City Council Minutes 08-14-1973D=_
.L-gular meeting of the Village Council - August 14, 1973 — 7230 P* Me
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Bill Sandberg. Council members
present were*- Blonigen, :darkling, Martie,, Rowan., Sandberg*
The minutes for the m eting of July 2L. 1973 were approved as read.
The bottom paragraph, page 1, for the minutes of June 12, 1973 were corrected
to read as f ollows:
"A presqntation was made by 11r. Thore Meyer in regard to Improvement Project.,
1973-1 k7th Street or Thunderbird Mall area). Mr. Meyer stated Northdale
Construction Company,, Minneapolis, Minnesota is the low bidder and that they
are a competent contractor to be awarded the bid. In this regard, a motion
to award the bid to Northdale Contractors for Improvement Project 1973-1.,
on a bid price of $61,8L6.50, with an addition of Locust Street from 6th
to 7th at a unit price, was made by Walt darkling, seconded by Dan Blonigen.
The addition of Locust Street is to be approximately 36 ft. wide and 330
ft. long* The Mayor and clerk were authorized to sign the contract.
Voting in favor: Blonigen,, Martie., Markling,, Sandberg. Opposed: None.
Absent -4 Rowan. Motion carried."
The motion to approve the correction to the minutes of June 12, 1973, Jas
made by Dick Martie, seconded by Dan Blonigeng Voting in favor: Blonigen,
Darkling, Martie., Rowan, Sandberg. Opposed: None, Motion carried.
A presentation was made by Mr. Ralph Eichten., Liquor Store Manager. Mr.
Fichten explained some improvements done to the on -sale lounge and answered
questions of individual council members. Authorization was given by the
Council to hire a -waitress for the on -sale lounge at a salary of 9.2-50 an
hour. Approval was given for the payment of Tom Arnold for the difference
in pay between his regular salary and workmen compensation benefits received,
for the period March 21., 1973 to April 4, 1973, due to his being disabled on
duty. Sick leave earned is to be charged to Mr. Arnold's account for the
number of days payment was received.
A presentation was made by Axel Rasmussen, the Village Building Inspector.
Mr. Rasmussen suggested that the Village obtain building permit applications
that can be completed in triplicate form, one copy will then be retained in
the Village office* Mr. Rasmussen also suggested that the Village assign
a Plumbing Inspector. These two suggestions were approved by the Council
and Village personnel were instructed to contact two individuals to see if
they are interested in the Plumbing Inspector position.
The Council was in agreement to keep just one Justice of the PQace for the
Village. No one will be assigned to fill the position held by Mr, James
Hanna who recently passed away.
A motion was made by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Dick Martie, to grant permission
to Mr. Rasmussen to issue a building permit to Mrs* Margaret Aust,, granting
her permission to build a 10 foot extension on her garage and an 8 foot
extension on her house. The permit will be issued under the provisions of
Chapter 4, paragraph 1-c, Monticello Zoning ordinance.
A motion to approve the payment of the following listed bills for the month
of July and bills through August 14., was made by Dick Martie., seconded by
7 .Y -alt Markling. Voting in favor: Blonigen., Markling., Martie., Rowan, Sandberg.
Opposed: None. Motion carried.
uors 35,53.
Liq 21 Admin: 42, 927.21 Fire: $715.23 Park: $275.53
Sewer: 91,645-61 Water: t2, 53 j.ul Service: . 1,3OL .13 Street: 92, 566.14
Other: 113,277.09
A presentation was made by Village resident, Mr. Bruce Wachton. Mr. 'fiachton
has property that is located in both the Tillage and in the Township that he
wants to develop. Part of this property will need to be re -zoned from
light -industrial to residential. Mr. 14achton is requesting that the property
be annexed into the Village. Mayor Sandberg stated that the Village will be
meeting with officials from the Minnesota Municipal Commission within the next
week or two and that a definite answer will try to be obtained at that time.
A discussion was held concerning the Downtown Parking Development Plan.
The Administrator was instructed to write to the school district stating that
they should provide off-street parking for their personnel commencing with the
approaching school year. A motions directing the Administrator to write to the
School District stating they provide off-street parking for school personnel,
was made by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Dan Blonigen. Voting in favor: Blonigen,
Markling, Martie, Rowan, Sandberg. Opposed: None. Motion carried.
The Administrator was instructed to have the Downtown Development Plan on the
agenda for the meeting of September 11., 1973, at which time Thore Meyer will
be in attendance to explain any unanswered questions.
A presentation was made by Mr. 9. Haaland regarding the blocking off or 6ialnuz
Street from lith Street to Broadway, At the meeting of April 10, 197-5, 14r.
Haaland stated the streets would be blocked for the dates August 23, 24, and 25.
I!r. Haaland, representing the Junior Chamber of Commerce, now requests that this
barricading be allowed through Sunday, August 26. (This request is in regard
to Mississippi Days.) This request was approved, no vote, by the Council.
The Council also authorized the use of picnic tables, that will be taken frog.
Village parks and returned by Saturday evening, August 25.
There was Council agreement, no vote, to activate the kennels at the Disposal
Plant for the impoundment of stray dogs or cats. Mayor Sandberg stated he was
going to check with one or two individuals on the best way to roperate this facility.
A part-time animal impoundment officer may be emploZTed.
A short budget discussion ;gas held. It was decided to discuss budget items
thoroughl;jr at the meeting of August 28, 1973 and possibly at one or two special
budget me etings.
The motion to adjourn was made by 4,11alt Markling, seconded by Dick Martie.
Voting in favor: Blonigen, Markling, Martie, Rowan, Sandberg, Opposed: None.
Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:55 P. M.
:Kevin L. La France, Adm.