City Council Ordinance 6881111010it
V T17f-7/—,k---?0,w7t-f
1. Section 1: Title 7, Chapter 6, is hereby amended to read as follows:
7-6-1 DEFINITIONS: For the purpose of this chapter, certain words and terms are
defined as follows:
PRIVATE DUMP: The term "private dump" shall mean all parcels of land on
which nonputrescible refuse is accepted for deposit or permitted to be deposited
regardless of whether a charge is made therefore.
GARBAGE: The word "garbage" shall mean all animal and vegetable waste and
all putrescible matter.
REFUSE: The word "refuse" shall mean all waste substances, including garbage.
SANITARY LANDFILL: The term "sanitary landfill" shall mean a type of
operation in which refuse is deposited by plan on a specified portion of open land,
is compacted by forces applied by mechanical equipment, and then is covered by
a layer of earth, ashes, or suitable covering material to a depth of at least two feet
ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: The term "enforcement officer" shall mean any
inspector or any other representative duly appointed by the Council.
RECYCLING: The process of collectim! and DreDarint4 reevcIable materials and
reusina the materials in their original form or usimz them in manufacturing
processes that do not cause the destruction of recvclable materials in a manner
that Precludes further use.
7-2-9 (A) SERVICE RATES: The City operates an organized garbage collection
and disposal program for all residential properties within the city of Monticello
under the authority of Mirawsota State Statute 4-3-3 443. The City hereby
establishes a per unit service charge for garbage/refuse/recvelina collection and
related services for each all eoinmefei residential property unit that is
individually served. w44hin the eity of Montieello. Commet-e-ii-al residential shall
b®'bilehomo3 located on r-ented lots or- land in mobile home padEs a-nd
1. A service charge for garbage/refuse/recvcling collection, disposal, and
container rental provided to eeffmiefei-al residential units within the city
shall be billed at the rates as established by City Council.
2. Recycling services are provided for all residential units in the city of
Monticello as per the City's requirements under the City of Monticello
Recycling Plan approved and adopted by the City Council on February 13,
1989, including any amendments thereto.
Gh�ges tour Garbage/refuse/reevclina bills shall be Davable monthly with
the utility bill by the date specified on the bill. Mobile home parks shall be.
billed in aw4m4ate to the owner of the mobile home nark. For other
clustered individually served residential units such as townhomes, the city
has the discretion to bill either a home owner association in a22rc2ate or
each homeowner. Monthly charges apply to temoorarilv vacated property.
The charge is for service rendered in the month of the bill. Penalties will
be assessed on delinquent aarbaae/refUse/recvclim_), charges at the same
rate as other utility charges. _01'. be "mile d to the ropefty Ownef eaeb.
qtiavlef year- seni ee per4ed
. I - I.— .-.-s- established b City Council. The
Pfoeeedls 4offi-the-Mleetion of these bills slhall be pla-ed in the ruhbish
I .�fi --4.
disposal V_ A -4PVate
eost of gar-bage4efuse-St"'Ice., CMZffi*IK
aild Alisposal. fees -A
added to the ametait due on any bill fiet, pa.- VV. .. in 30 days after4tfe
date. Payments feeeived on or- befor d:ue date shallbe deemed as paid
within said pori -_44,
1. All charges for garbage/refuse/recvclin2 service shall be due by the due
date stated on the utility bill. Any bill not mid by the due date shall be
deemed delinquent. Thereafter, the delinquent aarbaae/refuse/recyclim-,
service charge shall be certified to the City Clerk who shall oreDare an
assessment roll each year nrovidin2 for assessment of the delinquent
amounts against the -oroDerties involved. The assessment roll shall be
delivered to the City Council for adoption before October 30 of each year.
UDon such adoDtion, the City Clerk shall certify the assessment roll to the
County Auditor for collection along with taxes. (within 30 days after- th
when ftet-p"
billing date). kee-ounts Shall be eofisAp—A A-1;-
1;+ 11) A
ithin 30 days, Aeeounts m0i:e than 90 days past due shall be eeAimfied-by
the City A-Afflinistr-ater, W110 S11-11 -
I — 1— amount
twiee eaeb yeaf pfov"ing fef t1fic aasye-s-s-H-W.-A
against the F. c�ctiv"fopefty sefvimee-,-whic-h azaccsment r-E)II shall b
submitted to the Cit�, Counefl. -."--f adeption on or- before -Nlevembeff 30 of
aeh yeaf and faf eertifie on to the Alr-iot Go fef eolleetion
are eelleeted.
2. The City reserves the right to discontinue service to any customer for
nonpayment of charges or bills whose account is more than 90 days past
due. Such discontinuance of service shall not be made without written
notice. If service is disconnected, it shall not be resumed except upon
payment of the charges or bills accrued together with interest and penalty
RECYCLING PLAN: The City Council reserves the right to adjust the
rates charged from time to time and to amend the City's
uarbage/refuse/recycling policy.
Section 2: This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication.
Adopted by the Monticello Ci(17 Council this I It" dt(y of December, 2017.
Brian Stumpf, Ma}bi--'—-'-
Jeff G�NMI,' —y Administrator
Voting in Favor: Davidson, Fair, Gabler, Hilgart, and Stumpf
Voting in Opposition: None