City Council Minutes 07-23-2001MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL July 23, 2001 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Roger Carlson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order. Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2A. Approve minutes of July 9, 2001 regular Council meeting. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JULY 912001 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH ROGER CARLSON ABSTAINING. 2B. Approve minutes of CSAH 75 Workshop meeting of July 9, 2001. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE CSAH 75 WORKSHOP OF JULY 9, 2001. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH ROGER CARLSON ABSTAINING. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. A petition for annexation for the Groveland development was added to the agenda. The Mayor stated that agenda items #9 and # 12 would be moved up. 4. Citizen comments/petitions, requests and complaints. Paula Gaeth, 9596 Mill Trail Lane spoke to the Council about the approval of the River Mill 6`" Addition. She was concerned about: 1) the visual and noise impact; 2) lower property value because of the visual/noise impact; 3) smaller homes in the new development will also lower property values and 4) they were told that this parcel would not be developed. Deputy City Administrator, Jeff O'Neill provided background on the development of this parcel stating that the uncertainty with the road alignment in the River Forest Addition kept this parcel from developing earlier. Clint Herbst asked if these lots were shown on the original plat and Jeff O'Neill indicated they were not. There was some question on where the proposed lots were in relation to the Gaeth property. Mayor Belsaas asked Paula Gaeth to meet with Jeff O'Neill on this. 5. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of ratifying new hires MCC. Recommendation: Ratify the hiring of the part-time employees for the Monticello Community Center as identified. Council Minutes - 7/23/01 B. Consideration to review Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund (GMEF) Loan No. 019 for compliance with the EDA-GMEF Business Subsidy Criteria. Recommendation: C. Consideration of amending Title Seven, Chapter 2, City Ordinance clarifying penalty for violating provisions of water ordinance. Recommendation: Adopt ordinance amendment clarifying the establishment of penalties that would apply to any violation of the City's sewer and water code. Ord. Amd. #362 ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. None. 7. Public Hearing Consideration of a resolution adopting the proposed assessment roll for delinquent utility bills and certification of assessment roll to County. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller noted that this is the quarterly assessment for delinquent utilities. Mayor Belsaas opened the public hearing. There was no one who spoke on the delinquent utility assessment. Mayor Belsaas closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT FOR THE DELINQUENT UTILITY CHARGES. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Res. 2001-49. 9. Consideration to adopt a resolution awarding the sale of Taxable Temporary G.O. Tax Increment Bonds. Series 7/31/01. Mark Ruff from Ehlers and Associates explained the action that precipitated the bond sale. The tax bill recently passed by the legislature impacts the City's tax increment districts. Mark Ruff discussed the reduction in tax rates for various property classes, implementation of a state wide business tax and deletion of the HACA penalty associated with the TIF districts. The HRA recommended issuance of the bonds so as to extend the five year rule for the downtown tax increment district by two years (8/1/04) and to also allow the City to complete projects that are in process. In addition this would protect the existing internal loans between HRA and City and provide the option to apply for a grant if a shortfall would occur, although that is not anticipated. The term of the bonds is 3 years at an interest rate of 5 V2%. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION AWARDING THE SALE OF $2,150,000 TAXABLE TEMPORARY G.O. TAX INCREMENT BONDS, SERIES 7/31/01. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Res. No. 2001-52. 0 Council Minutes - 7/23/01 12. Consideration of adopting roadway design configuration for CSAH 75 Project No. 2000-16C. Becky Hauschild summarized the comments received at the informational meeting which included: a) Concern about speed; b) Landscaping to slow the traffic; c) Leave the road as is. Becky Hauschild indicated what would happen to the traffic capacity of the road if that took place. d) Concern with assessments. It was noted the City is working on an assessment policy. The City's share of the project is estimated at $2,000,000 which includes the wear course for the parking lanes, utilities and lighting; e) Tree removal; f) Concern about the project transition area between Washington Street and Hennepin Street; g) Sidewalk on CSAH 75 where none previously existed; h) Median and landscape area be low maintenance and cost effective; i) Parking will be too narrow in the winter when there is snow; j) Limited access to Linn Street and k) Dislike of the limited to access to certain side streets. Brian Stumpf also voiced is opposition to restricting access to the Post Office at Linn Street. Becky Hauschild indicated this was an item they could look at again. Clint Herbst suggest that an easement to Locust street from the post office be pursued. John Simola suggested reversing the flow of traffic by the mailboxes. Brian Stumpf didn't think you would alleviate the traffic on the side streets until the bottleneck at CSAH 75/TH 25 was resolved. Although the some Councilmembers felt uncomfortable with the limited access to the side streets, they felt the design overall was good in that it retained on street parking. Becky Hauschild stated that CSAH 75 design is based on the assumption that the City will continue with the Fallon Avenue and 7th Street projects. If that is not the case then the improvements to CSAH 75 will not be adequate. Brian Stumpf stated he is not in opposition to the improvement of CSAR 75 just to restricting access to the side streets. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE LAYOUT AS PRESENTED AT THE PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING BUT TO MAKE MINOR CHANGES TO THE PROJECT WHICH CAN BE SUPPORTED BY THE CITY ENGINEER AND THE WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF VOTING IN OPPOSITION. Wayne Fingalson, Wright County Engineer, indicated that the City Council will have the opportunity to approve the plans before the County puts the project out for bid. 8. Consideration of adopting assessment for CSAH 75 Project NO.98-17C (Kean and Bondhus properties). When the assessment roll was considered for CSAH 75, Project No. 98-17C the assessment of two properties were delayed so that an appraisal could be done because of opposition of the owners to the proposed assessment. Kean Property (155-037-001010) - The original assessment was proposed at $59,883 and then reduced to $55,671. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller stated that the City had to acquire right-of-way for this project and it was the intent of the City to charge this cost back as part of the assessment. The appraisal stated there was a $.75/sq. ft. increase in value as a result of the improvement. This would support an assessment of between $50,000-$52,000. 3 Council Minutes - 7/23/01 Bondhus Property (155-011-000031 and 155-011-000060) - Two assessments were proposed one covering the main plant ($52,484) and the other for a vacant triangular piece of property ($3,898). Rick Wolfsteller suggested the City may want to defer the assessment on the triangular piece until such time as the property develops. The assessment for the main plant was recommended to remain at $52,484 which was supported by the appraisal. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT ROLL AS PROPOSED FOR THE BONDHUS PARCEL IN THE AMOUNT OF $52,484.63 AND DEFER THE ASSESSMENT OF $3,898.56 AGAINST THE TRIANGULAR PARCEL UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE PROPERTY IS DEVELOPED. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Res. No. 2001-51. Ken Schwartz and Dean Hoglund were present and commented that they were paid for land that was taken for the road and then they were assessed for the cost of the road. Brian Stumpf stated that they had agreed in writing to the assessment of the right-of-way cost and should not have been surprised to find that included in their assessment. Ken Schwartz stated that the City had to prove value to the property. Rick Wolfsteller stated the appraisal supported an assessment of at least $50,000 by either calculation, 1) $11,000 plus the cost of the right-of-way $41,500 or 2) an increase of $.75/sq. ft. Ken Schwartz didn't feel that they should have to provide access for the rest of the people on the boulevard. It was noted by the City Engineer that the 55' that Kean had questioned had not been included in the assessment calculation but there was a 35' section of curb that was not replaced and that could be deducted from the assessment. The Council discussed whether to continue negotiation to reach a compromise. Mayor Belsaas suggested adopting the assessment roll and continuing with negotiations. Brian Stumpf stated he wanted to see it resolved tonight. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADOPT AN ASSESSMENT FOR THE KEAN PROPERTY IN THE AMOUNT OF $50,333. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. In further discussion Brian Stumpf said the City would consider accepting an offering of $41,500. BRUCE THIELEN AMENDED HIS MOTION TO REFLECT THAT THE CITY WOULD ACCEPT A COMPROMISE ASSESSMENT OF $41,500 AND SET A DEADLINE OF WEDNESDAY NOON FOR KEAN TO ACCEPT THE COMPROMISE ASSESSMENT. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE AMENDED MOTION. Ken Schwartz and Dean Hoglund indicated that their legal counsel would be out of town until Thursday and they asked that the deadline be extended until Monday at noon. BRUCE THIELEN AMENDED HIS MOTION TO SET THE DEADLINE FOR KEAN ACCEPTANCE OF THE ASSESSMENT TO MONDAY (JULY 30, 2001) AT NOON. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11 Council Minutes - 7/23/01 10. Consideration of an offer for purchase of remnant parcel adjacent to West Chelsea Road Dr. John Erlandson. Rick Wolfsteller stated that as part of the Chelsea Road project the City had acquired two lots in the Sandberg South Addition to put the road through. The lot adjacent to the dental clinic has 13,000 sq. ft. A portion of this property is needed for utilities and ponding but the remainder could be sold. The City in acquiring this property incurred cost of $2.36/sq. ft. The property by itself may not be a buildable lot since it has only 80' feet of frontage instead of the 100' required by ordinance. If the property was sold, it was suggested the City maintain a 20' easement around the property. Dr. Erlandson submitted an offer of $9,000 for the parcel which amounts to about $.65/sq. ft. considerably less than the cost the City incurred in acquiring the property. Mayor Belsaas suggested that a counteroffer be made of $15,000. Clint Herbst suggested setting a price and then offering the property for sale on the open market. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO MAKE A COUNTEROFFER OF $14,900 AND IF THE COUNTEROFFER IS NOT ACCEPTED, THE COUNCIL CAN THEN FURTHER ADDRESS OTHER OPTIONS FOR THE PROPERTY. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION BUT FELT A TIME LIMIT SHOULD BE SPECIFIED FOR ACTION ON THE COUNTEROFFER. BRUCE THIELEN AMENDED HIS MOTION TO ADD A SEPTEMBER 1, 2001 DEADLINE FOR A RESPONSE TO THE COUNTEROFFER. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE AMENDED MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Clint Herbst noted that the road going through which made the lot unbuildable as far frontage requirements could be considered a hardship and could justify a variance from the ordinance. John Simola stated that this is a corner lot and there was no assessment against it so the owner would get the benefit of the curb and gutter without the assessment. 11. Consideration of reviewing liquor store expansion design and authorized advertisement for bids. Rick Wolfsteller reviewed the sketch plans submitted for the expansion. The structure would complement the Towne Centre development. The Council was being asked to authorize completion of documents so the project could be bid. The design drawing will also be reviewed by DAT (Design Advisory Team). The estimated cost is between $500,000 and $650,000 and these estimates will be refined. Bruce Thielen asked if there was any data on how the increase in footage would impact revenue. It is anticipated that liquor store reserves will be used to cover expansion costs. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE PRELIMINARY EXPANSION PLANS FOR THE LIQUOR STORE AND AUTHORIZE THE ARCHITECT TO COMPLETE THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION BIDDING PURPOSES SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE DESIGN ADVISORY TEAM. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5 Council Minutes - 7/23/01 13. Review of second quarter 2001 Monticello Community Center financial statements. Community Center Director, Kitty Baltos, updated the Council on activities at the Community Center and answered questions pertaining to the financial report. Clint Herbst asked about the drop in the maintenance expense from 2000 to 2001. It was explained that there were a first time start up purchases that were put in this fund and also the categorizing of expenses has been refined. Bruce Thielen stated the City knew it would take a couple of years to have a feel for the financial flow of the facility. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE FINANCIAL, FACILITY USE AND PASS INFORMATION FOR THE MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 14. Consideration of accepting petition for annexation and consideration of request to review preliminary plat of the Pine Meadows Subdivision. Applicant: Gold Nugget Development. The City has received a petition from Gold Nugget requesting annexation into the City of their 200+ acre parcel. A preliminary plat had been approved by the Planning Commission but was not approved by the City Council pending resolution of a conflict between the City's Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the MOAA Land Use Plan. According to the City Attorney, the 120 day rule does not apply to this because the parcel was outside the city limits. In previous meetings, the Council has discussed the area and the possibility of mixed uses, not just residential as proposed. The City Attorney has a concern about accepting the annexation petition and then amending the land use plan afterwards. The City Attorney's recommendation would be table action on the petition or deny it until the City could update the land use plan. Once the land use plan has been updated, Gold Nugget could petition for annexation. Mayor Belsaas felt the petition should be denied but that the Planning Commission be directed to initiate an amendment to the land use plan and set up a Council/Planning Commission workshop to determine the appropriate land use for this area. Clint Herbst felt this should be looked at by the MOAA Board. Bruce Thielen argued that the Council had made the determination that the MOAA Board ceased to exist since there was not valid land use plan in place by July 8, 1999. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO TABLE THE ANNEXATION PETITION FROM GOLD NUGGET WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE CITY NEEDS TO LOOK AT THIS AREA AND COME UP WITH A CONSENSUS ON WHAT KIND OF LAND USE THEY WANT TO SEE IN THIS AREA AND SINCE THE COUNCIL VOTED AS A GOVERNING BODY THAT THE MOAA BOARD NO LONGER EXISTED THERE WOULD BE NO PARTICIPATION IN THE MOAA BY THE CITY REPRESENTATIVES AND ANY ANNEXATION WILL BE DEALT WITH BY THE CITY AS PRESCRIBED BY STATE STATUTES. IN ADDITION THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL WILL MEET JOINTLY TO DISCUSS THE LAND USE ISSUES. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. D Council Minutes - 7/23/01 In further discussion, Mayor Belsaas stated that it was his intent to continue to attend the MOAA meetings. There was discussion how Roger Belsaas and Clint Herbst represent themselves at the MOAA meetings. Roger Carlson questioned how the representatives could attend the meeting and vote on issues as if it was a legitimate board after the Council by vote determined that the MOAA Board no longer existed. Clint Herbst stated that any new action that would come up to the MOAA Board would not be considered by the MOAA until it was determined by the courts whether the MOAA was still a valid entity. At the last MOAA meeting, they were voting on an issue that had been in the approval process for over a year. The MOAA Board was completing action on an already initiated application not dealing with any new application. Brian Stumpf stated he would like to see the portion of the motion about participation on the MOAA Board pulled from the resolution. Clint Herbst felt the City should be represented on the board until the appeal was decided. Mayor Belsaas agreed with this. Roger Carlson asked for clarification if it was the intent of the MOAA Board to table new issues that came up before it. Clint Herbst felt that it wouldn't be that long until the appeal is decided. Brian Stumpf felt that the City should have representatives there listening to what is going on at the MOAA Board. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN, BRUCE THIELEN AND ROGER CARLSON VOTED IN FAVOR THEREOF AND ROGER BELSAAS, CLINT HERBST AND BRIAN STUMPF VOTED AGAINST. MOTION FAILED. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO TABLE THE GOLD NUGGET ANNEXATION PETITION AND DIRECT THE PLANNING COMMISSION TO WORK ON A LAND USE AMENDMENT AND TO SCHEDULE A WORKSHOP WITH THE CITY COUNCIL ON THE LAND USE ISSUES. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRUCE THIELEN AND ROGER CARLSON VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 15. Consideration of removing the trail section from the City Park/Outlot A River Mill 6tn from the comprehensive park and trail system for the City of Monticello. Jeff O'Neill outlined the segment of trail in question. It is proposed that the trail would come through the outlot and connect to the existing 7 acre park. The City had received a petition from some residents on Mill Trail Lane regarding this segment of trail. The Council directed them to meet with the Parks Commission, which they did on July 19, 2001. The recommendation of the Parks Commission was that this segment of trail remain on the City's plan and that the City Council should authorized the engineer to conduct a feasibility study. Jason Penaz and Brian Butler two of the residents who petitioned the Council were present. They voiced their opposition to the trail being constructed citing 1) loss of privacy; 2) increase in noise and visibility from the freeway; 3) loss of trees and 4) proximity of trail to residential property. The Parks Commission while sympathetic to the comments of the homeowners noted that this segment provides access to the park and is a link for pedestrians to the signalized crossing at CSAH 75. The Parks Commission also felt that the trail is an amenity for the homeowners as well as the community. Council discussed other possible trail routes. Bruce Thielen felt that eliminating this segment of trail would increase people cutting across private property in order to access the trail. The Council noted that trail would be constructed in such a 7 Council Minutes - 7/23/01 way as to avoid removing the trees as much as possible. Jason Penaz and Brian Butler stated that the trail was not shown on the plat nor were they aware of the development of the additional lots. Brian Butler also stated his concern about the quality of houses that would be built on the new lots. Clint Herbst stated he had reservations about the after the fact development of the outlot. Jeff O'Neill responded that this parcel was in limbo until River Forest development was in place. Bruce Thielen emphasized that the trail ties the community together and noted this kind of problem occurs when the trail doesn't go in at the beginning of the development. Jason Penaz and Brian Butler reiterated their opposition to the trail and its impact on them. CLINT HERBST MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON THIS ITEM UNTIL AUGUST 13, 2001 MEETING. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION WITH DISCUSSION. Brian Stumpf suggested that the Council view the site with the property owners and the Park Commission members. UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 16. Consideration of adding Gillard Avenue from East County Road 39 to 95th Street to City Pathway System and consider making a recommendation that a feasibility study be ordered on the installation of the pathway at said location. At a previous meeting the Council had received a petition for an off road trail for Gillard Avenue. The petitioners stated that: 1) that the speeds and volume of traffic on the roadway were excessive and 2) the street is too narrow to handle pedestrian and vehicle traffic. The Parks Commission reviewed this and recommended that because there is no linkage to the bike trail system along the southern corridor and the road is unsafe for pedestrian traffic that the Council add this to the City's Pathway system. Jeff O'Neill stated that trail identified on the pathway system is generally assessed 25%-75% with the City picking up the 75%. Brian Stumpf suggested the Council look at this the same time they look at the River Mill segment. Jeff O'Neill suggested that City needs some technical date from the engineer first. John Young 9631 Gillard Avenue, stated he would prefer the Council not table action on this since it was a safety matter and not just a pathway issue. The Council felt this could still be looked at without holding up the feasibility study. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO HAVE THE CITY ENGINEER PREPARE A FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR A TRAIL SEGMENT ALONG GILLARD AVENUE FROM COUNTY ROAD 39 EAST TO 95TH STREET. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. There was some discussion on whether the trail should be located in the front or back of the houses. It was noted that it would be unlikely to get all the homeowners to agree to having the trail placed in the back yard area. John Young suggested that it be placed in the front within the right-of-way/easement area. Clint Herbst pointed out that since there is no curb and gutter on pz Council Minutes - 7/23/01 Gillard Avenue everything is in the ditch. These are issues that will be addressed in the feasibility report which according to the City Engineer could be completed within a month. 17. Update on action taken with regards to Oak Ridge Drive speed control analysis. City Engineer, Bret Weiss had done some preliminary traffic analysis at both Gillard Avenue and Oak Ridge Drive as far as placement of traffic controls. On Gillard Avenue between 97th Street and River Forest Drive they counted 510 vehicles per day. The posted speed limit in this area is 30 mph and 60% of the vehicles counted were traveling in excess of 30 mph. Bret Weiss reviewed the warrants for traffic controls and stated that based on that criteria neither the 97th Street intersection nor the River Forest Drive intersection met the warrants. The City Engineer felt this was more of an enforcement issue and suggested more patrolling of the area. Another suggestion was possibly installing advisory signage, such "Intersection Ahead". Since this is also a township road, the town board would need to approve any sign installation. Rick Wolfsteller stated he has contacted the Sheriff's Department about additional patrols. Clint Herbst asked if the City could get a report on the patrol activities in this area. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT THE TRAFFIC ANALYSIS ON GILLARD AVENUE AND INSTRUCT STAFF TO GET INCREASE PATROLLING OF THE AREA. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Bret Weiss also presented preliminary information on Oak Ridge Drive. The traffic survey indicated that 97% of the vehicles were traveling at less than 30 mph. Bret Weiss suggested that maybe because of the curve the speed limit could be set at 25 mph. Bruce Thielen stated that these numbers show that stop signs don't need be placed there. It was suggested that there be stricter enforcement but Bret Weiss pointed out that with 97% complying with the posted speed limit, there wouldn't be much to enforce. The Council directed that a copy of the engineer's report be sent to the property owners. Another suggestion was to post "Local Traffic Only" signs and there was some discussion on how that would be enforced. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ACCEPT THE CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT AND DIRECT THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO INSTALL THE ADVISORY SIGNS. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 18. Consideration of approving plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for Walnut Street Corridor Improvements, Project No. 2000-17C. Jeff O'Neill broke out the items that were requested by the developer, which items would be shared as far as cost and which items Towne Centre would pick up. Additional landscaping and rock along the track between Towne Centre and the library. The City would pick up 34% of the cost and Towne Centre 63% of the cost. Installation of a crosswalk at the same elevation as curb. Towne Centre to pay the entire cost. Public Works had some concerns about this feature because the layout showed the crossing as having 4 different grade changes. Snow removal equipment may catch the pavers when they go Z Council Minutes - 7/23/01 over the crossing and the crossing may require some advisory speed signs. Based on the design layout There was also some concern about icing conditions at this intersection. Parking stalls for Walnut Street This became necessary when a restaurant site was approved for the development. There was discussion on how many stalls were needed and when they would be needed. The developer had agreed to pay half the cost but the question was whether the City or Sunny Fresh would pick up the remainder. It was suggested that the parking stalls be delayed until it was proven the stalls would be needed. Provisions for this could be written into the development agreement. Additional tree plantings Plantings are proposed and would be funded from the tree fund. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE WALNUT STREET SIDEWALK PROJECT INCLUDING: 1) LANDSCAPING ALONG THE TRACK WITH SHARED FUNDING BY DEVELOPER AND CITY; 2) DEVELOPMENT OF 16 HEAD -IN PARKING STALLS ALONG WALNUT STREET ON HOLD UNTIL NEED IS DETERMINED AND THIS PROVISION WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AND 3) ADDITIONAL TREE PLANTINGS FUNDED FROM CITY TREE FUND. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 19. Verbal Update - Blight Report. A follow up inspection was done on those blight properties that had been referenced at previous Council meetings. A complaint was filed by the City Attorney against those properties not in compliance. Fred Patch noted that not all of the items cited were violations of the ordinance and pointed out that a lack of maintenance does not necessarily indicate an ordinance violation. Other: Clint Herbst asked about the SAC/WAC charges at Monticello Ford. The dealership had indicated that because the car wash was not open to the public the charges should be less. That a car wash is done at the time service work is done is not the same as someone being able to come in off the street for a car wash. John Glomski is researching the question of the mailbox maintenance and will submit it to the Council. Jeff O' Neill stated that the City had received an annexation petition covering 31.52 acres of the Groveland development which is less than the 60 acres maximum allowed by ordinance. Jeff O'Neill indicated this acceptable if the Council operates under the provision of state statutes. This annexation would be by ordinance. It was noted that the entire Groveland development had been approved by the MOAA but the process for annexation is different now. If the Council proceeds with this it may bring a challenge from the township and bring about a determination if there is a valid MOAA agreement. Clint Herbst felt the City should follow the procedure they did in the past and that it should come before the MOAA Board. 10 Council Minutes - 7/23/01 ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO ACCEPT THE PETITION FOR ANNEXATION FOR THE GROVELAND DEVELOPMENT. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH ROGER BELSAAS AND CLINT HERBST VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 20. Approve payment of bills for July. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS FOR JULY. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 21. Adjourn. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 10:30 P.M. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 11