City Council Minutes 01-23-1973 SpecialVILLAGE OF MONTICELLO
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
Phone (612) 295-2711
January 23, 1973
Special meeting of January 23, 1973
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P. M. by Mayor Bill
Sandberg. Councilmen present were: Dan Blonigen, Walt Markling,
Dick Martie and Jeff Rowan. The meeting opened at the new Monti-
cello High School Auditorium for the purpose of discussion on a
Conditional Use permit for the Bureau Investment Corporation.
The meeting onened with a presentation by Ted Yoch of the Bureau
Investment Corporation. Larry Flake spoke next representing the
Planning Commission; expressed the viewpoint that all reouirements
for a Conditional jise Permit had not been fulfilled. Other speakers
were Fred Topel, Lee Hatfield, Con Johnson, Dale Lungwitz and Don
Pitt. No final decision reached; however, the Planning Commission
members in attendance stated they would be meeting to appoint a
new member. The Planning Commission asked for apnroximately 45
days to review and decide upon the request for a Conditional Use
After discussion of the Conditional Use Permit, the meeting was
transferred to the Villa¢e Hall. A discussion was held concerning_
what action to take in the disputed Slurry -seal contract. The
Village Attorney, Mr. Gary Prinmle, stated that Council. action was
needed to decide on a proper course of action. After discussion,
a motion was made by Walt Markling, seconded bsr Jeff Rowan, directing
the Village Attorney to write a letter to the attorneys for Slurry-
Kote service, on behalf of the Village Council, stating that the
Village has paid the amount due for service performed and that any
further action would be up to Slurry Kote Service. Voting in favor:
Blonigen, Markling, Martie and Rowan. Abstain: Sandberg.
Two building permit applications were,;presented; one on behalf of
Jerry De Long and one on behalf of-444;44-Holker. No action taken.
The Administrator was instructed to inform both applicants that a
complete set of blue prints would be needed. In addition, they
should be sent to Axel Rasmussen, if possible. If Mr. Rasmussen
cannot be reached, a building inspector from a neighboring community
should review the plans to insure all requirements are fulfilled.
Mr. Thore Meyer, of the engineering firm of Meyer-Rohlin, made a
presentation regarding the establishment of a general assessment
policy for the Village to follow. After extensive discussion, Mr.
Meyer stated he would draw up a plan outlining as7essment procedures
that the Village could consider adopting.
A motion to adjourn was made by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Dick Martie.
Carried - all in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 11:30 P. M.
Kevin La France, Adm.
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