City Council Ordinance 6890 J,
1. Section 1: Title 7, Chapter 2, is hereby amended to read as follows:
(A) The City Council may provide a system of water meter reading by post
card, meter man, or any other method deemed suitable to the purpose of
the Council. The Getineil. may also 000tablish bijliag areas ()f A-+-+, -A
pfoyide-f6r the ch es by ea4endartuffi4efs
Win„ ef sueh per4, a; :.,+�n,als as tI.-,e G -w-1 shall
detennine suitable and neeessaf, Water bills shall be
savable monthlv by the date due specified on the bill. Rates for water
used for each month is calculated by using the meter sui)vlvin2 each
(B) The City reserves the right to discontinue service to any customer of the
water and sanitary sewer system without notice when necessary for
repairs, additional connection or reconnection, or for nonpayment of
charges of bills, or for disregard of any rules or regulations in connection
with the use or operation of said system. Whenever any service has been
discontinued for nonpayment of charges or bills or for disregard of any
other purpose, it shall not be resumed except upon payment of the charges
or bills accrued together with interest thereon as allowed by Minnesota
State Statutes, or compliance with the rules and regulations previously
violated and payment to the City of a restoration fee established in the
City's fee schedule.
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All delincouent accounts that are 60 days or more vast due shall be
certified to the Citv Clerk who shall orepare and assessment roll each
vear Providin2 for assessment of the delinquent amounts a2ainst the
properties involved. The assessment roll shall be delivered to the City
Council for adoption before October 30 of each vear. Upon such
adovtion. the Citv Clerk shall certifv the assessment roll to the Count -v
Auditor for collection alon2 with taxes.
7-2-2 1: PROVISION FOR GOLLECTION-WITH TAXES. All delinquent aeeounts tha4
are 60 days orniore past due shall be eei4ified to the City Administfator, who
shall pfepafe an assessment roll PFoviding for- assessment of the delinq#ent
amounts against the fespeetive pfopei4ies sefved. To eaeh-4e4r.quent asseount
shall be added an administfative e as set by the Gity Gotmeil to defray the eost
of preparation and eeffifieation of the assessment foil. Upon adoption by the Git
Couneil, the Administfator shall eer-tify the assessment roll to the Goiinty Audito
for- eolleetion along with pfoper-ty-taxes-.
Section 2: This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication.
Arian Stumpf, Mayor
Jeff 04Mf City Administrator
Voting in Favor: Davidson, Fair, Gabler, Hilgart, and Stumpf
Voting in Opposition: None