City Council Agenda Packet 03-24-2003 . PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 47] .705, and in accordance with the Monticello City Code of Ordinances, Title], hapter 5, Section] -5-1 (B), a special meeting of the Monticello City Council is he eby called for the following time, date, and place: TIME: 5:30 p.m. DATE: Monday, M&rc 24, 2003 PLACE: Monticello C' ty H~11 SUBJECT: Feasibilj ty eport Core Street Reconstruction . DATED: Horch 17, 2003 :- J3~/J!LL- Signature Mayor Title Signature Title CERTIFIC TION On this 18th day of March , 20~, I hereby acknowledge receipt of the above duly executed call for a special mee ing of the Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. . SPECMTGCC: 2/26/96 AGEN A REGULAR MEETING - MON ICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday March 24 2003 - 7 p.m. . Mayor: Bruce Thiclen Council Mcmbers: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Rob ie Smith, Brian Stumpf I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2A. Approve minutes of March 10,2003 special Co ncilmeeting. B. Approve minutes of March 10, 2003 regular Co neil meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments/petitions, requests and compl' ints. tf 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying new hires as i B. Consideration of approving a temporary n-sale liquor license for Ducks Unlimited banquet and Riverfest. Applicant: Monticello Lions Club. C. Consideration of a resolution declaring the City's otlIeial intent to reimburse itself for certain expenditures from the proceeds of bonds 0 be issued by the City. . D. Consideration to adopt a resolution endor ing a Special Legislation Bill. E. Consideration of formally accepting dona ion ofland (Outlot A of River Mill) from Rick & Roberta Murray. F. Consideration of request for a public hear ng to amend the Comprehensive Plan to setting forth a policy on the ratio of detached and attach d units with a subdivision. G . G~\~.l L-{ f1,_ f/r'-'}L. f 1",- Consideration of items removcd from the consent agenda for discussion. 6. 7. Continuation of public hearing on improvement t Cedar Street from Chelsea Road to north of Kjellberg's Park and Dundas Road from Cedar St eet to County Road 117, Project No. 2002-06C. 8. Consideration of approval of tInallocation layout for Well #5 and pumphouse at Fourth Street Park and authorization to proceed with final design, plans' nd specifications and advertisement for bids. 9. Consideration of setting a public hearing date for he Core Street Reconstruction program. . 10. Report on design layout t<)f intersection River Str et and Prairie Road. II. Consideration of appointments: Appointment of ouncilliaison to EDA and Parks Commission and appointment to Police Commission vacancy and lanning Commission vacancy. . . . Agenda Monticello City Council March 24, 2003 Page 2 12. Consideration of payment of bills for March. 13. Adjourn MIN TRS SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL . March 10, 2 03 - 5 p.m. Members Present: Glen Posusta, Robbi Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: Roger Carlson 1. Call to Order. Mayor Thielen called the workshop meeting to order at 5 p.m. 2. Core Street Reconstruction Program. City Engineer, Bret Weiss presented informc tion on the feasibility report for the Core Street Reconstruction Program. Hret Weiss show d the area proposed to be covered under Phase [ which is the area bounded by Pine Street on he east; Chestnut Street on the west; Broadway on the north and th Street on the south. A map wa also preparcd showing the existing watermain in the Phase I area. It was noted that there are som 4" and 6" corrugated iron water pipe in this area. At the present time 8" pipe is the standard size sed in residential area. Bruce Thielen asked if any of the watermain replacement cost would come out of the utilities fund. Bret Wciss stated that at this time the televising of the sanitary sewer line is not complete so it is not known how extensive the replacement costs would be f(x sanitary sew r. Bret Weiss noted that the storm sewer system was designed Ji)r a five year event but currently e gineers size the pipe based on a ten year event. There is stormwater ponding and piping proposed or the area of the Village Apartments which is just off of Minnesota Street. . A map showing existing streets and breakin< out which streets had curb and gutter was in the report as well as information on traffic volume. The Council discussed options for assessing he street reconstruction work. In previous meetings on the street reconstruction assessment, the con" ensus of the Council was that commercial and multiple dwellings would be assessed on a front loot asis while single j~1mily areas would be assessed on a per unit basis. Since commercial property h s the possibility of generating more tra11ic it was felt they could be assessed based on front footag . Glen Posusta asked why the City was going with major reconstruction instead of just overlayn ents. Bret Weiss stated at this point they don't know how much aggregate is in the base. It was ointed out that excess millings, if any, could be stockpiled. Bruce Thielen asked about the c ndition of the roads out by the golf course area. John Simola noted that the streets were not in goo condition because of the silty soils. Bret Weiss also pointed out that with the assessments the con mercial property could be assessed on more than one side whereas the residential property would n ost likely he assessed only for the side they had access on. Also any new improvement that w 1S not previously existing, like curb and gutter would be assessed at 100%. [t was hoped to come p with a cost which adjusted annually fIX inflation . ZA . . . Council Minutes Special Meeting - 3/10/03 could be used for all reconstruction project. Since proving benefit to ailcctcd property is an issue, it was fdt that the assessment rate would h ve to be one that they could easily prove benefit. Bret Weiss felt that $3,000 would be reasonable for single family dwellings and $60/front foot would be reasonable Jor commercial property. There arc some properties in the Phase I are whose zoned use and actual property use are different and the Council would need to determine w lether to assess it based on zoning or on actual use. Glen Posusta asked if the City didn't have t present estimated individual cost for each parcel at the time the project is ordered. Bret Weiss stat d that a total project cost is required to be provided. At the May 28, 2002 workshop the Council uthorized the engineer to proceed with a street pavement inventory study as well as a rate st Idy. Bret Weiss stated that in the City's utility cost there is not any replacement costs built in as part of the rates. He felt that maybe the utility rates should be increased to provide fc)r replacement costs. It was felt that a survey of the rates of other communities would be helpful. It was also uggested that a storm water utility fund be looked at. 'fhe engineer presented cost estimates of $1, 51,900 for watermain work, $141,000 for sanitary sewer, $308,000 l{)r storm sewer and $2,351, 00 for street improvements making a total estimated cost of $4,051,900. The $4,051,900 figure i with all the corrugated iron pipe removed. Removing only the 4" corrugated iron pipe w uld reduce the cost. Glen Posusta felt this was not the area in the City that was in most need of repa r. There was discussion on other streets in need of repair, particularly West River Street. Since good portion of West River Street does not have curb and gutter, it was felt that it might be a v ry costly portion of the street reconstruction program and perhaps not the best one to start with. It r ay also need additional study to determine whether it should be a rural or urban design. John Simol- noted that the Phase I area was picked because 3ro, 4th and 5th Streets were really in bad shape. It as suggested that the scope of Phase I be reduced by leaving oifthe area by the Country Club. Glen Posusta asked about 7th Street in the area orthe ice arena. Since the homes abutting the other, ide of the 7th Street do not have access to 7tl\ they would not be assessed for any cost if residenti I property is only assessed if they have access. The City in that case, could have project costs that could be assessed to only a limited number of parcels. Bruce Thielen felt the Council would want to s ~e not just this years project area but how long it would take to complete the entire reconstructio 1 program. Bret Weiss stated that the lcngth of time it takes to complete the program depends on ho llluch the Council determines to do in each phase. Once the pavement analysis plan is completed, he Council will be better able to make this decision. The Council did fecI that for Phase I the costs s lould be broken down further, l{)r example breaking the cost out for thc area north of the tracks and he area south of the tracks. City Administrator, Rick Wollsteller stated that legislation has been introduced that would, if passed, greatly restrict the City's ability to issue bonds lor public improve lents. Glen Posusta questioned with all the economic difficulties at this time whether it was appropriate timing to consider undertaking a project like this. The consensus of the Council was tho t the City could not put this ofT any longer. Jeff O'Neill asked if the city's trunk lees needed toe reviewed and whether some of the improvements 2 ,)A . . Council Minutes Special Meeting - 3/10/03 in Phase I couldn't he covered by trunk fun s. Bret Weiss stated that trunk limds could only be considered for some of the improvements. He added that there has been discussion about allowing cities to set street reconstruction utility fun s, similar to the ,tormwater utility fund. John Simola felt the trunk fees were set up to establish the tr mk system and not to maintain an existing system. Bret Weiss also reviewed the schedule for i lplementing Phase I of the street reconstruction program. The feasibility report will be Con ing belf)fe the Council at their March 24, 2003 meeting. ---'-._~--'-'-'_._'-'-~,-'-----'~----.-----. Recording Secretary ., -, (;) A . MI UTES REGULAR MEETING - M NTICELLO CITY COUNCIL March 10, 003 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Glen Posusta. Robbi Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: Roger Carlson Mayor Thiclen called the meeting to order a 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. The Rooftop Singers ave a musical presentation to the Council and an invitation to attend their production of Fiddl r on the Roof at the Monticello High School. 2. A rove minutes of Februa 24 2003 re ular Council meetin '". . 1. Call to Order and Pledl!e of Allegiance. ROBBIE SMlTH MOVED TO APPROVE' HE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUAR Y 24, 2003 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUS' A ABSTAINING. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a en a. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADD ANNE A TION OF WRIGI IT COUNTY RIClI-IT-OF- WA Y PARCEL TO THE AGENDA AS lTE #5K. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMO 1SL Y. Mayor Thielen honored Rich Cline, City of M nticello Sewer and Watcr Operator since 1978, who is leaving the City of Monticello after 24 years of service. 5. Consent Al!enda 4. Citizen comments/ etitions re uests and co laints. Mayor Thielen explained the purpose of the cit zen comment portion of the meeting. There were no citizen comments. A Consideration ofresolution authorizing t e issuance ofa one day charitable gambling license for Ducks Unlimited at the Monticello R ller Rink Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 2003-13 authorizing approval of a 01 e day charitable gambling license for Ducks Unlimited. B. Consideration of a request for a conditio al use permit allowing a shopping center and joint parking in the B-3 District. Applicant: Michael Krutzig. Recommendation: Move to dl3 . Council Minutes - 3/1 0103 approve the conditional use permit Ilowing a multi-tenant shopping center with joint parking, hased on the finding that th proposal is consistent with the intent of the comprehensive plan and subject to t e following conditions: The access to Lot I, Rlock I is to b shifted to the south splitting the lot line separating Lot I and Lot 2. A signcd cross easement and access agreement is to be submitted to City staff. The site plan is to be revised to sho an additionallandseapcd parking delineator covering (4) parking stalls located between the c Irrently proposed delineators. Thc landscape plan is to be revised howing an additional (7) overstory trees. Thc landscape plan is to be revised t show additional internal landscaping around the building and within the parking delil eators. Thc applicant is to submit a signage Ian displaying the location, dimcnsion, and design of any proposed monument or wall signage. A scparatc conditional use permit will bc need to be processed unless made available for eview with this application. Language in reference to the use of t mporary signage within the multi-tenant shopping centcr is to be clearly defined within the de clopment agreement and identi tied in site covenants. Trees at the southwest corner of the if tersection of Highway 25 and Schoo/Boulevard arc not to encroach within the 25 f()ot clear v ew trianglc area. The site plan is to be revised to show he location of the trash enclosure All grading, drainage, utilitks, and ea ement issues arc subject to review and approval ofthc City Engineer. The applicant shall enter into a develo ment contract and pay all required fees or securities required by it, subject to review and a proval ofthc City Attorney. This is typically completed at time of final plat or prior to issuanc of the building permit. Comments of other City staff. I. 2. ~ ,'. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. /0. /1. . 12. C. Consideration of a request for coucept tage planned unit development approval allowiog 8 single family units in a proposed R-2A )istric1. Applicant: Tom Holthaus. Recommendation: Approve the conce t plan for the Holthaus Planned Unit Development based on a finding that the project is co sistent with the goals of the City's comprehensive plan and subject to the following: I. Provision of detailed landscape plan for entire site. Plan should show extensive landscaping on the Otter Creek side of the developrn 'nL 2. Provide building finish color and roof IiI e detail fix every structure. 3. Revise site plan showing setbacks as ide lti tied in this report and show revisions to drive allowing garbage truck turnaround area. D. Consideration of a request f(Jr a concept tage planned unit development approval fcn a mixed use development including residet tial, commercial and industrial uses. Applicant: Gold Nugget Development, Inc. Recom endation: Approve the concept plan fl.n the Gold Nugget Planned Unit Development ased on a finding that the project is consistent with the City's future land use plan and s Ibjeet to the comments noted below: I. Adjust site and lot design as noted in the s affreporL ., Develop a landscaped berm as a buffer between the residential and industrial area. .1. Address traffic circulation issue. 2 ;)/2 . Council Minutcs - 3/10/03 4. Reduce the number oftownhornes relative to the detached singk family making single family detached housing the predominant land use. Review and approval by the Parks :olllmission. 5. E. Considcration of granting prelimina y plat and concept/development stage PUD approval t()r the I Iillsidc Farms residential subdi ision. Recommcndation: J) Approve the preliminary plat of Hillside Fanns allowing an -I style subdivision in an area generally designated for R-I A residential development; 2) ap rove concept and development stage PUD approval allowing development of a subdivisi n meeting R- J standards in an area guided for R-IA development in exchange for develo ment of homes that meet R-IA standards. This approval is based on the finding that evelopment of R-I A homes at this location is consistent with the comprehensive pI n f()r the City. F. Consideration of Change Order No.2, Front Street Improvement Project No. 200 J -06C. Recommendation: Approve Change Order No.2 on the Front Street Improvement Project No. 2001-06C increasing the ontract amount by $875.00 G. Consideration of a revised preliminar plat, concept stage PU D approval and development stage PUD approval. Applicant: Map ewood Residential development. Recommendation: I) Approve the pr liminary plat of the Spirit 1-1 ills residential subdivision; 2) Approve concept and evelopment stage PUD approval of the Spirit Hills residential subdivision contingent on 1 nal approval of the plans by the City Planner and the City Engineer. . H. Consideration of a request f()r a special home occupation permit allowing photographic studio in a residential district. Applica t: Wayne and Patricia Mayer. Recommendation: Approve the special home occupation r 'quest based on the finding that the method of operation proposed is consistent with standards identified in the City Code. K. Consideration of a joint resolution for a nexation of Wright County right-of-way. Recommendation: Approve ResolutiOl #2003- J 4, a joint resolution to annex Wright County right-of.way located in Section 3, Township J 2 J North, Range 25 West. Glen Posusta asked that item 5D be removed Ii' m thc consent agenda and Robbie Smith requested that item 5G be removed from the consent agen ROBBIE SMITfI MOVED TO APPROVE TII CONSENT AGENDA WITH ITEM 5K ADDED TO THE CONSENT AGENDA AND TEMS 5D AND 5G BEING REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. GLEN PO 'USTA SECONDED TI IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. -, -, db . 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent a enda for discussion. Council Minutes - 3/10/03 Item 115D - Gold Nogget: Gleo Pososta stat d that with the Maplewood development there were issues such as dead end streets and he note that same issoe with the Gold Nogget plan. Jelf O'Nei/J indieated that the developer has be n made aWare of this concern. The Council approval now is.i ust of the concept stage. Wheo the . tem comes back lor deve I opment stage approval the issue of dead end streets should be resolved The developer has indicated to stafl'his wi/Jingness to resolve the issoe. Brian Stompf stated that. ince the developer is aWare of the concern and it will be reetitled at the development stage approval, he did not see aoy reason to withhold coocept stage approval. . Glen Pososta stated that the proposed develo ment abuts commercial property and added that the Planning Commission had discussed bermin' to separate the two uses. He felt this could be a potential problem since the residential devcJ pment would take place before the commercial development is in. Although the distances b tween the residential area and the actively used commercial area is greater than in similar sit ations, he stilJ felt this would be a problem. He also asked ahout the landscaping requirements an whether the City could reqoest a laster growing spec i es he pi anted or if they could req uire gre ter densi ty of pi anti ngs. J elT 0 'N ei II ex plai ned the buller yard requirements and indicated that th' Planning Commission had recommended denser plantings as a way to create the separation bet een the two oses. Bruce Thielen stated that the Council was approving a planned onit develo ment and this gives the City more eontrol Over what goes in than with a normal sobdivision. Broce Thielen stated he did have some concerns about the density of the townhouse units. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE Tl E CONCEPT PLAN FOR THE GOLD NUGGET PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMEN BASED ON THE FINDING TH;\ T THE PROJECT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE CIT 'S FUTURE LAND USE PLAN AND WITH THE CONDITIONS NOTED. ROBBIE SMIT I SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRH:D UNANIMOUSL Y. Item 115 G - Map lewood Res idential Developme t - J elf 0' Neill reported that aller the last Council meeting the developer made some changes to th' plat and grading plan. The developer is using a more standard design townhome which reduces he amount of retaining wall area and there was also a slight reduction in the number of units. There ere also changes to the private street system that allowed lor garbage co/Jcction to be done in am re el1ieient manner as we/J as provide better access tor emergency vehicles. Staff felt the dev 'Ioper responded well with the new plan and statT recommended approval of the pIan. Mario Coccherella trom Maplewood Developmel t addressed the Council relating to the changes made to the plan. He noted that the mix of townhooses and R units were not the mix they would like to see in a project but they fel t they cou I d make it work. Ro bb i e S m i th asked if the archi tectural des i gn wool d be si mi I ar to that of their other deve opmeots and Mr. Cocchere lIa i odieated it would. 4 d-B . . . Council Minutes - 3/10/03 ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE TI [E REVISED PRELIMINARY PLAT OF THE SPIR[T HILLS SUBDIVISION AND TO G ANT CONCEPT AND DEVELOPMENT STAGE PUD APPRO V AL CONTINGENT UPON FINAL APPROVAL OF THE PLANS BY TilE CITY Pl,ANNER AND CITY ENGIN~ER. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIM )USL Y. 7. Conduct uhlic hearin for Cedar Street rom Chelsea Road to K'cllber 's Park and Dundas Road from Cedar Strect to Coun Road 117 Pro' ect No. 2002-06C. City Engineer, Bret Weiss made the present, tion on the proposed improvement. It was noted that the property owners north of Dundas Road h d not received their notice in time to meet the statutory requirements so the public hearing ould be continued to March 24, 2003 and a Council decision to proceed with the improvement w uld be made at that time. The project consists of three parts: 1) Cedar treet from Chelsea Road to Dundas Road; 2) Cedar Street from Dundas Road to just north of Kjellberg's Park and 3) Dundas Road from Cedar Street to County Road I 17. Cedar Street fro Chelsea Road to Dundas Road would consist of street reconstruction to 48' three lane urban d sign with curb and gutter, storm sewer, sidewalk and right turn lanes to the Home Depot site. The estimated cost lor this improvement is $444,000. Although assessments would be discussed m we fully at a future meeting, it is proposed that Home Depot would pay 100% of the construction f r their half of the street plus the turn lane. Bret Weiss reviewed with the Council the layout for this portion of the project. Cedar Street from Dundas Road to just north of Kjellberg's is new construction, 48' width, urban section with protected left turn lane at Schoo Boulevard. Shawn Weinand, a developer in the area has agreed to donate right-of-way in that area Bret Weiss reviewed the layout for this portion of the project. It was noted that sidewalk will e placed on thc west side at this time and sidewalkon the east side may be installed at some future fme when the property is developed. Estimated project cost for this segment of the project is 1,050,000 with the City picking up $42,000 of the storm sewer costs. There are several options that can be considered for the continuance of Cedar Street through Kjellberg's. At this time the eveloper will leave the property as an outlot so in the future it could be used lor the Cedar Street alignment. Dundas Road from Cedar Street to County R ad 117 would be a 44' urban scction with curb and guttcr and storm sewer. I o ()lYo of the cost wi I be assessed to the abutting property owners. The estimated cost for this portion of the project i $340,000. Bret Weiss noted that if Development B goes in then County Road 117 should be re onstructed as well but it is not included in the plans at this time. Bret Weiss reviewed the schedule lor the proj ct. [t is anticipated that if the project is ordered at the March 241h meeting, the City would advertise and receive bids on April 25th. The Council could award bids at their April 2gth meeting a d construction could start on May 15th. .lefT O'Neill 5 :2b Council Minutes - 3/10/03 . asked about tree planting on the boulevard. Bret Weiss stated that he believed the trees were included in the feasibility study and they w uld be planted at the standard spacing of 100 feet. Glen Posusta asked if sidewalk was going i 1 on the west side of Cedar Street. Brct Weiss indicated that this time it would only be on the west. ide. No sidewalk was being proposed for Dundas Road on the cast side of County Road 117. Ther is a turn lane being proposed and Glen Posusta questioned how that would be handled sinc there are gas structures located in the area. Bret Weiss indicated that road was not be widened but nly restriped. Glen Posusta asked about the turn lane on the Krutzig property and whether that c st would be included in the overall assessment for the project or assessed only to the Krutzig prop rty. Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing. ike Krutzig who is developing property at School Boulevard and Cedar Street spoke stating that he was pleased to see the schedule for the improvements and hoped that the City com its to getting the project done as soon as possible. He also asked about the signal at School Boule ard and TI [25. Bret Weiss indicated that they will be doing traffic counts in the area and that wou d determine whether the intersection met the warrants fiJr installing a signal. He did add that MnDot when commenting on the EA W for the Home Depot site had indicated that since the need fix a si Tnal was developer related, MnDOT would not participate in the cost. A signal would cost etween $200,000-$250,000. . Kurt Kjellberg, 1000 Kjellberg Road, stated hat he appreciated the fact that a temporary cul-de- sac would be put in place. He felt it was in i lportant that they be kept in the loop as far as planning for the alignment of Cedar Street since they re affected by it. While they are concerned about the amount of traf1ic that will be generated by d velopment, they are pleased to see the i1exibility in the plan. Bret Weiss stated that there will be ad itional discussions with Kjellbergs on this matter as well as on the Gold Nugget development to t le south. Shawn Weinand, Ocello, stated that with isla lds to be added it was with the understanding that islands would benefit the entire project and t e cost would be assessed against all properties. He felt the design hclp create a parkway effect. Ie stated there is a need fex the City to pursue getting the signal installed because of the amount of evclopment in the area. Bret Weiss addressed who derived benefit from installation ofl:he island. He did not feel the benefit extended beyond the area from Dundas to Kjellberg's and did not see a y properties beyond that being assessed for the island. Glen Posusta asked if they were considering' signal at TH 25 and Dundas Road. Bret Weiss indicated that MnDOT had certain spacing re uirements. Based on these spacing requirements with a signal at Chelsea Road the next allowable s acing would be at TH 25 and School Boulevard . John Lundsten, from HufTalo owns property a ong Dundas Road and Cedar Street. He stated the improvements to Dundas Road and Cedar Str et were triggered by the Home Depot development. lIe asked if the City had a contingency plan s ould the Home Depot development not go through. Bret Weiss stated that while it was more econ mical to bid these areas together, if the I [ome Depot 6 ;)8 . Council Minutes - 3/10/03 development did not occur that portion oft e project could be eliminated. John Lundsten also asked ahout the 18" RCP going under Dun as Road and wanted to know what area it would drain and how much runoff would be expected {( flow through this. Bret Weiss responded that the 18" RCP pipe had been eliminated from the pro'ect. Shawn Weinand asked if street lighting was included in the project. Bret Weiss stated it was not and added that Puhlic Works Director, John Simola, works with Xcel Energy on street light installation within developments. Shawn einand felt the lights should be included in the improvement project since not all developm nts would be taking place at the same time and he also felt it would provide some uniformity in des gn. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO CONTrNU THE PUBLIC HEARING TO THE MARCH 24, 2003 COUNCIL MEETING. GLEN POSU. T A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARR lED UN!\NIMOUSL Y. 8. Consideration of authorizin the City Engineer, Bret Weiss and Public Works )irector, John Simola had discussed at some length the need Jar a comprehensive water system st ,dy. Because ofthe cost to do a study of this type it was suggested that staff and WSB work out a 'cope of services for the project and also an estimated budget. . ROBBlE SMITH MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE PREPARATION OF A WATER SYSTEM STUDY SCOPE OF SERVlCES WHICH WI L BE BROUGI IT BACK FOR AUTHORIlATION AT A FUTURE MEET G. RRlAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOL SLY. 9. Approve payment of bills for March, 2003. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE P ^ YMENT OF BILLS. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTlON CAR lED UNANIMOUSL Y. Glen Posusta questioned the bill from Levander Gillen and Miller in the amount of $4,354.20. It was noted that was the invoice tt)!' the invcstigat on on the residency requirement of Glen POsLlsta. Glen Posusta asked about getting a breakdown of the hourly rate andl1Llmber of hours. Added Item: Glen Posusta asked when the Christmas banners ould be removed. John Simola indicated that they would he taken down shortly. BrLlce Thielen asked ahout the status of the alignl ent of the intersection of West River Street and 7 ,)b . . . Council Minutes - 3/1 0/03 Prairie Road. Bret Weiss responded that tl ey do have a design for this intersection but it has not yet been reviewed by John Simola. Bret eiss felt it was a band aid fix because it was tied into the existing railroad crossing and he and John 'imola would like to look at other options. Bruce Thielen stated that because of the location of the h mes in that area it may be ditlicult to come up with a good fix. Bruce Thielen stated he would Ii 'e to sec a report from staff on this at the next meeting. 10. Adiourn. -'~.,._-~,._""'-"-,_.,'-,.,-~,-",.._,._" ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8:30 P.M. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED TI IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANI OlJSL Y. Recording Secretary 8 ;)8 . . . SA. Consideration of a new hires and A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Council Agenda - 3/24/03 artures for Communi Center. (R W) The Council is asked to ratify thc hiring of ne employees that have occurred recently in the Community Center and City Hall. As you ree' II, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the part-time emp oyees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: I -ists of new employees. . NEW EMPLOYE 5 Name Title Depart ne nt Hire Date Class Schreder, Andrew Intern Bldg/P&Z 3/4/2003 temporary Watters, Elizabeth Childcare Att. MCC 2/27/2003 part time TERMINATING EMPLO' EES Name Reason Departme nt last Day Class Cline, Rich voluntary Sewer & Wa er 2/28/2003 full time Hindermann, Ed voluntary Parks 2/25/2003 temporary Smith, Robbie voluntary Planning Cor 1m 2/10/2003 part time employee councillist.xls: 3/14/2003 5 ~ . - ........ . . . 5B. Consideration of a Ban uct and Riverfest. A A. REFERENCE ANn BACKGROUND: Council Agenda - 3/24/03 (RW) The Monticello Lions Club will be providin the concession services for the Ducks Unlimited banquet scheduled for May 5,2003 at the Monticello Roller Rink and will also he handling concessions lc)r the Rivedcst Celebration se eduled for July 12lh and 13lh, 2003. The permit will also be used Jar the Riverfest dance to be he d at the fire hall on Saturday, July 13th. The Council is being asked to approve a temporary on-sale icense for Riveriest and a set up license J(Jr the Ducks Unlimited banquet. The fees for the license re $1 O/day for the temporary on-sale and $25 Jar the set up license. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: c. 1. Approve the issuance of a temporary )n consumption and display permit to the Monticello L,ions Club for the Ducks Unlimited anquet scheduled for May 5,2003 and a temporary on-sale license for the Riverfest Cele ration scheduled for July 12th and 13th. 2. Deny the license request. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends approva of the license as outlined. D. SUPI)ORTING DATA: None. Application for] to 4 Day Temporary On-Sale Liq lOr License Page I of2 . ,.-'~.;.;.tr1;":'". ,~,"~--,","""-'-'~J.r. .. .<~~' ~;\ :,11 I '\--~-=>- ,~", .',"1 '" J I:;', , -I .,..J7[< I~, .~ I, }-", '\ I.:' ~, \ .... ~~~~n., / " ':...:t~~?:..~~~t::: Minnesota Depart ent of Public Safety ALCOHOL AND GAMBLIN ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 444 Cedar St., Suite 13 ,St. Paul, MN 55101.5133 (651 )296"9519 FAX (651 r 97-5259 TTY (651)282-6555 , ,<~~~HW~1"<' ~.,~",.. ,.. 'I,."l[i..\., .'A'(..~~ d" --\<i', 1it;,-.:W'~' -:, <.~ ~:(!ii".Ii ; ~,~)~ ~:. ';~~ ~~J :,~":/~r '<i~:t~;@, qtt.:~~,/Y Al)f'UCAllON AND PER~\UT J''l.)R A 1 TO 4 DA Y TEMPO AnY ON-SALE lJQVOR LICKNSE (Org:l.t.lI:u<li()IJ OJ lOCl1dOll Er li;.:d 10 ~ F"ntbil~ il.l ~ 12 nWI.I1J, peJ'iod) _J':'Yl.'l: OH_l'IZIN r lNI'\lRMATIQN "iA'\{[ (If O!l.CiAr\/7.A rICfN jv1()^,r/CEl-.LO_~f.I()/IIS CLUB STREET AI)l),~LSS P.o. BoX ~73 . ~.""'\fF OJ! j:;'~:.f{S(P,1 i\1..\KlN(; ;'\Pf'].TCA.Tfi3:';-,-....~ RobER BE.L5~/Q.s DATES UQliOE WILLIE. SOLD (I t04 dnw) -'1- .TULJ 6 3 . OJ\GANI./ATTON OFFICER'S N/,tvll' S!JI4 O/G/< RELL Oll(;AN!7ATION OFHCER'S NAMF JoHN fiE Rj?.f... ()RG!\N!/AIION (n'ViClW.S NAME 13RU C J;, A rF:...s !.OG',lliL'nw]'cJ't:: li",tnsc will Ie lls,..d. ]j all In!td[lor ~fC:l, dc"C'ri. !1e;NrILU...Lo COM/1r.JI../lry C'S/I/-r6R A tV f)i\'fr;: (TRClAN!lJJ) TAX EXEMPT N( :Ml~m OCT 175 erry 111' COD!', '>1tJNT / Cf Ll-o Ill.:S !NI :SS l'ffON1': ( TYPF Of, ORn,\Nl/ATTON 'Cl..IJB :; CfJAl{ITAULl:; .,: REUGIOlfS eln IER ~(JNPf<OlT ADDRI:SS --- 07 E... RIVG.R 5, MtJ;l../7/C~i.'-(7 M.-v 5" Y'jb 1..- A/)))RJ':SS /403 8;S}/C1P Av NW, I1l>NTlt:.f.1.LO, .M/V 5"S~~ ADJ)f~FSS . lB/M/rc.JI.Gl.LR/) 8/bL4K~ MA./. J5"'3~)......- rf/!?fi 1-1,# L.L ?AI<./<. //116 1.0 T . Willlh<: nppIi~m:H contt';\ct !()r il~t()\i()rllillg liqnor Sl:"n'ilX'.,') If .'1) g.i"" the !Ia111~ lInd addrcs:s of ih~ l.i'lIHlr li<':'(;!I:'>.: l'l1.wjdinl( tn" .<.:<'r\',1(;C, . .. ,//6 -......,.,....,............-~. -. -----..-. Wi1l1bc; 11ppli';M( i.1an')' J iq\lOr liabilily ill~llrMlcc') If ';0. the ,:art Cr' " lldlll0 Mt! ~m()lllH (,f C,,;)\'cmgc_ (NOTE: 1l1sur<u1 C<: i~ nOI lll~l1d~H:>>~') CCRPOj?A rEi; 4 ._.__i.J..E~.-9.E!!."?-..-""--,.,...-......,"'-~__.____.__.,,_..,'....,_.____.."__._.__".. ' . '" . ....---......--....-.-..-.,,--.--"": AP 'ROVAL APPLICATION [\W ST BE APPlWVEO BY ell'\" 01 COUNTY BEFORE Sl1BMlTTI:\'GTO UQl.'OR CO:'liTROL ClT't'/COIJN'TV ,.........................~,~'..".m.~~~..~_.._ .,.".".m"'..'....."......_ ....,.,.,,,,,'" ~., ~., DATE APPROVED ~_._.....""~""~"'~""'~"."..,.~....._._...__..__..,,.~,.- .".....~.........._.......yy"' ... C IT'll FEE AJ\10l..:Yl LlCf5NSh DATES ..,.... ............"'''''''...'''.'''''''."................-.-...-...-.-.---..-...,"'~ ...........-...y".....,.,y.." ""m."...~..__..__~.."~"'.m..".........._.._ ..........."... " ..'.'. ",",..,. .. DATE FEE PAIl) _...__._,--~~-~~~~.- .....m.'_.m_~.'.~"'~~..~. -..r ',",'11< "mA~' ~,_.~ -- SIGNi\P1RI CITY (:] .ERK OR COUNT Y OJ'FICli\l. APPROVE]) UOUOR CONTR()L D1HJcJ'OJ{ NOTl::, 1)0 1\\)\ .H'Vl1rill~ IhcH' I W"(l p:3l'h,st'ud both par," to Ii" addrt~~ llh.wc filld the nritilllll ~igm'd h~ Ihh dhi~i,," 'I ill he tNurncd lU Ih1' lk~nsc, Sub mit to ell" ell) 1 r Cl)unj~ al It'asl 30 dll~~ hdm(' lhr ('Hilt. PS-Ii<)t179(Si'95 ~--~.~y~."""""'~......~~_.._..--~m~"~"~_~m'~~~'.~m.~'m~"'m.~....~ .,....~..~~~'~"""~~"~m~ft""'"R.."~m.~.......~..~. .."~,~..'".~,,.y''''~m''~~'"''''m~.~. ....._._.,-'"~,,~,,~~".,~ .._-~~""~""~....~_. ..,-~~""~.~~.,,~.~..._,...~~.,"""~,~,,~..~....._-_.,--,,~,. S 1:/ /www.clns-slAje.111n_lls/alcQA111h/alcenf/for111s/4( AVj f':11111 hjm! 1/1 4/,)()()') --..-.- -.-. -.-..- B h1h .ct:WJ;~,~~" Minnesota Departrr e nt of Publjc Safely .\W. LJQlJOR CONl R OL DIVISION .......,~ -.' 1,,\,1 III \' '. I'.t\ ii/:"~ :"'>~ 444 Cedar S . /Suite ] 001., ~'~d~ .1 .,L'. St. Paul, MN i i. :,~ ....",_'v.,,;;,' 55]0]-2]56 \ i '-~~.> {"l!.j' (6]2)296-6439 TI D (6] 2)282-6555 ....." ~.../ ;'(<l ~'iB58~-.j)J !.~1'i:?1=.M ...:_' ,.-r> . '.~ ~l.. APPLICA TIOTl AND PERMIT FOR AlDAY TEMPORARY COl' SUMPTION & DISPLAY PERMIT (City or county may not issue mo 10 than IO peonils in anyone year) TYPE OR PRlNT INFORMATlON NAME OF ORGANIZA nON (i..(/8 DA E OlWANlZED TAX EXEMPT NUMBER I1t:::JN T I CEL.Lo LIONS 0 CT'75 ------ STREET ADDRESS CIT S TA TE /ZIPCODE p~o~ .soX " 13 MOo vTJt.ELLo MN j~S 3G:. 1- N~ OF PERSON MAKING Al)PLlCA TION BUS fNESS PlmNE VlOME PHONE '06ER BEt..SAAS ( 17'3) 295.- 3 ~'4 DA TE SET UPS WILL BE SOLD j- ;..If A. Y 103 rvp OF ORGANIZATION t(Cl UB 0 CHARlTABLE [I RELlGJotJS 0 OTHER NONPROFIT ORGANIZATlON OFFlCER'S NAME AD[ RESS J/ M 271 CI< GR..Jf LL. 70, E. J?/'I&R 57. ;.1oN r; CEi. /.L,o IV/IV" ;,'5-36. 7---- ORGANIZA TION OFFICER'S NAME ADI RESS - .;r 0 h' AI H6RRE II+' '>3 81.J'll(/P Av IlJU J1ONjIC€t.l..tJ 11#. 5'J3f> 2....-- ORGANlZA nON OFFICER'S NAME ADI: RESS 8/<u C.IE BATeS 498 i1(iCllcLL J(D Bib L,A/cE /1#, j"'S3o'1 Location where permit will be used. If an outdoor area, describe />10/\/ TIC E L'- 0 Ro L-t.. € R R /111< APPR( VAL APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY CITY OR COt NTY BEFORE SUBMfITING TO UQUOR CONTROL CITY/COUNTY DATE APPROVED CITY FEE AMOUNT PERMIT DATE (Not to exceed $25) DATE FEE PAID SIGNATURE ClTY CLERK OR COUNTY OFFlCIAL APPROVED LIQUOR CONTROL DlRECTOR fNOTE' Do not "pante tb..e two part., .end botb part. to tbe a d ten abO\'e and the original signed by tbis division wiU be returned a.~ the penuit. Submit to the Cit)' or Co unt)' at least 30 days before the event. PS--09098(8/95 ) 5 f3 - - - . --.. . . . Application for I to 4 Day 'remporary On-Sale Liq or License Page I of2 ,.....&f..,;;:i-;:. .~":'f'__,.....L_.I.f-. '.. J^% '/.. "-...~.. :),vIj -\-~;:;~~)':. ;""'~ '..,.,~( \1'1:. ',' \ ' /-c",' I;: \...\t~:,:: .....:~9>i.~~,.~~i;t:: Minnesota Depart ent of Public Safety ALCOHOL AND GAMBLIN ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 444 Cedar St, Suite 133, SI. Paul, MN 55101.5133 (651 )296,%19 FAX (651)2 7-5259 TTY (651 )282-6555 ~~d~~~~,",:~. tdx";P',,-t"~.', ,,/IYi,. ,;~X;~ . '<z'!~)~ t(:1~~ ~d" 'I ~g~<I''; ;",~,~~ '~'., ~~ ~,~'~ >:,~~:~~ .~:;~.. .,-",,1. ;.~' , . , -'" '\W ,'t,(;"'i&j~';(>'," "l'::"k;?l'"-i''' AJ)PI,IC...\T, ON AND PERMIT FOR' A ] TO 4 DA,Y TKMPO i\.ny ON-SALE LrQVOR LlCI::~SE h11) ({ kj\atli:wti(il] OJ hx:~lio!l It III ',(d l(, 3 perm!,,; ill ~ 12 nWlitl, penod) _1:1P1'O,R I'RJN l' lNI;OF:.MAT/()N NA\1I:, ()f O!WAr\J7,A nON >l\.'/'F CJj{CiANIZFD TA.X EXEMPT Nl :MBEl{ /1 ON T I C f..'- L,? LIoNS Cl.ug OCT J 15 ... STREET AI)l)fU:SS - '":"iTY s5tJl~--li5~~!r2 L-- " ~O. 80x "1 3 '1O/11r/ Cf LLQ NA1\,m OF pi;f{S6F,1 i\1..\KlN(, ;.\Pf']'TCA.Tf('i:~-'-- llJ s rNl::'l s pr!ONV 1~13:T': ~'9ST~ 3 .<<,~ Ro bE.1l. 8ELSAA.5 -, ) 9 'i,_~ _ r;;~L~~jiOJ~I~ nyg)~) (I 104 d.'Yi.1 rYPF OF OROAN!!.ATTON I/.CLlJB ", Cfli\RITABLL .1 RE!J(HOU~ :.1 ()THER NONPJWF[' ORGANIZATJON OFFICER'S N!\t\'ll': \DDRFSS ,;V/ (J/i TJ C~ /,,1..,0 .:r/M DIC/( ERLL.L.. '707 E.., l?t(/~ fT. J1,v, .S:5 :3' ORG.....NI7ATION OF1-leER'S N.MvlF \I)I)HJ:S~ "t JOHN flcRR~ J'fo 3 BI.Jf/()p AVe #N, Me A.J rJ C e Lt.t) M #, .s 5"'3 t. 01:t<H\Nll,:\lJON or. VICl Jt'.'i NAMF . . . '\ D])R FSS B/<l/C !: BA -r €.s tf, 98/ jtI/ rr Lit e.t.l. !2/) . BI' LAcE. /11 AI . 5S309 I.{JCitllonw],uT li.;:.'~n~;c will be us(,d Ij an mlldl}(Jf :!r~\1, dOl'Cribc IE i..L./JON PARJ( - MoJl/7~:/CE 1'- 2.." --- --- Will [be :lr)l)h~ll111 00111I'Jr.( /()f mlo:-;,ic.:uillY Jiquor ';':J"\'1':<;;;';' If..,(\ g.iw Ill.:: lnllfll.: aml.liddrc:;.,:; of ih~ l.!(!lwf I i'con>'\:, providinD IlK sen'Jce, /.k::e> ___.n_....~______ - - -, \Vi1l1bc ~ppJii,J~nt ,~any liqll()r tiabilily i.1l~11rilllCc",> If ,,0. the (:an'; :r' " ll~m0 llJid nmOlJlll (>t. (~)\'(~r~1l:t. (N 0 TE: Imm:i<!1 ce is 1101 rni\nd~10l)l, ..( 0 J:5..f!...<?.8.~_['E- _ :f__..}..__.. $~.~!2.1...?O o.......:..-'_"_____._...._...,..___"..,,',."'~.__...._'.""____._ .. API ROVAL APPLICATION MUST BE APPRQVI;() BY en'\-' on COliNT\' BEFORE SVBMITTJNG TO LIQUOR CO;\.TROL C1T'{/COUN'rV DATE APPROVED ~~- - ___ __ _~n . -... ~ ........_,_..~.."~,, 'w......., ..'.,.""mm..y'.""......~~..__~.",'~ ...................,...'."."m."m"~"" ... ~.. .~...n" .... u CIT'{ FEE A~,10l_,:NT UCEN$f) DATES .............................. ..,._._,.._.'.~..,...,._.......~ ..........,.,.,.."~",,....,'"., .,...._.._-_..~_.,~_~,,,.y.,._..__....._"my.m"m'~' , '" ,- ",,"^'-... ~. "',.".....,.~~~ DATE FEE PAll) _"'_-,--~~-_.~~~._.,...~,~, "m"~"m~"~_...._"",.,...........~, .....~,~ -- ~.~ SIGN.i\ nlRF CITY C1 ,J\RK OR COUNn' OJ'FIC1AL API'H,OVEr:> LIQUOR CONTROL DnUcj'()j{ :-\on;~ [>I> 'l\'~~ ,:H'Jmrll~\' BaCH' lW(l pans, s.cnd both p;/<t1~ to t il', Itddrt~,!IlIb.w(' lIllt! th.. ori~illlll ~igned h~ rhi, dilL_ilm will bt' re!urneda.. ."t' lkl:'l).,e, Submit ill lh.. Cll} {) COllnj~ slleu'l 30 dl.\~'~ hd(~f(' ~h\' nelll. PS..(19071)(Si95 ~m"~m~~'~'~"~'_"'_~"m~.~..~.~~_._~~,~.__..._........,.~,..,.._..'--"'-~~~~'~""-~.,....m~~~"""""""'_",""~m'_~M'M"_'~~ ~ , "~~'ft,~"~"~,,,_~~,ft"'~~~"~"""_~"O'"...,,,......~'..m~""~'~""_.~~,"m..~.,_... ,..~~~.~..~"'~~.~.~.~.~~.....~~.~.'~.mmm~"~..~.~.._._... S ):1 /WW\V, dps, state,ml1. us/a! cgam b/a! cenf/fonns/4d ytemp.htm! 3/] 4/2002 -.. -- -.... -.. f3 v 'Z,.....- . . sc. Council Agenda - 03/24/03 Consideration of Resolution Deelarin intent to Reimburse Pro' ect Costs throu sh Bond Sale Proceeds. (R.W.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND IRS regulations now require that before a 'ity can issue bonds to reimburse itself for expenses it has already paid through a bond sale, a res lution needs to be passed indicating which projects the city will likely sell bonds for in the fut Ire. This resolution is simply a technical requirement required by the bond counsel. The resolution being proposed covers various improvement projects that are currently underway or wil be started in the near future. This resolution will allow the City to iinance any of these impnvements in the future by selling bonds. Adoption of the resolution is not authorizing a bond sal at this time. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTION I. Adopt a resolution declaring intent t reimburse expenditures to the proceeds of bond covering the various projects 0 Itlined. 2. Do not authorize the resolution. C. ST AFfj' RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation. of the City Admini~trator that the resolution be adopted as proposed, thus enabling the City to sell bond to tlnance the various improvement projects listed, if desired, in the future. n. Slll)PORTING DATA Copy of resolution. . . - ....... RESOLUTIO RESOLUTION DECLARING T E OFFICIAL INTENT OF THE CITY OF MONTICEL 0 TO REIMBURSE CERTAIN EXPENDITURE FROM THE PROCEEDS OF BONDS TO BE IS UED BY THE CITY WHEREAS, the Internal Revenue Service has iss ed Treas. Reg. S 1.150-2 providing that proceeds of tax-exempt bonds used to reimburse prior expendi ures will not he deemed spent unless certain requirements arc met; and WHEREAS, the City expects to incur certain expe ditures which may be financed temporarily from sources other than honds, and reimbursed from the proceeds of a bond; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TH CITY COUNCIL OF TI IE CITY OF MONTICELLO (THE "CITY") AS FOLLOWS: ] . The City reasonably intends to make expen itures tor the projects described in Exhibit ^ (the "Projects"), and reasonably intends to reimb rse itself fIX such expenditures from the proceeds of debt to he issued by the City in the maxi um principal amount described in Exhibit A. 2. The City Administrator is authorized to desi nate appropriate additions to Exhibit A in circumstances where time is of the essence, nd any such designation shall be reported to the Council at the earliest practicable date and s all be filed with the official books and records of the City as provided in Section 3. 3. This resolution is intended to constitute a de laration of official intent for purposes of Treas. Reg. 9 1.] 50-2 and any SUccessor law, regula ion, or ruling. Adopted by the City Council of the City this 24th day of March, 2003. A/TEST: ---'_.._'-"_..-._,._"~,~,-~,-"'- City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller ._'-._"-'-,._,._,~-"._,-,_._~ ayor Bruce Thielen sC . . . Resolution No. 2003-15 Page 2 EXl-l IBIT A TO OFFICIAL INc rENT RESOLUTION ADOPTED IV ARCH 24,2003 MAXIMUM DATE OF PRINCIPAL DECLARATION DESCRIPTION )F PROJECT AMOUNT OF DEBT FOR PROJECT 3-24-03 Cedar Street from Chelsea Roo to Kjellberg's $1,505,000 5(, . . . 5D. City Council Agenda - 3/24/03 Consideration to ado t a resolution en A. Reference and background: The City Council is asked to adopt a resolution endorsing a Special Legislation Bill. The "bill for an act"' would extend the 5-year . ctivity rule of TIF District No. 1-22, the Downtown Redevelopment District, allo ing the HRA time to proceed with pending or other redevelopment projects. The 5-yea rule expired in June 30, 2002. On July 30, 200], the City Council sold $2,150,000 T xable G. O. Temporary Tax Increment Bonds, extending the liRA's ability to work on r development projects through July 30, 2004, through the use of the up-front finance m thod only. Benefits to extending the 5-ycar activity r lie: 1. Extends the fivc-year rule to ten y ars from June 30, 1997, to June 30, 2007, to complete pending and other redev lopment projects (activities) within the Downtown TIF District carrying 0 It the goals and objectives of the Revita]izing Monticcllo's Downtown and Rive front Plan and Comprehensive Plan. 2. Allows the HRA the 1lexibility to se the pay-as-you-go financc mcthod (less risky) as well as the up-front finan c method. 3. Allows f()r the flexibility to increa, c the amount of the temporary bonds when refinanced if determined necessary. 4. The bill docs not request extendin the 25-year life of the district. Attached is a "bill for an act" drafted by tl e HRA Attorney Bubul. The HRA working with John Choi, Kennedy & Graven Lobb ist. will introduce the bill to Senator Ourada and Representative Anderson for endorse ent the week of March 24. The bill would become a part of the Omnibus Tax Bill. I preparation of our lobbying efforts, the School District and County may be asked 0 adopt a similar resolution. B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to adopt a resolution cnd rsing the Special Legislation Bill to extend the time for certain activities in TI District No. ]-22. 2. A motion to deny a resolution end rsing the Special Legis]ation Bill to extend the time for ccrtain activitics in TIF District No. 1-22. . c. Recommendation: City Council Agenda - 3/24/03 The City Administrator and the HRA Ex cutive Director recommends Alternative No.1 for the reasons stated above. D. SupportiDl! Data: Copy of "bill for an act", explanation of b II, findings, and resolution f()r adoption. . .. 2 . A bi! fhr an aet relating to the City of Monticello: autlorizing extension qltime for certain act ivities in a tax increment financing ({strict . . BE IT ENACTED BY TIlE LEGISLATURE( F THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. rCITY OF MONTICELLO; EXTEN_S!DN OF TIME FOI\.J~CTIVITY ItL8- TAX INCREMENT F!.~.ANCING 01. TI~J~T.l The requircm~.Dts of Minnesota Statutcs, se<:..tj.9D_ 469.1763, subdivisi9n3, that activities Q}ll.st be undertaken \yiq.:!in aJive- year perioctJIQX!l the datc of ccrtific~tion of a tax incre}pent financing distIi<:.t, must be co!}sidcr<::<:Lto be met for the city o(Monticell tax in~Ec:}!lent financing distxi,c:t no. 1-22 if tl:l~ act~yi~j.t:s are undertaken within t~n years fn 111 thc da!.e,gf certification of tb.~ district. Scction 2. [EFFECTIVEJ2A TEl. Se'tion 1 j~ sffcctive upon con.~vJtancc by the governing body of tl]c:_~iJY of Monticello ~.i.__h the requiremct2!!'!gf Minnesota Statutes, section 645.021. . . SJ 1.l-228939v I MNI')O-I07 1-,')' \) . -..-". . . . EXPLANA TI N OF BILL TO EXTEND THE FIV -YEAR RlJLE FOR TIF DISTRICT NO. 1-22 CITY OF MO TICELLO Background The City Council of the City of Monticello ("City" and its Housing and Redevelopment Authority ("HRA") established Tax Increment financing Di trict No. 1-22 (the "TIF District") to facilitate comprehensive redevelopment efforts in the downt wn area. The TIF District followed a study of the downtown conducted hy the Hoisington Koegle group in 1996. The City Council approved the tax increment fInancing plan for the T1F District on March 10, 1997. Wright County issued its certificate as to original t<, x capacity on June 30, ] 997, which is the "date of the certification" for the purposes of Minnesota tatutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.179 (the "TIF Act"). Section 469.1763, subdivision 3 of the TIF Act sets out what is known as the "fIve year rule." This rule generally states that, in order for tax increment expenditures to be considered spent within the TIF District, the expenditures must relate to bonds r contracts entered into within five years after certification of the district. If bonds are issued within that time-frame, the authority has an additional three years after issuance of the bonds t spend the proceeds. For this TIF District, the five-year period expired on June 30, 2002. Howev r, the City issued bonds on July 30, 2001, and under the rule the HRA may expend those proceeds mtil July 30,2004. In this case, all the redevelopment activities planne by the HRA were part of the original plan for this TIf District. The HRA has made every effort t carry out its redevelopment efforts in the TIF District, but key goals remain unaccomplished. F. r example, the HRA is currently working on efforts for a mixed use redevelopment of an entire downtown block, which will require multiple land acquisitions, relocation, and a parking structure The July 30, 2004 deadline for expenditure of bond proceeds is ditTicultto meet, given the comple ities of this redevelopment effort. In addition, if the five-year rule is not extended, no other remain ng redevelopment efforts in this district will be feasihle. The proposed legislation The legislation extends the fIve-year rule to ten ye, rs for this TIF District. The effect will be to permit additional fInancing (whether issuance of bo ds or pay-as-you-go) through June 30, 2007. The legislature has granted similar extensions for t le cities of Brooklyn Center (1997), West St. Paul and New Brighton (] 998), Onamia (1999), Par Rapids (2001) and Albert Lea (2002). All hut one of these extended the five-year period to nine or en years. C~\) . . . EXTENSION OF TIME FOR ACTIVITY IN A TIF DISTRICT 1. The Monticello Community Partnership, a non-profit corporation, was established in March 1996. The Partnership spearheade several community workshops to provide input and evaluate potential direction ofth downtown and riverfront area. Through community input and the efforts of the Pa nership and the Hoisington Koelger Group, Inc., the New Bridge - Revitalizing Monti clio's Downtown and Riverfront Plan developed. 2. The Redevelopment Plan for Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. I was modified and Tax Increment Finance Distr ct No. 1-22, a Redevelopment District, was established through a resolution adopted b the City Council of Monticello, March 10, 1997. 3. Tax Increment Finance District 1-22, was ertified June 30, 1997. 4. The Monticello Comprehensive Plan was mended to include the New Bridge - Revitalizing Monticello's Downtown and iverfront Plan, September 22, 1997. 5. The Housing and Redevelopment Authori y in and for the City of Monticello executed a Pledge Agreement with the City of Monti ello relating to the $2,150,000 Taxable G. O. Temporary Tax Increment Bonds, Series 2001. Bonds issued July 30, 2001. ACCOMPLI'IIMENTS 1. 2. Removal of fuel storage tanks and redevcl )pment of contaminated soi Is. Redevelopment of substandard 1950's mall. Redevelopment of substandard homes alo g river. Redevelopment of substandard gas station and contaminated soils in downtown. Redevelopment of leased railroad land. I PENDING 1ROJECTS I .... ". 4. 5. 1. 2. Redevelopment of Block 52. Redevelopment of a portion of Block 51. Redevelopment of a portion of Block 36. .... -) . FIND! GS 1. As a result or the class rate compression, the future pending projects must be completed in order to repay the bonds. \" \' ) 1_...1 . . 6. The pending pf(~jects meet the objectives and goals of the City's Comprehensive Plan and Central Monticello Redevelopment Proje t No.1, and are located within the boundaries of II f District No. 1-22. I The pending pr~iects will redevelop substandard commercial and residential parcels. A "bill fix an act" authorizes the extensio 1 time for certain activities undertaken from the date of certification of TIF District No. 1- 2 and docs not authorize extension time f()r the duration of the TlF District No. 1-22. The City of Monticello is a community of 8,397 population located outside the seven county metro area. Due to a lesser demand t()[ retail and office space in small towns, it requires a greater length of time to recruit evc10pers willing to invest in the smaller community. The investments in Monticello's downtow and rived/"ont redevelopment brings a sense of vitality to the community thereby toste ing other economic development projects. 2. '"' -) . 4. 5. 2 S \) . . . CITY OF MON nCELLO RESOLUTION N ). ENDORSING SPECIAL EGISLATION BILL WHEREAS, on April II, 1996, the Housing anc Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello, entered into a Contract with the Hoi ington Koelger Group, Inc. for the purpose to spearhead community workshops to provide and ev luate the potential for the downtown and riverfront area. Through the efforts of the Monticello Community Partners and the Hoisington Koelger Group, Inc., the New Bridge - Revitalizing Monticello's Downtown and Riverfront Plan developed; and. WHEREAS, on March 10, 1997, the City Council adopted a resolution modifying the Redevelopment Plan of Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No.1 and establishing Tax Increment Finance District No. 1-22; and WHEREAS, on June 30, 1997, Tax Increment F nance District No. 1-22 was certified by the County of Wright; and WHEREAS, on September 22, 1997, the City C uncil amended the Monticello Comprehensive Plan to include the New Bridge - R vitalizing Monticello's Downtovvn and Riverfront Plan; and WHEREAS, on July 30, 2001, the City Council ssued Taxable G. O. Temporary Tax Increment Bonds and under the rule the Housing an Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello could expend those bond procee s until July 30, 2004. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by tl e City Council of the City of Monticello that the City Council endorses the Special Legislation B II to extend the JIve-year rule to ten years for TIF District No. 1-22, City of Monticello. The effe t to permit additional Jlnancing (whether issuance of bonds or pay-as-you-go) through June 3 ,2007. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Monticello this 241h day of March, 2003. Bruce T'hielen, Mayor ATTLST: Rick WoIE;kllcr, City Administrator \) \) . . - City Council Agenda - 03/24/03 SE. Consideration of acce tin donation () land Outlot A of River MiJJ Subdivision from n.ick and Roberta Murray. (.10 REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Council, in accordance with gift law, is asked to take action to formally accept Outlot A of the River Mill subdivision. A you may know, Outlot A is a densely wooded parcel located between the freeway and re idcntiallots located on Mill Trail Lane. As you may recall this is the land area needed for an important section of the pathway system. Please note that the City Administrator has already written a letter to the Murray's for the gift in anticipation of City Council accepta ceo ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion accepting Outlot A of the Ri er Mill subdivision as a charitable gilt to the City of Monticello. 2. Motion denying acceptance of Outl t A of the River Mill subdivision as a charitable gift to the City of Monticc 10. STAFF RECOMMENDATION 1 be City Adm; ni strator recommends altematlve ]. I SUPPORTING DATA Map showing location of Outlot A of River Mill Subdivision. Copy of letter to Rick Murray [ansion ~ountain nent lie School i'. ,.. . ~" .. ... :..... > 10<( i C 0.+1.+ 11 :cr " ... I g Rivfl~ " -'~'- -, .--- ;-~ oW .~.-- <- 5E 'Ii j " i i Ii,.) January 1 ),1003 MONTICELLO Rick Murray Residential Development Inc. 15 Choctaw Circle Chanhasscn. MN 55317 Dear Mr. Murray: On behalfofthc City of Montie clio I \vould like to tl ank you for the gift of land that you made to the City in December 01'1001. The City is especially gr ltefu! for your donation of Outlot A of the River Mill subdivision because the area is necessary to con plett an important pathway segment through a beautiful forest setting. Development of this path\va' ,,'ill benefit the City and neighborhood for many years to come, . Finally. I \\ould like to recognize the fact that the pa k dedication associated with the Rin:T p./lill subdivision had been completely satisfied \vith the d dication of the original River ['vIill Park. therefore the aclditionalland area encompassed by 0 Itlot A is graciously accepkd as a gift and not a City requirement relating to the platting of the subdiision, Again. on behal I' of the citizens of Monticello. thank y,--)ll f(H your kind contribution of bnd and for the positive experience of working with youthwugh )Llt the process of development of the Ri\'Cr Mill subdivision, Yours truly. 9#'8~ Jeff (YNeill Deputy Administrator Cc: Bob Murrav Mayor and City Council . 5E Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite I, Monticell . MN 55362-81\31 . (763) 295-2711 . Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, (,l09 Golf Course Rd.. Monticello, MN 55362 . (763) 295-3170 . Fax: (763) 271-3272 . . . SF. City Council Agenda - 03/24/03 REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Ie The areas identified as "low density" resi ential in the Comprehensive Plan have been generally guided by the 3 units per acre ru e. This means that plats located in the areas guided for low density have been viewed s acceptable as long as this standard has been met. It appears that employing this standa d as the only measure for guiding housing development in low density areas provide, the opportunity f(J[ development of a relatively high number of attached homes elative to single family homes. Achieving the 3 units per acre ratio is accomplished by d vel opel's through combining development of relatively few large single family lots with a greater number of attached homes. Attached is a chart which shows the recent land dev lopment proposals and the associated ratio of single family to attached housing. Stail is concerned that the land developme t pattern, though achieving the 3 units per acre ratio, may not be achieving the housin development goals for the City in the areas guided for low density. One method for addressing the situation w uld be to combine a density maximum (3 units/acre) along with a maximum ratio of ttached housing to single family housing. For instance, a general rule could be established which says that low density residential areas shall have no more that one attached ousing unit per every two single family units. The actual ratio could be determined by the Planning Commission/City Council through the comprehensive plan amendment proces . Please note that the concern relates to the HokensonlRrock Park Development which is the development group that desire to devel p the Klein/O'Brien property. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS I. Motion requesting that the Planning Commission review the housing development goals for the City in areas guided fo low density and consider initiating a comprehensive plan amendment pro 'ess that would result in refined density and housing type standards in low densit areas. 2. Motion to take no action on the requ st that the Planning Commission review the housing development goals for the City in areas guided for low density and consider initiating a comprehensive Ian amendment process that would result in refined density and housing type stm dards in low density areas. . STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator recommends alter 1i1tive 1. SlJPPORTING DATA City Council Agenda - 03/24/03 Chart identifying various development pro osals and associated housing mix. . - 2 jt; . . o'~ ~ o '" j!J :r '" CL '" 5 <0 iP " 0) 3 -.<- I -< ~ ~ 0; 9- '" CL -1 o " :J ::J o 3 i)i . Percent of TOlal '" (J 0 '" ... I ~ ~ '" <it -0 c -0 :J' o :;; 5' <0 I ~ =, <0 ~ '!: '" iii :J CL 0) a. ~~ iP ." 3 I ~~ ~ r S'. '" 5 <0 nl" ." 0) 3 '< -0 i)i '" <J> -l -l -0 0 0 (J) ru 1[ n ro c c 3- 2. 2, m m g, ill 6" (') 1[ ro (,or 0 --..J ...... Ul f\.) ~ 0 f\.) (X) ;0 ~ (I) ~ (Jl 0 n (I) ~ (X) (X) Q) ~ 0 I 0 c Ul ~, f\.) :J Ul CO ~ 0 -l '< -0 (I) 0 (I) < (I) 0 -0 3 (I) :J ,....,. -l ...., (I) :J a. en IGlGlOcn:5:I ~o Q.~~~~ i5:;B a. en' "" '- (Jl (Jlw~(p;!:~~ "Tl:J(O <=:J 0 ru a.(O = '" en 2, 3!::~.gJJg~ en::l" (Jl~ g -l A" o -0 :E ru 5- ~ o 3 ill ill .h.h zz o 0 -l o :E :J o 3 ~--..Jf\.).hf\.)CO ):>ocn):>):>cn U 0 A"UU A" U:::Jrou-oro a@oaao <-0::1"<<::1" ro.-+-oroCD-o l:l..):>(i)l:l..l:l..(i) -0 :::J :::J -0 o < CD a. ~ f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~croo:rn ~~~~~! ~s'a!:~ 2~i~K: ~ c 0- Q CJ;l '6~~~_~O ~Q~w2 ~ ~ :J 5- o OJ g; (I) ~mms. :j" ([J (~ ~ ~ ~ x 5" s- ~ ~ g * -l Dl 0- (5'" (II ::r 0 ~. :::s CO "0 .., 0 ...... ):> CD 0 (') - ro (II en :::s "0 cn;:u 0 iii'" "Tl ...... CD :::s , :::s ):> - Dl 0 :::s ::r CO cnJJ CD (II "Tl...... Q. - Dl :c CO 0 CD cncn s:: (II "Tl3 (II ~ :::s :1> r CO (II S- (II -l0 0 o CD 0 ruru Dl -(') - ::I" CD CD C. l:l.. ::r )>- 0 s= c (II (') ::r :::s I'l) CO 0- 3 .".H x' C -l :::J 0 Dl ;: [ :::s c. 0 0 Q. lD I'l) CD :l < :::s /fJ (II ~ ;:;: ~ -lJ:oz o 0 I'l) C s: ~ 3 iil' 3 :;:I I'l) \"I C' Dl ::r/fJ::r1'l) .., O-olD.... 0 31'l)Q. 0 ::r I'l) .... ..... N ..... en C') - N iil' s:: 0 ... .... 0 .... s:: I'l) (..) /fJ :l ... . . 7. Council Agenda - 3/24/03 Continuation of Puhlic Hearin for Ceda Street from Chelsea Road to K"ellber 's Park and Dundas Road from Cedar Street to C unt Road 117 Pro "ect No. 2002-06C. (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROIJND: At the March J 0111 meeting, the Council eond eted a puh/ie hearing for the proposed improvement of Cedar Street from Chelsea Road to KjelIh rg's Park ffild Dundas Road from Cedar Street to County Road 117. Because the property ow ers north of Dundas Road did not receive their hearing notice in time to meet the statutory r quirements, the Council continued the public hearing to the March 24tll meeting. A representative rom WSB will be present to address any questions on the proposed project. A proposed assess ent roll for the affected parccls will be presented at the meeting. Because of time constraints for some of the d vclopers involved with the proposed street improvements, the City is being asked to con'ider authorizing, at this time, improving Cedar Street from Dundas Road to approximately Kjellber 's Park. The portion of the Cedar Street from Chelsea Road to Dundas Road and the Ounda Road improvements may be done at later time as a separate project when the development in that area is ready. The construction of Cedar Street from Kjellberg's Park to Dundas Road will involve some right-or.way acquisition. The City Administrator is working with Mr. John Lund ten to acquire, through his granting, the right-of-way through his parcel. If this is not granted, the ~ouncil may be asked for the authority to condemn or the project could be reduced and not connect t Dundas Road. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Upon conclusion of the public hearing, the Council orders the project and preparation of plans and specifications for the improv ment of Cedar Street from Dundas Road to Kjellberg's Park. 2. Do not order the improvement at this tille. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer t order the improvement with the scope of the project being revised to eliminate at this time th ' improvement of Cedar Street from Chelsea Road to Dundas Road and the Dundas Road improve! ents. D. SUPPORTING DATA: - - Proposed Assessment Roll (If not included with genda will be available Monday night) Council Agenda - 03/24/2003 . 8. Consideration ofa rovaloffinalloeation la out for Well No.5 and Pum House at Fourth Street Park and authorization to roeeed with OK desi n lans s ecitieations and advertisement for bids. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City staff began planning for an additional wel1 almost th ee years ago due to the growth in the community and the higher consumption of water. LJ sing year 2000 dollar ,an amount of four hWldred and twenty-five thousand dollars ($425,000.00) was placed into the budget for 20 I (Trunk and WAC Funds) for an additional Well (No.5) and Pump House. Our previous investigations for water showed us an abundance of water in the southerly end ofthe Montieello Industrial Park near Nort em States Powers Maintenance Faeilitywhere Well No.4 is located. After some research we selected the fir of Liesch Associates, Inc. of Minneapolis to work with for our well head protection program, (a requireme 1t ofthe Minnesota Health Department prior to the placement of any new wel1s), site selection and well and ump house construction. We began these activities in 2001 working with the Minnesota Rural Water Associ' tion, the Health Department and Liesch Associates, Inc. A test wel1 drilled at the Dundas Road site near Well NO.4 showed an abundance of water. Water quality testing showed all ofthe parameters well within the dri king water standards. We also learned at this time however that the Health Department and the EnvirOlIDleI tal Protection Agency were proposing new drink ing water standards regarding arsenic. . The arsenic levels we encountered in the area orWell N .4 and Well No.5 were only sixteen percent ofthe drinking water standard of fifty parts per bil1ion. Ho ever, the new standards were not yet determined, consequently our wel1 head protection and well siting an drilling activities were put on hold. We continued to monitor the progress in determining a new standard and ork with the local agencies and Liesch Associates for alter?a.tives: The act.u~l drinking water sta~dard ~as b(iunced back and forth be~w:een the Clinton and Bush admltllstratrons until It was finally established 1l1latel2002 at ten parts per brlhon. Our new Well NO.5 which contained levels of arsenic 0 'only sixteen percent of the drinking water standard now was at eighty percent of the drinking water standard hich gave us cause for concern. lfthe levels changed over time and brought us over the drinking water standar I, we would have to take some type of action to blend this water or treat it. Both could be costly as Well NO.5 was proposed to discharge directly into our system and not go directly to a reservoir or tank where it could be blended. In working with the hydrologists with the Minnesota Dep' tment of Health we determined that lower or no levels ofarsenic would be found along the river so we began i vestigating existing deep wells in the area and also ohtained authorization from the counci I to drill some test ells. Three test wells were drilled. One out near the NSP ballfields, one at Fourth Street Park, and one at Fr eway Ballfields in the Meadow Oak Development. The east and west test wells showed that the aquifers in t osc locations were inadequate for a municipal well. The test well drilled at Fourth Street Park, however, indi ated that a munici pal well could be placed there and yield around two thousand gallons per minute which is hout the quantity of water we were looking for and . better yet, water quality testing showed no signs of a1senic. Prior to drilling any ofthe test wells, we had proposed the possibility oflocating the new well and pump house . . . Council Agenda - 03/24/2003 out near NSP ballfields or the Fourth Street Park or 'reeway fields, We now went back to the Park Commission with detai led plans prepared by staiTfor a I cation ofthe well and pump house at Fourth Street Park. The Park Commission unanimously approved the proposed location for Well No.5 and Pump I-louse on the northeast corner of Fourth Street Park. Copies of those drawings are enclosed for you review. Working with Jim de Lambert of Liesch Associates, M tt Theisen, our Water Superintendent and myself worked out a scope of services for design, bidding and onstruction services for the well and pump house. Services for the well are estimated at eighteen thousand, 0 hundred and sixty-four dollars ($18,264.00) while the design bidding and construction phases for the pump nd well house are estimated at fifty-nine thousand, five hundred and thirty dollars ($59,530.00). Adding a te percent contingency in engineering services brings the estimated cost to eighty-five thousand, five hundred and seventy-three dollars ($85,573.00) for l.iesch services in regard to the well, pump and pump house. The first phase of this project would be the well itself an. in order to complete this project this year we necd to begin almost immediately. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to approve the sit selection for Well NO.5 and the Pump I lousc in Fourth Street Park as shown on the enclosed dra ings. This alternative would also include approval of the scope of work by Liesch Associates, cost e. timate and schedule as enclosed in your packet and to authorize plans and specifications for the w II and advertisement for bids for well construction. 2. The second alternative would be not to rocee with Well No.5 at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director, and Water and Sewer Superintendent and Jim de Lambert of Liesch Associates, 0 Ir consultant, that the City move forward with Well No.5 as outlined in Alternative No.1. The location is g. od. Three phase power is available right at the site, the well can be connected to our system relati vely easily, a luifer tests which looked at the eHect of Wells 1 and 2 downtown show that we cm1 draw approximately two tho Isand gallons per minute without detrimental effects to our other wells located in the downtown area and waterquality is good. We need to move forward with this well installation. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of staff prepared layout sheets for location of W II No.5 and Pump House at Fourth Street Park. Copy of proposal from Liesch Associates to provide se vices related to Well No.5 and Pump and Pump I House. Copy of minutes ii'om Park Commission Meeting March 0,2003 regarding Well and Pump I louse at Fourth Street Park. . . . '11lll'lTllAllllllllllOblll - LIi:S~CH LIESCH ASSOCIATES, INC. 13400 15TH AVENUE N RTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55441 763/489-3100 FAX: 763/489-3101 March 19,2003 Mr. John Simola, Public Works Director City of Monticello Office of Public Works 909 Golf Course Road Monticello,MN 55362 RE: Monticello Well 5 - Scope of Work, Cost stimate and Schedule Dear John: Based on our recent discussion we have prepared t e following Scope of Work, Cost Estimate l-lnd Schedule for construction of Well 5. This work wi I be conducted in two phases with the first being construction and testing of Well 5. The second ph se will inc.'lude construction of the pump house and appurtenances needed to connect the well to th distribution system. Construction and Testing of WellS For construction and testing of Well 5, Liesch will repare plans and specifications for the test production well assuming a maximum pumping rat of approximately 2000 gpm. The specification will call for an 18-inch steel casing and stainless st el well screen with construction details to be determined during preparation of the plans and spe ifications. The contractor will also be required to perform a minimum 24-hour pumping test and p ssibly up to 72-hours pending comment from the Minnesota Departments of Health (MDH) and Natural Resources (DNR). Typically, MDH will require a 24-hour test for an artesian well and 72-h ur for a water table well. The DNR mayor may not have specific requirements for the pumping tes. Comments from these agencies will be solicited prior to well construction. Liesch will also prepare the MDH required Prelim'nary Well Head Protection Area Delineation and Land Use Assessment to be submitted together wit the plans and specifications for a Well 5. During the construction phase of the project Liese will be on-site to log the pilot hole and observe critical construction activities. Upon completion 0 the well and adequate development, Liesch will assist with the final pumping test and measuremen of area wells. Well construction and testing activities will be documented in a final report, Th's information can then be used as part of the City's application for an amended Water Appropri tion Pennit and to update the Well Head Protection Plan. D Page 2 March 19,2003 . Estimated costs for this work are included on the at ached spreadsheet. We anticipate that the specifications will be available for review by the C ty within one week of notice to proceed with the prqject. MDH review and approval of the specifica ions can Occur concurrently with bidding of the project and will likely require four to five weeks. onstruction and testing of the well will also take approximately six to eight weeks resulting in a total project timeframe on the order of four to five months. Pumphouse Design and Construction Liesch will provide plans and specifications for the umphouse and equipment including well pump, soft-start mechanism, piping, chemical feed s stems, electrical power supply, portable standby power and building design. You indicated t at you will provide the control system for the well as a separate contract and may purchase the ge erator separately. Liesch will also provide specifications and assistance with these items. We h ve included services for bid solicitation and review and construction services including construct on observation as necessary. Estimated cost for this work is included on the attached spreadsheet The plans and specifications can be completed in approximately one month after authori ation to proceed, with MDH review concurrently with the bidding process. It is anticipat d that the pumphouse construction can proceed immediately after the well construction is co pleted, with completion depending on equipment delivery. Please feel free to contact Jim Bullert, PE or me, at 73-489-3100, with any questions or comments you may have conceming this information. . Sincerely, LIESCH ASflOC~E~~rc. L&~~ ~es de Lambert, PO ' Pnncipal/Senior Hydrogeologist Attachment ..-.. ~ THE LIESCH COMPANIES MINNEAPOLIS, MN MADISON, WI SCOTTSDALE, AZ ~ '" 0 0 '<t N 0 " CD '<t 0\ . ('II '<t rl cO cO " .... ('II '" "'" "'" C\I C\I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I'-. I'- C\I 0 0 '<:t 0 0 0 0 I- '<:t I'-. CC!, '<:to 1'-.. CO .... q LO Ct') CI) M ci C\I ,.... ...... C\I tA- ,.... 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MAR 21 '03 08:55AM CITY OF MONTICELLO P.l/1 9. that i they take cash in lieu of land, the ca h value is not sufficient to buy park land_ The Parks Com issioo also revisited the question of aving fewer small parks because of the maintenance issues After onsidcrablc discussion, the consens S ofthe Parks Commission was that an active play area for th Shultz/FaIT/Holker area should be I cated somewhere in the approximately 120 aCres of the Holke property. F'i ourth Street ark. The in ormation lTom Public Works Direct r, John Simola, concerning the layout for proposed well and pu phouse #5 at the FOUlth Streel Pat was reviewed. EARL SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE T IE'LOCATION PROPOSED FOR THE WELL AND UMPHOUSE TO BE LOCATED T THE FOURTH STREET PARK. NANCY MCC FFREY SECONDED THE MOTI N. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. <6 ^ II ^ '.5 U!daUU9H ~ ~ 1 (~-LL) ClTO.9 " ;~ -..--=-'-'.5 ~aswo~ v o 3: "0 - 0 o ~ CD v I Jill '-"IS "-MaN-'" w- - - I " ~ - I ~. 1 - a.: " u -w 1 ;> ,.. ] ~,,~ II ~ (f) "E 111 I I r. r (~-.L lJ d'l'Q 9 II ...... t-- ~ :L Z I- v li ~ << t ' -.-" d T::> ,,9 I - -v I I I I ~ tn .c +- q- I - <: -. << ^ .. /\ -------------------- ~----=~ ~ 'It If) (1) :L Z 1-. I ~: "-, C! 0.... r j. 1\ o <I 0, ,51 :<<1 [rl la. (f) Z m \ \ 01 t: 'in o u cu ! Ul_ -\,0 I -00 I,.... -0 - I() err::> ., 9 1 r~<~Cb -v " ,.: If) , E. . ~ \...., ^ rrj '" If) = ,0'1 :L Z I- .7 oTO 9 .__._""~----_.._-_._/ '-1-' __.___( ___".__.",m ... . .~~.,~~_.....---........ ^ cTa 9 . ~ ~ I -~~.,' ~- ----.--------l~,~.,,-- _/m----.----' 1 L-- ltt'i\ -1.; J il v :a '- ::J U I <:) v '- Q} 1J c: 2 ~ U " lO v . otl- (f) .c: ... q v dT:>,,9 '--<''-'---- . o ...J Q.I & > o~ -gE~ "J 0'_ Q,J Q} , 'j c: Ul '-..c v.- Q,J... Uiu.co .- c: 0 >- >(ot-:-.c l1.lu~ 0' c: :x '- o a. 0> c: ... VI 'K W R:~ --,~- '4 S ,--~ < O~~ I ...- VI Q) Q.I~ I- -'-~-.m:~ , I o rn 'M'O'H "s 14fJPM ~ c. c 'iij o U c: ..... r- ~- '- t... I , I ____" _ lCl q <;t 10 (1) J: Z I- (1.. a -0 N 0- (T 'Ii d '" t. I _ II ,; I ;' I J p ,. 1'::"-:'-'\1 ' -l." -- '- t-, I 'J <-N - ==10 , oen tr(i' ) ~(lj i -,' I ----------, I, --- I I I I I I I I I I , I / ---V vre air<i NO en,en W::; " c: tr0-4 "\ I , I ..., ~i EI ~I 01 WI E, tl (1..1 I I 1 I ~ -0 q 10tr 10 .... Ul ~ c: o (f) a.. u tr ",. N 'I' I -, t----- . . . Council Agenda - 3/24/03 9. Consideration of settin a ublic hearin da e for Phase I Core Street Reconstruction Proe:ram. (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has been working on implementing t e Core Street Reconstruction program. To date information has been assembled by the City E gineer and city staff cataloguing street types. physical condition of the streets, methods of reconstru tion, replacement of utilities and possible assessment policies. In workshops on the Core Street Re onstruction program, the Council has discussed the time frame for implementing the program and defining the scope of Phase I of the program. The next step for the Council would be to sehedul a public hearing so that the information on Phase I of the Core Street Reconstruction program can e presented to the affected property owners and the general pub I ie, which will all ow for the order ng of plans and speei fieati ons at the Apri I 14 <h Connei I meeting. The feasibility report will be preset ted to the Council at the April 14th meeting. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The Council sets a public hearing dat of April 14, 2003 for Phase 1 of the Core Street Reconstruction program. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: [n order to keep the project proceeding in a imely manner, the City Engineer recommends setting the public hearing for the Phase 1 of the Cor Street Reconstruction project for April 14, 2003. F. SlJPPORTING DATA: None. . . . Council Agenda - 03/24/2003 10. -Re ort on Desi 'n la out for intersection re onstruction River Street and Prairie Road at Countv Road 75. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: I The City Engineer, Staffand Wright County looked at t e possibility of completing this project last year as some type ofajoint project. I [owever, it soon became pparentthat the project was slightly larger than something that could be done with maintenance forces fr m the City and the County. The project became somewhat complicated due to several issues. WSB ha' prepared draft plans for the project which are included f(Jfyourreview. In addition there is a memo fr m Bret Weiss, the City Engineer, to me drafted on Friday, March 21,2003 that outlines the issues th t already existed or are created with the new al igrunents. Some of these issues are easily addressed, su 'h as a change in speed limit sign or the relocation of street lights. Other items are more significant, limitin the types of vehicles that can easily access West River Street from the new aligned intersection with Cou ty Road 75. A copyofBret's memo is enclosed. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative would be to authorize City Staff and the City Engineer to meet with Wright County with the proposed design to address as any issues as possible <md to develop a Gnal plan, schedule and cost sharing agreement and then bing that back to the City Council for approval fur a summer project. 2. The second alternative would be to look at a otal redesign of the area which would include possibly a new railroad crossing for Prairie Ro' d, closing Prairie Road's access to County Road 75 or River Street's access to County Road 5 or some other type of design. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Direc or ane the City Engineers that the City Council authorize Staffand the City Engineer to proceed as outlined in alternative #1 and try to work out the best design that works within the existing parameters ofkeepi g the existing railroad crossing and full access and report hack to the council within a month so that th project may proceed this year. D. SlJPPORTING DATA: Copy of design plans from WSB Copy of memo from Bret Weiss r: b<.:t hi <l g<.:n d <l/():J 240 3 ri \Crs t - pra i r i <.:rd i n I<.:rs<.:<.: I r<':Uln st . . . ... WSB WSB & A.Ho";l/les, II/c. 4 HI! O/SOIl Memoril/llligllwl/Y, #.11111 Mil/I/el/poli." AUIi '>'>422 (763) .>4/-48011 (763) '>4/-/700 (jiLt & Associates, Inc. To: John Simola Public Works Director City of Monticel 0 From: Bret Weiss, P.E. City Engineer Rebecca Haydon, P.E., P.T.O.E. Project Engineer WSB & Associates, In '. Date: March 21, 2003 Memorandum Re: County State Aid Highway (CSAN) 75 t River Street/Prairie Road City of Monticello, Wright County WSB Project No. 1160-771 , This memo is an update on the status of the propose improvements to the intersection of County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 75 at Prairie Road/Rive Street. The City of Monticello had requested that WSB & Associates, Inc, review the in ersection and develop alternatives to realign the legs of Prairie Road and River Street to intersect ith CSAH 75 at a common point. The existing intersection legs are ofTset hy approxim tely IOO-feet. Two (2) alternatives were developed, Alternative l'hifted the Prairie Road/River Street intersection approximately 200-ft west and required onstruction of a new railroad crossing. Alternative 2 realigned Prairie Road to intersect with Kevin Longley Drive and created a new intersection approximately I 50-feet west. The City of Monticello requested Alternati ve I be m dified to maintain the existing railroad crossing, thus reducing costs and decreasing the sche iule of completion. 'fhe City Council should be aware of issues that exist or are created with the design of Alternative I. I. Minimall OO-liJot horizontal curves are pro po cd on both the Prairie Road and River Street approaches to CSAII 75. These curves meet only a 20 mph State Aid Design Standard. The posted speed limit on Prairie oad is 20 mph and the posted speed on River Street is 30 mph. 2. There is not adequate space between the existing River Street and CSAH 75 to create a tangent approach to CSAH 75 at the proposed intersection location. This also exists in the existing condition. C:\[ OClJMI':-.1 \dawng\LOCALS-1 \lclnp\0J21 03-memo,doc 1(-'\ I / . . . 3. There is not adequate space between the ra lroad crossing and CSAH 75 to create a tangent approach to CSAH 75 at the propo cd intersection location. A tangent approach currently exists; however, it is at a 56-degr e skew with CSAH 75. 4. The intersection radii will not accommodat a bus or similar type vehicle traveling on westbound CSAH 75 turning to eastbound iver Street. School buses and delivery vehicles will need to utilize Otter Creek R ad or River Strcet West. 5. Construction of the project would require c osure of the Rivcr Street and Prairie Road accesses at CSAH 75. Recommended deto r routes on the northerly side of CSAIl 75 include Otter Creek Road and River Street West). Recommendcd detour routcs on the southerly side of CSAH 75 inelude ./erry Li ~fert Drive and River Street (West). 6. A new stop condition will be required on t e existing River Street at the newly aligned leg of River Street. 7. Drainage modifications will occur at the fir t residence on River Street to the northwest due to the difference in roadway grade, app oximate 1.5-f()Qt raise. The water currently drains away from the property to a swale al ng River Street. Drainage from River Street will now drain towards their property. 8. The eity will need to re-designate the north-south street, north of CSAH 75 to be Prairie Road. This will eliminate an intersection that would be named River Street/River Street. 9. Water ponding may occur on the northerly ide of CSAI I 75 due to the location of a pedestal utility box and depth of fill require over buried lines and minimizing costs by maintaining existing drainage structures. 10. The project may require the re/ocation of unity poles, street lights, other buried utilities? The recommended next steps are to meet with Wright County to address as many of the above noted issues as possible and then to develop a sche ule and cost share agreement between the eity and the county. 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''''':':---T~..n-':::9 ., T' ., -' 8 :~ ....' ::.....::.\_I:...L_::l! , '\ ' ,- : ..:... ~~.\ . ..:n...<..l! \ l: 18 .. :: .: .. '--r ;.------..:..::;\ 1:- .. ,-~ ::.:...::::~ I . _ __~j. . .__:.,..::l! , . ',S:" ",k,,' ,g..a ; '8 8" :~ ..... Counci I Agenda - 3/24/03 11. Consideration of additional a ointments ~ r 2003. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROIJND: - In January the Council made many of the app intments for 2003, However, because there was a vacancy on the Council at the time some of he appointments were deferred until a ful1 Council was in place, At that point no council liaison was designated for the ED1\. Mayor Thielen who had been attending the Parks Counission meetings indicated at their last meeting that Robbie Smith would be acting as council liaison to the Parks Commission in the future, The subsequent appointment of Robbie Smit to the City Council created a vacancy on the Planning Commission and the resignation of iz DeMarais from the Police Commission created a vacancy on that board. The City has adve ised to fill these vacancies and recommendations have been made fl)f Council consideration, Since the Police Commission only meets qua terly, they have not had an opportunity to interview the two applications we received it r the Police Commission vacancy. While I believe both applications have good background and interest in serving on the commission, I would recommend that Mr. Jon Hoffbe appointed t the three year term, Mr. Hoff is currently a Minneapolis Police officer and serves also a' a school liaison officer. 2 f}) I".>f),-$ Go~>J Gv.'tJlJ . There were five citizens that applied fex the lanning Commission vacancy, The Planning Commission wanted it to bc noted that the el tire group was very strong which made the decision somewhat difficult. The selected a plicant is Dave Rietveld and the four other candidates were Cindy Anderson, Ben Hitte , Paul Thielen and Dan Kraemer. It is hoped that we can find opportunities for these individu, Is to contribute as volunteers in another capacity, 1. G.' f\ Appoint a Council member to serve as council liaison to the EDA and appoint Robbie Smith as council liaison to the Parks Commission. Approve the appointment of Dave Rietveld to fill the vacancy on the PI mning Commission with his term expiring on December 31, 2003, Approve the ppointment oLlon HofI to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of I jz De arais whose term expired on December 31, 2002, The appointment to the Polic Commission would be for a full three year term, B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 2, Do not approve any or all of the app )intments at this time, C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Admini. trator that the appointments be approved so that existing vacancies on city boards are filled at d there are council liaisons designated for each city board. . D. SUPPORTING DATA: None, --L . 0.... "'.... M "'" '" I" '" '" NO O~N~~~~~ro~OrlN~~~~~ .., "l 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 ........ N~~NN~NNNM~~~M~~M~ .., Z 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 000000000000000000 '" .... 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 000000000000000000 U .., 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 000000000000000000 ...."l ....(') Cl "'''' '" "'''' '" '" '" '" "'''' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Z.o; .... "'''' '" "'''' '" '" '" '" "'''' wm~ro~~~~m~woom~wro~~ 0'" MM M MM M M M M MM ~M~~~MM~MM~~M~~~M~ :>: '" '" ...... 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