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City Council Agenda Packet 11-27-2017
AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, November 27, 2017 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Is Il 0LK111104 I Ify W"/_100410100 Y I►`[l11i&C 119 X1 a,[o1 5 p.m. (Academy Room) 5 p.m. Budget Workshop - Project Identification and funding 2018 projects —non levy Mayor: Brian Stumpf Council Members: Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance B. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from November 13, 2017 • Regular Meeting Minutes from November 13, 2017 • Special Meeting Minutes from November 16, 2017 C. Consideration of Adding Items to Agenda D. Citizen Comments E. Public Service Announcement • Santa Event • Indoor Farmers Market (MCC) (December 2) F. Council Liaison Updates G. Department Updates • City Administrator Update 2. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of approving payment of bills B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property D. Consideration of approving an application for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Wright County Pheasants Forever Chapter #95 in conjunction with their Annual Membership banquet E. Consideration of authorizing city staff participation in the 2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) Program F. Consideration of adopting Ordinance amending Title 9, Chapter 3 — Recreational Vehicles and rescinding Title 6, Chapter 5 - Snowmobiles G. Consideration of approving 2017 Operating Transfers H. Consideration of approving a Conditional Use Permit to establish a vehicle sales and rental use in a B-3 (Highway Business) Zoning District. Applicant: Bob Ryan L Consideration of approving a request for Conditional Use Permit for an approximately 624 square foot accessory use structure — Major in an R-1 (Single - Family Residence) District. Applicant: Dwayne Jones J. Consideration of approving a request to amend the Monticello Zoning Ordinance Chapter 6 — Non -Conformities for non -conforming conditions related to construction or reconstruction of public improvements and Chapter 5, Section 3 — Accessory Use Standards for accessory use parking on abutting parcels servicing established principal uses. Applicant: City of Monticello K. Consideration of accepting quotes and awarding contract to Premier Lighting Inc. to retrofit approximately 135 HPS fixtures to LED lights in various locations throughout the city at a cost of $11,480 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 3. Public Hearings 4. Regular Agenda 5. Added Items 6. Adjournment AGENDA CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORSHOP MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, November 27, 2017 — 5 p.m. Academy Room, MCC AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. 5 p.m. Project Identification and Funding 2018 Projects — Non Levy 3. Adjournment City of Monticello - Tax Levy Worksheet Prior Year Tax Levy $ 9,150,000 Current Preliminary Tax Levy $ 9,547,000 Difference $ 397,000 30,000 4.3% $ 30,000 $ Amount 50,000 In Levy REVENUES 150,000 $ $ 10,000 $ Charges for services (GF) 15,000 $ $ 50,000 $ Multi -unit refuse carts 15,000 $ 82,000 $ 82,000 $ EXPENDITURES $ General Fund 350,000 Wage step adjustment $ 25,000 $ 25,000 $ Wage market adjustment $ 67,000 $ 67,000 $ Health Insurance $ 12,000 $ 12,000 $ Police Hours $ 53,000 $ 53,000 $ Police Inflation $ 43,800 $ 43,800 $ PW Director/Engineer $ 74,000 $ 74,000 $ Central Equipment Fund $ 39,100 $ 39,100 $ Fire Gear (less grant) $ 34,000 $ 34,000 $ Comp Plan revision $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ WCAT $ 30,000 $ 30,000 $ Community Center Fund Wage step adjustment $ 12,000 $ 12,000 $ Market adjustment $ 14,000 $ 14,000 $ Health Insurance $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ Other Deputy fire chief GF $ 105,000 $ Park survelliance camera GF $ 10,000 $ Facilities need study GF $ 65,000 $ Splash pad $ 255,000 $ Banners SAP $ 30,000 $ Public arts programming SAP $ 30,000 $ Curb extensions SAP $ 50,000 $ Streetscape lighting SAP $ 150,000 $ Bridge underpass SAP $ 10,000 $ Sidewalk Caribou SAP $ 15,000 $ Community Signs SAP $ 50,000 $ Walnut & River Design SAP $ 15,000 $ Total Expenditures $ 1,204,900 $ 419,900 $ Levy Changes ADD Subtract Capital Project Funds Total $ 9,547,000 $ $ 30,000 $ $ 30,000 $ $ 50,000 $ $ 150,000 $ $ 10,000 $ $ 15,000 $ $ 50,000 $ $ 15,000 $ $ 350,000 Total $ 9,547,000 CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE/WORKING CAPITAL Fiscal Year 2019 General Fund Special Revenue Funds Economic Development Cemetery Minnesota Investment Monticello Community Center Total Special Revenue Funds Debt Service Funds 2007A G.O. Improvement Bond 2008B G.O. Sewer Refunding 2010A G.O. Improvement Bond 2011A G.O. Refunding Bond 2014A G.O. Judgment Bond 2015B G.O. Street/Improvement 2016A G.O. Street/Improvement 2017A G.O. Bonds Total Debt Service Funds Capital Proiect Funds Capital Project Closed Bond Fund Park & Pathway Dedication Stormwater Access Street Lighting Improvement Street Construction Total Capital Project Funds Enterprise Funds Water Sewage Liquor Deputy Registrar Fiber Optics Total Enterprise Funds Internal Service Funds IT Services Central Equipment Benefit Accrual Total Internal Service Funds Projected Beginning Projected Ending Fund Balance/ Estimated Fund Balance/ Working Capital Revenues Appropriations Working Capital $ 5,976,716 $ 8,248,000 $ 8,247,592 $ 5,977,124 7,049,387 1,073,928 903,116 7,220,199 31,726 18,600 27,723 22,603 1,158,164 15,000 - 1,173,164 784,398 1,805,500 2,105,696 484,202 9,023,675 2,913,028 3,036,535 8,900,168 2,242 - - 2,242 50,958 - - 50,958 937,350 127,614 300,074 764,890 1,662,173 395,375 780,100 1,277,448 62,586 538,586 512,736 88,436 80,702 228,842 216,000 93,544 262,838 517,769 527,900 252,707 - 520,159 470,350 49,809 3,058,849 2,328,345 2,807,160 2,580,034 3,658,097 5,797,000 9,050,000 405,097 265,947 59,000 - 324,947 454,861 402,000 670,000 186,861 1,017,216 65,000 - 1,082,216 734,319 90,000 300,000 524,319 1,783,427 20,000 44,899 1,758,528 7,913,867 6,433,000 10,064,899 4,281,968 4,705,030 1,346,341 975,548 5,075,822 3,651,701 2,386,516 2,785,828 3,252,389 1,585,218 5,561,280 5,655,004 1,491,494 867,973 526,400 414,252 980,121 292,514 1,840,600 2,116,100 17,014 11,102,436 11,661,137 11,946,732 10,816,840 185,161 271,799 272,900 184,060 420,770 252,800 438,600 234,970 284,219 19,500 - 303,719 890,150 544,099 711,500 722,749 Capital Improvement Plan 2018-2027 Recreation & Culture Featherstone Park Development (p&p) Priority: 80,000 Ref. 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total 15,000 15,000 Pioneer Park - Band Shell ;',Ty PAR -13-004 Public Works 90,000 90,000 Monti Hill Park Development (ops) PAR -13-006 5,000 Stop Light Painting 5,000 MNC-15-004 40,000 40,000 2,100,000 700,000 80,000 Public Works Facility Ellison Park Log Shelter ,;."',' PAR -13-013 PWK-13-001 11,000,000 3,000,000 250,000 14,000,000 PW Facility Land Acquisition 60,000 ^° PWK-13-002 600,000 60,000 Spirit Hills Pathway Connection (p&p) PAR -15-003 600,000 Generator w STE-13-011 Fenning Avenue Pathway Connection PAR -15-004 7,000 7,000 Brush Grapple Hooks 700,000 "; VEQ-18-003 17,000 800,000 17,000 Speed Trailer PAR -15-006 10,000 VEQ-13-010 - 10,000 Ellison Park Memorial project (ops) - One -Ton Truck VEQ-13-013 6,000 West Bridge Play Structure PAR -17-002 65,000 65,000 Truck - Pickup 4X4 100,000 100,000 VEQ-13-014 ','m';;,° PAR -17-004 35,000 35,000 Bucket Truck Rolling Woods Sidewalk (p&p) PAR -17-005 VEQ-13-015 130,000 40,000 130,000 Blacktop Paver w VEQ-13-016 80,000 Front Street Pier ;',':M PAR -17-007 80,000 Concrete Saw 25,000 VEQ-13-019 City -view Mountain Bike Trail k"',; PAR -17-011 20,000 20,000 Backhoe - °'';'" VEQ-13-021 60,000 95,000 95,000 Plow Truck VEQ-13-032 VEQ-13-022 70,000 240,000 255,000 495,000 One -Ton Truck and Plow 140,000 VEQ-13-023 140,000 65,000 ;, VEQ-13-037 65,000 Snow Go Snow Blower 30,000 VEQ-13-025 VEQ-18-002 50,000 142,000 142,000 Skid Steere Loader VEQ-13-026 65,000 65,000 Sign Lab System VEQ-13-027 35,000 35,000 Paver Trailer ;?, VEQ-13-028 20,000 20,000 Wheel Loader- 3 yd. ";'o VEQ-14-001 235,000 240,000 475,000 Blacktop Hot Box :'1,„ VEQ-14-003 95,000 95,000 Snow Plow Skid Steere VEQ-16-002 - Road Grader VEQ-16-007 300,000 300,000 Electronic Sign Reader VEQ-16-001 - Median Size Loader yx, VEQ-16-006 70,000 70,000 Hot Rubber Melter Crack Sealer VEQ-16-004 60,000 60,000 Mini Tank Tack Trailer ° VEQ-16-005 20,000 20,000 V Box Sander VEQ-17-003 - Subtotal - Public Works 860,000 11,407,000 3,809,000 400,000 255,000 240,000 - - - - 16,971,000 Recreation & Culture Featherstone Park Development (p&p) M;; ` PAR -13-002 80,000 80,000 Sunset Ponds Open Air Shelter ,;:.', PAR -13-003 15,000 15,000 Pioneer Park - Band Shell ;',Ty PAR -13-004 90,000 90,000 Monti Hill Park Development (ops) PAR -13-006 5,000 5,000 BCOL Ball Fields (p&p) :; PAR -13-012 400,000 2,100,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 700,000 8,100,000 Ellison Park Log Shelter ,;."',' PAR -13-013 250,000 250,000 CSAH 75 Pathway Lighting (W & E Bridge) ;;;r PAR -13-014 60,000 60,000 Spirit Hills Pathway Connection (p&p) PAR -15-003 150,000 150,000 Fenning Avenue Pathway Connection PAR -15-004 200,000 250,000 250,000 700,000 West Bridge Splash Pad/East Bridge Band Shell ;',' PAR -15-005 800,000 800,000 Park Shop Addition 20x36 (ops) PAR -15-006 10,000 - 10,000 Ellison Park Memorial project (ops) PAR -16-001 6,000 6,000 West Bridge Play Structure PAR -17-002 100,000 100,000 Pioneer Park Play Structure ','m';;,° PAR -17-004 100,000 100,000 Rolling Woods Sidewalk (p&p) PAR -17-005 40,000 40,000 Riverside Columbarium PAR -17-006 40,000 40,000 Front Street Pier ;',':M PAR -17-007 25,000 25,000 City -view Mountain Bike Trail k"',; PAR -17-011 - Park Mowers VEQ-13-031 60,000 60,000 Trucks VEQ-13-032 65,000 70,000 135,000 MT Trackless Sidewalk Machine ;n'„^ VEQ-13-033 140,000 140,000 Cushman Truckster ;, VEQ-13-037 30,000 30,000 TC 33 New Holland VEQ-18-002 50,000 50,000 6 Capital Improvement Plan 2018-2027 Priority CD Ref. 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total JD Tractor ; r VEQ-13-038 FRD-13-001 50,000 4,000,000 SCBA Packs 50,000 Skid Loader ,° VEQ-13-039 180,000 65,000 s; 70,000 135,000 Toro Infield Pro 5040 VEQ-13-041 VEQ-13-047 VEQ-18-006 20,000 120,000 20,000 Utility Mule - Replace Kawaski #202 VEQ-15-001 15,000 50,000 Fire Ladder Truck m 15,000 Aerator ?',, STE-18-001 30,000 26,000 MNC-16-005 - 30,000 Tables and benches STE-16-001 STE-16-005 51,000 7,000 7,000 14,000 14,000 93,000 - - Buggy Hauler STE-17-001 - - 6,243,000 - Pathway Improvemnents (ops) (Reclassify) ` MNC-13-007 41,200 41,200 41,200 41,200 41,200 41,200 41,200 41,200 41,200 41,200 412,000 Gazebos W MNC-16-002 LIQ -13-002 - Boarding Dock for Ellison ;;`;';+ STE-18-002 32,000 32,000 Used ATV ;,° STE-18-003 3,000 3,000 Enclosed Trailer s STE-18-004 5,000 5,000 Planters MNC-17-001 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 35,000 Bike Racks MNC-17-002 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 20,000 Financed by Central Equipment Fund in bold Subtotal - Recreation 900,700 2,648,700 1,396,700 996,700 746,700 746,700 816,700 746,700 1,996,700 746,700 11,743,000 Fire & Rescue Fire Station Addition FRD-13-001 4,000,000 4,000,000 SCBA Packs STE-13-006 180,000 180,000 Engine 1 s; VEQ-18-005 700,000 700,000 Utility 1 VEQ-13-047 VEQ-18-006 120,000 120,000 SUV w. VEQ-18-004 50,000 50,000 Fire Ladder Truck m VEQ-13-006 1,100,000 1,100,000 Generator 26,000 MNC-16-005 - - Turnout Gear - STE-16-005 51,000 7,000 7,000 14,000 14,000 93,000 - Subtotal - Fire & Rescue Liquor Store 51,000 4,050,000 1,107,000 887,000 14,000 120,000 14,000 - - - 6,243,000 Deputy Registrar Surveillance Cameras v`;° STE-13-018 - DMV Vehicle VEQ-13-047 26,000 26,000 Subtotal - Deputy Registrar 26,000 - - - - - - - - - 26,000 Liquor Store Parking Lot Improvements LIQ -13-002 75,000 75,000 Roof LIQ -18-001 50,000 50,000 Point of Sale Software VEQ-17-001 20,000 20,000 Liquor Store LIQ -13-003 1,500,000 1,500,000 Liquor Store Coolers VEQ-13-046 25,000 25,000 50,000 Subtotal - Liquor Store 25,000 - - 1,600,000 70,000 - - - - - 1,695,000 IT Services Personal Computers STE-13-001 15,600 15,600 15,600 15,600 15,600 15,600 15,600 15,600 15,600 15,600 156,000 Multi -Server Component Upgrade STE-13-003 - - Laptops STE-13-005 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 30,000 GIS Hardware and Software STE-13-007 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 80,000 Pavement Management Software STE-13-008 3,400 3,600 3,800 4,000 4,200 4,400 4,600 4,600 4,600 4,600 41,800 Subtotal - IT Services 30,000 30,200 30,400 30,600 30,800 31,000 31,200 31,200 31,200 31,200 307,800 2 Capital Improvement Plan 2018-2027 Priority CD Ref. 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total Streets STR-13-010 150,000 150,000 TH 25/4th Street Signal " STR-18-001 50,000 450,000 500,000 Walnut Street Extension to River Street c;',: STR-18-002 15,000 100,000 115,000 Walnut Street/CSAH 75 Pedestrian Improvements STR-18-003 50,000 City Street Signs Bridge Underpass MNC-13-001 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 400,000 Annual Chip Seal 30,000 Signage MNC-14-001 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 1,800,000 School Blvd/Cedar Street Signal ,';: STR-13-001 450,000 450,000 Parking Lot Reconstruction"d STR-13-002 - Overlay Rural Outlying Streets STR-13-004 600,000 600,000 E 7th Street/Hwy 25 Intersection STR-13-005 - - Fallon Avenue Overpass STR-13-006 5,950,000 650,000 6,600,000 Street Light Improvements (see small area) STR-13-010 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 975,000 Street Reconstruction - Area 5 STR-13-007 - Street Reconstruction - Area 6 STR-13-008 50,000 1,300,000 150,000 1,500,000 Street Reconstruction -Area 7B STR-13-009 50,000 1,300,000 150,000 1,500,000 Elm Street Sidewalk and 3rd St ped blinker ;;' STR-15-003 150,000 150,000 Sidewalk Gap Improvement Project (TBD) STR-15-004 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,000,000 95th Street Extension w/o noise wall STR-16-001 50,000 1,150,000 100,000 1,300,000 Flashing Yellow Arrow -Signal Improvements w STR-16-002 300,000 300,000 CR 39/Gillard Ave Intersection Improvements STR-17-001 250,000 250,000 Fallon Ave & Trail Improvements - Chelsea to School ;;,': STR-17-002 150,000 1,400,000 150,000 1,700,000 Chelsea Road Reconstruction - Fallon to Edmonson STR-17-003 1,600,000 200,000 1,800,000 7th St Mill and Overlay and Cedar St Improvements STR-17-004 650,000 650,000 Collector Road Mill & Overlay/Recon Improvements STR-17-005 500,000 500,000 Residential Street Mill and Overlay Improvements STR-17-006 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 4,500,000 Residential Street Reconstruction Improvements STR-17-007 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 4,500,000 Subtotal - Streets 8,970,000 3,120,000 6,570,000 2,120,000 2,620,000 1,495,000 1,395,000 1,395,000 1,395,000 1,395,000 30,475,000 Small Area Study Street Light Improvements STR-13-010 150,000 150,000 TH 25/4th Street Signal " STR-18-001 50,000 450,000 500,000 Walnut Street Extension to River Street c;',: STR-18-002 15,000 100,000 115,000 Walnut Street/CSAH 75 Pedestrian Improvements STR-18-003 50,000 50,000 Bridge Underpass 10,000 10,000 6th Street Sidewalk w 15,000 15,000 Street Banners „p MNC-15-005 30,000 30,000 Public Art 30,000 30,000 Signage 50,000 50,000 Splash Pad ', ^ MCC -13-002 - - Subtotal - Small Area 350,000 - 150,000 450,000 - - - - - - 950,000 Stormwater/Drainage Stormwater Pond Restoration SWD-13-001 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 400,000 Stormwater Liftstation (TH 25 Pond) w SWD-13-002 1,000,000 1,000,000 Expand Fallon Avenue Pond SWD-17-001 500,000 500,000 Boulevard Drainage Tile "',m'i SWD-13-004 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 500,000 Subtotal - Stormwater/Drainage 90,000 1,090,000 590,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 2,400,000 Utility - Sewage WWTP Demo Obsolete WWTP Equipment MNC-17-001 110,000 110,000 Annual Sewage Trunk Improvements w UTS-13-001 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 1,500,000 Core Street Sewage Improvements`;„ UTS-13-001 - Liftstation -Marvin Road ° r UTS-13-002 275,600 275,600 WWTP Phosphorus Reduction Improvements UTS-13-003 - WWTP Solids Handling Improvements w UTS-13-004 1,365,000 1,365,000 WWTP Phase 2 Improvements`;„ UTS-13-005 1,800,000 1,800,000 K3 Capital Improvement Plan 2018-2027 Priority CD Ref. 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Total WWTP Repair and Maintenance UTS-16-001 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 1,250,000 WWTP Headworks Improvements UTS-17-001 2,100,000 2,100,000 Fallon Avenue Trunk Line Improvements UTS-17-002 50,000 2,500,000 2,550,000 Sewer JetterVEQ-13-001 400,000 400,000 SCADA System - Sewage VEQ-13-004 700,000 700,000 Subtotal - Sewage 1,025,000 2,475,000 4,415,600 2,485,000 275,000 275,000 275,000 275,000 275,000 275,000 12,050,600 Utility - Water Annual Water System Improvements Water Treatment Facility Well #6 Watermain - 90th Street to Chelsea Booster Station Upgrade Meter MXUs Truck - Regular Cab 4X4 SCADA System - Water Fir • - dYfTLTIi Monticello Community Center Movable Walls Mississippi Room Dias Top Concessions Front Counter Replacement East/West Door Handicap Doors New Patio to Replace Old Skate Park Mississippi Room Lighting Replacement Card Access Readers Misc. Mechanical Updates Carpet and Terrazo Repair Wood Floor- Mississippi Room Waterslide Replacement Vanity and Partition Replacement Facility Door Replacement Mechanical Improvements Walk Track Pool Deck Tile Restoration Locker Room Floor Tile Restoration MCC Main Sign Replacement Recreation Software Floor Scrubber Recreation Equipment Table Covers Tables Patio Furniture Surveillance Camera Update Kitchen Flipping Doors Dishwasher Subtotal - MCC Grand Total r UTW-13-001 MCC -13-003 UTW-13-002 MCC -13-004 UTW-13-003 MCC -17-003 UTW-13-004 MCC -18-001 UTW-13-005 MCC -18-002 UTW-15-001 MCC -18-003 VEQ-13-002 MNC-13-004 VEQ-13-003 MCC -13-001 MCC -13-003 MCC -13-004 w MCC -17-003 MCC -18-001 MCC -18-002 MCC -18-003 w MNC-13-004 MNC-13-006 MNC-13-007 MNC-13-008 MNC-13-010 MNC-13-011 MNC-13-014 MNC-16-001 MNC-18-001 MNC-18-002 MNC-18-003 VEQ-18-001 STE-13-013 STE-13-014 STE-13-015 STE-13-016 STE-15-001 STE-18-004 STE-17-002 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 4,500,000 1,200,000 65,000 65,000 45,000 260,000 1,415,000 40,000 35,000 14,000 246,000 15,000 150,000 2,500 48,000 26,300 5,000 10,000 15,000 10,000 4,000 5,000 63,200 65.000 215,000 4,650,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 100,000 30,000 200,000 12,000 10,000 2,500 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 327,300 366,700 355,000 44,500 12,915,000 26,602,600 18,638,700 13,753,800 4 10,000 5,000 15,000 4,266,500 12,500 3,160,200 2,500 10,000 5,000 17,500 2,705,400 40,000 10,000 no, 195,000 45,000 150,000 7,440,000 40,000 20,000 100,000 30,000 200,000 35,000 14,000 246,000 55,000 12,000 150,000 10,000 10,000 48,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 105,000 4,000 15,000 63,200 5,000 5,000 10,000 1,182,200 2,697,900 91,483,600 Advanced Disposal Trash - Billing Non -Tax Units Trash Removal City Recycling ContractBilling Base Billing Non -Tax Billing Monthly Container Residential Billing Monthly Fuel Month Units Changes Units Changes Costs Charges SWM Tax Units Changes Costs Surcharge Jan 3,793 6 607 0 5 34,763.34 5 429.23 $ 72.97 4,386 6 5 12,517.20 $ Feb 3,799 4 607 -7 $ 34,739.67 $ 418.23 $ 71.10 4,392 4 $ 12,528.60 $ Mar 3,803 3 600 2 $ 34,779.12 $ 462.23 $ 78.58 4,396 3 $ 12,537.15 $ Apr 3,806 8 602 0 $ 34,842.24 $ 451.23 $ 76.71 4,399 8 $ 12,559.95 $ May 3,814 13 602 0 $ 33,139.05 $ 418.23 $ 71.10 4,407 13 $ 12,597.00 $ Jun 3,827 5 602 -1 $ 33,771.13 $ 493.23 $ 71.10 4,420 5 $ 12,832.50 $ Jul 3,832 4 601 0 $ 35,629.11 $ 418.23 $ 71.10 4,425 4 $ 12,844.10 $ Aug 3,836 7 601 0 $ 35,685.32 $ 418.23 $ 71.10 4,429 7 $ 12,864.40 $ Sep 3,843 9 601 -1 $ 35,749.56 $ 418.23 $ 71.10 4,436 9 $ 12,890.50 $ Oct $ Nov $ Dec $ Trash - Contract Base Units Residential RecyclingUnits 3,850 4440 3,840 4430 c 3,830 4420 —, 3,820 1 4410 ' 3,810 q 4 400 3,800 h 3,790 3,780 W v 4390 8 3,770 I \1 4370 uJ 3,760 di, 4360 Y Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Trash - Billing Non -Tax Units MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, November 13, 2017 — 4:30 p.m. Academy Room City Hall - Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart Absent: None Others: City staff. Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, Shibani Bisson, Angela Schumann, Rachel Leonard, Tom Moores, Tom Pawelk, Sarah Rathlisberger, Jacob Thunander, and Matt Thiesen 1. Call to Order Mayor Brian Stumpf called the special meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. 2. Downtown Project Elements and Funding Angela Schumann, Community Development Director, presented the From Space to Place: Proposed 2018 Downtown Improi,ements. The elements of the proposal included: Bridge underpass; Walnut & Broadway pedestrian improvements; public arts and programming; boulevard improvements; community signage; pathway connections; and corridor design. The proposal provided estimated funding requests for each element along with the funding source. The next step is for council approval of the slate of recommended downtown projects for 2018. 3. Pathway System Plan, Priorities and Funding Mix Angela Schumann and Tom Pawelk, Parks Superintendent, presented the proposed Pathway System CIP & Budget Improvement Plan. Angela Schumann noted that the plan is supplement to the broad plans in Parks & Pathways and Transportation Plan. Tom Pawelk commented that the plan was reviewed by the Parks & Recreation Commission where they addressed the pathway gaps in the system. Staff updated the existing base map, identified gaps in critical routes, received feedback from departments and the public, and established criteria. The timeframe of the plan and funding mechanisms were discussed including partnering with other entities such as the school district, Wright County — Live Wright, and CentraCare. Other system improvements that were discussed included: crosswalks; pedestrian signals; dynamic speed signs; curb extensions; intersection evaluation; and corridor treatments. The next step is to adopt the Pathway Connections Plan as a guide for CIP and budget development. City Council Special Meeting Minutes — November 13, 2017 4. Assessment Policy Shibani Bisson, WSB/City Engineer, presented a draft Assessment Policy. She reviewed the assessment policy history and addressed sidewalk assessments, trail assessments, collector road assessments, and hardship deferral. The assessment policy is intended to serve as a guide and staff is looking for input from the City Council. There may be exceptions to the policy for unique circumstances. The focus of the meeting was to address sidewalk and trail assessments and establish a collector roadway reconstruction assessment policy. Other items will be reviewed at future meetings. There was discussion on sidewalks and the possible rates of assessments. Councilmember Hilgart noted that he is not in favor of assessing sidewalk for residential. Shibani Bisson presented a list of proposed sidewalk and trail assessments. The council supported the suggested assessment policy decisions related to: Chelsea Road, 7th Street sidewalk and trail assessments; Fallon Avenue Overpass sidewalk and trail assessments; collector road assessments; and new curb and gutter assessments. There was consensus that hardship deferral policy, policy to defer where hardship to senior citizens 65 years or older or persons with permanent disability, should not be added to the policy. 5. Adjournment By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Special Meeting Minutes — November 13, 2017 REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, November 13, 2017 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, and Lloyd Hilgart Absent: None. 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. All City Councilmembers were present. B. Approval of Meeting Minutes Special Meeting Minutes from October 23, 2017 Councilmember Fair moved approval of special meeting minutes of October 23, 2017. Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Regular Meeting Minutes from October 23, 2017 Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the regular meeting minutes the change in date of October 9 meeting minutes. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda None. D. Citizen Comments None. E. Public Service Announcements Rachel Leonard, Communications Coordinator, announced: - City Departments Thanksgiving Hours; and - MCC Pool Ribbon Cutting scheduled for November 21 at 1 p.m. F. Council Liaison Updates IEDC — Mayor Stumpf reported that there was discussion on: two active business prospects — Bondhus and Rustech Brewery; housing study report; and revitalization. City Council Minutes — November 13, 2017 Page 114 Planning Commission — Councilmember Hilgart attended the meeting. He noted that the commission approved two conditional use permits — Featherstone (detached garage) and Ryan Auto. EDA — Councilmember Davidson commented on the EDA meeting and noted that there was discussion on future plans for the Fred's Auto site. G. Department Updates City Administrator Update — Jeff O'Neill gave an update on the following items: 1. Attended the 1-94 Coalition meeting where there was discussion on Corridors of Commerce funding. 2. The Highway 25 Coalition Work Group met and the next coalition meeting was set for December 21. 3. Xcel Energy is hosting a tour on December 7. Members of the City Council should contact Mr. O'Neill if they have an interest in attending the tour. 2. Consent Agenda Councilmember Fair moved approval of the consent agenda with the addition of 4A (amended to 20). Councilmember Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation: Approved the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $1,908,641.11. B. Consideration of approving final purchase of land for Fallon Avenue Overpass project, City Project No. 16C006. Recommendation: Approved the purchase of land as related to the Fallon Avenue Overpass Project, City Project 16C006. C. Consideration of approving new hires/departures. Recommendation: Approved the hires for the DMV and MCC and the departures for Water, MCC, Parks, Streets, and DMV. D. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property. Recommendation: Approved the surplus list as presented. E. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-82 accepting a donation of $100 from North Risk Partners/Apollo Insurance for Monticello Community Center programming. Recommendation: Approved Resolution 2017-82 accepting a donation from North Risk Partners/Apollo Insurance. F. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-83 designating precinct and polling place for 2018 Election. Recommendation: Adopted Resolution 2017-83 designating precinct and polling place for 2018 Election. City Council Minutes — November 13, 2017 Page 2 14 G. Consideration of approving an application for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Swan River PTO on March 17, 2018. Recommendation: Approved the charitable gambling permit for Swan River PTO. H. Consideration of renewing a pawn broker license for 2018 for David Corbin Helm dba Monticello Pawn, Gun, and Bargain Center at 1219 South Highway 25. Recommendation: Approved the 2018 pawn broker license for David Corbin dba as Monticello Pawn, Gun, and Bargain Center, 1219 TH 25 contingent on the application returned from Sheriffs Department with no adverse findings. I. Consideration of approving On -Sale Brewer's Taproom License and Off -Sale Growler license for Rustech Brewing Company, 105 W. 3rd Street beginning in 2018. Recommendation: Approved the On -Sale Brewer's Taproom License and Off -Sale Growler license for Rustech Brewing Company, 105 W. 3ra Street beginning in 2018. Consideration of approving a supplemental social media policy for the Monticello Fire Department. Recommendation: Approved the Fire Department Social Media Policy. K. Consideration of approving Water Department purchase of 650 Neptune radio units for $69,641. Recommendation: Approved Water Department purchase of 650 Neptune radio units for $69,641. L. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2017-84 accepting public improvements at Sunset Ponds Third Addition plat. Recommendation: Approved Resolution 2017-84 accepting public improvements for the Sunset Ponds Third Addition plat. M. Consideration of approving Street Department purchase of a new Caterpillar Model 305E2H2 Mini Hydraulic Excavator in the amount of $54,233 funded through the Central Equipment (Internal Service) Fund. Recommendation: Approved Street Department purchase of a Caterpillar Model 305E2H2 Mini Hydraulic Excavator from Ziegler Equipment through state contract bidding for a price of $64,523 less the three-month rental fee of $10,290, for a final total of $54,233. N. Consideration of approving Public Works purchase of a new Stainless Steel 15' Hook Lift Roll Off Dump Body from Towmaster Equipment for state contract price of $16,247 to be funded by Street Department budget. Recommendation: Approved Public Works purchase of a new Stainless Steel 15' Hook Lift Roll Off Dump Body from Towmaster Equipment at State Contract Pricing in the amount of $18,532, funded through the 2017 Street Department budget. City Council Minutes — November 13, 2017 Page 3 14 O. MOVED FROM 4A: Consideration of authorizing the posting for City Engineer/Public Works position. Recommendation: Approved the authorization to post for City Engineer/Public Works Director position. 2A. Consideration of items removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. None. 3. Adiournment By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 6:43 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Minutes — November 13, 2017 Page 4 14 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, November 16, 2017 — 4 p.m. Academy Room City Hall - Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart Absent: None Others: City staff. Jeff O'Neill, Wayne Oberg, Shibani Bisson, Angela Schumann, Rachel Leonard, Tom Pawelk, Sarah Rathlisberger, Tracy Ergen, Mike Mossey, Daryl Gilles 1. Call to Order Mayor Brian Stumpf called the special meeting to order at 4 p.m. 2. Assistant Fire Chief Discussion Fire Chief Mike Mossey presented a proposal for a full-time Deputy Fire Chief. It was noted that the biggest need for the position is the time commitment required by the current chief and others in the department. If approved, the position would be responsible for: administrative tasks; Fire Marshall — safety inspections; department management — personnel issues, safety meetings, training; and truck and station maintenance; and City Emergency Management Plan. The position would cost the city approximately $84,902- $102,320. Chief Mossey suggested using alternative sources of funding, including revenue for conducting inspections. There was discussion on the specifics of the job description and the need for any additional city staff support. Chief Mossey didn't think additional administrative support would be needed. 3. Solid Waste Funding Program A Council Connection, by Finance Director Wayne Oberg, from October 23, 2017, City Council Agenda Packet was discussed. This memo addressed the fee for four or multi- unit residences with refuse and recycling cars. This charge applies to mobile home parks, homeowner associations, and fourplexes or larger. Kirk Kjellberg addressed the City Council. Mr. Kjellberg owns a mobile home park and is concerned that the city is discriminating against manufactured homes. He referenced a state statute that states that manufactured homes must be treated the same as other residences. He commented that each mobile home receives its own tax statement and, therefore, should receive refuse service the same as other single family homeowners. Mr. Kjellberg stated that these charges are unfair and that he will seek further action if not rectified. Staff feels that the city's current charges are fair and reasonable. Discussion ensued among the City Council. There was disagreement among council members on how to charge for refuse for these units. Mayor Stumpf doesn't think that these units should be charged the same as apartment buildings. No action was taken on the item. City Council Special Meeting Minutes — November 13, 2017 4. Adjournment By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 5:08 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Special Meeting Minutes — November 13, 2017 City Council Agenda: 11/27/2017 2A. Consideration of approving pavment of bills (WO) City staff submits the attached bill registers and purchasing card registers for approval by Council. The bill registers contain all invoices processed and the purchasing card registers contain all card purchases made since the last Council meeting. Subject to MN Statutes, most invoices require Council approval prior to releasing checks for payment. The day following Council approval, payments will be released unless directed otherwise. A credit purchasing agreement and policy was approved by Council initially and card purchases must comply with the policy. If Council has no questions or comments on the bill and purchase card registers, these can be approved with the consent agenda. If requested, this item can be removed from consent and discussed prior to making a motion for approval. Al. Budget Impact: None A2. Staff Workload Impact: No additional work required B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $1,817,358.14. 2. Motion to approve the registers with changes directed by Council. City staff recommends Alternative #1 or #2, per direction of Council. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 0 Bill registers and Purchase Card registers Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Julie.Cheney Printed: 11/15/2017 - 11:02AM Batch: 00201.11.2017 - 201.11.2017 US Bank Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 3241 LINCOLN FINANCIAL GROUP Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 11/1/2017 November 2017 1,693.25 11/15/2017 101-00000-217066 Check Total: 1,693 25 Vendor: 1426 CITY OF MONTICELLO Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True UB Sept 2017 5002 - 1510 Hart Blvd sprinkler 42.84 11/15/2017 101-43120-438200 UB Sept 2017 5003 - 1460 Hart Blvd sprinkler 34.22 11/15/2017 101-43120-438200 UB Sept 2017 5004 - 1390 Hart Blvd sprinkler 21.29 11/15/2017 101-43120-438200 UB Sept 2017 5005 - 822 Hart Blvd sprinkler 175.36 11/15/2017 101-43120-438200 UB Sept 2017 5026 - Ellison Park 172.20 11/15/2017 101-45201-438200 UB Sept 2017 5248 - Bridge Park E. sprinkler 183.18 11/15/2017 101-45201-438200 UB Sept 2017 5249 - Bridge Park W.sprinkler 220.73 11/15/2017 101-45201-438200 UB Sept 2017 5250 - Bridge Park W- Warm Rm. 28.10 11/15/2017 101-45201-438200 UB Sept 2017 5569 - Freeway Park Mdw. Oak Ave. sprinkler 319.81 11/15/2017 101-45201-438200 UB Sept 2017 5637- Meadow Oak Dog Park 5.45 11/15/2017 101-45201-438200 UB Sept 2017 7224 - WWTP 1,601.57 11/15/2017 602-49480-438200 UB Sept 2017 7441 - 200 W. Broadway sprinkler 17.45 11/15/2017 101-43120-438200 UB Sept 2017 7885 - Help Center 28.10 11/15/2017 217-41990-438200 UB Sept 2017 8086 - 4th St. Warming House 13.66 11/15/2017 101-45201-438200 UB Sept 2017 8114 -Hi-Way Liquors 226.38 11/15/2017 609-49754-438200 UB Sept 2017 8117 -MCC 826.06 11/15/2017 226-45126-438200 UB Sept 2017 8119 -Fire Station 133.00 11/15/2017 101-42200-438200 UB Sept 2017 8120 -Bldg. Inspec. Garage 13.66 11/15/2017 101-41940-438200 UB Sept 2017 8177 -Library 257.31 11/15/2017 101-45501-438200 UB Sept 2017 8394 - Riverside Cemetery sprinkler 12.72 11/15/2017 651-49010-438200 UB Sept 2017 8488- Hillcrest Park sprinkler 134.71 11/15/2017 101-45201-438200 UB Sept 2017 8528 - Monti NSP Softball Field 621.55 11/15/2017 101-45203-438200 UB Sept 2017 8621 - Fenning Round -a -bout sprinkler 42.84 11/15/2017 101-43120-438200 UB Sept 2017 8622 -Pioneer Park bathroom 17.19 11/15/2017 101-45201-438200 UB Sept 2017 8631 -Animal Shelter 60.37 11/15/2017 101-42700-438200 UB Sept 2017 8674 -Reservoir- 207 Chelsea Rd. sprinkler 31.35 11/15/2017 601-49440-438200 UB Sept 2017 8903 -PW shop/clerical 110.89 11/15/2017 101-43127-438200 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/15/2017 - 11:02 AM) Page I Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number UB Sept 2017 8904 -PW vehicle storage 8.76 11/15/2017 101-43127-438200 UB Sept 2017 8905 -PW office 279.67 11/15/2017 101-43127-438200 UB Sept 2017 10063 - Front St. Park sprinkler 22.73 11/15/2017 101-45201-438200 UB Sept 2017 10128 - Office Facility 118 6th St. W 13.66 11/15/2017 101-41941-438200 UB Sept 2017 10267 - Comm. Garden sprinkler 6,27 11/15/2017 226-45127-438200 UB Sept 2017 13953 - SPR Hwy 25/SE Broadway - 100 E. Bro 22.64 11/15/2017 101-43120-438200 UB Sept 2017 14476 - Ellison House 14.16 11/15/2017 101-45201-438200 UB Sept 2017 14522 - Hillside Cemetery sprinkler 64.74 11/15/2017 101-45201-438200 Check Total: 5,784.62 Vendor: 2074 RIVERWOOD BANK Check Sequence: 3 11/1/2017 CD Investment 1,000,000.00 11/15/2017 955-00000-104010 Check Total: 1,000,000.00 Vendor: 4470 US BANK - BONDS Check Sequence: 4 739253 Interest - GO Bonds 2013B - WWTP 31,698.75 11/15/2017 602-49480-461100 739253 Principal - GO Bonds 2013B - WWTP 180,000.00 11/15/2017 602-00000-231200 Check Total: 211,698.75 Vendor: 2811 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYSTEM Check Sequence: 5 11/06/2017 AST- credit to correct error from last month -504.00 11/15/2017 609-49754-421110 11/06/2017 Home Depot - roof felt 14.95 11/15/2017 101-43120-421990 11/06/2017 Grady's - (2) 12pk steel wool; 3pk scrubber 15.57 11/15/2017 101-43120-421990 11/06/2017 General Rental - #206 - Press Ball Joint truck 16.95 11/15/2017 101-45201-422110 11/06/2017 Monti Napa -alternator 20.73 11/15/2017 101-43127-421990 11/06/2017 Home Depot-RDG type L Blue copper; (2) 90 d 24.64 11/15/2017 601-49440-422700 11/06/2017 PayPal-Boshen-2013- Hillside Cem- LED Rope 30.99 11/15/2017 101-45201-421650 11/06/2017 Home Depot - (2) Gorilla Hvy. Dry Tape 32.93 11/15/2017 101-43120-421990 11/06/2017 Home Depot - Pool Trowel; Magnesium flot 62.94 11/15/2017 101-43127-421990 11/06/2017 Monti Napa- sander; adapter 96.99 11/15/2017 101-43127-421990 11/06/2017 G & K - inv. #6043875061; 6043880737; 60438' 163.14 11/15/2017 609-49754-431990 11/06/2017 Streicher's- Inv. 1282192; 2515- (2) ea. strobe:B 179.98 11/15/2017 101-42200-421990 11/06/2017 Stretcher's- hiv. 1282514 - Taclite Por Pants 39.99 11/15/2017 101-42200-421120 11/06/2017 PayPal -Oct. Lighting -(4) LED Rope Lights 239.96 11/15/2017 101-45201-421650 11/06/2017 Arctic Glacier - resale - inv #1956727507;19567 292.07 11/15/2017 609-49750-425500 11/06/2017 MN Equip. - #217 -hood; door; (2) label 306.48 11/15/2017 101-45201-422100 11/06/2017 Rivard -ZPARKS-RWOODS - (100) 2203 REC ; 1,604.95 11/15/2017 229-45202-453010 11/06/2017 DTN -Televent- renew On-line Forcast - split 2,776.00 11/15/2017 101-43125-431990 11/06/2017 DTN -Televent- renew On-line Forcast - split 2,000.00 11/15/2017 101-43127-431990 11/06/2017 Cub - resale (10) lemons; (22) limes 27.28 11/15/2017 609-49750-425500 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/15/2017 - 11:02 AM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/06/2017 Moon Motors- snow cab for blower 198.65 11/15/2017 101-45201-422100 11/06/2017 Monti Napa -#206 -wheel o -ring; upr ball joint; by 214.59 11/15/2017 101-45201-422110 11/06/2017 Zep- orange degreaser 304.43 11/15/2017 101-43127-421600 11/06/2017 Grady's - 9v battery 3.99 11/15/2017 101-45201-421650 11/06/2017 Grady's - 10 ft. pvc pipe; couple 4.88 11/15/2017 602-49490-421990 11/06/2017 Fastenal - (300) cable tie 6.06 11/15/2017 101-45201-421650 11/06/2017 Kwik Trip - Lighter for paver 6.22 11/15/2017 101-43120-422400 11/06/2017 Runnings - Timber Spikes (3.77) lbs. 8.63 11/15/2017 101-45201-421650 11/06/2017 Grady's - dbl. end bolt snap- Flag Pole- Fire 9.99 11/15/2017 101-42200-421990 11/06/2017 Grady's - padlock 15.99 11/15/2017 101-45203-421990 11/06/2017 General Rental - propane 20lbs- Sunset Ponds -1 17.78 11/15/2017 101-43120-422400 11/06/2017 Fastenal -duct tape; blk. super 33; dura -ink 19.78 11/15/2017 101-45201-421650 11/06/2017 Fastenal -(1000) blk cable ties 20.20 11/15/2017 101-45201-421650 11/06/2017 Runnings - steel toe dairy boot 20.99 11/15/2017 101-43120-421110 11/06/2017 Holiday- donuts after all night fire 21.00 11/15/2017 101-42200-421990 11/06/2017 Cub - resale (6) lemons; (25) limes 25.69 11/15/2017 609-49750-425500 11/06/2017 Walmart - (2) duct tape; storage box; sanitizer; ei 26.81 11/15/2017 101-42200-421990 11/06/2017 Home Depot - (9) 601b. concrete 27.90 11/15/2017 101-43120-421990 11/06/2017 Kwik Trip - (10.833) gal unleaded prem <a, $2.84 31.40 11/15/2017 101-42200-421200 11/06/2017 Marne's - (8) ft/ erosion blanket 36.00 11/15/2017 101-45201-421650 11/06/2017 Martie's - 8 ft/ straw mat;(4) gloves 41.16 11/15/2017 101-45201-421650 11/06/2017 MN Dept. of Health- Monitoring Well Pen -nit 58 50.00 11/15/2017 601-49440-443700 11/06/2017 DISH - Nov. 2017 service 64.16 11/15/2017 609-49754-432500 11/06/2017 Home Depot - post hole digger; 4x8 plywood 68.14 11/15/2017 101-43120-421990 11/06/2017 General Rental - screed concrete powered- Cedai 70.00 11/15/2017 101-43120-441500 11/06/2017 Walmart -Wine Tasting- bowls; treats 117.75 11/15/2017 609-49754-425550 11/06/2017 Cub - reimbrs. by Relief Assoc. - Oct Fire Dinne 118.67 11/15/2017 101-00000-115030 11/06/2017 Sherwin Williams - (30) 5 gal white paint 318.69 11/15/2017 101-45203-422300 11/06/2017 Monti Napa - Paint for Pool Slide Steps 85.17 11/15/2017 226-45126-422990 11/06/2017 Monti Napa - Return Unused Paint for Pool Slide -22.05 11/15/2017 226-45126-422990 11/06/2017 Eventbrite - Wils Zeta Speaker & Luncheon (AN 25.00 11/15/2017 226-45122-433100 11/06/2017 3M Health & Safety - Online Respirator Medical 29.00 11/15/2017 101-41800-431990 11/06/2017 General Credit Fonns - Thermal Roll Paper (1 c, 95.93 11/15/2017 217-41990-421990 11/06/2017 Fred Pryor Seminar - Advanced Excel Class (TE 99.00 11/15/2017 101-41800-433100 11/06/2017 Koehler & Drumm - Votive Candles (27 Boxes) 700.65 11/15/2017 226-45123-431990 11/06/2017 MN Erosion Control Assoc - MS4 Permit Works 85.00 11/15/2017 101-43111-433100 11/06/2017 MN Dept Labor - Qtr 3 2017 Bldg Permit Surch 3,105.65 11/15/2017 101-00000-208110 11/06/2017 Randy's - Shredding Services (DMV) 17.85 11/15/2017 217-41990-431990 11/06/2017 Randy's - Shredding Services (CH) 17.85 11/15/2017 101-41310-431990 11/06/2017 A Catered Event - IEDC Breakfast 6.21 11/15/2017 213-46301-443990 11/06/2017 Verizon - Sept 4 - Oct 3 50.84 11/15/2017 101-42400-432100 11/06/2017 Verizon - Sept 4 - Oct 3 31.38 11/15/2017 226-45122-432100 11/06/2017 Verizon - Sept 4 - Oct 3 41.38 11/15/2017 101-43120-432100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/15/2017 - 11:02 AM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/06/2017 Verizon - Sept 4 - Oct 3 46.11 11/15/2017 601-49440-432100 11/06/2017 Verizon - Sept 4 - Oct 3 46.11 11/15/2017 602-49490-432100 11/06/2017 Verizon - Aug 21 - Sept 20 26.02 11/15/2017 101-43120-432100 11/06/2017 Verizon - Aug 21 - Sept 20 140.04 11/15/2017 101-42200-432100 11/06/2017 Advanced Disposal - Sept 2017 38,765.39 11/15/2017 101-43230-438400 11/06/2017 Advanced Disposal - Sept 2017 - Recycling 12,890.50 11/15/2017 101-43230-438400 11/06/2017 Advanced Disposal - Sept 2017 35.80 11/15/2017 101-43127-438400 11/06/2017 Advanced Disposal - Sept 2017 47.74 11/15/2017 101-45201-438400 11/06/2017 Advanced Disposal - Sept 2017 23.87 11/15/2017 101-45201-438400 11/06/2017 Advanced Disposal - Sept 2017 113.38 11/15/2017 602-49480-438400 11/06/2017 Advanced Disposal - Sept 2017 208.87 11/15/2017 226-45126-438400 11/06/2017 Advanced Disposal - Sept 2017 23.87 11/15/2017 609-49754-438400 11/06/2017 Advanced Disposal - Sept 2017 23.87 11/15/2017 101-45201-438400 11/06/2017 Advanced Disposal - Sept 2017 11.93 11/15/2017 101-45501-431990 11/06/2017 Wall Street Journal - Monthly Subscription (WO 36.99 11/15/2017 101-41520-443300 11/06/2017 Domino's Pizza - City Council Meeting 10/23/17 54.35 11/15/2017 101-41110-443990 11/06/2017 Northern Cowboy - Lunch at Training (AM) 12.35 11/15/2017 226-45122-433100 11/06/2017 Hi Way Liquor - Pop for Wedding 21.39 11/15/2017 226-45123-421460 11/06/2017 Sams Club - Snacks for Bertram Event 37.33 11/15/2017 226-45127-421990 11/06/2017 Sams Club - Protien Bars for Concession 53.59 11/15/2017 226-45125-425410 11/06/2017 Sams Club - Childcare Toys 59.96 11/15/2017 226-45127-421730 11/06/2017 Sherwin Williams - Paint & Brush for Locker Rc 49.32 11/15/2017 226-45126-422990 11/06/2017 Holiday - Unleaded Fuel 8.910 gals L; $2.349 20.93 11/15/2017 217-41990-421200 11/06/2017 Super America - Unleaded Fuel 9.141 gals (a, $2 21.47 11/15/2017 217-41990-421200 11/06/2017 Super America - Unleaded Fuel 9.819 gals a, $2 23.75 11/15/2017 217-41990-421200 11/06/2017 Target - City Council Meeting Food 39.87 11/15/2017 101-41110-443990 11/06/2017 Target - EDA Special Meeting Food 29.99 11/15/2017 213-46301-443990 11/06/2017 Amazon -Paper, Calculator Tape, Post Its, 78.24 11/15/2017 217-41990-421990 11/06/2017 Amazon -Wireless Mouse 15.74 11/15/2017 101-41310-421990 11/06/2017 Amazon - Cleaning Wipes, Tissues, Inkjet Wide 132.44 11/15/2017 101-41310-421990 11/06/2017 Amazon - Paper Trimmer, Staplers (2), Envelope 152.84 11/15/2017 101-41310-421990 11/06/2017 Amazon - Batteries, Super Glue, Mints, Coffee,' 81.82 11/15/2017 101-41310-421990 11/06/2017 Amazon - Trash Can Liners 54.52 11/15/2017 101-42200-421990 11/06/2017 Amazon - Batteries, Mints 57.84 11/15/2017 101-41310-421990 11/06/2017 Monti Napa - Silicone, JB Weld 13.62 11/15/2017 226-45126-422990 11/06/2017 Monti Napa - Weather Strip for UB Drop Box 01 10.69 11/15/2017 226-45126-422990 11/06/2017 Grady's - Keys for Prairie Center Bldg 29.85 11/15/2017 101-41941-421990 11/06/2017 Grady's - Mise Hardware (Nuts, Washers), Conei 46.97 11/15/2017 226-45126-422990 11/06/2017 Grady's - Drain Cleaner for Pool 3.99 11/15/2017 226-45126-422990 11/06/2017 Grady's - Weather Strip, Foam - For Slide Repair 20.97 11/15/2017 226-45126-422990 11/06/2017 Grady's - Zip Ties, Utility Knife, Poly Tubing foi 30.68 11/15/2017 226-45126-422990 11/06/2017 Grady's - Drill Bit, Anchor Stud Wedges (6) for l 8.79 11/15/2017 226-45126-422990 11/06/2017 Grady's - Misc Hardware to Repair Mailbox at P 2.69 11/15/2017 101-41941-422990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/15/2017 - 11:02 AM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/06/2017 Grady's - Hose & Nozzle for Cleaning Pool Drai 41.39 11/15/2017 226-45126-422990 11/06/2017 Home Depot - Glass/Tile Scraper Combo Kit 6.97 11/15/2017 226-45126-422990 11/06/2017 Home Depot - Mise Hardware, Clamp, Pliers, M 74.80 11/15/2017 226-45126-422990 11/06/2017 Home Depot - Batteries, Shower Curtain, Lubric 42.71 11/15/2017 226-45126-422990 11/06/2017 Home Depot - Batteries, Screwdriver, Ox Bit 23,21 11/15/2017 226-45126-422990 11/06/2017 Monti Chamber of Commerce - October Lunch ( 15.00 11/15/2017 101-41310-443990 11/06/2017 Monti Chamber of Commerce - Ad for MCC 80.00 11/15/2017 226-45122-434990 11/06/2017 Dacotah Paper- Bathroom & Locker Room Supl 638.94 11/15/2017 226-45126-421990 11/06/2017 Dacotah Paper- 14' Opti -Loc Extension Pole 61.12 11/15/2017 226-45126-422990 11/06/2017 Dacotah Paper - Cold Pack, Napkins for Conces> 81.46 11/15/2017 226-45125-421990 11/06/2017 Dacotah Paper - Paper Plates, Paper Towels 136.42 11/15/2017 217-41990-421990 11/06/2017 Dacotah Paper - Spoons, Tissues - Concession Si 84.06 11/15/2017 226-45125-421990 11/06/2017 Dacotah Paper - Trash Can Liners 26.93 11/15/2017 101-45501-421990 11/06/2017 Dacotah Paper - Sharps Container, Mount Brack 488.55 11/15/2017 226-45126-421990 11/06/2017 NBP - Pens, Tape 60.56 11/15/2017 101-41310-421990 11/06/2017 NBP - Paper, Tape 37.58 11/15/2017 226-45122-421990 11/06/2017 NBP - 2018 Calendars for Staff 316.05 11/15/2017 101-41310-421990 11/06/2017 NBP - Napkins, Staples, Post Its, 40.03 11/15/2017 217-41990-421990 11/06/2017 MN Dept Labor- Qtr 3 2017 Bldg Permit Surch -124.23 11/15/2017 101-42400-343000 11/06/2017 Monti Napa -return combination switch -74.17 11/15/2017 101-43120-422110 11/06/2017 Grady's - (2)3pk moth cake; moth balls 18.17 11/15/2017 101-45201-421650 11/06/2017 Monti Napa- #110 hose of wing on Plow Tnick; 43.17 11/15/2017 101-43125-422100 11/06/2017 Monti Napa- #114 headlight dimmer switch; bull 85.77 11/15/2017 101-43120-422110 11/06/2017 Grady's - battery; 50/50 Greeen Prim; antifrz. tes 132.96 11/15/2017 101-45201-422100 11/06/2017 Monti Napa- (2) Support; (12) grease; etc 190.63 11/15/2017 101-45201-422110 11/06/2017 Dyna -(50) cbl tie; flap wheel; cryobit; etc 233.25 11/15/2017 101-43127-421990 11/06/2017 Boyer - #109 & #110- 38 MT Reman; Core Chai 345.24 11/15/2017 101-43120-422110 11/06/2017 Dacotah Paper - (8) cs can linersJ6) cs paper to, 453.36 11/15/2017 101-45201-421650 11/06/2017 MN Fire Svc Cert. Brd- (19) renew certificates 475.00 11/15/2017 101-42200-433100 11/06/2017 Aramark - uniforms Sept.2017 - Parks 157.41 11/15/2017 101-45201-441700 11/06/2017 Aramark - uniforms Sept.2017 - Sewer 86.64 11/15/2017 602-49490-441700 11/06/2017 Aramark - uniforms Sept.2017 - Water 86.64 11/15/2017 601-49440-441700 11/06/2017 Aramark - uniforms Sept.2017 - Streets 197.22 11/15/2017 101-43120-441700 11/06/2017 Aramark - towels Sept.2017 - Shop 207.49 11/15/2017 101-43127-421990 11/06/2017 WHCE - 8/16-9/15/17 mine. contract 1,964.05 11/15/2017 101-43160-431900 11/06/2017 WHCE -Hi-Way Liquors - Nov. 2017 service 21.42 11/15/2017 609-49754-431900 11/06/2017 WHCE - MCC - Nov. 2017 service 19.95 11/15/2017 226-45126-431900 11/06/2017 WHCE - 107 River St. W - Parks 19.95 11/15/2017 101-45201-431900 11/06/2017 WHCE - 200 Dundas Rd. - Nov. 2017 service 29.95 11/15/2017 601-49440-431900 11/06/2017 WHCE -909 Golf Course Rd - Nov. 2017 servic 19.95 11/15/2017 101-43110-431900 11/06/2017 WHCE -General Street Lighting 1,290 22 11/15/2017 101-43160-438100 11/06/2017 Runnings -#109 -fittings 1.79 11/15/2017 101-43120-422110 11/06/2017 Home Depot - (3) seal tape 1.84 11/15/2017 601-49440-421990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/15/2017 - 11:02 AM) Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/06/2017 Grady's - pvc small parts 6.75 11/15/2017 601-49440-421990 11/06/2017 Fastenal - (20) Top Lk. Gr - plow equip. 9.98 11/15/2017 101-43125-421990 11/06/2017 Fastenal - alloy swiv. HK 3 ton 94.64 11/15/2017 101-43120-422100 11/06/2017 TP Tools -Tempered glass cabin lens; skat blast 1 95.95 11/15/2017 101-43127-422100 11/06/2017 Hotsy - repair pressure washer 209.35 11/15/2017 101-43127-431990 11/06/2017 Cloud Contents- Billed to Ins.- clean turnout gea 567.00 11/15/2017 101-42200-431990 11/06/2017 Rivard- ZPARKS-RWOODS- (100) 2203 Rec-S1 1,604.95 11/15/2017 229-45202-453010 11/06/2017 WHCE - Sunset Ponds 9/1-10/l/2017 49.20 11/15/2017 602-49490-438100 11/06/2017 WHCF. - 1645 & 1675 CR 39 35.66 11/15/2017 602-49490-438100 11/06/2017 WHCE-DMV 19.95 11/15/2017 217-41990-431900 11/06/2017 WHCE -2171 W. River St. - Parks 36.45 11/15/2017 101-45201-431900 11/06/2017 WHCE - 5980 Jason Ave NE - Water 19.95 11/15/2017 601-49440-431900 11/06/2017 WHCE - MCC 27.95 11/15/2017 226-45126-431900 11/06/2017 WHCE - 207 Chelsea Rd. - Water 32.95 11/15/2017 601-49440-431900 11/06/2017 WHCE - 209 Cedar St - Water 29.95 11/15/2017 601-49440-431900 11/06/2017 WHCE - 132 E. Broadway - Water 29.95 11/15/2017 601-49440-431900 11/06/2017 Grady's - nozzle 9.99 11/15/2017 101-43127-421990 11/06/2017 Cub - resale (26) limes 20.54 11/15/2017 609-49750-425500 11/06/2017 Boyer - #109 - (2) elbow; knob 25.52 11/15/2017 101-43120-422110 11/06/2017 Monti Napa - #109 - fuel filter 26.81 11/15/2017 101-43120-422110 11/06/2017 Home Depot - (7) 801b concrete mix 30.10 11/15/2017 101-43120-422600 11/06/2017 Hirschfields - plow paint 58.32 11/15/2017 101-43125-421990 11/06/2017 Monti Napa - 621 Plow- hose; (2) hose end fittin 58.62 11/15/2017 101-43125-422100 11/06/2017 Cabela's - boots Tom M. 2016/2017 179.99 11/15/2017 101-43120-420650 11/06/2017 Hi -Way Liquors- (3) prizes for Wine Tasting 201 200.00 11/15/2017 609-49754-425550 11/06/2017 Titan Machinery - 12v remote mini radio 220.73 11/15/2017 101-45201-421990 11/06/2017 Martie's-(45)strawbales 267.75 11/15/2017 101-45201-440900 11/06/2017 Royal Tire - (2) Tires; mount; rotate; etc 510.58 11/15/2017 101-45201-422200 11/06/2017 NBP - Pens, Planner, Correction Tape 59.77 11/15/2017 101-41310-421990 11/06/2017 NBP - Calendar, File Folders, Pens 89.62 11/15/2017 101-41310-421990 11/06/2017 NBP- Calendar, Batteries, Soap, Wastebasket, A 60.10 11/15/2017 217-41990-421990 11/06/2017 NBP - Calendar & Planner Returned -24.29 11/15/2017 101-41310-421990 11/06/2017 Holiday- Unleaded Fuel 9.728 gals (a! $2.379 23.14 11/15/2017 217-41990-421200 11/06/2017 Holiday - Unleaded Fuel 8.094 gals (u $2.399 19.42 11/15/2017 217-41990-421200 11/06/2017 Walmart - Snacks for Bertram Programs 13.42 11/15/2017 226-45127-421990 11/06/2017 Walmart - Protein Bars for Concession 19.08 11/15/2017 226-45125-425410 11/06/2017 Walmart - Coffee Maker for Events/Rentals 39.92 11/15/2017 226-45123-421990 11/06/2017 Walmart - Apples, Cider, Smores for Bertram Fa 65.51 11/15/2017 226-45127-421990 11/06/2017 Monti Napa - Adhesive for Door Oi! Head End B 4.29 11/15/2017 101-41941-422990 11/06/2017 Grady's - Bulb for Prairie Center Bldg 24.99 11/15/2017 101-41941-421990 11/06/2017 Grady's - Screws for Head End Bldg 0.50 11/15/2017 656-00000-202099 11/06/2017 Grady's - Rust Cleaner 5.99 11/15/2017 226-45126-422990 11/06/2017 Grady's - Key Rings for Locker Key Tags (50) 14.50 11/15/2017 226-45126-422990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/15/2017 - 11:02 AM) Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/06/2017 Grady's - Cutting Wheel for Dremel 9.59 11/15/2017 226-45126-422990 11/06/2017 Verizon - Aug 11 - Sept 10 25.02 11/15/2017 101-43115-432100 11/06/2017 Home Depot - Bulbs (6) & Door Seal for HE BI 220.19 11/15/2017 656-00000-202099 11/06/2017 Amazon -Envelopes 14.60 11/15/2017 217-41990-421990 11/06/2017 Sherwin Williams - Pool Window White Paint 42,21 11/15/2017 226-45126-422990 11/06/2017 G & K - inv. #6043880738, 6043886458, 60438' 132.79 11/15/2017 226-45126-421990 11/06/2017 G & K - inv. #6043875062 41.48 11/15/2017 226-45126-421990 11/06/2017 Survey Monkey - Advantage Annual Plan (10/11 336.00 11/15/2017 101-41800-443300 11/06/2017 Park & Fly Reservations- 10/21/17 - 10/25/17 (11 83.37 11/15/2017 101-41310-433100 11/06/2017 Sunray Printing - Postage for Fall/Winter Newsh 1,003.66 11/15/2017 101-41310-431950 11/06/2017 Horizon CPO Seminars - CPO Training JR 276.50 11/15/2017 226-45122-433100 11/06/2017 123 Sign Up - Northstar APA Yr End Event 45.00 11/15/2017 101-41520-433100 11/06/2017 Constant Contact - Monthly Email Subscription 65.00 11/15/2017 226-45122-430900 11/06/2017 Fastened - Antifreeze & 3/4' Plug (3) Pool 36.17 11/15/2017 226-45126-422990 11/06/2017 USPS - Certified Mailings to Big Lake & Elk Ri 14.58 11/15/2017 101-41910-432200 11/06/2017 Amazon - Sterling Rope Chain Reactor for Clim 21.74 11/15/2017 226-45127-421710 11/06/2017 Dacotah Paper - Bathroom & Locker Room Supl 815.55 11/15/2017 226-45126-421990 11/06/2017 Dacotah Paper - Popcorn Bags, Paper Plates, Cud 440.37 11/15/2017 226-45125-421990 11/06/2017 Weebly - Website for MCC 143.10 11/15/2017 226-45122-430900 11/06/2017 Martie's - Calcium Chloride for Pool 68.97 11/15/2017 226-45124-421600 11/06/2017 NBP -Calendar Returned -17.49 11/15/2017 101-41310-421990 11/06/2017 Trusted Employees - Background Checks - MCC 117.00 11/15/2017 226-45122-431990 11/06/2017 Trusted Employees - Background Checks - DM\ 37.00 11/15/2017 217-41990-431990 11/06/2017 Snap Geofilters - SnapChat Filter for Glow Yoga 5.00 11/15/2017 226-45122-430900 11/06/2017 Amazon - Conflict Resolution Book 7.44 11/15/2017 101-41800-421990 11/06/2017 Amazon - File Folders, Hanging Files 178.62 11/15/2017 226-45122-421990 11/06/2017 Amazon - Climbing Wall Equipment - Harness, t 704.80 11/15/2017 226-45127-421710 11/06/2017 Amazon - Batteries (40 ple), Coffee 210.21 11/15/2017 101-41310-421990 11/06/2017 Amazon -Calculator Paper Rolls 53.98 11/15/2017 101-41310-421990 11/06/2017 Monti Chamber of Commerce - Chamber Banqu 130.00 11/15/2017 226-45122-433100 11/06/2017 G & K - inv. #6043109275 16.40 11/15/2017 101-45501-431990 11/06/2017 G & K - inv. #6043109274, 6043103541 90.01 11/15/2017 226-45126-421990 11/06/2017 Martie's - Calcium Chloride for Pool 45.98 11/15/2017 226-45124-421600 11/06/2017 Grady's - Misc Hardware to Fix Concession Coo 5.73 11/15/2017 226-45126-422990 11/06/2017 Holiday - Unleaded Fuel 8.818 gals L; $2.549 22.48 11/15/2017 217-41990-421200 11/06/2017 Crockett Hotel -1CMA Conf 10/21 - 10/25 JO 700.52 11/15/2017 101-41310-433100 11/06/2017 Microsoft Store - 2016 Office Bundle (JO) 149.99 11/15/2017 101-41310-421990 11/06/2017 Microsoft Store - Sales Tax Charged 2016 Office 11.06 11/15/2017 101-00000-115030 11/06/2017 Cub - 409 refill; facl tissue; disinfec. wipes; etc 60.82 11/15/2017 101-43127-421990 11/06/2017 Runnings - (4) poly tarp; (10) 24pk water 82.84 11/15/2017 101-42200-421990 11/06/2017 Arctic Glacier - resale - inv #1957729907; #195" 83.09 11/15/2017 609-49750-425500 11/06/2017 Midway Iron - 9' Sq. tube 5x5x3/16 Steel 94.50 11/15/2017 101-45201-421650 11/06/2017 Monti Napa - (110) bulk trailer 103.40 11/15/2017 101-43127-421990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/15/2017 - 11:02 AM) Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 11/06/2017 G & K - inv. 96043892133; 6043897844 106.08 11/15/2017 609-49754-431990 11/06/2017 Home Depot - epoxy 3.77 11/15/2017 602-49490-421990 11/06/2017 Grady's - duct tape 6.59 11/15/2017 601-49440-421990 11/06/2017 Monti Napa - #112 - fuse holder 8,28 11/15/2017 101-43120-422110 11/06/2017 Cub - resale (20) limes 15.80 11/15/2017 609-49750-425500 11/06/2017 Cub - resale (11) limes; (8) lemons 16.61 11/15/2017 609-49750-425500 11/06/2017 Facebook - 7 Day promotion 20.00 11/15/2017 609-49754-434990 11/06/2017 O'Reilly - Sq. 5 - wiper blades 27.18 11/15/2017 101-42200-422110 11/06/2017 Nighthawk - Nov. 2017 security monitor/cellulae 49.95 11/15/2017 101-42200-431900 11/06/2017 Monti Napa- Tank Heater- Gen. Cay Sunset Pnds- 57.90 11/15/2017 602-49490-422100 11/06/2017 Streicher's- Inv.I1285335 - (4) bx latex gloves 60.00 11/15/2017 101-42200-421990 11/06/2017 Monti Vacuum - bags- Riccar; Oreck 32.90 11/15/2017 101-43127-421990 11/06/2017 MN State College- Recert.Comm. Veh. Inpect. T 200.00 11/15/2017 101-43120-433100 11/06/2017 Zep - doz. brake wash; doz. Zep2000 aero. 213.26 11/15/2017 101-43127-421990 11/06/2017 Runnings -elec. valve flange; (10) bulk bin prod. 228.67 11/15/2017 101-43125-422100 11/06/2017 On the Run- (12) T-shirts for school uniforms 231.06 11/15/2017 101-42200-421120 11/06/2017 Big Mouth- resale - asst. glasses 303.75 11/15/2017 609-49750-425400 11/06/2017 Arctic Glacier - resale - inv #1957728908; 1957" 362.06 11/15/2017 609-49750-425500 11/06/2017 Royal Tire -#163- (2) Tires- jumbo trax;mount 624.08 11/15/2017 101-43120-422200 11/06/2017 Farm -Rite - Tool Cat inspec/service; (4) tires; oil 4,552.98 11/15/2017 101-45201-422100 11/06/2017 Grady's - hose washers & caps for irrigation 4.98 11/15/2017 101-45201-421650 11/06/2017 Grady's - hitch pin 9.99 11/15/2017 101-45201-421650 11/06/2017 Grady's -(3)air filters 14.97 11/15/2017 101-45201-422300 11/06/2017 Martie's- 8 ft erosion blanket 36.00 11/15/2017 101-45201-421650 11/06/2017 Grady's - (4) 501b. concrete mix 38.36 11/15/2017 101-43120-422600 11/06/2017 Runnings - (3) 6pk paper towels gal. liquid seal 51,25 11/15/2017 101-42200-421100 11/06/2017 DSG - scrubs in bucket; galy. hex head; ect. 51.72 11/15/2017 101-45201-421650 11/06/2017 Hirschfields -5 gal. new ceiling white 81.94 11/15/2017 101-45201-421650 11/06/2017 PayPal- Diamond Wipes- (12)pk 48 wipes 94.94 11/15/2017 101-42200-421100 11/06/2017 Dyna -((100) 501b. cable tie; (100) 301b cable tie; 229.69 11/15/2017 101-45201-421650 11/06/2017 Amazon - Message Pads 7.71 11/15/2017 217-41990-421990 11/06/2017 Amazon - Calculator Paper Rolls (12 pk) 10.21 11/15/2017 217-41990-421990 11/06/2017 Amazon - Trash Bags, Pens 28.75 11/15/2017 217-41990-421990 11/06/2017 Amazon - Tote Bags (3 pk) 32.99 11/15/2017 217-41990-421990 11/06/2017 Amazon - Blue Water 44" Rope for Climbing W, 13.95 11/15/2017 226-45127-421710 Check Total: 94,880.06 Vendor: 2438 VANCO SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 6 00008501420 Vanco - Gateway Exchange - October 2017 15.17 11/15/2017 656-00000-202099 00008501420 Vanco - Gateway Exchange - October 2017 49.98 11/15/2017 601-49440-443980 00008501420 Vanco - Gateway Exchange - October 2017 49.97 11/15/2017 602-49490-443980 Reference ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/15/2017 - 11:02 AM) Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Total: 115.12 Total for Check Run: 1,314,171.80 Total of Number of Checks: The preceding list of bills payables was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 11/27/17 Approved by: Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (I 1/15/2017 - 11:02 AM) Page 9 Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Julie.Cheney Printed: 11/22/2017 - 1:37PM Batch: 00204.11.2017 - 204.11.2017 AP Invoice No Description Vendor: 4847 A & C FARM SERVICE, INC. 15389 Kioti Tractor - Parks cc approved 10/9/17 Check Total: Vendor: 2407 ALL ELEMENTS 5020 Repaired Leak in Waiting Area (Labor & Materia 703-00000-165010 Check Total: Vendor: 1019 ALLINA HEALTH SYSTEM 1110022844 Quarter 3- to keep Medicals up to date - Fire Check Total: Vendor: 1023 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION 1860228-17101 ACH 2018 Membership - APA & AICP Category F M True 20125 Check Total: Vendor: 1977 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS INC 74476 (10) Minitor V Battery Check Total: Vendor: 1030 ANCOM TECHNICAL CENTER INC 74478 Repaired pager - Fire Check Sequence: 3 ACH Check Total: Vendor: 3991 ANOKA RAMSEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE 00424814 101-42200-431990 Lock Out/Tag Out & Confined Space Refresher' Check Total: AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/22/2017 - 1:37 PM) Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False 45,452.00 11/28/2017 703-00000-165010 45,452.00 Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 20125 11/28/2017 217-41990-440100 201.25 Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False 1,173.42 11/28/2017 101-42200-431990 1,173.42 Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 499.00 11/28/2017 101-41910-443300 499.00 Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: False 203.00 11/28/2017 101-42200-421990 203.00 Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: False 132.00 11/28/2017 101-42200-440440 132.00 Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: False 650.00 11/28/2017 101-41800-431960 650.00 Page I Invoice No Description Vendor: 1036 APEC AQUISITIONS INC 122060 338.50 Filters - Various Sizes (46 Total) 11/28/2017 226-45126-431990 Check Total: Vendor: 1039 AQUA LOGIC INC 46961 Assist Pool Operators Reinstall VGB Covers Aft 46986 Pool Chemicals Check Sequence: 10 Check Total: Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 3220122 resale - beer 3221339 415.75 resale - beer Check Total: Vendor: 4502 ARVIG 11/8/2017 IT Services - Nov 2017 270621 21,059.90 Oct. 2017 - Calix; Border States; National Cable 11/28/2017 656-49877-421800 Check Total: Vendor: 2886 AUSCO DESIGN AND MARKETING 3310 Polo Shirts (4) - Concession Staff 3310 60.00 Zip Up Eloodies (4) - Maintenance Staff 11/28/2017 226-45125-421110 Check Total: Vendor: 4848 TODD BARNES 11-28-17 Boot reimbursement 2017 Check Total: Vendor: 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION 61491000 11/28/2017 freight 61491000 resale - liquor 61491000 resale - wine 61593400 Check Sequence: 14 freight 61593400 11/28/2017 resale - liquor 61593400 resale - wine 96715300 168.00 resale - condiments 96715300 609-49750-425300 freight 96748400 11/28/2017 resale - lime juice Amount Payment Date Acct Number Check Sequence: 8 796.37 11/28/2017 226-45126-422990 796.37 Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/22/2017 - 1:37 PM) Page 2 Check Sequence: 9 338.50 11/28/2017 226-45126-431990 527.98 11/28/2017 226-45124-421600 866.48 Check Sequence: 10 210.75 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 205.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 415.75 Check Sequence: 11 439.80 11/28/2017 702-00000-431990 21,059.90 11/28/2017 656-49877-421800 21,499.70 Check Sequence: 12 60.00 11/28/2017 226-45125-421110 120.00 11/28/2017 226-45126-421110 180.00 Check Sequence: 13 90.00 11/28/2017 101-43120-420650 90.00 Check Sequence: 14 13.20 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 467.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425100 168.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 1925 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 527.36 11/28/2017 609-49750-425100 290.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 16.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425500 0.07 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 53.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425500 Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/22/2017 - 1:37 PM) Page 2 Invoice No Description 96748400 freight Check Total: Vendor: 1067 BERNICK'S 81330 resale - beer 81331 resale - soda pop 81331 resale -juice 81332 resale - beer 81890 Credit For Outdated Product 81891 resale - water, pop, 84230 resale - soda pop 84230 resale juice 84231 resale - beer 141.90 Check Total: Vendor: 4846 BIG LAKE REFRIGERATION, A/C & HEATIT 1605 Check Victory Cooler/Leak Detector 1605 Labor - Check Victory Cooler/Leak Detector 1,320.90 Check Total: Vendor: 1080 BRAEMAR MAILING SERVICE INC 58460 UB Nov 2017 Invoices - (3772) FNM Insert 58460 UB Nov 2017 Invoices - (3772) Print, Fold, Env, 58460 UB Nov 2017 Invoices - (3772) Print, Fold, Env, 226-45125-425410 Check Total: Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPIF 1080716901 resale - liquor 1080716901 resale - wine 1080716901 resale - wine n/a 1080716901 freight 1080716902 resale - beer 1080717520 resale - liquor 1080717520 freight 1080720134 freight 1080720134 resale - liquor 1080720381 resale - liquor 1080720381 resale - wine 1080720381 freight 1080720775 freight Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 0.24 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 1,554.12 Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: False 800.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 141.90 11/28/2017 609-49750-425400 20.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425500 1,320.90 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 -101.40 11/28/2017 226-45125-425410 278.40 11/28/2017 226-45125-425410 183.15 11/28/2017 609-49750-425400 36.40 11/28/2017 609-49750-425500 736.80 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 3,416.15 Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: False 42.00 11/28/2017 226-45126-431990 86.00 11/28/2017 226-45126-431990 128.00 Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: False 37.72 11/28/2017 656-00000-202099 552.95 11/28/2017 601-49440-431800 552.94 11/28/2017 602-49490-431800 1,143.61 Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: False 1,066.18 11/28/2017 609-49750-425100 498.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 100.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425400 25.16 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 246.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 135.36 11/28/2017 609-49750-425100 1,65 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 0.55 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 68.74 11/28/2017 609-49750-425100 906.36 11/28/2017 609-49750-425100 1,128.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 36.99 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 6.60 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/22/2017 - 1:37 PM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1080720775 resale - liquor 496.84 11/28/2017 609-49750-425100 Check Total: 4,716.43 Vendor: 2890 BROTHERS FIRE PROTECTION CO Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: True 22941 2017 Annual Alarm Inspection - MCC 400.00 11/28/2017 226-45126-431990 22942 2017 Annual Alarm Inspection - Library 225.00 11/28/2017 101-45501-431990 Check Total: 625.00 Vendor: 1091 CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: True 2348-000G 183 Planning & Zoning - Oct 2017 560.00 11/28/2017 101-41910-430400 2348-000G 183 201726 - Featherstone 3rd PUD - Oct 2017 352.00 11/28/2017 101-00000-220110 2348-000G 183 General Legal - Oct 2017 840.00 11/28/2017 101-41610-430400 2348-148G 3 16C006 - Fallon Ave Condemnation - Oct 2017 2,447.50 11/28/2017 400-43300-459018 2348-150G 2 201736 - Otter Creek Crossing 5th Addition - Oc 735.60 11/28/2017 101-00000-220110 2348-151G 1 201739 - Ryan Motor Co - Oct 2017 357.00 11/28/2017 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 5,292.10 Vendor: 4646 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES L.P. Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: True 2027126 resale - beer 9,800.10 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 2027126 resale - wine 138.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 2027126 resale - wine n/a 85.60 11/28/2017 609-49750-425400 2030224 resale - beer 21,262.10 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 2030224 resale - beer n/a 106.90 11/28/2017 609-49750-425400 354-257 resale - beer credit -54.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 354-263 resale - beer credit -14.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 31,324.70 Vendor: 1094 CAREFREE LAWN SERVICE INC Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: True 16578 Fal Clean up Riverside Cemetery 2,700.00 11/28/2017 651-49010-431050 16578 Fal Clean up Hillside Cemetery 220.00 11/28/2017 101-45201-431050 16617 Hillside Cemetery- Oct. (1) mowing 110.00 11/28/2017 101-45201-431050 16617 Riverside Cern- (1) Oct. mow; litter & debris ren 600.00 11/28/2017 651-49010-431050 Check Total: 3,630.00 Vendor: 1120 CONCRETE PRODUCTS NEW LONDON Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: True 67764 ZPARKS-RWOODS - Typar I Ivy duty 6'x300' 154.22 11/28/2017 229-45202-453010 Check Total: 154.22 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/22/2017 - 1:37 PM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 3831 RAELYNN COOK Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: True 11/20/2017 Mileage Reimbursement - Payroll Northstar Cha 15.19 11/28/2017 101-41520-433100 Check Total: 15.19 Vendor: 3296 CORNERSTONE CHEVROLET Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: False 5049485 # 130 - N -Lamp 123.07 11/28/2017 101-43120-422110 Check Total: 123.07 Vendor: 4694 CUNNINGHAM GROUP ARCHITECTURE IT Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: False 48795 Small Area Plan thru Oct 2017 500.00 11/28/2017 213-46301-431990 Check Total: 500.00 Vendor: 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: True 1311733 resale - beer 249.10 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 1311788 resale - beer 1,041.90 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 162659 resale - beer 25,660.76 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 163016 resale - beer 19,520.74 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 163016 resale - beer n/a 300.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425400 163273 resale - beer credit -115.60 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 163274 resale - beer 69.60 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 163274 resale - beer n/a 84.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425400 163488 resale - beer 149.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 163612 resale - beer 450.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 163732 resale - beer 153.80 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 163746 resale - beer credit -184.30 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 163748 resale - beer 32,135.37 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 163748 resale - beer n/a 110.05 11/28/2017 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 79,624.42 Vendor: 1136 GORDON J DEHMER Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: False 6204 parts- 10 lb. Fire Extenguisher for training 37.50 11/28/2017 101-42200-421990 6204 delivery- 10 lb. Fire Extenguisher for training 20.00 11/28/2017 101-42200-421990 Check Total: 57.50 Vendor: 1147 DOUBLE D ELECTRIC INC Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: False 22166 Labor- replace light switch in Tin Bldg.- PW Sto 65.00 11/28/2017 101-43127-431990 22166 Parts- replace light switch in Tin Bldg.- PW Stor 3.50 11/28/2017 101-43127-431990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/22/2017 - 1:37 PM) Page 5 Invoice No Description Check Total: Vendor: 1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 549047 Digital Manufacturing Mag - Ad #756501 Check Total: Vendor: 2004 TRACY ERGEN 11/15/2017 Mileage Reimbursement - Excel Training (56.6 r 213-46301-434990 Check Total: Vendor: 2273 FIBERNET MONTICELLO - ACH 11/8/2017 City Hall Phone - Nov 2017 11/8/2017 MCC Phone - Nov 2017 11/8/2017 Ballfields Phone - Nov 2017 11/8/2017 DMV Phone - Nov 2017 11/8/2017 Hi Way Liquor Phone - Nov 2017 11/8/2017 Fire Hall Phone - Nov 2017 11/8/2017 Public Works Phone - Nov 2017 11/8/2017 Parks Phone - Nov 2017 11/8/2017 Prairie Center Phone - Nov 2017 11/8/2017 Sheriff Phone - Nov 2017 11/8/2017 City Hall Internet - Nov 2017 11/8/2017 MCC Internet- Nov 2017 11/8/2017 Ball Fields Internet - Nov 2017 11/8/2017 DMV Internet - Nov 2017 11/8/2017 Hi Way Liquor Internet - Nov 2017 11/8/2017 Fire Hall Internet - Nov 2017 11/8/2017 Animal Shelter Internet - Nov 2017 11/8/2017 Public Works Internet - Nov 2017 11/8/2017 Sheriff Internet - Nov 2017 11/8/2017 City Hall Cable - Nov 2017 11/8/2017 MCC Cable -Nov 2017 11/8/2017 City Hall Data Hosting - Nov 2017 11/8/2017 City Hall Service Contract - Nov 2017 113.94 Check Total: Vendor: 1662 FLAHERTY'S HAPPY TYME COMPANY 33817 resale - mix Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 68.50 Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: True 250.00 11/28/2017 213-46301-434990 250.00 Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: True 30,28 11/28/2017 101-41800-433100 30.28 Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: True 651.81 11/28/2017 702-00000-432100 489.32 11/28/2017 702-00000-432100 19.50 11/28/2017 702-00000-432100 275.41 11/28/2017 702-00000-432100 336.73 11/28/2017 702-00000-432100 204.27 11/28/2017 702-00000-432100 223.90 11/28/2017 702-00000-432100 113.94 11/28/2017 702-00000-432100 14.22 11/28/2017 702-00000-432100 69.80 11/28/2017 702-00000-432100 124.95 11/28/2017 702-00000-432300 10.00 11/28/2017 702-00000-432300 10.00 11/28/2017 702-00000-432300 41.95 11/28/2017 702-00000-432300 41.95 11/28/2017 702-00000-432300 41.95 11/28/2017 702-00000-432300 29.95 11/28/2017 702-00000-432300 69.95 11/28/2017 702-00000-432300 41.95 11/28/2017 702-00000-432300 12.95 11/28/2017 101-41310-431990 319.39 11/28/2017 226-45127-432500 500.00 11/28/2017 702-00000-431900 250.00 11/28/2017 702-00000-431900 3,893.89 Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: False 256.50 11/28/2017 609-49750-425500 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/22/2017 - 1:37 PM) Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Total: 256.50 Vendor: 1828 GAME TIME Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: False PJI-0073542 Zero Gravity swing - Hillcrest Park 461.36 11/28/2017 101-45201-421650 Check Total: 461.36 Vendor: 1859 GODFATHER'S EXTERMINATING INC Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: False 127076 General Pest Control - Mice (Prairie Center) 50.00 11/28/2017 101-41941-431990 127100 General Pest Control - Ants (MCC) 80.00 11/28/2017 226-45126-431990 127101 General Pest Control - Ants (DMV) 35.00 11/28/2017 217-41990-431990 127102 General Pest Control - Ants (Library) 50.00 11/28/2017 101-45501-431990 127103 General Pest Control - caught 5 mice 58.78 11/28/2017 609-49754-431990 Check Total: 273.78 Vendor: 1199 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSO( Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: False 0124003 Membership Renewal 2/1/18 - 1/31/19 WO# 30( 190.00 11/28/2017 101-00000-155010 0124003 Membership Renewal 2/1/18 - 1/31/19 SR# 3001 150.00 11/28/2017 101-00000-155010 Check Total: 340.00 Vendor: 1320 TRICIA HANDORFF Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: True 11/13/2017 Mileage Reimbursement - Pickup Product - (86 t 46.01 11/28/2017 226-45122-433100 Check Total: 46.01 Vendor: 3553 HARVEST BANK Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: False 11/15/2017 Principal - 2013A G.O. Certificates of Indebtedn 65,000.00 11/28/2017 703-00000-231200 11/15/2017 Interst - 2013A G.O. Certificates of Indebtedness 4,590.00 11/28/2017 703-00000-461100 Check Total: 69,590.00 Vendor: 1223 11AWKINS INC Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: True 4185165 Pool Chemicals 985.23 11/28/2017 226-45124-421600 Check Total: 985.23 Vendor: 1232 HILLYARD INC MINNEAPOLIS Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: False 602783654 Arsenal Top Clean Cleaner (4) 128.99 11/28/2017 226-45126-421990 Check Total: 128.99 Vendor: 4218 HOHENSTEINS, INC Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/22/2017 - 1:37 PM) Page 7 Invoice No Description 928838 resale - beer 929025 resale - beer Amount Check Total: Vendor: 1241 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP INC 012-064-5 Comprehensive Plan Update 2017 - Prepare Amt 5101618008.001 Check Total: Vendor: 4511 HOUSTON HOMES 11/20/2017 Escrow Refund - 8658 Bison Ave/Hillside Farms 3369 Check Total: Vendor: 3356 INDIAN ISLAND WINERY 1834 resale - wine Amount Payment Date Check Total: Vendor: 1253 J H LARSON COMPANY 5101618008.001 26W Double Twin Tube Lamps (50) 42.00 11/28/2017 Check Total: Vendor: 3369 JAKE'S EXCAVATING INC 3292 10/21/17- grave Kelly Check Sequence: 42 Check Total: Vendor: 1259 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING 2757232 406.25 resale - beer 2757232 freight 2757254 Check Sequence: 43 resale - beer 2757254 11/28/2017 freight 2,000.00 Check Total: Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 5862099 Check Sequence: 44 resale - wine 5862099 11/28/2017 freight 5863068 120.48 resale - liquor 5863068 freight 5863069 Check Sequence: 45 resale - liquor 5863069 11/28/2017 freight Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 986.50 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 42.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 1,028.50 Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: True 406.25 11/28/2017 101-41910-431990 406.25 Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: False 2,000.00 11/28/2017 101-00000-220110 2,000.00 Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: False 120.48 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 120.48 Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: False 137.00 11/28/2017 226-45126-421990 137.00 Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: True 450.00 11/28/2017 651-49010-431150 450.00 Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: False 700.30 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 3.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 4,336.77 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 3.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 5,043.07 Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: False 150.84 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 4.47 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 2,158.04 11/28/2017 609-49750-425100 21.35 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 3,733.61 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 119.68 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/22/2017 - 1:37 PM) Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 5863070 resale - beer 21.99 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 5864286 freight 4.47 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 5864286 resale - liquor 296.04 11/28/2017 609-49750-425100 5864287 resale - wine 2,917.50 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 5864287 freight 56.63 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 5866786 resale - liquor 1,092.68 11/28/2017 609-49750-425100 5866786 freight 14.90 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 5866787 freight 25.33 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 5866787 resale - wine 694.15 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 5868595 freight 106.53 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 5868595 resale - liquor 5,780.39 11/28/2017 609-49750-425100 5868595 resale - wine 264.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 5868596 resale - wine 4,120.03 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 5868596 resale - wine n/a 73.35 11/28/2017 609-49750-425400 5868596 freight 109.52 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 5870430 freight 14.39 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 5870430 resale - liquor 1,566.80 11/28/2017 609-49750-425100 5870431 resale - wine 2,977.80 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 5870431 resale - mix 76.85 11/28/2017 609-49750-425400 5870431 freight 62.96 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 5870432 resale - beer 25.60 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 5872630 resale - liquor 5,451.89 11/28/2017 609-49750-425100 5872630 freight 68.54 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 5872631 freight 22.35 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 5872631 resale - wine 644.85 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 652489 freight credit inv.#5835202 -1.49 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 652489 resale -liquor credit inv.#5835202 -127.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425100 652490 resale - liquor credit inv. #5847839 -193.50 11/28/2017 609-49750-425100 652490 freight credit inv. #5847839 -4.47 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 652583 resale - liquor credit inv. #5847841 -6.12 11/28/2017 609-49750-425100 652584 resale - mix credit inv. #5858768 -8.43 11/28/2017 609-49750-425500 652585 resale - wine credit inv. #5861330 -13.15 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 652586 resale - wine credit inv. #5863069 -52.60 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 652587 resale - wine credit inv. #5863069 -6.08 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 652588 resale - liquor credit inv. #5861329 -133.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425100 652588 freight credit inv. #5861329 -1.49 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 32,130.20 Vendor: 4845 DAVE KASPER Check Sequence: 49 10312017 (2) squeegies; (2) poles; (2) cleaning wipes, etc 100.46 11/28/2017 101-42200-421990 Reference ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/22/2017 - 1:37 PM) Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 100.46 Check Total: Vendor: 1270 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHARTERED MN 190-00101 General EDA Matters thru Oct 2017 MN 190-00101 General EDA Matters thru Oct 2017 MN 190-00101 General EDA Matters thru Oct 2017 MN325-00033 GMEF Loan - Microbrewery thru Oct 2017 MN325-00034 Services for 220 W Broadway thru Oct 2017 213-46535-430400 Check Total: Vendor: 4456 LUPULIN BREWING LLC 11/10/2017 resale - beer 2955 resale - beer 3043 resale - beer 1,694.19 Check Total: Vendor: 1303 M AMUNDSON CIGAR & CANDY CO, LLP 247630 resale - tobacco; bar supplies; mix; etc 247630 resale -cigarettes 248473 resale - tobacco; bar supplies; mix; etc 248473 resale -cigarettes 126.00 Check Total: Vendor: 2819 MADDEN GALANTER HANSEN LLP 11/7/2017 Labor Relations Services - Oct 2017 609-49750-425200 Check Total: Vendor: 3745 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY 20504722 (465) gal. Diesel 0; $2.68 20504856 (498) gal. unleaded (a, $2.39 Check Total: Vendor: 4667 MILLNF.R VINEYARD, LLC 2111617-1 resale - wine 860.74 Check Total: Vendor: 4850 MOLITOR EXCAVATING, INC. 6/26/17 Manhole replacement Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 100.46 Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: False 57.00 11/28/2017 213-46522-430400 171.00 11/28/2017 213-46535-430400 152.00 11/28/2017 213-46301-430400 228.00 11/28/2017 213-46301-430400 1,694.19 11/28/2017 213-46301-430400 2,302.19 Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: True 126.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 540.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 378.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 1,044.00 Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: True 860.74 11/28/2017 609-49750-425400 1,159.44 11/28/2017 609-49750-425500 483.33 11/28/2017 609-49750-425400 907.61 11/28/2017 609-49750-425500 3,411.12 Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: False 285.00 11/28/2017 101-41800-430400 285.00 Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: True 1,244.73 11/28/2017 101-43120-421200 1,188.05 11/28/2017 101-43120-421200 2,432.78 Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: False 362.40 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 362.40 Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: False 8,965.00 11/28/2017 602-49480-440100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/22/2017 - 1:37 PM) Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 8,965.00 Reference Check Total: Vendor: 1375 MONTICELLO PRINTING INC 10-13-2017 (25) Deputy Officer Reports 10/13/2017 resale - (1000) Gift Certificates w/ envelopes Check Total: Vendor: 1377 MONTICELLO SENIOR CENTER November 2017 Monthly Allocation - Nov 2017 221.50 Check Total: Vendor: 4844 SARAH MORRELL 11/16/2017 Yog Class Sub Instructor (11/2/17 1.25 hrs) Check Total: Vendor: 1913 NEW FRANCE WINE 125618 resale - wine 125618 freight Check Total: Vendor: 1687 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC 5089 TIF Management #19 5089 TIF Management #20 5089 TIF Management #22 5089 TIF Management #24 5089 TIF Management #29 5089 TI F Management #30 Check Total: Vendor: 4368 OFFICE DEPOT INC 979078497001 follow up voicemail book 979078617001 36pk AAA batteries; (4) binder 979078618001 pk pouches 980216842001 (4) pk binder clips 25.00 Check Total: Vendor: 1411 OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC INC" 18388 (10) mise. lamps- control lights Marvin Rd. Lift Amount Payment Date Acct Number 8,965.00 Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/22/2017 - 1:37 PM) Page I 1 Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: True 55.25 11/28/2017 101-42200-421990 221.50 11/28/2017 609-49750-425500 276.75 Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: True 4,880.00 11/28/2017 101-45175-444310 4,880.00 Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: False 25.00 11/28/2017 226-45127-431990 25.00 Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: False 664.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 12.50 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 676.50 Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: False 160.42 11/28/2017 213-46519-431990 160.42 11/28/2017 213-46520-431990 160.42 11/28/2017 213-46522-431990 160.42 11/28/2017 213-46524-431990 160.41 11/28/2017 213-46529-431990 160.41 11/28/2017 213-46530-431990 962.50 Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: True 6.29 11/28/2017 101-43110-421990 45.95 11/28/2017 101-43110-421990 31.19 11/28/2017 101-43110-421990 20.31 11/28/2017 101-43110-421990 103.74 Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: True 29.10 11/28/2017 602-49490-421990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/22/2017 - 1:37 PM) Page I 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Check Total: 29.10 Vendor: 1273 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO Check Sequence: 64 8609754 freight 27.50 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 8609754 resale - wine 2,181.71 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 8610131 resale - wine 560.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 8610131 freight 8.75 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 8611211 freight 18.75 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 8611211 resale - wine 1,307.48 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 4,104.19 Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 65 2258151 resale -liquor 2,788.67 11/28/2017 609-49750-425100 2258151 freight 39.23 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 2258152 freight 40.23 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 2258152 resale - wine 1,328.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 2259032 resale - wine 2,695.45 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 2259032 freight 43.22 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 2259033 freight 35.77 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 2259033 resale - wine 1,833.79 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 2260868 resale - liquor 3,127.38 11/28/2017 609-49750-425100 2260868 freight 51.74 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 2260869 freight 14.90 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 2260869 resale - wine 530.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 2262071 freight 64.07 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 2262071 resale - liquor 4,372.14 11/28/2017 609-49750-425100 2262072 resale- wine 624.75 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 2262072 freight 14.90 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 2263333 freight 20.86 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 2263333 resale - liquor 1,940.49 11/28/2017 609-49750-425100 2263334 resale - wine 1,928.25 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 2263334 resale - mix 64.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425400 2263334 freight 45.45 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 2264853 resale - liquor 3,574.45 11/28/2017 609-49750-425100 2264853 freight 33.52 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 2264854 freight 7.45 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 2264854 resale - wine 256.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 279417 freight credit inv. # 2260868 -1.49 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 279417 resale - liquor credit inv. # 2260868 -187.85 11/28/2017 609-49750-425100 279419 resale - wine credit inv. # 2257093 -56.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 279419 freight credit inv. # 2257093 -1.49 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/22/2017 - 1:37 PM) Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 25 227.88 2,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 39,906.00 39,906.00 501.13 501.13 25.00 25.00 106.00 1.50 726.00 12.00 845.50 1,593.75 1,593.75 985.00 985.00 267.68 535.38 Check Sequence: 66 11/28/2017 101-00000-220110 11/28/2017 101-00000-220110 Check Sequence: 67 11/28/2017 226-45124-458010 Check Sequence: 68 11/28/2017 226-45125-425410 Check Sequence: 69 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 Check Sequence: 70 Check Total: Vendor: 4565 R HOMES 11/13/2017 609-49750-425300 Escrow Refund - 9107 Golden Pond/Sunset Pon( 11/14/2017 Escrow Refund - 9043 Golden Pond/Sunset Pon( Check Total: Vendor: 4769 RECREATION BY LEMMIE JONES LLC RLJ2017-048 Spray Structure/Water Table/Water Dome 40% P Check Total: Vendor: 4022 REINHART FOODSERVICE LLC 103861 Food for Concession Resale Check Total: Vendor: 4575 REPLENISHMENT SOLUTIONS LLC 2000346 resale - beer Check Total: Vendor: 4781 RUE 38 LLC 2028-2 resale - wine 2028-2 freight 2331 resale - wine 2331 freight Check Total: Vendor: 1474 PATRICIAA SALZWEDEL Nov 2nd Semi Monthly Contract Payment Check Total: Vendor: 2326 SEIDENKRANZ WELDING SERVICE LLC 4185 Drill Out & Weld Stainless Steel Fittings in Pool Check Total: Vendor: 2192 SERVICEMASTER OF ST CLOUD INC 11/7/2017 Cleaning Services - Oct 2017 - Senior Center 11/7/2017 Cleaning Services - Oct 2017 - City Hall Amount Payment Date Acct Number 25 227.88 2,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 39,906.00 39,906.00 501.13 501.13 25.00 25.00 106.00 1.50 726.00 12.00 845.50 1,593.75 1,593.75 985.00 985.00 267.68 535.38 Check Sequence: 66 11/28/2017 101-00000-220110 11/28/2017 101-00000-220110 Check Sequence: 67 11/28/2017 226-45124-458010 Check Sequence: 68 11/28/2017 226-45125-425410 Check Sequence: 69 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 Check Sequence: 71 11/28/2017 101-42700-431200 Check Sequence: 72 11/28/2017 226-45126-440440 Check Sequence: 73 11/28/2017 101-45175-431990 11/28/2017 101-41940-431990 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/22/2017 - 1:37 PM) Page 13 Check Sequence: 70 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 Check Sequence: 71 11/28/2017 101-42700-431200 Check Sequence: 72 11/28/2017 226-45126-440440 Check Sequence: 73 11/28/2017 101-45175-431990 11/28/2017 101-41940-431990 Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/22/2017 - 1:37 PM) Page 13 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/7/2017 Cleaning Services - Oct 2017 - FNM 452.32 11/28/2017 656-00000-202099 11/7/2017 Cleaning Services - Oct 2017 - Prairie Center 399.68 11/28/2017 101-41941-431990 11/7/2017 Cleaning Services - Oct 2017 - Library 1,210.00 11/28/2017 101-45501-431990 11/7/2017 Cleaning Services - Oct 2017 - MCC 2,539.50 11/28/2017 226-45126-431990 Check Total: 5,404.56 Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS. Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: False 1611963 resale - liquor 1,482.82 11/28/2017 609-49750-425100 1611963 resale - wine 88.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 1611963 freight 18.90 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 1611964 freight 49.11 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 1611964 resale- wine 3,425.83 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 1614753 freight 20.77 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 1614753 resale - liquor 1,800.53 11/28/2017 609-49750-425100 1614753 resale- wine 248.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 1614754 freight 61.60 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 1614754 resale - wine 3,269.04 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 10,464.60 Vendor: 2564 SPORTS PRO LLC Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: True 429 Labor - Work Order #523 - Treadmill #C27 - Pat 102.50 11/28/2017 226-45126-440440 429 Parts - Work Order #523 - Treadmill #C27 - Hon 50.75 11/28/2017 226-45126-440440 440 Bike Parts - WO #528 - Brake Pad, Stopper, Cab 367.18 11/28/2017 226-45126-422990 Check Total: 520.43 Vendor: 3594 STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT, LLC Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: False 2985233 case coffee 60.90 11/28/2017 609-49754-421990 2985234 asst. bags;canliner 479.04 11/28/2017 609-49754-421990 2985235 case bowl cleaner 65.71 11/28/2017 609-49754-421990 Check Total: 605.65 Vendor: 1512 SYLVA CORPORATION INC LB 7958 Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: False 52635 ZPARKS-RWOODS- (14) CY playground mule] 720.50 11/28/2017 229-45202-453010 Check Total: 220.50 Vendor: 1518 TDS TELECOM Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: True 763-271-3257 TDS 95.19 11/28/2017 702-00000-432100 763-295-2005 TDS 19.13 11/28/2017 702-00000-432100 763-295-3714 TDS 337.80 11/28/2017 702-00000-432100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/22/2017 - 1:37 PM) Page 14 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 452.12 Check Total: Vendor: 4305 TERRA SERVICES 11152017 ACH Enabled: False refund Water Use Permit- Dep. $500-$124.62 us, 11152017 601-00000-220111 refund Water Use Permit- Dep. $500-$124.62 us, 11152017 11/28/2017 refund Water Use Permit- Dep. $500-$124.62 us, -8.56 Check Total: Vendor: 4832 TIFCO INDUSTRIES, INC. 71307447 primer; spray paint; PK Indust. Chemical; pot. in Check Total: Vendor: 4656 TRUE FABRICATIONS, INC. 279684 resale - bottle openers; bottle holders 280544 resale - beer glasses; gift bags; etc Check Total: Vendor: 1188 TWAIT WINES, INC 2385 resale - wine 11/28/2017 609-49750-425400 Check Total: Vendor: 1543 US BANK TRUST SERVICES 4800627 G.O. Bonds 2017AAcceptance/Paying Agent Fe Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: False Check Total: Vendor: 1544 US POSTAL SERVICE 11/8/2017 PI 42 - UB Oct Billing (3,772 pcs) (1/2) 11/8/2017 PI 42 - UB Oct Billing (3,772 pcs) (1/2) Check Sequence: 83 ACH Enabled: False Check Total: Vendor: 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO 2054628 resale - beer 2054733 resale - soda pop 2062252 ACH Enabled: False resale - soda pop 11/28/2017 601-49440-432200 Check Total: Vendor: 2125 VIKING TROPHIES Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 452.12 Check Sequence: 79 ACH Enabled: False 500.00 11/28/2017 601-00000-220111 -116.06 11/28/2017 601-49440-371100 -8.56 11/28/2017 601-00000-208100 375.38 Check Sequence: 80 ACH Enabled: True 251.58 11/28/2017 101-45201-421650 251.58 Check Sequence: 81 ACH Enabled: False 119.64 11/28/2017 609-49750-425400 654.46 11/28/2017 609-49750-425400 774.10 Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: False 351.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 351.00 Check Sequence: 83 ACH Enabled: False 800.00 11/28/2017 400-43300-462030 800.00 Check Sequence: 84 ACH Enabled: False 854.36 11/28/2017 601-49440-432200 854.36 11/28/2017 602-49490-432200 1,708.72 Check Sequence: 85 ACH Enabled: True 208.25 11/28/2017 609-49750-425200 189.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425400 498.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425400 895.25 Check Sequence: 86 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/22/2017 - 1:37 PM) Page 15 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 132055 engraved plaque- Firefighter of the Year 121.30 11/28/2017 101-42200-421990 Check Total: 121.30 Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 87 ACH Enabled: True 0193034 resale- wine 560.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 0193034 resale -liquor 74.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425100 0193034 freight 18.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 0193052 freight 12.50 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 0193052 resale - wine 144.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 0193921 resale - wine 208.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 0193921 freight 5.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 0193922 freight 5.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 0193922 resale - wine 208.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 0193923 resale - wine 324.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 0193923 resale -liquor 90.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425100 0193923 freight 10.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 1,658.50 Vendor: 4220 WEBBER RECREATIONAL DESIGN, INC Check Sequence: 88 ACH Enabled: True 752-2 ZPARKS- FSTONE - Shelter Featherstone 12,160.50 11/28/2017 229-45202-453010 Check Total: 12,160.50 Vendor: 1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC Check Sequence: 89 ACH Enabled: False 8472 Labor - Repair Lights in Child Care Area 75.00 11/28/2017 226-45126-440440 8479 Labor - Well Hs. #2 Heater main room 150.00 11/28/2017 601-49440-422300 8479 Materials- Heater Well Hs.#2 main room 409.63 11/28/2017 601-49440-422300 Check Total: 634.63 Vendor: 1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 90 ACH Enabled: False 7157629 resale - wine 1,508.91 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 7157629 freight 2123 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 7158043 resale - wine 3,488.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 7158043 freight 38.74 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 7158414 freight 19.37 11/28/2017 609-49750-433300 7158414 resale- mix 19.75 11/28/2017 609-49750-425400 7158414 resale - wine 1,150.00 11/28/2017 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 6,246.00 Vendor: 2645 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS Check Sequence: 91 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/22/2017 - 1:37 PM) Page 16 Invoice No Description R155-010-046050 EHOUSE - R155-010-046050 - Ellison House P: R155-010-046050 EHOUSE - R155-010-046050 - Ellison House R R155-010-046050 EHOUSE - R155-010-046050 - Ellison House R Check Total: Vendor: 2645 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS TIF 1-20 TIF 1-20 (Prairie West) -Excess Tax Increment R 63.91 Check Total: Vendor: 1577 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS - ACH 11/14/2017 Court Fines & Fees for Oct 2017 Check Total: Vendor: 1579 WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMEN 933 (185.35) ton Salt Check Total: Vendor: 1589 ZIEGLER CAT A1251003 Rental caterpillar sm. track 10/11 thru 11/7/17 SW050282788 replace Fuel Injector Pump- Meadow Oaks Lift SW050286069 new Controll Board- Meadow Oaks-Curnt Gen 1 Check Total: Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 844.26 11/28/2017 400-43300-437100 63.91 11/28/2017 400-43300-437100 220.74 11/28/2017 400-43300-437100 1,128.91 Check Sequence: 92 ACH Enabled: False 7,012.00 11/28/2017 213-46520-443990 7,012.00 Check Sequence: 93 ACH Enabled: True 3,302.54 11/28/2017 101-42100-430410 3,302.54 Check Sequence: 94 ACH Enabled: False 11,788.63 11/28/2017 101-43125-421700 11,788.63 Check Sequence: 95 ACH Enabled: False 3,430.00 11/28/2017 101-43120-441500 4,526.07 11/28/2017 602-49490-440440 3,204.86 11/28/2017 602-49490-440440 11,160.93 503,186.34 The preceding list of bills payables was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 11/27/17 Approved by: 95 Mayor Brian Stumpf AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/22/2017 - 1:37 PM) Page 17 City Council Agenda 11/27/17 2B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for Citv departments (TE) /� 9 9111916 lrl► 4 W.11►117AX' s lI T6106111� The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently in the departments listed. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all listed employees including part-time and seasonal workers. By ratifying departures, the council also approves the expenditure for final amounts due to terminated and otherwise departing employees. Al. Budget Impact: (positions are generally included in budget) A2. Staff Work Load Impact: If new positions, there may be some training involved. If terminated positions, existing staff would pick up those hours, as needed, until replaced. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to ratify the hire/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. 2. Motion to deny the recommended hires and departures. C. RECOMMENDATION: By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires/departures. City staff recommends Alternative #l, for the Council to approve the hires and/or departures as listed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 0 List of new/tenninated employees NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Kassandra Wander Slide Attendent MCC 11/8/2017 PT Anne McLaughlin Customer Service Rep. DMV 11/16/2017 PT Chad Hadley Parks Worker Parks 11/27/2017 Temporary Tyler Lambert Streets Worker Streets 11/27/2017 Temporary TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Jennifer Lackner Voluntary DMV 11/10/17 Temporary New Hire and Terms City Council 2017.xlsx: 11/21/2017 City Council Agenda 11/27/2017 2C. Consideration of approving the sale or disposal of surplus Citv property (WO) There is no report this City Council cycle. City Council Agenda: 11/27/17 2D. Consideration to approve an application for a temporary charitable eambline permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Wright Countv Pheasants Forever Chapter #95 in conjunction with their Annual Membership Banquet (JS) The Wright County Pheasants Forever has applied for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be held on Saturday, April 7, 2018 in conjunction with their 31st Annual Membership Banquet. The event is being held at River City Extreme with Dinner and Banquet Events being held at 7 p.m. To receive a permit from the State, the City must approve the application. In the past the City has not opposed these exempt gambling license applications for charitable events. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the application for a charitable gambling permit for a raffle conducted by the Wright County Pheasants Forever Chapter #95 on April 7, 2018, for their annual membership banquet at River City Extreme, 3875 School Blvd. 2. Motion to not approve the application for a charitable gambling permit. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports Alternative #1 and requests Council to approve the application which will be submitted to the State Gambling Control Board. I Ua] 'A 11910 IM, _ 0 Copy of Application for Exempt Gambling Permit MINNESOTA LAWFUL GAMBLING LG220 AppHication for [FxemmptPermft 9/17 Page I of 2 An exempt permit may be issued to a nonprofit App2lication Fee (non-refundab[Le) organization that: Applications are processed in the order received. If the application conducts lawful gambling on five or fewer days, and is postmarked or received 30 days or more before the event, the awards less than $50,000 in prizes during a calendar application fee is $100; otherwise the fee is $150, year. If total raffle prize value for the calendar year will be Due to the high volume of exempt applications, payment of $1,500 or less, contact the Licensing Specialist assigned to additional fees prior to 30 days before your event will not expedite your county by calling 651-539-1900, service, nor are telephone requests for expedited service accepted. ORGANIZATXON INFORMATION Organization Previous Gambling Name: 411 Permit Number: -11, ^/S Minnesota Tax ID Federal Employer ID Number, if any: Number (FEIN), if any: Mailing Address: City: A, ve, e? State: #/71/%/ 71p: County: Name of Chief Executive Officer (CEO): Daytime Phone: WN -0-0-0-00 (Permit will be emailed to this email address.) Type of Nonprofit Organization (check one): r --- I Fraternal Religious Veterans EIZ)Other Nonprofit Organization Attach a copy of pvie of the following showing proof of nonprofit status, (DO NOT attach a sales tax exempt status or federal employer ID number, as they are not proof of nonprofit status.) A current calendar year Certificate of Good Standing Don't have a copy? Obtain this certificate from: MN Secretary of State, Business Services Division Secretary of State website, phone numbers: 60 Empire Drive, Suite 100 www.sos.state.mn.us St. Paul, MN 55103 651-296-2803, or toll free 1-877-551-6767 LiIRS income tax exemption (501(c)) letter in your organization's name Don't have a copy? To obtain a copy of your federal income tax exempt letter, have an organization officer contact the IRS toll free at 1-877829-5500. RIRS - Affiliate of national, statewide, or international parent nonprofit organization (charter) 1 If your organization falls under a parent organization, attach copies of both of the following: 1. IRS letter showing your parent organization is a nonprofit 501(c) organization with a group ruling, and 2. the charter or letter from your parent organization recognizing your organization as a subordinate. Name of premises where the gambling event will be conducted PIT (for raffles, list the site where the drawing will take place); 'C- VV C - Physical Address (do not use P.O. box): �?Ir_ Aielmv; 514 Check one: f E City: 6 e Zip: -S County: '-Lzrc, Township: zip: County: Date(s) of activity (for raffles, indicate the date of the drawing) Check each type of gambling activity that your organization will conduct: r----' Bingo Paddlewheels Pull -Tabs L—i Tipboards EQRaffle (total value of raffle prizes awarded for the calendar year, including this raffle. 9; Gambling equipment for bingo paper, bingo boards, raffle boards, paddlewheels, pull -tabs.. and tipboards must be obtained from a distributor licensed by the Minnesota Gambling Control Board. EXCEPTION: Bingo hard cards and bingo ball selection devices may be borrowed from another organization authorized to conduct bingo, To find a licensed distributor, go to www.mn.gov/9cb and click on Distributors under List of Licensees, or call 651-539-1900, L6220- Applicatron for Exempt Permit 9117 Page 2 of 2 LOCAL UBNrT OF GOVERNMENli ACKMOWLEDGMENT (required before submitting ap-plication to the Minnesota, Gambl!inq ContreE, Board) CITY APPROVAL for a gambling premises located within city limits The application is acknowledged with no waiting period. The application is acknowledged with a 30 -day waiting period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days (60 days for a 1st class city). LiThe application is denied. Print City Name: Signature of City Personnel: Title: . Date: 7777- WWI - submitting, appflcation to the Gambling Control Board. COUNTY APPROVAL for a gambling premises located in a township ehe application is acknowledged with no waiting period. he application is acknowledged with a 30 -day waiting period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days. he application is denied. Signature of County Personnel: Title: rom TOWNSHIP (if required by the county) ".. W-4440-06. nshii f acknow ed a that t e or an zation MIN Title - CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S SIGNATURE (required) Date: The information provided in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I acknowledge that the financial report will be completed and returned to th"oard within aG days of the event date. Chief Executive Officer's Signature: Date. (Sign 4ti1x1st-h� CEO's soature; designee may not sign) IT, `<, Print Name: REQUIREMENTS MAIL APPLICAT90K, AND ATTACHMENTS Complete a separate application for: Mail application with: ® all gambling conducted on two or more consecutive days, or a copy of your proof of nonprofit status, and * all gambling conducted on one day, application fee (non-refundable). If the application is Only one application is required if one or more raffle drawings are postmarked or received 30 days or more before the event, conducted on the same day, the application fee is $100; otherwise the fee is $150. Financial report to be completed within 30 days after the Make check payable to State of Minnesota, gambling activity is done: Tow Minnesota Gambling Control Board A financial report form will be mailed with your permit. Complete 1711 West County Road B, Suite 300 South and return the financial report form to the Gambling Control Roseville, MN 55113 Board. Questions? Your organization must keep all exempt records and reports for Call the Licensing Section of the Gambling Control Board at 3-1/2 years (Minn. Statutes, section 349,166, subd. 2(f)). 651-539-1900. Data privacy notice- The information requested on this form (and any attachments) will be used by the Gambling Control Board (Board) to determine your organization's qualifications to be involved in lawful gambling activities in Minnesota. Your organization has the right to refuse to supply the information; however, if your organization refuses to supply this information, the Board may not be able to determine your organization's qualifications and, as a consequence, may refuse to issue a permit, Ifyour organization supplies the information requested, the Board will be able to process the application, Your organization's name and address will be public information when received by the Board. All other information provided will be private data about your organization until the Board issues the permit. When the Board issues the permit, all information provided will become public. If the Board does not issue a permit, all information provided remains private, with the exception of your organization's name and address which will remain public, Private data about your organization are available to Board memoe, s, Board staff whose work requires access to the information; Minnesota's Depart- ment of Public Safety; Attorney General; Commissioners of Administration, Minnesota Management & Budget, and Revenue; Legislative Auditor, national and International gambling regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court order; other individuals and agencies specifically authorized by state or federal law to have access to the information; individuals and agencies for which law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of information after this notice was given; and anyone with your written consent. This form will be made available in alternative format (i.e. large print, braille) upon request. An eaual opportunity empfoyei City Council Agenda: 11/27/2017 2E. Consideration of authorizing city staff participation in the 2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) Program (JS/AS) City Council is asked to authorize staff participation in the Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) program. The US Census Bureau invites local governments to participate in the LUCA program in order to update the official master address file that will be used to deliver 2020 Census forms. This official master address file helps guarantee that the 2020 Census will reflect a complete and accurate count in Minnesota, ensuring that local governments receive their fair share of state and federal funds. Participation in 2020 LUCA is voluntary, but staff feels it is vital for the following reasons: • Correct apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives; • Adequate infonnation for use in redistricting of congressional and legislative districts, school districts, and voting precincts; • Distribution of federation funding among state and local governments; and • Data availability for governments, businesses, and non-profit organizations to make informed decisions about their community, future developments, and improvements. We will have additional information once we complete more training, however, we anticipate two days of staff time to review the data presented by the Census Bureau. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Al. Budget Impact: There is no budget impact if participation if authorized. A2. Staff Workload Impact: We anticipate is will take approximately 16 — 24 hours to complete the review. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize city staff participation in the 2020 Census Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) Program. 2. Motion to deny. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative # 1. 0 None. City Council Agenda 11/27/2017 2F. Consideration of adopting Ordinance 685 amending Title 9, Chapter 3, Recreational Vehicles to include regulations of snowmobiles and Class 2 ATVs and adopting Ordinance 686 rescinding Title 6, Chapter 5 - Snowmobiles. (JS, TP, TM) Staff is requesting that City Council consider approving a revision to Title 9, Chapter 3 - Recreational Vehicles and rescinding Title 6, Chapter 5 — Snowmobiles. Proposed Ordinance 685 includes combining the Recreational Vehicle Ordinance with the Snowmobile Ordinance to eliminate duplication. The ordinance is also being amended to allow Class 2 ATVs to operate on City streets on a limited basis. The difference between a Class 2 ATV and Class 1 ATV is Class 2 ATV has a total width greater than 50 inches but not more than 65 inches from outside of tire rim to outside of tire rim versus a Class 1 ATV which has a total width of 50 inches or less. Staff frequently receives inquiries on the use of both Class 2 ATVs and golf carts. After some discussion with Wright County, it was determined to allow Class 2 ATVs per DNR's rules and regulations. The ATVs will be allowed similar to snowmobiles. Residents will be allowed to ride the snowmobiles and Class 2 ATV on City Streets only when proceeding out of town to permitted trails/roads. Golf carts, however, will not be allowed to be driven in city limits. Staff, along with Wright County, feels that the community, with the interstate and county highways, isn't conducive to allowing use of golf carts. The ordinance was drafted with input from the Wright County Sheriff's Office and reviewed by the City Attorney. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Decision 1: 1. Motion to adopt Ordinance 685 amending Title 9, Chapter 3 - Recreational Vehicles — to include regulations of snowmobiles, Class 2 ATVs, golf carts, and all other recreational vehicles named. 2. Motion to deny. Decision 2: 1. Motion to adopt Summary Ordinance 685A amending Title 9, Chapter 2 — Recreational Vehicles, for publication. 2. Motion to deny. City Council Agenda 11/27/2017 Decision 3: 1. Motion to adopt Ordinance 686 rescinding Title 6, Chapter 3 — Snowmobiles. 2. Motion to deny. C. BUDGET IMPACT The cost of publishing the ordinances. D. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: City staff recommends Alternative #1 on all three decisions. E. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Draft Ordinance 685 B. Draft Summary Ordinance 685A C. Draft Ordinance 686 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE, TITLE 9, CHAPTER 3 RECREATIONAL MOTOR VEHICLES SECTION: 9-3-1: Purpose and Intent 9-3-2: Definitions 9-3-3: Permitted Operation of a Recreational Motor Vehicle 9-3-4: Designation of Publ , Areas rnr Use Restrictions of Recreation Motor Vehicles 9-3-5: Hour -s for- T se Desiination of Public Areas for Use 9-3-6: Velma Minimum Equipment Requirements 9-3-7: Operators Requifed Equipment Compliance 9-3-8: Violation 9-3-1: PURPOSE AND INTENT: The purpose of this ordinance is to provide reasonable regulations for the use of recreational motor vehicles on public and private property in the City of Monticello. It is intended to protect life, property, and to prevent public nuisances. No section hereafter shall be construed to minimize regulations set forth in Minnesota State Statutes 168 (Motor Vehicles Registration), 169 (Motor Vehicle Operation), (Driver License Regulations), and 84.8 (Snowmobile Regulations). 9-3-2: DEFINITIONS: ALL -TERRAIN VECHICLE: "All -terrain vehicle" or "vehicle" has the meaniniz .Riven in State Statutes 84.92, sub. 8. CLASS 1 ATV: means an ATV that has a total dry weight of less than 900 pounds. CLASS 2 ATV: means an ATV that has a total dry weight of 900-1,500 pounds. DRIVER -OPERATOR: "Driver -Operator" means every person who drives or operates and is in actual physical control of a recreational vehicle. MOTORIZED GOLF CART: a vehicle usually three or four wheeled, which is self- propelled and is designed to be used to provide transportation on a golf course. OWNER: "Owner" means a person, other than a lien holder, having the property in or title to a recreational motor vehicle entitled to the use or possession thereof. TITLE IX / Chapter 3 / Page I MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE 9-3-3: used, of eapable of use for- speft, ai:nttsefaent, of feefeation othef than metef homes Of pielmp eamper-s, snowmobiles, of the like, whether- of not eligible to be lieensed fef use -upon streets and highways, ineluding bu4 not limited to motof bikes, motor- seeeter-s, trail bikes, mini .�.i6-tvfe y les, go karts, r0vefCiift,–a» cr-r llri vehieles, buggies,of dune > or - agricultural ure means a self-propelled vehicle designed for travel on snow, ice, or natural terrain steered by wheels, skis, or runners. Snowmobiles, Class ATV, Class 2 ATV, golf cars, go-carts, mini -bikes, dune buggies, and trail bikes are all RMVs. SNOWMOBILE: "Snowmobile" means a self-propelled vehicle designed for travel on snow or ice steered by skis or runners. PUBLIC..PEIRTY: Lands owned by the United States, the state of Minnesota, or- anWolitieal vvTyrnTE nvrJvI-EdvThr. All lamas „tt,o thax pul;'.ic prop. R R -99N: "Per-stuml pLr;,an, fifm; cfl partner,l: p, assoeiation, eofpefa4ion. 9AVNTE:�: "O f" mo o r „thof than a lien holde having -,ho p.opeftyin or- title to a feefeatiGnal ;rehiele ee o: pa:�s.,ssi STP EET OR14IGH TAY: `Sf+- —or H.b1hw: y" means the e t;, . .idt between the boundary pines of any wayor- place when any pai4 the feo f is open to the , of the pubic as a matte,. of ri.ht f the ptifposes of vehiettlart,.,,ff;, OPERATION OF A RECREATIONAL MOTOR VEHICLE: It shall be un!awful to tiotial m„t,,,..,ehiele within the e t., ofMe t;,.The followin4 recreational motor vehicles shall be specifically permitted: TITLE IX / Chapter 3 / Page 2 MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE feet r) to thfee hundred feet r ) of a fesidenee a4 speed in exeess Of tefl (1 0) miles „o,.1,,,,<,, o pt « he 1 loading, unz,,.,ding of testing the e t;„fi„ l r r Pfopoft<, Whe-fe- the lives immediately .,,d;aee t to p pe fty on <>i„„ 1, ;t is - lawful lawf1 to operate feefeational vehieles. Class 2 ATVs and snowmobiles may be operated for general recreational use as a direct route for access to and from the operator's residence for the purpose of enterin4 or leavin! the city. (B) On publiel<, owned lana inehiding sehool, , ndesign ted park prop€rty, playg -.,tm ds ro n natio and golf ..ou Class 2 ATVs may operate on the extreme right hand side of the mzht-of-way of streets, roadways, or alleys that are used for other public motor vehicular travel and that are under the jurisdiction of the city_ and follow all relations described in Minnesota Statute 84.928, subd. 1. (C) In a manner so as to e to ., load, anneeessafy, of unusiial noise,>h >, distur�s, annoys of intwith the peaee and quietf theF Snowmobiles may operate on the extreme right hand side of the right-of-wav streets, roadways, or alleys that are used for other public motor vehicular travel and that are under the iurisdiction of the city and follow all regulations described in Minnesota Statute 84.87, subd. 1. (D) On a pablic-sid-ev ally o: wall.-�a a, pedestrian tfavel. Owner/Operator must present proof of registration of the Class 2 ATV if such registration is required by Minnesota Statute Section 84.922. (E) >, >, t dugs. Owner/Operator must hold valid insurance complvina with Minnesota Statutes 65V.48, subd. 5. (F) At ., rte of speed greater- t>,a able pfopv under- all ,.;,-,.,,,,,sty Class 2 ATVs and snowmobiles shall obey all city and state traffic laws when operating vehicles on city streets. M- 71; UMMULUAM (H) On any eity stfeet, sta4e of eounty highway, of fight of way w4hout a :valid- highway,vehiele lieense to operate cn said eity stfeet, state of eotinty highway, of fight of way, exeep+ to er.-A-sq. said stfeet, of fig way at right anger thefeto. TITLE IX / Chapter 3 / Page 3 MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE (1) To intentionally df o ehase, fun o :,r 1 ill any animal, ;la of domestie. 9-3-4: DESIGNATION OF PUBLIC I AREAS -F-011 USE RESTRICTIONS OF RECREATIONAL MOTOR VEHICLES: The- roune'l may dc,ignate areas fr use of natio alyehi los by approval of a majority of the ,,, ,,,be fs of the Git y r,,,,nei from, tirr-Q area designated shall be published i the official newspaper- of the Git y in a c afte-r c;rh apprav^'� ca is changed, such charge -shall b- published in like mannef in the offieial newspaper- of the City. An " to date map of d 4gnated park ar.^^ open fof feer-eatio ^l ..oto f . ehiel shall be 1»pt on fico i the o ffie of'the City Cer,, an the Adminior shall provide, onTt eo of -stench map tagethor with the-applicable—fules, regulations, and this ehaptete 0-aac� Recreational motor vehicles shall not be allowed, except as specifically permitted in this ordinance. It is a misdemeanor for any person to operate any recreational motor vehicle as listed: Class 2 ATVs and Snowmobiles may operate with the following restrictions: 1. Between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. within three hundred feet (300') of a residence, except that on Fridav and Saturday nights and evenings Preceding Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's, the hours shall be 1 a.m. to 7 a.m. 2. At a rate of speed greater than reasonable, prudent, or property under all the surrounding circumstances but in no case exceeding 15 mph for snowmobiles and 20 mph for Class 2 ATV. 3. On publicly owned land, including school, city street, park property, playgrounds or recreation areas nor on any sidewalks or pathways in the Citv of Monticello provided for pedestrian and/or bicycle travel. 4. Class 2 ATVs cannot be operated on the road ditch bottom or outside ditch slope unless on a trail designated for Class 2 ATVs. 5. At any place in a careless, reckless, or negligent manner so as to endanger or be likely to endanger anv person or property or to cause iniury or damage thereto. 6. On private property or another without specific permission of the owner or person in control of the property. 7. While under the influence of alcohol or drugs as defined in Minnesota TITLE IX / Chapter 3 / Page 4 MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE Statute Section 169A.20, as it may be amended from time to time. 8. So as to intentionallv chase, run over, or kill anv animal. 9. On anv roadway, shoulder, or inside bank or slope of anv city trunk, countv state -aid, or county highway in the city, except as provided in this ordinance, nor shall operation on anv such hi6wav be permitted where the roadway directly abuts a public sidewalk or walkway. 10. Without headlight and taillight 144hted at all times if the vehicle is equipped with headlight and taillight. (B) All other Recreational Motor Vehicles, includinz but not limited to, Class 1 ATVs, motorized Golf carts, ao-cars, mini -bikes, dune bumes, and utility task vehicles, are not permitted on anv city street, countv or state hiahwav, sidewalk, pathway, trail, recreational area, or any other public area, nor on any Private property of another without permission to do so by the owner or said property. 9-3-5: uOURS FOR USE DESIGNATION OF PUBLIC AREAS FOR USE: Hour -s for- use „,.leek (7:00) a.m. to ten o'el ek+, n_n0) p.m., exeept that on Friday-and- Saturday ridaySaturda, nights and— ...... 8. F-eeeding all legal holidays the hotifs shall be betwe The City Council may desif4nate areas for use of recreational motor vehicles by approval of a maiority of the members of the Council upon public notice being given. 9-3-6: MINIMUM VEHICLE EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS: (A) Standard mufflers which are properly attached and in constant operation and which reduce the noise of operation of the motor to the minimum necessary for operation. No person shall use a muffler cutout, bypass, straight pipe, or similar device on any recreational motor vehicle, and the exhaust system shall not emit or produce a sharp or popping or crackling sound. (B) Brakes adequate to control the movement of and to stop and hold under any conditions of operation. (C) At least one clear lamp attached to the front with sufficient intensity to reveal persons and vehicles at a distance of at least one hundred feet (100') ahead during the hours of darkness under normal atmospheric conditions. Such head lamp shall be so aimed that glaring rays are not projected into the eyes of an oncoming vehicle operator. It shall also be equipped with at least one red tail lamp having a minimum candlepower of sufficient intensity to exhibit a red light plainly visible from a distance of five hundred feet (500') to the rear during the hours of darkness under normal atmospheric conditions. This equipment shall be required and shall be in operating condition when the TITLE IX / Chapter 3 / Page 5 MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE vehicle is operated between the hours of one-half (1 /2) hour before sunrise or at times of reduced visibility. (D) Snowmobiles require reflective material at least sixteen (16) square inches on each side, forward of the handlebars, so as to reflect a beam of lilzht at a ninety (90) degree angle. (E) Helmet and set belts required: 1. A person less than 18 vears of aye shall not ride as a passem4er or as an operator of a recreational vehicle regulated herein on public land, public waters, or on a public road richt-of-wav unless wearing a safety helmet approved by the Commissioner of Public Safety. 2. A person less than 18 vears of ate shall not ride as a passenger or as an operator of a vehicle regulated herein without wearing a seat belt when such seat belt has been provided by the manufacturer. 9-3-7: OPERATORS REQUIRED EQUIPMENT COMPLIANCE: Helmets: Per -sons opefating a feer-eational .,Melo. itli;� 1,11t, '141Y OfMonfieell. on pfivate or pablie ei4 , shall v ea f helmets .,,hieh meet the � e fieati ns ., pheable *o holmetts- appfoved by the State c-sione - of Publ-ie Safety by otefeyele ^opefaters and It is unlawful for owner -operator to permit a recreational motor vehicle contrary to the Provisions of this ordinance. 9-3-8: VIOLATION: Anv person violating anv provision of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished not more than the maximum penalty for a misdemeanor as prescribed by state law. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 27`x' day of November, 2017. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator VOTING IN FAVOR: VOTING IN OPPOSITION: TITLE IX / Chapter 3 / Page 6 MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE IX / Chapter 3 / Page 7 MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE '#]#] Oki 11 ILIFEAL, CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA A SUMMARY ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY CODE, TITLE 2, SECTION 9, CHAPTER 3 — RECREATIONAL VEHICLES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, on November 27, 2017, Ordinance No. 685 was adopted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Due to the lengthy nature of Ordinance No. 685, the following Summary Ordinance No. 685A has been prepared for publication as authorized by state law. The ordinance adopted by the Council amends Title 2 of the Monticello Zoning Code. The general purpose of the ordinance amendments are to clarify various chapters and sections with changes to the following: 9-3-2: Definitions 9-3-3: Operation of a Recreational Motor Vehicle 9-3-4: Restrictions of Recreational Motor Vehicles 9-3-5: Designation of Public Areas for Use 9-3-6: Vehicle Equipment Requirements 9-3-7: Compliance 9-3-8: Violation A printed copy of the whole ordinance is available for inspection by any person during the City's regular office hours. The complete ordinance will be posted on the City's website following publication. APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota, this 27th day of November, 2017 CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator VOTING IN FAVOR: VOTING IN OPPOSITION: ORDINANCE NO. 686 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE BY ELIMINATING TITLE 6, CHAPTER 3 — SNOWMOBILES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Title VI, Chapter 3 - Snowmobiles, shall be deleted in its entirety from the Monticello City Code and reference to this title shall be removed from city code indexes. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code. Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. The ordinance in its entirety shall be posted on the City website after publication. Copies of the complete Ordinance are available online and at Monticello City Hall for examination upon request. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 27`x' day of November, 2017 CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator VOTING IN FAVOR: VOTING IN OPPOSITION: City Council Agenda: 11/27/17 2G. Consideration of approving 2017 Operating Transfers (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Every year, the city transfers money between funds. These transfers happen for various reasons including the provision of financing for city projects, repayment of debt, unanticipated operating expenditures, and anticipated future expenditures. Some of these transfers were anticipated and authorized by adoption of the 2017 budget resolution 2016-093. Others became necessary during the course of the year and are based on funding decisions made by Council/staff. Whatever the reason, it is a good management practice to provide the Council with a list of the transfers made (or to be made) and have Council approve the transfers. Attached is a list of the 2017 operating transfers for the city as authorized or requesting authorization. a -e Budgeted 2017 transfers f. Council action on October 9, 2017 approving Feather Stone Park improvements. g. Reflects Small Area Plan allocation for 2018 proposed budget. Reduction in budgeted transfer because the FiberNet Fund has sufficient funds through year end. Budget Resolution 2016-093 states that the Council can amend or rescind Section (2) authorizing transfers as the year progresses. Motion to approve alternative 1, affirms prior authorization of transfers either by budget Resolution 2016-093 or subsequent council action, if any in 2017. As a side note, the Closed Bond Fund is a sub -fund of the Capital Projects Fund. This sub -fund is accounted for separately but is aggregated with the Capital Projects Fund in the city's financial report. The Closed Bond Fund sub -fund accounting as a separate entity is at the discretion of the finance director and does not reflect any Council placed restrictions. Al. Budget Impact: As noted, some of the transfers were included in the 2017 budget. Other transfers are needed for future budget commitments or reflect past or future debt service commitments. One transfer was canceled to reflect the change in project financing. A2. Staff Workload Impact: There are no staff workload impacts for these transfers. 1. Motion to approve 2017 operating transfers as listed. City Council Agenda: 11/27/17 2. Motion to approve the 2017 operating transfers with adjustments designated by City Council as follows 3. Motion to deny the 2017 operating transfers. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1, to approve the proposed 2017 operating transfers as listed. WWel � �. A. 2016-093 Budget Resolution B. List of 2017 operating transfers either authorized or requiring authorization. WIN AVVINURTION 'AINN't WHEREAS, the budget is the fiscal blue print for the entire year where the City Council has considered and incorporated all foreseeable spending plans for 2017; and WHEREAS, the City, through sound fiscal policy, establishes that current revenues will be used to finance current expenditures and regularly -occurring capital expenditures; and WHEREAS. the City Council shall by this resolution set forth the total expenditures and uses, excluding depreciation, and the total revenues and other sources for each budgeted fund. NOW THEREFORE, BE ITRESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello the following is hereby approved: A -11111 10t 001101[i IV Revenues Expenditures Fund Balance Fund 2017 Budget 2017 Budget Added (Expended) General Fund $ 7,802,000 $ 7,802,000 $ - Special Revenue Funds Economic Development 1,050,814 805,865 244,949 Cemetery 27,325 27,325 - Minnesota Investment 20,000 - 20,000 Monticello Community Center 1,866,400 1,866,400 - Total Special Revenue Funds 2,964,539 2,699,590 264,949 :Debt Service Funds 2007A G.O. Improvement Bond 714,088 536,000 178,088 '2008A G.O. Sewer Refunding 505,000 1,521,832 (1,016,832) 2010A G.O. Improvement Bond 219,005 305,117 (66,112) 2011A G.O. Refunding Bond 979,418 . 784,150 195,268 2014A G.O. Judgment bond 537, 929 511,86-2 26,067 �2015B G.O. Bonds 222,288 208,000 14,288 2016A G.O. Bonds 555,000 530,000 25,000 Total Debt Service Funds 3,732,728 4,396,961 (664,233) �Caoital Proiect Funds Capital Project 5,336,000 6,800,000 (1,464,600) Closed Bond Fund 70,900 - 70,900 :Park & Pathway Dedication 2,000 288,000 (286,000) Stormwater Access 65,000 268,376 (203,376) Street Lighting Improvement 90,000 75,000 15,000 Street Construction 25,000 45,693 (20,693) Total Capital Project Funds 5,588,900 7,477,069 (1,888,169) Enterprise Funds Water 1,283,499 1,246,254 37,245 Sewage 21918,342 3,045,242 (126,900) Liquor 5,440,194 5,208,603 231,591 Deputy Registrar 476,100 383,936 92,164 Fiber Optics 1,997,867 1,957,709 40,158 Total Enterprise Funds 12,116,002 11,841,744 274,258 ,Internal Service Funds IT Services 274,519 298,980 (24,461) Benefit Accrual 20,000 - 20,000 Central Equipment 215,700 511,050 (295,350) Total Internal Service Funds 510,219 810,030 (299,811) Total All Funds $ 32,714,388 $ 35,027,394 $ (2,313,006), By resolution, the Council can amend or rescind this section as the year progresses. Tile following list does not include any transfers for projects that have not received formal council authorization. a. To 2011A GO Improvement Bond Fund from Storm Water Access Fund - $268,376 and EDA/TIF - $200,000 (Total - $468,376). b. To 2010A GO Improvement Bond Fund from Sewage Fund - $85,293 and Street Reconstruction Fund $45,693 (Total - $130.980). c. To FiberNet Fund from Liquor Fund - $230,000. a. Appropriates resources for Central Equipment Fund purchases: Streets - speed trailer ($14,000), black -top roller ($30,000), street sweeper ($190,000), electronic sign reader ($12,000), V -box sander ($15,000); Parks — 72" Polar Trac ($50,000). b. No equipment or construction project purchase/acquisition is specifically approved by this section. a. Removes prior commitments and assignments, except those required by GASB, from fund balance classifications. b. Approves Senior Center annual subsidy of $58,560. c. Approves a 2% wage adjustment to full-time, part-time (excluding MCC staff and volunteer fire personnel) and seasonal employees for the pay period commencing on first pay period beginning in January 2017 and an additional 1% commencing on first pay period beginning in July 2017. d. Establishes the monthly standard health insurance benefits at $1,117.55 with an effective date of March 1. Premium contributions are required from family/dependent plan participants for the difference between the standard benefit and coverage costs. No contribution is required from single -plan and non -plan participants. ADOPTED BYthe Monticello City Council this 12th day of December, 2016. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor Jeff0�1rcit Previously Authorized Transfers Item Fund# Transfer |nFund Amount Operating Transfers (made per budget resolution 2018-OQ3) a 312 2011AG.O.Bond Fund 468.378.00 b 315 2008Sewer Refunding Bond o 314 2008Revenue Refunding Bond U 317 2010Improvement Bonds 130.086.00 u 850 FiburNut 230.000.00 Supplemental Street Reconstruction Fund Operating Transfers authorized during the year f 220 Park Dedication 80.000.00 Requesting Authorization Fund# Transfer Out Fund 213 EDA Fund 602 Sewage Fund 263 Storm Water Access 602 Sewage Fund 228 Community Center Fund 602 Sewage Fund 212 Street Reconstruction Fund 800 Liquor Fund 300 Capital Projects -Closed Bond Item Fund# Transfer In Fund Amount Fund# Transfer Out Fund Operating Transfers C2O18budgeted expenditures for projects approved in2017l g 400 Capital Projects Fund 300.000.00 101 General Fund Operating Transfers not budgeted or previously authorized (or reversal of previously authorized) h 850 FiburNut -50.000.00 800 Liquor Fund Description: a -m Budgeted 2O17transfers [ Council action onOctober 9.2017for Featherstone Park improvements. g. Reflects allocation for 2O18Small Area P|animpmvmmmnto. h. Reduction in budgeted transfer because the Fibernet fund has sufficient fund through year end. Amount 200,000.00 0.00 268,376.00 85,293.001 230,000.001 0lOOO.00| Amount 300,000.00 City Council Agenda — 11/27/2017 2H. Consideration to approve a Conditional Use Permit to establish a Vehicle Sales & Rental use in a B-3 (Highwav Business) Zoning District and Development Contract for Lot 1, Block 1, Otter Creek 5th Addition. Applicant: Rvan, Bob/Rvan Motors (NAC) Property: Legal: Lot 1, Block 1, Otter Creek Crossing 5th Addition Address: NA Planning Case Number: 2017-039 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Conditional Use Pen -nit for Vehicle Sales Lot Deadline for Decision: December 81h, 2017 Land Use Designation: Places to Shop Zoning Designation: B-3, Highway Business District The purpose of the "B-3" (highway business) district is to provide for limited commercial and service activities and provide for and limit the establishment of motor vehicle oriented or dependent commercial and service activities. Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: Freeway Bonus Sign Overlay District Current Site Use: Vacant Surrounding Land Uses: North: I-94 East: Commercial Motorsports Dealership South: Vacant Industrial West: Vacant Commercial Project Description: The applicants recently participated in the rezoning and subdivision of the subject 5.0 acre parcel from B-4, Regional Business to B-3, Highway Business, along with the adjacent 5.0 acre parcel, to accommodate the construction of a new automobile dealership. As a part of the process, the applicants requested, and the City approved, an amendment to the zoning ordinance revising the building coverage ratio for such uses. The City Council Agenda — 11/27/2017 proposal is for the eastern -most 5 acre parcel, with the second 5 acre parcel reserved for a future expansion. The proposed building will be approximately 31,000 square feet in area on two floors, and include sales floor, office, repair, and car wash facilities. The car wash will be for internal use only. The building will accommodate customer sales floor access from the south and west sides of the building. An express lube is included on the easternmost extension of the building, alongside the service entrance. The service bays are located along the north portion of the building, with the car wash bay along the most northerly wall. The property will be accessed from Chelsea Road via a single driveway in the southeast corner of the site. Sales customer parking is to the south and west of the building. Service customer parking, along with employee parking, is along the east line of the property, east of the building. Sales display area is located both along the north area adjacent to I-94, and the main display field is located in the south half of the site. Ordinance Requirements: Highway Commercial land uses are to be located in areas primarily along I-94 and Trunk Highway 25. Auto Sales lots are allowed in the B-3 District by Conditional Use Permit, which is the subject of this application. The zoning ordinance applies both general performance standards — applicable to all uses — and specific standards applicable to this conditional use. As with all Conditional Use Permits, there is a presumption that the use is allowed in the zoning district, subject to conditions necessary to mitigate specific aspects of the proposed activity. Parking. The zoning ordinance regulates parking in Section 4.8. All parking and driveway areas are to be paved and surrounded by curb, with a setback of 6 feet from any lot line. The site plan shows the 6 foot setback. Parking supply is required at a rate of 8 spaces for the first 1,000 square feet, plus one space per additional 800 square feet of area for both vehicle sales and repair. At 31,000 square feet, this would result in a parking requirement of 46 spaces, exclusive of the vehicle display area. The plans show 85 spaces for customers and employees. Display parking is shown at approximately 288 vehicles, plus some special concrete display sites in the landscaping island areas. IN City Council Agenda — 11/27/2017 Landscaping. The zoning ordinance regulates landscaping requirements in Section 4.1. In this section, there are also buffer requirements, however, no buffering is required as the site abuts only commercial and/or industrial property. The required landscaping consists of 10 caliper inches of tree planting per acre, plus 2 shrubs per each 10 feet of building perimeter. For this site, a total of 50 caliper inches of tree planting is required, plus approximately 150 shrubs. The applicants plans show a total of 56 caliper inches of trees, and 103 shrub/perennial plants. The shrub plantings should be increased to meet the ordinance standards. The applicant has provided plantings in parking area islands as required by the ordinance. No planting islands are required in vehicle sales display areas. Lighting. The zoning ordinance regulates lighting in Section 4.4. The requirement for commercial exterior lighting includes standards that require downcast lighting design, avoidance of glare to adjacent property and streets, and a maximum illumination level of 1.0 foot-candles at the property line. The photometric plan submitted with the application appears to show a slightly higher illumination in both the southeast and southwest corners of the site. The lighting plan should be adjusted to modify this discrepancy. Signage. The zoning ordinance regulates commercial signage in Section 4.5, and in this case, the Freeway Bonus Sign Overlay District in Section 3.7(G). The sign allowances applicable to this property total 15% of the silhouette area of the wall facing a public street, and freestanding signs of 32 feet in height and 200 square feet in area, along with a second monument style sign of 14 feet in height and 100 square feet in area. The applicant's plans show signage of less than 390 square feet of wall signage, within an allowance of more than 1,400 square feet, easily meeting the standard. The proposed freestanding signs are 30 feet in height and 104 square feet in area (just one side is measured), along with a monument sign of 10 feet in height and 54 square feet in area. All proposed signs meet the requirements of the ordinance. Building Design. The zoning ordinance allows a variety of (primarily) masonry materials for most commercial building design, along with glass, and limited areas of metal architectural finishes. Metal finish is limited 15% of the exterior materials. The building materials for the proposed dealership are 3 City Council Agenda — 11/27/2017 defined, generally, by the brand (Chrysler Dodge Jeep). The primary materials proposed are EFIS (a pre -insulated panel similar stucco finish), decorative concrete block, glass, and aluminum exterior (ACM) panels. The aluminum is primarily used on the front entry projection. The applicants should verify that the ACM panels constitute no more than the maximum 15% allowance. Access and Circulation. The site will be accessed via Chelsea Road. The City Engineer may comment on the proposed access location. For pedestrian circulation, it is the policy of the City to require sidewalk and/or pathway on both sides of major collector roadways. Chelsea Road includes a pathway along the south side of the road. The applicant should include sidewalk along their portion of the Chelsea Road frontage, within the right of way according to the specifications of the City Engineer. Conditional Use Permit Requirements (31) Vehicle Sales or Rental (a) The minimum building size for any vehicle sales or rental use shall comply with the standards in Table 5-3. Less than acres a�2,500 square feet acres to less. thin 4 acres $� 10,0010 square feet acres to less. than 8 acres 20,000 square feet acres or n1ior % 4Q000 square feet. The proposed building, at 3 1, 000 square feet, covers approximately 13% of the 5 acre lot, complving with the code as adopted. (b) When abutting a residential use, the property shall be screened with an opaque buffer (Table 4-2, Buffer Type "D") in accordance with section 4.1(G) of this ordinance. No residential uses are in the area. (c) All lighting shall be in compliance with Section 4.4 of this ordinance. As noted above, the plans should be adjusted to ensure a niaximum 1.0 foot-candles at all property lines. (d) The outside sales and display area shall be hard surfaced. The entire use area is paved and curbed in accordance with the ordinance. M City Council Agenda — 11/27/2017 (e) The outside sales and display area does not utilize parking spaces which are required for conformance with this ordinance. The site includes separate custonler and einployee parking exceeding the ordinance requirements. (f) Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movement and shall be subject to the approval of the Community Development Department. The plans show a single access point, from Chelsea Road. The Citv Engineer may comment on the location. (g) There is a minimum lot area of twenty-two thousand five hundred (22,500) square feet and minimum lot dimensions of one hundred fifty (15 0) feet by one hundred thirty (130) feet. The lot area is 5 acres and more than 400 feet in width, exceeding the requirements. (h) A drainage system subject to the approval of the Community Development Department shall be installed. The City Engineer will review drainage plans. Accessory Use Requirements Trash Handling. Trash handling is required to be screened with materials similar to that of the building. The applicant has proposed an attached trash handling area on the northeast side of the building, consistent with the requirements of the code. Accessory Buildings. No accessory buildings are proposed. Fencing and Screening. The plans show a retaining wall along the east boundary of the site. The materials proposed for the wall should be identified on final plans. In addition, the location of the wall is within the drainage and utility easement in some places. An encroachment agreement would be required for the proposed location. In the alternative, the applicants may choose to relocate the wall outside of the easement. Development Aureement The plat of Otter Creek 5`h Addition is governed by a development contract which requires individual development agreements for each lot within the plat as it develops. As such, staff has prepared a draft agreement specific to the proposed development of Lot 1, Block 1. The agreement referenced the applicable development and design standards, as well as the trunk area charges applicable to the development. Council will note that the storm water charges are per earlier agreements relating to the original acquisition and platting of the full Otter Creek area. Trunk area charges are required to be paid at building permit or may be assessed per the terms of the agreement. Escrows for staff time in monitoring the development are also included. As this is a single lot 5 City Council Agenda — 11/27/2017 development, Council will note that the legal, planning and administration charges are proposed to be combined to a single $2,000 escrow. Engineering review and inspection remains at $2,000 as a separate escrow requirement. The agreement includes standard language for warranty of public improvements, the Chelsea Road sidewalk, stormwater improvements and other development requirements. The development agreement references the assessments applicable for the Chelsea Road improvements, which were re -apportioned in the Second Amendment to Assessment Agreement approved concurrently with the Otter Creek 5th Addition plat. Planning Commission Recommendation The Planning Commission held a public hearing on this item on November 6th, 2017. Councilmember Lloyd Hilgart, acting as Council liaison, inquired about rationale for installation of the sidewalk along this property. Staff explained that the sidewalk is recommended as Chelsea is a major collector street and pedestrian facilities are recommended to be provided on both sides. Completion of the sidewalk with new development is the best opportunity to install such facilities and avoid having to complete system gaps later. The applicant, Bob Ryan, was present to address the Commission. The Commission inquired whether Mr. Ryan understood the recommended conditions. Mr. Ryan concurred, indicating no issue with the proposed conditions. No other members of the public were present to address the Commission on the item. It was noted that the site's two access points were viewed as acceptable per spacing and engineering review. It was also noted that there was a slight change to accommodate an additional overhead door on the northwest elevation, facing Chelsea Road. The elevation included with this staff report is the proposed elevation. Staff indicated no issue with the revision. After discussion, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommends Alternative #1 below. Motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit for Vehicle Sales & Rental for Lot 1, Block 1, Otter Creek 5th Addition, based on the conditions of Exhibit Z as included in this report, based on finding in Resolution No. PC -2017-034. 6 City Council Agenda — 11/27/2017 2. Motion to deny approval of the Conditional Use Permit for Vehicle Sales & Rental for Lot 1, Block 1, Otter Creek 51h Addition, based on findings to be identified by the City Council. 3. Motion to table action on the request, subject to additional information from the applicant and/or city staff. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Planning staff recommends Alternative 1, approval of the Conditional Use Permit. As noted in the report, the land use is appropriate for the zoning district and proposed location. The proposed plans largely exceed the requirements of the zoning ordinance, with only a few adjustments needed as identified in Exhibit Z. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution PC -2017-034 B. Site Aerial C. Applicant Narrative D. Architectural Plan Set, including: a. Site Plan b. Landscape Plan c. Signage Plan d. Main & Lower Floor Plan e. Upper Floor Plan f. Exterior Elevations & Finishes, including update E. Civil Plan Set, including: a. Existing Topography and Removals Plan b. Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan c. Utility and Paving Plan d. Details F. Alta Survey G. Photometric H. City Engineer's Letter, dated November P', 2017 I. Development Agreement, draft J. Finance Plan Z. Conditions of Approval 19 City Council Agenda — 11/27/2017 Ryan Automotive Vehicle Sales Lot 1, Block 1, Otter Creek Crossing Stn Addition 1. Landscape Plan — Additional shrub planting should be added to the plan to meet the requirements of the zoning ordinance. 2. Photometric — Adjustments should be made to light levels in southeast and southwest corners of the project to meet the requirements of the zoning ordinance 3. Wall materials should be verified and included on the approved plans. 4. The applicants should either relocate the retaining wall out of the drainage and utility easement, or execute an encroachment agreement for location within the easement. 5. The final plans should verify aluminum composite materials cover to ensure compliance with the requirements of the zoning ordinance. 6. The plans should be modified to provide sidewalk along Chelsea Road. 7. Compliance with the terms of the City Engineer's report dated November 1't,2017, including execution of a stormwater maintenance agreement. 8. Enter into a Conditional Use Permit development agreement with the City addressing the terms of the CUP approval. 9. Comments and requirements of other staff and Planning Commission. � S W '` 3w Z T w RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR VEHICLE SALES IN A B-3 DISTRICT LEGAL: LOT 1, BLOCK 1, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 5 TH ADDITION WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to construct an automotive sales and service facility; and WHEREAS, the site is zoned B-3, Highway Business, which allows such principal use by Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the proposed use and development are consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designation of "Places to Shop" for the area-, and WHEREAS, the applicants have provided materials documenting compliance with the teens of the applicable zoning regulations, subject to final modifications recommended by the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the uses will not create any unanticipated changes to the demand for public services on or around the site; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 6t", 2017 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the B-3, Highway Business Zoning District. 2. The proposed uses are consistent with the existing and future land uses in the area in which they are located. 3. The impacts of the improvements are those anticipated by commercial land uses and are addressed through standard review and ordinances as adopted. 4. The vehicle sales facility meets the intent and requirements of the applicable zoning regulations, pursuant to the conditions attached to the Conditional Use Pen -nit. 5. Parking is found to be adequate based on the available off-street parking on the property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the Conditional Use Permit for Vehicle Sales, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z as follows: 1. Landscape Plan — Additional shrub planting should be added to the plan to meet the requirements of the zoning ordinance. 2. Photometric — Adjustments should be made to light levels in southeast and southwest comers of the project to meet the requirements of the zoning ordinance Wall materials should be verified and included on the approved plans. 4. The applicants should either relocate the retaining wall out of the drainage and utility easement, or execute an encroachment agreement for location within the easement. S. The final plans should verify aluminum composite materials cover to ensure compliance with the requirements of the zoning ordinance. 6. The plans should be modified to provide sidewalk along Chelsea Road. 7. Compliance with the tern -is of the City Engineer's report dated November 1", 2017. 8. Enter into a Conditional Use Permit development agreement with the City addressing the terms of the CUP approval. 9. Comments and requirements of other staff and Planning Commission, ADOPTED this 6"' day of November, 2017 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING " COMMI SON Mmill S B Y: Brad FTe,111 1 f ATTEST: Angela Schumann, Corny iu,nit D-;lo'inent Director VA 9 Ryan, Bob - Request for Conditional Use Permit Created by: City of Monticello Lengthy Legal - See City Hall; To be platted as Lot 1, Block 1, Otter Creek 5th Addition 2, t"Time,, v "N' k, vn 155171000030 Z, A e0 a 155223000020 46, iN IT'VpIr Z4 vv550339066T6� 4". 1010 N"L 2 13 10 0 41 �2 0 1 :4 .155171000040 01 00 --001.04200 N Pvla,�� 4 ',155238001030M �xq i0� a �' � � "r„, rl.^' ,� t� � �' rn � �'1 „t �.. ✓er ,tom"V4< � �",• + N, I � � i 1� k "\ v , F::� 'i , I i - - � "1 1, x1`1 Z N�l 15522fx000020 VQ� 4W Al AA Mtn o- 15,9194000020 pq X155171010050 Q, OSV 4 s, 155243001010 j; 15522500f 0 -1®r/ DOW 155185001 Cz r 385 ft 2131661043 LZ P V7 Ryan Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Dealership Chelsea Road W., Monticello, MN Introduction: • This request is for a: o Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for automotive sales/services for Lot 1, Block 1, Otter Creek Crossing 5t" Addition, Monticello, MN as described on attached ALTA. General Project Scope: • The scope of this project is to construct a new automotive dealership of approximately 31,000 sf (subject to adjustments) • The facility and site are designed in accordance with automotive manufacturer's standards, and requirements. Site Design: • The site is designed with the main building entrance facing Chelsea Road, with an interior vehicle display facing the interstate. • The building and paving area within the required yard setbacks. • Vehicle display areas are located on the south, west and north sides of the site. • Customer parking will be provided at the south and east side of the building facility. • Employee parking will be along the east side of the site. • New signage, both building mounted and freestanding, are proposed, and shown in submittal. • The site lighting will be pole mounted LED fixtures. Foot-candle levels are consistent with City requirements. �,Mymm = • Building will be a two story facility with a combination of ACM (aluminum composite panel), EIFS (exterior insulation finishing system), and precast concrete wall panels (exposed aggregate or painted). • Building colors are in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements. Ryan Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep/Ram Conditional Use Permit October 9, 2017 Page 1 Landscaping: • Required landscape strip at perimeter is provided with trees, except at vehicle display areas which are exempted. • Three different shade tree species has been provided, along with evergreens. • Foundation plants have been provided along building areas that are considered "customer touch" points. Trash Enclosure: • Trash enclosure is located out of the public view, and will be constructed of concrete masonry and composite wood gates. Site Utilities: • The building utilities (water and sewer) will be connected • Existing storm sewer for existing paving areas will remain as is, with the exception of several catch basin castings will need to be replaced. Grading & Drainage: • Site grading and drainage of existing paved as read will remain as is. • Proposed site grading and drainage for the additional RV display/storage lot will be with area catch basins, which will be connected to the existing storm sewer along Chelsea Road W., which discharges into a regional pond to the west. Conclusion: In conclusion, it is our opinion that the approval of the Conditional Use Permit should be granted for the following reasons: • The proposed use is consistent with the City of Monticello's Land -Use plan, and zoning ordinance. • Provide a great environment for employment, and a great location to service owners (present and future) of Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep/Ram vehicles in Monticello, and surrounding area. Ryan Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep/Ram Conditional Use Permit October 9, 2017 Page 2 HIGHWAY 94 CM Z Q 0— � PROPERTY F_ BOUNDARY C:) ILn 0 g co U Qi 0 n O U C O I c CU I U O 0 n O U O (`3 r' C:) �... t — -_ O N-------------------------------- ---_--------------------------- W, b PROPOSED PARCEL FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT (5.0 ACRES) r� crn n T' o o -o RETAINING n n WALL rn PROPERTY - - -�-' AA_ r �„ ...... -- I DISP_-LtV BOUNDARY - - _ PYLON SIGN AA-- m - - -- _ - _ AA �, __--- _ - --Z AA --- _ `'�� - n� — DISPLAY PARKiidG ---------- ------------ - j-- --- ----------- ---------------- _it - -- - \- --- ---- ---- ----- ----- I RETAINING --- WALL o AA' 11 DISPLAY PARKING 7 DISPLAY PARKING _<_-- 14 14 -- SAA W o Til D DDGJ�� TRASH �MD�DD ENCLOSURE -- -- BB W CD �� -- >� z U) a - --- AA 4 0- ---- - ¢------,'',I� -' 16 I o_ U)BB--- _ D 0 ~ D D D------------ V 0 w DDDODDD_ m � I ' ID DDD�DDD�D --- --- 1' r_— 1 ----------- ! _ z BB -a - - _SERVICE --- -,�" /� c� UJ RETAINING Z �- - CUSTOMER _ WALL rY .II, -CARTING _ a--- 3 --------------- --- I :' p, W U` 2 it------ U ------Ili Ile ¢ _J _::�:L U BB------�, _PROPERTY > ----- U) - { --- BOUNDARY AA' u°i D 7 C ST ME CST ME _ 0 10 10 5 16 P 10. RK I G P RKI G _ SIDE YARD _ 21 I SETBACK AAI' I , - 10'-0" SIDE YARD 15 BIB 15 15 BIB 15 15 BIB 15 14 BIB 14 1i 1 SETBACK AA' a0 a0 a0 a0 AA 14 J1 PROPERTY T, , BOUNDARY BB Q, . 11 ICD z z z z W MI O Q BB Q BB Q BB Q BB O J Y Of AAI D� W D� 0-09 D� O w RETAINING ¢ CL Z a a a a a WALL Q ¢ �I� 0 0 0 0 ¢II1 -. o I � co ILBB' I I n n, BB BB BB BB I I I 6'-0" PERIM. LANDSCAPEt �I SETBACK I r 02CP - / IL ---- - _D-- L50 m Iv _ --------------- -------__� - _ -- - m - \� -------tea ----- c = - A -, -- m -, - ; if Q -+ DISPLAY r PARKING AA --- q o m ¢ asp AA D AA � AA D-- ----- -_— � _----- I _ 0 � -- �o ---- �C PROPERTY — BOUNDARY = MONUMENT ---- --- _ ------------------------------------ —-- --- - --- SIGN CHELSEA ROAD WEST ----------------------- ------------- - -- -- -_- _-�_-�__ _--- ---- ^L.L ------------- --------------------------------------------- N _______________ ---_-- N Ln Ln N 0 ti SITE PLAN 0 17 1" = 40' 0" wNORTH �� of H 0 20' 40' 80' PROJECT NORTH SITE DATA ZONING DESIGNATION/ FORM: B-3 - HIGHWAY BUSINESS DISTRICT REQUIRED YARDS AND SETBACKS: YARDS: FRONT: 30 FEET SIDE: 10 FEET REAR: 30 FEET SITE AREA: GROSS AREA: 217,800 S.F. (5.00 ACRES) PARKING: 0 z PARKING REQUIRED: Y 8 SPACES + 1 SPACE X (BUILDING AREA - 1,000 S.F.) _ ry 800 S.F a 8 SPACES + 1 SPACE X (31,382 S.F. - 1,000 S.F.) = 37.9775 Biu 800 S.F. D 8 SPACES + 1 SPACE X �38) = 46 SPACES a � 46 SPACES REQUIRED PARKING PROVIDED: 85 SPACES (CUSTOMER/ EMPLOYEE/ OTHER) DISPLAY/ VEHICLE STORAGE: 316 EXTERIOR SPACES GRAND TOTAL PROVIDED: 401 SPACES TYPICAL PARKING SPACE: 9'X 20' SITE LIGHTING FIXTURE LEGEND "AA" 2 LAMP LED FIXTURES (FORWARD THROW) - 20-0" POLES ON 3'-0" CONC. BASE (23'-0" TOTAL) "BB" 2 LAMP LED FIXTURES (GENERAL AREA) - 22'-0" POLES ON 3'-0" CONC. BASE (25-0" TOTAL) NORTH LAND USE MAP NOT TO SCALE 217100043100 X12 k:1PSt6i t4�a22r<5R12 t31tl'utsdi;12$ryP t(}k�+7{i 41,2QSt�f""" �i I w�roJ II �; „ I 2P, k@h042400 2 la 104104210 F.,STi4NF J�'211 f, ¢es'b€r4l keap ;M1• IUFiIPt �� ( '- ?' zrsknt�,knA'�a�a,a I '+' F 2 01{a0 LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE 1 SITE DATA N.T.S. ` Legend ti Z> > ��,Places to love Q Places to Shop IM Places to Work ^,frrSr Places to Recreate bt II);;pm w Places for Community IM Downtown ip Mixed Use O Interchange Planning Area Revisions. Urban Reserve No: Revision: Darwin Lindahl Architects, P.A. 4124 Quebec Ave. North, Suite 106 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55427 Ph:763.560.0448 Fax:763.560.0441 e-mail: Iindahlarch@gmail.com THIS DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION THEREIN IS THE PROPERTY OF DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A. ITS USE BY THE HOLDER OR DISCLOSURE TO OTHERS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A. IS PROHIBITED. IT CONTAINS PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A. REPRODUCTION OF THE MATERIAL HEREIN WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A. VIOLATES THE COPYWRITE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES AND WILL SUBJECT THE VIOLATORS TO LEGAL PROSECUTION. COPYRIGHT © 2017 BY DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A Project # : 2017-10 �. H V M.; W MI O Potential Interchange 0 a U_ O J J Powerline W LJL V o w � o Z O 0 a Q �. Infrastructure Rivers and Streams M.; Public Waters Inventory Wetlands (National & Public Waters Inventories) " Potential Greenway Potential Interchange Future Bridge Existing Arterial or Collector Road f'+,iiii, Proposed Arterial or Collector Road Powerline :V Monticello City Boundary /,/ Orderly Annexation Area SOURCE - EXCERPT FROM: MONTICELLO_LAND_USE MAP MAY 2015.PDF l 3 1 15.ri5.......... r1d_— til 15„r,04110d143k1',, � � kis sHats los t2s 2 .', In i a 9 NE. I) 1I=`COk.F�GQOR FIRIET d" 1 A` +alrvuav>ara'� LLT1 �r a; - i213 Date: Certification: PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRINTED FOR: INFORMATION DATE: 10/9/2017 Drawing: SITE PLAN Sheet No. 2t3 Ptatdlhl,.§re5a 1'S'S:iK)ta 1,x.1 .0; $ 2 fry SOURCE: WRIGHT COUNTY GIS 0) z In W In U � I z J rn I CD g co U N 0 I O U C O I s= ICU I U 0 In 0 U O s= ICU ry O — _ --- -- --- --------------------- CN------------------------- -- ---------------------------- RETAINING WALL —=--" PYLON SIGN ..., - - per-== —_ _ - _ o>o---------------------_— SOD __ ----- ........... - - -- --- --- ---- I� --------------------- -----------------I --1--------------- - _ RETAINING WALL i ------- G -- , I ------- I' RECYCLE ENCLOSURE -----I I] B B - - --'ll I------ -- -I' J- F - ------------ H- ----- ------ RETAINING ------ ------ �q j�' �� v WALL ------------ ------------ ------------ H 1---- B B,, = B -L J D K �I II )OD K RETAIN NG WALL 1 I0 K = �"II II � o. = o.:o o. o Q. II K I_ 16II I .''II I K I� K �� li III III i� _ _ ----- - - -------------- L -- _ - - SOD- - - - -- -- -- -� j I — _ ----- ---- - a _-- -�� �•� - o�- LI MONUMENT - --------- - SIGN - S U ------------------ - - - --------------------- O-----------------______________-- ------_--_ --------------- O------------------------ ------------------------------------------- -- L---------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------- rn N N 0 ti 0 N OI 0 LANDSCAPE PLAN 1 " = 40'-0" SYMBOL TREES A B C E TOTAL: ACI REQUIRED: (10 ACl/ ACRE) ACI PROVIDED: y'Fall PLANTING MATERIAL SCHEDULE COUNT I SIZE I ROOT I BOTANICAL NAME I COMMON NAME 28 X 2" = 56 ACI 50 56 HONEYLOCUST RED ROCKET RED MAPLE PRAIRIE GOLD ASPEN SPRING SNOW FLOWERING CRAB BLACK HILLS SPRUCE NOTES 0 F 28 #2 POT BUXUS "GREEN VELVET" GREEN VELVET GLEDITSIA TRICANTHOS 6 2" B & B "IMPCOLE" 6 2" B & B ACER RUBRUM "RED ROCKET" 2 2" B & B POPULUS TREMULOIDES J 23 #2 POT ROSA "PINK DRIFT" PINK DRIFT ROSE "NE ARB" 4 2" B & B MALUS "SPRING SNOW" 10 6' B & B PICEA GLAUCA "DENSATA" 28 X 2" = 56 ACI 50 56 HONEYLOCUST RED ROCKET RED MAPLE PRAIRIE GOLD ASPEN SPRING SNOW FLOWERING CRAB BLACK HILLS SPRUCE NOTES 0 F 28 #2 POT BUXUS "GREEN VELVET" GREEN VELVET BOXWOOD BERBERIS THUNBERGII SUNJOY GOLD PILLAR G 5 #2 POT "SUNJOY GOLD PILLAR" JAPANESE BARBERRY CALAMAGROSTIS X ACUTIFLORA KARL FOERSTER REED H 11 #2 POT "KARL FOERSTER" GRASS J 23 #2 POT ROSA "PINK DRIFT" PINK DRIFT ROSE EUONYMUS FORTUNE] PURPLELEAF K 36 #4 POT 'COLORATUS WINTERCREEPER LAWN IRRIGATION NOTES: 1. LAWN IRRIGATION SYSTEM TO BE A DESIGN -BUILD. SUBMIT DESIGN TO ARCHITECTS FOR REVIEW. 2. ALL NEW SOD AREAS SHALL BE IRRIGATED WITH UNDERGROUND LAWN IRRIGATION SYSTEM SPRINKLER HEAD TO BE TYPE THAT WILL MINIMIZE OVER SPRAY ON VEHICLES, AND OR BUILDING. o 3. ALL NEW LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL BE IRRIGATED WITH UNDERGROUND LAWN IRRIGATION SYSTEM SPRINKLER HEADS TO BE TYPE THAT MINIMIZE OVER SPRAY ON VEHICLE, AND OR BUILDING. � 4. PROVIDE BUBBLE TYPE HEADS AT LANDSCAPE AREA NEXT TO WINDOWS. Z 5. LAWN IRRIGATION SHALL CONNECT TO BUILDING. 0 6. PROVIDE V.C. PIPE SLEEVES UNDER PAVED AREAS AS REQUIRED. 7. COORDINATE LAWN IRRIGATION SYSTEM WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR, AND ALL SUB -CONTRACTORS THAT MAY BE AFFECTED. LANDSCAPE LEGEND PROPOSED SOD/TURF " LANDSCAPE ROCK LANDSCAPE ASPHALT MULCH PAVING - SEE CIVIL CONCRETE PAVING - SEE CIVIL 0 20' 40' 80' Darwin Lindahl Architects, P.A. 4124 Quebec Ave. North, Suite 106 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55427 Ph:763.560.0448 Fax:763.560.0441 e-mail: Iindahlarch@gmail.com THIS DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION THEREIN IS THE PROPERTY OF DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A. ITS USE BY THE HOLDER OR DISCLOSURE TO OTHERS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A. IS PROHIBITED. IT CONTAINS PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A. REPRODUCTION OF THE MATERIAL HEREIN WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A. VIOLATES THE COPYWRITE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES AND WILL SUBJECT THE VIOLATORS TO LEGAL PROSECUTION. COPYRIGHT © 2017 BY DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A Project # : 2017-10 Revisions: No: Revision: Date: Certification: PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRINTED FOR: INFORMATION DATE: 10/9/2017 Drawing: LANDSCAPE PLAN NORTH Sheet No: w� PROJECT NORTHAO91 H V W O 0 a U_ O J J W LJL V o w � o Z O 0 ry a Q>M Revisions: No: Revision: Date: Certification: PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRINTED FOR: INFORMATION DATE: 10/9/2017 Drawing: LANDSCAPE PLAN NORTH Sheet No: w� PROJECT NORTHAO91 HIGHWAY 94 RETAINING WALL II �. (PYLON PROPERTY�a _- rT----' _ -- � SIGN) BOUNDARY _ , —__-- __ --- v o - - S 5 Z { ---- I �❑ -- S-4 ---- ' - ---- 18 I --- ---- _------------ -------------- A201 S-1 S-2 --- -- -- ------------ ---------,I'I ,f ------ III; - ----- ------ I I SITE �� LIGHTING I - --- ---- iI I------ PfflPOVCD -- NHP------- ---------- --------- ------ I _----- - ------ o S-6 - ca �i L; a�---------- 0 V -- --- o T - ;. S- / C� S-4 F _- N— rn I g S-3 17 S-5 A201 S-1 111 PROPERTY 1 _ L_ BOUNDARY — 0 m U C_ I SII RETAINING WALL �1 CU In 1 0 I S-9 �: 41 (MONUMENT 01 SIGN; o' I o II -- -- - - _-- 6-Z-3 +�- C) = --- gid' - } N Q �� ,� — PROPERTY _ g- ___ --- ___ - --_-- - _ -- ---- ___ IZ l N 0 ti SIGNAGE PLAN 1 ''7 1 " = 40'-0" 0 SHELSSA ROAD W RETAINING WALL - PROPERTY BOUNDARY U\�J A RETAINING WALL NOTE: SEE VA092 FOR SIGNAGEwNORTH DESCRIPTIONS 0 20' 40' 80' PROJECT NORTH 0 1 SIGNAGE INFO) LEGEND: SIGNAGE - ALLOWED & PROVIDED: 10'-5 7/8" 2'4" MAX. ALLOWED BUILDING MOUNTED SIGNAGE = 15% OF THE TOTAL BUILDING FACADE FRONTING NOT MORE THAN TWO PUBLIC STREETS = 1'8$, NORTH FACADE (FRONTING INTERSTATE 94): `` FACADE AREA (4,914 SF) X 0.15 = 737.1 SF �. SOUTH FACADE (FRONTING CHELSEA DRIVE): BUILDING FACADE AREA (4,500 SF) X 0.15 = 675 SF MOUNTED a U_ TOTAL ALLOWABLE BUILDING MOUNTED SIGNAGE: LILJ 737.1 SF + 675 S.F. = 1,412.1 S.F. J TOTAL BUILDING MOUNTED SIGNAGE PROVIDED: 386.6 S.F. LJL MAXIMUM ALLOWED FREESTANDING SIGNAGE: TWO FREESTANDING SIGNS; ONE 200 S.F. EA. SIDE (MAX. HEIGHT OF 32'), ONE 100 S.F. TOTAL FOR BOTH o SIDES (MAX. HEIGHT OF 14') w TOTAL FREESTANDING SIGNAGE PROVIDED: TWO FREESTANDING SIGNS; ONE PYLON, AND ONE MONUMENT STYLE FREE- " STANDING FREESTANDING PYLON (30'-0" TALL): - 103.6 S.F. EA. SIDE = 207.2 S.F. TOTAL FREESTANDING MONUMENT (10'4" TALL): U) 53.5 S.F. EA. SIDE = 107 S.F. TOTAL NOTES: - 1. SIGNS HERIN ARE SHOWN TO CONVEY DESIGN INTENT AND ARE A CLOSE APPROXIMATION TO ACTUAL SIZE AND APPEARANCE - REFER TO SIGN SUPPLIER'S DOCUMENTS FOR EXACT MEASUREMENTS AND DESIGN. 2. ALL SIGNAGE SHOWN IS INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED - LIGHT SOURCES ARE NOT VISIBLE. 3. SEE 17/A092 FOR SIGNAGE LOCATIONS. SEE A201 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING BUILDING MOUNTED SIGNAGE BUILDING SIGNAGE: 10� 13�> _J M co co 3: -,� L J S-1 : 29.9 S.F. @ 2 LOC. = 59.8 12'-6 1/8" 17 i IN = 5-2.39.1 S.F. @ 2 LOC. = 78.2 S.F. FREESTANDING SIGNAGE: 0 Cl) S-8: 103.6 X 2 SIDES = 207.2 S.F. SIGNAGE ELEVATIONS 1/4" = 1'-0" r "-0 r , 7- cc):c» I S-3.15.0 S.F. 12 LOC. = 30 S.F. f 12'-0" f N 9 UJ < F_ Aqtfflk1AMchcn Q -4.20.5 S.F. 12 LOCATIONS = 41 S.F. 8'-13/8" Jee I L___. ---- ------ ..... - __ ___ ___- - H>) '5. 28.8 S.F. 12 LOCATIONS = 57.6 S.F. 5-6.60.0 S.F. (1 LOCATION) 15'-8" O [ ) FAST OIL CHANGES & MURE NtPlt � S-7: 60.0 S.F. (1 LOCATION) NOTE: BUILDING MOUNTED BRAND SIGNAGE IS "12 SERIES", BUILDING MOUNTED DEALER NAME CHARACTERS ARE BASED ON "30" LETTER WIDTH" SERIES. 10'-5 7/8" 2'4" 8'-5 7/8" 1'8$, (SIGN AREA) `` 1 �. � 1--M R Y 5► IL C �:� (SIGN AREA) 0 a U_ O LILJ J! J W LJL it p::::1 Jeea o w a o " �z N - iJ 0 Cl) S-8: 103.6 X 2 SIDES = 207.2 S.F. SIGNAGE ELEVATIONS 1/4" = 1'-0" r "-0 r , 7- cc):c» I S-3.15.0 S.F. 12 LOC. = 30 S.F. f 12'-0" f N 9 UJ < F_ Aqtfflk1AMchcn Q -4.20.5 S.F. 12 LOCATIONS = 41 S.F. 8'-13/8" Jee I L___. ---- ------ ..... - __ ___ ___- - H>) '5. 28.8 S.F. 12 LOCATIONS = 57.6 S.F. 5-6.60.0 S.F. (1 LOCATION) 15'-8" O [ ) FAST OIL CHANGES & MURE NtPlt � S-7: 60.0 S.F. (1 LOCATION) NOTE: BUILDING MOUNTED BRAND SIGNAGE IS "12 SERIES", BUILDING MOUNTED DEALER NAME CHARACTERS ARE BASED ON "30" LETTER WIDTH" SERIES. Darwin Lindahl Architects, P.A. 4124 Quebec Ave. North, Suite 106 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55427 Ph:763.560.0448 Fax:763.560.0441 e-mail: Iindahlarch@gmail.com THIS DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION THEREIN IS THE PROPERTY OF DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A. ITS USE BY THE HOLDER OR DISCLOSURE TO OTHERS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A. IS PROHIBITED. IT CONTAINS PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A. REPRODUCTION OF THE MATERIAL HEREIN WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A. VIOLATES THE COPYWRITE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES AND WILL SUBJECT THE VIOLATORS TO LEGAL PROSECUTION. COPYRIGHT © 2017 BY DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A Project # : 2017-10 j, 8'-1 1/8" V 1'8$, 65" miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiO �. (SIGN AREA) 0 a U_ O ( is *4 ■6 V rT Ii.. 1_= •t l J W LJL V o w LU o Z �z 0 - U) ee r �, , 5-9.53.5 X 2 SIDES = 107 S.F. Darwin Lindahl Architects, P.A. 4124 Quebec Ave. North, Suite 106 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55427 Ph:763.560.0448 Fax:763.560.0441 e-mail: Iindahlarch@gmail.com THIS DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION THEREIN IS THE PROPERTY OF DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A. ITS USE BY THE HOLDER OR DISCLOSURE TO OTHERS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A. IS PROHIBITED. IT CONTAINS PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A. REPRODUCTION OF THE MATERIAL HEREIN WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A. VIOLATES THE COPYWRITE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES AND WILL SUBJECT THE VIOLATORS TO LEGAL PROSECUTION. COPYRIGHT © 2017 BY DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A Project # : 2017-10 Revisions: No: Revision: Date: Certification: PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRINTED FOR: INFORMATION DATE: 10/9/2017 Drawing: SIGNAGE PLAN Sheet No: H V W miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiO 0 a U_ O J J W LJL V o w � o Z O 0 ry a Q Revisions: No: Revision: Date: Certification: PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRINTED FOR: INFORMATION DATE: 10/9/2017 Drawing: SIGNAGE PLAN Sheet No: z r ry 0 J LL W O 06 z Q g N O U) U m 0 n O m U C O C cu ry U 0 U O 75 C CU ry 0 ti 0 N U O g U O .o N M I�- N O ti MAIN FLOOR PLAN 17 0 3/32" = 1'-0" i, 192'-0" �. CAR ..... WASH 0 II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TECH SERVICE IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIL(IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIII Illlllllllllllllllllllllllli EQUIP ROOM J _ x� x SHIPPING/ RECEIVING 0 1 LOT EQUIP. i __ RET. PARTS( CASHIER f ELEV. HALL D - : - E.W.C. _ +l / SALES MGRS. 'r. 0 i RECEPT. 7 - VEST. 0 TRASH/RECYCLE ENCLOSURE -- (EXTERIOR) UP. LLLLLLLLLLII I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SERVICE - RECEDTION I I� - BUILDING OUTLINE ABOVE r�r�r�r�r�i F -- —LIQ -----� L JL_ JL_ JL JL_ J F-01 n FL00 OPNG. (1 ABOVE LUBE PIT 77 �I IIF LUBE ° I PLAT - PLMTFORM ED 4 ° ° - BUILDING OUTLINE ABOVE 4 LOWER FLOOR PLAN 3/32" = 1'-0" NOTES: PLANNED FACILITY USE: ANTICIPATED NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES (AT LARGEST SHIFT): F L �V f F KEY PLAN E� N.T.S. AUTO SALES & SERVICE 50 EMPLOYEES Darwin Lindahl Architects, P.A. 4124 Quebec Ave. North, Suite 106 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55427 Ph:763.560.0448 Fax:763.560.0441 e-mail: Iindahlarch@gmail.com THIS DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION THEREIN IS THE PROPERTY OF DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A. ITS USE BY THE HOLDER OR DISCLOSURE TO OTHERS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A. IS PROHIBITED. IT CONTAINS PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A. REPRODUCTION OF THE MATERIAL HEREIN WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A. VIOLATES THE COPYWRITE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES AND WILL SUBJECT THE VIOLATORS TO LEGAL PROSECUTION. COPYRIGHT © 2017 BY DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A Project # : 2017-10 V W O BUILDING OUTLINE ABOVE O - LOWER FLOOR O POSITION J Q W `L V o _ LL, � W 0 Z NORM H la ry OO Z >Ma W 0 4' 8' 16' NORTH la l Revisions: No: Revision: Date: Certification: PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRINTED FOR: INFORMATION DATE: 10/9/2017 Drawing: MAIN & LOWER FLOOR PLAN Sheet No: A1 11 z W d N r g N co U N O n O U 0 co ry U O O n 0 U 0 C ca ry , 0 ti 0 N 0 U 0 g U O O n 1 ti N O ti UPPER FLOOR PLAN 17 0 3/32" = 1'-0" -x OPEN TO BELOW x PARTS STOR. 0 ROOF BELOW J ELEV. DISPLAY OPEN TO BELOW MEN JAN. I.T. STOR. LOCKER HALL HALL WOMEN LOCKER - I DN. BREAK/�! — TRAIN.� ADMIN qq O N F -_I [__lll _-1 f__l IIl_-1 [A El _lll E__l OFF. �[ I CI Q11 11 � l CIS IF]El FIE] F] FA 171 F1 1=1F1 OPEN TO BELOW J OPEN TO BELOW IC,, ISI DN EQUIP, J LIFT ROOF BELOW OPEN TO GRADE BELOW i EXTERIOR WALLS BELOW 0 4' 8' 16' NORTH la Darwin Lindahl Architects, P.A. 4124 Quebec Ave. North, Suite 106 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55427 Ph:763.560.0448 Fax:763.560.0441 e-mail: Iindahlarch@gmail.com THIS DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION THEREIN IS THE PROPERTY OF DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A. ITS USE BY THE HOLDER OR DISCLOSURE TO OTHERS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A. IS PROHIBITED. IT CONTAINS PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A. REPRODUCTION OF THE MATERIAL HEREIN WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A. VIOLATES THE COPYWRITE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES AND WILL SUBJECT THE VIOLATORS TO LEGAL PROSECUTION. COPYRIGHT © 2017 BY DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A Project # : 2017-10 Revisions: No: Revision: Date: Certification: PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRINTED FOR: INFORMATION DATE: 10/9/2017 Drawing: UPPER FLR. PLAN Sheet No: Ufn H V W O 0 a U_ O J J W LJL V o w U) � Z O 0 ry a Q>M Revisions: No: Revision: Date: Certification: PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRINTED FOR: INFORMATION DATE: 10/9/2017 Drawing: UPPER FLR. PLAN Sheet No: Ufn T.O. WALL 128'-0" T.O. WALL 125'-4" T.O. WALL 119'-4" F UPPER FLOOR _ 112'-0" 1NFLR. 1001-01, 99 4" I i ( -r ; J 20 WEST ELEVATION I N21/ Ii 1 '1 l -4i i o T.O.PORTAU PARAPET Y 128'-0" T.O. WALL 125'-4" T.O. WALL 119'-4" UPPER FLOOR 112'-0" MAIN FLR. it ou-o C.W. ' 5 I 1 iJ -4 d ! 1 JI X -4 � J 19 EAST ELEVATION 1/8" = 1'-0" 0') U) z T.O. WALL 128'-0" Q LU W ry O UJ W _s T.O. WALL 119'-4" W -_- C I c6 T.O.PORTAU PARAPET r 128'-0" - 0 _ T.O. WALL � Y 125'-4" r - O N UT.O. WALL 119'-4" O g U O p UPPER FLOOR a 112'-0" N PEN i Nt ap MAIN FLOOR CV 100'-0" -4 I r- -- -- -- -- 0 N SOUTH ELEVATION CD I 0 ) J i i r i r _r 17�I (_'-4r -( 4 ) BEYOND -( I -( I li ly li r ' I� DDD 7_107-1 L l bLYUNU - -4 7=- I I / - -----_ i jF I i 1 vc�lMCSE=Jeep RACY■ Ryan � 715 Id 14 P I r 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII i t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A II I I I I I I I I I -( ) -(?) ) -?) -( °,) ;1=1)71 -, ) BEYOND J J) -( l• ; -( i R an - - ----JeepRA.11t Service EXPRESS LANE ' roioPEaFe MOPRR FAST OIL CHANGES &MORE I71I�I C L n Com' LIL I � I KEY NOTES: 112:-0R FLOOR -; E7F �n o �L T 2. ACM -2 (HIGH -POLISHED ALUM.) 3. O 4. ALUM. STOREFRONT (SF -1) ENTRY DOOR OR WDW. W./ CLEAR GLAZ. (GL -1) MAIN FLR. 1001-01, 5. INSUL. P.C. WALL PANEL - EXPOSED AGGREGATE OR PAINT EXP -1 (BEN. CA 96 Cu ry - 6. a) NORTH ELEVATION 7. 0 1/8" = 1'-0" 8. 9. O D L A 10. -_- C I c6 T.O.PORTAU PARAPET r 128'-0" - 0 _ T.O. WALL � Y 125'-4" r - O N UT.O. WALL 119'-4" O g U O p UPPER FLOOR a 112'-0" N PEN i Nt ap MAIN FLOOR CV 100'-0" -4 I r- -- -- -- -- 0 N SOUTH ELEVATION CD I 0 ) J i i r i r _r 17�I (_'-4r -( 4 ) BEYOND -( I -( I li ly li r ' I� DDD 7_107-1 L l bLYUNU - -4 7=- I I / - -----_ i jF I i 1 vc�lMCSE=Jeep RACY■ Ryan � 715 Id 14 P I r 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII i t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A II I I I I I I I I I -( ) -(?) ) -?) -( °,) ;1=1)71 -, ) BEYOND J J) -( l• ; -( i R an - - ----JeepRA.11t Service EXPRESS LANE ' roioPEaFe MOPRR FAST OIL CHANGES &MORE I71I�I C L n Com' LIL I � I KEY NOTES: -; ( I1� J 1. ACM -1 (MTLC BSX SILVER) 2. ACM -2 (HIGH -POLISHED ALUM.) 3. E.F.I.S. - 1 (OYSTER # 21612) 4. ALUM. STOREFRONT (SF -1) ENTRY DOOR OR WDW. W./ CLEAR GLAZ. (GL -1) 5. INSUL. P.C. WALL PANEL - EXPOSED AGGREGATE OR PAINT EXP -1 (BEN. MOORE, PELICAN GREY 1612, FLAT) 6. CHRYSLER'12 SERIES' SIGNAGE 7. DODGE'12 SERIES' SIGNAGE 8. 9. JEEP'12 SERIES' SIGNAGE RAM'12 SERIES' SIGNAGE D L A 10. MOPAR SERVICE SIGNAGE 11. 30" DEALER SIGNAGE 12. BRAKE METAL CLOS. PNL. TO MATCH ADJACENT DOOR OR WDW. FRAME) 13. OVERFLOW SCUPPER Darwin Lindahl Architects P.A. 14. CONTROL JT. (VERIFY LOC. W/ STRUCT.) � 15. 16. ACM CLOSURE PANEL PREFIN. CAP FLASHING TO MATCH ADJAC. WALL. 4124 Quebec Ave. North, Suite 106 17. INSUL. SECT. OVERHEAD DOOR- MATCH EXP -1 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55427 18. TRASH/ RECYCLE ENCLOSURE Ph:763.560.0448 Fax:763.560.0441 19. EXP -2 (BEN. MOORE, ROCK GREY 1615, SEMI -GLOSS) e-mail: Iindahlarch@gmail.com 20. COMPOSITE BOARD - MATCH EXP -2 21. ALUM. WDW. W./ CLR. INSUL. GLAZ. & CLR. ANODIZED ALUM FIN. THIS DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION THEREIN IS THE 22. HOLLOW METAL DOOR AND FRAME TO MATCH EXP -1. PROPERTY of DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A. ITS BY THE HOLDER OR DISCLOSURE To OTHERS 23. SECTIONAL OVERHEAD DOOR W./ CLR. ANODIZED ALUM. FIN. W./ CLR. INSUL. ITUSE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF DARWIN VISION PANELS LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A. IS PROHIBITED. IT 24. PIPE BOLLARD - PAINT EXP -2 CONTAINS PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A. _I 25. FOAM EXPANSION JT. REPRODUCTION OF THE MATERIAL HEREIN WITHOUT 26. ROOF TOP MECH EQUIP. BEYOND - SEE MECH. DWGS. WRITTEN PERMISSION OF DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A. VIOLATES THE COPYWRITE LAWS OF 27. 28' TALL CHRYSLER SIGNATURE ENTRY ARCH THE UNITED STATES AND WILL SUBJECT THE 28. ALUM. CURTAIN WALL WITH CLEAR ANODIZED ALUM. FIN. VIOLATORS TO LEGAL PROSECUTION. 29. LOUVER - SEE MECH. DRAWINGS COPYRIGHT © 2017 BY DARWIN LINDAHL ARCHITECTS, P.A. 30. BUILDING MOUNTED LIGHTING - SEE R.C.P. 31. MOPAR EXPRESS SERVICE SIGN Project # : 2017-10 32. ACM JOINT/ REVEAL (DRY JT.) 33. ELEV. TOWER BEYOND 34. REVEAL 35. CMU - PAINT EXP -1 36. SECTIONAL OVERHEAD CAR WASH DOOR, WITH POLYCARBONATE VISION PANELS 37. AUTO DOOR W MI O N I..L O U_ O �- Q WLJL ' 0 i 0 � W U)O o O ryz >Ma W Revisions: No: Revision: Date: Certification: PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRINTED FOR: INFORMATION DATE: 10/9/2017 Drawing: EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS Sheet No: A201 NORTH EAST VIEW SOUTH WEST VIEW NORTH WEST VIEW I. . ......... SOUTH EAST VIEW L �I EXP -1 Benjamin Moore Paint Color: Pelican Gray 1612 SF -1 Finish: Flat Storefront Framing ; Manufacturer: Kawneer EIFS-1 Clear Anodized Aluminum Exterior Insulation Finishing System Trifab 451 T or 1600 Wall System 1 Manufacturer: STO Corporation GL -2 Insulating Glass System Manufacturer: PPG ; (Black Spandrel Glass if needed in Arch fanlight) GL -1 Insulating Glass System Manufacturer: PPG Low E Clear Glass Finish Texture: Medium Sand Color: Oyster #21612 EXP -2 Exterior Trim Paint Benjamin Moore Paint n `^ k a ate", v. ACM -1 Aluminum Composite Material Alpolic ® ACM Silver Metallic (MTLC BSX SILVER) ' ACM -2 Aluminum Composite Material Alpolic ® ACM High Polished Aluminum (DM HPA SLVR) FINISHES 0 -:4- 0 CD z E CD Ln 0- -0 0 N t > 0— rY CL 0 DATE C0 A III r I I-V III III / N1, 0 III � E IIIc` / � "', "III II G 1I F E.O.F. 937.5 -0 '19 0 r 1 REMOVE APRO-N-,, A AND 8LF STORM o `\ SEWER (1 4LF II o TOTAL REMOVAL) < QQ, <V�' '1111� 6k CLEAR AND GRUB TREES (TYP.) ZO Cj_ ...... A I ', 1 II V�, II 111 V/ _Q ---- - - ------- ------- ---- - - --------- Ill 111 � PV -------- - -- ------------ 111 lIA 51 100,91"INS, 11010:41 L4111 IN 03 W-11 2 1 Im" REVISION 10 ---------- 57 --------- -- --------- ------- 95" j, . ......... . 57 aV - - ----- ---- ----------- ---- _ _ 91-) _ ---- --------- �_p I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of M' ta. V rimuiHY A. Date 10/6/17 Lic. No. 43362 DESIGNED BY: TAE DRAWN BY: TAE CHECKED BY: Cii Hakanson Anderson Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors 3601 Thurston Ave., Anoka, Minnesota 55303 763-427-5860 FAX 763-427-0520 www.hakanson—anderson.com RYAN-MONTICELLO PROJECT LEGEND DRAINAGE ARROW EXISTING DRAINAGE DIVIDE GENERAL NOTES: 1. BASED ON THE WRIGHT COUNTY SOIL SURVEY, THE ONSITE SOILS CONSIST OF DORSET SANDY LOAM. 30 0 30 60 SCALE IN FEET EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND REMOVALS PLAN CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA SHEET C1 C9 SHEETS 4204.01 C0 IIPP B612 CONCRETE CURB\ AND GUTTER PER I,v MN/DOT STANDARD III (TYP.) 11111, .......... w III PLATE 7100 iiiV) E.O.F._j 3 0 III A Wl,\III III S III940.1 940 7- 0 mow f 42 941 9 42' 943 7W F 100 -YR 4 III HWL=939. Ili iii rn 0 lot 91 lot 4 Irri U4 Ln 0I 4 III ;o 0= III Z II > > I �F II rri rn --1 0 z 0 A C III M STORMTECH MC -3500 V) CHAMBER SYSTEM. SEE SHEETS C7 -C9 DiM FOR DETAILS. X� At 7q 777" A FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION -948.1. III . ...... Qu lit 4 J. 11 III I -4 __777777-�-TH1dk'ENE_D tDGE SIDEWALK PER 7 III C4 J &11 - - --------- II iII T-947. T-947.5 ,B-947.4 II 0 B-945.3 0 T-946.3 uI s RETAINING B-946.3 A' -- _7777 ---------------III , WALL A -948.3 4 T I ,0III - _ � ^ ., '�,------ �, _y '' 1 � B-948.3 9&0 4 STABILIZED C3 CONSTRUCTION - 4 EXIT (2)III - \g 4 5 ----- - 9,J -II r --- -- T-954.0 . ... ......... 49_.� B-947.6 0 -:4- 0 CD z E 0 CD Lf) Lf) 0 0 0 N DAT t > 0 - r�l CL_ 0 94 ------ 10 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE . ..... . ..... . -,Q 5 1- -- -------- 5 DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE PER 954\ CITY PLATE NO. 5008IIIuIpISII ajar \--'-T-- 95-0-.-6 ------- -95 .1. Q-.,6 ------ 57 T-954' B-951.5 - ----- -- ---------- T-952.7 - ----- - .......... 95� --- --- 8-949.8 T-953.7 -949-9 - --------- -7 9 ��&_ ---t", � 5 ----------- -- --------- ... 60 RETAINING WALL_- T-951.8 B-951.8 REVISION I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was DESIGNED BY: prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws TAE of the State of MMj'_rja"ota. DRAWN BY: TAE rimuiHY A. CHECKED BY: Date 10/6/17 Lic. No. 43362 Cii Hakanson Anderson Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors 3601 Thurston Ave., Anoka, Minnesota 55303 763-427-5860 FAX 763-427-0520 www.hakanson-anderson.com RYAN-MONTICELLO PROJECT LEGEND PROPOSED TIPOUT CURB PER SILT FENCE PER DRAINAGE ARROW INLET PROTECTION DEVICE T-XXX.X TOP OF RETAINING WALL ELEVATION B-XXX.X GROUND ELEVATION AT BOTTOM OF RETAINING WALL PROPOSED DRAINAGE DIVIDE LOT SUMMARY TOTAL AREA = 5.00 ACRES EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA = 0.00 ACRES PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA = 4.32 ACRES GENERAL NOTES: 1. VERIFY BUILDING DIMENSIONS WITH ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. 2. DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE STABILIZED WITHIN 7 DAYS OF ROUGH GRADING. 3. STREET SWEEPING MUST BE PERFORMED DAILY IF SEDIMENT IS TRACKED OUTSIDE THE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS OR ONTO ANY CITY STREETS. 4. THE CONTRACTOR MUST STABILIZE ALL EXPOSED SOIL AREAS (INCLUDING STOCKPILES). STABILIZATION MUST BE INITIATED IMMEDIATELY TO LIMIT SOIL EROSION WHENEVER ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY HAS PERMANENTLY OR TEMPORARILY CEASED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE AND WILL NOT RESUME FOR A PERIOD EXCEEDING SEVEN CALENDAR DAYS. STABILIZATION MUST BE COMPLETED NO LATER THAN SEVEN CALENDAR DAYS AFTER THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IN THAT PORTION OF THE SITE HAS TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY CEASED. TEMPORARY SEEDING INFORMATION AND APPLICATION RATES ARE TABULATED ON SHEET C6. 5. SEE SHEET C3 FOR THE UTILITY AND PAVING PLAN. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE A LOCATION FOR CONCRETE AND OTHER WASHOUT WASTE. A SIGN SHALL BE INSTALLED ADJACENT TO EACH WASHOUT FACILITY THAT REQUIRES SITE PERSONNEL TO UTILIZE THE PROPER FACILITIES FOR DISPOSAL OF CONCRETE AND OTHER WASTES. REFERENCE NOTES: D INSTALL INLET PROTECTION DEVICES PERWANDWAT ALL CATCH BASINS THAT MAY RECEIVE STORMWATER RUNOFF FROM THE SITE. (Z PRIOR TO IMPORTING OR EXPORTING MATERIAL FROM THE SITE, CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT A STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PER CITY STANDARD PLATE 6002 OR 6003. 30 0 30 60 SCALE IN FEET GRADING, DRAINAGE AND SHEET EROSION CONTROL PLAN C2 CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 'oo/ C9 SHEETS 4204.01 0) f- 0 0 N CD z w w w E 0 CD L z Lw o / 0 I � 0 N t o � N w o rY CL 0 .. II I III III 20LF III 2199 RCP I III III ® 2.00% III I u _...... i III III E I II III - °I uI CB/MH #7 48" DIA. (R-3246) FL=939.50 III III III (NE)INV=935.35 (SE)INV=935.75 °� ^� iii F; III III I III 10LF r. III 15 RCP- ® 5.70%�- II- °I III III I I CB #7A iii iii I - I 2'X,3' (R-3246) III '` III 0 FL=939.57 INV=936.32 III illi uI I CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER INV=933.04 '�'� M°r 1 r- I III I III d V II - II, III III 1 I - 111 III 4� � b STM/MH #9 °I Ilii ° °b I_ 48" DIA. (R-1733) iii lila ' RIM=939.20 ,- (SW)INV=933.04- (SE)INV=933.18 illi III I III III I 4 L III _ II III �d 9 11 I 84LF °Ili r. III 24" RCP III lila t CB/MH #6 60" DIA. (R-3246) FL=939.50 (NE)INV=934.79 (SE)INV=934.59 .... AA�' ._.................. ..... ___---------------------- L 23LF STM/MH #10 27" RCP 161 t SEE SHEET C7 0 1.00% 24" CB/MH #5 48" DIA. (R-3246) FL=943.26 (SE)INV=939.51 (SW)INV=937.20 (NE)INV=937.40 K-4 rzti� _ l 0 1.50% � I I I � � I n I �--STORMTECH MC -3500 - I CHAMBER SYSTEM. SEE SHEETS C7 -C9 FOR DETAILS. n-°n 6" GATE VALVE AND BOX AND I HYDRANT �I r 33 Id .I I ! 6" DIP I WATERMAIN { 327LF a 12" RCP !; iF 1 S 0 1.18% A STM/MH 12 # / SEE SHEET C7 - s., �.... i CSD 0.50% °III IIIa III STM/MH #11 III III SEE SHEET C7 CONNECT TO EXISTING °III -- Iii1i I 1 22LF SAN MH 1 SANITARY SEWER II'u _, ry. �„ 8" PVC „/ # 275LF IN =934.20 1� III III I t� 0,40% 48 DIA. (R-1733) 6" PVC ;.. I 1 0 , ei� � �% • ,,._, III � l a r" VC I__-__-___-_____ RIM =943.90a _ ..�.--- < (N E)I NV=935.60 0{2'0�- p/ _ � ,--_.......-. c -"'....' ` (SW)INV=934 29 CB/MH #4- 48" DIA. (R-3246) FL=943.06 (E)INV=938.81 (SW)INV=938.81 _.................. - ! 282LF rr 21 " RCP_____ ,,ry 0 0.50% 34LF 21" RCP I q. 0 0.85% � Y r �J 127LF 18" RCP li 0 1.24% ii 6" GATE VALVE - AND BOX AND HYDRANT (5 15" PVC INV=942.00 CONSTRUCT 6" CLEANOUT, �7 92LF 15" PVC 0 1.00% 5' OUTSIDE OF BUILDING ® 139LF .= 15" RCP s 0 0.50% 4, 6" PVC ro , INV=941.10 - I; 2" CORPORATION, •�----r-.-- "` 6"X6" 2" CURB STOP AND ` 6" DIP 699X6" DIP TEE BOX AND 2" TYPE K T N DIP TEE COPPER PIPE ........ ...... ... . ... .. .. __._.._. e_..._. _.._. - CB#8 s III w �+ "r - 2'X3' (R-3246) -� DIP FL=946 61 III : n II I III x III III �� �1 iL III I III III 1 III III R I Itl It1 � x III It l � III III i, ,o III 11 111 a.. Ittll t � tll R ? t tll III k 4 � t t1 ;} " DATE REVISION 8"X6" D I P REDUCER CONNECT TO EXISTING 8" DIP WATERMAIN WATERMAIN INV=943.36 DIP TEE - 6" DIP WATERMAIN I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Mi ta. Date 10/6/17 rimuiHY A. 4 Lic. No. 43362 6" GATE VALVE-� AND BOX AND HYDRANT(3) DESIGNED BY: TAE DRAWN BY: TAE CHECKED BY: CJJ 6" DIP WATERMAIN - CB/MH #3 48" DIA. (R-3246) FL=943.26 (SE)INV=939.30 (W)INV=939.10 �1 16, tt4` 6"-11.25° DIP BEND 3 6"X6" I DIP TEE sl 6" GATE VALVE - AND BOX AND � HYDRANT(5) CB/MH #2 48" DIA. (R-3246) FL=945.50 (SE)INV=941.53 (NW)INV=940.88 (SW)INV=941.08 Hakanson Anderson Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors 3601 Thurston Ave., Anoka, Minnesota 55303 763-427-5860 FAX 763-427-0520 www.hakanson-anderson.com CB #1 2'X3' (R-3246) FL=945.48 INV=942.23 RYAN-MONTICELLO PROJECT PROPOSED BITUMINOUS0 NOTES:GENERAL 1. MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF OF • - OVER THE BLOCKINGWATERMAIN. WATERMAIN BE • 2002. CONSTRUCTED2. ALL STORM SEWER STRUCTURES SHALL BE PRECAST CONCRETE SECTIONS PER MN/DOT STANDARD PLATE 4020 AND 4022. STRUCTURES SHALL BE STANDARD CONSTRUCTEDPLATES 4001, 4002 AND 4003. 3. SANITARY SEWER STRUCTURES SHALL BE PLATE • 3001. NOTES:REFERENCE 0LOCATION AND INVERTOF PRIORVERIFIED TO THE START OF • • INSTALL CURB STOP AND BOX 10 FEET FROM THE BUILDING. FIELD VERIFY INVERT OF STORM SEWER PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. (a) CONSTRUCT SEWER CLEANOUT PER CITY PLATE NO. 3006. © CONSTRUCT HYDRANT • 2001. 30 0 30 60 SCALE IN FEET UTILITY AND PAVING PLAN SHEET C3 C9 CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA SHEETS 4204.01 Q w 0 0 0 N �r CD z w w E� �CD � z L� 0 0 4 0 N t o � N W Q o rY CL O •. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION AND SOILS NOTES: 1. CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 2016 EDITION OF THE MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION". 2. UNLESS OTHERWISE RECOMMENDED IN THESE PLANS, THE GRADING SUBGRADE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF SUITABLE GRADING MATERIAL. THE FILL SHALL BE PLACED IN 8" TO 10" LOOSE LIFTS, AND COMPACTED TO 100% OF THE STANDARD PROCTOR MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY. 3. SUITABLE GRADING MATERIAL FOR THIS PROJECT SHALL CONSIST OF ALL SOILS ENCOUNTERED WITH THE EXCEPTION OF TOPSOIL, SILT, DEBRIS, ORGANIC MATERIAL AND OTHER UNSTABLE MATERIAL. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR ADDITIONAL SITE PREPARATION REQUIREMENTS. 5. PROVIDE A SAW CUT WHEN PLACING NEW PAVEMENT ADJACENT TO INPLACE PAVEMENT AND AT TERMINI OF CONSTRUCTION TO ENSURE A UNIFORM JOINT. 6. BITUMINOUS AND CONCRETE ITEMS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION SHALL BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THE CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH MN/DOT SPEC. 2104. 7. USE TACK COAT BETWEEN ALL BITUMINOUS MIXTURES. THE BITUMINOUS TACK COAT MATERIAL SHALL BE APPLIED AT A UNIFORM RATE OF 0.05 GAL/SY TO 0.07 GAL/SY BETWEEN BITUMINOUS LAYERS. THE APPLICATION RATES ARE FOR UNDILUTED EMULSIONS. 8. PERFORMANCE GRADED (PG) ASPHALT BINDER PG 58S-28, SPEC. 3151, SHALL BE USED FOR ALL BITUMINOUS MIXES ON THIS PROJECT. SPECIFIC PG GRADES SHALL BE LISTED AT THE END OF THE MIX DESIGNATION NUMBER SHOWN ON THE TYPICAL SECTION. 9. THE BITUMINOUS MIXTURES SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF SPECIFICATIONS 2360 AND 3139. 10. ALL DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE RESTORED WITH 4" OF TOPSOIL AND SOD. GENERAL EROSION CONTROL NOTES: 1. EROSION CONTROL SHALL CONFORM TO THE MN/DOT EROSION CONTROL HANDBOOK. 2. PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ACQUIRE THE NECESSARY MPCA NPDES STORMWATER PERMIT. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL FACILITIES (BMP'S) PRIOR TO GRADING AND REMOVAL ACTIVITIES. BMP'S SHALL BE MAINTAINED FOR THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AND POTENTIAL FOR EROSION HAS PASSED. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SCHEDULE HIS OPERATION TO MINIMIZE THE AMOUNT OF DISTURBED AREA AT ANY GIVEN TIME. 5. BMP'S SHALL BE INSPECTED DAILY BY THE CONTRACTOR. OBSERVATIONS SHALL BE RECORDED IN THE INSPECTION LOG. 6. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE PROPERLY DISPOSED OF WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER FINAL SITE STABILIZATION. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FILE A NOTICE OF TERMINATION WITH THE MPCA AFTER FINAL STABILIZATION HAS BEEN APPROVED. REFERENCE NOTES: 1� TYPE 1 INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE INSTALLED AS NECESSARY TO MINIMIZE PONDING OF WATER DURING CONSTRUCTION. �2 TYPE 2 INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE INSTALLED ON ALL CASTINGS RECEIVING RUNOFF FROM THE PROJECT AREA. Q3 PAVEMENT SECTION SHALL BE VERIFIED BY A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. LEGEND - RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE PROPERTY LINE EASEMENT LINE ^{, - EXISTING CONTOUR 948 PROPOSED CONTOUR 0 o CHAINLINK FENCE EDGE OF WOODS ______________= EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER EXISTING SANITARY SEWER > EXISTING STORM SEWER EXISTING WATERMAIN EXISTING SANITARY MANHOLE Kj, EXISTING STORM MANHOLE EXISTING CATCH BASIN OCA EXISTING HYDRANT 10 EXISTING WATERMAIN VALVE GAS LINE ELECTRIC LINE PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER - > > PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER >> PROPOSED STORM SEWER - PROPOSED WATERMAIN Q PROPOSED SANITARY MANHOLE Q PROPOSED STORM MANHOLE ® PROPOSED CATCH BASIN -- PROPOSED HYDRANT 000 PROPOSED LIGHT (I- X -.006---DETAIL NUMBER " ---SHEET NUMBER DATE REVISION 2„ TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (SPWEA2408) :. --BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT ���I��IIIIIIIIIIIIII/I/////i, _w_`--2" TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (SPWEB240B) `� 10" CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE, 100% CRUSHED ~� PLACED ON APPROVED SUBGRADE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SECTION 03 C49 NO SCALE POST LENGTH, 5 FT. MIN. AT 6 FT. MAX. SPACING PLASTIC ZIP TIES (50LB TENSILE) LOCATED IN TOP 8" - DIRECTION OF --GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, 36" WIDTH z RUNOFF FLOW . Z �M 0 oM M w N �' r 11. QC42 I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was DESIGNED BY: prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I TAE am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the Stateof W ta. DRAWN BY: TAE rimuiHY A. CHECKED BY: Date 10/6/17 40LUilc. No. 43362 CJJ MACHINE SLICE 8"-12" DEPTH STANDARD SILT FENCE DETAILS TO PROTECT AREAS FROM SHEET FLOW (SEE SPEC. 3886) 24" RCP OUTLET s -•9 Q4 C4 2.6' 01lXo1100z/_II_1 ti 60" DIA. MANHOLE A� B612 CONCRETE CURB 6" AND GUTTER PER MN/DOT STANDARD PLATE 7100 10 6.00% d I � a 12" INTAKE B612 CONCRETE CURB 6„� AND GUTTER PER MN/DOT STANDARD PLATE 7100 N 1.50% i d $„ 12" TIPOUT CQONCRETE CURB DETAILS C4 3 NO SCALE 937.90 �Oxf Wzl7 -•�� 6 ff CONCRETE WEIR A� CONCRETE WEIR DETAIL Hakanson Anderson Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors 3601 Thurston Ave., Anoka, Minnesota 55303 763-427-5860 FAX 763-427-0520 www.hakanson-anderson.com 937.90 936.20 933.60 30" 30" CPP HEADER ROW 933.75 34.12" 0 LO N co u r C 3.63" HDPE -4-17.63"-&-- / EMERGENCY OPEN BOTH SIDES OVERFLOW SILT PER FABRIC SLEEVE MNDOT SP o 0 0 0 0 0 SPECIFICATION 3886 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.69" 0 0 0 0. o. 0 2" DIAMETER 0 0 0 0 00 0 HOLES o 0 0 0_ o 0 1 0 0 _o- 0--0saa0_ 0 0 TOP VIEW SEDIMENT CONTROL -SLOT FOR LOCKING TAB BARRIER FRAME I. F-1 I SIDE VIEW SEDIMENT CONTROL BARRIER FRAME SQTORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION TYPE 1 O C4 5 PRE -CURB HDPE INSERT BASKETS ��SHOWN WITHOUT FILTER BAGS. 400 MICRON FILTER BAGS REQUIRED INSIDE BASKETS. V I.I V I% W V 1\ V / OVERFLOW PORTS 6STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION TYPE 2 02 C4 POST -CURB VARIES -.x TOOLED JOINT ® 5'-0" - 4" CONCRETE OC MAX UNLESS NOTED 1 " CHAMFER OTHERWISE 2% 3/4" _-3/8„ FINISHED-, -•�- GRADE " a ° ° ° ° ° °V a ° 1/8"R 6" ° ° ° ° 4 ° PARKING LOT °6" PAVEMENT ° III III III III III III III III- COMPACTED SECTION r SUBGRADE - 4" GRANULAR BASE RYAN-MONTICELLO PROJECT SIDEWALK NOTES: 1. PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINT A MAXIMUM OF EVERY 30' OC. THICKENED EDGE CONCRETE SIDEWALK SECTION C4 DETAILS SHEET C4 CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA C9 SHEETS 4204.01 I_ 1'- 0" 1 OR 5' IN BACK OF CURB BELOW GUTTER ELEVATION 1. TAHNRDUST BR2' LOCKING TO BE USED FOR BEND 22 1/ U� IF CONCRETE WALK OR J PIPE SIZE I Q BITUMINOUS PATH ARE f - — HYDRAFINDER PRESENT 6.0 SQ FT I WORKING PRESSURES ARE LESS THAN 150 PSI, 1 FLAG MODEL 67 z z - — O HYDRANT HYDRANT N M © CONCRETE— YELLOW OUT OF ORDER TAG No iv W TO BE INSTALLED ON PUMPER CONN. Y 0 *48"(TVP} AFTER BACK -FILL w >; w BREAKOFF FLANGE EZ EXISTING OR FUTURE w 1" TO 2" MAXIMUM � z � w CURB OR GUTTER LINE o ABOVE BURY LINE (FINISHED GRADE) o FINISHED GRADE �L a VALVE BOX AS I� O WATERMAIN AND PIPE CONNECTION SPECIFIED o / -- g N w F1 " TO 2" USE R-2 JOINT FOR �> Lu _ Y 0— -IZ 2 CL U/ z 0 W rn O •. STREET 2 LAYERS OF o w 2'- 6" AS REQUIRED 10' POLY (4 mil) c> t I TYPICAL z 3' DIAMETER BY 3' DEEP PIT-" :9z UNDER HYDRANT FILLED WITH �� o A MINIMUM OF 1 C.Y. OF 1 1-1/2" CLEAR STONE I s 0 MEGALUG-\, THRUST MEGALUG BLOCKING BEHIND HYDRANT PRECAST CONCRETE BASE AS SPECIFIED (15"x 15"x 4') 1/4 " STEEL VALVE BOX ADAPTOR WITH PROTECTIVE COATING AS MANUFACTURED BY ADAPTOR INC. OR APPROVED EQUAL GATE VALVE BLOCKING BELOW GATE VALVE THRUST BLOCKING BEHIND TEE Title: Standard Plate Library Typical HydrantInstallation City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. '� -- Revised: 2001 03-17 Q CASTING STANDARD FRAME & COVER INSTALL INFRA SHIELD ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN - 12" MAX (OR APPROVED EQUAL) EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL ROADWAY SURFACE BELOW GUTTER ELEVATION 1. TAHNRDUST BR2' LOCKING TO BE USED FOR BEND 22 1/ U� SEE MnDOT STANDARD FOR COVER REQUIREMEN STE 4020 J PIPE SIZE I Q WALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE CLASS 11 f - — W PRECAST PIPE, EXCEPT 48" DIA MAY BE 6.0 SQ FT I WORKING PRESSURES ARE LESS THAN 150 PSI, 1 O ASTM C 478 CONCRETE PIPE. SEE MnDOT STANDARD z z - — O PLATE 3000 (NO TONGUE OR GROOVE AT TOP N M © CONCRETE— OR BOTTOM OF THIS SECTION). CAST -IN-PLACE No iv c� CONCRETE OR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION Y 0 *48"(TVP} (BRICK OR BLOCK) ALLOWED ONLY IF APPROVED w >; w BY ENGINEER EZ CD DIAMETER MANHOLE SECTION TO BE � z � w IRCP PIPE -,----- CONCRETE DOGHOUSE REQUIRED ON o '•— OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF STRUCTURE �- z ?C 0 I� O AND PIPE CONNECTION DATE o / -- g N w 48" DIA USE R-2 JOINT FOR �> Lu _ Y 0— -IZ 2 CL U/ r v Q � O •. STEPS AT 1/4 " STEEL VALVE BOX ADAPTOR WITH PROTECTIVE COATING AS MANUFACTURED BY ADAPTOR INC. OR APPROVED EQUAL GATE VALVE BLOCKING BELOW GATE VALVE THRUST BLOCKING BEHIND TEE Title: Standard Plate Library Typical HydrantInstallation City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. '� -- Revised: 2001 03-17 Q CASTING STANDARD FRAME & COVER INSTALL INFRA SHIELD ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN - 12" MAX (OR APPROVED EQUAL) EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL ROADWAY SURFACE BELOW GUTTER ELEVATION 1. TAHNRDUST BR2' LOCKING TO BE USED FOR BEND 22 1/ OR APPROVED EQUAL" SEE MnDOT STANDARD FOR COVER REQUIREMEN STE 4020 ' PIPE SIZE I BEARING AREA WALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE CLASS 11 6" I — 2. THRUST BLOCKING SHALL ONLY BE USED WHERE I PRECAST PIPE, EXCEPT 48" DIA MAY BE 6.0 SQ FT I WORKING PRESSURES ARE LESS THAN 150 PSI, 1 10" - 12" ASTM C 478 CONCRETE PIPE. SEE MnDOT STANDARD z z - — 8' CAST -IN-PLACE PLATE 3000 (NO TONGUE OR GROOVE AT TOP .. M © CONCRETE— OR BOTTOM OF THIS SECTION). CAST -IN-PLACE No iv 4' TO 10' CONCRETE OR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION Y 0 *48"(TVP} (BRICK OR BLOCK) ALLOWED ONLY IF APPROVED Z o z >; *DIMENSION VARIES BY ENGINEER � CD DIAMETER MANHOLE SECTION TO BE U5 m IRCP PIPE -,----- CONCRETE DOGHOUSE REQUIRED ON '•— OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF STRUCTURE �- z ?C 0 LATEST REVISION AND PIPE CONNECTION =�Q :A� -- g 48" DIA USE R-2 JOINT FOR ti Lu _ Y ALL MANHOLE JOINTS 2 N r v Q � STEPS AT ¢ 16" OC� q STRUCTURE ---'1 8" 8" POURED CONCRETE BASE, FOR ALTERNATE PRECAST CONCRETE BASE. SEE MnDOT STANDARD PLATE 4011 (MODIFY DIAMETER AND 2" RAISED AREA TO FIT REQUIRED DIAMETER. REFER TO STANDARD PLANS FOR HEIGHT AND DIAMETER REQUIRED. MANHOLE STEPS SHALL BE CAST IRON OR MA MODEL PS -I -PF (BY MA INDUSTRIAL INC.) CONFORMING TO ALL OSHA REGULATIONS AND SPACED 16" OC. U3 MINIMUM STEEL REINFORCEMENT ® EQUIVALENT STEEL AREA IN WIRE MESH MAY BE USED 0 GENERAL DIMENSIONS FOR CONCRETE APPLY TO BRICK AND CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT CONSTRUCTION ALSO, EXCEPT AS NOTED. �6 12" MINIMUM FOR PRECAST, 3 BRICKS OR 1 BLOCK MINIMUM FOR MASONRY CONSTUCTION REINFORCEMENT AS PER MnDOT SPEC 3301, GRADE 60. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello REVISION MANHOLE MANHOLE.,;;w OR PLASTERED OR CATCH EXTERIOR CATCH BASIN BASIN DIA DIA L. - SEWER BRICK (MnDOT SPEC 3616) BLOCK MASONRY CONSTRUCTION Title: Standard Manhole for Storm Sewer Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03 —17 4001 - I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was DESIGNED BY: prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I TAE am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Mi ta. DRAWN BY: TAE 56A A. CHECKED BY: Date 10/6/17 Lic. No. 43362 CJJ TEE AND BEND AEGALUG BEND WRAP PLUG WITH 4 MIL. POLY PLUG PLUG NOTES: CHIMNEY SEALS (INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL) BELOW GUTTER ELEVATION 1. TAHNRDUST BR2' LOCKING TO BE USED FOR BEND 22 1/ OR APPROVED EQUAL" CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB BOX ' PIPE SIZE I BEARING AREA 1 6" I 4.0 SQ FT 2. THRUST BLOCKING SHALL ONLY BE USED WHERE I 8" I 6.0 SQ FT I WORKING PRESSURES ARE LESS THAN 150 PSI, 1 10" - 12" 12.0 5Q FT I 3. THRUST BLOCKS BEARING AREA TO BE POURED I 16" 20.0 SQ FT I AGAINST UNDISTURBED SOIL. RINGS INSIDE DROP SECTION 4. POURED CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKING 4" - MAX 12" SHALL BE 5' DIA (I.D.)MIN SHALL BE USED FOR 12" OR LARGER DIAMETER WATERMAIN CONCRETE DOGHOUSE REQUIRED 4. ALL PIPE JOINTS WITHIN 10 FT. OF A BEND 0 *48"(TVP} SHALL BE RESTAINED USING TIE RODS d- Standard Plate Library City of Monticello A CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB BOX NEENAH NO. R -3067-V 4" CONCRETE COLLAR INSTALL INFRA SHIELD (OR APPROVED EQUAL) EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL ADJUSTING RINGS 1 4" MIN -- 12" MAX / ENCASE IN CONCRETE COLLAR USE CONCRETE CURB MIX FOR COLLAR STANDARD MANHOLE FOR SANITARY SEWER NO SCALE NOTES: MANHOLE STEPS SHALL BE CAST IRON OR MA MODEL PS -I -PF (BY MA INDUSTRIAL INC.) CONFORMING TO ALL OSHA REGULATIONS AND SPACED 16" OC. IF DROP IS GREATER THAN 24" INCHES, USE OUTSIDE DROP. Title: Title: Blocking for Standard Plate Library Standard Sanitary Watermain Manhole Date: 03-05 Plate No. City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-17 3-17 2002 Revised: 03-15 3001 n 0 35 1/4 43- n PLAN ALL STORM SEWER CASTING ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN DEPRESSED 0.10' BELOW GUTTER ELEVATION (SEE DETAIL 5003) 6" /� 24"� ". FINISH \ GRADE r., 31 / � 2" � � 2 3,- 6» -E' 34" 5" 4" MIN ,�•. :I �4'IMIN. _ -- 4" CONCRETE COLLAR NOTES: SECTION A—A POUR A 3" TO 4" CONCRETE COLLAR AROUND RINGS EXTENDING FROM THE CASTING TO THE PRECAST SECTION CATCH BASINS LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE TYPE MnDOT DESIGN H. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R -3508-A2. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Standard Catch Basin Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 4002 MOR A 35-1/4" 43" CASTING TO BE SET 0.10' CHIMNEY SEALS (INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL) BELOW GUTTER ELEVATION "CRETEX OR APPROVED EQUAL" CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB BOX (OR APPROVED EQUAL) STANDARD MANHOLE EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL FRAME AND COYER GROUTING BETWEEN PIPE AND 4" MIN - 12" MAX - MANHOLE BARREL SHALL BE ENCASE WITH CONCRETE4 WITH NON -SHRINKING CEMENT COLLAR _ ALL MANHOLES WITHADJUSTING r TMPE II WITH 24"x 36" RINGS INSIDE DROP SECTION 4" - MAX 12" SHALL BE 5' DIA (I.D.)MIN 27" DIA CONCRETE DOGHOUSE REQUIRED 0 *48"(TVP} AND PIPE CONNECTION d- *DIMENSION VARIES BASED ON STRUCTURE CD DIAMETER MANHOLE SECTION TO BE IRCP PIPE ASTM C-478 CLASS II CIRCULAR REINF LATEST REVISION w 7: :A� -- g 48" DIA USE R-2 JOINT FOR ti ALL MANHOLE JOINTS 2 N STEPS AT ¢ 16" OC� 8" "CRE-SEAL","RESEAL", 8" — OR APPROVED EQUAL PRECAST GASKET CONNECTION SHALL BE USED FOR CONNECTION PIPE TO MANHOLE M C VARIABLE it y MAX. 24" , PRECAST BOTTOM SECTION; 6" MIN WITH INVERT #5 AT 12" OC EACH WAY STANDARD MANHOLE FOR SANITARY SEWER NO SCALE NOTES: MANHOLE STEPS SHALL BE CAST IRON OR MA MODEL PS -I -PF (BY MA INDUSTRIAL INC.) CONFORMING TO ALL OSHA REGULATIONS AND SPACED 16" OC. IF DROP IS GREATER THAN 24" INCHES, USE OUTSIDE DROP. Title: Title: Blocking for Standard Plate Library Standard Sanitary Watermain Manhole Date: 03-05 Plate No. City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-17 3-17 2002 Revised: 03-15 3001 n 0 35 1/4 43- n PLAN ALL STORM SEWER CASTING ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN DEPRESSED 0.10' BELOW GUTTER ELEVATION (SEE DETAIL 5003) 6" /� 24"� ". FINISH \ GRADE r., 31 / � 2" � � 2 3,- 6» -E' 34" 5" 4" MIN ,�•. :I �4'IMIN. _ -- 4" CONCRETE COLLAR NOTES: SECTION A—A POUR A 3" TO 4" CONCRETE COLLAR AROUND RINGS EXTENDING FROM THE CASTING TO THE PRECAST SECTION CATCH BASINS LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE TYPE MnDOT DESIGN H. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R -3508-A2. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Standard Catch Basin Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 4002 MOR A 35-1/4" 43" CASTING TO BE SET 0.10' BELOW GUTTER ELEVATION INSTALL INFRA SHIELD CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB BOX (OR APPROVED EQUAL) STANDARD CASTING - NEENAH R -3067-V EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN - 12" MAX ENCASE WITH CONCRETE4 MANHOLE COVER TO BE 48" DIA COLLAR r TMPE II WITH 24"x 36" 6" J OPENING *15" I 24" I 9" CONCRETE DOGHOUSE REQUIRED ON OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF STRUCTURE *48"(TVP} AND PIPE CONNECTION *DIMENSION VARIES BASED ON STRUCTURE CD DIAMETER IRCP PIPE CONCRETE CATCH BASIN MANHOLE NOTES: AND BASE TO BE CRETEX TYPE 4338 OR APPROVED EQUAL 1. BASE TO BE GROUTED TO FORM A SMOOTH INVERT TO OUTLET. SECTION 2. PIPE CUT-OUTS TO BE LOCATED WHERE REQUIRED. CATCH BASIN MANHOLES REQUIRED IN GREEN SPACES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF PRECAST CONCRETE ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH Mn/DOT STANDARD PLATE 4006L. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R-4342. CATCH BASIN MANHOLES LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH AN ECCENTRIC TOP SLAB WITH A 27" ROUND OPENING. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R -3508-A2. Title: Standard Plate Library City of Monticello 03-17 Hakanson Anderson Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors 3601 Thurston Ave., Anoka, Minnesota 55303 763-427-5860 FAX 763-427-0520 www.hakanson—anderson.com Catch Basin Manhole Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-17 400 3-17®® RYAN—MONTICELLO PROJECT -- TIES REQUIRED TO CLEAN OUTS USE 4" OR 6" CISP PLUG AND CAP, TOP TO BE 1/2 "BELOW FINISHED GRADE FINISHED GRADE I= ) 6" PVC RISER FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL 4" PVC RISER FOR RESIDENTIAL VARIES 10' TO 20' 4" OR 6" VERTICAL WYE (PVC) 1/8 BEND -- CONCRETE ENCASEMENT 12" ALL AROUND (INCIDENTAL) WATER TIGHT GASKET OR CEMENTED PLUG LL PVC HORIZONTAL WYE (PVC) THRUST BLOCKING FOR CLEANING EQUIPMENT 1. PAYMENT FOR 6" RISER PIPE, 6" VERTICAL WYE 45" BEND AND PLUG WILL BE PAID FOR AT UNIT PRICE BID PER EACH. 2. CLEAN -OUTS REQUIRED AT 70' INTERVALS FROM MAIN SEWER LINE. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Sanitary Clean -Out Date. 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 3006 DETAILS CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA SHEET C5 C9 SHEETS 4204.01 0 -:4- 0 CD z E CD LO 0 0 0 N t > 0— FK CL 0 CONCRETE TO BE POURED INTEGRALLY WITH CURB FAIM11 3 EXPANSION JOINTS [—A B3 4 1 45' 18" EXPANSION EXPANSION JOINTS LA JOINTS B618 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 74 Q A al 17 " MIN. 4 WIDTH VARIES I SECTION 13-13 VARtABLE �VIMItV /4 3 7_1 17 5' MIN. dk 18 SECTION A—A Standard Plate Library City of Monticello 1� DATE REVISION Title: Commercial Driveway Entrance Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 0 3 _ 15 5008 Gravel pod(s) MnDOT Class CA -15 or CA -25 Riprop Bedding Geotaxtile fabric Original grade SECTION 13-13 (riot to scale) r,ont"VHe f I'll 1-1 1 1 1 1 1 k -1 plates NOTES: Channelize runoff to sediment trapping device 1//,X CD LLJ /4- 117- V) xl LLj Match Existing Grade 5LUIIUIN A—A (not to scale) �Seclirnent Trapping Device A� Original grade Ribbed or Corrugated steel plates A A B C, E E 2z: ---------- 0k< D C7 o ---------------------------- — ------- y B Slope away from L 24' min. highway 50' min. or Right of Way PLAN Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Commercial Gravel Construction Entrance Date: 06-14 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 6002 W a EXISTING 11VED ROADWAY ! 40al n AREA OR STAGING AREA CTION MATS, WOVEN OR TRM 6111ADGI ERn-12YEALAPI IS' MIN TR M END OVERLAP WITH SPIKES OR STAKES ....................... STRAP .UNNECTORS 0_4 — CONSTRUCTION MAT END OVERLAP INTERLOCK WITH STRAP CONNECTORS I END OVERLAR \ PAD AREA (ANY SIZE) Standard Plate Library City of Monticello im 06-14 Revised: 06-14 Plate No. 6003 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL QUANTITIES I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was DESIGNED BY: SHEET prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I DETAILS am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws TAE Hakanson Anderson C6 of the State f M' t DRAWN BY: Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors ,2T �Ta _ , V . TAE 3601 Thurston Ave., Anoka, Minnesota 55303 RYAN-MONTICELLO PROJECT CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA OF SHEETS rimuiHY A. CHECKED BY: 763-427-5860 FAX 763-427-0520 C9 Date 10/6/17 40UIC. NO. 43362 Cii www.hakanson—anderson.com X 4204.01 MN/DOT APPLICATION APPROXIMATE ITEM SPECIFICATION RATE QUANTITY SOD TYPE LAWN 3878 N/A 3681 SQ YD FERTILIZER TYPE 1 3881 300 LBS/ACRE 228 LBS STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION 2573 N/A 9 EACH SILT FENCE 3886 N/A 1127 LIN FT STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 2573 N/A I EACH I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was DESIGNED BY: SHEET prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I DETAILS am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws TAE Hakanson Anderson C6 of the State f M' t DRAWN BY: Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors ,2T �Ta _ , V . TAE 3601 Thurston Ave., Anoka, Minnesota 55303 RYAN-MONTICELLO PROJECT CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA OF SHEETS rimuiHY A. CHECKED BY: 763-427-5860 FAX 763-427-0520 C9 Date 10/6/17 40UIC. NO. 43362 Cii www.hakanson—anderson.com X 4204.01 0 0 N �r i CD z w w E� CD Ln� z L j 0 0 I � 0 N t o � N w o rY CL O •. 30" CPP HEADER–, ROW WITH 12" CPP STUBS TO CHAMBERS (5 TOTAL STUBS) (3 CB/MH #6 SEE SHEET C3 - STM/MH #10 72" DIA. (R-1733) RIM=940.11 (SE)INV=933.98 (SW)INV=934.95 (NE)INV=935.50 (NW)INV=934.36 s ADS 315ST WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC OVER FOUNDATION STONE FOR SCOUR PROTECTION >r :; r, 17 ti R _-------- ............................... CB/MH #7.j SEE SHEET C3 CB #7A SEE SHEET C3 GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL STORM SEWER STRUCTURES SHALL BE PRECAST CONCRETE SECTIONS PER MN/DOT STANDARD PLATE 4020 AND 4022. STRUCTURES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PER CITY STANDARD PLATES 4001, 4002 AND 4003. REFERENCE NOTES: 10 PLACE GEOSYNTHETIC FABRIC ON THE TOP AND ON ALL SIDES OF THE ANGULAR STONE. DO NOT PLACE FABRIC UNDER THE ANGULAR STONE. SEE SHEETS C8 AND C9 FOR ADDITIONAL NOTES AND DETAILS FOR THE STORMTECH CHAMBER. 03 STRUCTURE SHALL INCLUDE A 6" CONCRETE WEIR PER C4 (g)SEE SHEET C9 FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS AND INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE NOTES AND SCHEDULES FOR THE ISOLATOR ROWS. (5) HEADER ROW INVERT IS 935.50, STUB INVERTS ARE 935.95. © HEADER ROW AND STUB INVERTS ARE 933.75. DATE REVISION 185.0' N_ STORMTECH 10" INSPECTION 44.3' STORMTECH-- — STM/MH #12 2 MC -3500 CHAMBER PORT PER,/3 MC -3500 END CAP 60" DIA. (R-1733) C7 (TYP.) (TYP.) (TYP.) RIM=942.50 C7 _--------,� INV=933.75 FEI 30" CPP HEADER F p ROW WITH 12" CPP STUBS TO CHAMBERS (3 TOTAL STUBS) 1-01 FEI 101 _ _ I STM/MH #11 (3 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 60" DIA. (R-1733) RIM=941.65 —� ISOLATOR (NE)INV=933.75 ROW ® EDGE OF (NW)INV=933.60 INFILTRATION AREA 24" RCP PROPOSED 8612 OUTLET PIPE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER ac w STM/MH #9 o N SEE SHEET C3 N N U w 0 U �._ N r CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR STONE 02� 12"Now -0— s e I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was DESIGNED BY: prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I TAE am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Mi ta. DRAWN BY: TAE rimuiHY A. CHECKED BY: Date 10/6/17 40LUilc. No. 43362 CJJ ■_u =11111 IN 1i ADS GEOSYNTHETICS- 601 T NON–WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC 1Q STORMTECH MC -3500 CHAMBER (TYP.) PARKING • SECTION if 77" (TYP.) APPROVED SUBGRADE CHAMBERS PLACED 86" ON CENTER (9" BETWEEN CHAMBERS) —938.50 —"\— 937.50 —933.75 —933.00 0– Now X 12» CHAMBER SYSTEM CROSS SECTION O Hakanson Anderson Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors 3601 Thurston Ave., Anoka, Minnesota 55303 763-427-5860 FAX 763-427-0520 www.hakanson–anderson.com 20 0 10 20 SCALE IN FEET CONCRETE COLLAR 18" (450 mm) MIN WIDTH PAVEMENT r r r ei CONCRETE SLAB 8" (200 mm) MIN THICKNESS :. `,,oloo` C FLEXSTORM CATCH IT , PART# 6215NYFX WITH USE OF OPEN GRATE I ' " 10" (250 mm) INSERTA TEE PART# 1OP35STIP INSERTA TEE TO BE CENTERED _ ON CORRUGATION CREST ` 1, Lit k �c ,,j u'} CONCRETE COLLAR NOT REQUIRED FOR UNPAVED APPLICATIONS " 15" (375 mm) NYLOPLAST INLINE DRAIN BODY W/SOLID HINGED r COVER OR GRATE -'- " PART# 2715AG 101 P SOLID COVER: 1599CGC GRATE: 1599CGS QC73 MC -3500 10" INSPECTION PORT DETAIL RYAN—MONTICELLO PROJECT 10" (250 mm) SDR35 PIPE MC -3500 CHAMBER STORMTECH MC -3500 CHAMBER SYSTEM DETAILS CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA SHEET C7 C9 SHEETS 4204.01 ACCEPTABLE FILL MATERIALS: STORMTECH MC -3500 CHAMBER SYSTEMS MATERIAL LOCATION DESCRIPTION AASHTO MATERIAL COMPACTION /DENSITY CLASSIFICATIONS REQUIREMENT FINAL FILL: FILL MATERIAL FOR LAYER 'D' STARTS FROM THE TOP OF THE 'C' LAYER TO THE BOTTOM D OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT OR UNPAVED FINISHED GRADE ABOVE. NOTE THAT PAVEMENT SUBBASE MAY BE PART OF THE 'D' LAYER INITIAL FILL: FILL MATERIAL FOR LAYER'C' STARTS FROM THE TOP OF THE EMBEDMENT C STONE ('B' LAYER) TO 24" (600 mm) ABOVE THE TOP OF THE CHAMBER. NOTE THAT PAVEMENT SUBBASE MAY BE A PART OF THE 'C' LAYER. EMBEDMENT STONE: FILL SURROUNDING THE B CHAMBERS FROM THE FOUNDATION STONE ('A' LAYER) TO THE 'C' LAYER ABOVE. -� - F.11 e- - - GRANULAR WELL -GRADED SOIL/AGGREGATE MIXTURES, <35% FINES OR PROCESSED AGGREGATE. AASHTO M145' A-1, A-2-4, A-3 Am MOST PAVEMENT SUBBASE MATERIALS CAN BE USED IN LIEU AASHTO M43' OF THIS LAYER. 3, 357, 4, 467, 5, 56, 57, 6, 67, 68, 7, 78, 8, 89, 9, 10 CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR STONE AASHTO M43' 3,4 FOUNDATION STONE: FILL BELOW CHAMBERS AASHTO M43' A FROM THE SUBGRADE UP TO THE FOOT (BOTTOM) CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR STONE 3,4 OF THE CHAMBER. PREPARE PER SITE DESIGN ENGINEER'S PLANS. PAVED INSTALLATIONS. .STRINGENT MATERIAL AND PREPARATION REQUIREMENTS. BEGIN COMPACTIONS AFTER 24" (600 mm) OF MATERIAL OVER THE CHAMBERS IS REACHED. COMPACT ADDITIONAL LAYERS IN 12" (300 mm) MAX LIFTS TO A MIN. 95% PROCTOR DENSITY FOR WELL GRADED MATERIAL AND 95% RELATIVE DENSITY FOR PROCESSED AGGREGATE MATERIALS. NO COMPACTION REQUIRED. PLATE COMPACT OR ROLL TO ACHIEVE A FLAT SURFACE. 2 3 PLEASE NOTE: 1. THE LISTED AASHTO DESIGNATIONS ARE FOR GRADATIONS ONLY. THE STONE MUST ALSO BE CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR. FOR EXAMPLE, A SPECIFICATION FOR #4 STONE WOULD STATE: "CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR NO. 4 (AASHTO M43) STONE". 2. STORMTECH COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS ARE MET FORA' LOCATION MATERIALS WHEN PLACED AND COMPACTED IN 9" (230 mm) (MAX) LIFTS USING TWO FULL COVERAGES WITH A VIBRATORY COMPACTOR. 3. WHERE INFILTRATION SURFACES MAY BE COMPROMISED BY COMPACTION, FOR STANDARD DESIGN LOAD CONDITIONS, A FLAT SURFACE MAY BE ACHIEVED BY RAKING OR DRAGGING WITHOUT COMPACTION EQUIPMENT. FOR SPECIAL LOAD DESIGNS, CONTACT STORMTECH FOR COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS. ADS GEOSYNTHETICS 601T NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE ALL AROUND CLEAN, CRUSHED, ANGULAR STONE IN A & B LAYERS PERIMETER STONE (SEE NOTE 6) EXCAVATION WALL BE •■ •- 6" (150 mm) MIN NOTES: , ° � C ' f\ I I n,i c!i � ^,••••III � l I �......0 � r 1 , PAVEMENT LAYER (DESIGNED BY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER) �' .� ,,r r ,r r ,r r r r r ✓ f r r r *TO BOTTOM OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT. FOR UNPAVED INSTALLATIONS WHERE RUTTING FROM VEHICLES MAY OCCUR, it INCREASE COVER TO 30 750 mm . I l ° rt l I I I A #I I I it -.. II..... �III�.c.I Ilf _f PI f PI II PIII II II Lf II II; MC -3500 .. _ 9" END CAP SUBGRADE SOILS (230 mm) MIN 1 (SEE NOTE 4) -09 77" (1950 mm) 1 8' 24" (2.4 m) (600 mm) MIN MAX 12" (300 mm) MIN 45" (1140 mm) - � DEPTH OF STONE TO BE DETERMINED j ( BY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER 9" (230 mm) MIN -- 12" (300 mm) TYP *FOR COVER DEPTHS GREATER THAN 8.0' (2.4 m) PLEASE CONTACT STORMTECH 1. MC -3500 CHAMBERS SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM F2418 "STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR POLYPROPYLENE (PP) CORRUGATED WALL STORMWATTR COLLECTION CHAMBERS". 2. MC -3500 CHAMBERS SHALL BE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM F2787 "STANDARD PRACTICE FOR STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF THERMOPLASTIC CORRUGATED WALL STORMWATER COLLECTION CHAMBERS". 3. "ACCEPTABLE FILL MATERIALS" TABLE ABOVE PROVIDES MATERIAL LOCATIONS, DESCRIPTIONS, GRADATIONS, AND COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS FOR FOUNDATION, EMBEDMENT, AND FILL MATERIALS. 4. THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE BEARING RESISTANCE (ALLOWABLE BEARING CAPACITY) OF THE SUBGRADE SOILS AND THE DEPTH OF FOUNDATION STONE WITH CONSIDERATION FOR THE RANGE OF EXPECTED SOIL MOISTURE CONDITIONS. PERIMETER STONE MUST BE EXTENDED HORIZONTALLY TO THE EXCAVATION WALL FOR BOTH VERTICAL AND SLOPED EXCAVATION WALLS. 5. ONCE LAYER'C' IS PLACED, ANY SOIL/MATERIAL CAN BE PLACED IN LAYER'D' UP TO THE FINISHED GRADE. MOST PAVEMENT SUBBASE SOILS CAN BE USED TO REPLACE THE MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS OF LAYER 'Cl OR'D' AT THE SITE DESIGN ENGINEER'S DISCRETION. Q Z F- F- 0 O W U J _j w F_ LLI U) Lu o W O S U D O u)= Of L z O o U o ' o U U ry ry00 p 0- 0 z p Z _w cl Lu U = � ~ WLL] O W Q fY w o � � J Q _ co re w w z_U) �z z 5 O z CD0� °- w 0 0 W U !� U) U) W LLI w w) �° w °- W > 0 Q aQ Z `" n- W Z o W �Q _wD U 0 U W Uj ry _j 0 Q f� �- � W W J � = m Q w �' ° 00- C) Of< W J W 'j ZQ (D w w W O o O 8 U ( J 0 _ U to Q sWF- p � W, U � H W J H Q' 0 c J O CO H O = (n W Q � p o UO 3:O � _ ZQ LD J D W � ~ Q t: N W r) N in Z � oo W W o 00 H 00 Of _U W' 0 00 W W no o a) Z)U) Z u? U) F- 0 o ci) QS 00 On H 0 0 W w 0 >F_ °Q m 111 OM Ow Z 2=d~- 5W W°� °o D�ti oW �Q w J p w C CD =00 mW oZ w c� ® QFn W z d p w W OfF_ 0- z cf) W W W >_ W = co F- LLJ QLLo z = } p >Z J U z ry, Z U)° -U) =w F_Of SHEET C8 OF C9 COVER PIPE CONNECTION TO END CAP WITH ADS GEOSYNTHTTICS 601T NON -WOVEN GEOTTXTILE MC -3500 CHAMBER STORMTTCH HIGHLY RECOMMENDS FLEXSTORM PURE INSERTS IN ANY UPSTREAM STRUCTURES WITH OPEN GRATES ih �^ � h ih Id II � 11 m ll II II, ll II A �, Ih,;,, (I II.;. il,.:,'II �,,'If„' lh,`,, ll,,�,.11,�,,�If.•� II II it^, II,.�, il,�.\�Ik � II,.� it ih, ll,, , ., FC,. y�ld .I`,,`.,; ti tiy„ • Id ld � II,� ld � IF ,,:: FI,,,�;'ll �, if,�, II �, ih, �, if,.� lh,;�, lh,:, ld il,•� II'�'-,'ll �, il,,�, 11 ;,.,, hl,�, ll., 'Ik.�, Ify,;: 'id'=, IR,^� 1p .,,li II,;.,, II,.. �il,� (I,,•:' II,�,y'il il,^`, Il,:z, 11 � 11..�= ` "• II . Id !I Ih � ” ` —, CATCH BASI OR MANHOLEi SUMP DEPTH TBD BY SITE DESIGN ENGINEER (24" [600 mm] MIN RECOMMENDED) — STEP 1) INSPECT ISOLATOR ROW FOR SEDIMENT rt -a ra 7T'ti,i. r OPTIONAL INSPECTION PORT MC -3500 END CAP C 5 F — l e rvj - .il �• ♦ !1 11 I 12 •=00: a I Zmam li •• �: A. INSPECTION PORTS (IF PRESENT) A.1. REMOVE/OPEN LID ON NYLOPLAST INLINE DRAIN A.2. REMOVE AND CLEAN FLTXSTORM FILTER IF INSTALLED A.3. USING A FLASHLIGHT AND STADIA ROD, MEASURE DEPTH OF SEDIMENT AND RECORD ON MAINTENANCE LOG A.4. LOWER A CAMERA INTO ISOLATOR ROW FOR VISUAL INSPECTION OF SEDIMENT LEVELS (OPTIONAL) A.5. IF SEDIMENT IS AT, OR ABOVE, 3" (80 mm) PROCEED TO STEP 2. IF NOT, PROCEED TO STEP 3. B. ALL ISOLATOR ROWS B.1. REMOVE COVER FROM STRUCTURE AT UPSTREAM END OF ISOLATOR ROW B.2. USING A FLASHLIGHT, INSPECT DOWN THE ISOLATOR ROW THROUGH OUTLET PIPE i) MIRRORS ON POLES OR CAMERAS MAY BE USED TO AVOID A CONFINED SPACE ENTRY ii) FOLLOW OSHA REGULATIONS FOR CONFINED SPACE ENTRY IF ENTERING MANHOLE B.3. IF SEDIMENT IS AT, OR ABOVE, 3" (80 mm) PROCEED TO STEP 2. IF NOT, PROCEED TO STEP 3. STEP 2) CLEAN OUT ISOLATOR ROW USING THE JETVAC PROCESS A. A FIXED CULVERT CLEANING NOZZLE WITH REAR FACING SPREAD OF 45" (1.1 m) OR MORE IS PREFERRED B. APPLY MULTIPLE PASSES OF JETVAC UNTIL BACKFLUSH WATER IS CLEAN C. VACUUM STRUCTURE SUMP AS REQUIRED • 1. INSPECT EVERY 6 MONTHS DURING THE FIRST YEAR OF OPERATION. ADJUST THE INSPECTION INTERVAL BASED ON PREVIOUi OBSERVATIONS OF SEDIMENT ACCUMULATION AND HIGH WATER ELEVATIONS. 2. CONDUCT JETTING AND VACTORING ANNUALLY OR WHEN INSPECTION SHOWS THAT MAINTENANCE IS NECESSARY. ISOLATOR DETAIL NTS I I i 1 i i I I i 111ROMNIN TWO LAYERS OF ADS GEOSYNTHETICS 315WTM WOVEN GTOTTXTILT BETWEEN FOUNDATION STONE AND CHAMBERS 8.25'(2.51 m) MIN WIDE CONTINUOUS FABRIC WITHOUT SEAMS CONCRETE COLLAR -- 18" (450 mm) MIN WIDTH PAVEMENT • • d CONCRETE SLAB 8" (200 mm) MIN THICKNESS PART# • WITH USE OF OPEN GRATE • iINSERTA TEE PART# •• • : • INSERTA TO BE CENTERED IN VALLEYOF ••• ' • M4 P CONCRETE COLLAR NOT REQUIRED FOR UNPAVED APPLICATIONS :,......:." 12" (300 mm) NYLOPLAST INLINE DRAIN BODY W/SOLID HINGED COVER OR GRATE PART# 2712AG61 P* - m SOLID COVER: 1299CGC* - J' GRATE: 1299CGS 6" (150 mm) SDR35 PIPE ,. . • INSPECTION ■ NTS i Q Z) w _ Lu z ui S U � U o U O ry O Of 0- 0 U Z Q cl cl U = P O W Q w J J Q U) ry w w zU) z Ww 0_ /z/n� Nw \.i 0 w �0 w U F- U) (n cn U W ww) �0 w° LL] >� Q aQ o Zz f� w z WO �¢ _ wD U �W F_Of U W Uj ry Q d W W J = m Q W �O J 00- C) OfQ W J W —i Z_ Q C� w 'z w O (0 O 0 U J 0 ( T W w Icu �— U ~w J r r -)J H led) = CO W Q F-0 o O OU) zQ J Ep W O Q L: N W r) N Z 0) 00 W 0 00o w w < 00 0 00 0 00 W w 00 Z)U) Z I U o Q:D 00 On H 0 0- w oT_ >F_ °Q m OM O w Z c� Q Z) =d~- 0w 2 w0ti ° o ti O w �— Q W O J p w CD ddCO' _ COm w oZ w c� ® QFn W z d p w W F_ d — W z U) W W = co F— LL z =O p >Z J U z ry, Z p U) d Q — U) = W H Of SHEET C9 OF C9 PROPOSED PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Lot 1, Block 1, OTTER CREEK CROSSING 5TH ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. (Torrens property) Survevor's Note: The proposed plat of Otter Creek Crossing 5th Addition is not yet recorded at the Wright County Registrar of Titles. The proposed plat has been submitted to the City of Monticello for approval. Lot dimensions and area are shown according to the preliminary version of the plat as submitted to the city, and may be subject to change. The parcel shown on this survey is currently a portion of the following property as described on Certificate of Title No. 6365.0: That part of Outiot D, Otter Creek Crossing, Wright County, Minnesota, lying southeasterly of a line parallel with and distant 1689.64 feet northwesterly of, as measured at right angles to, the southeasterly line of said Outlot D. SURVEYOR'S NOTES: 1. Matters of record are shown according to Certificate of Title No. 6365.0. 2. Underground utilities are shown according to observed evidence, along with maps and plans made available to us. Pipe size and materials for wotermoin, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer are shown according to as -built plans provided by the City of Monticello. Utilities must be field verified prior to any excavation by contacting Gopher State One Coll. 3. Benchmark elevations on top nut of hydrants indicated on this drawing are according to as -built plans provided by the City of Monticello (Elevation datum not indicated on plan sheets provided) 4. This property has no right of access to Interstate Highway No. 94, according to Document No. 287159, 242679, and 900093. q,6'. cp fl 0 \ N16 I � _ r �' R.pw / w ALTA I NSIPS LAND TITLE SURVEY \ 940.2x FOR \ \ 40.9 N,\ RYAN BUFFALO LAND\O 5 LEGEND 940..x, SANITARY SEWER \ < . STORM SEWER 939, / If, ,9 WATERMAIN 9422 SANITARY MANHOLE X 938.5 I \ °� �\ \ h \ 943.4 CATCH BASIN / ' / / Gq�<\ \ \ DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT SHOWN ON THE PLAT STORM MANHOLE OTTER CREEK CROSSING , . HYDRANTJ9 7 X 938.2 o / /`� GATE 1/ALVE �\ I / / / / I 947.9 lox 0-0-0- CHAIN LINK FENCE \9�0 I / / / / / 94TO0� \ a <; EDGE OF WOODED AREA ° c O -950- - INDEX CONTOUR - - - - -952- - - INTERMEDIATE CONTOUR PROPOSED LOT 2 \ / I / / / �/ I \s?0 i p)\ - x 952.0 SPOT ELEVATION 940.7 X \ / / ( I /' / / / / / ' \9F X\49.5 / I / / 948 6 • \ 15233 o � � NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE �9 O °0 i SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION j�s� �' SOD�9 N. 10, T. 121, R. 25 (FOUND _ 0.0000`- Q' �\ �\ `, `L,� 0�• \ WRIGHT COUNTY MONUMENT) �O `9�9 �� 9C-,,, �O'. i Cos �, •� -- • �' - /'-- S 88'50'00" E • � --� /�J ---2239.23 --- S�yTF / o� `?O DETAIL OF / \ kw`�°c6 6 LQ EXISTING PAROL `id) kh° sso. �6) Q AI`ILi � .� is s� o� ` 0 PROPOSED PLAT \a� s o OF Or O OTTER CREEK CROSSING 5TH \ (5, ADDITION 1.5 SURVEYORS NOTE: \ , O Q, Survey certificate only applies to Lot 1 y \\ 0-0F, \ \ Trace C. McCoy License No. 4 531 of the proposed plat of OTTER CREEK � �� �L CROSSING 5TH ADDITION. This detail is oo `�, a��9 tib' \ \ included only to show the boundaries o sr fO' -SOUTHEASTERLY LINE OF OUTLOT D, OTTER of the parent parcel. CREEK CROSSING \moo 0 200 400 600 (Plat) denotes distances and bearings shown on the plat of OTTER CREEK CROSSING. GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 7C" DENOTES TOP OF CURBI g , �� X 938.3 BITUMINOUS SURFACE 7 ✓ \ 950.5 �ycr�iti X 941.3 +•�` \ �l X 941.7 X 941.4 OQ05 \ / / I I / / \ \ \ r. A. T. V. ( I PGP��� ,�./ Q� ) ' / I �// TRAILS -_: -- ----�\ � WOODED O� ��-941 / / ��0 \ �v / \ AREA / / / �/� - \\ �F �xr- \ \ 0 .2 °� X 938 \ \ \ \ \\ X X39.9 �\ / �,P �, 5� Q 934,\7\\\ \ k- UTILITY VAUL RISER \ \ � 2 - -- / , / / ' // / '( F /0/ / / / / PR�P,� �.' / 9 i \ g52 / p//C/ //�) /� \ ya, \ h / / 939.9 - J / ' / /, / / / 9Q� ) / � /� / �6� `. X933.8. \ \ T t ° �X9 6.9 / / / / / / 00 \ $\ \ G J �. S . /-,- < 38' / ( -947-4D/ / \ TC 934 X \ \ ��'� �' / I >> l�� \ \ , AR�AS / TRAILS / / ✓ / / / / \ 9 X 936.6 �,-,DRAINAGE AND UTILITY /< / / // / / / \ _g48-- \ 93N \ / EASEMENT SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF OTTER TC 3 \ \ \.' CREEK CROSSING \ ` /i / l l ' / l / WOODED O 0 D E D J\,\\\\\X\ / PROPOSED LOT 1 / Y, / �/ / - , R� - �36.4 _ / ��1 I 5.00 ACRES q I � o / � --GAS PIPELINE 936 `. .. MARKER I / J / \ / / / / �' / . �✓ / //� 0 -;DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT SHOWN CROSSI THE PLAT \ \ lCREEK GAS PIPELINE \ MARKERC� 938 r coo i yJC 939. „I W , i "; .S 939 .6 F -940 0 , �. 'g�� '�` 06 \. TC 941.1 :o� 7 �.. 6A.T.V. ,�;. yg�°,�� , ����- - '----TRAILS % F 944-- g42' cry/ \ \ y / '19 \ Ig <`1�. , F�� TC 94 . `qs W 0 0 0- I D A- K E A, / fL- f // TRAILS `�` g/ I / �) I •.` cF 943.'3,1 �,SF ` _UNDERGROUND ELEC. g5 / f I / i J,'i' �` ,G', gqA ACCORDING TO FLAGS �� ' / / / f \ j V OBSERVED ON SITE /g5 X ° < J . UNDERGROUND GAS ,' / 0� \ / / J 0 40 80 120 � /. / _ I , �. � , � i ACCORDING TO FLAGS 945. 9�6 /OBSERVED ON SITE �'��/ GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET l </ o DENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET � �'� • DENOTES IRON MONUMENT FOUND oxx 39�8 \` ` \ I/ /1 DENOTES CAST-IRON MONUMENT FOUND 410 949.7',, I °°�� �7- 9Q \ // , / "o) ,951 a" S� s \ / \ To Ryan Buffalo Land: IBJ \ \J \ �C 953.1 This is to certify that this map or plat and the survey on which it is based were made in accordance with 2016 Minimum Standard Detail Requirements \ for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys, jointly established and adopted by ALTA 953.9 ,, and NSPS, and includes items 1, 4, and 5, of Table A thereof. The field fic` scompleted\ work was between August 23 & Septembertember 5, 2017. �`:11 ,\ Date: September 8, 2017 N:\Land Projects\17369 - Ryan Buffalo Land ALTA\dwg \ALTA\ 17369 ALTA Lot l.dwg, 9/8/2017 4:10:34 PM REVISIONS 1,708 1 ST AVENUE NE, # 1 BUFFALO, MN 55313 PATE 09/08/1' PH. 763.682.1781 WWVV.MEYERROHLIN.GOM DRAWN BY BOOK 387 SHEET 1 OF FILE NO. AAN PAGE 77 1 SHEETS 1 7369 Luminaire Schedule Symbol Qty Label Description 2 MTB600-UNFD-HMxx Model T 600W FT 21 MTB600-UNCD-HMxx Model T 600W CD 24 MTB600-FD3 Model T 600W FT cutoff 0 7 MTB300-COR Model T 300W corner Calculation Summary Label Avg I Max Min Avg/Min Max/Min Max/Avg) CalcPts 1 16.40 75.6 0.0 N.A. N.A. N.A. ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ----------- - _-__ ------------------- --------------------------------------- - ----------------------------- -amp ---------- - o. � -._._-- ti ---- -- - - - - - - - - -- --- ---- I 4 i O I, ----- ---- H O � l Z a o - - ----------------- 0 - - - - -- _._. - - m ---- ------o ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �"( s 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 November 1, 2017 Ms. Angela Schumann Community Development Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Ryan Motors Project City Project No. 2017-039 WSB Project No. 010938-000 Dear Ms. Schumann: We have reviewed the civil plans, drainage analysis and SWPPP dated October 6, 2017 as prepared by Hakanson Anderson Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors and offer the following comments: Site Plan 1. A 6 -foot wide sidewalk should be constructed along Chelsea Road fronting the property per City detail plate No. 5012. The back of the sidewalk should be aligned 1 -foot off the right of way. 2. All retaining walls over 4 feet in height need to be designed and signed by a licensed professional engineer. 3. The retaining wall along the east side of the property partially lies within the drainage and utility easement. The owner will need to enter into an encroachment agreement in this area. Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan 4. Grading, drainage and erosion control shall comply with City's zoning ordinance. See Chapter 4, section 4.10 related to grading, drainage, stormwater management and erosion control and the City's Design Manual- updated May 2017 located on the City's website - Engineering department. 5. Percent grades should be labeled for the parking lot. 6. Additional inlet protection should be provided along Chelsea Road adjacent to the site. Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com KA02596-420\Admin\Docs\050817 submittal Ryan Motors Monticello November 1, 2017 Page 2 Utilitv and Paving Plan 7. Per the City's design standards all storm sewer pipe shall have a minimum diameter of 15 inches. The pipe between CB -8 and CB -5 should be upsized to meet this requirement. 8. Catch basins should have a minimum depth of four feet to prevent freezing. 9. An 8 -inch, instead of 6 -inch, watermain should be extended to the building from the fl- inch stub off of Chelsea Road. The 2 -inch and 6 -inch watermain should be separated inside the building. 10. A 300 -foot hydrant coverage area is required to the building. 11. Sanitary sewer cleanouts should be spaced a maximum70-feet apart. 12. A note should be added to the plans that the City will not be responsible for any additional costs incurred that is associated with variations in the utility as -built elevations. These items shall be verified in the field prior to construction. 13. A utility excavation permit must be obtained from the Public Works department prior to commencement of utility connections. 14. Provide an as -built utility plan once construction is complete. Site Details 15. Applicable detail plates shall be updated per the City's April 2017 General Specifications and Standard Detail Plates for Street and Utility Construction located on the City's website- Engineering department. 16. City standard detail plates 6002 and 6003 related to construction entrances shall be Detail Plates for Street and Utility Construction located on the City's website- Engineering department. 17. Add City sidewalk detail 5012. Stormwater Manauement 18. Depth to groundwater and bedrock must be confirmed in the proposed infiltration areas to ensure infiltration is not being proposed within 3 feet of the seasonally high water table or bedrock. This information should be obtained from a soil boring investigation. Soil classifications from the investigation can be used for preliminary design purposes. Soil borings should extend to a minimum of 5 feet below the bottom of the infiltration K.\010938-000\Admin\Docs\010938-00 Memo- Ryan Motors 110117.docx Ryan Motors Monticello November 1, 2017 Page 3 practice. The lowest (i.e. most restrictive) infiltration rate within 5 feet shall be used for design purposes. 19. Design infiltration rates should be confirmed during construction. The infiltration system needs to be confirmed that it will function as it was designed with preliminary estimates. This can be accomplished by performing infiltration testing, such as double ring infiltrometer tests. The MPCA guide for determining the number of infiltration tests and borings is provided here: 1 OIDO° -0 5000 5700 zo 10000 2 I 15 r> 1 I G 4.' 2°0 aracar.icraiaCOts rEcrMF ClJJtec - e-.ecffcr==_chacvc,:ra? at:R=I2K,:,.. cr CctVc-ra ffr'r :,Krrr®a etcr-Emehce c to cc, rrppeCecxr=_ac,h aacr.ic.ra ekc:: 20. Provide rational method calculations confirming adequacy of the storm sewer design for the 10 -year storm event. Calculations should adhere to the following guidelines: • The rational method runoff coefficient (c) is designated by land use and should be assigned a value no less than 0.7. • Minimum allowable velocity in closed conduit = 3.0 fps • Maximum allowable velocity in closed conduit = 12.0 fps • Maximum allowable ponding depth for catch basin inlets = 0.3 feet 21. Pretreatment is required prior to runoff entering the infiltration system. Pretreatment can be in the form of ponds, filter strips or other methods approved by the Minnesota Stormwater Manual. Pretreatment should be addressed and commented on in the stormwater management report. 22. A stormwater maintenance agreement will be required. A template will be provided to the applicant HydroCAD Model 23. The 100 -year stormwater event should be updated to Monticello's design rainfall depth of 6.87 inches. 24. The roughness coefficient for concrete pipes should be updated to 0.013 per the City's design standards. K.\010938-000\Admin\Docs\010938-00 Memo- Ryan Motors 110117.docx Ryan Motors Monticello November 1, 2017 Page 4 25. In the existing conditions model, the existing culvert outlet elevation should be updated to represent what is shown on sheet C 1 of the civil plan set. Sheet C 1 shows the outlet elevation at 932.8'. Drainage Areas Plan 26. The label for the southernmost drainage area should be updated from `5' to `8' to reflect the HydroCAD model. 27. The SWPPP plan should comply with the MPCA's SWPPP Checklist. SWPPP 28. An NPDES/SDS Construction Storm Water General Pen -nit (CSWGP) shall be provided with the grading permit or with the building permit application for review, prior to construction commencing. Please have the applicant provide a written response addressing the comments above. Please give me a call at 763-271-3236 if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Thank you. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. 4 $�" - 'V'� 46k5'-,� Shibani K. Bisson, PE City Engineer skb K.\010938-000\Admin\Docs\010938-00 Memo- Ryan Motors 110117.docx (Reserved for recording information) DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT LOT 1, .BLOCK 1, OTTER CREEK CROSSING STHADDITION THIS DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT ("Contract") dated , 20, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"), and ,a (the "Developer") 1. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL. On November 27th, 2017, the Developer asked the City to approve a conditional use permit for the construction of an automobile dealership in a B-3 Highway Business District consisting of approximately 31,000 square feet in area on two floors. The building will accommodate customer sales, office space, repair and car wash facility, along with service bays (referred to in this Contract as the "Development"). The land is situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, and is legally described as: Lot 1, Block 1, Otter Creek Crossing 5` Addition, Wright County, Minnesota ("Property"). 2. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. The City hereby approves the Development on the condition that the Developer enter into this Contract; furnish any security required by it; comply with the 1 195o35v1 recommendations listed in Resolution #PC -2017-034, dated November 27th, 2017, and records this Contract with the County Recorder or Registrar of Titles within 100 days after the City Council approves the Development or the execution of this Contract, whichever occurs later. 3. RIGHT TO PROCEED. Within the Property to be developed, the Developer may not grade or otherwise disturb the earth, remove trees, construct sewer lines, water lines, streets, utilities, public or private improvements, or any buildings until all the following conditions have been satisfied: a) this Contract has been fully executed by all parties and filed with the City Clerk, b) the necessary security has been received by the City, and c) the City has issued a letter that all required plans have been reviewed and approved, and that all conditions have been satisfied and that the Developer may proceed. 5. CHANGES IN OFFICIAL CONTROLS. For two (2) years from the date of this Contract, no amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, or official controls shall apply to or affect the use, development density, lot size, lot layout or dedications of the approved development unless required by state or federal law or agreed to in writing by the City and the Developer. Thereafter, notwithstanding anything in this Contract to the contrary, to the full extent permitted by state law, the City may require compliance with any amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan or official controls. 6. ZONING. Except as otherwise provided herein, the Property shall be subject to the zoning regulations, requirements and standards of the B-3, Highway Business District, in effect at the time the Development is approved. If there is a conflict among these regulations of the B-3 District and this Contract, this Contract shall control. 7. DEVELOPMENT PLANS. The Property shall be developed in accordance with the following plans. The plans shall not be attached to this Contract. With the exception of Plan A, the plans may be prepared, subject to City approval, after entering this Contract, but before commencement of any work in the Development. The erosion control plan may also be approved by the Wright County Soil and 2 195o35v1 Water Conservation District. If the plans vary from the written terms of this Contract, the written terms shall control. The plans are: Plan A - Final Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan Plan B - Existing Topography and Removals Plan Plan C - Utility and Paving Plan Plan D - Details Plan Plan E — Site Plan Plan F - Landscape Plan Plan G - Lighting Plan Plan H - Signage Plan Plan I - Parking, Access and Circulation Plan Plan J — Building Design Plans 8. IMPROVEMENTS. The Developer shall install and pay for the following: A. Private Sanitary Sewer System B. Private Water System C. Private Storm Sewer System D. Chelsea Road Sidewalk E. Concrete Curb and Gutter F. Site Grading and Erosion Control G. Underground Utilities H. Surveying and Staking I. Site Lighting 3 195o35v1 The improvements shall be installed in accordance with City standard specifications for utilities and street construction; and any other ordinances. The Developer shall submit plans and specifications which have been prepared by a registered professional engineer to the City for approval by the City Engineer. The City may, at the City's discretion and at the Developer's expense, have one or more City inspectors and a soil engineer inspect the work on a full or part-time basis. The Developer, its contractors and subcontractors, shall follow all written instructions received from the City's inspectors subject to Developer's plans and specifications. The Developer or his engineer shall schedule a pre-constiuction meeting at a mutually agreeable time at the City Council chambers with all parties concerned, including the City staff, to review the program for the construction work. Within thirty (30) days after the completion of the improvements and before the security is released, the Developer shall supply the City with a complete set of reproducible "as constructed" plans, an electronic file of the "as constructed" plans in an auto CAD.DWG file or a .DXF file, and two complete sets of blue line "as constructed" plans, all prepared in accordance with City standards. 9. PERMITS. The Developer shall obtain or require its contractors and subcontractors to obtain all necessary permits, including but not limited to: • Wright County for County Road Access and Work in County Rights -of -Way • Wright County Soil Conservation District • MnDot for State Highway Access • Minnesota Department of Health for Watermains • NPDES Permit for Stormwater Connections • MPCA for Sanitary Sewer and Hazardous Material Removal and Disposal • DNR for Dewatering • City of Monticello for Building Permits 10. DEWATERING. Due to the variable nature of groundwater levels and stormwater flows, it will be the Developer's and the Developer's contractors and subcontractors responsibility to satisfy themselves with regard to the elevation of groundwater in the area and the level of effort needed to perform dewatering and storm flow routing operations. All dewatering shall be in accordance with all 4 195o35v1 applicable county, state, and federal rules and regulations. DNR regulations regarding appropriations permits shall also be strictly followed. 11. TIME OF PERFORMANCE. The Developer shall install all required public improvements by August 30th of the year following the year of approval of the building permit for the Development. 12. LICENSE. The Developer hereby grants the City, its agents, employees, officers and contractors a license to enter the Property to perform all work and inspections deemed appropriate by the City in conjunction with the Development. 13. EROSION CONTROL AND STORM WATER CONTROL. A. Prior to initiating site grading, the erosion control plan shall be implemented by the Developer and inspected and approved by the City. The City may impose additional erosion control requirements if reasonably required. All areas disturbed by the excavation and backfilling operations shall be reseeded within seven (7) days after the completion of the work, weather permitting, or in an area that is inactive for more than seven (7) days, or as identified in the Construction Stormwater General Permit/SWPPP, unless authorized and approved by the City Engineer, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Except as otherwise provided in the erosion control plan, seed shall be in accordance with the City's current seeding specification which may include certified oat seed to provide a temporary ground cover as rapidly as possible. All seeded areas shall be maintained as necessary for seed retention. The parties recognize that time is of the essence in controlling erosion. If the Developer does not comply with the erosion control plan and schedule or supplementary instructions received from the City, the City may provide Developer with written notice of default. If the Developer does not cure the default within two (2) days after receipt of such notice, then the City will take such action as it deems appropriate to control erosion. The City will endeavor to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action, but 5 195o35v1 failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developer's and City's rights or obligations hereunder. If the Developer does not reimburse the City for any cost the City reasonably incurred for such work within thirty (30) days after receipt of the City's written request (which request shall include all supporting and related evidence necessary to substantiate the actual cost), the City may draw down the letter of credit to pay any reasonable and actual costs. No development, street or utility construction will be allowed unless the Plat is in full compliance with the approved erosion control plan. B. The Developer shall inspect, maintain, operate and replace in a good state of repair and safe condition all proposed drainage improvements, including, without limitation, the private storm sewer and infiltration systems on the Subject Property. The developer shall execute the required Stormwater Maintenance Agreement. 14. GRADING PLAN AND CERTIFICATION. The Development shall be graded in accordance with the approved grading plan, stormwater control measures and erosion control plan. The plan shall conform to City of Monticello specifications. Within thirty (30) days after completion of the grading, the Developer shall provide the City with an "as constructed" grading plan certified by a registered land surveyor or engineer. Additionally, the "as constructed" grading plan will include a certification that the grading following construction activities has been undisturbed or has been returned to the state required in the grading plan. The "as constructed" plan shall include field verified elevations of the following: a) cross sections of ponds; b) location and elevations along all swales, wetlands, wetland mitigation areas if any, ditches, locations and dimensions of borrow areas/stockpiles, and installed "conservation area" posts; and c) lot corner elevations, and building pads. The Developer certifies to the City that all lots with building footings placed on fill have been monitored and constructed to meet or exceed applicable specifications. 15. CLEAN UP. The Developer shall clean dirt and debris from streets that has resulted from construction work by the Developer, subcontractors, their agents or assigns. Prior to any construction on the 6 195o35v1 Property, the Developer shall identify in writing a responsible party and schedule for erosion control, street cleaning, and street sweeping. The Developer shall pay a penalty of $100.00 a day for each calendar day that the streets are not cleaned in accordance with this paragraph. If the Developer repeatedly fails to clean streets in accordance with this paragraph, the City may, in its discretion, perform the work or contract to have the work completed and bill the costs to the Developer. The City will endeavor to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action, but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developer's and City's rights or obligations hereunder. If the Developer does not reimburse the City for any cost the City incurred for such work within ten (10) days from the date notice of the amount owed to the City is mailed, the City may draw down the Irrevocable Letter of Credit to pay any costs. During development, the Property shall be in full compliance with the requirements of this paragraph. 16. OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS. Upon completion of the work and construction required by this Contract, the improvements lying within public easements shall become City property without further notice or action. 17. CITY ENGINEERING ADMINISTRATION AND CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION. A. The Developer shall pay a fee for the City's engineering administration as related to grading and restoration of the Subject Property. City engineering administration will include monitoring of construction observation related to grading and restoration of the site, consultation with Developer and his engineer on status or problems regarding the project, coordination for final inspection and acceptance, and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be three percent (3.0%), or $2,000 minimum of the estimated construction cost of the Subject Property grading and restoration cost, assuming normal construction and 195o35v1 project scheduling. Developer will provide a $2,000.00 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. B. The Developer shall pay a fee for the City's engineering administration as related to the Public Improvements or work in the right of way. City engineering administration will include monitoring of construction observation related to Public Improvements or work in the right of way, consultation with Developers and its engineer on status or problems regarding the project, coordination for final inspection and acceptance, project monitoring during the warranty period, and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be four percent (4.0%), or $2,000, whichever is greater, of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $2,000.00 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. The Developer shall pay for construction observation performed by the City's consulting engineer. Construction observation shall include part or full-time inspection of proposed public improvements and will be billed on standard hourly rates per City's adopted fee schedule. C. The fees owed by the Developer to the City under this Section shall be paid from the escrow amounts. Any amounts not utilized from the escrow account shall be returned to the Developer when all the Development has been completed in accordance with this Agreement. If additional escrow amounts are required for such costs incurred beyond the escrow deposit, the Developer shall be billed directly for such costs and there shall be no issuance of occupancy permits until all such obligations have been fully paid. 18. CITY PLANNING, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATION. A. The Developer shall submit an escrow deposit for fees for City staff administration, including legal and planning administration, relating to the Development. Fees for this service shall be at 195o35v1 standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be two percent (2.0%), or $2,000 minimum, of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements and Site Grading, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $2,000.00 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. This amount is subject to reconciliation based on actual costs at the completion of the project. B. The fees owed by the Developer to the City under this Section shall be paid from the escrow amounts. Any amounts not utilized from the escrow account shall be returned to the Developer when all the Development has been completed in accordance with this Agreement. If additional escrow amounts are required for such costs incurred beyond the escrow deposit, the Developer shall be billed directly for such costs and there shall be no issuance of occupancy permits until all such obligations have been fully paid. 19. CLAIMS. In the event that the City receives claims from labor, materialmen, or others that work required by this Contract has been performed, the sums due them have not been paid, and the laborers, materialmen, or others are seeking payment from the City, the Developer hereby authorizes the City to commence an Interpleader action pursuant to Rule 22, Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure for the District Courts, to draw upon the letters of credit in an amount up to 125 percent of the claim(s) and deposit the funds in compliance with the Rule, and upon such deposit, the Developer shall release, discharge, and dismiss the City from any further proceedings as it pertains to the letters of credit deposited with the District Court, except that the Court shall retain jurisdiction to determine attorneys' fees pursuant to this Contract. 20. STORM SEWER AREA CHARGE. The Development is subject to a storm sewer area charge and pond fee of $38,200.00. These charges are per the First Amendment to Pre -Development Agreement dated March 30th, 2005. The area charge is based on the gross area of the Property less any area credit for pond area, and is calculated as follows: 5 acres — 0 credit x $6,000.00/acre = $30,000.00 9 195o35v1 Pond Fee: $1,640 x 5 AC = $8,200 The total storm sewer area charge for the Development of $38,200.00 shall be paid at prevailing rate at time of building permit and shall be assessed against the property if not paid by the Developer in cash at the time of building permit issuance at developer's option. If assessed, an interest rate of 2.0% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of certification of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. 21. SANITARY SEWER AREA CHARGE. The Development is subject to a sanitary sewer area charge of $16,580.00. The area charge is based on the gross area of the Property and is calculated as follows: 5 acres — 0 credit x $3,31.6.00/acre = $16,580.00 The total sanitary sewer area charge of $16,580.00 shall be paid at prevailing rate at time of building permit and shall be assessed against the property if not paid in cash at the time of building permit issuance at developer's option. If assessed, an interest rate of 2% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of certification of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. 22. WATER MAIN AREA CHARGE. The Development is subject to a water main area charge of $12,260.00. The area charge is based on the gross area of the Property and is calculated as follows: 5 acres — 0 credit x $2,452.00/acre = $12,260.00 The total watermain area charge of $12,260.00 shall be paid at prevailing rate at time of building permit and shall be assessed against the property if not paid in cash at the time of building permit issuance at developer's option. If assessed, an interest rate of 2% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of certification of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. 10 195o35v1 23. Development: SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions shall apply to the A. engineering report. B. Agreement, recorded Implementation of the recommendations listed in the November 1 st, 2017, Special assessments payable pursuant to the Second Amendment to Assessment , as document number , shall be paid in the manner set forth in the Second Amendment to Assessment Agreement. The obligations of the Second Amendment to Assessment Agreement run with the land. C. The Developer shall comply with the conditions assigned with the approved Conditional Use Permit for the Development, per Resolution #PC -2017-034, dated November 27th, 2017. D. The Property shall be accessed from Chelsea Road via a single driveway in the southeast corner of the site. E The Developer is required to submit the final documents in electronic format. The electronic format shall be either AutoCAD.DWG file or a .DXF file. All construction record drawings (e.g., grading, utilities, and streets) shall be in electronic format in accordance with standard City specifications. The Developer shall also submit one complete set of reproducible construction plans on Mylar. 24. SUMMARY OF CASH REQUIREMENTS. The following is a summary of the cash requirements under this Amendment which must be furnished to the City prior to the issuance of the building permit: City Administration/Planning/Legal Escrow $ 2,000.00 Engineering and Inspection Grading (3%) $ 2,000.00 Plat and Infrastructure (4%) $ 2,000.00 Total Cash Requirements $ 6,000.00 * Fees reconciled to actual expenses at close of project. 11 195o35v1 25. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS. To guarantee compliance with the terms of this Amendment, including the construction of the Developer Installed Public Improvements, the Developer shall furnish the City with a letter of credit, or cash security, in the form attached hereto, from a bank ("security") for $(XX,XXX). The amount of the security is calculated as follows: Public Improvements (Chelsea Road Sidewalk) Site Grading and Restoration ($3000 x 5 AC) Landscaping (cost x 125%) TOTAL COSTS TOTAL SECURITIES: Total Costs X 125% $To be provided by developer $15,000 $To be provided by developer $To be inserted This breakdown is for historical reference; it is not a restriction on the use of the security. The bank shall be subject to the approval of the City Administrator. The security shall be for an automatically renewing term. The City may draw down the security, with 30 days written notice to Developers, for any violation of the terms of this Amendment or if the security is allowed to lapse prior to the end of the required term. If the required public improvements are not completed at least thirty (30) days prior to the renewal of the security, the City may also draw it down. If the security is drawn down, the proceeds shall be used to cure the default. Except for the landscaping security, upon receipt of proof satisfactory to the City that work has been completed and financial obligations to the City have been satisfied, with City approval the security may be reduced from time to time by ninety percent (90%) of the financial obligations that have been satisfied. Ten percent (10%) of the amounts certified by the Developers' engineer shall be retained as security until all improvements have been completed, all financial obligations to the City satisfied, any required "as constructed" plans have been received by the City, any required warranty security is provided, and the public improvements are accepted by the City. The City standard specifications for utilities and street construction outline procedures for security reductions. The landscaping security shall be retained 12 195o35v1 until all improvements are completed and trees and other vegetation have been shown to survive for one year 26. WARRANTY. The Developers warrant all public improvements required to be constructed by it pursuant to this Amendment against poor material and faulty workmanship. The warranty period for public improvements is two years and shall commence following completion and acceptance by the City. The Developers or its Contractors shall post maintenance bonds in the amount of twenty-five percent (25%) of final certified construction costs to secure the warranties. The City shall retain ten percent (10%) of the security posted by the Developers until the maintenance bonds are furnished to the City or until the warranty period expires, whichever first occurs. The retainage may be used to pay for warranty work. The City standard specifications for utilities construction identify the procedures for final acceptance of utilities. 27. RESPONSIBILITY FOR COSTS. A. Except as otherwise specified herein, the Developer shall pay all actual costs incurred by it or the City in conjunction with the Development, including but not limited, legal, planning, engineering and inspection expenses incurred in connection with approval and acceptance of the Development, the preparation of this Contract, review of construction plans and documents, and all costs and expenses incurred by the City in monitoring and inspecting the Development. The Developer shall deposit with the City the amount set forth in Section 23 to be used for the payment of these fees and enforcement fees. If the amount in the deposit account drops below 15% of the initial amount, the Developer will make additional deposits in amounts set by the City. At the completion of the Development and following payment of all expenses related to the Development, the City shall return the remaining deposit funds to the Developer. B. The Developer shall hold the City and its officers, employees, and agents harmless from claims made by it and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from the approval 13 195o35v1 and construction of the Development. The Developer shall indemnify the City and its officers, employees, and agents for all costs, damages, or expenses which the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs. C. The Developer shall reimburse the City for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Contract, including engineering and attorneys' fees. D. The Developer shall pay, or cause to be paid when due, and in any event before any penalty is attached, all special assessments referred to in this Contract. The Developer hereby waives all assessment notice and hearing requirements. If the Developer does not pay the charges set forth in this contract at the time of building permit, the Developer elects to have the charges set forth in this contract assessed to the properties herein in the next available taxable year. The assessment shall be payable over a ten-year period, in ten equal principal installments, plus interest at 2% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of certification of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year. If assessed, interest will begin to accrue on the principal balance commencing on the date ofbuilding permit issuance. E. The Developer shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by the City for obligations incurred under this Contract within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, the City may halt the development and construction until the bills are paid in full. Bills not paid within thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of eighteen percent (18%) per year. F. In addition to the charges and special assessments referred to herein, other charges and special assessments may be imposed such as but not limited to sewer availability charges ("SAC"), City water connection charges, City sewer connection charges, and building permit fees. 28. DEVELOPER'S DEFAULT. In the event of default by the Developer as to any of the work to be performed by it hereunder, the City may, at its option, perform the work and the Developer shall 14 195o35v1 promptly reimburse the City for any expense incurred by the City, provided the Developer, except in an emergency as detennined by the City, is first given notice of the work in default, not less than forty-eight (48) hours in advance. This Contract is a license for the City to act, and it shall not be necessary for the City to seek a Court order for permission to enter the land. When the City does any such work, the City may, in addition to its other remedies, assess the cost in whole or in part. Q�Lyl 1041 Do a W.11011 Dull A. The Developer represents to the City that the Development complies with all city, county, metropolitan, state, and federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to: subdivision ordinances, zoning ordinances, and environmental regulations. If the Development ceases to comply with county, metropolitan, state and federal laws and regulations, the City may, at its option, refuse to allow construction or work in the Development until the Developer does comply. Upon the City's demand, the Developer shall cease work until there is compliance. B. Third parties shall have no recourse against the City under this Contract. C. Breach of the terms of this Contract by the Developer shall be grounds for denial of building permits, including lots sold to third parties. D. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phrase of this Contract is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Contract. E. If building permits are issued prior to the acceptance of public improvements, the Developer assumes all liability and costs resulting in delays in completion of public improvements and damage to public improvements caused by the City, Developer, its contractors, subcontractors, material men, employees, agents, or third parties. No sewer and water connection permits may be issued and no one may occupy a building for which a building permit is issued on either a temporary or permanent basis until 15 195o35v1 the streets needed for access have been paved with a bituminous surface and the utilities are accepted by the City Engineer. F. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Contract. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Contract shall not be a waiver or release. G. This Contract shall run with the land and may be recorded against the title to the Property. The Developer covenants with the City, its successors and assigns, that the Developer is well seized in fee title of the property being developed and/or has obtained consents to this Contract, in the form attached hereto, from all parties who have an interest in the Property; that there are no unrecorded interests in the property being developed; and that the Developer will indemnify and hold the City harmless for any breach of the foregoing covenants. In the event this Contract is filed of record, upon compliance of all terms herein by Developer, the City shall file a termination of record. H. Developer or its prime contractor shall take out and maintain or cause to be taken out and maintained until one (1) month after the City has accepted the public improvements, public liability and property damage insurance covering personal injury, including death, and claims for property damage which may arise out of Developer's work or the work of its subcontractors or by one directly or indirectly employed by any of them. Limits for bodily injury and death shall be not less than $500,000 for one person and $1,000,000 for each occurrence; limits for property damage shall be not less than $200,000 for each occurrence; or a combination single limit policy of $1,000,000 or more. The City shall be named as an additional insured on the policy, and the Developer shall file with the City a certificate evidencing coverage prior to the City signing this Contract or when any construction commences, whichever later occurs. The 16 195o35v1 certificate shall provide that the City must be given ten (10) days advance written notice of the cancellation of the insurance. I. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to City, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. J. The Developer may not assign this Contract without the written permission of the City Council, unless such assignment is to a principal of Developer or another entity in which the Developer is a principal. The Developer's obligation hereunder shall continue in full force and effect even if the Developer sells part or parts of the Property, until all conditions of assignment are met. K. Retaining walls that require a building permit shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by a structural or geotechnical engineer licensed by the State of Minnesota. Following construction, a certification signed by the design engineer shall be filed with the City Engineer evidencing that the retaining wall was constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. All retaining walls, the development plans, or special conditions referred to in this Contract required to be constructed shall be constructed before any other building permit is issued for a lot on which a retaining wall is required to be built. 30. NOTICES. Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, its employees or agents, or mailed to the Developer by certified mail at the following address: , Minnesota . Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Administrator, or mailed to the City by certified mail 17 195o35v1 in care of the City Administrator at the following address: Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, Minnesota 55362, with a copy to the City Attorney by regular mail at: Campbell Knutson, P.A., Grand Oak Office Center 1, 860 Blue Gentian Road, #290, Eagan, Minnesota 55121. Remainder of Rage intentionally left blank. Signatures on the.follolvingRages. 18 195o35v1 CITY OF MONTICELLO IC (SEAL) And STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) Brian Stumpf, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 20, by Brian Stumpf and by Jeff O'Neill, respectively the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public Campbell Knutson Professional Association Grand oak Office Center 1 860 Blue Gentian Road, #290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ 19 195035v1 DEVELOPER: IC STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF ) Its The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20, by the of a , on behalf of the entity. Notary Public Campbell Knutson Professional Association Grand oak Office Center 1 860 Blue Gentian Road, #290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ 20 195035v1 FEE OWNER CONSENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT , fee owner of all or part of the property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Development Contract, affirms and consents to the provisions thereof and agrees to be bound by the provisions as the same may apply to that portion of the property owned by it. Dated this day of , 20 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 12 , by the of on behalf of the entity. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ 21 195035v1 MORTGAGE HOLDER CONSENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT , which holds a mortgage on the subject property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Development Contract, which mortgage is dated and recorded with the Wright County Recorder/Registrar as document number , agrees that the Development Contract shall remain in full force and effect even if it forecloses on its mortgage. Dated this day of 120 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (SS. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this __ day of —,2 , by , the of , on behalf of the entity. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 iii 22 195035v1 IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT No. Date: TO: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Sir or Madam: We hereby issue, for the account of (Name of Developer) and in your favor, our Irrevocable Letter of Credit in the amount of $ available to you by your draft drawn on sight on the undersigned bank. The draft must: a) Bear the clause, "Drawn under Letter of Credit No. dated , 2 , of (Name of Bank "; b) Be signed by the Mayor or City Administrator of the City of Monticello. c) Be presented for payment at (Address of Bank) , on or before 4:00 p.m. on November 30, 2007. This Letter of Credit shall automatically renew for successive one-year terms unless, at least forty-five (45) days prior to the next annual renewal date (which shall be November 30 of each year), the Bank delivers written notice to the Monticello City Administrator that it intends to modify the terms of, or cancel, this Letter of Credit. Written notice is effective if sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, and deposited in the U.S. Mail, at least forty-five (45) days prior to the next annual renewal date addressed as follows: Monticello City Administrator, Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 55362, and is actually received by the City Administrator at least thirty (30) days prior to the renewal date. This Letter of Credit sets forth in full our understanding which shall not in any way be modified, amended, amplified, or limited by reference to any document, instrument, or agreement, whether or not referred to herein. This Letter of Credit is not assignable. This is not a Notation Letter of Credit. More than one draw may be made under this Letter of Credit. This Letter of Credit shall be governed by the most recent revision of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 600. We hereby agree that a draft drawn under and in compliance with this Letter of Credit shall be duly honored upon presentation. i Its 23 195035v1 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE PROJECT: CERTIFICATE HOLDER: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 INSURED: ADDITIONAL INSURED: City of Monticello AGENT: WORKERS' COMPENSATION: Policy No. Effective Date: Expiration Date: Insurance Company: COVERAGE - Workers' Compensation, Statutory. GENERAL LIABILITY: Policy No. Effective Date: Insurance Company: O Claims Made LIMITS: [Minimuml Bodily Injury and Death: $500,000 for one person Property Damage: $200,000 for each occurrence -OR- Combination Single Limit Policy COVERAGE PROVIDED: Operations of Contractor: YES Expiration Date: ( ) Occurrence $1,000,000 for each occurrence $1,000,000 or more 24 195035v1 Operations of Sub -Contractor (Contingent): YES Does Personal Injury Include Claims Related to Employment? YES Completed Operations/Products: YES Contractual Liability (Broad Form): YES Governmental Immunity is Waived: YES Property Damage Liability Includes: Damage Due to Blasting YES Damage Due to Collapse YES Damage Due to Underground Facilities YES Broad Form Property Damage YES AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY: Policy No. Effective Date: Expiration Date: Insurance Company: (X) Any Auto LIMITS: [Minimum] Bodily Injury: $500,000 each person Property Damage: $500,000 each occurrence mm Combined Single Limit Policy: $ 1,000,000 each occurrence $ 1,000,000 each occurrence ARE ANY DEDUCTIBLES APPLICABLE TO BODILY INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE ON ANY OF THE ABOVE COVERAGES: If so, list: Amount: $ [Not to exceed $ 1,000.00] SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL MAIL TEN (10) DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE PARTIES TO WHOM THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED. Dated at On BY: Authorized Insurance Representative 25 195035vl SUMMARY OF EXPENSES/FINANCE PLAN Lot 1, Block 1 DRAFT v3 - 11/21/2017 Total Acres in Development Total Acres in Phase Total Units in Development 5 gross 5 net 5 gross 5 net Total Units in Phase 1 lot Trunk Area Charges & Park Dedication Acreage Acres or Credits Charge Units Net Notes Park & Pathway Dedication NA Special Assessments - Chelsea Road Sanitary Sewer (gross acres) $3,316 5 $16,580.00 Watermain (gross acres) $2,452 5 $12,260.00 Pond Fee $1,640 5 $8,200.00 Storm Sewer (net acres, base fee) $6,000 5 $30,000.00 Storm Sewer (net acres, alternate ponding fee) 5 _ TOTAL $13,408 ( I 0.00 $67,040.00 Per Second Amendment to Assessment Agreement 2017 non-residential rate; paid at prevaling rate at time of bldg.permit 2017 non-residential rate; paid at prevaling rate at time of bldg.permit Per First Amendment to Pre -Development Agreement Per Purchase Agrmt dated 5/24/04 and First Amendment to Pre-Dev Agrmt Per Purchase Agrmt dated 5/24/04 and First Amendment to Pre-Dev Agrmt City Admin, Planning & Legal 2.00% $2,000.00 Actual; cost reconciled at project completion, $2,000 minimum Engineering and Inspection Inspector/Engineer cost reconciled at project completion Grading and Restoration 3.00% $2,000.00 Based on estimated cost of site grading, $2,000 minimum Streets and Utilities 4.00% $2,000.00 Sidewalk review/inspection, based on estimated costs, $2,000 minimum GPS Locate $60 i 1 NA Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Total City Fees $6,000.00 r�wmer�#;ostwrltrhCCSt (ISe eIrgcwritiies Notes Chelsea Road Sidewalk I IDeveloper to provide estimate of sidewalk construction cost Construction total (for purpose of calculating other fees) I Lot Corners/Iron Monuments $300 NA Total Construction Cost for the purpose of calculating LOC Lett�lr af'+'r�md�4 taur�f cal ovist X' Maximum allowable reduction prior to acceptance and bond 90.00%1 $01 Site Grading ADDITIONAL REQUIRED LETTERS OF CREDIT/SECURITIES I Construction cost used to calculate City escrows above Landscaping To be provided by developer x 125% Prairie Restoration NA Tree Preservation NA Grading $3,000 5 $15,000 t AIdI that li'.IL Q! $1,OOp,;Otl; City Council Agenda — 11/27/2017 2I. Consideration of approving a request for Conditional Use Permit for an approximately 624 square foot residential Accessory Use Structure — Maior in an R- 1 (Single -Family Residence) District. Applicant: Dwavne Jones (AS, JaT) Property: PID 155-155-004080 Address: 4442 Eakern Circle NE Planning Case Number: 2017-040 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Conditional Use Pen -nit for an Accessory Use Structure —Major in an R-1 District Deadline for Decision: December 11th, 2017 Land Use Designation: Places to Live Zoning Designation: R-1 (Single Family Residential) The purpose of the "R-1" single family district is to provide for low density, single family, detached residential dwelling units and directly related complementary uses. Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: NA Current Site Use: Residential Surrounding Land Uses: R-1 (Single Family Residential) Project Description: The applicant is seeking to construct a second garage on his property at 4442 Eakern Circle NE. The new garage would be detached, and a total of approximately 624 square feet in area. The existing house is a total of 1040 square feet with an attached garage of 622 square feet. ANALYSIS Conditional Use Permit. Specific Zoning Requirements. The zoning ordinance lists the following specific standards for these uses (with staff comments included): 1 City Council Agenda — 11/27/2017 (2) Accessory Building — Major (a) In all residential districts except M -H, the following shall apply: (i) Size 1. Except by Conditional Use Permit issued pursuant to Section 5.3(D)(3)(a)(1)(2) below, no detached accessory building shall exceed ten percent (10%) of the rear yard of the parcel on which it is located, nor shall any combination of attached garage and detached accessory building exceed the following maximum area, whichever is less: a. 1,200 square feet; or b. The gross square footage of the principal building footprint. The applicant's existing home is 1,040 square feet and the existing attached garage is 622 square feet, requiring the detached accessory building to be no greater than 418 square feet without a Conditional Use Permit. The applicant has proposed the approximately 624 square foot detached accessory building to be well less than 10 percent of the rear yard (which is approximately 13,100 square feet). 2. The size limitations for accessory building area listed in Section 5.3(D)(3)(a)(1)(1) above may be increased, up to a maximum square footage of 1,500 square feet, by the issuance of a Conditional Use permit when the following conditions are found to exist: (a) Accessory building space is to be utilized solely for the storage of residential personal property of the occupant of the principal dwelling, and no accessory building space is to be utilized for commercial purposes. The applicant has indicated that the garage would be used for storage of boat and lawn equipment. (b) The parcel on which the accessory building is to be located is of sufficient size such that the building will not crowd the open space on the lot. An aerial image estimation of the rear yard is approximately 13,100 square feet. The proposed project would consume less than 10 percent of the rear yard, open space. (c) The accessory building will not be so large as to have an adverse effect on the architectural character or reasonable residential use of the surrounding property. The applicant has proposed a structure that is less than 10 percent of the rear yard. The combined total of attached and detached accessory structures on the property is approximately 1,246 square feet, under the 1,500 allowable by CUP. (d) The accessory buildings shall be constructed to be similar to the principal building in architectural style and building materials. The applicant has proposed to roof and side the garage of the same materials as the house. (ii) Private Garages Private garages shall be used by the family or families residing upon the premises, except as follows: (a) One-half of the private garage spaces on the premises can be rented to non-residents of the property for private passenger vehicles and/or non-commercial vehicles, trailers, or equipment if sufficient off-street parking in full compliance with this ordinance is provided elsewhere on the property. 2 City Council Agenda — 11/27/2017 (b) All of the private garage spaces on the premises can be rented to non-residents of the property for private passenger vehicles and/or non-commercial vehicles, trailers, or equipment if the available garage space does not exceed two spaces. 2. No business, service, or industry shall be carried on within a private garage; 3. Private garages shall not be used for the storage of more than one (1) commercial vehicle owned or operated by a resident per dwelling unit. The applicant has indicated in their narrative that the space would be used for storage of boat and lawn equipment. The proposed detached structure is shown to be setback 10 feet from the interior side yard property line and 36 feet from the rear yard property line. Per the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, the setbacks for accessory structure on the interior side are 6 feet and for the rear at 20 feet, given the public right of way. The proposed structure meets the setback requirements. Planning Commission Recommendation The Planning Commission reviewed this request and held a public hearing on this item on November 6th, 2017. During the hearing, a neighboring resident noted the property line for the subject site is close to the side of the home, and therefore getting a boat or other large item to the proposed structure could be an issue. He also noted that the slab for the proposed garage had already been installed. Applicant Dwayne Jones was present to address the Commission and stated that he didn't have the measurement of the deck to the property line, but could provide that information; he intends to be able to use the garage without any encroachment on the adjoining property. Jones also added that if needed to accommodate getting his boat or other items to the garage, he would remove the deck. Staff explained that the slab was allowed to be poured, as the code allows as permitted structures under thirty inches of grade and that it was the expectation and requirement that the applicant would be able maneuver any equipment on the existing property. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommends Alternative #1 below for approval. 1. Motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit for a proposed approximately 624 square foot structure, subject to the conditions in Exhibit Z, and based on findings in Resolution No. PC 2017-035. 2. Motion to deny the Conditional Use Permit based on findings to be stated by the City Council. 3 City Council Agenda — 11/27/2017 3. Motion to table action subject to submission of additional information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the CUP, based on findings that the building will meet both the intent and the specific standards of the Zoning Ordinance. The applicant is under the threshold for structures being less than 10 percent of the rear yard, which was designed to not overwhelm the open feel of the lot or the neighborhood. With the comments that the building will be finished to match the house and meet height requirements, planning staff believes that the building is appropriate for the site. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution PC -2017-035 B. Aerial Image, Subject Site C. Applicant Narrative D. Site Plans with Elevations E. Survey F. Aerial Image with Rear Yard Dimensions Z. Conditions of Approval EXHIBIT Z DWAYNE JONES Conditional Use Permit for Accessory Building — Major 4442 Eakern Circle NE 1. Accessory building space is to be utilized solely for the storage of residential personal property of the occupant of the principal dwelling, and no accessory building space is to be utilized for commercial purposes. 2. The accessory building shall be constructed to be similar to the principal building in architectural style and building materials. 3. The accessory building shall not exceed 15' in height as required by ordinance. 4. Compliance with the comments of other staff and Planning Commission. M V 1 4 1 91011-4131 1 0 fF WAII, WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to construct an accessory use - major in the rear portion of the subject property for storage of boat and lawn equipment; and WHEREAS, the site is zoned Single -Family Residence (R-1), which allows such use by Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the proposed use and development are consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designation of "Places to Live" for the area, and WHEREAS, the applicants have provided materials documenting compliance with the terms of the applicable zoning regulations; and WHEREAS, the uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the R-1 zoning district; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 6t", 22017 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: I The proposed use is consistent with the intent and purpose of the R-1, Single Family Residence Zoning District. 2. The parcel on which the accessory building is to be located is of sufficient size such that the building will not crowd the open space on the lot; and 3. The accessory building will not be so large as to have an adverse effect on the architectural character or reasonable residential use of the surrounding property. 4. The accessory use structure - major meets the intent and requirements of the applicable zoning regulations, pursuant to the conditions attached to the Conditional Use Permit. It NOW, THEREFORE, BE ITRESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the Conditional Use Permit for an Accessory Use Structure - Major, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z as follows: 1. Accessory building space is to be utilized solely for the storage of residential personal property of the occupant of the principal dwelling, and no accessory building space is to be utilized for commercial purposes. 2. The accessory building shall be constructed to be similar to the principal building in architectural style and building materials. 3. The accessory building shall not exceed 15' in height as required by ordinance. 4. Compliance with the comments of other staff and Planning Commission. ADOPTED this 6t" day of November, 2017 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COM ISSION M Y By: 133 a Fyfe, Cha ATTEST: Ari ;era "gchumA� An' 6 unity Development Director 8 Jones, Dwayne - Request for Conditional Use Permit Lot 8, Block 4, Featherstone 1155-155-0040801 4442 Eakern Circle NE d w� NN qp m 1, I. 1 4 p jo� F,� lz!, J Icc p w ._f _ mm tt I a „ pp JA d1J500, kr dap 15 T :. 60 �—...51551 2..�. .:" 05155 A 1'5515 ? LU :t U''p Pt V ..' ."" d� � ,,. � �,,, I. � ire, „ � ', �I • ' Tf15510 4 ZOI 193 ft1'10 IM Created by: City of Monticello yI , �sfimate Id., 96413 Items Selected: Gable roof wl 6112 pitch, Spread Web Trusses 2' O.C. Truss Design Location Zip Code: 55362 314" T&G OSB RIA Floor Sheathing 2x4 Wall Framing Material 24' Wide X 26' Deep X 10' High Vinyl Dbl 4" Lap Siding - P. Wheat 112" OSB Wall Sheathing Typar Housewrap 0" gable/12" eave overhangs 112" OSB Roof Sheathing StormMaster Shake, Weathered Wood Shingles Slant Back Vent(Metal), Brown Sand Tone Aluminum Soffit & Fascia Estimated l$7,623.93* *Today's estimated price, future pricing may go up or down. *Tax, labor, and delivery not included, MEN/el . Options Selected: The options you have selected are: Wood Attic Access Ladder Gorilla Guard Roof Felt 1- 36x80 Service Door - CM16-Panel Steel LS 2 - 36x36 Window - White Vinly Slider 1-16x8 Overhead Door - Insulated Ribbed Front View Back View ***Take this sheet to the Buildin Materials counter to urchase your materials,' Floor type (concrete, dirt, gravel) is NOT included in estimated price. The floor type is used in the calcu ation of materials needed. La or, foundation, steel beams, paint, electrical, heating, plumbing, and delivery are also NOT included in estimated price. This is an estimate. It is only for general price information. This is not an offer and there can be no legally binding contract between the parties based on this estimate, The prices stated herein are subject to change depending upon the market conditions. The prices stated on this estimate are not firm for any time period unless specifically written otherwise on this form. The availability of materials is subject to inventory conditions, MENARDS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS INCURRED BY THE GUEST WHO RELIES ON PRICES SET FORTH HEREIN OR ON THE AVAILABILITY OF ANY MATERIALS STATED HEREIN. All information on this form, other than price, has been provided by the guest and Menards is not responsible for any errors in the information on this estimate, including but not limited to quantity, dimension and quality. Please examine this estimate carefully. MENARDS MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS, ORAL, WRITTEN OR OTHERWISE THAT THE MATERIALS LISTED ARE SUITABLE FOR ANY PURPOSE BEING CONSIDERED BY THE GUE BECAUSE OF THE WIDE VARIATIONS IN CODES, THERE ARE NO REPRESENTATIONS THAT THE MATERIALS LISTED HEREIN MEET YOUR CODE REQUIREMENTS. THE PLANS ANDIOR DESIGNS PROVIDED ARE NOT ENGINEERED, LOCAL CODE OR ZONING REGULATIONS MAY REQUIRE SUCH STRUCTURES TO BE PROFESSIONALLY ENGINEERED AND CERTIFIED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 10'-6" 3' X 3' 101.61, Gable Front View (1) - SLIDER (GOOD) 36X36 CD El El! El 31-611 J X u ux 4' 16'X 3' 41 Gable Back View (1) - IDEAL RIBBED MSESV 16X8 EZ -SET WHITE MSESV INSUL 111.611 TX 3 111-61, Yve Front Y - !Yck a (1) - PREHUNGSTE PH36LHSTEE CM -1 6 -PANEL STEEL DOOR 36XBO LH PH (1) - SLIDER (GOOD) Building Size: 24 feet wide X 26 feet long X 10 feet high Approximate Peak Height: 16 feet 5 inches (197 inches) NOTE: Overhead doors may need to be "Wind Code Rated" de ending on your building location. Confirm the door requirements with your local zoning de before construction. Menards-provided material estimates are intended as a general construction aid and have been calculated using typical construction methods. Because of the wide variability in codes and site restrictions, all final plans and material lists must be verified with your local zoning office. Menards is a supplier of construction materials and does not assume liability for design, engineering or the completeness of any material lists provided. Underground electrical phone and gas lines should be located and marked before your building plans are finalized. Remember to use safety equipment including dust masks and sight and hearing protection during construction to ensure a positive building experience. 16'x 8' 11'-6" 3'x3' 11'-6" Building Size: 24 feet wide X26 feet long X 10 feet high Note: Wall construction is 2x4 @ 16" on center 19'-6" 10'-6" Tx 3' 10'-6" Store: 3203IVIENARS Date: 2017-10-11 20:37:55.592 Guest Name: Dj Quality Concrete Guest Phone: 7634766781 Team Member: IAN S. Truss Type: Spread Web Sku: 1004547 Span: 24' Pitch: 6/12 Bottom Pitch: 0/12 Heel Height: 4" 3/16 Left Overhang: lit Right Overhang: if, Left Cantilever: Of Right Cantilever: 01 Loading: 35-7-25-10 Truss Type: End Truss Sku: 1004547 Span: 24' Pitch: 6/12 Bottom Pitch: 0/12 Heel Height: 4" 3/16 Left Overhang: ill Right Overhang: ill Left Cantilever: 04 Right Cantilever: 01 Loading: 35-7-25-10 * This truss will need to be sent to our Truss Design Department for proper Engineering and Pricing. * This truss will need to be sent to our Truss Design Department for proper Engineering and Pricing. Comments: Truss quotes usually get returned within 1-2 days during regular business days. Tax, labor and delivery are not included. Truss picture(s) are for representation only. Loading values are just an estimate. Please contact your local building inspector to verify your code requirements. This is an estimate. It is given only for general price information. This is not an offer and there can be no legally binding contract between the parties based upon this estimate. The prices stated herein are subject to change depending upon the market conditions. The prices stated on this estimate are not firm for any time period unless specifically written otherwise on this form. The availability of materials is subject to inventory conditions, MENARDS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS INCURRED BY THE GUEST WHO RELIES ON PRICES SET FORTH HEREIN OR ON THE AVAILABILITY OF ANY OF THE MATERIALS STATED HEREIN, All information on this form, other than price, has been provided by guest and Menards is not responsible for any errors in the information on this estimate, including but not limited to quantity, dimension and quality. Please examine this estimate carefully. MENARDS MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS, ORAL, WRITTEN OR OTHERWISE THAT THE MATERIALS LISTED ARE SUITABLE FOR ANY PURPOSE BEING CONSIDERED BY THE GUEST, BECAUSE OF WIDE VARIATIONS IN CODES, THERE ARE NO REPRESENTATIONS THAT THE MATERIALS LISTED HEREIN MEET YOUR CODE REQUIREMENTS. NO v s1 S C, c' �- � ��p t� 11 1 py G a L�OON % US) *Q[f Qj, t * -� � 0 % df, to IWv its Wit All Sit I I %Q v wo it m % -q 4 I all pqr Qt v to I ----- - its Pagel of2 . .... . ..... 1011112017 Ell lJ :M I A EPP, !i am "n. I a 2 - CN CL 4-1 O'CD z cv -oo) -aAV NOSNOWaa 0 r_ (LIT ON azi 0 p 6 z 10 LA 4-7 t3 04 4-4 0 w U.) ,0- SnONIHnitE jo 3503 U.ca 0 -j LL! C-) Y, dE Su 03 0 z LL F4 4a LU rL s > 'm cm D o LO LLJ Z LO cc Z: S C: 0 CiQ)Cl) 0 c LID cc cv k cr, Ili "t Clq > 2 ID CL 0 IPIL Lu LU ,NZ 4-3 :a Ainan V 30VNIVtia r CC W C) 91 M CC C) 'IT i� ry- pq Zr- cr- z � 1-- < 6 LA; Lu 0 r -q I d :Z m Z: m uj in 1 V9 '25 > Li c; a CL < TIC Ol j} ili Li 0 m F- gt —. 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Consideration of a request to amend the Monticello Zoninu Ordinance Chapter 6 — Non -Conformities for non -conforming conditions related to construction or reconstruction of public improvements and Chapter 5, Section 3 — Accessory Use Standards for accessory use parking on abuttinL parcels serving established principal uses. Applicant: Citv of Monticello (NAC) Property: Legal: NA Address: NA Planning Case Number: I� tli 910151 149101134w:y"JX1 4 "71100117 Request(s): Amendment of the zoning ordinance would have the effect of allowing staff approval for changes to site development that result from public improvement projects without need for extensive process. Deadline for Decision: NA Land Use Designation: NA Zoning Designation: NA Overlays/Environmental NA Regulations Applicable: Current Site Use: NA ANALYSIS When new city improvements are proposed (e.g. streets or utilities), it is common that the city will need to acquire additional right of way or easement areas to accommodate those public improvements. City staff has encountered situations where in negotiating for such rights of way or easements, it is discovered that by acquiring the private land, the existing use of the parcel in question becomes non- conforming, or the public acquisition necessitates moving the existing improvements on a parcel to another location. When the use of the property is allowed by Conditional Use Permit, or the only alternative relocation would require a variance, a lengthy public process would normally be necessary to address an amendment to the CUP, or consider a variance for a newly created setback encroachment or other change to a variance condition. Similarly, if private improvements on the site change creating a non -conformity that City Council Agenda — 11/27/2017 might otherwise be acceptable to a property owner, the creation of the non- conformity can raise concerns as to reduced property value, problems with future expansions, or other unknowns. To simplify this process, staff is seeking an amendment (actually a series of related amendments) to the zoning ordinance that would grant exceptions to properties that face these kinds of changes. The amendment would allow the Community Development Department to review the changes to a site use, and administratively approve those changes, recording the approval against the property and treating the resulting conditions as conforming. This amendment does not preclude the Community Development Department from requiring an amendment to CUP or variance process in cases where site plan changes go beyond those changes caused by the public improvement. The various sections of the ordinance implicated by this amendment include the Non - conformities section (6.2), Off-street parking (4.8), and Accessory Uses (5.3). There is also a "Transitional Use" section in 1.8 of the zoning ordinance, but this section would not need to change as written. The scope of the amendment is as follows (with proposed new text underlined): Nonconformides 6.2 (D) No non -conforming building, structure, or use shall be moved to another lot or to any other part of the parcel of land upon which the same was constructed or was conducted at the time of this ordinance adoption unless such movement shall bring the nonconformance into compliance with the requirements of this ordinance. (1) Public Improvement Project Exception. When a condition of private property is rendered non- conformin,iz by the action and/or project of a municipal, county, or state aaenev, such that as a part of said project, the aaencv acquires land or property rights affecting the use or conformity of any previously approved condition, the Community Development Department may conduct a Site Plan Review of the resulting property. Where the property under review is subject to a Conditional Use Permit or Variance, or where the orooertv would otherwise require a variance as a result of the review, the City shall provide written notice to abutting propertv owners no less than ten days prior to final approval. Upon such review, the Communitv Development Department may issue an approval for the affected private improvements or relocation of private improvements to another part of the subject property, or another abutting parcel under the control of the affected property owner, without requiring review as a variance, Conditional Use Permit, or other zoning review and approval of either the Board of Adjustment and Appeals or the City Council. In such cases, the following requirements shall apply: (a) The Community Development Department finds that no reasonable alternative exists to accommodate the continuation of the use on the property without the use of this exception clause (b) If private improvements are relocated to an abutting parcel, the owner shall execute and record an easement between the two parcels authorizing the use. In this case, the prohibition IN City Council Agenda — 11/27/2017 against an accessory use on a parcel without a principal use is specifically waived for this purpose. (c) In cases other than those affected by the public improvement and approved under this section, the relocated private improvements, whether relocated to the same parcel or an abutting parcel, shall be constructed according to all applicable zoning relations. (d) The affected private improvements or the relocated private improvements shall be considered conforming as of the date of the relocation. Said private improvements shall be subject to non -conformity relations as anv other conforming condition if subsequent alterations to the zoning regulations affect such improvements. (e) The Communitv Development Department shall cause a description of the Site Pian Approval to be recorded against the applicable propertv or properties, certifvin�4 the approval of the condition in question. Off-street Parking 4.8 (E) (1) (a) Required accessory off-street parking shall be on the same lot under the same ownership as the principal use being served except under the provisions of Section 4.8(G)(3), subject to the Public Improvement Project Exception as regulated by Section 6.2 (13)(1). Accessory Uses 5.3 (B) (2) (e) Be located on the same lot as the principal use or structure, subject to the Public Improvement Project Exception as reculated by Section 6.2 (D)(1).,- (f) D)(1).;(f) Not be constructed or established prior to the time the principal use or structure is constructed or established, subject to the Public Improvement Project Exception as re�7ulated by Section 6.2 (D)(1). Planning Commission Recommendation The Planning Commission reviewed the item and held a public hearing on the proposed amendments on November 61h 2017. No public was present to address the Commission on the item during the public hearing. Commissioner Murdoff asked if the City Attorney had any concerns. Mr. Grittman stated that the primary comment from the City Attorney was notifying property owners. Schumann explained that the City Attorney had requested that the City provide a written notice for a ten-day period for neighbors to comment or appeal such proposals. It was noted that the Community Development Department would have the ability to look at a revised lot layout for the property under this ordinance and record a document that finds it to be a conforming condition. The Commission held discussion regarding legal non- conforming land uses. Lloyd Hilgart asked if a business was operating as a legal non- conforming use and sold, if the new owners would be able to continue as long as the use was not intensified. Grittman confirmed and added as long as it does not discontinue for a set 3 City Council Agenda — 11/27/2017 time period, it would be allowed to exist. It was noted that this clause may also be needed to address setback non -conformities created by public improvement projects. Council will note that to properly address the setback non -conformities which may be created by public improvement projects, a clause relating to "affected", but not relocated, private improvements has been included in the final ordinance version. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommends Alternative #1 below. Motion to adopt Ordinance No. 687, amending the zoning ordinance to create a "Public Improvement Project Exception" to various zoning requirements, based on the findings in Resolution No. PC -2017-036. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Ordinance No. 687 based on findings to be identified at the public hearing. 3. Motion to table action on the Resolution, subject to additional information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Alternative 1, approval of the resolution and ordinance. The intent is to efficiently facilitate public improvements projects, and to protect private property values. The 10 -day notice period gives concerned neighbors an opportunity to contact the city with questions and issues when necessary. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution No. PC -2017-036 B. Ordinance No. 687, Draft C. Monticello Zoning Ordinance: I,ttp://wivw.ci.inonticello.inrt.tis/vertical/sites/"/`711461851 7-6086-4078- A C- OF'391871 C4('%7D/tit)lo-,tds/FINAIJ MONTICELLO CODE 11 -08- 1Z -I) d f 1- 8- 17® )df 1! .............. NIVIX-4 WIMIII N, 0 WHEREAS, the Zoning Ordinance regulates land use, and changes to existing land uses, on private property; and WHEREAS, the City routinely requires the acquisition of private property to conduct public improvement projects; and WHEREAS, certain such acquisitions create difficulties for private property owners to continue their previous land use; and WHEREAS, the City of Monticello finds that a simpler process for facilitating changes to land usage will benefit both the public project and the private property owner; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 6'11, 2017 on the application and the members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission. and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: I . The proposed amendment is beneficial to the City's management of its right of way and the public improvements in said right of way. I The proposed amendment is beneficial to owners of property in continuing the use of their property in an efficient and certain manner. 3. The proposed arnendment will encourage cooperation between the City and landowners who are affected by public improvement projects on or adjacent to their property. 4. The amendment further allows the City to ensure that new streets and utilities in the public right of way are adequately planned and efficiently constructed. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota: That the City Council should approve the amendment to the zoning ordinance amending Chapter 4, Section 4.8, Chapter 5, Section 5.3, and Chapter 6, Section 6.2 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance by adding regulations for a "Public Improvement Project Exception" to certain zoning requirements. ADOPTED this 01' day of November, 2017, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. FAV,4 80j6'I Angela Schurriann", com� unit� , Development Director K ORDINANCE NO. 687 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA I_I►1tII 11110,111 44.11101 114013100 Y 10 0 aIZ J a Ila y MONTICELLO ZONING CODE, CHAPTER 4, SECTION 4.8, CHAPTER 5, SECTION 5.3, AND CHAPTER 6, SECTION 6.2, INCORPORATING A "PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECT EXCEPTION" THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELL0, MINNESOTA HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Chapter 4, Section 4.8 (E) is hereby amended to read as follows: (a) Required accessory off-street parking shall be on the same lot under the same ownership as the principal use being served except under the provisions of Section 4.8(G)(3), subject to the Public Improvement Project Exception as regulated by Section 6.2 (D)(1). Section 2. Chapter 5, Section 5.3 (B) (2) (e) is hereby amended to read as follows: (e) Be located on the same lot as the principal use or structurersubject to the Public Improvement Project Exception as regulated by Section 6.2 (D)(1).; Section 3. Chapter 5, Section 5.3 (B) (2) (f) is hereby amended to read as follows: (f) Not be constructed or established prior to the time the principal use or structure is constructed or established, subject to the Public Improvement Project Exception as regulated by Section 6.2 (D)(1). Section 4. Chapter 6, Section 6.2 (D) is hereby amended to read as follows: (D) No non-confonning building, structure, or use shall be moved to another lot or to any other part of the parcel of land upon which the same was constructed or was conducted at the time of this ordinance adoption unless such movement shall bring the nonconformance into compliance with the requirements of this ordinance. (1) Public Improvement Project Exception. When a condition of private property is rendered non -conforming by the action and/or project of a municipal, county, or state agency, such that as a part of said project, the agency acquires land or property rights affecting the use or conformity of any previously approved condition, the Community Development Department may conduct a Site Plan Review of the resulting property. Where the property under review is subject to a Conditional Use Permit or Variance, or where the property would otherwise require a variance as a result of the review, the City shall provide written notice to abutting property owners no less than ten days prior to final approval. Upon such review, the Community Development Department may issue an approval for the affected private improvements or the relocation of private improvements to another part of the subject property, or another abutting parcel under the control of the affected property owner, without requiring review as a variance, Conditional Use Permit, or other zoning review and approval of either the Board of Adjustment and Appeals or the City Council. In such cases, the following requirements shall apply: (a) The Community Development Department finds that no reasonable alternative exists to accommodate the continuation of the use on the property without the use of this exception clause. (b) If private improvements are relocated to an abutting parcel, the owner shall execute and record an easement between the two parcels authorizing the use. In this case, the prohibition against an accessory use on a parcel without a principal use is specifically waived for this purpose. (c) In cases other than those affected by the public improvement and approved under this section, the relocated private improvements, whether relocated to the same parcel or an abutting parcel, shall be constructed according to all applicable zoning regulations. (d) The affected private improvements or relocated private improvements shall be considered conforming as of the date of the relocation or acquisition of land or property rights. Said private improvements shall be subject to non-confonnity regulations as any other conforming condition if subsequent alterations to the zoning regulations affect such improvements. (e) The Community Development Department shall cause a description of the Site Plan Approval to be recorded against the applicable property or properties, certifying the approval of the condition in question. Section 5. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations and diagrams that result from such amendments, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 6. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage. Revisions will be made online after adoption by Council. Copies of the complete Zoning Ordinance are available online and at Monticello City Hall. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this_ day of , 2017. [aIV&@)0uLOW IIto am��7 Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator VOTING IN FAVOR: VOTING IN OPPOSITION: City Council Agenda — 11/27/17 2K. Consideration of accepting quotes and awarding contract to Premier Lighting Inc. to retrofit approximately 135 HPS fixtures to LED lights in various locations throughout the city at a cost of $11,480. (TM) In 2006, City Council implemented a Street Lighting Program which was intended to provide lighting along collector roadway and pedestrian corridors. Since implementing the program, the city has provided corridor lighting along School Boulevard, Deegan Avenue, Cedar Street (south of Chelsea Road), Chelsea Road (from the animal shelter to CSAR 18),7 1h Street East (to CSAH 18), Highland Way, and 7th Street West (from Minnesota Street to CSAR 39). In 2010, the City decided that all street lighting projects in the future would include LED fixtures due to the benefits of energy efficiency, longer life and less maintenance. Allocations from the Electric Franchise Fee Agreement have funded the city's street lighting program to help offset expenses. Prior to 2010, the lighting projects used high pressure sodium (HPS) fixtures, and with the technology of today, we can now retrofit those fixtures to LED fixtures. Council is being asked to consider retrofitting approximately 135 fixtures from HPS to LED lights in various areas of the city, including School Boulevard, Deegan Avenue, Cedar Street, Chelsea Road East, 7th Street East, and Highland Way. Public Works received four quotes ranging from $11,480 to $30,237. Premier Lighting from St. Paul came in with the low quote of $11,480, which includes an estimated rebate from Xcel Energy in the amount of $8,000. Al. Budget Impact: This project will be funded through the Electric Franchise Fee Agreement (Street Light Improvement Fund — portion) and will also reduce the electric bill on these lights by over 50% (General Fund — portion). The anticipated pay back will be approximately one year. A2. Staff Workload Impact: With converting to LED lights this will reduce the amount of staff time to maintain the lights. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to accept the quotes and award the contract to Premier Lighting to retrofit approximately 135 HPS fixtures to LED lights at cost of $11,480. 2. Motion to deny retrofitting the street lights at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends retrofitting to LED lights at a cost of $11,480 from Premier Lighting as outlined in Alternative #1. With a cost savings on the electric bill, approximate one-year payback of the project, and the maintenance of replacing HPS bulbs more frequently, staff recommends moving forward with this project. City Council Agenda — 11/27/17 A. Copy of lighting quotes. B. Map of lighting locations to be retrofitted. Jennifer Schreiber From: Eric Meurer Sent: Monday, October 3l2O1711:29AK4 To: Tom Moores Subject: City of Monticello - Lighting proposal attached Attachments: D|D3183559RE'LightCity ofMondce||o_Preappnove|LettecpdtO|D3183541_LightsCity of K4ontice||u_Preappnova| Letter.pdf, D|D31O35SO-LightsCity ofMonticello 2O] Chelsea Rd Pneepprova| Letter.pdt 0|D3183557-LiQhtsCity nfMonticello 7th St-Preappnova| Letter.pdf,O|D318]561-Lights City ofMonticello 40185chB|vd-Pneapprnve|Le1ter.pdf, U|D3183554-LightsCity ofMonticello Animal Shelter- Pneoppoovm| Letter.pdf, City of Monticello exterior retrofit Oct 2O17.pdf 111214TIM Attached bour proposal with rebates for this project. Once again that's for your help tracking down the additional information. It lead to a total of $8,136 in rebates. 0 00%reduction inlighting energy load 0 Improved light and less maintenance m XCELcustom rebate of$8,136.00 0 Total cost after rebate for materials, labor, lift and recycling $11,480D0 0 Return oninvestment IOmonths! I will handle off paperwork and communication for rebate, labor and recycling on this project. To move forward I just need the contract (page 5) signed/dated and sent back. Please call or email me if you have any questions. Best Regards — Eric From: Roland, Gena E [mailto: Sent: Monday, October 30, 2017 10:18 AM Cc: Corrigan, Barbara Subject: RE: City of Monticello Hello To0&Eric — all [fthe projects haYebeeOpre-apprOved.Pheas8seethe attached letters and let usknow if you have any questions! Sent: Monday, October 23, 2017 11:39 AM To: Roland, Gena E; Tom Moores Subject: FW: City of Monticello rImportance: High OSL Ohm & Smi,v Electric, In C. 763-295-2690 *Fax 763-295-2691 Date: October 24, 2017 To: City of Monticello (Streets) Attn: Tom Moores Subject: Pole Lights RE: Estimate TRI 7147 Thank you for the opportunity to provide an estimate for the above referenced project. We propose to supply labor, material, supervision and electrical permit fees for installations per your request. Estimate Amount: $299528.00* Clarifications: * Retrofit pole light as per map provided by Tom Moores *Rebates are pending If you have any questions please give me a call. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. Sincerely, bcu oz9azt-N Todd Roberts ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL & GUARANTEE OF PAYMENT: The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined per contract. In the event that a contract is not issued, payment will be due upon receipt of invoices. Authorized Signature Date a 119 00 .00 ELECTRIC, INC. 4807 HEATHERWOOD ROAD I P.C. BOX 12521 5T. CLOUD, MN 56801 PH: 320-252-1658 I FAX: 320-252-4276 PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO: PHONE DATE City of Monticello 763-271-3277 I November 1, 2017 STREET 909 Golf Course Road CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE Monticello, MN 56362 Email: DATE OF PLANS Tom,moores@ci.monticello.mn.us JOB NAME Monticello Streetlight LED Conversion JOB LOCATION Monticello, Minnesota ATTN: Tom Moores We hereby submit specifications and estimates for: Labor and material as follows: City of Monticello- Streetlight LED Conversion L School Boulevard (Edmonson Ave - Redford Ln) & Deegan Avenue: 45 dual fixture structures A. 45 - 250 Watt HPS King Luminaire B. 45 - 70 Watt HPS King Luminaire 2. Cedar Street (Dundas Rd - Chelsea Rd): 9 dual fixture structures A. 9 - 250 Watt HPS King Luminaire B, 9 - 70 Watt ZIPS King Luminaire I Chelsea Road & 1 block of Fallon Avenue (CSAR 18 - Animal Shelter): 18 fixtures A. 250 Watt HPS Rectilinear Fixtures American Electric Lighting 4. 701 Street East (CSAR 18 - St. Ben's driveway) A. 6 - 250 Watt HPS Rectilinear Fixtures American Electric Lighting 5. Highland Way (E 7 1 St- Broadway) A. 3 HPS fixtures Includes: Furnish and install at each location Permits Traffic Control All equipment necessary Page I of 1 Thank you for allowing us to quote this project. We propose hereby to furnish material and labor - complete in accordance with the above specifications, for the sum of: Dollars $ 30,237.00 Payment to be made as follows: All material is guaranteed to be as specified. All work to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance. Our workers are fully covered by workman's compensation Insurance. Price above is based on standard AGC contract and insurance limits. We reserve the right to charge for any attorney fees that would be associated with collecting any money owed on this contract. There is no bond included unless noted otherwise. Acceptance of Proposal -- The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payments will be made as outlined above. Authorized Signatur : µ Nick Bischoff Note: This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within 30 days. Signature: Date of Acceptance: Signature: ELECTRIC, INC, 41307 HEIATHERWOOD ROAD I P.0,130X 1252 1 STCLOUD,NINN56301 P11: 320-252-1658 1 FAX: 320,M-4276 Project: MONTICELLO STREETLIGHT LED CONVERSION The undersigned officer of Design Electric, Inc. hereby certifies that it complies with each of the rninimurn criteria in Minn. Stat, §160.285, SUbd. 3, The subcontractors that Design Electric, Inc. intends to retain for work on the Project are: Design Electric, Inc. will obtain and submit signed verifications from each of its retained subcontractors, confirming compliance with Minn. Stat,. §160,285, SLibd. 3, within 14 days of retaining the Subcontractors. I declare Linder penalty of perjury that, to the best of my knowledge, everything I have stated in this document is true. Dated: NOVEMBER 1,2017 By: Its: C`017r0r'ate Secretary COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on NOVEMBER 1 2017 , by Nick Bischoff , the Coroorate Secretary of Design Electric, Inc., a corporation, on behalf of Design Electric, Inc. Al, KRISTIN ANDERSON > NOTARY PUBLIC "Notary PLiblic MINNESOTA ';?'1, , 4M My G 0^'thaS Sion bpitos Jan"31, 2.021 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FNIFLOYEAN' WWW.DESIGNELECI'.COM V Monticcllo -t J N -'711pe of Worle '"GCj!U0IJ (RF-Q) co Attn: I J-on't mool es FStr eet Lights Schoo� ROUIeVard MOntiCell() PUblic Works Cedit Street & Chelsea Road 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, NIN 55362 7t1i Street East & Highland way Piaki;?rO F of Torn Moores Monticello Public Works 909 Golf iCOUrse Road Monticello, IVIN 55362 Of --763.271 3277 By mark Reuter Sundance Energy Solutons 1,05 23rd Street West Hastings, MN 55033 Total Lighting Product Costs ��9,9141°40 1.25,001 Existing kwH shipping, permits, recycle, tax, storage, lift $2,680,25 26,017 Proposed kWh + Labor Costs $7,159.13 98,984 -AnnUal Savinrs =Total Project Cost 56737077� $9,688 -AnoUll Savings --Estimated incentive Rehates $4,949J8 Net Project Cost $15,4.31 59 Retrofit and recycle: Furnish and install: (suarlljty Int/Ext 81 99 4 ext 54 @ 35 ext PA(mitict. irl 11, 1:14cl I S 0p 0 s a Lyping Regy Fagd^aaWny=QtCpriprf1U;rige MonW,", lk,-k Flubhp,; work,,�Lights, Exthng US! qso�tm wki mival SavAnIp.,; 79% Anrm��,,fl Cost $1 Z 2 3 e-5 Curivn� Wro! 0 vAnnmd SaVng-,,, 79% v Each PACM.", "fes Each Year S54573 FM,-.� Y,,,,,ars MWAKOHO pu�tOk,,,Vik"w1u; $9141 AO Told Llhing Prwimt CMOs $2BB0.25 + permits: recyclo, teix, W,"t 11 otal PIMA TO 5 15 A31 M) Not Project Got si Payback W yeows sh"fe 1101 Mnw�,�, n "INIC VVO-k.� Sunrlor,(C ErrFy So u6r,!IR Om Mr„a!,, M5 Wd sput wai (�Jlf Rf"t� Awr"m qw-I MWAVAO MMIM, v, ."w. autra6, rcer r, Q T r: Y'-, ” ju i i u r i 9 . �, L, � i I cc) -P 0 ZS (D cr,ID (D CD C) E-- co m 0 m m ::r < cl 42 (2-5) g FRP. CfE, NEA RO % THOMAS PARK FEESaYlb 0 R THOMAS PARK DO IT MC ENNA IT SAVANNA" AVE 11 ,11-10" CHELSEA .1NC,.TYt _Dp IT _U"", .OU, 0 CNDAER. 11 IT SIONER�DGEOR 'To " D ,D� H--lITl 1"HOMESTEAD N GECT TROY JTGOLCENEAQLECT� GOLDINFAGLELN 7 DUNDAS R - "AH C'S OROS HAIWARI CTS IT INJERI.GE CR 'A' CT GOLD" IAQLE, T STONERIECE LN :1 IAIII NEST IN E—EROCELP! Il) :TALON IT S TA N IT A'IAR.lTEA.DN mw- OR Lo : E� I Uwe EAGLEEYE CT IAEIE COUNTRY CIR 41 (C) mountain HO Y/, � ' EJ-entaq Sftd S—Oi BLVD lAlO KERRIE.RODK ORORCOOF LN MARTIN DR125 FALCON AMR �.IEIINNE ST,,RH TNA.R 3 R.N G. u 221 COUNCIL CONNECTION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT NAME Post Office Sidewalk Connection The post office has been working with the City's engineering department on coordination of the installation of a sidewalk in front of the 7t11 Street location. With coordination on final placement now complete, the contractor has indicated that due to the cold weather, they will complete the sidewalk improvement in the spring. Greater MN Parks & Trails Council may recall that the City is a member of the GMPT organization, which works to support parks and trails funding and resources for Greater Minnesota. In 2017, GMPT was successful in supporting the preservation of the 40/40/20`%® Legacy Park and Trail funding split and funding for the Greater MN Parks & Trails Commission. In addition, GMPT worked to support additional funding for local parks and trails grant programs. The biggest victory for Greater Minnesota was that $1 million for local trails and outdoor recreation grant programs was appropriated in the Council members are encouraged to sign up to receive the organization's newsletter and check out additional news and information on the organization's website: http://www.�reatermnparksandtrails.org/ Downtown Zoning Task Force The task force supporting the revision of the zoning ordinance in support of the adopted Small Area Plan met for the first time on November 9th. The group reviewed ordinance basics and discussed goals and challenges in incorporating revisions to the Council Connection — dd/nno/yy •11 Fil 11111111 111111111111 1111111 • The BCOLAP Partnership group last met in late September to provide staff with additional direction in the development of a framework policy and program for potential funding donations and partnerships at the BCOL athletic park. It is anticipated that the group will meet again in mid-December. 1-r F to Ho Monticc COUNCIL CONNECTION OCTOBER, 2017 193 L3 Transactions October 2017, the DMV processed 5,299 transactions 11 less than October 2016. DMV year -to date revenue is $488,176.63 an increase of $9,320.23 or 1.9% over the same period last year. Please see the following graphs for more detail. The monthly dollar amount is lower due to payment crossing into November 2017. DMV Revenue Comparison $50,000 $44,178 $45,000 5,310 $40,000 5,000 $38,840 $37,24S $35,000 4,888 g-$32,969 MM AIM $30,000 $29,206 4,375 m is $25,000 4,000 $20,491 $20,000 cwq, $15,000 5, 3,000 $10,000 pi, 3� iiiG $5,000 Oct 2011 Oct 2012 Oct 2013 Oct 2014 Oct 2015 Oct 2016 Oct 2017 DMV Transaction Comparison 6,000 5,310 5,299 5,000 4,�6u 4,879 4,888 4,032 4,375 m is -E lt TO, 4,000 3,000 pi, 3� iiiG NN 2,000 9i knm�.V 1,000 Oct 2011 Oct 2012 Oct 2013 Oct 2014 Oct 2015 Oct 2016 Oct 2017 DMV Year -to -Date Revenue Comparison $600,000 478.856 $488,177 $500,000 $428,340 $402,598$396,681 $400,000 $310155 $300,000 tz". N M $200,000 CEg $100,000 'I $ Oct 2011 Oct 2012 Oct 2013 Oct 2014 Oct 2015 Oct 2016 Oct 2017 DMV Year -to -Date Transaction Comparison 70,000 .5,24(Y 66,039 62,137 58,259 60,000 53,397 53,751 iff 50,500 A 50,000 MR, iffi 40,000 ,ZV 30,000 20,000 A��.6 � S 10,000 , "G Oct 2011 Oct 2012 Oct 2013 Oct 2014 Oct 2015 Oct 2016 Oct 2017 COUNCIL CONNECTION NOVEMBER 27, 2017 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • Rotary Club Meeting - Oct. 23, 2017 • Meeting with property owner regarding development process, Oct. 19, 2017 • Meeting with developer regarding TIF policy, Oct. 23, 2017 • Rotary Club Meeting - Sept. 25, 2017 • Rotary Club Meeting - Oct. 30 • Meeting with Individual re Fred's Auto Building redevelopment, Nov. 1, 2017 Purpose of meeting was to discuss redevelopment concept and tour the building. • Community Development Professionals Networking Luncheon, Nov. 2, 2017 Purpose of the meeting was to share information about what is occurring in respective communities. • Meeting with business prospect regarding concept business and development activity, Nov. 3, 2017 • Rotary Club Meeting - Nov. 6, 2017 • Meeting with developer - a.m., Nov. 7, 2017 Discussion focused on downtown concepts • Meeting with developer - p.m., Nov. 7, 2017 Discussion centered on downtown concepts • Follow up discussion with MN -DEED Regional Representative - Nov. 10-17, 2017 Discussed various prospects, potential funding scenarios and submitted concept development proposal for possible sites. • Rotary Club Meeting - Nov. 13, 2017 • Attended Greater MSP Annual Meeting in St. Paul, Nov. 13, 2017 • Meeting with local banker re housing needs-isssues, Nov. 16, 2017 • Meeting with Buxton, retail site selectors, Nov. 16, 2017 • Rotary Club Meeting - Nov. 20, 2017 • Chamber of Commerce Luncheon Meeting - Nov. 21, 2017 COUNCIL CONNECTION NOVEMBER 27, 2017 HI -WAY LIQUORS Sales through October 31, 2017 Attached are schedules and charts for total sales in each major sales category through the end of October 2017. Star Tribune Article Also attached is a Star Tribune article about statewide municipal liquor store sales and profits written by Paul Walsh for the November 7, 2017 paper. Hi -Way Liquors Sales Report 10/31/2017 Total Sales 2013 2014 2015 2016 Month 2008 2009 2010 2011 Jan $ 249,670.43 $ 316,280.10 $ 300,631.85 $ 296,838.64 Feb 255,440.36 284,988.38 285,584.50 315,239.00 Mar 295,257.14 318,050.39 324,062.21 335,032.60 Apr 281,365.81 346,738.34 369,112.88 389,543.24 May 377,177.10 384,337.08 399,489.67 409,309.12 Jun 350,727.93 381,782.23 377,458.15 409,726.07 Jul 409,870.50 430,838.23 466,122.69 466,738.15 Aug 409,575.96 383,523.07 386,245.30 408,734.83 Sep 317,846.07 346,900.80 346,557.62 373,719.64 Oct 351,268.98 360,742.04 375,367.40 365,702.14 Nov 332,605.88 341,875.49 360,661.96 376,855.40 Dec 436,379.03 454,982.63 485,617.01 505,482.70 Total $4,067,185.19 $4,351,038.78 $4,476,911.24 $4,652,921.53 Change 439,444.29 $ 283,853.59 $ 125,872.46 $ 176,010.29 Change % 372,676.23 7.0% 2.9% 3.9% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 CYM-LYM Y -T -D $ 302,114.52 $ 328,004.13 $ 355,029.76 $ 380,425.45 $ 364,675.32 $ 356,295.18 -2.3% -2.3% 307,385.41 337,923.99 333,487.18 347,777.77 362,746.98 364,836.39 0.6% -0.9% 388,195.21 408,071.17 377,391.62 388,003.16 401,256.91 417,005.50 3.9% 0.8% 347,321.09 388,395.50 389,250.82 421,280.89 428,729.44 448,141.63 4.5% 1.9% 433,829.01 436,195.21 498,095.67 523,401.05 482,917.95 503,867.81 4.3% 2.4% 461,423.68 440,255.04 426,392.73 474,203.81 470,585.33 521,559.76 10.8% 4.0% 447,452.18 485,459.76 479,174.06 542,973.27 527,519.46 563,935.31 6.9% 4.5% 445,158.94 503,181.84 484,955.71 470,505.22 462,669.36 497,201.21 7.5% 4.9% 390,399.33 379,381.19 397,495.82 439,444.29 448,218.93 501,126.67 11.8% 5.7% 372,676.23 396,328.87 409,967.74 460,096.82 454,442.30 461,549.38 1.6% 5.3% 421,960.12 424,038.37 465,299.53 474,241.74 444,533.08 - 527,865.36 518,379.58 549,200.76 569,707.38 605,509.16 $4,845,781.08 $5,045,614.65 $5,165,741.40 $5,492,060.85 $ 5,453,804.22 $ 4,635,518.84 $ 192,859.55 $ 199,833.57 $ 120,126.75 $ 326,319.45 $ (38,256.63) $ (818,285.38) 4.1% 4.1% 2.4% 6.3% -0.7% -15.0% Monthly Hi -Way Sales * 2008 * 2009 mn 2010 Jul uui Aug Sep * 2008 * 2009 2010 m2011 2012 mi 2013 2014 2015 2016 02017 Oct Nov Dec Hi -Way Liquors Sales Report 10/31/2017 Beer Month 2008 2009 2010 2011 $300,000 Jan $ 122,218.36 m2009 $ 157,849.78 $ 146,246.32 6vi 2010 $ 143,906.08 Feb 121,734.33 $200,000 137,055.23 140,624.54 150,075.08 Mar 138,889.05 155,196.13 164,157.70 2013 163,595.55 Apr 146,613.65 178,834.20 $50,000 189,978.23 194,504.16 May 201,232.14 210,097.48 223,678.47 2016 208,963.65 Jun 193,801.97 207,793.83 206,043.42 224,769.03 Jan Jul 226,317.96 229,199.79 260,971.50 258,734.60 Aug 226,653.65 203,222.86 211,996.32 216,546.53 Sep 166,679.60 183,586.32 183,865.70 199,170.24 Oct 176,382.34 179,873.10 190,893.27 180,043.06 Nov 158,322.50 154,584.13 168,265.14 171,866.27 Dec 187,691.06 190,655.19 203,080.13 216,560.71 Total $2,066,536.61 $2,187,948.04 $2,289,800.74 $2,328,734.96 Change $ 121,411.43 $ 101,852.70 $ 38,934.22 Change % 5.9% 4.7% 1.7% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 CYM-LYM Y -T -D $ 149,406.45 $ 160,903.32 $ 173,814.13 $ 191,370.26 $ 176,483.68 $ 174,846.99 -0.9% -0.9% 150,589.28 162,865.75 161,168.63 164,508.11 175,055.27 179,346.12 2.5% 0.8% 203,957.25 192,607.52 185,325.68 192,955.79 199,141.66 208,926.70 4.9% 2.3% 179,486.77 186,134.31 198,195.77 219,756.39 228,133.10 234,069.51 2.6% 2.4% 227,664.73 234,738.30 256,188.77 259,306.91 250,403.11 262,275.25 4.7% 2.9% 259,671.21 243,389.79 238,322.11 263,421.95 263,264.15 296,531.85 12.6% 4.9% 253,648.64 273,319.54 265,555.32 301,867.65 296,513.68 315,848.83 6.5% 5.2% 242,179.20 281,577.25 267,802.95 253,141.21 250,255.41 268,173.42 7.2% 5.5% 208,974.88 202,213.80 211,854.94 233,215.56 238,333.55 270,898.13 13.7% 6.4% 187,386.57 191,764.20 210,454.13 234,882.09 224,253.93 228,484.62 1.9% 6.0% 195,276.37 192,162.71 202,081.91 207,055.40 213,333.23 - 224,952.83 217,491.21 234,178.12 241,996.27 253,223.11 $2,483,194.18 $2,539,167.70 $2,604,942.46 $2,763,477.59 $ 2,768,393.88 $ 2,439,401.42 $ 154,459.22 $ 55,973.52 $ 65,774.76 $ 158,535.13 $ 4,916.29 $ (328,992.46) 6.6% 2.3% 2.6% 6.1% 0.2% -11.9% Monthly Beer Sales $350,000 w 2008 $300,000 m2009 $250,000 6vi 2010 2011 m $200,000 2012 $150,000 2013 $100,000 2014 $50,000 2015 2016 E2017 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Hi -Way Liquors Sales Report 10/31/2017 Liquor Month 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 $200,000 2013 2014 m 2009 2015 2016 2017 $150,000 Jan $ 73,930.87 $ 92,370.42 $ 91,472.50 $ 91,279.01 2012 $ 93,085.69 $ 103,977.89 0 $ 113,943.25 $ 118,577.85 $ 118,211.20 2014 $ 114,509.99 Feb 74,261.89 83,513.27 85,484.92 96,541.21 92,489.93 s- 106,387.16 107,609.55 112,198.85 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 113,060.59 Nov 117,361.15 Mar 78,870.42 88,569.65 93,133.42 101,047.04 112,244.43 124,487.55 116,316.49 118,269.49 118,839.79 131,238.09 Apr 76,735.80 90,627.19 95,025.54 110,898.81 98,080.67 113,594.37 115,579.47 123,841.34 126,073.89 130,114.53 May 103,409.29 102,041.75 106,395.62 111,586.59 114,299.35 127,622.31 135,370.38 140,116.66 129,009.36 142,237.28 Jun 91,805.81 103,580.02 102,086.20 115,136.72 128,604.32 124,019.90 120,291.71 136,716.81 135,763.26 147,813.59 Jul 105,782.85 118,883.98 122,861.98 130,624.19 123,672.73 139,270.04 139,967.77 155,436.54 150,173.35 160,220.37 Aug 106,489.25 103,977.01 101,487.43 113,869.37 126,065.14 141,197.73 138,660.76 136,440.40 135,841.14 144,263.78 Sep 88,448.34 94,335.50 94,528.17 103,373.64 109,153.56 107,605.71 115,119.19 129,195.42 130,101.01 143,252.37 Oct 97,046.60 102,236.90 102,983.14 103,533.14 106,326.73 116,677.74 124,271.15 140,198.97 128,290.50 145,864.34 Nov 97,348.39 90,996.73 102,298.02 105,501.75 120,127.29 126,412.24 134,241.85 132,261.11 134,208.12 - Dec 135,221.23 143,684.12 153,690.60 159,717.50 172,370.96 175,523.36 184,746.26 190,944.24 205,335.83 Total $1,129,350.74 $1,214,816.54 $1,251,447.54 $1,343,108.97 $1,396,520.80 $1,506,776.00 $1,546,117.83 $1,634,197.68 $ 1,624,908.04 $ 1,376,875.49 Change $ 85,465.80 $ 36,631.00 $ 91,661.43 $ 53,411.82 $ 110,255.21 $ 39,341.83 $ 88,079.85 $ (9,289.64) $ (248,032.55) Change % 7.6% 3.0% 7.3% 4.0% 7.9% 2.6% 5.7% -0.6% -15.3% Monthly Liquor Sales $250,000 m 2008 $200,000 m 2009 2010 $150,000 m 2011 2012 $100,000 0 2013 2014 $50,000 2015 2016 s- E2017 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec CYM-LYM Y -T -D -3.1% -3.1% 3.8% 0.3% 10.4% 3.7% 3.2% 3.6% 10.3% 5.0% 8.9% 5.7% 6.7% 5.9% 6.2% 5.9% 10.1% 6.4% 13.7% 7.1% Hi -Way Liquors Sales Report 10/31/2017 Wine Month 2008 CYM-LYM 2009 60,454.56 2010 -5.3% 2011 64,797.38 2012 -9.5% 2013 71,840.82 2014 -10.5% 2015 61,268.24 Jan $ 30,700.42 -3.4% $ 41,810.19 82,724.29 $ 43,324.18 $ 48,437.59 58,623.08 $ 50,238.83 -2.4% $ 54,949.83 $ 59,391.16 -1.4% $ 61,128.65 $ Feb 33,407.17 65,294.31 39,410.85 4.5% 42,230.84 89,005.29 52,847.05 -20.8% 54,642.27 83,896.45 60,573.12 57,228.51 129,536.28 62,600.47 2014 Mar 47,603.93 $ 660,065.28 45,525.38 46,165.18 $ (229,017.19) 54,639.16 57,735.22 -25.8% 77,810.58 66,425.24 67,121.51 Apr 31,755.42 2016 48,303.48 61,146.04 62,289.18 57,973.74 79,736.19 E 2017 63,101.05 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct 63,285.56 Dec May 38,522.75 40,963.86 45,733.08 68,701.95 78,740.40 62,491.07 92,083.62 109,512.94 Jun 31,796.95 37,522.00 44,211.14 49,089.65 56,607.74 59,523.15 54,270.56 59,036.14 Jul 36,909.44 41,813.65 48,334.93 49,664.45 54,467.20 57,115.44 57,743.98 66,029.11 Aug 35,932.62 41,333.00 46,871.28 53,172.68 61,825.30 64,057.61 62,446.04 63,546.01 Sep 33,830.69 39,798.20 47,859.52 53,916.37 60,317.17 59,121.12 59,409.30 62,210.27 Oct 45,750.04 48,422.79 58,081.87 60,949.40 66,423.82 75,606.28 63,659.41 70,038.32 Nov 50,106.64 66,331.86 71,928.30 85,933.28 97,249.52 96,824.40 117,402.23 122,947.90 Dec 75,866.80 84,285.84 101,676.19 109,267.01 116,610.70 113,008.24 115,617.50 120,274.96 Total $ 492,182.87 $ 575,521.10 $ 657,562.55 $ 748,907.77 $ 812,831.91 $ 860,817.03 $ 868,778.60 $ 927,731.84 $ Change $ 83,338.23 $ 82,041.45 $ 91,345.22 $ 63,924.14 $ 47,985.12 $ 7,961.57 $ 58,953.24 $ Change % 16.9% 14.3% 13.9% 8.5% 5.9% 0.9% 6.8% Monthly Wine Sales 2016 2017 CYM-LYM Y -T -D 60,454.56 $ 57,275.16 -5.3% -5.3% 64,797.38 58,664.45 -9.5% -7.4% 71,840.82 64,286.75 -10.5% -8.6% 61,268.24 69,415.79 13.3% -3.4% 87,333.35 82,724.29 -5.3% -3.9% 54,889.39 58,623.08 6.8% -2.4% 60,750.62 64,034.24 5.4% -1.4% 60,015.78 66,304.12 10.5% 0.0% 65,294.31 68,220.79 4.5% 0.5% 89,005.29 70,516.61 -20.8% -2.3% 83,896.45 - 129,536.28 - 2014 889,082.47 $ 660,065.28 (38,649.37) $ (229,017.19) -4.2% -25.8% $140,000 m 2008 $120,000 — ---------------------------------- ----------------------- m 2009 $100,000 2010 m 2011 $80,000 2012 $60,000 2013 $40,000 2014 2015 $20,000 4 2016 $ E 2017 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Liquor Store Sales - Rolling 12 Month Periods $6.0 $5.5 $5.0 $4.5 $4.0 Z Z 0 < 0 < $3.5 to $3.0 Z 0 < z 0 < Z Z 0 < 0 < A to Sales, not profits, n -se kiwav, W"I I �Competitive COUNCIL CONNECTION MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER (MCC) Pool renovation update The pool renovation project is complete and the pool will be open for use starting on Wednesday, November 22nd. Please check our website for open swim hours. Transactions and visits Year to date (10.31.17), the MCC processed 77,691 transactions compared to 92,950 last year. The MCC year to date revenue is $1,344,605, a decrease of $7,660 from the same time last year. Year to date membership visits are 111,331 compared to 115,888 last year and MCC memberships are at a total of 5,423 active individual members compared to 4,205 at this time last year. Council Connection — 11/27/17 2015 2016 2017 2015 „'2016 o4 2017 MCC 10/31 Memberships 6000 5000 I" "M 4000 6, 3000 AW H6 eo: 2000 1000 0 2015 „'2016 o4 2017 MCC 10/31 YTD Revenue $1,600,000 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 $400,000 $200,000 K4 51 2015 2016 :';:,2017 Monticello Community Center: Year to Date REVENUE& EXPENSE STATEMENT October 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 201 6 2016 TO -DATE TOTAL FULL YEAR TO -DATE October YR-TO-aATE YR -TO -DATE YEAR END BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BALANCE BALANCE BALANCE ACTUAL VARIANCE VARIANCE REVENUE I RCCM RENTAL 94.000 78,333 14.515 75,154 74.130 89,812 3,179 4.1j 18,846 2.-% Gre3terthan 10% positive variance RCCfJ RENTAL INTERNAL USE 55,000 45,833 4.583 45,833 45,833 55,000 0 0.0Z' I 1,31� 1.11 Less than 10% variance IPARTY ROON1 RENTAL 26.500 22,083 332 14,746 18,746 21,529 7.33 K.2 27.7% Greater than 104 negative variance INEDDING RENTALS 31,800 26.500 4,327 26.210 23.055 26,236 200 11% 5,E90 0 99� CHAPEL RENTAL 3,700 3.083 - 1.123 2.012 11.012 1,961 E3 ;;%1 2,577 E? CIA FACILITIES LEASE 10,000 8.333 -- 7.493 10.102 8,333 10C C%j 10,000 K ICONCESSIONS 67.700 56,417 2.072 58.179 59.411 68,218 (1.762 -3.1%1 9,521 2.E% VENDING COf.11NIREFUND 1,500 1.250 24 772 884 861 478 M.2% 728 31.9% MENIBERSHIPS)DAILY 875,000 720.167 61,725 731.282 604,498 861.882 (2,116,, -0 2%� 143,718 -0 2% JUSER FEES 67,000 55,833 1 3,241 37.316 1 50.489 80.459 18,517 332%1 29,684 27 E% PROGRALl FEES 235,580 196.317 1,4117 140.880 180.582 193.629 55,436 2E 2% 1 94,700 23 FARFIERS'LlARKET FEES 2.500 2,083 242 2,339 2,201 2,241 (255; -12.2%1 161 -10.2 CONTRIBUTIONS 7,500 6,250 14,893 7,050 8,827 18.643; 1 m. 2,k 7.393; _111E.7% MISC REVENUE 14,620 12,183 6,018 9.878 3.881 7.038 2,305 4,742 1E 8% INTEREST 2,000 1.667 - - - 14.982 1,667 4. i 100 0% 2,000 933% ITOTA,L REVENUE BEFORE TAXES 1,494,400 1,245,333 98,505 1,158,605 r 1t170t265 1,422,828 86,729 335,795 TAXES 372.000 310,000 - 186.000 182,000 364,000 124.000 40.0 %l 106.000 OPERATING TRANSFER IN - - - - - - - TOTAL REVENUE 1,866,400 1,555,333 98,505 1,344,645 1,352,265 1,786,828 210,729 521,795 IEXPENSES I I SALARIES 872.488 727.073 53.018 713.952 679.039 845,043 13,122 1P%� 158,536 (711, 2 El,,IPLOYEE TAXES f BENEFITS 242.356 201.903 13,905 180.002 172.575 216.029 21.96110.9 h 52.354 S% SUPPLIES - OFFICE 51,150 42,625 2,013 35.348 27.514 46.323 7,317 172 15.842 14% SUPPLIES -BUILDING 110,000 16.667 1 319 20.019 1 29.514 37.206 3.352'1';,.^ 201%1 (19 i -17°'S SUPPLIES -RECREATION 21,450 17.875 1,917 8.063 19.327 30,411 9,812 E4 13,387 liap 4e% SUPPLIES -CONCESSIONS 47.000 39.167 2.500 34,770 40.019 47,453 4.397 11.2% 12.230 0, SUPPLIES - REPAIRSAJAINTENANCE 30.400 25.333 1.287 15,848 31,520 42,519 9.486 ?7.,%%l 14.552 j_) 31% SUPPLIES - OTHER 27,500 22.917 - 7.444 5.378 10.592 15,473 E7 E% 20.0E6 E -1 % PROF SERVICES - MDATA TECH S6,747 47.289 1 5,087 48.834 45.348 53.505 11.545; 2 34 1 7,913 2% IPROF SERvICES - RECREATION 3,000 2,500 280 3.450 16.431 19.411 (950; G 38 0% (450; (D ?2°A IPROF SERvICES - CLEAAINGIIJAINT 2.600 2,167 -6.815 7,952 2.167 100.0 % 2.600 C', E' A IPROF SER'qICE3 - IJARKETING 6.300 5.250 - 1,067 2.700 5,446 4.183 j't) TS.T%l 5,233 S9% IPROF SEROCES - UTILITIES 189,200 157.667 12,910 142.493 128.666 155.672 15,173 9c-%� 46,707 -S% IPROF SERVICES -INSURANCE 15,497 1Z914 - 15127 1 13.336 18.336 1 (2,213'1 _1 71% 370 -14% IPROF SERvICES - OTHER 29,400 24.500 21,9114 104.415 20.155 31.493 (79,915; s. 0 -3 2% (75.015 -2729% IREPAIRS 176.500 147,083 7,934 37,534 45.161 58.497 109.649 74.E%l 138,966 i, E2% RENTALS 3,800 3,107 - 55 1,751 2,255 3,112 9e.2%1 3,745 E.2% IBANK CHARGES 20,000 16.667 1,010 15.248 15.780 17.829 1,419 E E-/.� 4,752 ',d 7% CAPITAL 0 UTLAY 47,000 39.167 - 121.512 - - (82,345; -21102% 174,512',', -17E',,S OTHER NIISC EXPENDITURES 4,012 3.343 741 5.944 3.437 8.468 (2,600; -77 9% (1,9321 OPERATING TRANSFERS OUT - - - - -- - TOTAL EXPENSES 1,866,400 1,555,333 124,845 1t511t083 1t312,466 1,654,440 44,251 355,317 INET - (26,340) (166,4786 39,800 132,388 166,478 166,478 Without Taxes (372,000) (310,000) (26,340) (352,478) (142,200) (231,612) 42,478 (19,522) wticeflo COUNCIL CONNECTION NOVEMBER 27, 2017 PARKS DEPARTMENT Staff is working on the following tasks listed below: • Chipping requests. • Cemetery; selling and locating graves. • Locating Riverside grave lot pins. • Equipment/vehicle repairs. • Park rental setups. • Routine building maintenance. • Building shutdown. • Winterizing irrigation. • Fertilizing/aerating. • Mower maintenance. • Winter equipment changeover. • Holiday decorations. • Skating rink preparations. • Trimming sidewalk and pathway snow routes. Updates: Sunset Ponds: Basketball court completed and trail backfilled. BCOL: Sports are wrapped up for season. Ellison House: Staff removed one large load of garbage from the house, but there is still a long process ahead of moving items. Council Connection — 11/27/17 STREET DEPARTMENT Shop: The shop has been doing normal maintenance on equipment and vehicles with other repairs as listed: • DOT unit dump trucks. • Replaced gutter brooms on units 132 & 108. • Replace front tires on unit 163. • Replaced starter on unit 109. Streets: • Sign maintenance • Boulevard tree trimming in various areas. • Fall sweeping is underway • Plow equipment prep • Blacktop patching in various areas • Changed to Winter banners and have placed Holiday decorations and lights in various locations Stormwater: • Staff has been performing maintenance on some of the stormwater ponds. Snow Removal • Received 6" of snow on 11-03-17 and dispatched five units for snow removal. Total snow to date is 8.75". SEWER & WATER DEPARTMENT The Sewer & Water Department has been working on the following items. • Cleaning and televising storm sewer mains and catch basin leads in the NE quad (one-third complete). • Completed maintenance on all sewer lift stations and generators. • Building and vehicle maintenance. • Reading water meters. • Over 50 high/low water accounts to research. • Water samples. • Mapping.