City Council Minutes 03-27-1973VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
Phone (612) 295-2711
March 27, 1973
Regular meeting of the Village Coi.lncil - March 27, 1073 - Village Hall.
T'he r+eeting was called to order by Mavor Bill Sandberg. Councilmen
present: Blonigen, Martie and Rowan. Absent: Markling.
The minutes for the meeting of March 20, 1973 were approved as read.
A presentation was made by Mr. Paul Scully of the Hayden -Murphy Equipment
Company of Minneapolis and a sealed bid was presented for a 1964, truck -type
street sweeper. Detailed description of the sweeper attached as Enclosure 1.
The Village Administrator presented specifications and quotation from the
Tennant Company of Minneapolis concerning a power sweeper at a price of
$9,991.00. (Titled Tennant 92, Industrial Power Sweeper, new machine).
After discussion, a motion was made by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Dan Blonigen,
to accept the bid of the Hayden, -Murphy Equipment Company on the 1964 model
truck -type sweeper, at a price of $6,600.00. The $6,600.00 includes the
trade-in of the old village sweeper. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Martie,
Rowan and Sandberg. Opposed: None. Absent: Markling.
A motion to use Federal Revenue Sharing Funds to nay for the street
sweeper purchase was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Jeff Rowan. Voting
in favor: Blonigen, Martie, Rowan and Sandberg. Opposed: None. Absent:
A presentation was made by Willard Anderson and Ed Wallin, representing
the Business Men's Assurance Companv. A proposal was made to increase
the health benefits of village and liquor store ennlovees at a cost of
approximately $100.00 a month to the village. Mr. Wallin felt this benefit
increase is necessary to keen nac4. with increased hek1th care costs.
There was agreement by council members to accent the proposal as pre-
sented once it has been disciissed with employees. No motion was made.
A presentation was mace by representatives of Yonak Sanitation regarding
the village garbage contract. Yonak Sanitation presented the bond re-
quired by the village council. A motion was made by Dan Blonigen, se-
conded by Jeff Rowan, to authorize the mayor and clerk to sign the con-
tract with a commencement date of May 19 1973 at a cost of $900.00 a
month. The contract termination date is March 31, 1975. Voting in
favor: Sandberg, Blonigen, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Absent: Markling.
A letter was read from Lyle W. Klatt regarding the erection of a cyclone
fence at 436 E. 4th Street, Monticello, MN. A motion was made by Blonigen,
seconded by Martie, to issue a Use Permit to Mr. Klatt. Voting in favor:
Blonigen, Martie, Rowan and Sandberg. Opposed: None. Absent: Markling.
A disucssion was held concerning the application for a permit to dis-
charge waste matter as required by the Environmental Protection Agency.
A motion to authorize the mayor to sign the application as prepared was
made by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Dick Martie. Voting in favor: Blonigen,
Martie, Rowan and Sandberg. Opposed: None. Absent; Markling. (This
application is required for villages by the Environmental protection
Law of 1972).
Regular meeting of Village Council
March 27, 1973
Page 2
A motion was made by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Dan Blonigen, to authorize
the issuance of an On and Off Sale malt liouor license to Monticello
Recreation for the period Aoril 1, .1073 to March 31, 1974. Voting in
favor: Blonigen, Martie, Rowan and Sandberg. Onnosed: None. Absent:
A motion to annrove the navment of the following listed bills was made
by Blonigen, seconded by Martie. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Martie,
Rowan and Sandberg. Onnosed: None. Absent: Markling.
Old Peoria Company --- $19081.95
Johnson Brothers --- 69.16
Ed. Phillips & Sons -- 187.80
Twin City =dine Co. --- 465.72
Johnson Brothers --- 19899.77
A motion to authorize the mayor and clerk to sign the 1973 Fire Contract
with Otsego Township was made by Blonigen, seconded by Rowan. Voting in
favor: Blonigen, Martie, Rowan and Sandberg. Opnosed: None. Absent:
A presentation was made by representatives of the Monticello Slow Pitch
League regarding improvements to the 4th St. ball park. It was agreed
by the council and the league to overate the park this year without
- improvements, but an effort would be made to obtain new facilities out
of which the League could operate in 1474.
A presentation was made by Mr. Larry Flake in regard to the status of the
Planning Commission. Several proposals were made, however, no decisions
were reached at this time. After discussion, a motion was made by Dan
seconded by Dick Martiem
to elov the legal advice of attorney
Wo C. Hoffman on the Question of Planning Commission member status and
authorizing Mr. Hoffman to obtain an opinion from the State Attorney
General if Mr. Hoffman feels this is necessary. Voting in favor: Blonigen,
Martie, Rowan and Sandberg. Opposed: None. Absent: Markling.
Mr. Flake made the statement that the Downtown Devel onment Group would
like to annear at the villaue council.. meeting! of Anril 10, 1973. The
village council agreed to this and the vill-age administrator was instructed
to notify the Downtown Development Groun as to the time they will appear
on the agenda.
A presentation was made by Thore McVer regarding improvements required
for the development of the proposed Thunderbird Mall. In this regard,
a motion was made by Martie, seconded by Rowan, to hold a Public Im-
provement Hearing on Tuesday, April 17, 1973, at 8:OS P. M. in the Village
Hall. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Martie, Rowan and andberg. Opposed:
None. Absent: Markling.
Regular meeting of Village Council
March 27, 1973
Page 3
A motion was made to issue a building permit to F. J. Kline for
construction of a 4-nlex apartment building, subject to Conditional
Use requirements, by Dan Blonipren, seconded by Dick Martie. Voting
in favor: Bloni7en, Martie, Rowan and Sandberg. Cnnosed: None.
Absent: Marklinp,.
A discussion was held concerning the storm sewer problem on New St.
Thore Meyer instructed to take the initial stens necessary to correct
this problem.
A motion to adjourn was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Dan Blonigen.
Carried -- all in favor:
Meeting adjourned at 11:4.0 P. M.
Kevin L. La France, dm. ;�s-�