Planning Commission Agenda 05-01-2018AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, May lst, 2018 - 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners: Brad Fyle, Sam Murdoff, Marc Simpson, John Alstad, Katie Peterson Council Liaison: Charlotte Gabler Staff: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman (NAC), Jacob Thunander 1. General Business A. Call to Order B. Consideration of approving minutes a. Workshop Meeting Minutes — April 3rd, 2018 b. Regular Meeting Minutes — April 3rd, 2018 C. Citizen Comments D. Consideration of adding items to the agenda E. Consideration to approve agenda 2. Public Hearings A. Consideration of a request for Variance to rear yard setback requirements in the R-2 (Single Family and 2 Family Residential) District Applicant: Daniel and Christine Stevens B. Consideration of a request for amendment to Conditional Use Permit for wireless communications antenna on existing telecommunications tower in the R-A (Residential Amenities) District Applicant: Nextera Communications C. Public Hearing — Consideration of a request for Variance to height of a structure above 25 feet in the Mississippi River Wild & Scenic District, Variance to parking delineation standards, and Variance to rear yard setback in the I-1 (Light Industrial) District Applicant: Mike Blackston D. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for Rezoning to Planned Unit Development and Development Stage Planned Unit Development for a 44-unit, 4 story apartment complex in the CCD (Central Community District) Applicant: The Briggs Companies 3. Regular Agenda A. Consideration to call for a public hearing on June Sth, 2018 for consideration of an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 3, Section 7 for the Floodplain Overlay District B. Consideration of the Community Development Directors Report 4. Added Items 5. Adjournment MINUTE S REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, Apri13''d, 2018 - 4:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present Council Liaison Present Staff Present: 1. Call to Order Brad Fyle, Sam Murdoff, Marc Simpson, John Alstad, and Katie Peterson Lloyd Hilgart Angela Schumann and Steve Grittman (NAC) Brad Fyle called the regular meeting of the Monticello Planning Commission to order at 4:30 p.m. 2. Plannin� Commission/Land Use Basics Trainin� Steve Grittman provided a booklet to the members of the Planning Commission about Planning Zoning Basics. Grittman provided an overview on the following topics: state statute for planning, meeting conduct and Robert's Rules of Order, Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinances and Zoning Amendments, Conditional Use Permits, Interim Use Permits, Variances, decision-making and Findings of Fact, "60 Day Rule", Subdivisions and Plats, Planned Unit Development, Nonconformities, and Annexation. Discussion pursued. 3. Adiournment �:. MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 5:55 P.M. SAM MURDOFF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: May 4, 2018 Attest: Angela Schumann, Community Development Director Planning Commission Minutes — Apri13, 2018 Page 1 � 1 MINUTE S REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, Apri13''d, 2018 - 6:00 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Commissioners Present Council Liaison Present Staff Present: 1. General Business A. Call to Order Brad Fyle, Sam Murdoff, Marc Simpson, John Alstad, and Katie Peterson Lloyd Hilgart Angela Schumann and Steve Grittman (NAC) Brad Fyle called the regular meeting of the Monticello Planning Commission to order at 6:02 p.m. B. Consideration of approvin� minutes a. Special Meetin� Minutes — March 6th, 2018 MARC SIMPSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES FROM MARCH 6TH, 2018. SAM MURDOFF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. b. Re�ular Meetin� Minutes — March 6th, 2018 SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO APPROVE THE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES FROM MARCH 6TH, 2018. KATIE PETERSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. C. Citizen Comments None. D. Consideration of addin� items to the a�enda None. E. Consideration to approve a�enda N/A 2. Public Hearings A. Public Hearin� — Consideration of a request for an Amendment to Conditional Use Permit for a Clinic Facilitv in the B-1 (Nei�hborhood Business) District and Variance to the Required Parkin� Standards to Support a Parkin� Lot Expansion Applicant: Robin Matushin Steve Grittman explained that Central Minnesota Mental Health Center currently has a parking lot on the south and southwest corner of their parking. There are about 30 parking spaces currently available. Parking by staff and clients have occurred on school property and on street when their current parking lot is filled. The Monticello Middle School has recently made changes to their site and will no longer be able to accommodate the clinic's parking needs. The proposed parking Planning Commission Minutes — Apri13, 2018 Page 1 � 5 would be added to the existing parking lot on the west side of their property to Fourth Street. No access would be available from Fourth Street. Grittman explained that staff originally asked the applicant to apply for a variance to the parking requirements of the code, however the expansion will exceed the minimum amount required by code. The proposed addition of 24 spaces would create a total of 58 spaces. Grittman also explained the current landscaping and stated that it met the intent of the City's Zoning Ordinance requirements for screening. The applicant also proposed adding additional shrubs on the west side of the site. Staff asked the applicant to shift one of the shrub clusters to the north of the site to block lighting glare from the parking area onto 4th Street. No exterior changes or use changes were proposed. Grittman reviewed the City Engineer's letter and explained that there were concerns by the applicant's engineer with the 4:1 side slopes to the proposed pond. Grittman explained that the City Engineer and the applicant would need to work together to resolve any issues with slopes. Staff recommended approval with conditions as displayed in Exhibit Z. Brad Fyle opened the public hearing. Angela Schumann added that the applicant provided an additional narrative that provided more background on their parking demand. Robin Matushin, the applicant, introduced herself and provided background on the proj ect. Matushin acknowledged that they are withdrawing their application for variance as it is no longer needed. Sam Murdoff asked why the applicant did not propose an entrance/exit onto Fourth Street. Matushin stated that it would be too close to the intersection of Hennepin Street and 4th Street. JeffMichaelis, 630 E 4th Street, asked if lighting would be added for the parking lot and if site drainage would be changing for the existing parking. Robin Matushin responded that lighting would not be added and that the catch basin would not be effected. Hearing no further comments, the public hearing was closed. John Alstad asked if non-lighted parking lots would cause a safety concern. Schumann stated that the City cannot require lighting. Schumann added that any added lighting would require conformance to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. Decision 1. Conditional Use Permit for Clinic in B-1 District. Planning Commission Minutes — Apri13, 2018 Page 2 � 5 SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO ADOPT RESOLUTION NO. PG2018-010, RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ACCOMMODATE THE EXPANSION OF THE PARI�ING LOT ON THE SUB7ECT PROPERTY TO 58 SPACES AS SHOWN ON THE SITE PLANS DATED 03/OS/2018, BASED ON THE CONDITIONS AND FIl�TDINGS 1NCLUDED 1N EXHIBIT Z. MARC SIMPSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. EXHIBIT Z Conditional Use Permit for Clinic in B-1 District Central Minnesota Mental Health 801 Washington Street Lots 1-6, Block 39, Lower Monticello 1. The applicant should add a planting of evergreen shrubs and/or trees to the north edge of the new parking area to screen headlight glare to the north. 2. The terms of the City Engineer's review for stormwater management and related issues are complied with. 3. The applicant shall provide the required drainage and utility easements as described in the City Engineer's report. 4. The applicant shall execute and record the required stormwater maintenance agreement. 5. Parking in the temporary lot across Washington is terminated. 6. Recommendations of other staff and Planning Commission as specified. 3. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of a sketch plan presentation bv Arch Mana�ement Steve Grittman explained a sketch plan for a housing development on three separate parcels. He stated that the parcels are surrounded by a mix of low and medium residential and commercial zoning. Grittman explained the sketch plan was for an apartment complex with 58 units. Tuck-under, surface, and detached parking were provided on the concept. The applicant would terminate 6'/z Street with a cul-de-sac. Grittman reminded the Planning Commission that a previous application included a townhome proj ect and staff recommended extending 6'/z Street to Elm Street because of that specific proj ect concept. Grittman explained that the northern two parcels are owned by the County and would need to be acquired together. The southeast corner parcel is privately owned and would need to be acquired to extend the utilities. Planning Commission Minutes — Apri13, 2018 Page 3 � 5 Grittman explained staff observations to the proposal as provided in the staff report. Brad Fyle asked about the cul-de-sac. Grittman stated that in-lieu of extending 6 '/z Street to Elm, a cul-de-sac was proposed. He explained that 6'/z Street currently ends without a reasonable turnaround for emergency vehicle equipment and other traffic. The streets surrounding the townhomes to the east of the proposed site plan include private roads, except 6'/z Street. It is recommended to have the cul-de-sac for turnaround traffic on public roads rather than private streets. Randy Kyrola, the applicant, introduced himself and his business — Arch Management. Kyrola provided a presentation with the proposal. The concept was designed from plans from a senior housing complex that is being constructed in Waite Park. Brad Fyle stated that the parcel would need to be rezoned to R-4. Kyrola confirmed that a rezoning would be necessary to accommodate the size of the building. John Alstad asked if there was a reason for one large building rather than several smaller buildings. Kyrola responded that it is easier to maintain one building and there's a larger sense of connectedness. Sam Murdoff asked if the property would be geared towards senior housing. Kyrola declined and stated it was true market rent living. Murdoff asked if additional landscaping would be provided. Kyrola explained that he would not have issues with meeting the code. Murdoff commented that he would like to have an alternative to the cul-de-sac design. Marc Simpson asked about the topography of the parcels. Kyrola mentioned that the land is fairly flat with the exception the northern part by 6th Street which dips. He explained the intention was to keep all the soil currently there, on site. Simpson asked after Ruff Auto Salvage closed if it was cleaned up. Kyrola confirmed that it went through MPCA and received grant funds to help with the efforts. Lloyd Hilgart asked that the City Council could discuss the sketch plan before further plans. Staff responded that there is no direction on how to handle sketch plat review from the City Council level. Hilgart identified concerns with rezoning to R-4 for the proj ect. B. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2018-OOlA, a corrected resolution of 2018- 001 Angela Schumann noted that the item was only a corrected resolution. The resolution that was adopted had an error in the address and some of the conditions in Exhibit Z were excluded in the final draft. Planning Commission Minutes — Apri13, 2018 Page 4 � 5 SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 2018-OOlA MARC SIMPSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. C. Consideration of the Communitv Development Director's Report Angela Schumann provided the Community Development Director's Report. 4. Added Items None. 5. Adjournment SAM MURDOFF MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:12 P.M. MARC SIMPSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 5-0. �; Recorder: Jacob Thunander Approved: May 4, 2018 �I� Attest: Angela Schumann, Community Development Director .� Planning Commission Minutes — Apri13, 2018 Page 5 � 5 Planning Commission Agenda — OS/O1/2018 2A. Consideration of a request for Variance to rear vard setback requirements in the R-2 (Single Familv and 2 Familv Residential) District. Applicant: Daniel and Christine Stevens (NAC) Property: Planning Case Number: Legal: South Half of Lots 1 and 2, Block 38, Original Plat Address: 419 3rd Street West 2018-011 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Deadline for Decision: Land Use Designation: Zoning Designation: Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: Current Site Use: Surrounding Land Uses: North: East: South: West: Setback Variance to accommodate garage addition and remodeling of existing single family home. June 29, 2018 Places to Live (Residential) R-2, Single and Two Family Residence District The purpose of the "R-2" single and two-family residential district is to provide for low to moderate density one and two unit dwellings and directly related complementary uses. NA Single Family Residence Single Family Residence Single Family Residence Single Family Residence Single Family Residence/Townhouses Project Description: The applicant's property consists of a single family home with an attached single car garage at the northeast corner of 3rd Street and Maple Street. The structure faces 3rd Street, but its narrow frontage is along Maple Street. The zoning ordinance considers the narrowest frontage to be the front yard. The applicants wish to add a new two-car garage to the east side of the building (adjacent to the existing garage), and remodel the existing garage to additional living space. The new garage would encroach into the east property line Planning Commission Agenda — OS/O1/2018 setback, technically a required rear yard. The required setback is 30 feet. The proposed setback is 13.2 feet. ANALYSIS Variance Consideration. Variance requests are required to meet specific standards to be considered for approval. Those standards are summarized as a situation where there are conditions unique to the property, not created by the applicant, that create practical difficulties in putting the property to what would otherwise be considered a reasonable use. In this case, the applicant contends that the orientation of the house (facing the long frontage of 132.8 feet on 3rd Street, rather than the short frontage of 82.5 feet on Maple Street) creates conditions that prohibit the construction of a new two-stall garage. From a general standard, a two-stall garage would definitely be considered to be a reasonable accessory use for contemporary single family land uses. The applicant's proposed garage extends the existing structure by 26 feet toward the east property line, resulting in a setback of 13.2 feet from the east property line. As this area is the rear yard based on the code, the setback is 30'. Because the 3rd Street frontage is technically the side street frontage of a corner lot, the proposed setback of 26.7 (matching the existing home setback) is conforming to the required 20 foot setback for this location. It should be pointed out that along this frontage, the applicant will shift the driveway to the east. A separate driveway permit is required as a component of that aspect of the proj ect. The garage also extends 36 feet deep toward the north property line, leaving a setback of 19.8 feet. The north property line is technically a side line (although this area is used as the "rear" yard of the property, given the house orientation). The required side yard setback, applicable to lots in the original plat, is 6 feet. There appears to be very limited configuration options that would allow the applicant to increase garage space on the property to two stalls. Even an extension of a single garage stall to the existing garage would encroach into the required east line setback, and would eliminate the ability to expand living space by remodeling the existing garage. Staff considered a scenario in which 3rd Street would be considered the "front" for purposes of setback, but the existing structure (and thus, the new addition) would violate the required 30 foot setback from that line. As such, planning believes that the proposed arrangement is a reasonable solution to the property's lack of two car garage, and an accommodation to encourage expansion of the living space, an important aspect of the City's interest in maintaining its existing housing stock It is noted that the garage setback from the adjoining property lines is 13.2 feet from the east, and 19.8 feet from the north. Typical setback requirements would be 30 feet rear and 6 feet side. 2 Planning Commission Agenda — OS/O1/2018 Shed Location. If the City approves the variance in the proposed configuration, the existing shed in the rear yard would raise an issue with regard to its separation from the proposed garage. The shed is currently non-conforming due to a 2 foot setback from the property line to the north, whereas 6 feet is required. Moreover, the new garage would create an encroachment to just under the required 6 foot building separation. The proposed garage is 936 square feet in area (26 feet wide by 36 feet deep), and extends to within 20 feet of the north property line. Staff would recommend that the existing shed be moved to a conforming location on the property as a condition of variance consideration. In the alternative, the applicant may choose to address the shed in the following ways, if moving the structure is not preferred: Reduce the proposed garage addition depth from 36 feet to about 35.5 feet. This would meet the required six foot separation, leaving the shed in place as a legal non-conforming setback. Remove the shed from the property. The applicant could, if preferred, recover the lost storage space by increasing the depth of the garage if the shed were not on the property. Consider attaching the shed to the new garage. This would require the addition of frost footings and other building code requirements for the shed. In this way, it would be considered a part of the garage, and subj ect only to the 6 foot setback from the north property line. Processin�. As discussed above, the applicant proposes to remodel the existing garage to create living space for the home. This will result in an increase in the total square footage of the principal building from the existing 983 square feet to 1,375 square feet. Without the remodeling the accessory garage space would be significantly greater than the principal living space, counter to the normal relationship. As such, the applicant should be required to apply for the entire proj ect (demolition, remodeling and new construction) under a common building permit, and receive a certificate of occupancy only when the entire project is complete. Buildin� Materials. Finally, it is presumed that the new addition will utilize the same building siding as that of the principal building. The elevation drawings show a continuation of the brick wainscot along the front of the building, but does not specify the siding material. This requirement is recommended as a condition of approval. The applicant is also required to meet code standard for the expanded garage as related to brick coverage on the front elevation. Planning Commission Agenda — OS/O1/2018 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS L Motion to adopt Resolution No. PC-2018-01 lapproving the setback variance for the Stevens garage addition at 413 3rd Street, based on findings in said resolution, and pursuant to the conditions identified in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No. PC-2018-011, based on findings identified by the Planning Commission following the public hearing. 3. Motion to table action Resolution No. PC-2018-011, subject to submission of additional information from staff or applicant. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Planning staff recommends Alternative 1, approval of the variance. As noted, the property has only a single car garage, and cannot add additional garage space — typical for contemporary single family housing — without encroaching into one of the required yards. The proposed solution accomplishes a reasonable garage arrangement, and adds finished living space to the home, both positive objectives for maintenance of existing housing stock. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution PC-2018-011 B. AerialImage C. Applicant Narrative D. Certificate of Survey E. Elevation Drawings F. Floor Plans Z. Conditions of Approval � Planning Commission Agenda — OS/O1/2018 EXHIBIT Z Stevens Setback Variance 419 3''d Street West South Half of Lots 1 and 2, Block 38 Original Plat of Monticello 1. Applicant verifies that materials for the addition will match those of the existing structure. 2. The existing shed is relocated to a conforming location on the property, or the applicant chooses one of the other options to resolve the shed setback/building separation requirement. 3. The applicant applies for all aspects of the proj ect under a common building permit request, with occupancy only upon completion of the entire proj ect. 4. The applicant applies for and receives a driveway permit to modify the existing driveway location to comply with the revised site plan and ordinance requirements. 5. And additional recommendations of other staff. 5 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2018-011 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO APPROVING A VARIANCE TO THE REQUIRED REAR YARD SETBACK IN AN R-2 DISTRICT WHEREAS, the applicant owns a single family home at 413 3rd Street West in an R-2 zoning district; and WHEREAS, the existing home has an attached single car garage; and WHEREAS, the home is situated on the subject corner property facing the side street, according to zoning ordinance definitions; and WHEREAS, the applicant proposes to expand the home by adding a two-car garage and refinishing the existing garage to living space; and WHEREAS, the addition of such a garage is impractical without encroaching on a setback requirement; and WHEREAS, the proposed land use is a reasonable use of the subject property, consistent with the land uses in the area, including other residential dwellings; and WHEREAS, the proposed expansion is a reasonable location on the property, within other zoning regulations, and would raise other zoning and site development issues if located in other portions of the property, such that there are practical difficulties in complying with the strict language of the zoning ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the matter at its regular meeting on May lst, 2018 and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed expansion is consistent with the intent of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use is reasonable, given the conditions in the area, and on the subj ect property. There are practical difficulties in using the lot as proposed without approval of the proposed variance. 4. The proposed expansion will otherwise meet the requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance for consideration of the proposed yard location variance. 5. The proposed expansion will not create undue burdens on public systems, including streets and utilities. 6. The proposed use will not create substantial impacts on neighboring land uses that are not within the expectations of the current zoning allowances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, sitting as the Board of Adjustment and Appeals, Minnesota that the proposed variance is hereby approved, subj ect to the conditions of Exhibit Z of the staff report, as follows: 1. Applicant verifies that materials for the addition will match those of the existing structure. 2. The existing shed is relocated to a conforming location on the property, or the applicant chooses one of the other options to resolve the shed setback/building separation requirement. 3. The applicant applies for all aspects of the proj ect under a common building permit request, with occupancy only upon completion of the entire project. 4. The applicant applies for and receives a driveway permit to modify the existing driveway location to comply with the revised site plan and ordinance requirements. 5. And additional recommendations of other staff. ADOPTED this lst day of May, 2018 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. 2 MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION : ATTEST: Brad Fyle, Chair Angela Schumann, Community Development Director Daniel and Christine Stevens - Request for Variance Createdby:CityofMonticello Lengthy Legal - See City Hall � 419 3rd Street W � PI D 155-010-038011 � K :'"`� � * °' '' , . �� � %' �=� � a. ��:� . � .�- t � � `'� � � .,� �° ",,� -' � 'r , , � , _ .,' - r , _ � .. ; . „ `, '' � � °�, ,� , - � ��� , , __ � . .. , I� ,� '-f� ; � � - , s ; . � i � � �i� ~ � �, �II 55fl1�{1 ' • � .�. � . ., . � , . �, �� . ,� .. ,,�, ` � •w .. � . . �` , . ��� ; ,o � _ . �. �;.. _ � � .� � y �. ,��,. , ,h�,; .a� ., '�,�,� , � � � ,,, `+. ,P'�' ,� 4 . � � �. .:� � �l h'i``,- � 'A •y�. . . �,�' r :;�, k �... 'i�� �4�R�� `Tc 1 . . w r ,n �� �� . 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' �-. , � , �":��t r �� � � . ,.., ` +r, I 157ft � �� •. •��„ � r ����� • ., __ '� � I��4 `.��'�� t '`4,..C9��_ . t��r I``� � � . � .., _ , � ,.. �_ Variance Criteria: (i) The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use if the provisions of this ordinance are strictly applied. The property can not be put to a reasonable use due to the zoning address is different then the street address which causes the issue. The narrowest part of the property is the Maple Street which is the zoning address. What causes the issue is the home is not facing the narrowest part of the property. This is the reason for the request for a variance. The street address is 3rd Street. (419 West 3rd Street). The length or front of the home faces 3`d street. � �� We are asking for a variance to add on a foot deep by�foot wide two car garage. We would be turning the existing one car garage into a living room to add to the square foota.ge of the home. This would make the home longer in length on the property facing 3`d street. The dept of,g'��feet would be added in the back yard which does not have any negative impact on either neighboring homes or street view. The small shed in the back yard would remain and would be used for garden and lawn equipment. (ii) The circumstances rendering the property unusable are unique to the property. The property is unique due the zoning address (Maple Street) states it is the narrowest part of the property. This then makes the 24 foot width of the sides of the home the front and back or rear yards if going by the zoning address. Going by the zoning address puts the existing one car garage as being in the rear or back of the property. The home is facing the street address of 3`a Street. Therefore making the length of the home the two side yards. (iii) The circumstances rendering the property unusable were not created by the owner thereof. The home was built in 1970 with limited zoning laws for the Maple street zoning address. Home was purchased by owner in Apri12014 with the existing circumstances. (iv) A Variance, if granted will not alter the essential character of the locaiity. A Variance, if granted wauld increase the square footage of the home, increasing the property valve and also adding to the character of the locality. If granted would also provide more covered /indoor parking and starage. This would provide more indoor and driveway parking eliminating street parking. We would be able to move extra outside items into the garage for storage. The expansion wauld have no negative impact on the locality. In fact it would add to the curb appeal of the home and usability of the property. (v) Economic considerations alone shall not constitute a sufficient basis for a Variance if reasonable use for the property exists under the terms of the regulation. Not applicable with this variance request. If variance is granted would provide better use of the property. Summary: We have spoken with both of the neighbors and both are in acceptance of the proposed variance. We appreciate your time and consideration for the variance being requested. Dan and I like living in the city of Monticello we are looking forward to spending many more years here. j � cxc�'u � � � �r��ut�n�cP .� ����,�,��Q� ,,�., Gr�k:r�� � � '� �- '`� �';, (r. .r .�.; � �� � t.�'�'4 ��.��-°� � ��' �E-�'� 1, �� �� ' ",� � �J`-t` �% � `�.�Gz;�;� �� � c� � �v�� � ,(� � �✓ �'�- %��� , ,��-i�.�t��; Z�� �� ����-.� -�� A. q i 9 /� � � �� p y 1• ) � (�J°� 'jf`� �i�����:J� f � �0�-���`_ � ' „' •,..�i�� " �./ � i �� ��'i L v \�`-� � �` � � � �� ��� � �� � �,� � �� ��' ��� �� �..�.��� ° � �� �.� � ,�p �� � �: �� ���s-� �� � j� �='� � � � ,� �,c.�.� ����:v .�� �� ���� �;�,�.� ��- �� ✓��,,,�,w � C.�P L�L��- ��- ��L�- �`" ' "� . �����r�.�.� �� � .-- �����-�� �: ����s � �����E�-���� Section 8.2 Rules o f Measurement Subsection (B) Lots (iv) Side Lot Line The side lot line is the lot line connecting the front and rear lot lines regardless of whether it abuts a right-of-way or another lot line. Figure 8-3: Yards, Lot Lines, and Building Lin�. {in general) °� � m � REAR LOT LINE `--� �.a�..�.o�...�.,s..�'..#�_ .�...�..�..�..�,..� � � e�+ � � O RfAR YARD � � - . P �r :_, �, _ _ � � � ��� � ,' � S1DE ior LI1VE � sfD� � SIQE �'- �` � " Y,4RD YARD ,� � � � . r.. SlDE � ' g� ` LOT ;.s�m�a��^ ..1 _���; LlldE � � ,' � . � fRONT YARD BUILDIIVG � ilAlE5 i A ����¢eiql�Y�aa�!• •���• �����\�P����f�!\��I�t!l�fsm'��� � �^�-- FRQIVT LOT 111VE � �� � � ������ � (h) Lot Types (see Figure 8-4) (i) Base Lot A contiguous parcel of land in identical ownership throughout, bounded by other lots or streets, and used or set aside and available for use as the site of one or more buildings or other deiinite purpose. References to "lot" within this ordinance are synonymous with "base lot." (ii) Corner Lot A lot located at the intersection of two or more streets (other than alleys), regardless of whether or not such streets intersect at right angles. (iii) Cul-de-Sac Lot A lot located on the head or turn around of a cul-de-sac with side lot lines � � Q Figure 8-4: Lot Types �4 . . �- • -. • - � . . . " _ � � , � �'"� � �' . / � ' � , � � , � / I' �' � / %; � � � �► + , , � � o � , ' v� . / � �., , t > ,/ . 0 i , � �, r, . , _ _ . �; ! ,. ,� �. ` � . �'`� / .� __� . ... Page 4 i 6 Zoning Ord+nante Information for Daniel & Christine Stevens Variance request. Daniel Leroy Stevens Christine Ruth Stevens Address: 419 West 3rd Street. Monticello MN 55362 Property ID Number: 155-010-038013 Property Description: Sect-11 Twp-121 Range 025 ORIGINAL PLAT MONTICELLO Block-038 SLY'/2 of LTSI&2 BLK38 BNG TH 419 3� ST W MONTICELLO MN 55362 c , �" �: � i � �� / \ , � ,.` � � / �� ! / � / \ / \ / \ `�� / s,�.,�:_.>.�..s,�.a.g...,,....__..,...,�..,...,....,. �,�. �....�.,.,,�.:.,�.z�_..�.._�,�..��.v-��....n�.- ...v� CERTI�.�ICA TE 0�' �'URV EY J�OR DANIE� � CI�.�ISTINE STEVENS � i � d �/ � �� 1 PP �TEL £x�snNc � ��aPHI� SCAt_E �N FEE, � QP� � �Q X� s d� h'pUS�E' %� ---- - __ - - ' � �J �h a V '� , �`'� ' / f " 30 �: � �10 � �, ,�, � / h , � �+• DENOTES: � 0 \' a A� / / IRON IAONUTAENT FWND �/ �� � �P� � �Y �� ^� o F � lRON MONUt�fENT SET R CAPPED RLS 15233 � � � / ; ���a � , � � � �`���� � o �s � o / � �i / ' `�`'�'R'U�fi �� ! 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'— ,�'----• S Planning Commission Agenda —OS/O1/18 2B. Consideration of a request for amendment to Conditional Use Permit for Co- location of a Wireless Telecommunication Service Antenna on an existin� tower in the R-A (Residential Amenities) District. Applicant: Nextera Communications (NAC) Property: Planning Case Number: PID: 155152000010 Address: 6111 Wildwood Boulevard 2018-016 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Deadline for Decision: Land Use Designation: Zoning Designation: Current Site Use: Surrounding Land Uses: North: East: South: West: Conditional Use Permit to construct and relocate cellular communication devices on an existing tower. May 25, 2018 Places to Live R-1 Single Family Residence District The proposed use is a conditional use in the district. The site is currently occupied by a communications tower and ground equipment surrounding by a chain link fence. R-1 Single Family (Public Open Space and Water Tower) R-1 Single Family Residential R-A Residential Amenities District Public Park/Open Space Project Description: The applicant proposes to construct wireless antennas on the existing communications tower and lease space for a prefabricated equipment building on the property. No new ground equipment will be necessary to accommodate the additional/amended antenna installation. Ordinance Requirements: Per ordinance, a Conditional Use Permit is required for the new antenna equipment. 1 Planning Commission Agenda —OS/O1/18 ANALYSIS The applicant states that the purpose of the change will primarily be to provide greater bandwidth to its customer base. They will be making the following changes or reconciling the existing conditions on the tower as follows: • Retaining 2 existing sector antennas in their current location at a height of 316 feet. (Previous notes had suggested these antennas were at a height of 328 feet). • One sector antenna, currently at 330 feet, is being removed and replaced by a new 2' diameter parabolic (dish) antenna at 300 feet of height. • One other section antenna, currently at 330 feet, is being removed and replaced by newer technology sector antenna at a height of 110 feet. • One existing 2' diameter parabolic antenna at 110 feet is being change from unlicensed to licensed status (no visual change). With the completion of the project, there will continue to be 5 antenna arrays on the tower, just as now. Only the position and type are changing for a few of those on the tower. No changes are being made to the ground equipment or other site improvements. Conditional Use Permit Requirements The zoning ordinance requires a Conditional Use Permit for wireless antenna equipment. The applicants have submitted the required information and appear to be in compliance with each of the required regulations of the code. The code provides for a series of submission requirements to permit the City to verify compliance with achieving the location objectives. These include the following: • Signed lease • Project description and justification • Proof of Insurance • Legal description and survey • Radio frequency coverage analysis • Site plans for landscaping and grading • Architectural drawings • Decommissioning plan • Development agreement and financial securities Some of these requirements are primarily relevant to the construction of a new tower. However, the applicant has submitted the information applicable to the antenna 2 Planning Commission Agenda —OS/O1/18 construction and building construction, including the architectural design, proj ect description, survey data, and coverage analysis data. As noted, the impacts are slight; as with all telecommunications equipment of this type, the City is required to make reasonable accommodations to allow the use, based on technology and service needs of the operator and the public. Moreover, the City must accommodate construction of this type of equipment when the impact is not substantial, and there is no expectation of impacts on public health, safety, and welfare. The proposed construction appears to be consistent with these requirements. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Resolution recommending approval of a CUP for the construction of telecommunication antenna equipment on an existing communications tower. L Motion to approve Resolution PC-2018-012 recommending approval of the Conditional Use Permit pending the structural engineer's review and approval, based on findings in said resolution and contingent on compliance with conditions in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny Resolution PC-2018-011 recommending Conditional Use Permit, based on findings to be made by the Planning Commission. 3. Motion to table action on the request, pending additional information as identified by the Planning Commission and staff report. C. STAFF RECOMMNDATION Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit, based on the application materials provided, and with findings that the proposal meets the requirements of the ordinance, and that the proposal is for the construction of equipment with no visual or other impacts on surrounding property. Formal findings are included the attached resolution. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution PC-2018-012 B. AerialImage C. Applicant Narrative D. Application Plan Packet E. Structural Analysis Z. Conditions of Approval Exhibit Z Planning Commission Agenda —OS/O1/18 Conditional Use Permit Nextera Antenna Co-location 6111 Wildwood Way 1. Submission of final construction plans for building department review. 2. Compliance with requirements of other City staff. 4 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2018-012 RECOMENDING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A COLOCATION OF WIRELESS ANTENNAS ON AN EXSTING COMMUNICATIONS TOWER WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to add and modify antenna arrays on an existing communications tower; and WHEREAS, the site is zoned R-1, Single Family Residential, which allows such puse by Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the proposed use and development are consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designation of "Places to Live" for the area; and WHEREAS, the applicants have provided materials documenting compliance with the terms of the applicable zoning regulations; and WHEREAS, the uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the R-1 zoning district; and WHEREAS, the uses will not create any unanticipated changes to the demand for public services on or around the site; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on May lst, 2018 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the R-1, Single Family Residence Zoning District. 2. The proposed uses are consistent with the existing and future land uses in the area in which they are located. 3. The impacts of the improvements are those anticipated by commercial land uses and are addressed through standard review and ordinances as adopted. 4. The colocation of antenna arrays meets the intent and requirements of the applicable zoning regulations, pursuant to the conditions attached to the Conditional Use Permit. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2018-012 5. No other changes or impacts resulting for the antenna construction are anticipated. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the Conditional Use Permit for colocation of wireless antennas, subj ect to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report as follows: 1. Submission of final construction plans for building department review. 2. Compliance with requirements of other City staff. ADOPTED this lst day of May, 2018 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING CONINIISSION : ATTEST: Brad Fyle, Chair Angela Schumann, Community Development Director 2 Nextera Communications - RequestforAmendmentto Conditional Use Permit Createdby:CityofMonticello OutlotA Spirit Hills � 6111 Wildwood Boulevard � PID: 155-152-000010 ;��` ^ ' � ;` . — � � , t +�.! � � `� ;. q Yi -. ��,.� , 4 h�` � � '� � . ��, � .. . � � s ��, � � �,�.�.- ` �y �� � �-' ^tt-z � :�`` 't-0 � D 155153[}U11£��'� 15�5{li}1344��5 �I � ,. ,, r� ' VQ , � � •, , , J � : • '�� -- -- -. . �4 , ��� a�'��sNg� 'r`'� �� � J -� 1551`5�U�1:1�74� i rr— `� �� � . � . .:;; � , .$ , . �RIAR .-� �4.:�'��'.r�.! r �❑ w� �r�, �.� - X � . . � a A � � . 7 �, . �. ,�y,y;.. Y � �. F ' — "., � � i ; , .�� � M.. . . . . � . � ' ` '� -�. "` � ,7�r` � � rt L�' y i W''A� �' - .�, I y p'� _ .� . f f � . ' . ..� y: , .. � .-!�t r' X �, � k j�` � � • i � , . ` . „ . _ �, , � . r . � �� . �i ;'�� , �� %'��. �, � � ��r .y . � . .� . . � . . , > ° � j . .' 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M1. . �. � � 313ft I ��r.,+.", f ,r,�: � - , �� � �t— J _ 't., ��� �: . ��y .' .. .. .. _ �. . i ��. r. � .« 1 d� —�Y:i � ,., — • , �— ��. . � , � • " � � � -� ` ` communications April 5, 2018 Dear Angela, AooREss 59og Baker Road, Suite 590, Minnetonka, MN 55345 PHONE 95ze564a6900 FAx 952.564.6g02 Nextera's proposed project has the main purpose of replacing a sector antenna with a larger (2') dish antenna in order to provide additional internet bandwidth to an existing customer of ours. This will require changing the cabling from CatS cable to coax as well as replacing the customer's smaller sector antenna with a 2' dish that will be able to provide higher bandwidth speeds to the customer. We'll be plugged into the same switch in the same cabinet as we are currently. No digging, trenching or any other changes will be made to the surrounding ground. The lease amendment includes several additional minor changes that have been or will be made. Paul Brandt, our Wireless Engineer, included a letter to individually detail these changes far you. We're taking the opportunity, with this amendment, to make sure all documentation is correct and any near-future improvements are documented accurately. I enclosed our ariginal lease for this tower along with the lease amendment for the antenna change which also includes some position adjustments and equipment upgrades for your review. These changes have all been approved by the tower lease company, SBA, after having a structural analysis completed. Please let me know if it would be helpful to have additional information, and I'll get it to you right away. Sincerely, Gina Hoveland General Manager Nextera Communications 952-564-6908 ghoveland@nextera.net A CHAPTER 4: FIMISHi�IG S►�,f�DARDS Sectron 4. ! 3 7elecommunrcation Towers and Antennas Subsectron (G) Application j�rocess and submirtal requirements for wireless telecommunications service antenna support structures (a) Documentation, in the form of a signed lease or other adequate proof of property interest, demonstrating that the applicant has authority to seek the requested permit from the owner or owners of the parcel in question. ��,j (b) A statement describin� the proposed projecl. together with w�7tten jiastification supporting the proposed installation. �'"� (c) Proof of insurance against injury or property dama�e caused by structural failure af any element c�fthe installation. e{?j�� �L�,�,-�, �-� i V1SV ��1 �"�C� ��C ((_JG� CC� (d) The legal description of the property on which the improvements are to be located. �� (e) A certified surve} of the prc�pe��� shuwing all existing conditiuns; along with the proposed impravements. `j-�-��C"}'C,) YGZ.� (1.�Q �'� S 1 S �Y' V P 1� � 4`C� �'�S �(f� A coverage study prepared by a Radio Frequency Engineer shc�v+�ing alternative antenna support structure l��caxions, cc�-Ic�cation optic+ns. and ti�het}ter �uch alternat3ves cdn accommc�date the prnposed antenna with reasonak�le �overage, including an�- knc�wn approved but uncUnstructed locations. Such plan sha11 inciude alI axisting tc���ers, bui�dings, and «ther , (� pe►ssible support struc�tures. I�(,� �� r C7�il�UV1�7 (,lS G�.'�l' �l'E'�GI� � C t/1 �' "- L�`C � `cj ( GJ' 1/n� � C� C�U'�(� � V S� f�-YV��' V'— (g) A landscaping and screening plan. 1-�� ;�% ��1'1C� t�1C� �� C��%� � Y�" V Vt G� �.C� iJ C' �. (h) A grading and drainage plan. (i) Architectural drawings of all appurtenant structures planned for tlte site. �� (j) ,A decomrnissionin� plan outlinin� the means, process, and anticipated costs vf removing all improvements a1 the end uf their service life; �r upon discc�ntinued use. !� ti'�41�� �;'� CC� �D �.0 ; Z"�'V1�-{' V� Vl �� V`Ci C,� i l7 (k) A security acceptable to the City adequate to ensure safe removal of all improvements upon decommissioning. (1) A development agreement specifying the terms of the Conditional Use Permit, including improvements, decommissioning, financial security, and other elements. (m) Other information specified by the Community Development Director and/or City Council necessary to support tlle application and permit adequate municipal review of the �request. Page 320 City of Monticeilo Zonrng Ordinonce April 4, 2018 Nextera Wireless Project Statement For SBA Site# MN10250-A The tower site in question was constructed in 1999. We have had a presence on this tower since 2002 when Stonebridge Wireless entered into an agreement with Millennium Telcom in September 2002. Nextera Wireless purchased Stonebridge in December 1997. SBA purchased the tower from Millennium in 2007. In November 2017, we began the amendment process with SBA in order to make some changes at the tower in order to increase our bandwidth capacity and deliver a larger connection to an existing customer. Due to the location of this customer, this tower is the only tower with sufficient height (300 ft) to have the clear line of sight required to deliver a large bandwidth connection. Prior to this change, Nextera had approval to have five antennas on this tower. After this change, we will still only have five antennas on this tower but some of the equipment and antenna heights are changing. All changes are being performed by the SBA approved tower company Tri-State Communication Services. Our existing two sector antennas at 316 ft are staying at this height but the amendment is reconciling the actual height which in the past was believed to be around 328 ft. Two prior positions at 330 ft are being modified in both height and equipment. One position is being adjusted to 300 ft and a sector antenna is being replaced with a 2 ft parabolic antenna. The other position is being adjusted to 110 ft and the sector antenna equipment is being upgraded to a newer technology. The existing 110 ft position is being modified from an unlicensed 2 ft parabolic antenna to a licensed 2 ft parabolic. Our ground equipment is located in an existing hut. There wil] be no changes to this facility. The tower is equipped with a cable raceway as detailed in the structural report. Any cabling changes will follow the existing assigned slots A structural analysis report was performed by GPD Group, Inc in conjunction with our SBA application and it is signed 12/27/2017. Decommission Plan: We will utilize a SBA approved tower company and have all equipment and cabling removed in a safe and efficient manner. I proj ect like this could be completed in one day at a cost in today's rates of approximately $1000. ,l ,F'" � n ' ._ �" f = r, -�t" " " � � , � G� `�/' _ _ Paul Brandt Nextera Wireless RF Engineer OOB9� 95• 8S6 �£55 NW'e�uo�auuiw OBS a}�ng'peoa aa�e9 BOBS oop.w- a7�p - aalan.. � i 0 � � � f E d m 0 v ¢ o � � o � 0 0 � v Z E u E � O ¢ � m 0 J J^ , W U � C 0 � Od69�495 d56 �£S5 NW F7�N6}dNNlw 08S a�ng' peoa aa�e9 608S oo{t�+, � rdrP ' saCun 1 ' � � L O Z ai vt -v a al � u a � � � � _ H � QJ1 J C p� a' 3 �o � o C � U .� a 3 � � d w `o � ¢` `o a x � _ � � a+ m z � ai � m m ¢ � ai 3 0 L Z 0 �, � 3 ¢ O � � O Ln O N 0 v v Z E � E � o ¢ � m N o, � m N U a�i 3 H t � N - E z ¢ O T d � � O � ooas�ss�ase �£S5 HW'e�ua}auuiW ObS ��!"$' peoa aa�e9 Bd6S oao�� a�qsv so�on� ' i a� � � E . v a� v � E � � O N � jn 0 u � u L � °J 3 o d E o v� o v a � a, oi O � � � � � � _ v> v O � } N O � � L O O .� I— W o N O O !+ 1 O C � L O al v 0 O � O � O ���o 3 Y o $ G m o � o c N ��n E m 0 v ¢ o' � o � O N 0 O.I � Z '^ E � E � � C � O ¢ � m � � O O� L ¢ Ol� p� 61 H a�i � L c o E } o � t � � � o a� d � N � u i u-� � v a� � ai _ � E N z Q 0 � L 0 C al U1 3 ai � � c F-- o� � � C Q C � ot � � a1 C � d J F�- � O O E � 0 } � C ¢i o O O N � iJi 3 - W l+l tn � � � � � � d H �i �-, �� � �� , � � ooss�sss�ase �£S5 NW'E�luo}auuiy� 065 a�ng' peoa aa�e9 BOBS � 0 t.��.�'� ::�.i_t.1 j ,•t� ,v� LY �'��1����► �� � 3 v� o o°J � 6J L � t 3 "- 0 v � a r.i } F- � o � � � � � d o ai a > v ai v a� � � t o v � m � oi � d o � r-- c � ¢ o � �n l�J o c rn � a, m ¢ ot � � � a`, °J � 0 0 � v G c w Q � m/�� V N c _--. a, u � o� ¢ 0 3 v� 0 ~ c L C � � C V1 Q O � C O � O LA'1 C � Q �p � O o a. }3 al N � 0 v � O 4 � O L+1 o � � `a Z E '- E � O ¢ � m (n Cn m O O u1 O � � 3 �� � � QI 3 � L O N d N C p m � o 0 � � � o ¢ � o v � L O � C O Q� p '3 I - N � � d � � d � m C O O O � � O C � � O ¢ � O �/1 _ r- O � C CO O O O� O '3 jn �i' a� 3 o a �, °' v � � � � x � ¢ � a � d _ a E � u � o � a ai � � � � �, } v�, v� � o=� ad,� �� � _ � � � � o � 7 o � ai z � �n � ./'"./�i►., GPD GROUP, INC. STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS REPORT 370' Self-Support Tower 6111 Wildwood Boulevard Monticello, MN 55362 SBA Site Name: Monticello 2, MN SBA Site Number: MN 10250-A Nextera Wireless Site Name: NMTMONT Nextera Wireless Site ID: MONT GPD Project Number: 2018778.10250.13 Analysis Results Tower Components 104.5% Sufficient* Foundation 85.9% Sufficient *Note: Capacities up to 105.0 % are within customary engineering tolerances and are considered to be � Antenna Rotation Results (60 MPH Wind) Centerline Elevation (ft) Antenna Sway (deg) Twist (de 300 HP2-18 0.3686 0.0273 110 HP2-11 0.0817 0.0025 December 27, 2017 Respectfully submitted by: �1lltlll/I ,���>�Q� �R J�i��� 1 Mer��► car�ilyr t�,t �� v!��, �t�d�c��. at `���,,�0� , . . . , � S► /r� �tt was ptcP�d b�r �'#0 4t Wfdi4t A�r tlh+ac! 1,,•. ,,� , .�,y � �1�iFM13aG� F1�>! th�� 1 3�113 Qtl�l' L�C�RI{iC� ` V4;. PRQFESSIONA� �N � S�� cr �!l���:�$�q�68f ein�Et Eit� It� Of �}!8 • ENGINEEft . — = ` ' s y��,t�'� 514J� �•��',� PnR. N�tF`i,' __ %tt .> �`r .,::� ,_. ��Er•.r.��. ✓�� • ` � .�1�11!liLf4 ! '(� ` � I # �7 t� �y .. �t � k � ��� .�a;4:� 12/27/2017 �cense �: 54���1 12/2 7/17 Christopher J. Scheks, P.E. Minnesota #: 51499 520 South Main Street . Suite 2531 . Akron, Ohio 44311 . 330-572-2100 . Fax 330-572-2101 . www.GPDGroup.com GPD Group, Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS DESCRIPTION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY . . . CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS TOWER DESCRIPTION . . . TOWER LOADING . . . . COAX LAYOUT. . . . . ASSUMPTIONS . . . . SECTION RESULTS . . . . DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES . . APPENDICES 1. TNXTOWER OUTPUT 2. ADDITIONAL CALCULATIONS /��- G PD PAGE NUMBER . 1 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 9 SBA Site ID#: MN10250-A December 27, 207 7 SBA Site ID#: MN10250-A December 27, 2017 Executive Summary The purpose of this structural analysis is to verify whetherthe existing self-support tower is structurally capable of carrying the proposed antenna, dish, and coax loads as specified by Nextera Wireless to SBA. This report was commissioned by Mr. Tommy Parma of SBA. The existing structure and its foundations have been analyzed per the following requirements: *Wind speed in nominal form is equivalent to a 115 MPH ultimate 3-second gust. Conclusions & Recommendations The designs of the tower and its foundations are sufficient for the proposed loading configuration considering the above analysis criteria and will not require modification. /��- G P D SBA Site ID#: MN10250-A December 27, 2017 Tower Description The existing 370' self-support tower is located in Monticello, MN. All structural information was obtained from a previous analysis performed by PiRod in May of 2002. The original design load for the towerwas for an 80 MPH basic wind speed with 1/2" of radial ice (w/ a 25% wind load reduction) per EIAlTIA-222-F. The tower was originally designed to hold the following: Original Design Loading: Elevation Number of Antenna ## of Fes�! Feedlins ft Antennas Manufacturer �ntenna fViodel Lines size in 6 Unknown PD220 370 6 Unknown DB809 12 1-5/8 1 6 Arm Halo 3 Unknown PD220 345 3 U n known D B809 6 1-5/8 3 10' Rigid Side Arms 3 Unknown PD220 320 3 Unknown DB809 6 1-5/8 3 10' Rigid Side Arms 300 9 Unknown 4' x 1' Panel 9 1-5/8 3 T-Frames 255 1 Unknown 6' Solid Dish w/Radome 1 EW63 250 1 Unknown 8' Solid Dish w/Radome 1 EW63 230 9 Unknown 4' x 1' Panel 9 1-5/8 3 T-Frames 22� 9 Unknown 4' x 1' Panel 9 1-5/8 3 T-Frames 200 3 Unknown DB809 3 1-5/8 1 Side Arm Documents Provided: Document Type Remarks Source Original Tower Pirod Inc. File #: A-115346 Rev. E SBA & Foundation Drawings Dated: 01/08/1999 Foundation Investigation FDH Project #: 1105311 EN1 SBA Dated: 01 /10/2012 Geotechnical Report CPH Project #: 12-106 SBA Dated: 01 /13/2012 Previous Structural Analysis GPD Project #: 2017778.10250.12 SBA Dated: 03/07/2017 App�ication SBA Application #: 73868, v1 SBA Dated: 12/01 /201 7 Tower Materials: �/�- GPD SBA Site ID#: MN10250-A December 27, 2017 Tower Loading The following data shows the major loading that the tower supports. All existing, leased, and proposed loading information was provided by SBA or taken from the previous structural analysis. Existing/Leased Loading Center Carrier Mounting Line # of Antenna AntennalMount Model # of Goa±c Size Note Level (ft) Elevation Antennas Manufact. Coax (in) ft American 377 � 1 Antel BCD87010 Omni Messaging 370.0 1 10' Omni 2 1-5/8 Unknown 370.0 1 Halo Mount 1 CCI HPA-65R-BUU-H4 2 CCI HPA-65R-BUU-H8 3 Cellmax CMA-BTLBHH/6516/20/20/RET 3 Kathrein 80010766 3 Kathrein 800 10891 K6 3 Powerwave TT08-19D6111-001 3 Alcatel-Lucent RRH2x40-AWS 6 1-5/8 AT&T 347.0 347.0 3 Alcatel-Lucent RRH4x25-WCS 6 0.82 DC 3 Alcatel-Lucent RRH2x40-07-L 2 1/2 Fiber 3 Alcatel-Lucent B25 RRH4x30 6 Alcatel-Lucent UMTS 1900 60W 1 Ra ca DC6-48-60-0-SF 2 Ra ca DC6-48-60-18-8F 3 Andrew MTC 3606 Sector Mount Nextera 2 Til-Tek TA-5705H-14-90 Wireless 330.0 330.0 2 Alvarion 824923 1 1/2 2 Pi e Mount Educational 1 RFS CPF500-1 FM Antenna Media 327.0 327.0 � Pipe Mount � ��$ Foundation Abandoned 323.0 323.0 1 Standoff - - Nextera 2 Alvarion AN1253 Wireless 316.0 316.0 2 Alvarion AU-D-BS-5.8-ODU 2 3/8 Cat 5 2 Pi e Mount Abandoned 258.0 258.0 1 Standoff - - 3 KMW ET-X-TS-70-15-62-18-iR-RD 3 KMW ET-X-WM-18-65-8P 3 Samsun RRH-C2A w/ Filter Sprint 211.0 211.5 3 Samsun RRH-P4 4 1.82 3 Samsun 2.5GHz RRH-V3 3 ?ower Junction C linder 3 O tic Fiber Junction C linder 211.0 3 Sector Mount 3 Commsco e DBXNH-65656-A2M 6 Andrew TMBXX-6517-A2M 3 Andrew ETW200VS12U6 12 1-5/8 T-Mobile 200.0 200.0 3 NSN FXFB 1 1.58 3 NSN FRIG 1 1/2 1 Ra ca RNSDC-1906-PF-48 1 Andrew VHLP2-18 3 Sector Mount /��- G P D SBA Site ID#: MN10250-A December 27, 2017 Existing/Leased Loading (Continued) Center Carrier Mounting Line # of Antenna Antenna/Mount Model � of Coax Size Note Level (ft) Elevation Antennas Manufact. Coax (in) ft 3 Am henol BXA-70040-8CF-EDIN-X 6 Commscope LNX-6515DS-A1 M 6 Commsco e HBXX-6516DS-A2M 3 Commsco e �15R05P19 Verizon 172.0 172.0 6 ADC DB-1900DD-FULL-DIN 6 1�5/8 6 CSS DBC-750 1 1.27 6 Ericsson RRUS-12 w/ Solar Shield 1 Commsco e RC2DC-3315-PF-48 2 Commsco e RXXDC-1064-PF-48 3 Sector Mounts Nextera 1 Radio Waves SP2-5.2 Wireless 110.0 110.0 1 Alvarion BreezeNET B100 1 3/8 Cat 5 1 Pi e Mount Educational 1 Scala CL-FMRX/VRM/50N Media 102.0 102.0 � Pipe Mount 1 1/2 Foundation Final Proposed Loading Configuration Center Carrier Mounting Line # of Antenna Antenna/Mount Model # of Coax Size Note Level (ft) Elevation Antennas Manufact. Coax (in) ft 1 Alvarion AN1253 1 Radwin RW-9061-5001 316.0 316.0 1 Alvarion AU-D-BS-5.8-ODU 2 3/8 Cat 5 1 Radwin Radwin 5000 BS 2 Pi e Mount Nextera 1 Radio Waves HP2-18 Wireless 300.0 300.0 1 Dra onWave Duo 1 7/8 1 1 Pi e Mount 1 Radwin RW-9061-5001 1 Radio Waves HP2-11 1 3/8 LMR 400 110.0 110.0 1 Dra onWave Duo 1 3/8 Cat 5 1 Radwin Radwin 5000 BS 2 Pi e Mount Notes: 1) This represents the final loading configuration for Nextera Wireless. See the next page for the proposed coax layout. /�'�- G PD Proposed Coax Configuration 331° SBA Site ID#: MN10250-A # CARRIER SIZE QTY. ELEVATION NOTES 1 American Messaging 1-5/8" 2 370' 2 AT&T 1-5/8" 6 348' 3 AT&T 1/2" 2 348' Fiber 4 AT&T 0.82" 6 348' DC Power 5 Educational Media Foundation 7/$" 1 327' 6 Nextera Wireless 3/8" 2 316' Cat 5 7 Nextera Wireless 7/8" 1 300' 8 Sprint 1.82" 4 211' Hybrid 9 T-Mobi le 1-5/8" 12 20G' 10 T-Mobile 1/2" 1 200' 11 T-Mobile 1.58" 1 200' Hybrid 12 Verizon 1-5/8" 6 172' 13 Verizon 7/8" 9 172' 14 Verizon 1.27" 1 172' Hybrid 15 Nextera Wireless 3/8" & 3/8" 1& 1 110' Cat 5& Proposed LMR 400 16 Educational Media Foundation 1/2" 1 102' /1�- GPD SBA Site ID#: MN10250-A December 27, 2017 Assumptions This structural analysis is based on the theoretical capacity of the members and is not a condition assessment of the tower. This analysis is from information supplied, and therefore, its results are based on and are as accurate as that supplied data. GPD has made no independent determination, nor is it required to, of its accuracy. The following assumptions were made for this structural analysis. t) Tower and structures were built in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. 2) The tower and structures have been maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's specification. 3) The configuration of antennas, transmission cables, mounts and other appurtenances are as specified in the Existing/Leased Loading and Proposed Loading Tables, and the specified documents. 4) All mounts, if applicable, are considered adequate to support the loading. No actual analysis of the mount(s) is performed. This analysis is limited to analyzing the tower only. 5) Mount sizes, weights, and manufacturers are best estimates based on photos provided and determined without the benefit of a recent site visit by GPD. 6) All member connections and foundation steel reinforcing are assumed designed to meet or exceed the load carrying capaciry of the connected member and surrounding soils respectively unless otherwise specified in this report. 7) Existing coax have been modeled based on the previous structural analysis and site photos. $) Proposed coax shall be installed as illustrated in this report. 9) Tower leg azimuths have been estimated with the use of satellite imagery software. If any of these assumptions are not valid or have been made in error, this analysis may be affected, and GPD should be allowed to review any new information to determine its effect on the structural integrity of the tower. . /��- G P D SBA Site ID#: MN10250-A December 27, 2017 Tower Section Results Capacity Summary of Structural Components Section Elevation Component Critical P PIP„ww Passl No. ft T e SiZe Element K K % Capacity Fail T1 370 - 350 Le 1 1/2 2 -21.15 52.13 40.6 Pass T2 350 - 330 Le 2 60 -71.34 11 1.47 64.0 Pass T3 330 - 310 Le 2 1/2 116 -127.63 189.73 67.3 Pass T4 310 - 300 Le Pirod 105245 173 -130.03 214.86 60.5 Pass T5 300 - 280 Le Pirod 105218 182 -154.63 300.68 51.4 Pass T6 280 - 260 Le Pirod 105218 197 -176.75 300.68 58.8 Pass T7 260 - 250 Le Pirod 105219 212 -185.18 399.87 46.3 Pass T8 250 - 240 Le Pirod 105219 224 -199.05 399.87 49.8 Pass T9 240 - 220 Le Pirod 105219 236 -225.09 399.87 56.3 Pass T10 220 - 200 Le Pirod 105220 252 -253.30 512.38 49.4 Pass T11 200 - 180 Le Pirod 105220 267 -288.26 512.38 56.3 Pass T12 180 - 160 Le Pirod 112743 288 -316.02 613.14 51.5 Pass T13 160 - 140 Le Pirod 112743 297 -362.36 613.14 59.1 Pass T14 140 - 120 Le Pirod 112744 306 -406.25 741.99 54.8 Pass T15 120 - 100 Le Pirod 112744 315 -449.78 741.99 60.6 Pass T16 100 - SO Le Pirod 112745 324 -494.64 883.14 56.0 Pass T17 80 - 60 Le Pirod 112745 333 -538.46 883.14 61.0 Pass T18 60 - 40 Le Pirod 112745 342 -58125 883.14 65.8 Pass T19 40 - 20 Le Pirod 114683 E 351 -626.50 1036.61 60.4 Pass T20 20 - 0 Le Pirod 114685 360 -665.69 967.23 68.8 Pass T1 370 - 350 Dia onal 3/4 13 -1.97 5.92 33.3 Pass T2 350 - 330 Dia onal 7/8 69 -5.10 9.30 54.8 Pass T3 330 - 310 Dia onal 1 169 -5.96 15.19 39.3 Pass T4 310 - 300 Dia onal L2 1/2x2 1/2x3116 180 -5.74 13.56 42.3 Pass TS 300 - 280 Dia onal L2 1/2x2 1/2x3/16 187 -4.61 10.95 42.1 Pass T6 280 - 260 Dia onal L3x3x3/16 202 -5.00 14.96 33.4 Pass T7 260 - 250 Dia onal �3x3x5/16 216 -7.59 21.57 352 Pass T8 250 - 240 Dia onal L3x3x5/16 231 -5.88 19.30 30.5 Pass T9 240 - 220 Dia onal L3x3x5/16 241 -6.12 15.58 39.3 Pass T10 220 - 200 Dia onal L3 1/2x3 1l2x5/16 255 -8.15 20.54 39.7 Pass T11 200 - 180 Dia onal L4x4x1/4 279 -11.68 22.92 51.0 Pass T12 180 - 160 Dia onal 2L3 1/2x3 1/2x5/16x3/8 291 -16.54 41.46 39.9 Pass T13 160-140 Dia onal 2L31/2x31/2x5/16x3/8 300 -18.12 3724 48.6 Pass T14 140 - 120 Dia onal 2L3 1/2x3 1/2x5/16x3/8 309 -18.17 33.50 54.2 Pass T15 120 - 100 Dia onal 2L3 1/2x3 1/2x5/16x3l8 318 -19.13 30.20 63.4 Pass T16 100 - 80 Dia onal 2L3 1/2x3 1/2x5/16x3/8 327 -19.90 27.29 72.9 Pass T17 80 - 60 Dia onal 2L3 1/2x3 1/2x5/16x3/8 336 -20.37 24.72 82.4 Pass T18 60 - 40 Dia onal 2L3 1/2x3 1/2x5/16x3/8 345 -21.45 22.45 95.5 Pass T19 40 - 20 Dia onal 2L4x4x1/4x3/8 354 -21.19 24.57 86.2 Pass T20 20 - 0 Dia onal 2L4x4x1/4x318 363 -22.88 21.90 104.5 Pass' T7 260 - 250 Secondary L3x3x5/16 220 -3.21 31.60 10.2 Pass Horizontal T11 200 - 180 Secondary L4x4x1/4 275 -5.00 28.71 17.4 Pass Horizontal T1 370 - 350 To Girt 7/8 5 -0.91 6.14 14.8 Pass T2 350 - 330 To Girt 7/8 62 -0.50 6.23 8.1 Pass T3 330 - 310 To GiR 1 118 -1.63 8.48 19.2 Pass T8 250 - 240 To Girt L4x4x1/4 228 -3.33 20.92 15.9 Pass T1 370 - 350 Bottom Girt 7/8 7 -0.91 6.14 14.8 Pass T2 350 - 330 Bottom Girt 7/8 64 -2.00 4.93 40.5 Pass T3 330 - 310 Bottom Girt 1 123 -1.55 6.88 22.5 Pass Summa Le T20 68.8 Pass Dia onal T20 104.5 Pass' Secondary 17.4 Pass Horizontal T11 To Girt T3 192 Pass Bottom Girt T2 40.5 Pass Bolt Checks 63.4 Pass RATING = 104.5 Pass* *Note: Capacities up to 105.0% are within customary engineering tolerances and are considered to be acceptable. /��►- G P D Notes /��- GPD Additional Capa� Compo�ent Elevation Anchor Rods � 0 Tower Base Foundation 0 ies % Capacity 46.1 85.9 SBA Site ID#: MN10250-A December 27, 2017 Pessl Fail Pass Pass SBA Site ID#: MN10250-A December 27, 2017 Disclaimer of Warranties GPD has not performed a site visit to the tower to verify the member sizes or antenna/coax loading. If the existing conditions are not as represented on the tower elevation contained in this report, we should be contacted immediately to evaluate the significance of the discrepancy. This is not a condition assessment of the tower or foundation. This report does not replace a full tower inspection. The tower and foundations are assumed to have been properly fabricated, erected, maintained, in good condition, twist free, and plumb. The engineering services rendered by GPD in connection with this Structural Analysis are limited to a computer analysis of the tower structure and theoretical capaciry of its main structural members. No allowance was made for any damaged, bent, missing, loose, or rusted members (above and below ground). No allowance was made for loose bolts or cracked welds. This analysis is limited to the designated maximum wind and seismic conditions per the governing tower standards and code. Wind forces resulting in tower vibrations near the structure's resonant frequencies were not considered in this analysis and are outside the scope of this analysis. Lateral loading from any dynamic response was not evaluated under a time-domain based fatigue analysis. GPD does not analyze the fabrication of the structure (including welding). It is not possible to have all the very detailed information needed to perform a thorough analysis of every structural sub-component and connection of an existing tower. GPD provides a limited scope of service in thatwe cannotverify the adequacy of every weld, plate connection detail, etc. The purpose of this report is to assess the capability of adding appurtenances usually accompanied by transmission lines to the structure. It is the owner's responsibility to determine the amount of ice accumulation in excess of the code specified amount, if any, that should be considered in the structural analysis. The attached sketches are a schematic representation of the analyzed tower. If any material is fabricated from these sketches, the contractor shall be responsible for field verifying the existing conditions, properfit, and clearance in the field. Any mentions of structural modifications are reasonable estimates and should not be used as a precise construction document. Precise modification drawings are obtainable from GPD, but are beyond the scope of this report. Miscellaneous items such as antenna mounts, etc., have not been designed or detailed as a part of our work. We recommend that material of adequate size and strength be purchased from a reputable tower manufacturer. Towers are designed to carry gravity, wind, and ice loads. All members, legs, diagonals, struts, and redundant members provide structural stability to the tower with little redundancy. Absence or removal of a member can trigger catastrophic failure unless a substitute is provided before any removal. Legs carry axial loads and derive their strength from shorter unbraced lengths by the presence of redundant members and their connection to the diagonals with bolts or welds. If the bolts or welds are removed without providing any substitute to±he frame, the leg is subjec±ed ±o a higher unbraced ler,gth that imme�iately redu�es i;s !oad carrying capacity. If a diagonal is also removed in addition to the connection, the unbraced length of the leg is greatly increased, jeopardizing its load carrying capaciry. Failure of one leg can result in a tower collapse because there is no redundancy. Redundant members and diagonals are critical to the stability of the tower. GPD makes no warranties, expressed and/or implied, in connection with this report and disclaims any liabiliry arising from material, fabrication, and erection ofthis tower. GPD will not be responsible whatsoeverfor, oron accountof, consequential or incidental damages sustained by any person, firm, or organization as a result of any data or conclusions contained in this report. The maximum liability of GPD pursuant to this report will be limited to the total fee received for preparation of this report. /�'�- G P D SBA Site ID#: MN10250-A December 27, 2017 TNX TOWER OUTPUT /��- G PD , ..., . � .___;.-._. < I � ', � N � � n N � � � N ¢ N ._ . _ ___ �n_. _ . a � � � _ fn . cA N ¢ z __._. . .. ... . �.-- � � � _m. _. '� � N N � Q ___ Z I_m_�I ,- -_,,, ao _J . _a i ,_. . _._ LL-f � � W � � rv x . ^ � x J Q m _... Z <_. . .. 0 Q 0 m' o ? a a o x x f X X v � N '^ I �'y V V r J J �. _ Q ._.. .. _ro __ _. p N -_ o_ . O � Q N F a ¢ Z ^ . . .._N.�: . ,I m 370.0 R ; �__ 350 _0_ ft i��i 330,0 ft _ 370.0 ft _ 300.0 ft 280.0 ft 260.0 ft 250.0 ft 240.0 ft 220.0 ft J y �;� i;pl� I� zaqo n I �� �� @� � 160.0 ft r; � , y'I 760.0 R 140.0 ft � x Q , � � 120.0 ft � Z N. � N 700.0 ft � ._�o_ . . _._ __ N N Q N z � °' � 80.0 ft N 60.0 ft ,,, 'I _o _ _ _. . . 40.0 ft �. x a � zo,o a v m v C U � A 0.0 ft i._ .. __ .._ _. .. � . _.�. .... 0 a � ^ � `° c � d c7 r `0 5@J Y A N C C� � _ _ c� o G E_� � a � in o o t= m in xt 3 DESIGNED APPURTENANCE LOADING TYPE ELEVATION TYPE ELEVATION Lightning Rotl 6' x 0.75" 370 RRH-P4 211 � Flash Beacon 370 RRH-P4 � 211 -- ---- � --- � BCD87010 370� tRRH-P4 � � 211 '_ _ ___ _ .. _ . . _-__ ___ . _ 10' Omni � 370 2 5 GHz RRH V3 211 -_ ".- _ _ . - ._.-� ._... . ...-_ _"_._- ... _._ "-__.I Pirod 22' Halo Mount ' 370 � 2.5 GHz RRH-V3 211 Commscope MTC 3606 Seqor I347 2.5 GHz RRH-V3 �', 211 i� Frames (3) � � -� � - -- � - - - � PoweNunctionC linder 211 ___ � � HPA-65R-BUU-H4 w/ Mount Pipe 347�� � Y � � � � ' __"_.'_ . - _ __ _ --. _ _ _ -__ ,,.___ 'PowerJunctionCylinder �211 _ _ - - . HPA-65R BUU-HB w/ Mount Pipe 347 ,. power Junchon Cylinder 211 i _ - .._. _-__ -_. �- _- - __- ___- _-___ � HPA-65R-BUU-H8 w/ Mount Pipe 347 � Oplic Fiber Junction Cylintler � 211 . � __ _ - _ _ _ _ __ _ ._ __ .CMA-BTLBHH/6516/20/20/RETw/ 347 � - � �- - -�-- --- -- ---� �� Mount Pipe Optic Fiber Junction Cylintler 211 � ___- _. ___ __._- __ _ -- ------ ----.--- -Optic Fiber Junction Cyhnder 211 j CMA-BTLBHHl6516/20/20/RETw/ 347 - -- - � ------ - ' Mount Pipe LeBlanc 13' Wireless�Mount (3) 211 . ._. . . _._ . - - - -�- � ���-�� -�--- ��---- OBXNH-6565&A2Mw/MountPipe 200 CMA-BTLBHH/6516/20/20/RET w/ 347 -- -� - -�-- - - --.- -. � Mount Pipe DBXNH-6565&A2M w/ Mount Pipe 200 � ... - ____ ..-.-- _ . _ _ . _.._ -_ �, 800 10766 w/ Mount Pipe 3q7 '�,. DBXNH-6565&A2M w/ Mount Pipe 200 _; -- --� � -- - . - _- . . .. - - -__ _ _... . - - 800 10766 w/ Mount Pipe 347 (2) TMBXX-6517-A2M w/ Mount Pipe 200 ! . .__... _. -� 800 10766 w/ Mount Pipe 347 � �� (2) TMBXX 6517 A2M w/ Mount Pipe 200 . _ _ _ ._ __- _ _ ___ 800 70897 K6 3q7 � (2) TMBXX 6517 A2M w/ Mount Pipe 200 . ... . _.... - .- _ _ _ ... -.. _. 80010897 K6 3q7 ETW200VS72U8 200 _ __ 800 70891 K6 347 �� ETW200VS72UB � 200 �� � . - _ _ - ._ __ .._-_.I - �- -� � ETW200VS12UB 200 Pipe Mount 652.375 347 . - __ .__- - FXFB .._ _ - 200 __ _ _...I Pipe Mount 6'x2.375 347 -_ - . _- . - _ - __. ._- - FXFB _ _.. 200 . . ,.Pipe Mount 6'x2.375" 347 . .........-� .___.- _._ _ . _. __ . .__._ _ _-_ . . -_ _- -- : FXFB � 200 .TTO&19D8111-001 347 _ . . __-_- _- _-_. ____ _ .-- __.___ . .._ .. _ . _._ . .. FRIG... .200 � TTOB-19D8111-001 �-- � 347 � -- ---___ _... ------ --------'�. � TTO&19D8111-001 347 � � FRIG �200 � -__ ____ __. . . ___� RRH2x40.AWS � 347- - � �FRIG 200 � ._._ .___- ___� .__ -_. _ . __-__ __. _ RRH2x40.AWS 3q7� RNSNDC 1906PF-48 200 : __ _ _ _..I RRH2x40.AWS 3q7�� �� PipeMourrt6�375" 200 � - _. _ _ _- _ _.-� RRH4x2SWCS �� � 347 ��� Pipe Mount 6 z2 375" �.200 ' � RRH4X2&WCS...- .....- 3q7- -- � Pipe Mount 6u2.375". ...- -- - .. ti 200 _ __ ____. � %�. �RRH2x40u07L,__ _, ��._ ...-- -POShieltlt72"x12'rame(3).____-���186 � ...�-����-� RRH4x25 WCS 347 � \ RRH2x40x07-L 347 __ _ �____ _%... RRH2x40x07-L 3q7 Ice Shield (12" x 12'q � � 186 �� � B25 RRH4X30 � - �- -; 347... ..-- . . . Side LigM . .. . ���. 185 _ _,_„_. I __. . ____ ___- . _ _ B25 RRH4X30 � �347�� �� � �- Side LigM 165 __ - __ .-_- _.._.. _.... .._. ..... . . B25 RRH4X30 � 3q7 BXA-70040lSCF-EDIN-X w/ MouM 172 �, _ _ . _._. . _ . ._----�Pipe �� �.. (2) UMTS 1900 60W RRH 347 ��- - --- -- --- . _._. __� '.. _- _ _- __-_._.. - - - ---- BXA-70040/BCF-EDIN-X w/ Mount ' 172 ' (2) UMTS 1900 60W RRH 347 _: P�Pe i -_ . _ .__ (2) UMTS 1900 60W RRH 347 - -- - -- - ---- ---- --- (2) WX-6515DS-A1M w/ Mount Pipe 772 � � .. - __ _ DC64&sao-8F Surge Suppression 347 � � - - --- � -- ------'� Und (2) LNX-6515DS-A1 M w/ Mount Pipe 172 ���.. __- .___ _ _ . _.,, �- - -�- - -- - - � (2) WX-6575DS-A1M w/ Mount Pipe 172 �� DC6-4&641 &8F Surge Suppression 347 � � �� � - Unit (2) HBXX 6516DS-A2M w/ Mount Pipe 172 � ALL REACTIOf 9 PP .- - j DC6-4&60.1 &8F Sur e Su ression .347 � (2) HBXX 6516DS-A2M w/ Mount Pipe 172 ARE FACTORE untt (2) Hexx-ssisosnzM wi Moum Pipe i72 -� - - __ _ -- --- _ � �PipeMount6'x4.5" 327 E15ROSP79 772 � M.Qx. CORNEFCPF-500-. .. . . - ....- -- -� � 327 .. - . . E15ROSP19 . . . . . 172.. - . . . ..- - ,,� ��w11�: 68a Pirod 6-8 BoxArm (1) -. .-..... . . .323 � � E15ROSP19 .. . . -... ..... 172 � �_--... I ___._ -__._-____ ._. __ .__- _ _____. _., _-__._- _- SHEAR: 71 � Pipe Mount 6'u2.375" �� � 323 (2) D&1900DD-FULL-DIN 172 �� ��, __ _.- _. . _- __.._.._ . ._-__-"-.-%. .AN1253 w/ Mount Pipe � 316 (2) D&1900D0.FULL-DIN � 172 , .`-- _.__... _._. ..._ _._. . _..._. UPLIFT. -5E Rw-Eoe�-soo� w� �nount Pipe 316 (2) D&1900D0.FULL-DIN 172 - -- _ ____ . . . _. .. _--- $HEAf�: 61 AU-0.8S5 8-ODU ..... 316 . . .. . (2) DBC-750._ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 172.. _ _.. ..._ ...I Radwin 5000 BS . 316 �� (2) DBC-750 172 _... .. .. ._.. __._._ _..______` _._. _______� AXIAL ouo soo �2� oec-�so nz -- _ _ - 357 K Pipe Mount 3 x2 375" 300 (2) RRUS12 w/ Solar Shieltl 172 ; HP2-18 300 � (2) RRUS-12 w/ Solar Shield �� � 172 ..._. _-__. ...__ .__ . ... .� _ __ .. . _ . . . SHEAf2 / 1 ET-X-TS 70.7562-18, iR-RD w/ Mount 21i RZRXXDC- 3164-PF-48 r Shield 172 - ---_" 35 K / �� 7 Pipe RXXDC-1064-PF-48.... -----�--- - 172 � ___._________ __ .-___. �. _ . .______ _ __ _ . TORQUE 11 k�F ET-X-TS70-�S62-18-iR-RD wl Mount 211 Pirod 15' T-Frame (3) 172 50 /17ph w�l�� - 0.50QP�Pe _ _. . . _. . . . . ___._ . _.. _ _ .. �. BXA-70040/BCF-EDIN-X w/ Mount 172 � � � � � .�'/AL � ELX-TS7415-62-18-iR-RD w/ Mounf 211 i Pipe � Pipe Duo ._. __ __ - ___- 110 ___.. .__1 162 K - - _ _ _ ..., ET-X-WM-78-65 SP w/ Mount Pipe 2N -- i-I-� ET-X-WM-18 65 SP w! Mount Pipe 211 �� - Ratlwin.5000 BS 110 __ _. � -- -. Pipe Mount 372 375" NO SHEAR��� i ET-X-WM-18-65-BPw/MouMPipe 211 _ HP211 � � 110 111 K;' RRH-C2Aw/ EXT FILTER � 211 � --- -----� _.. . - � _ ____ - - _ __ ___ . _. _ _ . . � RW-9061 5001 w! Mount Pipe '� 110 � TORQUE32kl�RRH-C2Aw/EXTFILTER � _ �271. ._ ___ ppeMount7x23�75" � 102 _ � REACTIONS - 89 mp RRH-C2Aw/ EXT FILTER 277 �- a SYMBOL LIST MARK SIZE MARK SIZE A Pirod 105245 D L3117x31/2x5/16 �� __..__ _ .. . .. _ ____. _ __- . __ . . _. __. ___ _ _ _ . . . . . . . . � B Pirotl 114fi83 E � E L4x4x1/4 . ____ ___._____... .._____. _ -__. __..._...._. . _. . ._�i C � Pirad 114685 � �� F L3x3x5/16 GPD °b MN10250-A Monticello 2, MN �► ---- - - �'.� 520 South Main Street Suite 2531 Pf0Je0' Zo�ans.�o2so.�s _ _______ _ ciienr SBA - j orewn tiy: bfranczkowski App'd: Akron, Ohio 44311 _ �- Phone: (330) 572-2100 code: TIA-222-G D�e 12/27/17 _ Scale: Nl -� - FAX: (330) 572-2101 Path: r, oe . m. , ..,.. ,,u a Dwg No. ..__.:_„_, ..., .,_..__,..-'-- F �j%� l Qj'i��i° Job Page MN10250-A Monticello 2, MN 1 of 13 GPD Project Date 52o South ntain Street Suite 253� 2018778.10250.13 13:10:44 12/27/17 Akron, Ohio 4431! Client Designed by Phone: (330J 572-2100 SBA F,�r: �330� s�z-z�o� bfranczkowski Tower In ut Data The main tower is a 3x free standing tower with an overall height of 370.00 ft above the ground line. The base of the tower is set at an elevation of 0.00 ft above the ground line. The face width of the tower is 4.00 ft at the top and 36.00 ft at the base. This tower is designed using the TIA-222-G standard. The following design criteria apply: Tower is located in Wright County, Minnesota. Basic wind speed of 89 mph. Structure Class II. Exposure Category C. Topographic Category 1. Crest Height 0.00 ft. Nominal ice thickness of 0.5000 in. Ice thickness is considered to increase with height. Ice density of 56 pcf. A wind speed of 50 mph is used in combination with ice. Temperature drop of 50 °F. Deflections calculated using a wind speed of 60 mph. A non-linear (P-delta) analysis was used. Pressures are calculated at each section. Stress ratio used in tower member design is 1. Local bending stresses due to climbing loads, feed line supports, and appurtenance mounts are not considered. Consider Moments - Legs Consider Moments - Horizontals Consider Moments - Diagonals Use Moment Magnification Use Code Stress Ratios Use Code Safety Factors - Guys Escalate Ice Always Use Max Kz Use Special Wind Profile Include Bolts In Member Capaciry Leg Bolts Are At Top Of Section Secondary Horizontal Braces Leg Use Diamond Inner Bracing (4 Sided) SR Members Have Cut Ends SR Members Are Concentric 0 t1017S Distribute Leg Loads As Uniform Assume Legs Pinned Assume Rigid Index Plate Use Clear Spans For Wind Area Use Clear Spans For KL/r Retension Guys To Initial Tension Bypass Mast Stabiliry Checks Use Azimuth Dish Coefficients Project Wind Area of Appurt. Aumcalc Torque Arm Areas Add IBC _6D+W Combination Sort Capacity Reports By Component Triangulate Diamond Inner Bracing Treat Feed Line Bundles As Cylinder Use ASCE 10 X-Brace Ly Rules Calculate Redundant Bracing Forces Ignore Redundant Members in FEA SR Leg Bolts Resist Compression All Leg Panels Have Same Allowable Offset Girt At Foundation Consider Feed Line Torque Include Angle Block Shear Check Use TIA-222-G Bracing Resist Exemption Use'flA-222-U 1'ension Splice Exemption Poles Include Shear-Torsion Interaction Always Use Sub-Critical Flow Use Top Mounted Sockets Job Page tjZ.kTOWeY MN10250-A Monticello 2, MN 2 of 13 GPD Project Date 520 South Main Street Suite 2531 2018778.10250.13 13:10:44 12/27/17 Akron, Ohio 44311 Client Designed by Phone: (330) 572-2100 SBA bfranczkowski FAX� (330) 572-2101 Feed Line/Linear Ap urtenances - Entered As Round Or Flat Description Face AUow Component Placement Face Lateral # m# Clear Width or Perimeter Weight or Shield Type Off'set Offset Per Spacing Diameter Leg ft in (Frac FW) Row in in in p]f T-Bracket m A No Af (CaAa) 348.00 - 8.00 -10.0000 0.45 1 I 3.0000 3.0000 5.00 LDF7-SOA A No Ar (CaAa) 348.00 - 8.00 -10.0000 0.45 6 4 1.0000 1.9800 0.82 (1-5/8 FOAM) 1/2° Fiber A No Ar (CaAa) 348.00 - 8.00 -10.0000 0.465 1 1 0.6300 0.6300 0.15 Cable 0.82" DC A No Ar (CaAa) 348.00 - 8.00 -6.0000 0.46 6 3 0.8840 0.8840 033 Power *** 1/2" Fiber B No Ar (CaAa) 348.00 - 8.00 3.0000 -0.485 1 1 0.6300 0.6300 0.15 Cable T-Bracket B No Af (CaAa) 211.00 - 8.00 5.0000 -0.5 1 1 3.0000 3.0000 5.00 1.82" Hybrid B No Ar (CaAa) 211.00 - 8.00 3.0000 -0.5 4 4 1.0000 1.8200 L00 Fiber Cab]e :** T-Bracket C No Af (CaAa) 327.00 - 8.00 -11.0000 -0.425 I 1 3.0000 3.0000 7.50 LDFS-SOA C No Ar (CaAa) 327.00 - 8.00 -11.0000 -0.4 1 1 ].0000 1.0900 033 (7/8 FOAM) LDF4-SOA C No Ar (CaAa) 102.00 - 8.00 -10.0000 -0.4 1 1 0.6300 0.6300 0.15 (I/2 FOAM) LDF7-SOA C No Ar (CaAa) 370.00 - 8.00 -8.0000 -0.4 2 2 0.5000 1.9800 0.82 (1-5/8 FOAM) 3/8" Cat 5 C No Ar (CaAa) 316.00 - 110.00 -8.0000 -0.45 2 2 02638 0.3750 0.15 3/8" Cat 5 C No Ar (CaAa) 110.00 - 8.00 -8.0000 -0.45 3 3 02638 0.3750 0.15 LMR-400 C No Ar (CaAa) 110.00 - 8.00 -8.0000 -0.45 1 1 0.4050 0.4050 0.07 (3/8") LDFS-SOA C No Ar (CaAa) 300.00 - 8.00 -8.0000 -0.45 1 I 1.0900 1.0900 033 (7/8 FOAM) LDF7-SOA C No Ar (CaAa) 200.00 - 8.00 -12.0000 -0.425 13 7 1.0000 1.9800 0.82 (1-5/8 FOAM) LDF4-SOA C No Ar (CaAa) 200.00 - 8.00 -12.0000 -0.425 1 1 0.6300 0.6300 015 (1/2 FOAM) *** T-Bracket C No Af (CaAa) 172.00 - 8.00 -11.0000 0.45 1 1 3.0000 3.0000 5.00 LDF7-SOA C No Ar (CaAa) ]72.00 - 8.00 -] 1.0000 0.43 6 3 I.0000 1.9800 0.82 (1-5/8 FOAM) LDFS-SOA C No Ar (CaAa) 172.00 - 8.00 -10.0000 0.45 9 5 1.0000 1.0900 0.33 (7/8 FOAM) RFA1608-16S C No Ar (CaAa) 172.00 - 8.00 -1 ].0000 0.435 1 1 1.0000 12700 1.30 26-] 00 Discrete Tower Loads Description� Face Offset Offsets: Azimuth � Placement C,3,4,� C�A,a Weight or Type Horz Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral Vert fr ° ft fi� ft� K f� Lighming Rod 6' x 0.75" Flash Beacon :mx C From Leg 0.00 0.0000 370.00 0.00 3.00 B None 0.0000 370.00 No Ice 0.45 0.45 1/2" Ice 1.06 1.06 No Ice 3.00 3.00 1/2" Ice 4.50 4.50 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.15 Job Page tnxTowe� MN10250-A Monticello 2, MN 3 of 13 GPD Project Date 520 Soz�th Main Street Suite 2531 2018778.10250.13 13:10:44 12/27/17 Akron, Ohio 4431 / Client Designed by Phone: (330) 572-2/00 SBA bfranczkowski FAX.• (330) 572-2101 Description Face Ofjset Offsets: Azimuth Placemem CaA,a C�AA Weight or Type Horz Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral Vert ft ° ft fi� ft� K fr _____. ___ _.. __ __ ._ ft __ _____ ___ _ BCD87010 �� B From Leg 6.00 0.0000 370.00 No Ice 2.98 � 2.98 � 0.03 � 0.00 ]/2" Ice 4.12 4.12 0.04 7.00 10' Omni A From Leg 6.00 0.0000 370.00 No [ce 2.00 2.00 0.03 Pirod 22' Halo Mount C None *s: Commscope M"fC 3606 A None Sector Frames (3) HPA-65R-BUU-H4 w/ C From Leg 4.00 Mount Pipe 0.00 0.00 HPA-65R-BUU-H8 w/ A From Leg 4.00 Mount Pipe 0.00 0.00 HPA-65R-BUU-H8 w/ B From Leg 4.00 Mount Pipe 0.00 0.00 CMA-BTLBHH/6516/20/20/ A From Leg 4.00 RET w/ Mount Pipe 0.00 0.00 CMA-BTLBHH/6516/20/20/ B From Leg 4.00 RET w/ Mount Pipe 0.00 0.00 CMA-BTLBHH/6516/20/20/ C From Leg 4.00 RET w/ Mount Pipe 0.00 0.00 800 10766 w/ Mount Pipe A From Leg 4.00 0.00 0.00 800 ] 0766 w/ Mount Pipe B From Leg 4.00 0.00 0.00 800 ] 0766 w/ Mount Pipe C From Leg 4.00 0.00 0.00 800 10891 K6 A From Leg 4.00 0.00 0.00 800 10891 K6 B From Leg 4.00 0.00 0.00 800 ] 0891 K6 C From Leg 4.00 0.00 0.00 Pipe Mount 6'x2.375" A From Leg 4.00 0.00 0.00 Pipe Mount 6'x2.375" B From Leg 4.00 0.00 0.00 Pipe Mount 6'x2.375" C From Leg 4.00 0.00 0.00 TT08-19DB111-001 A From Leg 4.00 1/2" Ice 3.02 3.02 0.04 0.0000 370.00 No Ice 70.47 70.47 3.08 1/2" Ice 100_l4 ] 00.14 4.50 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 34.80 34.80 1.25 1/2" Ice 4730 4730 2.19 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 6.91 5.07 0.05 1/2" Ice 732 5.68 0.10 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 13.05 9.42 0.09 1/2" Ice 13.66 10.82 0.19 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 13.05 9.42 0.09 1/2° Ice 13.66 ]0.82 0.19 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 1 1.58 7.41 0.11 U2" Ice 1226 8.60 020 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 1].58 7.41 0.1 I 1l2" Ice 1226 8.60 020 0.0000 347.00 No lce 11.58 7.41 0.11 I/2" Ice 1226 8.60 020 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 1 I.31 8.70 0.09 1/2"Ice 11.93 10.11 0.17 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 113] 8.70 0.09 l/2" Ice 11.93 10.11 0.17 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 1131 870 0.09 1/2"Ice 11.93 10.11 0.17 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 11.30 5.69 0.08 1/2" Ice 11.90 6.18 0.14 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 11.30 5.69 0.08 i/2" Ice 11.90 6.18 0.14 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 1130 5.69 0.08 ]/2"Ice 11.90 6.18 0.14 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 0.00 1.43 0.03 1/2" Ice 0.00 1.92 0.04 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 0.00 1.43 0.03 1/2" Ice 0.00 1.92 0.04 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 0.00 1.43 0.03 ]/2" Ice 0.00 1.92 0.04 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 0.79 0.64 0.02 tn.���we%" Job Page MN10250-A Monticello 2, MN 4 of 13 GPD Project Date 52o South Main Street Su�te 2531 2018778.10250.13 13:10:44 12/27/17 Akron, Ohio 4431/ Client Designed by Pnone: �s3o� s�a-z�oo SBA Fax.� �330� s�z-zlor bfranczkowski Description Face Offset Ofjsets: Azimuth Placement C,�A,� C,�A,� Weight or Type Horz Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral vert fr ° f .f� .fi� x ft __._ ____._____ ____ _._ � _____ _ �� ..._ _ . � 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.90 � 0.75 0.03� 0.00 TT08-19DB111-00] B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 0.79 0.64 0.02 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.90 0.75 0.03 0.00 TT08-19DB111-001 C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice OJ9 0.64 0.02 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.90 0.75 0.03 0.00 RRH2x40-AWS A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 2.16 1.42 0.04 0.00 1/2" Ice 236 1.59 0.06 0.00 RRH2x40-AWS B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 2.16 1.42 0.04 0.00 1/2" Ice 236 1.59 0.06 0.00 RRH2x40-AWS C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 2.16 1.42 0.04 0.00 1/2° Ice 236 1.59 0.06 0.00 RRH4�c25-WCS A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 3.84 334 0.09 0.00 1/2" Ice 4.09 3.59 0. ] 3 0.00 RRH4x25-WCS B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 3.84 334 0.09 0.00 ]/2" Ice 4.09 3.59 0.13 0.00 RRH4x25-WCS C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 3.84 3.34 0.09 0.00 1/2" Ice 4.09 3.59 0.13 0.00 RRII2x40x07-L A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 1.81 1.52 0.03 0.00 1/2" Ice L99 1.69 0.04 0.00 RRH2x40x07-L B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 1.81 1.52 0.03 0.00 1/2" Ice ].99 ].69 0.04 0.00 RRH2x40x07-L C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 1.81 I.52 0.03 0.00 1/2" Ice 1.99 1.69 0.04 0.00 B25 RRH4X30 A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 220 1.74 0.06 0.00 1/2" Ice 239 1.92 0.08 0.00 B25 RRH4X30 B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 220 1.74 0.06 0.00 ll2° [ce 2.39 1.92 0.08 0.00 B25 RRH4X30 C Fram Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 220 1.74 0.06 0.00 1/2" Ice 2.39 1.92 0.08 0.00 (2) UMTS 1900 60W RRH A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 1.83 127 0.05 0.00 1/2"Ice 2.01 1.42 0.06 0.00 (2) UMTS 1900 60W RRH B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 1.83 1.27 0.05 0.00 1/2" Ice 2.01 1.42 0.06 0.00 (2) UMTS 1900 60W RRH C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 1.83 127 0.05 0.00 I/2" Ice 2.01 1.42 0.06 0.00 DC6-48-60-0-8F Surge C From Leg 0.50 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 0.92 0.92 0.02 Suppression Unit 0.00 1/2° Ice 1.46 1.46 0.04 0.00 DC6-48-60-1 S-8F Surge A From Leg 0.50 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 0.92 0.92 0.02 Job Page tiZ.ai�QWE'y' MN10250-A Monticello 2, MN 5 of 13 GPD Project Date 520 South Main Street Suite 2531 2018778.10250.13 13:10:44 12/27/17 Akron, Ohio 44311 Client Designed by Phone: (330) 572-2100 F,�� �330� s�z-zroi SBA bfranczkowski Description Face OJfset Offsets: Azimuth Placement CAA� CAA,a Weight or Type Horz Adjustment Front Side Leg Latera: Vert f ° f i� it� K ft �.v . . _._ _ _.. _.._.. f� __ .. Suppression Unit 0.00 � 1/2" Ice � 1.46 �� 1.46 0.04 � 0.00 DC6-48-60-18-8F Surge B From Leg 0.50 0.0000 347.00 No Ice 0.92 0.92 0.02 Suppression Unit 0.00 1/2" Ice 1.46 1.46 0.04 0.00 *** Pipe Mount 6'x4.5" B From Leg 0.50 0.0000 327.00 No Ice 1.82 1.82 0.07 0.00 ]/2" Ice 2.62 2.62 0.09 0.00 CPF-500 B From Leg 1.00 0.0000 327.00 No Ice 2.00 2.00 O.OI 0.00 1/2" Ice 3.04 3.04 0.06 0.00 *am Pirod 6'-8" Box Arm (1) B From Face 333 0.0000 323.00 No Ice 4.50 4.50 021 0.00 1/2" Ice 9.87 9.87 028 0.00 Pipe Mount 6'x2.375" B From Face 6.66 0.0000 323.00 No Ice 1.43 1.43 0.03 0.00 ]/2" Ice ].92 1.92 0.04 0.00 **s ►*s AN1253 w/ Mount Pipe B From Leg 0.50 0.0000 316.00 No Ice 3.01 1.86 0.03 0.00 1/2" Ice 3J3 2.75 0.06 0.00 RW-9061-5001 w/ Mount B From Leg 0.50 0.0000 316.00 No Ice 1.48 0.77 0.01 Pipe 0.00 ]/2" Ice 1.70 L06 0.03 0.00 AU-D-BS-5.8-ODU B From Leg 0.50 0.0000 316.00 No Ice 0.46 0.49 0.00 0.00 1/2° [ce 0.56 0.59 0.01 0.00 Radwin 5000 BS B From Leg 0.50 0.0000 316.00 No Ice 0.70 030 0.01 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.81 0.38 0.01 0.00 **r Duo B From Leg 0.50 0.0000 300.00 No Ice 0.47 029 0.01 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.56 0.37 0.01 0.00 Pipe Mount 3'�375" B From Leg 0.50 0.0000 300.00 No Ice 0.58 0.58 0.01 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.77 0.77 0.02 0.00 s** Pirod 6'-8" Box Arm (1) C From Leg 333 0.0000 258.00 No Ice 4.50 4.50 021 0.00 1/2" Ice 9.87 9.87 0.28 0.00 Pipe Mount 6'x2375" C From Leg 6.66 0.0000 258.00 No Ice 1.43 1.43 0.03 0.00 1/2° Ice 1.92 192 0.04 0.00 **« LeBlanc 13' Wireless Mount A None 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 26.69 26.G9 1.08 (3) 1/2"Ice 37.60 37.60 1.49 ET-X-TS-70-15-62-18-iR-RD A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 8J1 6.69 0.07 w/ Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 936 7.97 0.14 0.50 ET-X-TS-70-15-62-18-iR-RD B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 2ll.00 No Ice 8.71 6.69 0.07 w/ Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 936 7.97 014 0.50 ET-X-TS-70-15-62-18-iR-RD C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 8.71 6.69 0.07 Job Page tnxTower MN10250-A Monticello 2, MN 6 of 13 GPD Project Date 520 South Main Street Suite 253 / 2018778.10250.13 13:10:44 12/27/17 Akron, Ohio 44311 Client Designed by rhone: �330� s�z-zloo SBA F.vr �330� s�z-alor bfranczkowski Descrip[ion Face Offset O,fsets: Azimuth Placement C,�A,� C�A,� Weight or Type Horz Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral Vert ft ° ft ft� fi� K fi f� w/ Mount Pipe�� � 0.00 W���� 1/2° Ice 936 7.97 �0.14 0.50 ET-X-WM-18-65-8P w/ A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 21 ].00 No Ice 6.68 4.17 0.05 Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 7.08 4.86 0.10 0.50 ET-X-WM-18-65-8P w/ B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 6.68 4.17 0.05 Mount Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 7.08 4.86 0.10 0.50 ET-X-WM-18-65-8P w/ C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 2] 1.00 No Ice 6.68 4.17 OAS MountPipe 0.00 1/2"Ice 7.08 4.86 0.10 0.50 RRI-I-C2A w/ EXT FILTER A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 3.l I 138 0.06 0.00 V2" Ice 3.33 1.55 0.08 0.50 RRH-C2A w/ EXT FILTER B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 3.11 1.38 0.06 0.00 1/2" Ice 333 1.55 0.08 0.50 RRH-C2A w/ EXT FILTER C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 3.1 ] 1.38 0.06 0.00 1/2" Ice 333 1.55 0.08 0.50 RRH-P4 A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 2.74 1.79 0.06 0.00 1/2" Ice 2.95 1.97 0.08 0.50 RRH-P4 B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 2.74 1.79 0.06 0.00 1/2" Ice 2.95 1.97 0.08 0.50 RRII-P4 C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 2.74 1.79 0.06 0.00 1/2"Ice 2.95 1.97 0.08 0.50 2.5 GHz RRII-V3 A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 2.40 122 0.06 0.00 1/2" [ce 2.60 136 0.08 0.50 2.5 GHz RRH-V3 B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 2.40 l22 0.06 0.00 1/2" Ice 2.60 136 0.08 0.50 2.5 GHz RRH-V3 C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 2.40 1.22 0.06 0.00 ]/2" Ice 2.60 136 0.08 0.50 Power Junction Cylinder A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 020 0.20 0.00 0.00 1/2" Ice 029 0.29 0.01 0.50 Power Junction Cylinder B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 020 020 0.00 0.00 1/2" Ice 029 029 0.01 0.50 Power Junction Cylinder C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 0.20 020 0.00 0.00 1/2" Ice 029 029 0.01 0.50 Optic Fiber Junction Cylinder A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 21 I.00 No Ice 021 0.21 0.00 0.00 1/2" Ice 030 030 0.01 0.50 Optic Fiber Junction Cylinder B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 211.00 No Ice 0.21 021 0.00 0.00 1/2" Ice 030 030 0.01 0.50 Optic Fiber Junction Cylinder C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 Z11.00 No Ice 0.21 021 0.00 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.30 030 0.01 0.50 *** Job Page tIZ.xTOWe�' MN10250-A Monticello 2, MN 7 of 13 GPD Project Date 520 South Main Street Suite 2531 2018778.10250.13 13:10:44 12/27/17 Akron, Ohio 44311 Client Designed by Phone: (330) 572-2100 SBA F,�� �330� s�z-z�or bfranczkowski Description Face Ofj"set OJj`sets: Azimuth Placement C,rAA C,�Aa Weight or Type Horz Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral Yert 1't ° ft fi� fi� K Pirod 10' Lt. Wt. T-Frame (3) A None DBXNH-6565B-A2M w/ A From Leg 4.00 Mount Pipe 0.00 0.00 DBXNH-6565B-A2M w/ B From Leg 4.00 Mount Pipe 0.00 0.00 DBXNH-6565B-A2M w/ C From Leg 4.00 Mount Pipe 0.00 0.00 (2) TMBXX-6517-A2M w/ A From Leg 4.00 Mount Pipe 0.00 0.00 (2) TMBXX-6517-A2M w/ B From Leg 4.00 Mount Pipe 0.00 0.00 (2) TMBXX-6517-A2M w/ C From Leg 4.00 Mount Pipe 0.00 0.00 ETW200VS12UB A From Leg 4.00 0.00 0.00 ETW200VS12UB B From Leg 4.00 0.00 0.00 ETW200VS12UB C From Leg 4.00 0.00 0.00 FXFB A From Leg 4.00 0.00 0.00 FXFB B From Leg 4.00 0.00 0.00 FXFB C From Leg 4.00 0.00 0.00 FRIG A From Leg 4.00 0.00 0.00 FRIG B From Leg 4.00 0.00 0.00 FRIG C From Leg 4.00 0.00 0.00 RNSNDC-1906-PF-48 C From Leg 4.00 0.00 0.00 Pipe Mount 6'�375" A From Leg 4.00 0.00 0.00 Pipe Mount 6'x2.375" B From Leg 4.00 0.00 0.00 Pipe Mount 6'�.375" C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 200.00 No Ice ] 8.73 �18.73 � 0.86 1/2" Ice 27.19 27.19 126 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 8.41 7.08 0.07 1/2" Ice 8.97 827 0.14 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 8.41 7.08 0.07 1/2" Ice 8.97 827 0.14 0.0000 200.00 No [ce 8.41 7.08 0.07 I/2" Ice 8.97 827 0.14 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 8.53 6.67 0.07 1/2" Ice 9.00 7.63 0.13 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 8.53 6.67 0.07 1/2" Ice 9.00 7.63 0.13 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 8.53 6.67 0.07 1/2" Ice 9.00 7.63 0.13 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 0.40 O.16 0.01 1/2" Ice 0.49 022 0.01 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 0.40 0.16 0.01 1/2" Ice 0.49 022 0.01 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 0.40 0. ] 6 0.01 1/2" Ice 0.49 022 0.01 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 3.54 1.02 0.06 1/2" Ice 3.77 1.17 0.08 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 3.54 1.02 0.06 1/2"Ice 3.77 L17 0.08 0.0000 200.00 No [ce 3.54 1.02 0.06 1/2" Ice 3.77 117 0.08 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 3.41 1.58 0.05 1/2" Ice 3.64 1 JS 0.08 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 3.41 1.58 0.05 1/2"Ice 3.64 iJ5 0.08 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 3.41 1.58 0.05 i/2" Ice 3.64 1.75 0.08 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 3.71 1.38 0.04 1/2"Ice 3.97 IS(i Q06 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 1.43 1.43 0.03 1/2" Ice 1.92 1.92 0.04 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 1.43 I.43 0.03 1/2" Ice 1.92 1.92 0.04 0.0000 200.00 No Ice 1.43 1.43 0.03 �n.xl �j'i�e�" Job Page MN10250-A Monticello 2, MN 8 of 13 CPD Project Date 52o South Ntatn Street Suite 2531 2018778.10250.13 13:10:44 12/27/17 Akron, Ohio 44311 Client Designed by Phone: (330) 572-2100 SBA F,�r� �330� s�z-z�o� bfranczkowski Description Face OfJ"set Offsets: Azimuth Placement C,{A,� C,�A� Weight � or Type Horz Adjustment Front Side Leg Luieral Vert ft ° ft fi� ft� K ft _.___ ___._.__...________.______.__._�._.�.._ 1? __ __.__.____�.____ ___ 0.00 1/2" Ice 1.92 1.92 ^ 0.04 0.00 *** Ice Shield (12" x 12") B From Leg 0.50 0.0000 186.00 No Ice 0.10 0. ] 0 0.02 0.00 1/2" [ce 0.18 0.18 0.02 0.00 Side Light B From Leg 0.50 0.0000 185.00 No Ice 033 0.33 0.01 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.47 0.47 0.01 0.00 Ice Shield (12" x 12") C From Leg 0.50 0.0000 186.00 No Ice 0.10 0.10 0.02 0.00 ]/2" Ice 0.18 0.18 0.02 0.00 Side Light C From Leg 0.50 0.0000 185.00 No Ice 033 033 0.01 0.00 I/2" Ice 0.47 0.47 0.01 0.00 *** Pirod 15' T-Frame (3) A None BXA-70040/8CF-EDIN-X w/ A From Leg 4.00 Mount Pipe 0.00 0.00 BXA-70040/8CF-EDIN-X w/ B From Leg 4.00 Mount Pipe 0.00 0.00 BXA-70040/8CF-EDIN-X w/ C From Leg 4.00 Mount Pipe 0.00 0.00 (2) LNX-6515DS-A1M w/ A From Leg 4.00 Mount Pipe 0.00 0.00 (2) LNX-6515DS-AIM w/ B From Leg 4.00 Mount Pipe 0.00 0.00 (2) LNX-6515DS-A 1 M w/ C From Leg 4.00 Mount Pipe 0.00 0.00 (2) HBXX-6516DS-A2M w/ A From Leg 4.00 Mount Pipe 0 00 0.00 (2) HBXX-6516DS-A2M w/ B From Leg 4.00 Mount Pipe 0.00 0.00 (2) HBXX-6516DS-A2M w/ C From Leg 4.00 Mount Pipe 0.00 0.00 E15ROSP19 A From Leg 4.00 0.00 0.00 EISROSPI9 B From Leg 4.00 0.00 0.00 E15ROSP19 C From Leg 4.00 0.00 0.00 (2) DB-1900DD-FULL-DIN A From Leg 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.0000 172.00 0.0000 172.00 0.0000 172.00 0.0000 172.00 0.0000 172.00 0.0000 172.00 0.0000 172.00 0.0000 172.00 0.0000 172.00 0.0000 172.00 0.0000 172.00 0.0000 172.00 0.0000 172.00 0.0000 172.00 No Ice 23.96 1/2" Ice 34.06 No Ice 22.05 1/2"Ice 22.84 No Ice 22.05 1/2"Ice 22.84 No Ice 22.05 1/2" Ice 22.84 No Ice 11.41 1/2° Ice 12.03 No Ice 11.41 1/2" Ice 12.03 NoIce ll.41 1/2"Ice 12.03 No Ice 5.66 1!2" Ice 6.06 No [ce 5.66 1/2" Ice 6.06 No Ice 5.66 1/2° Ice 6.06 No Ice 0.91 1/2" Ice 1.03 No Ice 0.91 1/2" [ce 1.03 No Ice 0.91 1/2" Ice 1.03 No Ice 129 I/2" Ice 1.44 23.96 34.06 9.97 11.39 9.97 1139 9.97 1139 9.03 9.92 9.03 9.92 9.03 9.92 4.53 520 4.53 5.20 4.53 520 0.55 0.65 0.55 0.65 0.55 0.65 032 0.42 1.10 1.60 0.08 021 0.08 021 0.08 021 0.08 0.16 0.08 0.16 0.08 0.16 0.05 0.10 0.05 0.10 0.05 0.10 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 Job Page t�.x�OWeY MN10250-A Monticello 2, MN 9 of 13 GPD Project Date 52o South Main Street Suite 2531 2018778.10250.13 13:10:44 12/27/17 Akron, Ohio 443!! Client Designed by Phone: (330) 572-2100 SBA F,�� �330� s�z-z�o� bfranczkowski Description Face Offset O�J'sets: Azimuth Placement C.�A,� CaA;� Weight or Type Horz Adjustment Front Side Leg Lateral Vert .1t ° f� .f� 1i� K ji ft_ � _ ._ u_ _ (2) DB-1900DD-FiJLL-DIN B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 No Ice 129 0.32 0.02 0.00 ]/2" Ice 1.44 0.42 0.02 0.00 (2) DB-1900DD-FULL-DIN C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 No Ice 1.29 032 0.02 0.00 1/2" Ice 1.44 0.42 0.02 0.00 (2) DBC-750 A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 No Ice 0.43 0.09 0.00 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.52 0.15 0.01 0.00 (2) DBG750 B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 No Ice 0.43 0.09 0.00 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.52 0.15 0.01 0.00 (2) DBC-750 C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 No Ice 0.43 0.09 0.00 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.52 0.15 0.01 0.00 (2) RRUS-12 w/ Solar Shield A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 No Ice 3.15 ].42 0.06 0.00 1/2" Ice 3.39 1.59 0.08 0.00 (2) RRUS-12 w/ Solar Shield B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 No Ice 3.15 1.42 0.06 0.00 ]/2" Ice 339 1.59 0.08 0.00 (2) RRUS-12 w/ Solar Shield C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 No Ice 3.15 I.42 0.06 0.00 1/2" Ice 3.39 1.59 0.08 0.00 RC2DC-3315-PF-48 A From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 No Ice 3.79 2.51 0.03 0.00 1/2" Ice 4.04 2.72 0.06 0.00 RXXDG1064-PF-48 B From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 No Ice 135 1.35 0.0] 0.00 1/2" Ice 1.50 1.50 0.03 0.00 RXXDC-1064-PF-48 C From Leg 4.00 0.0000 172.00 No Ice 1.35 135 0.01 0.00 1/2" Ice 1.50 1.50 0.03 0.00 *** Pipe Mount 3'x2375" B From Leg 0.50 0.0000 110.00 No [ce 0.58 0.58 0.01 0.00 1/2" [ce 0.77 0.77 0.02 0.00 RW-9061-5001 w/ Mount A From I.eg 0.50 0.0000 1 lO.On No Ice 1.48 0.77 0.01 Pipe 0.00 1/2" Ice 1.70 1.06 0.03 0.00 Duo B From Leg 0.50 0.0000 110.00 No Ice 0.47 029 0.01 0_00 1/2" Ice 0.56 0.37 0.01 0.00 Radwin 5000 BS A From Leg 0.50 0.0000 1] 0.00 No Ice 0.70 030 0.01 0.00 1/2" Ice 0.81 0.38 0.01 0.00 +** Pipe Mount 7'x2.375" B From Leg 0.50 0.0000 102.00 No Ice 1.66 1.66 0.03 0.00 1/2" Ice 239 239 Q04 0.00 CL-FMRX/VRM/SON B From Leg 2.00 0.0000 102.00 No Ice 3.36 3.36 0.02 0.00 1/2" Ice 6.05 6.05 0.02 0.00 *** Job Page tIZ�TOWLY MN10250-A Monticello 2, MN 10 of 13 GPD Project Date 520 South Main Street Suite 2531 2018778.10250.13 13:10:44 12/27/17 Akron, Ohio 44311 Client Designed by Phone: (330) 572-2100 SBA Fax: �330� s�z-zro! bfranczkowski Dishes Description Face Dish OJjset OJfsets: Azimuth 3 dB Elevation Outside Aperture Weight or Type Type Horz Adjustment Beam Diameter Area Leg Lateral Width Vert _ _ ft � � .ft .% .f� K _ VHLP2-18 A� Paraboloid �From 4.00 -15.0300 200.00 2.00 NoIce 3.72 0.03� w/Shroud (HP) Leg 0.00 1/2" Ice 4.01 0.05 0.00 HP2-11 B Paraboloid From 1.00 34.0000 ] 10.00 2.00 No Ice 3.14 0.04 w/Shroud (HP) Leg 0.00 1/2" Ice 3.41 0.02 0.00 HP2-18 B Paraboloid From 1.00 18.0000 300.00 2.00 No Ice 3.14 0.03 w/Shroud (HP) Leg 0.00 1/2" Ice 3.41 0.03 0.00 Critical Deflections and Radius of Curvature - Service Wind Elevation �� Appurtenance Gov. De�lection � Tilt Twist Radius of Load Curvature � ft �� v Comb. in ° ° ft 370.00 Lightning Rod 6' x 0.75" 63 16.425 0.5847 0.0782 103535 347.00 Commscope MTC 3606 Sector 63 13.615 0.5487 0.0635 23189 Frames (3) 327.00 Pipe Mount 6'x4.5" 63 11.379 0.4815 0.0496 13781 323.00 Pirod 6'-8" Box Arm (1) 63 10.970 0.4658 0.0471 12885 316.00 AN1253 w/ Mount Pipe 63 10289 0.4370 0.0422 l 1572 300.00 HP2-18 63 8.922 0.3686 0.0273 17030 258.00 Pirod 6'-S" Box Arm (1) 63 6.137 02621 0.0117 26627 211.00 LeBlanc 13' Wireless Mount (3) 63 3.909 0.1875 0.0076 47413 200.00 VHLP2-18 63 3.482 0.1743 0.0068 55587 186.00 Ice Shield (12" x 12") 63 2.979 0.1568 0.0056 48562 185.00 Side Light 63 2.945 0.1556 0.0055 48053 172.00 Pirod 15' T-Frame (3) 63 2.523 0.1412 0.0047 47763 ] 10.00 HP2-ll 63 ].033 0.0817 0.0025 66505 102.00 Pi ep�Moun,t 7'x2.375" 63 0.893 0.0746 0.0023 68871 � Bolt Desi n Data Section Elevation Component Bolt Bolt Size Number Maximum Allowable Ratio Allowable Criteria No. Type Grade Of Goad per Load Load Ratio ft in Bolts Bolt K Allowable K T1 �--�370 _�v- Leg ---� A325N`0.6250 5 T 4.57 24.85 0.184 V� -v i-----u- Bolt DS W T2 350 Leg A325N 0.7500 5 15.08 35.78 � 421 � 1 Bolt DS T3 330 Leg A325N 1.0000 6 2038 53.01 0384 � I Bolt Tension T4 310 Leg A325N 1.0000 6 2026 53.01 � 382 �' i Bolt Tension Diagonal A325N 1.0000 1 5.30 10.66 0.497 � l Member Block TS T6 300 Leg A325N 1.0000 6 Diagonal A325N I.0000 1 280 Leg A325N 1.0000 6 23.81 53.01 0.449 � 4.64 10.66 0.435 � 26.98 53.01 0.509 � � 0 Shear Bolt Tension Member Block Shear Bolt Tension Pa e �JZ�TOWei� J�b MN10250-A Monticello 2, MN 9 11 of 13 GPD Project Date 520 South Main Street Suite 2531 2018778.10250.13 13:10:44 12/27/17 Akron, Oh;o 4431 i Client Designed by Phone. (330) 572-2100 SBA F�r.� �330� s�z-a�o� bfranczkowski Section Elevation Component Bolt Bolt Size Number Maximum Allowable Ratio Allowable Criteria No. Type Grade Of Loadper Goad Load Ratio ft in Bolts Bolt K Al[owable K Diagonal A325N 1.0000 1�� 4.70�� 11.68 0.402 Y 1 Member Block Shear T7 260 Diagonal A325N 1.2500 1 6.75 »�� 0380 Y 1 Member Block Shear Secondary A325N 0.5000 1 321 7.95 0.404 Y � Bolt Shear Horizontal �/ T8 250 Leg A325N 1.2500 6 30.08 g2.g3 0363 Y 1 Bolt Tension Diagonal A325N 12500 1 5.18 17.77 � 292 �% 1 Member Block Shear Top Girt A325N 1 Z500 1 3.74 16.94 � 221 �/ 1 Member Block Shear T9 240 Leg A325N 12500 6 33.67 g2_g3 0.406 9Y' � Bolt Tension Diagonal A325N 12500 1 5.83 17.77 � 328 �" 1 Member Block Shear T10 220 Leg A325N 12500 6 3727 82.83 0.450 � � BoltTension Diagonal A325N 1.2500 1 7.95 21.17 0376 Y 1 Member Block Shear Tll 200 Leg A325N 1.2500 6 41.89 g2.g3 0.506 1Y" � Bolt Tension Diagonal A325N 12500 1 10.74 16.94 0.634 Y 1 Member Block Shear Secondary A325N 1.0000 1 5.00 18.30 I Member Block Horizontal 0'273 Sheaz T12 l80 Leg A325N 12500 12 22.76 82.83 � 275 �j' l Bolt Tension Diagona] A325N ].0000 2 7.47 35.53 0210 � 1 MemberBlock Shear T13 160 Leg A325N 12500 12 25.84 g2.83 0312 � � Bolt Tension Diagonal A325N 1.0000 2 8.80 35.53 � 248 �f 1 Member Block Shear T14 140 Leg A325N 1.2500 12 2g.g3 82 83 0.348 � 1 BoltTension Diagonal A325N 1.0000 2 8.74 35.53 0.246 Y` 1 Member Block Sheaz T15 120 Leg A325N 12500 12 31 JS 82.83 0383 i� 1 Bo]t Tension Diagonal A325N 1.0000 2 922 35.53 0.259 �M` 1 Member Block Shear T16 ]00 Leg A325N 1.2500 12 34.74 g2.g3 0.419 � � BoltTension Diagonal A325N 1.0000 2 9.62 35.53 p Z� 1�„+�` 1 Member Block Shear T17 80 Leg A325N L2500 12 37.61 g2.g3 0.454 i/� 1 Bolt Tension Diagonal A325N 1.0000 2 9.90 35.53 � 279 �d' 1 Member Block Shear T 18 60 Leg A325N 12500 12 40.44 82.83 � 488 �' 1 Bolt Tension Diagonal A325N 1.0000 2 1025 35.53 p 289 �+" 1 Member Block Shear T19 40 Leg A325N 12500 12 4333 g2.g3 0.523 � � BoltTension Diagonal A325N I.0000 2 10.52 2g.42 0370 Y � Member Block Shear T20 20 Diagonal A325N 1.0000 2 10.75 28.42 � 378 �" 1 Member Block Shear Pa e �1Z.xTOWEY J�b MN10250-A Monticello 2, MN g 12 of 13 GPD Project Date szo sourn Ntatn srreer sutre zs3� 2018778.10250.13 13:10:44 12/27/17 Akron, Ohio 443I1 Client Designed by Phone: (330) 572-2/00 SBA Fax �s3o� s�z-ztor bfranczkowski Section Ca acit Table $ection Elevation Component Size Cri[ical P ePo��ow % Pass Na ft Type Element K K Capaciry Fail T1 Y� 370 - 350 �� Leg 1 1/2 2 -21.15 52.13 40.6 Pass � T2 350 - 330 Leg 2 60 -7] 34 111.47 64.0 Pass T3 330 - 310 Leg 2 1/2 116 -127.63 189.73 67.3 Pass T4 310 - 300 Leg Pirod 105245 173 -130.03 214.86 60.5 Pass TS 300 - 280 Leg Pirod ] 05218 182 -154.63 300.68 51.4 Pass T6 280 - 260 Leg Pirod 105218 197 -176.75 300.68 58.8 Pass T7 260 - 250 Leg Pirod 105219 212 -18518 399.87 463 Pass T8 250 - 240 Leg Pirod 105219 224 -199.05 399.87 49.8 Pass T9 240 - 220 Leg Pirod 105219 236 -225.09 399.87 563 Pass T10 220 - 200 Leg Pirod 105220 252 -25330 51238 49.4 Pass T11 200 - 180 Leg Pirod 105220 267 -28826 51238 563 Pass T12 180 - 160 Leg Pirod ll2743 288 -316.02 613.14 51.5 Pass T13 160 - 140 Leg Pirod 112743 297 -362.36 613.14 59.1 Pass T74 140- 120 Leg Pirod 112744 306 -40625 741.99 54.8 Pass T15 120- 100 Leg Pirod 112744 315 -449J8 741.99 60.6 Pass T16 100 - 80 Leg Pirod 112745 324 -494.64 883.14 56.0 Pass T17 80 - 60 Leg Pirod 112745 333 -538.46 883.14 61.0 Pass T 18 60 - 40 Leg Pirod 112745 342 -581.25 883.14 65.8 Pass T19 40 - 20 Leg Pirod 114683 E 351 -626.50 1036.61 60.4 Pass T20 20 - 0 Leg Pirod 114685 360 -665.69 96723 68.8 Pass Tl 370 - 350 Diagonal 3/4 ] 3 -1.97 5.92 333 Pass T2 350 - 330 Diagonal 7/8 69 -5.10 930 54.8 Pass T3 330 - 310 Diagonal 1 169 -5.96 15.19 39.3 Pass T4 310 - 300 Diagonal L2 1/2x2 1/2x3/16 180 -5.74 13.56 42.3 Pass TS 300-280 Diagonal L21/2x21/2x3/16 187 -4.61 10.95 42.1 Pass T6 280 - 260 Diagonal L3x3x3/16 202 -5.00 14.96 33.4 Pass T7 260 - 250 Diagonal L3x3x5/16 216 -7.59 2L57 352 Pass T8 250 - 240 Diagonal L3x3x5/16 231 -5.88 19.30 30.5 Pass T9 240 - 220 Diagonal L3x3x5/16 241 -6.12 15.58 393 Pass T10 220-200 Diagonal L31/2x31/2x5/16 255 -8.15 20.54 39.7 Pass Tll 200-180 Diagonal L4x4x1/4 279 -11.68 22.92 51.0 Pass T12 180-160 Diagonal 2L31/2x31/2x5/16x3/8 291 -16.54 41.46 39.9 Pass T13 160-140 Diagonal 2L31/2x31/2x5/16x3/8 300 -18.12 3724 48.6 Pass T14 140 - 120 Diagonal 2L3 1/2x3 1/2x5/16x3/8 309 -18.17 33.50 54.2 Pass T15 120-100 Diagonal 2L3112x31/2x5/16x3/8 318 -19.13 3020 63.4 Pass T16 100 - 80 Diagonal 2L3 1/2x3 1/2x5/16x3/8 327 -1990 2729 72.9 Pass T17 80-60 Diagonal 2L31/2x31/2x5/16x3/8 336 -2037 24.72 82.4 Pass T18 60 - 40 Diagonal 2L3 1/2x3 1/2x5/16x3/8 345 -21.45 22.45 95.5 Pass T19 40 - 20 Diagonal 2L4x4x]/4x3/8 354 -21.19 24.57 862 Pass T20 20 - 0 Diagonal 2L4x4x1/4x3/8 363 -22.88 21.90 ] 04.5 Pass T7 260 - 250 Secondary Horizontal L3x3x5/16 220 -321 31.60 ]0.2 Pass T11 200 - 180 Secondary Horizontal L4x4x1/4 275 -5.00 28.71 17.4 Pass Tl 370 - 350 Top Girt 7/8 5 -0.91 6.14 14.8 Pass T2 350 - 330 Top Girt 7/8 62 -0.50 623 8.1 Pass T3 330 - 310 Top Girt 1 118 -1.63 8.48 192 Pass T8 250 - 240 Top Girt L4x4x]/4 228 -333 2092 15.9 Pass Tl 370 - 350 Bottom Girt 7/8 7 -0.91 6.14 14.8 Pass T2 350 - 330 Bottom Girt 7/8 64 -2.00 4.93 40.5 Pass T3 330 - 310 Bottom Girt 1 123 -1.55 6.88 22.5 Pass Summary Leg (T20) 68.8 Pass Diagonal 104.5 Pass (T20) Secondary 17.4 Pass Horizontal (T11) Top Girt 192 Pass (T3) t�..x / o �'i�ei° Job Page MN10250-A Monticello 2, MN 13 of 13 GPD Project Date 52o South Main Street Suite 2531 2018778.10250.13 13:10:44 12/27/17 Akron, Ohio 44311 Client Designed by Phone: (330f 572-2100 SBA Fa,r.� �s3o� s�z-Z�o� bfranczkowski Section Elevation Component Size Critical P w BPa��o�����% Pass y No. it Type Element K K Capacity Fail �� �'��� � Bottom Girt 40.5 Pass (T2) Bolt Checks 63.4 Pass RATING = 104.5 Pass SBA Site ID#: MN10250-A December 27, 2017 ADDITIONAL CALCULATIONS � /1�- GPD � .1�''"/`.►.. GPD GRC�UP Code Modified Anchor Rods Clear Distance > db Leg Eccentricity Max Capacity Self-Support Anchor Rod Analysis MN10250-A Monticello 2, MN 2018778.10250.13 Info Tower Reac Detail Type = Eta Factor, n = Down Load, P„ _ Down Load Shear, V� _ Uplift, P� _ Uplift Shear, V„ _ TIA-222-G No No No 1.05 d 0.50 687.00 kips 71.00 kips 567.00 kips 61.00 kips AnchorRods Number of Anchor Rods, N= 6 Anchor Rod Grade = A687 Anchor Rod Diameter, dd = 2 Bolt Circle, BC = 10 Yield, F�= 105 Tensile, F„b = 150 GPD Self-Support Anchor Rod Analysis - V1.0 in in ksi ksi Anchor Rocl`Results ( P� + v�/n) 13s.2 ki PS �*Rnt = �*Fue*A� = 300.0 kips Anchor Rod Stress Ratio = 46.1% OK j � � � �'� t��` � � n�—t�-�— rt gl�. .1�`=,-- e '-.._,_.�°" `�_- �� _,. � , y I Y ' . ... .-c , .,. r � �-- - - --- �—_ .� `scC�Tltd^; A,,� SE"T!a1,h 9-B DetaiM TYpr� (a� C)efaa§ Type fb) �'r1��td Y� r '. �.. `- � ,� ��� a. � � j� �<":y`f � Yy C' � 1Y..33�C �—�._�=��---P3 �tl rr`�, --- } -:� � ,n ,_a _. � ,'1i-• � �, .:..,.;�._ � �_�. SEcTrcr� �-c �=_c-�:in �-r QetaFf Type {c} �atail Typg �dy -�.. � - s�« - „�a_,.a � - - �r,� `f.�.�>� e Figure 4-4 of TIA-222-G � SelfSupportTawerDrilledShaftAnalysis-RevG . {'� MN10250-A Monti[ello 2, MN �� ,� 2018778.10250.13 Tawer Reaztions Ovenll CaOacities Uo�m Camprezsion Capaciry 66.>% oK Aaial,P � JYvpz UplittCaOaciry 85.9% Shear, V ) kips ReinforcementCaOa�iry� 49.1% OK Camprea �nOK? OK Azial,P e9:' 3 kips [rallingUpa�i[y 85.9% OK SM1ear,V �rilleE Shak Details D�amem� a ft HelghtFboveGratle .. Dep[hBelowGratle �O.Yh c,o::e<no�ain,e, za.n n' 18.6 k Peinforcement Prapertles ReintorcingKnown v+� rtica19ar51ze i pofEziz[ingVert�ulBars . Horixan[alBarType �e arrzon[alBarSize � ncarROCEmbetlment a�ifi]>�n A Anchor ROE Circle :.t in Mln. Concrete Caver 1 �n I� �en� asi F bu ks� Suil Dropertles Wa[erTahleOep[h sJft earingType nr. UltimateFndBearing .�kaf m1���9) � In<1]3615ea1on9.d.1� m(sknhictlm-uplin) ..� (nA-iil-G-lseaion9.a.11 q(sltlnMccion-comP.l 0.)5 InA-xzzG-tsen�on9.4�� � � Entl Beanng Fesistanre'. 3N1.J k�ips �rllled SFah WeIgF[ Resistan<e�. .a k0iz ComO�ess�on Sk�n Friction Resistance: )69.) hips Il01ik Skin Friction Resis[ance: 513.3 kipa To[al [ p ssion Pezistance. 1151A k�ipz To�al Uplik Resislan<e�. 659.8 kipz Gro seu s�poortiown ordled snzh nnzM�s �Frv s�-vl.a6 Helght Abave GIaCe I:T]RGTfinS.fi ' c p sian 35.o In� Av <0)1.5 in' m�com0�eision7 0.65 bP, 69d3.] k ComOressionCapacity 13.J%OK ein)a�m¢nt Min�mum ly(eHeclive7 i035.J5300 in' [ompresslonA�m�n.�in�� 20.00K Rebar fage �iameter Ters�on 63.6 in Nprd�evela0men[Lenth 61.9in �evelopmentLeng�h(in� 3].eNG i 56).0 k ienslle5rteng�M1,�P„�Nip) 115G.1 TensileCaoa�i[v G9.1% ON � niont eC� SeNon 10.9.1� �a � eman .3.31 a aoss iz -.n_iu,.i �c.,..lc�tr. , n nEtlu.[ioi, o, o .q� ��tl)� SBA Site: MN10250-A-08 / Monticello 2, MN Tenant Site: MONT / Application #: 73868, v1 NMTMONT General Information Application Details Application Type: Amendment Application Status: Completed Owned By: Paul Brandt Owner Email: pbrandt@nextera.net Owner Phone: (959) 525-6469 Handled By: Leasing Site Informatian SBA ID: MN10250-A SBA Name: Monticello 2, MN Tower: Twr #1 - 372' Self Support Company: SBA Towers II LLC Carrier: Nextera Wireless Tenant: MN10250-A-08 Tenant ID / Name: MONT / NMTMONT Project Name: MN Med Upgrade Type: Other 5ite Management Title Name Phone Email Account Executive Jessica Hutchings (702) 998-9208 jhutchings@sbasite.com Site Marketing Manager Kent Meier (414) 788-1133 kmeier@sbasite.com Collo RSM Tommy Parma (405) 822-1083 TParma@sbasite.com OPS RSM Shane Stubblefield (651) 808-0302 SStubblefield@sbasite.com Senior RSM Chuck Edwards (252) 266-2652 CEdwards@sbasite.com 3/8/2018 12:26:15 PM Page 1 of 8 Contact Information Tenant Entity Company Nextera Wireless, LLC Tax ID: - Signatory Name: Greg G Arvig Signatory Title: President Primary Phone: (952) 564-6924 [Work] Email: pbrandt@nextera.net Alt Email: Address Type Address Copy To 5903 Saker Rd Ste 590, Minre:onka, MN 55345 Corporate PO Box 2945, Baxter, MN 56425-9998 Phone Type Phone iVumber Fax (952) 564-6901 Vendor Company Nextera Wireless Tax ID: Contact Name: Gina Hoveland Contact Title: Operations Manager Primary Phone: (952) 564-6908 [Work] Email: ghoveland@nextera.net Alt Email: Address Type Address Corporate 5909 Baker Road, STE 590 , Minnetonka, MN 55345 Phone Type Phone Number Fax (952)564-6901 Site Tech Company Nextera Wireless Tax ID: Contact Name: Paul Brandt Contact Title: Network Engineer Primary Phone: (952) 564-6924 [VVork] Email: pbrandt@nextera.net Alt Email: Address Type Address Construction Company Tri-State Communication Services Tax ID: Contact Name: Joe Guentrel Contact Title: Primary Phone: (952) 435-5131 [Work] Email: jguentrel@tristatecs.com Alt Email: Address Type Address 3/8/2018 12:26:15 PM Page 2 of 8 SBA Site: MN10250-A-08 / Monticello 2, MN Tenant Site: MONT / Application #: 73868, v1 NMTMONT Equipment I',Final Configuration Summary: Antenna: 1 Alvarion AN1253 @ 316, 21.65" x 9.84" x 6.7", Weight: 3.31 Ibs., RX: 5 GHz, TX: 5 GHz [Panel] Antenna: 1 Radwin RW-9061-5001 @ 316' [Tip:316.9'] [Base:315.1'], 21.5" x 5" x 2.8", Weight: 5 Ibs., RX: 5 GHz, TX: 5 GHz [Panel] Antenna: 1 Radwin RW-9061-5001 @ 110' [Tip:110.9'j [Base:109.1'], 21.5" x 5" x 2.8", Weight: 5 Ibs., RX: 5 GHz, TX: 5 GHz [Panel] Mount Equipment: 2@ 316', 36" x 2.38" x, Weight: 15 Ibs. [Pipe] Mount Equipment: 1@ 300', 36" x 2.38" x, Weight: 15 Ibs. [Pipe] Mount Equipment: 1@ 110', 36" x 2.38" x, Weight: 15 Ibs. [Pipe] Mount Equipment: 1@ 110', 36" x 2.38" x, Weight: 15 Ibs. [Pipe] Dish: 1 Radio Waves HP2-11 @ 110', 31" x 31" x 27", Weight: 27 Ibs., RX: 11 GHz, TX: 11 GHz [HP] Dish: 1 Radio Waves HP2-18 @ 300', 31" x 31" x 27", Weight: 27 Ibs., RX: 18 GHz, TX: 18 GHz [Radome] ODU / Coupler: 1 DragonWave Duo @ 110', 8" x 8" x 5", Weight: 7 Ibs., 1 lines Coax @ LMR 400 3/8" ODU / Coupler: 1 Alvarion AU-D-BS-5.8-ODU @ 316', 11.81" x 4.72" x 1.97", Weight: 4.85 Ibs., 1 lines Cat 5@ 3/8" ODU / Coupler: 1 DragonWave Duo @ 300, Weight: 7, 1 lines Coax @ 7/8" ODU / Coupler: 1 Radwin Radwin 5000 BS @ 316', 10" x 8" x 3", Weight: 5.29 Ibs., 1 lines Cat 5@ 3/8" ODU / Coupler: 1 Radwin Radwin 5000 BS @ 110', 10" x 8" x 3", Weight: 5.29 Ibs., 1 lines Cat 5@ 3/8" Antenna Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Type: Panel Panel Panel Manufacturer: Alvarion Alvarion Alvarion Model: AN1253 AN1253 AN1253 Dimensions: 21.65" x 9.84" x 6.7" 21.65" x 9.84" x 6.7" 21.65" x 9.84" x 6.7" Weight: 3.31 Ibs. 3.31 Ibs. 3.31 Ibs. Base: 327.1' Center: 328' 316 316 Tip: 328.9' Down Tilt: ° � � Orientation: 130° 130° 130° Tx: 5 GHz 5 GHz 5 GHz �� 5 GHz 5 GHz 5 GHz Comment: Height is being adjusted to reflect actual install height per SBA site audit. 3/8/2018 12:26:15 PM Page 3 of 8 Antenna Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Type: Panel Panel Panel Manufacturer: Aivarion Radwin Radwin Model: AN 1253 RW-9061-5001 RW-9061-5001 Dimensions: 21.65 " x 9.84 " x 6.7 " 21.5" x 5" x 2.8" 21.5" x 5" x 2.8" Weight: 3.31 5 Ibs. 5 Ibs. Base: 315.1' 315.1' Cer�ter: 328' 316' 310' T�P� 316.9' 316.9' Down Tilt: ° � Orientation: 310 130°, °&° 130° ° 8� ° Tx: 5 GHz 5 GHz 5 GHz Rx: 5 GHz 5 GHz 5 GHz Comment: This panel replaces one of the existing Alvarion panels. We will install it at the same RAD as the remaining Alvarion and the site audit level of 319' RAD will be abandoned. Lease paperwork indicated 328'. Antenna Leased Proposed Finai 4tY: 1 1 1 Type: Panel Panel Panel Manufacturer: Til-Tek Radwin Radwin Model: TA-5705H-14-90 RW-9061-5001 RW-9061-5001 Dimensions: 24.5 " x 5" x 6" 21.5" x 5" x 2.8" 21.5" x 5" x 2.8" Weight: 6 5 ibs. 5 Ibs. Base: 109.1' 109.1' Center: 330' 110' 110' TiP� 110.9' 110.9' Down Tilt: ° ° Orientation: 310 310 310 Tx: 2.4 GHz 5 GHz 5 GHz Rx: 2.4 GHz 5 GHz 5 GHz Comment: This antenna will replace a Til-Tek Antenna. The Til-Tek antenna is considered part of the lease but has been removed from the tower for several years. Mount Equipment Leased Proposed Final Qty: 2 2 2 Type: Pipe Pipe Pipe Dimensions: 36" x 2.38" x 36" x 2.38" x 36" x 2.38" x Weight: 15 Ibs. 15 Ibs. 15 Ibs. Center: 328' 316' 316' Comment: Attached to tower with v-piate clamp set. Adjusting height to reflect SBA site audit.. Mount Equipment Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Type: Pip2 Pipe Pipe Dimensions: 36" x 2.38" x 36" x 2.38" x 36" x 2.38" x Weight: 15 Ibs. 15 Ibs. 15 Ibs. Center: 330' 300' 300' Comment: Attached to tower with v-plate clamp set. 3/8/2018 12:26:15 PM Page 4 of 8 Mount Equipment Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 � Type: PiPe Pipe Dimensions: 36" x 2.38" x 36" x 2.38" x Weight: 15 Ibs. 15 Ibs. Center: 110' 110' Comment: Attached to tower with v-plate clamp set. MountEquipment Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Type: Pipe Pipe Pipe Dimensions: 36" x 2.38" x 36" x 2.38" x 36" x 2.38" x Weight: 15 Ibs. 15 Ibs. 15 Ibs. Center: 330' 110' 110' Comment: Attached to tower with v-plate clamp set. Dish Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Type: Radome HP HP Manufacturer: Radio Waves Radio Waves Radio Waves Model: SP2-5.2 w/ Radome HP2-11 HP2-11 Dimensions: 28"x28"x 8" 31"x31"x27" 31"x31"x27" Weight: 22 27 Ibs. 27 Ibs. Center: 110 110' 110' Down Tilt: ° � Orientation: 125 125°, ° & ° 125°, ° & ° Tx: 5 GHz 11 GHz 11 GHz Ru: 5 GHz 11 GHz 11 GHz Comment: This antenna replaces the Radio Waves SP-2. Dish Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Type: Panel Radome Radome Manufacturer: Til-Tek Radio Waves Radio Waves Model: TA-5705H-14-90 HP2-18 HP2-18 Dimensions: 24.5 " x 5" x 6" 31" x 31" x 27" 31" x 31" x 27" Weight: 6 27 Ibs. 27 Ibs. Center: 330 300' 300' Down Tilt: � � Orientation: 130 109 109 Tx: 2.4 GHz 18 GHz 18 GHz Rx: 2.4 GHz 18 GHz 18 GHz Comment: This antenna will replace a Til-Tek Antenna. The Til-Tek antenna is considered part of the lease but has been removed from the tower for several years. 3/8/2018 12:26:15 PM Page 5 of 8 ODU / Coupler Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Manufacturer: Alvarion DragonWave DragonWave Model: BreezeNET 6100 Duo Duo Dimensions: 12"x5"x2.4" 8"x8"x5" 8"x8"x5" Weight: 7.2 7 Ibs. 7 Ibs. Center. 110 110' 110' # of Lines: 1 1 1 Goax Type: Cat 5 Coax Coax Cable Size: 3/8" LMR 400 3/8" LMR 400 3/8" Comment: Dragonwave ODU clips-on to the antenna ODU / Coupler Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Manufacturer: Alvarion Alvarion Alvarion Modei: AU-D-BS-5.8-ODU AU-D-BS-5.8-ODU AU-D-BS-5.8-ODU Dimensions: 11.81" x 4.72" x 1.97" 11.81" x 4.72" x 1.97" 11.81" x 4.72" x 1.97" Weight: 4.85 Ibs. 4.85 Ibs. 4.85 Ibs. Center: 328' 316' 316' # of Lines: 1 1 1 Coax Type: Cat 5 Cat 5 Cat 5 Cable Size: 3/8" 3/8" 3/8" Comment: Adjusting height to actual install height. ODU / Coupler Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Manufacturer: Alvarion DragonWave DragonWave Model: 824923 Duo Duo Dimensions: 11.81" x 4.72" x 1.97" 8" x 8" x 5" Weight: 4.85 7 7 Center: 330 300 300 # of Lines: 1 1 1 Coax Type: Coax Coax Coax Cable Size: 1/2" Hardline 7/8" 7/g" Comment: Dragonwave ODU clips-on to the antenna. The Alvarion ODU is considered part of the lease but has been removed from the tower for several years. OD� ! Go��!er Leased �rapased Final Qty: 1 1 1 Manufacturer: Alvarion Radwin Radwin Model: AU-D-BS-5.8-ODU Radwin 5000 BS Radwin 5000 BS Dimensions: 11.811 " x 4.72 " x 1.968 " 10" x 8" x 3" 10" x 8" x 3" Weight: 4.85 5.29 Ibs. 5.29 Ibs. Center: 328 316' 316' # of Lines: 1 1 1 Coax Type: Cat 5 Cat 5 Cat 5 Cable Size: 3/8" 3/8" 3/8" Comment: This will replace an Alvarion ODU and will reuse the existing cable run. 3/8/2018 12:26:15 PM Page 6 of 8 ODU / Coupier Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Manufacturer; Alvarion Radwin Radwin Model: 824923 Radwin 5000 BS Radwin 5000 BS Dimensions: 11.81" x 4.72" x 1.97" 10" x 8" x 3" 10" x 8" x 3" Weight: 4.85 5.29 Ibs. 5.29 Ibs. Center: 330 110' 110' # of Lines: 1 1 1 Goax Type: Coax C2t 5 Cat 5 Cable Size: 1/2" Hardline 3/8" 3/8" Comment: The Alvarion ODU is considered part of the lease but has been removed from the tower for several years. Ground Space Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 Type: Shelter SBA Shelter Space: Yes Space Provided By: Owner Comment: We have 50" x 24" x 24" cabinet in the hut closets to the east leg. We share this hut with several other tenants. 3/8/2018 12:26:15 PM Page 7 of 8 Comments _-_- , ---- —T-= _ _= _ -- - - _ __ �_:,� �� � � � � r _ .� .� _ .s m..��-. -- - -- , _ :_ 11/16/2017 [kmeier] Please upload spec sheets for all new equipment to be installed 11/17/2017 [pbrandt] Equipment spec sheets uploaded 02/07/2018 [mwalker] Fee Charged 3/8/2018 1226:15 PM Page S of 8 SBA Site: MN10250-A-08 / Monticello 2, MN Tenant Site: MONT / Application #: 73868, v1 NMTMONT General Information Application Details Application Type: Amendment Application Status: Completed Owned By: Paul Brandt Owner Email: pbrandt@nextera.net Owner Phone: (959) 525-6469 Handled By: Leasing S:te Information SBA ID: MN10250-A SBA Name: Monticello 2, MN Tower: Twr #1 - 372' Self Support Company: SBA Towers II LLC Carrier: Nextera Wireless Tenant: MN10250-A-08 Tenant ID / Name: MONT / NMTMONT Project Name: MN Med Upgrade Type: Other Siie Management Title Name Phone Email Account Executive Jessica Hutchings (702) 998-9208 jhutchings@sbasite.com Site Marketing Manager Kent Meier (414) 788-1133 kmeier@sbasite.com Collo RSM Tommy Parma (405) 822-1083 TParma@sbasite.com OPS RSM Shane Stubblefield (651) 808-0302 SStubblefield@sbasite.com Senior RSM Chuck Edwards (252) 266-2652 CEdwards@sbasite.com 3/8/2018 12:26:15 PM Page 1 of 8 Contact Information Tenant Entity ��Y�� �� � Company Nextera Wireless, LLC Tax ID: - Signatory Name: Greg G Arvig Signatory Title: President Primary Phone: (952) 564-6924 [Work] Email: pbrandt@nextera.net Alt Email: Addr�ss iype Addr�ss Copy To 5909 Baker Rd Ste 590, Minnetonka, MN 55345 Corporate PO Box 2945, Baxter, MN 56425-9998 Phane iype �'hcsese IVumber Fax (952)564-6901 Vendor Company Nextera Wireless Tax ID: Contact Name: Gina Hoveland Contact Title: Operations Manager Primary Phone: (952) 564-6908 [Work] Email: ghoveland@nextera.net Alt Email: Addr�ss Type Addses� Corporate 5909 Baker Road, STE 590 , Minnetonka, MN 55345 Phone Type �Thone Plumber Fax (952) 564-6901 Site Tech Company Nextera Wireless Tax ID: Contact Name: Paul Brandt Contact Title: Network Engineer Primary Phone: (952) 564-6924 [Work] Email: pbrandt@nextera.net Alt Email: Address Type �ddress Construction Company Tri-State Communication Services Tax ID: Contact Name: Joe Guentrel Contact Title: Primary Phone: (952) 435-5131 [Work] Email: jguentzel@tristatecs.com Alt Email: Address iype Address 3/8/2018 12:26:15 PM Page 2 of 8 SBA Site: MN10250-A-08 / Monticello 2, MN Tenant Site: MONT / Application #: 73868, v1 NMTMONT Equiprraent IFinal Configuration Summary: Antenna: 1 Alvarion AN1253 @ 316, 21.65" x 9.84" x 6.7", Weight: 3.31 Ibs., RX: 5 GHz, TX: 5 GHz [Panel] Antenna: 1 Radwin RW-9061-5001 @ 316' [Tip:316.9'] [Base:315.1'], 21.5" x 5" x 2.8", Weight: 5 Ibs., RX: 5 GHz, TX: 5 GHz [Panel] Antenna: 1 Radwin RW-9061-5001 @ 110' [Tip:110.9'] [Base:109.1'J, 21.5" x 5" x 2.8", Weight: 5 Ibs., RX: 5 GHz, TX: 5 GHz [Panel] Mount Equipment: 2@ 316', 36" x 2.38" x, Weight: 15 Ibs. [Pipe] Mount Equipment: 1@ 300', 36" x 2.38" x, Weight: 15 Ibs. [Pipe] Mount Equipment: 1@ 110', 36" x 2.38" x, Weight: 15 Ibs. [Pipe] Mount Equipment: 1@ 110', 36" x 2.38" x, Weight: 15 Ibs. [Pipe] Dish: 1 Radio Waves HP2-11 @ 110', 31" x 31" x 27", Weight: 27 Ibs., RX: 11 GHz, TX: 11 GHz [HP] Dish: 1 Radio Waves HP2-18 @ 300', 31" x 31" x 27", Weight: 27 Ibs., RX: 18 GHz, TX: 18 GHz [Radome] ODU / Coupler: 1 DragonWave Duo @ 110', 8" x 8" x 5", Weight: 7 Ibs., 1 lines Coax @ LMR 400 3/8" ODU ! Coupler: 1 Alvarion AU-D-BS-5.8-ODU @ 316', 11.81" x 4.72" x 1.97", Weight: 4.85 Ibs., 1 lines Cat 5@ 3/8" ODU / Coupler: 1 DragonWave Duo @ 300, Weight: 7, 1 lines Coax @ 7/8" ODU / Coupler: 1 Radwin Radwin 5000 BS @ 316', 10" x 8" x 3", Weight: 5.29 Ibs., 1 lines Cat 5@ 3/8" ODU / Coupler: 1 Radwin Radwin 5000 BS @ 110', 10" x 8" x 3", Weight: 5.29 Ibs., 1 lines Cat 5@ 3/8" Antenna Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Type: Panel Panel Panel Manufacturer: Alvarion Alvarion Alvarion Model: AN 1253 AN 1253 AN 1253 Dimensions: 21.65" x 9.84" x 6.7" 21.65" x 9.84" x 6.7" 21.65" x 9.84" x 6.7" Weight: 3.31 Ibs. 3.31 Ibs. 3.31 Ibs. Base: 327.1' Center: 328' 316 316 Tip: 328.9' Down Tilt: ° ° ^ Orientation: 130° 130° 130° Tx: 5 GHz 5 GHz 5 GHz Rx: 5 GHz 5 GHz 5 GHz Comment: Height is being adjusted to reflect actual install height per SBA site audit. 3/8/2018 12:26:15 PM Page 3 of 8 Antenna Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Type: Panel Panel Panel Manufacturer: Alvarion Radwin Radwin Model: AN1253 RW-9061-5001 RW-9061-5001 Dimensions: 21.65 " x 9.84 " x 6.7 " 21.5" x 5" x 2.8" 21.5" x 5" x 2.8" Weight: 3.31 5 Ibs. 5 Ibs. Base: 315.1' 315.1' Center: 328' 316' 316' T�P� 316.9' 316.9' Down Tilt: � � Orientation: 310 130°, ° 8° 130° ° 8° Tx: 5 GHz 5 GHz 5 GHz �� 5 GHz 5 GHz 5 GHz Comment: This panel replaces one of the existing Alvarion panels. We will instali it at the same RAD as the remaining Alvarion and the site audit level of 319' RAD will be abandoned. Lease paperwork indicated 328'. Antenna Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Type: Panel Panel Panel Manufacturer: Til-Tek Radwin Radwin Model: TA-5705H-14-90 RW-9061-5001 RW-9061-5001 Dimensions: 24.5 " x 5" x 6" 21.5" x 5" x 2.8" 21.5" x 5" x 2.8" Weight: 6 5 Ibs. 5 Ibs. Base: 109.1' 109.1' Center: 330' 110' 110' TiP� 110.9' 110.9' Down Tilt: ° � Orientation: 310 310 310 Tx: 2.4 GHz 5 GHz 5 GHz �: 2.4 GHz 5 GHz 5 GHz Comment: This antenna will replace a Til-Tek Antenna. The Til-Tek antenna is considered part of the lease but has been removed from the tower for several years. Mount Equipment Leased Proposed Final Glty. 2 2 2 Type: Pipe Pipe Pipe Dimensions: 36" x 2.38" x 36" x 2.38" x 36" x 2.38" x Weight: 15 Ibs. 15 Ibs. 15 Ibs. Center: 328' 316' 316' Comment: Attached to tower with v-plate clamp set. Adjusting height to reflect SBA site audit.. Mount Equipment Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Type: Pipe Pipe Pipe Dimensions: 36" x 2.38" x 36" x 2.38" x 36" x 2.38" x Weight: 15 Ibs. 15 Ibs. 15 Ibs. Center: 330' 300' 300' Comment: Attached to tower with v-plate clamp set. 3/8/2018 12:26:15 PM Page 4 of 8 Mount Equipment Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 Type: Pipe Pipe Dimensions: 36" x 2.38" x 36" x 2.38" x Weight: 15 Ibs. 15 Ibs. Center: 110' 110' Comment: Attached to tower with v-plate clamp set. Mount Equipment Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Type: Pipe Pipe Pipe Dimensions: 36" x 2.38" x 36" x 2.38" x 36" x 2.38" x Weight: 15 Ibs. 15 Ibs. 15 Ibs. Center: 330' 110' 110' Comment: Attached to tower with v-plate clamp set. Dish Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Type: Radome HP HP Manufacturer: Radio Waves Radio Waves Radio Waves Model: SP2-5.2 w/ Radome HP2-11 HP2-11 Dimensions: 28 " x 28 " x 8" 31" x 31" x 27" 31" x 31" x 27" Weight: 22 27 Ibs. 27 Ibs. Center: 110 110' 110' Down Tilt: � � Orientation: 125 125°, ° 8� ° 125° ° 8� ° Tx: 5 GHz 11 GHz 11 GHz Rx: 5 GHz 11 GHz 11 GHz Comment: This antenna replaces the Radio Waves SP-2. Dish Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Type: Panel Radome Radome Manufacturer: Til-Tek Radio Waves Radio Waves Model: TA-5705H-14-90 HP2-18 HP2-18 Dimensions: 24.5"x5"x6" 31"x31"x27" 31"x31"x27" Weight: 6 27 Ibs. 27 Ibs. Center: 330 300' 300' Down Tilt: � _ Orientation: 130 109 109 Tx: 2.4 GHz 18 GHz 18 GHz �� 2.4 GHz 18 GHz 18 GHz Comment: This antenna will replace a Til-Tek Antenna. The Til-Tek antenna is considered part of the lease but has been removed from the tower for several years. 3/8/2018 12:26:15 PM Page 5 of 8 ODU / Coupler Leased Proposed Final QtY= 1 1 1 Manufacturer: Alvarion DragonWave DragonWave Model: BreezeNET B100 Duo Duo Dimensions: 12"x5"x2.4" 8"x8"x5" 8"x8"x5" Weight: 7.2 7 Ibs. 7 Ibs. Center: 110 110' 110' # of Lines: 1 1 1 Coax Type: Cat 5 Coax Coax Cable Size: 3/8" LMR 400 3/8" LMR 400 3/8" Comment: Dragonwave ODU clips-on to the antenna ODU / Coupler Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Manufacturer: Alvarion Alvarion Alvarion Model: AU-D-BS-5.8-ODU AU-D-BS-5.8-ODU AU-D-BS-5.8-ODU Dimensions: 11.81" x 4.72" x 1.97" 11.81" x 4.72" x 1.97" 11.81" x 4.72" x 1.97" Weight: 4.85 Ibs. 4.85 Ibs. 4.85 Ibs. Center: 328' 316' 316' # of Lines: 1 1 1 Coax Type: Cat 5 Cat 5 Cat 5 Cable Size: 3/8" 3/8" 3/8" Comment: Adjusting height to actual install height. ODU / Coupler Leased Proposed Final QtY: 1 1 1 Manufacturer: Aivarion DragonWave DragonWave Model: 824923 Duo Duo Dimensions: 11.81" x 4.72" x 1.97" 8" x 8" x 5" Weight: 4.85 7 7 Center: 330 300 300 # of Lines: 1 1 1 Coax Type: Coax Coax Coax Cable Size: 1/2" Hardline 7/8" 7/g° Comment: Dragonwave ODU clips-on to the antenna. The Alvarion ODU is considered part of the lease but has been removed from the tower for several years. ODU / Coupler Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 1 1 Manufacturer: Alvarion Radwin Radwin Model: AU-D-BS-5.8-ODU Radwin 5000 BS Radwin 5000 BS Dimensions: 11.811 " x 4.72 " x 1.968 " 10" x 8" x 3" 10" x 8" x 3" Weight: 4.85 529 Ibs. 5.29 Ibs. Center: 328 316' 316' # of Lines: 1 1 1 Coax Type: Cat 5 Cat 5 Cat 5 Cable Size: 3/8" 3/8" 3/8" Comment: This will replace an Alvarion ODU and will reuse the existing cable run. 3/8/2018 12:26:15 PM Page 6 of 8 ODU / Coupler Leased Proposed Final atY� � 1 1 Manufacturer: Alvarion Radwin Radwin Model: 824923 Radwin 5000 BS Radwin 5000 BS Dimensions: 11.81" x 4.72" x 1.97" 10" x 8" x 3" 10" x 8" x 3" Weight: 4.85 5.29 Ibs. 5.29 Ibs. Center: 330 110' 110' # of Lines: 1 1 1 Coax Type: Coax Cat 5 Cat 5 Cable Size: 1/2" Hardline 3/8" 3/8" Comment: The Alvarion ODU is considered part of the lease but has been removed from the tower for several years. Ground Space Leased Proposed Final Qty: 1 Type: Shelter SBA Shelter Space: Yes Space Provided By: Owner Comment: We have 50" x 24" x 24" cabinet in the hut closets to the east leg. We share this hut with several other tenants. 3/8/2018 12:26:15 PM Page 7 of 8 ����-;�-sera#s _,_ .--_- -�---�=- -- --- t-_=._ _ --- _ ._..— -_-- -- 11/16/2017 [kmeier] Please upload spec sheets for all new equipment to be installed _. _..__��...,.__.._ .......__._ _ ._,_.... .__.._._...,.._�._�_.--•--._......_...... 11/17/2017 [pbrandt] Equipment spec sheets uploaded _.. __.........____...__.,. , ,.___.. _..__..... _.._........ �...._..._,�.�_..�__.,.._ 02/07/2018 [mwalker] Fee Charged _ _ _ _ . _ _.. _ __ . _ _ _ _ . 3/8/2018 12:26:15 PM Page 8 of 8 0069945�856 `�£SS HW'e�uoyauuiw 085 a�!ng' peoa aa�e9 606S qsW�+ � R70P ' aa�on 1 � L � 3 0 � 0 _i _� � U � C O � 0 a`i ¢ 3 i o p H � o No � a Z E � E � o ¢ � m N a QJ ` a � v = V) E �— QJ ~ t } I--- N 0069�9S�bS6 �£SS NW'e�uo�auuiW OBS a�ng' peoa .+a�e9 bO6S orR�i - r7�p - aa�0.n � r , � +� L O Z 0 a, at � �` ai �u � °' �� � c � _ H � v w � 3 � o � o u .� a� t E d 3 Q vi o w � v `o d � j< O �= a � m z � ai � m m ¢ m ai 3 0 t z � 0 v � 3 ¢ O p H � O N O U1 `a Z E — E � o ¢ f m N � m � v `a 3 0 H d w � a`i 3 � � o o a � a a �n O'� t� ai m cn ot a _ m N oi 3 � L O N _ m - E � Q O O � � O � ooss�ss�ass �£SS HW'e�uo�auuiw O6S ayng' peob aa�e9 606S I l �� ������ � � . i� Ql � o E . � ai � � E w � p } o m � u 0 � u L 61 3 o d E o vi o .`_ �' a � a, at d al al � � � � �n v o Qi� h QJ � ` Q Ql � t w 3 � o a .� H w o a�i O `c 0 � L O 61 N O O m C C O � 0 0 v ¢ o� � o � O N � � z E �. 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Public Hearin� — Consideration of a request for a Variance to buildin� setback and Variance and Conditional Use Permit for building height in the I-1, Light Industrial District, Variance to parkin� delineation standards, and Wild and Scenic Overlav District. Applicant: Bondhus Corporation. (NAC) Property: Planning Case Number: PID: 155011000031 Address: 1400 East Broadway 2018-019 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Variance for building setback to accommodate construction of a building addition, Conditional Use Permit for building height and Variance to height in Mississippi Wild Scenic & Recreational River District, and construction of an expanded parking lot. No variance to parking lot island delineation was found to be required after plan analysis. Deadline for Decision: Land Use Designation: Zoning Designation: Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: Current Site Use: Surrounding Land Uses: North: East: South: West: May 29, 2018 Places to Work I-1, Light Industrial District The purpose of the "I-1," Light Industrial District is to provide for the establishment of warehousing and light industrial development. Mississippi Wild Scenic Recreational River District Manufacturing City Wastewater Treatment Facility Commercial Commercial Middle School Campus Project Description: The applicants proposed to construct an addition to their existing manufacturing facility and add parking supply by expanding an existing parking lot. To accommodate these changes, the project also includes the partial demolition of an existing storage building Planning Commission Agenda — OS/O1/2018 and reconfiguration of the access/egress to Broadway (County 75). Analysis: The subject site is a wide but shallow parcel along Broadway, developed with a manufacturing facility which covers an area of 28,493 square feet. The property includes service access to the west side of the parking, and parking area along the front (Broadway) side of the parcel, as well as a parking lot of about 18 spaces on the west side of the property. The applicants wish to construct an expansion of the building on the east side, in the area of the service access for loading and unloading. The proposed expansion would be 4,214 square feet in area, and a smaller attached storage portion of 374 square feet. To accommodate truck movements to this new storage and service area, the applicant proposes to remove the easterly one-third of an existing detached cold storage building which sits at the farthest west end of the property. To accommodate access to the building addition, the applicant will reconstruct the access and egress drives from and to Broadway. The current condition relies on a driveway access from Broadway which includes a full cross intersection shared with Hart Boulevard. West-bound traffic on Broadway utilizes a left turn lane to enter the property at this point. Truck traffic enters this access point, pulls into the drive area to the east, then backs into loading spaces at the east end of the main building. Trucks then exit the site via the same access point. With the extended building addition, truck traffic would no longer be able to make the turn back to the existing access point. As a result, the applicant proposes to add an exit-only curb cut, east of the existing curb cut, which trucks would utilize to continue east-bound on Broadway. No west-bound traffic would be possible with this design. County transportation staff have expressed support for this design (Broadway, also Wright County 75, is a County jurisdiction roadway). The Wild and Scenic district has a maximum height of 25 feet, and the I-1 district has a maximum height of 30 feet. The existing building is just over 33 feet in height, and the addition is designed to match the existing height. The height can be increased by Conditional Use Permit, which the applicants are seeking. The current building encroaches into the required "rear" setback of 15 feet, with a setback of approximately 3.2 feet. The applicant proposes to extend this encroachment along the same line with the addition. The applicants are seeking a variance to continue this setback. 2 Planning Commission Agenda — OS/O1/2018 Finally, the applicant is proposing to refinish the exterior of the building with more common commercial building materials. This aspect of the proj ect does not require separate planning review, but information is provided to show that the property, with the addition, will have a consistent architectural appearance. Setback Variance The proposed addition would follow the existing building line at the rear of the property, which sits at 3.2 feet from the south property line, the common boundary with the BNSF railway. The required rear yard setback, noted above, is 15 feet. When the City considers variances, the City is required to find that the proposed use is a reasonable one for the site and character of the area, and that there are unique conditions on the property that create practical difficulties in complying with the requirements of the ordinance. In this case, the expansion is consistent with the allowed uses in the zoning district and land use plan (industrial), and it represents a reasonable and logical expansion of an existing business, consistent with the intent of the economic development obj ectives of the City. Due to the unusually shallow dimensions of the property, wedged between a major County roadway and railroad, buildable area on the site is severely constricted. Moreover, the expansion near the railroad property line is unlikely to raise compatibility issues with any other land use. The railroad property is 100 feet in width, and the existing and proposed building lie more than 170 feet from the rear service/loading area of the Home Depot building. Under these conditions, staff believes that the proposed variance meets the required tests for variance approval. Conditional tlse Permit and Variance for Buildin� Hei�ht The existing building is shown at 33 feet, 10 inches in height. The site sits within the I-1 District (with a 30 foot height maximum) and the Wild and Scenic River overlay district, with a 25 foot height maximum. The applicant proposed to construct the addition as the same height as the existing building. The ordinance accommodates additional height for industrial buildings by Conditional Use Permit. Considerations for additional height, and Conditional Use Permits in general, relate to character of the area and consistency with the expectations of the City's land use regulations, as well as any expected impacts on public services. The height is not expected to raise public impacts, and as noted, the surrounding uses are both distant, and industrial/commercial in nature. No impact is foreseen. Planning Commission Agenda — OS/O1/2018 With regard to the Wild and Scenic District, the variance for additional height has been noticed to the Department of Natural Resources for comment. The purpose of the Wild and Scenic River regulations is to protect and/or buffer the river from unreasonable intrusions that would compromise the nature of the waterway. DNR staff indicate that the additional height is compatible with the intent of the district, with the condition that the applicant include a planting of additional high-crown trees to continue to ensure that views of the building from the river are obscured. The DNR comment also requests that stormwater management efforts include infiltration and measures to protect river water quality. With regard to the planting, the applicant and City should consider a continuation of the existing boulevard tree plantings in the broad boulevard space between the building addition area and Broadway travel lanes. There is extremely little planting area in this location on the applicant's property due to the need to provide driveway access and circulation along the front of the parcel. Just 2 to 3 trees, similar to those in the boulevard to the west, would meet the intent of the DNR comment. With regard to the stormwater recommendation, the City Engineer is reviewing the civil plans separately for compliance with required stormwater management improvements. Parking As noted, the applicant proposes to expand an existing parking area on the west side of the building. The current parking area contains approximately 18 spaces and would be expanded to accommodate a total of 45 parking spaces. The proposed parking area appears to meet the requirements of the code with regard to dimension, curbing, paving and the required 6 foot setback from the Broadway right of way. As noted above, after analysis of code requirements and revised parking area design, no variance was necessary as related to island delineators within the parking areas. Landscaping The applicant is providing additional landscaping around the new parking area, including 19 overstory trees along with shrub planting between the parking area and the roadway, and additional tree and shrub planting around the parking lot area. The proposed planting exceeds the requirements applicable to the building addition. Lighting The plans do not indicate additional lighting. As a condition of building permit review, the applicants should verify that any new lighting creates an illumination of no more than 1.0 foot-candles at the property line, and that any next lighting poles are � Planning Commission Agenda — OS/O1/2018 no more than 25 feet in height. The applicants indicate that a lighting plan will be developed as a part of the building permit package to comply with the City's requirements. Signage No new signage is shown as a part of the project. Any proposed signage should meet the requirements of the City's Sign regulation in Zoning Ordinance Section 4.5. Grading, Drainage, and tltilities The City Engineer is reviewing the grading and utilities in a separate review letter. It should be noted that some of the City Engineer's comments have been addressed in revised plans submitted by the applicant. Accessorv Use Requirements Trash Handling. The applicants identify a new trash area outside of the building addition, within an enclosure. The materials proposed for the enclosure are not shown on the original plans, but are included in updated plans submitted this week by the applicant. The ordinance encourages screening enclosure materials to be similar and consistent with the materials of the principal building. The applicants revised plans show consistency with these materials. Accessory Buildings. As noted, the existing detached accessory building on the west side of the property will be reduced in size to accommodate revised truck movements. The applicants have indicated the new wall will include a fa�ade similar to that of the existing removal, with a pair of overhead doors. The remaining building will be re-sided to be consistent with the principal building. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1. Variance to Building Setback L Motion to adopt Resolution No. PC-2018-013, approving the proposed setback variance, based on findings in said resolution and on the Conditions identified in Exhibit Z. 5 Planning Commission Agenda — OS/O1/2018 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No. PC2018-013, based on findings identified following the public hearing. 3. Motion table action on Resolution No. PC 2018-013, subj ect to additional information from applicant and/or staff. Decision 2. Conditional Use Permit for Additional Height. L Motion to adopt Resolution No. PC-2018-014, recommending approval of the proposed Conditional Use Permit, based on findings in said resolution and on the Conditions identified in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No. PC-2018-014, based on findings identified following the public hearing. 3. Motion table action on Resolution No. PC-2018-014, subj ect to additional information from applicant and/or staff. Decision 3: Variance to 25' Height Requirement in M�VSRR L Motion to adopt Resolution No. PC-2018-015, approving a variance to building height requirements in the Mississippi Wild Scenic and Recreational River District, based on findings in said resolution and on the Conditions identified in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No. PC-2018-015, based on findings identified following the public hearing. 3. Motion table action on Resolution No. PC-2018-015, subj ect to additional information from applicant and/or staff. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends Alternative 1 for all decisions, approval of the setback variance and recommendation for approval of the Conditional Use Permit and variance for building height allowance. As noted, the setback variance is consistent with the existing site use and is unlikely to raise any issues with the quasi-industrial land (railroad and commercial loading/service area) to the south, the only area where an impact may be foreseen. Additionally, the height addition is nominal, and reflects the existing building. A change from the existing building height would be both inconsistent architecturally, and likely to raise use/compatibility issues for the applicant. With the additional tree planting suggested by DNR staff, no impact on the Wild and Scenic River is expected. � D. SUPPORTING DATA A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. Resolution PC-2018-013 Resolution PC-2018-014 Resolution PC-2018-015 Aerial Image Narrative Certificate of Survey Floor Plans Elevation Drawings Civil Drawings Planning Commission Agenda — OS/O1/2018 J. Revised Elevations, Floor Plans, and Civil Drawings K. Topographical Survey L. City Engineer's Letter, dated April 25th, 2018 Z. Conditions of Approval 7 Planning Commission Agenda — OS/O1/2018 EXHIBIT Z Setback Variance/Height CUP and Variance for Bondhus Corporation 1400 East Broadway PID 155011000031 1. Applicant provides planting of up to three additional overstory trees in the boulevard of Broadway, in consultation with the City, to meet the intent of the DNR recommendations for Wild and Scenic River District protection. 2. The applicant provides lighting plans for the verification of compliance with code as a requirement of building permit application. 3. The applicant complies with applicable sign regulations if signage is proposed. 4. The terms of the City Engineer's report are met, including requirements for encroachment agreement, utility easement and trail easement. 5. Other conditions of City staff and officials. : CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2018-013 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO APPROVING A VARIANCE TO REQUIRED REAR YARD SETGBACK IN THE I-1, LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the applicant operates an existing manufacturing facility at 1400 East Broadway; and WHEREAS, the applicant proposes to expand the existing building in an area where the building setback encroaches beyond the required rear yard standards for the district; and WHEREAS, the subject property has a base zoning of I-1, Light Industrial District, in which manufacturing and related uses are allowed as permitted uses; and WHEREAS, the subject property is within the Wild and Scenic River Overlay District, which has additional requirements beyond those of the underlying I-1 District; and WHEREAS, the zoning ordinance allows such use, but current zoning restrictions require special approval consideration due to the longstanding height and location of the existing building; and WHEREAS, the area of expansion will have negligible, if any, impact on surrounding land uses or public services in the area; and WHEREAS, the expansion will otherwise be consistent with the improvements currently on the property; and WHEREAS, the proposed land use is a reasonable use of the subject property, consistent with the land uses in the area; and WHEREAS, the proposed expansion is a reasonable location on the property, within other zoning regulations, and would raise other zoning and site development issues if located in other portions of the property, such that there are practical difficulties in complying with the strict language of the zoning ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the matter at its regular meeting on May lst, 2018 and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed expansion is consistent with the intent of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use is reasonable, given the conditions in the area, and on the subj ect property. 3. There are practical difficulties in using the lot as proposed without approval of the proposed variance. 4. The proposed expansion will otherwise meet the requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance for consideration of the proposed yard location variance. 5. The proposed expansion will not create undue burdens on public systems, including streets and utilities. 6. The proposed use will not create substantial impacts on neighboring land uses that are not within the expectations of the current zoning allowances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, sitting as the Board of Adjustment and Appeals, Minnesota that the proposed variance is hereby approved, subj ect to the conditions of Exhibit Z of the staff report, as follows: 1. Applicant provides planting of up to three additional overstory trees in the boulevard of Broadway, in consultation with the City, to meet the intent of the DNR recommendations for Wild and Scenic River District protection. 2. The applicant provides lighting plans for the verification of compliance with code as a requirement of building permit application. 3. The applicant complies with applicable sign regulations if signage is proposed. 4. The terms of the City Engineer's report are met, including requirements for encroachment agreement, utility easement and trail easement. 2 5. Other conditions of City staff and officials. ADOPTED this lst day of May, 2018, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION : ATTEST: Brad Fyle, Chair Angela Schumann, Community Development Director CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2018-014 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO APPROVING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR BUILDING HEIGHT IN THE I-1, LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the applicant operates an existing manufacturing facility at 1400 East Broadway; and WHEREAS, the applicant proposes to expand the existing building in an area where height encroaches beyond the required standards for the district; and WHEREAS, the subject property has a base zoning of I-1, Light Industrial District, in which manufacturing and related uses are allowed as permitted uses; and WHEREAS, the subject property is within the Wild and Scenic River Overlay District, which has additional requirements beyond those of the underlying I-1 District; and WHEREAS, the zoning ordinance allows such use, but current zoning restrictions require special approval consideration due to the longstanding height and location of the existing building; and WHEREAS, the area of expansion will have negligible, if any, impact on surrounding land uses or public services in the area; and WHEREAS, the expansion will otherwise be consistent with the improvements currently on the property; and WHEREAS, the proposed land use is a reasonable use of the subject property, consistent with the land uses in the area; and WHEREAS, the proposed expansion is a reasonable location on the property, within other zoning regulations, and would raise other zoning and site development issues if located in other portions of the property; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the matter at its regular meeting on May lst, 2018 and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed expansion is consistent with the intent of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use is reasonable, given the conditions in the area, and on the subj ect property. 3. The proposed expansion will otherwise meet the requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance for consideration of the proposed building height. 4. The proposed expansion will not create undue burdens on public systems, including streets and utilities. 5. The proposed use will not create substantial impacts on neighboring land uses that are not within the expectations of the current zoning allowances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota recommends to the City Council that the proposed Conditional Use Permit be approved, subject to the conditions of Exhibit Z of the staff report, as follows: 1. Applicant provides planting of up to three additional overstory trees in the boulevard of Broadway, in consultation with the City, to meet the intent of the DNR recommendations for Wild and Scenic River District protection. 2. The applicant provides lighting plans for the verification of compliance with code as a requirement of building permit application. 3. The applicant complies with applicable sign regulations if signage is proposed. 4. The terms of the City Engineer's report are met, including requirements for encroachment agreement, utility easement and trail easement. 5. Other conditions of City staff and officials. ADOPTED this lst day of May, 2018, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. 2 MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION : ATTEST: Brad Fyle, Chair Angela Schumann, Community Development Director CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC-2018-015 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO APPROVING A VARIANCE TO BUILDING HEIGHT IN THE WILD AND SCENIC RIVER DISTRICT WHEREAS, the applicant operates an existing manufacturing facility at 1400 East Broadway; and WHEREAS, the applicant proposes to expand the existing building in an area where height encroaches beyond the required standards for the district; and WHEREAS, the subject property has a base zoning of I-1, Light Industrial District, in which manufacturing and related uses are allowed as permitted uses; and WHEREAS, the subject property is within the Wild and Scenic River Overlay District, which has additional requirements beyond those of the underlying I-1 District; and WHEREAS, the zoning ordinance allows such use, but current zoning restrictions require special approval consideration due to the longstanding height and location of the existing building; and WHEREAS, the area of expansion will have negligible, if any, impact on surrounding land uses or public services in the area; and WHEREAS, the expansion will otherwise be consistent with the improvements currently on the property; and WHEREAS, the proposed land use is a reasonable use of the subject property, consistent with the land uses in the area; and WHEREAS, the proposed expansion is a reasonable location on the property, within other zoning regulations, and would raise other zoning and site development issues if located in other portions of the property, such that there are practical difficulties in complying with the strict language of the zoning ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the matter at its regular meeting on May lst, 2018 and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed expansion is consistent with the intent of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use is reasonable, given the conditions in the area, and on the subj ect property. There are practical difficulties in using the lot as proposed without approval of the proposed variance. 4. The proposed expansion will otherwise meet the requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance for consideration of the proposed yard location variance. 5. The proposed expansion will not create undue burdens on public systems, including streets and utilities. 6. The proposed use will not create substantial impacts on neighboring land uses that are not within the expectations of the current zoning allowances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, sitting as the Board of Adjustment and Appeals, Minnesota that the proposed variance is hereby approved, subj ect to the conditions of Exhibit Z of the staff report, as follows: 1. Applicant provides planting of up to three additional overstory trees in the boulevard of Broadway, in consultation with the City, to meet the intent of the DNR recommendations for Wild and Scenic River District protection. 2. The applicant provides lighting plans for the verification of compliance with code as a requirement of building permit application. 3. The applicant complies with applicable sign regulations if signage is proposed. 4. The terms of the City Engineer's report are met, including requirements for encroachment agreement, utility easement and trail easement. 5. Other conditions of City staff and officials. 2 ADOPTED this lst day of May, 2018, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION : ATTEST: Brad Fyle, Chair Angela Schumann, Community Development Director Blackston, Mike - RequestforVariances Createdby:CityofMonticello Lengthy Legal - See City Hall � PI D: 155-011-000031 , .,,,� , , ,, ,, ; _ y . ,a; ,e�� r ' °', <, � ., _ � �4�1 � � �. � ' � �, . �;,, � � ,. ,� - � 15�"�,r� � 552�8��141�� � � �` -. � r�''� _ , � . `�� ,� ,� �'x' �� y'" � _ _ .�^�. � �.• �i.e`.�� �,��;.' V�' '�! �: '� ' ���' `�` �°" �. � +_. . _. �� � � ``+4 , v�j 3� � �/ i • �r � �'�""��' ,5 � � .� .F y .»...¢.�h',f.� � . rw!$ , �' + ;.�' . - ... �a��; '�` rW„ •+�'•-" . � �,�w` �. 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'`� . . ti ' , � x�'� � 336 ft I � �_ -,,_°�� , m • . � . ; : � ��F: ., , ti . , ` ' � . %1 C'Yl C� ■ A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street Suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 archs.com Bondhus Variance Narratives. 1 2 3 4 Building Height: The current zoning ordinance requires that a building in an I Zoned district is limited to 30'-0" in height and two stories. We are requesting that the city allow for the height increase to 33'-0" to accommodate specific material storage and delivery that will occur at the second floor. The existing site topography has a slope from north to south by 7'-0" and fairly narrow along the railroad and county road. These grade and property boundary challenges require the owner to use a first floor for receiving and the second floor for shipping. Limiting the height to 30'-0" compromises the work flow and interior product staging requirements for loading the trucks. The added 3 feet will help the owner in introducing a brand new product line never before manufactured in Monticello. See Articulated Colored Elevations. Building rear yard setback: The current zoning ordinance requires a 15'-0" rear yard setback. The existing building is non-conforming and the owner would like to add onto the existing building in the same plane. The property owner to the south is a railroad and the reason for setbacks is to allow for access to light and air. Railroads do not benefit from receiving light and air rights as a typical property neighbor would. The site is extremely narrow and to impose this 15'-0" setback would create a hardship for loading and unloading efficiencies and truck traffic and staging. Parking Lot Island: The current Zoning Ordinance requires that for every 50 parking stalls, there be a fully landscaped parking island. The owner would like a variance to omit these islands again due to dealing with existing contours and proposed storm water drainage and that the intended count is closer to 10 and not 50. The site is surrounded with green space with trees and shrubs as required by the addition and placed around a somewhat modestly sized parking lot of no more than 48 stalls. The total number of stalls is less than the ordinance maximum of 50 to provide parking islands. In essence the perimeter of the parking lot is landscaped and meeting the intent of the ordinance. See Site Plan / Landscape Plan. Perimeter Buffer Requirements: The current zoning ordinance requires that a perimeter buffer to an adjacent property line. Currently the Bondhus structure is non-compliant in its rear yard set back of 3'-0". A Type D landscape buffer is required to be installed on the south property line within 10'-0" of the property line. This is not feasible due to the proximity of the property line to the building. Additional landscaping for the site will be provided in other locations. See Site Plan / Landscape Plan. � � �� ��� �� ' / � /, \ � i i� e i-i- i i� r- i i i� r� i i i n i i r- � � \ \�� iw i i i�i i i i f- i i i i r< i i� i i i oc f- � � � � . .., , , ., , . , , ., �_ �_ �_ ., �. , r, �_ ,-, , , �_ `\x� � \ � '` \\� �r� \\�� �i� � i� i� �e i� —i— �i r� �. —rr� � i� —i— / . , ,,,,.,,,.,,,,,,,, . ,,,. ,�.,, , , er � �ca e o urve , . ., .-:��; ,,, ..............,.�.-.:-...... �. � � ' �:� /� ,' � \ � �•c T 1 � i 7' I`/ 1 I 1/ I h� I I�` i\ � � , , _�; ., , �, ... , , „ .. .: , , �, , for � EXHI B�T A � � `�� � �' � .� \ / � <, � � — � � � - • -�---------------,------------- � _ � Northwest Corner of Lot 6 of AUDITOR S � � � \�'/ 1 \ � On s or ora t�on � Nol�tl� Line of Lot 6, A TOR S�SUBDIVISION � �� � � SUBDIVISION NO. ONE, Wrigh t Coun ty, \ � � / � � — NO. �(E, per WI'i9'h f COul1 SEG�iOII ; - � - �' ` � � � � � �r � � � / Minnesota. Per Wriqh t Coun ty Section � � � r � - � - � - � � � � � \ \ �� � � � Breakdown. p � Breakdo`wn I � � / / I I N 80 °45 �20 /l C 1 Qr� \ • r � r � � —�— i i � e �\� � \ / I / — — — _ i i—ii i ii ii i ii ii�i�i � 38,. 26 5 49 � � 5 #�5 °6 so , i � � � � - � - � � � � - � � 1, � � � , N 88'45 �2o -� E , 1300.5� _ _ — �-- � Sec. 12, T. 121, R. 25, Wrig►ht County, Minnesota � ��-- � 381.77 �' � ' — — / _ _ X � � � 213. �� �� I�� � -� �-- � � l � Northeast Corner of Lot 5 of Auditor's � �\ � 370.80 �� � ��l � � � __ 782 __ \ ` `/���_ �� �\ I / Subdivision No. One, Wriqht County, Minnesota. �_ � G� � i � ``/ �ROW Siqn � �> � � °� '� T \\\ %/\ \ �\ \\ I �/ � � � I I / � � 1 .9 \ I \ � \ �% -� I ohp��G Fence 1 � ��F�P � — �� // �F/-Fo.p \\ // � � \\ � � I � �ti �P \ \ 'f'�,p-A \�! � � � � �, . : � � � ---� � oy� � � / \ �'' •;^, � \ / \ \ ��2 \ \ � < �,' � ." � . � , � �-, , � \ � \ \%\� 'p�i � �yh�\ // � \ `-;"^' <� � , ' � � � \ ,r - ` � �" � — -------------------------- , � s � � � � ,_ ' ' _�, EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION � �1 � ,, "� '� ,�6� �� R6�o �� /� \ �' `-' � That part of Lot 3 and that part of Lot 6 of AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NUMBER ONE, of Government Lots l and 2 of I� v �, � ��' �\`�s, � ��/\ \ \\ \ ,�_ �;�`, � Section l2, Township l2/ North, Range 25 West, accordinq to the plat and survey thereof now on file and of record in I W Q � r� ;. �' L� SUNDE R/W � s �0., //� \ � \ `<' %��, the office of the County Recorder in and for Wriqht County, Minnesota, described as follows, to-wit: � U r' ;' �'� ,� R\��� ��� 6�� �,` -;;', Commencin g at the Northwest corner of said Lot 6; thence East alon q the North line of said Lot 6, 370.80 feet to I�� \ � �� � o� r� � � �6'������j a �D�hQ � � '�� ;,��, the southwesterly riqht of way line of Wright County Hiqhway Number 75 (old Minnesota State Hiqhway Number l52); I�� -;�,� , �`� �_� ��.��s�s���� �i� � �� � � ,+ , � thence Southeasterly deflectinq 44 deqrees 23 minutes riqht alonq said Southwesterly right of way line, 677.23 feet to `-�� ;�, ; �_� ;�� � �, � �' � "�'� ; the actual point of beginninq; thence southwesterly deflectinq 90 degrees riqht, 252.75 feet to the Northeasterly riqht � � � � / � � I Northerl extension of the' ,� ;-� � p-, k<v v �� �!� � h � • ,-, I � y �� '�' � � \ � of way line of Burlington Northern Railway; thence Southeasterly along said Northeasterly riqht of way line, ll18.84 feet West Line of Lot 8, �_� ^ �_' � Q 6'� `� � � � " �— , ,� '. p v � <`r � \ -,�,,�� to the South line of said Lot 3,• thence East along said South line, 60.40 feet to the Northwesterly right of way line I AUDITOR S SUBDIVISION NO. �r � q� � ,,� � ONE `'` _ "�' h �F-p -- � � \ � ��.� ` p $Q� of said Wright County Highway Number 75; thence Northeasterly deflectinq 57 degrees l0 minutes left along said I J ,�Y,�_� �`, �� , a y�,� �� �� � �` �, � � �� � Northwesterly riqht of way line, 38.00 feet to the said Southwesterly riqht of way line; thence Northwesterly alonq I �_� ^�-'�", '� ,� �\ __� \ \ �\ \ said Southwesterly right of way line, ll4/.l7 feet to the point of beqinning. < ^ , ' I r ' � ' V �' �'� � � '' r � � / � � SCALE: I �� _ $Q � J � �,►��� ' ����� � /� r' � L \\ C� �) i � \ \ \\ \ �I I � � �o�oo�,o Pa�cel lD #15523900/0/0 . ' • � ,,, _, �` � ; �,. � - `' 6 = > _ N ' " � �\ � \ � \ � I�I �nt5`' } ` ',�.� i' i��� /� `_♦�' \ N � I o�� �- �\ , , \ � � � / �• � < _ - Poe � � � \ . � — � � ,� \ ' k� � � \ �,f, � � �- � � � �� � '�• / 2�� ,;,�.,, � � \ o I PROPOSED LEGAL DESCRIPTION / �5 \ \�s, � \ � That art of Lot 3 and that part of Lot 6 of AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. ONE, accordinq to the plat thereof on file and of \ � `3�� so ' ' , , ,;; � � �� # = 4 -, o P �: � `tr�� .i •. 2j¢23 � MEYER �- \\ �5 65� �9 �,p � �� record in the office of the County Recorder in and for Wriqht County, Minnesota, described as follows: � � 'ti' �4�� .� . ;,,;;;;;;':-�= � �.. /� � ��` �_ � ' �� \ Z 36�2� w \ '� � � ,r,,•;:� ;_:; , \ � ���r � �5 # •,`;,`� � \ F � \ � �\ ��� � / i�` � , r ;,,,;;; ;;���`; �, �, �;-��; �': oc�'�,0� LS #15480 � �� __ �"o � Commencinq at the southwest corner of Section /2, Township /2/, Ranqe 25, per Certificate of Location of Government Corner, \ .� �� __ \� F;L �; , �;�;,;; ��• �� �� j� � ��,<y, "�,`-:;,, � � \� � dated 8/l7/95, filed in the office of the Wriqht County Surveyor; thence North 88 deqrees 45 minutes 20 seconds East, � \ � � � , �, � ,` _ \ �\ assumed basis of bearings, along the south line of said Section l2, a distance of 1300.52 feet to the southwest corner of Lot ' � \� �o'�QO�' �� `:� ':'�_;, '-' �.�. ��� �� � 8, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. ONE; thence North 00 deqrees 00 minutes 34 seconds East alonq the west line of said Lot 8 ���2¢\p �\ e°�0�` `��j /' `/ �\ _;.\' ,-A^` � � \ \ � and its northerly extension, a distance of 1320.20 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 6, AUDITOR S SUBDIVISION N0. ONE, per 6.� ,( �>¢,36� \ �� ��t��v o���c p� � ,_; �. �C \ the Wriqht County Surveyor's Section Breakdown, dated 9/7/95; thence North 88 degrees 45 minutes 20 seconds East along ��2'� ¢'o� ¢3�ao ��'►�c��o� 1 �°c ti� �R9- o° � -�^, �-•>-, � \ y the north line of said Lot 6, a distance of 387.26 feet to the southwesterly riqht-of-way line of County State Aid Hiqhway � �E \ 9 R\ '�Fy 5�'0� ��� ��,� . tih D�� h �� g�' � � �. ' �\ \ ` No. 75; thence South 46 deqrees 35 minutes 20 seconds East, along said southwesterly right-of-way line, a distance of I \�a � a�i��o��2,3jso FR ��PQO �j Q� �,5 h�1 •��, o _��� _ / � 677.54 feet to the northeasterly extension of the southeasterly line of Lot l, Block l, MONTICELLO MIDDLE SCHOOL ADDITION, . � 26 �� ( '��' � `� �� � ' �1 }-'%.- � \ \ said oint bein the oint of be innin of the arcel to be described,• thence South 43 de rees 23 minutes l3 seconds West \ �0 , � P 9 P 9 9 P 9 �'�� �� � � � �� �PSJ ��,� � � 1� ��� `�' ,;\ �`��-' /� \ \ alonq said northeasterly extension and the southeasterly line of said Lot l, Block l, a distance of 257. 44 feet to the i � � h � �� �k. / T �o / - _ � northeasterly riqht-of-way line of Burlington Northern Railway,• thence southeasterly along the northeasterly right-of-way line • i \ \ \�s � L4 � �0 �. l\ o�/ / p / �'' = � � � of Burlington Northern Railway a distance of 1136.2/ feet to the south line of Lot 3, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION N0. ONE; thence �-` �� , \ � ��52� . �6, \ G�• � 4j �� �/ \� 0� / � I � North 88 degrees 57 minutes 56 seconds East along the south line of said Lot 3, a distance of 6/. 79 feet to the �� ,;;•; � hp _� �� •6'�.�.\1''�j1 k� �� o� h / J''� ,/ � � \ � northwesterly riqht-of-way line of County State Aid Hiqhway No. 75; thence North 3/ degrees 47 minutes 56 seconds East � ;� ` r;�;� � �� \ ��'� �`�V /���' Fo o�� Q0� � � alonq said northwesterly right-of-way line, a distance of 37.6/ feet to the southwesterly right-of-way line of County State �^ _i �_�; � � � �5�� ��/ �o s��o9� ��5 \ � Aid Highway No. 75; thence North 46 degrees 35 minutes 20 seconds West alonq said southwesterly riqht-of-way line, a 00 ,; _� ' � s�,�9 a�6,�� � / � distance of 1157.68 feet to the point of beqinning. � M , ;;; � \`� Parcel lD #1550/100003/ �o � ��. � � � ', r 1 \ - ` �� � �^ /�L \ �' ir�''�, \ Q p � \ /�YA'��' \ \ N �- : '.,' \ \ \ `\`38?� �p�A9, � ,-; ; Z�, � \ ,� O �; ` 4. � O, .Q ?9�� ' � � N 4 � < �,.• r,`•'• , �:• s \ \ � i � I � � \ -�- r 7 \ \ \t��� ��� i: ,, :;, �' ,', i ' !7 .a. �I L _ \ /l 1 // \ �iS(G��s� �O f.�� �1'�i , `�ir. �i� \ \ \ ` \ \ ��,r i rv, � � :` � � O � � �` \ \ " '.� - � �' � ��! � � f 1 f w _A /+ � � i � �_ ' , ��, Z � "!� �// v� \\ \ c}- � �4tio�.� � +' - � i; ' + :� O C ♦ �/ � � ��9f OS I � � ; ' � 2 (� �► �! ��� � � REFERENCED DOCUMENTS � �� �^ ,, � � � � � �� \ ti �- ' � � t� � \ 0 o,,�,h ��� \ c° 5 � S� � I � � \ \ Z � DATE SURVEYOR DOCUMENT \ �@�� ,Q'�� �� J m � ��' �/� � o� o \ � o �y � / � \ �•J;� � �`yoy'r _ a � v \ / \ 05/24/1892 WRIGHT COUNT Y SURVEYOR PLA T.• AUDITOR S SUB. NO. ONE � � ; ,� �\ �� "�� \ \ c � o,a //, / s 0\ \� Il/20/1972 THORE MEYER & ASSOCIATES CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY FOR JOHN BONDHUS \ %�p �' � 3� � / �' ���\ Q� , \ � 1 `O/ � � � � y a 4i ` a°, sv �'y�o i�� \ \ � \ Il/l5/1973 MEYER-ROHLIN, INC. CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY FOR MONTICELLO SCHOOL (PARCELS A&B) �Bi� `r' �. W Q O am a ti s�'�„ C � NE Corner of � � . .. �- 2 �o � � o South IO Acres, 9� \ � "`•- � � ,� 2 .,,,'� � -p \ � � - � Il/l4/I988 MEYER-ROHLIN, INC. LAND TITLE SURVEY FOR BONDUS CORP. I � '� ' ' � � \ _ _ _ — — � o o c s o� � �� Lot 9, AUDITOR S �� <� � � SUBDI VISION NO. ONE 36+ �'�' `'� � v � ��� \ \ — � � / XX/XX/1995 WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR SECTION BREAKDOWN ON COUNTY COORDINATES / \ \ '?j\ \ �, ; = � � ' J m � � a�, \ '� 04/Il/1997 MEYER-ROHLIN, INC. ALTA SURVEY FOR MARQUETTE BANK / � � .' �_ o�� a°, '� \\ ' �- �'' � � `�' � \' � � ID/29/1997 TAYLOR LAND SURVEYORS, INC. PLAT.• MONTICELLO BIG LAKE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL CAMPUS / � .`�� _ ��!�' I � p aa �\ � ��; \\ \ IO/29/1998 TAYLOR LAND SURVEYORS, INC. PLAT.• CHURCH OF ST. HENRY ;;a'/ \ '�"`� �� SS• e� Q O�n ��� J �-� \ \ \ I ,•;' ' \ � -. , , _ � \ � XX/XX/2005 TAYLOR LAND SURVEYORS, INC. TAYLOR FIELD COMPS � MIDDLE SCHOOL ' � ' � � � �? � ` ` � /� � , ;; -� � .� �` � + y ,. �-, , � � , \ �u � �c • � <;�,-� � � 2 06/27/2007 MEYER-ROHLIN, INC. AL TA/ACSM LAND TITLE SURVEY FOR: FAEGRE & BENSON ''� ' � � � ' ,� ^ � \ -' ; - \ � � �•;��/ \ ' " � i . ; �, � - \ \ � � l0/l7/2007 LANDFORM PLAT.• MONTICELLO BIG LAKE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL (2ND ADDITION) �' � � ��' � s�� � �=�' ^ � r • n � � � 2 ,-�. South Quarter Corner Sect l2, T.12/, R.25, � ` I / <' ;. ���,- / � `� Z .�" / Wri ht Co, MN tl' ':-'• �-"�"� u� °<no 05/l9/2008 SUNDE LAND SURVEYING ALTA/ACSM LAND TITLE SURVEY FOR: MMA REALTY CAPITAL, LLC :<"• Cast Iron Monument Per Certificate of Location _ � °� Z -�� ��• �'�%'_ � � � � � ',i' � ��°Q o � �_;, •; ;. " � ;.. / \ \ � �,� .S p� �,�; / of Government Corner dated 09/l2/I990 in the � ��` � •'�.�.., -,��,- �- ��_, �� South ine of�utt 3 of Audi�ors Subdivision I� y a m 09/l9/2016 SUNDE LAND SURVEYING PLAT.• MONTICELLO MIDDLE SCHOOL ADDITION \ i+; � County Surveyor's Office \\ o a �� �`.' `,-,,._ ^�_• ' �\ No. One �\ � 3 Q � �948 MNDOT MAP N0. 6-48 T.H. l52 � �' � / \ � �e ' , � � �� ' `1 ' � \ \ �,� South Line of Sec. l2, T.12/, R.25 C° `�' 2� �' �' � \ � \� I � � � N <, „ � EXHI I B � \ 1954 MNDOT MAP N0. 17-54 T.H. l52 a•� / per Wright County Section o � �,_ � � — —� — — — — — — �— — � � � � � ,�; : � � � \ Breakdo wn dated 09/07/95 � 1 I � I o o .. \ ,' � _ i �- ' I / / � \� 1 ��g I � \ \ / � -"� 2 �. �_ :; ; .*\ . � „ � \� 5 � �- ROW Sign � I � / � a � -- � � � �' � N 88°57'56"�E . �' I � � _ o i n i�� �12+'� Southwest Corner of Lot 8, AUDITORS , �� -�- �� \ a ,� � �, „, � �.. • 13 18 SUBDI VlSION NO. ONE, Sec tion i2 r. i2i, � � � � �� � �� � a -��-�---�-��� 1 N 3/ 47 56 E � � I� I � _ � i 2 � , , r, r. , . , . � � h01 6/. 7�9 � 37. 6/ � \ TH152=17-54 2so3. io � � �11+2� I R.25, Wright County, Minnesota. � - � � � � � , , , , , , — _ _ _ _ — — — — — — � � 13 ? ': , „< , „" ,,,; , '; �''�:' � � / r � . N 88'S7'S6" E 2599.58 14 13� / _ � � _ � � --' � �� `� " � —• — • , , � �� — �� #743 Q � North ' e of Lot l3, of AUDITOR'S NE Corner Sect. l3, T.l2l, R.25 �/ i\� / — — — — — — — — — — — , ` — — _ _ _ N 88°45'20" E I300.52 � � 172.43 '� \ \ ��' �s� /"� o�� r Wrigh t Co, MN — � -- -- South Line of Lot 8 of AUDITOR'S h� � 5# 09 „�1� /�1 � \ �SUBDIVIS NO. ONE � Cast Iron Monument Per Certificate � � North Line of Sec. l3, T.l2l, R.25 —� � � `p� � NW ly R01�` I of Location of Government Corner � / Southwest Corner of Section l2, T.l� l SUBDIVISION NO. ONE per Wright County , ,_,_ „ � I ^ P � — C.S.A.H. No.\ __ \ dated OS/28/86 in the County � N 88'45�20�� E R.25, Wriqht County, Minnesota. Per `- Section Breakdown / �_ :: ; ; ; ; ;; ;- ;`; \ �f� � 75 � ��_ ;; ; %„ � Surveyor's Office � � —, - Certificate of Location of Government . , `' ' ' ' � � � � ROW Sig v 1300.52 / i��.i�i� � .i� i ,.i � � �r��—r �r� ���� ���������� . � � � -- �r� � i Corner dated 8/l7/95 in the County ,� ; ;; �; ; ; ;; F; �;; �'-� ;= �%� % ;= %� � ' .,,,,�. �,' '.,, ;,. ,. ; ; , , . . .� \ \ „��, ,.., .., ., . , �- _ / Surveyors office =:� it<i iiiii�.ii ii�i i�ii i i ii�if� �r.`r.�� �r- \ y \ -- / / . �.� . � . . . . �.�-I `�i�r<i�iiii.:��:�:� �:ii� i�i�ir' .i::ii�ii .�/.�i::i:� i:�::. ::i:��_ i . �. � . � . . . . � . � ` i \ \ . � � � � � � � a Z > o pp � o � � O � N N 0 0 � I I m � � �w J O Y � Z _ � J U � L� rn N � N r� z r c� c� z Z � �w W w � Z �-'(� � z � �wZ pJ� Z�Q aU� N rn� i� ol M N � � � N Z I �� � � W j� Y w� m � N W N w� � N N � N � I � �� r � � J ow �� � � � � O m SHEET N0. w N � � � 2 EXH/B/T A � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � 1� \ \ \ \ \ \ � � � � � North wes t Corn er o f L o t 6 o f AUDI TOR'S SUBDI VlSION N0. ONE, W�igh t \ . � i ^ County, Minnesota. \'' '; - � � -� � � � ;_ � 1 � � \ , Southwesterly �` � I \ North Line of Lot 6 of AUDITOR S SUBDIVISON N0. ONE, per \ R/W as traveled \'��' � \ �' Wright County Section Breakdown � �- �,��, � j � � � '`Y;- \ . � � �� - \ / � R/W Sign � �`' � - ,� 1 TA YL OR 387. 26 � S 15480 `�� ` _ _ � - - �. �; . - - - - SUNDE 38/.77 _ 1 ./- � _ - - - 1- - - - - -- --� -- 5.49 �� � � �;_� 9.88 � � �� � �\ � ry � � �-= "� (DEED) 370. 80 � � � � -� � - J � I 16. 60 � - � �°�`� �"' °` � `' _ � � Fence Corner - � �O \ � 28. 9J � � „ , MEY�R \ Fence End I \ e � a I Smith s Lme o � .� .� �, o`` \ 0 40' SCALE: I" = 40' � � 0 1 Historic No�th Line of Lot 6 of �'JDITOR S I � R/W Siqn � � Fence Corner I/� �' ��_-- SUBDI VlSION N0. ONE, per Rohlin Field Notes (1969) I g � � Start of DEED & I972 C.O.S. A point 782' West of Centerline of I � J,'S1 \ Hart A ve. i ��� \ I %��� /��� � If- 1 I I I � � West Line of Lot 6 of AUDITOR'S � SUBDIVISION N0. ONE, per Wrigh t Coun ty � Section Breakdown � � - � � _� i� ,'` Y ` � � � � � � � �` � � � � `� � � r � � � I� � ` i r� V� /�_� � � � Existing Chain � � � � _ Link Fence � \ \ � �'� � `` �` � , � � � � ` � , /'� �`J � � ��i � � -- � �'� i � �� � - ( ^ � � '1 � ���`,,� � `Y � �' � / �. _� ` � Y' ��� . /'`� v�' \` � � � \� \ _ TA YLOR R/W \\ MEYER-ROHLIN R/W � �� � SUNDE R/W - � � �� \� �0 �� ,�. �� � \ �� \\ \\. \\ \\ \ , EXH/B/T B \ .' . / �.�4 -'i \ ��� � �` , . Parcel lD ,�1550/100003/ ,,-. .� '.� . � \ � �. ..: 9 ' ^ � �� . � _ - S �� � ' . \ <�T � , � ' � `�• ,� �, _ �- R/W Sign� ;', _ - .��; . ;.,;;, ,, F' ` � ._' _ ` �'� .,;�:�'" 1h�° � �� NW'ly ROW of� -\ . � ' �', -� ' op� 1�0 C.S.A.H. No 75 - `,-_ � � � �:,�� '�j ' i ,, -'�.-, �\ 57°l0" � ��� _ _ _ � � N 88 °57'S6 " E � � ' _ � ' ` .� _ � - �i� � �. - - - - � .- - - _ - - - � - - `- ; � , � � � �3g 61. 79 L S #7439 � � �. _' I \ '�. "'. #� \ � '.' - ' I . .� , � o ' ;\ �. �`-' � � - y,. �S s� ,�"� , • � So� Line of Lot 3 of J J � .� . � �`� ,�", � �9 � �� ,;,;;'� �,�AUDITOR'S SUE6�lVlSION N0. ONE � ���� � _ � � ��`�' � �� h // � I � (�[ .� i•- � ., �,,7�. - e \ ';;,; , P'�P �� �' / Sou th L in e o f Sec. � r l2 /, R. 25 J � �, , ,� ^, � ,, ��o'� ! � � per Wrigh t Coun ty Section Breakdown � \ � � _ -', ., \ � R/W Sign � �� � � -�� � North Line of Lot l3 of � � �`�'� h� \ �� A UDl TOR'S SUBDI VlSION NO. ONE� � \ \ \ � � � � � � \ � � \ \ ,; ; - � � � "' \ . � � \ � ;,;�.• �'� \ � � \ ;;� _; _;,., .;� � � ;:: -`• � � \ � \ � 0 30� � , � \ � � \ \ � SCALE: I" = 30' � � \ \ �. � \\ Survey Report Bondhus Corporation Survey Report for Title purposes � Bondhus Tool campus in Section 12, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, MN Polly Ann Grell BPA was contacted in May of 2017 by Attorney David Meyers of Rinke Noonan and directed to make further contact with Polly at Bondhus in Monticello. She said there were some issues with the Wright County parcel mapping that stemmed from some old deeds that the County Assessor had discovered. This resulted in the parcel map showing an overlap on the southeasterly end of the Bondhus tract as depicted on a 2007 ALTA survey. This appeared to give the heirs of Maurice and Gladys Hoglund possible title. The county issued a tax statement to the Hoglund heirs for said parcel. The Hoglund heirs and the tax burden needed to be resolved, along with the possible need for Bondhus to acquire said parcel to eliminate any title problems. The county recorder's office had produced an extensive number of deeds and a spreadsheet listing them which Polly emailed to me. After the death of Maurice Hoglund, there had been a Quit Claim deed properly executed from his widow, Gladys Hoglund, to John Bondhus. This deed had not been allowed to be recorded by the county recorder for some reason. This QCD should have resolved the ownership of said parcel now showing up as being owned by the Hoglunds, as it deeded away any title in Lot 3 of AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. ONE. Conversation and cooperation with the Wright County Surveyor and the GIS Department clarified the situation. The County Surveyor checked within the courthouse departments and notified Polly that if the original signed deed was brought to the recorder's office, it could now be properly recorded. Once this was accomplished, the parcel mapping could be corrected, and on the face of it all, the subject overlapping parcel would disappear. The second concern of Bondhus Corp. was to the description to be used to Quiet the title now. Polly provided a 2007 ALTA survey done by Meyer-Rohlin of Buffalo, and certified to the Faegre Benson Law firm. Research led to the other surveys done by Meyer-Rohlin, starting with the original split of the Bondhus property in 1969, followed by additional surveys in the area including other ALTA survey and the split of the remaining Bondhus property to the west that had been sold to the Monticello School District. The description currently being used on the 2007 ALTA is the same as the original description created in 1969 for said property. The common boundary that had been created in 1969 between Bondhus and the School by Meyer Rohlin was now depicted on the 2007 ALTA by monuments placed by local surveyor Dennis Taylor as gapping the original Bondhus monuments by 16 feet, more or less. Description issues Since the 1969 Bondhus survey and description had not changed in almost 50 years, the gap has been created by application of `new' section subdivision dimensions provided by the Wright County surveyors office in 1995. Mr. Taylor and other more recent surveyors doing subdivision plats in the area (see list of plats/surveyors) have utilized this'new' current section breakdown and held forthe most part the Wright County coordinate system NAD 1983 (1986 adjustment). This procedure has resulted in several different versions of what should be the same line, the North Line of Lot 6 of AUD. SUB. N0. ONE and its intersection with the SW'ly RW line of OLD Trunk Highway No. 152, now Wright County State Aid Highway No. 75. As this is also the southerly line of the very old plat of TOWNSITE OF LOWER MONTICELLO (TLM), any shifting in a north-south direction of this line will 'move' said point of intersection with the highway. There are two versions of the old Highway 152 map that both also relate to Hart Boulevard, one of the first main roads in the area when AUDITORS SUBDIVISION NO. ONE was created and recorded in 1892. The earliest highway map (6-48) labels Hart Blvd. "temporary TH 152 & 129" as turned back from the State of MN by Release No. 83. The later highway map (17-54) indicates the Hart Blvd. and TH 152 (now CSAH #75) currently laid out and travelled. However, a close comparison of the maps shows these section subdivision lines, government lot lines and platted lots with said TLM in slightly different locations as apparently the mapmakers were not completely clear on where the section corners and subdivision lines were located. The plat map of the AUDITORS SUBDIVISION NO. ONE, being the first one in said county, implies that said North Line of Lots 5 and 6 is also an east-west Government Lot line but comparison with the original GLO plat and the description on the said AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION documents that it is actually the 'north line of the south 40 acres' of Government Lot 2 of said Section 12. Because the line is drawn easterly from the northeast corner of the SW1/4-SW1/4 (Lot 9 of the Auditor's Subdivision) it appears logical that extending the north line of said SW1/4-SW1/4 easterly to intersect the north-south quarter line is what was intended. However, the historical location of said line in the field was evidenced by an east-west fence and it is in that location that is shown on said 1948 and 1954 Highway 152 right of way maps and perpetuated by Meyer Rohlin in 1969. Meyer Rohlin's notes refer to the historic line as "Smith's line". The historic deed dimensions (782 feet from centerline of Hart Blvd. westerly to the northwest corner of said Lot 6, Auditor's Subdivision No. One) also fit with this fence location. RAILROAD LOCATION The location of the 100 foot strip of railroad right-of-way is unchanged and the rails are still in place, subject to many years of very little rail traffic. The Monticello Nuclear plant by Xcel Energy still occasionally needs them. ROADS The road shown as Minneapolis Monticello Road southerly of the Railroad tracks has for the most part been vacated with the construction of I-94 and commercial development to the south of the tracks (see plats). AFTER FIELD WORK BY BOGART, PEDERSON & ASSOC (BPA) Careful analysis of the other plats in the area on both sides of old Hwy 152 together with field work to tie in monumentation by Meyer Rohlin and also in these plats has revealed another inconsistency. The plat of MONTICELLO BIG LAKE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL DISTRICT CAMPUS had been completed in 1997 by Dennis V Taylor of Monticello and although it did not directly need to define either Hwy 152 r/w or said north line of Lots 5 and 6, AS1, the plat shows linework that is consistent with the previous surveys by Meyer Rohlin using the "Smith line". In 2007, the Monticello Hospital authorized a second plat to add some land and adjust interior lot lines at said hospital campus. The plat of MONTICELLO BIG LAKE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL DISTRICT CAMPUS SECOND ADDITION was filed by Landform in 2007. Said Second Addition platted additional land southerly of the first plat down to the northeasterly r/w of old Hwy 152. To show this northeasterly r/w, they computed the location of said line using the description of the original highway `taking' and as shown on r/w map 17-54. This description begins at the east quarter corner of Section 13, southerly of Section 12 and runs northerly 1022 feet and then northwesterly along the (existing) railroad right-of- way for 1651.40 feet, deflecting right 7 degrees 26 minutes through a 991.1 foot curve, and then proceeding another 2255.2 feet to get into the old town of Monticello. They include this description in the plat dedication. It appears they did not attempt to find the field location of the existing road as evidence by triangular r/w signs in various places along said highway consistent with the 1969 location of the highway and at its intersection with "Smith's line". This intersection is marked by said triangular signs and a 6 foot chain link fence in the Monticello Middle school campus. (Station 960+27.0 on Map 6-48; Station 961+72 on Map 17-54; the stations differ because these are different alignments of the highway. Map 17-54 has the correct alignment.) The r/w signs were placed 30 feet nw'ly and se'ly from the intersection with "Smith's line" and are still present today. In 1973 Meyer Rohlin surveyed for the School District and monumented a split of the remaining part of Lot 6 lying northerly of the Bondhus Property into Parcels A& B using Smith's line and the 1969 survey. For a dividing line they used said intersection of the Hwy 152 r/w and Smith's line to lay out 87.62 feet along said right of way, and then deflected southwesterly at an angle of 64 degrees 52 minutes 30 seconds for 453.70 feet to the railroad right of way. There is a 6 foot fence there today as this separated seeamds far 4153.70 feet to tM1he �ailrQad �i�ht af way. There is a 6 foot fence there today as this separated the faatballl ffieldJ track from the law I�nd in Parcel B. The corners on the southeasterly line of said Parcel B are tlhe same as the northvvesterly lim� [rf the Bondhus Tract per 1969 survey. In 2Q105 �en�nis V Taylc�r placed i�rons allang the same �ine using the same deed dimensions as the previous work by Meyer Rohfin, BUT he began at the intersection of the old Hwy 152 r/w with the NEW section breakdown for the north line of Lot 6, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. ONE at a point approximately 17 feet further nw'ly from the intersection with "Smith's line". His resulting southeasterly line of the school property produced a gap of about 16-17 feet with the previous monuments placed by Meyer Rohlin. This is noted in the 2007 ALTA Survey for Bondhus. His use of the same old Hwy 152 right-of way line is accurate; picking a new starting point is debatable. In 2016, MONTICELLO MIDDLE SCHOOL ADDITION was platted by Mark S. Hanson of Sunde Land Surveying. This plat uses the 1995 section breakdown by the county surveyor and the described location of former State Highway No. 152, and thus does not follow Smith' line or the right of way line used by Meyer Rohlin in their 1973 survey. [�I�7►[y�1I.7[�l�l We recommend that you consult with an experienced title attorney to discuss your options to remedy the discrepancies with your legal description. We offer a proposed legal description to be adopted in the body of the survey. Z O H � � U N w 0 w Q � 0 Z U O � c a� E a� � 0 a� � � 0 � � 0 � � � \ N � > �O Z � � m �' � � � � � � � Y � N N a � o 0 I I \ m � � � � � � � m m � W J z z Y � O C.� � N Q w C� w Q W � _ � J � � � U � L� L T o�a� oa��� Q� � L c �-� T .� c > `o ° ' ° � +' L (/� �n���c O L '- � � � 7 � +'"� O� O L N •U1 "O .-� a • j � � L J O � � a �'' ` Q��N N Nya� V O�"' C� U N � � � J O t aT� 3 _�'��� Z � Ov � � oc -� W � pW W � aa � n � � O � � � � � Q 0 � � O� N � N �I N rn� �� ol M N � � � N z� � �� � � W j� Y w �` m C� C�Z � jN Z� w� �w �°° >z NCNo �� �N �z� �r7 �wZ �� � � �J� � .. >Q o� aU� �� � SHEET N0. 2 � INDICATES THE OCCUPANCY LOAD OF A SPECIFIC ROOM OR AREA REQUIRING TWO OR MORE EXITS INDICATES THE OCCUPANCY LOAD OF A SPECIFIC ROOM OR AREA REQUIRING ONE EXIT INDICATES THE OCCUPANT LOAD EXITING FROM THE BUILDING FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABINET FIRE EXTINGUISHER OCCUPANT LOAD FROM A TRIBUTARY AREA OF THE ADJACENT FLOOR ABOVE OR BELOW LINE OF EXIT PATH 3HR OCCUPANCY SEPARATION Name Of Room 1500 # OF OCCUPANTS 150 SF ROOM AREA (100�.� OCCUPANT LOAD FACTOR Name Of Room 1500 # OF OCCUPANTS 150 S ROOM AREA (100�� OCCUPANT LOAD FACTOR gg � # OF OCCUPANTS �2 EGRESS WIDTH PER OCCUPANT 17.6" REQ'D WIDTH 34" ACTUAL WIDTH LOCATION OF EXIT FEC � FE � Code Anal sis Buildin 1 OCCUPANCY: GROUP S-2 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: II-B MIXED OCCUPANCY: NONE FIRE RESISTANCE RATING REQUIREMENTS (TABLE 601): STRUCTURALFRAME 0 BEARING WALLS EXTERIOR 0 INTERIOR 0 NON-BEARING WALLS EXTERIOR SEE TABLE 602 INTERIOR 0 FLOOR CONSTRUCTION 0 ROOF CONSTRUCTION 0 EXTERIOR WALL PROTECTION (TABLE 602): X<5 1 5<_X<10 1 10<_X<30 0 x>_30 0 ALLOWABLE AREA: 26,000 SF/FLOOR ACTUAL BLDG. AREA: 13,673 SF (LEVEL 1) 13,731 SF (LEVEL 2) ALLOWABLE STORIES: 3 ACTUAL STORIES: 2 Code Anal sis Buildin 2 OCCUPANCY: GROUP F-1/ GROUP B CONSTRUCTION TYPE: II-B MIXED OCCUPANCY: YES FIRE RESISTANCE RATING REQUIREMENTS (TABLE 601): STRUCTURALFRAME 0 BEARING WALLS EXTERIOR 0 INTERIOR 0 NON-BEARING WALLS EXTERIOR SEE TABLE 602 INTERIOR 0 FLOOR CONSTRUCTION 0 ROOF CONSTRUCTION 0 EXTERIOR WALL PROTECTION (TABLE 602): X<5 1 5<_X<10 1 10<_X<30 0 x>_30 0 ALLOWABLE AREA: 15,500 SF/FLOOR ACTUAL BLDG. AREA: 12,776 SF (LEVEL 1) 15,361 SF (LEVEL 2) ALLOWABLE STORIES: 2 ACTUAL STORIES: 2 Code Anal sis Buildin 3 OCCUPANCY: GROUP H-4 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: II-B MIXED OCCUPANCY: NONE FIRE RESISTANCE RATING REQUIREMENTS (TABLE 601): STRUCTURALFRAME 0 BEARING WALLS EXTERIOR 0 INTERIOR 0 NON-BEARING WALLS EXTERIOR SEE TABLE 602 INTERIOR 0 FLOOR CONSTRUCTION 0 ROOF CONSTRUCTION 0 EXTERIOR WALL PROTECTION (TABLE 602): X<5 1 5<_X<10 1 10<_X<30 0 x>_30 0 ALLOWABLE AREA: 17,500 SF/FLOOR ACTUAL BLDG. AREA: 4,848 SF (LEVEL 1) ALLOWABLE STORIES: 3 ACTUAL STORIES: 1 16 .3 4.8" 34" 40 __2 _ $„ 34" Lower Level Code Plan SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — i — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — i � � I 3 HOUR DOOR IS I BUILDING 1 S-2 REQUIRED AT OCCUPANT LOAD I EXISTING OPENING � LEVEL 1: 79 I I ❑ ❑ I I I STORAGE � BREAK � 35 � 595 SF � (15) — — � 40 .2 Lw m� ELEV.� FE I ����!�!!�L___J HAZARD I 23 a I 2203 SF �� I BUILDING 3 H� 100 m 0 OCCUPANTLOAD � � z Q I LEVEL 1: 48 �� � a �Xw — — — — — — — — — — — — w � FE � 44 � FE FACTORY 34 FE L FE 13078 SF � 73 � � (300) � � J 7190SF L — — Q (100) � ❑ I = z 16 I � � FE .2 z� BUILDING 2 F-11B 3�2 I � a OCCUPANT LOAD 34�� X w LEVEL 1� 121 HAZARD 25 2501 SF (100) STAIR � I w cn I -----------------J �----------------------�------- 233 OCCUPANTS EXIT FROM I BUILDING 2 ON FIRST FLOOR � � I FE � I z 0 Q � a w � � _ M 70 .-2 34" 34" $o .2 16 34" 3 HOUR DOOR IS REQUIRED AT EXISTING OPENING CLOSERS AND SMOKE GASKETS OVERHEAD CONTROLS EXISTING 3 HR SEPARATION WALL �FFIC OFFICE FE �� 0 08 SF 125 SF (10,0� �00) REVERSE SWING BY CODE BOILER O 253 SF (300) �o .2 14" 34" I FACTORY � � � 406 SF (100) I -ELEV.� E I , � ,� 1 � I � FACTORY I � 24 � 7/ 2386 SF I � (100) � — — � ' � � � � � � � �E � ��►� �i OFFICE O 216 SF (100) OFFICE 10 OFFIC 983 SF O �MEN"S FE 14 0 �F �LOSET / O 13 SF � � (300) .- � ��� � �=r� � � �� ■ �[�IIrIDHUS / ' � ■ I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Murray A. Mack License No.: 18686 Date: 03/09/18 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: Checker Drawn By: Author Date: 03/09/18 � Date Description 1 Date 1 Addendum 2 ma . A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www.hma-archs.com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN CODE PLAN ■ z O � U � � � v / Z O U I..L O � � I..L � z � J W � � ; ___ WOODS ��-_� "� � `" �" � � � 1 12 . , ' '� � -���- ��;� _ kss - '' ; � cP���� � _ -1� � � � �� �; '� " �� �..T� �� ���� Q � O, �� �. � .. �� , - „ � �� �� �. 9�, __ 6,� - � ; - _ �: _ � .. �., � � � - - - � . . _ � � , ��' L J � - - ' � _ � '% ; 1.11 �--- - - - � ------------+------�-� _� / 1.04 � � � s � '�`: - m - _ _ YN v _ _. - p � ^ a _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ I �d � I � . 0 V 4 " � . / / I I� 9 � � L EXISTING STORAGE �' a q- �b � � - - - _ _ �BUILDING �-� � s � � - a � a a - 6,007 SF 1.21 saa a � � a a a �- a a Q' ° ° I I s�s I 1.09 I� � _ 1.04 � ° I� - - 1.13 - - _ - - �- °L ! o a __ � - � I I � .oa �b6 = _ _ � � � - -- a � � - ., ... - -�� �����. . gtis .. ....:. � - � � � I �.a6 P -� �� � - _ _ � � _L = I a � `° � � � ��' � �� ��_ _�� ���-� VA��� � � � � � � z� � ��� _� � q \ _ v- - - - - - - - � , _ _ , � - ' �,�6 �� A �� N -� � _ ' -__ -- � �Q_ A ..._ ,, � _ ) . � � _� � � ^,��... _ . ... _ / � � _ _ __ , �,. _ � �� ��- --� �� �� � _ _ �� __ , � �� � -�� --- � _ _ �vcs - �_ - - -- . _ s�-- �� ' ..._ '--_ \ ..� � .. - ' � X _ - _ - � �_ ��_ �6 - `. 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THIS AREA FOR NEW BITUMINOUS SURFACE, SEE CIVIL. 1.06 BOUNDARY OF NEW PARKING LOT. SEE SITE PLAN, CIVIL. 1.07 REMOVE EXISTING RETAINING WALL AND FOOTING. 1.08 REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE SURFACE. 1.09 DEMOLISH EXISTING SHED, DISCONNECT ALL ELECTRICAL PRIOR TO DEMOLITION. 1.10 DEMOLISH EXISTING EXTERIOR VESTIBULE, HYDRAULIC LIFT, AND BUMPERS. DISCONNECT ALL ELECTRICAL PRIOR TO DEMOLITION. 1.11 REMOVE EXISTING METAL STAIR. 1.12 DEMOLISH EXISTING STRUCTURE. 1.13 BOUNDARY OF PROPOSED PRECAST ADDITION. 1.14 REMOVE EXISTING MAILBOXAND GIVE BACKTO OWNER 1.15 EXISTING POWER POLE AND LIGHT TO BE REMOVED, COORDINATE W/ UTILITY COMPANIES. 1.16 REMOVE EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER, SEE SITE PLAN. 1.17 EXISTING CURB TO REMAIN, SEE SITE PLAN. 1.18 DELINEATES LINE OF PROPOSED BITUMINOUS ROUTE. 1.19 REMOVE TREE AND STUMP. 1.20 REMOVE SECTION OF EXISTING PATH. 1.21 DEMOLISH 50'-0" OF WEST END OF SHED STRUCTURE ROOFING AND ENTRIES. DISCONNECT ELECTRICAL PRIOR TO DEMOLITION. REMOVE CONCRETE SLAB AND FOOTING. 1.22 EXISTING CATCH BASIN TO REMAIN. PROTECTAS REQUIRED. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE IMPLEMENTED. 0 � ZONING INFORMATION ZONING DISTRICT = I-1 SIZE OF PARCEL = 178,088 SF BUILDING FOOTPRINT EXISTING BUILDING = 28,493 SF NEW ADDITION = 4,214 SF MODIFIED STORAGE BUILDING = 4,024 SF NEW STORAGE BUILDINGS = 374 SF TOTAL BUILDING = 37,105 SF IMPERVIOUS SURFACE = 95,560 SF 54% OF IMPERVIOUS SURFACE ADDITION PERIMETER = 186 SF GROSS BUILDING = 60,389 SF REQUIRED PROVIDED F.A.R. NONE REQUIRED SETBACKS FRONT YARD 30'-0" 30'-0" SIDE YARD 15'-0" 15'-0" REAR YARD 15'-0" 3'-0" PARKI NG NUMBER EXISTING = 50 STALLS NUMBER REQUIRED FOR I-1 ZONING TOTAL BUILDING 60,389 SF / 1,250 SF / STALL = 49 STALLS 73 STALLS SIZE REQUIRED 9'-0" x 20'-0" __.-Z86- ____. ._.._ ...... _ __.. . ..__. ...__. __. _ . .__. . ._.... ,. ,.,' � � ..•.. , � �Sg_ . . . . . � , � _ - ' ' Y --- - � , , , -- - � � � � � �� - U O°' � O � , ,, � -�., �,, �, `� ...£96 ... . ... __ .._. . _ ____ __ " ..... �� ' m ��..,� ,� , ,. _-- ��� �� '��, ', � � _ _- . PROPERTY LINE � �ss in w ,�, ,� � � �� . . � � � � - � � � , _ , � - � - - - - Q�_ - - � _ ___- --- - - - - - _ - - - -- - - _ _ _ �, ,,, : _ � ' �' '�- 1 � � ! , , � ��, ,' � , ' � � � � ,----_ �� _ - - - - , � , �, _ _ , , . , . --- �� ��' -- � - -- - -------- �--- � .�� ------- 1 � , , � , � . , , I i , � . , , � .- �. . i . . r i � i � � � � . 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Mack License No.: 18686 Date: 03/14/18 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: TG Drawn By: JAM Date: 03/14/18 � Date Description ma . A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street Suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www.hma-archs.com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN SITE PLAN/LANDSCAPE P LAN "�. "o,, � � V� , n .��� �'��. • �. .. . - PLAN NORTH ■ � -------------------------------------� EXTERIOR ELEVATION -NORTHWEST n � L Upper F.F.E. --------- 111'-4„ Lower F.F.E. 100' - 0" Q Q Q EXTERIOR ELEVATION -SOUTHEAST T.O. PRECAST 133' - 10" T.O. PRECAST 127' - 10" U er Roof 125' - 6" Lower Roof 123' - 0" Upper F.F.E. 111'-4" _ Lower F.F.E. 100' - 0" EXTERIOR ELEVATION - ENTRANCE SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" �A3.11 I SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" �A3.11 � SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" T.O. PRECAST 127' - 10" U er Roof 125' - 6" Lower Roof 123' - 0" Upper F.F.E. 111'-4" _ Lower F.F.E. 100' - 0" 10 O Q O O O O 3 O 3.01 3.08 3.02 TYP O � � � � � � � � � T.O. PRECAST � � � � � � � � � 133' - 10" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------------------------------------------------------�----------- ------------------------------------�------------ ----------------�--------------------�--- --- ---------------------------- , , 3.01 ----------------------3.09 ---------3.09 , , 3.08 3.01 , 3.10 TYP 3.03 3.05 3.01 3.04 3.05 ' 3.01 3.09 3.05 3.09 ' ' � � � � � T.O. PRECAST ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' 127'-10" --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ------------,------------------------- ------------------- ---- ----- ---,----------- ------ ---------------------------- UpperRoof ----------------------------------- --------------------------- ------------------- ------------ ------- ------------------------------------ --- ----- ------------------�------------------- ------------------------------------�--------------------�-- -----------------�-------------------- -------------- ---�----------- ------- ---------------------------- 125'-6„ � � � � � � � � ,.. .: � • ° � � � � � � .:. - � � . � � � � � 123 - 0 , • � � � � ' ' � � � � , _ ; �. ,._., :r` �� � � �- �����T,-rT �4 � •���- � - � � � � � � � � � � ' � _....._.__ __ -- -... __.... -.__ . --_. . . _. . � � � --------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- ---�------------------------ ---- - -------- ----------------�------------------�---------------------------------------------------------�--------------------�--------------------�-------------------- -------------- --,----------- ------- -------------- U er F.F.E. , , , , , , 111'-4" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Lower F.F.E. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100'-0„ EXTERIOR ELEVATION -SOUTHWEST SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" O � � O � O O � O � � • � � � � • • , � � � � � � � � � � � � \ � �' �. �� � � � � �� �• � � � � � � � � � � • � � � � � � � � • � \, � �• �� � � �• � �� � � � � � �� � � � • ' ��' ..- -.: ,� M' � � ���1 � . '.. � ��� z � � ' �ir•r�.�e�,s, I�� �N�� � \ � , , „ , , � � , , , � ,I,� , � „:_: ���.., ' � ''�,��� , , ■1�1����I � II � ..- � \ � \ �■�!!=_ _== � ■■ !i� �� � � ■�! �� �� �■ ����I� �� _ �: III1 A �� ■-1` � ,1- I �� I � �1.� . _ . , � _� _ �� � �� _ �� � _ . . _ _ !� � _�`�- _� �- - _ - ��. �� _� -- ---�i:�,:, , �- _ : � � \ � �i�'�������� � . � \, ff� EXTERIOR ELEVATION - NORTHEAST SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 131 (3.05 � 3 3.101TYP 13.13 05) (3.13 BUILDING MATERIAL BREAKDOWN PERCENTAGES NORHEAST ELEVATION 10,740 SF CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS 1,787 SF/ 16.6% METAL PANELS 6,043 SF/ 56.2% GLAZED SOTREFRONT WINDOWS 1,149 SF/ 10.7% HOLLOW METAL DOORS 189 SF/ 1.8% ARCHITECTURAL PRECAST 1,572 SF/ 14.6% SOUTHEAST ELEVATION 3,026 SF CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS 33 SF/ 1% METAL PANELS 411 SF/ 13.6% GLAZED SOTREFRONT WINDOWS 38 SF/ 1.3% HOLLOW METAL DOORS 486 SF/ 1.6% ARCHITECTURAL PRECAST 2,058 SF/ 68% NORTHWEST ELEVATION 2,402 SF CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS 341 SF/ 14.2% METAL PANELS 1,724 SF/ 71.8% GLAZED SOTREFRONT WINDOWS 337 SF/ 14 % SOUTHWEST ELEVATION 11,140 SF CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS 7,492 SF/ 67.3% METAL PANELS 1,837 SF/ 16.4% GLAZED SOTREFRONT WINDOWS 170 SF/ 1.5% HOLLOW METAL DOORS 63 SF/ 0.5% ARCHITECTURAL PRECAST 1,572 SF/ 14% «if ELEVATION KEY NOTES 3.01 PREFINISHED METAL CAP FLASHING 3.02 PRECAST CONCRETE PANEL WITH REVEALS (FLUTED FINISH) 3.03 METAL PANEL COLOR 1 3.04 METAL PANEL COLOR 2 3.05 HOLLOW METAL DOOR AND FRAME 3.06 EXISTING METAL GUARD RAIL TO REMAIN 3.07 NEW ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTER SIGNAGE ANCHORED TO STRUCTURE 3.08 NEW PREFINISHED METAL ROOF EDGE AS REQUIRED WITH NEW ROOF 3.09 EXISTING DOWNSPOUT 3.10 EXISTING ALUMINUM STOREFRONT WINDOWS 3.11 EXISTING ALUMINUM STOREFRONT SYSTEM TO REMAIN 3.12 EXISTING OVERHEAD DOOR 3.13 EXISTING CMU WALLS TO REMAIN ■ �[�IIrIDHiUS �� ■ I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Murray A. Mack License No.: 18686 Date: 03/29/18 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: Checker Drawn By: Author Date: 03/29/18 � Date Description ma . A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street SUlte 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www.hma-archs.com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN ELEVATIONS OPT 1 ■ ------------------------------ �� � '� �� Upper F.F.E. -------- ��--------- 111'-4„ Lower F.F.E. 100' - 0" � � � � T.O. PRECAST 133' - 10" T.O. PRECAST 127' - 10" U er Roof 125' - 6" Lower Roof 123' - 0" Upper F.F.E. 111'-4" Lower F.F.E. 100' - 0" T.O. PRECAST 127' - 10" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U erRoof 125' - 6" � I ---------------- ', EXTERIOR ELEVATION -NORTHWEST �2 EXTERIOR ELEVATION -SOUTHEAST �3 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - ENTRANCE A3.12 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" A3.12 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" A3.12 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" Upper F.F.E. 111'-4" Lower F.F.E. 100' - 0" 10 �9 ( 8) 7� 6� 5� 4� 3 2� 1� � � � � � � � � � � T.O. PRECAST � � � � � � � � � 133' - 10" � � � � � � � � T.O. PRECAST ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' 127'-10" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,--------------------------------------------- ---- ----- ---,----------- ------ ---------------------------- UpperRoof ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------- --- ----- ------------------�------------------- ------------------------------------�--------------------�-- -----------------�-------------------- -------------- ---�----------- ------ ---------------------------- 125'-6„ � � � � � � � � ,.. .: � • ° � � � � � � .:. � � . � � � � � 123 - 0 , • � � � � ' ' � � � � , _ ; �. ,._., :r` �� � � �- �����T,-rT �4 � •���- � — � � � � � � � � � � ' � __ -- -... __. ... —.__ . --_. . . _ . . --------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------- - ---�------------------------ ---- - -------- ----------------�------------------�---------------------------------------------------------�--------------------�--------------------�-------------------- -------------- --,----------- ------- -------------- U er F.F.E. , , , , , , 111'-4" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Lower F.F.E. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100'-0„ EXTERIOR ELEVATION -SOUTHWEST SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" O � � O � O O � O � • ' \ � \ • ' \ � \ � f - ..- -.. � \ i �y - - �. . - '.. � - i �� � -. �� iC � � ��Y��V������r,��� � � � � � � � � �i11 ; � � ��� ��: � � � � �I�� , � ��i1��1�� � � ���..,4,� - _ i r __ . � � � �� �, I - , - -. _ ' •• . I��,:�y��i�ll!����.����li��ii�U�V�V��lll,l !li..�. �VW� � II�IV�sIihlJ�i�I���ib�1!!.. .. . ��� �����1����I.� ,..�hr!bu.l� l .��Idl��. I, �� ., i I�.._I�I_I!!f_�1 I. i . � ' �:� � �.I�_.��l�lu � � ■ � � --- --- _ � ■ � ■ � ■ ---- -- � � ■ ■ ■ �� - �����I������ �� � l� rl . - ' - -- —= — ■ �: � - � � �.I . _ �� - —� \ - — — — -., , �� � \ ��'����� •. � \, EXTERIOR ELEVATION - NORTHEAST SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" ■ �[�IIrIDHiUS �� ■ I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Murray A. Mack License No.: 18686 Date: 02/28/18 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: Checker Drawn By: Author Date: 02/28/18 � Date Description ma . A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street Suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www.hma-archs.com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN ELEVATIONS OPT 2 ■ z � � U � � � � z O U � O � � � Q z G J w � � � T.O. PRECAST ------------------------------- �----- 127'-10„ ------------------------------ U erRoof --------------------------'------------- 125' - 6" ------ ---- ------------------------- -------------------- --- ------ , , ower o0 � 123' - 0" ' �� � '� �� Upper F.F.E. ------ --------------------------�--------- --------- -------------- 111'-4„ � � ` � EXTERIOR ELEVATION -NORTHWEST Lower F.F.E. 100' - 0" � � � EXTERIOR ELEVATION -SOUTHEAST T.O. PRECAST 133' - 10" T.O. PRECAST 127' - 10" U er Roof 125' - 6" Lower Roof 123' - 0" Upper F.F.E. 111'-4" Lower F.F.E. 100' - 0" T.O. PRECAST 127' - 10" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U erRoof ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 125' - 6" EXTERIOR ELEVATION - ENTRANCE SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" �A3.13I SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" �A3.13� SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" Upper F.F.E. 111'-4" Lower F.F.E. 100' - 0" 10 �9 ( 8) 7� 6� 5� 4� 3 2� 1� � � � � � � � � � � T.O. PRECAST � � � � � � � � � 133' - 10" � � � � � � � � T.O. PRECAST ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' 127'-10" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,--------------------------------------------- ---- ----- ---,--- ------- ------ ---------------------------- UpperRoof ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------- --- ----- ------------------�------------------- ------------------------------------�--------------------�-- -----------------�-------------------- -------------- ---�----------- ------ ---------------------------- 125'-6„ � � � � � � � � ,.. .: � • ° � � � � � � .:. � � . � � � � � 123 - 0 , • � � � � ' ' � � � � , _ ; �. ,._., :r` �� � � �- �����T,-rT �4 � •���- � — � � � � � � � � � � � ' � _....._.__ __ -- -... __.... —.__ . --_. . . _. . � � � --------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- ---�------------------------ ---- - -------- ----------------�------------------�---------------------------------------------------------�--------------------�--------------------�-------------------- -------------- --,----------- ------- -------------- U er F.F.E. , , , , , , 111'-4" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Lower F.F.E. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100'-0„ EXTERIOR ELEVATION -SOUTHWEST SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" O � � O � O O � O � • ' \ � \ • ' \ � \ ..- -.. � \ _ �i, - - . - -.. � 2I , ��� ���ntii3tn3, ��■ �I � � �II��,�,� �' 1 � � � ���lli���1� � � � 1� ��►, �� � � ����� � � 1!t I 1,�� �� �� ..- ..i � � i \ - � � ■ � ■ � _ � ■ ■ ��� ■ ■ �c ����� ■�� ��r���u� ���� � � ��� � . _ � , ,.�+�.� - _�. ; ,, : , r � � � \, • �i�'����� • . � \, EXTERIOR ELEVATION - NORTHEAST SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" ■ �[�IIrIDHiUS �� ■ I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Murray A. Mack License No.: 18686 Date: 03/29/18 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: Checker Drawn By: Author Date: 03/29/18 � Date Description ma . A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street Suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www.hma-archs.com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN ELVATIONS OPT 3 ■ AS REQUIRED SLASH MULCH, CRUSHED ROCK, OR SHEET PAD CONSTRUCTION EXIT 00 HIGH STRENGTH GEOTEXTILE FABRIC (TWO LAYERS SEWN TOGETHER TO FORM POCKETS) 6" MIN. DEPTH OF 1" TO 2" CRUSHED ROCK OR SLASH MULCH 6" MIN. TRAFFIC FLOW MIN. 2" DIA. HIGH TENSIL REINFORCED RIBS SHEET PAD GEOTEXTILE FABRIC I N PLACE � GROUND SLASH MULCH OR CRUSHED ROCK AS 2 ED O AS REQUIRED RUMBLE PAD CONSTRUCTION EXIT 00 TAPER EDGES AT 1:1 O 0000 � � o � � o a 000 8�0�0 �°a O o° O�� o o O� AS 2 ED O CORRUGATED STEEL PANELS GEOTEXTILE FABRIC CROSS SLOPE 3% OR FLATTER 00 o�� �a�°o°oo�0000 o �o� o0 0 n o � 00 °000°0 � 0°�°000°0 00 RUMBLE PAD 6" MIN. DEPTH OF 1" TO 2" CRUSHED ROCK OR SLASH MULCH NOTES: SEE SPECS. 2573 & 3882. 10 MINIMUM LENGTH SHALL BE THE GREATER OF 50 FEET OR A LENGTH SUFFICIENT TO ALLOW A MINIMUM OF 5 TIRE ROTATIONS ON THE PROVIDED PAD. MINIMUM LENGTH SHALL BE CALCULATED USING THE LARGEST TIRE WHICH WILL BE USED IN TYPICAL TAPER EDGES OPERATIONS. AT 1:1 O PROVIDE RADIUS OR WIDEN PAD SUFFICIENTLY TO PREVENT VEHICLE TIRES FROM TRACKING OFF OF PAD WHEN LEAVING SITE. O IF RUNOFF FROM DISTURBED AREAS FLOWS TOWARD CONSTRUCTION EXITS, PREVENT RUNOFF FROM DRAINING DIRECTLYTO PUBLIC ROAD OVER CONSTRUCTION EXIT BY CROWNING THE EXIT OR SLOPING TO ONE SIDE. IF SURFACE GRADING IS INSUFFICIENT, PROVIDE OTHER MEANS OF INTERCEPTING RUNOFF. O IF RUNOFF FROM CONSTRUCTION EXITS WILL DRAIN OFF OF PROJECT SITE, PROVIDE SEDIMENT TRAP WITH STABILIZED OVERFLOW. O IF A TIRE WASH OFF IS REQUIRED THE CONSTRUCTION EXITS SHALL BE GRADED TO DRAIN THE WASH WATER TO A SEDIMENT TRAP. O MINIMUM LENGTH OF RUMBLE PAD SHALL BE 20 FEET, OR AS REQUIRED TO REMOVE SEDIMENT FROM TIRES. IF SIGNIFICANT SEDIMENT IS TRACKED FROM THE SITE, THE RUMBLE PAD SHALL BE LENGTHENED OR THE DESIGN MODIFIED TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL VIBRATION. WASH-OFF LENGTH SHALL BE AS REQUIRED TO EFFECTIVELY REMOVE CONSTRUCTION SEDIMENT FROM VEHICLE TIRES. O MAINTENANCE OF CONSTRUCTION EXITS SHALL OCCUR WHEN THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SEDIMENT REMOVAL HAS BEEN REDUCED. MAINTENANCE SHALL CONSIST OF REMOVING SEDIMENT AND CLEANING THE MATERIALS OR PLACING ADDITIONAL MATERIAL (SLASH MULCH OR CRUSHED ROCK) OVER SEDIMENT FILLED MATERIAL TO RESTORE EFFECTIVENESS. CONCRETE WASHOUT DETAILS SCALE=N,T,S. VARIABLE . . � • WIDTH ° � `a .� � � ° r_n 1/2" EXPANSION JOINTS ATADJACENT WALK OR STRUCTURE MN/DOT 3702 2% MAX. CROSS SLOPE ' ` _ . CONCRETE SIDEWALK MN/DOT SPEC. 2521, MIX N0. 3F52 CONTRACTION JOINTS PER MN/DOT SPEC. 2521 I I _ __ COMPACTED GRANULAR MATERIAL � 1/2" EXPANSION JOINT TYPICAL SIDEWALK/PATIO DETAIL SCALE=N.T.S, 10. 0-12" DEPTH TRENCH SLOPE DEPENDS ON SOIL TYPE. 20. 12-20' DEPTH TRENCH SLOPE DEPENDS ON SOIL TYPE. O 0-20' DEPTH TRENCH SUPPORT OR SHIELD SYSTEM CAN BE UTILIZED TO REDUCE TRENCH WIDTH. O 20' OR GREATER DEPTH TRENCH EXCAVATION MUST BE DESIGNED BY A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE THE DESIGN COMPLETED AT HIS EXPENSE AND PROVIDE A COPY TO THE OWNER AND THE PROJECT ENGINEER. (A) MINIMUM TRENCH WIDTH SHALL ALLOW FOR SIX INCHES OF CLEARANCE ON EACH SIDE OF PIPE JOINT HUB. (B) THE TRENCH MAY BE OVEREXCAVATED A MIN. OF 6" & BACKFILLED WITH COMPACTED GRANULAR MATERIALS WHEN ROCK, INCOMPRESSIBLE MATERIALS, OR UNSTABLE SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED. (C) COMPACTED GRANULAR ENCASEMENT MATERIAL SHALL COVER THE TOP OF PIPE BY AT LEAST 12" AND EXTEND THE FULL WIDTH OF THE TRENCH OR AT LEAST 2 1/2" TIMES THE PIPE DIAMETER ON EACH SIDE OF THE PIPE. (D) BEDDING AND HAUNCHING MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED AND COMPACTED TO PROVIDE FULL SUPPORT FOR THE LENGTH OF THE PIPE. PIPE NOTE: 1. DRAIN TILE OPENING MUST BE CORE-DRILLED AND GROUTED INSIDE AND OUTSIDE NOTE: 1. THIS DETAIL APPLIES TO SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER, WATERMAIN, AND ALL SERVICE PIPES. TYPICAL PIPE BEDDING DETAIL SCALE=N.T.S. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 �y��llNl►1 CATCH BASIN DETAIL SCALE=N.T.S. MNDOT 802A FRAME WITH 823A CURB BOXAND 815 GRATE OR ACCEPTED EQUAL 6" PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE SLAB ALL JOINTS IN MANHOLE TO �AVE "0" RING RUBBER 3ASKETS VIANHOLE STEPS, 12" ON �ENTER WHEN STRUCTURE =XCEEDS 5 FT. �OPOLYMER POLY PLASTIC 'RECAST CONCRETE SECTION GROUT BOTTOM MINIMUM SLAB THICKNESS, 6" FOR 14' DEPTH. INCREASE THICKNESS 1" FOR EACH 4' OF DEPTH GREATER THAN 14', AND REINFORCE WITH 6°x6" 10/10 MESH � A AR IAL CLASS III RIPRAP REQUIREMENTS AL 12" - 24" 6 CUBIC YARDS 27" - 33" 12 CUBIC YARDS 36" - 48" 18 CUBIC YARDS 54" AND UP 24 CUBIC YARDS (ONE CUBIC YARD IS APPROX. 2,800 LBS) GEOTEXTIL SHALL EXTEivv �ivv�r�r�rr�viv ► �B � � � y ��� RIPRAP A � , ���� �?` ,.; 1 � ' 4 � �`B � 5 X DIAMETER� OR SPAN PLAN SEC. A-A .5' �1' 1 SEC. B-B NOTES: 1. FILTER BLANKET REQUIRED UNDER RIPRAP OR 2 LAYERS OF 500X "MIRAFI" FABRIC OR EQUAL *CLASS III RIPRAP, D50= 9 IN. (MNDOT SPEC 3601) RI PRAP VARIES tl PRAP I IL I Lr� BLANKET FILTER BLANKET CLASS III RIPRAP AT OUTLETS DETAIL SCALE=N.T.S. i , goNOHus� v Design Tree . 120 17th Avenue W. 3339 W. St., Germain, Suite 250 Alexandria, MN 56308 5[. Cloud, MN 56301 (320) 762-1290 (320) 217-5557 (Phone) (320) 217-5597 (Fax) BOSER construction,inc. Commercial � Medical � Institutional 3203933185 7135 Sth Avenue NE Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 www.boserconshvcrion. com I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Jeremy E. Anderson License No.: 44223 Date: 03/30/2018 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: TG Drawn By: MJG Date: 03/30/18 � Date Description ma A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street SUlte 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www.hma-archs.com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN DETAI LS z C � �.. � � LL � U, z C � LL C � � C z I � LL a z C G � LL a O MINIMUM DOUBLE STITCHED SEAMS ALL AROUND SIDE PIECES AND ON FLAP POCKETS FRONT, BACK, AND BOTTOM TO BE MADE FROM SINGLE PIECE OF FABRIC. TYPE 9 MULCH INLET SPECIFICATIONS AS PER THE PLAN DIMENSION LENGTH AND WIDTH TO MATCH FLAP POCKET ����� ���� ������� ����0����� \ �����/ 8�� 4" 12" 2�� ENDS SECURELY CLOSED TO PREVENT LOSS OF OPEN GRADED F^^n�nnT� �ii i SECURED WI1 USE REBAR OR STEEL ROD FOR REMOVAL ( FOR INLETS WITH CAST CURB BOX REPLACE ROD WITH WOOD 2° X 4") . EXTEND 10" BEYOND GRATE WIDTH ON BOTH SIDES, LENGTH SECURE TO GRATE WITH WIRE OR PLASTIC TIES OVERFLOW HOLES (2° X 4" HOLE SHALL BE HEAT CUT INTO ALL FOUR SIDE PANELS) � C�I FILTER BAG INSERT 03 (CAN BE INSTALLED IN ANY INLET TYPE WITH OR WITHOUT A CURB BOX) � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0� GROUNDLINE ��0000000000 �� � �j�� o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0� �� � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FLANGES CATCH BASIN/ MANHOLE SEDIMENT CONTROL INLET HAT NOTE: THE SEDIMENT CONTROL BARRIER SHALL BE A METAL OR PLASTIC/POLYETHYLENE RISER SIZED TO FIT INSIDE THE CATCH BASIN/MANHOLE; HAVE PERFORATIONS TO ALLOW FOR WATER INFILTRATION; HAVE AN OVERFLOW OPENING, FLANGES AND A LID/COVER. 1/2" R g�� R „ „ ` ` � SLOPE 6 �3 4�� PER FT 13-1/2° 7I�� t � �8�� 12�� CONCRETE B612 CURB & GUTTER DETAIL SCALE=N.T.S, E � � � z w � � z � �o m �� � w BUTT JOINTS ROCK LO 5' MIN. LI 6" GEOTI ;EINFOR( VIRE O ,STIC ZIP LB TENS �TEXTILE ALL POS 3 MULCH �TEXTILE ' GEOTE) 'E 9 MULCH 12" OUT 3/16" THICK (MIN.) STEELCOVER 6" DIAMETEf POLYETHYLENI � w � � w m � � 6" TUBE RISER O � U O � � w � J L.L SECTION (UP POSITION) _T FENCE RING AND ROCK FILTER BERM USE WHERE INLET DRAINS IN AN AREA WITH SLOPES AT 1:3 or LESS INLET PROTECTION DETAILS SCALE=N,T,S, CORE DRILL EXISTING M""^' � FLOWLINE SHALL MATCH INSIDE INVERT OF PIPE MORTAR INVERT TO MATCH PRECAST BENCH CORE DRILL DETAIL SCALE=N.T.S. KETING WITH = EXPANSION ADJUST LEVEL OF FILTE,. SOCK TO BE BELOW ROAD SURFACE ELEV. O H GRATE POP-UP HEAD PERSPECTIVE VIEW 3/16" THICK (MIN.) STEEL PLATE O �: O O O O 1 TUBE RISER SECTION (DOWN POSITION) NOTES: SEE SPECS. 2573, 3137, 3886. MANUFACTURED ALTERNATIVES LISTED ON Mn/DOT'S APPROVED PRODUCTS LIST MAY BE SUBSTITUTED. O ALL GEOTEXTILE USED FOR INLET PROTECTION SHALL BE MONOFILAMENT IN BOTH DIRECTIONS, MEETING SPEC. 3886. O FINISHED SIZE, INCLUDING POCKETS WHERE REQUIRED SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 10 INCHES AROUND THE PERIMETER TO FACILITATE MAINTENANCE OR REMOVAL. O INSTALLATION NOTES: DO NOT INSTALL FILTER BAG INSERT IN INLETS SHALLOWERTHAN 30 INCHES, MEASURED FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE INLET TO THE TOP OF THE GRATE. THE INSTALLED BAG SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM SIDE CLEARANCE OF 3 INCHES BETWEEN THE INLET WALLS AND THE BAG, MEASURED AT THE BOTTOM OF THE OVERFLOW HOLES. WHERE NECESSARY THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CLINCH THE BAG, USING PLASTIC ZIP TIES, TO ACHIEVE THE 3 INCH SIDE CLEARANCE. 04 FLAP POCKETS SHALL BE LARGE ENOUGH TO ACCEPT WOOD 2 INCH X 4 INCH OR USE A ROCK SOCK OR SAND BAGS IN PLACE OF THE FLAP POCKETS. O SOCK HEIGHT MUST NOT BE SO HIGH AS TO SLOW DOWN WATER FILTRATION TO CAUSE FLOODING OF THE ROADWAY. O GEOTEXTILE SOCK BETWEEN 4-10 FEET LONG AND 4-6 INCH DIAMETER. SEAM TO BE JOINED BY TWO ROWS OF STITCHING WITH A PLASTIC MESH BACKING OR PROVIDE A HEAT BONDED SEAM (OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT). FILL ROCK LOG WITH OPEN GRADED AGGREGATE CONSISTING OF SOUND DURABLE PARTICLES OF COARSE AGGREGATE CONFORMING TO SPEC. 3137 TABLE 3137-1; CA-3 GRADATION. NOTES: 1. ALL ORGANIC OR OTHER UNSUITABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED FROM BENEATH THE ROADWAY. �2" WEARING COURSE (SPWEB340B) TACK COAT � 2" NON-WEARI NG COURSE (SPNWB340B) 8" CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE COMPACTED SUBGRADE -NOTIFY ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLACING AGGREGATE BASE IF ORGANIC MATERIAL IS ENCOUNTERED IN SUBGRADE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SECTION SCALE=N.T.S. B � WOOD � �.,,���� � r i. iviiiv. ��ivv i n rvo i AT 6 FT. MAX. SPACING PLASTIC ZIP TIES (50 LB. TENSILE) � LOCATED IN TOP81N. FLOW r 2'-0" MIN. POST EMBEDMENT GEOTEXTILE FABRIC, 36" WIDE TIRE COMPACTION ZONE FLOW r MACHINE SLICE 8" - 12" DEPTH DESIGN GUIDELINES: TO PROTECT AREAS FROM SHEET FLOW. MAXIMUM CONTRIBUTING AREA: 1 ACRE. NOTES: SEE SPECS. 2573, 3149 & 3886. MACHINE SLICED SILT FENCE DETAILS SCALE=N.T.S. 10 FT TYP. B a � � � 0 � IMPERMEAB SHEETING 0 > � � u � B � IMPERMEABLE SHEETING 3 FT TYP. STAKE � (TYP.) RMEABLE :TING WASHOUT STRUCTURE WITH WOOD PLANKS STAKE TYP.) B � 3 FT TYP. WOOD FRAME SECURELY FASTENED AROUND ENTIRE PERIMETER WITH TWO STAKES ;��/��/�! %��/��/��/ 10 FT TYP. SECTION B-B 21N $ IN. DIA. �� 4 IN STEEL WIRE STAPLE DETAIL STAPLES (2 PER BALE) IMPERMEABLE � SHEETING �i rr.� PLAN SECTION B-B NOTE: CAN BE TWO STACKED BALES OR PARTIALLY EXCAVATED TO REACH 3 FT DEPTH WASHOUT STRUCTURE WITH STRAW BALES 10 FT TYP. � SANDBAG n O O O IMPERMEABLE SHEETING BINDING WIRE STRAW BALE (TYP.) � WOOD OR METAL STAKES (2 PER BALE) SANDBAG IMPERMEABLE OR EQUIVALENT q SHEETING � 3 FT �/��" TYP. !/� \ ��,�ji��; 1:1 OR FLATTER SIDE SLOPE U0 O O U SECTION A-A PLAN EXCAVATED WASHOUT STRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. LOCATE WASHOUT STRUCTURE A MINIMUM OF 50 FEET AWAY FROM OPEN CHANNELS, STORM DRAIN INLETS, SENSITIVE AREAS, WETLANDS, BUFFERS AND WATER COURSES AND AWAY FROM CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC. 2. SIZE WASHOUT STRUCTURE FOR VOLUME NECESSARY TO CONTAIN WASH WATER AND SOLIDS AND MAINTAIN AT LEAST 41NCHES OF FREEBOARD. TYPICAL DIMENSIONS ARE 10 FEET X 10 FEET X 3 FEET DEEP. 3. PREPARE SOIL BASE FREE OF ROCKS OR OTHER DEBRIS THAT MAY CAUSE TEARS OR HOLES IN THE LINER. FOR LINER, USE 10 MIL OR THICKER UV RESISTANT, IMPERMEABLE SHEETING, FREE OF HOLES AND TEARS OR OTHER DEFECTS THAT COMPROMISE IMPERMEABILITY OF THE MATERIAL. 4. PROVIDE A SIGN FOR THE WASHOUT IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO THE FACILITY. 5. KEEP CONCRETE WASHOUT STRUCTURE WATER TIGHT. REPLACE IMPERMEABLE LINER IF DAMAGED (E.G., RIPPED OR PUNCTURED). EMPTY OR REPLACE WASHOUT STRUCTURE THAT IS 75 PERCENT FULL, AND DISPOSE OF ACCUMULATED MATERIAL PROPERLY. DO NOT REUSE PLASTIC LINER. WET-VACUUM STORED LIQUIDS THAT HAVE NOT EVAPORATED AND DISPOSE OF IN AN APPROVED MANNER. PRIOR TO FORECASTED RAINSTORMS, REMOVE LIQUIDS OR COVER STRUCTURE TO PREVENT OVERFLOWS. REMOVE HARDENED SOLIDS, WHOLE OR BROKEN UP, FOR DISPOSAL OR RECYCLING. MAINTAIN RUNOFF DIVERSION AROUND EXCAVATED WASHOUT STRUCTURE UNTIL STRUCTURE IS REMOVED. CONCRETE WASHOUT DETAILS SCALE=N.T.S. i , goNOHus V v Design Tree . 120 17th Avenue W. 3339 W. St., Germain, Suite 250 Alexandria, MN 56308 5[. Cloud, MN 56301 (320) 762-1290 (320) 217-5557 (Phone) (320) 217-5597 (Fax) BOSER construction,inc. Commercial � Medical � Institutional 3203933185 7135 Sth Avenue NE Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 www.boserconshvcrion. com I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Jeremy E. Anderson License No.: 44223 Date: 03/30/2018 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: TG Drawn By: MJG Date: 03/30/18 � Date Description ma A R C H I T E C T S z 700 W. St. Germain Street � Suite 200 � St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 � www.hma-archs.com � � T � 320.251.9155 � F � 320.251.4919 U hma@hma-archs.com , z Addition to: C � LL BONDHUS C � CORP. � C z I Monticello, MN � LL a DETAI LS z C G � ■ �/ LL a 0 40' 80' i , goNOHus V v Design Tree . 120 17th Avenue W. 3339 W. St., Germain, Suite 250 Alexandria, MN 56308 5[. Cloud, MN 56301 (320) 762-1290 (320) 217-5557 (Phone) (320) 217-5597 (Fax) BOSER construction,inc. Commercial � Medical � Institutional 3203933185 7135 Sth Avenue NE Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 www.boserconshvction. com I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Jeremy E. Anderson License No.: 44223 Date: 03/30/2018 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: TG Drawn By: MJG Date: 03/30/18 � Date Description ma A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street Suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www.hma-archs.com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN REFERENCE PLAN z C � �.. � � � � U, z C �.. � C � � C z , � � a z C G � � a i , goNOHus V v Design Tree . 120 17th Avenue W. 3339 W. St., Germain, Suite 250 Alexandria, MN 56308 5[. Cloud, MN 56301 (320) 762-1290 (320) 217-5557 (Phone) (320) 217-5597 (Fax) BOSER construction,inc. Commercial � Medical � Institutional 3203933185 7135 Sth Avenue NE Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 www.boserconshvction. com I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Jeremy E. Anderson License No.: 44223 Date: 03/30/2018 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: TG Drawn By: MJG Date: 03/30/18 � Date Description ma A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street Suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www.hma-archs.com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVALS PLAN z C � �.. � � � � U, z C �.. � C � � C z , � � a z C G � � a i , goNOHus V v Design Tree . 120 17th Avenue W. 3339 W. St., Germain, Suite 250 Alexandria, MN 56308 5[. Cloud, MN 56301 (320) 762-1290 (320) 217-5557 (Phone) (320) 217-5597 (Fax) BOSER construction,inc. Commercial � Medical � Institutional 3203933185 7135 Sth Avenue NE Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 www.boserconshvction. com I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Jeremy E. Anderson License No.: 44223 Date: 03/30/2018 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: TG Drawn By: MJG Date: 03/30/18 � Date Description ma A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street Suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www.hma-archs.com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN EXISTING CONDITIONS & REMOVALS PLAN z C � �.. � � � � U, z C �.. � C � � C z , � � a z C G � � a i , goNOHusy � I��51�rt7 TI"C� i ; � � � . . � . .. .. .. 3339 W. St_ Gn�ma�n. Sune 25[7 ..� �.�r.d�.,, ,,..� ::�.•.,?.-. St..Cloud.MN 56307 ,:�ili?i�. . �i i320i27.! __37'ph:,n..i i71Li11! iyy/•.F:lai BOSER construction,inc. Commercial � Medical � Institutional 3203933185 7135 Sth Avenue NE Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 www.boserconstruction.com I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Jeremy E. Anderson License No.: 44223 Date: 03/30/2018 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: TG Drawn By: MJG Date: 03/30/18 � Date Description ma A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street Suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www.hma-archs.com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN SITE PLAN z C � �.. � � � � U, z C �.. � C � � C z , � � a z C G � � a i , goNOHus V v Design Tree . 120 17th Avenue W. 3339 W. St., Germain, Suite 250 Alexandria, MN 56308 5[. Cloud, MN 56301 (320) 762-1290 (320) 217-5557 (Phone) (320) 217-5597 (Fax) BOSER construction,inc. Commercial � Medical � Institutional 3203933185 7135 Sth Avenue NE Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 www.boserconshvction. com I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Jeremy E. Anderson License No.: 44223 Date: 03/30/2018 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: TG Drawn By: MJG Date: 03/30/18 � Date Description ma A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street Suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www.hma-archs.com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN SITE PLAN z C � �.. � � � � U, z C �.. � C � � C z , � � a z C G � � a i , goNOHus V v I��si Y�� Tre� ,. ,.. ..-n ?... ��.., .. 3339 W. St_ G4rmal.n. 5wce 250 .., ,..��,d• .� ': t:'��, .. St. Cltrud. MN id307 �i;r�'�i��:'�'Ni i3_'i7�?t�:+5.i5?'Phnnei ifi[��;:t! Si971F.i•i BOSER construction,inc. Commercial � Medical � Institutional 3203933185 7135 Sth Avenue NE Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 www.boserconshuction. com I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Jeremy E. Anderson License No.: 44223 Date: 03/30/2018 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: TG Drawn By: MJG Date: 03/30/18 � Date Description ma A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street Suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www.hma-archs.com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN GRADING PLAN z C � �.. � � � � U, z C �.. � C � � C z , � � a z C G � � a �� ,goNOHus�� v I��si Y�� Tre� ,. �.. •.-n ?... ��.., .. 3339 W. St.. Germair�. 5u�ce 250 .., ,..��,d• .� ': t:'��, .. St. Cltrud. h9N Sti307 �i;r�'�i��:'�'Ni i3_'i7�?7�:+S.iS?'Phnnci i]i0�;t! }ty7;F,ui BOSER construction,inc. Commercial � Medical � Institutional 3203933185 7135 Sth Avenue NE Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 www.boserconstrucrion.com I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Jeremy E. Anderson License No.: 44223 Date: 03/30/2018 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: TG Drawn By: MJG Date: 03/30/18 � Date Description ma A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street Suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www.hma-archs.com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN GRADING PLAN z C � �.. � � � � U, z C �.. � C � � C z , � � a z C G � � a �� ,goNOHus�� v I��si Y�� Tre� ,. �.. •.-n ?... ��.., .. 3339 W. St.. Germair�. 5u�ce 250 .., ,..��,d• .� ': t:'��, .. St. Cltrud. h9N Sti307 �i;r�'�i��:'�'Ni i3_'i7�?7�:+S.iS?'Phnnci i]i0�;t! }ty7;F,ui BOSER construction,inc. Commercial � Medical � Institutional 3203933185 7135 Sth Avenue NE Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 www.boserconstrucrion.com I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Jeremy E. Anderson License No.: 44223 Date: 03/30/2018 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: TG Drawn By: MJG Date: 03/30/18 � Date Description ma A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street Suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www.hma-archs.com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN UTILITY PLAN z C � �.. � � � � U, z C �.. � C � � C z , � � a z C G � � a �� ,goNOHus�� v I��si Y�� Tre� ,. �.. •.-n ?... ��.., .. 3339 W. St.. Germair�. 5u�ce 250 .., ,..��,d• .� ': t:'��, .. St. Cltrud. h9N Sti307 �i;r�'�i��:'�'Ni i3_'i7�?7�:+S.iS?'Phnnci i]i0�;t! }ty7;F,ui BOSER construction,inc. Commercial � Medical � Institutional 3203933185 7135 Sth Avenue NE Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 www.boserconstrucrion.com I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Jeremy E. Anderson License No.: 44223 Date: 03/30/2018 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: TG Drawn By: MJG Date: 03/30/18 � Date Description ma A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street Suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www.hma-archs.com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN EROSION CONTROL P LAN z C � �.. � � � � U, z C �.. � C � � C z , � � a z C G � � a i , goNOHus V v l�?��si4Fz1 iree . . 'i �� =., . .. 33}9 W. St. Germam.5wte 25(7 .�.. ..n��<in :. ':r.., :..,.:,:.. 5[. CEnud. MH 56307 .f:l•-.�: l:q�;; i3if1�1�7':$iJIRfS�n...i . . „i7� L11 S}?-i :f,i:�.i BOSER construction,inc. Commercial � Medical � Institutional 3203933185 7135 Sth Avenue NE Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 www.boserconstruction.com I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Jeremy E. Anderson License No.: 44223 Date: 03/30/2018 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: TG Drawn By: MJG Date: 03/30/18 eDate Description ma A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street Suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www.hma-archs.com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN EROSION CONTROL P LAN z C � �.. � � � � U, z C �.. � C � � C z , � � a z C G � � a PROJECT IMAGE � PROJECT INDEX PROJECT: ADDITION TO: BONDHUS CORPORATION MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA OWNER: BONDHUS CORPORATION 1400 BROADWAY STREET EAST MONTICELLO, MN 55362 GENERAL CONTRACTOR: BOSER CONSTRUCTION 7135 5TH AVENUE NE SAUK RAPIDS, MN 56379 ARCHITECT: HMAARCHITECTS, LTD. 700 WEST ST. GERMAIN STREET, SUITE 200 ST. CLOUD, MINNESOTA 56301-3507 TEL: 320.251.9155 / FAX: 320.251.4919 WEBSITE: wvuw.hma-archs.com STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: DESIGN TREE ENGINEERING 3335 WEST STREET GERMAIN ST #103 ST. CLOUD, MN 56301 CIVIL ENGINEER: DESIGN TREE ENGINEERING 3335 WEST STREET GERMAIN ST #103 ST. CLOUD, MN 56301 MECHANICAL / ELECTRICAL: DESIGN-BUILD N.T.S. PROJECT LOCATION MAP DRAWING INDEX TITLE A0.1 TITLE SHEET A0.2 CODE PLAN DEMOLITION D2.1 DEMOLITION PLANS ARC H ITECTU RAL A1.1 SITE PLAN/LANDSCAPE PLAN A1.2 SITE DETAILS A2.1 OVERALL FLOOR PLANS A2.2 FLOOR PLANS A2.3 ROOF PLAN A2.4 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN A2.6 ROOM & DOOR SCHEDULE A3.1 ELEVATIONS A5.1 WALL SECTIONS A5.2 WALL SECTIONS A5.3 WALL SECTIONS A5.4 WALL SECTIONS A6.1 DETAILS A6.2 DETAILS STRUCTURAL S100 GENERAL NOTES S110 SPECIAL INSPECTIONS S200 FOUNDATION PLAN S220 ROOF FRAMING PLAN S300 DETAILS S301 DETAILS ■ goNDNus � �� ,� BOSER construction,inc. DESIGN �I►TREE =ngineering land surveying ... ........ l�lexandria Rogers ■ I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Murray A. Mack License No.: 18686 Date: 04/04/2018 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: TG Drawn By: JAM Date: 04/04/2018 � Date Description � � � A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street SUIt@ 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www. h m a-archs. com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN TITLE SHEET � 14 ----------------- ------------- T.O.PRECAST 3.14- - -3.10 T.O. P132v^11" 3.01 ----------- ------------------- 1p7'-11„ ------- --------- ----- ------------- U erRoof ------- ------ ----------------------- 125' - 6" ------ ower o0 - 123' - 0" _ �� �� �� �� = ------ ---=----------------------------------------- II���I 1r11,_4;, ---- --------------------------------------------------------------------- LowerF.F.E. 100' - 0" ", EXTERIOR ELEVATION -NORTHWEST A3.1 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" «�S��B��Ya�B��I:3 �� • " ' \ �� , • � ,� �se1� � � � ' � � � =�= =�= � � ' � . . - - ..- , a,�- ���,���I==i���� � I� ' ' ' ' � 3.16 II �--L�- � I _____ � _______ LowerF.F.E. lr--------------------- --------------I 100'-0„ ----- T-------- - _ --�i --- - ----- �, T.O. FTG _-----_--------- - �------ �J 95'-0„ 3.17 3.18 3.17 3.05 ap� U 2 EXTERIOR ELEVATION -SOUTHEAST A3.1 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" Lower Roof 123' - 0" _ U er F.F.E. 111'-4" _ Lower F.F.E. 100' - 0" 7 3.01 A3.1 ---------- � - � I . �I�I�'I�,������,�,� � , ,I`�N�EiIJ� I � 1I1.�1� �I� _� �I�■ I�IIIIIIIIII 3.05 � "4 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - SOUTHEAST �3 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - ENTRANCE A3.1 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" A3.1 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" Lower Roof ---- 123'-0" ______ U erF.F.E. � 111'-4" � ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - �5� EXTERIOR ELEVATION -SOUTHWEST SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � - - - - - - � _ Lower F.F.E. 100' - 0" T.O. PRECAST 132' - 11" T.O. PRECAST 127' - 11" U er Roof 125' - 6" Lower Roof 123' - 0" Up er F.F.E. 111'-4" Lower F.F.E. 100' - 0" T.O. FTG �---- 95'-0" � • � � �� � � � � � � • • • • , \ � � � �j � • � � � � � • � � � � � � � � � • • �\ � � ���� � ..- -.. ,\ I�II IIIIII IIIIIII �IIIIIII�II� �f�'lllll�llll�ll�lll I�II�IIII�IIIII�I�II�II� r II� �I�II� IIIIIII IIIIII �I�„ . GI IIIIIII I� I���II�II�IIIIR IIIIII�� u IIII � �m�m� � � •"-•• � �I e ii l e a,, � \ � C I� � .IS'�fi7�'k3lUXi � � IIIIIIII111,....�....,II,IIIIIII � , � C , , , ,��,i:'1 � , , , , , , , �,I�1 , , IIIIIII 1�1WIIIIIIIIWWW11111� � I�II I.II - i� i�i�iilillil�Ili1611iDili�il�lflli i i � ��� I�I� �liil�li' ' i'i� .._ �,' � ��-���� -�f� � � = === � � _ �� = = = = � _ -� � � � , � , �� , � ����� ������ , , , � � , , , , , , � � � � � � I I I I I I I ��� � - - � � � � ������������ - - - -- ��� - � � �_ � �■ ■■ --== ■fi -�=�=�=-- ■■ ■� ■fi =--� ■� ii i� � = .- , � , , , , , __ ._ , , , , ; , � �s == = ================ � :::' , . � -- � � --- � � - � � \ �� � \ • � � � \ • � � � • � � • � � � � . • � � � � �� � SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" C1�11 /��r_'CI'l CI C\//�Tlrll�l n CI�IT�V SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" Lower Roof 123' - 0" _ Up er F.F.E. 111'-4" _ Lower F.F.E. 100' - 0" CI C\//�Tlrll�l n �Arll'IICICI'l CTrI�/�r_'C QI III I'lll�lr_' SCALE: 1 /8" = 1'-0" BUILDING MATERIAL BREAKDOWN PERCENTAGES NORHEAST ELEVATION 10,740 SF NORTHWEST ELEVATION 2,402 SF CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS 1,787 SF/ 16.6% CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS 341 SF/ 14.2% METAL PANELS 6,043 SF/ 56.2% METAL PANELS 1,724 SF/ 71.8% GLAZED SOTREFRONT WINDOWS 1,149 SF/ 10.7% GLAZED SOTREFRONT WINDOWS 337 SF/ 14 % HOLLOW METAL DOORS 189 SF/ 1.8% ARCHITECTURAL PRECAST 1,572 SF/ 14.6% SOUTHWEST ELEVATION 11,140 SF SOUTHEAST ELEVATION 3,026 SF CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS 7,492 SF/ 67.3% METAL PANELS 1,837 SF/ 16.4% CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS 33 SF/ 1% GLAZED SOTREFRONT WINDOWS 170 SF/ 1.5% METAL PANELS 411 SF/ 13.6% HOLLOW METAL DOORS 63 SF/ 0.5% GLAZED SOTREFRONT WINDOWS 38 SF/ 1.3% ARCHITECTURAL PRECAST 1,572 SF/ 14% HOLLOW METAL DOORS 486 SF/ 1.6% ARCHITECTURAL PRECAST 2,058 SF/ 68% ELEVATION KEY NOTES 3.01 PREFINISHED METAL CAP FLASHING 3.02 PRECAST CONCRETE PANEL WITH REVEALS (FLUTED FINISH) 3.03 METAL PANEL COLOR 1 3.04 METAL PANEL COLOR 2 3.05 HOLLOW METAL DOOR FRAME 3.06 EXISTING METAL GUARD RAIL TO REMAIN 3.07 NEW ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTER SIGNAGE ANCHORED THROUGH METAL SIDING BACK TO STRUCTURE 3.08 NEW PREFINISHED METAL ROOF EDGE AS REQUIRED WITH NEW ROOF 3.09 EXISTING DOWNSPOUT TO BE REMOVED AND REINSTALLED 3.10 EXISTING ALUMINUM STOREFRONT WINDOWS TO REMAIN. 3.11 NEW ALUMINUM STOREFRONT SYSTEM. 3.12 EXISTING OVERHEAD 3.13 EXISTING FLUTED CMU WALLS TO REMAIN 3.14 EXTERIOR WALL PACK LIGHT 3.15 NEW SPLASH BLOCK 3.16 NEW OVERHEAD DOOR 3.17 ELEVATING DOCK LEVELER 3.18 NEW METAL STAIRS 3.19 NEW DOWNSPOUTAND SCUPPER 3.20 PROVIDE AND INSTALL NEW POST FRAME CONSTRUCTION AND METAL SIDING TO MATCH EXISTING. POST AND FRAME BUILDING CONTRACTOR TO CONFIRM ALL STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENT/CALCULATIONS PRIOR TO REWORK. 3.21 NEW 14'-0" X 10'-0" OVERHEAD DOOR 3.22 NEW 9'-0" X 9'-0" OVERHEAD DOOR 3.23 NEW 3'-0" X 6'-0" HM DOOR AND FRAME W/ LOCKSET 3.24 NEW FASCIA 3.25 NEW RUBBER DOCK BUMPERS 3.26 RETAINING WALL. SEE CIVIL. 3.27 NEW 3'-6" HIGH PAINTED GUARD RAIL ■ goNDNus � �� ,� BOSER construction,inc. DESIGN �I►TREE =ngineering land surveying .... -�iexandna_ Rogers ■ I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Murray A. Mack License No.: 18686 Date: 04/04/2018 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: Checker Drawn By: Author Date: 04/04/2018 � Date Description � � ■ A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street SUlte 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www. h m a-archs. com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN ELEVATIONS ■ i , goNOHusy � I��51�rt7 TI"C� i ; � � � . . � . .. .. .. 3339 W. St_ Gn�ma�n. Sune 25[7 ..� �.�r.d�.,, ,,..� ::�.•.,?.-. St..Cloud.MN 56307 ,:�ili?i�. . �i i320i27.! __37'ph:,n..i i71Li11! iyy/•.F:lai BOSER construction,inc. Commercial � Medical � Institutional 3203933185 7135 Sth Avenue NE Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 www.boserconstruction.com I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Jeremy E. Anderson License No.: 44223 Date: 03/30/2018 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: TG Drawn By: MJG Date: 03/30/18 � Date Description ma A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street Suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www.hma-archs.com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN SITE PLAN z C � �.. � � � � U, z C �.. � C � � C z , � � a z C G � � a i , goNOHusy � I��51�rt7 TI"C� i ; � � � . . � . .. .. .. 3339 W. St_ Gn�ma�n. Sune 25[7 ..� �.�r.d�.,, ,,..� ::�.•.,?.-. St..Cloud.MN 56307 ,:�ili?i�. . �i i320i27.! __37'ph:,n..i i71Li11! iyy/•.F:lai BOSER construction,inc. Commercial � Medical � Institutional 3203933185 7135 Sth Avenue NE Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 www.boserconshuction.com I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Jeremy E. Anderson License No.: 44223 Date: 03/30/2018 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: TG Drawn By: MJG Date: 03/30/18 � Date Description ma A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street Suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www.hma-archs.com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN GRADING PLAN z C � �.. � � � � U, z C �.. � C � � C z , � � a z C G � � a i , goNOHus V v Design Tree . 120 17th Avenue W. 3339 W. St., Germain, Suite 250 Alexandria, MN 56308 5[. Cloud, MN 56301 (320) 762-1290 (320) 217-5557 (Phone) (320) 217-5597 (Fax) BOSER construction,inc. Commercial � Medical � Institutional 3203933185 7135 Sth Avenue NE Sauk Rapids, MN 56379 www.boserconshvction. com I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Jeremy E. Anderson License No.: 44223 Date: 03/30/2018 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: TG Drawn By: MJG Date: 03/30/18 � Date Description ma A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street Suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www.hma-archs.com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN GRADING PLAN z C � �.. � � � � U, z C �.. � C � � C z , � � a z C G � � a INDICATES THE OCCUPANCY LOAD OF A SPECIFIC ROOM OR AREA REQUIRING TWO OR MORE EXITS INDICATES THE OCCUPANCY LOAD OF A SPECIFIC ROOM OR AREA REQUIRING ONE EXIT INDICATES THE OCCUPANT LOAD EXITING FROM THE BUILDING FIRE EXTINGUISHER CABI NET FIRE EXTINGUISHER OCCUPANT LOAD FROM A TRIBUTARY AREA OF THE ADJACENT FLOOR ABOVE OR BELOW LINE OF EXIT PATH 3HR OCCUPANCY SEPARATION , Upper LE A0.2 SCALE: 1 /16" _ ❑ ❑ 43 .2 8.6" 34" Name Of Room 1500 # OF OCCUPANTS 150 SF ROOM AREA (100�.� OCCUPANT LOAD FACTOR Name Of Room 1500 # OF OCCUPANTS 150 S ROOM AREA (1001�� OCCUPANT LOAD FACTOR gg # OF OCCUPANTS �2 EGRESS WIDTH PER OCCUPANT 17.6" REQ'D WIDTH 34" ACTUAL WIDTH LOCATION OF EXIT FEC � FE � Code Anal sis Buildin 1 OCCUPANCY: GROUP S-2 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: II-B MIXED OCCUPANCY: NONE FIRE RESISTANCE RATING REQUIREMENTS (TABLE 601): STRUCTURALFRAME 0 BEARING WALLS EXTERIOR 0 INTERIOR 0 NON-BEARING WALLS EXTERIOR SEE TABLE 602 INTERIOR 0 FLOOR CONSTRUCTION 0 ROOF CONSTRUCTION 0 EXTERIOR WALL PROTECTION (TABLE 602): X<5 1 5<_X<10 1 10<_X<30 0 x >_ 30 0 ALLOWABLE AREA: 26,000 SF/FLOOR ACTUAL BLDG. AREA: 15,529 SF (LEVEL 1) 15,603 SF (LEVEL 2) ALLOWABLE STORIES: 3 ACTUAL STORIES: 2 Code Anal sis Buildin 2 OCCUPANCY: GROUP F-1/ GROUP B CONSTRUCTION TYPE: II-B MIXED OCCUPANCY: YES FIRE RESISTANCE RATING REQUIREMENTS (TABLE 601): STRUCTURALFRAME 0 BEARING WALLS EXTERIOR 0 INTERIOR 0 NON-BEARING WALLS EXTERIOR SEE TABLE 602 INTERIOR 0 FLOOR CONSTRUCTION 0 ROOF CONSTRUCTION 0 EXTERIOR WALL PROTECTION (TABLE 602): X<5 1 5<_X<10 1 10<_X<30 0 x >_ 30 0 ALLOWABLE AREA: 15,500 SF/FLOOR ACTUAL BLDG. AREA: 12,776 SF (LEVEL 1) 15,361 SF (LEVEL 2) ALLOWABLE STORIES: 2 ACTUAL STORIES: 2 Code Anal sis Buildin 3 OCCUPANCY: GROUP H-4 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: II-B MIXED OCCUPANCY: NONE FIRE RESISTANCE RATING REQUIREMENTS (TABLE 601) STRUCTURALFRAME 0 BEARING WALLS EXTERIOR 0 INTERIOR 0 NON-BEARING WALLS EXTERIOR SEE TABLE 602 INTERIOR 0 FLOOR CONSTRUCTION 0 ROOF CONSTRUCTION 0 EXTERIOR WALL PROTECTION (TABLE 602): X<5 1 5<_X<10 1 10<_X<30 0 x >_ 30 0 ALLOWABLE AREA: 17,500 SF/FLOOR ACTUAL BLDG. AREA: 4,848 SF (LEVEL 1) ALLOWABLE STORIES: 3 ACTUAL STORIES: 1 PLUMBING FIXTURE REQUIREMENTS TOILETS OCCUPANTS FACTOR REQ'D PROVIDED BUSINESS: WOMEN 46 1/25 FIRST 50 , 1/50 AFTER 2 2 MEN 46 1/25 FIRST 50 , 1/50 AFTER 2 4 STORAGE/FACTORY: WOMEN 266 1/100 3 3 MEN 266 1/100 3 3 16 .3 4.8" 34" Lower Level Code Plan SCALE: 1 /16" = 1'-0" r— — — — — — — — I � � � I i i o I � � � � � i o I -----�--� L — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — i — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — i � � I 3 HOUR DOOR IS I BUILDING 1 S-2 REQUIRED AT OCCUPANT LOAD I EXISTING OPENING � LEVEL 1: 85 I I 0 � � I I STORAGE � l� FE I II II II I I II II II IL _ ELEV. - - J HAZARD I 23 ROOM I Q I 35 �� I BUILDING 3 H� 22000 F I = z OCCUPANTLOAD � � 5( 5 j F I z� I LEVEL 1: 48 15 — — � ~� L �a Xw— — — — — — — — — — — — I w � FE �� ---------- �- 43 .2 EXISTING FACTORY 8�6 50 34„ 13870 SF I FE AR3A I FE FE . (300) O L — � � J 7190 SF — Q (100) � � I = z 16 I � � FE .2 z� BUILDING 2 F-11B 3�2 I X w OCCUPANT LOAD 34�� LEVEL 1 � 121 HAZARD 25 2501 SF (100) STAIR � IIIIIIIIIIIII ELEV. I w cn I — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — J - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — � — — — — — — — z 0 Q � Q a w � � _ M I 240 OCCUPANTS EXIT FROM I BUILDING 2 ON FIRST FLOOR � I FE � I 80 .2 16" 34" � � � FE I 110 .2 22�� 34" 3 HOUR DOOR IS REQUIRED AT EXISTING OPENING CLOSERS AND SMOKE GASKETS OVERHEAD CONTROLS EXISTING 3 HR SEPARATION WALL �FFIC OFFICE FE O O 108 SF 125 SF (10,0� �100) � 3.2" L ao .2 16" 34" BOILER O 253 SF (300) 'FACTORY � �5 406 SF (100) I -ELEV.� E I I � � EXISTING FACTORY � AREA � 24 7/ 2386 SF � (100) � � � � � � � FE � _ �dd I� � � M TING OFFI E AREA 10 983 SF (100) r. woME�s �LOSET / O 13 SF � � (300) ,_ � i �� � � � OFFICE O 216 SF (100) OFFIC� � 144 SF ■ goNDNus � �� ,� BOSER construction,inc. DESIGN �I►TREE =ngineering land surveying ... ........ l�lexandria Rogers ■ I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Murray A. Mack License No.: 18686 Date: 04/04/2018 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: Checker Drawn By: JAM Date: 04/04/2018 � Date Description 1 Date 1 Addendum 2 � � ■ A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www. h m a-archs. com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN CODE PLAN ■ Z � � U � I..L � VJ Z O U I..L O � � O Z � I..L � z � J W � � I � �1 111--.IL� �II D.30 � � D.32 D.35 I II �-� D.29 D.29 .34 UPPER LEVEL DEMOLITION PLAN SCALE: 1 /16" = 1'-0" � D.36 I � �____-------- -��------ II II pr I� 1�---- � �� D.33 � I I D.40 � D.31 II D.29 ❑� ❑1� LOWER LEVEL DEMOLITION PLAN SCALE: 1 /16" = 1'-0" STORAGE E.�r�].L'Ce7� C C ��� FE FE FE EXISTING FACTORY AREA ELEV. FE EXISTING DOOR BLOCKED EXISTING BREAK ROOM FE EXISTING FACTORY AREA FE FE EXISTING BREAK ROOM FE EXIST. MEN MECH E V. STAI � � � I� F E FE � i XIST. WOM i � EXISTING GATE EXISTING FIRE CABI NET FE FE � FE ►•� FE �� � FE FE FE ELEV. FE GENERAL DEMOLITION NOTES: 1. DEMOLITION CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL OF EXISTING CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, AND FIXTURES AS REQUIRED FOR THE NEW CONSTRUCTION AS IDENTIFIED . ITEMS NOTED FOR SALVAGE AND REUSE SHALL BE CLEANLY REMOVED. THE OWNER SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL ON ALL OTHER ITEMS. ALL OTHER DEMOLITION ITEMS NOT TO BE RETAINED BY THE OWNER BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF BY THE CONTRACTOR AS REQUIRED. 2. EACH CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PATCHING ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS FOR WORK THAT IS REQUIRED BY THEIR OWN TRADE. FOR EXAMPLE: THE PLUMBING CONTRACTOR WHO MUST CUT THE EXST. FLOOR SLAB FOR INSTALLATION OF NEW PLUMBING SHALL ALSO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PATCHING THE FLOOR AS REQUIRED. 3. EACH REPECTIVE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL SHORING AND BRACING FOR THE WORK WHICH AFFECTS EXISTING STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS. IF ANY UNFORSEEN OR QUESTIONABLE STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS ARE ENCOUNTERED, IT SHALL BE THAT CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO CONTACT THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER. 4. EACH CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VISTING THE SITE AND BECOMING FAMILIAR WITH ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONTRACT. THE ARCHITECT HAS MADE REASONABLE ATTEMPT TO INDICATE EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS OF DEMOLITION. ANY CONTRACTORS ENCOUNTERING CONDITIONS DIFFERENT THAN INDICATED ON THE PLANS SHALL NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT BEFORE SUBMITTING BIDS. 5. EACH CONCTRACTOR SHALL BECOME FAMILIAR WITH REQUIREMENTS OF OTHER TRADE'S DEMOLITION WORK AND BE PREPARED TO COORDINATE WORK AND ACCESS SCHEDULES AS REQUIRED. 6. DEMOLITION CONTRACTOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO COORDINATE DEMOLITION, REMOVAL AND RELOCATION REQUIREMENTS AND SCHEDULS WITH OWNER / GC BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK. 7. DEMOLITION CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIRING OR REPLACING ANY ITEMS OR EXISTING CONDITIONSWHICH ARE TO REMAIN THAT HAVE BEEN DAMAGED DURING THE DEMOLITION PROCEDURES BY SAID CONTRACTOR AN INVENTORY OF CONDITIONS OF MATERIALS TO REMAIN OR TO BE TURNED OVER TO THE OWNER SHALL BE CONDUCTED BY OWNER / GC BEFORE DEMOLITON WORK PROCEEDS. 8. DIVISIONS 15 AND 16 SHALL EMPLOY PERSONS SKILLED IN THE SPECIFIC TRADE FOR PATHCING WORK TO BE DONE UPON REMOVAL OF RESPECTIVE ITEMS. SEE MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL SHEETS FOR DEMOLITION OF RESPECTIVE ITEMS. 9. IF ANY HVAC CONTROLS OR LIFE SAFETY EQUIPMENT EXISTING WITHIN WALLS SCHEDULED FOR DEMOLITION, PROTECT AS REQUIRED AND CONTACT THE CONTRACTOR / ARCHITECT FOR DIRECTION. EXISTING OFFICE AREA � TRUE NORTH -ELEV. FE � TRUE NORTH FE EXISTING FACTORY AREA 9ST. WOMENS FE D.38 �� � EXISTING OFFICE AREA FE� FE � M ��� � �� �r� � �a�a�."aa�i ST. WOMENS DEMOLITION KEY NOTES D.07 REMOVE EXISTING RETAINING WALL, RAILING AND FOOTING. D.09 DEMOLISH EXISTING SHED AND SLAB ASSEMBLY, DISCONNECTALL ELECTRICAL PRIOR TO DEMOLITION. D.11 REMOVE EXISTING METAL STAIR. D.12 DEMOLISH EXISTING SHED D.29 REMOVE EXISTING OVERHEAD DOOR. D.30 REMOVE EXISTING HM DOOR. D.31 REMOVE EXISTING CMU WALL ASSEMBLYAND FOOTING. D.32 REMOVE FIRE EXTINGUISHER AND RELOCATE. D.33 DEMOLISH EXISTING CONCRETE FOUNDATION AND FOOTING. D.34 REMOVE EXISTING WINDOWS. D.35 REMOVE ADJUSTABLE DOCKAND DISCONNECT CONTROLS PRIOR TO DEMOLITION. D.36 DEMOLISH EXISTING VESTIBULE AND CONCRETE FOUNDATION. D.37 DEMOLISH EXISTING SIDING, INSULATION AND FURRING THROUGHOUT. D.38 REMOVE EXISTING STOREFRONT GLAZING ASSEMBLY. D.39 REMOVE EXISTING FUSIBLE LINK HOLD OPEN D.40 EXISTING COLUMN TO REMAIN. CONTACTARCHITECT/ ENGINEER IF INTEGRATED W/ C.I.P WALL ■ goNDNus � �� ,� BOSER construction,inc. DESIGN �I►TREE =ngineering land surveying ... ........ l�lexandria Rogers ■ I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Murray A. Mack License No.: 18686 Date: 04/04/2018 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: Checker Drawn By: JAM Date: 04/04/2018 � Date Description � � ■ A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street Suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www. h m a-archs. com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN DEMOLITION PLANS ■ ■ � ' _____"_". ,�� � -..- _ .._ . . . " .. � � . ; . � .. � . _ , .,-, D13 D27 D12 WOODS , __,-' � � ,, � . _ oes - ._-� � D.26 �, � �� t �� '� > , �" `' � � cP - . , � - �- �_ � _ : , � -_�- , �,.,, , _, ,. ;., � �- ,. , . � �� ��- � . �� � �� � � - _ - - � _ ��` - r�_ i� 9�'' . _sv� --' ' � ,� ,,�-`. �. - _-___ -�-�� . � . � � � __Z-56- ___..___ .._.. _._ ___ . .__. _. ._. ___..._ __... .__ , , _ .. __ -- __ ... zS , _ .. 6_ - � -- - � , -� -- , � - , � --. Y ' � � _ U ac,e � _ - `. � � � � Q � s5s .EXISTING PROPERTY LINE _ sss � � w �' �' � -'� � `� � � � � _ � - - � -.� �� Q� � � , � ���� - --- -� - - - _ � � �: � _ - _ . � � ������� - ___ � - -- - _ - - _ _-- � ,- �'� �� � �� - - , ,\ __-- - � , - �� � ��� �� � - � ����' � _ � �� � , � � - 1 -- `�� �� ---� - ----- -------- --- � - ---------- 1 � , - . � , - , � , ; - ; � , � - � �� � � VF/OODS� -� I� � D.06 `�, I � � , , � � � , , _ ' , ' � - � � , � , � � . � , _ � � � `. �. _ i , � _ � - � , �. - ', � � ��' � - _ , w : �. �. � - � - � � - -� �' _ ���, ,�,; �,. 1 Z EXISTING BUILDING �� - �s�s_ -- � �� ��- _ - � � 56,089SF � � ��- ���,� � . � � � � �� �� � � WOODS FIRST FLOOR F.F.E. = 944.73 � �� ��� � � - _ ; �-��; _- " -- � � � �'�; � �- SECOND FLOOR F.F.E. = 956.06 � 1 �°se ,'�, � � � �, � -�� _ � � �� w � _ -I --� � _ : 1 - � 1 a � ��.- � �� � �� , � � _ � � �� / - �` F � --- � a , , , _ � � � � � � _ �� � � -- ��,� � � Z � � ���-- ��D.0�2 � ���"� ��� ,� �� �� � � X - - --- =I � � � � � � � -- � m �' � _ ' � � �� : _ , � w - - - _ _ �,� D.23 �� �� � '�6 � � � � �` , _ � � -- ��� � a �� � � � *� , � 15'-0,� z� - - _ � a � ��� D.03 I � � �� ���, � �� �'�. � � ��ETBAC►< �'0 - - � _�a�_� D.23 �E �� � �� �� � � � � .� - �'' _ D.01 _ , . � � �e � D.06 ���' . �� �� - --i o. � � ����� � � � �� � � �,� -- �-- , � � - _ - - � � � _ `� � �, � _ �• . � .6_- ' ' � � � A tiv D.25 � J � � � , D.04 - - _ ?,� _ _ _ . . 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'� � 1 25 : � ". � - - - F- - � � - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ` / 1�Q4'.-4 , ` � � 1.14 ��� � � ��� ���� ...... ..... �- � �..... pa.".- °�. / � � _ MODIFIED STORAGE $ --��_� �UILDING 4,024 SF A3.1 B �� � � � � _ 1.30 � g - A . Lb6-. - -_ ._ - �� � �A � � _ . acs � w,�`'' - � -,,, � E E I � b , � � ---_.._ _ ,� � �-_ , � �� � � �� -.._ �� , � � o � . � 6� � V � A1.2 g �, - 1.02 � - - : �bs s,s, 1.16 � ❑❑ ° m ,o RE,aN ��,, 1.03 I . R 1� 6 I -'-1 _ � � 0, _ 0„ 1.23 1.03 - - - - - � � " �� - - � 1.29 , __ 1.21 ,A � � �° 1.02 0 -,, � 1.23 1.03 _ �o'tr=o o � ;�. r _ \ � _ - _ _ 6�, . 0 y � � y� � p- ^ � �y6 ' �6 O 6'� r �s 9s� 9A9 SITE PLAN SCALE: 1" = 40'-0" � - _ �� _ � 0�, , � � A � v5 � 1.22 $,�6 C1.20 BR�A�WAY ST E DEMOLITION KEY NOTES D.01 SAWCUTAND REMOVE EXISTING SIDEWALKAND EXCAVATE DOWN TO FOOTING DEPTH FOR INSTALLATION OF NEW CONCRETE STOOP. D.02 REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE CURB. D.03 REMOVE EXISTING BITUMINOUS SURFACE AND PREP FOR NEW BITUMINOUS SURFACE, SEE CIVIL. D.04 EDGE OF EXISTING BITUMINOUS. D.05 STRIP OFF TOPSOIL, THIS AREA, FOR NEW BITUMINOUS SURFACE, SEE CIVIL. D.06 BOUNDARY OF NEW PARKING LOT. SEE SITE PLAN, CIVIL. D.07 REMOVE EXISTING RETAINING WALL, RAILING AND FOOTING. D.08 REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE SURFACE. D.09 DEMOLISH EXISTING SHED AND SLAB ASSEMBLY, DISCONNECTALL ELECTRICAL PRIOR TO DEMOLITION. D.10 DEMOLISH EXISTING EXTERIOR VESTIBULE, HYDRAULIC LIFT, AND BUMPERS. DISCONNECTALL ELECTRICAL PRIOR TO DEMOLITION. D.11 REMOVE EXISTING METAL STAIR. D.12 DEMOLISH EXISTING SHED D.13 BOUNDARY OF PROPOSED PRECASTADDITION. D.14 REMOVE EXISTING MAILBOXAND GIVE BACKTO OWNER. D.15 EXISTING POWER POLE AND LIGHT TO BE REMOVED, COORDINATE W/ UTILITY COMPANIES. D.16 REMOVE EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER, SEE SITE PLAN. D.17 EXISTING CURB TO REMAIN, SEE SITE PLAN. D.18 DELINEATES LINE OF PROPOSED BITUMINOUS ROUTE. SEE CIVIL. D.19 REMOVE TREE AND STUMP. D.20 REMOVE SECTION OF EXISTING PATH. D.21 DEMOLISH 50'-0" OF WEST END OF POST FRAME STRUCTURE ROOFING AND ENTRIES. DISCONNECT ELECTRICAL PRIOR TO DEMOLITION. REMOVE CONCRETE SLAB AND FOOTING. D.22 EXISTING CATCH BASIN TO REMAIN. PROTECTAS REQUIRED. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE IMPLEMENTED. D.23 EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK TO REMAIN. D.24 REMOVE EXISTING SIGNAGE AND SAVE FOR REINSTALLATION. D.25 EXISTING TRANSFORMER. D.26 EXISTING GRAVEL. D.27 EXISTING DUMPSTER TO BE MOVED. �6 r �, ' �A � 1.19 � NEW TWO STORY \BUILDING\ � 12,505 SF, � ----- --- ---- - ---- , �& �- TRUE NORTH -- - -- -- --- - -- ------- � s�_- � � ' � i . Y � , __ , ; .- U , ; � , _ � , , . , ���. � o Q � �� �� o� � � _ _ - - � --- - °° � � � � - - -� � .. __,_£'F�--___ .. . ...___ ,.. : ._._�._E4fi.. ��j , , � ' � ___ EXISTING PROPERTY LINE. _,__ � , ;� � �� ����, `. '� � � _ _ _ - - � Q�. I _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ � - _-_ _ -- - _ - - - - - _-_ � � _ �.- � � _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - `A�' � . - - - - - - - - - . �� � B� �� � �, __ 1 ------------------- --� - -- -- ---- - - �----- � , � � � �� , , , , , � , , � � �_, �� ��� � , A � - � � ' - WOODS � � � , , ,~ 2 , B . � � � 9 _ �,� � A 1.03 � � � � - . . . . EXISTING BUILDING � �`. �� ,� ,=:"� '�, ��. � ---- ; ��. A-- -�- - � � - � �� WOODS � z . . , . �_ �, � . � ���. 51,989 SF �, `� , �� � �, ��s�, I o 76 STALLS TOTAL ,- � _ ,- . . 1 FIRST FLOOR F.F.E. = 944.73 ,'� � �_ ' ,�, 1.10 � � � � --- _ SECOND FLOOR F.F.E = 956.06 '� ' � '� " � �� �'� � � � � . ^ . \ , '"� ; � �0ss_ ' � � � � o N _ - W �, _, � s, ' � � J' 20' �,� w _ �' , - O , � �� � � / 24' - o„ �,�� � a � 1.06 � o ���-0^ �20'-0^ � � �- �� `���� � . � C� zF Z � � � � � � w�� 24�-0" 20'-0,� 1.11 _ �� , s � � � � � n _ o �� � X - �-- � � � ° 0 A 1.2 rn rr � � �° W N -�___ O� � � � � �� � � _ a ------ I - i�� �, m �l C / \ .21) ��� ui ,q° � � �A � � SITE PLAN KEY NOTES 1.01 EXISTING BITUMINOUS TO BE MILLED AND NEW LIFTADDED 1.02 NEW BITUMINOUS SURFACE 2" LIFTS TO MATCH EXISTING 1.03 NEW CURB AND GUTTER. SEE SHEET A1.2 1.06 PAINTED PARKING STRIPING 1.07 SURMOUNTABLE CURB, SEE SHEET A1.2 1.09 NEW 4" THK. CONCRETE SIDEWALK, SEE SHEETA1.2 1.10 OPTIONAL 4" THK. CONCRETE SIDEWALK 1.11 LIGHT POLES, SEE ELECTRICAL DESIGN-BUILD FOR WIRING AND SPECIFICATION. 1.13 EXISTING PATH 1.14 NEW CONCRETE SURFACE 1.15 EXISTING CONCRETE SURFACE TO REMAIN. 1.16 CONCRETE RETAINING WALL, SEE STRUCT. 1.17 EXISTING SIDEWALKTO REMAIN 1.18 EXISTING CONCRETE GUTTER 1.19 EXISTING CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 1.20 NEW CONCRETE GUTTER TO COMPLY W/ COUNTY REGULATIONS 1.21 POTENTIAL LOCATIONS FOR NEW POWER POLE(S) TO REPLACE POLE REMOVED TO ACCOMMODATE NEW DRIVE LANE ACCESS CONFIGURATION, COORDINATE W/ EXCEL AND COUNTY 1.22 REINSTALL ALL SIGNAGE SALVAGED FROM DEMOLITION. 1.23 NEW TRAFFIC SIGNAGE 1.24 EXISTING TRANSFORMER 1.25 NEW AGGREGATE SURFACE 1.29 VALLEY GUTTER. SEE CIVIL 1.30 TRENCH DRAIN. SEE CIVIL � � " Q' I � � � � O � � � � - 1.17 1.15 -� - � � � _ � � v� ' rn o � - � 1.01 � n � � � 1.06 `� � oi W �� 15' - 0„ 2� -�� ° a �� � � 1.06 � io m ��� I SETBqC a� � �� � - _ � � �' K E c� , � � 1.06 �' ' � ,y� � _ �, . � '°�'� � 1.17 4�E N O '� J v� Z �� � - �C� % � a � Q „ . , __ � , � �`�%" E � � 16 � �� �_ �, � � . � � o� - _ 1.09 - � '� � � . E � � � rr o A ��_ � � 'D , ��. � _ � O � . ' � . � � p � - _ _ � ,; �� � � � , ._ �___ � � � � � �� aa o -_; D _ � �° � , � ��� p 1.24 - � � ���� ��� � � _ _ " � �'D , - - _ _�� � EXISTING �' �� � �E ` _ _ , _ ,-- -_� � ' � � � F - _ _ " ' � � � � � `� � E ._._ _ _ _ . , ti�6 � �Lr� ' _ � � � � � � � �-�__�r - , � - ` . . � � ASEM � -�: � 96� _ � . ._ � . . , � __ . E ENT ,' E -ss �-' �� ,__ � 10 6 21/16,� 1 02 - - _. = 1 07 � --'�- �` ��� � _ _ , � � � � ' 1.13 , �'p, - - - -- _ �y' a - _ , " , , . . . _ _ . . . �� � . I _, � �� �E � � _'p� ��� 1.06 � 4�-47/1 1.03 �� � z�__ � ��� � _ _ ��. ��. � _ _ � - 6,� B � � ' � � �� � � � � � �_ , - � , , i , � � �� �' � d'� - D� _- ;; °v°� �, �� ��� - 7 7 i � � E � 1 11 -��_ _ _ � � i -- , . � ' ; , � _ � , % i , � � , � ; � ,� � � � �' E D _ w /8,. , - - - _ _ ; ; � � � ,,,, _ ,,, ; 1 �� � O -��� � - � � � _ _ � , �� i D Z �bs � i � � - �C�C�� C'� � �� �� 1' ��� � ��� � �� � � a E � � � ,� Bp � , � o � `�` ,, ,p � � � �C � A - _ _ _ ' _ o U � i � - - -�° _f �OqD ��z . , o -- ,-- _ � _, m � � �;�'� � WAY ST B � ��� ,- � _� � ��E _, - �----- - Q �.- ; ��; ; ��' � �, E � B � � r � �; � � � -- - _ � --- � �� , � � - � - - --- � � , � � . � __ i 1.19 x E ----� - -- � �' i� � ; � 1.19 "� � � - - '�`�,. , I °�s 1.18 B � E �, � � , �� � 1.13 �� - _ � '-� _ ��� � � , A� , ,-"" 6`a _ B __ �E � , . - _ ,Q _ ZONING INFORMATION ZONING DISTRICT = I-1 SIZE OF PARCEL = 178,088 SF BUILDING AREA EXISTING BUILDING AREA = 56,089 SF NEW ADDITION AREA = 12,505 SF MODIFIED STORAGE BUILDING AREA = 4,024 SF IMPERVIOUS SURFACE = 95,560 SF 54% OF IMPERVIOUS SURFACE ADDITION PERIMETER = 266 FT REQUIRED PROVIDED F.A.R. NONE REQUIRED - - SETBACKS FRONT YARD 30'-0" SIDE YARD 15'-0" REAR YARD 15'-0" PARKING NUMBER EXISTING = 50 STALLS NUMBER REQUIRED FOR I-1 ZONING TOTAL BUILDING 60,389 SF 30'-0"/0'-0" 15'-0" 3'-0" / 1,250 SF / STALL = 49 STALLS 76 STALLS SIZE REQUIRED 9'-0" x 20'-0" PLANTING SCHEDULE TYPE QUANTITY SYMBOL COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME w � a = � c� REQ. PROVIDED v = � SUGAR MAPLE OR ACER SACCGARUM 9 12 � SELECTED BY OWNER - 2" B&B �� A �w o� �� o} w0 o� GREEN SPIRE LINDEN TILIA CORDATA � � z> $ 10 OR SELECTED BY - 2�� B&B � OWNER B TOTAL 17 22 z� m 9 �� ,,,,,,, NINEBARK OR AS PHYSOCARPUS 1 GAL. z � _ _ �C SELECTED BY OWNER w � � w a TOTAL 9 21 c� � z � w EXISTING TREES w� E c� � z m EXISTING SRUBS X= �-�p (LYLACS) w� � TRUE NORTH ■ �'oNONus � /� V ,� BOSER construction,inc. DESIGN �I►TREE =ngineering land surveying .... -�iexandna_ Rogers ■ I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Murray A. Mack License No.: 18686 Date: 04/04/2018 These drawings and specifications are the sole ro ert of HMA Architects Ltd. p p Y , any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: TG Drawn By: JAM Date: 04/04/2018 � Date Description � � ■ A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street Suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www. h m a-archs. com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN SITE PLAN/LANDSCAPE P LAN � z � � U � I..L � VJ Z O U I..L O � � O Z � I..L � Z � J W � � ENLARGED SITE PLAN @ EXISTING ENTRY SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" VIOLATORS SUBJECT TO A FINE OF UP TO $200 REQUIRED CHARACTERS ARE WHITE CHARACTERS AND BORDER ON A BLUE FIELD z � VAN ACCESSIBLE v 1'-0" VAN ACCESSIBLE SIGN PER CODE REQUIREMENTS ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL SIGN SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" �--_ 1.02 �� � ---- INSTALL BOTTOM OF SIGN AT 60" ABOVE SURFACE VAN ACCESSIBLE SIGN 2" SQUARE BREAKAWAY SIGNAGE, (STANDARD) (1) BREAKAWAY BOLT BOTTOM OF 2" SIGN POST 2-1/2" x 18" STIFFENER SLEEVE SET 2" ABOVE GRADE TO 16" BELOW GRADE BOLT STIFFENER SLEEVE TO 2-1/4" x 24" ANCHOR EXTENSION ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL SIGN SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" �.,�..----�.TT,,., CURB DETAIL SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" ELARGED SITE PLAN @ TRASH ENCLOSURE/ STORAGE BLDG. SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" NOTE: CONSTRUCTION JOINTS AT 30'-0" O.C. & CONTROL JOINTS AT 5'-0" O.C. B612 CURB & GUTTER-TYP. 1/2" EXPANSION MATERIAL 4" CONC. SLAB W/ WWF � REINF. ON 6" COMPACTED GRANULAR FILL. SEE PLAN ,. �� —_■.—x�_—x�=,� i i i i– a- � oo � �� � �o o� - - . . �o ��� �� � o�o a° - .- -� Q o00 0 ��-�'�� o 00 0 ° o°o '>°����� �o � o° BASE FILL 4" BIT. PAVING ON 6" GRANULAR FILL CURB & GUTTER SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" 4" BIT. PAVING ON 6" GRANULAR FILL B612 CURB & GUTTER-TYP. 4" BIT. PAVING ON 6" GRANULAR FILL MOUNTABLE CURB & GUTTER-TYP. SITE PLAN KEY NOTES 1.02 NEW BITUMINOUS SURFACE 2" LIFTS TO MATCH EXISTING 1.03 NEW CURB AND GUTTER. SEE SHEET A1.2 1.05 ADA PARKING SIGN. SEE SHEET A1.2 PROVIDE AT EACH STALL (3). 1.06 PAINTED PARKING STRIPING 1.08 ADA ACCESS LANE 8'-0" WIDE MIN. 1.09 NEW 4" THK. CONCRETE SIDEWALK, SEE SHEETA1.2 1.10 OPTIONAL 4" THK. CONCRETE SIDEWALK 1.12 NEW TRASH ENCLOSURE 1.14 NEW CONCRETE SURFACE 1.16 CONCRETE RETAINING WALL, SEE STRUCT. 1.26 NEW CONCRETE STOOP 1.28 NEW LOCATION OF EXISTING DUMPSTER 16 GA POWDER COATED END CAP 4X4 HSS TUB (GALVANIZED) 2" GALVANIZED Z FURRING 2" DEEP METAL PANEL � DETAIL A1.2 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 9 DETAIL A1.2 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" PREFINISHED METAL COPING TO MATCH BUILIDNG COPING 2" DEEP METAL PANEL 2" GALV. Z FURRING @ 2'-0" O. C 4X4 HSS TUBE (GALVANIZED) 4" BITUMINOUS PAVING ■ goNDNus � �� ,� BOSER construction,inc. DESIGN �I►TREE =ngineering land surveying ... ........ l�lexandria Rogers ■ I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Murray A. Mack License No.: 18686 Date: 04/04/2018 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: Checker Drawn By: JAM Date: 04/04/2018 � Date Description � � � A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street Suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www. h m a-archs. com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN SITE DETAILS ■ z � � U � � � � z � U � O � � O Z � � Q z G J w � � � _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � J 29' - 0" � J 29' - 0" 26' - 0" EX 5 A3.1 �----------- �------------ 1 A2. ^ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � i � � � � � � � � 1 � � � � � � � � � � i � � ; � ; ; � ; ,�, �--i------ ' ' ; _ i � , i , � � � � I ; ; I � I _ ; � I I � ; ; I ; I N � , I I ' ; I , I ; ; I ' I � ' I �--,------ - -------------------- ----- --------------------r�--------------------- �.----,--------------�----------� I ; ; I ; I 2 ; I ; � A3.1 � , � � � o o � � 1 � � � � ; � a2.2 ; � N ; ' � i STORAGE ; I ; I ; I � _� �-�------ - ---- --------------------- --------------------o------------------- ; ----�--------------�----------� � � , I � � � ; � � � ; ' � , � � ; � � , I � � I ; � � , � 2 ; , I ' I A5.4 i A5.4 � � � ' �--�------ i , ' i - � ' �' � ' D � ' ADDITION � � EXISTING BLDG � � � 3 � I EX LOWER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1 /16" = 1'-0" � FE FE 3 E L,`�V. I I FE Ib FE EXISTING FACTORY AREA 6 A3.1 FE U LIJIILIIJIL===� ---------- FE � � � ����������� 4 A3.1 E E FE FE � TRUE NORTH EXISTING FACTORY AREA 3 A3.1 EXIST. MEN �/ � EXISTING OFFICE AREA FE� FE � WOMENS � � 1 A3.1 ■ goNDNus � �� ,� BOSER construction,inc. DESIGN �I►TREE =ngineering land surveying ... ........ l�lexandria Rogers ■ I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Murray A. Mack License No.: 18686 Date: 04/04/2018 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: Checker Drawn By: JAM Date: 04/04/2018 � Date Description � � � A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street su�te Zoo St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www. h m a-archs. com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN OVERALL FLOOR PLANS ■ z � � U � � � � z O U I..L O � � O Z � I..L � z � J W I..L I..L � 29' - 0" � 60' - 0" 29' - 0" 3 4 � LOWER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 3 4 � TRUE NORTH � � � ING 6" SLAB � � O � n 3 4 4� 60' - 0" � 29'-0" y 29'-0" �y'-0", UPPER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1 /8" = 1'-0" 3 4 � TRUE NORTH � OCATED O O O ■ goNDNus � �� ,� BOSER construction,inc. DESIGN �I►TREE =ngineering land surveying ... ........ l�lexandria Rogers ■ I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Murray A. Mack License No.: 18686 Date: 04/04/2018 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: Checker Drawn By: JAM Date: 04/04/2018 � Date Description � � ■ A R C H I T E C T S z 700 W. St. Germain Street O Suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 � www. h m a-archs. com U T � 320.251.9155 � F � 320.251.4919 � hma@hma-archs.com � � Addition to: z � U BONDHUS � O CORP. � � O z Monticello, MN � � FLOOR PLANS � z G J W ■ � I..L ■ ROOF DETAIL SCALE: 1 1 /2" = 1'-0" ' METAL TUD WALL SEALANT METAL FLASHING — FASTENER W/ NEOPRENE WASHER SEALANT STAN DI NG SEAM METAL� ROOF : ROOF DETAIL SCALE: 1 1 /2" = 1'-0" SAWCUT PRECAST PANEL PRECAST CONCRETE WALL PANEL O 4 ROOF DETAIL A2.3 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" � T.O. PRECAST 00 132'-11" � a aP SEALANT PRECAST ° CONCRETE ° WALL PANEL ° T.O. PRECAST TEE 130'-31/2" ----- -a---o a. a-;m P � ROOF DETAIL A2.3 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" Q ��TAL GRAVELSTOP� PREFINISHED METAL CAP FLASHING EDPM — MEMBRANE 6" RIGID — INSULATION WOOD BLOCKING EXISTING ROOF ASSEMBLY PRECAST TEE � EXISTING � PRECAST TEE 6 ROOF DETAIL A2.3 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" PREFINISHED METAL CAP � FLASHING WITH HOOK STRIP AND EXPOSED EDPM ROOF � FASTENERS WITH MEMBRANE NEOPRENE WASHERS ON ROOF SIDE ------------------------- ----------- -------- � PLYWOOD SHEATHING � SEALANT EXTENDED MEMBRANE FLASHING OVER TOP OF PARAPET AND DOWN OUTSIDE FACE AND SECURE 2" RIGID INSULATION PLYWOOD SHEATHING EPDM FASTENING STRIP EPDM ROOFMEMBRANE 6" RIGID INSULATION PRECAST DOUBLE TEE ROOF PLAN SCALE: 1 /8" = 1'-0" � TRUE NORTH PREFINISHED METAL SCUPPER WITH DOWN SPOUT �o ROOF DETAIL A2.3 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" SEE DETAIL(S) 7 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION s ROOF DETAIL A2.3 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" � � PREFINISHED METAL ; GRAVELSTOP 00 T.O. PRECAST � � 132'-11" II e . . - r T.O. PRECAST TEE ---- ----- 132'-41/2" aa ° a. : `a PRECAST � CONCRETE WALL PANEL a - Qa ° a � T.O. PRECAST 127'-11" f.0. PRECAST TEE 127'-4 1 /2" 11 ROOF DETAIL A2.3 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" SEE DETAIL(S) 8 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ).PRECAST 132'-11" 9 ROOF DETAIL A2.3 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" SEE DETAIL(S) 7 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION T.O. PRECAST 132' - 11" T.O. PRECAST 127' - 11" � 5 ROOF DETAIL A2.3 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" ■ goNDNus � �� ,� BOSER construction,inc. DESIGN �I►TREE =ngineering land surveying ... ........ l�lexandria Rogers ■ I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Murray A. Mack License No.: 18686 Date: 04/04/2018 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: Checker Drawn By: JAM Date: 04/04/2018 � Date Description � � ■ A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street SUlte 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www. h m a-archs. com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN ROOF PLAN ■ ■ Z � � U � � � � z � U � O � � O Z � � Q z G J W I..L I..L 3 4 01 Lower Level SCALE: 1 /8" = 1'-0" 3 4 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN KEY NOTES 2.01 PRECAST CONCRETE WALL PANELS 2.02 CONCRETE COLUMN. SEE STRUCT. 2.03 INVERTED PRECASTTEE. SEE STRUCT. 2.04 LED STRIP LIGHTS BY DESIGN-BUILD 2.05 PRECAST DOUBLE TEE 3 4 02 Upper Level SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 3 4 ■ goNONus � �� ,� BOSER construction,inc. DESIGN �I►TREE =ngineering land surveying ... ........ l�lexandria Rogers ■ I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Murray A. Mack License No.: 18686 Date: 04/17/18 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: TG Drawn By: JAM Date: 04/17/18 � Date Description � � ■ A R C H I T E C T S z 700 W. St. Germain Street O Suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 � www. h m a-archs. com U T � 320.251.9155 � F � 320.251.4919 � hma@hma-archs.com � � Addition to: z � U BONDHUS � O CORP. � � O z Monticello, MN � � REFLECTED CEILING Q P LAN z G � W . � I..L ■ ROOM FINISH SCHEDULE FLOOR WALLS CEILING NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST Schedule Level ROOM NO. ROOM NAME MATL FIN BASE MATL FIN MATL FIN MATL FIN MATL FIN MATL FIN HT NOTES Area Volume 01 Lower Level 185 STORAGE 13870 SF Not Computed 02 Upper Level 184 STORAGE 15603 SF Not Computed DOOR AND FRAME SCHEDULE OPENING SIZE DOOR DOOR GLAZING FRAME DETAILS RATING DOOR NO. WIDTH HEIGHT THK. TYPE MATL TYPE SIZE TYPE MATL HEAD JAMB SILL FIRE T TEMP HDWR GRP NOTES J 3' - 0" 7' - 0" 1 3/4" 1 HM A HM K 14' - 0" 8' - 0" 1 3/4" 3 as Specified M 14' - 0" 10' - 0" 1 3/4" 3 N 3' - 0" 7' - 0" 1 3/4" 1 HM A HM O 9' - 0" 9' - 0" 1 3/4" 3 P 14' - 0" 8' - 0" 1 3/4" 3 as Specified Q 3' - 0" 7' - 0" 1 3/4" 1 HM A HM R 3' - 0" 7' - 2" 1 3/4" 2 HM TEMP FULL A HM C 8' - 0" 8' - 0" 1 3/4" 3 D 8' - 0" 8' - 0" 1 3/4" 3 E 8' - 0" 8' - 0" 1 3/4" 3 as Specified F 7' - 4" 8' - 0" 1 3/4" 4 G 3' - 0" 7' - 0" 1 3/4" 1 HM A HM H 8' - 0" 8' - 0" 1 3/4" 3 as Specified I 7' - 4" 8' - 0" 1 3/4" 4 NOTE: ALL FRAMES WIDTHS TO BE 2" UNO SEE SCHEDULE 0 FRAME TYPES SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" U DOOR TYPES SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" � � � ■ goNDNus � �� ,� BOSER construction,inc. DESIGN �I►TREE =ngineering land surveying ... ........ l�lexandria Rogers ■ I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Murray A. Mack License No.: 18686 Date: 04/16/18 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: Checker Drawn By: JAM Date: 04/16/18 � Date Description � � � A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street Suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www. h m a-archs. com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN ROOM & DOOR SCHEDULE ■ z � � U � � � � z � U � O � � O z � � Q z G J w � � 3.01 aa _______________ U erF.F.E. 111'-4" ------------------------------------------------------------------- LowerF.F.E. 100' - 0" ", EXTERIOR ELEVATION -NORTHWEST A3.1 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" c��y � � [c��ya � [c��I:3 �� • ' \ �� � • � ,� � � I�1� • � � = � = ' ■ � _�_ L�_ � � I� I� • �' , .��`" •��° ��� � li= : ��� I \ I� ' ' ' ' � 3.16 � I �-- L�- � I Lower F.F.E. -----lr--------------------- --------------I ------- 100'-0„ 1 T.O. FTG -----�-T------------- _ -�I �------�J ------ 95'-0„ 3.17 3.18 3.17 3.05 ap� U 2 EXTERIOR ELEVATION -SOUTHEAST A3.1 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" Lower Roof 123' - 0" _ U er F.F.E. 111'-4" _ Lower F.F.E. 100' - 0" � 3.01 A3.1 ---------- � - � . - -.. � � \ 1 1 ■,I,-,I,I , , :trN�[Il}� ..- � . � ��■ ■■ ■■ ■■ __ ._ 1 ■■ ii■ ■■ . 3.05 � "4 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - SOUTHEAST �3 EXTERIOR ELEVATION - ENTRANCE A3.1 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" A3.1 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 100' - 0" �-------------� 3.01) �{3.19� r-(3.02)TYP �{3.16 v v v T.O. PRECAST 132' - 11" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------ 3.01--3.09--------------- � --------------- � ------------------------------------ � ---------------- � ----------------- 3.08 ---3.19 -3.01 -------------- -------------- --------------------- - T.O. PRECAST 3.05 3.01 3.05 3.01 3.09 3.05 3.09 127' - 11 " -------------- ------ ------- ------ ------- ------ - U er Roof ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- ------------- ------------------ ------ ----- ----- ------------------ ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ------------------ ------------------- ------ ------ -------------- -------------- --- - ----- ------------ 125-6 .,. ., -.,-- _ -- ._ -_ -._,. - - -_ --- Lower Roof � � � � � � � � ' _ 123 -0 � --_ - � - �-- � -- - .,_ , „ � _� � � , � _ � O � � _� � � i i�i i,� d�N � � U Up er F.F.E. -- ------------------------------------------- --------------------- ---------- -- - - --- --',--- - --- -- _ _ _ -- ------ ------- -------------- ---- --------- ------ ------------ ---- - - = ' - -- -------- --------- ---------- - ------- - � - - - - _�_' _-- --- � �.�� -------- --- -- --- -- -- -- - -- _ � �_ -- -- --- -- _�_' �- '- -' -,- -- -�_-_ _' �_' -- -- - �__�.' _ __ _ _�_ ,_ -,- _�. _' ' � _ _ _ _,_ , 1 111' - 4„ � � � �----- ------------------ -~� -------�----- -----�-------�----- LowerF.F.E. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I 3.15 3.15 a O� I 3.18 I I 100'-0„ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � - - - - - - � --- � ---- T.O. FTG 95' - 0" �5� EXTERIOR ELEVATION -SOUTHWEST SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 3.02 TYP 3.01 CMU BEYOND T.O. PRECAST 132'-11" 3.01 3.08 3.02 TYP � 3.06 3.14 3.14 3.14 3.10 TYP -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ -------------------------------------- ----------- --3.04--------3.01------------- 3.03------------------- 3.09-------3.10TYP -------- ----------------3.04 --- 3.03-----3.09 -------- 3.03--- 3.10TYP---3.09-----------3.03---- 3-01-----3.04 --------------------------3.07---3.04 ---3.01 ------------3.14--- T.O.PRECAST -- -------------- -------------- -------------- ------------------- ------------ -------------------- ----------------- ----------- ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ----- ----- ---------------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ -------------- ---- 127'-11" U er Roof -- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------------------------------- ----------------- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------ ----- ------------ ----- ----- ----- ---------- ------------------------- ---------------- -------------- --------------------------------- ----- -------------- ------ 125'-6„ - Lower Roof �a a aa a � a aa a aa �a �� � 123'-0" � Z � N -- -------------- -------------- ----------�--- -------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------- ----------------------i� ------------------------------- ----------------------- - ---- -------- - ------------------------- - --------- --------------------------------------------- -- --------------- �pp1r11�,F�4„ � u u u u u u , , , , � Lower F.F.E. ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- --- U ----I� �----------1J- ---------------------_� U----= U -- --_-_ ------ --- ---------------------- - --- -- - _------ ------- --- ------------------ 100' - 0" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -L- - - - - - �----------------------------------------------------------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________ ____________ T.O.FTG � 95' - 0" a0 � 3.13 3.05 3.10 TYP 3.05 3.10 TYP 3.13 3.05 3 � 3 3.11 U �6� EXTERIOR ELEVATION - NORTHEAST SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" C1�11 /��r_'CI'l CI C\//�Tlrll�l n CI�IT�V SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" Lower Roof 123' - 0" _ Up er F.F.E. 111'-4" _ Lower F.F.E. 100' - 0" CI C\//�Tlrll�l n �Arll'IICICI'l CTrI�/�r_'C QI III I'lll�lr_' SCALE: 1 /8" = 1'-0" BUILDING MATERIAL BREAKDOWN PERCENTAGES NORHEAST ELEVATION 10,740 SF NORTHWEST ELEVATION 2,402 SF CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS 1,787 SF/ 16.6% CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS 341 SF/ 14.2% METAL PANELS 6,043 SF/ 56.2% METAL PANELS 1,724 SF/ 71.8% GLAZED SOTREFRONT WINDOWS 1,149 SF/ 10.7% GLAZED SOTREFRONT WINDOWS 337 SF/ 14 % HOLLOW METAL DOORS 189 SF/ 1.8% ARCHITECTURAL PRECAST 1,572 SF/ 14.6% SOUTHWEST ELEVATION 11,140 SF SOUTHEAST ELEVATION 3,026 SF CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS 7,492 SF/ 67.3% METAL PANELS 1,837 SF/ 16.4% CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS 33 SF/ 1% GLAZED SOTREFRONT WINDOWS 170 SF/ 1.5% METAL PANELS 411 SF/ 13.6% HOLLOW METAL DOORS 63 SF/ 0.5% GLAZED SOTREFRONT WINDOWS 38 SF/ 1.3% ARCHITECTURAL PRECAST 1,572 SF/ 14% HOLLOW METAL DOORS 486 SF/ 1.6% ARCHITECTURAL PRECAST 2,058 SF/ 68% ELEVATION KEY NOTES 3.01 PREFINISHED METAL CAP FLASHING 3.02 PRECAST CONCRETE PANEL WITH REVEALS (FLUTED FINISH) 3.03 METAL PANEL COLOR 1 3.04 METAL PANEL COLOR 2 3.05 HOLLOW METAL DOOR FRAME 3.06 EXISTING METAL GUARD RAIL TO REMAIN 3.07 NEW ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTER SIGNAGE ANCHORED THROUGH METAL SIDING BACK TO STRUCTURE 3.08 NEW PREFINISHED METAL ROOF EDGE AS REQUIRED WITH NEW ROOF 3.09 EXISTING DOWNSPOUT TO BE REMOVED AND REINSTALLED 3.10 EXISTING ALUMINUM STOREFRONT WINDOWS TO REMAIN. 3.11 NEW ALUMINUM STOREFRONT SYSTEM. 3.12 EXISTING OVERHEAD 3.13 EXISTING FLUTED CMU WALLS TO REMAIN 3.14 EXTERIOR WALL PACK LIGHT 3.15 NEW SPLASH BLOCK 3.16 NEW OVERHEAD DOOR 3.17 ELEVATING DOCK LEVELER 3.18 NEW METAL STAIRS 3.19 NEW DOWNSPOUTAND SCUPPER 3.20 PROVIDE AND INSTALL NEW POST FRAME CONSTRUCTION AND METAL SIDING TO MATCH EXISTING. POST AND FRAME BUILDING CONTRACTOR TO CONFIRM ALL STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENT/CALCULATIONS PRIOR TO REWORK. 3.21 NEW 14'-0" X 10'-0" OVERHEAD DOOR 3.22 NEW 9'-0" X 9'-0" OVERHEAD DOOR 3.23 NEW 3'-0" X 6'-0" HM DOOR AND FRAME W/ LOCKSET 3.24 NEW FASCIA 3.25 NEW RUBBER DOCK BUMPERS 3.26 RETAINING WALL. SEE CIVIL. 3.27 NEW 3'-6" HIGH PAINTED GUARD RAIL ■ goNONus � �� ,� BOSER construction,inc. DESIGN �I►TREE =ngineering land surveying .... -�iexandna_ Rogers ■ I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Murray A. Mack License No.: 18686 Date: 04/04/2018 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: Checker Drawn By: Author Date: 04/04/2018 � Date Description � � ■ A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street SUlte 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www. h m a-archs. com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN ELEVATIONS ■ PREFINISHED METALPARAPET CAP FLASHING T.O. PRECAST --------------- 132' - 11" a` aaa T.O.PRECASTTEE ___________ � VARIES a a a 4: a 10 A6.1 - � TYPICAL ROOF ASSEMBLY: EDPM ROOF MEMBRANE 6" OF RIDGID INSULATION PRECAST TEE TYPICAL PRECAST WALL PANEL: 3" PRECAST CONCRETE 3" RIGID INSULATION 6" PRECAST CONCRETE POURSTOP � � — — � UPPER FLOOR ASSEMBLY: 3" CONCRETE TOPPING PRECAST TEE UpperF.F.E. �- a ----------------- 111'-4" ---------I ---- --- a � �. � l 1 _ __ _ � Q 20 a A6.1 6" CONCRETE 6" CONCRE � a SURFACE SURFACE - — � T.O. SLAB I � � 1 107'-2" °� ° a -------I -------------------------- I � � l � 1 — Q - -- a� a a. I I _ ° ° LOWER FLOOR ASSEMBLY: 11 6" CONCRETE SLAB A6.1 15 MIL VAPOR RETARDER —a 6" GRANULAR FILL I 1 Lower F.F.E. ° � 100'-0" ----------�--- a ---- ----------------- I I 4 � � � --- �- ---- l � 1 � � - - aq ° IiI T.O. P VARIE DOCK SEA BEYOND FOUNDATION WALL: 2" RIGID INSULATION �°' �._ PROTECTION BOARD WATER PROOF MEMBRANE 12" C.I.P FOUNDATION WALL a a DRAIN TILE -� a � � �a T.O. FTG SEE STRUCT ---------- ° C.I. P. FOOTI NG n a� � ° , WALL SECTION A5.1 SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" DRAIN TILE 2 WALL SECTION A5.1 SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" SEE DETAIL(S) 1 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 2 A2.3 ���; WALL SECTION SCALE: 1 /2" = 1'-0" SEE DETAIL(S) 1 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION \L ,D DOOR WALL SECTION SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" SEE DETAIL(S) 1 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION T.O. PRECAST TEE VARIES -------- TYPICAL PRECAST WALL PANEL: 3" PRECAST CONCRETE 3" RIGID INSULATION 6" PRECAST CONCRETE � a 4: UPPER FLOOR ASSEMBLY: 3" CONCRETE TOPPING PRECAST TEE -- --------------------------------------- --- a -- � . a Q 4 _ s I^ �l a a � � � � � � l 1 `— -- � � A6.1 SIM HOLLOW METALDOOR BITUMINOUS SURFACE WOOD BLOCKING CONCRETEFORM STOOP — — — — �$ A6.1 � SLOPE DN ( 1 -----------1/8"/FTMIN � � � � � � � � _��o� 4 _ : Qa— —_ � - - 6" AIR SPACE - _ l� � � � � � a = � � � � I� � �� �� �� � 1 �-- - - — � . ' - , ' . - . � - . - a q , �aa $ ��� � � � ��� � ���� _ ��� a �� : � � .- � _� ' _ _ ' � � _ _ 4 ' I a_ �, - � � �a a. � a� �. ,� . � . a o � � �_ � o , WALL SECTION SCALE: 1 /2" = 1'-0" ■ goNDNus � �� ,� BOSER construction,inc. DESIGN �I►TREE =ngineering land surveying ... ........ l�lexandria Rogers ■ I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Murray A. Mack License No.: 18686 Date: 04/04/2018 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: Checker Drawn By: JAM Date: 04/04/2018 � Date Description � � ■ A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street su�te Zoo St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www. h m a-archs. com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN WALL SECTIONS ■ T.O. PRECAST ----------- 132'-11" T.O. PRECASTTEE VARIES ---------- - a - �a. a a. a a a a: a U er F.F.E. ----------- - °-- 111'-4" � �. . Q° � BITUMINOUS Lower F.F.E. _ 100' - 0" ROOF ASSEMBLY: EDPM ROOF MEMBRANE 6" OF RIDGID INSULATION PRECAST TEE T.O. PRECF 130'-3 1 /2" TYPICAL PRECAST WALL PANEL: 3" PRECAST CONCRETE 3" RIGID INSULATION 6" PRECAST CONCRETE UPPER FLOOR ASSEMBLY: 3" CONCRETE TOPPING PRECAST TEE . GRADE VARIES SEE CIVIL SECTIONAL OVERHEAD DOOR LOWER FLOOR ASSEMBLY: 6" CONCRETE SLAB 15 MIL VAPOR RETARDER 6" GRANULAR FILL ----------------------------------- ° Qa - aq I I - °° . a a .a _ �� �_a - DRAIN TILE �� � � a C.I. P. FOOTI NG 9" aa a �. WALL SECTION SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" FOUNDATION WALL: 2" RIGID INSULATION PROTECTION BOARD WATER PROOF MEMBRANE 12" C.I.P FOUNDATION WALL �� A2.3 �-------1 � � � � � WALL SECTION SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" SEE DETAIL(S) 1 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION �s A2.3 _� — — — � _ WALL SECTION SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" T.O. PRECAST ------ 132'-11" T.O. PRECAST TEE � 132'-4 1 /2" ---------------- GRADE VARIES SEE CIVIL SEE DETAIL(S) 1 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION T.O. PRECAST 127'-11" SCUPP DOWN: T.O. PRECAST TEE 125'-3 1 /2" SPLASH GRADE VARIES SEE CIVIL WALL SECTION SCALE: 1 /2" = 1'-0" SEE DETAIL(S) 1 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION WALL SECTION SCALE: 1 /2" = 1'-0" T.O. PRECAST 127' - 11" f.0. PRECAST TEE 127'-4 1 /2" U er F.F.E. 111'-4" _ _ Lower F.F.E. 100' - 0" GRADE VARIES SEE CIVIL SEE DETAIL(S) 1 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ■ goNDNus � �� ,� BOSER construction,inc. DESIGN �I►TREE =ngineering land surveying ... ........ l�lexandria Rogers ■ I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Murray A. Mack License No.: 18686 Date: 04/04/2018 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: Checker Drawn By: JAM Date: 04/04/2018 � Date Description � � ■ A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street SUIt@ 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www. h m a-archs. com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN WALL SECTIONS ■ z � � U � � � � Z O U I..L O � � O Z � I..L � Z � J W � � � PREFINISHED METALPARAPET CAP FLASHING T.O. PRECAST ---------�------------------------------------- 132'-11" SECTIONAL OVERHEAD DOOR DOCK SEAL BUMPER Upper F.F.E. I � 111'-4" ------------------- DOCKLEVELER RETAINING WALL 6" CONCRETE SURFACE °� a, _ aa o a� _ . �. �° 8 � a$ ��I II� II GRADE VARIES SEE CIVIL ----- -------------------- a, a aQ a , a aaa,. Lower F.F.E. � � � �Q. 100'-0" ----------d.a,-- -------------------------------- a: a4 ' . a aa o g a a_ il °° il III lii 4 a a a � � � ° �_ ° �, � _ WALL SECTION SCALE: 1 /2" = 1'-0" � � PREFINISHED ; METALPARAPET � CAP FLASHING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; PRECAST REVEAL � 3 ' A2.3 WALL PACK LIGHT ' SECTIONAL SECTIONAL OVERHEAD DOOR OVERHEAD DOOR � i � i � i � i i � � � � � i � � HOLLOW METAL DOOR � i � i � � � � � � � � � i� PAINTED ' HOLLOW METAL , � HAND RAIL � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ' 84" X 94" \� PAINTED STEEL GRATE � "PENTALIFT" DOCK �� STAIRASSEMBLYAND LEVELER OR EQUAL � LANDING � � a a a. a � 84" X 94" ° a ` "PENTALIFT" DOCK . o a � ° LEVELER OR EQUAL a � a a� � � a aa_ � a� � 9a a a a � , a a a � , _ �a� _ _ o e a . � � � ' � ° a° , � . �, - d � � Qa � � _ � ��8 � ,. � � s. ; _ - � a. , �� b I Ii , _ - aa � a� _ a �� ; _ � ' a � a a� ; _ � = I i , ° a , - . , a o _ o a _ � . a a . Q :: -� , a _ , . _ . , _ , aa-. a. '�° � - a , a a ' — ' � _ a . a $ ° a a — ao �� � � aa - � o- "- e i °- — ----------------------------------'----------------------------------------------------------------------- III III III II � III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III III WALL SECTION SCALE: 1 /2" = 1'-0" DRAIN TILE ROOF ASSEMBLY: EDPM ROOF MEMBRANE 6" OF RIDGID INSULATION PRECAST TEE _____T.O.PRECAST ► 132'-11" TYPICAL PRECAST WALL PANEL: 3" PRECAST CONCRETE 3" RIGID INSULATION 6" PRECAST CONCRETE UPPER FLOOR ASSEMBLY: 3" CONCRETE TOPPING PRECAST TEE 6" CONCRETE SURFACE �r F.F.E. 111'-4" LOWER FLOOR ASSEMBLY: 6" CONCRETE SLAB 9a ° 15 MIL VAPOR RETARDER 6" GRANULAR FILL a° - ---a � � --- ��--_= a ° 4 _ � . °" — �.a_ -i i I— � ° Lower F.F.E. 100' - 0" FOUNDATION WALL: 2" RIGID INSULATION PROTECTION BOARD WATER PROOF MEMBRANE 12" C.I.P FOUNDATION WALL C.I. P. FOOTI NG 3" TOPPING EXISTING TOPPING PRECAST TEE � � EXISTING ; ; PRECAST TEE Upper F.F.E. � � 111'-4" - � o- a; a --------- a �; _ ' '� _ . , _ ' ' ' � ,_ ' '- _,� ' - '_. .�, - �- " � � • - - : - -� - - -- - ' - ' - - , - � - . - - - - - - • . : � -. - ' � - -, - � ; �. �-� -_ �- -' _�,; : �- �_-. _�- , <_. :__ �_-_ � � � . � , ._ _�..., ; - -.,-' ,.��- - -�, -' - '- � �;. - ,. - . - , - . - . - � • - - - - �- - ' . �. - - - - � - ,- ; , - �. -- - - � -, �- ' , �- ' �- � - : _ � : � -� . -, _ . . � - . �- . " - -- ' �- . ' ' �. � -, ' � - -� - . ' � . � � � � . -. � - ' - ,- - - - . ; - - - - - - - . - � � � INVERTED PRECASTTEE COLUMN � � � � DETAIL SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" � COLUMN � 6" CONCRETE SLAB � _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . "n " _ 4 _ - _ a 4 a a aQ_ - � _ oa _ - - _ _ � :° 4 - - , a i ' _ _ _ _ , � 4; _ _, a _ a _ _ 4-a_ _ _ ' - _ a ' a ' _ - . _ Q' , _ _ - � , .o Q_ - ' � - a- - 14° " _ - " - ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' — _ _ _ � i � � � � — ' � , I II ill ili iil lil— ; li � � L— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — � — — — — DETAIL SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" EXISTING CONCRETE FLOOR SLAB _ Lower F.F.E. 100' - 0" EXISTING FOUNDATION WALL ■ goNDNus � �� ,� BOSER construction,inc. DESIGN �I►TREE =ngineering land surveying ... ........ l�lexandria Rogers ■ I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Murray A. Mack License No.: 18686 Date: 04/05/18 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: Checker Drawn By: JAM Date: 04/05/18 � Date Description � � ■ A R C H I T E C T S 700 W. St. Germain Street Suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 www. h m a-archs. com T � 320.251.9155 F � 320.251.4919 hma@hma-archs.com Addition to: BONDHUS CORP. Monticello, MN WALL SECTIONS ■ ■ T.O. PRECAST 127' - 11" METAI 2" RIG INSUL. U er F.F.E. 111'-4" Lower F.F.E. 100' - 0" Y 1 � � — A6.2 � � � Cv�CT���,• � PRECAST TEE )F ASSEMBLY -------------------------------- WALL SECTION SCALE: 1 /2" = 1'-0" � 12" CMU WALL �PRECAST TOPPING -------------------------------- � SECTIONAL 4D DOOR � C.I.P fION WALL WALL SECTION SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" � � MU BEYOND IINDOW 3 C.I.P WALL SEE DETAIL(S) 1 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION WALL SECTION SCALE: 1 /2" = 1'-0" �TING PLANK ------------------------------ -1 J BITUMINOUS SURFACE ------------------------------ SEE DETAIL(S) 1 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION WALL SECTION SCALE: 1 /2" = 1'-0" Lower Roof 123' - 0" � U er F.F.E. 111'-4" 9 A6.2 3 A6.2 Lower F.F.E. 100' - 0" SEE DETAIL(S) 1 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ■ goNDNus � �� ,� BOSER construction,inc. DESIGN �I►TREE =ngineering land surveying .... -�lexandria Rogers ■ I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Murray A. Mack License No.: 18686 Date: 04/05/18 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: Checker Drawn By: JAM Date: 04/05/18 � Date Description � � ■ A R C H I T E C T S Z 700 W. St. Germain Street O Suite 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 � www. h m a-archs. com U T � 320.251.9155 � F � 320.251.4919 � hma@hma-archs.com � � Addition to: z O U BONDHUS � O CORP. � � O Z Monticello, MN � � WALL SECTIONS � z G J w . � � ■ DOCK SEAL PRECAST CONCRETE WALL PANEL T.O. OPENING 119'-4" OPTIONAL SS - CASED OPENING SECTIONAL — OVERHEAD DOOR ", DETAIL @ OH DOOR HEAD A6.1 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" DOCK — SEAL BEYOND BUMPER - BEYOND DOCK SEAL OPTIONAL SS - CASED OPENING BUMPERS �{ L DOCKLEVELER DETAIL @ OH DOOR JAMB SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" SS CASED - OPENING STEELPLATE DOCK � LEVELER PRECAST CONCRETE WALL PANEL � 4 ❑� TRACK ASSEMBLY PRECAST CONCRETE WALL PANEL SECTIONAL OVERHEAD DOOR " SET THRESHOLD IN OVERHEAD FILL BED OF MASTIC COILING DOOR POURSTOP 3" CONCRETE TOPPING ' U er F.F.E. �� r%I a� _ � 111' - 4" �J _ a � _ s a __ _ - - _ a _ 4 4 ° � a �.. a o �_" a �- PRECAST TEE 4 . . a. � � ��; � �_ -� a CAULK � a, a a a_ 4a ° 4a a o _ -a a. . a i DETAIL @ OH DOOR SILL SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" C.I. P. FOUNDATION WALL a a a a �a � ,a o - .. Q . . a .. a a_ a a _ . __ _ a , °�a a. a a� � . a � a a a aa - �a a _ °� a a° a�° ' ° ' a � - � � . � - _ - � - a, a a. _ a . ., �- - a , - . a , . . - a _ - a o a a a a a a a a_ a a a � aa C.I.P. RETAINING °° a BACKER ROD WALL � a a AND SEALANT � a., a a a PRECAST CONCRETE �°Q ,o- WALL PANEL 13 DETAIL A6.1 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" PRECAST CONCRETE �,/ EXISTING CMU WALL PANEL � �------ a, - � ----� a � �„ " � � aa 4 " i GROUT CELL �_ a - Q , ; SOILD ° °'� ; � a _a ' BACKER ROD ��2„ ' AND SEALANT � DETAIL SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" � a-a PRECAST � . ° ° a -° CONCRETE WALL PANEL 4 a ° 4 � a 9 a4 " r o a° � a , a _ - a � Q � a"- 4 " a� °' � T.O. OPENING a. � 119' - 4" n v i 4 DETAIL @ SECT OH DOOR HEAD A6.1 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" � J CHANNEL — METALPANELS 3/8" SHEATHING ADJUSTABLE WEIGHT DOCK V �1 DETAIL @ SECT OH DOOR JAMB SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" � � � �-J TRACK ASSEMBLY SECTIONAL OVERHEAD DOOR PRECAST CONCRETE WALL PANEL SECTIONAL OVERHEAD DOOR SECTIONAL OVERHEAD DOOR POURSTOP ADJUSTABLE WEIGHT DOCK 3" CONCRETE TOPPING U er F.F.E. a . 111'-4„ , � _ � - a � _ _ s a - - � _ _ � ' � - , a � _ . - a . a �" a a � � , �_ PRECAST TEE � ��'� � � � CAULK � a a a a"a a PRECAST CONCRETE � °° WALL PANEL a�� o _ -a� , 4-'a " a � ° DETAIL @ SECT OH DOOR THRESHOLD SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" V a� a a o 4a m. � a a a ° C.I.P. � ° a � FOUNDATION a a a 4 ' ° a aa a WALL a a a e a � a� aa o a, �, ` , �aa _a � . , " . 4 . - q ° , _ - - . � ' _ - -' � a o, a � a . '� - - m � � � , - . �°. �� �_" a a= �� "�., a, a. � d a ° a . � �� � - �a -a - M ",2 DETAIL A6.1 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" �12" C.I.P ; FOUNDATION WALL � '�` a . , _ ° . .aa d A a �° a. ° oa �„ . a a � ° ° ' _Qa. ` ' - _ a _ m Q � �.: , -a � a.� i 4-a o � DETAIL SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" METAL STUD WALL 4 EXISTING WALL ; ; � � � � DETAIL @ HM DOOR HEAD A6.1 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" � ADJUSTABLE WEIGHT DOCK I METAL STUD WALL � 3/8" SHEATHING � � METAL PANEL J JCHANNEL PAINTED HOLLOW METAL HAND RAIL DETAIL @ HM DOOR JAMB SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" � PRECAST CONCRETE WALL PANEL GROUT SOLID SECTIONAL OVERHEAD DOOR PRECAST CONCRETE WALL PANEL INSULATED HOLLOW METAL DOOR AND FRAME THRESHOLD PAINTED HOLLOW METAL HAND RAIL POURSTOP 3" CONCRETE TOPPING U er F.F.E. a 111'-4" , �� - ` � - sa_ -, � a_ . a a �- � PAINTED � a -a a. STEEL GRATE a _ STAIR LANDING � PRECAST TEE 4 a o . �'' CAULK STRINGER aa BEYOND a , a PRECAST CONCRETE a ` WALL PANEL aa g a �. . � 1 DETAIL @ HM DOOR THRESHOLD SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" v o 4 a- < 8 BACKER ROD AND SEALANT a a aa aa - „ a _ o . a o, a PRECAST a CONCRETE ��9 aa. WALL PANEL � �- � a ��a a a N ° a _ _, _ R-_ a.� _ r _ _ � a ar e a` 0------- 1/2" a -------0 � BACKER ROD AND SEALANT 14 DETAIL @ PRECAST CORNER A6.1 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 4 PRECAST CONCRETE BACKER ROD EXISTING CMU WALL PANEL AND SEALANT GROUT � � � � CELL SOILD a � �a a � ��� � aa �----- a4 ---- \J ���� �� �� �� ����� � �� > >y���������� � ��� DETAIL SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" METAL PANEL � 2" RIGID INSULATION � o- a a a �a a �a a . a 3" CONCRETE a a ° TOPPING --------------- --��- °-- U erF.F.E. _� _ _ _ a , qa 111'-4„ a aa - a ° PRECAST a� CONCRETE WALL PANEL ° � � PRECAST TEE a. _ � _ CAULK � a- o . 6 aa _g a_ Qa i io DETAIL A6.1 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 6" CONCRETE SLAB 2" RIGID — INSULATION PROTECTION BOARD WATER — PROOF MEMBRANE � v i 1 DETAIL SCALE: 1 1 /2" = 1'-0" 2" RIGID — INSULATION PROTECTION BOARD WATER — PROOF MEMBRANE DETAIL SCALE: 1 1 /2" = 1'-0" PRECAST CONCRETE WALL PANEL C.I.P. FOUNDATION WALL � 4. � A �� a a C.I.P. FOUNDATION a WALL a � � 6" CONCRETE SLAB a, a a ° Qo �- � � � ' � Lower F.F.E. --_- a-- -�- ------ � � .__ -_ 100'-0„ °a � a - " . -- - � � sa_ _ _ - ° . � I - - , a ° _ - . - � , - 4 ' � � �. ' � a �� a � , �a � a a ° a _ a� I � � _ " , a � . ' - . . . - ` - �� -_ �a a � `� - ° � a. �. � � � - °° a ° a. 8 4 � �� . ° a 'e -` 15 MIL VAPOR RETARDER a: 6" GRANULAR FILL � Q � PRECAST ' CONCRETE � DETAIL SCALE: 1 1 /2" = 1'-0" EXISTING � 4 ) C.I.P WALL Y � -------� C.I.P STOOP v SEE STRUCT. INSULATED HOLLOW METAL DOOR AND FRAME 4"CONCRETE THRESHOLD SLAB � SLOPE DN INSULATION 1/8"/FT MIN Lower F.F.E. ---------. a. _ . . a a � 100'-0„ - � 9 -- - - - , a a � � � � -� \4 _ � ' , " -, 6 < a _ _ � a a a_a °a a a I - °a �- � �a_ � -- - -��� a� a 1�: ��� ° �,���� aa �------. a ,' CONCRETE FORM �-d � � � ° i � � a, a �, WOOD BLO�KWG.� ' _�. . � � � �. , ° a ����. � i � , a� (' #4@16"O.C.' � � � �a �� K � � � � � C.I.P FOUNDATIOf� �� . � � � � � � 6" CONCRETE SLAB WALL � °_ ��_ "�a_ ��_Q„a ._ �� a a 15 MIL VAPOR RETARDER 6" GRANULAR FILL ,s DETAIL @ HM DOOR THRESHOLD/ STOOP A6.1 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" ■ goNDNus � �� ,� BOSER construction,inc. DESIGN �I►TREE =ngineering land surveying .... -�lexandria Rogers ■ I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Murray A. Mack License No.: 18686 Date: 04/04/2018 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: Checker Drawn By: JAM Date: 04/04/2018 � Date Description � � ■ A R C H I T E C T S z 700 W. St. Germain Street O SUIt@ 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 � www. h m a-archs. com U T � 320.251.9155 � F � 320.251.4919 � hma@hma-archs.com � VJ Addition to: z � U BONDHUS � O CORP. � � O Z Monticello, MN � � DETAILS � Z � J W ■ � � ■ METAL PANEL RIGID INSULATI � DETAIL A6.2 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" O D T.O. PRECAST 127' - 11" C.I.P STOOP SEE STRUCT. 4" CONCRETE SLAB ��I c�PE DN 1/8"/FT MIN a m. -- —�_�—�— ' � a �� �. a o � a - - _ a �) . �a CONCRETEFORM I a�_ a �_ WOOD BCQCKIfVG, ; � #4 @ 4'6"� Q. C. �" , - I � � 3 DETAIL A6.2 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 1/2" DIA SS ROD — 1/4" SS TAB WELD TO SS PLATE WITH (4) #12 SCREWS PREFINISHED METAL CAP FLASHING WOOD BLOCKING SEALANT � HSS 2X12X1/4 2X WOOD BLOCKING W/COUNTERSUNK 3/8" DIA THRU BOLTS @ 36" O.C. (2) LAYERS GLASS FIBER SHEATHING EXISTING CMU BEYOND THRESHOLD �Lower F.F.E. � 100' - 0" RIGID INSULATION — METAL PANEL SS CLEVIS W/ 1/2" DIA SS BOLT THROUGH METALPANEL JCHANNEL � DETAIL @ CLEVIS & ROD SCALE: 1 1 /2" = 1'-0" INSULATION EXISTING C.I.P FOUNDATION WALL PARAPET BEYOND EPDM BEYOND r��='--, _ . _ . ,_ HSS 2X12X1/4 METAL PA 2" RIGID INSULATIC J CHANNE J CHANNE BEYOND DETAIL ? SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" � �V1 DETAIL SCALE: 1 1 /2" = 1'-0" � D J CHANNEL BEl J CHANNEL — 2" RIGID INSULE METALPANEL "6 DETAIL A6.2 SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" EXISTING CMU WOOD BLOCKING EPDM MEBRANE TRAPPERED RIGID INSULATION 5/8" SHEATHING 4" MTL STUD 2 16" O.C. FULL BATT INSULATION 5/8" SHEATHING METAL SOFFIT PANEL T.O. OPENING 107' - 4" CMUBEYOND ALUMINUM STOREFRONT DOOR �ALL NUM EXISTING CMU BEYOND EXISTING ALUMINUM WINDOW EXISTING CMU WALL M ETAL PANELS 2" RIGID INSULAT J CHANN J CHANN BEYOND DETAIL SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" METALPANE 2" RIGID INSI JCHANNEL JCHANNELE �LL JIINUM DETAIL SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" ID VINDOW ■ goNDNus � �� ,� BOSER construction,inc. DESIGN �I►TREE =ngineering land surveying ... ........ l�lexandria Rogers ■ I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision & that I am a duly Licensed Architect under the laws of the State of Minnesota Signature: Printed Name: Murray A. Mack License No.: 18686 Date: 04/17/18 These drawings and specifications are the sole property of HMA Architects, Ltd. any reproduction or reuse of these documents is forbidden without written permission from HMA Architects, Ltd. Project No: 1806 Project Manager: Checker Drawn By: JAM Date: 04/17/18 � Date Description � � ■ A R C H I T E C T S Z 700 W. St. Germain Street O SUIt@ 200 St. Cloud, MN 56301-3507 � www. h m a-archs. com U T � 320.251.9155 � F � 320.251.4919 � hma@hma-archs.com � VJ Addition to: z O U BONDHUS � O CORP. � � O Z Monticello, MN � � DETAILS � z � J W . � � � � � Southwest ROW line of � _ — /� � I � r �� � � C.S.A.H. No. 75 '�' � � �.- TOPOG RAPH IC SU RVEY , , / � � — N88° 45' 20"E � — � �� � � 387.26 � � � � A � � i \ s � �� � LEGEND Northwest Corner of Lot 6, North Line of Lot 6, , � � � ��6> \ ��� �� � � � � AUDITOR'S AUDITOR'S 6, �3�,, � �?-, j � \ � HYDRANT SUBDIVISION NO. ONE, SUBDIVISION NO. ONE �����, � � I�'� � � � I � SANITARYMANHOLE Section 12, T121, R25, ,\ � A � —,� �� \ � PROPOSED LEGAL DESCRIPTION AS PROVIDED BYCLIENT: Wright County, Minnesota. �� �- � ` � � 4j WELL � �� ��( �,L � � � � � � � ��� /� .� � � � � (From Certificate of Survey Dated 12/14/2017 by Bogart, Pederson & Associates, Inc. � �-% � A � � /� � � � GATE VALVE � ���� � , ���A �V � � G 7 � That part of Lot 3 and that part of Lot 6 of AU DITOR'S SU BDNISION NO. ON E, according to the plat thereof on file and of record ��J A� � � ��\ \ � V �� I_ � � � in the office of the County Recorder in and for Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: c�� PowER Po�E ��� A�� L- �� �� ���� \�� �� �� � � � �� Commencing at the southwest corner of Section 12, Township 121, Range 25; thence North 88 degrees 45 minutes 20 seconds � �i��� po�� �\ �� (��� ^ \ East, assumed basis of bearings, along the south line of said Section 12, a distance of 1300.52 feet to the southwest corner of Lot ���� ����' � \ � � �� ��` \ � 8, AU DITOR'S SU BDNISION NO. ON E; thence North 00 degrees 00 minutes 34 seconds East along the west line of said Lot 8 � CATCH BASIN ✓�� 1 ���� V � ,�� \ �� `� � � and its northerly extension, a distance of 1320.20 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 6, AUDITOR'S SUBDNISION NO. ONE; �\ ��� '� � � � �q \� � �� � \ thence North 88 degrees 45 minutes 20 seconds East along the north line of said Lot 6, a distance of 387.26 feet to the —� sicN I� ��� � � � �� � �� \\ � �� � � �� � � \ � southwesterly right-of-way line of County State Aid Highway No. 75; thence South 46 degrees 35 minutes 20 seconds East, along j� `' '� \ \ said southwesterly right-of-way line, a distance of 677.54 feet to the northeasterly extension of the southeasterly line of Lot 1, / � DECIDUOUSTREE / �V � �� A ��� � � V � Block 1, MONTICELLO MIDDLE SCHOOL ADDITION, said point being the point of beginning of the parcel to be described; � � �v� � thence South 43 degrees 23 minutes 13 seconds West along said northeasterly extension and the southeasterly line of said Lot 1, � � � � �� ���� � ��� � � � � Block 1, a distance of 257.44 feet to the northeasterly right-of-way line of Burlington Northern Railway; thence southeasterly along -��� coNiFERousTREE / � � � A�� � � ��: � � the northeasterly right-of-wayline of Burlington Northern Railway a distance of 1136.21 feet to the south line of Lot 3, AUDITOR'S / � � / \� �q 9��� �\ \ � \ SUBDNISION NO. ONE; thence North 88 degrees 57 minutes 56 seconds East along the south line of said Lot 3, a distance of sHRue � I 11 /� ��' �I � � / i�i � �A � � � � �g � � 61.79 feet to the northwesterly right-of-way line of County State Aid Highway No. 75; thence North 31 degrees 47 minutes 56 „. L, �_ L/ � f� i pc � � i i�� , �—� �� � TOC: 937.06 seconds East along said northwesterly right-of-way line, a distance of 37.61 feet to the southwesterly right-of-way line of County �� � �� ��/ ����� � �� INV' 932 1 �� � � State Aid Highway No. 75� thence North 46 degrees 35 minutes 20 seconds West along said southwesterly right-of-way line a PEOESTn� I Northerly extension ofthe West Line of Lot 8, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION NO. ONE / — � o � N O N � � i w i � � 0 O 0 0 z I /1 T 'I L_�/ I I Southeasterly line of Lot 1, Block 1, MONTICELLO � MIDDLE SCHOOL� � ADDITION � � � � � � �' � / � � � � / / �� V ��� c�\ � � � � distance of 1157.68 feet to the point of beginning. � I� � � � /� _ � . 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Southwest Corner of Lot 8, , � ��,� � � � � � � � � � � � I /� �� � AUDITOR'S �-�'� ��, �-�'' / � � . ? , � � � � �� / � � �� � � � SUBDIVISION NO. ONE, �<� �����,� � � � � �'L���, � � �O � � � � � --� �� � / � � � � � � � Section 12, T121, R25, �-, �� � � l�"��;, �� �."1 �. � � � � — � A � �\� � � � �� � � °� �, � � � Wright County, Minnesota. � � � i �� , � � � � � �20� � � / � � �� �, o�,� ` � \ � •cs � � � � ��'��'� � i � � � � � � � ��`� � �� � South Line of Lot 3 of � � � � �y�r�� � � � South Line of Lot 8, � �- �,�,� . � ,, � � � AUDITOR'S � � � South Quarter Corner of �'1,� -�'l,� � � � � � �� � � � � — o ,Q � � AUDITOR'S � 1�188° 45' 20"E / SUBDIVISION NO. ONE / �� Sect. 12, T121, R25 ���� ���� �� � � � ��,� �� s GG � � � SUBDIVISION NO. ONE � O � � � � �� ��� � � — — � N88° 57' 56"E �"��o�` � — — — — —\— — � 1300.52 � � � / ^ �\ �� ��� �� � � — — — — — — — �� — — — — — — — — � — — — — — — — —�— — — — — — ��61.79 � ��'` � � � _ � _ _ � — � — — — — — � — — — — — — — — — \ V�� �/ � �- � ��� � ��, \ -� � , � � � Design Tree u�� � �a 120 17th Avenue W. 3339 W. St., Germain, Suite 250 Alexandria, MN 56308 St. Cloud, MN 56301 (320) 762-1290 (320) 217-5557 (Phone) (320) 217-5597 (Fax) I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY, PLAN, OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. � . � PRINTED NAME: Daniel J. Bemboom DATE: DATE: LICENSE #: 46562 PREPARED FOR: BON DHOUS CORPORATION EXPANSION 1400 E. Broadway, Monticello, MN. 55362 THIS DRAWING AND THE INFORMATION THEREIN IS THE PROPERTY OF DESIGN TREE ENGINEERING INC. USE BY THE HOLDER OR DISCLOSURE TO OTHERS WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF DESIGN TREE ENGINEERING INC. IS PROHIBITED. IT CONTAINS PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF DESIGN TREE ENGINEERING INC. REPRODUCTION OF THE MATERIAL HEREIN WITHOUT WRITTEN ERMISSION OF DESIGN TREE ENGINEERING INC. VIOLATES THE COPYRIGHT LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES AND WILL SUBJECT THE VIOLATORS TO LEGAL PROSECUTION. COPYRIGHT @ 2018 BY DESIGN TREE ENGINEERING DRAWN BY: DJB CHECKED BY: JDS PROJECT NO.: 06418001 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION April 25, 2018 Ms. Angela Schumann Community Development Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Bondhus Expansion City Proj ect No. 2018-020 WSB Project No. 011898-000 Dear Ms. Schumann: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 We have reviewed the topographic survey, certificate of survey and civil plans submitted on March and offer the following comments: Certificate of Survev 1. Portions of the trail along CSAH 75 are located outside of the right of way. Wright County identified these areas as the property owner was in the process of correcting some survey boundary issues with the County and suggested a trail easement be provided. Based on review of the existing conditions drawings as part of the civil plans, the applicant shall provide a 2-foot the easement where the trail is located outside of the right of way. The applicant shall prepare an exhibit and legal descriptions for the easement and the City will draft the easement document for recording. 2. There is an existing trunk sanitary sewer line that crosses the property west of the existing parking lot that will be located within the proposed parking lot. Easement documents were developed in 2005 for this line and does not appear to be recorded. Previous easement exhibits and legal descriptions will be provided to the applicant to review based on the current topographic survey and certificate of survey. The City will draft the easement document for recording. 3. The City will provide an encroachment agreement for the applicant to execute as the proposed parking lot will encroach upon the sanitary sewer easement. Site Plan 4. The proposed easterly access is understood to be operating as a right-out only to accommodate trucks exiting the site. The westerly curb line should be narrowed to only allow the right-out only access. The civil plan site plans should reflect this, as it does not Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com K:�ozs9e-am�nd m���oo��ososv s�em�mi Bondhus Expansion April 25, 2018 Page 2 match architect's site plan. The City will defer to the County on the access configuration as it is located in County right of way and the applicant will need to obtain a right of way permit from the County prior to work commencing. 5. Provide truck turning templates to identify circulation pattern. 6. Provide directional signage addressing proposed right-out only access. 7. Replace trail sections to existing section. Trail closed signs shall be placed at Highland Way and Washington Street with 3-day advance date signs identifying the closure. The contractor shall limit the trail closure to a reasonable timeframe for review and approval by the City. 8. Dimension the driveway access widths. 9. Identify existing and proposed impervious and total area to be disturbed. 10. Pedestrian ramps with truncated domes need to comply with ADA requirements. Gradin� Plan 11. Label percent grades for the parking lot slopes. 12. Show emergency elevations and overflow routes from all low points and show directional flow arrows. Emergency overflows shall be a minimum of 1.5-foot below the lowest opening elevation of adjacent affected structures. 13. Notes 7 and 8 on Sheet C5.0 reference a stormwater management study and infiltration areas. These documents should be submitted for review. 14. The applicant shall describe how compliance with stormwater best management practices are being met given the site is in the DNR Wild and Scenic area. Utilitv Plan 15. A note should be added to the plans that the City will not be responsible for any additional costs incurred that is associated with variations in the utility as-built elevations. These items shall be verified in the field prior to construction. 16. Provide an as-built utility plan once construction is complete. Erosion Control Plan 17. Show silt fence more visibly on plan. Label contour elevations. K:�o22s9a000�nd m���oo���tr a.�n�ma�o- eo�d n�s unzs2s.doa Bondhus Expansion April 25, 2018 Page 3 18. Grading drainage and erosion control shall comply with City's zoning ordinance. See Chapter 4, section 4.10 related to grading, drainage, stormwater management and erosion control and the City's Design Manual- updated May 20171ocated on the City's website- Engineering department. 19. If 1 acre or more is disturbed, an NPDES/SDS Construction Storm Water General Permit (CSWGP) and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan shall be provided with the grading permit or with the building permit application for review, prior to construction commencing. If less than 1 acre is disturbed, a grading permit shall be applied for from the City if proposed construct is to start prior to building permit approval. Other 20. The applicant shall enter into a revised wastewater discharge agreement with the City. 21. Applicable detail plates shall be shown per the City's Apri12017 General Specifications and Standard Detail Plates for Street and Utility Construction located on the City's website- Engineering department. 22. The plans should reference compliance with the City of Monticello General Specifications and Standard Detail Plates for Street and Utility Construction. 23. The plans need to be signed by a licensed professional engineer. Please have the applicant provide a written response addressing the comments above. Please give me a call at 763-271-3236 if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Thank you. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. . / ,�, �'ss� Shibani K. Bisson, PE City Engineer skb K:�o22s9a000�nd m���oo���tr a.�n�ma�o- eo�d n�s unzs2s.doa Planning Commission Agenda — OS/O1/18 2D. Consideration of Public Hearin� - Consideration of a request for Rezonin� to Planned Unit Development and Development Stage Planned Unit Development for a 44-unit, 4 storv apartment complex in the CCD (Central Communitv District) Applicant: The Bri��s Companies (NAC) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Staff inet with the applicant on Apri124th, 2018 to discuss the application. At this time, the applicant has requested tabling of action on the item. As notices were published and distributed for the public hearing, Planning Commission will need to continue the public hearing, as well. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: Motion to table action on the requests and to continue the public hearing for the requests to the June Sth, 2018 meeting of the Planning Commission. Planning Commission Agenda — OS/O1/18 3A. Consideration to call for a public hearin� on June 5th, 2018 for Amendment to Monticello Ordinance 3.7 - Floodplain Overlav District Ordinance (AS) The Planning Commission is asked to review information related to the proposed Floodplain Overlay District Ordinance and to call for a public hearing on the proposed ordinance. The Planning Commission previously reviewed information relating to FEMA's process for the floodplain mapping and ordinance update in March and April. As has been previously noted, beginning in 2011, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) began working with Wright County on an update to existing flood hazard determination mapping. The current FIRM panels applicable to the community are dated 1979 and 1981. In 2016, the City received notice for review and comment on the updated Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) and Flood Insurance Study (FIS) report. In response to the notice for review of preliminary FIRM and FIS, City of Monticello staff began working with property owners to understand the proposed maps, as well as to develop floodplain ordinance language as required. It was noted to the Planning Commission that in late 2017, the City was notified that the Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Map and Study are currently undergoing an additional review. Another update will be sent out for community review prior to the Final Letter of Determination and adoption. This is anticipated to occur in the second half of 2018. At the time that FEMA is ready to adopt the final FIRM and FIS, it will issue a Final Letter of Determination, which serves as notice for the effective dates of the maps and study. The City must adopt an updated floodplain ordinance consistent with the statutes and rules for floodplain management prior to the date the maps and study become effective in order to remain in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). In order to be prepared for what will likely be the final review and notice period in 2018, City staff are proceeding with the ordinance review and hearing process at this time. The NFII' relies on the Flood Insurance Rates Maps (FIRM) and the ordinance to support the program. A Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) shows flood risk zones and their boundaries. Individual communities are responsible for adopting the flood insurance maps and study, adopting and enforcing the ordinance, and requiring and reviewing permits for development within the floodplain. During the March meeting the Commission requested clarification on why individual cities are required to regulate the floodplain versus the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). In broad terms, the purpose of regulating the floodplain as a community is stated within the proposed ordinance and describes the need to protect people and property, to allow for flood insurance eligibility, and to reduce tax dollars spent on flood insurance claims. Planning Commission Agenda — OS/O1/18 Further, as building and development occurs within the city, the local-level review supports communication with property owners regarding their proj ect and its relationship to the floodplain requirements. Floodplain management has been delegated to individual cities as a means of providing local review and management. The city's administration of the ordinance also allows Monticello the ability to maintain eligibility within the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The Planning Commission also requested additional information on the current floodplain boundaries and the pending revisions to the boundaries with the update of the Flood Insurance Rate Maps and Flood Insurance Study for Wright County. Included as a reference for the Commission is the adopted overlay map of the current Floodplain and Shoreland boundaries within Monticello. This information is based on the current adopted mapping, which dates back to 1979 and 1981, depending on the applicable map panel. To view in closer detail any given area of the city at present, the use of the online tool "Make a Firmette" is required. The city received the prior versions of the preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps in July of 2016. Again, Commission will note that the city was informed that additional comments on these documents were received, therefore a new version of the maps is anticipated to be sent out for review later in 2018. Based on the preliminarv maps sent in Julv of 2016, the following are estimates for parcel inclusion, change or removal. These estimates include only parcels with structures. • 6 parcels added to the floodplain • 12 parcels with increased floodplain extent • 103 parcels with decreased floodplain extent • 49 parcels with both an increase and decrease • 30 parcels removed from the floodplain The maps serve as the geographic reference for floodplain management and extent of floodplain. The ordinance serves as the administration tool for development with the floodplain area. At this time, staff would recommend calling for a public hearing. Through the public hearing process, questions related to the language of the model ordinance, proposed Monticello language, and any other questions of the floodplain by both the Commission and the public may be addressed. Following the recommended process of the Department of Natural Resources, staff has provided the draft ordinance to the DNR for review. The DNR has given a conditional approval. The City is now able to move forward with the public hearing process. 2 Planning Commission Agenda — OS/O1/18 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS L Motion to call for a public hearing on June Sth, 2018 on a proposed amendment to Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 3, Section 7 for Floodplain Overlay District. 2. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission call for a public hearing on the proposed ordinance. Public review and comment on the draft ordinance and background is appropriate and a required step at this time. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Floodplains & Floodplain Management B. Official Zoning Map - Shoreland & Floodplain Overlay C. Link to FEMA "Firmettes": https://msc.fema.�ov/portal D. Draft Ordinance No #6XX: Floodplain Overlay District, including DNR comment E. Chapter 18 - Floodplain: Existing applicable ordinance, adopted without amendment in 2010 re-codification. 3 � D.1'R + i I f irlc rs Definitions floodplain: Any normally dry land area susceptible to surface-water flooding. 100-year flood: A flood that has a 1- percent chance of being equaled or ex- ceeded in any year. floodway: The river channel and that portion ofthe floodplain required to pass 100-year floodwaters without increasing the water surface elevation more than a designated height (6 inches in Minnesota) flood fringe: The portions of the 100-year floodplain outside the floodway but still subjectto flooding. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA): Agency whose mission is to reduce loss of life and property and protect critical infrastructure from hazards. Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM): The official map on which FEMA has delineated the areas of special flood hazards. It is used to determine flood insurance premiums. What are floodplains? Floodplains are areas susceptible to flooding that are adjacent to rivers, streams, and lakes. In flat areas, the floodplain can extend more than a mile from the flooding source. Floodplains can also be the normally dry areas adjacent to wetlands, small ponds, or other low areas that cannot drain as quickly as the rain falls. A smaller area might be covered by floods every other year, on average (50-percent chance or 2-year floodplain), but a larger area will be covered by the flood that has a 0.2-percent chance of happening in a given year (the 500-year flood). The 1-percent chance (or 100-year) flood is the standard for Minnesota and federal minimum regulations. There is a 1-percent chance ofthis flood level being equaled or exceeded in any given year. The 100-year floodplain is the land adjoining lakes and rivers that would be covered by the 1-percent chance (or 100- year) flood. Along large rivers, like the Mississippi River or Red River of the North, floodplains usually are flooded during spring after heavy snow seasons. On these and other floodplains, flooding can also result from intense rains. In fact, climatologists have seen a trend toward a greater percentage of the total annual precipitation coming during the intense rains that can cause flooding. In areas with small streams or ponds, flooding can occur within hours of the intense rain. On the larger rivers and lakes, there may be days of warning. How are floodplains managed? Local units of government identify permitted land uses through zoning regulations. Floodplain management regulations are also administered by local zoning authorities. If you want information about permitted land uses on a floodplain within the municipal boundary, check with your city zoning authority. If you are in a rural area, check with your county zoning office. DNR Waters and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) staffs may assist local officials, especially on complicated issues, but the permitting decisions are made locally. Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA): Areas in a community that have been If your community has a FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) that identified on FEMA maps as susceptible to shows flood-prone areas, your community should have enrolled in the a 100-year flood. National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and adopted zoning regulations to National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP): Program under which communi- ties are eligible for federal flood insurance if they enroll in the NFIP and administer floodplain management regulations. Information Links Series of information sheets relat�d to floodplain management: www. dnr. state.mn.us/publications/wat� Flood insurance information: www.floodsmart.� FEMA website: www.fema.� September 2006 Page 1 of 2 manage land uses in the mapped floodplain. The community's floodplain management regulations must include the minimum federal and state regulations, but can be more restrictive. Most communities adopt a state model that has incorporated the minimum federal and state regulations. The minimum federal and state regulations are enforced in the 1-percent chance (100- year) floodplain that is mapped on the FIRM for the community. Local zoning regulations also identify permitted land uses in the floodway and flood fringe portions ofthe 1-percent chance (100-year) floodplain. In the floodway portion, high-velocity floodwaters are expected so most types of development are prohibited. In the flood fringe portion of the floodplain, where the backwater or low-velocity floodwaters occur, development is allowed if it meets standards such as elevating on fill or floodproofing to reduce damage when there is a flood. Check with your local zoning authority to find out which floodplains are regulated. Local zoning authorities often have more restrictive regulations than the federal and state minimum. They might regulate activities in the 500-year floodplain, instead of 5�yyy...J ; "; ; -� a,' i �47 - l Al�llPAt'�� `l j �'�9 �F'��.�. i �' '' =_ - �� ��� � ' ��..w� . a �-.�` . � ;;�� �, � , �. �,i'; `_ -- � .�:'_..,. � — . :'G ��ME � �_� � s �� 11lm I I9iYl[L !LG Y V i ti� w�� , fr�o.�,•. N1YYlyilTr/A". "" . ' MYL llY �f Jt4 uw+.n—r.a� .�r:a iClIi9C11 k LYGCw a� ��. i� i l -w, Sample FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM). Flood insurance is required in shaded areas. Flood insurance is available forany location in orout ofthe shaded area ifthe community is a participant in the National Flood Insurance Program. Sometimes areas above the flood elevation are shown as flood prone on these maps. This is usually due to lack of detailed elevation information to accurately locate bound- aries ofthe floodplain. FEMA has processes (letter of map amendment; letter of map revision based on fill) to apply for corrections to the map when better information is available forthe site. Minnesota QEPARTRI� HT OF HAfl1RdL flESCIIF�.E5 DNR Contact Information DNR Waters website lists Area Hydrologists: www.dnr.state.mn.us/waters DNR Waters in St. Paul: 500 Lafayette Road St. Paul, MN 55155-4032 (651)259-5700 September 2006 �ustthe 1-percent chance (100-year) floodplam, especially for essential services such as hospitals, fire stations, and prisons, or for locating hazardous waste sites. They also may have a local water plan that identifies the local ponds and low spots that would be flooded as a result of an intense rain and may require houses to stay above those areas. The FEMA maps usually show floodplains associated with rivers, streams, and large lakes, but the community may also regulate these locally identified areas as high flooding risks. Flood insurance requirements If you intend to obtain a loan from a federally regulated lender (like most mortgage lenders), the lender MUST require you to have flood insurance if your home is in the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)—the 1-percent chance (100-year) floodplain. Lenders face penalties and fines if properties in these areas mapped as flood prone are not covered by a flood insurance policy. If your community is enrolled in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), you can buy flood insurance. More than 93 percent of Minnesotans are in communities participating in the NFIP and can buy flood insurance. A common myth is that you can only buy flood insurance if you are in the floodplain on the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps. The fact is that anyone in a participating community can buy flood insurance, and that the flood insurance is much less expen- sive if you are not in a floodplain mapped by FEMA. DNR Information Center Twin Cities: (651) 296-6157 Minnesota toll free: 1-888-646-6367 Telecommunication device far the deaf (TDD): (651) 296-5484 TDD toll free: 1-800-657-3929 This information is available in an alternative format on request. Equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from programs of the Mixixie- sota Department of Natural Resources is available regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, seaual orientation, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, age, or disability. Discrimination inquiries should be sent to Minnesota DNR, 500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN 55155-4031; ar the Equal Opporiunity Office, Department of the Interior, Washington, DC 20240. Page 2 of 2 ,.. .^F - � �.. .. .. .. ci.�_. �- ..._, . �. / } ' _ �'A,:� .:.��,. , _ � - _ _ -_ > - . -a�t. I _� .. �� _. � _ _ ' __ _ �a .. fi - ..Te-"v '.T.`.-• Y.# _ _.Y i :.�"A�s 7 ='1 - . �S . - ^.R9 iaY' ., .... ".'S� . ' .1�Y. _.'., . .. '� � . t \ , i _ . s;], ; Y , ,: t.p� / � ^,. '..• .,_ �'.sa-.: ., , Y -'- ,. ^� ,. i _. . Y..:� T ` �•r • : `w . .t>.:/ A ' A "4 7 �Y. ,� ..i::y,,,�. ,1 ,y�X �. .y��..K R . _ _. �T�I�, . V Sr r. , r 9_ ., 7q� . 3' �,`?c-. .�.�- '�. .;�ij'.i - �<�adw r' ' - '!_,� _ � " a - . K S � '1' .�+ •'�� _.�:,.a h(.' 'N . . . :: 1 '! .�• , " `.. ,-' ' ' . ";": , - �i. ....' s � '. 'e ", ' . � v"� � �' l . 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Fl.iy . � y •' a" , ` . , . � -'- � �, ,� ..,. . � � + ' : � �•T. r � . � � � ` ti 3.7 — FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT (A) Statutorv Authorization, Findin�s of Fact and Purpose (1) Statutory Authorization The legislature of the State of Minnesota has, in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 103F and Chapter 462 delegated the responsibility to local government units to adopt regulations designed to minimize flood losses. Therefore, the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota, does ordain as follows. (2) Purpose (a) This ordinance regulates development in the flood hazard areas of the city of Monticella These flood hazard areas are subject to periodic inundation, which may result in loss of life and property, health and safety hazards, disruption of commerce and governmental services, extraordinary public expenditures for flood protection and relief, and impairment of the tax base. It is the purpose of this ordinance to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare by minimizing these losses and disruptions. (b) National Flood Insurance Program Compliance. This ordinance is adopted to comply with the rules and regulations of the National Flood Insurance Program codified as 44 Code of Federal Regulations Parts 59 -78, as amended, so as to maintain the community's eligibility in the National Flood Insurance Program. (c) This ordinance is also intended to preserve the natural characteristics and functions of watercourses and floodplains in order to moderate flood and stormwater impacts, improve water quality, reduce soil erosion, protect aquatic and riparian habitat, provide recreational opportunities, provide aesthetic benefits and enhance community and economic development. (B) General Provisions (1) Lands to Which Ordinance Applies This ordinance applies to all lands within the jurisdiction of the city of Monticello within the boundaries of the Floodway and Flood Fringe Districts. The boundaries of the zoning districts are determined by scaling distances on the Flood Insurance Rate Map, or as modified in accordance with 3.7(B)(1)(b) below. (a) The Floodway, Flood Fringe and General Floodplain Districts are overlay districts that are superimposed on all existing zoning districts. The standards imposed in the overlay districts are in addition to any other requirements in this ordinance. In case of a conflict, the more restrictive standards will apply. (b) Where a conflict exists between the floodplain limits illustrated on the official floodplain maps and actual field conditions, the flood elevations shall be the governing factor in locating the regulatory floodplain limits. (c) Persons contesting the location of the district boundaries will be given a reasonable opportunity to present their case to the Planning Commission and to submit technical evidence. (2) Incorporation of Maps by Reference The following maps together with all attached material are hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a part of the Official Zoning Map and this ordinance. • Currently effective Flood Insurance Study: o City of Monticello, Minnesota, dated May 1979 o Wright County Minnesota unincorporated areas, dated 8/18/1992 • Currently effective Flood Insurance Rate Map panels enumerated below: o City of Monticello, Pane12705410005B, effective 11/1/1979 o WrightCounty, MinnesotaPane12705340018C, effective 8/18/1992 o WrightCounty, MinnesotaPane12705340015B, effective 8/4/1988 • Currently effective Flood Boundary and Floodway Map panels enumerated below: o City of Monticello, Pane12705410001B, effective 11/1/1979 o City of Monticello, Pane12705410002B, effective 11/1/1979 o City of Monticello, Pane12705410003B, effective 11/1/1979 • Preliminary Flood Insurance Study: o Wright County Minnesota and Incorporated Areas, dated 6/22/2011 • Preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Map panels enumerated below: o Wright County, Minnesota Pane127171CO155D, dated 6/22/2011 o Wright County, Minnesota Pane127171C0160D, dated 6/22/2011 o WrightCounty, MinnesotaPane127171C0165D, dated 6/22/2011 o WrightCounty, MinnesotaPane127171C0170D, dated 6/22/2011 o Wright County, Minnesota Pane127171C0190D, dated 6/22/2011 For any instance where the effective and preliminary maps conflic� the more restrictive map shall apply. These materials are on file in the City Clerk's Office, City of Monticello City Hall. (3) Abrogation and Greater Restrictions It is not intended by this ordinance to repeal, abrogate, or impair any existing easements, covenants, or other private agreements. However, where this ordinance imposes greater restrictions, the provisions of this ordinance prevail. All other ordinances inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of the inconsistency only. (4) Warning and Disclaimer of Liability This ordinance does not imply that areas outside the floodplain districts or land uses permitted within such districts will be free from flooding or flood damages. This ordinance does not create liability on the part of Monticello or its officers or employees for any flood damages that result from reliance on this ordinance or any administrative decision lawfully made hereunder. (5) Severability If any section, clause, provision, or portion of this ordinance is adjudged unconstitutional or invalid by a court of law, the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected and shall remain in full force. (6) Definitions Unless specifically defined below, words or phrases used in this ordinance must be interpreted according to common usage and so as to give this ordinance its most reasonable application. (a) Accessory Use or Structure A use or structure on the same lot with, and of a nature customarily incidental and subordinate to, the principal use or structure. (b) Base Flood The flood having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. (c) Base Flood Elevation The elevation of the "regional flood." The term "base flood elevation" is used is used in the flood insurance survey. (d) Basement Any area of a structure, including crawl spaces, having its floor or base subgrade (below ground level) on all four sides, regardless of the depth of excavation below ground level. (e) Conditional Use A specific type of structure or land use listed in the official control that may be allowed but only after an in-depth review procedure and with appropriate conditions or restrictions as provided in the official zoning controls or building codes and upon a finding that (i) Certain conditions as detailed in the zoning ordinance exist. (ii) The structure and/or land use conform to the comprehensive land use plan if one exists and are compatible with the existing neighborhood. (f) Critical Facilities Facilities necessary to a community's public health and safety, those that store or produce highly volatile, toxic or water-reactive materials, and those that house occupants that may be insufficiently mobile to avoid loss of life or injury. Examples of critical facilities include hospitals, correctional facilities, schools, daycare facilities, nursing homes, fire and police stations, wastewater treatment facilities, public electric utilities, water plants, fuel storage facilities, and waste handling and storage facilities. (g) Development Any manmade change to improved or unimproved real estate, including buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations, or storage of equipment or materials. (h) Equal Degree of Encroachment A method of determining the location of floodway boundaries so that floodplain lands on both sides of a stream are capable of conveying a proportionate share of flood flows. (i) Farm Fence A fence as defined by Minn. Statutes Section 344.02, Subd. 1(a)-(d). An open type fence of posts and wire is not considered to be a structure under this ordinance. Fences that have the potential to obstruct flood flows, such as chain link fences and rigid walls, are regulated as structures under this ordinance. (j) Flood A temporary increase in the flow or stage of a stream or in the stage of a wetland or lake that results in the inundation of normally dry areas. (k) Flood Frequency The frequency for which it is eapected that a specific flood stage or discharge may be equaled or exceeded. (1) Flood Fringe The portion of the Special Flood Hazard Area (one percent annual chance flood) located outside of the floodway. Flood fringe is synonymous with the term "floodway fringe" used in the Flood Insurance Study for Wright County, Minnesota. (m) Flood Insurance Rate Map An official map on which the Federal Insurance Administrator has delineated both the special hazard areas and the risk premium zones applicable to the community. A FIRM that has been made available digitally is called a Digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (DFIRM). (n) Flood Prone Area Any land susceptible to being inundated by water from any source. (o) Floodplain The beds proper and the areas adjoining a wetland, lake or watercourse which have been or hereafter may be covered by the regional flood. (p) Floodproofing A combination of structural provisions, changes, or adjustments to properties and structures subject to flooding, primarily for the reduction or elimination of flood damages. (c� Floodway The bed of a wetland or lake and the channel of a watercourse and those portions of the adjoining floodplain which are reasonably required to carry or store the regional flood discharge. (r) Lowest Floor The lowest floor of the lowest enclosed area (including basement). An unfinished or flood resistant enclosure, used solely for parking of vehicles, building access, or storage in an area other than a basement area, is not considered a building's lowest floor; provided, that such enclosure is not built so as to render the structure in violation of the applicable non-elevation design requirements of 44 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 60.3. (s) Manufactured Home A structure, transportable in one or more sections, which is built on a permanent chassis and is designed for use with or without a permanent foundation when attached to the required utilities. The term "manufactured home" does not include the term "recreational vehicle." (t) New Construction Structures, including additions and improvements, and placement of manufactured homes, for which the start of construction commenced on or after the effective date of this ordinance. (u) Obstruction Any dam, wall, wharf, embankment, levee, dike, pile, abutmen� projection, excavation, channel modification, culvert, building, wire, fence, stockpile, refuse, fill, structure, or matter in, along, across, or projecting into any channel, watercourse, or regulatory floodplain which may impede, retard, or change the direction of the flow of water, either in itself or by catching or collecting debris carried by such water. (v) One Hundred Year Floodplain Lands inundated by the "Regional Flood" (see definition). (w) Principal Use or Structure All uses or structures that are not accessory uses or structures. (x) Reach A hydraulic engineering term to describe a longitudinal segment of a stream or river influenced by a natural or man-made obstruction. In an urban area, the segment of a stream or river between two consecutive bridge crossings would most typically constitute a reach. (y) Recreational Vehicle A vehicle that is built on a single chassis, is 400 square feet or less when measured at the largest horizontal projection, is designed to be self-propelled or permanently towable by a light duty truck, and is designed primarily not for use as a permanent dwelling but as temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, travel, or seasonal use. For the purposes of this ordinance, the term recreational vehicle is synonymous with the term "travel trailer/travel vehicle." (z) Regional Flood A flood which is representative of large floods known to have occurred generally in Minnesota and reasonably characteristic of what can be eapected to occur on an average frequency in the magnitude of the 1% chance or 100-year recurrence interval. Regional flood is synonymous with the term "base flood" used in a flood insurance study. (aa) Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation (RFPE) An elevation not less than one foot above the elevation of the regional flood plus any increases in flood elevation caused by encroachments on the floodplain that result from designation of a floodway. (bb) Repetitive Loss Flood related damages sustained by a structure on two separate occasions during a ten year period for which the cost of repairs at the time of each such flood event on the average equals or exceeds 25% of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred. (cc) Special Flood Hazard Area A term used for flood insurance purposes synonymous with "One Hundred Year Floodplain." (dd) Start of Construction Includes substantial improvemen� and means the actual start of construction, repair, reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, placement or other improvement that occurred before the permiYs eapiration date. The actual start is either the first placement of permanent construction of a structure on a site, such as the pouring of slab or footings, the installation of piles, the construction of columns, or any wark beyond the stage of excavation; or the placement of a manufactured home on a foundation. Permanent construction does not include land preparation, such as clearing, grading and filling; nor does it include the installation of streets and/or walkways; nor does it include excavation for a basement, footings, piers, foundations, or the erection of temporary forms; nor does it include the installation on the property of accessory buildings, such as garages or sheds not occupied as dwelling units or not part of the main structure. For a substantial improvemen� the actual start of construction means the first alteration of any wall, ceiling, floor, or other structural part of a building, whether or not that alteration affects the external dimensions of the building. (ee) Structure Anything constructed or erected on the ground or attached to the ground or on-site utilities, including, but not limited to, buildings, factories, sheds, detached garages, cabins, manufactured homes, recreational vehicles not meeting the exemption criteria specified in Section 3.7(.�(2)(b) of this ordinance and other similar items. (ffj Substantial Damage Means damage of any origin sustained by a structure where the cost of restoring the structure to its before damaged condition would equal or exceed 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred. (gg) Substantial Improvement Within any consecutive 365-day period, any reconstruction, rehabilitation (including normal maintenance and repair), repair after damage, addition, or other improvement of a structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the "start of construction" of the improvement. This term includes structures that have incurred "substantial damage," regardless of the actual repair wark performed. The term does not, however, include either: (i) Any project for improvement of a structure to correct existing violations of state or local health, sanitary, or safety code specifications which have been identified by the local code enforcement official and which are the minimum necessary to assure safe living conditions. (ii) Any alteration of a"historic structure," provided that the alteration will not preclude the structure's continued designation as a"historic structure." For the purpose of this ordinance, "historic structure" is as defined in 44 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 59.1. (7) Annexations The Flood Insurance Rate Map panels adopted by reference into Section 3.7(B)(2) above may include floodplain areas that lie outside of the corporate boundaries of the City of Monticello at the time of adoption of this ordinance. If any of these floodplain land areas are annexed into the city of Monticello after the date of adoption of this ordinance, the newly annexed floodplain lands will be subject to the provisions of this ordinance (8) Detachments. The Flood Insurance Rate Map panels adopted by reference into 3.7(B)(2) above will include floodplain areas that lie inside the corporate boundaries of municipalities at the time of adoption of this ordinance. If any of these floodplain land areas are detached from a municipality and come under the jurisdiction of Monticello after the date of adoption of this ordinance, the newly detached floodplain lands will be subject to the provisions of this ordinance immediately upon the date of detachment. (C) Establishment of Floodplain Districts (1) Districts (a) Floodway District - The Floodway District includes those areas within Zones AE, A2, A7 delineated within floodway areas as shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps and Flood Boundary and Floodway Maps adopted in Section 3.7(B)(2). (b) Flood Fringe District - The Flood Fringe District includes areas within Zones AE, A2, A7 on the Flood Insurance Rate Map and Flood Boundary and Floodway Maps adopted in Section 3.7(B)(2),but located outside of the floodway. (c) Reserved for General Floodplain District (2) Applicability Where Floodway and Flood Fringe districts are delineated on the floodplain maps, the standards in Sections 3.7(E) or 3.7(F) will apply, depending on the location of a property. (D) Requirements for All Floodplain Districts (1) Permit Required (a) A permit must be obtained from the Zoning Administrator to verify a development meets the standards outlined in this ordinance prior to conducting the following activities: (i) The erection, addition, modification, rehabilitation, or alteration of any building, structure, or portion thereo£ Normal maintenance and repair also requires a permit if such wark, separately or in conjunction with other planned work, constitutes a substantial improvement as defined in this ordinance. (ii) The construction of a dam, on-site septic system, or fence, although a permit is not required for a farm fence as defined in this ordinance. (iii) The use or change of use of a building, structure, or land. (iv) The change or ea�tension of a nonconforming use. (v) The repair of a structure that has been damaged by flood, fire, tornado, or any other source. (vi) The placement of fill, excavation of materials, or the storage of materials or equipment within the floodplain. (vri) Relocation or alteration of a watercourse (including new or replacement culverts and bridges), unless a public waters work permit has been applied for. (viii) Any other type of "developmenY' as defined in this ordinance. (2) Building Sites (a) If a proposed building site is in a flood prone area, all new construction and substantial improvements (including the placement of manufactured homes) must be: (i) Designed (or modified) and adequately anchored to prevent floatation, collapse, or lateral movement of the structure resulting from hydrodynamic and hydrostatic loads, including the effects of buoyancy; (ii) Constructed with materials and utility equipment resistant to flood damage; (iri) Constructed by methods and practices that minimize flood damage; and (iv) Constructed with electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing, and air conditioning equipment and other service facilities that are designed and/or located so as to prevent water from entering or accumulating within the components during conditions of flooding. (3) Flood Capacity In no cases shall floodplain development adversely affect the efficiency or unduly restrict the capacity of the channels or floodways of any tributaries to the main stream, drainage ditches, or any other drainage facilities or systems. (4) Other (a) The storage or processing of materials that are, in time of flooding, flammable, explosive, or potentially injurious to human, animal, or plant life is prohibited. (b) Critical Facilities, as defined in Section 3.7(B)(�(fj, are prohibited in all floodplain districts. (E) Floodway District (F� (1) Permitted Uses The following uses, subject to the standards set forth in Section 3.7(E)(2), are permitted uses if otherwise allowed in the underlying zoning district or any applicable overlay district (a) General farming, pasture, grazing, farm fences, outdoor plant nurseries, horticulture, forestry, sod farming, and wild crop harvesting. (b) Industrial-commercial loading areas, parking areas, and airport landing strips. (c) Open space uses, including but not limited to private and public golf courses, tennis courts, driving ranges, archery ranges, picnic grounds, boat launching ramps, swimming areas, parks, wildlife and nature preserves, game farms, fish hatcheries, shooting preserves, hunting and fishing areas, and single or multiple purpose recreational trails. (d) Residential yards, lawns, gardens, parking areas, and play areas. (e) Railroads, streets, bridges, utility transmission lines and pipelines, provided that the Department of Natural Resources' Area Hydrologist is notified at least ten days prior to issuance of any permit. (2) Standards for Floodway Permitted Uses (a) The use must have a low flood damage potential. (b) The use must not obstruct flood flows or cause any increase in flood elevations and must not involve structures, obstructions, or storage of materials or equipment. (c) Any facility that will be used by employees or the general public must be designed with a flood warning system that provides adequate time for evacuation if the area is inundated to a depth and velocity such that the depth (in feet) multiplied by the velocity (in feet per second) would exceed a product of four upon occurrence of the regional (1% chance) flood. ([�� �T%Ze tlse muSL be [IuOW[lble tn L%Ze un[�eYlytng ZOntng [�tSLYtCL.� _ � Commented [BM(7]: This insertion is duplicative. This is detailed as such in 3.7(E)(1). (3) Conditional Uses The following uses may be allowed as conditional uses following the standards and procedures set forth in Section 3.7(I�(4) of this ordinance and further subject to the standards set forth in Section 3.7(E)(4), if otherwise allowed in the underlying zoning district or any applicable overlay district. (a) Structures accessory to the uses listed in 3.7(E)(1)(a)-� above and the uses ... ....- — — listed in 3.7(E)(3)(b)-(g�c below (b) Extraction, fill and storage of soil, sand, gravel, and other materials. (c) Marinas, boat rentals, permanent docks, piers, wharves, and water control structures. (d) Storage yards for equipment, machinery, or materials. (e) Construction of fences that obstruct flood flows. Farm fences, as defined in section 3.7(B)(�(i), are permitted uses. (f) Travel-ready recreational vehicles meeting the exception standards in Section 3.7i�i2)ib)• (g) Levees or dikes intended to protect agricultural crops for a frequency flood event equal to or less than the 10-year frequency flood event. (4) Standards for Floodway Conditional Uses (a) All Uses A conditional use must not cause any increase in the regional flood elevations or cause an increase in flood damages in the reach or reaches affected. (b) Fill; Storage of Materials and Equipment Commented [BM(2]: The types of structures in floodway areas is limited to those detailed in Minnesota Rules 6120.5800, Subp. 3(B). Change references as noted. (i) Fill, dredge spoil, and other similar materials deposited or stored in the floodplain must be protected from erosion by vegetative cover, mulching, riprap or other acceptable method. Permanent sand and gravel operations and similar uses must be covered by a long-term site development plan. (ii) Temporary placement of fill, other materials, or equipment which would cause an increase to the stage of the 1% percent chance or regional flood may only be allowed if the City of Monticello has approved a plan that assures removal of the materials from the floodway based upon the flood warning time available. (c) Accessory Structures Accessory structures, as identified in Section 3.7(E)(3)(a), may be permitted, provided that (i) Structures are not intended for human habitation; (ii) Structures will have a low flood damage potential; (iri) Structures will be constructed and placed so as to offer a minimal obstruction to the flow of flood waters; (iv) Service utilities, such as electrical and heating equipment, within these structures must be elevated to or above the regulatory flood protection elevation or properly floodproofed; (v) Structures must be elevated on fill or structurally dry floodproofed in accordance with the FP 1 or FP2 floodproofing classifications in the State Building Code. All floodproofed structures must be adequately anchored to prevent flotation, collapse or lateral movement and designed to equalize hydrostatic flood forces on exterior walls. (vi) As an alternative, an accessory structure may be internally/wet floodproofed to the FP3 or FP4 floodproofing classifications in the State Building Code, provided the accessory structure constitutes a minimal investment. Designs for meeting this requirement must either be certified by a registered professional engineer or meet or exceed the following criteria: 1. To allow for the equalization of hydrostatic pressure, there must be a minimum of two "automatid' openings in the outside walls of the structure, with a total net area of not less than one square inch for every square foot of enclosed area subject to flooding; and 2. There must be openings on at least two sides of the structure and the bottom of all openings must be no higher than one foot above the lowest adjacent grade to the structure. Using human intervention to open a garage door prior to flooding will not satisfy this requirement for automatic openings. (d) Structural works for flood control that will change the course, current or cross section of protected wetlands or public waters are subject to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 103G.245. 10 (e) A levee, dike or floodwall constructed in the floodway must not cause an increase to the 1% chance or regional flood. The technical analysis must assume equal conveyance or storage loss on both sides of a stream. (f) Floodway developments must not adversely affect the hydraulic capacity of the channel and adj oining floodplain of any tributary watercourse or drainage system. (F) Flood Fringe District (FF) (1) Permitted Uses Permitted uses are those uses of land or structures allowed in the underlying zoning dlsh'1ct(s) that comply wlth the standards 1n Sectlons 3.7((�F�(2�. If no pre-e�lsting, � Commented [BM(3]: Correct references in this section as underlying zoning districts exist, then any residential or nonresidential structure or use noted. of a structure or land is a permitted use provided it does not constitute a public nuisance. (2) Standards for Flood Fringe Permitted Uses (a) All structures, including accessory structures, must be elevated on fill so that the lowest floor, as defined, is at or above the regulatory flood protection elevation. The finished fill elevation for structures must be no lower than one foot below the regulatory flood protection elevation and the fill must extend at the same elevation at least 15 feet beyond the outside limits of the structure. (b) Accessory Structures As an alternative to the fill requirements of section 3.7(€�N�' (2)(a), structures accessory to the uses identified in Section 3.7(�N�' (1) may be permitted to be internally/wet floodproofed to the FP3 or FP4 floodproofing classifications in the State Building Code, provided that (i) The accessory structure constitutes a minimal investmen� does not exceed 576 square feet in size, and is only used for parking and storage. (ii) All portions of floodproofed accessory structures below the Regulatory Flood Protection Elevation must be: (i) adequately anchored to prevent flotation, collapse or lateral movement and designed to equalize hydrostatic flood forces on exterior walls, (ii) be constructed with materials resistant to flood damage, and (iii) must have all service utilities be water-tight or elevated to above the regulatory flood protection elevation (iri) Designs for meeting this requirement must either be certified by a registered professional engineer or meet or exceed the following criteria: 1. To allow for the equalization of hydrostatic pressure, there must be a minimum of two "automatid' openings in the outside walls of the structure, with a total net area of not less than one square inch for every square foot of enclosed area subject to flooding; and 2. There must be openings on at least two sides of the structure and the bottom of all openings must be no higher than one foot above the lowest adjacent grade to the structure. Using human intervention to open a garage door prior to flooding will not satisfy this requirement for automatic openings. 11 (c) The cumulative placement of fill or similar material on a parcel must not exceed 1,000 cubic yards, unless the fill is specifically intended to elevate a structure in accordance with Section 3.7(�N�' (2)(a) of this ordinance, or if allowed as a conditional use under Section 3.7(�N'�(3)� below. (d) The storage of any materials or equipment must be elevated on fill to the regulatory flood protection elevation. (e) All service utilities, including ductwork, must be elevated or water-tight to prevent infiltration of floodwaters. (e) All fill must be properly compacted and the slopes must be properly protected by the use of riprap, vegetative cover or other acceptable method. (f) All new principal structures must have vehicular access at or above an elevation not more than two feet below the regulatory flood protection elevation, or must have a flood warning /emergency evacuation plan acceptable to the City of Monticello. (g) Accessory uses such as yards, railroad tracks, and parking lots may be at an elevation lower than the regulatory flood protection elevation. However, any facilities used by employees ar the general public must be designed with a flood warning system that provides adequate time for evacuation if the area is inundated to a depth and velocity such that the depth (in feet) multiplied by the velocity (in feet per second) would exceed a product of four upon occurrence of the regional (1 % chance) flood. (h) Manufactured homes and recreational vehicles must meet the standards of Section 3.7(.� of this ordinance. (3) Conditional Uses The following uses and activities may also be allowed as conditional uses as a principal or accessory use only if allowed in the underlying zoning district(s) or any applicable overlay district, following the procedures in Section 3.7(I�(�4�(� of this ordinance. (a) Storage of any material or equipment below the regulatory flood protection elevation. (b) The cumulative placement of more than 1,000 cubic yards of fill when the fill is not being used to elevate a structure in accordance with Section 3.7(F')(2)(a) of this ordinance. (c) The use of inethods to elevate structures above the regulatory flood protection elevation, including stilts, pilings, parallel walls, or above-grade, enclosed areas such as crawl spaces or tuck under garages, shall meet the standards in Section 3.7(F)(4)�f . (4) Standards for Flood Fringe Conditional Uses: (a) The standards listed in Sections 3.7(F')(2)(d) through 3.7(F')(2)(h) apply to all conditional uses. (b) Residential basements, as defined by Section 3.7(B)(�(d) of this ordinance, are not allowed below the regulatory flood protection elevation. 12 (c) All areas of nonresidential structures, including basements, to be placed below the regulatory flood protection elevation must be structurally dry floodproofed, meeting the FP1 or FP2 floodproofing classification in the State Building Code, which requires making the structure watertight with the walls substantially impermeable to the passage of water and with structural components capable of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and the effects of buoyancy. (d) The placement of more than 1,000 cubic yards of fill or other similar material on a parcel (other than for the purpose of elevating a structure to the regulatory flood protection elevation) must comply with an approved erosion/sedimentation control plan. (i) The plan must clearly specify methods to be used to stabilize the fill on site for a flood event at a minimum of the regional (1 % chance) flood event. (ii) The plan must be prepared and certified by a registered professional engineer or other qualified individual acceptable to the City of Monticello. (iii) The plan may incorporate alternative procedures for removal of the material from the floodplain if adequate flood warning time exists. (e) Storage of materials and equipment below the regulatory flood protection elevation must comply with an approved emergency plan providing for removal of such materials within the time available after a flood warning. (f) Alternative elevation methods other than the use of fill may be utilized to elevate a structure's lowest floor above the regulatory flood protection elevation. The base or floor of an enclosed area shall be considered above-grade and not a structure's basement or lowest floor if: 1) the enclosed area is above-grade on at least one side of the structure; 2) it is designed to internally flood and is constructed with flood resistant materials; and 3) it is used solely for parking of vehicles, building access or storage. The above-noted alternative elevation methods are subject to the following additional standards: (i) Design and Certification - The structure's design and as-built condition must be certified by a registered professional engineer as being in compliance with the general design standards of the State Building Code and, specifically, that all electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing and air conditioning equipment and other service facilities must be at or above the regulatory flood protection elevation or be designed to prevent flood water from entering or accumulating within these components during times of flooding. Structure shall be subject to a nonconversion agreement with upon the issuance of any permit. (ii) Above-grade, fully enclosed areas such as crawl spaces or tuck under garages must be designed to internally flood and the design plans must stipulate: 1. The minimum area of openings in the walls where internal flooding is to be used as a floodproofing technique. There shall be a minimum of two openings on at least two sides of the structure and the bottom of all openings shall be no higher than one foot above grade. The automatic openings shall have a minimum net area of not less than one square inch for every square foot of enclosed area subject to flooding unless a registered professional engineer or architect certifies that a smaller net area would suffice. The automatic openings may be equipped with screens, 13 louvers, valves, or other coverings or devices provided that they permit the automatic entry and exit of flood waters without any form of human intervention; and 2. That the enclosed area will be designed of flood resistant materials in accordance with the FP3 or FP4 classifications in the State Building Code and shall be used solely for building access, parking of vehicles or storage. (G) Reserved for General Floodplain District (H) Subdivision Standards (1) Subdivisions No land may be subdivided which is unsuitable for reasons of flooding or inadequate drainage, water supply or sewage treatment facilities. Manufactured home parks and recreational vehicle parks or campgrounds are considered subdivisions under this ordinance. (a) All lots within the floodplain districts must be able to contain a building site outside of the Floodway District at or above the regulatory flood protection elevation. (b) All subdivisions must have road access both to the subdivision and to the individual building sites no lower than two feet below the regulatory flood protection elevation, unless a flood warning emergency plan for the safe evacuation of all vehicles and people during the regional (1% chance) flood has been approved by the City of Monticella The plan must be prepared by a registered engineer or other qualified individual, and must demonstrate that adequate time and personnel exist to carry out the evacuation. (c) For all subdivisions in the floodplain, the Floodway and Flood Fringe District boundaries, the regulatory flood protection elevation and the required elevation of all access roads must be clearly labeled on all required subdivision drawings and platting documents. (e) Subdivision proposals must be reviewed to assure that (i) All such proposals are consistent with the need to minimize flood damage within the flood prone area, (ii) All public utilities and facilities, such as sewer, gas, electrical, and water systems are located and constructed to minimize or eliminate flood damage, and (iii) Adequate drainage is provided to reduce exposure of flood hazard. (I) Public Utilities, Railroads, Roads, and Brid�es (1) Public Utilities All public utilities and facilities such as gas, electrical, sewer, and water supply systems to be located in the floodplain must be flood proofed in accordance with the State Building Code or elevated to the regulatory flood protection elevation. (2) Public Transportation Facilities 14 Railroad tracks, roads, and bridges to be located within the floodplain must comply with Sections 3.7(D) and 3.7(E) of this ordinance. These transportation facilities must be elevated to the regulatory flood protection elevation where failure or interruption of these facilities would result in danger to the public health or safety or where such facilities are essential to the orderly functioning of the area. Minor or auxiliary roads or railroads may be constructed at a lower elevation where failure or interruption of transportation services would not endanger the public health or safety. (3) On-site Water Supply and Sewage Treatment Systems Where public utilities are not provided: 1) On-site water supply systems must be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the systems and are subject to the provisions in Minnesota Rules Chapter 4725.4350, as amended; and 2) New or replacement on-site sewage treatment systems must be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the systems and discharges from the systems into flood waters, they must not be subject to impairment or contamination during times of flooding, and are subject to the provisions in Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080.2270, as amended. (J) Manufactured Homes and Recreational Vehicles (1) Manufactured Homes New manufactured home parks and expansions to existing manufactured home parks are prohibited in any floodplain district. For existing manufactured home parks or lots of record, the following requirements apply: (a) Placement or replacement of manufactured home units is prohibited in the Floodway District. (b) Placement or replacement of manufactured home units in the Flood Fringe District is subject to the requirements of Section 3.7(F') of this ordinance and the following standards. (i) New and replacement manufactured homes must be elevated in compliance with Section 3.7(E) of this ordinance and must be securely anchored to an adequately anchored foundation system that resists flotation, collapse and lateral movement. Methods of anchoring may include, but are not limited to, use of over-the-top or frame ties to ground anchors. This requirement is in addition to applicable state or local anchoring requirements for resisting wind forces. (ii) New or replacement manufactured homes in existing manufactured home parks must meet the vehicular access requirements for subdivisions in Section 3.7(F�(1)(b) of this ordinance. (2) Recreational Vehicles New recreational vehicle parks or campgrounds and expansions to existing recreational vehicle parks or campgrounds are prohibited in any floodplain district. Placement of recreational vehicles in existing recreational vehicle parks or campgrounds in the floodplain must meet the requirements below. (a) Recreational vehicles are exempt from the provisions of this ordinance if they are placed in any of the following areas and meet the criteria listed in Section 3.7i�i2)ib)� 15 (i) Individual lots or parcels of record. (ii) Existing commercial recreational vehicle parks or campgrounds. (iri) Existing condominium-type associations. (b) Criteria for Exempt Recreational Vehicles: (i) The vehicle must have a current license required for highway use. (ii) The vehicle must be highway ready, meaning on wheels or the internal jacking system, attached to the site only by quick disconnect type utilities commonly used in campgrounds and recreational vehicle parks. (iri)No permanent structural type additions may be attached to the vehicle. (iv) Accessory structures may be permitted in the Flood Fringe District, provided that they constitute a minimal investment, do not hinder the removal of the vehicle should flooding occur, and meet the standards outlined in Sections 3.7(D)(2) and 3.7(F)(2)(b). (K) Administration (1) Duties A Zoning Administrator or other official designated by the City of Monticello must administer and enforce this ordinance. (2) Permit Application Requirements: (a) Application for Permit. Permit applications must be submitted to the Zoning Administrator on forms provided by the Zoning Administrator. The permit application must include the following as applicable: (i) A site plan showing all pertinent dimensions, existing or proposed buildings, structures, and significant natural features having an influence on the permit. (ii) Location of fill or storage of materials in relation to the stream channel. (iri) Copies of any required municipal, county, state or federal permits or approvals. (iv) Other relevant information requested by the Zoning Administrator as necessary to properly evaluate the permit application. (b) Certification The applicant is required to submit certification by a registered professional engineer, registered architect, or registered land surveyor that the finished fill and building elevations were accomplished in compliance with the provisions of this ordinance. Floodproofing measures must be certified by a registered professional engineer or registered architect. Accessory structures designed in accordance with Section 3.7(F')(2)(b) of this ordinance are exempt from certification, provided sufficient documentation is provided. (c) Certificate of Zoning Compliance for a New, Altered, or Nonconfoi•rr�ir►g Use No building, land or structure may be occupied or used in any manner until a certificate of zoning compliance has been issued by the Zoning Administrator stating that the use of the building or land conforms to the requirements of this ordinance. 16 (d) Construction and Use as Provided on Applications Pern2its, �Conditionsl use pern2its or certificates ofZoning Comp&ance issued on Commented [BM(4]: Should this say "conditional"? the basis of approved plrms and app&cations authorize only the use, arrangement, and construction set forth in such approved plans and applications, and no other use, arrangement, or construction. Any use arrangement, or construction at variance with that authorized shall be deemed a violation of this ordinance. (e) Record of First Floor Elevation The Zoning Administrator must maintain a record of the elevation of the lowest floor (including basement) of all new structures and alterations or additions to existing structures in the floodplain. The Zoning Administrator must also maintain a record of the elevation to which structures and alterations or additions to structures are floodproofed. (f) Notifications for Watercourse Alterations Before authorizing any alteration or relocation of a river or stream, the Zoning Administrator must notify adjacent communities. If the applicant has applied for a permit to work in public waters pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 103G.245, this will suffice as adequate notice. A copy of the notification must also be submitted to the Chicago Regional Office of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). (g) Notification to FEMA When Physical Changes Increase or Decrease Base Flood Elevations As soon as is practicable, but not later than six months after the date such supporting information becomes available, the Zoning Administrator must notify the Chicago Regional Office of FEMA of the changes by submitting a copy of the relevant technical or scientific data. (3) Variances (a) Variance Applications An application for a variance to the provisions of this ordinance will be processed and reviewed in accordance with applicable State Statutes and �) Chapter 2 of the zoning ordinance�sec�. (b) Adherence to State Floodplain Management Standards A variance must not allow a use that is not allowed in that distric� permit a lower degree of flood protection than the regulatory flood protection elevation for the particular area, or permit standards lower than those required by state law. (c) Additional Variance Criteria The following additional variance criteria of the Federal Emergency Management Agency must be satisfied: (i) Variances must not be issued by a community within any designated regulatory floodway if any increase in flood levels during the base flood discharge would result. 17 (ii) Variances may only be issued by a community upon (i) a showing of good and sufficient cause, (ii) a determination that failure to grant the variance would result in exceptional hardship to the applicant, and (iii) a determination that the granting of a variance will not result in increased flood heights, additional threats to public safety, ea�raordinary public expense, create nuisances, cause fraud on or victimization of the public, or conflict with existing local laws or ordinances. (iri) Variances may only be issued upon a determination that the variance is the minimum necessary, considering the flood hazard, to afford relief. (d) Flood Insurance Notice The Zoning Administrator must notify the applicant for a variance that 1) The issuance of a variance to construct a structure below the base flood level will result in increased premium rates for flood insurance up to amounts as high as $25 for $100 of insurance coverage; and 2) Such construction below the base or regional flood level increases risks to life and property. Such notification must be maintained with a record of all variance actions. (e) General Considerations The community may consider the following factors in granting variances and imposing conditions on variances and conditional uses in floodplains: (i) The potential danger of life and property due to increased flood heights or velocities caused by encroachments; (ii) The danger that materials may be swept onto other lands or downstream to the injury of others; (iri) The proposed water supply and sanitation systems, if any, and the ability of these systems to minimize the potential for disease, contamination and unsanitary conditions; (iv) The susceptibility of any proposed use and its contents to flood damage and the effect of such damage on the individual owner; (v) The importance of the services to be provided by the proposed use to the community; (vi) The requirements of the facility for a waterfront location; (vii) The availability of viable alternative locations for the proposed use that are not subject to flooding; (viii)The compatibility of the proposed use with existing development and development anticipated in the foreseeable future; (ix) The relationship of the proposed use to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and flood plain management program for the area; (x) The safety of access to the property in times of flood for ordinary and emergency vehicles; (xi) The expected heights, velocity, duration, rate of rise and sediment transport of the flood waters expected at the site. 18 (f) Submittal of Hearing Notices to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) The must Zoning Adrr�ir�istrator or other official designated by the GYty of Monticello submit hearing notices for proposed variances to the DNR sufficiently in advance to provide at least ten days' notice of the hearing. The notice may be sent by electronic mail or U.S. Mail to the respective DNR area hydrologist. (g) Submittal of Final Decisions to the DNR A copy of all decisions granting variances must be forwarded to the DNR within ten days of such action. The notice may be sent by electronic mail or U.S. Mail to the respective DNR area hydrologist. (h) Record-Keeping The Zoning Administrator must maintain a record of all variance actions, including justification for their issuance, and must report such variances in an annual or biennial report to the Administrator of the National Flood Insurance Program, when requested by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. (4) Conditional Uses: (a) Administrative Review An application for a conditional use permit under the provisions of this ordinance will be processed and reviewed in accordance with Section(s) Chapter 2 of the zoning ordinance{sec�. (b) Factors Used in Decision-Malung In passing upon conditional use applications, the City of Monticello must consider all relevant factors specified in other sections of this ordinance, and those factors ' in �c i������nr��m ldentlfled 1n Sectlon .7 K 3 e�.�.�-C�-� f thls ordlnance. ' Commented [BM(5]: Add correct reference. (c) Conditions Attached to Conditional Use Permits The City of Monticello may attach such conditions to the granting of conditional use permits as it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of this ordinance. Such conditions may include, but are not limited to, the following: (i) Modification of waste treatment and water supply facilities. (ii) Limitations on period of use, occupancy, and operation. (iii) Imposition of operational controls, sureties, and deed restrictions. (iv) Requirements for construction of channel modifications, compensatory storage, dikes, levees, and other protective measures. (v) Floodproofing measures, in accordance with the State Building Code and this ordinance. The applicant must submit a plan or document certified by a registered professional engineer or architect that the floodproofing measures are consistent with the regulatory flood protection elevation and associated flood factors for the particular area. (d) Submittal of Hearing Notices to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) The Zoning Adrr�ir�istrator or other official designated by the City of Monticello must submit hearing notices for proposed conditional uses to the DNR 19 sufficiently in advance to provide at least ten days' notice of the hearing. The notice may be sent by electronic mail or U.S. Mail to the respective DNR area hydrologist. (e) Submittal of Hearing Notices to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) The City of Monticello must submit hearing notices for proposed conditional uses to the DNR sufficiently in advance to provide at least ten days' notice of the hearing. The notice may be sent by electronic mail or U.S. Mail to the respective DNR area hydrologist. (f) Submittal of Final Decisions to the DNR A copy of all decisions granting conditional uses must be forwarded to the DNR within ten days of such action. The notice may be sent by electronic mail or U.S. Mail to the respective DNR area hydrologist. (L) Nonconformities (1) Continuance of Nonconformities A use, structure, or occupancy of land which was lawful before the passage or amendment of this ordinance but which is not in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance may be continued subject to the following conditions. Historic structures, as defined in Section 3.7(B)(� of this ordinance, are subject to the provisions of Sections 3.7(L)(1)(a) — 3.7(L)(1)(fj of this ordinance. (a) A nonconforming use, structure, or occupancy must not be expanded, changed, enlarged, or altered in a way that increases its flood damage potential or degree of obstruction to flood flows except as provided in 3.7(L)(1)(b) below. Eapansion or enlargement of uses, structures or occupancies within the Floodway District is prohibited. (b) Any addition or structural alteration to a nonconforming structure or nonconforming use that would result in increasing its flood damage potential must be protected to the regulatory flood protection elevation in accordance with any of the elevation on fill or floodproofing techniques (i.e., FP1 thru FP4 floodproofing classifications) allowable in the State Building Code, except as further restricted in 3.7(L)(1)(d) below. (c) If any nonconforming use, or any use of a nonconforming structure, is discontinued for more than one year, any future use of the premises must conform to this ordinance. (d) If any structure experiences a substantial improvement as defined in this ordinance, then the entire structure must meet the standards of Section 3.7(E) or 3.7(F') of this ordinance for new structures, depending upon whether the structure is in the Floodway or Flood Fringe District, respectively. If the current proposal, including maintenance and repair during the previous 365 days, plus the costs of any previous alterations and additions since the first Flood Insurance Rate Map exceeds 50 percent of the market value of any nonconforming structure, the entire structure must meet the standards of Section 3.7(E) or 3.7(F') of this ordinance. (e) If any nonconformity is substantially damaged, as defined in this ordinance, it may not be reconstructed except in conformity with the provisions of this 20 ordinance. The applicable provisions for establishing new uses or new structures in Sections 3.7(E) or 3.7(F') will apply depending upon whether the use or structure is in the Floodway or Flood Fringe, respectively. (f) If any nonconforming use or structure experiences a repetitive loss, as defined in Section 3.7(B)(�(bb) of this ordinance, it must not be reconstructed except in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance. (M) Violations and Penalties (1) Violation Constitutes a Misdemeanor Violation of the provisions of this ordinance or failure to comply with any of its requirements (including violations of conditions and safeguards established in connection with grants of variances or conditional uses) constitute a misdemeanor and will be punishable as defined by law. (2) Other Lawful Action Nothing in this ordinance restricts the City of Monticello from taking such other lawful action as is necessary to prevent or remedy any violation. If the responsible party does not appropriately respond to the Zoning Administrator within the specified period of time, each additional day that lapses will constitute an additional violation of this ordinance and will be prosecuted accordingly. (3) Enforcement Violations of the provisions of this ordinance will be investigated and resolved in accordance with the provisions of �ee�ex�) Chapter 7 of the zoning ordinance/code. In responding to a suspected ordinance violation, the Zoning Administrator and City of Monticello may utilize the full array of enforcement actions available to it including but not limited to prosecution and fines, injunctions, after-the-fact permits, orders for corrective measures or a request to the National Flood Insurance Program for denial of flood insurance availability to the guilty party. The City of Monticello must act in good faith to enforce these official controls and to correct ordinance violations to the extent possible so as not to jeopardize its eligibility in the National Flood Insurance Program. (N) Amendments (1) Floodplain Designation — Restrictions on Removal The floodplain designation on the Official Zoning Map must not be removed from floodplain areas unless it can be shown that the designation is in error or that the area has been filled to or above the elevation of the regulatory flood protection elevation and is contiguous to lands outside the floodplain. Special exceptions to this rule may be permitted by the Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) if the Commissioner determines that, through other measures, lands are adequately protected for the intended use. (2) Amendments Require DNR Approval All amendments to this ordinance must be submitted to and approved by the Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) priar to adoption. The Commissioner must approve the amendment priar to community approval. 21 (3) Map Revisions Require Ordinance Amendments The floodplain district regulations must be amended to incorporate any revisions by the Federal Emergency Management Agency to the floodplain maps adopted in Section 3.7(B)(2) of this ordinance. EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval and publication, as required by law and/or charter. Adopted by the Monticello City Council Attest Attest This of (Day) (Month) (Year) (Name of Elected Official) (Name of Community Official) Stamp with Community Seal: , County Board Chairperson/Mayor County Administrator/City Clerk 22 SECTION: 18-1: 18-2: 18-3: 18-4: 18-5: 18-6: 18-7: 18-8: 18-9: 18-10 18-11 18-12 18-13 18-1 18-2 CHAPTER 18 FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE Statutory Authorization, Findings of Fact, and Purpose General Provisions Establishment of Zoning Districts Floodway District (FW) Flood Fringe District (FF) Reserved for Future Use Subdivisions Utilities, Railroads, Roads, and Bridges Manufactured Homes/Travel Trailers and Travel Vehicles Administration Nonconforming Uses Penalties for Violation Amendments STATUTORY AUTHORIZATION FINDINGS OF FACT AND PURPOSE: [A] STATUTORY AUTHORIZATION: The legislature of the State of Minnesota has, in Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 104 and 462, delegated the responsibility to local government units to adopt regulations designed to minimize flood losses. Therefore, the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota, does ordain as follows: [B] FINDING OF FACT: 1. The flood hazard areas of Monticello, Minnesota, are subj ect to periodic inundation which results in potential loss of life, loss of property, health and safety hazards, disruption of commerce and governmental services, extraordinary public expenditures for flood protection and relief, and impairment of the tax base, all of which adversely affect the public health, safety, and general welfare. 2. Methods Used to Analyze Flood Hazards. This ordinance is based upon a reasonable method of analyzing flood hazards which is consistent with the standards established by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. [C] STATEMENT OF PURPOSE: It is the purpose of this ordinance to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare and to minimize those losses described in Section [B] 1 by provisions contained herein. GENERAL PROVISIONS: MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 18/1 [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] LANDS TO WHICH ORDINANCE APPLIES: This ordinance shall apply to all lands within the jurisdiction of Monticello shown on the official zoning map and/or attachments thereto as being located within the boundaries of the floodway or flood fringe districts. ESTABLISHN�NT OF OFFICIAL ZONING MAP: The official zoning map, together with all materials attached thereto, is hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a part of this ordinance. The attached material shall include the Flood Insurance Study for the city of Monticello prepared by the Federal Insurance Administration dated May 1979, the Flood Boundary and Floodway Map dated November 1979, and the Flood Insurance Rate Map dated November 1979 therein. The official zoning map shall be on file in the office of the City Administrator and the Zoning Administrator. REGLTLATORY FLOOD PROTECTION ELEVATION: The regulatory flood protection elevation shall be an elevation no lower than one foot above the elevation of the regional flood plus any increases in flood elevation caused by encroachments on the flood plain that result from designation of a floodway. INTERPRETATION: In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this ordinance shall be held to be minimum requirements and shall be liberally construed in favor of the governing body and shall not be deemed a limitation or repeal of any other powers granted by state statutes. 2. The boundaries of the zoning districts shall be determined by scaling distances on the official zoning map. Where interpretation is needed as to the exact location of the boundaries of the district as shown on the official zoning map, as for example where there appears to be a conflict between a mapped boundary and actual field conditions, and there is a formal appeal of the decision of the Zoning Administrator, the Board of Adjustment shall make the necessary interpretation. All decisions will be based on elevations on the regional (100-year) flood profile and other available technical data. Persons contesting the location of the district boundaries shall be given a reasonable opportunity to present their case to the board and to submit technical evidence. ABROGATION AND GREATER RESTRICTIONS: It is not intended by this ordinance to repeal, abrogate, or impair any existing easements, covenants, or deed restrictions. However, where this ordinance imposes greater restrictions, the provisions of this ordinance shall prevail. All other ordinances inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of the inconsistency only. WARNING AND DISCLAINIER OF LIABILITY: This ordinance does not imply that areas outside the flood plain districts or land uses permitted within MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 18/2 such districts will be free from flooding or flood damages. This ordinance shall not create liability on the part of the City of Monticello or any officer or employee thereof for any flood damages that result from reliance on this ordinance or any administrative decision lawfully made thereunder. [G] SEVERABILITY: If any section, clause, provision, or portion of this ordinance is adjudged unconstitutional or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected thereby. [H] DEFINITIONS: Unless specifically defined below, words or phrases used in this ordinance shall be interpreted so as to give them the same meaning as they have in common usage and so as to give this ordinance its most reasonable application. ACCESSORY USE OR STRUCTURE--A use or structure on the same lot with, and of a nature customarily incidental and subordinate to, the principal use or structure. 2. BASEMENT--means any area of a structure, including crawl spaces, having its floor or base subgrade (below ground level) on all four sides, regardless of the depth of excavation below ground level. CONDTTIONAL USE--means a specific type of structure or land use listed in the official control that may be allowed but only after an in-depth review procedure and with appropriate conditions or restrictions as provided in the official zoning controls or building codes and upon a finding that: (a) certain conditions as detailed in the zoning ordinance exist, and (b) the structure and/or land use conform to the comprehensive land use plan if one exists and are compatible with the existing neighborhood. 4. EQUAL DEGREE OF ENCROACHIV�NT--A method of determining the location of floodway boundaries so that flood plain lands on both sides of a stream are capable of conveying a proportionate share of flood flows. FLOOD--A temporary increase in the flow or stage of a stream or in the stage of a wetland or lake that results in the inundation of normally dry areas. 6. FLOOD FREQUENCY--The frequency for which it is expected that a specific flood stage or discharge may be equalled or exceeded. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 18/3 7. FLOOD FRINGE--That portion of the flood plain outside of the floodway. Flood fringe is synonymous with the term "floodway fringe" used in the Flood Insurance Study for the city of Monticello. FLOOD PLAIN--The beds proper and the areas adjoining a wetland, lake, or watercourse which have been or hereafter may be covered by the regional flood. 9. FLOOD-PROOFING--A combination of structural provisions, changes, or adjustment to properties and structures subject to flooding, primarily for the reduction or elimination of flood damages. 10. FLOODWAY--The bed of wetland or lake and the channel of a watercourse and those portions of the adj oining flood plain which are reasonably required to carry or store the regional flood discharge. 11. OBSTRUCTION--Any dam, wall, wharf, embankment, levee, dike, pile, abutment, proj ection, excavation, channel modification, culvert, building, wire, fence, stockpile, refuse, fill, structure, or matter in, along, across, or projecting into any channel, watercourse, or regulatory flood plain which may impede, retard, or change the direction of the flow of water, either in itself or by catching or collecting debris carried by such water. 12. PRINCIPAL USE OR STRUCTURE--means all uses or structures that are not accessory uses or structures. 13. REACH--A hydraulic engineering term to describe a longitudinal segment of a stream or river influenced by a natural or man-made obstruction. In an urban area, the segment of a stream or river between two consecutive bridge crossings would most typically constitute a reach. 14. REGIONAL FLOOD--A flood which is representative of large floods known to have occurred generally in Minnesota and reasonably characteristic of what can be expected to occur on an average frequency in the magnitude of the 100-year recurrence interval. Regional flood is synonymous with the term "base flood" used in the Flood Insurance Study. 15. REGLJLATORY FLOOD PROTECTION ELEVATION--The regulatory flood protection elevation shall be an elevation no lower than one foot above the elevation of the regional flood plus any increases in flood elevation caused by encroachments on the flood plain that result from designation of a floodway. 16. STRUCTURE--anything constructed or erected on the ground or attached to the ground or on-site utilities, including, but not limited to, buildings, factories, sheds, detached garages, cabins, manufactured MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 18/4 homes, travel trailers, vehicles not meeting the exemption criteria specified in Section 9[C] 1 of the ordinance, and other similar items. 17. VARIANCE--means a modification of a specific permitted development standard required in an official control, including this ordinance, to allow an alternative development standard not stated as acceptable in the official control, but only as applied to a particular property for the purpose of alleviating a hardship, practical difficulty, or unique circumstance as defined and elaborated upon in a community's respective planning and zoning enabling legislation. 18-3: ESTABLISHIV�NT OF ZONING DISTRICTS: [A] DISTRICTS: FLOODWAY DISTRICT: The floodway district shall include those areas designated as floodway on the flood boundary and floodway map adopted in Section 2[B]. 2. FLOOD FRINGE DISTRICT: The flood fringe district shall include those areas designated as floodway fringe on the flood boundary and floodway map adopted in Section 2[B]. [B] COMPLIANCE: No new structure or land shall hereafter be used and no structure shall be located, extended, converted, or structurally altered without full compliance with the terms of this ordinance and other applicable regulations which apply to uses within the jurisdiction of this ordinance. Within the floodway and flood fringe districts, all uses not listed as permitted uses or conditional uses in Sections 4, 5, and 6 that follow, respectively, shall be prohibited. In addition, a caution is provided here that: New manufactured homes, replacement manufactured homes, and certain travel trailers and travel vehicles are subject to the general provisions of this ordinance and specifically Section 9; 2. Modifications, additions, structural alterations, or repair after damage to existing nonconforming structures and nonconforming uses of structures or land are regulated by the general provisions of this ordinance and specifically Section 11; and As-built elevations for elevated or flood-proofed structures must be certified by ground surveys, and flood-proofing techniques must be designed and certified by a registered professional engineer or architect as specified in the general provisions of this ordinance and specifically as stated in Section 10 of this ordinance. 18-4: FLOODWAY DISTRICT (FW) [A] PERMITTED USES: MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 18/5 General farming pasture, grazing outdoor plant nurseries, horticulture, truck farming forestry, sod farming and wild crop harvesting. 2. Industrial-commercial loading areas, parking areas, and airport landing strips. Private and public golf courses, tennis courts, driving ranges, archery ranges, picnic grounds, boat launching ramps, swimming areas, parks, wildlife and nature preserves, game farms, fish hatcheries, shooting preserves, target ranges, trap and skeet ranges, hunting and fishing areas, and single or multiple purpose recreational trails. 4. Residential lawns, gardens, parking areas, and play areas. [B] STANDARDS FOR FLOODWAY PERMITTED USES: 1. The use shall have a low flood damage potential. 2. The use shall be permissible in the underlying zoning district if one exists. The use shall not obstruct flood flows or increase flood elevations and shall not involve structures, fill, obstructions, excavations, or storage of materials or equipment. [C] CONDITIONAL USES: Structures accessory to the uses listed in 4[A] above and the uses listed in 4[C]2 - 4[C]8 below. 2. Extraction and storage of sand, gravel, and other materials. Marinas, boat rentals, docks, piers, wharves, and water control structures. 4. Railroads, streets, bridges, utility transmission lines, and pipelines. Storage yards for equipment, machinery, or materials. 6. Placement of fill. 7. Travel trailers and travel vehicles either on individual lots of record or in existing or new subdivisions or commercial or condominium type campgrounds, subject to the exemptions and provisions of Section 9 [C] of this ordinance. Structural works for flood control such as levees, dikes, and floodwalls constructed to any height where the intent is to protect individual structures and levees, or dikes where the intent is to protect MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 18/6 agricultural crops for a frequency flood event equal to or less than the 10-year frequency flood event. [D] STANDARDS FOR FLOODWAY CONDITIONAL USES: ALL USES. No structure (temporary or permanent), fill (including fill for roads and levees), deposit, obstruction storage of materials or equipment, or other uses may be allowed as a conditional use that will cause any increase in the stage of the 100-year or regional flood or cause an increase in flood damages in the reach or reaches affected. 2. All floodway conditional uses shall be subject to the procedures and standards contained in Section 10 [D] of this ordinance. The conditional use shall be permissible in the underlying zoning district if one exists. 4. FILL: (a) Fill, dredge spoil, and all other similar materials deposited or stored in the flood plain shall be protected from erosion by vegetative cover, mulching riprap, or other acceptable method. (b) Dredge spoil sites and sand and gravel operations shall not be allowed in the floodway unless a long-term site development plan is submitted which includes an erosion/sedimentation prevention element to the plan. (c) As an alternative, and consistent with subsection (b) immediately above, dredge spoil disposal and sand and gravel operations may allow temporary, on-site storage of fill or other materials which would have caused an increase to the stage of the 100-year or regional flood, but only after the governing body has received an appropriate plan which assures the removal of the materials from the floodway based upon the flood warning time available. The conditional use permit must be title registered with the property in the office of the county recorder. ACCESSORY STRUCTURES: (a) Accessory structures shall not be designed for human habitation. (b) Accessory structures, if permitted, shall be constructed and placed on the building site so as to offer the minimum obstruction to the flow of flood waters. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 1 g�� Whenever possible, structures shall be constructed with the longitudinal axis parallel to the direction of flood flow, and ii. So far as practicable, structures shall be placed approximately on the same flood flow lines as those of adj oining structures. (c) Accessory structures shall be elevated on fill or structurally dry flood-proofed in accordance with the FP-1 or FP-2 flood-proofing classifications in the State Building Code. As an alternative, an accessory structure may be flood-proofed to the FP-3 or FP-4 flood-proofing classification in the State Building Code provided the accessory structure constitutes a minimal investment, does not exceed 500 square feet in size, and for a detached garage, the detached garage must be used solely for parking of vehicles and limited storage. All flood-proofed accessory structures must meet the following additional standards as appropriate: The structure must be adequately anchored to prevent flotation, collapse, or lateral movement of the structure and shall be designed to equalize hydrostatic flood forces on exterior walls; and ii. Any mechanical and utility equipment in a structure must be elevated to or above the regulatory flood protection elevation or properly flood-proofed. 6. STORAGE OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT: (a) The storage or processing of materials that are, in time of flooding, flammable, explosive, or potentially injurious to human, animal, or plant life is prohibited. (b) Storage of other materials or equipment may be allowed if readily removable from the area within the time available with a plan approved by the governing body. 7. Structural works for flood control that will change the course, current, or cross section of protected wetlands or public waters shall be subject to the provisions of Minnesota Statute, Chapter 105. Community-wide structural works for flood control intended to remove areas from the regulatory flood plain shall not be allowed in the floodway. A levee, dike, or floodwall constructed in the floodway shall not cause an increase to the 100-year or regional flood, and the technical MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 1 g�g [' • analysis must assume equal conveyance or storage loss on both sides of a stream. FLOOD FRINGE DISTRICT (FF) [A] PERMITTED USES: Permitted uses shall be those uses of land or structures listed as permitted uses in the underlying zoning use district(s). If no pre-existing underlying zoning use districts exist, then any residential or non-residential structure or use of a structure or land shall be a permitted use in the flood fringe permitted uses shall listed in Section 5 [B] conditional uses" listed in [B] [C] the 5 provided such use does not constitute a public nuisance. All comply with the standards for flood fringe "permitted uses" and the standards for all flood fringe "permitted and Section 5 [E]. STANDARDS FOR FLOOD FRINGE PERMITTED USES: All structures, including accessory structures, must be elevated on fill so that the lowest floor, including basement floor, is at or above the regulatory flood protection elevation. The finished fill elevation for structures shall be no lower than one (1) foot below the regulatory flood protection elevation, and the fill shall extend at such elevation at least fifteen (15) feet beyond the outside limits of the structure erected thereon. 2. As an alternative to elevation on fill, accessory structures that constitute a minimal investment and that do not exceed 500 square feet for the outside dimension at ground level may be internally flood- proofed in accordance with Section 4[D]5(c). � The cumulative placement of fill where at any one time in excess of one thousand (1,000) cubic yards of fill is located on the parcel shall be allowable only as a conditional use, unless said fill is specifically intended to elevate a structure in accordance with Section [B] 1 of this ordinance. The storage of any materials or equipment shall be elevated on fill to the regulatory flood protection elevation. The provisions of Section 5[E] of this ordinance shall apply. CONDTTIONAL USES: Any structure that is not elevated on fill or flood-proofed in accordance with Section 5[B] 1- 5[B]2, or any use of land that does not comply with the standards in Section 5[B]3 - 5[B]4 shall only be allowable as a conditional use. An application for a conditional use shall be subj ect to standards and criteria and evaluation procedures specified in Sections 5[D] - [E] and 10 [D] of this ordinance. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 18/9 [D] STANDARDS FOR FLOOD FRINGE CONDITIONAL USES: Alternative elevation methods other than the use of fill may be utilized to elevate a structure's lowest floor above the regulatory flood protection elevation. These alternative methods may include the use of stilts, pilings, parallel walls, etc., or above-grade, enclosed areas such as crawl spaces or tuck-under garages. The base or floor of an enclosed area shall be considered above grade and not a structure's basement or lowest floor if: (a) the enclosed area is above grade on at least one side of the structure; (b) is designed to internally flood and is constructed with flood resistant materials; and (c) is used solely for parking of vehicles, building access, or storage. The above-noted alternative elevation methods are subj ect to the following additional standards: Design and Certification--The structure's design and as-built condition must be certified by a registered professional engineer or architect as being in compliance with the general design standards of the State Building Code and, specifically, that all electrical, heating ventilation, plumbing and air conditioning equipment and other service facilities must be at or above the regulatory flood protection elevation or be designed to prevent flood water from entering or accumulating within these components during times of flooding. ii. Specific Standards for Above-Grade, Enclosed Areas--Above-grade, fully enclosed areas such as crawl spaces or tuck-under garages must be designed to internally flood, and the design plans must stipulate: (aa) The minimum area of opening in the walls where internal flooding is to be used as a flood-proofing technique. When openings are placed in a structure's walls to provide for entry of flood water to equalize pressures, the bottom of all openings shall be no higher than one foot above grade. Openings may be equipped with screens, louvers, valves, or other coverings or devices provided that they permit the automatic entry and exit of flood water. (bb) That the enclosed area will be designed of flood MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 18/10 resistant materials in accordance with the FP-3 or FP-4 classifications in the State Building Code and shall be used solely for building access, parking of vehicles, or storage. 2. Basements, as defined by Section 2[H]2 of this ordinance, shall be subj ect to the following: (a) Residential basement construction shall not be allowed below the regulatory flood protection elevation. (b) Non-residential basements may be allowed below the regulatory flood protection elevation provided the basement is structurally dry flood-proofed in accordance with Section 5[D]3 of this ordinance. All other areas of non-residential structures, including basements to be placed below the regulatory flood protection elevation, shall be flood-proofed in accordance with the structurally dry flood-proofing classifications in the State Building Code. Structurally dry flood-proofing must meet the FP-1 or FP-2 flood-proofing classification in the State Building Code, and this shall require making the structure watertight with the walls substantially impermeable to the passage of water and with structural components having the capability of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and the effects of buoyancy. Structures flood-proofed to the FP-3 or FP-4 classification shall not be permitted. 4. When at any one time more than 1,000 cubic yards of fill or other similar material is located on a parcel for such activities as on-site storage, landscaping, sand and gravel operations, landfills, roads, dredge spoil disposal, or construction of flood control works, an erosion/sedimentation control plan must be submitted unless the community is enforcing a state-approved shoreland management ordinance. In the absence of a state-approved shoreland ordinance, the plan must clearly specify methods to be used to stabilize the fill on site for a flood event at a minimum of the 100-year or regional flood event. The plan must be prepared and certified by a registered professional engineer or other qualified individual acceptable to the governing body. The plan may incorporate alternative procedures for removal of the material from the flood plain if adequate flood warning time exists. STORAGE OF MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT: (a) The storage or processing of materials that are, in time of flooding, flammable, explosive, or potentially injurious to human, animal, or plant life is prohibited. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 18/11 (b) Storage of other materials or equipment may be allowed if readily removable from the area within the time available after a flood warning and in accordance with a plan approved by the governing body. 6. The provisions of Section 5[E] of this ordinance shall also apply. [E] STANDARDS FOR ALL FLOOD FRINGE USES: All new principal structures must have vehicular access at or above an elevation not more than two (2) feet below the regulatory flood protection elevation. If a variance to this requirement is granted, the Board of Adjustment must specify limitations on the period of use or occupancy of after determining that adequate flood warning time and local flood emergency response procedures exist. 2. CONIlV�RCIAL USES: Accessory land uses such as yards, railroad tracks, and parking lots may be at elevations lower than the regulatory flood protection elevation; however, a permit for such facilities to be used by the employees or the general public shall not be granted in the absence of a flood warning system that provides adequate time for evacuation if the area would be subject to flood velocities greater than four feet per second upon occurrence of the regional flood. MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL USES: Measures shall be taken to minimize interference with normal plant operations, especially along streams having protracted flood durations. Certain accessory land uses such as yards and parking lots may be at lower elevations subject to requirements set out in Section 5[E]2 above. In considering permit applications, due consideration shall be given to needs of an industry whose business requires that it be located in flood plain areas. 4. Fill shall be properly compacted and the slopes shall be properly protected by the use of riprap, vegetative cover, or other acceptable method. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has established criteria for removing the special flood hazard area designation for certain structures properly elevated on fill above the 100-year flood elevation--FEMA'S requirements incorporate specific fill compaction and side slope protection standards for multi-structure or multi-lot developments. These standards should be investigated prior to the initiation of site preparation if a change of special flood hazard area designation will be requested. Flood plain developments shall not adversely affect the hydraulic capacity of the channel and adjoining flood plain of any tributary watercourse or drainage system where a floodway or other encroachment limit has not been specified on the official zoning map. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 18/12 6. Standards for travel trailers and travel vehicles are contained in Section 9 [C]. 7. All manufactured homes must be securely anchored to an adequately anchored foundation system that resists flotation, collapse, and lateral movement. Methods of anchoring may include, but are not limited to, use of over-the-top or frame ties to ground anchors. This requirement is in addition to applicable state or local anchoring requirements for resisting wind forces. 18-6: RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE 18-7: SUBDIVISIONS* [A] REVIEW CRTTERIA: No land shall be subdivided which is unsuitable for the reason of flooding, inadequate drainage, water supply, or sewage treatment facilities. All lots within the flood plain districts shall contain a building site at or above the regulatory flood protection elevation. All subdivisions shall have water and sewage treatment facilities that comply with the provisions of this ordinance and have road access both to the subdivisions and to the individual building sites no lower than two feet below the regulatory flood protection elevation. For all subdivisions in the flood plain, the floodway and flood fringe boundaries, the regulatory flood protection elevation, and the required elevation of all access roads shall be clearly labeled on all required subdivision drawings and platting documents. [B] REMOVAL OF SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA DESIGNATION: The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has established criteria for removing the special flood hazard area designation for certain structures properly elevated on fill above the 100-year flood elevation. FEMA'S requirements incorporate specific fill compaction and side slope protection standards for multi-structure or multi-lot developments. These standards should be investigated prior to the initiation of site preparation if a change of special flood hazard area designation will be requested. 18-8: PUBLIC UTILITIES, RAILROADS, ROADS, AND BRIDGES: [A] PUBLIC UTILITIES: All public utilities and facilities such as gas, electrical, sewer, and water supply systems to be located in the flood plain shall be flood-proofed in accordance with the State Building Code or elevated to above the regulatory flood protection elevation. [B] PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES: Railroad tracks, roads, and bridges to be located within the flood plain shall comply with Sections 4 and 5 of this ordinance. Elevation to the regulatory flood protection elevation shall be provided where failure or interruption of these transportation facilities would result in danger to the public health or safety or where such facilities are essential to the orderly functioning of the area. Minor or MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 18/13 [C] auxiliary roads or railroads may be constructed at a lower elevation where failure or interruption of transportation services would not endanger the public health or safety. ON-SITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND WATER SUPPLY SYSTEMS: Where public utilities are not provided. On-site water supply systems must be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the systems; and 2. New or replacement on-site sewage treatment systems must be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into the systems and discharges from the systems into flood waters, and they shall not be subject to impairment or contamination during times of flooding. Any sewage treatment system designed in accordance with the state's current statewide standards for on-site sewage treatment systems shall be determined to be in compliance with this section. 18-9: MAN UFACTURED HOMES AND MAN UFACTURED HOME PARKS AND PLACEMENT OF TRAVEL TRAILERS AND TRAVEL VEHICLES: [A] New manufactured home parks and expansions to existing mobile manufactured home parks shall be subject to the provisions placed on subdivisions by Section 7 of this ordinance. [B] The placement of new or replacement manufactured homes in existing manufactured home parks or on individual lots of record that are located in flood plain districts will be treated as a new structure and may be placed only if elevated in compliance with Section 5 of this ordinance. If vehicular road access for pre-existing manufactured home parks is not provided in accordance with Section 5[E] 1, then replacement manufactured homes will not be allowed until the property owner(s) develops a flood warning emergency plan acceptable to the governing body. *This section is not intended as a subsritute for a comprehensive city or county subdivision ordinance. It can, however, be used as an interim control unril the comprehensive subdivision ordinance can be amended to include necessary flood plain management provisions. requirement is in requirements for resisting All manufactured homes must be securely anchored to an adequately anchored foundation system that resists flotation, collapse, and lateral movement. Methods of anchoring may include, but are not to be limited to, use of over-the-top or frame ties to ground anchors. This addition to applicable state or local anchoring wind forces. [C] Travel trailers and travel vehicles that do not meet the exemption criteria specified in Section 9[C] 1 below shall be subj ect to the provisions of this MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 18/14 ordinance and as specifically spelled out in Sections 9[C]3 - 9[C]4 below: EXEMPTION: Travel trailers and travel vehicles are exempt from the provisions of this ordinance if they are placed in any of the areas listed in Section 9[C]2 below and further, they meet the following criteria: (a) Have current licenses required for highway use. (b) Are highway ready meaning on wheels or the internal jacking system, are attached to the site only by quick disconnect type utilities commonly used in campgrounds and trailer parks, and travel trailer/travel vehicle has no permanent structural type additions attached to it. (c) The travel trailer or travel vehicle and associated use must be permissible in any pre-existing, underlying zoning use district. Travel trailers and travel vehicles exempted in Section 9[C] 1 lose this exemption when development occurs on the parcel exceeding One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) for a structural addition to the travel trailer/travel vehicle or an accessory structure such as a garage or storage building. The travel trailer/travel vehicle and all additions and accessory structures will then be treated as a new structure and shall be subject to the elevation/flood-proofing requirements and the use of land restrictions specified in Sections 4 and 5 of this ordinance. 4. New commercial travel trailer or travel vehicle parks or campgrounds and new residential type subdivisions and condominium associations and the expansion of any existing similar use exceeding five (5) units or dwelling sites shall be subject to the following: (a) Any new or replacement travel trailer or travel vehicle will be allowed in the floodway or flood fringe districts provided said trailer or vehicle and its contents are placed on fill above the regulatory flood protection elevation and proper elevated road access to the site exists in accordance with Section 5[E] 1 of this ordinance. Any fill placed in a floodway for the purpose of elevating a travel trailer shall be subj ect to the requirements of Section 4. (b) All new or replacement travel trailers or travel vehicles not meeting the criteria of (a) above may, as an alternative, be allowed as a conditional use if in accordance with the following provisions and the provisions of 10 [D] of the ordinance. The applicant must submit an emergency plan for the safe evacuation of all vehicles and people during the 100-year flood. Said plan shall be prepared by a registered engineer or other qualified individual and shall demonstrate that adequate time and personnel exist to carry out the MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 18/15 evacuation. All attendant sewage and water facilities for new or replacement travel trailers or other recreational vehicles must be protected or constructed so as to not be impaired or contaminated during times of flooding in accordance with Section 8[C] of this ordinance. 18-10: ADMINISTRATION: [A] ZONING ADMINISTRATOR: A Zoning Administrator designated by the governing body shall administer and enforce this ordinance. If the Zoning Administrator finds a violation of the provisions of this ordinance, the Zoning Administrator shall notify the person responsible for such violation in accordance with the procedures stated in Section 12 of the ordinance. [B ] PERMIT REQUIREMENT S : Permit Required. A permit issued by the Zoning Administrator in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance shall be secured prior to the erection, addition, or alteration of any building structure, or portion thereof; prior to the use or change of use of a building, structure, or land; prior to the change or extension of a non-conforming use; and prior to the placement of fill, excavation of materials, or the storage of materials or equipment within the flood plain. 2. Application for Permit. Application for a permit shall be made in duplicate to the Zoning Administrator on forms furnished by the Zoning Administrator and shall include the following where applicable: plans in duplicate drawn to scale showing the nature, location, dimensions, and elevations of the lot; existing or proposed structures, fill, or storage of materials; and the location of the foregoing in relation to the stream channel. State and Federal Permits. Prior to granting a permit or processing an application for a conditional use permit or variance, the Zoning Administrator shall determine that the applicant has obtained all necessary state and federal permits. 4. Certificate of Zoning Compliance for a New, Altered, or Nonconforming Use. It shall be unlawful to use, occupy, or permit the use or occupancy of any building or premises or part thereof hereafter created, erected, changed, converted, altered, or enlarged in its use or structure until a Certificate of Zoning Compliance shall have been issued by the Zoning Administrator stating that the use of the building or land conforms to the requirements of this ordinance. Construction and Use to be as Provided on Applications, Plans, Permits, Variances, and Certificates of Zoning Compliance. Permits, conditional use permits, or Certificates of Zoning Compliance issued MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 18/16 on the basis of approved plans and applications authorize only the use, arrangement, and construction set forth in such approved plans and applications, and no other use, arrangement, or construction. Any use, arrangement, or construction at variance with that authorized shall be deemed a violation of this ordinance and punishable as provided by Section 12 of this ordinance. 6. Certification. The applicant shall be required to submit certification by a registered professional engineer, registered architect, or registered land surveyor that the finished fill and building elevations were accomplished in compliance with the provisions of this ordinance. Flood-proofing measures shall be certified by a registered professional engineer or registered architect. 7. Record of First Floor Elevation. The Zoning Administrator shall maintain a record of the elevation of the lowest floor (including basement) of all new structures and alterations or additions to existing structures in the flood plain. The Zoning Administrator shall also maintain a record of the elevation to which structures and alterations or additions to structures are flood proofed. [C] BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: Rules. The Board of Adjustment shall adopt rules for the conduct of business and may exercise all of the powers conferred on such boards by state law. 2. Administrative Review. The Board shall hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is error in any order, requirement, decision, or determination made by an administrative official in the enforcement or administration of this ordinance. Variances. The Board may authorize upon appeal in specific cases such relief or variance from the terms of this ordinance as will not be contrary to the public interest and only for those circumstances such as hardship, practical difficulties, or circumstances unique to the property under consideration as provided for in the respective enabling legislation for planning and zoning for cities or counties as appropriate. In the granting of such variance, the Board of Adjustment shall clearly identify in writing the specific conditions that existed consistent with the criteria specified in the respective enabling legislation which justified the granting of the variance. No variance shall have the effect of allowing in any district uses prohibited in that district, permit a lower degree of flood protection than the regulatory flood protection elevation for the particular area, or permit standards lower than those required by state law. 4. Hearings. Upon filing with the Board of Adjustment of an appeal from a decision of the Zoning Administrator or an application for a variance, the Board shall fix a reasonable time for a hearing and give MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 18/17 due notice to the parties in interest as specified by law. The Board shall submit by mail to the Commissioner of Natural Resources a copy of the application for proposed variances sufficiently in advance so that the Commissioner will receive at least ten days' notice of the hearing. 5. Decisions. The Board shall arrive at a decision on such appeal or variance within 90 days. In passing upon an appeal, the Board may, so long as such action is in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance, reverse or affirm, wholly or in part, or modify the order, requirement, decision, or determination of the Zoning Administrator or other public official. It shall make its decision in writing setting forth the findings of fact and the reasons for its decisions. In granting a variance, the Board may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards such as those specified in Section 10 [D]6, which are in conformity with the purposes of this ordinance. Violations of such conditions and safeguards, when made a part of the terms under which the variance is granted, shall be deemed a violation of this ordinance punishable under Section 12. A copy of all decisions granting variances shall be forwarded by mail to the Commissioner of Natural Resources within ten (10) days of such action. 6. Appeals. Appeals from any decision of the Board may be made and as specified in this community's official controls and also Minnesota Statutes. 7. Flood Insurance Notice and Record Keeping. The Zoning Administrator shall notify the applicant for a variance that: (a) The issuance of a variance to construct a structure below the base flood level will result in increased premium rates for flood insurance up to amounts as high as $25 for $100 of insurance coverage, and (b) Such construction below the 100-year or regional flood level increases risks to life and property. Such notification shall be maintained with a record of all variance actions. A community shall maintain a record of all variance actions, including justification for their issuance, and report such variances issued in its annual or biennial report submitted to the Administrator of the National Flood Insurance Program. [D] CONDTTIONAL USES: The City Council shall hear and decide applications for conditional uses permissible under this ordinance. Applications shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator, who shall forward the application to the City Council for consideration. 1. Hearings. Upon filing with the City Council an application for a MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 18/18 conditional use permit, the City Council shall submit by mail to the Commissioner of Natural Resources a copy of the application for proposed conditional use sufficiently in advance so that the Commissioner will receive at least ten days' notice of the hearing. 2. Decisions. The City Council shall arrive at a decision on a conditional use within 90 days. In granting a conditional use permit, the City Council shall prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards in addition to those specified in Section 10 [D]6, which are in conformity with the purposes of this ordinance. Violations of such conditions and safeguards, when made a part of the terms under which the conditional use permit is granted, shall be deemed a violation of this ordinance punishable under Section 12. A copy of all decisions granting conditional use permits shall be forwarded by mail to the Commissioner of Natural Resources within ten (10) days of such action. Procedures to be followed by the City Council in passing on conditional use permit applications within all flood plain districts: (a) Require the applicant to furnish such of the following information and additional information as deemed necessary by the City Council for determining the suitability of the particular site for the proposed use: Plans in triplicate drawn to scale showing the nature, location, dimensions, and elevation of the lot, existing or proposed structures, fill, storage of materials, flood-proofing measures, and the relationship of the above to the location of the stream channel. ii. Specifications for building construction and materials, flood-proofing filling dredging, grading channel improvement, storage of materials, water supply, and sanitary facilities. (b) Transmit one copy of the information described in subsection (a) to a designated engineer or other expert person or agency for technical assistance, where necessary, in evaluating the proposed proj ect in relation to flood heights and velocities, the seriousness of flood damage to the use, the adequacy of the plans for protection, and other technical matters. (c) Based upon the technical evaluation of the designated engineer or expert, the City Council shall determine the specific flood hazard at the site and evaluate the suitability of the proposed use in relation to the flood hazard. 4. Factors Upon Which the Decision of the City Council Shall be Based. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 18/19 In passing upon conditional use applications, the City Council shall consider all relevant factors specified in other sections of this ordinance, and: (a) The danger to life and property due to increased flood heights or velocities caused by encroachments. (b) The danger that materials may be swept onto other lands or downstream to the injury of others or they may block bridges, culverts, or other hydraulic structures. (c) The proposed water supply and sanitation systems and the ability of these systems to prevent disease, contamination, and unsanitary conditions. (d) The susceptibility of the proposed facility and its contents to flood damage and the effect of such damage on the individual owner. (e) The importance of the services provided by the proposed facility to the community. (f) The requirements of the facility for a waterfront location. (g) The availability of alternative locations not subj ect to flooding for the proposed use. (h) The compatibility of the proposed use with existing development and development anticipated in the foreseeable future. (i) The relationship of the proposed use to the comprehensive plan and flood plain management program for the area. (j) The safety of access to the property in times of flood for ordinary and emergency vehicles. (k) The expected heights, velocity, duration, rate of rise, and sediment transport of the flood waters expected at the site. (1) Such other factors which are relevant to the purposes of this ordinance. Time for Acting on Application. The City Council shall act on an application in the manner described above within 90 days from receiving the application, except that where additional information is required pursuant to 10 [D]4 of this ordinance, the City Council shall render a written decision within 60 days from the receipt of such additional information. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 18/20 6. Conditions Attached to Conditional Use Permits. Upon consideration of the factors listed above and the purpose of this ordinance, the City Council shall attach such conditions to the granting of conditional use permits as it deems necessary to fulfill the purposes of this ordinance. Such conditions may include, but are not limited to, the following: (a) Modification of waste treatment and water supply facilities. (b) Limitations on period of use, occupancy, and operation. (c) Imposition of operational controls, sureties, and deed restrictions. (d) Requirements for construction of channel modifications, compensatory storage, dikes, levees, and other protective measures. (e) Flood-proofing measures in accordance with the State Building Code and this ordinance. The applicant shall submit a plan or document certified by a registered professional engineer or architect that the flood-proofing measures are consistent with the regulatory flood protection elevation and associated flood factors for the particular area. 18-11: NON-CONFORMING USES: [A] A structure or the use of a structure or premises which was lawful before the passage or amendment of this ordinance but which is not in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance may be continued subject to the following conditions: No such use shall be expanded, changed, enlarged, or altered in a way which increases its non-conformity. 2. Any alteration or addition to a non-conforming structure or non-conforming use which would result in increasing the flood damage potential of that structure or use shall be protected to the regulatory flood protection elevation in accordance with any of the elevation on fill or flood-proofing techniques (i.e., FP-1 thru FP-4 flood-proofing classifications) allowable in the State Building Code, except as further restricted in 11 [A]3 below. The cost of any structural alterations or additions to any non-conforming structure over the life of the structure shall not exceed 50 percent of the market value of the structure unless the conditions of this section are satisfied. The cost of all structural MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 18/21 alterations and additions constructed since the adoption of the community's initial flood plain controls must be calculated into today's current cost, which will include all costs such as construction materials and a reasonable cost placed on all manpower or labor. If the current cost of all previous and proposed alterations and additions exceeds 50 percent of the current market value of the structure, then the structure must meet the standards of Section 4 or 5 of this ordinance for new structures depending upon whether the structure is in the floodway or flood fringe, respectively. 4. If any non-conforming use is discontinued for 12 consecutive months, any future use of the building premises shall conform to this ordinance. The assessor shall notify the Zoning Administrator in writing of instances of non-conforming uses which have been discontinued for a period of 12 months. If any non-conforming use or structure is destroyed by any means, including floods, to an extent of 50 percent or more of its market value at the time of destruction, it shall not be reconstructed except in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance. The applicable provisions for establishing new uses or new structures in Sections 4 or 5 will apply depending upon whether the use or structure is in the floodway or flood fringe district, respectively. 18-12: PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION: [A] Violation of the provisions of this ordinance or failure to comply with any of its requirements (including violations of conditions and safeguards established in connection with grants of variances or conditional uses) shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall be punishable as defined by law. [B] Nothing herein contained shall prevent the City of Monticello from taking such other lawful action as is necessary to prevent or remedy any violation. Such actions may include but are not limited to: 1. In responding to a suspected ordinance violation, the Zoning Administrator and local government may utilize the full array of enforcement action available to it, including but not limited to, prosecution and fines, injunctions, after-the-fact permits, orders for corrective measures, or a request to the National Flood Insurance Program for denial of flood insurance availability to the guilty party. The community must act in good faith to enforce these official controls and to correct ordinance violations to the extent possible so as not to j eopardize its eligibility in the National Flood Insurance Program. 2. When an ordinance violation is either discovered by or brought to the attention of the Zoning Administrator, the Zoning Adminstrator shall immediately investigate the situation and document the nature and extent of the violation of the official control. As soon as is reasonably possible, this information will be submitted to the MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 18/22 appropriate Department of Natural Resources and Federal Emergency Management Agency Regional Office along with the community's plan of action to correct the violation to the degree possible. The Zoning Administrator shall notify the suspected party of the requirements of this ordinance and all other official controls and the nature and extent of the suspected violation of these controls. If the structure and/or use is under construction or development, the Zoning Administrator may order the construction or development immediately halted until a proper permit or approval is granted by the community. If the construction or development is already completed, then the Zoning Administrator may either (1) issue an order identifying the corrective actions that must be made within a specified time period to bring the use or structure into compliance with the official controls, or (2) notify the responsible party to apply for an after--the-fact permit/development approval within a specified period of time not to exceed 30 days. 4. If the responsible party does not appropriately respond to the Zoning Administrator within the specified period of time, each additional day that lapses shall constitute an additional violation of this ordinance and shall be prosecuted accordingly. The Zoning Administrator shall also, upon the lapse of the specified response period, notify the landowner to restore the land to the condition which existed prior to the violation of this ordinance. 18-3: AMENDMENTS: [A] The flood plain designation on the official zoning map shall not be removed from flood plain areas unless it can be shown that the designation is in error or that the area has been filled to or above the elevation of the regional flood and is contiguous to lands outside the flood plain. Special exceptions to this rule may be permitted by the Commissioner of Natural Resources if he determines that, through other measures, lands are adequately protected for the intended use. [B] All amendments to this ordinance, including amendments to the official zoning map, must be submitted to and approved by the Commissioner of Natural Resources prior to adoption. Changes in the official zoning map must meet the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) technical conditions and criteria and must receive prior FEMA approval before adoption. The Commissioner of Natural Resources must be given 10 days' written notice of all hearings to consider an amendment to this ordinance, and said notice shall include a draft of the ordinance amendment or technical study under consideration. (#189, 5/14/90) MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 18/23 MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 18/24 Planning Commission Agenda — OS/O1/18 3B. Consideration of Communitv Development Director's Report Council Action on Commission Recommendations Consideration of a request for an Amendment to Conditional Use Permit for a Clinic Facility in the B-1 (Neighborhood Business) District and Variance to the Required Parking Standards to Support a Parking Lot Expansion. Applicant: Central Minnesota Mental Health Approved on 4/23/18 Downtown Zoning Ordinance Work Group The model ordinance was updated based on input from the March meeting and was sent out for review to the Zoning Work Group prior to their meeting on April 19th. The group made good progress on allowable uses within the CCD and on parking requirements. It is anticipated that the group will next spend time on specific performance standards in a final meeting prior to moving the ordinance forward to the Planning Commission for review. The next meeting of the group is tentatively scheduled for May 17th at 7:00 AM. Commission Training and Tour Planning Commission will be asked to set a date and time for a community tour. Options: Wednesday, May 16th , SPM Tuesday, May 22"d, 5 PM Wednesday, May 23rd, 5 PM Only one survey on focus areas has been returned to staf£ Please fill out your surveys for final route development! Chief Building Official Chief Building Official John Rued will be leaving employment with the City of Monticello on April 27th. Mr. Rued will be leaving to serve as the Chief Building Official for the City of Faribault and we wish him well. The City Council has appointed Ron Hackenmueller as interim chief building, as the City is required to designate a chief building official within 15 days of vacancy. Staff will work with the Personnel Committee to develop a strategy for hiring for the department long-term. Mr. Hackenmueller has the experience necessary for the appointment, having been employed as a Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer with the City since 2016 and prior to that time, serving as Chief Building Official with the City of Monticello from 2009-2015.