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City Council Minutes 04-24-1973Regular meeting of the Village Council -- April 24, 1973 -- Village Hall eo (A The meeting was called to order by Mayor Bill Sandberg. Councilmen present: Blonigen, Markling, Martie, and Sandberg. Absents Rowan. The minutes for the special meeting of April 17, 1973 were approved as read. The meeting opening with a HEARING in regard to a zoning change for Bel -Mar Builders. No objections were voiced by any citizen regarding a zoning change. The Village Council agreed, no vote, to request a zoning change for Blocks 6 & 7 from C-1 to R-3. (This differs from the original proposal by the Planning Commission for the rear 1/2 of Lots 8, 9, & 10, Block 7 ) This request to be referred back to the Planning Commission for their approval. A request was made by Dr. John Kasper for a building permit on Block 22 (Lots E 1/2-3, F 1/2-11 & IO) . This was approved by the Village Council ( No vote)., permit to be issued by building inspector Axel Rasmussen upon approval of building plans. Axel Rasmussen stated that the supplement ,to the State Building Code passed by the Village Council at the meeting of March 13, 1973 (upon his recommendation) was declared illegal by the State Building Inspector's office. In this regard, a motion was made by Walt Markling, seconded by Dan Blonigen, that on the advice of the State Building Inspector, the Village Ordinance supplementing the State Code with Tables 25-T, 25 U, and 25-V of the State Code requiring that all multiple -family dwellings comply with Group III spans or better is rescinded. Voting in favor Blonigen, Markling, Martie, and Sandberg. Opposed: None. Absent: Rowan. A short presentation concerning approval of a building permit for the building of a garage was made by J. W. Miller.. This matter was referred back to the Planning Commission. A discussion was held concerning the request of Tom Schneider for a set-up liquor license for Schneider's Recreation. A suggestion was made by Walt Markling that the Village Administrator write to neighboring towns and obtain their opinion regarding Set-up licensing,. The Council agreed to this and informed Mr. Schneider they would try and have an answer for him by the next regularly scheduled meeting. A motion was made by Walt Markling, seconded by Dick Martie to approve the following bills: FICA Quarterly report - $3,136.10 ( Includes Liquor & General fund) Liquor: Famous Brands, Inc. Tewin City Wine Co. Griggs, Cooper, & Co. Johnson Brothers Ed. Phillips & Sons 314.24 178.28 434.94 (Invoices #232385, 233202) 446.55 (Invoices X475969, 475970) 626.98 Voting in favor: Blonigen, Markling, Martie, Sandberg. Opposed: None. Absent Rowan. Administrator instructed to call the schools in regard to the placing of satellites at the 4th Street ball park. Normal procedures have been for the sharing of costs. A short discussion was held concerning the rest room at the skating rink park. Administrator instructed to contact NSP about lighting to prevent vandalism. Administrator instructed to write the County Sheriff regarding the recently enacted load -limit ordinance for Village streets. A question .ire was presented to the Council from the Springstead Company in regard to oounty police service. It was decided that each Council member would complete a separate questionnaire and mail it to the Company. The Administrator was instructed to write to Village attorney William C. Hoffman in regard to delinquent sewer & water accounts for an opinion on how they should be handled. A motion to adjourn was made by Walt Markling, seconded by Dick Martie. CARRIED - All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 9:55 P. M. Kevin L. La France, Adm -Tr KLLF/ is g Pg 2 - .Regular. Council meeting of April 24, 1973