City Council Minutes 11-15-1973 SpecialVILLAGE OF MONTICELLO
�v Monticello, Minnesota 55362
f Phone (612) 295-2711
November 15, 1973
Special meeting of the Village Council - November 159 1973
9:00 p. M. - Village Hall
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 P. M. in the Village Hall by
Mayor Hill Sandberg. Council members present: Blonigen, Martie.
Absent: Rowan. One council seat remained vacated.
Purnose of meeting: HEARING on amendment of Zoning Ordinance,
Chanter 6, paaragraph VD) 3.
One Monticello resident, Tom Schneider, exnressed objection to the
s,iggested Zoning Ordinance change. Mr. Schneider exnressed agree_
ment with the exnl_anation by the council of the chance, but felt
revision may be needed at another date. No other resident expressed
an opinion on the proposed chanTe. In this regard, a motion was
made by Dick Martie, seconded by Dan Blonigen, to amend Village of
Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chanter 6, paragraph 4(D)39 to read:
"Overhanging signs will be allowed to project over public
rights of way in the Village of Monticello until December
31, 1976; designated as the cut-off date after which no
overhanging signs will be permitted and that a permit fee
of $5.00, payable to the village building inspector, will
be collected before any sign permit is is-,ued."
Voting in favor: Blonigen, Martie, Sandberg. Opposed: None. Absent:
Rowan. Motion carried.
A motion to approve payment of the following list of bids was made
by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Dick Martie. Voting in favor: Blonigen,
Martie, Sandberg. Opnosed: None. Absent: Rowan. Motion carried.
Wright County Sheriff _ $1,980.00
Famous Brands - 578.89
Johnson Bros. _ 229.63
Twin City Wine Co. - 65.39
Mr. David W. Thurston - 65.35
A° motion to adjourn was made by Dan B1_onigen, seconded br Dick Martie.
Voting in favor: Blonigen, Martie, Sandberg. Opposed: None. Absent:
Rowan. Motion carried.
Meeting adlorrned at 9:55 P. M.
Kevin L. La France, Adm.