HRA Minutes 09-05-1990 -. MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, September 5, 1990 - 7:00 PM City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Al Larson, Ben Smith, Lowell Schrupp, Everette Ellison, and Tom St. Hilaire. STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak STAFF ABSENT: Rick Wolfsteller and Jeff O'Neill 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Al Larson called the HRA meeting to order at 7:00 PM. 2. APPROVAL OF THE AUGUST 1, 1990 HRA MINUTES. Lowell Schrupp made a motion to approve the August 1, 1990 HRA minutes, seconded by Tom St. Hilaire, the minutes were approved as written. 3. CONSIDERATION TO HEAR FOLLOWUP ON THE GILLE PROPERTY. . Koropchak presented to the HRA members with guidelines necessary for the removal of underground storage tanks and estimated costs for both tank removal and soil boring tests. The three (at least) tanks on the Gille property would need to be removed for redevelopment and for FHA financing. It was Mr. Brad Larson suggestion to have soil borings completed first to determine possible soil contami- nation as this may determine the decision whether to or not to proceed with this project. Chairperson Al Larson reiterated the HRA position on this project, the HRA will serve as the facilitator between a willing developer and a willing seller in assistance of providing the property will a clean bill of health. The properties discussed include the Gille parcels and the Katzmarek. It was recommended that Chairperson Al Larson, Brad Larson, and Koropchak meet to discuss the HRA's position of assistance to the potential interested developer. The intent is to have the developer contact the property owners on land price negotiations and to return to the HRA with level of assistance needed. 4. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE ON TIF PROJECTS: . a) Eric Bondhus - the company continues to look at other site locations, as Mound and Maple Grove. Still interested in Monticello, the company feels they have ample time to research other possibilities as their . HRA Minutes 9/5/90 Page 2 4. CONTINUED. lease expires in 1991. b) Undisclosed company - Koropchak informed the HRA members of an inquiry from a consultant firm representing a client interested in siting an industrial location. The inquiry requested the completion of an eight page questionaire plus maps, zoning ordinances, etc. Individuals with expertise in the area of the question helped complete the questionaire and to this date no response as been heard from the consultant. The consultant request no telephone contact by communities. . c) Leaseable space - Koropchak briefly ran the preliminary concern and idea of the IDC's regarding the lack of leaseable industrial space in Monticello. The initial reaction of the HRA was it didn't seem very practical. -').. -oC: C?~ idea was to have building and site plans approved by the Building Inspector, a TIF Plan prepared and distributed, find a willing developer, and obtain an option for a designated industrial site. The HRA would be committing funds of $3,800 for the preparation of a TIF Plan with Pay-As-You-Go Assistance. d) Muller Theatre Expansion - Koropchak informed the HRA of the theatre expansion plan which would add two additional screens and approximately 500 seats. The project lacks necessary funding and inquiry was made on the availability of TIF. Koropchak responded that due to Legislative action the Minn~sota Statutory now are more restrictive on the use of TIF, however, hasn't taken away the tool. To consider the use of TIF for the project would mean to include the Stokes parcels as this is the substandard parcel, however, the original condition of the building wouldn't meet the new TIF definition of "substandard". Also, Muller's funding is for acquisition of real estate, construction (improvements and expansion) of real estate, and for machinery and equipment, not, for demolition to eliminate blight or substandard buildings. The developer plans to seek GMEF funding. 5. OTHER BUSINESS. . The HRA inquired if Pat Pelstring and Rick Wolfsteller had met to define the BDS, Inc. billing process and to clarify the hourly charges. Koropchak responded not to the best of her knowledge. HRA Minutes 9/5/90 Page 3 . 5. CONTINUED. Koropchak presented the Community Venture Network brochure as prepare by and for BDS, Inc. As a member of the CVN, Monticello, a community with business investment funds or loan funds, could benefit from the professional managed services provided by BDS, Inc. The purpose is to "match" prospects with member communities. Identified prospects are new, start-up technology companies seeking smaller grant funds to complete product feasibility and marketing analysis; "development stage" companies with existing product lines, but seeking expansion capital; and business acquisitions, new business owners seeking additional equity or expansion capital to complete the purchase of successful, existing companies. The community members would meet at least every two months and potential prospects would give a 30 minutes presentation. Cost to the comunity is an annual membership fee of $5,500. Additionally, a "placement fee" of 10% of the first $50,000 of community investment, and 2% of all funds over $50,000, but only if the community makes a decision to fund. . The HRA wasn't interested in the concept as BDS, Inc. does consider Monticello as a major client, therebye, with the understanding BDS, Inc. will supply Monticello with prospect leads. Also, the HRA didn't see the benefit of the concept compared to the cost. 6. ADJOURNMENT. The HRA meeting adjourned at 8:10PM. ~ '<O\O~~~ Ollie Koropchak HRA Executive Secretary .