City Council Minutes 05-22-1973VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
Phone (612) 295-2711
May 22, 1973
Regular meeting of the Village Council - May 22, 1973 .- Village Hall.
, The meeting was called to order by Mayor Bill Sandberg. Council
members present were: Blonigen, Markling, Martie, Rowan.
The minutes for the meeting of T' -!ay 15, 1973 were approved as read.
A presentation was made by Ralph Eichten, Municipal Liquor Store
Mana7er, concerning the purchase of an ice machine and cooler for
the Liquor Store. Bids were nresented from Coca-Cola Bottling Co.,
Hussman Coolers and Superior products, Inc. In this regard, a motion
was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Jeff Rowan, to purchase an ice
machine priced at $19254.009 installed, from the Coca-Cola Bottling
Co. ( .5 -.near guarantee on the unit) and to purchase a cooler priced
at 1527.00 (39 -case capacity) from the Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Voting
in favor: Blonigen, Ma.rkling, Martie, Rowan and Sandberg. Opposed:
None. Motion carried.
A presentation was made by Mr. Ward King, of the Northern States
Power Co., regarding a lease to grant the village "the right to con-
struct, control, supervise and maintain softball fields and an area
for automobile parking on the following described land subject to
the terms of the attached lease:
That part of the SE 4 of the SE 4 Section 33, Township 122
North, Range 25 West, described as follows, to -wit:
Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Section 339 thence
North on the East line of said Section 33, a distance of 763.3
feet to the point of beginning of the tract to be described;
thence N 87 degrees 54 feet west a distance of 1000 feet; thence
North parallel with the East line of said Section 33, a distance
of 382 feet; thence S 87 degrees 54 feet East a distance of
1000 feet to the East line of said Section 33; thence South on
the East line of said Section 33 to the point of beginning.'
A motion to approve the lease for real estate owned by NSP, for use
by the Village of Monticello, was made by Walt Markling, seconded by
Dan Blonigen. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Markling, Martie, Rowan,
Sandberg. Opnosed: None. Motion carried. (Copy of lease attached
as Enclosure 1).
A nresentation was made by Tom uolker regarding development of Blocks
44 and 45 and the proposed .51 street. Thore Meyer expressedlthe opinion
j that development of this area should he nart of an over-alllan(� suggested
this as an item for Planning Commission study. After exteAed discussion
a motion was made by Walt MarklinFr, seconded by Dan Blonigen, authoriz Ag
Thore Meyer to work with the Planning Commission to develop a general
elan for an area encomnassin7 the railroad tracks and I-94 with'a 'fest
boundary of Co. Rd. 39 and an East boundary of Co. Rd. 118. Voting in
favor: Blonigen, Markling, Martie, Rowan, Sandberg. Opposed: None.
Motion carried.
Regular meeting of Village Council
May 22, 1973
Page 2
A presentation was made by Thore Meyer regarding a possible tele-
vising of sewer lines for location of leaks. After discussion, a
motion was made by Bill Sandberg, seconded by Walt Markling, authorizing
Thore Meyer to make a physical survey of man -holes to check for ex_
cessive water. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Martie, Rowan, Sandberg,
Markling. Opposed: None. Motion carried.
A presentation was made by Tom Schneider of Schneider's Recreation
regarding a set-up liquor license. No permit granted at this time.
A motion was made by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Dick Martie, to approve
payment of a billing presented by Mrs. Wilma Hayes from Dixon &
J Prindle Plumbing & Heating of Buffalo. (Administrator to verify
billing for payment). 'Toting in favor: Blonigen, Markling, Martie,
Rowan, Sandberg. Opposed: None. Motion carried.
A letter was presented from Mr. Drive Mclvor, Wright County Personnel
Director, in regard to emnl.ovment under the F. F. A. program. Tn
this J regard, a motion was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Dan Blonigen, to retain Albert Meyer as a village emnlovee at a salary of $575.00
Der month. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Markling, Martie, Rowan, Sand-
berg. Opposed: None. Motion carried.
A'motion was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Dan Blonigen, to arprove
payment of the following bills:
Ed Phillips & Sons - $1,471.72
Griggs, Cooper & Co.- 9.75
Willard Farnick _ 215.47
Voting in favor: Blonigen, Martie, Rowan, Sandberg. Opposed: None.
Absent: Markling.
A motion to adjourn was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Jeff Rowan.
Voting in favor: Blonigen, Martie, Rowan, Sandberg. Opposed': None.
Absent: jvlarkling.
Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:10 P. M.
Kevin L. La France, Adm.