City Council Minutes 10-09-1973VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
Phone (612) 295-2711
October 9, 1973
Regular meeting of the 'Tillage Corncil - October 9, 1973 - 7:30 P. M.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. in the village hall
by Mayor Bill Sandberg. Council members nresent: Rlonigen, Martie,
Rowan. Absent: None. One council seat remained vacated.
The minutes for the meetins of Sentember 25, 1973 were approved as
The minutes for the joint meetings between the Village Council and
the Township that were conducted by Mr. Howard Kaibel of the Minnesota
Municipal Commission on September 20, 1973 and October 4, 19739
were approved as presented.
Axel Rasmussen, the village building inspector, presented a building
report for the period ending September 30, 1973. Mr. Rasmussen stated
there had not been any unusual problems in the issuance of these per.
mits and he placed the total valuation of the permits at 1191,500.00.
Mr. Rasmussen presented a recuest by Security Federal to build on
Block 34, Lot 1, in Monticello (across the street from the Fullerton
Lumber Company). Mr. Rasmussen was requested not to approve the per.
mit until the State Highway Department was contacted in regard to
access driveways on Highway 25. When this has. been accomplished, the
permit request will again be reviewed by the Village Council.
Mr. Rasmussen started he will not be in the Monticello area during the
winter months and stated a Mr. Harry Gruesner is willing to take his
place. The Council reauested that Mr. Rasmussen and Mr. Gruesner
be at the regularly scheduled meeting of October 23, 1973.
The Village Council talked to Mr. Kenneth Peshia regprding anpoint-
ment as the Village Plumbing Insnector. After discussion, a motion
was made by Jeff Rowan, seconded. by Dick Martie, to apnoint Mr.
Peshia as the Village Plumbing Inspector, a fee schedule to he worked
out at a later date. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Martie, Rowan, Sand.
berg. Onnosed: None. Motion carried.
A presentation was made by Mr. John Poirier who stated he has a
serious ice and snow build -,Un in hack of his store. Mr. Poirier
would like nermission to have the water drain west into the Walnut
Street storm sewer. After discussion, it was decided to have a
decision on this matter delayed until after the hearing scheduled
for Thursday, October 11, 1973.
The council agreed, no vote, to delay a decision on a snow removal
policy for,the downtown area until after the parking plan is finalized.
Regular meeting of village Council
October 9, 1973
Page 2
A review was made of estimates submitted for the remodeling of the
Municipal Liquor Store (installation of veneer hardwood paneling
throughout the interior of the Ori -Sale store). No decision was made
at this time in view of the fact the estimates were submitted on two
completely different types of material.
A nresentation was made by the village engineer, Mr. Thore Meyer,
rega.rdinR the repair of the New Street storm sewer. After discussion,
/ the council decided to apnrove the project, but only up to the X4,314.00
figure. Any sum higher than the amount mentioned will need council
Mr. Mever le*d a discussion in regard to Plat plan #4. There was
council consensus, no Grote, that platted streets in the area should
nrobably be vacated. No decisions were made regarding this matter.
A written complaint was presented from Mr. & Mrs. J. Madsen of Monti-
. cello regarding fenc _n� installed by a local bjasiness firm in or
bordering her back ,yard. The village council concurred, no vote,
that the fencing should be removed.
A letter was presented from Mr. Tom Augustin, of Meyer-Rohlin, Inc.,
f regarding an "application for federal aid" by which the vi]_laae could
possibly be reimbursed for funds expended when the disposal plant was
constructed. The administrator was instructed to provide the answers
requested by the letter and submit it hack to Mr. Augustin.
A motion was made by Bill Sandberg, seconded btr Dick Martie, to send
a letter to Mrs. F. E. Ellison congratulating her on being selected
Ras the Senior Citizen Woman of the Year. voting in favor: Blonigen,
Martie, Rowan, Sandberg. Opposed: None. Motion carried.
A motion to approve the payment of village and liquor store bills
for the month of September, 1973 and through October 9, 1973 was
made by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Dick Martie. voting in favor: Rowan,
Blonigen, Martie, Sandberg. Opnosed: None. Motion carried. Liquor:
$61,340.46; Admin: $4,066.41; Park: $1 419.14; Fire: 1331.84;, Sewer:
$1,397.47; Water: $i,356.R5; Service: �3,101.73; Street: $2,426.91;
Other: $7,078.22.
A motion to adjourn was mane by Rowan, seconded by Martie. 'Toting
in favor: Rloni_gen, Martie, Rowan, Sandberg. Onnosed: None. Motion
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P. M.
Kevin L. La rance, Adm.
KLLF/lsR s�