City Council Minutes 11-20-1973 SpecialVILLAGE OF MONTICELLO
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
Phone (612) 295-2711
November 20, 1973
Special meeting of the village Council - Novemher 20, 1073 - 7:30 P. M.
The 7eeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. in the village hall by
Acting Mawr Dan Blonigen. Council members present: hartie, Rowan.
Mayor Bill Sandberg was absent due to illness,. One council seat re-
mained vacated.
The minutes for kovember 13 were approved with corrections notated be. low. The minutes for November 15 were approved as read.
A discussion was held concerning carpeting in the Municipal Liquor Store.
It was noted by the Acting Mayor and the Administrator that there was
an error in computing the carpeting bids reviewed by the village Council
on November 13. The bid submitted by Larsen Floor Covering should read:
Larsen Floor Covering - Two separate bids presented:
1. $944.00 for 12 x 12 tiles
2. $875.00 -- for 12 foot mats
In regard to the carpeting bids of November 13, a motion was made by Dick
Martie, seconded by Jeff Rowan, to rescind the motion (Pg. 2, minutes
of November 13) accenting the bid proposal of Fullerton Lumber Company.
Voting in favor: B1oni&►en,..Martie, Rowan. Opnosed: None. Absent:
Sandberg. (The Administrator was requested to procure specifications on
different grades of carpeting which the village council will review be-
fore a carpeting contract is awarded).
A` Presentation was made by,the village attorne, Mr. Gary L. Pringle, in
regard to annexation. Mr. Pringle mentioned Mr. Rav Haik of Northern
States Power Company has retained Brauer & Associates as a planner. In
this regard, a motion was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Jeff Rowan,
authorizing Mr. Prin7le to contact, Rav Haik and Brauer & Associates in
order that work can commence in preraration of the annexation hearine,
scheduled for January 7, 197'-. As wart of this motion, the village is
to share the expense of a ialar.ner on a 50-50 basisw3-th ` ie' Vr5ri-4 rip
States Power Com -zany. voting in favor: Bloni�en, Martie, Rowan. %
posed: None. Absent: Sandberg. Motion carried.
A discussion was held concerning the status of Justice of the Peace, Mr.
Rill McPherson. The acting mayor, Dan Blonigen, appointed with council
approval, Mr. Rill McPherson to fill the unexpired term of James Hanna
(to November 6, 1974). The office of Justice of the Peace will then be
on the ballot for the November, 1974 election.
A letter was presented to the council from the Monticello Chamber of Com-
merce. The letter recommends that Christmas tree lighting be curtailed
this Christmas season. In this regard, a motion was made by Dick Martie,
Special meeting of village Council
November 20, 1973
Page 2
seconded by Dan Blonigen, to accept the -proposal of the Chamber of Com-
merce; lighting to be on daily from 5 P. M. to 9 P. M. from Thanksgiving
Dap through Christmas Day. The lights will be turned on by village
maintenance -personnel and turned off by the Aright County Sheriff's
department. voting in favor: Blonigen, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None.
Absent: Sandberg. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Dick Martie, to approve
the following list of bills:
Nentl Tnickinp, Service - t 38.63
Ed. Phillips & Sons - 960.46
Grigp,s, Coover & Co. - 1017.39
Gross Industrial Co. - 5Q.S0
McKesson Liquor Co. - $ 1.53.43
Johnson Bros. Liouor- 1436.76
Twin Citv 1Aline Co. . 557-37
Voting in favor: Blonigen, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Absent: Sand-
berg. Motion carried.
A HEARING meeting was called to order at 8:05 P. M. by Acting Mayor D. Blonigen.
One property owners, Mr. Lawrence Krenz, was in attendance. After dis-
cussion of his assessment vith village engineer, Mr. Tom Augustin, a cor-
rection was made to the assessment roll. After discussion of the assess-
ment roll (Improvement Project 1973-1 - Thunderbird Mall area), a motion
was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Dan Blonigen, to approve the assess-
ment roll as presented by engineer, Tom Augustin, (15 year assessment
at 8%) for Improvement Project, 1973-1. (Copy of assessment resolution
attached as Enclosure 1; Copy of final assessment roll attached as Enclosure
2). voting in favor: Blonigen, Martie, Rowan. Opnosed: None. Absent; Sandberg.
No further business was conducted in reeard to the assessment roll hearing
for Improvement Project, 1971-1.
A motion to adjourn was made by Dick M-a.rtie, seconded by Dan Blonigene
Voting in favor: Blonigen, Martie, Rowan. Opposed: None. Absent: Sandberg.
Meeting adjourned at R:55 P. 1"{.
Kevin L. LaFrance, Adm.
2 Enclosures:
1. Resolution adopting assessment.
2. Assessment roll, Improvement Project, 1973-1.
WHEREAS, PURSUANT to proper notice duly given as required by
law, the council has met and heard and passed upon all objections
to the proposed assessment for the improvement of Locust Street
from Sixth Street to Seventh Street, Seventh Street from Locust
Street to Cedar street, Cedar Street from Fourth Street to Seventh
Street for WAFER MAINS; and
Locust Street from Sixth Street to Seventh Street, Seventh
Street from Locust Street to Pine Street for SANITARY SEVIER; and
Seventh Street from Pine Street to Locust Street and Locust
Street from Sixth Street to Seventh Street for STREET CONSTRUCTION.
1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and
made a part hereof, is hereby accented and shall constitute the
special assessment aFrainst the lands named therein, and each tract
of land therein included is hereby fund to be benefited by the
nronosed imtirovement in the amount of the assessment levied against it.
2. Such assessment shall be payable in eoual annual installments ex-
tending over a 'period of. fifteen (1,5) years, the first of the in-
stallments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January,
1975, and shall bear interest at the rate of eight (S) per cent per
annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution.
To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire
assessment from the date of the resolution until December 31, 1975•
To each subsequent installment when due shall be added interest for
one year on all unpaid installments.
3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to
certification of the assessment to the county auditor, nay the whole
of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date
of payment, to the village treasuter, except that no interest shall
be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the
adoption of this resolution; and he may, at any time thereafter, nay
to the county treasurer the entire amount of the as remaining
unpaid, the interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such
payment is made. Such payment must be made before December 209 or
interest will be charged through December 31 of the next succeeding year.
4. The clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assess-
nent to the county auditor to be extended on the proper tax lists of
the county, and such assessments shall be collected and paid over in
the same manner as other municipal taxes.
Adopted by the Villane Council of Monticello this twentieth (20) day
of November, 1973.
Mavor or Presiders of Council)
Villa-ae Clerk
Tr, Vi 11 -n yA Cnmint-i l mi mitPq of November P.O. 1973.