City Council Minutes 09-04-1973 SpecialVILLAGE OF MONTICELLO
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
Phone (612) 295-2711
September 49 1973
Special meeting of the Village Council -- September 4. 1973 -- 7:30 P. M.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. in the village hall by Mayor
Bill Sandberg. Council members rresent: Blonigen, Markling, Martie, Rowan.
The minutes fog the meeting of August 28, 1.073 were annroved with one correction:
Pg. 1, naragramh 8, should read: A presentation was made by Kevin KJell-
berg and Axel Rasmussen in regard to the n1acerent of a sign.
A short discussion was held concerning the request made by Mr. Arve A.
Grimsmo for the vacation of Hennepin Street, from River St. to the Miss-
issipni River. It was decided that this item would not be turned over
to the Planning Commission for study; the prevalent feeling of the Council,
no vote, that the ultimate responsibility for a decision on this matter
rests with the Village Council.
A discussion was held concerning the 1974 village budget. A line -by-
line study was made of the utility funds (water and sewer). No final
decision was reached on 1974 expenditures, however, there was council
agreement that certain expenses will have to be minimized for the utility
funds to function effectively. The General Fund portion of the budget
and the bond funds will be discussed more thoroughly at the meeting of
September 25, 1973. The utility fund budget was reviewed with sewer and
water supervisor, Mr. Walter Mack.
Mr. Walt Mack was instructed to procure an estimate for the purchase of
link -belt chains that may be installed at the disposal plant in 1974.
The village administrator was instructed to contact the low bidder on the
removal of Dutch Elm diseased trees. A policy is to be set up whereby
village residents will have the opportunity to nay for the removal of a dis-
eased tree through the village contractor rather than have this cost placed
on an assessment roll.
The administrator presented the village council with a cony of "Personnel
Rules for Fmnlovees of the Village of Monticello xnicipal Liquor Store."
It was the council consensus to review the policy between this meeting and
the regularly scheduled meeting- of Sentember 11, 1973. If no errors or mis-
understandings are found, the "Personnel. Rules" will be approved at the
meeting of Sentember 11, 1973.
The administrator was instructed to direct a letter to the State of Minnesota
Highway Department reauesting that they insure the railroad crossing on
Hwv. 25 be repaired.
A motion to approve payment of the Municipal Liauor Store payroll for the
period ending August 31, 1973, and one check to Twin City Wine Co. in the
amount of $81.11, was made by Markling, seconded by Martie. Voting in favor:
Blonigen, Markling, Martie, Rowan, Sandberg. Motion carried.
A motion to adjourn was made by Rowan, seconded by Martie. All in favor --
motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:10 P. M.
Kevin L. La France, Adm.