City Council Minutes 07-09-2001 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL CSAH 75 WORKSHOP July 9, 2001 - 5:30 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: Roger Carlson Staff Present: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, 011ie Koropchak, Roger Mack, John Simola; WSB: Becky Hauschild, Ron Bray and Bret Weiss; Wright County Highway Department: Wayne Fingalson and Virgil Hawkins, Wright County Commissioner: Pat Sawatzke The workshop for the CSAH 75 project opened at 5:30 p.m. WSB & Associates, Inc. presented information on the proposed design for CSAH 75 from Washington Street to Otter Creek Road. It was noted that the Minnesota Department of Transportation had approved a variance from design standards to allow construction of a median 3' in width instead of 4' and 8.5' parking lanes instead of 10' for CSAH 75 from Washington Street to Chestnut Street. The engineers then presented design information on the preferred alternative which includes five lanes but retains parking. This design is lower in cost because existing curb and storm sewer remains in place and the power line does not need to be moved. It accommodates the residents desire to retain street parking and to continue to allow them to back out of their driveway onto CSAH 75. The engineers presented information on traffic volumes, safety considerations, accidents and other items that factored into their design of the street layout. The design limits access onto certain streets. The engineers reviewed the design layout noting which streets were proposed to have full access and which streets would have limited or restricted access. This had been an area of concern for some members of the Council particularly as far as emergency vehicles. The County representatives felt that the limited access was a trade off for being able to maintain parking on Broadway (CSAR 75). There was still concern expressed about one three block segment that had limited access. There were a number of other sites where there would have to be some modifications to their access to CSAH 75. These include Pinewood Elementary and West Side Market. There was discussion on landscaping and plantings for the median. It was noted that the landscaping plan should feature hearty vegetation that requires little irrigation. Staff noted that they would review successful plantings installed by other cities in similar environments and report back to the City Council. Preliminary cost estimates were presented. Of an estimated total of $2,900,000-$3,100,000, the City's share would be approximately $2,100,000 and the County's share $1,000,000. There was a question raised on the lighting cost presented. Ron Bray explained that the $102,000 cost was to replace the existing street lighting. It did not include the cost of the signal which would be another Special Meeting Minutes - 7/9/01 $150,000 and that cost would be shared equally by the City and the County. It was pointed out that a good portion of the City's cost was for replacement of sanitary sewer and water main. The County was asking that the City approve the design layout at the July 23, 2001 Council meeting. It was felt that the City should hold another informational meeting so that the residents could see the design layout and have another chance to comment on the design. An informational meeting was set for Monday, July 23, 2001 at 5:30 at the Monticello City Hall. Recording Secretary 2