City Council Resolution 2018-19Resolution 2018-19 j,� j-- MAL 41 NM WHEREAS, to better assist our State legislative leaders, we have collectively identified certain legislative issues and proposals that are of specific impact and interest to our communities to enable them to respond in a manner that strengthens our local units of government and the State in fostering the continuation and enhancement of our socially, economically and culturally vibrant communities. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Councils of Monticello and Becker, that the following legislative issues and proposals are of interest or concern to the local area and therefore officially support and advocate the following actions of the MN State Legislature: POLICYPROPOSALS 1. State Mandate Relief (LMC SD -1 & 2): SUPPORT legislation that reduces or eliminates unfunded and/or onerous mandates to local governments. No additional mandates should be enacted unless the legislature or agency imposing the requirements provides a permanent stable revenue source for the mandate. 2. Adequate Funding for Transportation (LMC LE -33).: SUPPORT legislation that provides local units of government access to resources and funding tools to meet growing needs. 3, Growth Mana2ement and Annexation (LMC LE -1): SUPPORT guiding growth and development through local plans and control. The state should not adopt a mandatory comprehensive statewide planning process. 4. Broadband (LMC LE -16): SUPPORT funding for statewide broadband. 5. Ri2ht-of-Wav Mana2ement (LMC LE -18): OPPOSE efforts to further restrict local govenurient authority over public right-of-way. 6. Public Infrastructure Utilities (LMC LE -32): SUPPORT efforts to authorize cities to create and impose charges for service to ensure funding for maintenance infrastructure. 7. Administrative Fines for Code Violations (LMC SD -15): SUPPORT the use of administrative fines for local regulatory ordinances, such as buildings codes, zoning codes, health codes, public nuisance ordinances, etc. 8. Orzanized Solid Waste Collection (SD -23): OPPOSE legislation that would allow inverse condemnation claims to city solid waste contracting decisions. 9. Impaired Waters (SD -65): SUPPORT equitable funding solutions for the design and implementation of Minnesota's impaired waters program. 10. Economic Development/Redevelopment (LMC LE -9, LE -22, LE -23, LE -24, LE -25, LE - 26, LE -27, LF -30): SUPPORT tools for economic development and redevelopment by supporting business and industry through statutes and prograins for affordable and workplace housing and OPPOSE levy limits on tax increment financing and tax abatement. 1. Carbon Reduction Facilities — Nuclear Ener v: SUPPORT legislation that will allow public utilities to recover costs. 12. Government Data Practices and Data Retention (LMCDP-1): SUPPORT legislation that addresses the growing and costly impact on cities of providing access to specific public data housed in large electronic databases. 1. Expansion of 1-94 to Monticello: Continue to FUND lane expansions of 1-94 from St. Michael to Monticello. 2. Improve connectivity between TH 10 and 1-94: Support funding for improved connectivity between TH 10 and 1-94. TH 25 is heavily used traffic route for freight vehicles. 3. Inland Rail Economic Development and Job Stabilization & Growth Act of 2018: support funding and/or programs to address economic development and improvements surrounding inland rail. Adopted this 26th day of March 2018, by the City Councils of the Cities of City of Monticello Mayor City dpi4mistrator RVIRWITIM Mayor City Administrator