Planning Commission Agenda 04-03-2018AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, April 3r1, 2018 - 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: Brad Fyle, Sam Murdoff, Marc Simpson, John Alstad, Katie Peterson Council Liaison: Charlotte Gabler Staff: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman (NAC), Jacob Thunander, John Rued 1. General Business A. Call to Order B. Consideration of approving minutes a. Special Meeting Minutes — March 6th, 2018 b. Regular Meeting Minutes — March 6th, 2018 C. Citizen Comments D. Consideration of adding items to the agenda E. Consideration to approve agenda 2. Public Hearings A. Public Hearing — Consideration of a request for an Amendment to Conditional Use Permit for a Clinic Facility in the B-1 (Neighborhood Business) District and Variance to the Required Parking Standards to Support a Parking Lot Expansion Applicant: Robin Matushin 3. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of a sketch plan presentation by Arch Management B. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2018-001A, a corrected resolution of 2018-001 C. Consideration of the Community Development Directors Report 4. Added Items 5. Adjournment MINUTES SPECIAL/JOINT MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, March 611, 2018 - 4:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: John Alstad, Brad Fyle, Sam Murdoff, Marc Simpson, Katie Peterson City Council Present: Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart City Council Absent: Brian Stumpf Staff Present: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman (NAC), Jacob Thunander, John Rued, Jim Thares, Jeff O'Neill 1. Call to Order Brad Fyle called the Special/Joint Meeting of the Planning Commission and City Council to order at 4:30 p.m. 2. Concept Proposal for rezoning to Planned Unit Development for a multi -story multi -family apartment complex in the CCD (Central Community District) Applicant: Briggs Properties Steve Grittman explained that the applicant is seeking a Planned Unit Development. Grittman said that the parcel is zoned CCD (Central Community District). It is located in the Walnut/Cedar Street character district of the Small Area Study. The plan recommends residential in this district and recommends buildings of about three stories. The proposal includes a primary access on the north side with surface and underground parking. The applicant indicates there would be 38 surface spaces and 34 underground spaces, which is 1.5 spots per unit. The Zoning Ordinance requires slightly above that total with 2 to 2.5 spots per unit for the R-4 High Density Residence District. Angle spaces were also provided on Third Street. Grittman explained that there would be twelve units per floor, with four floors. The applicant has indicated that the four floors would be required to support affordability for the underground parking. The apartment was proposed for market rate rental. Grittman explained that a previous concept design for this site was proposed. He reviewed some of the comments from the previous submittal such as sidewalk completion and a buffer landscaping between properties. Brad Fyle asked if the angled parking on Third Street was additional parking or included in the parking calculation. Grittman explained that would be additional to the counts provided. Fyle also asked who would maintain the parking spots. Grittman said the City. Charlotte Gabler explained concerns with density. Planning Commission Minutes — March 6, 2018 Page 1 1 3 Bill Fair asked what the height of the proposed building would be. Grittman estimated about 50 or more feet. Sam Murdoff asked about the setbacks, utility plans, and sidewalks. It was noted that sidewalks are proposed, with utility plans to be provided at development stage application. Brad Fyle invited the applicant, Patrick Briggs — Briggs Companies, to explain his proposal. Briggs briefly explained the background for the project. He explained the parking calculation, density, and architectural design. Briggs noted that the parking ratio proposed has proven adequate in other similar projects and locations. He mentioned the proximity to local employers and the downtown area. Briggs explained that he would further think about the type of amenities offered as a few of the proposed amenities were within walking distance. Jim Davidson asked about fire safety. Briggs explained that he met with Mike Mossey, Fire Chief and noted no concerns with the proposed height of the building. Briggs commented that a reduction to the density could make the project infeasible. Sam Murdoff asked if the developer would have restrictions on the amount of vehicles per unit. Briggs confirmed. Brad Fyle opened the meeting to the general public. Dan Olson, owner of State Farm (site to the east), asked if the project would be similar to the Big Lake apartments. Briggs confirmed. Olson mentioned concerns with having an apartment next to his building as related to height, green space and building materials on the east elevation. Jill Agosto, owner of a downtown business, mentioned concerns about having an increase in dogs in the area and also where people would park if tenants had gatherings. Shawn Grady, owner of Ace Hardware, echoed concerns with parking and dogs. Briggs responded that the communities he has built have specific fenced in outdoor areas for dogs. They also have surveillance cameras and require a nonrefundable pet deposit. There is also a residential manager that is on site. Fyle stated that he would look for more parking and greenspace in the plan. Lloyd Hilgart asked why the site would need to be a Planned Unit Development. Grittman explained that a PUD is necessary because of the density. Fair asked if TIF assistance could be received. Angela Schumann stated that a TIF District for redevelopment exists on the site and that the EDA would look at all opportunities and options. Planning Commission Minutes — March 6, 2018 Page 2 13 Hilgart asked what was approved for the previous plan for parking. It was commented that similar amounts to what Briggs proposed was approved. Katie Peterson asked if a mixed use concept could be considered. It was noted that a mixed-use concept was previously proposed but was not successful in implementation. Murdoff suggested adding cultured stone on the east side of the proposed building. He suggested also delineating where residential parking is and the dog area would be. Lastly, he suggested updating the zoning ordinance to include a higher parking total if that was the intent of the City Council, as the current CCD -R overlay allows for the lower ratio John Rued stated that with buildings of four stories or more, a cost reduction per the energy code is achieved. 3. Adiournment SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 5:41 P.M. JOHN ALSTAD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: April 3rd, 2018 Attest: Angela Schumann, Community Development Director Planning Commission Minutes — March 6, 2018 Page 3 13 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, March 611, 2018 - 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present: Brad Fyle, Sam Murdoff, Marc Simpson, John Alstad, Katie Peterson Council Liaison Present: Charlotte Gabler Staff Present: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman (NAC), John Rued 1. General Business A. Call to Order Brad Fyle called the meeting of the Planning Commission to order at 6 p.m. B. Consideration of approving minutes a. Regular Meeting Minutes — February 6t'', 2018 MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 6TH, 2018. KATIE PETERSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. C. Citizen Comments None. D. Consideration of adding items to the agenda None. 2. Public Hearings A. Public Hearing — Consideration of a request to amend the Monticello Zoning Ordinance Chapter 2, Section 4 Specific Review Procedures & Requirements, Chapter 4, Section 11 Building Materials, and Chapter 5, Section 3 Accessory Use Standards Applicant: City of Monticello Steve Grittman explained three separate proposed amendments to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. The first proposed amendment was to add a calendar deadline to begin construction for Planned Unit Development (PUD). An applicant would have six months from the submission of a Development Stage PUD from concept review. Grittman noted that concept stage is not required. When proceeding from Development Stage to Final Stage, there would be sixty days to submit. A formal request for extension by the applicant may be granted for an additional six months. The second proposed amendment was regarding roofing materials. Grittman explained that requests for metal roofing have been received by the City. Grittman stated that roofs are not addressed exclusively in the ordinance. He proposed that roofing materials in residential districts including shingles made of asphalt, Planning Commission Minutes — March 6, 2018 Page 1 1 6 fiberglass, wood, stone, or architectural metal (including steel and copper). Steel would only be allowed when designed to resemble traditional architectural roofing materials. Metal in business districts was proposed to allow metal roofing materials if it resembles traditional commercial architecture or is designed to complement architectural design of the building. A special aspect for the Central Community District was also proposed for roofing materials be consistent with the Small Area Study amendments. The final amendment was to allow columbarium structures as an accessory use in cemeteries only. A fifty foot setback was proposed as well as an exception to the requirement for distance from I-94. Grittman explained that most cemeteries are located in residential districts and would not be allowed to exceed the height requirements for accessory buildings in the district. Masonry materials for exterior surfaces was proposed. Brad Fyle asked for clarification if all residential districts would abide by the proposed roofing materials standard. Grittman confirmed. Discussion regarding standing -seam roofing was discussed. Fyle commented that the setback for columbariums should be from the right-of- ways. Grittman explained that often times these structures are located in residential districts and next to residential properties. Sam Murdoff asked why it would be considered an accessory use. Grittman stated that it would not allow a property owner to only place a columbarium on their property. Murdoff preferred having a columbarium as a permitted use only in the cemetery. Grittman proposed an alternative to amending the definitions of cemetery to include columbariums and to add standards. Brad Fyle opened the public hearing. Hearing no comments, the public hearing was closed. Decision 1— PUD Timing Ordinance Amendment SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC -2018-005, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ESTABLISHING TIMEFRAMES FOR PUD STAGE APPLICATIONS. JOHN ALSTAD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Decision 2 — Roofing Materials Ordinance Amendment MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC -2018-006, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ESTABLISHING MATERIALS REQUIREMENTS FOR Planning Commission Minutes — March 6, 2018 Page 2 16 ROOFING ON RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS. JOHN ALSTAD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Steve Grittman asked Simpson if it was the intent of the motion to include standing -seam roofing. Simpson confirmed. Decision 3 — Columbarium Ordinance Amendment KATIE PETERSON MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PC -2018-007, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDMENT ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS FOR COLUMBARIUM STRUCTURES IN CEMETERIES. JOHN ALSTAD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. 3. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of a Report on Purchase Agreement for 103 Pine Street for Consistency with the City of Monticello Comprehensive Plan Angela Schumann stated that the Planning Commission is asked to consider consistency with the Comprehensive Plan for three parcels located at 103 Pine Street. Schumann stated that the property is being acquired by the EDA to facilitate and support efforts for redevelopment and revitalization in accordance of the Small Area Study plan. Sam Murdoff asked if the EDA had plans for the building. Schumann stated that if the EDA moved forward with the acquisition, they would market the site and partner with a developer to move forward with a project that is similar to the Small Area Study. Schumann stated that would likely include mixed use that would utilize the river as an asset. SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION PC -2018-008 FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN LAND AT 103 PINE STREET BY THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IS CONSISTENT WITH THE CITY OF MONTICELLO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR "DOWNTOWN" USES. MARC SIMPSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. B. Consideration of a Report on Purchase Agreement for 112 West River Street for Consistency with the City of Monticello Comprehensive Plan Angela Schumann explained that similar to the previous item, the Planning Commission is asked to consider consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. The goal with the parcel is to market the property for a mixed use product that utilizes the river. Marc Simpson asked if the developer would utilize the lots owned by the EDA to create a development. Schumann confirmed. Planning Commission Minutes — March 6, 2018 Page 3 16 Katie Peterson asked if the City would be open to giving up the public parking located on the west portion of the block. Schumann explained that the Small Area Study notes development on the north side of the block with interior and underground parking. Schumann added that a developer may have constraints with the schematic located in the Small Area Study plan and that the City would be open to the developer's ideas on configuration. The City Council would have to decide on how to utilize the public parking lot. Charlotte Gabler asked for more information about demolition of buildings on the block. Schumann stated that the City could decide to establish a redevelopment Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District for the block to help with the costs of redeveloping the site, however once demolition occurs, there is a three year clock that begins to make improvements. The City likes to reserve the option for a redevelopment TIF District as long as possible for when a developer would like to redevelop the lot. SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION PC -2018-009 FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN LAND AT 112 WEST RIVER STREET BY THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IS CONSISTENT WITH THE CITY OF MONTICELLO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR "DOWNTOWN" USES. JOHN ALSTAD SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. C. Consideration of an Update and Reference on Floodplain Ordinance Brad Fyle asked if a floodplain ordinance needed to be approved. Angela Schumann confirmed. Schumann explained that Monticello contains a variety of overlay districts: floodplain, shoreland, and Mississippi River Wild & Scenic districts that apply to the river and waterbodies in the community. Schumann stated that the current ordinance is dated and that it is required to update the ordinance as well as adopt the Flood Hazard Determination Maps. Updating these documents helps to maintain inclusion in flood insurance program. Background information regarding the reason for updating the ordinance was provided. A draft ordinance was provided for review by the Planning Commission. It was noted that a public hearing would be held in May, 2018 to update the floodplain ordinance and that the DNR would be notified of the review period. Staff used the DNR's model floodplain ordinance to develop a draft ordinance. An overview of the ordinance, key terms, and ordinance regulations were provided. Schumann also discussed additions and revisions to the current floodplain ordinance. Planning Commission Minutes — March 6, 2018 Page 4 16 At the previous Planning Commission meeting, Brad Fyle asked about non - conformities. Schumann explained that the floodplain ordinance has specific language on how non -conformities are regulated. Schumann stated that for the majority of Monticello properties, the extent of floodplain areas decreased, but there were about twenty to thirty properties where the floodplain was increasing somewhere on those properties. Fyle asked how portions and specific properties (e.g. River Terrace) would be affected by the new ordinance. Schumann suggested that staff could provide overview maps of the changes generally. Charlotte Gabler noticed a portion of the ordinance discussing fencing. She asked if the fencing section of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance would also need to be amended to match the floodplain ordinance. Schumann stated the importance of looking if there were any overlay districts where the property would exist and the ordinance with the most restrictions would apply. Gabler asked if the property didn't agree with the provisions, if they could apply for a variance. Schumann stated that staff would work with property owners to find a solution that works. If no solution is available, the zoning ordinance outlines alternative approaches. Gabler asked if the townships also need to update their floodplain ordinances and follow regulations. Steve Grittman stated the County Planning and Zoning Department would handle this area. Fyle was concerned with adopting a floodplain ordinance since the DNR already has one in place. Katy Thompson, WSB & Associates explained that the national flood insurance program is administered by local government units. The DNR and the State of Minnesota have adopted more stringent standards, which is the reason the DNR is involved. Thompson stated that the City of Monticello could decide not to adopt a flood insurance ordinance, but those residents who have flood insurance protection would be dropped. The City would also be ineligible for federal grant dollars. Fyle explained a situation in Fargo, North Dakota where the City bought properties that had repetitive loss. Thompson explained that the City of Fargo used Block grants from FEMA. Gabler asked about the Groveland area and if that was included as floodplain or any special district. Schumann stated that it was not in floodplain or shoreland, but is included in wetlands. Gabler asked if public land (e.g. Battle Rapids Park) would experience flooding if it would be effected or if grant dollars could be received to fix the park. Schumann stated that the City has a number of parks that are impacted by the ordinance. If structures are constructed in floodplains or flood fringe, the City would need to abide by the ordinance similar to property owners. Planning Commission Minutes — March 6, 2018 Page 5 16 Gabler asked about Sherburne County's floodplain ordinance. Thompson believed that they adopted their flood insurance rate maps in 2012 and also adopted the model DNR ordinance. Schumann summarized that staff would provide mapping resources, clean up the proposed zoning ordinance, include the optional language as a recommendation, and take time with WSB to look into the mobile home park questions. D. Consideration of the Community Development Directors Report Angela Schumann provided the Community Development Directors report. She stated the model zoning ordinance update for the Central Community District has been drafted. A meeting with the downtown Zoning Committee group is being held on Thursday, March 22nd at 7 a.m. The 2017 Strategic Plan was also included in the packet. The City Council reaffirmed the six main goals of the plan and it will serve as a plan for the Planning Commission's workplan. Schumann encouraged the Planning Commission to attend a meeting with the City Council on Monday, March 12th at 5:30 p.m.to discuss utility infrastructure on the south side of Monticello. A special meeting is being rescheduled for the training session on planning basics. An email would be sent out with possible dates of special meeting for the training. A May community tour is being planned. A questionnaire is being developed by staff to answer questions the Planning Commission may have on the tour. Lastly, Schumann noted that the agendas and minutes from other City boards is available on the City's website as a resource. 4. Added Items None. 5. Adjournment SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO ADJOURN THE REGULAR MEETING AT 7:43 P.M. MARC SIMPSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: April 3rd, 2018 Attest: Angela Schumann, Community Development Director Planning Commission Minutes — March 6, 2018 Page 6 16 Planning Commission Agenda — 04/03/2018 2A. Public Hearing — Consideration of a request for an Amendment to Conditional Use Permit for a Clinic Facility in the B-1 (Neighborhood Business) District and Variance to the Required Parking Standards to Support a Parking Lot Expansion. Applicant: Central Minnesota Mental Health. (NAC) Property: Legal: Lots 1-6, Block 39, Lower Monticello Address: 407 Washington Street Planning Case Number: 2018-010 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): CUP for a clinic in a B-1, Neighborhood Business District to accommodate expansion of a parking lot, and variance from the total parking requirement, if required. Deadline for Decision: May 4, 2018 Land Use Designation: Places for Community Zoning Designation: B-1, Neighborhood Business District The purpose of the "B-1" neighborhood business district is to provide for the establishment of local centers for convenient, limited office, retail, or service outlets which deal directly with the customer for whom the goods or services are furnished. These centers are to provide services and goods only for the surrounding neighborhoods and are not intended to draw customers from the entire community. Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: NA Current Site Use: Mental Health Clinic and Offices Surrounding Land Uses: North: Single Family Residential (R-2) East: Middle School (R-1) South: Multiple Family Residential (R-3) West: Single Family Residential (R-2) Project Description: The applicants are seeking an amendment to a Conditional Use Permit to expand an existing parking area in a B-1, Neighborhood Business District. Medical and Dental Clinics are allowed by Conditional Use Planning Commission Agenda — 04/03/2018 Permit in the B-1 District, whereas Office uses (including administrative and "professional" offices) are allowed as permitted uses in the district. No expansion to the clinic itself is being sought, and operations are not expected to change as a result of this permit. The building is a mix of clinic and office use. ANALYSIS The proposed use has been in place for a number of years, and has relied, in part, on parking supplied on-site, as well as an off-site parking arrangement with the Middle School across Washington Street from the clinic building. As a part of the changes to the Middle School, access to the off-site parking area is being eliminated, and the applicant is seeking an expansion of their on-site parking lot. No expansion to the clinic itself is being sought, and operations are not expected to change as a result of this permit. Currently, parking occurs on-site, in the off-site lot, and on -street surrounding the property, including in the single family neighborhood along 4th Street and along Washington Street, where it can occasionally conflict with school traffic. Conditional Use Permit. As noted above, clinics are allowed by Conditional Use Permit in the B-1 District, and since the site plan is changing with the parking lot expansion, an amendment to this CUP is required to proceed. The current parking area accommodates up to 34 vehicles, and the applicant proposes to expand the parking area to the north, behind the building, to a total parking supply of 58 spaces. Although clinics are listed as a Conditional Use, no additional standards are required by the zoning ordinance. Office uses, however, include the following requirements: (E) Regulations for Office Uses (1) Outdoor storage shall be prohibited. (2) Buildings or structures with less than 51 percent of office space shall not be classified as an office use and shall be regulated by the other use of the structure. (3) If in the B-1 district, the following shall apply: (a) The traffic generated will not raise traffic volumes beyond the capacity of the surrounding area. (b) The architectural appearance of the building housing the office use shall reflect the building character of the area and shall not be so dissimilar as to cause impairment of property values or constitute a blighting influence within the neighborhood. (c) The provisions of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. K Planning Commission Agenda — 04/03/2018 (d) The site shall conform to signage requirements provided under Section 4.5 of this Code. (e) The site shall conform to lighting requirements as provided in this ordinance. The lighting shall be restricted to be consistent with the hours of operation, within one half hour of open and close times. No changes to the use or building are a part of this application, and as such, the office use requirements are not impacted by the permit. With regard to the parking lot expansion itself, the property is bounded by a solid growth of spruce trees along the west border, which will remain in place as a screen from the residential areas to the west. With the layout of the parking lot, traffic will circulate toward the north end of the property and park in stall facing the building to the east. It would be advisable to add a small planting of evergreen shrubs or trees to supplement the existing spruce trees on the north side of the property to screen headlights from the residential areas to the north. Variance to Parking Supply. With regard to the variance, the applicant is proposing a total parking supply of 58 spaces. The parking requirements for Clinic uses are one space per 250 square feet of floor area, while the parking requirements for Office uses are one space per 300 square feet of floor area. The overall building is 15,400 square feet in area. However, the zoning ordinance applies parking requirements to only the interior usable space. The applicant has supplied a sketch plan identifying interior space. The peak demand for this building would be as high as 62 spaces if applying the Clinic parking ratio to the entire gross floor area. However, a significant portion of the building is occupied by uses that do not count toward the floor area definition, including hallway, mechanical, and restroom space. It appears from staff estimates that the actual floor area of the building would be closer to approximately 12,500 square feet. At one space per 250 square feet, the required parking supply would be 50 spaces. The proposed expansion exceeds this number, and as such, no variance is required. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1. Conditional Use Permit for Clinic in B-1 District. 1. Motion to adopt Resolution No. PC -2018-010, recommending approval of a Conditional Use Permit to accommodate the expansion of the parking lot on the subject property to 58 spaces as shown on the site plans dated 03/05/2018, based on the conditions and findings included in Exhibit Z and the resolution. 3 Planning Commission Agenda — 04/03/2018 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No. PC -2018-010, based on findings to be identified following the public hearing. 3. Motion to table action on the Resolution, subject to additional information from staff and/or applicant. Decision 2. Variance for parking supply of 58 spaces. No variance is required, as the maximum parking supply requirement for the building would be 50 spaces. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Planning staff recommends Alternative 1, approval of the CUP, as noted above. The proposed parking lot expansion will remove parking from the streets around the facility, making both the parking supply and the surrounding streets safer than the current condition. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution No. PC -2018-010 B. Aerial Image C. Narrative D. Civil Drawings E. Certificate of Survey F. Floor Plans G. City Engineer's Letter Dated: March 29, 2018 Z. Conditions of Approval L! Planning Commission Agenda — 04/03/2018 EXHIBIT Z Conditional Use Permit for Clinic in B-1 District Central Minnesota Mental Health 801 Washington Street Lots 1-6, Block 39, Lower Monticello 1. The applicant should add a planting of evergreen shrubs and/or trees to the north edge of the new parking area to screen headlight glare to the north. 2. The terms of the City Engineer's review for stormwater management and related issues are complied with. 3. The applicant shall provide the required drainage and utility easements as described in the City Engineer's report. 4. The applicant shall execute and record the required stormwater maintenance agreement. 5. Parking in the temporary lot across Washington is terminated. 6. Recommendations of other staff and Planning Commission as specified. 5 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2018-010 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A CLINIC IN THE B-1 ZONING DISTRICT WHEREAS, the applicant is proposing to construct an addition to an existing parking lot accessory to a clinic use; and WHEREAS, the clinic use will not be expanding as a result of the project; and WHEREAS, the subject property is proposed to be zoned B-1, Neighborhood Business, in which clinics are allowed as a conditional use; and WHEREAS, the proposed addition will result in limited impacts to the site or to surrounding property, including safer parking and circulation; and WHEREAS, the proposed addition is consistent with the relevant general and conditional zoning requirements of the B-1 District; and WHEREAS, the remaining site and building improvements on the subject property are not affected by the proposed construction; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the matter at its regular meeting on April 3rd, 2018 and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed parking lot addition is consistent with the intent of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed parking lot addition will meet the requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. 3. The proposed parking lot addition will not create undue burdens on public systems, including streets and utilities. 4. The proposed parking lot addition will not create substantial impacts, visual or otherwise, on neighboring land uses. 5. The proposed parking lot addition will have the effect of reducing parking and circulation congestion in the surrounding streets and neighborhood. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota that the proposed Conditional Use Permit is hereby recommended for approval, subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant should add a planting of evergreen shrubs and/or trees to the north edge of the new parking area to screen headlight glare to the north. 2. The terms of the City Engineer's review for stormwater management and related issues are complied with. 3. The applicant shall provide the required drainage and utility easements as described in the City Engineer's report. 4. The applicant shall execute and record the required stormwater maintenance agreement. 5. Parking in the temporary lot across Washington is terminated. 6. Recommendations of other staff and Planning Commission as specified. ADOPTED this 3rd day of April, 2018, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION LOW ATTEST: Brad Fyle, Chair Angela Schumann, Community Development Director or 471 bhO AL ` r s �. A .. ��si cA NAM 2NC Central MIS Mental Health Centcr A time to kcal, a place to start. City of Monticello Community Development 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Conditional Use Permit narrative Central Minnesota Mental Health Center would like to increase the parking lot size at its Monticello location. Central Minnesota Mental Health Center is a non-profit community mental health center. The present parking lot is not adequate for our needs and we would like to expand. The parking lot would meet the criteria set forth by the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. Sincerely, Robin Matushin Director of Operations Central Minnesota Mental Health Center 302-230-0532 3400 15Y Street N, Suite 101 St Cloud, MN 56303 ,pp Central MN Mental Health Center 3400 1" St. N. Suite 101 St. Cloud, MN 56303 �r� Business Office Tel 320-202-2000 Fax 320-253-1684 Website www.cmmhc.org EEO/AA Parking lot needs for Central MN Mental Health Center (CMMHC) Monticello location CMMHC's parking needs at this time exceed the 33 spaces we have available in our lot. In the past our staff and clients would park in the school gravel lot across Washington Street. The school has paved that lot and restricted us from using their lot. We have also lost the crosswalk on Washington Street. Now our clients and staff park on Washington Street and 41h Street East. With the anticipated overpass construction, and increased vehicle traffic, our clients could incur more hazards parking on the street and crossing Washington Street. CMMHC has multiple programs in our Monticello location including an ACT team that has CMMHC fleet vehicles parked in our lot. Currently we have 33 spaces in our parking lot. Thirteen of the 33 available spaces are for the CMMHC fleet vehicles. When ACT staff arrive each morning, they park, have a team meeting from 8-9am, leave their personal vehicles to utilize agency fleet vehicles for program needs. On average there are 13 ACT fleet vehicles and 17 staff per day, this means between Sam to 9am 30 of our 33 spaces are occupied. On average our need for parking is greatest Monday -Thursday from 9am-12pm and 4pm-8pm. The average usage between 9am and 12pm is 51 parking spaces and between 4pm and 8pm 45- 53 parking spaces are utilized. These numbers are average based on usage for 2 months CENTRAL MINNESOTA MENTAL HEALTH CENTER 2018 PARKING LOT EXPANSION 407 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA VICINITY MAP SHEET INDEX Tl.....................................................................................................................TITLE SHEET CS1....................................................................................................................SITE PLAN Cl.........................................................................GENERAL NOTES & SPECIFICATIONS C2.....................................................................................................STANDARD DETAILS C3...........................................................................................................GRADING PLAN C4............................................................................................................SWPPP - NOTES C5......................................................................................SWPPP - STANDARD DETAILS C6....................................................................................................SWPPP - PLAN VIEW CLI .....................................................................................................LANDSCAPE PLAN PROJECT OWNER CENTRAL MINNESOTA MENTAL HEALTH CENTER CONTACT: ROBIN MATUSHIN 407 WASHINGTON STREET MONTICELLO, MN 55362 z uJ z Lu (D A*—,' U) V W z 0 W111 N �C/) J U U) Q z LU Q 0 (n Lu Z LU Z �-- w JU � J Z Q LULU U= Z 0 Z Q r X Lu F- 0 1 •• • PROJECT NUMBER: ,800, Tl �c O (D 000 o' U M () C'y) (0 0 N co 0�0 N 4_ U E U O U .N O O) C N N U N N C N S Q L i Lo ir z 0 co N = O COO 75 00 :31) T VJ VJ N 1 (1) 1 'It Lu Lu Zz O:�i Zci =J W QU �0 o� OF 1 -070 m(1) 0� Q0 O U Q N SURFACING NOTES: �E \ Q0 (D} o 1. SUBGRADES SHALL BE SCARIFIED AND/OR COMPACTED AS NECESSARY TO ATTAIN - 0 c Ci THE REQUIRED COMPACTION DESCRIBED IN THE GENERAL NOTES (SHEET C1). \ \ TEST ROLLING OF THE SUBGRADE SHALL BE OBSERVED BY A QUALIFIED GEOTECHNICAL p _0 i ENGINEER OR TECHNICIAN. LOCATIONS EXHIBITING EXCESSIVE RUTTING (PER MNDOT i SPEC. 21 1 1) SHALL BE REPAIRED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO U C O O ' THE PLACEMENT OF AGGREGATE BASE. COMPACTION TESTING IN UTILITY TRENCHES SHALL BE += O O U \ L� PERFORMED BY AN INDEPENDENT TESTING FIRM. Q).— 0 J Q N 2. GRAVEL BASE COURSES SHALL BE ROLLED AND COMPACTED. TEST ROLLING OF THE C3 \ PARKING SPACE CALCULATION Q} GRAVEL BASE SHALL BE OBSERVED BY A SOILS ENGINEER TO VERIFY STABILITY. N 0 REQUIRED PARKING SPACES \ Z� 3. ALL EXISTING BITUMINOUS OR CONCRETE EDGES, WHICH WILL ABUT NEW BITUMINOUS OR CONCRETE SURFACING SHALL BE SAWCUT TO OBTAIN A VERTICAL EDGE. BUILDING AREA= 15,400 SF E 00 \ REQUIRED PARKING SPACES: 4 SPACES PER 1,000 SF OF GROSS FLOOR AREA N N N o 4. EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED AT ALL LOCATIONS WHERE NEW CONCRETE N (15,400 / 1,000) X 4 = 62 SPACES ABUTS EXISTING CONCRETE, AND AT ALL LOCATIONS WHERE SEPARATE CONCRETE o POURS ABUT EACH OTHER. U U /\ 10 n "" "' " "" PROVIDED PARKING SPACES -0 00 / IM= 92 . 5. SEE SHEET C1 FOR SPECIFICATIONS REGARDING THE CONSTRUCTION OF PAVEMENTS, INV= 926.0 EXISTING SPACES = 33 SPACES N O PROPOSED AND EXISTING SPACES = 58 SPACES AND CURB AND GUTTER. O \ \ __Q w m D NET INCREASE = 25 SPACES - ZONING: B-1, NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DISTRICT RIM= 929.72 INV S= INV S- 925.455.45 r (D O 0 Southwesterly Right of WayR/M\ y (` O c O line of 4th Street /,�� 19 J i Si /iyV Ne 99 � $�1 9Z6 Z�6 �FFT R �svd tPr CO w ho npe� n° LL o co � �O ^� \ \ p @°R as647tated W MCO N N LLJILL _c 9 Z E c \\ w U / 3 -FT CURB CUT / / y3 . a� b 6 @UR c / GUTTERPERS ELEV 930.8 // „ry \@°\ 61 0) , R N \ / \ A ILL] N -0� / � \ \pPr r,@fid. @@R T @SRR \ \\@ 80 /6612 RB ~ 9 FTS/OFYyR P\ T\Ps \ \ \ \ o U N Q' GUTTE ) O/S \ @°RTe \ J } T,pFFT/ S�• \ UR \ T,@UR � \ � U RIM= 930.62 '`� (� ;Z 2F6 \@oR c \ ((Lid was frozen to casti N 0, / \ /F6 fnverts not measured) r BI UMINO —� \ Mlat ver eep Finished floor= 933.0 c\ J U _ / (TYP) 3 -FT CURB CUT W/ mak- p Q0 / 2 -FT TAPERS 1 \ / p�• ��/ I GUTTER ELEV = 932.35 \ FOUND: 112" irort pipe / y p , 6612 CURB & / LORIM= 930.18 ' UTTER (TYP) MATCH cr Z / INV= 927.08 EXISTING / c CO SIDEWALK / / 0O N - t° N N BITUMINOUS Q� (n +J L PAVEMENTFlagpole /00 / Rh O (TYP) �j / , \ GUTTC Rl�Pyj ` FT URB CUT W/ 2-F TAPERSREPLACE EXISTINGQ`c 0" GGTTER ELEV = 930.85 9'0 a3 / CONCRETE SIDEWALK /SFO %P 2 o / /i; / 5 -FT CURB CUT W/ 2 -FT TAPERS qsQ 2 O a \ / Q- / GUTTER ELEV = 9 9 / / /TyP� ormc Single Story Building \ \/ V �MATCH G • I \ �'AITCH STING �O / CURB TYP \ \ \ n SIDEWALK / , The southeasterly 30.00 feet of Hennepin , M C EXIS ING CURB / yw �O �� / �� , Street of L WER MONTICELLO CURB (TYP) ` P) \ / o ^ / / C/w` ' 4 -FT VAL REPLACE EXISTING GUTTER 1 e eOk a CONCRETE SIDEWALK O / MATCH / \ b PLAC EXISTING �0 w , \ � Northe sterly Right of Way line of Q PAVE ENT XISTING N o \� m� /LU CONCR Burlin on Northern Railroad / \ u / .SIDDEWAEKE :"': 93 / / 1A / `16 9EXISTING ��a i Z LU SIDEWALK m� ' Z Q i Garage / w(Y OZ co 'IT N Finished Floor= 933.1 FOUND: 112" dia. pipe sirap frp-RLS-L52 \\\ � L , / \ / 8' U / 2 .9'_0" `0'm�nO�S park"79 4ot � \ \ \\\ Ra ,(r\OadTra`\ks C ��• �ZQ,\ C8�`;N• 9,0„` 8 ` 90„933 9 � Z 6o Q69R,0„ 44 S6891(w6 X CenterZ line ofR \ \ / ` LU LU \ai(o r ad Tracks / U \ \ \ rL FOUND: 1 /2” iron pipe `\ \ LU J LU \ ` LU r pkP 80 LU 7 � � Z Z � z �� O Z F_ LU �z o \ �U Q =� ` \ \ Q = I LL] J oo < \ w w 0 00 �\ U= N Oji PROJECT NUMBER: SITE PLAN 18001 7 SCALE: (D 1 ''=30' 0 30 60 120 0 0 CSI OF 1 STANDARDS AND REFERENCES Materials and construction methods specified in the plans reference the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT) Standard Specifications for Construction. The Contractor shall obtain a current copy of MNDOT's Standard Specifications for Construction and review the specification sections applicable to the plans. It is mandatory that the Contractor be knowledgable of the applicable MNDOT specification sections during construction. No additional compensation will be paid to the Contractor for additional work due to unfamiliarity with the applicable specification sections. Contractor shall refer to the geotechnical report for additional requirements and recommendations EARTHWORK NOTES PROTECTION 1) The Contractor shall maintain all benchmarks, monuments and other reference points. If any are disturbed or destroyed, they shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense. 2). The Contractor shall contact the Engineer immediately if any unknown functioning underground utilities are discovered during the course of the project, which may interfere with construction. The Contractor shall wait for instructions before proceeding. 3) The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage to functioning underground or overhead utility lines. Damaged utilities shall be repaired immediately and service restored at no additional cost to the Owner. 4) The Contractor shall provide barricades, shoring and other safety measures required by OSHA. 5) The Contractor shall protect all adjacent existing facilities from damage, including, but not limited to settlement due to excavations, erosion, etc. The Contractor shall be responsible for the repair of such damages. PROJECT CONDITIONS 1) The Contractor shall become familiar with the project site, and compare actual conditions in the field with those shown on the project drawings. The Contractor shall contact the Engineer immediately if any inconsistencies are found between the existing conditions and the project drawings. 2) No extra compensation will be allowed due to unusual conditions which could have reasonably been determined or anticipated by examination of the project site and project drawings. PLAN GRADES 1) Elevations shown on the project drawings are finished grade elevations, unless noted otherwise. Elevations not specifically indicated shall be determined by interpolation of uniform slope between spot elevations and/or contours, or between such points and existing elevations. Adequate slope shall be constructed to provide positive drainage away from structures. 2) If inconsistencies exist on the plans between contours and spot elevations, the spot elevations shall govern. TOPSOIL 1) Adequate imported and/or stockpiled salvageable topsoil shall be utilized for this project. 2) Topsoil shall be free of clay lumps, roots, brush, large stones, and debris, and shall have a minimum organic content of 5 percent. 3) Remove topsoil to its entire depth from areas, which are to be disturbed by new construction work. Existing lawn areas, which are not in the proposed construction area(s) shall remain in place. The Contractor shall field verify topsoil depths between any soil borings, and remove to greater depths than indicated in the soils report if such conditions are encountered. Salvaged topsoil shall be maintained in stockpiles. 4) Stockpiled topsoil shall only be used for finish grading of new lawn areas. Excess topsoil shall be removed from the site by the Contractor. 5) Protect all existing lawn areas, plantings, and other landscaping to remain in place. Any damaged areas shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense. UNFORESEEN OBSTACLES 1) The Engineer shall be contacted immediately if any unforeseen major obstacles are encountered during excavation, such as abandoned wells, abandoned or functioning utilities, subsurface streams or rock, etc., which would add significant expense to the Contractor. 2) The Contractor shall still be responsible for completing all work required for this project where encountered conditions may be reasonably determined from a soils/geotechnical report and review of the project site and contract documents. DEWATERING 1) Surface drainage shall be provided during construction in a manner so as not to create a nuisance to adjacent areas. 2) All excavations shall be free of water during construction within the excavations. Dewatering shall be accomplished by pumping or trenching, and shall be conducted regardless of the cause, source, or nature of the water. 3) Berms, cofferdams, or piling shall be provided as necessary to protect excavations. 4) Excavations shall be sloped to drain, and necessary pumps, hoses and other equipment shall be provided to keep excavation free of water. 5) All temporary equipment used for dewatering shall be removed from the site when no longer necessary. FILLING AND GRADING 1) Rough grading of all areas within the construction limits, including adjacent transition areas shall be reasonably smooth and compacted. The rough graded subgrade surface generally shall not be more than 6 inches above or below the established subgrade elevations. All ditches, swales, and gutters shall be graded to drain adequately. The subgrade shall be evenly sloped to provide drainage away from building walls in all directions at a minimum slope of I%. The Contractor shall provide rounded transitions at top and bottom of banks and other breaks in grade. 2) Fill and backfill materials shall be inorganic soils free of roots, rocks, boulders, and debris. 3) Bedding material or granular backfill larger than 2" in its largest dimension shall not be allowed within 2 feet of new underground pipes. Material larger than 3" in its largest dimension shall not be allowed within 1 foot of subgrade elevation. 4) Imported compacted fill material shall have a maximum of 12 percent passing the #200 sieve, by weight. The proposed fill material shall be tested by an independent testing lab for suitability as compacted fill for this project. The Contractor shall pay for the testing services and provide a copy of the test results to the Engineer. 5) The Contractor shall fill and grade as necessary to bring surface to required elevations, and provide all materials necessary, whether obtained on or off the project site. 6) The Contractor shall place compacted material in uniform horizontal lifts not exceeding 8" in depth for clay soils, and 12" in depth for sandy soils, and compact as required to achieve specified density. 7) Compaction shall be obtained with the use of vibratory rollers or rammers. During compaction, fill material shall contain moisture content, as necessary, for the required compaction as indicated by an independent testing laboratory. The moisture shall be uniform throughout each lift. If the material is too dry, water shall be added with approved equipment and methods, which will not wash out fine material. If the material is too wet, it shall be dried by harrowing, disking, blading, or other approved methods recommended by the independent testing laboratory. 8) Areas designated for pavement in excavated (cut) areas shall be scarified to a depth of 1 foot. The Contractor shall bring the subgrade material to optimum moisture content as indicated by the independent testing laboratory, and compact the subgrade to the specified density listed below for soils underneath pavements. 9) The Contractor shall not place fill material when either the fill material, or the material on which it is to be placed, is frozen. Any soft or yielding areas appearing in the fill resulting from frost, rain, or any other reason whatsoever shall be scarified, removed, recompacted and/or otherwise rectified to the satisfaction of the Engineer before any new fill is placed. COMPACTION TESTS 1) Utility Trench Backfill: The Contractor's independent soils technician and approved testing laboratory shall perform in-place density and moisture tests at random depths in trench backfill at 100 foot intervals, or fraction thereof. Compaction of trenches shall be a minimum of 95% of the maximum dry density (as determined by the independent testing laboratory) in lawn areas, and at depths greater than 3 feet below areas designated for pavement. Compaction of trenches at depths within 3 feet of paved surfaces shall be a minimum of 100% of the maximum dry density. 2) Compacted Fill Under Pavements: Compaction tests shall not be required beneath new pavements. Adequate compaction of materials under pavements shall be determined by test rolling the subgrade, and checking for excessive rutting. Test rolling shall be performed as per MNDOT Spec. 2111. 3) Areas exhibiting a failed compaction test shall be re -compacted and re -m tested to the satisfaction of the Engineer prior to acceptance of the project. 4) Copies of all compaction testing and test roll observation reports shall be provided to the Engineer. 5) Optimum moisture -density relationship will be determined by testing laboratory in accordance with ASTM D698 and maximum density determination made by Method D of ASTM D698 unless otherwise noted in these specifications. SUBGRADE PREPARATION 1) Finished subgrade elevations shall be as follows: a) Bituminous pavement: 9" below finish grade. b) Concrete sidewalk: 8" below finish grade. b) Lawn areas: 4" below finish grade. c) Planting areas: See Landscaping Plans/Details 2) The tolerance for areas to be paved shall not exceed 0.15 feet above or below plan subgrade. 3) The Contractor shall protect newly graded areas from erosion. Settlement or washing that occurs prior to acceptance of the Work shall be repaired and grades re-established. DISPOSAL OF EXCESS WASTE MATERIALS 1) The Contractor shall remove excess excavated material, debris, and waste materials, from the Owner's property and legally dispose of it in accordance with all governing codes. SPREADING TOPSOIL AND FINISH GRADING 1) Scarify subgrade to depth of 3" prior to placing topsoil. Spread topsoil evenly over complete subgrade as follows: a) Lawn Areas on Private Property: Spread 4" lightly compacted layer of topsoil. b) Lawn Areas in Public Right-of-way: Per City requirements c) Planting Areas: See Landscape Plan/Details 2) Finish grade accurately within 0. 15 feet of finish grades shown on the project drawings, less the thickness of any sod where it is to be installed. Slope all grades away from buildings to provide positive drainage. 3) Prepare topsoil suitable to receive seed and/or sod. Grading of areas designated for topsoil shall be reasonably smooth and even, and in accordance with MNDOT Spec. 2105.3G and 2574.3A4. All debris and stones exceeding 3" in diameter shall be removed from the soil surface of these areas prior to seeding. Areas compacted by vehicles or storage of materials shall be plowed, disked and harrowed to match texture of other finish graded areas. 4) Grass seed shall be in accordance with MnDOT Spec. 3876, seed mix No. 25-131, applied at the rate of 220 pounds per acre or as indicated on the landscape plans. Mulch shall be applied and discanchored to all seeded areas and shall meet the requirements of MnDOT Spec. 3882, Type 3 or as otherwise indicated by the Engineer. UTILITY NOTES STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 1) The following standard specifications shall apply to this project: a) Minnesota Plumbing Code - MN Rules Chapter 4714 (MN Dept. of Labor and Industry-MNDLI) b) Uniform Plumbing Code, latest edition (UPC) c) "What you need to know about utility service connections in the 2015 Minnesota Plumbing Code" http://www.dli.mn.gov/CCLD/PDF/pe_usc.pdf d) City Engineers Association of Minnesota (CEAM) Standard Specifications e) American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) f) American National Standards Institute (ANSI) g) American Water Works Association (AWWA) h) Minnesota Department of Transportation "Standard Specifications for Construction" (MN/DOT) 2) The Contractor shall comply with all local ordinances and codes 3) Certifications of all utility materials, as well as shop drawings, shall be submitted to the Engineer for review POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) PIPE AND FITTINGS - STORM 1) Smooth walled polyvinyl chloride pipe and fittings shall consist of Schedule 40 PVC pipe, unless noted otherwise, and meet the requirements of ASTM D3034 and Section 2621.2A5 of the CEAM Standard Specifications 2) Pipe joints shall meet the requirements of Section 2621.3A3 of the CEAM Standard Specifications. HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE PIPE (HDPE) AND FITTINGS - STORM 1) HDPE pipe and fittings shall meet the requirements of ASTM F2306, and Section 2621.2A8 of the CEAM Standard Specifications 2) Pipe joints shall meet the requirements Section 2621.3A3 of the CEAM Standard Specifications 3) Minimum wall thickness shall be 0.035 inches for 12 and 15 inch diameter pipe, and shall be 0.05 inches for 18 and 24 inch diameter pipe. REINFORCED CONCRETE SEWER PIPE (RCP) AND FITTINGS - STORM 1) RCP pipe and fittings shall meet the requirements of ASTM C76, and Section 2621.2A3 of the CEAM Standard Specifications 2) Pipe joints shall meet the requirements of Section 2621.3A3 of the CEAM Standard Specifications 3) The ASTM strength class of pipe shall be Class III unless otherwise shown on the Plans. 4) The pipe shall be drawn together by some approved method of jacking or winching. This pressure must be maintained until sufficient backfill is placed to keep the joint from opening. END SECTIONS - STORM 1) End sections shall be provided at all pipe inlets and outlets. 2) The end sections shall consist of material matching the material of the pipe, which it is being connected to. Materials and joints shall be as per the specifications described above for the applicable pipe material. 3) The last 3 joints of RCP shall be tied, and the end section shall the be provided with an approved trash guard. MANHOLES AND CATCH BASINS - SANITARY AND STORM 1) Unless otherwise noted, manhole and catch basin structures shall consist of precast concrete, and meet the requirements of Section 719.6 of the UPC (sanitary only), and Sections 2621.2C and 2621.3D of the CEAM Standard Specifications 2) Catch basins shall be provided with the following castings: a) Along curbline: 27" Structure: Neenah R -3075-L, 48" (or larger) Structure: Neenah R -3067-L b) Isolated (in paved area): Neenah R-2553 c) Isolated (in vegetated area): Neenah R -2560 -EA w/ type "C" grate 3) Manholes shall be provided with the following castings: a) Sanitary: Neenah R-1733 w/ concealed pick hole b) Storm: Neenah R-1733 lettered "STORM", center pick hole INSTALLATION 1) Unless otherwise noted, installation of all water and sewer pipe, fittings, and appurtenances shall be as per the CEAM Standard Specifications. TESTING REQUIREMENTS 1) Water and sewer pipe, fittings, and appurtances shall be inspected and tested as per Sections 2611.3E -2611.3H and 2621,3F -2621.3H of the CEAM Standard Specifications. 2) In the event of discrepancies between the testing requirements of the MN Plumbing Code and the CEAM Standard Specifications, the most stringent will govern. BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT NOTES STANDARDS 1) Minnesota Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, most recent edition. GRANULAR BASE COURSE 1) Compacted thickness of finished base course: 6' 2) Process material for aggregate base shall meet the requirements of MNDOT Spec. 3138, Class 5.. 3) The subgrade shall be tested and observed to the satisfaction of the Engineer prior to placement of aggregate base material. Install base material as required to accommodate new plan grades. 4) Wet base material to approximate optimum moisture content either prior to delivery to job site or as soon as practical after being placed on subgrade. 5) Place in layers not exceeding 4" thickness (loose). 6) Compact with pneumatic or vibrating steel drum rollers. 7) After base course has been graded and compacted, thoroughly wet and slush roll with roller until all aggregates are thoroughly embedded. 8) Allow base course to cure for a minimum of 72 hours prior to bituminous course application. BITUMINOUS BASE AND SURFACE COURSE 1) Mix Designation Numbers for the bituminous mixtures on this project are per MNDOT Spec. 2360 2) Pavement smoothness requirements will be waived for this project. 3) Density for the bituminous mixture on this project will be the ordinary compaction method (MNDOT 2360.6C). 4) Bituminous Base course shall conform to MnDOT 2360, Type SPNWB330B and shall be 1J inches thick after compaction. Bituminous Surface course shall conform to MnDOT 2360, Type SPWEA340B and shall be 1J inches thick after compaction. 5) Place no asphaltic mixture when the atmospheric temperature is below 45 degrees and falling, nor should pavement be placed under wet conditions. 6) Mixing a) Paving mixture: Uniform mixture of course aggregate, fine aggregate, mineral filler and asphaltic material. b) Grading and mixing: Conform to applicable sections of the Minnesota Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, Section 2360. CONSTRUCTION METHODS 1) Properly clean base course and deliver hot mix asphaltic concrete in clean tight vehicles with covers if necessary. 2) Lay to a smooth surface without segregation of material and attain compaction as early as possible. Commence rolling while the material is hot, (minimum spread temperature 250 degrees F.) as soon as it will support the roller without undue displacement or hairline cracking and continue until a minimum of 96% of maximum has been attained, no further compression can be attained and all roller marks are eliminated. 3) The completed surface: Smooth, free of pockets that will retain water and shall not vary more than 1/16" per foot nor more than 1/4" under a 16' straight edge. Entire surface must drain. No flat areas are permitted. 4) Perform all Work in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Minnesota Standard Specifications for Highway Construction. PAINTED LINES 1) Special marking paint compound especially for striping bituminous paving in one coat. 2) Manufacturers: Pratt & Lambert, Inc.; Sherwin Williams Co. or DuPont Co. 3) Colors: Use white paint for concrete and asphalt. 4) All surfaces to be painted must be thoroughly clean and dry. 5) Lay out painted lines with chalk on pavement in accordance with Project Drawings. 6) Accurately apply paint to the chalk marks, using striping machines, 4" wide stripes. 7) Apply paint in strict accordance with the manufacturer's directions. 8) Protect all paint from damage by traffic until dry. 9) Apply handicap logo at handicap stall. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 1) Aggregate Base Testing: a) The granular base course shall be test rolled and observed by the Contractor's independent soils technician as per MNDOT 2211.3C2 (Quality Compaction Method). Once the base course has been tested to the satisfaction of the Engineer, pavement may be placed. b) One mechanical analysis (ASTM D-422) per 500 cubic yards of base or fraction thereof. 2) Bituminous Testing: a) Test temperature of first truck. b) Ordinary compaction (MNDOT 2360.6C) CONCRETE PAVEMENT, CURB & GUTTER, AND SIDEWALK STANDARDS 1) ACI 318, ACI 315, CRSI, ACI 301, latest adoptions. 2) Minnesota Standard Specifications for Construction, most recent edition GRANULAR BASE COURSE MATERIAL 1) Compacted thickness of finished base: 6' - Concrete Pavement/Aprons 4" - Concrete Sidewalk 2) Base material shall consist of MNDOT 3149.262 Select Granular Borrow. AGGREGATES 1) Coarse: MnDOT Spec. 3137. 2) Fine: MnDOT Spec. 3126. WATER 1) Clean, fresh and potable, MnDOT Spec. 3906. AIR ENTRAINING ADMIXTURES 1) ASTM C260. 2) Provide entrainment of 4 - 7 percent by volume. PORTLAND CEMENT 1) ASTM C150, Type I plus an approved air entraining agent, or Type IA air -entraining Portland cement. OTHER ADMIXTURES 1) MnDOT Spec. 3113. 2) Calcium Chloride or materials containing chlorides or nitrates shall not be allowed. PROPORTIONING AND DESIGN OF MIXES 1) Concrete Classifications a) Curb and gutter, slip -formed concrete: MNDOT Spec. 2461, Mix Design 31`32 b) Sidewalk, aprons, incidental concrete, manual curb & gutter: MNDOT Spec. 2461, Mix Design 3F52 c) Concrete pavements: MNDOT Spec. 2301, Mix Design 3A41 d) Repair concrete, fast strength concrete: MNDOT Spec. 2301, Mix Design 3A41 HE 2) Concrete Specifications: a 3F32: J - 3" slump, 4500 psi, o 5-8 air b) 3F52: 2 - 5" slump, 4500 psi, 5-8% air c) 3A41: 2 - 5" slump, 4500 psi, 5-8% air d) Temperatures of all concrete during placement shall be 50 -deg F to 90 -deg F CONCRETE PLACEMENT 1) Place concrete as soon as possible after mixing. Place before initial set has occurred, and in no event after it has contained its water content for more than one hour. 2) Avoid overworking concrete or allowing concrete to fall unrestricted for excessive vertical distances, and other situations which can cause segregation of the aggregates. 3) Concrete pavements shall be placed in accordance with applicable portions of MnDOT 2301. 4) Sidewalks shall be placed in accordance with MnDOT 2521. 5) Curb and gutter shall be placed in accordance with MnDOT 2531. PROTECTION 1) Provide adequate protection against rain, sleet and snow before and during placement and finishing of concrete. 2) Protect concrete from premature drying. Provide temporary covering as required. Keep concrete continuously moist for 7 days. 3) Treat concrete with membrane curing compound in accordance with MnDOT 2531.3G. COLD WEATHER CONCRETE 1) Do not place concrete when the atmospheric temperature is below 40 degrees F., or when the concrete is likely to be subjected to freezing temperatures within 24 hours after it has been deposited unless adequate temporary heating is provided. 2) Maintain concrete temperature of 40 to 90 degrees F. for 3 days. Protect from freezing for the following 5 days. 3) No frozen materials may be used in the concrete. Chemicals may not be used to prevent freezing unless approved by the Engineer. 4) Perform all cold weather concreting in accord with ACI 306. HOT WEATHER CONCRETE 1) Do not place concrete when the atmospheric temperature is above 100 degrees F. 2) Maintain concrete temperature of 40 to 90 degrees F. for 3 days. Protect from temperatures over 90 degrees for the following 5 days. 3) Thoroughly wet dry porous surfaces before concreting. 4) Water reducing admixtures with retarding properties are required for all concrete placed when the temperature exceeds 80 degrees F. 5) Perform all hot weather concreting in accord with ACI 305. FINISHING 1) Provide a broomed finish on exterior sidewalks and ramps unless noted otherwise. QUALITY CONTROL 1) The Contractor shall hire an independent testing firm to provide the following tests: a) The independent testing technician shall perform random field testing of the fresh concrete including slump, air content, and temperature. (ASTM C143, C173, C231 and C138). One series of the aforementioned tests shall be performed on the first load of concrete. b) The independent testing technician shall cast a set of four compression test cylinders for the first load of concrete as well as 1 set for every 100 cubic yards, or fraction thereof, of concrete thereafter. Compression tests shall be performed on one test cylinder at 7 days and two test cylinders at 28 days. The fourth test cylinder shall be retained in the event of failing compression tests on the 28 -day test cylinders. GENERAL NOTES & SPECIFICATIONS V Q (5 00 O U T Z ^` 07 M > co co — Q� co CO O.0 McoN Q > N � C3 U u) 0 O E a` N O Q - co N- O L � N N O C �' C C C} C O Z VJ C C3 O O � U U O N O U 'V, p > J Q L N N N � N O r } (D CO > LO O N O Q U N If Z N O co C3 :3 N = O N � C) N U) E a_ Co O N O C C U > > O > O N U M O -0 N S O w m 0 V Q (5 00 O U T Z ^` 07 M > co co — co CO wZ McoN W v Z�/� co U u) 0 O r� W C V 0 N Z N W �' C W N �— C VJ C _J O N L U W O U > N � r (D CO > LO If Z O co :3 N = O N � U) 00 :3 r � � Z O F - o_ U CIOLU 0 cn w Z O o LU O N � Z V) Z J Q Q 0— X L U LU Q O < J O0C/) LU Z ZLU `Z z W JUQ IL J 00 ZQ U=0 PROJECT NUMBER: 18001 LL LU Z Z 0 00Z 2 J LU QU �O �� C1 OF 6 TOP OF PROPOSED SUBGRADE THE TOP 3' SHALL BE COMPACTED AT A MIN OF 100% OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY (MN/DOT 2105) A MAX OF 2' LIFTS TO BE WETTED AND CONSOLIDATED BY VIBRATORY MEANS AND COMPACTED TO A MIN OF 95% OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY (MN/DOT 2105) 4' COVER COMPACTED TO 95% OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY WITHOUT THE USE OF HEAVY ROLLER EQUIPMENT GRANULAR BEDDING AS PER MN/DOT 3149.2F .. . GRANULAR FOUNDATION WHERE ORDERED BY THE ENGINEER SHOVEL, PLACE, AND HAND COMPACT AROUND PIPE TO 12" ABOVE PIPE. VIBRATORY COMPACTION REQUIRED EACH SIDE OF PIPE, AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello ------------- USE 4" OR 6" CISP PLUG AND CAP, TOP TO BE 1/2 " BELOW FINISHED GRADE VARIES 10' TO 20' 1/8 BEND Title: Typical Trench Compaction and Class B Bedding Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 1007 03-15 TIES REQUIRED TO CLEAN OUTS FINISHED GRADE 6" PVC RISER FOR NON—RESIDENTIAL 4" PVC RISER FOR RESIDENTIAL 4" OR 6" VERTICAL WYE (PVC) CONCRETE ENCASEMENT 12" ALL AROUND (INCIDENTAL) WATER TIGHT GASKET OR CEMENTED PLUG PVC HORIZONTAL WYE (PVC) THRUST BLOCKING FOR CLEANING EQUIPMENT 1. PAYMENT FOR 6" RISER PIPE, 6" VERTICAL WYE 45' BEND AND PLUG WILL BE PAID FOR AT UNIT PRICE BID PER EACH. 2. CLEAN -OUTS REQUIRED AT 70' INTERVALS FROM MAIN SEWER LINE. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Sanitary Clean -Out Date: 03-05 Revised: 03-15 Plate No. 3006 DOWNSPOUT 4" DOWNSPOUT CLEANOUT GRATE AS MANUFACTURED BY guttersupply.com AND RAIN TRADE CORPORATION SCH 40 PVC RISER TO STORM SEWER EXTERIOR GRADE COMPACTED BACKFILL NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL ALL SCH 40 PVC PIPE AND FITTINGS AS NECESSARY TO CONNECT EACH DESIGNATED STANDPIPE DRAIN TO STORM SEWER (SEE GRADING PLAN FOR STORM SEWER LAYOUT). FITTING SHALL CONSIST OF WYES AND BENDS. TEES SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED. DOWNSPOUT -PIPE TRANSITION 4" PER FT SLOP CONCRETE - 6" 'R�• F2 ° $ : • I I�- 20" �I NTS NOTES 1. FOR AREAS WHERE DRAINAGE IS DIRECTED AWAY FROM THE CURB, THE GUTTER SHALL BE TILTED TO DRAIN FROM THE CURB 2. CONCRETE SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF MNDOT CONCRETE MIX 3A22 3. MNDOT B612 CURB AND GUTTER SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF STANDARD MNDOT PLATE 7100 2" MIN. COMPACTED MNDOT CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE BELOW CURB AND GUTTER APPROVED COMPACTED SUBGRADE CURB & GUTTER (MNDOT B612) NTS STANDPIPE STORM DRAIN SEE PLAN FOR PIPE DIAMETER SIDEWALK COMPACTED BACKFILL NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND INSTALL ALL SCH 40 PVC PIPE AND FITTINGS AS NECESSARY TO CONNECT EACH DESIGNATED STANDPIPE DRAIN TO STORM SEWER (SEE GRADING PLAN FOR STORM SEWER LAYOUT). FITTING SHALL CONSIST OF WYES AND BENDS. TEES SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED. CONTRACTION AND EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AS PER MNDOT SPEC. 2521.3C2 CONCRETE SIDEWALK SECTION NTS 4" CONCRETE (MNDOT CONCRETE MIX 3A32) 4" MNDOT 3149.262 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW APPROVED COMPACTED SUBGRADE NTS 11" BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE (MNDOT 2360 TYPE SPWEA340B) TACK COAT BETWEEN BITUMINOUS COURSES 1-1" BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE (MNDOT 2360 TYPE SPNWB330B) 6' MNDOT CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE APPROVED COMPACTED SUBGRADE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SECTION NTS(a) v (D 00 O Or ZU (00 ()>>\\ 00 LLJ N0 M 004N W V d LL L E Z U O �D_ W 0 .N 4'-0"0) z ' 0"7 _0 2' 0" 2'-0" W CONCRETE Uj N SEE PLANS FOR 1 v, N ° 8"N SLOPE J 4- a a ° n U N 2" MIN COMPACTED I - III—III—III=III—III — III CLASS 5 BELOW VALLEY > �-III-III =III-III-� GUTTER Q r APPROVED COMPACTED ;n CO SUBGRADE ir z VALLEY GUTTER ��� 0"- 0 NTS 00 �:/3� ��/�/�� T VJ W STANDARD DETAILS Z O IL U LU LU 0 LU ZF__0 0 N L>U O N (1) � Z PROJECT Z NUMBER: 0 800, QN N U Z Q >_ J N 5 0 O E N C2 of 6 N— O L � L N O �} LD O Z N C 0 U O O L.0 w U U p N LLJ z Z Z zz 0 Q� z O N Q N � C � } � J U N O Q U Z �U Z N N 00 p N E } d 00 N O C U>> LO o O N N c0 U __Q LU m D BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SECTION NTS(a) v (D 00 O Or ZU (00 ()>>\\ 00 LLJ N0 M 004N W V d LL L E Z U O �D_ W 0 .N 4'-0"0) z ' 0"7 _0 2' 0" 2'-0" W CONCRETE Uj N SEE PLANS FOR 1 v, N ° 8"N SLOPE J 4- a a ° n U N 2" MIN COMPACTED I - III—III—III=III—III — III CLASS 5 BELOW VALLEY > �-III-III =III-III-� GUTTER Q r APPROVED COMPACTED ;n CO SUBGRADE ir z VALLEY GUTTER ��� 0"- 0 NTS 00 �:/3� ��/�/�� T VJ W STANDARD DETAILS Z O IL U LU LU 0 LU ZF__0 0 N L>U O N (1) � Z PROJECT Z NUMBER: 0 800, Z .o J 0 ~ Z X C2 of 6 w L 0 0 J L.0 w LU Z LLJ z Z Z zz 0 Lu z O JUQ < � — 1 = LU � J CO Q U Z Z wwo U= N 00 PROJECT NUMBER: 800, .o 0 0 C2 of 6 \ RIM= 921 INV NW= INV S= 9 Southwesterly Right of Way line of 4th Street /CONNECT TO CATCH BASIN IAI\/ - 007 AL / OUTLET SSR / (SEE 2/C3) 3 -FT CURB CUT /2 -FT TAPERS GUTTER ELEV / TOP OF BER / = 931.0 (TYP / DRY D / BOTTC TOP C / 5 -FT CURB CL 2 -FT TAPERS / GUTTER ELEV The southeas�erly 30.00 feet of Hennepin Street of 7WER MONTICELLO North Right of Way line of / Burlin ton Northern Railroad II Garage EX FOUND: 1/2"dia. pipe w/r DEMOLITION rap sfafirSed=RLS-L52' \ LIMITS (TYP) pa r k/79 Lot 933, Ra;!4 Cg?39 ?6 39. r°ad T �V 69 o RIS racks \ 44 16 6w9.6 \ \ Centerlin\ e opRailroa Trac FOUND: 112" iron / / / / RIM= 930.62 (Lid was frozen to inverts not measu GRADING NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS INCLUDING LOCATIONS, AND RIM AND INVERT ELEVATIONS, OF EXISTING DRAINAGE AND SANITARY STRUCTURES. LOCATION AND SIZE OF EXISTING SANITARY, WATER, AND STORM SEWER STUBS, AND EXISTING GRADES SHALL ALSO BE VERIFIED. 2. EXISTING TOPOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION WAS OBTAINED FROM A TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY PROVIDED BY KLD LAND SURVEYORS, ST. CLOUD, MN (320) 259-1266. 3. BENCHMARK: SPIKE IN UTILITY POLE LOCATED IN THE SE CORNER OF 4TH SOUTH ST. EAST AND HENNEPIN ST. HAVING AN ELEVATION OF 932.00 (DATUM NAVD 88) 4. NOTIFY ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY IF ANY INCONSISTENCIES ARE DISCOVERED BETWEEN ACTUAL SITE CONDITIONS AND WHAT IS SHOWN ON THE PLANS, WHICH ARE SIGNIFICANT ENOUGH TO ALTER THE INTENT OF THE DRAWINGS. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT GOPHER ONE CALL AT (800) 252-1166 FOR A UTILITY LOCATE PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION AND VERIFY LOCATIONS OF UTILITIES BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. 6. SEE SHEET C2 FOR STANDARD DETAILS. 7. STORM SEWER CROSSING ABOVE AND WITHIN 10 -FT OF EXISTING OR PROPOSED WATER MAIN OR SERVICES SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF SCHEDULE 40 PVC. 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL PERFORM CALCULATIONS TO VERIFY EARTHWORK QUANTITIES. CONTRACTOR'S BID SHALL BE BASED ON EARTHWORK CALCULATIONS COMPLETED BY THE CONTRACTOR 9. SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE FLOW LINE AND/OR FINISHED GRADES, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. TOP OF CURB ELEVATIONS ARE 6" ABOVE THE FLOW LINE SPOT ELEVATION SHOWN ON THE PLANS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 10. "EX" DENOTES EXISTING SPOT ELEVATIONS. "HP" DENOTES HIGH POINTS. 11. ALL PROPOSED ELEVATIONS ARE TOP OF PAVING OR GUTTER, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. PROPOSED ELEVATIONS ARE INTENDED TO PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE TOWARDS CATCH BASINS AND/OR OUTLETS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO PROVIDE THE REQUIRED ELEVATIONS, WHICH WILL PROMOTE POSITIVE DRAINAGE THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT SITE. NOTE: CADD FILES FOR ESTIMATING EARTHWORK QUANTITIES ARE AVAILABLE TO CONTRACTORS FOR PREPARING BIDS. IN ORDER TO RECEIVE THE CADD FILES, THE CONTRACTOR WILL NEED TO SIGN A HOLD -HARMLESS AGREEMENT PROVIDED BY SCHULTZ ENGINEERING & SITE DESIGN, AND AGREE TO PAY A $50 PROCESSING FEE. THE CADD FILES WILL BE RELEASED UPON RECEIPT OF THE CHECK 4" ORIFICE INV = 928.00 9. GROUT INVERT 3'-4" NEENAH R -2560 -EA "BEEHIVE", TYPE "C" GRATE RIM = 930.23 SEWER PIPE LEAVING 2" HDPE ADJUSTMENT RINGS COMMENTS 5 RINGS MAXIMUM INSIDE DIA. (INSTALL ADJ. RINGS PER RIM MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS) LENGTH PRECAST CONCRETE BARREL DS1 WATERSTOP GASKET, OR APPROVED CLEANOUT GRATE EQUIVALENT W/ NON -SHRINK PATCHING COMPOUND, AT PIPE/STRUCTURE 929.56 CONNECTION STRUCTURE SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF STANDARD MNDOT PLATE 4006 \- 20 LF 8" PVC @ 2.07% 8" PRECAST CONCRETE BASE POND OUTLET STRUCTURE (MNDOT DESIGN "HI') NTS BASIN SIDE' MIN. 4" TO[ BOTTOM OF POND NATIVE SOILS NOTE: POND BOTTOM MAY BE SEEDED W/ CONVENTIONAL LAWN SEED OR NATIVE SEED MIX AND, OR PLANTINGS DRY DETENTION POND NEENAH R -2560 -EA 110GGL.I I V I- , TYPE "C" GRATE 930.23 STORM SEWER PIPE SCHEDULE TOP OF WEIR BOTTOM OF GRATE) = 929.90 6" -WIDE WEIR OPENING BOTTOM OF WEIR = 929.40 ..�NCRETE BARREL SECTION ROOF DRAINS OR CLEANOUTS ELEVATIONS SEWER PIPE LEAVING TO STRUCTURE COMMENTS STRUCTURE INSIDE DIA. CASTING* RIM INVERT LENGTH SIZE DS1 4" CLEANOUT GRATE N/A 929.56 12 LF 4" SCH 40 PVC @ 1.00% CO1 DS2 4" Cl DRAIN GRATE N/A 929.52 8 LF 4" SCH 40 PVC @ 1.00% CO1 v DS3 4" CLEANOUT GRATE N/A 929.38 18 LF 4" SCH 40 PVC @ 1.00% CO3 0 Z DS4 4" CLEANOUT GRATE N/A 929.12 24 LF 4" SCH 40 PVC @ 1.00% C04 u CO1 4" R-1976 932.85 929.44 12 LF 4" SCH 40 PVC @ 1.00% CO2 CO2 4" R-1976 932.85 929.32 12 LF 4" SCH 40 PVC @ 1.00% CO3 CO3 6" R-1976 932.50 929.20 54 LF 6" SCH 40 PVC @ 1.00% C05 z O C 0 4 4" R-1976 932.70 928.88 22 LF 4" SCH 40 PVC @ 1.00% C05 O C05 8" R-1976 932.30 928.66 66 LF 8" SCH 40 PVC @ 1.00% POND INV = 928.00 * "DS" ARE DESIGNATED CONNECTIONS AT EXISTING BUILDING DOWNSPOUTS. "CO" ARE DESIGNATED CLEANOUTS. ** ALL SPECIFIED CASTINGS ARE MANUFACTURED BY NEENAH FOUNDARY COMPANY GRADING PLAN NTS V (5 00 O Z U 0 T Z ^` c0 cy - O CL � co (c) O.0 O CO McoN Q � r N 5 LL _c 0_0 Ci U u)0 O O E OC Z O Q0 0 O v N} O CO N O c :3 N = �' C C �} c O N � 0 Z �uO U) � O O 00 � U r � � u O N U 'V, 0 J N'j - Q- V) N N O Q LU Lu } C/)Z Z z O N O �� V, 0� C z O C) N JUQ Q E a_ co N N �� = O c U > > i O �O N U M o N U= N 00 PROJECT O __Q w m 0 V (5 00 O Z U 0 T Z ^` c0 cy - O co (c) wZ O CO McoN r W LL _c _� v Z U u)0 O r� W OC Z O V O N Z CO N W :3 N = �' C W N �- O N � N �uO U) _J 00 N W r � � s= U U) Z O 0- CIOLu 0 Lu Z O o w O N C� Z Z U > O N � r Z ct) J CO (D LO OC Z O CO X :3 N = Lu O N � W U) 00 r � � Z O 0- CIOLu 0 Lu Z O o w O N C� Z Z O V) Z J X Lu W O O J LL Lu LU Lu Z C/)Z Z z Zz 0� Lu z O JUQ Q I -I LL] = 00 F_ ww0 U= N 00 PROJECT NUMBER: 18001 SCALE: 1 ''=30' o co 0 C30F 6 PROJECT INFORMATION Proiect Description This project will consist of the construction of a small parking lot expansion. Storm water management for this project will consist of a dry detention pond for rate control purposes as per City of Monticello requirements. Water quality design has not been included in the design of the pond, as proposed impervious surfacing is well under 1 acre. Disturbed Area & Impervious Surface Tabulation (within proposed construction area) Anticipated Disturbed Area 0.45 acres Existing Impervious Area 0.05 acres Proposed Impervious Area 0.28 acres Net Impervious Area Increase 0.23 acres Permanent Site Drainaae The vast majority of the proposed impervious surfacing has been designed to be routed to a proposed dry detention pond. The pond has been designed such that post -developed discharge does not exceed pre -developed runoff for the 2, 10, and 100 -year storm events per City of Monticello requirements. Water quality design has not been included in the design of the pond, as proposed impervious surfacing is well under 1 acre. Receiving Surface Waters The following surface waters could receive storm water runoff from this project, and are within 1 mile of the project site: Surface Water Type of Surface Water Impaired Special Water? Water? USEPA Approved TMDL for Impaired Water? Comments Project not subject to o� � M O co co .>- Qo NPDES Permit O U O CO M CO N SEDIMENT AND OTHER POLLUTANTS This SWPPP has been designed mainly to provide erosion and sediment control of naturally occurring soils at this site (ie: sands, foams, and clays). Although this SWPPP does address pollution prevention of other man-made materials, it is assumed that these materials will consist of debris from existing structures and pavements to be demolished, or debris and chemicals (ie: fuels, new paints, etc.) resulting from new construction. There are no known solid wastes or hazardous materials buried belowg rade at this site. If such wastes or hazard materials are discovered during construction, the SWPPP Coordinator (described below) will be responsible for notifying the Engineer. This SWPPP will then be revised to address he presence and disposal of these additional pollutants EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL BMPS Standards and References Materials and construction methods of all BMPs included in this SWPPP shall be as per the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT) Standard Specifications for Construction, latest edition. The Contractor and SWPPP Coordinator shall obtain a current copy of MNDOT's Standard Specifications for Construction and familiarize themselves with the specification sections applicable to this SWPPP, as there are several BMPs that specifically reference these sections. The Contractor and SWPPP Coordinator shall be expected to be familiar with the applicable MNDOT specification sections during construction. No additional compensation will be paid to the Contractor for additional work due to unfamiliarity with these specification sections. Undisturbed Areas If shown on the plan, the Contractor shall delineate areas that are not to be disturbed on the site. This may be done with flags, stakes, signs, silt fence, etc., and shall be completed prior to the start of any grading operations. Regardless of the delineation method the Contractor chooses to use, the Contractor must communicate to his/her personnel and subcontractors that these areas are not to be disturbed and construction equipment (including trucks and personal vehicles) shall not be allowed in these areas. The Contractor shall minimize compaction and preserve topsoil as much as possible at the site. In pervious ("green") areas that are not essential to the construction of the project, the Contractor shall avoid construction traffic and maintain the existing condition of these areas. Temporary and Permanent Stabilization All exposed soil areas (including stockpiles) shall be provided with temporary or permanent cover within 14 days of construction activity temporarily or permanently ceasing in that portion of the site. Temporary or permanent drainage ditches or swales, which drain off-site or to a surface water, and are within 200 lineal feet of the property line or surface water shall be provided with temporary or permanent cover within 24 hours of construction. Placement of temporary or permanent cover shall be initiated immediately upon suspension or completion of excavation operations. Temporary Cover If the Contractor chooses to halt grading operations in a portion of the site (or the whole site) for a period exceeding 14 days, and grading operations (rough or finish grading) in the affected areas has not yet been completed, temporary cover shall be placed. Affected areas consisting of drainage ditches or swales connected to, and within, 200 lineal feet of a property line or surface water shall be provided with temporary cover within 24 hours of connection. Depending on the Contractor's schedule, the temporary cover shall consist of one of the following BMPs: 1). Discanchored Mulch a). Discanchored mulch may be used in an area of the site (or the whole site) if the Contractor is halting grading operations for a period that is relatively short, but exceeds 14 days. b). The mulch shall be Type 3 per MNDOT Spec. 3882 c). An adequate quantity of mulch shall be evenly distributed to achieve 90% coverage of the exposed soils. d). Mulch shall be placed as per MNDOT 2575.3F. e). All mulch shall be disc anchored as per MNDOT 2575.3G. Prior to the placement and discanchoring of the mulch, the soils shall be loosened and the area smooth -rough graded per MNDOT 2575.381. f). Any areas that are exposed as a result of wind action after the initial mulch placement shall be covered with additional mulch to maintain 90% coverage. 2). Temporary Seeding with Mulch a). Temporary seeding with mulch may be used in areas of the site (or the whole site) if the Contractor is halting grading operations for a period that is relatively long. Although mulch still needs to be applied as described above, once the temporary seeding/turf is established, the mulch will no longer need to be maintained. The temporary seeding/turf will require very little maintenance. b). Prior to the sowing of temporary seed, the soils shall be loosened and the area smooth -rough graded per MNDOT 2575.361. c). Contractor shall utilize Seed Mixes 100, 110, or 130 per MNDOT Spec. 3876 for temporary seeding. d). Temporary seeding shall be sown per MNDOT Spec. 2575.3D. e). Once temporary seeding has been sown, mulch shall be placed over the area as described above. Permanent Cover: Upon completion of finish grading and/or placement of topsoil, initiation of the placement of permanent cover shall begin immediately over all exposed areas. This includes areas designated for impervious surfacing (ie: buildings, pavements/gravel bases, sidewalks, etc.). Where the construction schedule will not allow for the placement of the permanent impervious surfacing within 14 days of the completion of finish grading, temporary cover shall be provided in these areas, as described above, until the permanent impervious surfacing can be constructed. Affected areas consisting of drainage ditches or swales connected to, and within, 200 lineal feet of a property line or surface water, shall be provided with permanent cover within 24 hours of connection. Areas designated for permanent turf establishment shall be provided with one or more of the following BMPs (see plan): 1). Permanent Seeding with Mulch a). Unless otherwise noted on the plans, all areas designated for turf establishment shall be provided with permanent seeding. b). In addition to the plan included as part of this SWPPP, the Contractor shall verify if a Landscaping Plan has been included in the plans by the Architect. If a Landscape Architect has specified higher quality permanent cover (ie: sod, hydroseeding, etc.), the Contractor shall provide this permanent cover in lieu of the permanent seeding specified in this SWPPP. c). Prior to the sowing of permanent seed, the soils shall be loosened and the area smooth -rough graded per MNDOT 2575.3B1. d). Contractor shall utilize Seed Mix 260 per MNDOT Spec. 3876 for permanent seeding. e). Permanent seeding shall be sown per MNDOT Spec. 2575.3D. f). Once permanent seeding has been sown, mulch shall be placed over the area as described above (under Temporary Cover), unless noted otherwise. 2). Erosion Control Blanket a). Erosion control blanket shall be placed in areas as shown on the plan included in this SWPPP. These areas shall still be provided with permanent seeding, as described above, beneath the erosion control blanket. b). Erosion control blanket shall meet the requirements indicated in MNDOT Spec. 3885. See plan for category(s) of erosion control blanket. c). Erosion control blanket shall be installed as per MNDOT Spec. 2575.3-12. d). Erosion control blanket specified in drainage ditches and swales connected to, and within 200 lineal feet, of a property line or surface water shall be installed within 24 hours of the completion of finish grading (including permanent seeding). 3). Riprap a). Riprap shall be placed in areas as shown on the plan included in this SWPPP. b). All riprap shall be underlain with Type 4 geotextile fabric. The fabric shall meet the requirements of MNDOT Spec. 3733 and shall be installed as per MNDOT Spec. 251 1.362. c). Riprap materials shall meet the requirements of MNDOT Spec. 3601, and shall be Class 3, unless noted otherwise on the plans. d). Riprap shall be considered "Random Riprap" and shall be placed as per MNDOT Spec. 2511. e). Although it is permitted for the riprap to be placed with machinery, it will be necessary for the Contractor to hand place some of the riprap in order to provide a dense, well -keyed layer of stones with the least practical quantity of void space. f). The minimum thickness of the riprap shall be 18 inches, unless otherwise noted on the plans. g). Riprap designated at the end of pipe outlets shall be placed within 24 hours of installation of the pipe outlet end section. h). Riprap specified in drainage ditches and swales connected to, and within 200 lineal feet, of a property line or surface water shall be installed within 24 hours of the completion of finish grading. Sediment Control The following sediment control BMPs shall be implemented as part of this project: 1). Silt Fence a). Silt fence shall be installed at the locations shown on the plan included in this SWPPP. b). Silt fence shall be machine sliced and materials shall meet the requirements of MNDOT Spec. 3886. c). Silt fence shall be installed as per MNDOT Spec. 2573.3C1. d). Silt fence shall be installed prior to any upgradient grading operations, and shall remain in place and maintained adequately until upgradient areas achieve Final Stabilization (see below) e). Silt fence shall be repaired or replaced if damaged during, or after, rain events, or if accumulated sediment on the upstream side of the fence reaches 1/3 of the height of the fence. Repair or replacement of silt fence shall be completed within 24 hours of discovery. f). Portions of silt fence may be removed to accommodate short-term activities, such as vehicle passage. Short-term activities shall be completed as quickly as possible, and new silt fence installed immediately after completion of the short-term activity. If rainfall is imminent or forecasted in the near future, new silt shall be installed regardless of if the short term activity has been completed or not. The Contractor is advised to schedule short term activities during dry weather as much as practicable. No additional compensation will be paid due to additional silt fence associated with short-term activities. g). Temporary soil stockpiles shall be placed on the site in areas upgradient from silt fence. Where the Contractor chooses to place temporary soil stockpiles outside designated silt fenced areas, the stockpiles shall be surrounded by additional silt fence. Under no circumstances shall temporary soil stockpiles be placed over surface waters, curb and gutter, catch basins, culvert inlets or outlets, or ditches. 2). Catch Basin Protection a). WIMCO Road Drain protection devices, as manufactured by WIMCO, shall be used for catch basin protection on this project. WIMCO can be contacted at (952)-233-3055, and their web page is www.roaddrain.com. b). "Road Drain Top Slab" devices shall be installed at all catch basin locations immediately after placement of the catch basin structures. "Road Drain Top Slab" devices shall remain in place and be adequately maintained until permanent surfacing is constructed (ie: curb and gutter, pavements, and/or gravel surfacing). In areas designated for turf establishment, "Road Drain Top Slab" devices shall remain in place until Final Stabilization of all upgradient areas is established. c). Upon construction of the permanent surfacing, the "Road Drain Top Slab" devices shall be replaced with the WIMCO product specified on the plans. The WIMCO devices shall remain in place until Final Stabilization of all upgradient areas has been established. d). The contractor shall install and maintain the catch basin protection devices as per the manufacturer's instructions and specifications. 3). Culvert Inlet Protection a). Culvert inlet protection shall be provided at all culvert inlet locations immediately after construction of the culvert. See plan included in this SWPPP for culvert inlet locations. b). Culvert inlet protection shall consist of geotextile fabric wrapped around, and completely covering the inlet end section. The geotextile fabric shall be the same fabric used in silt fence applications and meet the requirements of MNDOT Spec. 3886. c). The culvert inlet protection shall remain in place and adequately maintained until Final Stabilization of all upgradient areas has been established. d). Culvert inlet protection shall be repaired or replaced if damaged during, or after, rain events, or if accumulated sediment reaches 1/2 of the diameter of the culvert pipe. Repair or replacement of culvert inlet protection shall be completed within 24 hours of discovery. 4). Temporary Rock Construction Entrance a). Temporary rock construction entrances shall be installed at the locations shown on the plan included in this SWPPP. See detail for temporary rock entrance design. b). If the Contractor chooses to access the site from locations other than where temporary rock entrances are specified on the plans, additional temporary rock entrances shall be placed at these locations, as well. c). Temporary rock entrance shall be constructed prior to the start of grading operations, and shall remain in place and be adequately maintained until Final Stabilization has been established. d). Temporary rock entrances shall be maintained in such a manner that the entrances prevent sediment tracking onto adjacent streets. If a temporary rock entrance is found to be ineffective, it shall be replaced or improved within 24 hours of discovery. e). The Contractor has the option to place Type 4 geotextile fabric beneath the temporary rock entrance. The fabric may extend the life of the entrance as it will reduce rock "sinking" into the underlying soils. If the Contractor chooses to use fabric, it should meet the requirements of MNDOT Spec. 3733 and shall be installed as per MNDOT Spec. 2511.382. f). If sediment tracking from the site is discovered on adjacent streets, the sediment shall be removed with a street sweeper or other approved method within 24 hours of discovery. This shall be done throughout construction of the project. This sediment may be returned and graded over exposed areas of the site, or disposed of off site per MPCA requirements. The City may order street sweeping to be performed at the Contractor's or Owner's expense if City staff find that construction activities are resulting in sediment or debris being tracked onto City streets. 5). Filter Logs a). Filter logs shall be installed at the locations shown on the plan included in this SWPPP. b). Filter logs shall consist of Type Wood Fiber biorolls and meet the requirements of MNDOT Spec. 3897. c). Filter logs shall be installed as per MNDOT Spec. 2573.3-1. d). Filter logs shall be installed immediately after placement of erosion control blanket. e). Filter logs shall remain in place for the life of the project, and shall be allowed to degrade naturally. Dewatering If dewatering of sandy subsoils is required for this project, the pump discharge shall be treated prior to discharge off-site or into a surface water. Treatment of discharge shall be achieved with the use of a "Dandy Dewatering Bag" (or approved equivalent), as manufactured by Dandy Products,lnc. Dandy Products, Inc. can be contacted at (877) 307-0141, and their web page is www.dandyproducts.com. The "Dandy Dewatering Bag" shall be installed, utilized, and maintained per the manufacturer's instructions and specifications. Once dewatering water has been treated, it may be discharged off-site or to a surface water. The discharge shall be visually checked to ensure that it is relatively clean and not visibly different from any receiving waters. If discharge is noticeably "dirty", the Engineer shall be contacted as additional treatment methods may be necessary. Adequate erosion control shall be provided at the point of discharge if it is located in an area with exposed soils or established turf. This erosion control may consist of temporarily placed rip rap, or other approved energy dissipation measures. The type of erosion control measure shall be at the Contractor's discretion, depending on the location of the dewatering discharge and the unique site characteristics. The erosion control measures shall be effective and shall be maintained adequately such that no erosion occurs at the point of discharge. Pollution Prevention Pollution Prevention Management Solid waste accumulated during construction, including collected sediment, construction materials, floating debris, construction debris, paper, plastics, and other solid wastes shall be disposed of in accordance with MPCA disposal requirements: 1). Building products that have the potential to leach pollutants shall be maintained under cover (e.g., plastic sheeting or temporary roofs) to prevent the discharge of pollutants or protected by a similarly effective means designed to minimize contact with storm water. 2). Pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, fertilizers, treatment chemicals, and landscape materials shall be maintained under cover (e.g., plastic sheeting or temporary roofs) to prevent the discharge of pollutants or protected by similarly effective means designed to minimize contact with stormwater. 3). Hazardous materials, toxic waste, (including oil, diesel fuel, gasoline, hydraulic fluids, paint solvents, petroleum-based products, wood preservatives, additives, curing compounds, and acids) shall be properly stored in sealed containers to prevent spills, leaks or other discharge. Restricted access storage areas shall be provided to prevent vandalism. Storage and disposal of hazardous waste or hazardous materials shall be in compliance with Minn. R. ch. 7045 including secondary containment as applicable. 4). Solid waste shall be stored, collected and disposed of properly in compliance with Minn. R. ch. 7035. 5). Portable toilets shall be positioned so that they are secure and will not be tipped or knocked over Sanitary waste must be disposed of properly in accordance with Minn. R. ch. 7041. The Contractor shall take steps to prevent the discharge of spilled or leaked chemicals, including fuel, from any area where chemicals or fuel will be loaded or unloaded including the use of drip pans or absorbents unless infeasible. The Contractor shall conduct fueling in a contained area unless infeasible. The Contractor shall ensure adequate supplies are available at all times to clean up discharged materials and that an appropriate disposal method is available for recovered spilled materials. The Contractor shall report and clean up spills immediately as required by Minn. Stat. § 115.061, using dry clean up measures where possible. If the Contractor washes the exterior of vehicles or equipment on the project site, washing shall be limited to a defined area of the site. Runoff from the washing area shall be contained in a sediment basin or other similarly effective controls and waste from the washing activity shall be properly disposed of. The Contractor shall properly use and store soaps, detergents, or solvents. No engine degreasing shall be allowed on site. The Contractor shall provide effective containment for all liquid and solid wastes generated by washout operations (concrete, stucco, paint, form release oils, curing compounds and other construction materials) related to the construction activity. The liquid and solid washout wastes shall not contact the ground, and the containment shall be designed so that it does not result in runoff from the washout operations or areas. Liquid and solid wastes shall be disposed of properly and in compliance with MPCA rules. A sign must be installed adjacent to each washout facility that requires site personnel to utilize the proper facilities for disposal of concrete and other washout wastes. FINAL STABILIZATION Final Stabilization shall be considered established once the following requirements have been achieved: 1). All soil disturbing activities at the site have been completed and all soils are stabilized by a uniform perennial vegetative cover with a density of 70 percent of its expected final growth density over the entire pervious surface area, or other equivalent means necessary to prevent soil failure under erosive conditions. 2). The permanent storm water management system is constructed, and is operating as designed. Temporary or permanent sedimentation basins that are to be used as permanent water quality management basins have been cleaned of any accumulated sediment. All sediment has been removed from conveyance systems and ditches are stabilized with permanent cover. 3). All temporary synthetic and structural erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs have been removed from the project site. BMPs designed to decompose on site may be left in place. SWPPP - NOTES -070 (0 80 O m(1) U o� � M O co co .>- Qo -O O U O CO M CO N Q > J N 0 0- ILL -C C3 U U) 0 O S_ a` N O Q - co a) — o L � LU a) N o° �' c C �} c Q o Z VJ � O a) N U U OO O LU Z O V, U ' p > J 0,5: Q— V) (D O � N O CL r co CC :)} m � >_ LO O N O Q U ,n If Z n (D O co � N = O _K__ E00 LU 3U=0 O O o c U >> i O > O a) U co o 0o NUMBER: 1 18001 (D 0) p O w m D V (0 80 O Z U Z � M O co co .>- M� -O 1..� UJ O CO M CO N Z J W_ 0- ILL -C v Z�/� U U) 0 O VJ r� W 0 0) V 0 N Z LU a) W �' c W Nc Q N VJ � _J a) N O C/) U W LU Z O U > LUZ O � r co m � >_ LO If Z O co � N = O 00 3U=0 Z O Q_ U CIOLU cn w Z O o �n wO N cn v � Z LU LU Z Z 0 Z O 2 J LJJ >QU 1� 0 Z O Z J Q Q n X L U LU Q O O C/) LU Z Z LUZ Lu JUQ IL JK\ ZQ 3U=0 CN ui o PROJECT Z NUMBER: 1 18001 cn LU LU Z Z 0 Z O 2 J LJJ >QU 1� 0 } 3 J p J 0 0E- XQU OZ �w -=j OWN 2 V) 00 0a MOIL .a... r? O rM= wa J' ¢ Mm wa¢ wN o 5d r F- U, 'WC J p E 0E- XQU 0 CLLWWi -=j OWN to J ONam OMWW w OOZ_ .a... �m rM= W az1,�o W=r wa¢ a N w Z ao 5d W 0 V�O]0_ ¢ Apr llU� pFco Ze = N a O wO 0¢00 ¢el J Q���� SWM 2 OO W H O a (3 } r z w< U ozpa c=)¢m 3� aa r W O N Z U L' wmo w1io J O¢ a O W W m < Z_ N bio a c 'Z JO E W� o C ° ° t t N Q 7 N C0 II t II L �m CL - O 7 0 J 0 0 W II II II O N D O 00 I I II II II II II II II II N �. 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'Z JO Z a W� O= NX II II 0 w�¢ Lw rN =W rW Y Z H N ZO m0= ¢O w0 UO a l,l= W N O to ¢ a r W Jp W W Z Z w C0 w w r ¢ 0) v 3 m N O Z W U J W Z Zp JW2 Q U pp Wm �= w� (n �-pa MM w Oa M WW w �J ¢w Ua 3 Z� N wla1 O_ Z Ld N Ld a Z C m N �W J W N U Z w¢ m a > W ¢ Z C) E m O r 04 (of) LriW J(n� ¢Oen?¢ rp wQ O O� W= O} 0 Z- O o •c C CL ® N wO N W_ W w mr Z_ O 0 O_1.�U 0_ O ¢ U Z OJ zJ oO �Q U Ld aw w� w= F F N v Sa o L' � mz -1 of pm o= oM USO Fo c000DN ° in Z ¢ r v a M W N (DN = r 0D W' �OW (,O (n¢ p m w 0z Z [D F- V) a O O UQ ¢ W '� o C - . V) C;o —Q=om w0 W� w11. of S zN z 0 ° �zU wO 0 Of ¢a (rLj =J rw D rF W �o A CALL TO GOPHER STATE ONE (454-0002) N L mow N'q W O a " z J m W O Of }MI'N0o0�00N7rnaDNI' N D O 00 I I II II II II II II II II N �. wmz> Op Z a WF �� - ON OW O >w II II 0 maw . NO¢d Z �U �� �U aO Z II o0 1- 0 0 OIn y �a� N O �O N0 N W Z JOAN z~ O w _< Q¢ ch N M 00 N0 O >u2 O<�U Q O J N Z O Z N C N w M � O a N g W a M OHZW =Ld Z O C o a zo 61 �H I'\ 1 C Q =a r a N W z W U �WZW Nn Q Or O w N N Z rn a dt.. Iy O WZU_ }00N 000D� 5U T 0 �' Y II o O ¢ U Z OJ U W r W W U R U Ld w a w= F F N v Sa o F rn r rn m ) O c000DN ° in Z W Q LL J J N (DN = r 0D N M M d' X 0 1, Uj Z1nF w 0z Z [D 0 p Vw00a O �0�0= Nw Q O =5Oo dW ¢ ¢ o r U O A CALL TO GOPHER STATE ONE (454-0002) 0 W N'q = r 1i1 _ } F- (n = (n M w O¢ L~jJ IS REQUIRED A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS Fj W �O� }MI'N0o0�00N7rnaDNI' a PRIOR TO PERFORMING ANY EXCAVATION. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Gravel pad(s) MnDOT Class CA -15 or CA -25 Riprap Ro r^ IItIe: Residential Building Erosion Control Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 6006 Geotextile fc SECTION B—B Original grade ,...�.,�.�.�w..... • • .. NOTES: Channelize runoff to sediment trapping device (l7 X W Match Existing Grade n JLI, I IUIN A -A (not to scale) Sediment Trapping Device Original grade 0 E E 0 0 z a o B� 5U min. or Right of Way PLAN Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Commercial Gravel Construction Entrance Date: 06-14 Plate No. Revised:6 0 0 2 03-15 V) Li z Q CY O w J M O �OOO ¢-1 pN0 ^� _nw 0 1 1 0 0 0I.I. U):�Eo moQ 0 maw Q� a 0)O In OU Q Z 011�01n0001�OD�001 o0 1- 0 0 OIn N 5 �a� N O �O N0 N W Z JOAN z~ O M4In ¢ ¢.J ch 0° Title: U M W U F W n N Z rn 5 as Of a FLL, OZ 00 rn N r l'' z� Ww Mm w a J �3 w O Z Standard Plate Library Riprap Detail Cit of Monticello City Date: 03-05 Plate No. - 4009 Revised: - - 03-15 10% MAX Mallow EXISTING PAVED 12' MIN ROADWAY END OVERLAP —18' MIN— STRUCTI❑N MATS, WOVEN OR TRIM TRIM END OVERLAP WITH SPIKES OR STAKES STRAP CONNECTORS C❑NSTRUCTI❑N MAT END OVERLAP INTERL❑CK WITH STRAP CONNECTORS END OVERLAP\ DISTURBED AREA, C❑NSTRUCTI❑N SITE, STABILIZED ST❑RAGE AREA OR STAGING AREA SIDE OVERLAP ....................... 0 01 0 O =50'0 0 1 1 0 0 0I.I. 1 0 oi 0 0 Q� N U W 0)O In d=H }ISM 011�01n0001�OD�001 o0 1- 0 0 OIn N 5 U_ l_L 0 o O ODOM N0 N W Z JOAN U a N M4In 0000MIn ch 0° 00 N0 O >u2 O<�U mI O'L w O O W O Z N C N w M —NNMM O a N g W a II z O Z O C o a zo 61 N Q C Q =a r a o n Q w �cc Nn Q Or O w N N Z rn a dt.. U � (n 0It J }00N 000D� 5U O O O ¢ U N d C-4 W a U R U Ld w a w= F F U M o Sa o } �NON�99 O c000DN Ld 00000 Z W Q NL,Ja pr)01�01(0tOM0)NO J N (DN = r 0D N M M d' X 0 1, Uj w 0z Z [D 0 r 0E- O w Nw Q O =5Oo (7 U O 0 W N'q 0) w O¢ L~jJ 7-d: Fj W �O� }MI'N0o0�00N7rnaDNI' a �Q OM J >'04 l,aj Z ¢WU O o N NM�10 c00�M(000 NN > 0 W U Nn 0 O LL. g o N II g 0 n UQ Oco = 10 va rOf }�0100N�0r0101N U �a� rcoln��ornMrnN'It W O_ p0 01 M 0 7l�Oaao 1' 00 n O) M0) Awa pNM� p n(00D O) 7t00 MI'NI'aO4 w X O p N N N M M I n w Q W =50-0 wLSUU � aoMX6 aodOiUnUnIrooao ind O LLI >- OD O) In ODM r': WaZw N00 000N M74 InW O�N�O)000 ON� W _� O p w i U NN (Y 7 NM M QII N 7 N II 0 5� =a o UD %000 o01n0M71oonM� W 0_ Lo }.- M to to M 00000000.-00 O p W O_ p04 M X0000 �.0- .- M t00) M r' -0 LO p U N N M d O Q j d ZNM 00 �� 1 00 N00�00 N O OO O_ NNNM a- d M t -t0001- coo) Title: U M W U F W n N Z rn 5 as Of a FLL, OZ 00 rn N r l'' z� Ww Mm w a J �3 w O Z Standard Plate Library Riprap Detail Cit of Monticello City Date: 03-05 Plate No. - 4009 Revised: - - 03-15 10% MAX Mallow EXISTING PAVED 12' MIN ROADWAY END OVERLAP —18' MIN— STRUCTI❑N MATS, WOVEN OR TRIM TRIM END OVERLAP WITH SPIKES OR STAKES STRAP CONNECTORS C❑NSTRUCTI❑N MAT END OVERLAP INTERL❑CK WITH STRAP CONNECTORS END OVERLAP\ DISTURBED AREA, C❑NSTRUCTI❑N SITE, STABILIZED ST❑RAGE AREA OR STAGING AREA SIDE OVERLAP ....................... 0 01 0 Ll 0 1 1 0 0 0I.I. 1 0 oi 0 0 Q� N U W 0)O In CO ON 000010N� 1 o0 1- 0 0 OIn N 5 U_ l_L 0 o 10 ODOM N0 O -\ OOc U a N Q O < LzUNd' ch 0° a w O O O W w mI O'L w O O W O Z N C N w M J O a N g W a II z N Z O C o a zo 61 N Q C Q =a r a o n Q w �cc Q Or O w N N Z rn a dt.. U � (n 0It J }00N 000D� n O O O O ¢ U N d C-4 W a U R U Ld w a w= F F Uj 0)000000) ¢ WOW } O O ANN Ld ` C U>> Z W Q Z N J N (DN = r 0D Uj w 0z Z [D 0 r 0E- O w Nw Q O =5Oo (7 U O 0 W N'q 0) w O¢ 0-4: 7-d: 0 c00 a �Q NNNM >'04 p �p O o Wa w ra- Nn 0 Title: U M W U F W n N Z rn 5 as Of a FLL, OZ 00 rn N r l'' z� Ww Mm w a J �3 w O Z Standard Plate Library Riprap Detail Cit of Monticello City Date: 03-05 Plate No. - 4009 Revised: - - 03-15 10% MAX Mallow EXISTING PAVED 12' MIN ROADWAY END OVERLAP —18' MIN— STRUCTI❑N MATS, WOVEN OR TRIM TRIM END OVERLAP WITH SPIKES OR STAKES STRAP CONNECTORS C❑NSTRUCTI❑N MAT END OVERLAP INTERL❑CK WITH STRAP CONNECTORS END OVERLAP\ DISTURBED AREA, C❑NSTRUCTI❑N SITE, STABILIZED ST❑RAGE AREA OR STAGING AREA SIDE OVERLAP ....................... 0 01 0 Ll 0 1 1 0 0 0I.I. 1 0 oi 0 0 1 0 0 Q� N U W 0)O In CO ON 000010N� 1 o0 1- 0 0 OIn N 5 UQ WO 0 o 10 ODOM N0 N MMMT N Q O < LzUNd' ch N— O W O 0) N U O Z N C o ^C J J W a II z U p N N N U N U C Q ZZ Q g O �L 0 L N N LU LL N N L U � (n 0It ¢� }00N 000D� 121 z 0N000�0000 �U 0 CO N d C-4 W a O� 0) M2 mom (0 Uj 0)000000) } O O ANN MMIn ` C U>> 01,1, 0) Z N c� O N (DN L1J O LU [D 0 J Q O =5Oo 0 W N'q 0) to N O) rn 0-4: 7-d: 0 c00 NNNM >'04 p �p w Nn LL. g o n UQ Oco = rOf }�0100N�0r0101N 0 dnn 0 W O_ p0 01 M 0 0) M 1' 00 N N O) M0) LL.I O p NNM000r_ w X w =50-0 00� ind O LLI >- OD O) In ODM 010 N00 000N O I': W Z J O�N�O)000 W O�N�OI� p w i U NN NM M QII N 7 0 U UD =a o U-) (L %000 o01n0M71oonM� W 0_ pMM 00�Mt001 MN MSO).-� O p -N M �.0- r, a Q Z O ¢ z w a- a- d ZNW NN 0M�OD M��M NM00Nt2N 0r-wo co NM 0 Title: U M W U F W n N Z rn 5 as Of a FLL, OZ 00 rn N r l'' z� Ww Mm w a J �3 w O Z Standard Plate Library Riprap Detail Cit of Monticello City Date: 03-05 Plate No. - 4009 Revised: - - 03-15 10% MAX Mallow EXISTING PAVED 12' MIN ROADWAY END OVERLAP —18' MIN— STRUCTI❑N MATS, WOVEN OR TRIM TRIM END OVERLAP WITH SPIKES OR STAKES STRAP CONNECTORS C❑NSTRUCTI❑N MAT END OVERLAP INTERL❑CK WITH STRAP CONNECTORS END OVERLAP\ DISTURBED AREA, C❑NSTRUCTI❑N SITE, STABILIZED ST❑RAGE AREA OR STAGING AREA SIDE OVERLAP ....................... PAD AREA (ANY SIZE) Standard Plate Library City of Monticello SIDE /OVERLAP Title: Mud Mat Entrance Date: 06-14 Plate No. Revised: 6003 06-14 EXISTING CURB OVERFLOW IS Y2 OF THE CURB BOX HEIGHT PLAN WIMCO ROAD DRAIN CG -23* HIGH FLOW INLET PROTECTION CURB AND GUTTER MODEL DEFLECTOR PLATE OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. OVERFLOW IS Y2 OF THE CURB BOX HEIGHT OVERFLOW AT TOP OF FILTER ASSEMBLY CURB * FOR THE NEW R -3290 -VB STANDARD CASTING, INSTALL WIMCO ROAD DRAIN CG -3290 OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. OVERFLOW,' Standard Plate Library City of Monticello FILTER ASSEMBLY DIAMETER, 6" ON -GRADE 10" AT LOW POINT HIGH-FLOW FABRIC Title: Inlet Protection Catch Basin Insert Date: Plate No. 03-07 Revised: 03-15 6004 Standard Plate Library City of Monticello NG NUT TACHMENT HOOK T FABRIC SLEEVE R MnDOT SPECIAL OVISION 3886 SILT FABRIC SLEEVE PER MnDOT SPECIAL PROVISION 3886 Title: Inlet Protection Grate Inlet Cover Date: Plate No. 03-07 Revised: 03-15 6005 SWPPP - DETAILS 0 01 0 Ll 0 1 1 0 0 0I.I. 1 0 oi 0 0 1 0 0 Q� 800, V) 0 0 0 0 M 0-0 1 1 o0 1- 0 0 9 C N 5 10 0 o ZUE 0 0 0 0 O O E N Q O ch N— O W O 0) } O� Q O Z N C o ^C J J W a U U p N N N PAD AREA (ANY SIZE) Standard Plate Library City of Monticello SIDE /OVERLAP Title: Mud Mat Entrance Date: 06-14 Plate No. Revised: 6003 06-14 EXISTING CURB OVERFLOW IS Y2 OF THE CURB BOX HEIGHT PLAN WIMCO ROAD DRAIN CG -23* HIGH FLOW INLET PROTECTION CURB AND GUTTER MODEL DEFLECTOR PLATE OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. OVERFLOW IS Y2 OF THE CURB BOX HEIGHT OVERFLOW AT TOP OF FILTER ASSEMBLY CURB * FOR THE NEW R -3290 -VB STANDARD CASTING, INSTALL WIMCO ROAD DRAIN CG -3290 OR CITY APPROVED EQUAL. OVERFLOW,' Standard Plate Library City of Monticello FILTER ASSEMBLY DIAMETER, 6" ON -GRADE 10" AT LOW POINT HIGH-FLOW FABRIC Title: Inlet Protection Catch Basin Insert Date: Plate No. 03-07 Revised: 03-15 6004 Standard Plate Library City of Monticello NG NUT TACHMENT HOOK T FABRIC SLEEVE R MnDOT SPECIAL OVISION 3886 SILT FABRIC SLEEVE PER MnDOT SPECIAL PROVISION 3886 Title: Inlet Protection Grate Inlet Cover Date: Plate No. 03-07 Revised: 03-15 6005 SWPPP - DETAILS v PROJECT Z (D 00 QrU Z M >>\\ Q� 800, V) O U M 0-0 Q >_ N N 5 LL L ZUE N O O E N Q O ch N— O W O 0) } O� Q O Z N C o ^C J J W a U U p N N N U N U C Q ZZ �L 0 L N N LU LL N N L C � } > 10 < N O 121 z �U 0 CO N � N Cq o Q � mom UJ U=N Uj 00,5 ) U) } Lu 00 O ` C U>> LO o O N c� O N (DN O LU [D 0 v PROJECT Z (D 00 QrU Z M >>\\ 800, V) L Ll M 0-0 z N ' I LLJ LL L ZUE N O �/ / r� W 0 V N Z W UjC 0) W N � Q U o ^C J J W a v J U 06 N N U C Q ZZ �L U) LU LL L > 10 < _ 121 z 0 CO \ \\` � N Cq o Q � mom UJ U=N Uj 00,5 ) U) Z O w iY U LU LU r) cn w Z 0 LU O N co v � z F— LU Lu Z Z 0:�E Z I =J LU QU �0 o� ° PROJECT Z NUMBER: O 800, V) Z `J/ nQ I..L X LU C5 of 6 W Q 0 F- 0 O J v J � W Zw- Z ZZ �L LU LL JUQ < _ Z Q � UJ U=N Uj F— LU Lu Z Z 0:�E Z I =J LU QU �0 o� ° PROJECT C) NUMBER: 800, 0 C5 of 6 / / Southwesterly >; Y Right of Wa / line of 4th Street / / / / / / ....... . . . . / C LA OVE / GEC ARC / STIR / CLASS II F OVE LYIN G TEXTI \ / / CATEGORY 3 EROSION CO TRC \ / BLANKET / \ PERIMET R SILT \ FENCE TYP) / b \ INSTALL CATCH q \ BASIN PROTEC ION /1q• / FILTER / LOG (TYP) i / o CATEGORY 3 EROSION CO TROL BLANKET FILTER / LOG (TYP The southeasZerLy 30.00 feet of Hennepin Street of 7WER MONTICELLO TEMPORARY O 1 / \ \ CONSTRUCTI l9 ENTRANCE N /Norto No Right of Way line of / Burlili n ton Northern Railroad i u Garage FOUND: 112" dia. pipe w/r rap sfafirSed-RLS-L52' �6 44-z� Cg, N.69 o R , INSTALL CATCH BASIN PROTECTION \ 'racks 44 16 689 6 Center!/ne of \ \ RailrDad lra�ks \ \ U \ \ FOUND: 112" iron pipe 0 p�k0/ 2 610 RIM= 930.62 (Lid was frozen to inverts not measul 6" TO 7" DIA. ROLL ENCLOSED IN —j PLASTIC OR POLYESTER NETTING TYPE 2. BIOROLL DITCH CHECK USE ON ROUGH GRADED AREAS 1" X 2" X 18" LONG WOODEN STAKES AT 1' 0" SPACING MAXIMUM. STAKES SHALL BE DRIVEN THROUGH THE BACK HALF OF THE BIOROLL AT AN ANGLE OF 45 DEGREES WITH THE TOP OF THE STAKE POINTING UPSTREAM. PROVIDE 8" TO 10" OF EMBEDMENT DEPTH. FLOW BIOROLL STAKING DETAIL �T 10" EMBEDMENT DEPTH NOTE: WHEN MORE THAN 1 BI❑R❑LL/COMP❑ST LOG IS NEEDED, OVERLAP ENDS A MINIMUM OF 6' AND STAKE Standard Plate Library City of Monticello ENTRENCH A MINIMUM OF 2' Title: Bio Log Staking Straw or Wood Bio Roll Date: 03-08 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 6009 SWPPP - PLAN VIEW V Z Wz W CD Z Fn W Z� Ww N C/) J U Cn Z O IL U Lu Lu 0 Lu d 00 O U O0 �c O to00 0 O r U 000 0 co (o CO (0 O co 0�0 N cn U E O U .N O N U C Q N r f U) > LID ir z O +, CO :3 N = O fn a) � L7 G7 Lu Z F- 0 0 0 N L> O N c7 � Z PROJECT 0 Z NUMBER: 0 o° 3.3' �2f 18001 3.3' 0 1.6' Z SCALE: ® ® 3.3. 3.3' V=30' Cn0 ~ Z X 0.7 STAPLES PER SQ. YD. 1.15 STAPLES PER SQ. YD. 3.75 STAPLES PER SO. YO. C6 OF 6 Lu 4:1 SLOPES 3:1 SLOPES HIGH FLOW CHANNEL& SHORELINE < >2•-s O '\i}? . o s J ................. 'O �/ J 3B r Lu Z 12•— Z I 3A I Lu 7 _ �,L 2 'ii �i i :i: j::... O � Lu s -- r JUQ 0 1. PREPARE SOIL BEFORE INSTALLING BLANKETS, INCLUDING ANY NECESSARY APPLICATION OF LIME, FERTILIZER, AND SEED. LL 2. BEGIN AT THE TOP OF THE SLOPE BY ANCHORING THE BLANKET INA 6" (15cm) DEEP X 6" (15cm) WIDE TRENCH J VITH APPROXIMATELY 12" (30om) OF BLANKET EXTENDED BEYOND THE UP-SLOPE PORTION OF THE TRENCH. ANCHOR THE Z BLANKET WITH A ROW OF STAPLES/STAKES APPROXIMATELY 12" (30cm) APART IN THE BOTTOM OF THE TRENCH. BACKFILL AND COMPACT THE TRENCH AFTER STAPLING. APPLY SEED TO COMPACTED SOIL AND FOLD REMAINING 12"(30em) 0 PORTION OF BLANKET BACK OVER SEED AND COMPACTED SOIL. SECURE BLANKET OVER COMPACTED SOIL WTHAROW OF U = STAPLESISTAKES SPACED APPROXIMATELY 12" (30cm) APART ACROSS THE WIDTH OF THE BLANKET. 3. ROLL THE BLANKETS (A.) DOWN OR (B.) HORIZONTALLY ACROSS THE SLOPE. BLANKETS WILL UNROLL WITH APPROPRIATE SIDE AGAINST THE SOIL SURFACE. ALL BLANKETS MUST BE SECURELY FASTENED TO SOIL SURFACE BY PLACING STAPLES/STAKES INAPPROPRIATE LOCATIONS AS SHOWN IN THE STAPLE PATTERN GUIDE. WHEN USING OPTIONAL DOT SYSTEM, STAPLESISTAKES SHOULD BE PLACED THROUGH EACH OF THE COLORED DOTS CORRESPONDING TO THE APPROPRIATE STAPLE PATTERN. 4. THE EDGES OF PARALLEL BLANKETS MUST BE STAPLED WITH APPROXIMATELY 2".5" (5cm-12.5cm) OVERLAP DEPENDING ON BLANKET TYPE. TO ENSURE PROPER SEAM ALIGNMENT, PLACE THE EDGE OF THE OVERLAPPING BLANKET (BLANKET BEING INSTALLED ON TOP) EVEN WITH THE COLORED SEAM STITCH ON THE PREVIOUSLY INSTALLED BLANKET. 5. CONSECUTIVE BLANKETS SPLICED DOWN THE SLOPE MUST BE PLACED END OVER END (SHINGLE STYLE) WTH AN APPROXIMATE 3"(7.5cm) OVERLAP. STAPLE THROUGH OVERLAPPED AREA, APPROXIMATELY I2"(30cm) APART ACROSS ENTIRE BLANKET WIDTH. NOTE: IN LOOSE SOIL CONDITIONS, THE USE OF STAPLE OR STAKE LENGTHS GREATER THAN 6" (15cm) MAYBE NECESSARY TO PROPERLY SECURE THE BLANKETS. Title: Erosion Control Blanket Standard Plate Library for Stapling Patterns & Installation the City of Monticello Date: Pate No. 3-0-8- 6008 Revised: 6" TO 7" DIA. ROLL ENCLOSED IN —j PLASTIC OR POLYESTER NETTING TYPE 2. BIOROLL DITCH CHECK USE ON ROUGH GRADED AREAS 1" X 2" X 18" LONG WOODEN STAKES AT 1' 0" SPACING MAXIMUM. STAKES SHALL BE DRIVEN THROUGH THE BACK HALF OF THE BIOROLL AT AN ANGLE OF 45 DEGREES WITH THE TOP OF THE STAKE POINTING UPSTREAM. PROVIDE 8" TO 10" OF EMBEDMENT DEPTH. FLOW BIOROLL STAKING DETAIL �T 10" EMBEDMENT DEPTH NOTE: WHEN MORE THAN 1 BI❑R❑LL/COMP❑ST LOG IS NEEDED, OVERLAP ENDS A MINIMUM OF 6' AND STAKE Standard Plate Library City of Monticello ENTRENCH A MINIMUM OF 2' Title: Bio Log Staking Straw or Wood Bio Roll Date: 03-08 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 6009 SWPPP - PLAN VIEW V Z Wz W CD Z Fn W Z� Ww N C/) J U Cn Z O IL U Lu Lu 0 Lu d 00 O U O0 �c O to00 0 O r U 000 0 co (o CO (0 O co 0�0 N cn U E O U .N O N U C Q N r f U) > LID ir z O +, CO :3 N = O fn a) � L7 G7 Lu Z F- 0 0 0 N L> O N c7 � Z Lu Lu I..L Z Z O z� =J Lu QU �0 o:�i PROJECT Z NUMBER: 0 18001 V) Z SCALE: V=30' Cn0 ~ Z X CIO 0 C6 OF 6 Lu F— < O < J 'O �/ J Lu Z Z Z Lu 7 _ �,L � Lu JUQ LL J ()0 Z w LU 0 U = N Lu Lu I..L Z Z O z� =J Lu QU �0 o:�i PROJECT NUMBER: 18001 SCALE: V=30' Cn0 CIO 0 C6 OF 6 44.1 344.1 .............. . Southwesterly Right of Way line of 4th Street (28) MATURE CONIFEROUS TR / \ - ESTIMATED AVERAGE TRUNV / DIAMATER: 8 TO 12 -INCHES r 1) E I 3) NS (3) SS / (3) N / l) LE The southeasZerLy 30.00 feet of Hennepin Street of 7WER MONTICELLO /Northndton Northern Right of Way line of / 1� Burlin ton Northern Railroad RIM= 930.62 (Lid was frozen to inverts not measul LANDSCAPING SCHEDULE CONIFEROUS TREES Qr () (Y0> Q� 28 EXISTING CONIFEROUS TREES O N MIN DIAMETER DIAMETER Q >- IN N 5 d tL s= 8" TO 12" UE cn SHRUBS O E 15 NS NORMAN SPIREA SPIREA JAPONICA'NORMAN' 18" HT., CONT. MIN. 5 CANES AT HT. O c} c SPEC. 12 SS SHIBORI SPIREA SPIREA JAPONICA'SHIROBANA' 18" HT., CONT. MIN. 5 CANES AT HT. U U p N U) SPEC. Q 6 LE LITTLE ELFIE ARBORVITAE ARBORVITAE, AMERICAN (THUJA)'LITTLE ELFIE' 24" HT., CONT. MIN. 5 CANES AT HT. N N L i LO SPEC. NOTE: THIS PLAN HAS BEEN PREPARED FOR THE PURPOSES OF THE SITE PLAN APPROVAL PROCESS. FOR SPECIFIC LANDSCAPING METHODS, DETAILS, AND SPECIFICATIONS A LANDSCAPE PROFESSIONAL SHOULD BE CONTACTED V (0 00 o ZU Qr () (Y0> Q� 0Y) O U O N MIN Q >- IN N 5 d tL s= Z UE cn O O E N C) (Y) N} O O c} c O Z c J U U p N U) U •N � Q � Q L N N N r N N L i LO °N o ir Z Q u N \ /) N U � C/)T N E E7d 00 O (D O ` C U U u7 O o N co m � w m D V (0 00 o ZU Qr () (Y0> 0Y) L O N MIN Z IN W(D d tL s= Z UE cn O V J W ZLuN L N J U U) U Q � N r L i LO ir Z \ /) N U � C/)T Z O w U Lu Lu C) `6mJ cn w � I N \ \ Garage I / Finished Floor= 933.1 �/ Z N (1) `t FOUND: 112" dia. pipe w/r rap sfafirSed=RLS-L52' Brum/nous park" Ic \ 933— 3 6 Ra/(road Tracks B� 69 ° 44: S 16' 9, 6 68 \ � w � X � Z Centerline of R \ \ / ` Lu Lu \ai(r ad o Tracks / � U \ \ \ FOUND: 112" iron pipe L.L.I \ O� LL '^ vJ � 81 Lu Z� Z Z Z � �� O \ — Z F— w O O �\ J U Q \ \ \ Q = Lu \ � Zz LU w O CD PROJECT NUMBER: LANDSCAPE PLAN a 18001 N U SCALE: J 1 "=30' 0 30 60 120 O CLI OF 1 a;ea 9 WZ/WZ X 0 8 L3nHJS L6017 *ON 9su9011 NW 'oalaa -r IanweS 007 � •' / rrr w :ajn;eu61S 'ON 1J3fONd anOlc, '1S aa3NIVUS 'JNINNVId • aNIa33NION3 • •JNIA3Amns 03-13a SH3-1 a3WVMN 990k -69Z -0a£ '` iOS3NNIW d0 31VIS 3H1 d0 SMVI 3H1 2l3aNn UOA3Auns aNVI a32l31SIJ3U Aina `d INV I iVHl aN`d £0£99 NW PnolO'/S NOISlAU3dns 103U1a AW U3aNn 210 3W A8 03UVd3Ud SVM enueAVgjkk gPON£l 12lOd3M NO `A3/ uns 'NV1d SIHl 1`dH1 A311b30 A83U3H I 4(17A IsaM SZ aSUe18 ` JON [Z 6 dLgSUMOJL UoiIoaS UL paJe)01 eIosauULW Jo ajejS `IggLjM jo Ajuno:) `0paoLjU0W jo Aj!D JaaJjS U0j8uiyseM LOb :al!S 8UiaaaUL8U3 zllny:)S :ao3 AatunS fuepuno8 Alaadoad put :)Lydea8odol A3A'*dns Jo 31VD1J11*d3D t .on N L L 0 34- oa,c a� O� u C 4-J O ao 4-1 0 u� o C M U i 0 >_ W L c! 3 --.r *'t z CN _jo u Q OcV4- 34 N ° Qa�'n ° 4-o 0oa, W•oc �0Q(, a n _ Z `� -p cn 3 a! 4-0 fU C Z2W 3 O(6 O °cin O N wwco w � ~a° r`~cL�� a a m M H w Z L LI c� a..i ? E -j ACT Space 3695.31 Room Square feet 1 166.67 2 166.67 3 16.53 4 150.33 5 41.00 6 169.27 7 16.53 8 364.27 9 16.25 10 84.00 11 594.50 12 16.53 13 169.27 14 169.27 15 16.53 16 169.27 17 169.27 18 16.53 19 169.27 20 41.00 21 169.27 22 16.53 23 169.27 24 331.77 25 46.35 26 22.08 27 22.08 28 195.00 4185.00 7880.31 Total ACT and Office/Storage/Reception space 3695.31 Office/Storage/Reception 30 168.00 29 629.00 31 837.00 32 972.00 34 432.00 33 486.00 35 341.00 36 320.00 4185.00 7880.31 Total ACT and Office/Storage/Reception space WSB Building a legacy — your legacy. March 29, 2018 Ms. Angela Schumann Community Development Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Central MN Mental Health Center Plan Review City Project No. 2018-100 WSB Project No. 011478-000 Dear Ms. Schumann: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 We have reviewed the civil plans, drainage analysis and SWPPP dated March 7, 2018 as prepared by Schultz Engineering & Site Design and offer the following comments: Site Plan 1. A 20 -foot wide easement shall be provided over the existing 12 -inch storm sewer pipe. The City will prepare the easement document for recording. Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan 2. The proposed grading shows pond sideslopes of 3:1 which is not in conformance with City design standards of a maximum allowable slope of 4:1. 3. Percent grades should be labeled for the parking lot. 4. Emergency overflow routes from all low points should be shown. This includes showing directional flow arrows. Emergency overflows must be a minimum of 1.5 foot below the low opening elevation of any adjacent structures. 5. The ultimate emergency overflow elevation for the site must provide a minimum of 2 feet of separation to the low opening of structures. 6. A utility excavation permit must be obtained from the Public Works department prior to connecting to the existing storm sewer. 7. Provide an as -built utility plan once construction is complete. Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com K:\02596-420\Admin\Docs\050817 submittal Central MN Mental Health Center March 29, 2018 Page 2 8. A stormwater maintenance agreement will be required. A template will be provided to the applicant HydroCAD Model 9. Per City standards, a HydroCAD Model that simulates the 10 -day snowmelt event should be included in the design and report. Please have the applicant provide a written response addressing the comments above. Please give me a call at 763-271-3236 if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Thank you. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. / t. 46�s`sOIILI Shibani K. Bisson, PE City Engineer skb K:\011748-000\Admin\Docs\Ltr-Central MN Health 032918.docz 3A. Planning Commission Agenda — 04/03/2018 Consideration of a request for a sketch plat review consolidating three parcels into a single lot for multiple family development. Applicant: Arch Management. (NAC) Property: PID: 155500101418 155010085010 155500101413 Address: 800 Elm Street Planning Case Number: 2018-013 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Sketch Plat Review (Comments Only) Deadline for Decision: NA Land Use Designation: Places to Live (Residential) Zoning Designation: R-3, Medium Density Residence District The purpose of the R-3, Medium Density Residence District is to provide for medium density housing in multiple family structures ranging up to and including twelve (12) units and directly related, complementary uses. Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: Current Site Use: Surrounding Land Uses: North: East: South: West: NA Vacant Single Family Residential (R-2) Townhouse Residential (R-3) Vacant Commercial (B-3) Vacant Residential (R-2) Project Description: The applicant is seeking to combine three separate parcels along the east side of Elm Street, south of 6th Street, for eventual development as a multiple family housing development. The current request is for sketch plat review which is intended to elicit comments related to the proposed plat and subsequent development concept, with the objective being that the applicant and staff will understand the requirements for design and Planning Commission Agenda — 04/03/2018 development. No formal recommendations are made as part of this review. ANALYSIS The applicant is proposing to combine three parcels, totaling approximately 6.8 acres, to accommodate development of a 58 unit multiple family structure. The applicant has requested a sketch plat review to receive comments and feedback as to possible issues that may be encountered as part of the development process. The site, as noted, is zoned R-3, Medium Density Residential. In the R-3 District, multiple family base density is allowed at up to 8.5 units per acre — a total of 58 units on the subject site. The applicant has proposed a building, in concept form, that would provide this unit count. There are a series of specific performance standards that apply to multiple family buildings in the R-3 District. These have not been evaluated in detail, as the plans are conceptual only at this point, and the applicant before the City is for sketch plat review, rather than site plan review. Nonetheless, staff makes the following observations related to the proposal that may be relevant to eventual plat consideration. 1. The R-3 District language includes a restriction on building size of a maximum of 12 units per building. While the overall density may be 58 units, meeting the density allowed by the code, the zoning district appears to limit individual building capacity. The applicant's plan indicates that the eventual project application would include a request for rezoning to R-4, which is the City's larger multiple family zoning district. While this district would be appropriate for the larger single building design, the density from the R-3 may be the better fit for an area dominated by low and mid -density housing. The City and applicant will need to evaluate this issue with formal application. 2. With specific regard to the proposed platting of the property, the applicant will need to add two small triangular parcels to the plat (as proposed), one in the northeast corner of the project, and the other in the southeast corner. Particularly in the case of the latter parcel, the addition of this land is critical to the project as it is from this area (the current dead-end 6 1/2 Street) which the applicant must extend utilities. 3. The current 6 1/2 Street was left as a dead-end street at the time of the development of the adjoining townhouse project, with the expectation that it would continue through to Elm Street. As previous proposals for this site were considered, the extension of 6 1/2 Street was assumed. However, under the current site plan, it is OJI Planning Commission Agenda — 04/03/2018 likely that the extension of this street maynot be necessary, given both the site planning and alternative traffic routes around the site (6th Street and 7th Street). 4. Although 6 1/2 Street need not be extended, the applicant will have to provide a terminal cul-de-sac from the plat. The current sketch plan should be modified to redesign that cul-de-sac to a location directly at the end of the current street, rather than extend it in a curved design as shown. Although a full street extension is not required in this location, continuation of the pedestrian/pathway connection from 6 1/2 Street to Elm Street would still be necessary as a component of the City's pedestrian and bicycle transportation planning. 6. Also relating to pathway connections, the applicant will be required per the City's adopted Park & Pathway Connections plan to complete a pathway connection along Elm Street for the full amount of this frontage. 7. The applicant's site plan shows a southerly access from Elm Street and a northerly access to 6th street. The 6th Street access would entail an intersection in an area dominated by lower density housing. If the project goes forward, this access point should be moved to Elm Street. The City's Engineer adds the following comments, with more extensive review forthcoming once a full plat request is made: a. Sanitary sewer and watermain service stubs exist at the west end of 6 1/2 Street. The applicant will need to acquire the triangular property located at the southeast corner of the site in order to extend these services to serve the site. b. Based on previous studies of the stormwater ponding needs for future development in the area, the proposed site will need to provide approximately 2.3 ac -ft of ponding for stormwater management. The ponding requirements will need to be re-evaluated with Atlas 14 modeling standards in order to determine the actual required ponding needed based on the proposed improvements. This will be reviewed with the applicant when civil drawings are being prepared for the site. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS With a sketch plat review, the City does not make a specific recommendation on the proposal and any comments are non-binding, but the City should identify potential issues which will relate to the ultimate consideration of the preliminary and final plats. The comments above are intended to guide the Planning Commission's discussion of the project, but it is important to avoid stating any conclusions without the benefit of public hearing comments and full plat documentation. 3 Planning Commission Agenda — 04/03/2018 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff offers the comments above, but makes no recommendation on the sketch plat. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Site Plan B. Drawings L! MOTE: ALL LOT DflIEN&OSIS ES71M;4TED FER Ii IGHT COUNTY G.I.S. IESS17E �EfY ALL LOT LIMES UJ i SURVEY F0ND SITE FL,4N SCALE: 1:40 6TH ST FS T � 1/2 STREET 0 w O J a_ ,j RC " MANAGEMENT mi iriccii im ri is na n,7�o Randy Kyrola 612.965.3048 ,j RC " MANAGEMENT I 1 1C na rn0l • Pent-up Rental Housing Demand (1) • City/County/Community needs for existing site re -development (z) • 1031 Replacement Property Site B is a 6.4 -acre area located north of the lake on the corner of Elm Street and Tstreet Nest. It is zoned for medium density residential (R-3) and may be used for multifamily, senior, or market -rate development. It is within proximity to the Cub Food Store and the Community Center. The site's southern exposure to the wetland pond. offers an attractive natural amenity. 1. Monticello Housing Study July, 3, 2017 pg 26, Table 1-X 2. Monticello Housing Study July, 3, 2017 pg 23 RCH MANAGEMENT 0"1 rl r r c 7 71 rl I L 1 r1 1 C` r` r ro% r% i i i rN l a r i r% l 1 • Satisfied Tenants • Increased tax basis/revenue for City/County/State • Smooth, "uneventful" project progression/completion • Project "quality, timing and budget" constraints met • "Cash in the bank" �. RC H MANAGEMENT i nicrr 1 ca I I I I A I ci I i n a I �.RCH MANAGEMENT 'o/zk A-0 C " MANAGEMENT ������� IIIIIIII � � IIIIIIII � IIIIIIII IIIIIIII 'll�lll II�III�'; IIIIIIII - IIIIIIII � IIIIIIII � -- INI 1 uuuu=�= � I IIIRI�l � uuuu — =•Imuu= III � �-- -mquu��= uuuu - - - - - - �.RCH MANAGEMENT Front Street Side Plans and Specification subject to change �.RCH MANAGEMENT Front Street Side Plans and Specification subject to change Tm 10. Elk II III I — No �1�limiiiiillll�l�l I ummmi NINE 0 0 immun 1111 IIII =IIII IIII= I ■■ IIII IIII -1111 IIII==III III III III=.�. ...2 = 111111 111111...__.._= =IIII IIII= IIII IIII .. =IIII IIII= IIII IIII 11111111 —I --__��_------- _ ����— - - - - �����=`�=�==nu -__ ---mss= I I ����— ��— ---- - --- ----------- --_-__- -------- ---- - ------ ---- - ,j RC " MANAGEMENT iii rm ni i i i icc % mir`Ir:� 1 i n r`I 1 1 CI 1 ICI 1 r7 �.RCH MANAGEMENT ,j RC " MANAGEMENT LC: C: nrr1 1ary ri is ,J RC vi MANAGEMENT ^r4!D!Dinii irlciirD • City Council Minutes 5/12/2003 • Are Contingencies still in effect? • Funds repayable to City? ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE ADOP-1-1111G RESOLUTION COMMITTING LOCAL MATC11 AND AUTHORIZING SIGNATURE ON CLEAN-L1P GRANT APPLICATION FOR THE R1 ih FAL; 10 SITE CONTINGENT ON TITS OLLOWING: The applicatinn must include a provision stating that the in irlimurn base rale price or individual housing units including land num exceed $180.000 per unit after adjusting for inflation or" I estate values since January. 2003. I'he City marching funds must be funded via contribulrons 4 the land owner or prospective developm Me uppIicatinn mar he submitted un opinion of the Laity Allamey Thal a mel od exists for Ihvrinper coverage or Cily male h. The application shall not include a componcnl supporting a�ordahle housing with the Ruff Autn ndevclopmetrl projeet but may reference availahilily urat7brdable housing in the con sanity at large. The LlcAoperllhvncr understands that approval ofihe appl tion does mol commit the City to approve a luture prolcct. It docs not represent an approval nfanv enncept ordevelapmet stage residentiul planned unit dcvcIopmeni. '1'hc project is subjcel to the residcmial developmx-71l process which includ a pub] is hearing process. ate Final project density and design will hinge un this process. • 6Y2 Street Extension • Other ,j RC " MANAGEMENT Lai riiitr r*4r%iiiiiiciiro-03 MOTE: ALL LOT DflIEN&OSIS ES71M;4TED FER Ii IGHT COUNTY G.I.S. IESS17E �EfY ALL LOT LIMES UJ i SURVEY F0ND SITE FL,4N SCALE: 1:40 6TH ST �s T � 1/2 STREET to O U) 0 0 00 w J L� I N O I 0 0 w O J a_ CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2018-001(A) RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN APPROXIMATELY 780 SQUARE FOOT DETACHED RESIDENTIAL ACCESSORY USE STRUCTURE — MAJOR IN AN R-1 (SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE) DISTRICT ADDRESS: 9763 RIVER FOREST DRIVE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 6, BLOCK 1 RIVER FOREST WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to construct a detached accessory use — major structure in the rear portion of the subject property for storage of boat and lawn equipment; and WHEREAS, the site is zoned Single -Family Residence (R-1), which allows such use by Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the proposed use and development are consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designation of "Places to Live" for the area; and WHEREAS, the applicants have provided materials documenting compliance with the terms of the applicable zoning regulations; and WHEREAS, the uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the R-1 zoning district; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on January 2nd, 2018 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed use is consistent with the intent and purpose of the R-1, Single Family Residence Zoning District. 2. The parcel on which the accessory building is to be located is of sufficient size such that the building will not crowd the open space on the lot; and 3. The accessory building will not be so large as to have an adverse effect on the architectural character or reasonable residential use of the surrounding property. 4. The accessory use structure - major meets the intent and requirements of the applicable zoning regulations, pursuant to the conditions attached to the Conditional Use Permit. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2018-001(A) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the Conditional Use Permit for an Accessory Use Structure - Major, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z as follows: 1. Accessory building space is to be utilized solely for the storage of residential personal property of the occupant of the principal dwelling, and no accessory building space is to be utilized for commercial purposes. 2. The accessory building shall be constructed to be similar to the principal building in architectural style and building materials. 3. The accessory building shall not exceed 15' in height as required by ordinance. 4. Access to the structure will remain on the property. 5. Final location of the proposed structure is subject to the Building Official's recommendation as related to the rear yard slope. 6. Survey staking of property lines and setbacks will be required at building permit to verify 6' sideyard setback requirement; a new certificate of survey including the proposed improvements may be required to verify property lines and setback. 7. Grading and drainage is subject to the comment of the City Engineer. 8. Compliance with the comments of other staff and Planning Commission. ADOPTED this 3rd day of April, 2018 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION On ATTEST: Brad Fyle, Chair Angela Schumann, Community Development Director 2 Planning Commission Agenda 04/03/18 3C. Consideration of Community Development Director's Report Council Action on Commission Recommendations Consideration to approve a request to adopt Ordinance No. 695, 696, and 697 amending the Monticello Zoning Ordinance Chapter 2, Section 4 Specific Review Procedures & Requirements, Chapter 4, Section 11 Building Materials, and Chapter 5, Section 3 Accessory Use Standards Applicant: City of Monticello Approved on 3/26/18 Downtown Zoning Ordinance Work Group A model ordinance was reviewed by the Downtown Ordinance Work Group on March 22" d The next meeting of the Zoning Ordinance Work Group has been set for Thursday, April 19th, 2018 at 7 AM to review and discuss. Council Workshop — South Sanitary Sewer Extension Plan The City Council approved a scope of work by WSB & Associates for the completion of the South Sanitary Sewer service area. For more information, please visit: http://www.ci.monticello.mn.us/index.asp?SEC=EC141EOF-1030-46B3-859B- 885E13E81706&DE=A9lF17C5-67CO-4547-86BF-77F85AC4F81E&Tvne=B BASIC Commission Training and Tour The Planning Commission training session on land use basics and role of the Commission will occur prior to the regular meeting on April 3rd. The Commission's community tour will occur in May. A focus area questionnaire is attached for completion by the Commission. Floodplain Ordinance City staff has send a draft of the Floodplain Overlay District ordinance to the MNDNR for review, per their required process. Staff used the DNR's model ordinance, which was presented as background data to the Commission in February and March. Once the DNR's comments have been received and the DNR and staff believe the ordinance ready for discussion and formal public comment, staff will bring forward a recommendation to the Commission to call for a public hearing. Staff are at this time anticipating a June public hearing request. Government Training Services Opportunities Attached is a listing of training opportunities offered by Government Training Services. If you would like to attend, the City can cover the cost of the registration. Please contact Jacob if you would like to participate in any of the sessions. , Y �o� Monticello Planning Commission 2018 Community Tour Worksheet Monticello Planning staff would like to coordinate a community tour for the Planning Commission, focusing on areas of specific interest. To help develop a final tour route, please provide suggestions as noted below. Geographic Ares Please list below any specific geographic areas of the community you would like tour during the tour (ex. Downtown Monticello, residential neighborhood of Sunset Ponds). Zoning Code Sections Please list below any areas within the zoning code for which you would like visual information/reference during the tour (ex. compliant landscaping standard sites, I-2 District areas, coordinated signage examples). Other Please list any other areas of focus for the tour which interest you (ex. Trunk Highway 25 corridor, specific areas of the annexation area, etc.). Please e mail your responses to Angela Schumann at angela. schumann@ci.monticello.mn.us. 11 Page Angela Schumann From: Angela Schumann Sent: Monday, March 19, 2018 8:44 AM To: 'Brad Fyle'; 'Charlotte Gabler'; 'John Alstad'; 'Katie Peterson'; 'Marc Simpson'; 'Samuel Murdoff' Cc: Jacob Thunander Subject: FW: Registration now open for 2018 Land Use Workshops! Good morning, Commissioners. Please see below for information on training sessions you may want to attend. If you would like to attend, the City can cover the cost of the registration. Please contact Jacob if you would like to participate in any of the sessions. Angela Schumann, AICP Community Development Director City of Monticello www.ci.monticello.mn.us 763-271-3224 Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government office is subject to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties. From: GTS Educational Events <events@ m ngts.org> Sent: Friday, March 16, 2018 9:31 AM To: Angela Schumann <Angela.Schumann@ci.monticello.mn.us> Subject: Registration now open for 2018 Land Use Workshops! Registration is open for 2018 Land Use workshops! Beyond the Basics -- May 24, St. Paul; June 28, Staples In this workshop, participants will learn how planning and zoning tools are used to deal with a wide variety of development issues influencing a community's built environment. The complexities of variances are a major focus. Presenters cover the what, when, and why (complete with "how-to's" and "how-not-to's") with numerous examples and case studies! Attend both Basis of Planning and Zoning and Beyond the Basics session and save $50. Your Role as Planning Commissioner -- May 16, Golden Valley; September 13, Burnsville; November 14, St. Paul; or attend virtually! As a Planning Commission member, you contribute hours of unpaid time to your community. Have you discovered that serving in this capacity is a bit more challenging than anticipated? This workshop will focus on what you need to know to be successful in this important position. You'll learn practical tips that can make the difference between results and regrets. Public Participation Techniques -- July 17, Golden Valley; or attend virtually! This workshop provides an overview of why public participation and community engagement is critical to the success of planners and policymakers. It explores the different techniques, when to provide them, and tips for handling difficult situations. This course is geared toward government staff, appointed and elected officials. Managing Risk -- July 24, Little Falls; October 9, St. Paul Through a review of the fundamental principles and key legal issues that guide land use decisions, as well as the review and interactive discussion of hypothetical case studies, participants in this session will learn how to make sound and legally supportable land use decisions. and more classes and dates announced soon! r