City Council Agenda Packet 10-09-2006AGENDA Monday October 9, 2006 — 7 p.m. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf L Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2A. Approve minutes of September 25, 2006 regular Council meeting. 2B. Approve minutes of September 25, 2006 Special Council meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures - B. Consideration to correct formal record by rescinding a motion to approve a conditional use permit for drive-through facility for Broadway Market with conditions to redesign a drive-through and approving a motion to approve a conditional use permit for a drive- through facility with no conditions. C. Consideration of renewing currency exchange license - Wal-Mart. D. Consideration approving contract for parking lot and hardeourt improvements at Groveland Park, City Project No. 2006-27C. E. Consideration of appointment to fill vacancy on Planning Commission. F. Consideration of approving Change Order No. 6 for the CSAR 18/1-94 Interchange Project No. 2004-01C covering lights for the pedestrian bridge. G. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for development stage planned unit development for a restaurant use in a B-3 (Highway Business) District. Applicant: Brendsel Properties, Inc. H. Consideration of authorizing a feasibility report for the 2007 Street Reconstruction Project. Consideration of approving final payment and accepting improvement for Trunk Sanitary Sewer Extension, Southeast Interceptor/Bondhus Segment and Appurtenant Improvements, City Project No. 2000420. Agenda Monticello City Council October 9, 2006 Page 2 J. Consideration of award of bid for Linn Street and Front Street Drainage Improvements, City Project No. 2006-12C. K. Consideration of acceptance of improvements for Nathan's Court. L. Consideration of approving quotes for demolition of home on Kevin Tracy property. M. Consideration of authorizing maintenance purchases for the Monticello Community Center. N. Consideration of calling for a joint meeting of the City Council for the purpose of reviewing a Memorandum of Understanding Pertaining to Acquisition of YMCA and Operation as a park. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 7. Public Hearing on vacation of a portion of Cedar Street for the Warnert Retail Development. 8. Consideration of establishing a reward for information regarding vandalism at Monte Club. 9. Consideration of approving plans and specifications and accept quotes or approve plans and specifications and authorize the advertisement for bids for the River Mill Pathway Improvement Project No. 2006-30C. 10 Consideration for modification of costs to be assessed for the 2006 Core Street Reconstruction Pro? ect, City Project No. 2006-01 C. I I Approve payment of bills for October. 12. Adjourn. 2 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday September 25, 2006 — 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf. Members Absent: None Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. CA. Approve minutes of September 11, 2006 regular Council meeting. Tom Perrault stated under approval of the minutes it should read, "at least 40% of the funds would go to public transportation." Wayne Mayer made a change to the language in the third paragraph under Item #6 to read, "Wayne Mayer asked for an explanation of the resolution that the City was requested to approve." GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 11, 2006 REGULAR, COUNCIL MEETING WITH THE CHANGES NOTED. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Tom Perrault stated his vote in opposition to approving the preliminary budget and tax levy was because he did not believe in the concept of the franchise fee for street lighting. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 11, 2006 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11 Zziiiiiiiiij 11, =�mmm WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 13, 2006 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda, Glen Posusta suggested adding agenda item #11, Approving Plans and Specifications and Advertising for bids for improvements at the Groveland Park to the consent agenda. He noted that there was only one person in attendance at the infonnational meeting on the Groveland Park Improvements held on September 21, 2006. 0 AMINVERS MAT1WA CONSENT AGENDA AND TO ADD AGENDA ITEM #11, APPROVING PLANS AN* SPECIFICATIONS AND ADVERTISING FOR BIDS FOR PARKING LOT AND HARDCOURT IMPROVEMENTS FOR GROVELAND PARK TO THE CONSENT AGENDA. I Other items added to the agenda were: 1) Discussion of the proposed 2007 levy; 2) The 2006 Core Street Reconstruction Project; and 3) Employment agreement for City Administrator position. 4. Citizen comments, petitions. requests and concerns. No one spoke under citizens comments. A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures MCC, Water and Streets. Recommendation: Approve hires and departures as identified. B. Consideration of approving request for charitable gambling license for Wright County Ducks Unlimited for November 16, 2006 at Jala Penos. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue the charitable gambling license to Wright County Ducks Unlimited to conduct charitable gambling activities at Jala Peno's on November 16, 2006. Resolution No. 2006-74. C. Consideration of a request by Crostini Grille to extend the time frame for the patio enclosure to encroach into the right of way. Recommendation: Consider extending the time frame of the license agreement to cover the holiday period. D. Consideration of appointing election judges for the November 7, 2006 general election. Recommendation: Appoint the following election judges for the November 7, 2006 general election: Gregory Ashfeld, Gladys Bitzer, Joan Bondhus, Ron Broekemeier, Janet Bromberg, Edith Custer, Rosemary Dahl, Mary Daniels, Agnes DeMarais, Kristi DeMarais, Richard Doucette, Jamie Fisher, Kaye Gauthier, Lynnea Gillham, Jan Irvine, Harvey Kendall, Lori Kraemer, Florence Mayer, Arlene McIntire, Judy Moody, Merrijo Nesland, Richard Quick, Jeanette Smith, Randy Smith, Darlene Solberg, Rita Soltau, Patricia Ann Sonju-Thielman, Opal Stokes, Sandy Suchy, Diane Wefel and Lorraine Wolff. E. Consideration of modification to the Otter Creek Crossing 3d Addition Plat. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution approving the modified final plat of the Otter Creek Crossing 3d Addition, F. Consideration to ratify the EDA approval of GMEF Loan No. 025 and the Loan Agreement (Business Subsidy Agreement) between the EDA and Karlsburger Foods, Inc. Recommendation: Ratifying the EDA approval of GMEF Loan No. 025 for Karlsburger Foods, Inc. is consistent with the GMEF Guidelines and approving the Business Subsidy Agreement within the Loan Agreement between the EDA and Karlsburger Foods, Inc. LA G. Consideration of an amendment to Chapter 11 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance regulating the B-1 (Neighborhood Business District.)Recommendation: Adopt an amendment to Chapter 11 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance regulating the B-1 (Neighborhood Business) District H. Consideration of a request for rezoning from R-2 (Single and Two Family Residential) to B-1 (Neighborhood Business) for 530 West Broadway. Applicant: David Thielman/Gateway Music Festivals. recommendation: Approve an ordinance amendment rezoning 530 West Broadway from R-2 to B-1 based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the character of the surrounding area and the intent of the Comprehensive Plan, subject to the conditions that any future tenant must obtain a conditional use permit prior to operation, in compliance with the amended ordinance. I. Consideration to correct formal record by rescinding a motion to approve a conditional use permit for drive-through facility for Broadway Market with conditions to redesign a drive-through and approving a motion to approve a conditional use permit for a drive- through facility with no conditions. Recommendation: 1) Move to rescind the August 28, 2006 approval of the conditional use permit for a drive through facility with the following conditions: a) The parking lot shall be modified to include an access lane to the west side of the parking lot and the drive through entrance. Said drive lane shall be delineated with curbed islands and contain directional signage; b) The entire north side of the drive lane for the drive through shall be curbed to create stacking space for six vehicles and c) The island south of the pre -menu board shall be removed to allow room for a passing lane around the drive through; and 2) approve a conditional use permit with no conditions for a drive through facility for Broadway Market, based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent of the PZM District. Consideration of authorizing preliminary survey and feasibility study relating to reconstruction of Chelsea Road between Fallon Avenue and County Road 18. Recommendation: Authorize the feasibility report, topographic survey and soil borings for the reconstruction of Chelsea Road from CSAR 18 to Fallon Avenue, City Project No. 2006-31 C. K. Consideration of award of contract for extension of Dalton Avenue, Dalton Way and Dalton Court, City Project No. 2006-15C.Recommendation: Approve the award of a contract to R.L. Larson Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $1,003,560.02 including Alternate #1 for City Project No. 2006-15C the extension of Dalton Avenue, Dalton Way and Dalton Court. M. Consideration of approving plans and specifications and advertising for bids for parking lot and hardcourt improvements for Groveland Park, City Project No. 2006-27C. Recommendation: Approve the plans and specifications for the parking lot and hardcourt for Groveland Park, Project No. 2006-27C and authorize advertising for bids for the improvement. Items #5C, #5G, #5H and #51 were removed from the consent agenda for discussion. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEMS #5C, #5G, #5H AND #5H AND THE ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEM 61 #9 AS #51- AND AGENDA ITEM #11 AS #5M. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. il. Consideration of items removed from the consent aoenda for discussion. #5C, Request by Crostini Grill for extension of time frame for license agreement for encroachment into right of way: Bob Hellman from Crostini Grille indicated they would like to keep the patio structure up year round and remove the skirting. The only part of the structure that would remain up would be the poles and the roof. It is their plan to use the structure for various activities over the holiday season (Thanksgiving through New Years). There is 8 'l2 feet of sidewalk beyond the patio structure. Glen Posusta noted his concern about whether the structure was designed to handle a snow load and because of the structure's slanted roof if there was any danger of snow sliding off the roof onto the sidewalk. Bob Hellman indicated the structure was built for a snow load and he didn't anticipate the slope of the roof was so great as to cause the snow to slide off. Wayne Mayer stated while initially he was skeptical of having the patio structure encroaching into the right of way, it seems to have worked out well. He did caution that they would need to monitor the snow plowing in the area for snow being thrown up in the sidewalk area. oil UNANIMOUSLY. #5G Ordinance Amendment for Chapter 11 of the zoning ordinance regulating the B-1 (Neighborhood Business) District. Kimberly Holien from Northwest Associated Consultants reviewed the proposed ordinance amendment. The B-1 District allows for commercial use embedded in a residential district to service the surrounding neighborhood. However the Planning Commission did not feel that in a small community a business would only be serving the innnediate neighborhood. The City currently has one B-1 site. Wayne Mayer questioned the chapter and sections of the ordinance that were referenced in the amendment. Kimberly Holien noted the references were general and that they could be eliminated from the ordinance if that was what the Council wanted. City Attorney, Tom Scott concurred that the ordinance amendment didn't have to reference a particular section. Clint Herbst stated he was not in favor of any business in a residential neighborhood. The proposed ordinance came up in the Planning Commission's consideration of a request for the property at 530 West Broadway. The property which is used as a business is currently a legal non -conforming use. Any new use of this site would. require a conditional use permit. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 11 OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE WITH THE CHAPTER AND SECTION REFERENCES REMOVED REGULATING THE B- I (NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS) DISTRICT. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #5f1 Rezoning request from R-2 to B -I for 530 West Broadway: Kimberly Holien noted if the Council approved the rezoning request it would be under the parameters of the approved ordinance amendment. Kimberly Holien reviewed the staff report noting that at the public hearing held by the Planning Commission the concern was raised that this was spot zoning. The B-1 designation is kind of spot zoning. The only condition on the site is that the parking lot be improved if the property is used for a commercial purpose. As it currently exists the parking lot has no striping or delineation. As long as the present use remains, no additional conditional use permit is required but any change in use would require a conditional use permit. Clint Herbst didn't feel business uses should be occurring in the residential areas. This property's previous use was that of a funeral home and its present business use is less intense than the funeral home. It was thought if the business use ceased, the building most likely would be converted to a duplex. Glen Posusta questioned if adjacent property owners had been notified of the proposed zoning change and staff indicated they were. Wayne Mayer noted in the staff report it stated that the applicant was proposing to relocate his business and was requesting rezoning of the site so he could market the property. Wayne Mayer stated he didn't feel comfortable with rezoning property to help somebody market it. He felt it would be more appropriate that when the property was sold the new owners would come before the Council to request the rezoning. Clint Herbst stated his concern is what is happening with the properties adjacent to this site. He would like to have the applicant come in for a conditional use permit so residents know what is coming in rather than having the property rezoned first and then a different locates to the site. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO DENY THE REQUEST FOR REZONING FROM R-2 TO B-1 FOR 530 WEST BROADWAY BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED USE IS NOT CONSISTENT WITH THE INTENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. In additional discussion, Jeff O'Neill noted that with the R-2 zoning you cannot get a conditional use permit. Clint Herbst felt the commercial use presently there would make other adjacent property owners also request rezoning. Tom Perrault thought it likely that more of the residential along Broadway will be converted to commercial uses. Brian Stumpf stated the reason he is not in favor of rezoning is because it is being rezoned to market the site. #51 Conditional Use Permitfor Broadway Market (Steiner Development): Wayne Mayer asked that the item be paraphrased to make it less confusing. Jeff O'Neill stated there were some modifications to the plan. The previous approval was with the developer being able to determine bow to configure the drive through layout. Jeff O'Neill said there was additional staff study of it Wayne Mayer asked about the two-way traffic coming from the O'Ryans area and if it runs parallel with CSAR 75, If so when the traffic comes to what appears has a hook on the plan is there still sufficient room for two way traffic. It was stated in the section of the plan where it is signed "Do Not Stand" that island needs to be removed to allow for drive through. Some parking spaces along CSAR 75 would be removed for a parking lane. The plan was short on parking stalls but the applicant did apply for a conditional use permit for joint parking. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO RESCIND THE AUGUST 28, 2006 COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR THE DRIVE THROUGH FACILITY FOR BROADWAY MARKET. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. Lisa Diehl representing Steiner Development, 3 610 TH 101, Wayzata asked for clarification on the motion. The response was that 1) "Do Not Stand" area to be curbed off; 2) All drive through traffic will be directed to the rear of the lot and 3) Bumpout be removed to allow for paving area. Lisa Diehl stated after the Fire Chief bought forward a concern about fire trucks having full access.. Angela Schumann told Jeff O'Neill that the developer was agreeable to the conditions listed. Lisa Diehl said there apparently was a misunderstanding. She said they were in favoring of signing it rather than combining it with other conditions. Brian Stumpf said he didn't want to speak for the Fire Chief but personally he felt that would be the last place he would locate it and make the trucks pass through the drive-through section. He felt another route would be safer. Jeff O'Neill said if the summary was wrong they should go back and get it resolved. Glen Posusta said a big problem was the burnpout. Wayne Mayer asked the reason for having the bumpout and Lisa Diehl said it was to protect the trucks going through. Lisa Diehl suggested changing the signing to direct this as one-way traffic flow. Kimberly Holien noted there is a "Trucks Only" sign on Hart Boulevard. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO RESCIND THE MOTION TO RESCIND APPROVAL OF THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT GRANTED ON AUGUST 28, 2006 AND TO TABLE THIS MATTER UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING WHEN THE CONDITIONS RELATING TO THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CAN BE CLARIFIED. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Review of updated information for Street Liehfine improvements on School Boulevard 0 from Edmonson Avenue to Fennin2 Avenue and 7 ih Street East from Washinp-ton Street # St. Benedicts and Phase 11 of Pedestrian Safetv Improvements for School Boulevar( I This item was moved up on the agenda to accommodate those present who wish to address the item. City Engineer, Bruce Westby stated at the last meeting the Council had requested additional information concerning these projects be brought back at this meeting. Lighting Project #1 covered street lighting on School Boulevard from Edmonson Avenue to Fallon Avenue. The Council at the September 11, 2006 meeting expressed concern about the lack of lighting on the pedestrian facilities along School Boulevard. Bruce Westby presented three layouts for Council consideration. Layout #1 A provided lighting for the pathway by adding light fixtures on the back side of the proposed poles and fixtures mounted on 14' poles between the proposed street lights. A total of 17 street lights with the mounted light fixtures for pedestrian lighting and 19 individual pedestrian lights would be installed under this plan. Plans #113 and #lC covered the same area but with just a different street light layout. The Council needs to determine what level of lighting they want on the pathway. Clint Herbst asked about the difference in the number of lights on the plans but that cost difference was not that great. Bruce Westby stated the costly part is not the light but the wiring. The prices he submitted do not include maintenance costs. Glen Posusta believes the maintenance cost would be prohibitive and felt the project should be done without the maintenance agreement. Glen Posusta felt lights 300'-350' apart was a ridiculous idea because it wouldn't light up a sufficient area. He felt that distance might be okay for the streets lights because they are staggered but he didn't think that it would work on the pathway. It was noted that 300'-350' was the standard spacing for lights. Bruce Westby noted the previous design was not approved by Great River Energy so the layout was revised and has been approved by Great River Energy. Clint Herbst said the City's goal is to make the area safe, however he felt they need to check out having the City maintain the lights. Brian Stumpf asked where the money was coming from for these improvements. Bruce Westby said the only area that could be assessed is the School District property and they are opposed to any assessment. Brian Stumpf noted that the franchise fee is not effective yet so there would be interim funding needed for the project. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller indicated the City could pay for the improvements out of reserves and then reimburse the reserve fund from revenue generated by a franchise fee. Project #4 covered the street lights at 7th Street and Highland Way. No pedestrian lights are proposed as part of this project. The major discussion at the last meeting was cost and funding sources. Ryan Companies has agreed to contribute $30,000 of the $96,000 project costs. Clint Herbst asked about dedication of the three lights which are not usable. Bruce Westby stated that lights in question are not the design the City uses and therefore Xcel Energy would not maintain them. The lights would also have to be re -wired because they are tied to the parking lot wiring. Glen Posusta asked how this development got by without paying for lights for the entire area and only installing three lights. Jeff O'Neill said there was a misunderstanding about the lights that were needed. Tom Perrault felt the City should wait to see what the lighting needs are once Target and that immediate area develops. Clint Herbst asked if the Ryan Companies expected the lights to be installed immediately. Brian Stumpf felt the most important thing was to get the pathway along School Boulevard taken care off. If the City moves ahead with the project Ryan Companies would pay $30,000. Brian Stumpf said the City should check with Ryan Companies to see if the funding would still be available if the street lighting was not installed until April. Brian Stumpf felt the City should hold off on Highland Way but proceed with School Boulevard using Layout #IA. Phase 11 of the pedestrian safety improvements for School Boulevard were discussed. The improvements include construction of two bituminous paths on the south side of School Boulevard between Country Avenue and Farmstead Avenue and between the two mid -block crossings on School Boulevard including a concrete walk between School Boulevard and Falcon Avenue. The project also includes making the temporary burnpouts permanent, construction of pedestrian curb ramps and a pedestrian flasher signal. There was discussion on the location of the crossing. Bruce Westby thought it might more appropriate to have the crosswalk at the intersection. At the last meeting it was requested that staff talk with the School District. The School District is supportive of the improvement but didn't want to be assessed for the improvements. Residents are opposed to concrete sidewalk between Falcon Avenue and School Boulevard and felt the mid -block crossing at Eider Lane would be safer for the children. Bruce Westby did not recommend a crosswalk at this location. Clint Herbst said at least with the crosswalk at the intersection you would have people stopping and starting whereas having the crossing mid -block means people will have stopped at the stop signs and by mid -block would have gotten up to a pretty good speed. The Council discussed the safety conditions on School Boulevard and the question was raised why there were no turn lanes on School Boulevard. Glen Posusta felt it was something the City should look into. Bruce Westby felt there was sufficient right of way to handle the addition of turn lanes. Glen Posusta suggested getting input from the School District. There was discussion on sources of power for the light. Power would come from 2-3 sources; Edmonson Avenue and School Boulevard, Fallon Avenue and School Boulevard and Fenning Avenue and School Boulevard. Brian Stumpf felt since it was getting late in the season and they need to meet with the School District, they should hold off on this until all the issues are resolved. Wayne Mayer asked which option would have least modification to wire size. Bruce Westby indicated that would be Layout #IA. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON ALL LIGHTING AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY RPOJECTS. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Consideration to hear the findin2s of the Broadband Feasibilitv Studv and to approve the recommendation of the Fiber Optic Task Force. This item was moved up on the agenda to accommodate members of the Optic Fiber Task Force who were in attendance at the meeting. Doug Dawson from CCG Consulting who did the feasibility study for broadband service gave a presentation to the Council. He stated that they looked at the financial, engineering and legal aspects to see if was feasible to have the City of Monticello provide fiber optics to its residents. They did a telephone survey which he stated is reliable to 95% accuracy. The survey was sent to 270 households. 84% felt the City should provide cable, telephone, data access and 64% indicated they would switch to the City if the City offered these services. Doug Dawson reviewed other aspects of the survey noting that residents were more interested in cable TV. While they did not survey businesses their firm did conduct telephone interview with a number of them. The business owners were more interested in quality of service and fast response time in solving a problem and residents were more interested in cost savings. The study also identified why the community would benefit from having fiber optics. One area of benefit was economic development. Greg Rapp from Springsted stated that broadband has made significant impact on economic development. For each $1 invested in broadband there is $3 in economic benefit. He talked about the community's vision as far as economic development. Communities that use broadband as an incentive target IT companies. Other areas of benefit include education, health care, improved city services and telecommuting. Savings the residents would realize from utilizing the service would help stimulate the local community and the profits that are realized by the entity providing the service would stay in the community. The network would be laid out by putting fiber in every street in town. When a person signs up for service the fiber loop would be extended to that home. Doug Dawson reviewed the different types of technology and the level of service it provides. Doug Dawson felt that 20 years out fiber optics will still be the best technology. 10 Doug Dawson went over revenue assumptions that were used in the study. The City would provide a discount of 15% to their customers and each primary product would be enhanced. The City would increase rates to compensate for increases in programming costs for cable TV. Other rates (data and telephone) would not be increased. The City would offer everything as far as products. The task force is recommending that City provide voice services but purchase the switching from an outside vendor at least for now. If the City decides they would put in switching the City would have to hold a referendum and get 65% approval. As part of the study CCG Consulting looked at rates for the services. At the present time the rates in Monticello for cable, telephone and data are among the highest. Doug Dawson discussed the expenditures for the system. The largest expenditure would be the programming. There is a cooperative of service providers (NCTQ National Cable TV Cooperative, However at the present time there is a moratorium on new members so the city would have to wait until the moratorium was lifted or find another cooperative. In addition there would be cost for personnel. It is estimated 9 employees with technical skill would be needed to ran the system. The study also based expenditure cost on the city purchasing switching from an outside provider. Brenda Krueger from Springsted discussed the bonding required for the system. There would be short term financing for the construction which would be about 18 months. There would be a long term revenue bond running for 20 years which would finance the construction loan, interest, two years of capital, capitalized interest making a total bond of about $23,000,000-$24,000,000. In the early years the revenue would probably just cover operating costs until more residents have signed up for the service but later years enough revenue should be generated to cover all costs of the system. Brian Stumpf asked if there were additional savings if the City could utilize any the fiber optics TDS has in place. Doug Dawson said if the City could share other facilities, there would be a cost savings. Mr. 011ig, from TDS indicated that their fim'I does have some fiber optics in place. Douth Dawson indicated that this portion of the plan assumes the City is doing everything on their own. However, he noted there are cities that have partnered with other providers within their community. Milda Hedbloom talked about the legal issues which include: 1) The authority of cities to engage in telecommunication services, She stated the authority is inherent or implied authority. While the power of the city do so is not specifically identified, no city who has entered into providing the service has been challenged in court that they lack statutory authority to do so, The telephone portion of the statute has some specific conditions. If a city wants to provide the switching that must be approved through a referendum with 65% approval. Other items she felt the city needed to consider was carrying out an education program to let residents know what is being provided. She noted that there may be some issues with current providers that may end up in legal action. She added that the LMC does provide insurance coverage for this. The recommendations of the task force were: 1) there are benefits to the community and its residents by having the City build and operate a fiber network; 2) there are no legal impediments to prevent the City from doing so; 3) there is a financing method in the revenue bond that would keep taxpayers from being at risk by the city investment in a fiber network. Because of its size 11 the City would need a larger amount of customers to make this work, at least 50%-55%. They also recommended doing an education program which the Task Force would be responsible for. Glen Posusta suggested that if residents had any questions regarding the fiber optic system, they should contact the Council or there would be information on www.Monticellofibero-otic.com The task force has a plan on how to carry the education program forward with the education program to be done between now and December, assuming the Council moves forward. Brian Stumpf asked that it be considered as part of the motion that City try to work with the local providers such as TDS to reduce cost for the fiber optic system. Glen Posusta felt that would be up to TDS. Wayne Mayer said it has been past practice for the Council to try to keep things on a local basis and he didn't anticipate this would be any different. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO PROCEED WITH A CITYWIDE BROADBAND FIBER OPTIC NETWORK PROJECT FOR THE PROVISION OF TELECOMMUNCIATIONS SERVICES BY THE CITY TO ALL ITS RESIDENTS AND BUSINESSES ON THE CONDITION OF FINANCING SUCH SERVICES SOLELY BY REVENUES AND NOT B A TAX LEVY. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED LJNANIMOUSLY. �1# 11TIMI I Shibani Bisson from WSB & Associates reviewed the process for the assessment of the construction projects. It is proposed to schedule the assessment hearings for these project on October 23, 2006 in order to meet the cutoff date for submitting assessments to the County. This project covered the extension of Meadow Oak Avenue to CSAH 18. Monticello Industrial Park and Resurrection Lutheran Church are proposed to be assessed a total of $477,079.80 for the improvements and $249,022.50 will be funded utility trunk funds, b. School Boulevard west (Dee2an Avenue to Redford Lanel, Proiect No. 2005-02C Among the properties proposed to be assessed under this project are Ocello LLC, Prairie Ponds and Taco Johns with a total amount of $419,673.00 being assessed. In addition the City owned development, Jefferson Commons picked up $826,452 in cost and city trunk fund reserves picked up $147,872 of project costs. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller noted that in the Jefferson Commons development there is an agreement in place with River City Lanes. 1104 r. al uIr 1:10110 a Moll tram 103 xeJ wo SO wes I a- 100914-1 16M Kos tnwww wwa� 12 SETTING THE ASSESSMENT HEARING FOR OCTOBER 23, 2006. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. C. 7th Street/HiLyhland Wav, Project No. 2004-02C A portion of the project costs was funded through a special assessment agreement with Ryan Companies and the traffic signal at CSAH 75 and Highland Way are proposed to be assessed against adjacent benefiting properties based on trip generation. It is proposed to assess apartment buildings in this area for a portion of the cost. The signal would be funded 50% by the City, 25% by Ryan Companies and 25% to properties along CSAH 75. Tom Perrault indicated he did not feel the apartment buildings should be assessed for this project. Shibani Bisson noted that these properties were shown as non-residential. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION FOR THE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DECLARING COSTS TO BE ASSESSED AND SETTING THE ASSESSMENT HEARING FOR OCTOBER 23, 2006. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. d. CSAH 18/1-94 Interchan2e. Project No. 2004-01C Properties proposed to be assessed under this project include the Union Crossings development (Target/Home Depot sites), Monticello Industrial Park, Outlot A of Liberty Park and the Riverview Square Addition. 1KOJUVIN RIM I 10 100 e. 2006 Street Reconstruction. Project No. 2006-01C. At the public hearing on the improvement project it was estimated that the reconstruction cost for a residential lot would be $3,000 per unit and the sidewalk would be $200 per unit. Due to increases in construction cost these figures came in at $3,150 for street reconstruction and about $500 for the sidewalk. Clint Herbst noted that this reconstruction did not appear to go as smoothly as previous projects. He indicated that he had received a number of complaints from residents impacted by the construction. Brian Stumpf questioned the assessment for the Ritze property which was shown as being assessed 273 feet at the commercial rate. Since a portion of the site is used as a residence he asked whether the assessment could be split with half of the property be assessed at a commercial rate and half as residential. Another option would be to assess based on number of residential units that could be contained on the site. Council directed the consulting engineer to look at this property further, 13 Tom Perrault asked about the assessment on the property at 1129 West Broadway, now platted as the Pineview Addition which had received an assessment based on commercial use. The engineer was also directed to study this property further and provide and update to the Council. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION FOR THE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DECLARING THE COSTS TO BE ASSESSED AND SETTING THE ASSESSMENT HEARING FOR OCTOBER 23, 2006. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. =iiiiiiiii'lillill 1111111 11111pi 11111111111 11 IN It was noted that the assessment to the Chadwick and Moon Motors property were part of an overall agreement between Chadwick and the City. The total amount proposed to be assessed is $2,683,166.01. 9. Consideration of award of contract for extension of Dalton Avenue, Dalton Wav and iialton Court. Citv Prolect No. 2006-15C. Approved with the consent agenda as #5K. 11. Consideration of ajvrovin2 vlans. specifications and advertisina for bids for Darkin2 lot and hardeourt for Groveland Park, Citv Proiect No. 2006-27C. Approved with the consent agenda as #5L. 12. Consideration of authorizin2 inturovements for the River Mill Pathwav between Mill RuT Road and River Forest Drive. This segment of trail had been proposed for paving some time ago but had been delayed to see how the trail would fit in with the proposed north frontage road. Jeff O'Neill stated that the decision to complete the path is dependent on the alignment of the north frontage road but a decision on the frontage road could be 3-4 years away. Clint Herbst noted the traffic in the area. Glen Posusta asked why they didn't pull the road closer to the freeway and further away from the residential area. Shibani Bisson said there was a flat area that they were trying to meet. They could put it closer to the interstate but the retaining wall would have to be higher. Another issue would be that they would be within MN DOT right-of-way and they would need to get permission from MnDOT. Clint Herbst asked if there was a possibility of getting the work done this fall. Shibani Bisson stated it would be pretty tight schedule. She questioned if funding had been established for this project. The Council felt if the project goes forward, they would like to see it happen this year if possible. 14 CLINT HERBST MOVED TO AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF PLANS , , OBTAIN QUOTES TO CONSTRUCT r • PATHWAY AS . BITUMINOUS PATHWAY AND IF POSSIBLE TO GET IT STARTED THIS YEAR AND IF BITUMINOUS CANNOT BE PLACED THIS YEAR AT LEAST DO THE SUBGRADE PREPARATION AND BASE. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED ►ror0r Street Reconstruction Project: Tom Perrault thanked the Street Department for going out to the site and cleaning up the area after the rainfall. The Class V is supposed to be placed this week and that should take care of the problem. City Administrator Position: Clint Herbst indicated that the Personnel Committee reviewed the employment contract for the City Administrator position being offered to Jeff O'Neill. He noted the contract had a 5% increase in wages making the contract amount $86,000. There is a three month severance clause. After December 31, 2007 termination without just cause could occur. Brian Stumpf stated his appreciation for the years of service given by Rick Wolfsteller in his role as City Administrator and Chief Financial Officer. JONI a §X9NkkJ19• , • r •. _� • Tom Scott, City Attorney, suggested adding language to Section 4B as follows: "and further subject to the City's ordinance on outside employment." AMENDEDBRIAN STUMPF • • TO INCLUDE THE LANGUAGE RECOMMENDED BY THE CITY ATTORNEY. • D THE MOTION.• • CARRIED Tax Levy: Glen Posusta questioned comments in the Monticello Times attributed to the City Administrator relating to the City's 2007 budget and tax levy. He also questioned conflicting information in the comparison of the budgets of the City of Monticello to that of the City of Buffalo. Jeff O'Neill has asked staff to come up with places where the City could save money. Rick Wolfsteller explained his remarks stating that in the preliminary budget that went to the Council the proposed levy was $7.1 million the Council lowered this amount to $6.5 million but did not specify how this reduction was to be accomplished. Glen Posusta did not feel that the tax levy should be used for items such as financing the biosolids expansion at the wastewater treatment plan. Glen Posusta stated that the comment was made that Monticello's budget was $16 million and Buffalo's was $25 million and added that on a sheet submitted as part of the preliminary budget it showed a budget amount of $37 million. Rick Wolfsteller pointed out that the $37 million figure included depreciation expense in the various funds and also included the cost of the biosolids expansion ($8,490,000). Glen Posusta questioned other figures used in the comparison and stated he felt there was misinformation. Glen Posusta said he hoped Jeff O'Neill would present a budget based on what the City needs not on what the City wants. Rick Wolfsteller indicated that from the budget workshop he thought sewer and water rates would be the primary source to make up the difference. Glen Posusta stated that because $600,000 is cut from the levy does not mean that you have to make that up somewhere else. He felt the City should make cuts in their expenditures. IN 13. Approve Pavment of biHs for Sevtembem The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Recording Secretary 16 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday S' a J' 6 < Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf. Members Absent: None Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 5 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The purpose of the meeting was to review the findings of the Fiber Optics Task Force. Doug Dawson from CCG Consulting, the firm that did the feasibility study, was present as were representatives from Springsted and members of the Fiber Optics Task Force. The results of a survey sent to 270 homes was discussed. 84% of those surveyed felt the City should offer cable TV, data services and telephone services and 64% indicated they would switch if the City was offering these services. Residents were more interested in the cable TV service and cost savings while business owners tended to look at the quality of the service. The benefits of a fiber optic system were discussed. The primary benefit would be economic development but the areas of education, health care, city services, and cost savings would also see benefit as a result of fiber optic system in the City of Monticello. Doug Dawson reviewed the existing technology and the reasons why they were recommending a fiber optic system. It was felt that fiber optics would still be top technology 30 years from now. The financial aspects of setting up a fiber optics system were discussed. The study was based on a number of assumptions which include: 1) The City providing the services at a 15% discount compared to other providers; 2) The City would purchase switching service from an outside vendor; 3) Future rates would not be increased for services except for cable TV; 4) Rate increases with the City's system would not be as often or as high as those of other vendors. The biggest expenditure would be programming costs. To get affordable costs, it was suggested that the City join NCTC, a cooperative which currently has a moratorium on accepting new members. The City will either need to wait until the moratorium is lifted or find another cooperative. The City could not afford to go into telecommunications business without being a member of the cooperative. Another major expenditure would be for employees. In this case they are estimating nine employees would be needed as well as a small building to house the system, some of the staff and necessary equipment. It is also recommended that the City purchase wholesale telephone switching from an outside vendor. Doug Dawson noted that the reason for doing this, at least initially, is because if the City would have the switching system, the City would need to hold a referendum and receive 65% approval. 17 Bonding requirements were also discussed. There would be a need for construction financing for an estimated for 18 months. In addition there would be a 20 year revenue bond in the amount of approximately $24 million. The revenue bond would be supported by revenue from the system. No tax levy would be required to support the bond payments. CCG Consulting would anticipate that 50%-55% of the residents would need to sip up for the service for it to be viable venture for the City. The smaller the community the larger the percentage of residents needed to sign up for the service. For this reason it was recommended that the before the City commits to the system, they do an education program of the residents to see what kind of commitment there is to the system before it is constructed. Clint Herbst asked if there was any reason why the City would not work in combination with TDS to provide switching service. Wayne Mayer felt if TDS wanted to provide the service it could be a win-win situation. The last area discussed was legal considerations. Milda Hedblooln indicated that one issue was authority in state statutes for cities to engage in providing these services. The statutory authority is implied and not explicit in the statutes. She noted that a number of cities continue to conduct telecommunication businesses and have not been legally challenged. In summary, the Fiber Optics Task Force felt the City should proceed with providing a fiber optic system for the city as it would result in benefits in a number of different areas. They also recommended that before the City commits to the project there should be an education program for the residents and a sign -up of customers to see what kind of support there is for the system. They also recommended that if the City proceeds with this project, they go to an outside vendor for the switching service. The education program phase would take place October -December, 2006 with construction to take place in 2007. There was some additional discussion about providing this service to the unincorporated area. Meeting was adjourned 6:20 p.m. Recording Secretary UK Council Agenda: 10/9/06 5A. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for MCC,and Water, (RW) The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC and Water Departments. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. 1. Ratify the hiring/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. List of new employees. 19 Nam* Title___ Department _---___'____ Emmel'JoLymn Climb Wall Attend MCC KabchmazonoW.Loeann Guest Services || MCC GueAdner, Brianne Slide Attendant MCC Riley, Darian Climb Wall Attend MCC Nome R000nn Anderson, Tony Temp Hook, Pat Voluntary Department .. Water MCC Hire Date Class 9M9/2006 PT 9/17/2006 PT 9M020O PT 9/23/2006 PT Last Day Class 9/8/2006 Temp 41/2612006 PT employee council list.xls: 10/4/2006 20 Council Agenda: 10/9/06 5B. Consideration to rescind a motion anvrovine. a Conditional Use Permit for drive-throup-h facilitV for Broadwav Market with conditions and to auvrove a Conditional Use Permit for a drive-throua-h facility for Broadwav Market with no conditions. (AS/JO) The Council discussed this item at the September 25th meeting, during which there was some confusion regarding the conditions relating to approval. To clarify, Council is asked by the applicant and staff to simply to rescind a motion to approve a CUP for drive-through with conditions and to follow-up with a motion to approve a CUP with no conditions. 1111111 r 11111 At its August 28th meeting, the City Council motioned to approve a conditional use permit for a drive- through facility for the proposed Broadway Market, a commercial project located at County Road 39 and Hart Boulevard. The approved minutes for the meeting show that the Council approving the CUP via motion number I which included conditions. However, alternative I was not consistent with Council's discussion to allow the applicant to proceed with the drive through as designed (without conditions) or with further modifications as determined by the applicant. The approved minutes have been included as supporting data. The discussion indicated that the majority of Council was comfortable with the applicant refining the drive thru design without significant redesign (conditions) because the drive through operation was "self contained" and not likely to affect the operation of the city right of way or affect an adjacent property owner. In addition, the design was not at variance with any ordinance and it did not appear to conflict with fire safety standards. Given these circumstances, it was concluded by Council that the property owner should be given the liberty to evaluate "trade-offs" associated with alternative design ideas and select a design that functions best for the development. Due to the discrepancy between the discussion and motion, staff and applicant are seeking correction of the motion to approve the CUP. 1) Motion to rescind the August 28"', 2006 approval of the Conditional Use Permit for a drive through facility for Broadway Market, which was subject to the following conditions: a) The parking lot shall be modified to include an access lane to the west side of the parking lot and the drive through entrance. Said drive lane shall be delineated with curbed islands and contain directional signage. b) The entire north side of the drive lane for the drive through shall be curbed to create stacking space for six vehicles. 21 Council Agenda: 10/9/06 c) The island south of the pre -menu board shall be removed to allow room for a passing lane around the drive through. CouncH should select this alternative IriT`iTb_e_fi—eved that Ine app ican I proposect WFPT91719' sufficient to serve the site. As a companion motion, Council should select alternative I under Decision 2 below. 2) No action. Ff Council believes the original motion was correct, requiring the applicant to redesign the drive-through, no motion is required. The record will stand that the applicant has approval for a CUP subject to the conditions noted above. 11!1111111 1111 rill. I n I 1) Motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit for a drive through facility for Broadway Market, based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent of the PZM District. 2) Motion of other. Staff recommends alternative I under both decisions. Staff supports the drive-through configurations as shown. A. Approved Minutes of 8/28/06 B. Site Plan W Brian Stumpf added item #10, Approving Plans and Specifications and Advertising for bids for the extension of Dalton Avenue, Dalton Court and Dalton Way to the consent agenda. John Simola asked that item #5G, Award of contract on the ornamental fencing for Riverside Cemetery be removed from the agenda as the contractor had submitted the required bond. Glen Posusta felt agenda items #9, Award of bid for Monticello Business Center improvements and 413, Development of an ordinance regulating multi -family dwellings could be added to the agenda. Tom Perrault requested that Item #13 not be on the consent agenda since there may be people attending the meeting to discuss the need for regulating rental units. Wayne Mayer asked that items #5D,Conditional Use Permit for Steiner Development and #5H, off -premise real estate signs be removed from the consent agenda for discussion. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE ADDITION OF ITEMS #9 AND #10, WITH THE REMOVAL OF #5G AND WITH ITEMS 45D AND #5H REMOVED FOR DISCUSSION. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Tom Perrault questioned why the actual application for the charitable gambling license was not included with the agenda item. miq� mirilin �11111 r�l i i v 1 i 1 1 #517 Conditional Use Permit — Broadway Market: Wayne Mayer asked Consulting Planner, Steve Grittman to explain #6 listed under the requirements for a conditional use permit relating to vehicular access points. Wayne Mayer questioned the drive through area and the location of the stacking space. He was concerned that cars in the stacking area could block the now of traffic through the parking lot. The sketch submitted showed a "Do Not Stand" sign which is directed at vehicles so as to not block traffic flow. Wayne Mayer questioned what appeared to be two stacking areas separated by an open space. Steve Grittman said the design was not unreasonable. Glen Posusta asked why the window was not placed at the comer of the building then the whole area could be stacking area. Wayne Mayer questioned why they would want a set up that could impede someone from getting out of the parking lot. Clint Herbst stated the parking is all self contained and not affecting neighboring property so the property owner is the only one that has to deal with it. Since it does not affect any other site, he did not think the City should direct the developer to do anything else. Glen Posusta felt it should be designed for what takes place on the site 99% of the time. Glen Posusta felt the solution would be to move the window to the opposite comer of the building. Todd Johnson from Steiner Development addressed the Council stating they are working with staff on the plan. He stated they are willing to, and have made changes to the site plan to effect a well placed drive through. They are proposing broken stacking allowing for four cars from the window and additional space for two more cars. In addition there is ground signage directing them to queue. Staff had suggested closing the first opening but that was not the preferred option of Steiner Development. They are willing to work with staff to come up with something else or act on specific direction from the Council. Todd Johnson thought leaving the parking lanes open would be less circuitous and would not be sending the people away from the front of the building. Clint Herbst felt the parking lot layout was a movement thing and having it open 23 would allow vehicle movement through the parking lot. Todd Johnson noted that the proposed use is a coffee house which has specific requirements on spaces needed for the drive through. Wayne Mayer stated that according to Section 3-9J one curb cut is allowed for every 125 feet but there is nothing in the ordinance that says how far apart the curb cuts should be. Wayne Mayer asked if on the east end of the building, after the customer has picked up his order is there any warning as far as pedestrian traffic along the back. Todd Johnson discussed signage options such as "Service Vehicles Only." Tom Perrault questioned the speed limit of 35 mph identified in the agenda item for CR 39 and CSAR 75stating those were not the posted speed limits. Clint Herbst asked if the City would see a change in the posted speed limits on these streets once the interchange was open. Bruce Westby indicated when CSAH 75 was turned back to the City the speed limit could be looked at then. There was some discussion on when the turn back of the road would take place. Tom Perrault asked if the speed limit changes anything as far as the pylon sign. Steve Grittman said the applicant would still be in compliance with the sign ordinance. Tom Perrault asked the capacity of the storm water system. Todd Johnson stated they have complied to what engineering standards are which is a 10 year storm event design. If there was a 100 year storm event there would be emergency overflows provided. Wayne Mayer asked about the parking stalls noting there were 23 stalls marked for liquor store use. Steve Grittman said the parking requirements were set to provide for the maximum of the usage allowed. Todd Johnson requested direction from the Council as to variation in design and whether the parking lanes can remain open or whether they will be required to close it off. Brian Stumpf felt that the owner knows what would work best on their site and he didn't feel comfortable telling them to do something else with the design unless it was a safety issue. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONDITONAL USE PERMIT FOR A COMMERCIAL STRIP CENTER AND JOINT ACCESS BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED ARRANGEMENT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE INTENT OF THE PZM DISTRICT. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH WAYNE MAYER VOTING IN OPPOSITION. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A DRIVE THROUGH FACILITY BASED ON A FINDNG THAT THE PROPOSED USE IS CONSISTENT WITH THE INTENT OF THE PZM DISTRICT, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1) PARKING LOT SHALL BE MODIFIED TO INCLUDE AN ACCESS LANE TO THE WEST SIDE OF THE PARKING LOT AND THE DRIVE THROUGH ENTRANCE. SAID DRIVE LANE SHALL BE DELINEATED WITH CURBED ISLANDS AND CONTAIN DIRECTIONAL SIGNAGE; 2) TME ENTIRE NORTH SIDE OF THE DRIVE LANE FOR THE DRIVE THROUGH SHALL BE CURBED TO CREATE STACKING SPACE FOR SIX VEHICLES; 3) THE ISLAND SOUTH OF THE PRE -MENU BOARD SHALL BE REMOVED TO ALLOW ROOM FOR A PASSING LANE AROUND THE DRIVE THROUGH AND THE APPLICANT SHALL COMPLY WITH ANY RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY ENGINEER.. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH WAYNE MAYER VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 24 AND NO SUBSTANTIAL CONFLICT IN HOURS OF OPERATION IS EXPECTED SUBJECT TO THE APPLICANT PROVIDNG A LEGAL AGREEMENT EXECUTED BY ALL PARTIES CONCERNED FOR JOINT PARKING SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY ATTORNEY. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. #5H Off -Premise Meal Estate Signs: Jeff O'Neill provided background on this item noting that the present ordinance restricts signs from being placed in the boulevard. Staff was proposing a procedure to use for enforcing the ordinance as it relates to off -premise real estate signs. Jeff O'Neill stated with literal enforcement of the ordinance it creates hardship for the real estate companies that are promoting developments within the City. Staff was seeking direction from the Council on the level of enforcement that they wanted to apply. Clint Herbst felt the City should contact the real estate company and review with them what the regulations are and the changes being proposed. He felt by meeting with the real estate companies the City could come up with a solution. Glen Posusta felt the sign issue should be handled in a manner similar to what St. Michael did where they allowed the signs to be posted from Thursday through Sunday. Tom Perrault stated that one real estate company may have more than one office and each office could have a sign in the boulevard. Jeff O'Neill said it would take awhile to do research and get the ordinance adopted. What did the City want to do in the interim? Brian Stumpf felt the City should be followinc, the ordinance. If something comes from the meeting then the City could look at interim application. Clint Herbst felt the ordinance should be done over a short period of time and not dragged out. Jeff O'Neill said the Planning Commission could not act on the ordinance until October at the earliest. He felt the City should go with an interim procedure until the ordinance is in place. In further discussion Tom Perrault asked if the notice would be given only to local realtors. Glen Posusta said there would be published notice given. Tom Scott cautioned that sign matters are complicated and the City must be careful about regulating signs based on the content of the sign. Clint Herbst agreed but stated his intent was that since real estate companies have the majority of off -premise signs the City could meet with them and come up with a recommendation that the City could apply to all off -premise signs. Brian Stumpf stated that once any ordinance is adopted then it is a matter of enforcement. 7. Public Hearing on appeal of a denial of variance to setba,ck reouirements for a drive- throueh lane within an existinL), Planned Unit Development. Applicant: Mielke Brothers, LLC/ Alan Loch. Steve Grittman provided background stating that agenda items 47 and 48 are related to the same site which is Chelsea Commons. The location of the proposed drive through would require a variance. The Planning Commission recommended against the conditional use permit and the denied the variance request. The applicant has appealed the denial of the variance. Approval of the conditional use permit relies on the approval of the variance. 25 REMOVE & REPLACE EXIST SIGN AS NECESSARY EXIST• CONCRETE ACROSS ENTRANCE L PED. RAMPS -'REMOVE EXIST CURB & CUTTER ACROSS MALL CCMIME GAL DR WAY ENTRANCE BROADWAY MARKET STEINER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES MONTICELLO, MN NOTES, 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE FROM BACK OF CURB. 2. DIMENSIONS MEASURED OFF THE PROPERTY LINES ARE PERPENDICULAR TO THEM. 3. ALL PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE IMTH CHAPTER 1341 OF THE BN STATE BUILDING CODE AND ADA STANDARDS. 4. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS PREPARED BY WEBER ARCHITECTS & PLANNERS FOR BUIUNNG INFORMATION & CIMENSIONS. A. REFER TO ALTA ACSM LAND TITLE SURVEY 48 NUMBER 1-05-0208 PR PARED BY OTTO ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS AND LAND SURVEYORS. INC. FOR BOUNDARY ADDITIONAL. INFORMATION. SITE PLAN 1 1-06-0221 SHEET NO. Cl OF C6 SHEETS 6113106_ " r Council Agenda: 10/9/06 5C. Consideration of renewine currenev exchanee license for Wal-Mart. (RW) The City has received the renewal application for a currency exchange license for the Wal-Mart Supercenter #3624 located at 9320 Cedar Street. State Statute 53A.04 requires that any business other than banks, savings and loans, credit union, etc., that engage in the business of cashing checks, money orders or traveler's checks for a fee are required to obtain a currency exchange license. Although the currency exchange license is issued by the State of Minnesota, the Department of Commerce cannot approve the currency exchange license unless the local jurisdiction agrees to the license renewal. The City is not aware of any issues relating to the currency exchange license that is currently held by Wal-Mart and therefore there would be no reason not to approve the license renewal. The Council could approve the renewal of the currency exchange license for the Wal- Mart store located at 9320 Cedar Street. 2. The Council could take no action of the license renewal application. If the City does not approve or deny the license renewal within 60 days of receiving the application, the Department of Commerce assumes that the City is in approval of the renewal. 3. The City could deny the license renewal. The applicant may then request a contested case hearing. Since the City is not aware of any issues or concerns relating to the currency exchange service provided by Wal-Mart, it is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Director of Finance that renewal of the currency exchange license for Wal-Mart be approved. Application for license renewal State statute 27 MINNESOTA 2007 LICENSE RENEWAL NOTICE CURRENCY EXCHANGE innNAL-MARTSTORES INC. License Type: CURRENCY EXCHANGE dbo'' V\AL-MIARTSUPERCENTER #3G24 �w License Number: 20535451 '' S32O(�EDAR8T /��� � WONT|CELLO.MN553O2 �»mp�nyS�m�une� C0�PORAT|ON ~" Renewal Fee: $500 Phone Number: (763) 295-6594 [] Check this box ifyou will not borenewing the license for the year 20 notumiogthxfonnwiUnameaeaSURREND�Ro��h� AFF/Fl�AT|ON/ license. |hereby certify that the information and responses contained in this renewal application are true and correct mthe best of my knowledge and belief, Rick W. Bzazile VP of Finance / '''"\ TlUn ' w0� 8/22/06 Signature Date N -'' SEAL s ed and sworn to, before me, a Notary Public, this 2 Aonnnt .2006. ^`� Stat of Arkansas 0) / / �J-`� �~' County of Benton Notary Public Signature \ v Mycommission expires 6/22/13 You must return this entire 2 -page form with attachments, signed, along with your renewal payment, to: Minnesota Department ofCommerce Financial Examinations Division O5 - 7th Place East, Suite 5OO 8t. Paul, k4N551O1-2108 CORRECTIONS/AMENDMENTS: Make name, address or telephone number corrections directly on the form above. ° For aname change, attach ocopy ofthe amended name filed and stamped by the Minnesota Secretary ofGtate. " If the company uses an assumed name in Minnesota and the name is not included in the. above information, attach a copy of the Assumed Name Certificate from the Minnesota Secretary 6fState. • P,O. Box addresses are not acceptable. Renewals without a street address will be returned. TIMELY RENEWAL: The renewal form must besigned, notarized, and dated and returned with the correct renewal fee by Sept. 1.2OOG. ° Pursuant toMinnesota Statutes, Chapter 53A.04(a).regarding the licensing ofcurrency exchanges, both state and �oa approval ofthe �ouanooand renewal ofaounenoyexchange �uanxe�mqu|nod. ThiapmcesamaybakeupN12Odaya;Uhe----f-r— you should return the required forms immediately toensure atimely renewal, ° ifall required forms are not fully completed and returned tnour office with payment bySeptember 1.2O0O your |�onsav�||lapse � efekeDacembar31.2OOG. |fyour Ucenoedoes lapse, you must m� app|yra|ioenn*uningthe!icenne' application form and paying the new license fees, � Aproperly renewed license will bevalid through December 51.2UO7. RENEWAL FEE: ° N0CASHACCEPTED. Please make check mmoney order payable toMN. DEPT. OFCOMMERCE. ° NOTICE: Dishonored checks will baassessed a$3Oservice fee bybw'andmay result in failure torenew license. ° Renewal fees are non-refundable except that onoverpayment ofefee will barefundable upon proper application. If you have questions, please contact the Financial Examinations Division by e-mail at rob |n.brown@mtate.mn.uoorbytelephone at(851)283-8855. VYALMARTSUPERCENTER #3O24 9320CEDAR ST K4DNT|CELLO.K4N553S2 page1of 2 28 * 41MUMI A The fOlIDwIng information must be completed as part of the renewal application: 1. Attach to this form a list of the name(s), business and residence address, and official title of each director, officer, firited or general partner, manager, shareholder holding more than ten percent of the outstanding stock of the corporation, Doration, and employees with authority to exercise management or policy control over the company or member of thelicensee. The list should contain the equity ownership of each person. 2. Each person listed in item 1 must request the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension conduct a background investigation on theform provided. Completed forms must be submitted with your renewal application. 3. Attach a current fee schedule of all fees charged by the currency exchange office for cashing checks, money orders or travelers checks. The list must include the type of checks cashed, the fees charged, and whether or not the fees vary depending on the amount of the check. 4. Attach the $10,000 Surety Bond (on the forms provided) with a power of attorney form. The bond must be effective January 1, 2007, until December 31, 2007. 5, Does the licensee have employees at the currency exchange location? ( V I Yes ) No if yes, you must provide evidence of current workers' compensation insurance. Attach a copy of the certificate of insurance. 6, Does the licensee operate any other currency exchange locations? [ Y ] Yes No If yes, attach to this form the name of the location, the street address, city, state, zip code, and county. T Contact person for questions relating to licensing issues: Name -Kiiizberlj7 Cooper Title Licensing- Specialist III Firm Name ff,W-Mart Stores, hic. Street Address 702 S. TV 8th Street City Bentonville Telephone Number 479-277-7042 Fax Number 479-204-9864 8, Contact person for questions relating to consumer complaints: e, Cine)� H. Yang-A&Pike I Title Project Man-a,-er Street Address 702 S. TV 8th Street I CRY BeutonviLle Telephone Number 479-204-0788 1 Fax Number 479-204-3004 9. Contact person at the currency exchange location: Name Joel Afeyer 9320 Cedar St. Street Address 763-295-9800 _j.eI%>hone Number Title Store Maiiagei - City 3foiztieellp 763-295-9809 Fax Number State/Zip Code AR 72716-0500 Kini b erlj,. Co op er(',�M val-tnart. com E-mail address Firm Name 1,11a.1 -Mart Stores, hic. State/Zip Code AR 72716-0500 chj,,aiig@wa1-7iiar­t eo7ii E-mail address Wal-Mart Stiperceliter #3624 AIN 55362 State/Zip Code E-mail address /I/a Page 2 of 2 29 Council Agenda: 10/9/06 51). Consideration of apvrovin2 contract for varkinLy lot and hardeour) improvements at Groveland Park, Citv Proiect No. 2006-27C. On the September 25, 2006 agenda there was an item identified as "Consideration of approving plans and specifications and advertising for bids for parking lot and hardcourt for the Groveland Park, City Project No. 2006-27C. Information was not available at the time the agenda went out and was to be presented at the meeting. At the meeting the item was placed on the consent agenda and there was no discussion of the item. Because of the tight frame for getting this project done, the intent was to also ask Council at that time to allow proceeding immediately with a contract, assuming the bids received were reasonable. Unfortunately that was not done and the Council's action was to approve the plans and specifications and authorize advertising for bids. Bids have since been received and opened and a copy of the bid tabulation is attached to the agenda. Award the bid for the parking lot improvements at Groveland Park to Rum River Contracting in the amount of $52,783.19. 2. Do not award the bids for the parking lot improvement. It is the recommendation of the Parks Superintendent, Parks Commission and Public Works Director to proceed with the award of the bid to Rum River Contracting in the amount of $52,783.19. Bid Tabulation 29a BID OPENING PROJECT NO. Groveland Parking Lot Improvements September 28, 2006 - 2:00 p.m. BIDDER BID BOND C&(x IM Council Agenda: 10/9/06 At its regular meeting of October 3rd, the Planning Commission interviewed three candidates for two open positions of the Commission. The vacancies on the Commission are due to the resignations of Craig Schibonski and Sandy Suchy. After interviews and discussion, the Commissioners recommended appointment of Barry Voigt and Idella Ziegler to the Planning Commission. The motion was 3-1, with Commissioner Dragsten voting in dissent. Commissioner Dragsten indicated that his concern related to the possibility that Ziegler intended to serve only one term. He did not have reservations regarding the appointment of Voight. Mayor Herbst and Council member Perrault were in attendance during the interviews. Mayor Herbst indicated support for each of the interviewees and support for the Commission's recommendation. Council member Perrault seemed to indicate that the City should possibly consider interviewing additional applicants. Perrault's concern was due to the fact that the advertisement for applicants was originally intended to fill one position, but with Suchy's resignation, needed to fill two. The appointments would be effective November 6th, pending the applicant's acceptance and ability to serve from that date. The regular Planning Commission meeting for November has been rescheduled to Monday, November 6th, as November 7th is the date of the General Election. It was recommended that the third applicant, whom the Commission viewed as also highly qualified, be contacted and encouraged to become involved in other City projects, including the Comprehensive Plan update. Motion to approve the appointment of Barry Voight and Idella Ziegler to the Planning Commission. 2. Motion to deny appointment of Barry Voight and/or Idella Ziegler to the Planning Commission. 3. Motion requesting opportunity to interview candidates. 4. Motion to table appointment and extend advertisement for additional candidates. W Council Agenda: 10/9/06 5F. Approve Change Order No. 6 for the CSAH 18/1-94 Interchan2e Proiect (City Pro ect No. 2004-1C) The attached change order is required to revise the pay items to include "Install Bridge Lights." The City Council previously approved installing decorative lighting on the newly constructed CSAH 18 Interchange Bridge at the July 24th Council meeting. The four lights proposed for the CSAR 18 Interchange Bridge would match the ones already installed on the adjacent pedestrian bridge and would be staggered from those lights to provide a better visual from Interstate 94. The contractor has provided a price of $19,600 to furnish and install four lights on the bridge and connect them to the same source of power as the pedestrian bridge lights. The $1,600 increase in price over the previous quote is due to the fact that Xcel Energy installed the source of power on a different pole than anticipated, which is further from the bridge requiring additional wiring to be installed. The decorative lighting is scheduled to be installed by December 1, 2006. Approve Change Order No. 6 in the amount of $19,600 for R. L. Larson Excavating, Inc. 2. Do not approve Change Order No. 6 at this time. The City Administrator and City Engineer recommend selecting Alternative No. 1. Change Order No. 6 31 C-Docunicws and Setnttgsv/msn grossinRer'dacal,SettinRs!Tempormy Lnrzrnet R16 0LP.3!AGN I'fM-Hedge Lights-100306.doe OCT -05-2006 10:17 OCT -05-2006 10:36 AM M1, �.Mb 1040AM $IF. NO. 8480-08 COUNTY PROJECT NO. 14-10-9042 ciTY PROJUOT No. 2om-Dic CITY OF MONTICELLO, MN WSS FtOJlCT NO. 1946-1. T OWN*! CITY OF MONT109LLO 606 WALNUT STREET, SUITE 4 MONtICILLO, MN 05362 WSB & ASSOCIATES /632677180 R. L, LARSON EXCAVATING, INC. 3289-iMSTREET SE ST. CLOUD, MN 56304 YOU ARE DIRSOTIED To MAKE THE F"LOWNG CHANGE$ IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENT DIESCRIPTION; C,ON TRAcT QUANTITIES ARE MODIFIED AS SHOWN ON THE ATTAONEO DETAIL. let -AT Tl4*%WJtF-- FORM ASSOCIATED WITH THE WORK LLEMCNTO DESORIBED ABOVE. 7635411700 NO, 3403 P, 2/3 P. 02/03 P. 02 CHAN,q[lN CONTRACT PRICE' CHANON IN CONTRA4T TIMET ORIGINAL CONTRACT PRICE! $8,278,980.16 ORIGINAL CONTRACT TIME: 515112007 PREVIOU$ OHANdl ORDERS; 81,107,428,23 NET CHM13E FROM PREVIOUS QHANGE ORDERS: 0 CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER. $9,303,416,39 CONTRACT TIME PRIOR TO THIS CHANOF- ORDER! 0112007 NET DECAF.AVrm OF THIS CHANGE ORDER: $10,000.00 NET INCREASE WITH CHANGE ORDER: 0 CONTRACT PRICE WITH ALL APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS. 90,403,01C39 CONTRACT TIME WITH APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS 5131/2007 RECOMMENDED BY: APPROVED BY: iLc-F �MANAQ�eR­-----RT—RA&OR .,A��EKCSC IDTP4,!PRCU PA, rROJ S(ONATURE WS0 $ASSOCIATES, INC. A. L� CARSON EXCAVATI G, INC, ENGINEER "-C-C—NTMCTOR APPROVED 13Y: 6FTMINGINFER Mingo "re.10MI 32 OCT -05-2006 10:17 WSB & ASSOCIATES OCT -05-2006 10:36 AM W, 5,YO06 10: ODA( 7632877180 7635411700 P.03/03 P.03 03403 P, 3/3 (11,2, IMPROVEMENTS B.P. NO. loso-130 COUNTY PROJECT NO, 86-10-0012 CITY PROJECT NO. 2004-01C cll*y or moNTIOELLo, MN W81 PROJECT NO. 104041 W$8 PR Cr No. 104642'' ADDED ITEMS Item No. DosedpHoM Qty Unit Price 6xtendscl Amount INVALL BRID13E LIGHTING 1 LS $719,80040 $19,600-00 TOTAL ADDED ITEMS CHANGE ORDER NO. 6 DEL ETEIS IT15M8 Item No. Dworlption Unit pflea Extended Amount TOTAL DELETED ITEMS CHANGE ORDER NO, 6 $0.00 TOTAL P.03 33 Council Agenda: 10/9/06 Consideration •auest for Conditional Use Permit for Development .. Planned Unit Development for a restaurant use in a : Business) District. i c Brendsel Properties. The Planning Commission runanimously recommending .� request October '' !oh. t ther'l was adequate parking on the site, and that the overall landscaping plan for the planned unit development site conformed to code requirements, as landscaping on the restaurant site itself was somewhat •de.licant int' d that he has no problem completing Brendsel Properties has submitted site and building plans for the construction of a restaurant within Monticello Marketplace, an existing PUD located on the northeast corner of Highway 25 and School Boulevard. The PUD was originally approved in August of 2003, with a restaurant pad site included. The applicant has now submitted detailed site and building plans for the proposed use. The applicant is proposing a 6,050 square foot restaurant in the center of the Monticello Marketplace development. The restaurant building will be located on the west side of the site, adjacent to Highway 25, with the eastern portion of the site reserved for parking. Parking. The gross floor area of the proposed restaurant is 6,050 square feet. The restaurant portion of the structure is 3,600 square feet, while the kitchen area is 1,845 square feet. The remainder of the building will be utilized for hallways, closets, and mechanical equipment. As such, the required parking is as follows: Required Spaces Proposed Spaces I 1 space for each 40 square feet of dining area 90 spaces 1 space for each 80 square feet of kitchen area 23 spaces TOTAL, 113 spaces 103 spaces The applicant has provided 103 of the 113 spaces required. Cross easements are currently in place for the entire site, including the retail building to the north and the car wash/convenience store to the south. The applicant is proposing to provide over 90% of the required parking. The ten spaces needed to meet the minimum parking requirement may be provided by adjacent uses. Peak periods for the restaurant are expected to be over the noon hour, and in the evening. These peak periods are anticipated to compliment the hours of the retail uses to the north. 34 Signage. The applicant submitted signage plan, indicating a monument sign located on the west side of the structure, visible from Highway 25, and lighted wall signs on the east and south elevations. With the proposed signage combination, the applicant shall be required to comply with the following requirements for businesses in the B-3 District. Option B. Under Option B, a combination of wall signs and a maximum of one pylon sign may be utilized. The total number of business identification signs allowed (whether wall or pylon) shall be at least two or equal to the number of streets upon which the property has legal frontage, whichever is greater. Only two product identification signs shall be allowed, and these wall signs may be only on one wall. The total maximum allowable sign area for any wall shall be determined by taking 10% of the gross silhouette area of the front of the building up to 100 square feet, whichever is less. Pylon signs shall be regulated as in Subd. 4 below. For single or double occupancy business structures, the total maximum allowable signage on the property shall be 300 square feet. The applicant has proposed two wall signs, each approximately 70 square feet. The gross silhouette area of the front of the building is approximately 1,636 square feet. Both wall signs are under the 10% maximum requirement. The proposed monument sign is approximately 30 square feet in area. Businesses abutting Highway 25 are to use the following calculation regarding signage: 3.03 feet of pylon sign area is allowed per every 10 feet of lineal frontage, not to exceed 100 square feet. Using this formula, the subject site is allowed a monument sign up to 50 square feet in area. A monument sign up to 50 square feet in area was approved with the original PUD application. The proposed sign is within these parameters. Staff is concerned with the location of the monument sign, and encourages the applicant to pursue an alternate site. The proposed sign location prohibits the applicant from extending the sidewalk from the front door to the west end of the parking lot. Staff recommends that the applicant shift the sign approximately three feet to the north, to allow for the extension of the proposed sidewalk. In relocating the sign, the proposed number of plantings shall not be reduced. Access/Circulation. Access to the site is proposed in the northeast corner of the site, off Cedar Street. Cross easements are provided to connect with drive lanes for business to the north and south. All drive lanes are proposed to be 24 feet, wide enough to accommodate two lanes of traffic. Delivery trucks will enter the site off Cedar Street, circulate around the parking lot to the east side of the building, and back out onto Cedar Street. Turning radii for delivery vehicles appear to be adequate. Staff is concerned with pedestrian traffic throughout the site, particularly pertaining to the sidewalk located on the south side of the building. As proposed, this sidewalk stops 30 feet short of the westernmost parking stall. As stated above, staff recommends that the applicant pursue an alternate location for the monument sign, to allow for the extension of this sidewalk. Landscaping. For commercial sites a minimum of one overstory tree per 1,000 square feet of gross building floor area, or one tree per 50 lineal feet of site perimeter, whichever is greater, is required. The site is 6,050 square feet in area, with 1,147 feet of site perimeter. Utilizing the site perimeter requirement, the applicant is required to provide 23 overstory trees. As 35 illustrated on the landscape plan, the restaurant site only contains six overstory trees. A variety of shrubs are also provided on the west side of the patio and within two parking lot islands. The landscape plan submitted with the application is the plan that was approved with the original PUD application in 2003. Although the plan received prior approval, staff recommends that the applicant provide one additional overstory tree in each landscaped island of the south row of parking stalls. Species of said trees shall be consistent with the plantings proposed for the rest of the site, including Skyline Honeylocust, Spring Snow Crabapple, or Techny Aborvitae. Staff also recommends that the landscape plan be modified to include foundation plantings around the perimeter of the building. Building Design. The applicant has submitted building elevations which provide details on the proposed materials. The building is to be constructed of tinted concrete block with brick accents, and a prefabricated metal roof. Colors of the proposed materials have not been indicated. The applicant shall be required to submitted colored elevations to illustrate compatibility with adjacent structures within the development. The materials of the proposed trash enclosure have not been provided. The applicant shall be required to provide this information, illustrating the trash enclosure will be constructed of the same material used for the principal structure. Grading, Drainage, and Utilities. All grading, drainage, and utility plans are subject to the approval of the City Engineer. Regarding the site and building plans for a restaurant within the Monticello Marketplace PUD, the City has the following options: 1. Motion to approve the restaurant site and building plans, based on a finding that the proposed use meets the intent of the PUD and is consistent with the requirements for the district, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny the restaurant site and building plans, based on a finding that the proposed use is not consistent with the requirements for the district. �� „ The proposed use appears to be consistent with the intent of the PUD, based on the original plans submitted and reviewed in 2003. The restaurant pad site was preliminarily approved, and the current site and building plans are consistent with the initial approval. As such, staff recommends approval of the site and building plans for the proposed restaurant, subject to the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z. M ��� I �M 1,' � A. Site Plan dated 9/11/06 B. Floor Plan dated 9/11/06 C. Building Elevations D. Landscape Plan dated 7/8/03 EXHIBIT Z Conditions of Approval — Development Stage PUD, Lol, Block 1, Monticello Marketplace 2nd Addition 1. The monument sign shall be relocated to allow the proposed sidewalk to extend to the west end of the parking lot. 2. The landscape plan shall be revised to provide two additional overstory trees, one in the west area of the site, adjacent to the patio, and one in the island on the east end of the south row of parking stalls. 3. The applicant shall submit colored elevations, including details on proposed materials for the trash enclosure. 37 Page I of 2 tit a 3-0 _2' ^ .� -� xa mss.• . '-' x:'' �x t4 .,3ffi„"..,. f. r i m & R §j} nz to •� ' �„ �� "k;� ^•*-� ?� " �� , � - .. ., a �. ^` � � � 't' x;,. ..xis , +G" "F -,x � o� °sw.',» � . ,. • _ twig Wta a; egg- •gin" � i K +z,� � ., '�x',� & �' l �'"•�"" ��".'* tib' , � . • 4 # f ' A a� Jj[°„W!,"�6 iii'INA �. ae a frf � � 'F ' y s � a r CopYan3t�t n7nt C<sunty, 4 IJ i Request for Conditional Use Permit for Development Stage Planned Unit Development for a Restaurant Use in a B-3 (Highway Business) District I Pittn //1 56 99 7R R4i�P,�.lPr�r ,r, a� v c w _0r - - 38 CF 0 0 � /7%\ SITE FLAN 1�v - , I I I } � � II I I I I li .I I �� �_ � � s�. ��� � �:.... Hw I CMD q -o MEF 7 u IL m 4 Md"OV107111i PINC'IMICAL lWT CN 61.44 MOM GDNM mom PIG",44 MITIM. MOM WALL PAK GACM �� � �c.,n; � � TNW cm GILL NORTH"MCAL i- IPACM CM SILK ELEVATION WOW T"mo cm ��J%C1 PAC.[ RMCC . �B r"= C KA GILL em ! a -P CM w mom PF4VW*-W Pt*P Ltt� -.� Lim TAL �Cm �� I i �� � I i � I •� � .�...fr..�....... nw9c, cm PW PACW IBM= . DOLK "c TNTGD cm GILL M.Cli mn C TiNTGD .+ y..•-. + WALL -AK SACH C%'AJ PACB cm •—�...^1 � - " s'..�n.+.».a..�.. p.u:..w�.,,;,,YF _'... .- y. TwICAL P18W NL Gni TMTCD CPA! D156 EAST ELEVATION 0� z� wx LU a LU q) a w 41 r M. mom PF4VW*-W Pt*P Ltt� -.� Lim TAL �Cm �� I i �� � I i � I •� � .�...fr..�....... nw9c, cm PW PACW IBM= . DOLK "c TNTGD cm GILL M.Cli mn C TiNTGD .+ y..•-. + WALL -AK SACH C%'AJ PACB cm •—�...^1 � - " s'..�n.+.».a..�.. p.u:..w�.,,;,,YF _'... .- y. TwICAL P18W NL Gni TMTCD CPA! D156 EAST ELEVATION 0� z� wx LU a LU q) a w 41 IYARD 20" o re J7 JW LANSCA PE PLAN (Z) V.ao� KORNER LOT WDS yam 20, ;Mo NOTES Now -udb mod— wp IR---MiR4INAFZ LU rl%Kwko ftaw&d'-'d�bk* 41, RETAIL 51TE -11,029, 50. FT. REBTAURANT 51TE 1521350SQ. F.T. CAIR LUASH/ C-5TORE SITE 50, FT. -q wsoawmt"e low "m NoWA=oM.MUfffj Ivy Li—owmb Ill 'WW vw 43 02 tft .0—w4d 58 WauM NIM wbw�� T r.- i iscw =%.Maw 0 -4 vow oo� r) row,* 0-Y uj �107 W W, FLAGPOLE PLAWINO DETAIL SCALE 42 Council Agenda: 10/9/06 5H. Consideration of authorization for WSB & Associates. Inc. to comlDlete feasibilitV studv for 2007 Street Reconstruction Project (Citv of Monticello Project No. 2007-010 (WSB) The 2006 Street Reconstruction Project marked the second project in Area 3 in the City's Overall Street Reconstruction Program. Area 3 originally included those streets located north of CSAR 75 and west of Chestnut Street. The remaining streets in Area 3 are illustrated in the attached figure. The streets remaining in Area 3 include: • Craig Lane ® Kenneth Lane • West River Street Oust west of Craig Lane to CSAR 75) • Hilltop Drive • Hillcrest Road • Hillcrest Circle ® West River Street (west of CSAR 75) It should be noted that West River Street west of CSAH 75 was not originally included in Area 3, but was included in Area 6 in the Overall Plan. This section of roadway has been proposed for inclusion in the 2007 project area by staff due to its current condition. Based on project costs received for the 2006 Street Reconstruction Project, costs per lineal foot of roadway improvements of this type calculate to approximately $300 per foot. Based on the length of roadway proposed for 2007, a reasonable estimate of cost is roughly $3.35 million to construct the proposed streets as listed above. The City has budgeted approximately $500,000 annually for these types of projects and has typically not had to bond for the cost of the improvements. The estimate discussed previously includes all work on the project including utility repairs typical for a reconstruction prof ect. The feasibility study needs to evaluate the scope of the 2007 project along with economic analysis relating to cost and potential assessments for the project. This process can get stretched depending on the level of assessments and available funding as well as the development of a project that can realistically be constructed within the financial parameters established by the Council. By starting the process now, it will allow for time to work through those issues and work towards bidding a project in March or April of 2007. The Street Department will also need to do a review of the street condition rating to determine if there have been changes since the streets were originally rated. This information can be provided with the feasibility report or as a separate report. The Council has also previously discussed moving to the River Street area, which was classified as 4A (west of TH 25) and 4B (east of TH 25) instead of finishing Area 3. Area 4 was delayed since it will involve significant sanitary sewer reconstruction. The Council could authorize rating of Area 3 and Area 4A and preliminary cost estimates prior to deciding which area should be included in the feasibility report. C Dar—nis and,SetfingsWaitn.gro,tsingep-JocalSettings!Teinporaiy Iiite)wetFilesIOLK3LfGVITM-2007authoiization request-100906doc 43 Council Agenda: 10/9/06 • 1. Authorize WSB & Associates, Inc. to complete the feasibility study for the remainder of Area 3. 2. Authorize street rating and cost estimates for Areas 3 and 4A prior to authorizing a feasibility report. 3. Authorize another area to be studied. 4. Do not authorize the feasibility study at this time. Ma lw%i _;'�E It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the City Council take action on the next phase of the 2007 Reconstruction Project. The Street Department should rate the streets in Area 3 and possibly Area 4 and West River Street to evaluate the current conditions. If the Council would like information on both of these areas prior to authorizing the feasibility report, then action should be taken to, at a minimum, bring back street ratings and preliminary cost information. The process on past projects in this area of the City has been lengthy and we have bid these projects in mid -summer as opposed to early spring, which is typically more suited for lower bid prices and interest from contractors. Initiation of the project now will allow more time for project scoping and public input. Figure Number 1 c �I)ocunwntsaiiii&tfijzg.v!daan.gros.viiigerltocal,Vetting$;Temporar.y 44 P r rte\\ \ �\ � .l � � �� �l` � \ L,i r u4/ "NA J: <Y A 4150 Olson Memorial Highway WSBMinneapolis, Suite 300 MN 55422 AMMEWARM 763-541-4800 & Associates, Inc. FAX 763-641-1700 01,5-272—w&m viii wm i a 3,-, ww,d�Qa! i�C+d' K:\01494-16\cad\2007 Feas\Fig 1 dwg 2007 Street Reconstruction Project October 11, 2006 RECONSTRUCTION NTH EXISTING CL5 & CURB (REPAIR CURB) RECONSTRUCTION WITH EXISTING CURB (REPAIR CURB & ADD CI -5) RECONSTRUC11ON WITH EXISTING CL5 (ADD CURB) RECONSTRUCTION (ADD CURB & CI -5) nmv, NEW CONSTRUC11ON a Z+ a, c K AMPA\ \,. X 71� D F P V", LLi < L! J -0 WSB Project No. 01494-16 October, 2006 City Project No. 2006 -OIC awl=# - C J 01 x — 714 Z+ a, c K AMPA\ \,. X 71� D F P V", LLi < L! J -0 WSB Project No. 01494-16 October, 2006 City Project No. 2006 -OIC awl=# - Council Agenda: 10/9/06 pprove Final Payment and AcceiDta.utheast Interceoto Sanitary Sewer Extension + Project No.11 C The Southeast Interceptor Trunk Sanitary Sewer Extension was originally initiated in 2000 to provide trunk sewer service to that portion of Monticello located south of Interstate 94 (I-94) and east of TH 25. The annexation of a portion of Monticello Township in 2003 and 2004 along with proposed Home Depot development and potential expansion of the Bondhus Corporation facility on CSAH 75 prompted implementation of the downstream leg of the improvement in 2005. Another benefit was the abandonment of the reservoir lift station. The project included the construction of a 36 -inch trunk sewer consisting of centrifugally cast fiberglass reinforced poly mortar pipe and lined concrete pipe in areas of trenchless installation. The pipe extended from the south side of CSAR 75 extending southerly across the Bondhus property and the proposed Home Depot site to the south side of I-94. The pipe then turned westerly and paralleled the I-94 right-of-way to Fallon Avenue and to the south side of Chelsea Road. The work on the project included trenchless installations under the Burlington Northern railroad tracks and I-94, behind industrial properties along Chelsea Road including Kaltec of Minnesota and WSI Industries, and also under Chelsea Road. Installation depths ranged on the project from 20 feet to 40 feet. The contract for the project based on the bidding documents was $2,641,714.15. The final amount of the contract based on approval of the final payment is $2,580,107.23, which is approximately $61,600 under the contract amount. The Council is being requested to accept the project as complete and approve final payment to Barbarossa and Sons, Inc. in the amount of $96,024.45. WSB & Associates, Inc has received the final paperwork required by the contract including: I. Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 29092 requiring withholding state income tax. 2. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. 4. Two-year maintenance bond. The final payment request included in the packet represents the final quantities completed on the contract and the release of the retainage on the contract. This project was a trunk improvement and was not assessed. 45 C: Docameats and Settingaktaan grossingerlLocal SettfggslTemporary lntem, Files�OLK3'AGNITVf-ApproveFinalPaynrent(re )-100406. doe t Council Agenda: 10/9/06 All punchlist items assembled for this project have been completed and WSB & Associates, Inc. is indicating the project is complete and ready for final payment in accordance with the contract and City of Monticello Engineering and Construction Standards. 1. Accept the improvements and approve the final payment of $96,024.45 to Barbarossa and Sons, Inc. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the City Council accepts the improvements for the Southeast Interceptor Trunk Sanitary Sewer Extension, City Project No. 2000-12C, and authorizes final payment to Barbarossa and Sons, Inc. in the amount of $96,024.45. Copy of Construction Pay Voucher No. 7 (Final) Letter from WSB & Associates, Inc. M C Dorui—ts and Settitzgs,da,mgi'ovsiilgervomI Settilig.0empoluly hiten2el l,'ilesIO1,K3,4GNITW-,4ppivieFin,ilPqvnient(rev)-]()0406doc A WSB &Associates, Inc. Infrastructure I Engineering I Planning I Construction October 4, 2006 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite I Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Construction Pay Voucher No. 7 (Final) Trunk Sanitary Sewer Extension Southeast Interceptor/Bondhus Segment and Appurtenant Improvements City of Monticello Project No. 2000-12C WSB Project No. 1548-00 Dear Mayor and Council Members: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 Please find enclosed the final Construction Pay Voucher No. 7 for the above -referenced project in the amount of $96,024.45. WSB & Associates, Inc. has received the following documentation required for processing final payment for the above -referenced project: 1. Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax, 2. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. 4. Two-year maintenance bond. We recommend final payment in the amount of $96,024.45 to Barbarossa and Sons, Inc. at your earliest convenience. The maintenance period will be in effect from July 1, 2006 until July 1, 2008. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc Kevin B. Kawlewski, P.E. Senior Project Manager Enclosures cc: Rick Wolfsteller, City of Monticello Tom Bose, City of Monticello Paul Flykt, Barbarossa and Sons, Inc. srb Pending: 07/01/07 04/01/08 Minneapolis I St. Cloud F-41THM1548-0011,7P 110 7FV1,-b­10W06.&1 47 Equal Opportunity Employer Owner.. City of Monticello Data: $12612006 605 Walnut St sB Monticello, MN 553824147 For Pdriod: 412212006 to 91261200'6 Request No.: 7 & FINAL Contra ctor., Sarbaransa & Sons, Inc. 11000 93rd Avenue North Osseo, MN 55369 Pay Voucher Monticello Trunk Sanitary Sewer Extension Client Contract No.: Project No.; 01548-00 Client Project No.: i original ContrW Amount $2,641,714.15 F _2Contract Changes - Addition $0.00 3 Contract Changes - Deduction $0.00 _411evised Contract Amount $2,641,714.15 5 Value Completed to Date $2,580,107.23 6 Material on Hand- $0.00 7 Amount Earned $2,560,107.23 8 Less Retainage $0.00 9 Subtotal $2,580,107.23 10 Less Amount Paid Previously S2,4ael,082.78 7_1 Liquidated Damages $0.00 12'.- AMOUNT . 1 DUE THIS PAY VOU.CHER NO. 7 &..-FINAL $96,024.45 ..,:REBY CERTIFY THAT A FINAL EXAMINATION HAS BEEN MADE OF THE ABOVE NOTED CONTRACT, THAT THE CONTRACT HAS BEEN COMPLETED, THAT THE ENTIRE AMOUNT OF WORK SHOWN IN THE FINAL VOUCHER HAS BEEN PERFORMED AND THE TOTAL VALUE OF THE WORK PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH, AND PURSUANT TO, THE TERMS OF THE CONTRACT IS AS SHOWN IN THIS FINAL VOUCHER. Recommended for App0 Construction Observer WSB & Associates,.[ c -V TL. F - I (' Approved by Contra Approved by Owner: Barba "$iii)S& S C. City of Monticello Specified Contract Completion Date: Date, Comment I of 4 48 01548-00 - Pay Voucher 7 Wednesday, October 04, 2006 '."m I Item I Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity Current IQuantityIDate Amount to Sanitary Sewer Improvements 11 2021.501 MOBILIZATION 12101.5021 (LUMP SUMI $42,500.00 1 11 0 $42,500.00 12 CLEARING TREE $250.00 11 31 0 $750.001 13 12101.5071 GRUBBING jTREE 1 $125.001 11 31 01 $375.001 14 12101.6051 CLEARING AND GRUBBING MACRE 1 $4,000.001 0.351 0.41 0 $1,600.001 15 12102.5021 PAVEMENT MARKING REMOVAL j LIN FT 1 $0.251 24001 01 01 $0.001 16 12104.5011 REMOVE METAL CULVERT OLIN FT i $2.001 1171 301 01 $60.00 17 12104.5011 REMOVE WATER MAIN ( LIN FT i $4.001 1341 441 01 $176.00 18 12104.5011 REMOVE SEWER PIPE (SANITARY) O LIN FT i $4.001 3781 241 01 $96.00 19 12104.501 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER ( LIN FT ( $2.001 2401 119.51 01 $239.001 110 12104.5011 REMOVE FORCE MAIN j LIN FT 1 $4.001 5811 5811 01 $2,324.001 I11 12104.5051 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT ESQ YD i $2.001 22941 2646.51 0 $5,293.001 112 12104.5091 REMOVE MANHOLE (SANITARY) BEACH 1 $450.001 41 31 1I $1,350.001 113 12104.5131 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) OLIN FT 1 $3.001 5841 64) 01 $192.001 114 12104.5211 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL RC PIPE (ALL SIZES) O LIN FT $26.001 35 54 01 $1,404.001 115 12104.5231 SALVAGE CASTING B EACH ' $100.001 2I 51 01 $500.001 116 12104.6011 SALVAGE/REMOVE/ABANDON SANITARY SEWER LIFT STATION & EQUIPMENT ILUMP SUM ( $6,500.001 11 11 01 $6,500.001 117 12105.5231 COMMON BORROW (CV) ACU YD 1 $6.001 86651 39001 1761 $23,400.001 118 12105.6011 DEWATERING i LUMP SUM 1$390,000.001 11 11 01$390,000.00 119 12211.5011 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 MOD (TON 1 $12.00 9201 141 01 $168.00 120 2331.5081 TYPE 41 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE ETON I $40.00 212 12.51 01 $500.00 121 2331.514 TYPE 31 BASE COURSE MIXTURE ETON $39.00 176 01 0 $0.001 122 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON $2.00 75 01 0 $0.001 123 2501.511 24" CS PIPE CULVERT OLIN FT 1 $26.001 57 01 0 $0.001 124 12501.511154" CS PIPE CULVERT j LIN FT 1 $95.001 601 01 0 $0.001 12501.515124" CS PIPE APRON BEACH i $350.001 21 01 01 $0.001 I ,o 12501.515154" CS PIPE APRON 1 EACH 1 $1,200.001 11 01 01 $0.001 127 12503.511110" DUCTILE IRON PIPE SEWER CL 52 LIN FT 1 $70.001 201 201 01 $1,400.001 128 12503.6011 CONNECT TO INPLACE CULVERT ILUMPSUMj $950.001 11 11 01 $950.001 129 2503.6011 SANITARY SEWER BYPASS PUMPING 125016021 I LUMP SUM$6,000.001 11 1 01 $6,000.001 130 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER B EACH I $2,500.001 21 1) 01 $2,500.001 131 12503.6021 CONNECT TO EXISTING MANHOLES 1EACH 1 $2,500.001 21 21 01 $5,000.001 132 12503.6021 CHIMNEY SEALS j EACH 1 $215.001 211 131 01 $2,795.001 133 12503.6021 PLUG & ABANDON PIPE SEWER i EACH 1 $1,500.001 11 0.51 01 $750.001 134 12503.603110" PVC PIPE SEWER - SDR 26 OLIN FT 1 $58.001 13 131 01 $754.001 35 12503.603112" PVC PIPE SEWER - SDR 26 LIN FT i $115.001 1851 193 01 $22,195.001 136 12503.60316" DUCTILE IRON PIPE SEWER CL 52 ILIN FT 1 $45.001 201 20' 01 $900.0OI 137 12503.6031 SANITARY SEWER INSPECTION (TELEVISING) j LIN FT 1 $0.651 55411 5341.51 619.51 $3,471.981 138 12504.6021 RELOCATE HYDRANT AND VALVE ( EACH i $1,200.001 1 0.51 01 $600.001 139 12504.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN (12") j EACH 1 $1,000.001 1 01 01 $0.001 140 12504.603 6" WATER MAIN -DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT i $25.001 201 01 01 $0.001 141 12504.620 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS-EPDXY COATED 1 POUND 1 $5.001 1501 801 01 $400.001 142 2506.602 CONNECT INTO EXISTING MH OR CB 12506.602 EACH 1 $950.001 1 1 11 01 $950.001 143 CASTING ASSEMBLY (MANHOLE) , EACH 1 $300.001 191 191 01 $5,700.001 144 12506.603 CONSTRUCT 10" OUTSIDE DROP LIN FT 1 $215.001 21.81 22.281 0.281 $4,790.201 145 12506.603 CONST 78" DIA SAN SEWER MANHOLE ILIN FT j $490.001 165.51 122.691 87.691 $60,118.101 146 12506.6031 CONST 84" DIA SAN SEWER MANHOLE OLIN FT 1 $565.001 40.51 9.56 0.561 $5,401.401 147 12506.6031 CONST 48" DIA SAN SEWER MANHOLE ( LIN FT 1 $175.001 3611 514.741 9.261 $90,079.501 148 12506.6031 CONST 60" DIA SAN SEWER MANHOLE 1 LIN FT 1 $470.001 104 01 -80.6 $0.001 149 12506.6031 CONSTRUCT 6" OUTSIDE DROP OLIN FT 1 $180.001 24.5 01 0 $0.001 150 12511.5011 RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS III ACU YD 1 $70.001 361 01 0 $0.001 2 of 4 49 01548-00 - Pay Voucher 7 Item No. 151 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 65 66 67 68 Wednesday, October 04, 2006 ItemI Description Units Unit Price Contract I Quantity to Current I $450.00 12511.5151 GEOTEXTILE FILTER TYPE IV 1 SQ YD Quantity 1 $5.001 541 Date Quantity 01 01 (2521.60418' WIDE BITUMINOUS PATHWAY 1SQ YD 1 $12.751 2661 4291 01 12531.5011 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN 8624 I LIN FT 1 $12.001 2401 119.51 01 12533.5041 CONCRETE MEDIAN BARRIER DESIGN 8337 1LIN FT 1 $9.001 36001 8901 01 (2533.6031 RELOCATE CONCRETE MEDIAN BARRIER 1LIN FT 1 $2.001 16881 301 01 2554.6021 IMPACT ATTENUATOR BARRELS EACH 1 $175.001 421 121 01 12554.6021 RELOCATE IMPACT ATTENUATOR BARRELS 1 EACH 1 $40.001 431 01 01 12557.6031 INSTALL SALVAGED CHAIN LINK FENCE MATERIAL 1LIN FT 1 $14.001 21951 17961 898 12563.6011 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 1$6,500.001 11 11 0, 12564.60314" SOLID LINE WHITE -PAINT 1LIN FT 1 $0.121 12001 01 01 12564.60314" SOLID LINE WHITE -PAINT I LIN FT 1 $0.241 6001 01 01 12564.60314" SOLID LINE WHITE-EPDXY (LIN FT 1 $0.341 12001 01 01 12564.60314" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPDXY 1LIN FT 1 $0.681 6001 01 01 12573.5021 SILT FENCE, TYPE MACHINE SLICED 1LIN FT 1 $1.801 43001 6151 01 12575.5011SEEDING (INCL TOPSOIL, FERT, MULCH, DISC ANCHOR)JACRE 1 $850.001 91 11.61 0.91 12575.5231 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS CATEGORY 3 JSQYD 1 $1.701 47851 60001 01 12575.6081 SEED MIXTURE 310 IPOUND 1 $4.001 781 1751 01 12575.608 SEED MIXTURE 350 1 POUND 1 $5.001 7501 470.51 451 1 storm sewer Improvements 169 12104.5011 REMOVE SEWER PIPE (STORM) 170 12104.5091 REMOVE MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN 171 12503.523 SALVAGE CASTING ASSEMBLY 172 2503.541 15" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS V 173 12503.541 24" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS IV 174 12503.541 24" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS V 175 12503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER 12506.5011 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 48-4020 12506.5011 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 60-4020 178 12506.6021 CONNECT INTO EXISTING MH OR CB 179 12506.6021 CASTING ASSEMBLY (MANHOLE) 1 1Alternate Bid #2 LIN FT EACH EACH 1LIN FT LIN FT LIN FT EACH 1LIN FT 1 LIN FT 1EACH 1EACH 187 2503.511 24" CCFRPM PIPE SEWER 1 LIN FT 188 12503.511136" CCFRPM PIPE SEWER ( LIN FT 189 12503.511136" RC LINED PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006, CLASS 5000#DLIN FT 90 2503.603136" STEEL CASING PIPE LIN FT 91 12503.603136" STEEL CASING PIPE (JACKED)) LIN FT 192 12503.603148" STEEL CASING PIPE 1LIN FT 193 12503.603148" STEEL CASING PIPE (TBM) 1 LIN FT 1 Totals For Section Sanitary Sewer Improvements:) Amount to Date $0.001 $5,469.751 $1,434.00 $8,010.001 $60.001 $2,100.001 $0.00 $25,144.00 $6,500.00 $0.00 $0.001 $0.001 $0.001 $1,107.001 $9,860.001 $10,200.001 $700.001 $2,352.501 $765,119.43 $4.001 922 707 0 $2,828.00 $450.00 6� 61 0$2,700.00 37881 $150.001 11 2 0' $300.00 $26.00 102 0 0 $0.00 $34.00 24 229.6 01 $7,806.40 $39.00 691 691 01 $26,949.00 $950.00 2 11 01 $950.001 $160.001 32.7 27.411 01 $4,385.601 $240.001 10.8 11.121 01 $2,668.801 $950.001 1 11 01 $950.001 $300.001 3 31 01 $900.001 Totals For Section Storm Sewer Improvements:) $50,437.801 1 1 $170.00 15551 1551.5 13.5 $263,755.001 $160.00 37881 3790 1281 $606,400.001 1 $250.00 131 0 01 $0.001 2341_ 4931 01 $145,435.001 �_ 1 $500.00 4031 4031 01 $201,500.001 1 $315.001 2421 4661 01 $146,790.001 1 $515.001 8151 7781 01 $400,670.001 Totals For Alternate Bid #2:1 $1,764,550.001 Project Totals: i $2,580,107.231 • � i 0l540 -00 - Pay Voucher 7 Contract Chanaee /No |Type | PomnentBummary |No. From Date |1 15/25/2005 12 17M/2005 13 18;/2005 14 19M/2005 15 118M/2005 18 |11M/2005 |7&FINAL 14/22/2006 / ProJect Summary Material On Hand: ital Retainage: otal Amount Earned: Project Payment Status Owner: City of Monticello Client Client Contract o.: Project No.: 01548-00 Contractor: Barbar000a&Sons, Inc. I Date I Description To Date |Payment JTotal Payment | �6/30/2005 | $431.134.701 $431,134.701 7/31/2005 | $397,015.921 $828.150.621 8/31/2005 | $686,213.31 $1.514`363,931 0/30/2005 | $601.910.831 $2.016,280.761 110/31/2005 1 $391.758,871 $2.408.039.43 14/21/2006 | $76043351 $2,48408278 18/26/2006 | $98.024.451 $2.580.107.23 Payment Totals: 1 $2,580,107.231 , October 04.2006 |Amount Change Order Totals: 1 $0.00 Retainage Per Payment |Tota|Rebznoge Completed ' $22.801.301 $22'681.30 $453,828.0O' $2089558 $43.58688 $871.737,501 $36.118.401 $79.703.371 $1.594.007.301 $26,41Ei07/ $106.120.041 $2'122,400.801 $20618.88/ $126.738.021 82,534778351 ($76.04335)1 $5869557 $2.534778.351 57)1 $0.00 $2,580107.231 [ $0.00 $2,580107.231 $2,580,107.23 Original Contract: $0.00 Contract Changes: $2,580,107.23 Revised Contract: $2,641.714.15 $2.641`714L15 Council Agenda: 10/09/06 5J. Consideration of awarding contract for Linn Street and. Front Street Draina2e Irnnrovements, Citv Protect No. 2006-12C. (BW) In May of 2006 the City Council approved contributing up to $12,000 for river bank stabilization improvements to the property at 401 Front Street, and to move forward with an improvement project on the City's property east of 401 Front Street and north of the intersection of Linn and Front Streets to prevent stormwater runoff from typical rainfall events from flooding the intersection and adjacent properties. Since this time the improvements at 401 Front Street have been completed and the City has reimbursed the property owner $12,000 toward the project. The Council is now being requested to award a contract to complete drainage improvements on the City's property, which will be of a temporary nature and will remain in place until such time that this intersection is reconstructed and permanent storm sewer can be constructed to accommodate the runoff. This improvement project consists of installing two high-capacity catch basins at the intersection of Linn and Front Streets and piping the stormwater runoff underground to the Mississippi River. A curb -cut and riprap lined drainage channel were initially proposed to convey stormwater from this intersection to a catch basin and outlet pipe located in the middle of the City's property. However, upon further review it was determined that piping the stormwater directly from the intersection to the river would require less maintenance while allowing us to reuse many of the materials when reconstructing this intersection, which is scheduled to occur several years from now. The design was submitted to seven local contractors for quotes in August. In September we received three quotes in return, with the lowest quote being from J.S. Stewart Companies in the amount of $21,780. The second lowest quote was from Hulegaard Construction in the amount of $23,026, and the third quote was from Fyle's Excavating in the amount of $33,769. If the Council awards the contract to J.S Stewart Companies it will be completed by the end of the month at a cost of approximately $20,580 which is $1,200 less than quoted due to an estimated quantity overrun. 1. Award the contract to J.S Stewart Companies, 2. Do not award the contract at this time. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and the City Engineer that the City Council approve Alternative Action No. 1. None. 52 Council Agenda: 10/9/06 5K. Consideration of Acceptance of Improvements for the. Nathan's Court Development. (Citv of MonticeRo Proiect No. 2004-28P). (AS/SB) The developer (Quality Builders) of the Nathan's Court development has requested final City acceptance of the public improvements within the development. Nathan's Court is an 8 -unit single family development directly adjacent to Hunters Crossing. The final lift of pavement has been placed and all public utilities have been tested and approved. All punch list items have been completed. The developer is in the process of preparing to submit a warranty bond for improvements and to submit the development as-builts. The City will retain a $9,600 letter of credit to ensure proper erosion control and landscaping on the 8 lots to be completed within the development. The development agreement requires that the development be completed to plan, which includes a landscaping and erosion control plan. As such, a security is required to ensure that landscaping will meet the approved plans and that erosion control is maintained. The agreement specifies that letters of credit may be held until the work is complete. At the time the new letter of credit is provided for this amount, all other letters of credit held for this development will be released. City staff has reconciled expenses for the project and will reimburse the developer the balance of cash funds held in escrow for the development. Motion to accept public improvements for the Nathan's Court development, subject to the following conditions: • The developer is to submit as-builts for acceptance. • The developer is to submit warranty bonds for 25% of certified construction costs, with warranty commencing 2 years from date of Council acceptance. • The developer is to provide a $9,600 LOC to cover erosion/restoration and landscaping. • A $5,000 cash security will be held to cover costs of final warranty inspection. 2. Motion to deny acceptance of public improvements for Nathan's Court development. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, City Engineer and Public Works Director that the City accept the public improvements. (7. i Co ilRI,o,t,;.'006,Oelob,,,l4GAIITM-AccptAr.th.+ tou,,t-100606,d,, 5 3 Council Agenda: 10/9/06 6L. Consideration of acceutin2 cmotes and awardin2 contract for demolition of former Kevin Tracv house.(JO) The City received a quote form U. Schmitz and Sons Excavating in the amount of $4,521 and a quote from Veit Construction in the amount of $6,129 for the demolition of the structure on the property. Please note that the cost does not include expense related to removal of appliances and refuse on site. It is expected that the additional cost to remove such material will be about $ 100. There will also be an additional cost of about $600 to properly cap an existing well on site. Motion to award contract for removal and demolition of Tracy house to to Schmitz and Sons. 2. Motion to table or deny action on this matter at this time. It is my understanding that Schmitz and Sons is a responsible bidder and since this company is low bidder, Schmitz and Sons should be awarded the contract accordingly. Copy of quotes provided. 54 Oct 05 06 06:20a Schmitz Bi -others 763-878-2299 p,2 Proposal 13667 Meridian Monticello, MN 55362 phone 763-878-2296 f3L- '7 • 2qq acne/ ss Date City Of Monticello 9/27/2006 Monticello Mn. DESS PTI® TOTAL Demolition of qaraqe and house at 307 61h Str. Includes: To meet MPCA.quidelines for demolition and permit. Removal of concrete building slabs, and footings Haul in fill sand, level basement and exiting site. Disconnect and cap water and sewer lines. Demolish & Legally dispose of garage and house. Excludes: Asbestos Survey / Removal. Hazardous Material, Appliances, Chemicals etc. Capping Well. Accepted by: Date: 55 14000 vC-ff PLACE — ROGERS, MN S5374-9583 MJUN (763) 428-2210 — FAX (70) 428-VEIT (&W) Specialty Contracting & Waste Management FAX TO: MR. GARY ANDERSON pEliLl"r.."I RE: 407 WEST 6TH STREET # OF PAGES SENT-. ONE FROM: Steve Hosier Direct: 7s3.428-673? Cell: 612-221-2220 Dear Mr. Andawn-- to Pefform ft fo'Dowing "'t: m0wization supenrisioA Dal nolitioupeflia Complete Building Reowyal Debris DiSPOSal ]BackM To Grade nI.YE0 I - Line Well Abandowmwt TwkP&Moval Persanai PrOP=V PJ=Ovd T%Mwseeftg CONR�oMCIAL EXCAVATION * ROAD BUILDINCT * DEMOLITION AWU=&e Action Eqtml OPPOM91ity EmPloyer 0! VGN 100/100'd V91-1 epee M e91 SPIUrdWol 116A-INU4 AI:Rn w7 -a7 -nn 5M. Consideration of authorizing maintenance purchases for the community center. (KB) In the community center's 2006 budget, we planned to replace a coil in our DuMont Dehumidification unit for the pool and also to begin to replacing the metal lockers in our locker rooms. Our family locker room is planned to be the first locker room to have the lockers replaced. The DuMont Dehumidification unit coil has small leaks. We've patched and soldered the coil, however, we are at the point where we need to replace this first coil before we see a significant Freon leak. There are three coils total and we will budgeted in 2008 to replace the last two coils. We budgeted $12,000 this year for the coil replacement. This was a ballpark figure last year from the McDowell Company. When McDowell came in to give us a firm price for the new coil, their quote came in at $9,440 installed before tax. Brian Weldon, our Maintenance Supervisor, researched further and found the same coil at a price of $3,045 uninstalled and has a verbal quote from Northland Refrigeration to install for $1,200. This would bring the total to just over $4,500 with tax and before shipping and handling. The lockers in all of our locker rooms are metal. This was really the only good choice of material when we were building, however, as metal will do in a wet environment, they are rusting. Every year we sand and touch up paint the lockers, unfortunately, we are running out of material to sand so we need to begin the process of replacing. Fortunately lockers are now made of different materials that are strong, resistant to rust and maintenance free. We chose to replace the lockers in the family locker room first for a couple of reasons. First, the family locker room is the most heavily used locker room. Second, the family locker room currently has twenty tall wide lockers. With the replacement, we will go with thirty-six half size wide lockers so we'll be increasing our locker capacity by sixteen. This is still too few for the room's use, but it's a great improvement. We plan to replace the metal lockers with lockers made from polyethelyne. From our reference calls, this is an extremely durable, maintenance free material to use. Another bonus is that we will be able to use our current coin operated locking system on the new lockers. We will need to purchase sixteen extra locking systems for the additional lockers. The cost of the new lockers and installation will be $9,100 plus $1,700 for the new locks. We'll need to add tax on top of that for an estimated total of $11,500. We had only budgeted $7,800 for this project. This was a quote from a company last year that must now be out of business because we can't get a hold of them at all. These two items are budgeted for $19,800 in MCC's budget for 2006. We expect to come in at $16,000 or $3,800 under budget for both items. 1. To authorize the requested maintenance purchases for the community center 2. To not authorize the requested maintenance purchases for the community center. 57 The Community Center Advisory Board discussed and recommend these purchases in 2005 for the 2006 budget and the City Administrator recommends alternative number one. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 1. Copy of quote from Super Radiator Coils for the dehumidification coil. 2. Copy of quote from H&B Specialized Products for the replacement lockers. M 007-02-0;- NON 03:49 PM SUPER RADIATOR MIKE Supe -14 RADIATOR FAX N1 962 556 333'1 ?, Cli ProramVersior 1.1.5 cu,au,m- i: rA0vq,1*k,;C,! lo Uyrimumity :enter From. X Nord IV* Bri.w WCI(loo Title; Sales Application Erig'lneer (it #., P 000 Date: 101'0212006 V1vwiif- 7 Of 3 2 CIJ 2 ,54 4 Project, Pool AHIJ Colis Fair 3 v I -.,! l 6 13 Phone; 952-556-3312 Fill'-fli: Email: AI.Nord@SuperRadiatorCoils.com net Price F."ar-h Materials G Options Qty: I Tubes: 1/2" o.d, x,019"wall rifled copper Fints: -X75" th-!,k alum'num sme Vi". 6,01A 69,;) UPI-' Elodrof in $3 046.()C) ea, 0"N ders,. Type L copper Coppie(O.D. sweat Caslnij' 10 gauge galvanized steel Distvibvto: Brm-,, (2), per coil C k 4 0.,VL: flet Price Faich 82"11ttrial a get 19MS --- Tubus: V7 0.d. x VT wall riled Copper Typo; Crodul:m;r Heresite $2.29C,00 in Fins:.007.5" 0 -lick aljmlnjm Sine 21'i,l 4 111cii,ofin $2,311CM, o -a Hoadevs: Ty,�e L. copper Com -,w -.-Cons: Couper C7 Dvvat Casilill: 16 ga,,:qe gaivariZed slpe' td Distributor: Bress (2j per coil Ccn,! M'Xit; net ramie Materials 6 Options -- ------- - T ubcs: 1,,2" oA, x .1116" wa;l capper Y� Ui. Herositt $4 092X0 co Firtw .0075" thlc* aluminum corrunated Le, 60i I uR,) 12,'8,4 Eloctrofiri $4,3K.00 ria H,-,adeis: Type L copper CQonuctian; C.,pper 0,D. sweat C;jshitg; 16 q;)i,ge galvarized sleei 01sti-ibutor: Brms (2,', per coil 'J,di! rr-) i76 it .!y c--,? qfioKs arie.r ir)t of orC!or :ill is P ),i owcd it" d cref!", afe to 6c ,ktkq + 35 l;. r I `two of qvLA-.,,,6cn and tire to mate7ialfixtuat(ons.. 59 Job Location : Monticello, MN Architect: NA We are pleased to submit ffie following quotation forYour con5lderation: SECTION Plastic Lockers We Propose to Furnish and Install Polyethelyne lockers with spring loaded latch and continuous hinging, The would be 205 locker frames providing 373 locker openings, The lockers would provide the foliwc-ign breakdown: Mens room: 8 Single tier 1511 x 12"x72"....23 Single Tier 12" x 15" x 7211 .... 14 Double der 15" x 12" x 72".....45 Double Tier 12" x 15" x 72 ---------- —Family Locker Room: I Double Tier 12" x 15" x 7211 .... 17 Double Tier 18" x 15" x 72 .......... — Pool Office-, 6 (6 Tier) 12" x 12" x 721 ------------ Womens Locker room: 30 Single Tier 12" x 15" x 7211 .... 61 Double Tier 12" x 15" x 72": $X079vgfil Mens 6-7 FOR THE SUM OF ................. . ....... .... . . $34,234. 1 Pool Office FOR THE SUN 0.0 0 .................................. � Notes Proposal includes sales tax of 6.5% ,r 82S, 0� Please provide 12 - 16 weeks for delivery Color to be selected from manufacturers standard offerings Proposal includes installation by H & B Staff RespecLfully Submitted - Jeff Anderson Partition & Seating Division Manager 612.728.2761 9 ,, 12.728.2714 f This offer expir" thirty days from above date. Tile pricescluoied urc subject to change asset forth on the reverse side hereof, Seller reserves the right to revoke this offer at any time before acceptance, This offer is not u Ann offer, Unless sooner revoked, this offer shall expire on the expiration date set forth above, Acceptance of this offer is expressly limited to and subject W the terms and conditions set forth on both sides hereof, including those limiting warrantics and liability and providing for price changes. TZ RMS. Net 30 days ftm deite of invoice. All Quotations are subject to the conditions printed on the back of this proposal and When accepted subject to credit approval. \cccpited by . . ..... . ... . ..... R (COMPANY NAME) By Signed Title . . . ...... . H&B Specialized Products 60 Mondcello Community Center CoMteC GSP 60/Z0 39Vd C[Odd G3ZI1VI03dS 8 H PTZZ8ZLZT9 9Z :0t 9002/ZI/L0 Council Agenda: 10/9/06 5N. Consideration of callin2 for a ioint meetin2 of the Citv Council and Wri2ht Countv Board of Commissioners for review and Consideration of a Memorandum of UnderstandinLy vertaininLy to acrn of YMCA provertv and operation of the propertv as a park. Also, Consideration of callin2 for a closed meetinL, for the purpose reviewin2 YMCA propertv appraisal information. (JO) I City Council is asked to call for a joint meeting of the City Council and Wright County Board of Commissioners for review and consideration of a Memorandum of Understanding pertaining to acquisition of the YMCA property and operation of the property as a park. Also, the Council is being asked to call for a closed meeting for the purpose of reviewing YMCA property appraisal information. The proposed meeting date and time has been set for October 24th at 1:00 PM with the meeting to be conducted at the County Courthouse in Buffalo. Attached you will find the draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which has been prepared with the input of County and City staff and YMCA Task Force. As you will note, the document provides a general framework for purchase and operation of the YMCA property. This MOU will get both organizations through the purchase offer phase. At such time that the purchase offer has been accepted, or when it is clear that the City and YMCA are working positively toward completing the transaction, then work would begin on ajoint powers agreement. The MOU presented today provides a starting point or general framework for the future joint powers agreement. Please review the MOU in detail. You will note that the funding formula for initial purchase proposes a 50150 split. The operations program in principal provides for City funding of maintenance of the ball fields with the County funding operations/maintenance of the passive recreation areas. I . Motion calling for a joint meeting of the City Council and Wright County Board of Commissioners for review and consideration of a Memorandum of Understanding pertaining to sharing of cost to purchase and operate YMCA property for park purposes. Also, a motion calling for a closed meeting for the purpose of reviewing YMCA property appraisal information. Meeting (s) schedule to occur on October 24th at 1:00 PM at the Wright County Courthouse. 2. Motion to deny calling for a joint meeting as proposed. ��Rllr 01 The City Administrator recommends Alternative #1 unless it is determined that the date is not workable with member schedules. Copy of draft MOA Ho H The following is a Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Wright, (hereinafter referred to as "County") and the City of Monticello, (hereinafter referred to as "City"). The purpose of this document is to establish the terms, conditions and responsibilities of the parties relative to putting together and communicating to the present owner a purchase offer for land in Monticello Township of approximately 1,200 acres (Get actual size from Marc M? or from appraisal) in size, for park purposes. In addition, the parties wish to state their intentions regarding ownership and operation. WHEREAS The YMCA, which owns undeveloped real property in Monticello Township, presently used for camp purposes, has expressed an interest in selling said property; and WHEREAS Both the City and the County have expressed an interest in acquiring said property for park purposes; and WHEREAS A real estate appraiser has been hired to provide an estimated value for said property; and WHEREAS The parties to this document wish to set out the terms and conditions of making an offer for said property; 1. The County and the City shall cooperate in formulating a purchase offer for the real property known as the "YMCA property", believed to consist of the following parcels of land: PID's # 213-100-092400, 213-100-091400, 213-100-084400, 213-100-084300, 213-100-171100, 213-100-162100, 213-100-171200, 213-100-172305, 213-100- 173100, 213-100-164400, 213-100-174300 and 213-100-174100. 2. The term of this agreement shall be from the date adopted by both parties through December 31, 2007. Said agreement may be extended as necessary by mutual agreement of the parties in order to accomplish the purposes stated herein. 3. Once an acceptable appraisal has been presented to both parties, a purchase offer may be formulated. Said purchase offer must be approved by the governing bodies of the County and the City before it is communicated to the present owner. In formulating a purchase offer, both governing bodies may close meetings pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 13D.05, Subd. 3(c). M 4. Funding for the acquisition of the real property would be provided as follows: County 50 % City 50 % 5. The real property in question, once acquired, would be owned jointly, with the County owning a 50 % undivided interest and the City owning a 50 % undivided interest. 6. It is anticipated that the park would be managed by a fulltime operations manager, who would be assisted by some full time staff, as well as by seasonal staff. The County would have primary responsibility for administering programs in areas of the park with uses customarily found in County parks. The City would have primary responsibility for administering programs in areas of the park with uses customarily found in City parks. The City would be responsible for scheduling and coordinating the use of the ball fields. 7. Funding for maintenance of the park would be shared by the parties, and prorated according to the area of the park maintained. 8. Funding for park capital improvements and major infrastructure maintenance projects would be provided as specifically agreed by the parties. 9. Funding for future land acquisition for the park would be provided according to the agreement of the parties. 10. Each party shall be responsible for the costs related to staff time and supplies, as well as private consultants which it devotes to the attempt to acquire this property. 11. The parties shall cooperate in providing resources related to making a purchase offer for the property. 12. Legal representation shall be provided by the Wright County Attorney's Office, (hereinafter referred to as "County Attorney") with respect to the attempt to purchase this property. The City Attorney will review correspondence and other documents as requested by the City. The County and the City may seek the assistance of other legal counsel, if necessary. 13. In the event that the City and the County acquire the property, the parties intend to adopt a formal Joint Powers Agreement to memorialize the terms and conditions of ownership, maintenance and capital improvements of said property going forward. Said Joint Powers Agreement would establish a Joint Powers Board responsible for governing the park. 14. The Joint Powers Park Board may be autonomous in governing the park, but would not have taxing authority. An annual budget would need to be submitted and approved each year by the City and the County. Funding would be provided by the parties according to the approved budget. M 15. The City agrees to indemnify and hold the County harmless from all liability, claims, or actions that may, in any manner, result from or arise out of the City's activities under this Memorandum of Understanding. Likewise, the County agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from all liability, claims, or actions that may, in any manner, result from or arise out of the County's activities under this Memorandum of Understanding. 16. This Memorandum of Understanding may be modified or amended by a written instrument signed by representatives of both parties. Dated: COUNTY OF WRIGHT Chairperson, County Board County Coordinator Dated: CITY OF MONTICELLO Mayor City Administrator rev, Council Agenda: 10/09/06 7. Public Hearin2 on vacation of a portion of Cedar Street — Warnert Development. (13W) In April of 2006, the City Council approved the final plat for Warnert Retail, which was a replat of 3 lots in the Commercial Court plat and 3 lots within the Commercial Plaza 25 plat. However, when the developer submitted the plat to the County for recording they were informed that in order for the plat to be accepted by the Wright County Surveyor the developer would need to revise the plat line along Cedar Street where the two previous plats met. This line is currently shown with a 2.04 foot jog and the County would like to see this line as being straight with no jogs. In order to accommodate the County's request the developer has asked the City to vacate a 151 foot strip of right-of-way approximately 2 feet wide along Cedar Street as shown on the attached map. Should the Council approve this vacation, the developer will be submitting a revised plat to the County Surveyor's office for recording. There are no utilities or other infrastructure located within this area that would cause the City to deny this request, of course any land vacated by the City would need to be repurchased in the future should we want it back for any reason. The developer is meeting with the County Surveyor on Monday, October 91h to discuss this issue in more detail and this meeting may result in the developer withdrawing their request to have the City vacate this portion of right-of-way. An update will be provided to the Council in regards to the outcome of this meeting. In other instances where street right-of-way has been vacated, the City has sold the vacated right-of-way to the adjacent property owner for as much as $3.50/sq. ft. The most recent instance was with the plat of Monticello Travel Center where vacated right-of-way was sold for $1.00/sq.ft. The City is required to conduct a public hearing prior to the vacation of street right-of-way. The City has provided mailed and published notice of the proposed vacation. Adopt the resolution vacating a portion of Cedar Street as described with the Council to determine what price, if any, would be charged for the vacated right-of-way. 2. Do not vacate the Cedar Street right-of-way. 3. Conduct the public hearing but table action on the vacation until resolution of any questions. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and the City Engineer that 151 feet of Cedar Street rigbt-of-way be vacated in order that the developer can meet the requirements of the County Surveyor and get the plat developed. M Council Agenda: 10/09/06 Map Resolution m CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 2006-81 VACATING A PORTION OF CEDAR STREET WARNERT DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, a public hearing on the vacation of a portion of the Cedar Street right-of-way as described below was held on October 9, 2006 at 7 p.m. at the Monticello City Hall; That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121 North, Range 25 West, Wright County, Minnesota described as follows: Beginning at the most easterly comer of Lot 1, Block 1, Commercial Plaza 25, according to the recorded plat thereof, said Wright County; thence South 87 degrees 50 minutes 57 seconds west, assumed bearing, along the north line of said Lot 1, a distance of 2.04 feet to the southeast comer of Lot 6, Block 1, Commercial Court, according to the recorded plat thereof, said Wright County; thence North 27 degrees 31 minutes 55 seconds East, along the southeasterly line of said Lot 6, a distance of 81.36 feet; thence South 66 degrees 24 minutes 14 seconds East, a distance of 1.97 feet to the intersection with the northeasterly extension of the southeasterly line of said Lot 1; thence South 27 degrees 39 minutes 58 seconds West, along said northeasterly extension, a distance of 80.49 feet to the point of beginning. No W THEREFORE, BE IT HEREB Y RESOL JTED B Y THE CITY COUNCIL OFMONTICELL 0, MIAWESOTA: that the above described street right-of-way is vacated. Adopted by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota this 9th day of October, 2006. Clint Herbst, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator 67 I a i! w U9 w 71 mrnCbZj'rnoo( n� "D tic) 4 Cbn (b o o lb eco°�roo� Q SCD J`Qui ^aQC a q zrCb C Q O p O C)O Lo Cb— Cn CIO :I U1 Q CG Z Cb r Cb 0 � C) Q � Q CD (1) Cb oa��poro Qp ti 5 Cb O � �ro oro p `k�° O - CloC) CIO O Z3 + (D ror ro n Q k (bn3 lz5 TI Cb ® *3 ( (D Z Q O O iz C) ^* Q CD O cb C (y o S. N) P CD -,% U, Oz o p cL �aqo 000� n cb C -1 ^*zi (D (/1 Z,. (b 0) Q r C) o' U)44,0 (n j C u y Ln I) o C) oro �i(�D QQ) 43 CbNJ ® r a Cb ono 0. oo°U) ,Q'Q o s cb � u ro Q V 4kQ 9 Q p n Q O Q s n `° CD� r� Cb (b N3 oq��o� rnQ QroQ� a (n 0 N ro (z \I O ro o ���oro iz m o `° I� 1 (b N (D O W on121- / � r bi :R Ri ro i Nci N. oma° r ® �:3 nin far s CpG1 NO Q^ y ri ti Otti0 U � a 4 ® ('p � Qo o Cb j-sCb N (b Q R ra I a i! w U9 w 71 mrnCbZj'rnoo( n� "D tic) 4 Cbn (b o o lb eco°�roo� Q SCD J`Qui ^aQC a q zrCb C Q O p O C)O Lo Cb— Cn CIO :I U1 Q CG Z Cb r Cb 0 � C) Q � Q CD (1) Cb oa��poro Qp ti 5 Cb O � �ro oro p `k�° O - CloC) CIO O Z3 + (D ror ro n Q k (bn3 lz5 TI Cb ® *3 ( (D Z Q O O iz C) ^* Q CD O cb C (y o S. N) P CD -,% U, Oz o p cL �aqo 000� n cb C -1 ^*zi (D (/1 Z,. (b 0) Q r C) o' U)44,0 (n j C u y Ln I) o C) oro �i(�D QQ) 43 CbNJ ® r a Cb ono 0. oo°U) ,Q'Q o s cb � u ro Q V 4kQ 9 Q p n Q O Q s n `° CD� r� Cb (b N3 oq��o� rnQ QroQ� a (n 0 N ro (z \I O ro o ���oro iz m o `° I� 1 o \ x \ li4 / � r i N. `I OF far s CpG1 �O ri Q) 1 ao y I 1 o \ x \ li4 / � r i N. `I OF far s CpG1 ra �m r` J b N:' 1 o \ x \ li4 / � r C� J �a / � r i OF far s CpG1 iJ Il i T'SF�rF,t- ICO / / / / / I it ter) � rJ R Council Agenda: 10/9/06 8. Consideration of establishing a reward for information re2ardina vandalism at Monte Club. (RW) With the recent closing of the property exchange between the City of Monticello and River City Lanes the City is now the owner of the River City Lanes property and the Monte Club Hill site. The City has leased back the River City Lanes facility until next summer to allow the developers to complete their new facility in Jefferson Commons. After the City had taken ownership of the Monte Club Hill building and property, vandalism and scavengers have entered the building and caused considerable damage including the removal of accessible copper pipe and pulled out most of the main electrical copper wire servicing the building. Restoring the electrical wiring to its original design could be extremely expensive, even close to $100,000. Wright County Sheriffs Department is investigating the theft, but at this time has not made any arrests. The Council is asked to consider establishing a reward for information that would lead to the arrest and conviction of the scavengers who stole the copper and electrical wiring. In discussions with the Mayor, it was suggested that the City establish a reward of up to $5,000 in hopes that this may provide information that could lead to the arrest and conviction of the individual(s) who committed this act. Because the building is vacant and has not been used recently, it is my understanding the City's insurance carrier would not cover any loss. The Council could establish a reward for information that would lead to the arrest and conviction of the vandals in the amount of $5,000.00. Council could establish a reward at a different amount to be deten-nined. Do not establish a reward at this time. yffff,�M � Many times the creation of a financial reward can provide information that could help find the individuals responsible for this theft. Because of the nature of the theft being quite substantial when you consider the amount of time and effort it had to take to remove the wiring and copper Z:� piping system, it is possible that there are individuals who may be motivated by a potential reward to offer information to the police. Establishment of a reward may send the message to the public that the City intends to find the individuals responsible for this damage. ATOM Of Council Agenda: 10/9/06 9. Approve Plans and Specifications and Accept Ounites or Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize the Advertisement for Bids for the River Mill Pathway Improvement Project (City of Monticello Project No. 2006-300, (WSB) At the September 25, 2006 City Council meeting, the City Council authorized the preparation of plans and obtaining quotes for paving and drainage improvements for the River Mill pathway between Mill Run Road and River Forest Drive. The Council's intent was to have the pathway paved this year or at a minimum, place Class 5 aggregate base along the pathway and pave it next year. In order to expedite completing this project this year, we requested quotes from two paving contractors for the improvements. We anticipate having that information at the City Council meeting. If the project quotes are under $50,000, we would ask that the Council accept the lowest quote. If the project quotes are over $50,000, the project will have to be advertised and bid. Since this project is not proposed to be assessed, state statute allows an advertisement period of 10 days from the publication date in the City's official paper to the bid date. Projects that are to be assessed require a 3 -week period from publication to bid date. Therefore, if the project is to be bid and since no assessments will be levied, we will be able to present the bid results at the October 23, 2006 City Council meeting and potentially start the improvements this year, weather dependant. In preparation for the quotes, we obtained nine hand auger borings, along the pathway. The borings indicate that there is between 3 inches to 18 inches of topsoil under the gravel portion of the pathway. Braun Intertec has recommended that we remove this topsoil and construct the pathway with Class 5 aggregate base and pavement. Where the pathway extends through the wooded area, there is no gravel present and topsoil is present up to 2 feet below the surface. Typically, in areas such as this we would have a minimum of a 12 -inch sand section under the gravel and bituminous. We plan to obtain quotes that would remove the topsoil in all areas and quotes to only remove topsoil where no existing gravel is present. Given the existing soil conditions, the project may go over the $50,000 threshold for obtaining bids if we follow Braun's recommendation. Drainage improvements are also needed to alleviate some ponding areas along the pathway. We anticipate obtaining quotes for that work shortly. This work includes constructing three cross culverts under the pathway and some ditch grading. Approve plans and specifications and accept the lowest quote for the River Mill Pathway Improvement Project. 2. Approve plans and specifications and authorize the advertisement for bids for the River Mill Pathway Improvement Project. 3. Do not authorize any work at this time. 6'J,)0,u-,n1, mnd Setting M—p ... ry bitenief doc 71 A recommendation will be made at the Council meeting None Council Agenda: 10/9/06 C. Docloneals and S,,ttingsldaim.grossi?igerJocaI SettazgsMempomImeniet Fi7es!01,K3UfGA'17'.4f-,Ipp,*.,,,R,,,,,Mr71Pat1,,,..vP,,,je,t-100906 dc 72 Council Agenda: 10/9/06 10. Consideration of proposed modifications of costs to be assessed for Public hearin2 to adopt assessmentsfor r Improvement , 2006-01C. I1;, Street Reconstruction ► o* o Proiect No. 2006-01C)C At the September 25, 2006 City Council Meeting, discussion was held regarding proposed assessments for the 2006 Street Reconstruction Project. Items discussed specifically were: • Proposed assessment for Mary Ritze, 1405 River Street West « Residential per lot assessment rate • Sidewalk assessment rate • Assessments to Holthaus (Pineview Development) ® Assessments to River Terrace Park and Red Rooster Park At the public hearing, it was discussed that the Ritze property be assessed at half the frontage value for the property. The front footage shown on the assessment roll is 273 feet, which is one half of the lot frontage along River Street. In addition, the property was to be assessed for one residential unit and a sidewalk assessment for the mixed use of the property. The assessment roll has been revised to reflect this assessment amount. The assessment for the property increases from $21,480.00 to $25,324.39. The residential per lot rate was proposed at $3,000 per lot at the public hearing on January 9, 2006. Due to substantial price increases in 2006, that rate was adjusted by 5% to a rate of $3,150 per lot. The Council had discussed keeping the assessments at the rate of $3,000 per lot. The assessment roll has been modified accordingly to reflect the $3,000 per lot. The sidewalk assessment rate was previously estimated at $200 per lot for properties along River Street. The sidewalk assessment per the City's assessment policy is twenty- five percent (25%) of the total cost of the sidewalk, which is based on bid items. The rate shown has been re -calculated with the addition of one lot for the Ritze property to a rate of $484.39. The decision to lower the assessment is at the Council's discretion. It should be noted that the project will not be bonded so there is not a minimum assessment amount the needs to be recovered. The assessment for the Holthaus property along Otter Creek Road was based on a front footage assessment. The property was previously assessed 50% of the frontage along CSAH 75 for the CSAH 75 improvements, which amounted to $4,083.50. During that time, it was discussed that Mr. Holthaus would be assessed 100% of the frontage along Otter Creek Road once those improvements took place. This was based on the policy that the property be assessed 50% on the long side (CSAH 75) and 100% on the short side (Otter Creek Road). Since this property is considered new development, the 100% assessment rate is consistent with how other new developments are assessed for abutting street improvements. The published notices went out on October 5th and then on the 12th and the mailed notices will be sent on October 9th in order to meet the required deadlines. Fr!dmmg1-1proc12006 Council Agend¢s110-9-06 ccagendall0-ZI106SrreetRecmiRcvAs.cess-/00J06.dor 73 Council Agenda: 10/9/06 The assessments for the Red Rooster and River Terrace Parks are included in the attached assessment roll based on a front footage assessment. There has been discussion at staff level regarding the potential for assessing these properties on a per unit basis. Historically, town home complexes have been assessed to owners associations based on the front foot reconstruction rate. Should the Council decide that the per lot assessment is appropriate, a level of assessment will need to be set. The Council is being requested to approve the assessment roll modifications for presentation at the assessment hearing to be held during the regular Council meeting of October 23rd. The mailings will include the proposed modifications based on the revised assessment roll. If the Council decides to raise any assessments, we will need to re -notify the affected parties; however, the Council can lower the assessments with no additional notice. ALTERNATIVEB. ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the resolution for the proposed revisions to the assessment roll for the assessment hearing set for October 23, 2006. 2. Do not approve the proposed revisions at this time. The City Administrator recommends that the Council authorize Alternative No. 1. Revised Assessment Roll Assessment Map CD --t, andS t i�gsid,—gr...ingeriLoml SenUigOT—por—/nrernelFile,IOLK31.4GN/Tbf-2006Sr,,,R,,onRerlssess-1004064, 74 Client: City of Monticello Proposed Assessment Role 10/4/2006 Project Name: 2006 Street Reconstruction Program City Project Number: 2006-01C WSB Project Number: 1494-16 NO. PID OWNER NAME PROPERTY ADDRESS 69 155087001030 MARY E RITZE 1405 RIVER ST W 108 155021002170 CHRISTOPHER & WENDY A ROBINSON 101 OAKVIEW DR 109 155021002160 ROBERT J & LORINE C CLARK 103 OAKVIEW DR 110 155021002150 CLARENCE J&KIMBERLY CARLSON 105 OAKVIEW DR 111 155021002140 JAMES R & ALICE M ASHWILL 107 OAKVIEW DR 112 155021002130 BRIAN J & JACQUELINE L BRAN 108 OAKVIEW DR 113 155021002210 ROGER C & CYNTHIA A MACK 106 OAKVIEW DR 114 155021002200 DOUGLAS A&LINDA A PRZYBILLA 104 OAKVIEW DR 115 155021002190 JOHN D ERLANDSON 102 OAKVIEW DR 116 155021002180 !GEORGE E &PEGGY A KLIPPENES 100 OAKVIEW DR 117 155500034200 'RED ROOSTER PROPERTIES INC 1323 RIVER ST W 119 155023001010 (WILLIAM E & ARLENE F WHITE 1328 RIVER ST W 120 155023001020 iJONATHAN Q & HEIDI R GASLIN 1324 RIVER ST W 121 155023001021 DANN G FORSBERG 1322 RIVER ST W 122 1 155023001030 jSCOTT W & ELIZABETH A HILL 1320 RIVER ST W 123 155023001040 1 DOUGLAS E & JOLENE M TEMPLE 1316 RIVER ST W 124 155023001050 1JEFFREY V & STACI N BARTH 1312 RIVER ST W 125 155023001060 DANIEL L & DARLENE WETTERSTROM 1308 RIVER ST W 126 1 155023001070 (DONNA L MAURICE 11304 RIVER ST W 128 155025001010 MARK A & CINDEE C HAIDER 1230 RIVER ST W 129 155025001020 ! 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H 0 Itr m OmEl wm w w wr.m CIm N Ntow Ct m r` Ln N O m w m N Co m O H H N co m N M 11r w OD m mH H N m t-oo o r- r- mmONmmq i, Ln Ln Ln w r-Oo ri ct N Co aHhm w Hi 4 U W co m m m m m m m 00 HriH N N N N N N N M M M m M M m M m M m m V4 T0m 0100 Mw H rlr r^i- cn H Om com Co 03 co ro flc) m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m mm m m m m m m m m m co 0.i m m co m«= =.M.7'i'W.w m, o x z. m" x.' Ln Co dt d, H rmw.MrW:4.`3".M"M.Mz`o-tttmxm"wmwm.mzz`r4"xi.`L"`.rmm wm W �� o U r- mmoHNMdI Ln N MVI Ln w h co m o H N Mei+ Ln w r eo m ori N Md4 Ln w r- 0) 0m0) 0r- Ln eHr-i LnLn Ln w w w w w w co M W OJ OJ CO 07 00 (3) m m m m m m m m m 00000000 H N O O m N N NN H m m m m m m v �il^�vv tiv Vv,,t zvcfl i,, Ln m m r n m m M m m mm m Mm m m m M m M m m t m Mm m mm mmmmmmmmmmmmma)mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm N N N N U N N N N iV N N N N rV N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N HH Hri H HH HHHHHHri ri H r -i 14 H H ri H H H H H H H H H r-iH HHHHH r -i H HH H HH H m m m m m d m m m m m m m m o O m m m m m m m m O m m m m m m m 0 r m m O m m m 0 O 00 tai 9x mmmmmHmmmmmmmmHMmmmmmmmmtommmmmmmm-zvmmrimmmr- M HM N NHNH-i H IH Hri N H H N N N H H H HH H H N H H N H N H H O H H H a NH H N Ln Lo O N N NN N N N N N N N N N N N N NN NN N N N N N N CNN N N N N -,IN N N `v N N NN N N m UNNm m0r`0r-HHrfN+H r�riHOr-r- Ll r- r^ 00 H tH r- N H N O O H r O SCM H ri rl O 0 00 Ho< HW: H WU04 alHal OQxUMPCO 0z= mu o , NNH0-,4 N m N O o 0 N O N 00 N N N N N N calm o o N N o N4,r a N[H Ln Ln o o N -'v Ln Ln Ln wLn 14 U) H riH N'd4HIZV%iN NNHNHNNHHHH H,H<M-1N N N H H N H C4 rM N H tl1 r` r� N N H -T r- r-rh cZi Ln to m Ln m mm mLn Ltt Ln Lo Ln m- Ln Ln m m m m M Mm m Ln Ln m Ln Lo Ln m m N Lo m m m Ln to m m m mm rl d1 UL d/ dl 'rM ^ dl d1 :Vll dl rN .dl d+ eM n4 d1 dl d' W eil d1 a' �I' 44,r cf eT dr 1tl4 dl ' T d1 dl V4 d' d' e7' Sir d' <t' 4 V' d+ 4 Q (tf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wla+-LLf) r -i HNHLnL M W M H M M H H H H H H H N M M -i W M Ww 4 H H kD H a) m m m rj H m mm >v N N O N O O O O N N N N N O N N O O O O o 0 0 0 N N O N N N 0 0 d N 0 0 0 N N 0 0 0 0 0 €t$ Cu NNHNwHwHNNNNNHNNHHHHHr{wwNNHNNNwwr-iNwwwNNH w ww a ma. 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