City Council Minutes 11-13-1973Regrlar meeting of the Vil l age Council - November 13, 1973 - 7:30 P. M. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. in the Village Hall by Mayor Bill Sandberg. Council members *resent: Bloni.gen, Martie, Rowan. Absent: None. One council seat remained vacated. The minutes for the meeting of October 23, 1973 were approved with one correction: Page 2, paragraph 1, should read, "A discussion was held con- cerning a general assessment policy in regard to local improvements (street, water, sewer)," The minutes for November 2, 1973, and November 89 1973 were approved as read. Bids were opened in regard to tree cutting and tree removal. Bidders were: Schillewaert Tree Trimming Service - $124.00 per tree for cutting Monticello, Minnesota Schendzielos Bros. Ino. .. $150.00 per tree for cutting Clear Lake, Minnesota $150.00 per tree for removal In regard to tree cutting and tree removal, a motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Dick Martie, to reject all bias. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Martie, Rowan, Sandberg. Opposed: None. Motion carried. Bids were Dresented by the Administrator in regard to the purchase of a blader grader. Bidders were: Hall Bquitnnent Co., Inc. . 600 West Hirhwav t l Savage, Minnesota 55378 In regard to the wircliase of a blader, a motion was made by Disk Martie, seconded by Jeff Rowan, to reject the bid from Hall Equipment Co. Voting in favor: Bloniren, Martie, Rowan, Sandberg. Opposed: None. Motion carried. Bids were presented by the Administrator in regard to rerod eling of the Municipal Liquor Store. Bidders were: P ne insz of "On -Sale" portion of Liquor Store: Fullerton Lumber Co. Monticello, MN. \ $19981-52 Peabody Enterprises, Inc. Minneapolis, MN. $39300.00 Carpeting of "On -Sale" portion of Liquor Store: Fullerton Lumber Co. " $1,645.00 Monticello, MN. Larsen Floor Covering $19869.00 Monticello, MN. C0 y �` Regular meeting of November 13, 1973 Page 2 Purchase of tables and chairs for "4n -Sale" portion of Linuor Store: St. Cloud Supply Comnanv $19423.65 St. Cloud, MM Merrill -Chapman Company $29110.30 115 So. Wabasha St. St. Paul, MN. A motion to award Fullerton Lumber Cormany the contract for paneling of the "On -Sale" portion of the Liquor Store at the bid price of $1,981.52 (the contract to include a 30% performance bond), was made by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Dan Blonigen. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Martie, Rowan, Sand. berg. Opposed: None. Motion carried. A motion to award Fullerton Lumber Company the contract for carpeting of the Liquor Store at the bid price of $1,645.00 (the contract to include a 30% performance bond), was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Jeff Rowan. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Martie, Rowan, Sandberg. %nosed: None. Motion carried. A motion to award St. Cloud Supply Company the order for the purchase of 32 tables, 86 chairs, and 30 bar stools for the "On -Sale" portion of the Liquor Store, was wade by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Dick Martie. Voting In favor: Blonigen, Martie Rogan, Sandberg. Opposed: None. Motion carried. (The rurchase Drice to be 1,423.65 delivered). A motion to hire Stub LaBree as the skating rink attendant at $3 00 Der hour for the 1973-74 season was made by Jeff 'rowan, seconded by dick Martie. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Martie, Rowan, Sandberg. Oprosed: None. Motion carried. A motion to apnrove the issuance of a buil.din`m'permit to Country Builders, Inc., for the construction of a Col)ntry Kitc?hen restaurant in the Thunder- bird Mall area (B_1 area, nermitt.ed use by Zorinq Ordinance) and authorizing the mayor and clerk to sign the biAldinm nermit after verification of Block & Lot number, was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Dick Martie. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Martie, Rowan, Sandberg. Opnosed: None. Motion carried. A motion was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Dan Hlonigen, to amend the motion of October 23, 1973 (Pg. 1, naraaraph 3) which authorized Harry Gruesner to substitute for Ax -1 Rasmussen as building inspector. The motion of October 23: 19739 is amended to read, "the building inspector, Barry Gruesner, will conduct the building site inspection and issue the building permit/s (one copy of each hermit will be filed in the village office). Permits issued will be reviewed by the village council at their regular meetings." Voting in favor: Blonigen, Martie, Rowan, Sandberg. Opposed: None. Motion carried. A motion to approve "a resolution for application for flood insurance for submittal to the federal government department of Housing & Urban Develop. ment' and authorizing the mayor and clerk to sign the resolution, was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Jeff Rowan. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Martie, Regular meeting of November 13, 1973 Page 3 Rowan, Sandbr. Opposed: None. Motion carried. (Copy of resolution attached as nclosure 1). A motion to aunrove the application for an "On -Sale" liquor license to American Legion post +'260 and authorizing the mayor and clerk to sign the application (Legion Post #260 to be charged $100.00 license fee), wasb . made by Dick Martie, seconded by an Slonigen. Voting in favor: Blonis!en, Martie, Rowan, Sandberg. Oonosed: None. Motion carried. A motion to approve the Dolice contract with the WriQht County Sheriff Department as presented by Jim powers for calendar vear 1974 and at a price of $24,800.00 for the year, was made by Dan Bl.onitren, seconded by Dick Martie. Voting in favor: BI_oniven, Martie, Rowan, Sandberg. Onnosed: None. Motion carried. (Village to be provided with signed cony of contract). The following individuals were appointed to the Monticello Housing Authority, by Mayor Bill Sandberg with Council approval, no vote: Caroline Ellison - to serve through the unexpired term of James Hanna, March 23, 1977• William A. Anderson - to serve through the unexpired term of Vern Smedstad, March 23, 1974• Fr. Robert J. Sipe - to serve through the unexpired term of Cecil Hanson, March 23, 1978. A motion to approve a "proposed agreement" in regard to a common Civil De- Lense organization as recommended by Mr. Jim Wocken (Wright County Civil efense Director), was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Dan Blonigen. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Martie, Rowan, Sandberg. Opnosed: None. Motion carried. This "proposed agreement" is on file in the villa,&e office and available for inspection. A motion to approve the payment of bills for the month of October, 1973 and a separate listing of bills through November 11, 1971, was made by Martie, seconded by Blonigen. Voting in favor: Blonigen, Martie, Rowan, Sandberg. Opnosed: None. Motion carried. October totals - Liauor: 135,206.61; Admin: $4,411.70; Fire: X61.25; Park: '22.23; Sewer: 11,923.52; Water: $1,408.71; Service: $19259.41; Street: 14,652.51; Other: `9,996.62. A motion to approve the appointment of Denton C. Erickson to fill the council seat vacated by the resis*ration of Walter Ma.rklin ►, was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Dan BI_onigen. Voting in favor: Rlonigen, Martie, Rowan, Sandberg. Opposed: None. Motion carried. (By motion, Mr. Erickson is to assume this office effective December 1, 10,73). A motion to adjourn was made bir Jeff Rowan, seconded by Dick Martie. Voting- in otingin favor: Blonigen, Martie, Rowan, Sandberg. Oonosed: Atone. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:1.5 P. M. Kevin L. La France, Adm. KLLF/I s RESOLUTION FOR APPLICATTON FOP FLOOD ITNTSUR.NCE FOR SU-BT,',1'iIr1-PTA1_r, TO D7-P�Rri"Y"ENT OF HOUSINGANND U?9.AN DFirF,1LOP"jINIT ST R�TTC�.I- I ,q S Y CP ljl,,T\T*" C( I T P T P7 )TIP T IT 'Or. N J_j � � L.J U3MIT I'Ll 0 J SOT � D7P.ARLr111,TF,11\ _ATT T A TZ,jEp"= A certain areas of the VjT la7e are subject to neriodic flooding from the Miss-2Lssinoi River causing serious damages to nronerti-es Within these areas-, and T T_"PE Is available in the form of flood insurance as authorized A . relief is by the XajCi,)nal Flood Insurance Act of 1-968 as amended; and T it is the intent of this VILLAGE COUNCIL to comely -,,,.dth land use and nanage-meat criteria rep-mlations as reciiired in said act; and T T YZEREAS9 it is also the intent of this VILLAGE COIP4CIL to recognize and duly evaluate flood hazards in all 0-1-licial actions relating to land use in the -flood plain areas havinr, special flood hazards; and UiERE AS, the Code Citations of State enabling legislation and of any resultinc, local ordinance that authorized this community to adopt land and 394.01 6t secs and 505-09 to conul,ol measures are:,,1-1J*Lnn. Statutes Sections (counties Minn. Statutes X62.351-462 5*05-1 3.363 (cities, villages 5, boroughs): Minn. Sucatutes, C. 104 (Flood Plain Management Act); etc. THEREFORE 3E IT RESOLVED, that this Village Council hereby assures the Federal insurance Administration that it takes the following legislative action: s. Appoints the Village of 'Mion+,icello, Civil Defense Department with the responsibility and means to: (a) 'Delineate or assist the -Federp ..I Insurance A<lm-lLnistrator, at his request-, in delineating the limits of the areas having snecial flood hazards on available local mans or sufficient scale to identify the 'location of biiildinq sites. (b) Provide siich information as the .'administrator may renuest concernino- nresent uses and occuranev of the flood blain area. (c) Mlainta4!.n for public inspection and furni.shing: upon reniiestug W *tIres-oect to each --rea, having snecial flood hazards in. L lormation on elevations (in relation to rain sea level Of the lowest flnors o�' all new or si,nstant-* ally Irnroved str-t)ctures. A. "d Goopera--e w!.�.11-1 Federal, State and local ac�enc`es and nrl_vnte U L L I fir res Tinf-L-ch undertake to study, survey, na.p and Iden ti fly f ]L �-iood pi(a.in areas, and coonerate with nei,rtborinq cornunities with U resnec'[1 to management, of ad4oining flood plain areas in order to prevent aggravation of existing hazards. Enclosure le, Village Council minutes cf November 13., 1973. I Subndit on the anniversary date of the community's initial eligibility, an annual report to the Administrator on the Droo,ress made during the past year within the community in the deve'lo-o-nient and in-olementation of flood plain nana�e- menu measures. 2. Take sucIr" other o;,'-,L'ic--PLal action as may be reasonably necessary to carry out the ob.-�ectives of the nrogram. 7� T T", 'IH-"'t�l 7�,'7 - 7R tI age Coi,,ncil hereby appoints 37 1. T SOL,. 'IT), that his Villcol the Vil la7.e of 'Monticello Civil Defense DeT)artment with the overall re - 11 `it a commitments made..herein. s-Ponsloll L'y, �t'nority and reans to implement all Adopted by the Villave Council of Monticello this 13th day of 'November, 1-073. N' 7fel it Y-avor I Enclosure lz Village Council minutes of November 13., 1973,