II ~I ~1~1,i ~~ · ,I \)CI~iliJl lli'I-{"d 'I. 'iI, .. u. .j . " .. " ~ JI ~... .., f.'~ 0' . , ", "".{1- """ ~'. "" '" 'lf1y:Jlly".,_ ~~~, '" '. ~,'''''''''I"", """" 1~" '~'~:!I"is ". ..... 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Ni' D^-re, 'I,I!': 'Ii, nljiil I(~) qll~W;\!)I,I,:dll:' II df-lq I I::' I I I I' I 11111I!'~I' " II'IIII!I 1 'I 1111 111 ;.l~l ?f"1lJ I f")1"1 ~!II fly .Il~ I~ ( I II III ~ 1m" .Y\~ ~ ., ;24'-0" Icr;;-- . \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ 1 1 I I I I , I I I I I I '= k) ROOF ~--....IIo..... ---~4" o.c. 1-; I~ l(!j I' I~ I 1 1 1 I I I I 1 1 1 I I 1 L_ I I kJ I -'- I "'I );: 1 i I " I >: I (\ 1 ~ I "' 1 1 I I I I 1 1 -----1 i I I ~I /-+ g; i1~~ //~8'; / ~~(\ I rn!f ( rn / p I lJ'R , " I 1 I /1: ('\ ~ (\: ~~II .>- I I I q <II " i'\ 1'< " ~ , i~"I":r:j ;~ 1:0 :10 i, ==0 ~ ~ 'Z IO'-q" ..22:'1 ~--""-~i I I~I - ~ ~OOIl' TRU551!!5 ~ ~4"O.c.. f I ~I~ ':I~ () ,;i (\I~: <I' I /1 "('\ <:) ~~ I~I ~V ~ So""r jLD~, I ~' "Arlo pOOR '" T-O' L j-----.. ~';_Oh IO'~;": ~'-o~=~ I ~~'-I I~'.u-'___,.._,_ - ',,--1 42'-0" :t,. I ~~ n1i"i\ ~~ iOm ~~ ~ IJ' ) Ij'I (" ~t~ t-3 -" ~~ - ~E:I Ii: . ~~t -- );:- :ll.~.l ~ Ii -<j, . n > tt1 - ,- 'Z " . t?j t-3 ,. . -- 1'l('IJ).-l:,- ;nmlJ[__ 'l]m 0mOrn CltilXm ~~~~ ~~iitr; ~'l ). ~m~~ tit ,{ -.1-( :r C:r '::l~fm :~m~;2 . ~ k~~ .I t1 H' .J~ P~rilF -{\J(:q rn 11 _~ m~f.ffi Z~).rz ~~~~5 u:~a;(p ~g...." -{zi1J':! ~~~ '~L5 ~ r'~ ., ,C '1J;:JZ ~~):,~~ \-J!1i z -'.In! _fll:rO- ~~)>m z:r-{r- ~I- G~ Om -I;;J ~~~~ -~ ':; f: ('\ S',.mi1J ~g8~ \J~;gg Jl -71 "'lS\ ~--j () (JIll "r () () 'l1 z ~~~f. ~ ,...-... -d"\ r.n }.~(\~ z() rT)- ~It~::~ }o fa. rfll~ ~~~l < ~F.i-f~ :'<0itl~ 9 l'} Ij\~(~ 1"-1"':" :tIT11i lilITT(') otl~ "~~ ~~tJ ~I~}~ ".lI Lfi1(1' 1\-", m z Gi # . WSB .Ociates. Inc. . 4150 Olson Memorial Highway .00 Minneapolis Minnesota 55422 763.541 A800 763.541.1700 FAX Meeting Minutes To: Jeff O'Neill, City of Monticell John Simola, City of Monticel 0 Steve Grittman, NAC Paul Cherne, Pioneer Engine ring Horst Grazer, Gold Nugget Development From: Bret A. Weiss, P.E. City Engineer Date: May 15, 2003 Re: Featherstone City of Monticello Project No. 2003-03C WSB Project No. 1160-79 The meeting was held at 10:00 a.m. this mom ng at the City of Monticello to discuss issues related to the preliminary plat submittal for th above referenced project, with the following persons in attendance: Paul Cherne, Pioneer Engineering Horst Grazer, Gold Nugget Developm nt Bret Weiss, WSB & Associates, Inc. The following issues were discussed: 1. Specs - Bret explained that the City 0 Monticello has a standard specification that has to be purchased by all individuals ompleting projects within the City of Monticello. The engineer is then requ red to write supplemental specs to that standard specification. The City spec should not be bound into an overall project specification. 2. Soil Borings - Paul provided a copy f the soil borings for the site that were completed in 1998. 3. County Road 117 Access - Paul men ioned that the County had previously accepted the two access points on Co nty Road 117, but he has recentl y recei ved a letter from the County stating that the are reviewing the access points for conformance with their spacing guide ines. Bret stated that the City has been in conversations with the County to cons'der a turnback of the county road to the City. Those discussions are ongoing. 4. Street Reconstruction Costs - Horst asked that Bret prepare the street reconstruction estimate for County R ad 117 to determine what Gold Nugget will be responsible for. It was discussed t at those costs are typically spread through a portion of the development, and woul likely not be spread just to the first phase. Mmocopol" . SI Clojd Equal Opportunity Emplo;k'iWPWlMJ J60-7'NJ51503-meeling minutes.Joc at; . . . All Meeting Participants May 15, 2003 Page 2 Sanitary Sewer Oversizing - Horst Jntioned that there is an oversizing credit of approximately $105,000 associated Witt the extension of sanitary sewer to the site. Bret will verify that number. I Topography - It was discussed that to 0 will be required on the preliminary plat documents extending 300 feet beyond t e property lines. Paul stated that he would either complete that with aerial photog aphy or get permission from the adjacent owners to complete that work with fiel crews. 7. UP A Easement - Horst stated that the UP A easement shown on the plans is now / an existing easement and should not be listed as proposed. Paul will change the V plan. 5. G 8. / Industrial Area Right~of-Way - Bret discussed that the right-of-way should be expanded to a minimum of 80 feet, an may need to be expanded at the V intersections to accommodate turn Ian s and a possible concrete median. Since they are unsure as to how the property ill develop and with what uses, Horst will send the City a letter identifying that if additional right-of-way is necessary to accommodate additional lanes or medi n, the developer will provide that right-of- way. Cedar Street Extension at Kjellberg sPark - Since it may be difficult to determine how the street is proposed t extend through Kjellberg's Park, the preliminary plat should include provisi ns to extend the street along Trunk Highway 25. WSB will provide the ac eptable curb radius information and Paul will provide an outlet to accommodate that potential realignment. 9. 10. Street A - It was discussed that we sh uld keep Street A at a 36-foot width, face- of-curb to face-of-curb, from Cedar St eet to the main intersection. Townhome Separation - Horst pro vi ed three options for the town homes to accommodate a loop street through th area to address fire protection and garbage pickup. Bret also suggested that they evelop an option to use a 96-foot face-of- building to face-of-building, with a 52 foot wide right-of-way and offset 32-foot wide street and sidewalk which may ork in this instance. It was discussed that Paul could talk with Steve Grittman 0 the details for that layout, which is being used with the Wild Meadow develop ent. Garbage Collection - Bret also talke about the garbage issue with regard to the fourplexes. Currently, turnarounds ar not provided to accommodate garbage collection. Either development of tu arounds at the ends of the sub-streets or a location for placing the garbage along the main street wciuld be necessary. \ viI \ Overhead Electric - Bret discussed t at the overhead electric extends from Trunk ~i AO- I Highway 25 to the east edge of their p operty, not as shown on the plan. Horst said 'o~ \\ V' that he will look into the cost of buryi g the overhead electric. However, he is '~l"cJ concerned that the three-phase electric would be difficult to get coordinated for ~ burying. 11. 12. 13. F:\WPW/NV /60.79VJ5/503-meerinll minures.doc v/ / ~ /A:i V" All Meeting Participants May 15.2003 Page 3 14. Street Sections - Bret will provide the ne essary street sections to Paul. / 15. Pathway Construction - Horst said it wa his understanding that the developer would grade the path and the City would e responsible for pathway construction. This will need to be confirmed. 16. Collector Street Width - Currently, the ollector street width is shown at a 40- / foot width. Bret will confirm the need fo that width. It was also discussed that V sidewalks should be provided on both sid s of that street. 17. Island Utility Issues - Bret discussed tha the utilities are shown throughout the island area, which will make it difficult to landscape due to the fact that there may be maintenance on those facilities. It was discussed that extending the sanitary sewer pipe through the island may not be problem, but they should keep all manholes and watermain outside the isla d area. 18. Pond Design - WSB will provide a pond design to Horst as to how we would like / to see the ponds constructed and the prop sed vegetation. This information should also include synthetic liners for the propo ed water bearing areas. 19. Design Standard Manual- WSB will p ovide a City Design Standard Manual to ~ Paul. 20. Rear Yard Drainage - Bret discussed t at in the rear yard areas where catch basins are proposed, that we would still I ke to have a positive drainage out of that area, otherwise the areas tend to act as p nding areas. If the rear yard catch basins are to be utilized, then the engineer will eed to identify how high the ponding will reach in the various rainfall events, and rovide easement over that area. / 21. Grading Permit - Horst asked when th y could receive a grading permit. Bret discussed that after the preliminary plat i approved by the Council and a grading plan is approved for the area in question, a grading permit can be provided, with the, /' deposit of a restoration bond. If there is ea that needs to be graded outside of the V City limits, they will need to talk to To Salkowski of the County to get County approval. 22. 23. Lateral Park Area - We discussed the evelopment of berming in this area to . /'" develop interest for the people walking t rough this area. Paul and Horst will work V together to develop a concept. tl ~ Utility Plan - Bret discussed that the ut"lity plan should be shown according to ~ City standards. WSB will provide com ents on this plan, which will then need to be revised according to those standards. 24. Grading Plan _ WSB will provide deta led comments on the grading plan which have not been provided to date. ~ F:\ WPWIMlI60. 7WJ5150J .meeting minutes.doc ..-. ..- .---'- ,,-- --_...'--- ".-. ,." .........,"'''' I r.ell 7t"l\(}(' J"f1~__D.,tinO minu/~,,,_dn(': . All Meeting Participants May 15, 2003 Page 4 25. Proposed City Council Meeting - t was discussed that as long as the developer / can get the preliminary plat revised or the first meeting in June, that would be the earliest that the preliminary plat cou d be reviewed by the City Council. All other issues identified in WSB' s letter ted May 2, 2003 were agreed to by the developer. NOTE: The above constitutes WSB's un erstanding of the items discussed at this meeting. If there are any questions, comments or changes, please notify me immediately at (763) 541-4800. lhfsb . 'is . F:\WPWIMI160.7i}1()51503.meeling minutes. doc . . . City Council Agenda - 06/09/03 sc. Consideration of are uest for Conee t pun review of a 3-unit townhouse ro "eet in the R-2 District. A Iicant: Richard Carlson. (NAC/JO) REFERENCEANDBACKGROUN The Planning Commission reviewed t is item, conducted a public hearing on this matter, and recommended approval of the concept PlJ D with conditions. Although city staff recommended a different op ion than the option selected by the Planning Commission, it supports the Planning Commission decision under alternative 1. However, city council may wish to re ove this item from the consent agenda to address comments from a neighbor as noted in the supporting data. The applicant is seeking concept review l' a revised layout for development of a parcel adjacent to the Burlington Northern railr ad at the end of Vine Street. The applicant had previously prepared a concept plan that rovided for detached units - the current proposal would be for a row of three atta hed units. The units are 1,240 square foot "bungalo "units each with an attached garage on the side. The buildings are set back hom th rear property lines of the neighboring property to the north, however, the common priva e street would be just five teet behind the property line. The common private stree appears to be approximately 14 feet in width. The project relies on the vacation of or Ii 'ense agreement allowing f{)f use of Vine Street. Additional visitor parking is shown in th Vine St. ROW. The site is zoned R~2, in which single an plexes such as this require a Conditional issues with this proposed layout: two-family homes arc permitted uses. Three- se Permit. Staff had raised the following 1. The common pri vate street is narr wer than the City's requirements for two-way circulation. The zoning ordinanc establishes 20 teet of width as the lowest threshold for this type of road. T e only roadways approved at less than this standard have been for one-way ci culation. 2. Staff docs not recommend the vac tion of Vine Street. The right of way contains a major City utility line, and is a p tential street connection in the future. Ifuse of Vine Street is to be allowed it s ould be handled via license agreement. 3. Although the area is zoned R-2, pI nning staff is concerned with the bui Iding massing in what would essentially be the rear yards of a single family residential block. Planning staff believes that two units in this area would be adequate, and would create a building mass that is more in keeping with the context of the neighborhood. Detached units wo lId be best, although two attached units could be designed in such a way that the should not be a concern for the neighborhood. There is a letter submitted by a nei hbor which generally outlines a similar concern. "The Planning Commis ion did not agree with this concern as they approved the concept of developing 3 units at this location". Planning staifwould recommen that any development include a moderate landscape screen along the Comn on property line with the neighboring single J~unily lots. The development pa eel in question has historically been considered un-developable, and many reside 1ts seek privacy in their rear yards. The introduction of housing units in t lis location is a change to the long-standing development pattern of the ncigh orhood. . 4. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS City Council Agenda - 06/09/03 Planning Commission recommendcd a proval of thc concept stage PLJn with the conditions noted under alternative 1. Decision I: Concept Stage Planned Unit Development for a three unit townhouse proj ect. I . Motion to recommend approval 0 the Concept Stage PUD with three units, taking note of issues raised by the staff and Planning Commission with regard to future design and available land a eas, with the following conditions: 1. Adequate turnaround area l' cuI-de-sac must be provided on Vine Street. The design to be determine by the City Engineer. . 2. The Vine Street ROW sho Id not be vacated or used privately via license agreement. 2. Motion to recommend denial of th Concept Stage PUD, based on a finding that the land in question is ill-suited for residential development. STAFF RECOMMENDATION StafT's recommendation to the Planning C mmission was to approve the two-unit design, with the understanding that the vacation of Vine Street is not recommended. By limiting the project to two units, the building area C' n be moved farther to the cast where the parcel is wider, and can accommodate bett r private street width and preserve more open space on the lot. The Planning Commissio believes that three units are acceptable. As noted in the repc)li, whether two units or three, landscaping should be used to help buffer this new development from the rear ards of the single family neighborhood to the north. As a final comment, it should be not d that the improvement of Vine Street will still be an issue, and the Council's decision n this regard may have additional impacts on the viability of this project. SUPPORTING DATA . Site Plan rIoor Plan Letter from neighbor 2 f= \ . . UUI1 u,rc.uUJ jUt. 11::n AN CITY OF BUFFALO 10: COP Lori F'ax: 763-295-4404 Phone: Re: Planning Commission Hearing o Ursent · CCHl1ll1ents; FAX NO. 763 882 8378 P. 01 From: Chris Shinnick Pages: 5 indUding COver sheet Date: 613/2003 cc: o For- Review a Please Co meht 0 fI'ease Reply 0 Please Recycle Please inClude the following oomme"", in the PI nr;T'jj Commission Public HeariT'jj for June 3, 2003 relating to agenda item 12. '~ I / JUN-03-2003 TUE 11:31 AM CITY OF BUFFALO FAX NO. 763 682 6376 P. 02 '. t: :t ~ ~ ~ MemornndlU11 u.:~.~.~,e..~'~.i<"'i'l':",';I:t:.. :':'::':':'~..!.:(-:"":~:-i'~:'''i i'; .,:':.:,.,:':.0:.' :,- '::..o..:.~~~.~ ~.' :.):,: To: M?Jlticcllo PlmUling Cornmissi From: Chris Shinnick, 612 41h Street W Date: 6/3/2003 Re: Public Hearing - pun review 0 3-\lnit tow!lhomcs (Richard Carlson) Dn c to prior obligations, I win be unable 0 address the Planning Commission an this issue aud Illc plau c11iulgCS. Pleasc rCild the following mmcnt" into tberccord for 1his public l1C.lr1ng: :"'1 We do not obj eet to having one sillgle faJ ily home on t11is propcrty, Our objection is to Jwying an "association" oftownhomes in a nc'ighbo hood thilt has historically been used rOT single-family d~cl1illgs. Multiple aU.i.lcl1ed towlIhomcs ook Jike townhomcs. SUcll a use docs not blend ill with the ~~~~~~~~:hOod. i'he RP~r( ~p<lce of this arCrI has eul1:J.11cC(J he natural beauty oCthe neighborhood for decades. Tl has "J~q No~J4.bd a buffer betweeIl the bous and the railroad \Tacks. The tracks often arc used as a will~~Y; .qlj)ugh not their intcndcdpurpo C, Ilnd the open spllce has provided a detCJTcnt to erilllilllll i.'I~~~.Hy:-: ~ ~~::: .. :................ ,:- ". '. ::::.. ..~:. ":.:.:'::. WC.~cI ~i9i. subscribe to thclloLion 1l1at feu ing the entire area offwi!l mllkc it more appealing. We arc'(~\Y4.i:9 ofthc requirement for a chand. k fence to the south of the properly as pal t the hmd ("{lY,/,:oLl!:iiits. (See attached) Extending feu ing around the entire propcrtywjlJ create ,Ul islaIl<.l cffect \\!ithiJll.hc neighborhood. . . ,< .. . ',' ".' '. '. ... IftllC~ Planning Colllmission doc,,, find tha the requested use actllally makes improvement to the ncighborllood ,md is deserving of a POD. UT specific requests, wllicll we reserve rigllt to amcml, add 10 or remove, at'e as follows: 1) A landscaping plan bc required 111' twill screell t:his dovclopm(..'TIl. In such phUl, plalll centers should meet a minimwn two-foot e1bllck from. tIle propOIiy line to allow for proper maintenance by I1lc propC.l'lY owne' aud 1l1at the properly OwnCl work with adjacent neighbors to provide input into such a plan. _ 2) A grading and drainage plan be pc vidcd showing all inlets anu outlets to the property and any irllpacts to adjacellt properties tll<rt will rc~mlt from excavation and consUllctioll. We do not have a history ofponding on our p opcr1y or flooding of any existillg improvcmclIls. . ~~~11t;ili'lt11.i , 1 I ,. i sc~ JUN-03-2003 TUE 11:31 AM CITY OF BUFFALO FAX NO. 763 682 6376 p, 03 ~~. -,-.. '. I" ~ , > ~, ~-:. r, , 829941. OffiCe Of 1'::1,_1 y ""I:r~Or[lEn WRIGIIT C0~1:~!V t'l:;lk301A ctRnf'1 II I,: rr f.fl.r::' AH,~/"'.I r.,:"':) (,Ii 03 JAN 29 Pi1 3: 58 CfRnF~:;WE.OF~HF~LESTATE VALUE FiLE NO: 0 ~ '2.4-0S3 . TllE BURLINGTON NORTHER AND SANTA FE RAD"WAY COMPANY. (fonnerly B'Llrlington Northern Railroad Co any)~ a Delaware corporation, of 2650 Lou Menk Drlve., Fort Wortb7 Texas 76131-2830, herei r called "Grantor", for Ten and NollOa Dollars ($] 0.00) and. other good and wluable sidemtion, conveys and quitclaims, witho\.lt any Ci.WeI:lantl; of warranty whatsoever .and wi ut recoursc to the Grantor, im successors and assigns, to RICHARD n. CARLSON and GINIA L. CARI..SON, husband and wife as joint tenants, of 532 West Broadway - P.O. Box 445, Monticello, Minnesuta 55362, collectively, hereinafter callcd ~'Grantec". its righ~ title and interest, if any, in and to that certain parcel of land (exclusive of &lY impr VemCl'lts thereon), subject, however, to all existing interests~ including but not limited to all res ations, rights-of-way and casement,; of record or otherwise, located in the County of Wright" State of Minnesota, hereinafter called "Property''', hdng more particularly described as follows: That portion of Lots 1, 2 and 3. Hock 22 MonticelJo, and Lot 5, Block 23 Monticello, according to the record plat thereo~ Wright County, Minnesota, including that portion of vacated V' . Street, all lying Northeasterly of a line drawn Southeasterly from a point on e Northwesterly line of said Lot 5. Block 23 distant 20.0 feet Southwesterly of le most Northerly comor of said Lot 5 to a point on the Soutll~tcrly line of said Lot 3, DIock 22 ;3ist<'.]}t 80.0 feet Southwesterly of the most Ea.,;terly co ~r of said Lot 3. , . ~XCF..PTING AND RESERVING, to Grantor. its successors and assigna, all of the coal, oil~ nas, casing-head gas and all oreS an minerals of evelY kiud and nature, including sand and gravel underlying tho surface of the Pro rty herein conveyed, tJether with the full right, privilege and license at any and allllmcs to xplore, or drill for and protect, collservc, mine, tl1kc, remove and market any and aU such products in any maon which will not damage strLlctures on the surface of the Property here n conveyed, together with the right of access at an times to exercise said rights. . C Wlty of Wright eed Stamp Tax # Daw; i~aq-b3 Amount: .$ k.(p. ED ~l~ee~~~ra "t R~O'i~,t ~ I "... ., 00.1','[',,;:; M. Qf~rr ~1t.... aw..J~ !. c::!./.D~fJrJ Al to(-Tr~. I t I SG JUN-03-2003 TUE 11:32 AM CITY OF BUFFALO FAX NO. 763 682 6376 P. 04 '. -. -. ... " ,; . f Grantee has been allowed to make an . spection of the rroperty and has lmowledge as to the past usc of the Property. Based upon this 'nspection and knowledge. Grantee is aware of the coudition of the Property and GRANTE ACKNOWLEDGKS THAT GRANTEE IS 'PURClTAS1NC; THE PROPERTY IN AN "AS~IS WITH ALL .~AULTS" BASIS Wlm ANY AND ALL PATENT AND LATENT EFECTS, INCLUDING THOSE RELATING 1'0 TIfl!: ENvntONMENTAL CONDI ION OF THE PROPERTY, AND THAT GRANfEE IS NOT REL YJNG ON A REPRESENTATION OR W ARRANTJES, EXl~RESS OR IMPLIED, OF ANY KIN WHATSOEVER FROM GRANTOR AS TO ANY MA1"l'ERS CONCERNING THE PIl PERTY, including the phy!>ical condition of the Ijl'Operty and any dcfects thereof, the pI coce of any hazardous substances, wastes or contaminants in, on or under the Property, the condition or existence of any of the .above ground or underground structures or improvements. on or under the Property, the condition of title to ilie Property. and the leases, easements or 0 cr agreements affecting the Property. Grantee is aware of Il.e risk tlult hazardous substances c1 cnntamillftnts may be present on the Properly, 11:l1d iIldcmoifies, holds hannless and hereby w 'ves, release~ and discharges forever Grantor fTom allY and all present or future claims or deman , and any and all damages, loss. iIijuIY, liability. claims or costs, including fines, penalties and judgments, and attorney's fees, arising from or in any way related to the condition of the Prop rty or alleged presence, use. storage. generation. manufacture, transport, release. leak, spiIJ, disposal or other handling of atlY hazardous substances or contaminants in, on or uader Property. Losses shall include without Umitation (a) the cost of any investigation, removal, re edial or other response action that is required by any Environmental Law, that is required by j 'cia! order or by order of or agreernent with any governmental authority, or that is necessary otherwise is reasonable under the circumstances, (b) capit.al expenditures necessazy to Cause Grantor's remaining Property or the operations or busineRs of the Grantor on its remaining Pro erty to be in compliance with the requjrements of any Environmental Luw. (c) Josses for injury ,death of any person, and (d) losses arising under any Environmental Law enacted after transfer. The rigbts ofGtaator under tills section shall be in addition to and not in lieu of any other rights or remedies to which it may be entitled under this document or otberwise. This indemnity specifi ally includes the obligation of Granlee to remove, close, rCll1ediate, reimburse oc take other ae . ons requested or required by any governmental agency concerning any hazardous substances contaminants on the Property, The term ,rnnviromnental Law" means any federal. state or local statute, regulation, code. mIc, ordinance, order, judgment, decree, inj ction or common law perta.ining in any way to the protection of human health or thl) environ ent, including without limil4tion, the Resource Con~ervation and Recovery Act, 1he Camp hensive Environmenlal Response. Compensation tlIld Liability Act, the Toxic Substances ContI 1 Act, and any similar or comparable state or local law. Thc tenn "Hazardous Substance" m s any hazardous) toxic. JUdjoactive or infectious substance, material or waste as defined, list or regulated under any Environmental Law. and includes withQut limitation petroleum oil and ny of its fractions. . B'NSF 02928 MOTlt/cello, MIl 2 , , i i ,;c.-, JUN-03-2003 TUE 11:32 AN CITY OF BUFFALO [ \ , )0 ... FAX NO, 763 682 6376 p, 05 III connection with construction of any mprovements on tho Property, Grantee agrees, at Grl1nt~'s costs and expense, to construct, r DStroCt, renew. maintain and operate. upon said Properly to be conveyed hereby, such sewer inc, ditches, culverts Or flood plains as may be n~quircd so that water discharged from the IJr perty to be conveyed hereby, whether created by nature or (l1:antee'.s operation of said Property, does not flow onto the land and trackage retained by Grantor located adjacent to said Property, r from said Property, so that said water does Dot flow toward Grantor's trackage. This coveD 11t shall be binding upon Grantee. their heirs, successors and assigns. This covenant shall with the land, Grantee shall, at its Bole cost and ex. SCI construct a protective chain link fence (or olber ~ecurity fence) a minimum of five (51) :fi in height upon, over and across the Southerly boundary line of the hereinabove described Pro CIty. Grantee shall thereafter repair, maintain and renew said fence, so as to keep same in good Ii air at the sole cost of the Grantee. This covenant shall bind the Grantee, their heirs, successors d assignR and benefit" tlle Grantor, its succeSSOrf; and a~lligns. This covenant shall run with the 1 d. TO RAVE AND TO HOLD the Prop rty unto the said Grantee2 their heirs, successors and assigns, forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the said rantor has caused this instrument to be signed by its authorized representative, attested by its sistan SccretaIy, and its corporato seal to be affIXed hercto on the ~q;; day of 2002. i I II I ~""""111 ~" ItoN9 11.4!"1 ,,\ 'II*.,...~~J, ......., .....-;......0RA.'t;;..."f.c::" ':'~.. for '.,~" ~/ . "-i" ftj( SEAL )i~ -to ._- ~C!~'" ~.. '2 ...~ -'.., ~~..,~ i, .~11III1It. "III. "" ~ ~ ,,,\ ""'111"" 1 . BM~F 02928 Mo,ttice11o, MN THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY BY:~ Its: General Director Real Estate ATTEST: By; /11;~;j~.I~~~ Patricia Zbiehors Its~ Assistant Secretary Grantor's Federal Tax 10 No.: 41-6034000 3 ~9941. I / sc- III S ... ~ 0> c: '2 is n ! \ \. .;;.f.~i;....,""'; ~ ~~ ::c i~ Or', 0::>< Ocr, 0... .' co ." .,-" 9\lOZ ..i-JO" 1_- - . _~__ ~~~L_ ,..~~~.,. :'-'; .~'. i \ i c: Q) .' .c' u' ..~~--:I - - - / ~ .~ , ~ .; ......' '~. " . .1 ('0' ~ m - g.---~-------- ,!:: u.. \~ ".'. '.'T""" ,tfj ~,.~ ,...=-... _...__ ~_.. ,__n "" ' <ll '-- ' 05 ~ ,--.~"'>'-'\ '" -. / / i~'-;'- !(;'~=C~-I ill,-1.~ .: \11'" :'1 ~/ . I:~~~c_' '~ -~' ~ /: -g m " " r :- - - - - ,-.,,_:::l :il Ii 'I _' / ctl ~/;- '--r--T 'i " . " -I;/! \ ; I, I ,I I .v________ d' B99Z" C:'J' i '11\ I : Ii n L,_L~...~ -'-''''', " /' "",/ 0> c:: ~ ~ ~ I / 99lll: ),' , ,,_ .... I II E ;! ";I\~ ,: . .' .\ II ~ i 0 .\. i./ '.~ -. e , .~ I "0 I I _____J ~ Q) ! OJ OJ .. ~.::.:::::..':;'.=:'''':':';:;'.-I 13 . .// i ~,~~~ .,...... ...::./'\':. ..' -"9900 l , ,m / >. "0 :::l U5 \ ,- ';""" """,,:.-" /.~. .... Q) .\ (/J' o o ,~: ll9IlZ -' Q) (/J ;:.Q Ill: 0 _ J_ ~ _ - - ' " I! ---------~------- , ~ f~"=~-=ln .~ _ ..~......_.,,---'='J'J 1-1, 1--' ll] ," ~~-,.._-",,_.__.~,,---_.,- - \---1 ~ r"2 (j U.l 1,-- ~S ~Y ll. ~,~ "._-_.,-_.,~,,~-~'_.'- ,____J L-_ /~~_.'''_._.. --- ".':::.,.----- ~"- J"J--..............------------- ',. <{ S u. o f-- X S2 , F :)," ,,:! ,,\;. t: ) , " .) '~. J ] I\~ :.. " '~ :~:; , J .,}/;' :~;, !;. :";';:.0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I LL. <./) I C.) ('I I l,n '.0 \------ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I IL (f) (') (\1 ro 1',-- .rn S! '0 (I) c D EO o u )- <'( 5: u.. o 1--- T (-~) (t ;i ;.'" :'~ <ol Li l1J 9 ~~ o C) . SU. Council Agenda - 6/9/03 rate and administrative fee for dclin accounts. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROU D: A coupl e of months ago, the Counci I , sked staff to review the fees and penalties that are currently charged on delinquent sewer and wate accounts to see if increases are warranted. Specifically, the Council questioned whether the admin'strative penalty of$50 currently charged for setting up a special assessment t()f delinquent acco lIlts should be increased depending on amount of delinquency. I had originally intended to include a recommendation on the fee increases related to delinquency as part of an overall discu. sion recommended by the City Engineer on our overall fee structure for sewer and water connectio 1 and acreage charges, but since that discussion has been delayed, I think the Council should con 'ider amendments to the delinquent fee structure as a separate issue. . For the past number of years, the City h s charged a 4% penalty on any utility billing account that is more than 30 days past due. This is a 0 e time charge that gets added to the bill and then property Owner would be su~ject to additional Ie Is and charges if the account remains unpaid and gets certified as a delinquent account to be c llected on real estate taxes the following year. If an account goes through the public hearing rocess to be assessed. an additional administrative fee of $50 is added to each account to cover th cost of preparing public hearing notices, mailing notices to property owners, preparation of the as" essment roll and sending it to the County f()r collection. While the 4% penalty would vary depen ing on the amount of the unpaid balance on a delinquent account, the administrative fee for settin up the delinquent assessment roll is simply a one time $50 fee, regardless of the amount of the unpai balance. Councilmembers have questioned in tile past whether this $50 fee should be increased I' be related to the amount of the unpaid balance, but I think it would be more appropriate to lea e that fee as is ($50) and to adjust the initial percentage fee that we charge, which is based on the mount of the delinquency. By increasing the penalty percentage, a property OWner with a large outstanding balance would pay a higher penalty which is appropriate at that time. The $50 charge 1 r setting up the delinquent list really has no bearing on the amount of the unpaid account, but is t< be related to the cost of preparing the assessment roll. . Public Works staff surveyed approximatel twenty cities in the metropolitan and outlying areas to see what Sewer and water penalty charges ther cities charged on delinquent utility bills. As expected, there is a wide variance in the ty es of penalties that arc charged which range from a low of 2% to 15% or more. It seems like 8%~ 1 % is a common percentage, so there does seem to be room lor the City to adjust its penalty ahov the 4% amount. As part of the overall review of utility charges, it would be the administrator's ree mmendation that the Council consider increasing the 4% penalty to 8% as a flat one time charge n each quarterly delinquent account. By increasing this penalty rather than the administrative fee t(} . the accounts that are assessed, the penalty increase directly relates to the amount of the outstan ing balance as someone who has unpaid bill of $500 wi Il playa much higher penalty than someor e with a $1 00 account. A n increase in this percentage penalty can be accompl ished by a simple m< tion of the Council. . . . Council Agenda - 6/9/03 B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: I. Council could amend the fee schedule relating to delinquent sewer and water accounts by increasing the penalty currently charg d from 4% to 8% as a flat one time charge on each quarterly delinquent account. 2. Council could adjust the delinquent p nalty to some other percentage amount to be determined. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Adminis rator that if the Council is supportive of an increase in the penalty rate, it be done through an amend lent to the one time percentage fee that is charged on each initial delinquency rather than byadjusti g the administrative penalty of $50. The $50 penalty should be related to the costs incurred by the -ity in preparation of an assessment roll and adjusting the percentage increase would be the appropri te fee to amend. Based on the survey results, it appears that an 8% penalty would not be out ofline, and accomplishes the goal of providing a higher penalty for larger delinquencies. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of survey results. . . . > ~ ::l CIl CIl w &! c:( :I: U ~ -l c:( Z W ll. Q.': W I- ~ Cl/S a:: ~ w CIl o -l irl u i= z o :E u. o ~ (3 >. III > :; II) "6 >. a. o o ~ 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ moo ID 0 ID m ~ rzzrr~~~r~zz~zr~~ m'E ~ ~ rr.~ o o l(:i ... <0 00 . Fd:;j~~ u;~ g ... o o l(:i N ... 'if. o .... o 0 o 0 o lri N N ... ... fO :ll III U,.. l: 'E -a <{ ;;; l: o .. :0 -0 <{ o Ul .:.:. l: ~ ... l: Ul Ul '" '" .g~ gj ~ lil .:.:. ~ Ul ,S ~ m f; "0 ClJ ... III Ul C:t'-~ Kl gj:!l~~gj~gjgj81:!l:!l ~.g~~~g~~:--rr ~ ~ 8 ill ~ ' 15 I ~ Z ~ ~ Ul 15 z .. l: III ~ IT ,5 Gi c ~ III o ;- Ul l: ~ Ul ~~ ~ '" (ij lr o '" l: l: <0 m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ID ~ ~ ~ ~ ID ID ~i5~r~~~~~~~~r o z III 01 !! <lI .s::. o ;;; l: o .. :0 ~ o 0 ZZ Ul '" l: 2 ~~ooooooooPoo (j~=ZZZZZZ;-Z UlZZ o tl ~ '#- l() III E i= III l: o l() .... ~ ~ o~4i "'~ L",,,,Ul UlUl UlUl~~ cUm~~~Q)Q)IVr'4UQ)~~IV4)~(Q ~n U~rr ~~ rr~6 Sl 0 W'" l: o $'E U,.. 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REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As part of the final Omnibus Tax Bill passe by the legislature, it now appears certain that the City of Monticello will lose $288,043 in LGA an market value homestead credit. This amount had long been anticipated, but was not official u til the session had ended. Expecting that we would lose our aid payme lts this year, I had asked each department to take a look at their budgets to see where areas coul be reduced and also inl()fIned department heads that some equipment expenditures that were budeted for 2003 would be not approved until we had a better handle on the amount of revenue we ere going to lose. As a result, budgeted items for a replacement snowplow truck in the amount l' $100,000 and also some equipment in the Parks Department totaling $43,000 had been intent onally delayed or eliminated. With the exact amount now known, I have put together a recommen ed 2003 budget amendments that the Council may want to review and approve accounting for a I of the $288,043 shortfall. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: . I. Motion to accept the recommended b Idget amendments to reflect the loss of state aid in the amount of $288,043 as presented. 2. Motion to amend the 2003 budget by eduction of other expenditures to meet the expected the state aid shortfall. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Adminis rator that the budget amendments be adopted as proposed. The majority of the cuts have bee worked out with each department in an attempt to provide the least painful way of finding reduc ions without affecting service levels or program operations. D. SlJPPORTING DATA: 1 jst of proposed budget amendments. . . $;r -I 0 0 :J 0 ""0 0 ""0 (J) W G) 0 W ~ 0' CD ar 0 W ~ ~)> ~ ~, -0 :J 3 ., ., ^ m.0 ![ 3 c :J 3 00 CD r ~ ..z 5' C!: tl <S- c G) :t- O 0' ;::0 (Q :J CD tH W S- CD 0 ~ 0 :J :J C t.. iil (Q CD ;::! CO C '< 0 Vi' -g. 0 1i ::r: en CD ~ 0 CD ~ 0 "Tl :J CD :J -I c CD ., 00 CD 3 ~ :J 00 CD Q. ., 5 ., 00 m (Q CD z W -I Q. en -I (') ;.u :J c.... --- OJ }>}>""O (J)C""03"0$; ;::O-fOJz ;::0 0 ...... 0 ., CD Q. -- a: CDQ.- 0 o - 0 0-, CD 0 0 CD CD ~ CD 00 3'- f\..) (Q ~, Q. ~ 0 ;f'<o-o:J(JI "9..:iE><:iE -0 Q. CD W -, ""O-aro0 ;::;: <: S, ;::0 ~::!::::J ""0 ~~O'::r: iil r- ""0 OJ o -, wW'1J<--...""O 0 }> CD W 0 CD 5::J:J ~, (jJQ.WCDCD--... CD ""0:::9- CD :;0 a: ., W r 3 ww(Q :J ~3"3:JO W - 3 m (J) ^ n. w 0 "'0 - -f CD ew CDo,..... 05--"'-fw - < 0 CD r :J Q. -0 (') CD ., -o;;;=-f:JCD(J) w~o:J CD iT1 s. ]: w m Q. -, 0 0 < :JQ. :J m 00 ~ :J :J =- ~1(jJenS?oCD ...... Z :J >< 0 (Q 00 W""OCD (J)<: w~-I::;i -0 ~ j:. Q. "'0 W S?o 0 C CD c ""0 Q. 0 S?o 0-' :J - --... W ~ 00 :J -0 0 -0 CDO"Tl =-g CD C 0 :iE m CD ::!:(J) '< 0 ...... a: 00 ::J:; :J ;;=t.: -0 goo :S:;^Q ...... 0 r- CD CD '1J 0 (Q -, --... 0 00 w 0 Qj Vi' CD ;!;' C (j) CD (J):J 0 en < cr ~ ~ CD "Tl CD Oi ^ en ., c <: iD OJ:;o 00 3 0 ., o' :r 3: {fl :2, -0 3 cm f\..) e- CD '- On ..... 0:> 00 00 CD (;)0 0:> (jJ :J ..... 0 en ~s: 01 >s: 0 s:m mZ toO zO om {fl {fl {fl {fl g~ s:0 f\..) f\..){fl {fl {fl {fl {fl {fl {fl{fl{fl{fl ...... mN co m ...... 0 {fl {fl f\..) J:>. {fl N{flf\..){fl{fl l\.J--.lL~~ 0 (j)~ ZO 0:> coco _0 01 J:>. -....J -....J m 01 O1J:>.COO1CO _N _0 _N _01 0 -10 ~ - - ~ .. "'ll. 0 0:> ...... 0 0 0 N 0 J:>. 0 001000 00001 0 enw J:>. J:>.CO 0 0 0 01 0{fl0 0 {fl00000 0000 0 """l..... W COJ:>. 0 0 0 0 000 0 000000 0000 0 toll. {fl {fl {fl {fl g~ 0> {fl f\..) f\..){fl-En -En -En m -....J w _0 ......f\..)N _-....J _co (j)tJ m N f\..) 0 000 001 "'", 01 -En {fl 01 {fl0-En {fl 0{fl{fl000 -En{fl00 {fl """ltJ 0 0 0 0 000 0 000000 0000 0 j; {fl ~~ {fl -En {fl -En {fl {fl {fl c:S ~ w {fl -En N ...... J:>. -En f\..){fl{fl-En-En f\..)......{flfft 0 (')~ 2 W 01 J:>. 0 -....J 0> _01 _01 _J:>. _0:> _w _-....J _N _0 _01 _0> _0 ::!(j) x w 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 001000 0000 0 O~ () 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 0000 0 m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 0000 0 ~ .- OJ c ~ 0 G) (') m {fl -En :::tJ --i i- f\..) ~ s: w 9 m f\..) 0 CJ:l _2 0 0 ", ~ 0 0 ,n -z --i (/) m k i\} 0 0 {,..l . Council Agenda - 6/9/03 SF. Consideration of a rovin new hires and e artures for Communit Center Streets and Water Departments. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring of ne employees that have occurred recently in the Community Center, summer help in the Street Department and a full-time employee in the Water Department. As you recall, it is recom ended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-time and easonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the part-time emp oyees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. . . . Name Bjorklund, Heidi Curtis, Joshua Nolan, Christopher Peterson, Amanda Schluender, Emily Shea, Brittany Weis, Sean Williams, Angela . Name . NEW EMPLOYEES Title GSI Seasonal Seasonal GSI Slide attendant WSI Operator Slide attendant TERMINATIN Reason employee council list. xis: 6/4/2003 Departm nt MCC MCC Streets MCC MCC MCC Water MCC G EMPLOY =ES Departme nt 5/22/2003 part-time 5/10/2003 temporary 5/27/2003 temporary 5/30/2003 temporary 5/14/2003 partwtime 5/19/2003 part-time 5/12/2003 full-time 5/27/2003 partwtime Hire Date Last Day Class Class sr- . 5G. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda - 6/9/03 'tatement for 2003. (R W) The first quarter financial report for the period e ding March 31, 2003 is enclosed for the Council's review. Overall, Joe Hartman and myself arc co lltortable with the results and feel that the store expansion is beginning to pay off with increased sales and operating profits. To briefly summarize, total sales for the first qua ter were up $58,549 over the same period last year or an increase of almost 10%. Gross profit is als up $26,800 for a 17% increase over the same time frame last year. Finally, operating income is ove $11,000 ahead oflast year at $74,626, or an 18% increase over the previous year. The overall gross profit percentages are a little hi ,her than we had expected at 27.95% of sales, and in reviewing the liquor sales and wine sales, ther could be a misallocation of expenses or sales between these two categories as the liquor sale pe centage at 37% seems higher than we would have expected while the wine sales at 13% is lower. 0 erall the total gross profit is still acceptable and even above what we had expected. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Council could accept the report as present d. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of first quarter liquor store report . MONTICELLO MUNICIPAL LIQUOR GROSS PROFIT BY PR DUCT COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR ENDING AR 31,2002 AND 2003 2002 2003 YEAR- TO-DATE YEAR- TO-DATE AMOUNT AMOUNT Liquor Sales 171,197 187,731 Discounts Cost of Sales 114,818 116,771 GROSS PROFIT ~ LIQUOR 56,379 32. 0% 70,959 37.80% Beer Sales 352,824 376,310 Cost of Sales 267,721 275,316 GROSS PROFIT ~ BEER 85,103 24. 10% 100,994 26.84% Wine Sales 56,805 72,466 Cost of Sales 42,744 63,041 GROSS PROFIT ~ WINE 14,061 24. 80% 9,425 13.01% Misc Sales 15,431 14,793 Cost of Sales 12,721 11 , 186 GROSS PROFIT ~ MISC TAX 2,710 17. 60% 3,607 24.38% aiSC Non~taxable Sales 907 4,413 Cost of Sales 307 4,119 GROSS PROFIT ~ MISC NT 600 66. 20% 294 6.66% TOTAL SALES 597,164 655,713 TOTAL COST OF SALES 438,311 470,434 TOTAL FREIGHT COST 2,357 1,988 TOTAL GROSS PROFIT 156,496 26 20% 183,292 27.95% . sc-, . MONTICELLO MUNICIPA~IQUOR REVENUE AND EXPE SES COMPARISON FOR THE YEAR ENDING AR 31, 2002 AND 2003 2002 I 2003 I YEAR-TO-DATE YEAR-TO-DATE AMOUNT AMOUNT SALES Liquor 171,197 187,731 Beer 352,824 376,310 Wine 56,805 72,466 Other Merchandise 15,431 14,793 Misc Non-Taxable Sales 907 4,413 TOTAL SALES 597,164 655,713 COST OF GOODS SOLD (440,668) (472,421) GROSS PROFIT 156,496 26.20% 183,292 27.95% GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXP Personal Services Salaries 57,503 59,592 PERA 2,946 3,141 <<ICA 4,348 4,489 nsurance 5,357 3,944 Unemployment Benefits Severance Pay 209 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 70,153 11.70% 71,498 10.90% Supplies Office Supplies 93 66 General Operating Supplie 3,412 4,467 Other Supplies 455 2,638 TOTAL SUPPLIES 3,959 0.70% 7,171 1.09% Other Services & Charges Professional Services 306 Maintenance Agreements Communication 468 1,073 Travel-Conference-Schools 102 257 Advertising 957 807 Insurance & Tax 3,139 3,629 Utilities 3,249 2,264 Maintenance, Equipment 472 279 Maintenance, Building 958 2,125 Maintenance, Other 6 DepreciationdAcquired As 3,466 11,946 Misc Svc & Chgs 6,578 7,306 eOTAL OTHER SERVICES & CHGS 19,389 3.20% 29,998 4.57% TOTAL GENERAL & ADMIN EXP 93,501 15.70% 108,666 16.57% SG . 2002 2003 YEAR- TO-DATE YEAR- TO~DA TE AMOUNT AMOUNT TOTAL OPERATING INCOME 62,994 10.60% 74,626 11.38% other Income (Expense) Interest Income Cash Long/Short (176) 23 Sale of Property Misc Income 11 ( 105) TOTAL OTHER INCOME (EXP) (165) (82) NET INCOME (EXPENSE) 62,829 10.50% 74,544 11.37% Transfers In/Out ADJUSTED NET INCOME (EXP) 62,829 10.50% 74,544 11.37% . . 5(; . MONTICELLO MUNIC PAL LIQUOR BALANCE S EET March 31,2 03 Current Assets: Cash Change Fund Investments Accounts Receivable AIR - NSF Checks Inventory Prepaid Insurance TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS Fixed Assets: Land & Parking Lot Buildings Furniture & Equipment less: Accumulated Depreciation TOTAL FIXED ASSETS - - TOTAL ASSETS Liabilities: Accounts Payable Due to EDA Fund Sales Tax Payable Salaries Payable Accrued Vacation/Sick Leave Other Accrued Expenses TOTAL LIABILITIES RETAINED EARNINGS TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BAL NeE 176,934.58 2,800.00 429,047.89 (3,254,12) 481,737.43 1,914.50 1,088,098.23 97,082.08 862,033.29 115,065.64 (328,293.59) 745,887.42 1,833,985.65 55,030.69 20,372.25 20,766.13 43,390.00 5,035.18 145,523.25 1,688,462.40 1,833,985.65 SG . . . 51-1. Consideration of tinal Development. (.10) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Council Agenda - 06/09/03 ortion of the S irit Hills City Council is asked to consider granting nal plat approval of the first phase of the Spirit Hills residential development which 'ncludes the townhome portion of the development. As you recall, the total devel pment consists of a townhome/condominium element at the Southeast corner of School oulevard/Fenning Avenue and R 1 A single family directly south ofthe Monte Club. A 'cording to the developer, the R-IA portion of the development will be platted and develo ed after the Hillside Farms development proceeds. The R-I A section can only occu after Hillside Farms because utilities for the R-l A area must come from Hillside Farms, and because storm water from the R-I A site must pass through systems developed at Hi Iside Farms. City staff has been working closely with th developer on finalization of construction plans and associated project financing. A ummary of the project costs and funding for both the townhome and R-l A areas is attac ed. This summary will be the basis of the development agreement. Following are el ments of both projects that are worth noting: The southerly R] A parcel will be t e first development constructed under R -1 A standards which will result in 50 R lA lots with homes containing a minimum of 2,000 square feet of finished space y law. Construction cost for the minimum home is estimated at $200,000 and lot prices will range from $55,000 to $70,000 per lot. The developer has indicate that there is a strong demand for these lots. . . If the R-IA area proceeds, all ofth lots will be constructed at once in a single phase under a private development process. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve the final plat of the townhome portion of the Spirit Hills subdivision contingent on the following conditions. A. Execution of a developmel t agreement that requires adherence to conditions/requirements i entified with preliminary plat/PUO approval. The agreement must be co sistent with the attached financing plan and approved by the City Atto ney. B. Final approval of plans an specifications by the City Engineer. 2. Motion to deny approval of the fi al plat of the Spirit Hills subdivision. . City Council Agenda - 06/09/03 STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator recommends alter ativc I. If all goes well with development or Hillside Farms, according to the develope it is likely that development of the R-l A will be soon to follow. Also, there is an outsid chance that platting and development of the R-l A area could occur prior to Hillside Fa ms development if necessary easements for utilities through Hillside Farms can be obt ined and if a satisfactory and economical interim plan for managing storm water can be established. SUPPORTING DATA Project Finance Plans Final plat . . Summary of expenses S irit Hills Town Home June 6, 2003 Draft . Estimates only Area Charges and Assessments - Town horn Total Acres Total Housing Units 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Total Park Dedlcallon Area Provided 14 Park Dedication Required (10%) 15 Park Dedication Deficiency 16 Park DediGation Deficiency as a percent of total 17 Park Dedication per lot gross 18 Net Park Park Dedication Per Unit After Credit for Park Land 19 20 21 Pathway - $229 per unit Park Dedication Provided (based on total acreage both dev) Oullot C Olitlot 0 Knoll Shultz pathway easement area 22 23 Sanitary Sewer 24 Meadow Oaks Bypass 25 26 Fenning Avenue Rflconstruction 21 28 Watermain 29 Watermain - Little Mountain Booster Station 30 31 Storm Sewer (net acres) 32 33 TOlal amOunt to Assess 34 35 Per lot Assessment based on 52 Units 36 37 .38 City FeeS/Deposit 39 40 41 City Fee ( General overhead and Adrnln) Flat rate 42 (Does not include grading) 43 44 legal and Planning (Does not Include grading) 45 46 Engineering and Inspection (Does not Include Grading) 47 48 Engineering and InspeclIon - Grading Share 49 SO Total City Fees/DapoSlts 51 52 Letter of Credit Calculation 53 Construction Costs .-- For Example Only Estimate Percent 54 55 56 57 58 Site Grading S9 Sanitary Sewer 60 WatermaJn 61 Storm Sewer 62 Roads Driveways and sidewalks 63 Retaining Walls 64 Landscaping 65 66 Construction total (for purpose of calculating other fees) 67 68 Other iems included in security. 69 70 71 Developer's record draWings 72 lot Corners/Iron Monuments 73 74 75 Total 76 .~i ~::::':~C~~:::~eo~:~~:~~~' ::::: ~::::tance and bond 0.12 0.13 2.80 0.25 3.30 4.11 081 19.71% $868 $171 $20,610 $1 ,000 ?? . ??? $2,060 15.8 $32,548 $0 $1,800 15 8 $28440 $0 $1,620 158 $25596 $0 $2,214 15.8 $34,981 $0 $5,405 11.3$61,077 $2 ,388 2.00% 2.00% 700% 2.00% $300 1000% THo 158 90 R1A Total 25,3 41,1 52 Acreage Acres Charge Gross Cr dits Expense area only. Net Assessment Formula./Notes Hillside prairie/flower resto $15,395.91 Based On 90 units $5,61000 Complete credit for NIS COnnect Credit for CSAH 118 Path7 $32,548 00 $28,44000 $80.275.00 845" $95 $25,59600 $34,981.20 Includes 4% Increase Since 1999 $34,688 50 $257,53461 $2,86150 90 $15,268 Flat Rate $17,788 Fees reconciled at end $53,438 Fees reconciled at end $2,520 $86494.00 Paid at initiation of project Canst Cost $126,000 $107,900 $88,800 $174900 $298.700 $93100 TBD $889,400 $0 Included in security $27 000 $916,400 $1,145,500 Can be reduced $114550 lots 90 51-1 Summary of expenses Draft S 'lsR1A June 6, 2003 Estimates only . Area Charges and Assessments - R1A are only. 1 Total Acres 2 Total Housing Units 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Total Park Dedication Area Provided 14 Park Dedication flequired (10%) 15 Park Dedication Deficiency 16 Park Dedication Deficiency as a percent of total 17 Park Dedlcalion per lot gross 18 Net Park Park Dedication Per Unit After Credit for Park Land 19 20 21 Pathway - $229 per unit 22 23 Sanitary Sewer 24 Meadow Oaks Bypass 25 26 Fenning Avenue Reconstruction 21 28 Watermain 29 Watermain - Little Mountain Booster Station 30 31 Storm Sewer (net acres) 37 33 "T ota! amount to Assess 34 35 Per lot Assessment based on 52 Units e:: City Fees/Deposit R1A 25.3 52 THome 158 90 T tal 1,1 Acreage Acres Gras Credits Net Charge Exp n5e Assessment Formula./Notes 0.12 0.13 2.80 0.25 3.30 Hillside prairie/flower resto 4.11 0.81 19.71% $868 $171 $8,895.42 Based on 52 units $1 ,908 $0 $11,908.00 Credit provided wITH Pro) $2 060 25.3 $5 ,118 $0 $52,11800 $1,800 25.3 $4 ,540 $0 $45,540 00 $85,785 00 903' . $95 $1.620 25.3 $4 ,986 $0 $40,986 00 $2,214 253 $56,014 $0 $56,01420 Includes 4% increase since 1999 $5.405 20.1 $108641 $4,575 $104,065.50 $405,31212 $7,794.46 Park Dedication Provided (based on total acreage both dev) Outlot C Outlot 0 Knoll Shultz pathway eassment area 39 40 41 City Fee ( General overhead and Admin) Flat rate 42 (Does not Include grading) 43 44 tegal and Planning (Does not Include grading) 45 46 Engineering and Inspection (Does not Include Grading) 47 48 fnglneering and Inspection - Grading Share 49 50 Total City Fees/DepoSits 51 2.00% 2,00% 7.00% 200% 52 Letter of Credit Calculation 53 S4 Construction Costs On For Example Only 55 Estimate 56 Percent 57 58 Site Grading 59 Sanitary Sewer 60 Watermaln 61 Storm Sewer 62 Roads Driveways and sidewalks 63 Retaining Walls 64 Landscaping 65 66 Construction total (for purpose of calculating other fees) 67 68 Other iems included in security. 69 70 71 Developer's record drawings 72 Lot Corners/Iron Monuments $300 73 74 .5 Total ~ Letter of Credit Amount (Total cost X 125%) 78 79 Maximum allowable reduction prior to acceptance and bond 10,00% $17,494 Flat Rate $21,334 Fees reconCiled at end $61,229 Fees reconciled at end $3,840 $100,05700 Paid at initiation of project Const Cost $192,000 $149,400 $184,000 $179,000 $328100 $34,200 TBD $1,066,700 $0 Included in security $15,600 $1,082,300 $1,352,875 Can be reduced $135,288 ,-5 t+ ~ ~ ~ 1ft ~: i~ ~ ~ !:: 'l' ~... ~15 ~ ~'t. ~~ I '!C 1Di ~ ~; ~~ i ~I ;~ i.. III !lll a:~ ~ ~; ~~ i ~; iHn .. ~ ~~ ~; .~ ~ ~ !~ o~ . !i -' ...~ .... .. ,. r "t r , . '" "-[ ~ ; i ;....1 [1111i\,IL '....11 L l...... &..J I I ~'" . . "''''... ~:.- ~;" lll~" -~ ~ w z ~ ~ ~ ~ (/) :il i! ~ ~ ~ ~ '2' " ::> I is " ~ '5 ~~~ ~~t;1 .<< 1:!~u c-~., ~ or- 5 CJ::.q-a ...NU ~U~ 8~~ w..~ zo~ \ \ \ - , r"", r[ ... :l,..' _-./~--'L .1.(-,' w", I ~w ..Z Ow ~;S ::0.. IO ~~ Ow zZ I , ........ I . \ 81 '" . 'ft.>\i ~ I I ~I :~~~ ;~ I ~\ 11"~::l :J""';>{~ 1i1~. r.1:: \.,l ,. ~~ S~ z: ~ At "LZ,rO-aD s 'It ~ Rz~'" \ I"" I ., \ \ 0; ------\--~ ~ ,~> I \ ~ ~1 \ I;' - V' l?l 13 .10,lo./O 51 C . _ ... - - - r .~ III oo'liZ/ - - - - - ~- 00 ~.. - 5 I '" J 00 iiI 10 _._.~g. ~l- -T"^'-~ '0, I- I ~8 ~ a I I' >' ~~ ~ 1 I <>-~ ---.............. j~~ .tI.i.....to." ;J ;: ~. ~~ ;1 J L -~" __,__ oS.2:~~ --. --, l6'6~1 ~ At ..OO,S/.IO ~ ' 1M .IO,lo./O ' ~ ]N JHl ..:10 ~ 3N JHl JO 13]..:1 OO"G6tt........... 153M 3Hl ..:10 3NI'l 15;:113 --- arz I Y M .f'Y.oo.lO S 13 .;;.00./0 r.1 ~. ",10", ~.." ~ ~;s; ~ ~~- .... - \ I .:to;:.;:: ~Ow lY...,-)4!= 0", Z""f~ ...~ ~ ~~o ~ "" < o lD I- o ... I- ::I o , ~'>-' /~ ( , ~/ ~~ ~ ..If!. :C. tii! "'- ~ l1! ~~ w. :~ ~I..L. ..0 0", "'''' ~.2: "'''' OI u~ "' .. <nO l "- -, " oll) (.)0::: Z~ -Z ..< Z..J 00.. Cf)- QlI) C~ :I~ oesa::: ::J :,.(/) ...1* iIJ(/) Offi % I.!..' (.)~ Cf)~ " [1 , " \..) '-" ~ -. ( ~-i ..... J '-; ~ I r_., ~"".1 1..-.. "-.. "-''''1 ,,_.. I.. 'Y .:; l_. .::, " co o '" ... z ... co o ,~ z ::0 I ~ I / 8 .,; "' '" l-'" ."", .,,!"> ." ~~ :!~ <e . A. . Council Agenda - 6/9/03 7. Public Hearin - Consideration of ado tin annexation ordinances annexin those ro erties known as the Wild Mcadow develo ment. (R W) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: I On F c bmary 24, 2003, the City Council approvel~ a joint resolution supporting the annexati o~ of a number of parcels 01 land that make up the proptsed development known as WIld Meadow. [he resolution supporting the annexation included a irective to proceed via annexation by ordinance in the event that the Township did not adopt the joint I' solution. This joint resolution was presented to the Township Board on March 3, 2003. The Township Board did not act on the petition either for or against but noted concerns about the 1100d plain and the impact of drainage from the development area into County Ditch #33. Since the plat will redu e drainage into Ditch #33. the concerns do not appear to be relevant. The developer then requested th t since the Township would not act on the joint resolution, the City annex the property per direction given by the City Council on February 24,2003. The parcels comprising the Wild Meadow devel pment and identified as the Husak parcel, Bauer parcel, Tyler A parcel and Tyler B parcel are co ered in two annexation requests; one of 44.23 acres and the other of 49.61 acres. Notice has been given to the abutting property owners as required by statute. The City is required to conduct the pub ic hearing, prior to acting on the annexation ordinance. Please note that this project continues to struggl with final design issues relating to storm water management and park development. Not all oft e conditions noted in the preliminary plat approval have been satisfied therefore the plat is in a bit 0 a holding pattern. City Council could take the position that the annexation bc tabled until futur progress is made on conditions of approval. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. The Council upon conclusion of the publ c hearing, may take action to approve the annexation ordinances and to forward them to the M nicipal Boundary Adjustment. 2. Council could table pending satisfaction f preliminary plat conditions. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. . It is the recommendation of City staff that the an exation ordinances for the Wild Meadow development he approved and forwarded to the unicipal Boundary Adjustment. SUPPORTING I>A T A: Ordinance No. 389 & 390 City Council Minutes of 2/24/03 Supporting An exation City Council Minutes of 2/24/03 on Prel iminary lat . CITY OF MO TICELLO WRIGHT COUNT , MINNESOTA ORDINANC NO. 389 AN ORDINANCE IN THE C TY OF MONTICELLO ANNEXING LAND LOCATED IN T E TOWN OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA T THE CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PlJRSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES 4 4.033 SUBDIVISION 2 ADMITTING ANNEXA 1'1 N BY ORDINANCE . WHEREAS, the property described on the attached Ex ibit A is not presently within the corporate limits of any incorporated city, WHEREAS. this property is surrounded by the corpora e limits of the City of Monticello and the property is deemed to be urban or suburban in character; and WHEREAS, the propel1y described in Exhibit A contai s approximately 49.61 acres and is vacant land containing no population, WHEREAS: the City held a public hearing on the matte on the 9th day of June. 2003 and provided 30 days written notice by certified mail to the Township of Mo ticello and to all landowners within and contiguous to the area described in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS. the property described in Exhibit A does n t lie in a flood plain or shoreland; NOW THEREFORE iT IS' HEREBY ORDAINED BY T E CiTY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO. MiNNES'OTA: 1. Territory Annexed: The corporate limits of the City of Monticello are hereby extended to include the unplatted property described on the attached ~xhibit A. - 2. Filing: The City Clerk is directed to file certifie copies of this ordinance with the Secretary of state, the County Auditor of the county in which the pnperty is located, the Town Clerk of the afTected township and the Municipal Boundary A~justme ts. . . . Effective Date of Annexation: This ordinanc filing of certified copies as directed in Section Adjustments. I Adopted by the City of Monticello this 9th day of June 2003. " -) . takes effect upon its passage and publication, the and approval by the Municipal Roundary Bruce Thielen, Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfstcller, City Administrator . . . EXHI IT A TO ORDINA CE NO. 389 TYLER S UTH A (Tyler South A) The Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 19 and the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 18. all in Township 121, Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota lying northeasterly of the northeasterly right of way line oflnterstate 94 xeept the West 432.00 feet of said East Halfofthe Southeast Quarter. Also the North 25 feet of the East 22 rods of the est Half of the SOlltheast Quarter of Section 18, Township 121, Range 24, Wright County, M i nnes ta. . CITY OF M NTICELLO WRIGHT COVN Y, MINNESOTA ORlnNAN E NO. 390 AN ORDINANCE IN THE ~ITY O~' MONTICELLO ANNEXING LANn LOCATED IN HE TOWN OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA 0 THE CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINN SOT A PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES 14.033 SVBDIVISION 2 ADMITTING ANNEXA l' ON BY ORDINANCE . WHEREAS, the property described on the attached E hibit A is not presently within the corporate limits of any incorporated city, WH ER EAS, this property is surrounded by the corpor te limits of the City of Monticello and the property is deemed to be urban or suburban in character; and WHEREAS, the property described in Exhibit A conta'ns approximately 44.23 acres and is vacant land containing no population, WHEREAS, the City held a public hearing on the matt r on thc 9th day of June, 2003 and provided 30 days written notice by certified mail to the Township of M nticello and to all landowners within and contiguous to the area described in Exhibit A; and WHEREAS. the property described in Exhibit A does ot lie in a flood plain or shoreland; NOW THEREFORE iT is HEREBY ORDAINED BY T E CiTY COUNCiL OF MONTlCELUJ, MINNESOTA: . 1. Territory Annexed: The corporate limits of th City of Monticello are hereby extended to inelude the unplatted property described on the attached Exhibit A. 2. Filing: The City Clerk is directed to file certifie copies of this ordinance with the Secretary of state, the County Auditor of the county in which the p operty is located, the Town Clerk of the aHccted township and the Municipal Boundary Adjustm nts. I - I . . . 3. Effective Date of Annexation: This ordina ce takes effect upon its passage and publication, the filing of certified copies as directed in Secti n 2 and approval by thc Municipal Boundary Adjustments. Adopted by the City of Monticello this 9'h day of !ltc, 2003. Bruce Thielen, Mayor ATTEST: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator _ __ ___J . . . EXHI IT A TO ANNEXATION RDINANCE NO. 390 (HlJSAK/BAlJER/TYLE SOUTH A PROPERTY) (Husak Property) That part of the West Half of the Southeast Qua cr of Section 18, Township 121, Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota, lying Northeasterly l' the Northeasterly right-of-way line of Interstate 94 and West and North of the following described I ne: Commencing at the Northwest corner of aid West Half of the Southeast Quarter; thence East along the North line of said est Half of the Southeast Quarter a distance of887.75 feet to the actual poin of beginning ofa line to be described; thence South deflecting 89 de rees ] 9 minutes 38 seconds right, a distance of 66.0 feet; thence West deflecting 89 degrees] 9 minutes 38 seconds right, a distance 01'307.05 feet; thence S uth deflecting 9] degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds left:, a distance of76 .62 feet to the Northeasterly right-of-way line of Interstate 94 and the e terminating. (Bauer Property) That part of the West Half of the Southeast Qua er of Section 18, Township 121, Range 24, lying Northeasterly of the Northeasterly right-of-way I ne of Interstate 94 and East and South of the following described line: Commencing at the Northwest corner of 'aid West Half of the Southeast Quarter; thence East along the North line of said est Half ofthe Southeast Quarter, a distance of 887.75 feet to the actual poin of beginning of a line to be described; thence South deflecting 89 degrees 19 mi utes 38 seconds right, a distance of 66.0 feet; thence West deflecting 89 degr es 19 minutes 38 seconds right, a distance 01'307.05 feet; thence South de eeting 91 degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds left, a distance of 760.62 feet to the Nort easterly right-of-way line of Interstate 94 and there terminating, except the North 25 fe t of the East 363.0 feet of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter and subject to the r' ght-of-way of the township road over the North side thereof. Except that part of the West Half of the Southea" t Quarter of Section 18, Township 121, Range 24, lying Northeasterly of the N ortheasterl y right -01'- ay line of Interstate 94 and West and North of the following described line: Commencing at the Northwest corner of aid West Half of the Southeast Quarter; thence East along the North line of said est Half of the Southeast Quarter, a . . . distance of 887.75 feet to the actual poin of beginning of a line to be described; thence South del1ecting 89 degrees 19 m nutes 38 seconds right, a distance of 66.0 feet; thence West del1ecting 89 deg ees 19 minutes 38 seconds right, a distance of307.05 feet; thence South de ecting 91 degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds left, a distance of 760.62 feet to the Nort easterly right-or-way line oflnterstate 94 and there terminating. (Tyler South B) The West 432.0 feet of the East Half of the Sout east Quarter of Section 18, Township 121, Range 24, lying North ofI-94, Wright County, Minnes ta. . . . ,}- Council Minutes - 2/24/03 2)Move to approve the preliminary lat subject to submittal of all data required in Section 11-2 of the Subdivision Ordinance, pproval of the PUD/CUP and comments of the City Engineer and Public Works Director D. Consideration of Ordinance No. 385 annexing remnant parcel - Wolters property. Recommendation: Adopt Ordinanc No. 385 annexing a 66' strip of property that is surrounded by the city limits. E. Consideration of adopting ajoint res lution supporting annexation of the area encompassed by the proposed 93.84 acre Wild Me dow subdivision. Recommendation: Move to accept the petition for annexation an to adopt a joint resolution supporting annexation of the 93.84 acre area with the stafl bei g directed to submit the joint resolution to Monticello Township for review and adoption. In the event that the Township does not support said annexation, staff is directed to initiat annexation by ordinance as outlined by state statutes. Said motion is contingent on City Council acceptance of the utility study f()f this area. F. Consideration of a development stag planned unit development, rezoning from AO to R-I. R-2 and R-2A and a preliminary plat for the Wild Meadow subdivision. Applicant: Lois & Eugene Bauer: Tyler South LLC: Vir rinia & Earl Husak: Mark Gergen & Associates/Bruggeman Properties, L C. Recommendation: 1 )Move to approve the rezoning from AO to R-l ,R-l A and -2 based on the finding that the proposal is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan: 2)Mo e to approve the planned unit development conditional use permit subject to the following c nditions: 1. 0 K.... All lot dimensions and easements ar to be shown on the site plan. "') DIL. The applicant should cover costs ass ciated with improvements to Gillard Avenue. 951h A venue ($] 10.000/2) and Haug Ave ue ($135.000/2) in order to support the increased traffic caused by this development. These c sts have been assembled and provided to the developer. It is likely that they will be IIlcorporated into the assessment program fClf each lot. ., ,). OOl\t The dead end on Meadow Brook Lan should be eliminated and possibly redesigned including a connection from 95th Street to the p tential frontage road. 4. ():I~ The dead end on Golden Meadow ro d should be eliminated and redesigned. 5. ~ The standard in both ROWand pave area throughout the project is subject to comments from Oil the City Engineer and Public Works irector. :'~,.J,I"A An elevation plan showing benning. ~.- Osubmitted and reviewed by city staff. ;is., ncing and landscaping along Interstate 94 is to he 7. .;J- A sidewalk/trail is to be shown on the site plan running east/west along 95'h Street. pO ., .J 2- . . . Council Minutes - 2/24103 J'fl f\ t 8. t, The Parks Commission recommen ations relating to patlmay and park land provisions are met including recommendations on gra ing the entrance to the park from the RO\V. 9. 11~D Building elevations demonstrate c mpliance with applicable city objectives including minimizing the impacts of street-fr nt garage doors. a variety of roof designs and to ensure that proper structure separation exists. 10. The City approve the vacation ofe. isting side lot line drainage and utility easements. I 1180Approval of grading and drainage i sues by the City Engineer and Public Works Director 12. Approval of grading and drainage p an as it affects Ditch #33 and the wetlands by the Wright County Soils & Conservation Distri t. 13. eJJ Modifications of plat name and stre t names to assure distinct identity in order to enhance the /( ability of emergency personnel and thers to locate residences. 14/lIfiReview and approval of plan by p,.ln OT. 15. 'le>ODeveloprnent of a plan showing vari tion in roof lines for the townhome development area. 16. 0 Developer funding of sanitary sewer lift station necessary to serve site and dc\clopment of 10 owrall finance plan consistent with 'ity policies. 17. Establishment of I (one) street parki g space for every three (3) townhomes. 18. pc.--9 City Council acceptance of the relate feasibility study outlining design and cost to serve the development. 3) \p~otion to approve the prelimi ary plat for Wild Meadow as presented subject to approval of the PUD/CUP. G. Consideration of a request for a devel pment stage PUD and preliminary plat for Home Depot. Applicant: Home Depot. Rec mmcndation: Move to recommend approval of the preliminary plat and development stag PUD based on a finding that changes are necessary to make the proposal consistent with t e City's planning and zoning objectives. Conditions of approval to include the following: I. Provision for right turn lane along Cedar Street at Chelsea Road and elimination of the row of parking in that area. Spaces removed ith this requirement could be replaced with stalls taken from landscaped proof of parking area. 2. Provision of a final landscaping plan t City stafffor review including landscaping areas at the front ofthc building. 2:'.< ' 3. Changes are made to the seasonal sales area by requiring painting of galvanized fencing. 4. The revised sign package would be ace ptable as proposed based on the extraordinary size of the site and building. The height (60') nd size (392 sq. ft) ofthc pylon sign approved based on the overall sign program which incl des consolidation of sign age on one pylon. elimination 4 L . . . 8. Public Hearin - Consideration of a re ro ert I in in Section 14 Townshi A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Counci I Agenda - 6/9/03 easement on As part of Project No. 95-03C which cons ructed utility and street improvements on School Boulevard, a blanket easement lor roadwa and utility purposes was obtained from OcelIo LLC covering land lying in Section 14, Townsh'p 121 North, Range 25 West. This property was later platted into the Monticello Business Cente. The easement contains the provision that upon completion of the project and upon Ocello recording a final plat with all necessary casements, this blanket easement would be released. App rent1y when the Monticello Business Center plat was recorded the release of the casement was 0 erlooked. Since that time portions of Monticello Business Center have been replatted into t e Monticello Business Center Second Addition and the Autumn Ridge development. The blanke casement issue came up in the title work then and has again come up in title work for Outlot A 0 the Monticello Business Center Addition. Easements were included in the plats of M nticello Business Center, Autumn Ridge and Monticello Business Center Second Addition and the assumption is that the casements recorded as part of the plats cover any easements needed by the Ci y. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Approve the vacation of the roadwa and utility easement as described in Document #590041 affecting property lying in 'ection 14, Township 121 North, Range 25 West subject to verification by the City El gineer that no portion of the blanket easement needs to be retained. 2. Do not approve the vacation of the e sement. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the blanket easement obtained as part of Project No. 95-03C be released. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of easement document. foltn No. :l1.M.- 0\111 CI,AIM (Jl:tu "'fllllll'~"l.'l 1 Jlllf(mll (;(111\'1':1' lI..-111J! lll'\llh~ ~ 1 !l7R) CI1IIH1ITllhlfl {I, l'mlr'l~r~h'l> 10 COlpOI;JUOn flr rvnnnr~hip . No d('linqllf~lIl t;L'<(~~ alid t.rnll~fcr (~l1lcrt'd.~,e(.~t~(icntl~ of If pal E~l.:,l.e Value ( ) filt'd ( nol, n'qllil'l'd (;erUrkatc or Itl'ill )i;sl.llLe VUIIIC _'.'.__m._.__'_____ .__,IH 5~0041 - ------:-r 'r (If I : ~. ~ , ' . l' r~ ----- I /'// ~y~-~-=-=====-=-=-=---- COllnty l\udiLor 9Ci IW\ 1 'I I'I"! 2: IS ...[kl,uly., n'\SCl^I,Y'\.Y I.'}'.'../) 1.:t.eURorr BysA<:ljifj)nrrtlT\ "1. /1, ",/'t,,<.~ 11:'1 ~':" ST^'IT 1)1':1':1) T^X 1..llJE IIEIl-EON: :I; ""Ie: , I!J .9~.. _J).Ily 24 1''(1Il V ^LlIAIII,E C:ON811J1';Il-^,1'I0N. _ ..Q_\C.'tU<2.__1..!,"____ u~.;;.-~N-li-;ite~l~;~iii ty vO~~~~~k.~~;W*.~.)-i !; illl(J {lllit(~ltlim~ l.o_._,_t\]'..Q.._,f.!.."t..Y_..2!_.___,_,. u.n,_..._,_ I nr<HI",(lf~; ,rral propel'I:,' in _..____.t.b.c._LJnit.e.d_....s_t,a..tstl;i,_.____ ,(:r.lIltt)I', hcn~l)y COllVf' MonticellO _.. . ..!;.Q_~PQ%..~.!.iQ...~__.._..______,__ nWri.9ht__. undN th~ II1W~ or __ i~~_,_~~:~~~,~__9_~'_Mj_~i~I.~~..?~~~_.__._._ ...__.___,_,..CoLlnly, Mi 1llcsola, dp~erihp.d il~ f()IIOW1:;: ^ blMl.ket roadway and utility easement requir d in conjunction with Project 95-03(: (SchoOl Roulevard). The blank.et easement is cross the ent.iz::e area oncornpas,sed by the f(.)llowing l<~gal description: PARCEl, 1\: The Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarts puartet:" and the NO"I."th 10 .o:cres of the Southwe all in Secti.on 14, 'l\ownship 121 NorthJ Range lyiny east of tll.e Easterly line of the Right- 25i EXCEP'rING therefrom all that part thereof described line: and the E:a.st Half of the SouthwES!st t Quarter of the Southwost Qu~rter, 5 West {Wright County, MinnesotaL f-way of State '.c,r'iJnk lIighway No. l.ying Southorly of the followlnq . (CaNT INlJED ON !lACK...) 'If rm)l~ ~pnr:iJ is 11r.~ded, OllHrlll~ (lIll.l<1f:q ,,,',",,' ,~:,,' ~"'.:.::'''..,''...,",~::''.,.."....,,... ,.,..,"'; :~~::~OLr,s_ ___________ Ily __ _' ,_-<:'''~~ '" :~~ ':~':~"c"" "''''''0' ST^TE OF ~IINN.E.S.'~'J.'~ ..... .} . ....----------- COUNTY OF ___C:V!'<...'/{",ILC___ s<. j I T?d1'" n'''f:ph,g ,va, "c:~not/~g"d hefQreme this _&5.'~ day Qf _...::-J~ )'fc::.._____ , U!'Z)_-. 'y__ tllJj)II(/, ----,...L-j lJ-J_leIJ,'_.t~______",""d--- q---- 1110._. '-lli"cLcllJiU\i.it<<=--- . ... ... and ----------------. .. __________n :;;Hi~;-S:;;i.~ ;,'i ~~-~if]ku~tL_ii~1IT='":~~=~ "~hnl~;,;~;;-~~:i~-~Jf1~:lliIr:;1~~t~~~V: ~I - t'IOJ"AltIA!.. ,'HAMI' OR S~^I, (Oil OTIIEIl"'IT',"~ oil HANI{) ,1;;......,") ,\.~ (' 'j .'.,,, .___' _:f.L il,,>..':ft..U '!:;,k"- KAREN DOTY ~IGN Ttm (If rl~ltfi()N T^K'Ny.;,:KN6wiJ~i,)(;'Mi':NT' e.. -.' NOTARYf'U9UC-M'NNESOTA TII,,," t:'!t17I11I~lIt~ fnr 'hll tl'fl! 11~"I\lJrty (]!,~~f~rll;l'cI III u,,~ In,hmlll'lIf ~h')\lhl . . ,'_ wmGHT COUNTY hn ~~ It t~1 (Indudt' !lA'III' 1I1~'1 ',t.Jur.~.'I:l Hf ''In'~~f'~}~ ... My Comml.."", E<l>'''' Jan. 31, 1000 I TillS IN.'>'I'HUt>lI'.""r WA,", JJnAJ"'1'F,U nl' (N ^Mfo~ AND ^ 111)lt,,~."$): I . ., City of Monticello I 2~O East Broadway PO !lox 114" Monticello, MN 55362 . I I --~-~ I <'3 CONTINUED ,'ROM "RON'r... Commencing at the SOUthQ8St cornar 0 sald Southwest Ql.W,r;'t~,c; thence On eJ.Tl aS3umed bearing of North 0 degrees 0 nd.nute6 17 seconds E~'lst alony the East line of said Southwest Quarter {or ~ d15tance of 50.00 feet to the actual Point of Beginning of the lino to be hereby Q(~M(~J:"i.bed; I'.henc;~~ South W) C1eyrec!'3 33 mir\utes 54 seconds West, along a ine to be t~ereafter krlown a~ "f,ir19 #'" foe the purposes of this description for a dist~nce of 17?24 feet; ttlence North 63 degrees 45 minutes 10 sacan Is West, ,~"long ~), .'I.1.ne to be her.'eatter:- krwwn as "'(Jine #2" for the purposes .f th:ls descr."iptionj for a distance of 677.111 feet; thence South 76 (legrees iJO minutes 32 sccond.8 West for <:l fHsti1rl.cp. of 329.6~ feet; thenco North 63 degr eS ~5 mirlutes 10 seconds West for a c]lstarlce of 725.00 feet; thence Nurt ~ riegrees 01 minute 42 seconds W~st for a dlstance of 53.22 feet; thance l\lo,~tll 63 degrees 4~:' minutes 10 seconds West for Q distance of 1006.69 feett more or lesst to intersQct the West linQ of said Southwest Quat:ter and there ermin.:!te. . PARCEL B; The South 30 acres of the Southwest. Quart r of the Southwest QI)~,rter of Section 14, 'l'ownship 121 North, Range 25 West (Wr ght CountYI Minnesota); EXCEPTING therefrom al,1. that part thereof lying Southerly of he following described l..lne: Commencing at the Southeast corner 0 said Southwest 911clr.tec; thence on an assumed bea.ring of No.cth 0 degrees 0 minutes 17 ~econd5 El"ist. along the East Ii.fie of said SOI!thwest Quartf!.r. fot" a distanco o( 50.00 feet to the actual Point of B@ginning of the line to bo hereby desGt'thed; thence South 89 (]Q~Jn~p.~ 33 minutes 54 SQconds West, along a ine to be hereafter ~lown as "Lina #1" for tho purposes of tllis description, for a distance of 172.24 feet; therlce North 63 deQcees 45 minutes 10 secan S West along a line to be l1~reaft~r known as ItLine #:)11 fo't' the purpos@s of thi. description, for a d:lstutlce of 67"/.41 feet; therlce South 76 degrees 40 ruin tes 32 sQconds West (O~ a distance of 329.65 feet; thent;e No,rth 63 dogree$ 45 minutes 10 seconds We.!;it tot:" a distance of 725.00 feet; therlce North 6 degre s 01 minute 42 seconds West for a dictallCQ of 53.22 feet; thence North 63 degre s 45 minutes 10 seconds WODt for a (listi~rl~e of 1006.69 feet, more or loss, to in etsect thQ West lirle of said Southwest Quarter and there terminate. UPUII GOlnpletiull of development of public the recO["ding of a final plat that oontai of d~velQper, the <:1 ty ahall execute .:Hl a rQl0~~irIY its eascmant i~lte~e5t, oxcept ~. f'or the publlG improvements identifi('td on . . mp,["ovellil;!r~ l. pL'oject as d(lSCi. J.lJ~d i)rid upon a all necessa..r.y easements, ano UpOI\ request propriate dOGumen't in recordable .fo.t.:'"lII to those portions of proparty n~)(;~515iH.Y the final plat. f D . . . 9. Council Agenda - 6/9/03 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: arts of On March 31, 2003, the 2003 Minnesota State Bui ding Code and the 2003 Minnesota State Fire Code became effective statewide. The new Minnesota B lilding Code includes the 2000 International Building Code (IBC) and the International Residential Code IRC) as amended by the State. The new Minnesota State Fire Code is based on the 2000 Edition of the International Fire Code (I FC), also as amended by the State. The Minnesota State Building Code and the innesota State Fire Code apply statewide and supercede local building and fire code ordinances. t is necessary for the City to adopt the new codes to l~tcilitate enforcement and to establish a permit fce "chedule. The 1997 Unif()fJl1 Building Code fee schedule has een in eHect since 1998. No changes in the fee ""- schedule Jor building permits are proposed. Fee scl edules are no longer published within thc content of the bui Idlllg codes and must be independently by munic' palities. Various lees and permits are considered by the new 'ire Code. Any fees to be charged would be as dctermined under the fee schedulcs presently adopte by the City, including the Building Permit Fee Schedule. The attached ordinance shows all provisions that are to bc repealed by strike out, and all provisions to be adopted by underline. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: A. Motion to: Adopt Ordinance Number 2003-391, amending Title 4 Building Regulations; amending Sections 4-1-2, 4-1- , and 4-1-4; repealing Chapter 4 Uniform Housing Code; repealing Chapter 5 Ab tement of Dangerous Buildings; amending Title 5 Fire Regulations; amending CI apter 1 Fire Code; amending Section 5-1-], 5-] -2, 5-1- 3 and 5-1-9; and, repealin Sections 5-1-4, 5-] -5, 5-1-6, 5-1-7 and 5-] -8. B. Motion to: (Take some other course (~l(7(.t"on to be determined by City Council). C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council move Altern tive Action A. above. . . . City COLlncil Agenda _ D. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit II. - Copy of ordinance changes indicatinb strikeout and underlined changes Exhibit B - Copy of proposed Ordinance NUl11bf 2003-391. 2 . TILE 4 BUILDING EUULA nONS Building Code Multiple Dwellings Swimming Pool Regulations UII~follu Ilutbing CoJe . MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE 2 <"l -, 4- 5 C\\\ . . . SECTION: 4-1-1; 4-1-2: 4-1-3: 4-1-4: 4-1-5: 4-1-6 : 4-] -7: 4-] -8: 4-1-1 : 4-1-2: CHAPTER 1 BUIU ING CODE Intent and Purpose Building Code Application, Administration, and Enforcement Permits and Fees Fire Zone Districts Violations and Penalties Effective Date of Ordinance Plumbing Permit Regulations INTENT AND PURPOSE: An ord nance adopting the Minnesota State Building Code. This ordinance pro ides for the application, administration, and enforcement of the Minnesota State Building Code by regulating the erection, construction, enlargement, alteratio ,repair, moving, removal, demolition, conversion, occupancy, equipment, Ise, height, area, and maintenance of all buildings and/or structures in the cit of Monticello; provides for the issuance of permits and collection of fees thereof; provides penalties llJr violation thereot; repeals all ordinances and parts of 0 dinances that conflict therewith. BUILDING CODE: The Minnesota State Building Code, established pursuant to Minnesota Statutes] 68.59 to 16 .75, is hereby adopted as the building code for this jurisdiction. Such code, its s Ipplernents, amendments, additions, addenda, alterations, subtractions, an revisions as currently adopted and which may in the future be adopted and inc rporated as part of the code, is hereby eonlirmed as the building code ofth City of Monticello and hereby incorporated in this ordinance as if ti lly set out herein. Mildksota RLlle:s. ., ~ " - , " , L_ . ~ 8. 1330 MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE IV/Chpt 1/Page 1 G\\\ ..,.., . ') ( , ') ....., - ., ., -., ') r:AI...<lv<'ttiOll and Glading. ~~~:~~ ~;;I;I~:;::;~~p;~t~:o~~~~~~~ ~ ~~: ~i:I,~~i:~~;;'~~~:I;~, thIs 11.1U1dGlrJallty. . , -, 4-1- 3: . APPLICATION, ADMINISTRATI N, AND ENFORCEMENT: The a lication administration and enfo cement of the code shall be in accordance with the Minnesota State Buildin J C de. The code shall be enforccd within the incorporated limits of the City of Mo ticello, and any extra-territoriallil11its permitted by Minnesota Statute l6B. 2, subdivision I, when so established by this ordinance. '. uthGl tC,vv!1511ip /villagc /G~t} /Guunty. aht is called the dGpal tElcnt of Building Inspections Department. A Minnesota Certified Building Offic'al must be appointed by thc City Council of the City of Monticello to administc the codc (Minnesota Statute 168.65). . MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE IV/Chpt 1/Page 2 C\M 4-1-4: . 4-1- 5: 4-1-6 : 4-1- 7: . 4-1-8: . PERMITS AND FEES: (A) The issuance of permits at d the collection oUces shall be as authorized in Minnesota Statute 16B. 2, suhdivision 1, and as provided for in chapter I of the f-994 199 Uniform Building Code and Minnesota rules parts lJ05,()l 06 and 1305.0 I 07. (B) Permit ices assessed for w )rk governed hy this code shall bc established by the City Council. (C) Surcharge: ^ surcharge fe shall be collected on all permits issued for work governed hy this cod in accordance with Minnesota Statute 16B. 70. FIRE ZONE DISTRICTS: All are s within the city of MonticeHo shall he in Fire Zone #3. VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES: A violation of the code is a misdemeanor (Minnesota Statute] 6B.69). EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDINA CE: The etlective date of this ordinance shal1 be upon publication. (5/8/95, #270) (5/29/84, #135) Prior to the installation by any perso 1, corporation, or public agency, of a system of plumbing that serves any onsiderable number of persons, or any plumbing system that shaH affect th public health in any manner, complete plans and specifications, together wih any additional infi:mnation that the Building Official may require, shall e submitted in duplicate and approved by the Building Official. The appraisal [the Building Official shall reflect the degree to which these plans and spec fications anect the public health and conform to the provisions of the Min esota Plumbing Code. No constructions shaH proceed except in accordance w'th the approved plans. Any alteration or extension of an existing plumbing sy. tern shall he subject to these same requirements. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE IV/Chpt 1/Page 3 C\\\ . . . SeCTION. (2/13/78, #46) MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE IV/Chpt 1/Page 4 C~H . . . ~;[Cl'ION. of Di1II~U OtIs DuiJd~llg5 <.hJuillt...d to tile Dui1ld (,fA!JpCdl5. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE , . , , . , - (6/26/78, #56A) (.. ections 4/],4/2,4/3,4/4, & 4/5 updated 2/23/8], #92) TITLE IV/Chpt S/Page 1 q~ . . . T TLE 5 FIRE REGULATIONS Fire l'le VClltic'l1 Code Fire Lanes Explosives; Blasting Agent Open Burning 2 " ) 4 MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE qA . . . SECTION: 5-1-1: 5-1-2: 5-1-:3. 5-1-7. 5-1-9: 5-1-10: 5-1-1 : 5-1-2: 5-1-3: Uniform Fire Code Enforcement Ddillition~ " , be 1(5tl iGtul " , agent'. i5 to be plol1ibitcd. A IJPG<ih , , Penalties Repeal of conl1icting ordinances CIIAPTER 1 FIRE CODE t UNIfORM FIRE CODE: The Minnesota Uniioll1l State Fire Code (MSFC)-, l(nJ [:dit~OII and all amendments t ereto, one copy of which has been marked as the official copy and which is on file in the office of the City Clerk, is hereby adopted as the fire code for the Cit ftJr the purpose of prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire or explosion. Every provision contained in this c de, except as modified or amended by this ordinance, is hereby adopted and m de a part of this ordinance as if fully set forth herein. ENFORCEMEN'I': (A) The Chief of the Fire Department serving the City or the his representative authorized by him: the Chief shall enforce the provisions of this ordinance. (8) The Chief of the Fire Depart 11ent may detail such members of the Fire Department as inspectors as 'hall from time to time be necessary. The Chief of the Fire Departmen may recommend the employment of technical inspectors who, wI en such authorization is made, shall be selected through an examina ion to determine their fitness for the position. The examination s all be open to members and nonmembers of the Fire Department, and ap ointments made after examination shall be for an indefinite term with re oval only for cause. DEFINITIONS: (A) Wherever the word "jurisdicfon" is used in the Minnesota UliifoUH State Fire Code, it shall be held to can the City of Monticello. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE IV/Chpt 5/Page 3 qf\ . . . (B) Wherever the tenn "Corporation Counsel" is used in the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code, it shal he held to Inean the attorney [-or the City of Monticello. ., , , '- , c , . " . ., ., '- , c , , '- ind(l~tl ial. . " appealed. ., L_ , i' '1"~ , , , c MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE IV/Chpt 5/Page 4 qt\ . . . 5-1-9: 5-1-10: PENAL TIES: (A) Any person who shall viol' te any of the provisions of this eode hereby adoptcd or hlil to comply t lerewith, or who shall violate or fail to comply with any order made therel nder, or who shall build in violation of any detailed statement of speci leations or plans suhmitted and approved thereunder, or any certifiea e or permit issued thereunder, and from which no appeal has been taken, r who shall fail to comply with such an order as affirmed or modified by the City Councilor by a court of competent jurisdiction within the time fixed herein shall severally for each and every such violation and noncom liance respectively be guilty of a misdemeanor . The imposition ofone penalty lor any violation sly 11 not excuse the violation or permit it to continue; and all sLlch pcrs ns shall be required to correct or rcmedy such violations or delects within a reasonablc time; and when not otherwise specified, each day that pro lihited conditions are maintained shall constitute a separate offens . (13) The application of the abov penalty shall not be held to prevent the enforced removal ofprohih ted conditions. REPEAL OF CONFLICTING OR INANCES: All t()[mer ordinances or parts thercof contlicting or inconsistent ith the provisions of this ordinance or of the code hereby adopted arc hereby rep ~aled. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE 1- TITLE IV/Chpt 5/Page 5 qt\ . . . ORDINANCE CITY OFM NTICELLO WRIGHT COUN Y, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE MINNESOTA 'TATEBUIUJINGCODE,PROVIDINGFOR TIlE APPLICATION, ADMINISTRATION AND EN ORCEMENT OF THE MINNESOTA STATE BUILDING CODE, AND REPEALING ALL ORDI ANCES AN D PARTS OF ORDINANCES THAT CONFIJCTTHEREWITlI; AND, ADOPTING THE MINNESOTA STATE FIRE CODE PROVIDING FOR TIlE APPLICATION, ADMINISTRATION ND ENFORCEMENT or TIIE MINNESOTA STATE FIRE CODE, AND REPEALING ALL ORD ANCESAND PARTS OF ORDINANCES THAT CONFLICT Tl-IEREWITII. THE CITY OF MONTICELLO DOES ORDAIN: Title 4 oftlte City Code is hereby amended to read sfo//ows: TIT __E 4 BUILDING R GULATIONS Building Code Multiple Dwellings Swimming Pool Regulatio s {] nii'ullll IIOt15~llg Cude DaltgGlOU& Dtlilding~ I _ 2 ,., .) 4< 5- QD . . Title 4, Chapter 1 (?lthe City Code is hereby amend t! to reat! asfollows: SECTION: 4-1-] : 4-1-2: 4-1-3: 4-1-4 : 4-1-5: 4-1-6: 4-] -7: 4-1-8: 4-1-1: 4-1-2: CHAP" "ER I BUILDIN ' CODE Intent and Purpose Building Code Application, Administration, and 'nfiJreement Permits and Fees Fire Zone Districts Violations and Penalties Effective Date of Ordinance Plumbing Permit Regulations INTENT AND PURPOSE: An or inance adopting the Minnesota State Building Code. This ordinance provides for t 1e application, administration, and enforcement of the Minnesota State Building ~ode by regulating the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, movi g, removal, demolition, conversion, occupancy, equipment, use, height, area, and ma ntenance ofall buildings and/or structures in the city of Monticello; provides for the i suance of permits and collection offees thereof; provides penalties for violation there f; repeals all ordinances and parts ofordinances that conflict therewith. BUILDING CODE: The Minnesot State Building Code, established pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 16B.59 to 16B. 7 ,is hereby adopted as the building code for this jurisdiction. Such code, its suppleme ts, amendments, additions, addenda, alterations, subtractions, and revisions as CUlT ntly adopted and which may in the future be adopted and incorporated as part oft! e code, is hereby confi rmed as the bui Iding code ofthe City of Monticello and hereby incorporated in this ordinance as if fully set out herein. , < M~l1JICSOtd Rules. " " -. , , " < . , ~, , , ~ , . , " " , , "" q~ . . . 4-1-3 : 4-1-4: " " " , , -, , ., -" , "" ., - ., -" , "-, -, APPLICATION, ADMTNISTRATI N, AND ENFORCEMENT: The apnlication, administration and enforcement oft! e code shall be in accordance with the Minnesota State Building Code. The code shall c enJ()rced within the incorporated limits of the City of Monticello, and any extra-te ritorial limits permitted by Minnesota Statute 168.62, subdivision 1, when so cst< blished b this ordinance. 1lhall be <ill) dICit, " , A Minnesota Certified Building Official must be appointed by the City Council ofthe City of Monticello to administer the 'ode (Minnesota Statute 168.65). PERMIT'S AND FEES: (A) The issuance of permits and he collection of fees shall be as authorized in Minnesota Statute 168.62, su division I, and as provided for in chapter 1 of the -t-9-9-4 1997 Uniform Build ng Code and Minnesota rules parts 1305.0106 and 1305.0107. c\b . . . 4-1- 5: 4-1-6: 4-1- 7: 4-1-8: (B) Permit i'ees assessed for wor ~ governed by this code shall be established by the City Council. (C) Surcharge: A surcharge fee hall be collected on all permits issued f(x work governed by this code in ace rdance with Minnesota Statute 16B.70. FIRE ZONE DISTRICTS: All area' within the city of Monticello shall be in Fire Zone #3. VIOLATIONS AND PENAI;rlES A violation of the code is a misdemeanor (Minnesota Statute 16B.69). EfFECTIVE DATE Of ORDlNAN _E: 'fhe effective date ofthis ordinance shall be upon publication. Prior to the installation by any perso 1, corporation, or public agency, of a system of plumbing that serves any considerabl numher of persons, or ~my plumbing system that shall affect the public health in an manner, complete plans and specifications, together with any additional informa ion that the Building Official may require, shall be submitted in duplicate and approv d by the Building OHicial. The appraisal oi'the Hui lding 011icial shall reflect the deg ee to which these plans and specifications affect the public health and conform to the p 'ovisions ofthe Minnesota Plumbing Code. No constructions shall proceed except n accordance with the approved plans. Any alteration or extension of an existing lumhing system shall be subject to these same requirements. \.1- C\ -~ . . . Title 4, Chapter 4 of the Ci()! Code is hereby entire~' repealed: SECTION. ~ I UNIfORM 1I0rSING CODe I I , ;- ... , ~~ ~~~,~~~' ~~ ~:':':;';,,~~~~~~a1~r::~:d Couhci I men ,bClS ,hdll be app"j htCJ t" I I C\D . . . Title 4, Chapter 5 of the Ci(V Code is hereby el1tire~ repealed: SECTION. I ADATLMLI;T or DAlrCROlJS DlJlLDlNGS ofDallgclou5 Buildil1e,5 -, , _ L_. L" the Bo,l1d of Appu\l5. C\ \~ . . . Title 5 of the Ci(y Code is hereby amended to read lsfollmvs: TIT E 5 FIRE REG LATIONS Fire PI C v (,lIti(11l Code Fire Lanes Explosives; Blasting Agen s Open Burning 2 3 4 q~ . . . Title 5, Chapter I of the Ci(V Code is hereby amende I to read asfollolVs: SECTION: 5-1-1 : 5-1-2: 5-1-3: 5-1-6. 5-1-7. 5-1-9: 5-1-10: 5-1-1 : 5-1-2: 5-1-3: CHAPT:R I UNlrORM FII E COI)E + lJlIifoll'I rire Code Enforcement Definitions "' , I estl ietcd. I [st'ILl~~lull('l1t of liI:li.ts of dish iets illI vvhiclI st01 agc of cxplosi v cs mId blastilIg agel Its L~ to be plOldbltGd. I Appcals , Penalties Repeal of conflicting ordinances LJNII'ORM FIRE CODE: The Min esota UI,ifoll11 State Fire Code (MSFC) , 1973 [dit;Oll and all amendments thereto one copy of which has been marked as the official copy and which is on file in the ot1lce of the City Clerk, is hereby adopted as the fire code fiJr the City for the urpose of prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and pro erty from fire or explosion. Every provision contained in this code, except as m( dified or amended by this ordinance, is hereby adopted and made a part of this ordi lance as if fully set forth herein. ENFORCEMENT: (A) The Chief of the Fire Depart ent serving the City or the hi-s representative authorized by him the Chief shall enforce the provisions of this ordinance. (B) The Chief of the Fire Departnent may detail such members of the Fire Department as inspectors as 'hall from time to time be necessary. The Chief of the Fire Departmen may recommend the employment of technical inspectors who, when such a thorization is made, shall be selected t!lrough an examination to determine their fitness for the position. The examination shall be open to members an nonmembers of the Fire Department, and appointments made after ex, mination shall be for an indefinite term with removal only f(:>r cause. I 1 I I ~herever.t~le word IIjUrisdiejionll is use~ in t~e Min~lesota UIIif\JIIIl State Fire Code, It shall be held to mean the CIty of MontIcello. I ..1 __ c\V) DEfINITIONS: (A) (8) Wherever the term "Corpwation Counsel" is used in the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code. it shall be held 0 mean the attorney for the City of Monticello. . " . . .. ~- ".- 1 ' ~. .- , r ,. k -'l.. L_ exccpt al ca!> LOllcd <l6 ~lldu;',tl~al. . , ~ il1tcl csted PGlS(,lb. . " ..,-., , '- , . , . '- , . ~ ~ '- , . 1"'"'\ - ""'\ .. ., "'I -'L. , '- . "'\ .-,", 0/0 . . . Any person who shall viollte any of the provisions of this code herehy adopted or fail to comply t 1erewith, or who shall violate or fail to comply with any order made there mder, or who shall huild in violation of any detailed statement of speei Ications or plans submitted and approved thereunder, or any certifiCi. te or permit issued thereunder, and from which no appeal has been taken, r who shall fail to comply with such an order as affIrmed or modified by th City Councilor by a court of competent jurisdiction within the tim fixed herein shall severally for each and every such violation and noncon pliance respectively be guilty of a misdemeanor . ...... 5-1-9: PENAU'IES: (A) ,. The imposition of tme penalty for any violation shall not excuse t e violation or permit it to continue; and all such persons shall be required t correct or remedy such violations or defects within a reasonahle time; a ld when not otherwise specified, each day that prohibited conditions are aintained shall constitute a separate offense. (B) The application of the abo e penalty shall not he held to prevent the enl()fced removal of prohi ited conditions. 5-1-10: REPEAL OF CONFLICTING OR INANCES: All former ordinances or parts thereof cont1icting or inconsistent ith the provisions of this ordinance or of the code herehy adopted arc hereby re ealed. This Ordinance shall hecome effective immedi tely upon its passage and publication according to law. 2003. ADOPTED by the Monticello City Cou cil this day of ATTEST: By: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator AYES: NAYS: OF MONTICELLO By: Bruce Theilen, Mayor C\.~ Council Agenda - 06/0912003 . 10. sewer and watcr services. (J .S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND: i The City of Monti eel 10 first instituted its testing requir ments for new sanitary sewer and water services in the summer of 1989, after a rash of nine water servic leaks. It is now almost 14 years later and we can say that the program has been very successful as we ave found approximately 30 leaks over that period of time and have prevented them from becoming ajor problems for the home owners. The testing procedures for residential property ha been somewhat simple whereby once the water inspector gets to the site he llushes and fills the water 'ervice with water and pumps the water line up with a hand pump 150 psi (pounds per square inch). H goes about completing the visual inspection and observes the contractor's air test of the sewer linew . ch is at four psi for four minutes. After about 15 or 20 minutes, the pressure is read in the water service' gain and, ifit remains at 150 psi, the system passes. In the case of commercial services, (the sanitary" ewer service test and the water service test) the contractor actually places these under pressure prior tolour inspector getting on site. The commercial water services are tested at 150 psi for two hours. I Times have changed somewhat since 1989 when we Lsed to do 15 or 20 inspections a year to today when we're installing 225 to 250 services a year. Often e can have five or six ofthese in the same day, and . this can be the same day that we have 50 to 75 c lis for the locates for our utilities. I n an effort to increase eiJiciency ofthe department, :ity staff is suggesting that we have the contractor's place the pressure test on both the residential sewer' Id water services as we currently require them to do it for commercial services. 'fhis would have sev ral benefits. Any leaks would be detected by the contractor before we arrive on site and, consequent y, we would not have to waste time on site following up leaks. In addition, the time saved at each inspect' on could be 10 to 15 minutes in setup and tear down time. We expect that this could save us 40 to 8 man hours per year. Under th is scenario the contractor would have to s ppl y the hand operated water pressure pump or rent one. The CUITent cost of this pump is $209. M(my l fthe contractors already have these pumps ifthey do any commercial work, and other cities are requiring ontractors to actually place the water test themselves. For those smaller contractors who only do a few 0 these services a year, General Rental has agreed to put acouple of these pumps in their rental store in onticello so a contractor can rent one ifhe chooses not to own one. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to change the requi ement on sewer and water inspections from the City pressure testing the residential water servic line to the contractor providing the pump and pressure testing the residential water service line The City, of course, will witness the test. . 2. The second alternative would beto have he City continue providing the pump and testing on residential water services. . . . c. STAFF RF:COMMENDATION: Council Agenda - 06/09/2003 It is the recommendation ofthe Public Works Direc or and Sewer & Water Superintendent that the City Council authorize the change in testing of residential ater services to the contractor's responsibility. This would go into effect on July 1,2003. We would exp cttopublish a formal notice in the Monticello Timcs and to send notice to all sewer and water contractor who have worked in the community (in the last two years) on June 10,2003, if this item is passed by the City Council. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the change in the policy, and copy of the minutes from 1989 initiating testing requirements. CITY OF M NTICELLO SEWER & WATER EXCA VA TI N PERMIT REQUIREMENTS EFFECTIVE JA VARY 1, 1998 . PRIOR TO EXCAVATION WORK CONTRACTOR NEED A. Certificate of Insurance on file at Monticello Public Works .. $1,000,000 minimum, general liability .. 500,000 minimum, automobile liability .. $ 100,000 minimum, worker's compens lion .. Listing City of Monticello as certificate ho der B. License & Permit Bond on file at Monticello Publi Works .. In the amount of $2,000 or 1 % x value 0 work performed (whichever is greater) C. Excavation Permit .. Complete and sign at Monticello Public orks .. Fee collected: $25.00 per permit .. Copy of permit along with the Excavation Regulations will be issued .. Contractor should read and understand al regulations .. Inspection may be set up at this time SEWER SERVICE REQUIREMENTS: . .. Required Pipe: SDR 26 or Schedule 40. All joints rubber gasketed or primed and glued Contractors must pressure test at 4 Ibs./4 in. Wye required at property line Wye should be capped if service line less than 75' in length If service line is more than 75', it should b raised to the surface for a cleanout Cleanout required every 75' Sewer services will not be buried until pro erly inspected by City .. .. .. .. .. .. .. WATER SERVICE REQUIREMENTS: .. 1" minimum. K-Copper only .. City will provide meter valve .. .. Contractor to flush residential service I ne w/fresh water by opening/closing curb stop .. Contractor to pump up service line w/t, sh water and a sanitized pump to 150 psi for not less than 15 minutes prior to the af, ivai of the City's inspector .. Contractor must pressure test all commer ial services at 150 Ibs. for 2 hours .. Water services will not be buried until pro erly inspected by City .. Contractor should raise standpipe to a min mum of 6" above ground .. Contractor shall place a steel fence post alongside standpipe (to protect it) SCHEDULING A SEWER & WATER INSPECTION: . .. Call Monticello Public Works at 763-295-3 70 at least 24-hours prior to excavation State your company name Contact person/Cell phone number Address of excavation site .. .. .. .. Date/time of inspection request (this can be s t up when completing excavation permit app) F:\BethGlwordproc\\MAmeXCREOMT.FRM: 0610512003 - PAGE 1 OF 2 - \0 . . . WA TER METER INSTALLA TlONS: PICK UP WATER METER AT PUBLIC WORKS t> Contractor or plumber responsibl to pick up the meter and meter valve t> State property address for meter installation and payment will be verified t> Inform Public Works when water eeds to be turned on t> City will install remote reader, ra io reader, and turn on water at time specified t> 4 strand - 18 gauge wire is requir d t> Wire is available at Public Works t> Set meter and run wire (prior to ater turn on) t> Wire should be run to the either ide of the house within 2' of the front of the house Further questions may be directed t the Monticello Water Department at (763) 271-3274 or the Monticello Publi Works Department at (763) 295-3170 F;\BolhGlWOfdproollMl\mEXCREQMT.FRM; 05/0512003 - PAGE 2 OF 2 - \0 JUN 05 '03 10:02R'1 CITY OF MONTICELLO .-- - .' - -.... . P.2/5 COuncil Minutes - 6/12/89 :1.5. and water Public Works Director, la, reported to COuncil that he is recommending that the City req ire testing of sanitary sewer and water services prior to alJ-owing oee pancy of newly built homes. He noted that the individuals to benefit mas from the testing will be future owners of the property. Pressure testin of the water service lines should add no additional cost to the homeown r whatsoever. Pressure testinq of the sanitary sewer line could add lightly to the cost due to tbe addition of a eleanout or by the amaH del y the contractor would encounter to IDiike the final connection at the pr perty line after the air test is performed. Ken Maus asked if here were other cities that require this testing procedure. John Simal indicated that there are other cities that require te$ting of sanita y sewer and water services. After discu.esion, motion was de by Warren Smith, seconded by Shirley Anderson, to require testing 0 newly constructed sanitary sewer and water services. such policy i to take effect 30 days after publication of notification of policy. If no objections are received regarding the policy, the prograro will be in tiated upon exPi:tation of the 30-day notification period. Motion ssed unanimously. 16. Assistant Administrator O'Neil review&d the propoSed ordinance amendment which would ~llow the expansio of a residential structure in the 8-4 (regional business> zon~. SU ~~ns1an may not constitute more ~han ~o percent of estimated market value. O'Neill informed Council that the Planning commission recommend approval of this amendment, as it is consistent witb the municipal rehensive Plan and consistent with the cha~acter and geography of the area. The amendment will also not depreciate the value of adjoin ng lands. tn ~akin9 its d8ciBion, it was the view of the planning Ooromi sian that allowing 11mit~d exPansion of residential uses in the B-4 zo e will not significantly inhibit the transition of this land from r sidential to 8-4 uses. warren smith suggested that th amendment include wording th&t limits the number of times that a residen ial structure can be expanded to 50 percent of its original val e. smith r.commen~ea that a structure be only allowed to e~nd once fr the date of the inception of this ordiMnce i'lllEndment. Mayor Ma S fHlcJgested that the city adopt an administrat!ve procedure to fo low when a residential structure makes application for expans!on of a residential use. Maus suggested that adjoining owners of commercial property be notified of the impending a~sion and be given the op rtunity to negotiate the purchase of the residential property prior to urther investments in said property. Alter discussion, motion was de by Warren Smith, and seconded by Shirley Anderson, to adopt an men~nt to Section 3-I[JJ of the Monticello zoning Ordinance wh ch would allow e~sion of re~idential 9 to . . . Council Agenda - 06/09/2003 11. stems on median islands on Broadwa . (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: I During the planning stages for the landscaping on thenedian islands on the County Road 75 Restoration Project the City worked with the planner Steve Grittm nand WSB to ensure that the hmdseaping plantings placed out on the islands would be resistant to road sal residue and would be very tolerant oflow moisture conditions during dry periods ofthe year. The plann r and engineers selected these type of plants for us and we also designed in an 18"splash block to keep ro d salt to aminimwn in the islands. In the plans and specifications the contractor was made responsible fi r watering and guaranteeing the plants for a period of two years. The planner felt that after two years wa ering would only be needed duri ng drought or dry periods once the plants were established. During the final approval ofthe plans specifications, Co ncil Member llerbst suggested that we install water services to the islands so that in the future we could in tall irrigation if the plants weren't as tolerant to low moisture conditions as originally anticipated. In the area ofthe Adopt-A-Median between Walnu and Locust Street, we are going to install soaker hoses connected to a battery operated sprinkler syste n so the flowers can be watered periodically. We arc also thinking of installing a low cost irrigation syste 1 on the other islands. During the installation of the plants and mulch we installed 1" black plastic lines the length of the medians and brought these back to the location of the water service. We are considering a ding a low budget type of irrigation system to the islands and would like the council's input. I The materials for these low budget irrigations systenjs would cost between $3,000 - $4,000 total for all the remaining islands. We estimate it would take one man between 80 - 120 hours to install them. Dollar wise we could probably have in the neighborhood 0 $5,000 - $6,000 in these irrigations systems when they are all done. Following are some of the pros nd cons of installing the irrigation system. PROS · The plants and trees would look better wit more moisture. · The survival ratc ofthc plants would be better with assured moisture. · During dry spells we would not have to try t watcr the plants and trees with a water truck on a busy highway. · We would be protecting our investment in this landscaping by assuring a good watering system would be in place. CONS . We would be spending a few thousand dollar' and manpower on an irrigation system that is less heavy duty than the commercial systems, and would have to make periodic repairs and adjustments. . . . If some of the plants do die during the nex two years the contractor could blame us I()r over watering, especially in cases where we hare a brokcn irrigator or a ruptured line. Th~ irrigation systems would r.e 'quire m~reinail~tenance than. antici.patc. d., Conseque~1tly, our mamtenance eosts could go up each year tor lowmg out the systems m the fall and startmg them up and doing repairs in the spring, and maint ining during the summer. This cost could be more than periodically watering with a truck du ing drought periods. I . . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Council Agenda - 06/09/2003 I. The firstaltemative would be to install alow udget irrigation system at acostof$3,OOOto $4,000 in materials and 80 to 120 hours in mffi1pow r to keep the plants and trees looking their best on the medians. 2. The second alternative would be not to instal the irrigation system at this time but wait until the warranty period is over and then install thl: system. 3. The third alternati ve would be not to install th irrigation system but to watcr using a water truek during periods of drought. City staff, consisting of the City Administrator, Publi Works Director, Street Superintendent and Street Foreman, are split in their decision on this item. It may be best to have the City Council make this decision based upon the pros and cons presented here. The 10ney has not been budgeted for these irrigation systems and, therefore, would either have to be added to the project or come from reserve funds. Therc are certainly merits for installing the system now as er alternative # I, and also waiting f()r awhile as in alternative #2. I I I I c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. SUPPORTING DATA: Irrigation system materials quote from Hydrologic f Plymouth, Minnesota. .\/22 03 ,/ 12:31p i HYDROLOGIC 7635....67515 ~/ / / ,e DR ',' J i'H 9g1C~'" Wat..r M.I1d19'&Ift~"f $ 9835 lOTI< AVENUE NORTH . PLYMOUTH. MINNESOTA 554 I' 763-542-1188' FAX 763-546-7515' 800-422-1487 5/22/2003 City of Monticello: C.S.A.H. 75 Imp ovements Attn: Tom Moores Tom, I This is a list of equipment needed for the above mentioned +Oject: .MwlIl DescriDtlon ~ List Dnce I2!I1 RAINBIRD RS025T 10-32 THRD RISER STAKE 230 $ 0.64 $ 147.20 RAINBIRO PFR12 12. POLY FLEX RISER 60 $ 0.24 $ 14.40 RAINBIRO XS180 XERI SPRAY - HALF CIRCLE 230 $ 1.35 $ 310.50 . RAINBIRO I=IT0251000 114" OIST. TUBING .1000' 2 $ 68.02 $ 136.04 RAINBIRD SP6025 SELF PIERCING BARB CONN. 230 $ 0.34 $ 76.20 AAINBIRD XMTOOL XERIMAN INSTALLATION Toot 4 $ 4.92 $ 19.68 RAINBIRD XCZ100 'f; DRIP VALVE KIT I 6 $ 67.50 $ 405.00 I 1 STATION CONTROL MODU1 RAINBIRD TBOS1CMUS 6 $ 189.00 $ 1,134.00 f RAINBIRD TBOSSOL ., 193.50 r DC LATCHING SOLENOID I 6 $ 32.25 $ RAINBIRD TBOSFTS REMOTE FIELD TRANSMITTEt 1 $ 245.00 $ 245.00 I RAINBIRO TBOSRAINSO RAIN SHUT OFF 6 $ 73.00 $ 438.00 I AMETEK 170106 12" STANDARD VALVE BOX I 6 $ 26.18 $ 157.08 WILKINS 1-72OA 1" PRESSURE VAC. BKR. 6 $ 92.84 $ 557.04 TOTAL LIST $ 3,835.64 .25% $ 958.96 . TOTAL COST $ 2,876.68 p.2 ! \ . . . 12. A. Council Agenda - 6/9/03 Consideration of reviewin Broadwav. (RW) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As part of the County Road 75 project, the Co mcil had previously indicated a desire to eliminate the electrical poles and have Xccl Encrgy place el ctrical services underground. Last fall the City began this process by installing conduit across I3roa way in anticipation of the City going ahead with the elimination of power poles. The final decision had not been authorized by he Council but the stail was directed to work with Xcel Energy and come up with a cost estimate to g underground and provide underground services to each of the homes and businesses along Broadway. In addition, a decision would then be made on whether to proceed with the program and how to finance the overall cost. Xcel Energy has recently completed their desi n work for the conversion and estimates the total cost to convert to underground at approximately $ 50,000. This cost would not include the additional charges that would he required to place indivi ual services to homes and businesses underground and the conversion of their meter sockets from ov rhead to underground services. It is assumed that if this project proceeds, the City would absorb this c( st as part of the overall improvement, thus placing an estimated cost for this conversion at around $1,000,000. Based on this cost estimate, the City would then have to determine how it would flnance t is cost as Xcel Energy would require the entire amount to be paid by the City. The main option being considered would be to establish a franchise fee that would place a monthly service charge on all c stomers accounts to generate enough revenue to cover the debt service. A $1,000,000 expenditure if lllanced over ten years at YYo interest would require about $130,000 per year. If a franchise fee is established, it is our recommendation that we try to generate an additional $50,000 per year that c n be set aside in a reserve fund for continuing the program of relocation and conversion of other overhead power services to underground in the future. This would give us the ability to fund other ar as in the future as areas arc reconstructed and allow us to eventually have the entire community under round at some point in time. Assuming that we would need to generate $18 >,000 per year, Darrin Lahr, Community Relations Manager for Xccl Energy prepared a franchise fee estimate that would place a franchise fee on customer accounts ranging from $1 .75 for resi ential customers to $125 for large commercial and industrial customers. This would amount to a proximately a 3% franchise fee on total revenues from Monticello customers. Examples of various c arges by customer classes is enclosed for your review. If the City is still committed to proceeding wit 1 underground conversion, Xcel Energy needs to know very soon so they can get their subcontractors ined up to get the project completed yet this summer. While the staff is not ready to have a final fran 'hise agreement approved by the Council, we would like to get direction from the Council on how t proceed and whether we are still committed to doing . . . D. I e Council Agenda - 6/9/03 this under the assumption that a franchise fe will be established to cover the cost. Comments stall have heard from residents along Broadway arpear to be very supportive of the conversion and we do not anticipate any negative feedback from th~ public. I Xcel Encrgy rcpresentative, Darrin Lahr, willi be at the councilmecting to provide additional information for Council consideration. B. ALTKRNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Authorize Xeel Energy to prepare agrLmeUIS for conversion of electrical system to undergr?und along Broadway with th1 City bcing responsible for the cntire cost of the converSIOn. If establishing a franchise fee is the pr fen'ed method for financing this improvemcnt, a final agreement will be brought back to the Council at a future meeting for adoption. 2, Do not proceed with conversion to un erground at this time, c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: If the City Council is committed to eliminate s many overhead power lines as possible in the future, it is the recommendation of the City Administraor and Public Works Director that Xcel Energy be authorized to begin the conversion along Broa way and that the City establish a franchise fee that cover the cost of the improvement and also es ablish additional reserve funds for future underground projects. It is also our recommendation that a monthly franchise fee estimated at $1.75 for residential customers be the method to use to finance the roject. SU}>PORTING DATA: Schedule of franchise fee estimates. 2 City of Monticello - Electric Franc ise Fee Estimate . Information Based on Year En ing April 2002 CUSTOMER NSP FRANCHISE PERCENT PER METER ACCOUNTS E ECTRIC FEE OF ELEC PER CLASS (Meters) kWh R VENUES REVENUES REVENUES MONTH Residential 3,470 28,850,902 $2,179,018 $72,870 3.3% $1.75 Sm C & I/Muni - Non-Oem 375 4,348,555 $317,170 $11,250 3.5% $2.50 Sm C & I/Muni ~ Demand 149 17,990,139 $1,103,205 $42,912 3.9% $24.00 Large C & I 34 47,493,973 $2,454,670 $51,000 2.1% $125.00 Public Street Ltg 13 405,837 $71,749 $1,560 2.2% $10.00 Total 4,041 99,089,406 $ 6,125,812 $179,592 Typical Monthly Bills by Customer Class Residential Without Soace Heatino Kilowatt-Hours 250 500 750 1,000 1,500 Monthly Bill $21.58 $38.53 $55.48 $72.43 $106.33 Franchise Fee $1.75 $1.75 $1.75 $1.75 $1.75 Percent of Bill 8.1% 4.5% 3.2% 2.4% 1.6% Residential With Soace Heatina Kilowatt-Hours 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 Monthly Bill $66.10 $96.08 $126.06 $156.04 $186.02 Franchise Fee $1.75 $1.75 $1.75 $1.75 $1.75 . Percent of Bill 2.6% 1.8% 1.4% 1.1% 0.9% Sm C & I - N/D Kilowatt-Hours 500 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 Monthly Bill $40.60 $107.89 $141.54 $175.19 $208.83 Franchise Fee $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 Percent of Bill 6.2% 2.3% 1.8% 1.4% 1.2% Sm & Laroe C & I - Demand Kilowatts 25 95 100 500 1,000 Kilowatt-Hours 2,000 40,000 10,000 200,000 650,000 Monthly Bill $274.67 $1,976.20 $1,094.00 $10,052.76 $26,094.61 Franchise Fee $24.00 $24.00 $24.00 $125.00 $125.00 Percent of Bill 8.7% 1.2% 2.2% 1.2% 0.5% Data Source: Revenue Query Database . 06/05/2003 K. Liassou '" Q IJj IJj '" l1'ICho\(j'jA~~(\.llVl\JNrvl\Jt\JN'" '" '" 0", 0 t>l S; S; 0 l.nOOOOJ-..JLna'\Ltil<J!'Yt\Jl\,Jl-'f-lO ~ !@ "''1 >-J Z '" ~~~~~~o~om~w~w~~ ......'" :t' t" '" '" :t' " " " t' t" 'D:t' '" '" ......n '" Q ~ t'l '" ~~~~lVl\J~~~n~n~~~~ 0 t>l "'1 t' t>l 9 t' <~~~gg~~8~~~Q~~~ t>l 9 00 ,.. z ,.. '" c;~ t>l t>l '" tI1HtI;ltIj.....OOI;l)::z:::::~"rj~ ~tr1 Q '" tD '" '" ~8~~~~~~~~~_Q~~~ >-J . 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