City Council Minutes 01-09-1973VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
Phone (612) 295-2711
January 9, 1973
Regular Vil_.lage Council meeting -- January 9, 1973
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P. M. by Mayor Bill Sandberg. Council.
men present were Sandberg, Dan Blonigen, '4alt Markling, Dick Martie
and Jeff Rowan.
The minutes for the meetings of December 14, and December 26, 1972 were
read and approved.
A motion was made to correct the minutes of November 14, 1972 by Dick
Martie, seconded by Walt Markling, Voting in favor: Blonigen, Markling,
Martie, Rowan and Sandberg. Onnosed: None. The minutes of November
149 1972 were corrected to read as follows: "At this time BillElliott
presented Block S3 (Storm Sewer Assessment). The assessment is set at
.16¢ per square foot. A motion was made by Dan Blonigen, to set the
assessment at 50% for benefiting property owners, seconded by Dick
Martie. doting in favor: Blonigen, Markling, Martie. Onnosed: Sandberg.
Abstain: Rowan."
A presentation was made by Thore Meyer concerning the finalization of
assessment #E7010A and Block 53. Mr. Meyer stated the final Storm Sewer
roll for this assessment is ready. A motion to accept the Storm Sewer
roll was made by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Walt Markling. Voting in favor:
Blonigen, Markling, Martie, Rowan and Sandberg. OpY-)osed: None. In-
dividuals on this roll have 30 days to pay their assessment free of an
interest charge. The motion to accept the roll allows payment at 5%
for a period of 10 years.
A presentation was made concerning a Conditional Use Permit by Ted Yoch
of the Bureau Investment firm of St. Paul, Minnesota. A motion was made
by Walt Markling, seconded by Dick Martie that a Public Hearing be held
in regard to the Conditional Use Permit for retail businesses in proposed
shopping center area. (Description of nroperty attached as enclosure
1). Voting in favor: Sandberg, Blonigen, Markling, Martie and Rowan.
Opposed: None.
A discussion was held concerning the village garbage contract. A pre-
sentation was made by the F-arbage contracting firm, 14avne's Sanitation.
The charges for service from Wavne's is approximately $900.00 per month
for a once a week service; 11,500.00 for twice a week service. No action
A presentation was made by Mr. Spud Johnson of the Kenmore Mix Companv
in regard to contractin7 of a nrodlict titled "postmix" as a replacement
for "Premix." The initial installation charge for "Postmix" to he $3,295.00.
Mr. Johnson stated the product should pay for itself in annroximately 20
months. It should cut mix costs approximately 70-75%. Action delayed
on this matter until special meeting of January 16, 1973 to allow for the
drawing up of a contract.
Regular meeting of Village Council
January 9, 1973
Page 2
A discussion was held as to the operation of the Worth-Brasie Library
by the Village of Monticello. A motion was made by Jeff Rowan, seconded
by Dan Blonigen to have an inventory of all tangible property and cash
assets, if any, regarding the transfer of the Worth- Brasie Library
to the village of Monticello as of the effective date of the transfer.
Voting in favor: Sandberg, Blonigen, Markling,. Martie and Rowan. Opposed:
A motion was made by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Dan Blonigen for the approval
and payment of bills. Carried - all in favor. •
Liquores 217. ,
Admin:t2,961.54; Fire $71 0; Park: t1 671.82; Sewer: $1,82,9.02;
Water: 1.395.36; Service: $1.87 56; Street: 169. 6• Other: 664 0
_ 'ice 3. 7 , 7. .3 .
A motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Walt Markling, to defer
use of funds for State Aid # 58 , available from Wright County, until
1974. These funds are in regard to the imnrovement of 4th Street or
possibly. 6th Street.
A motion to adjourn was made by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Dick Martie.
Carried -- all in favor.
Kevin L. La France, Adm -Tr.