City Council Minutes 05-29-1973 SpecialMay 29, 1973
Special meeting of the Village Council -- May 29, 1973 -- 7:30 P. M.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Bill Sandberg. Council membersresent
were: BlorAgen, Markling, Martie, Rowan., p
The minutes for the meeting of May 221 1973 were approved
pg. 1, bottom paragraph, line 3, is changed to read: " hat develo mentro f This
area should be part of an over-all plan.' p of this
The pures e of this meeting was to conduct the annual Board of Review for
Village of Monticello for the purpose of reviewing and correcting the assessment
of the Village for the year 1973., All nt
by said assessment were to a persons considering themselves aggrieved
Assessor, and Randy Des Mar;aPs, Assistant Countyis As g. Mr' Bernard Mattson, County
of Review. One property owner I1�°. J. W. Diller was present
conducted the Board
No adjustments were made. present for the review,
A motion i,,ras made by Dick Martie, seconded by Dan Blonigen, to accept the Board
of Review assessment report as presented by Mr. Mattson and Mr. Des Marais.
Voting in favor: Blonigen, Markling, Martie, Rowan, Sandberg.
ose: None
Motion carried. (Copy of Board of Review Assessment Notice attached as Encl.. 1.)
The Board of Review portion of this meeting adjourned at 8:30 P. M.
A discussion was held concerning sewer and -water
Miller led a discussion regarding sewer rate charresefornlahe Village, J. W.
m.enbers were in agreement that a study of rates should be made.ndrInsthisoregar
a motion was made by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Dick Martie, instructin thePlann
Commission to make a study of sewer and water rates and to work withth nning
Engineer, Thore Meyer, in conducting this stud e Village
Markling, Martie, Rowan, Sandberg. y' Voting in savor. Blonigen,
g Opposed:- None. Motion. carried.
A motion to approve the following bills for a
P yment was made by Dick Martie
seconded by Jeff Rowan* ,
Griggs, Cooper, & Company - 57271
Old Peoria Company 51.06
Bd. Phillips & Sons 16-h5
Voting in favor: Blonigen, Markling, Martie, Rowan, Sandberg. osedx
Motion carried. �A None.
A motion to appoint Ken Maus and Ron Peters as Village representatives
Joint Recreation Committee with Independent School District #882 was on e the
Walt Markling, seconded by Dan Bloni en. made by
Martie,, Rowan, Sandberg.� g Voting in favor. Blonigen, Markling,
Opposed. None. Motion carried.
The motion to adjourn was made by Walt Markling, seconded by Jeff Rowan. in favor: Blonigen, Markling, Martie, Rowan, Sandberg. carried. Opposed:
Meeting adjourned at 8:55 P. M.
even a rance,