City Council Minutes 07-10-1973Regular meetirg of the Village Council - July 10, 1973. -7:30 P. M. The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Bill Sandberg. Council members present: Martie, Rogan. Absent: Blonigen, Markling. The minutes of the meeting of June 26, 1973 were approved as .read. A presentation was made by Jim Foster in regard to a liability insurance policy. In this regard, a motion was made by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Dick Martie, to approve the procurement of an "imbrella liability insurance policy's up to a $1,000,000.00 limit at an estimated price of $815.00 per year. Voting in favor: Martie, Rowan, Sandberg. Opposed: None. Absent: Blonigen, Markling. Motion carried. A report was made by Liquor Store Manager Ralph Eichten. Mr. Eichten requested that part-time bartenders be paid full-time bartender rates when they replace full-time bartenders due to vacations. There was unanimous Village Council approval to pay at the full-time bartender rate for this purpose. Mr. Eichten requested approval for the purchase of ten (10) chairs for the on -sale portion of the Liquor Store. The motion to authorize the purchase of the chairs was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Jeff Rowan. Voting in favor: Martie, Rowan, Sandberg. Opposed: None. Absent: Blonigen., '2�arkling. Notion carried. A motion to approve a "Joint and Coop_ erati-xre Agreement for the regulation of gas rates by North Central Public Service Company' was made by Dick Martie, Seconded by Jeff Rowan. Voting in favor: Martie, Rowan, Sandberg. Opposed: None. Absent: Blonigen, Markling. Motion carried.. (A copsr of this agreement is on. file in the Village Office) A_presen.tation was made by Mrs. F. E. Ellisc,n a-nd Mrs. F. Peterson in regard to the appointment of two members to the Boar( of Directors of the Senior Citizens Center. Mrs. Peterson expressed appreciation to the Village Counc_1 for their support of the Center,. After discussion, a motion was made by Dick Martie., seconded by Jeff Rowan, to approve the appointment of Marie Druni.ng and Rev. Bruce Miller to the Board of Directors of the Senior Citizen Center. The Effective date of the appointments will be August 15 1973. Voting in favor: Martie, Rowan, Sandberg. Opposed: None. Absent: Blonigen3 Tdiarkling. Motion. Carried.. A presentation was made by the Administrator in regard to Federal Revenue Sharing funds. It was decided to review the expenditure of Federal Revenue Sharing in detail at the proposed budget meetings of late July or early August. A Motion to approve the issuance of an "Only & 'Off" sale malt Liquor license to the Steak Rat for the period from April. 1, 1973 to March 31, 1974 was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Jeff Rowan. Voting in _favor: T,2artie, Rowan, Sandberg. Opposed: None. Absent: Blonigen, Markling. Motion carried. A discussion was held concerning the request of a Monticello resident for authorization to keep a pony within the city Colsncil 1"embe.rs in atten.daA�ce felt it ,vould );(- unwise to authorize this request. No permit was issued. (2) A motion to approve the payment of bills for the month of June and through July 10, 1973 was made by Di-_ck T.-Tartie, seconded by Jeff Rowan. Voting in favor: Martie, Rowan, Sandberg. Opposed: None.- Absent: Blonigen, Markling. Motion carried. Liquor: $38,338.68. Admin: $4,417.99. Fire: $369.84. Park: $236.07.. Sevier: ft1,844.34• WatEr: $3,198.76.. Services: $2,713.82. Street: $3,566.91. Other: $9, 21.24. A motion to approve a resolution for the Village of Monticello requesting an order for annexation of certain land and authorizing the Mayor L Clerk to sign was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Jeff Rowan. Voting in favor: Martie, Rowan, Sandberg., Opposed: None. Absent: Blor_igen, Markling. Motion carried. (Copy of annexation resolution attached as Eno'osu_re 1, An estimate was presented from. the 7,11onticello Slow Pitch Lague in regard to fencing for the NSP ball park., The estimate submitted by Montgomery Ward was in the amount of $4,264.00. In this regard, a motion was made by Dick Martie to approve the purchase of the fencing. There was no sec o-!'. to this motion -- the motion was tabled until the Village Council meeting of July 24, 1973. A. motion was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Jeff Rowan, to approve the issuance of an "On" Sale Malt Liquor License to the Monticello Slow P -itch League for the three r?ay period, July 20, 21, and 22, 1973 (the license to be issued after a check by Village personnel to detery.iine if this is a legal issue). Voting in favor: Martie., Rowan, Sandberg. Opposed None. Absent: Blonigen, Markling. Motion carried.. A presentation was made by Thore Meyer in regard to the "construction, financing, and assessment procedures for Monticello Downtown Parking Lots and alleys." �?o village council action wa.s taken at this time on this matter.. A discussion was held concerning the finance procedures to follow for Improve- ment Project, 1973-1. It was determined that approximately $80,000.00 will be needed to finance this project., The Administrator was instructed to notify Jim Olson of Juran & Moody, Inc.,., of the Council determination. A motion was made by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Dick Martie, to approve "a resolution receiving report and calling for a hearing on the improvement of Locust street between the line of Sixth and Seventh Street." Voting in favor: Hartie, Rowan, Sandberg. Opposed.: None. Absent: Blonigen,,M Markling. (Cop -y of resolution attached as Enclosure 2.) A motion to adjourn was made by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Dick Martie, Voting in favor: Martie, Rowan, Sandberg. Opposed: None. Absent: Blonigen, Markling. Motion carprie . Kevin L. La France 2 Enclosures 1. Resolution for annexation. 2. Resolution - For Hearing on Locust Street Improvement.. REDSOILUTION TO IJIPROVE A JOINT AND COOPERATIVE AGI:CTENITIMT FOP. THE'REGULATI-ON OF G16 RATES BY NORTH CE't\IrIL'R.,`jI, PUBLIC SERVICE CO ANY. ITHIEREASO the general purpose of this aRreement is to establish an organization to jointly and cooperatively administer the rate provisions of franchises which the parties to this agreement have granted the North Central Public Service Company. A notion to aDnrove a "Joint and Cooperative Agreement for the regulation of gas rates by North Central Public Service Connany," after examination of documents presented, was made by council member Dick Martie, seconded by council member Jeff Jeff Rowan and upon vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof'* MARTIE, ROIATAN9 SANDBERG and the folloTArIng voted against the same: NONE The following council members were absent:CD BLONIGEN, MOKLING Whereupon the resolution vras duly passed and adopted. Dated this 10th day of July, 1973* WO A. Sandbergq Mayor Kevin L. La France, Cle-z"k