Parks Commission Agenda Packet 06-22-2006 REVIS D AGEN A PARKS COM ISSION June 22, 2006 - :30 p.m. 'To enhance community pride t rough developing and maintaining city parks with a hi h standard of quality" 1. Call to Order 2A. Approve minutes of May 25,2006 Parks Co mission meeting. 2B. Approve minutes of May 1 7, 2006 Special P ks Commission meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments and requests. 5. Discussion on placement of bike racks in do town area 6. Review of Riverside Cemetery fence replace ent plans and specifications and plan for reuse of a portion of the old fence. 7. Park Maintenance 8. Adjourn. Monticello Parks Co mission Meeting May 17, 006 Members Present: Rick Traver, Larry olan, Fran Fair, Nancy McCaffrey, Ben Hitter, Tom Perrault Members Absent: None Staff Present: Seth Nelson, Parks Super ntendent: Others Present: None 1. Call to order Chair Larry Nolan called the meet ng to order at 4:00PM and declared a quorum present at City Hall. Th Commission boarded a van and proceeded to tour several Montice 10 parks to inspect and discuss possible plans. No decisions were ade. The parks visited and comments made are noted below. 2. Hidden Forest Development. Th property was viewed from the road. Development has not started 3. Sunset Ponds Park. The area set side for the park does not appear to have any top soil. What is the requ rement for the developer for top soil? The utility boxes should hav some screening around them. The Parks Commission should start pIa ing on developing this park soon, as a number of homes and apartme t buildings are in place. 4. River Mills Park. After the 194 ork is completed, the pathway on the south side of the park should b completed and paved. The closure of the freeway access and final Ian scaping may have an impact on the pathway. A number of trees in the park appeared to be dead or dying. They should be removed and/or re laced. 5. Swan Park (Mississippi Drive P rk). We should consider re-naming this park Swan Park, as that is the sual usage. May want to consider some planting in front of the fence on the river bank as it is full of weeds at present. The area around e bench could use some fill. 6. Freeway Fields. Seth noted that ometimes soccer balls land in the yard and hit the house across from the park. Additional fencing would help prevent this. 1 Monticello Parks Commission Meeting May 17, 2006 ~ 7. Monti Club Hill. The parks commission looked over the site. Construction has not started. It was noted that the owners are reconsidering the plans for this property and it may be included in a land swap with the city. 8. Pioneer Park. Seth noted that there has been vandalism occurring at this park. The park is now used during the annual Riverfest and Walk and Roll. 9. Hunters Crossing Park. A number of homes are being built in this development. We should start thinking about when we should start developing this park. IO.Groveland Park. We have applied for a grant to help develop this park. The parking lot and basket ball court are on the list to be installed this year. II.Riverside Cemetery. Seth noted that the road in front of the cemetery will be rebuilt this year and a pathway added on the north side of the road by the cemetery. The existing fence will be removed and a new one will be installed five feet north of the present one. Seth would like to add some planting near the flag pole. The committee concluded it tour of the parks and adjourned at 5 :30PM. Submitted by Larry Nolan 2 . . . AGEN PARKS COM June 22, 2006 - :30 p.m. "To enhance community pride th ough developing and maintaining city parks with a hig standard of quality" 1. Call to Order 2. Approve minutes of May 25,2006 Parks Com ission meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments and requests. 5. Discussion on placement of bike racks in dow town area 6. Review of Riverside Cemetery fence replace ent plans and specifications and plan for reuse of a portion of the old fence. 7. Park Maintenance 8. Adjourn. . . . MIND ES PARKS CO MISSION Thursday, May 25, 006 - 4: 30 p.m. "To enhance community pride th ough developing maintaining City parks with a sta dard of quality." Members Present: Fran Fair, Ben Hitter, ancy McCaffrey, Larry Nolan, Rick Traver and Council Liaison, Tom errault. Members Absent: None Others Present: Seth Nelson, Park Sup rintendent. 1. Call to Order. Chair Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:3 p.m. and declared a quorum present. 2A. arks Commission meetin . RICK TRAVER MOVED TO APPROVE TH MINUTES OF THE APRIL 27,2006 REGULAR PARKS COMMISSION MEET G WITH CLARIFICATION ON THE LANDSCAPE REFERENCED IN THE CEM TERY DISCUSSION. FRAN FAIR SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION C RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2B. A rove minutes of March 24 2006 s ecial Parks Commission meetin . RICK TRAVER MOVED TO APPROVE T E MINUTES OF THE MARCH 24, 2006 SPECIAL PARKS COMMISSION MEET G. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH F N FAIR ABSTAINING. 3. Consideration of addin items to the a end . Seth Nelson added discussion of Nancy McCaffrey added a discussion of the proposed Lions Club projects. 4. Citizens comments and reauests. None. Seth Nelson stated he had heard man good comments about the plantings at East Bridge Park. 5. Re uest for financial contribution for Mo The Parks Commission reviewed a request fi r financial support for the Monticello Map produced by Lynne Dahl-Fleming. In 2005 t e Parks Commission had donated $500 and the Parks Commission was willing to donate the same amount for 2006. FRAN FAIR MOVED TO CONTRIBUTE 500 TOWARDS THE MONTICELLO MAP. NANCY MCCAFFREY SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . . . Larry Nolan asked that Seth Nelson work wit Lynne Dahl-Fleming to verify that all the park related information was correct. 6. Park Maintenance. Seth Nelson, Park Superintendent reviewed th work completed by the Parks Department staff. The irrigations systems are all up and running with rain sensors being installed on the systems. Staff has been working on Field #4 at the Xce Fields converting it from a baseball field to a softball field. The fields and parks have been erated and sprayed for weeds. He noted they had done some adjustments to the dock at Elli on Park. Fran Fair indicated that a group of individuals would be doing some plantings at he West Bridge Park and asked if some good soil could be brought in. 7. Review of Hidden Forest/Nia ara Falls Pia structure. The playstructure for the park in the Hidden F restlNiagara Falls area was reviewed by the Parks Department. The comments were sub itted to the Parks Commission for their consideration and also to the developer. Seth elson indicated that it was not clear from the drawing that was submitted what was being i stalled by the contractor and what was not. The Parks Commission discussed the time line for the park equipment installation. Since the park is proposed to be an amenity that enhances the s Ie of the lots, the developer will be looking to put in the park after the streets are in but befo e the area is built up much. The Parks Commission directed Seth Nelson to work wi h the developer and contractor to make sure the concerns with the play equipment noted by th Parks Department staff were addressed. 8. Updates. if any. A. Review of Plans for Villas on Elm uff Pro ert . The plans which have received concept stage approval by the Council were reviewed by the Parks Commission who questioned why no consideration was iven to acquiring any park land. They noted that the Swan River Charter School had ex ressed their concern about no park being located in this area B. Web site. Nancy McCaffrey submitted a map fr m the City's website showing the various parks. She felt this was good information to ave and emphasized the need to keep this updated. Since there is no one perso responsible for the updating of the City's website, Seth Nelson indicated he wo ld be willing to do the Parks portion of the website. c. Lions Club Projects. Seth Nelson reported on two projects t at the Lions Club is considering doing. One is a clock tower project located at the site fthe present Hi-Way Liquor Store sign. The clock tower would include a message oard for community events. The second project would be a Christmas event at West B . dge Park. The Lions Club did stage an event last year at the park at Christmas time nd the response was very good. It is their plan . . . to enlarge on the event. Seth Nelson oted discussions were all preliminary at this stage and he will keep the Parks Com ission informed on the Lions projects. D. Walk and Roll. Normally the Parks Commission has booth at walk and roll but this year because of other commitments the Parks Commi sion is not able to staff it. E. Pioneer Park. Tom Perrault asked if any additional quipment was going to be placed at Pioneer Park. The Parks Commission discussed pos ible pieces that could be added to the park. 9. Adjourn. NANCY MCCAFFREY MOVED TO ADJO RN AT 5:35 P.M. RICK TRAVER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION C RIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary Monticello Parks Mont ly Completed Tasks May 25- lun 22, 2006 -Klein Farms proposed pathway leveled and se ded -Watered every other day to promote owth and establish -Pioneer Park pond pathway mowed -Ottercreek weed removal and clean up - Pressure washed gazebo -Added ag lime on path -Picnic table boards replaced -Specification sheet for fencing field #4 at Xce -Garbage and trash run every Monday and Fri ay -Cemetery clean up before memorial day -Ballfields maintained and mowed -Parks mowed weekly - Two new seasonals brought on board -Pathway cleaned for walk and roll -Prepared Pioneer Park for walk and roll -Picked up supplies and 17 bikes for walk and 011 and brought to Pioneer Park -Cemetery staking requests -Teens in trouble helped pull weeds and sprea chips -Removed end boards at 4th street rink in prep ation for asphalt work to be done. -Installed fountain at W.B. Park -Planted 3 crabs at hill crest park -Watered trees as needed -Began Xcel field #4 reconstruction -Replaced 2 trees at the community center -Moved picnic tables around -Hauled a few 1 ton loads of dirt to riverside c etery -Began filling depressions and seeding at river ide cemetery -Replaced bench boards -Mowed battle rapids -Trimmed up spireas at Ellison park -Worked with lions on lighting at memorial - Lighting at memorial installed -Cut down diseased elm along pathway and ch pped, also cut boxelder for Matt T. -Removed turf on field 4 and began replacing ith ag lime. -Began removing fence at Riverside cemetery -Removed hazard tree in West Bridge Park -Began landscaping at community center -Placed park stencil on park picnic tables -Removed dead tree on east river street -Mowed pathway at Pioneer for Girls Cross C untry -Trimmed up trees at riverside cemetery -Bases installed at Xcel field 4, ready to play 0 until fence is under construction -Irrigation heads replaced