City Council Ordinance 6901111M ti,w 11 K P w Imam Section 1. Title 20 — Fee Schedule shall be amended as shown in the 2018 Fee Schedule in Attachment "A." Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 20 — Fee Schedule, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Monticello City Code as has been adopted. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. The ordinance in its entirety shall be posted on the City website after publication. Copies of the complete Ordinance are available online and at Monticello City Hall for examination upon request. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this I It" day of December, 2017. ' I Brian Stumpf, Mayo--r-"— Jeff O'N, -�e7ity Administrator VOTING IN FAVOR: Davidson, Fair, Gabler, Hilgart, and Stumpf VOTING IN OPPOSITION: None ABSENT: None ATTACHMENT 4499 TITLE 20 - CHAPTER I 2018 IFFE SCMAJULE- F'et,Schedule Rales supersede amoiti7isshoii,ii in cillilloi-dineiiicesor-policicsi-vhicli erre dated prior to the fee schedule. JANIMAt ('6NNTROL Boarding Fee: S 16/per day + tax Boarding Access Fee $250 per entity Dog License: S20 - 2 years $10-1 year Late Fee $5 Replacement Tag $2+ tax Euthanization/Disposal Fee $40 per animal + tax S40 Fine: Running at Large If impounded Permit lor Keeping Fowl on Premises Annual renewal for current permit Permit for Keeping Honeybees on Premises Annual Renewal of Permit ICERIETERN Cremation Disinterment Flat Marker setting with 4" concrete border Frost Charge: (excavations December through March) Grave Excavation Fee: Weekday Weekend Infant Grave Excavation - Weekday Infant Grave Excavation - Weekend Cremation Grave Excavation - Weekday Cremation Grave Excavation - Weekend Grave Purchasing Fee: Full Grave (4'x 12') Flush Marker Area Full Grave (4'x 12') Raised Marker Area Infant Grave (2'x6') Cremation Grave (4'x4') Grave Staking Fee (monument or excavation): Staking lbr Monument/Marker Placement Grave Transfer Fee: Memorial Plaque (Bronze) Stone: Opening and closing of Niche: Perpetual Care Fee: New Grave Sales Grave Sold Pre -1960 Plant stand Monticello Fee Schedule - 2018 Licensed Unlicensed $50 S75 Add boarding fee (plus tax) S50 $25 $50 $25 $100 5175 s 10 $400 $450 $100 $125 $80 SI05 Resident Non -Resident $1,025 $1,225 51,125 $1,325 $330 $355 $560 5660 5135 $60 $15 Cost + $10 + sales tax $60 Included in grave price (Main. not taxable - Plant Care taxable) $100 $40 (includes tax) I � I i. 1 CONINIUNFIN CENIER Membership Fees: (for new member,,;) Resident Rate Regular Rate Daily Pass Junior/Senior 55.75 $6.75 Adult $6.75 $7.75 3 Month Membership Junior/Senior $83 Slot Adult $116.50 $141.75 Dual Senior $136.50 $167 Family 5204.75 $231 Dual Adult $I86 $210 Annual Membership (Paid in full Options) Junior/Senior $225.75 $300 Adult $309 $399 Dual Senior $372.75 $477.75 Family $524 $625 Dual Adult $477 $577.50 Continuous Membership (Monthly Payment Option") Junior/Senior $22 $28 Adult $33.50 $39 Dual Senior $36.75 $47.25 Family $53.50 $57.75 Dual Adult $48.50 $52.50 *'Automatic Withdrawal Cancellation fee - applies if within 12 months of joining. $50 $50 M 6/montli ror each child, or S32/month Childcare - option with Membership for family All current MCC members, including charter members, will see an increase of 5% on their membership fees. Corporate Memberships (Quarterly Rate) JR/SR ADULT FAMILY Level 1 $60 $80 $130 Level 2 $55 $73 $120 Level 3 S52 $69 $113 Special Passes: Resident Rate Regular Rate Group X Class Pass (10 uses) $90 $110 Daily Pass (10 visits) $63 $73.50 Special Rates: Indoor Play Area $3.75 $5 Public Skate - Children 5-17 $4 Public Skate - Adult $5 Public Skate - Family $16 Twilight Swim Rates - Junior/Adult $4.25 Group Rates - Junior $5.25 Group Rates - Adult $6.25 Shower Only $3.75 Group X Class Drop -In $12.00 $15 Silver Sneakers Drop -In S8 Contact Community Center for rates on Birthday Parties and Private Swimming Lessons Swimming Lessons (Group) $45 for Members $55 for Non -Members Gymnasium Rental Rates: Gym - prime time $61/hr Gym - non prime time S42/hr Full Kitchen S95.50/hr Energy Fee $87/hr Early set up 1ec $60/hr Damage Deposit 1/2 of rental fees Pool Rental $1 00/hr Monticello Fee Schedule - 2018 2 Hourly Room Rental Rates (2 hour minimum required): Resident _Re gu I at Boorn Island Room $17 S19 Bridge Room (full) $25 $30 N. or S. Bridge Room $16 $18 River Room $13 $17 Warehouse Room - Weekday $29 $35 Warehouse Room - Weekend S35 $42 Mississippi Room: Private Resident Private Regular Half Room Rental $55 $66 Full Room Rental $77 $92 Rental event with alcohol (not weddings): Resident Rmmlar (2 hour minimum - reserve within 3 months or event) 5160/hr $174/hr Add Chapel Rental $436 for 6 hours $462 for 6 hours Hostess Fee: $25/hour $2.000 (Held for completion of as -built survey, boulevard trees, turf Locker fees: $10 per month per locker LCONINIUNITY DEN'LLOPMEW - M1111,11).11NIG. County Assessor Fees: Building Valuation $499.999 or less $25 Building Valuation $500.000 or more S100 Building Inspection (non -permit related): $60/hour $15 minimum charge for 15 minutes or less Building Permit Fees: 106% of 1997 State recommended schedule Building Permit Surcharge: use state -mandated roe Contractor License Check Fee: S5 Building PermiURecords - Duplicate $60/hour $15 minimum charge for 15 minutes or less Non-Prolit $15 $22 S13 S11 $22 $29 Business Resident $42 $64 Onzanization S 147/hr Then $50 each additional hour Blight Processing Fee S60 (per parcel) Demolition Permit: 10611/o of 1997 State recommended schedule Pen -nit is issued under a building permit (follow same procedures as issuing a building permit). Prior to demolition permit issuance verify with Public Works. Contractor must arrange disconnection: 1) Sanitary sewer: 2) City water & retrieve water mater and 3) approve routing for trucks and heavy equipment, ( ifapplicable). Excavation permit may also be required. Fire Alarin/Fire Sprinkler System 106% of 1997 State Recommended Schedule Master Plan Review: 25% of building permit fee Mechanical Permits: Residential $45 base + S9/fixture d- state surcharge Commercial 1,25110 of valuation I state surcharge Mechanical Surcharge Mobile Home Permit SIN Moving Buildings: 5 150 + expense + demolition pen -nit Plan Review: 65% of building pennit fee Plumbing Permits: Residential S45 base + 59/fix1urc ("Fixture" includes such things as traps, toilets, floor drains, sinks. showers) Commercial 1.25% of valuation +state surcharge Plumbing Surcharge: Rental Housing License Fee: 545/per building + S 15 for each dwelling unit within the building Rental Housing License Application/Late Fee: Double the standard license fee Rental Housing License Transfer Fee: $35 Residential Building Escrow: $2.000 (Held for completion of as -built survey, boulevard trees, turf establishentru, Secures street sweeping, lot erosion control & any damage to public improvements if all items not conipictelsatisfied at certificate of occupancy) Sign Permits: Permanent $50 for first $1.000 of value (minimum fee $50) S10 each additional SI .000 of value Sign Permits: Ternporar% $50 Monticello Fee Schedule - 2018 3 State Surcharge on Building Permits: Valuation of Structure $1,000,000 or less $1,000,000 to $2.000,000 $2,000.000 to 53,000,000 $3,000,000 to $4,000,000 $4,000,000 to $5,000,000 Greater than $5,000,000 Addition or Alteration Surcharge Commutation .0005 x valuation $500 + .0004 x (Value - $1,000,000) $900 +.0003 x ("Value - $2,000,000) $1200 +.0002 x ( Value - $3,000,000) $1400 + .0001 x (Value - $4,000.000) $1500 +.00005 x ( Value - 55,000,000) Surveys: $15 Utilitv Locate Fee: Residential S50 Commercial/Industrial $65 (0y',%!y�q y1,NqI, y,q yy y p p�I „IF ' g PLANNING./� i�Iddt91 Y+:91 & k 1P4 Y' ID.1..0.dA �dH � b'.• �� i.flV&itlAJ� .. . 1 Administrative Home Occupation Permit $50 Comprehensive Plan Amendment $200 + escrow (per chart) Conditional Use Permit $200 + Escrow (per chart) Escrow Chart - Land Use Application Plan Review Womnnercia6 Residential 0-3 acres 14-10 $2,000 V 1 unit acres (56,000 2+ unit,,, (11+ acres Islo,o0o I "reconciled to actual coals %or sta�7constTlting tirrre 2fter decision S2% of estimated public improvement cost or $2,000 Escrow Chari - Development & Subdivision Protect Planning Review & Administration minimum, whichever is greater S2% of estimated public improvement cost or $2,000 Review and Inspection Legal Review & Administration minimum. whichever is greater $2% of estimated public improvement cost or $2,000 City Review & Administration minimum, whichever is greater 3% of estimated public improvement cost or $2,000 Engineering Review & Inspection minimum, whichever is greater Grading Streets & Utilities 4% of estimated public improvement cost or $2,000 minimum, whichever is greater Interim Use Permit: Labor (for Community Development/Projects): Planner Engineer Construction Inspector Landscaping Security Monticello Fee Schedule - 2018 Iron Monuments $300/lot $200 + Escrow (per chart) $165/hour $156/hour (maximum) $I 10/hour (maximum) Letter of credit or cash based on statement of value of landscaping x 125%. 4 Park Dedication (residential) Parking Fund (CCD District) Plat Subdivisions: Preliminary Plat Final Plat Sketch Plat Planned Unit Developments (PVDs): Public ROW or Easement Vacation Rezoning Request: Simple Subdivision/Adriunistrative Lot Combination/ Lot Line A4justinent. Welland Delineation Review Special Home Occupation Permits: Special Planning Commission Meeting Temporary Use Permit (waived for parades only) Variance: Single Family - Application Fee - Deposit, All Other Applications - Application Fee - Deposit An amount of land equal to eleven percent (11 `?10 of the total gross land area of the plat shall be presumptively defined as "reasonably commensurate." In the event that the subdivider objects to the eleven percent (I I%) standard, the City shall, at the developer's request and expense, conduct a specific dedication study of the park system and the demand placed on the system by the proposed plat. Casli-in-Lieu: I I % of fair market value of the raw ]and to be platted at the time of final plat. The city may require an appraisal to determine market value of sulject land being platted. $4,500 per stall $300 + escrow (pea• chart) $50 + escrow (per chart) $50 + 51000 escrow Concept: I 5200 + escrow (per chart) Development: $200 + escrow (per chart) Final: S50 + escrow (per chart) 1$50 jAdjustnicut + 51,000 escrow $200 + Escrow (per chart) $200 + Escrow (per chart) 5200 + Escrow (per chart) $50 application Fee/5500 escrow 5200 + Escrow (pea• chart) 5350 S50 $200 $5()() $200 $l,()00 NOTE: When multiple land use applications are run concurrently, only one application fee and escrow deposit s evc1c, until escrow is depleted. New escrow required per escrow chart once depleted, shall be required per meeting , Monticello Fee Schedule - 2018 Driveway Permit GPS Locate Fee (New subdivisions) Grading Permit: Existing Single -Family Residential Now Single -Family Residential Development, Multi -Dwelling. Commercial & Industrial Properties Erosion and Sediment Control Inspection Escrow Land Reel aniation/Mini ng Permit (requires subdivision development agreement or CUP) Public Improvement Security $30 $30 S60/unit $75 per permit + $1,500/acre restoration surety bond. No drainage calculation review required: $150 per permit plus restoration surety bond ol'S3000/per acre; $3.000 minimum escrow Drainage calculation review required: 5350 per permit plus restoration surety bond of $3000/first acre: $1500 each additional acre. $300 (a� X weeks of construction - sites disturbing I acre or more w/N PDES construction stormwater permit Fee determined by City Council resolution + 100% of land restoration costs as determined by City Engineer Letter ol'credit or cash based on statement of construction cost of improvements x 1250/b Right -of -Way Permits Drops - no drawing required unless origination occurs more than 10 feet from property to be served: Fee w/out drawings $30/25 addresses (maximum) Fee with drawings 530/5 addresses with drawings (maximum) Permit Extension Fee: $20.00 Pavement Hole Fee: $55 Trunk Line Fee: Base Fee (first 100 feet) $45 Trenching (over 100 feet) $.10/lineal foot Boring (over 100 feet) $.05/lineal foot Obstruction Fee: S45 Small Cell Wireless Fee $45 Collocation Fees Escrow - document Review $1,500 Wireless Support Structure Rent $150/year Wireless Support Structure Maintenance S25/year *Fee to cover actual electricity costs needed to operate the small wireless facility, unless purchased directly from utility. ft' 6121: ikl'UZTAIENT Controlled/Prescribed Burns: Building $2,500 Prairie or Wildland, less than 20 acres $750/hour Prairie or Wildland, 20 acres or more S 1,000/hour Emergency Response - Incident Non-resident False Alarm Policy* - First Time Second Time Third Time or More Per calendar year Fire Lock Box Fee: Home Fire Safety Inspections (i.e. daycare/foster care) Monticello Fee Schedule - 2018 5500 plus reimbursable expenses at cost No charge 5250 $350 Cost + 10% + sales tay S50 6 Burning Permit: (to cover expenses, if PW/Fire Dept. are called to burn Cigarette License: Gambling License: Liquor Administrative Fines: First violation Second violation, within 2 years Third violation, within 2 years Liquor Licenses: I -Day Consumption & Display Temporary On -Sale (Beer) Wine, On -Sale Wine/Strong Beer Comb. On -Sale Wine/3.2 Beer Coin. On -Sale 3.2 Beer, On -Sale 3.2 Beer, Off -Sale Liquor, On -Sale Liquor, Sunday Sales Liquor, Setups Liquor, Club (Veteran's Orgy. Membershin 200 or less 201-500 501-1000 1001-2000 2001-4000 Over 4000 Brew Pub Off -Sale Brewer Taproom Micro distillery Mobile Food Unit Temporary Permit Annual Permit Pawn Shop: Annual license. initial Annual renewal of current license Transaction fee Peddler/Solicitor Permit: Peddler Merchant/Business Application Peddler Merchant Permit - per person $250 deposit Tobacco licenses are issued by Wright County Licensed through State of Minnesota: Requires Council approval $500 S'1,000 52,000 (no mandatory revocation of license) $25 $10/day $275/per year $1,200/per year 5500/per year S275/year $100/per year 53.750/per year 5200 (Statutory limit) $250/year $300 (Statutory limit) 5500 (Statutory limit) $650 (Statutory limit) 5800 (Statutory limit) 51,000 (Statutory limit) $2.000 (Statutory limit) 5200/per year S500/per year $500/per year $10 550 $50 $25 51.00 per transaction S25 525 Special Event Permit $50 $25 (For non-profit/charitable organization) (fee inaY be waived h1�,Ichninistralionfbr non-profit organizations not utilizing Citi, services) Therapeutic Massage License Massage Enterprise License $100/per year Massage Therapist License 550/per year Background Investigation Fee $25 Transient Merchant: Annual permit, private premise Daily Fees, operating under annual pennit Daily fees, independent merchant Daily fees, tarn/garden fruits & vegetables Fireworks Sale Traveling Shows Monticello Fee Schedule - 2018 $75/year S 10/day (with annual permit) $50/day No fee from 6/15 to 9/15 (state mandated) S350/year S 100/first day; $50/day for each day thereafter 7 J,N I VSCLIL LAN FOt !S ITF�� IS Assessment/Property Search - full Property Bill Search - limited Business List Brochures: City resident list: (Ex. Utility Billing List) City Labels Comprehensive Guide Plan - Entire Downtown Revitalization Plan Transportation Plan Copies: copy machine engineering copier emailed electronic media Delinquent Certification Processing Fee: Minimum Account Balance of S50 Processed once a year Delinquent List Deposits OD City Repair Pr(liects Maps: City map (24" X 36") City map (I I " X 17") Zoning map (24" X 36") State maps Wright County maps Notary: Signs: Commercial, non -city initiated proclamations City Ordinances: Entire set of ordinances Zoning Ordinance Subdivision Ordinance City Code Sanitary Sewer Assessment Policy City Maps Meeting Agendas/Minutes Monticello Fee Schedule - 2018 S30 Free Free Free 50.25/page + sales tax 5.50/shect + sales tax S32 plus tax S15 plus tax $50 plus tax S.25 per copy + sales tax 5.50/square foot + sales tax ($2 minimum) $35.00/hour + sales tax (minimum 1/4 hour) $ 10.00 + cost of media + sales tax $75 per parcel S 10 + tax (each) 5100-$300 (depending on est. value of work) $3 + sales tax $1 + sales tax S3 + sales tax $.55 + sales tax S3 + sales tax $3 each Current listed price + 10% handling charge + tax $50 To obtain paper copies, contact City Hall. Charges based on prices listed under "Copies." 8 tb.7K Memorials: Bench $1.500 (includes tax, delivery, installation) Tree $300 (includes tax, delivery, installation) Facility Rental Fees: Baseball/Softball Field Rental* (no lights) Residents $25 per field per day Non-resident, $35 per field per day Field Lighting* Residents S 15 per hour per field Non-resident $20 per hour per field 111-c fccs are for iodic iduals/groups to use the city facility far practice or an informal game. Tournament Field Rental (includes lights as needed) up to 3 days $90 per f ield extended days $10 per field for each additional day Park Rental Rates: Resident Non-Resident Ellison Gazebo $110 $135 Ellison Log Shelter $110 for 6 hrs $135 for 6 hrs West Bridge Park Sheher/Warning House S 110 for 6 hrs $135 for 6 hrs West Bridge Picnic Shelter $110 for 6 hrs $135 for 6 hrs Pioneer Park S 110 for 6 hrs $135 for 6 hrs Groveland Park Picnic Shelter $110 for 6 hrs $135 for 6 hrs Otter Creek $55 for 6 hrs $80 for 6 hrs East Bridge Wedding Gazebo S 110 for 6 hrs $135 for 6 hrs Lions Den/Gazebo $300 Disease Replacement Tree $50 per property Chipping: $55 + tax per 1/2 hour or part thereof for the first 2 hours $85 + tax per 1/2 hour or part thereof for the next hour No more than 3 hours per year per property Cone Replacement: Cost + $10 + sales tax Construction Inspection (City or Engineer) S 110/hour Labor (no equipment): 565.00/hour - regular business hours Rate will be increased if response required outside of regular hours Rodding: $230/hour for one operator & machine S 115/hour or part thereof for 2 operators, machine and pickup Sidewalk Snow & Ice Control $50.00 per lot - I st Offence $75.00 per lot - 2nd Offence S 100.00 per lot - maximum after 2nd Offence $100.00 Mobilization Charge per Offence at Staff Discretion Sweeping: 5130/hour - includes operator Utility Excavation Permit Fee (water, wastewater, storniwater) 5105 (Bonding and Insurance required) Vac/Sewer Jet: $290/hour for one operator & machine 5350/hour for two operators & machine Monticello Fee Schedule - 2018 9 Other Equipment (including operator): Large Front End Loaders Mid Size Loaders Backhoe Loader Motor Grader Skid Steere Dump Truck Pickup or 1 -ton Truck SANITARY SLNN ER Sewer Rates: 1 st 1,000 gallons Over 1,000 gallons Sewer Rates: Special Cases Industrial Sewer Rates: All Usage (effective July 1, 2017) BOD5: TSS: Testing Sewer Discharge Environmental Fee (all sewer customers): Sewer and Water Combination Pen -nit: Sewer Access Charge: Residential - Single Family All others per unit equivalent S 155/hour $105/hour $155/hour $155/hour $105/hour $105/hour $65/hour $8.75 minimum $5.63/1,000 gallons S 10 per month X number of people in household $3.397/1,000 gallons + sales tax $0.366/lb. + sales tax $0.504/lb. + sales tax Actual costs + 10% 2% of sewer bill $127 (residential) $127 plus tax (commercial) $4,190/unit $4,190/unit Trunk Sanitary Sewer: Residential Unit 51,431/unit Non -Residential $3,587/acre Waste Water Discharge Permit: 10.000 to 15,000 GPD $50 annually 15,001 to 25,000 GPD S 100 annually 25,001 to 50,000 GPD $150 annually 50,001 to 100,000 GPD S250 annually over 100,000 GPD $300 annually 5'I 0101 SENVLI R Cost + Tax + $10.00 Trunk Storm Sewer Fees: $3,832 (net acre) Alternate Ponding Area - Residential 53,926 per acre Alternate Ponding Area - Commercial $7,871 per acre Alternate Ponding Area - Industrial $9,197 per acre Garbage Service Fees All residential garbage with cart service I st Container $3 + 9.75% tax per month 2nd Container $13 + 9.75% tax per month Cart Transfer Fee S30 Garbage Cart Replacement (if lost or stolen): 38 gallon Cost + Tax + $10.00 60 gallon Cost + Tax + $10.00 90 gallon Cost + Tax + S 10.00 Recycle Cart Replacement (if lost or stolen): 35 gallon Cost + Tax + $10.00 64 gallon Cost + Tax + $10.00 90 gallon Cost + Tax + $10.00 Monticello Fee Schedule - 2018 10 Recycle Additional cart pickup $0.00 Storage Bins (red, yellow, blue) $10 includes sales tax (until sold out) V ER Hydrant Rates for Contractors: (#1, 92 and #3 ARE ALL TAXABLE IF COMMERCIAL) 1. All contractors must obtain a permit from the Water Superintendent. The permit fee is $500. This permit will define the hydrant to be used and provides a tally sheet for water usage. 2. The following rates shall apply: Up to 3,000 gallon, Over 3,000 gallons 5 35 minimum 53.97/ 1.000 gallons 3. The following deposits shall be taken for use of City equipment (no exceptions): Hydrant Wrench S50.00 2-1/2" fill hose $100,00 1-1/2" till hose with 2-1/2" adapter $100.00 2-1/2" hydrant meter $1,000.00 3/4" and small meter $100.00 Nozzle 550.00 *If equipment is returned within 10 days of permit expiration in good condition. the full amount for water use and equipment, less 10% per month on portion thereof for rent. shall be refunded. Industrial Water Rate, Mtr I (effective July 1, 2018) All usage $2.050,11,000 gallons +salestax Irrigation Water Rate - Resid, Twnhins & Comm: first 1,000 gallons $6.950 minimum + sales tax 1,001- 10.000 gallons S 1.700" 1,000 gallons + sales tax 10.001-33,000 gallons 1,970/ 1,000 gallons + sales tax over 33,000 gallons $.,2,150/1,000 gallons + sales tax (if metered separately, no quarterly minimum base rate is applied to irrigation meters, with zero usage) Final Bill Processing Fee 520 Manual meter reading (per month for customers refusing radio reading equipment) S20 Delinquent sprinkling meter turn-off $25 Delinquent sprinkling ruder turn -on $25 Res/Comm Water: 0-1.000 gallons $1,997 + materials first 1.000 gallons $6.950 minimum + sales tax 1,001-10,000 gallons $1.700/1,000 gallons + sales tax 10,001-33,000 gallons $1.970/1,000 gallons d- sales tax over 33,000 gallons 52.150/1.000 gallons + sales tax Minimum Bill for Malfunctioning Meter $150 after 3rd contact attempt. Trunk Waler Charge: $1,061 /residential unit $2,550/acre non-residential Water Access Charge: 1" line $833 + materials 1-1/4" line 51,266 + materials 1-1/2" line $1,518 + material,, 2" line $1,997 + materials 3" line $2,498 -+ materials 4" line $3,291 + materials 6" line $4,143 + materials 8" line $5,440 + materials Water Availability Charge: $40,25 (For those who have city water available but (billed in July) choose not to hook tip) Monticello Fee Schedule - 201811 Water Main Tapping - New Services (I" only) Water Meters: 5/8" meter 3/4" meter I " meter 1 1/2" meter 2" meter + up I "x3/4" meter valves I "x I" meter valves Water Shut Off, then Turned On: Water Violations (sprinkling): 1st Violation 2nd Violation Each Subsequent Violation Utility Bill Utility Bill Penalty - Monthly Utility - Ebill Discount Utility - ACH Payment Discount 5250 each + materials $355 + sales tax $390 + sales tax $490 + sales tax 5790 + sales tax Cost + $50 + sales tax $55 + sales tax $60 + sales tax $50.00 ($25 on/$25off) + delinquency (taxable if non -res.) No Fee $50 $100/per violation 10% of past due amount $0.50 $1.00 Monticello Fee Schedule - 2018 12