City Council Minutes 03-12-2018 SpecialMINUTES
Monday, March 12, 2018 — 5 p.m.
Academy Room
City Hall - Monticello Community Center
Present: Brian Stumpf, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart
Absent: None
Others: City staff Jeff O'Neill, Matt Thiesen, Tom Moores, Angela Schumann, Shibani
Bisson, Tom Pawelk, and Jennifer Schreiber
Other: Darek Vetsch, Wright County and Steve Grittman, NAC
1. Call to Order
Mayor Brian Stumpf called the special meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
2. 5 p.m. CLOSED MEETING — Consideration of negotiations for sale of bio -solids
site (1645 County Road 39 NE)
3. 5:30 p.m. Approving Preparation of Southeast Service Area Sewer Extension
Technical Memorandum
Shibani Bisson, WSB/City Engineer, and Angela Schumann, Community Development
Director, gave a presentation on the southeast service area sewer extension. The
presentation included: the purpose; history of sanitary sewer system planning; history of
trunk fee analysis/sanitary sewer CIP; existing lot inventory; short term and long term
growth goals; and the proposed SE sewer technical memorandum. The hourly not to
exceed fee for the technical memorandum is $29,292 and is to be funded by the sanitary
sewer trunk fund. Ms. Bisson the 2005 Interceptor Project and trunk fee analysis. The
city needs to plan for grown but be not overbuild the system. Trunk fee rates of 2006 and
2018 were demonstrated with a total of approximately $2,700/unit for sewer trunk
Angela Schumann discussed the status of the city in terms of growth and resident lot
inventory. There are 85 platted residential lots available (from 2018 inventory) and an
estimated 475 preliminary platted lots with available sewer/water within city limits. Ms.
Schumann noted that existing sewer capacity limits growth in the annexation area. There
is a need to evaluate existing system capacity and phased improvements and financing.
Discussion ensued among the City Council. Councilmember Fair questioned whether or
not trunk fees would increase with the expansion of service. Shibani Bisson responded
that they could potentially increase.
Gary Nesseth, Realtor, addressed the city council. He noted that it is hard to sell in the
city because Monticello doesn't have enough buildable lots. He also questioned which
came first — development or infrastructure. Ms. Schumann responded that the city needs
to assess what capacity it has. Ms. Bisson added that the study should take approximately
two months.
City Council Special Meeting Minutes — March 12, 2018
Councilmember Gabler moved approval of preparation of a Southeast Service Area
Sewer Extension Technical Memorandum. Councilmember Fair seconded the
motion. Motion carried unanimously.
4. Adjournment
By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 6:06 p.m.
Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber
City Council Special Meeting Minutes — March 12, 2018