HRA Minutes 04-06-1990 . MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Friday. April 6. 1990 - 11:00 AM City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Al Larson. Ben Smith. and Everette Ellison. MEMBERS ABSENT: Lowell Schrupp and Tom St. Hilaire. STAFF: Ollie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Al Larson called the HRA Special meeting to order at 11:20 AM. 2. CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION MODIFYING TAX INCREMENT FINANCE PLAN RELATING TO TAX INCREMENT FINANCE DISTRICT NO. 1-10 FROM A REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TO AN ECONOMIC DISTRICT. . Koropchak informed the HRA members that originally. this TIF district was to be established an a redevelopment district and now will be established as an economic district as recommended by Bob Deike of Holmes & Graven. the City's bond counsel. In Mr. Deike's opinion. the district did not meet current statutory qualifications for establishment of a redevelopment district. Current statutory qualifications to establish a redevelopment district state that 70% of the parcels in the district are occupied by buildings. streets. utilities. or other improvements. and 20% of the buildings are structurally substandard (there are no buildings on this parcel). Nor can he justifiably determine the streets. utilities. or other improvements to be structurally substandard to a degree of requiring removal. Thirdly is his concern with legislators' intent to further tighten the qualifications for establishment of redevelopment districts. I Koropchak explained the impact of the change. An economic district has a lesser impact on a community than a redevelopment district; therefore. there is no need to republicize the notice. and the taxing jurisdictions will be notified of the change upon adoption of the TIF District and Plan by the City Council. Secondly. the duration of the district is reduced from 25 years to 10 years. The upfront assistance to Remmele Engineering was based on increment generated over eight years. however. staff had anticipated the additional increment collected over the remaining 15 years would assist in costs to reconstruct the realigned Fallon Avenue. purchase the small triangle piece to the south of Chelsea Road. and to replenish the HRA general fund for future projects. The actual reconstruction of Fallon Avenue and/or the construction of a bridge across 1-94 is highly unlikely to occur for another several years. Financing of these public improvements may be through another . HRA Minutes - 4/6/90 Page 2 2. CONTINUED. TIF project. through assessment. or through the increased increment generated by porject expansion within this district. Recognizing the need to meet statutory requirements of establishing a district. Everette Ellison made a motion to adopt the resolution modifying Tax Increment Finance Plan and District relating to Tax Increment District No. 1-10 from a Redevelpment District to an Economic District. as per Mr. Bob Deike's recommendations. Ben Smith seconded the motion and without further discussion the motion carried unanimously. Lowell Schrupp verbally agreed to the modification. however, was unable to be present at the meeting. 3. ADJOURNMENT. The HRA meeting adjourned at ll:45 AM. . ~ \~6\o\,.J1~ Ollie Koropchak HRA Executive Secretary I