EDA Agenda 12-12-2017AGENDA
Wednesday, December 12th, 2017 — 6:00 p.m.
Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center
Commissioners: Bill Demeules, Bill Tapper, Steve Johnson, Tracy Hinz, Jon Morphew,
Jim Davidson, Lloyd Hilgart
Staff: Jim Thares, Angela Schumann, Jacob Thunander
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Consideration of additional agenda items
4. Consent Agenda
a. Consideration of approving Regular Meeting Minutes — October l lth, 2017
b. Consideration of approving payment of bills
Regular Agenda
5. Consideration of 2018 Wright County Economic Development Partnership Dues
6. Consideration of Business Recruitment Agreement with Tangible Consulting, LLC
7. Consideration of 2018 Work Plan Goals-Action Statements
8. Consideration of Recommendation for 2018 EDA Appointment and 2018 EDA Officers
9. Director's Report
10. Closed Session — Consideration of recessing to closed session to develop or consider
offers or counter-offers for the purchase or sale of real or personal property pursuant to
Minnesota Statute 13D.05, Subdivision 3(c)(3). PID # 155019007050
11. Adj ourn
Wednesday, November 8th, 2017 — 6:00 p.m.
Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center
Commissioners Present: Bill Demeules, Bill Tapper, Steve Johnson, Tracy Hinz, Jon Morphew,
Jim Davidson, and Lloyd Hilgart
Staff Present: Jim Thares, Angela Schumann, and Jacob Thunander
1. Call to Order
Bill Demeules called the regular meeting of the EDA to order at 6 pm.
2. Roll Call
3. Consideration of additional a�enda items
4. Consent Agenda
a. Consideration of approvin� Re�ular Meetin� Minutes — October l lth, 2017
Recommendation: Approved the Regular Meeting Minutes — October l lth, 2017.
b. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills
c. Consideration of Resolution #2017-05 re�ardin� Fifth Amendment to
Contract for Private Redevelopment with Master's Fifth Avenue as it relates
to TIF District
Recommendation: Adopted Resolution #2017-OS approving the Fifth Amendment
to the Contract for Private Development between Masters Sth Avenue and the
City of Monticello EDA as it relates to TIF District 1-35.
d. Consideration of Resolution #2017-06 Desi�natin� a Buildin� in
Redevelopment Proiect No. 1(Fred's Auto Buildin� located at 349 West
Broadwavl as Structurallv Substandard
Recommendation: Adopted Resolution #2017-06 designating a Building (located
at 349 West Broadway Street) within Redevelopment Proj ect No. l as Structurally
Sub standard
e. Consideration of Quotes for development of Downtown Site Marketin�
4a. Consideration of items removed from the Consent A�enda for discussion.
b. Consideration of approving payment of bills
Bill Tapper asked about the amounts that were paid to Northland Securities. Jim
Thares stated that the amount was for Tammy Omdal's time in developing the
policies and presenting to the EDA. Tapper had concerns with the amount spent
on the service.
Tapper also asked why there were two bills for the Industry of the Year Event and
asked how much the EDA authorized. Thares stated the amount was for the
catering and trophies; but would further look into the bills. Thares noted that the
EDA authorized $1,000, but that there was also $1,000 in donations from
sponsors. Tapper noted that the $1,000 credit from the sponsors was not included
in this report.
f. Consideration of Quotes for development of Downtown Site Marketing
Jim Thares stated that the quotes for the marketing materials for the downtown
properties (Block 52, 34, and the street corner with the public parking lot). The
quotes came from Cuningham, WSB, and Majirs.
Thares noted that the quote for Majirs changed after further discussion with the
business. Staff recommended selecting Majirs for $2,160, which was the lowest
bid. This recommendation changed from the staff report. The marketing materials
would include preparing and designing site pieces including programs to post on
the website, promotional items that would focus on step-up builders and
Bill Demeules clarified that Majirs quote was for $2,160. Thares confirmed.
Tapper recommended cutting a deal between Cuningham Group and Majirs.
Steve Johnson mentioned concern with working with both companies as it would
require more coordination by city staff.
Tracy Hinz stated that Cuningham would need to provide an informational
package to the City with all of the Small Area Study pieces and graphics. Thares
confirmed that the EDA-City actually owns the graphic work created through the
Small Area Study and added that all of the work could be given to Majirs to create
advertising materials.
Jon Morphew questioned how much time it would take to bring Majirs up to
speed with the downtown planning efforts.
Regular Agenda
� `
Director's Report
Jim Thares stated the sign in Otter Creek Park has been picked up and the Public Works
Department is working on repairing the sign.
Thares also stated that the Central Minnesota Jobs and Training Services submitted the
CEDS document to the U.S. EDA. Thares stated they are also working on setting up a
four county district. Grant project submittals would be accepted in the quad-county
region. Thares recommended brainstorming infrastructure ideas that could be submitted.
Thares added that the Small Area Study implementation meeting was being held on
Thursday, November 16th from 5:30 to 7 pm. The City Council, Planning Commission,
EDA, and Parks Commission will be present to prioritize the implementation activities
and to understand their role in implementing the plan.
6. Adiourn
Recorder: Jacob Thunander
Approved: December 13th, 2017
Jim Thares, Economic Development Director
EDA Agenda: 12/12/17
4b. Consideration of approvin� pavment of bills (JT)
Accounts Payable summary statements listing bills submitted during the previous month
are included for review.
L Motion to approve payment of bills through November 2017.
2. Motion to approve payment of bills through November 2017 with changes as
directed by the EDA.
Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1.
A. Accounts Payable Summary Statements
Accounts Payable
Transactions by Account
User: Debbie.Davidson
Printed: ll/OB/2017 - 4_58PM
Batch: 00203.112017
Accuunt Number
�IT� � F
�' �
� ��1��� � �
Vendor Descriptian CL llate Check �o
NORTH RISK PARTNERS - APOLI PrePaid Work Comp Ins 10/10/17 - 10, 11/14/2(l17 ll8290
Vendor Subtotal for Dept:00000
RUSTECH BREWiNG COMPANY Loan Origination Fee I I/14/2o 17 I 18299
Vendor Subtotal for Dept:00000
NORTH RiSK PARTNERS - APOLI WorkComp Tns JO/10/17 - l0/10/18 I I/14/2017 I 18290
Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301
Mf1JIRS ADVERTISING & DESIG] Business Cards - JT 11/14/2(l17 0
Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301
WSB &,4SSOC1,4TE5 TNC 2016 - 2017 Market Matching - Sept 2 I I/14/2a 17 0
Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301
HARRYLANTTO EDAMeetingRecarding 10/11/17 11/14/2017 0
Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301
Amount PO No
AP-Transactions by Account (11/08/2017 - 4_58 Pl� Page 1
Accuunt Number Vendor Descriptiun GL Date
21 3-4660 1-1 8 1 1 00 RUSTECH BREWiNG COMPANY GMEF Loau Disbursement # I I I/14/2o 17
Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46601
The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment.
Date: 12/13/17 Approved by
Steve Johnson - Treasurer
Subtotal fior Fund: 213
Report Total:
Check Pu
i i xz99
Amuunt PO Nu
34,6322 I
34,6322 I
AP-Transactions by Account (11/08/2017 - 4_58 Pl� Page 2
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8��7 j Gity Sh�p �. Yard 5$,543
9015 8�rildings-byrnvn�e 'i �84,�87
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2018 Bud��t �4clopt�d - E�PENL?I�UF�E�
W4rkers C€�mpensati€�n Distributinn
,�t�CC?�1NT NkJhN1EiER �Ci�UN ;'IL P� �t�l� Expense Rrep�id
1 01-41 1 1 0-�1�10Q UV�e�ers �nmper�satic�n Insur�rrc� 97.� 2�.�5 7�.7�
ii}1-�131�-�1�1C1(} '�'Jorkers C�mpensativn Insurance 1,2��.QQ 3�9.75 929.25
1a1-�1410-41510f7 Wbrkers Com�ensatdon Insurance 3�47.0�0 �6 75 �£�0.25 ;
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101-4317�-�1�1Q0 1�1ork�r� �cyrrr��nS�Cior, InSur�nC� - - -
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101-4�i25-41�10�7 UVorker�Cvmp�n���ivnlresur�nc� �97�.4i� 1.493�5 4,4�7�.r5
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741�65�17-�1�1�}(} '�r's,+ork�rsC[�mperrs�#ionErrSur�nG� - - -
1(}i•492�D-4151C+�D 'NlnrkersC�rxrpersation9nsurance - - -
Fund 101 Total 64,3$fi_00 ��,fl9fi.�Q 4�,�89_5U
273��301�1 �1�� W4rker5 Com ensati�n Insurar�ce 41�_�d 1p3.�� 37U.5�
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Fund 226 To�.al 7T,661,00 4,d15.�5 13,�45,i5
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E�19-��7�4-d1�70f1 1Nnrk�rs Caera �r�s�tion Insur�r��e �,S�B4OQ 2,1fi7.00 6,�rt�1,D0
'�D�,�4fi.0� 2�,�36.5� 79,�4�i��+
City of Monticello Etonomic Deuelapment Authority
Business Subsidy Program Fund Disbursements
Date: 11-6-2017'
Program: GIVIEF �oan Program
Borrower(s�: Rustech Brewing Carnpany, LLC
Loan Appro�al �ate: July 12, 2Q17
Approved Amount of Loan: $75,000
Amount of Requested Disbursemer�t #1: $��4,632.21
Loan Fees and Deductions: $500A0 for Loan Qrigination Fee
Amount of Disbursernent after dec�ucti�ons: $34,13�.21
Expenditure Coding: 213-466U�-181100
Revenue Coding: 21�-OaUL10-362900 for $50D Laan Origination Fee
Purpase of Funding Clisbursemer�t; for Equipment per Lnan Agreement (See Attached)
Comments: Hold Check...do nat mail. Rustech Brewing will pick up at the [ity offiee
Signature of C�ty
o��►��� K�QuEs�r'
i� l
TO: C'ity c�f ?�7c�nti�rlla E�c.,iiun�ic Ur�Frlc�puient .�utlicarity.
5{1� '1'�'aln«t Strcct_ Suitt 1
h�Iuntic�lica, I�i'\T 553f,2
r"�kln: �aeculi�.•e [�irertor
ISt3l;R5L�,91�I�T f]lltl_['TI[)1�
Thc u�ldcrsig�i�� Atithnri�rtl R��ir4scttt�tivc c��� Rustech 13rr���in� C'�m�any LI_[', a
A°�i�u�esota liinit�d lia}�ility� coiiirar�y (t��� "F�cirr��wer„), }�er-ehy auih�-�ri�es ant� rc.qu�sts }�ou tc�
c�ishur5� t`rani �r�,i��ds at� tlze l.�an, ir� accnrda��ce t��itl7 the termc nt� it�� l_c,an Ag�-ee�nent
lyetufeer� tlae ('ity t�1 A�1c�nli�ellct F.conei�7tie T�er����c�rrnent ,Auti�t�riEv ("�.ender"� arid the F3ar�•oea�er,
tiatzd as ��f .luly I'. 2f)17 (thc "A�r�eentettt" }, the fnlle���ring ari�ount t� tiie tr�lln.� ir�� rzr;on and
f��r th� 1«llc�c►�ic��; �ra���' «��i c�fth� �qui�m�rtt:
l. Arnou��t: Y�3�.6iZ.23. Itas IOa"�Il t1l�It111�itOil S'C.C:� isi tMc art�crur�t uf�50(1.{7f1 �ayabl�
t« thc: C'it�r cat-Mor�ti�.clio C�on. I)�v. Auitiurit��
2. P��ycc: Rli�tccf� i3rc���in� C�rt��.in��, LLC +
�. P��r�irsc: �c�uipTncr�t Piir4t�rsse c�f $3�,1 3?_? i pGT SUhl�lltt�:[� It14'u1CC #�f4tT1 il�Ikt7
Bi�«�iti�, .�[ie� Ec�uiprn�nt. Co. (lnvc�icc No 0(1350�i9?) �atc�j 1(1_12_`?(�17
�ill as �icfin�ci .ind ps•oti id�:ci sn thc t"1�;r�c�iienl. Thc: unde�i,�n�:c� fiirtlzcr c�rtific.r. ic► �h�: Lincicr
lhat {��l non� uf tlyo� it�ins %yr u�hi�h thc pa)rmcnt is �rupuscd tca bc macie h:�s farm�d tf7c k►iisis Fc,r
an}� p��}�rnent �rew•ic�«aly n���cle uncl4r Secliun 3�rf t17e r"1�ret�ttwnl ��ar t�etiyre the d��le oE' tlie
�'1�,=rc:c�lient); and (�) il�:�t �a�h ilem fcar �+hi�h the p�i��n�enl is pr�pc��ec� is E��uipn�enf. eli�ib1t f��r
func�in� fi-c�m the pruceeds a1'the L�an.
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S�_k;�iuo�s i I f�J.'�)<�3 t�7 C 1+fiJ.�#+15. }�o��°c.� �;r. l,e�cJu;�� th� Le,at� i� iR� ��� ��rk5ctiune �}� �i:�.C?{�i}.
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����t.ktie�d in �ucl� s�:�tic}n i£. a�3 ���+�nl u:'I��ef'ault.
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ii;+ii�i;.�ti; 1��1 \I�a.��_at �
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fcl} it �:i��ii�kyn�et�t ���a��»�c,��s i�e� la°t�i� �f.� �ti:�cl�naent i� isc����3 ���i���# n�' ;���'���d
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��nft�t'���a��ti�s�t �����d�ii�; fi�rc4�l7ic:���x ;�.�7�j r�i,� '��,i���. ���� �a�� �;.�.��7ar�•ctit��r7 3vi�l� th� ��r�+i�elia.��� ���1� �t���,rr�.i��c��� ie�-
fihc ir�i�r�:�t� {ta7�1 Lt,il,ii�.�-�1 �:�.��.�iritl�� €�f� I.e���c.r in a��' l�ti�,SlSli:rfl t:;r I��t�tk�»u�,sc_�� +�i �r���,i�•�i3ti�
�5�°��t�cji�1�. ��r iea �ri�� ���i+.7i3 ari ��r��:�:c.'�d�at� 1��1��9�t�� iiti a��y ��aat� t�, IM�� i��a���Fs�'tstr�ti:; c�r�iicn��3l;at��l hk�
t�]i5 A.�!t�l:y�1Cl1S.
�x. �r�c�ca��tii�i�atrs�n.
1�� �#+�7a�-�����c�, c�agl ;�itir� �1�,�a d���a's�t,�, ;��*�'�'r ��, a�c��m�ii��� ;��;fsitika :r���1 �{, �icPl,l
Lc:ncit,, �T��1 �t� �,f�i��:r;. :��:�T,t4.. ;�nd �i�i�rk�,r��c.4`�q I-d:���x�l��� c�t {t�t�! #t��,ti-� iwa��' :�nti t�l� f r��iC�1��
1e,�::_ i7r �Gttr�ia�E �t��t it n��es m�ur tti�3icr t�r f��� r�;GwsFw� tisi t?Gi:� .��;i�,.'�T�C�'�1- ii�� {3p, *,j��'�(� ��I(FTTI :r�}��
�irtc� a11 r�aar�ti� ��ia�i d�:di��ni�� �a��tditst.,c•��+:.r r11�.�� ir�<�v I�c o-y��,r�:r#�:s1 a��:��r��r E.�::�cl�:r h+.� r���ya,1� �,f�
���„� �,il��� c�t�li�t�t��rfi�, +�t iGrt�itll;.�kit���4 ��ta iT�. ��I��t t�� ���.rf4rrr„ s.�r �����h;i��a: a{I��, 6�t 1h� fe`rr�aw,
4:iT\"C.[3i�lli*...#`F�' al'�,N'L�"1�'.617�`'.M71�+i.Yhl�ti�l�pi'i� �1F;lL',11f
��,p S���s��l�i 1 r�ici�._ t,�- jtw �,{�i�'�r�. t��;c.tfj�,. ��� ��tis��V+i,v�.+��w �ra�°��r :ar�w r,��4�h li�ik,ilil+.�
��rh� �c�t�«r�;�i ��� 4��I�:�i�3 :y�atNi�wi ��i�� �Jsses�ti� c�r a�t�i3�rrc�� �r�r►��ie�ral 9c� �lGi�.'4�.w•�Gsr��..�� �J7,s�1G+� .t
ji��i�7-n�rat hc• aa�i�r�.�l ����+r�3ss L_c�n�l�°i�. tf�a.• :si���:p4�a7o �Iti�r���, �s7c:���tilsr9� �a��:r�. c.�an�t���, :�i��1
t�lir+rn�•��4 �c�v. �s�a:�l1 l�ti.:, :;�it�•���.�t 117�'r��car� ;a1 �.hc° r�:i16.• 1hc:r� iii �-i��i�t �f�ro t1�� �Ertc�_ why�ilN l��
��i�irc4� I����,#+�. ,1��s#i hc :a�Csl��c9 t{, tl7a 1�,��7_ tii�ci �#„rr�F����1 �,�k.�ll 1t;191'Ik�4Y1-`A4 L,:r��6+�r fi�� 1k7�
��n�r�.• �.�t��l�ciisi��.l�� li�1111 ¢��i:��ir�cl, ;s;i+.1 r.i�x��� i1G�- ����I�ir� �r� �Scht��c9w���t 9+w �I�� *�c�, l cn:l�a �7�,�Y
r�k�.'Ii6]� �I1� �.t],�t� tiT1�T1�'.ti�9��ttI4 ti�ll� �Rf]�a f3i1�`�4��c'
{�} `f�3is in��in�7��i��t.ic�r� ;�i�d f7�,�r� �Zz�ni�I�'�s �t��r�i��a�n ��a14 wun'i�:�� t11�
�l4'{:4��illk�l. {.j�'��t�'�]l''_ aa�� �c.'�-ib�r���a�t.� c�f thi� }��9�•1�111t�11 iil7C� ��1�C c'r��sti�,i� ���a-f �ra��a��.r1t c�1-
:i71�' 1�7i��17�L�E[1��5 t41 � �IxL�4`t', ��.�t1�;ML4�Ci' �k'�71�'�ti ffi.N�l�l' l!� ��]� �i4�L:4}9�:�174'{: [>� t�114 ,'��1'L�C'1T��Il�
�3'1' �.�L.9]{j�l".
�C�� i�iCljl�lli�? jTl C�7�4 A�,I.'C�7ll�`Ili �ilzi�� i'�iIE��LtLf9C i] 1,�'r3Lti�L:! iFj {iP �91111t�t�i�l1 t]ll i9171'
IlYlll7llllIlV I1�ilif If1" C]C]71j�ltltilt3 119] �i's�t'fII11Y �CS l��kti�t�l� �3�-an-�¢��•�t' i� e�}tetJo�i u���Jkr IfiLk',
l�l_ `'�'Jisccl9a�ii�}us.
��j ��''E�i�'�a'. -�'Ij� �xriis��l;ae�+�c� ��1' �±hst�����a�icc t}f �t�}' ��C�+1lti15� i�T Ct�l7{�1t13_rl1 :��t
�`c�rt�i rri �P���• ��.�;r�rrn�sit i������ f��: ka°aie+��i. �t�i���tic���i ��r ;r7�x��ficcj �}r��4 �,� t+ ��'ryttn.�.� �.i�t�c��{ i�'��
i�c�trk��'Cl-:�t�tj ���t�def f��s ��;]tG� i;� tl�r� t��:r�.i�.�,7f���ri±� ,��r���a't. �i�n[.4�i r�::-a�r•41�� a�f,���t�.�;�$: �
a��,ua���� 11��rerr?� nq�s �l�a1B ����� �iri�lc� �,G 1���etiabt ����,� ���� �,i� �sr�4° �+tki�r �:�,�t��'r r��;li�.. t,o i�,im+���i`�.
(�7M .r1�,w�,lk�r7r77�r7t. 1 hi, ����.��'rr�crrl .�F�:�l� ��r hiGeaii���� �i�cira k36:}rr�,xx�c;r t�ii�.i i�w
��ac�:cc���,ts �G�tj �����t�s �nd ��k�Jl <«���°�. l�p ���a' li�i�c�'�� �rf Lc:►rsJ�•i {t��4� ��� sk.i�e��:�i�� �111i�
a����r�:�. i�ll �`i�ltt� ai1c� �«��'�.�� ��?�.'�iri�all�� cc,nEi;rr�.c! ��4�c�i7 [.���{C�,'� i�»�' �+c° ir�tkslt�tl��d �3r
�iul���1�� h�� Lcns.i�r tr, ��7�� c]f� itw :��i�'�+�:ssc�r'� tyi�c� a��i��s. F��:�r�xp�4�r'w ri�;lli±; �snc3 r�hli��s��w���
�IIp+%ta�� °49h!I h11�i�i.� i (�
�i�ic��r tt;« ,��r�t�ti�n� ii���,° Fre �ssa�it�:�i cst�l�' ���l��'n �uc;li ;��si�.�i�t���t �s 'al�3j}['L31�[:C� ]1� li'TliJl;��
l�� ]_ c:�d�•.�.
l�� {=ii>���n,i�t�. I..�k�', `�'l�is r���`�e�t7���[ t� i�i�cle it�7d ��;�i] he �n�'t-]71.C�I 3n �i9
r+.t�}�c.ct� kr�° tl7� i�k�'� c,f tE�e c�a#� n�� h��icirYe:���lri. .-��yti aii��7uk��. �cj�tl�'��� ersi�s, r�r ���it�7::
��zsi��� nut �,f-t@�ic ,��reett����i �lt�l� b�. l��t3rc� x�� tii� �t��t� c�r t�l��'�] C'i1LkI'lti (1�-��'Jft?1����ll;i_ :iI1L�
;�ll �G�t�ti�:.� tc, tltiis .�,�a��c:�7ie:�t �.}�ai��c ailr� o�jci�[ic��} tt� tl�c it�ri�cli��ivc,r� �7i.'tE����,: ���aurt�. �a•i��tl�+:r�
1�:�<�ci c�ai �at��;�,ti.�:r7c:c; ��r r��het�x�isc:, -
{c�� :5����rah�l��. If �r�r� ��,��,��isi�a�l ���� ����lic�tli�,n c,f` tl�is ,%��r���n�.3i� 't� ]7cd�!
Ui7�aIH'�UI [7I" 11f34:t]fL�rCC�i�71C 113 iil3�,' �'�St}CL�. wLJL`�1 il�C�fl�II;:" C11' L1Y1�.17tC5C'C�1E}?]�1��' 4]l�i�� :7['F! �t���j.
c,ii�ee� p�r{:,}�isic�o�s ��r :��}�lic;�tic�tt� ih�t €;ain i�rt �i � �'�� �rf ���t, a��d t���s .�1�.�r��.i7�ei3t �he�li h�.
cr�a�struc.� �� it' t��� uttil� ti�`i���] «r unei�ti,r���i;�l�� �rc���iso��rti c7r ft�+�[ec�ti�±t� h�ti sy�;�:��.r 'hee�i
c[��t4�in�c� ]��;r�itti ���-pr�:��nh�.d f�et'e��y�,
{c:) '�;�tict. AEI nc7tic;e� r�c�4iir'c�� t��e�uo�i�',�r s}ti�ll h� �a��et� ���� r1�~}���sitir-r� i�7 tl7.t
L:.S_ ���;�i�. ��c,;;i�t�� ],re��aiiai, ��G1i1it�M ma�l, c��lurit re.c�.ifi�t t���uc;�l�cl. !c, tl�e f�llc���.is�t
�cidr�ssc..w ��,r �ucJ1 c+11��3' ���i��ec���t� �i� e,ii]ler pati��� m��� i�nli� i13�: ���l�er}:
�f��� �caic�ca�: C"�l���,I'f��9r�titic���lc, C��cai}c�»}i� 17���e1��n7citii .�utltc��`ir�
�il; 1�4�alti4rl Si�-�ei, �X�ite ]
'�'�C�97�1L'G��(1_ �r'�� ����j�'
.�Itn: I-.��`uti�s� [�irc.c.ic�r
Tc> B��rri,�ti�cr: k�wt�;�l� k3E��k���g�� C��in��aii�.° I_1.[.
�1 i � � ��) iiQ �tFC=C`1 �ti �
��94it�ti�:�llca. �,�:� �5s*��`?.
.�rtc�: �'�'ilait;m ��� f3urt
ff� �-ew'���i�?�tsE�E�. I�'tli� Isr,:iG� i� nc}t c�isk��,s�ti;� ����r��a��71 sc� t�;i� ,��:r��Er�tazt h}'
[7�.�i�iti�h��r w �. ��}] �. �I]]ti :�,�i'CC91l�l�t �I���si] �4'rl'C71llett� illll� 1ti;itE�c.i- �at��� �}���1] l�fso�� �r��° t�tr'+li�r
c}hli�xeti�,9� tc, tli� t+sl�cr_ ���e��� t1�;;9 if-tl��: �e,:�n is tti�r1 ��i�l�ur_w��3 i>�$,~;7u*.c� Ba}a-rc7�a�cr 9�as iti�l�:ci tc�
�i�e it� k�%�t c��-lerr�� 1�� ec�itt]�1� kxiil� tll�� ct�r�cimtic,rr� ��.i 1i�edf} ir� ���.lic+n s c,i'r17i� ,��r�.c:�-rerj� t1���7
�c}rrca,x�r �11�11 ����° t�} �.c:nc��r �]C i��.'��ri��;�1�tc ;�ti��nae��c f�e:�, c�,�ts_ �t�7cj ��,���,i:;c.� ii�c�ur����l h��
�_�11[��!' IIl Cl1]1T"IC:L�4i137 kk']iN] illl4 ,�,���c.»7�ent ���c� rl}c �,4�tc�.
I�i Td11�Gi'�.' r�L�l"��Ji7�ll1. �]11:� ,'t�r�:c�t�i:r��. t���.�tija.r- ���i�@� t83� ��hi�it� �7�:ret�_ k��a�ie�� �rc:
i�7c�,t���ir��tec� 1��� r�.i�r�i���. ��3�7�ditul�� t�ae ��nrt�}�l�tc �:�Zd c:�clusa� �x s��6ei��ea�t c�t� �11 n��stu.�l
ui7t�l�o��it�n�Jii��s h�.tt��4�a� �l�c pt�e4ic� ��atl� :��s��c:�:� ttir t�7i� ,��Fr�csn�»E_ a�t�}��'�et�a���� �a19 }�ric,r r„
�c��lie�n}��]ran���xi� prc}�cr��l�_ c�t1�t����3i�.aii��n::. a��� ut�r��.rs[ar,�i����, �,t°i��t����- a,a-�� c�r ���riitcai.
�ni7c��-�y€rr� I�i�° L.c�€�n_
(h� I1��i�an��e ���IZ� �7eacir���s ���}�c�u�t��: �t tl�� �c��sYniia� crf ti�e �e�°�ral sci;t�c��7� c€ri7d��i�7c;�
i�7 t�ti� �����i°,t����r I�a��.�� b�e�3 i����rt�c� f�ar i���ntifr�,atii+�� a�aci rete�-�r3�:e pur�a�a�c;e; �7n1�' aiid sl�mll nc}t k�c
aa��:d in ��7e cn���l�'u�tican anc� ii�te�7�r�c��i��qri crf�tl�i� .4�t'eet77�:ni,
�„�.:�,t:�.� sa�.�,�r,.����:_�
af�� '��'1'7 ItiL•S� �'+�`i9��]�E�(�F�. ti�i� A�!r�cti��.d�s ]i��w h��i} c��u�;�' �xec°Eot�.ci :M€�tl tj��i��crcc� F+�,r t11�
�rr,�a�9' �,tii��r4 �li�r�.�i�l��, cl�il;�� �uy37t,rs�:c�i �yn 4�t� c�4�� iY�{� �L�e��r iirst ���rill�i� ����,s���..
�'ll�' t�1= "��C)�Tlc'k;.i_[.C} F'�'C���h���'
T�C�'�.1.�}I'��l�:�i�l� �'�LJT�-I£]RIT�'
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, - 'utir�e l�irc�[tkr
Iwl�:r��r�T����E_ w:�crN:��t� o.[�.+�n ,a��RF:I� 11k:�'1 4'I I S 11F' �18C1!tiTl{'F:I_I.(> [:{'[1�CI'�il( rsE.k r�_caiF°��i•ex e� :����r��ca�� r� l
����.�s1i5�1'�� ��1� �4`�i1.�3�°�'
RL�STF�'}-� ]���E=���'1'��C� f`�l�•]P,�i1ti�. L��'
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�l�llS}li�x � S�i\C h$�: ��-i? ��
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PRi?:��Il��O1�Y 1tiUTE
[)clob�r 3 i , �Ci] 7
f�ustcch Brewi��� C'{1TT7�1�27�r L��, a 14�lirtry�sota limitied 3iak�ilit}� �ompa�t�� {"Mak�er"�.
f�r ��at�,e feceiv�ed, h�reby pr�mises #o p�y �u �he �C�#}� �f l��c�r�ti�elin F',con��nic
I�ec=clop��rent Authcarity�, a pubii�: �odv �rp�rate and pc�liti� under thc l�ws ckf Aviinne�ota €�r
its assi�,ns �Auth�rity an� any �igns �re �o�le�ti�vely� referr�3 t+� it�r�in ftss "HoJder"}, at its
de�ig�atad ]�rincipal offi�e or such �the� �lace �.s th� Holder niay de�i��t� in v�-itin�, tl��
��i�tcipal su�r� of ��venty-Fi��e '1"�s�auu�and an�l n��1i90t}}s Dollars ��75,00Q} �,r sc� �r�uch
�h��-ec�f as ina� b� a�iva�ced u�d�r this I�l�te, wit� ir�ter�st � h�reinal��r �rc��id�d, in �r,�
coin or �:urr�en�� tl�at ai #li� �irne r�r times �f p�yment is le�at t��de� for th� paymen# �f
�ri��ate d�ebt� is� tl�e Llnitc�d �tate.� of.4��eric�. The �r�r�c�p�i w�t arad int�res� nn #his �'otc are
pa}aabi� in ins��lfinent� du� � �o�io+�s:
1. Simp�� inrer�esst at th� rate c�f tl�ree and t�went}'�five �zu�c�ret�ths p�rc:er�t
(3.�5°I�� per annum sha11 accrv� #ir�arn cF�e dat� of �ch �iisau��m���t pursu�t tc� �xch draw
r�qu�st, a� c��cribe�d in �he Ic�ars a,�re�m�nt l�etuw°€�n 13c�rr�ru��r �nd L��nder dated as of July
�2, �f117 �,"[�an �.gre���tlt"} ur�ti� th� �ar� is r�paid in fu��. 34ccna�d interest �unt�l the
l�iti�i P�y�nerzt Dat� (as her�inafter d�e�x�edj �fi��l he add�ed ta princi�aal.
�, Pay��re��t�s of princip�l and interest �hal� b� d�eferi-e�1 for �i�ht m+�nths fr�ai�
i�ic date nf t�is I��ote. Pa�rrnent�� of �ri�ci��l �nd intea�t oi� am��n�s dis�ur�� ur3dcr this
N�t� �hdll ��r�rnence on July� �, ?C}l� (#h� "Lvtial �a}-m�r�t r]ate�°) snci r:c�ntinue an the first
c{a�� �of each ar,d every morlth t�hcre;aft�r until paid i� �11I1. SIiC}1 �Y��r73'1�11�5 shall fi,fly
amorii�e the prin�i��l an� int�r+c�t nv�r kw��#y� (2�} yea2°s, pr��ri�ec� Il��� the final u�p�id
ba�ance of prin�ipal an�l interest shal� be �ue �n� �raya�al� c�r� th� first clay nf the �ne hundr�d
k+��c��tiet� (1 �{l�,) �r�e��3� fc�llov�7n� the date c,f t�i� i��t�.
3. Thc Nta�cer sha1l tya��. t�� n�ht to grep�� t�ic p�incipal c�f this N�t�, in �fhc�le
or ir� �art, �vit}� i��er�st ac�ru�xi tc� th� d�ke af su�.h pr�ay�n��nt, on �7y d�te a�nn�i]��,� �t7�
ia�t�ne��t pa}7ncstt is d�xe arid �a;�rx���,
4. `�'13i� Itic�t� i� ,�iv+en �ursuat�t to th� L.�an A�-eem�e�'it, a secunty agreert�ent �f
���ett dt�tc l�ere��►7Eh deli���red b�' B�rrou��r (th� "���.tarit}f r�.�.r�emer�t'°), ��d � persona�
�uaranty nf W'illi.� I�r��is Burt and �'er�ny La���� Bur� (the :.{ivar�n�y��.°}. If any �uch
se�unty is f�unc� t� bc� invali� fe►r v��ha�c���r rea�;r�nx �uc�t invalidity shall ��,fl�titute an Ev�}nt
of I��fa�l� i�er��nder_
All of the ��eemen#s, �nc�it�c�ns, cc�ve�ia�ats, pro�fisi��r��, �nd sti�rula#ic�n� c�ont�incci
an t}}e Lr�an �grecnaent. the �ecurity� ��eem�ent, t��� �u�rar�ty, r�r ar�y c�t�e�r r.nstrument
s�c;urin� this Nnte a�•� t�crc.�y m�de a�art c�f this 1���e tc� the ��x�e �xt�ryi �nd w��i�h tlie �arne
$i�l?N#,�k�4 Mhll �1h3?5-3=
Ir�r�t �+� eF��c� �a.� rf°tftcy wtis fu�l�� ��t �`ia�i� ka�:rc�ail Iti #s ��,t� ki��t tixt�� is ►,# #���. ��,c:.�����:.
�x�' lii�s i��t� �f �n ����'ii �f' ��`���1 �isr+�ur� �n�� Ila� ��rt ��re��Yl�a�t, t��� �ca��r�t�
���err�c�it. t��c [}��r��t�. �r �r��r �}�]t� anslr�rrtiei�l �r��unn� th�� ?�+�t� t�ter7 tlr�:1�����3e� �r� #�1i�
'N��I� tnay �1 tts rii�,l'r� :it�� ��a���rr. �uit���nui n�ai��.�., �eC�� ir������1���41�' �iue ��� �a�r��i� I��
p�t�ca��l b�lan+�� �rt� t#�i:� �c�i� �ta� it�i�t a�:ru�erl chc��r,n� �Ekt��t��r �v��t r�a��nak+le
at�¢�txa�v� f�tss ��� �e��e�s� i�e�,rr�! �y tt�� Fiald�.*r �!' tlzis �J��e i�� �oCl�'��u� �r �f+�xcs��
��ym�.;rti I�eret�f, �++#��°i9ri;r �}� i�tw+��i� nR� �tl�c:t�rise, �fl€� �[I a3tlr��' �urrss r�u� �ae�e�a�cl� ;.-rt �V
insirurt7�.'I7t ���'�r�7t� 3�ais 1'�s�i.�_ l'�t� h��Jc�c.r �f thi� '�43t� ;��t+��t.� 1#�ul t1�e �����J�r ��� 11�� !���t�
r��ay, �a��t��+��ut r�<+ta�:e t� ar�� wit�c�u� �f��;��r�� cla� iial��lit�� �i€"�� i�r4al�u�r. a�r,�t ucl��ticesu�� �a
:�u[�st�lu�� .��:�urity �ar ��i� ?�a�t�. ��r re�r:��c a�y� ��c•unt}� �� �r�� �tt}+ liak��� ��rr xlae� �c�� �o�
�xt�t'�d a�� I�n�etit+ thi� Nnte,
�, �'!t� ���tY�i+�� t��� �#�e [�k�l�ct �:��� �hi� :'���� � �rc�vi��d hene�r�, z��r� itti I}tir
Lc�an .��r�eerr���t.1Y�e S�c:��rity ��tt�r�i. sht* C;�arui�t�±, 4�r t�ny �ti�er i��trurr����� ecc:t�ring
this 1Vvtc sl���� �� �.�uCafii��� a�t�l r��r���.�,rr��s� �ui may �c pu�ue� .�ir�gly. �ur��:�,ivrly�. a�r
t���tl��-�. Frrtia�, a# ���e sv�� clisc�r�tic�n ��i th� !#o��cr u�' str�� f��t�, rr3a�v bc �x�r-w.�i�e� ;�� �t�� �s
�c�s�c�� �liee���F .s#��! �+cz{:ur.. �t��# ���e ���I��rc t� �err.i�� u�� s��el� ri,�;tit t�r �e��c3v ��t�lt ir� rwc�
ev�i�sa la� ��nstaz�c+�i as ��v�i���,'t c�r �1��� tJz�:rr�t_
`�� 1 i��d�r �if t1�i� hlk�te s17a1f t��E #�c s�eczm�[�G, l�y .�ti�; .rr� i,f-,.�i�i�ic� ��' e.�tku�i�s�aui�,
1t� I�a�r s�r�+���1 tir��t ��i` it� rig,��t�; �r r�r�e�l�e� h���rscic.-r ur�xc�� ��uch �a��i��r �s i� ►w�nta�n�, a�+�
s�,�u3 �+y �l�e H�?4a��� anc� thc'n c�a�i�� tc� r�rye ��ic.nt a�ec,frc�kly ��t torth an t�te �-ritxn�_ �
�v��rer ��vi�1i nrf�r�n�;� t�a ��Ye ���rtt sl��.�II nr�i be ��T�st�twcx� r�� ��iztinui���, ��� �w � ��r tc+ ��i
w�,r��•c� +,f' �sy ra�T il C1T fc�!'��(�Y �3S t� 9'4u�75�iCilrl i.'�YCTIt. }r�#r N�t� ��3�y� ����at F�e arn�c��
zt��r�lifie�l, 4�� c�+���.s�d �x���►t �ynEy �i� ata i�sstr�rnc�r�t tn x�#�n�r :�ii,�o� hy �f�� �aartv ��ir��t
��I�c��rra �atfi�rc�r�a�;nt �f ��y sucli �tmclt��t+ mrrdi��.�t����s, cx� �:l��ae�e �� ��a�?it.
�� ff a���, �+�fm c�f 3his ?V�a��, c�r t�e aPPii��lkua� tt�cr�xsf ��s �t�� �•�rt� �,r
�i�-�u���sta���� sl�ralL tn any �xt�rrl. �ac irsr�alid �r un��f�scc��]c.. the rr�pt��'stwd� ��i-��i!� 'tid�te,
�r thc* eppki��tti��� e�f st�c�a l+�n�t t�r ����� ��� c�rctitz-t::tanc�� r�t�tet tl�stt tltt�s� t{� vrizlch Gt ��
i�v�ldc� �f uitiez�f�r�:�akr1� s��ll �n� t�e ��s�tc�d tF�e�ei��_ an� c��c�t l� ��� �I��s T��r� s9��1] �ie
�^�Sid ar�c� ��ot���hEe ts� th� fi�lke�t cxt�t �ea-rx�rt�ec� �i� I�w.
7 I� i� int��ari�.c� th�t �'�i� i'�c�te es �r��irie �witi� �'�ier�t+�. #�� �end x¢��li �x� �:n��str��ci
�� a i4rlinrr�.'SUIk� �;c�J1t�Ct #]ili� RS �,i7W�.'IY7i:t� �3]{ t�� f�►x�•c ��r��r��i' f'�n}� c�i�p�ttes, c�3rrn����ie�. vr
�,l�ir�r�s :�rixir7� c��# ,�#' �]l�� ?ti�`�lc ��eEl ka€� ?��eat� i�i th� s#ate 4xr �+��r�k i:ca�xr� ��` �T��t�S[+1�. ��t�
�!1 ��1��e�: t�� t1Yis "blc,t� +w�:�re ;��y c,bjcac'�tic�n tc, t�e juri:�cl��;t�e�r: t�1�th�:se �i�►u��, x���tc.'th�G�t` �as�!
�!f u��i]v�:[ticnc� dt��sl����^fi8C_
�f. T�� �erf`��nar�ar nrr �b�t�r'�`�nc� a�f a���r prc�m�sc ��r �.���#it��r� �t 4i�rt� ir� th�;�
'��tc: ri-��y� �,e �,�a�r�e+d, �irt����l�a�. c�r �oc�i���# untv �y a v�r��i�� ���,tse�l i�}� t�t� t���k+�r ���i tl�c
p�c�ld��_ l�c� ��.�+�y ir� tl��. �c4.rei�e �f a�4y �u���er. ri�,krt, ��s r�st�.�rl`�� �{�ra���s �s � waiv�r
t}��rcc,f. nc�r ���Il :���y ���gle ur p�srtia3 �exen:is� nf��s�� vtiyc� �c�wer. �gl�t, �r s•�na��t��
�. [T L� �-IE.l��.�3�' C'E�iTIFIED A,hl,�] R�C1T�D t1�at t�l� �stc�iti[rn�, a�ts, arr�1
t1�ir�,� r�quired tc� �xisl, l��pper�, and �� y�erfor��c�i pre�ede�t t�s ur ira tfY� is�uan�e of thi�
ii�ll`Tfi�d}�4 M'ii h+�N�=5.33
N�t�. d� exi�t, ha�•e �r�p�7c��ec#, ��nci ha�e tseer� �rea-�oErn�:r� in re�alar �ci due f`o�rrra as r�ui��{
b� law�
Ih1 V�IT}+J��S V4�'1-'1CRE�F. the 1+�l�k�r ll�s cau�s� th�s Nol� te� be �ul�r �:,��ute�1 as
�f`the 31 st day of ����b+�r, �.01 �i .
RL�STEC�i f�R�'4'JIRT�;+��'OMPAI'��r'LLC
Sy'; . � �° �
Titl�; _ '�,, � �
sn�������� r��� ��u��s-3� 3
���:��r�r�' AGRE�:�1��NT
THIS� �E�i]�tIT�'' AC�RE�'V1ETJ"Y`. �ai#ed �s o�O�.tn}�er ��, 2�1i 7, is mac�e and er�tert5d int�
b}+ and l�et�we�n l�L1STEC'H Bf�E►��'�N� C'�i��P�4NY [,1�C' (th� "[�ebE�r'�}, a 1��li��t�c�ot� limited
�i�bility c��r,parry ���ath its �rin�ipa.i plac� nf busin��� �t fi;3�8 $�6�' Sl��et 1tiE, '�1nr�ticell�,
1�in�cso�� ���l�� af�d the �l`7��' OF �rlC�l`�i'i���.�,C1 ECi]I�lt�1�1I�' T�E�+'ELOPh�i�Ni
ALlTHOR1T�i' (t��''�e�ure� ��rt��"}, � public l�c�dy c��-pos'�te and �rc,liti�, �avith its p�incipa] p9a�e
+�fh�,�ii7es� �t 505 �'alnut �tr�e�, Suit� l,'��ot�tice�lo, �viinne�oka 5��62,
1. S�curit�r Inir�rest and �`�la�ter��, Tci se�ur� the p�yrn�rrt v�t}��t �er�ain Prc�mi5�t�ry,
1�ot� in th� �ri�inar a��re�ate p�in�:ipal �rac�unt �f �7�,000, is�;ue�i pur�uant t� a T x�a� A,�,r�ernent
dated �s �f Jul�� � 2. 2�17 (the '`Loan A�reerr�er�t�'�, bet�reen the ��ccur�l Pa�t}� a��d thc [3cb�rar,
t�� prc�ceeds nf u�hich ►�ill be �ppli�d to the acquisitir�n c�f c�ain ec�uiprn�nt fs�r use at a
rnic.-rnbr�u��e�y �d #�}� roc�m owiicd l�y the �lebt�rr a�Y�i 1��ate�i at � Cl5 1��cst 3rd �treet in the City c�f`
I�1s�ritic�llc�, Mi�ti��esc�ia (�h�. .:F�cilic��„), the Dcblc�r hereb}° �r�n�s �i� �e�ur�d P'arty+ a sec;�,rit�
ini�rest (}�erein ���le� tlie "�eet�rity Inter�st'"j ir� the t�ll�w��n� ��r��:.rt�� (h�rein �alled the
$17]f �1'If� dI� 1'l3.3C�111�1"� $fi� �'41119r3131�l1t li4S���]C� lII, aktached tt�� �r us�d ir� c:�n�c�ctie,n�
�rith the Fa�cilrt�, �S d�S�;`ril7e{� li� E.K�SiI}it 1� i��r�et[7,
#���thcr v�it� all garts, additi�ns� re�ala�.e�r��er�ts, anil r�pairs to th� E�ui�rnent ��nk� r►n c�r�after
iu�st�lle,d in, attac�� tc�, c,r used i� the Fa�ili��, and the procr�eds �h�erec>f (cal�ecti�+cl�� with #he
�quipir��nt, tl�e `��"c�llater�l'��,
2_ E���tor'� Re�r�s�ns�tic�ns. l�#arrrantie�s. ar�d Cc���+enant�, De�blur re�sr�s�er�ts,
w�rrants, coven�nts, �n�i a�,r�e� as %il���s:
(a�j [�r ani�atic�n. 7`�e f�e�+t�r is a lviinn�°s�ta lirntt�-� liat���ity c����arty, �nd Dei�t�r
has �u14 pc�u+cr an�l �utt�orxty� to exc:cute, �leliver, �ixd p�rfcxm�s thi� �e�u�i#y� 1���ementa arid to
�w�n i�s prx��erty an� c+�nd��t its bu�ir�ess �� presently �ond�ct�ci and a� �eap�s�� tc� he
�� �uth��i�.atic�r�. "I"I�e e��uti�n, deli�,�er;��, ar�d perf�>nnai�c� c�f thrs Se�ur��y
.Agree��t by� th�e Deht€�r h�s bec~n duly autC�nria.��d by all n�eessary ac#ion �r�d u�ill nc�t:
(i) rc�ui� an;r cc�n�ez�t �r apprtiv�l �f �n� entit�r +�hi�h ha� nc,t b�e�n obl�in��i; or
{ii) �rICY1�tC �y m�ten�4� pr�viSlOri [��an�� in��I�tUi°�, GOri�rac� ���7'�lli�i2t C3r �ti5truin�llt
ta �which I7eht�r is a party c�r by u��hie:h it is �und.
(�j Fcrfi�m�ai�c�e bY i7►ei�t�r. Llnless F�e�t�r �sbi�tin� �e�:ure�i P�rt}''s wt�ritt�:n c�ra�er�t t�
#l�e �r�ta`�ry, �ar exc��t a;� �r�.���i��d ia� tl�e La�n Agire�em�i�t, I��btor st��ll nc��;
(i) terr�tiriatc i�s inte�est in anv of ti�e Cc�llateral; �r
�dwv�����, r�vr �r��3:s-�3
(ii} se�l. trat�sf�r, �ar as�i�;�, c�r a�ffe�• t� s��1, Sr�t�sler �r .��ti�,n all �ir any �aart �f tl�e
�ollater�l 4r p�rnlit ��I or any part �f the �=allateral t�o t�e sa}d� trar�ferr�d, ar assign�d; c�r
{�:ii� ��t�t���e c�� rc��sent tc� �e remnval nf r�ny �t°ti�e Equi����rri tn�� t�� Fa�;e�it�r,
��i� Tatj� tr� �'s��lat.tral, �cbtnr slt�l4 �C� �nn� rr�ark�tahl� r�tl� t�, all �� ��e C"ailate�al,
anci rume c;# �l�e C'c+l�s��ra� is suk�j��t tc� uny l��r� ar �.:�nt�� ir�ter�st e,�c�t f��- #he ��r�ty its#��t
crr�ata� t�� tfiis '�c�tar�t� A����t��ae1 an�d �t���r ��ur�t� �r��c��sts �ns►;�,t�:cl tc� ir� wra�i�;� by
�ec�.r•erJ f'��#y, �fieci�'i�alfy l��e se�urx�y interc5l �� E3�t�1r1�'��t� it� t�� ����$�era1 pMarsua�i to �
Scx+�u�i�y ��c�rnc�t an� Fin�rs�ii��. ��art�sn��t bctw+�cn �3�nk 1���4a a�n� C1c.�t�r :��t�! �s uf
(�ct�h� �7, �t��i. �chtc�r ��s r�oc �rarrt�, a��d �w��1 e�a� ��nt �r �e�i� ��a �acis� �nv ��en cat
sc��r�ty i��t�st� ��a a��a �sr � pc,rt�c���� +,t tt�a C�llet�9 cst[ti� tF��ta� �� f���� �r� fa�ctix c�f :�rc��ureer.11 P�r�y
ar�� �.��he�� li�ns �:c�r���lcr� +�+ in +��r��ir�� �y ��:�� Par�y, 1��atns �t��la eiz-!�d �he �'n�l�tev��
��a�r�si ail c�lei�txs anc� �eet���is �+f a9l :�� any ��er p�,r�ns �t any tirn� �laimi�x�; nn�r �rst�:�ct
th�in ��'vcr�se i� Se�:uretS f'�rty,
{�l Actions �� $'�-vc��din�.s, '?lacrt �rc a�� ��ts�sns at l�+uv. suits �t� cx��z#fi�y. cr� [�tl�t�`
ps�ix�ira�� be��re ar��r �ov,�rt��ent�1 a����+, �n��tiNr��ss�nr�, 'hure.a�a, tr��urzal. e�r �k�er ar'b�tr�tic�n
proa�di��� �gain;t �r �ffec�ing Debt.�r, tl�ai �f �d�+e.rsely detennia� wc��[d a�dv+�rsely �ff���
�ebtar°� it�trre�t in the �ollat�r�l �f �au�c# �dv����� �#�cc� t�c ri�ht� c�f F7�btc�r t� �i�ci�� an�i
,�ss�,,�� �l� �r � �r�r# nfth� �+�lla�er�] �ar tl�e r�g�ts �nd se�v�ty �af��r�e� �ecu'E+ed �'�rky h�e�s�ad�_
�!) lrs�+ur�nc�, �ti� E�e�ets�r ��s it +�ill ]��:e,�� t�h� �quip�t s:���. �r �usr �h�
E�q���rt�e�! tr� he ke�►I tt��ur�d, �I r�ll �im�s a�in�t d�ss l*y �� �t ot� �S�.ar� r.a�zr�min� w1���Yr,
in t�roe �u�9��nt �af she S�c:�ir�t! �''�rt��, i��ur�,�� ptsi��ehr�r� c� r�a,�on��fy s���;sss�ry ��d ��
a,r�cru��t� �u#�c���rs� t� �f�tcct ��ainst I��ss �r d�ag� of' t�� �qui���t. S�uc.h pokicy or �li���s
WI�� �dt1�9�if1 s� �l}55 �a3}�9L�}IL4 L'�LLf.15� 111 F�SV�LI� {l�S�DCG� PSi��+ i?� i'�.5 S41�C�Si}I� #fl' I�S&1�]S, �n f�+rm
$#�..6",���1:Rl1Z�i i�[1 ��I�:LIFCf� Er�f'I��, ��v����, �hn�w�.,,v�.r, tl��� []chtor r:�a��. as �x� reas�n$ble dY:�r+�tinn,
�eitr�n�w�t��c �qux��nent.
(8) �+[n �"�xdur�, Rf any �+�- t�� ��r11a��ra3 is +�x �o�+���€ � f���ir-�f i]eb�.ir �gr��es tv
#ixmisl3 ;ecur� Fart�v, �s ��°�:�ec°c� �'�tri+��'s rr�uc��3b writ#� u�tatc:m�r�1 ua si;atc-mer�t� sx�� bv ��1
p�i�ns whc� Po�v� r�r ��jaim � in�er�sl in t�e r�.3 c�t,�c �t�r.:�sns�. wlric�r �t���at�erM[s s�»1�
�m�tie t�a�t th� �i�nee t�vns�e�t� te� ��e sec��t�' ir�terest crea#ed h�r�y and ��s�l�i�s ariy �r��eres#
�n ik�+e ��a11ai��raf as fixtures,
(h.i Und,erstandin�s l�� ��n � C`c��la�era�_ [�e�t�r ��kn�os+vieadges thst th� �`c���t�feral is
�s t�rijl be +�f thre c�esi��n, �.-�p�t�ity, a�d m�r��rf�clutc .�r.�if�+e�d €`vc an[� �iy �c:�t�r, �d �hat Qwl�lc�t
i� satisfie�i! ti�a1 tl�� �a1�tic �s nr wiil l�� ��lt��E� �rar �rs �nt�d� �}ur�c�ses. �krt�rr fur#tr�r
a�4cr�o�vlr.ci�� a��� s�re� th�t S��r�d ��ar�}� Ys�s nc�t r�a��, �i dc� ��+t rrM,�tce, �y
r+�tr�es���a#i€�n. w�rrs�sty, �ir �:c�vc�sn� wstlt r�s�'r�.1 fv ��.'sc:��,ntability, ftn�� �i�r �y �z��osu,
dur�kriqity^� pa��nl. c��pyn�ht �+z� xrad��nark iasfringe�trcr�r, �u�a�s�i�iry, �r ���k►iisrr� s�f a�y s���r� c�#"
C�+�k�i�t`�i ir� �ttY r��t�c`{'� i7f 1?� Cf1I�I1P,CRliffl Vd7�F 3f1!' �1'�I7�# �'}tl�i4l�t'_ l?f t1�i� U� ����i7C, .M� �ny n��ei�
repr�ser�tati�n, vv�rrms2t!r, +�r co�r�nar�t �f any llsiii� ,�r ct3s�-a�t� expr�css�d �rrr im�l��1 w�t�i resp�aci
tla�eta. T)ebtor accc�rdin�l}r ��cc� no�t to �ssert �ray �laim wliatso�u� �g,�in�t ��.�r�d P�ariy
saa�x�� r�r�i �r��z��� �
h�s�d th�e�n. �}ebtor fur�}�cr �gees, re��it�s� r�f cause, no[ t� �ssert a�y �l�irn ��hatsoe�rec
�g��ns� Sec�are� P�rrt� f�r lcs�� s�f�a��icigato� pr+��its c�r cc�a�sequentia� darn�ges.
{i) �Jse of C`v31�t���1, The �€�Ilat�eral wiil be used for its inte�d�d b��inc;�s purp�nse
and �,�il� at �i� tirnes be lo�re� ,�t th�, Facilit�+, exr�t as provi��d in the L�aan Ap�reem�t.
{7) �����on of C'nl�ateraf. Debt�rr will k�p th�e C:allat�ra] in goc�d �n�iitrc�� �ttd
�e�ir, re�n��b2e avear and tear ��€e��ted, at�d will �erniit �e�ur�ti P�r#y to ent� th�e Facility at
reast��t�ble time� as�c� upon r�as��abie notice f�rr t�ry� �urp�se ofexaminit�� th� Cr�llat�x�l.
(k) ��st� of �nll�ction_ �r� c�ie �ves�t �f ar�y ��tion €�r proce�di�g tc� +r�il�t or re.ali�e
�porr the �'�o�lat�ral �r t� en��rce �r,y of` ��curtd P�srty's ri,ghts h�ereuncier, th� �cbtrar sh,�.al }�a}�;
�i} �I� �a#' ��ur+cd Party's �tl[�rneys £ee� and le�l ex�er��es, v�ith in�ere�t t3x�e�n,
Yncurr`e�l �y t�ti� Sec�rc�d P�tr#y;
(i�j al� #axes, levi�s, in��r�ut� �.xp��s�s, �d c�os�� �f repasr� ta, or rn�inte�xance ��`,
t�e C�Ilater$IF ar�d
�iii) ai� custs �f ttse ��eureri f�xrrty re�n�bi� inc�z�r� in t�kin� �r��session af,
dispa�s�r�g �f, �r pres�rrvin� the �llat�ra! $#ter �ny E�vcnt nf �efau�t (�cfin�d �elow),
3. Fver�t of D�fault_ C.�pon the o�ur�ee��e afa default in ti�� gaymen� �ft}�� �ote, or
�nder t�� t�rms �f �he I.�an A�r�ement� this Securit}� ,��rne�t, �r t}�� p�ersonal �u�tanty af
Wil�ia�n Fran�is �ur� and Per�r�y Layne Burt (th� "�uara��ty„�a t�� �e�sed Pazty may exerci��c
any remed�r availabl� tc� i� und�r t�t� term� �f th� Lvan Agreement, th� Nat�, ti�is ��unt�+
Agreertuecr�t, nr th� �uaranty, and rr�ay, wi�out limiting any other nght ar r�medy avaiia�le to it,
�xer�.ise a�� enforc� any an� a�� �t�;h1s and r��ed�es �vailabye rapan t�e�'ault t� a s��r� �rarty
under ti�e Uniforrn C'omm�rc�ial �vde �s �nac�e�d in the �t�te of IVliiinesat�t, Minnesota �tat�ut��,
�ha�ter 33�, as arne�td�d �th� "�JC'�"°), an� tl�e �ecurrd pr�rx�r and �1 rep�t�sent�rives �f t��
��u� Party ar� iaereby gra�#ed the rig1�t to ent�r upon �y property c+f th� I�bts�r, w�thc��,t a
i�e�r�n� or pr�t�r n�tice thereasf, f�nr #�ic pur�ose of takin,� ��ss�ss��� �f thc �ollat�l, If n�t2e� to
the Debtor of any �nt�,nded �i�positi�on �f �khe �'�Jlateral �r �rty �ther in#���d aa:#ion �� re�quit'e�
b�' 18+�v 111 � p�`t�Cular ��gC�T3C�, su�h notice shall b� �eerrsed ontr�merci�lly r�onab�� if �ive� (in
�h� r�-h.��r,�r sp��cifi�l ir� this 5ec��ity ��e�e�t) at least t�s� �a�er�d�r d�ys pr�o� f�o the d�te of
tl��c in�en�ed disp�sitis�n �r ath� a�tion,
4. Furth�r �,ssura�r�c�s. The I�e�tor shall �exec�te �nd c��liv�rr t� th�e Se�ure�i Fart�r,
pr�+��ptl� a'�c� �t tht I�ebf�r's e�pie�s�, f�anci�g �tat�tents, inciud�ng �vitl�out tiFnit�iic�rt � AJC+C�
l Fin��;ia�g Srat�m�nt listin� the E�ui�rneflt �d aii pr+�c�ds therec�f �s �oilate�al. I��ebtor
a,grc�s that the �e�c�re� Pariy is autharize�, at �ts apti�n, tc� �)e a photc�cnp� or othcr repfcxluction
�f th.9s ��curity ,A�-�er,t as a fir�ancir�g st�t�ment arui such �hotoa�y �r nt�er reprc�dueti�n
shat� be su1f�'i�i�t as s fznaneing statem�nt under #]tie UC�, ��d #he Debtor hea�hy irrr�±oc�biy
�gp�ir�ts th� �eeured P�rt;�� aa the I]ebtor's �ltarn�y-ir�-f�t tc� execute er�r� file, frorn tim� to ti�e,
�an its b�h�l� �n�e nr rnor+� �nar��ing statetnent� with z�sp�ct t�, t��a Cu�laleral an� tc� execu.t� st��h
ca�h�r dc�e:umer�t� at�d in�trum�nts or� be�ia�f o�' t}�� Debtc�r � the ��cur� Pa�-ty, iz� �t� s�le
soo�eti,3 n�h�� �r��_s���
jr�dg,�t��Yl, �Iti�ll dccan �n�e��:s;���r s�r d�,sirable #or tl�e �urp[sses of ef�'t5c:f�u�tir�g ti�i� �t�urii�+
��,R�aern�eral, suc� �r�er k�in�; �u��e� v��ti� an intere�st.
5, C'uititiul�ti��� R��edies, r°�!1 €�fthe �ecurcd 1'�r�'s ri�hts �nc� r�����e�$�:s 3�cr�;�� �re
c�rriuigtive ar�d in ud�it�o�� t�� �i�y r�gt�t.� �r rsai���tt`se� �v��x�h�� �t I�st�� �r �� �:c�uo�y, i�cla�i�n� ��e
U'f.`�", �nd i�n;�� ��; �cx�a-cis�.c� �.i,nc.urrentl�r �r ��parqt�ly, Tttit I]e�hts�r stx��l ��sy ��I s+��#s. �x�s��,
l�ss�s, �1�xt�ges, ara�# 1��#I �v�st� {it�cl+�t��x�� att��rn.�r�s f�esj� tn�umed �y t�he S�ur�d P�rt� ��
r�suli �f a�#[�rc.x��, any �errr� c�� �aos►di���rss ��f �'��s �ecut�t�' ,A�c�cnt.
b. 1+i� L.i�al�tli�y [inp�is�iS aa� tl�� �s�.4���d �'.�strtv. �i'1�� �c�:t� �arly �Ih�fil n�t �;
��l�i��t� Rr� ��+-f�r�i +��r disc,h�r�:, nc�r �oes �t l�ereb�v �und�Ra.ke #n ��x#��rrr� �,�i �i�a�IM�r�e, ���sY
c,�Sl�gatic+r�, dufy, �c i�a�re�i�v` rwc�r �����] ��tis �c�:i��ity A��c�rtrent c►pr.rBte:�a �8�ue re��n�xibi�ity for
t�� ka�t�tt'��., u�r�. �•r ��ar��g;�.tr��.nl �f th� Equipm�3 u�c,n Se��ar�� P�t�+�; �+rc,v;r��� I�a�� u�n
�3'��em is� �#� o�t�� Nc�t�, tlia ���ur�r! �'arty sha�l cx��tc �an�i �iie ��+��' terminatt�r� stat���ents
�r� s�€e �fi�c�s yn vv�ic� �i���ti���� statecnerrt� wit� r�s��e�r tn �}� ["�t����l �rc �f��:.t�+��
7. ���r�is��a���,. �h� �et+ts�r iae�y ���s ��s za�d�ru�iT�+ an� r�s '�e}I,� t��e S��re.J
3'a�y is���s �f �d fr�m s��+ �n� �}1 l�ab�i�ty, l�ss� or ��rna�,� wl���� �t m��t�r �r n�i�;l�t st�cur
ur�der nf i��r �aso�r; ��'f��s ���utity A���+�tn�n#a �r�ti of and �om �r�y �nd �fl G�a3n�s ��d �ic��sand�
wh�s�cv�f v��ic� m�;� �e as�+�e�e€� ��air��k at �ry �,c�r� �i'�tty �4���ui ��ts�}�liorts car unsic�rt�kin�s
�rj #t.,.�. �f.�#f $Ci �+Ci�+]lTfl �C�F [�2�L�i�#f�.� ��+ i)� �}l� S�f�iti� tx�v�na�tits, nt ��t��t�€�tt� u,�r��,iz�c� �a�^�ine
�hr��uld che :��curc�d #'ar��' fC3i;l3f $n�+ ��c�� k��#���$tY c�r i�e re�uirtxl �r� �e{��s�l 3�;r7YI7St �sa�` :���ch
cl�rsss ur �I�sr���a�s, as sk�u�i+� s� iud,+�ent �e ,�n�er� ��tt�tr$l t��c �c��r�J f�ast�r.„ th� amor�t
�t�er�#', ts�ci�uf�n� �nsts, c�c�e��s�, a�� �tt�rneys f�xs, .�h�tS bear ��ss� t�erex�n at �e �f� the��
in e�e�� nn ��� �1nte, ��F t�e �ecu�d t��r�y, �ic� ��ti��'! #�e ��dd� tca �F�r ob���l�o�a� �f th� D�a[or
s+�ur�xJ i�crc:�um�i�, 'l�c� LTckxtvr s�a11 r�itsab�,�se t3:e ��ur� P�r�y fc�a �ucl� a�i�rt�anai ca�lz�si�r�
ia��aed»cely u�n r1�rn�t+�, ��cl �,�rca� tF�c failc�rc of th� ��bt�r ac� ��. t�e �eau�r�d P�ny rnay
dc�c:lar� s�ch ;�d� iti��ai �t�li�ticFn� �m��arxi�a�e�y �lue �r�d �s��ah1�,
�, ��ns�s �� ����r� F�as�t�r, A11 �rrpcnars �aicl or it���a� in prote�z�n�, s��r�c,g,
w�h�+s��s��, irasur�r�,�, hr��lli��;, ar��l �hip�pi��, th� C�11at�eval, �T� crx�#.� n� [��in� thc; ��t�l��t�l
fr�e �f �ie�s, �11CUfiskli�S�G�i ail^11{� �"CGtt�'#1�+ IF��S°� (c?i�l� f�fl�� ��e S�Cs�4�' t���fe'S1 Ct�te� ��+ t�t15
�e�c�ur��y �►��t�. anci th� r�nc;�r�n� �f t#� �azzre �nci �ll c�ci��, �rop��y, ���s. ��d us� ta��
Am�n�d �� �#at�, f�:i�ra�, oa Ic�ca1 z�ut��[,r�#y #n �ny �f�e �€sl]�ter�i t�r vuilh r�spect �r� �h� s$��
ti�er�cj�, ���II �,e isr�rne and ��id ��rr hy t17� ���t�s ar�r� i#` El�� L��bt�r f'ail� ��, gfon��+�Sy �ay sr�y
�rnE,�r�ls [Ist�t�rat wts�.n �ue.. 11��; ��:�r-csd ]'art_y rn���_ �t �ts �,�t����. but ��i�ll n��t b� �roquars� t�, F�Y
�1�e �am,c, aa�� u,�ra �tsc� p�ym�l �f�c �a�rrrar �h�ll cc�n�ti#ute ��ityc��a� ab}��cio�� u£ t�ue ��a��,�
gn� s�i�� k�ear �x�ter�t at �?�e r�atc ��ec:�fi�� ,n #.�e: i�ir�te �r��f shs3F l�e �r'� b}+ th� S��#�r
in1��'�s �tc�# laereunci�r.
�_ C�nti�nui� R� iS;��t�. The ri�htx �t� p�v��e�s c�f #�i� Se+�:urad P�,rty h��un��r �hsl1
�ntinu� �ts� s�mai� in �li f�irce efl"�ect z�t�3 Che I'��te �a�� any s��stirt�M�t�l o�lig�ki��s �cf�rred #o
in �actions � ar�d � her�ofj rs pa��i in ixrll,
lU, Sool�s and Recor�s. 'i��h�e Dekrt�r �v��I per�mi� th� S�cur+�d Party, and its
repncs�ni�t�vrs, ai re�s�nabje times and upon rea�r��ble noti�. t� �xamir�e ti�e I]ebt�t`s �t��sks
i(Hl9f�kv3 ]NNI MN3�S-33 �
�r�ct reeords (incl�ding i���a ��nc�ing re�car�s �nd s�st�n�s) vvith respec,'� to ti�e F��ijit}r �nd th�
�'nilatel�ai ar�d malce �rp��s il�er�vf�t ��}�� time �� from tirne #� tirne, anci the D�bt�r +��1� �i.�misi�
su�lt �nf�rrrnation repc�rts #[� th�e ��cWreti Party an�i its repreaentati��s re�ar�in�; the ��llater�] as
th� Sect�rod �art�' ar�d it� r�pres�ni�iives ena�}� frvm tirne t� time r�qu�si, T�h� �ecuFed P��'ty shal�
i��ue the aut�tanty, at a�� �ime, t� rcy�ir� t�,� D�btor ta plac� up�n th� I��ebt�r'� b��ks snd
r�cvrds rclat�r�� t� the �n]l�.�eraI and ot�ie:r n;ght� tc� Fay�n�r�t covc�d �� the ���ity� ia�ter�c
cr�at� in this S�u�ity �lgr�m�nt a nc�tat�c�t� statir�g that an}� su�is �"c�liat�rai and nt�r�r n,�hts of
p�}�errt afe subje�t to a se�ur�ty interest in favor r�f the S�cureti �'arty�.
1�. �u�c�5s�irs an� A.ssig�_ Tiiis �ee;�arity Age�arf��t and ��ch and ev�ry cc�venan�i.
agree�'nenc3 and provisian hert�of �haIl b� bindin� upar� the D�l�tor, �n� it� sx�ccessvrs ar��l
�ssigns, �n� s�hst� i�urc to the bc:nnefit ofthe Secured P�rt�, and ir� suc��rs arjd assigns.
12. ��,��� �w, 7�i� Secunt�r A�reerrtant is execut� pursuant tc� and sh�zIl �i�
�;o�ver��d by the �aw�� vf the St�#� csf 1+rr�innesota.
i�. S�ver�bilit�y. ]t i� th� ir�t�r�t �f t�is �eeunty �gr�ent to �+anfer to the �ec�,red
Party th� ri�t� artd b�en�e�it� h�e�der #� th� #`ula �actent �ll�v��abl� �y� �aw} �r��ludin� ��� r��,ts
available under the iJ�`�'. 'i'�e ut7�nf�rr�c���iIit� or usvalodi�y of ��y prc��disi+�ns here�f shal� n�t
r�d�r any+ �ther provisio� nr �rouisior�. �erein eottt�ined unenfc�rceakale o� in�r��id. At�y
prn��i�ians judicially det�er�ined tc� be ur��nf�rc�abie sh�l� k�e severahi� fram this Secur�ty
�4. �isccll�ne�us.
(a) Wauver_ T�ie p�rrF��rr��c� �ar abservanc� c�f any� �r{c>mise ar condi�i�rn s�et fc�rti� tn
t�i5 S�Curit�+ }��C�nent irt��r b� waiv�l 011�y ir� u+rittri�, 1�€� d�la�" in t�� exercase �f ��y pc�wer,
ri�t or r�ne�y �per�tes as a�aiv�t th��rsf, nc�r shall any sin�l� e�r g�rtia] exerc�is+e �o� a�y other
}�n��r, ri�ht or r�,t�y.
(b) Assi �� ncnt. 7�is �c�curi�� Agreem�n# sha14 b� binding u�o� the I7�ebtor, �ra� its
suc.c:e����s snci a�si�s, a�� SFiali inr�re to #hc beneflt D�'k�e Secul`� P�}�, and �ts success�rs and
assigns. .+�li r�ghts and pawers spec��fi�ally con%Jr� u�,nt� the �ecured P�rty rr�ay he #ransfe�rerd
nr delegat�d by th� 5e�ured F'a�rty t� any of its suc�essor� and ��srg�s, in�ludin,� any su�c�ssc�r
hol��r a�`the I�lc�te,
(c� ertair� T�ef�e�ed `�'et�s. �apitali��l terrn� usod in this �ee;urit}� Ag7eernen� and
defii�ed o�t this �ecurit}� �4�+eem�er�t, th� I.,c�am .��;r�ent a�r th� 1+lote €tr� u�e� vwith th� me�rxin�s
�i�e� in this '��urit�r Agre�errt�nt, f�� L�ar� A�e�m�t or ih� N�te,
(d) []kher Matter�_ lf �ttty pravision �r a��+iicstiort e�f this 5�urity A�reerr�ent is helcl
un�av�•fu� or ut��nforc�}�I� in ari;� t�espec#, s��h i11�g�lit.y or u�xei7for�abila�r shali n�at at�`�ct t�thcr
prc��']5lQf15 {?i ��yJ�3�C�iIi�fiS v�+hi��, �can b� �iven �ei��ct, �nd t�i� �ect�rit�r A�reement shal� be
cc�nstr�e�]] gs if the un��wiu1 ar unenforceabl� �rrc�vi�a��n or �pplic.ation had nev�r b�er� c;erntair��d
her�irs s�r �rrea�rii��d �,�r�by. A�1 rcpresentati�pns and w�rr��lii�� c�nta�ti� ir� t�is �ecuri#y
�1���meo�t �n� in �ny c�ther a�r�e�t bet��+e�n Debt�r �n� Se�ur�d f'�rty sh�tl surviw� th�
5[F�+JG.9�.°3 41N� MN�?i.33
ex�;u�ioi�, dcli�very, and ��rf����ancc of this ��c�rity Agre��.nl �n� 4he cr�t'sar� and p�yms�'il
+�f �n� ir�dela��edr�ess t� Si�cureci i�arty_ Debt+�r ��iuc�s notic+e n# �1�� aec�ptan�e� of this 5�urity
A�eeirt�ni by 5ecured Pariy.
�e) N�rtic�. All fl�ot'sccs r�quired hereunc#er �hail be ,given by de�n,itin� in lhe �'.S.
�ai�, �rst�g�: pr��aid, c�rtified �r�a��. r�Cur� e�cejpt requesie�� kc� the ���iresses fir:;t set f�r�l�
�borre (c�r sucl� �ath,�r �dc�r�sses as e�ther �,arty m�� x�olifj� th� oth�r).
{i'h� reonaio�der of ti�i� pa�e is inteirtic�r�ally 1�R blar�.}
54109bRv1 h+1�11 14'17+1325-33 �
1�1 Vvx�I"NES� 1�r'�#�it�.C��'F nc� bebcor ar,�i the a� P:�� h�v�� �ecut�i ih�s ��c:urity
��re�mcn� as c�ft%e ��te �e# �'�r#J� �bove,
1��]�TE�H B�EWTN� C�bhiF�Y LLC
�By' �,,;�'�� �
Williar� F. �urt . _
J� �� ��
� ,. . ._.
�T�TE ��' 1v1iNI�lES�OT.4 �
} �s.
C`[7LTN7"Y �F �R1�HT )
Th� f�g�goi�a� �nstrument w�s ��kkn�wl�ex3��1 be�`�re nnc �his; ± -day� afT� {' e�� ,'., , �017,
i�y William F. 8urt, th�. �' r- ��_ s�F R�stec� Bre�vi�ng C"�tnp�n� LL�', � 14iir�n�s�ta lintit�
lial�a�ity �m�anyr �n. �chalfv�`the company.
�: � e' .'�� � 1 � .� �
, � ��� � �-- �
Nt�tar�i Publi� � �
�A�AIGlA K.1��dYfCl�
� � ��660
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SLM19dSv] hihPl kfiN92�=33 �
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'�1E�`��.�l�Jl'!'➢ENT �i1'T1��➢dpTi�
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Pr�s� der�t
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r�7c�UtiYe I�aT°e�#�f
�`�AT� �1F MI�JWE�(]�"A )
} ss.
'�u f�+re�,�in� i�strosnient rrras a�.kkrbcru�����d: �ef�,r� me Itl�is -� c1�y� of ,�. 2tJ17, �y
W'il���irr� �]�eul�-� �d ��rn�rt:s �ares, die ['�dr�et�t �d Ex:cc;cc�ti��c �i�cc.'�s. s-cs��ac.-tiv�ly. �rf tFi€� C'it}�
of'►,fe�ntic.�lt� �r.�na�mi� Devel��arn�t ,A�tl�a�r�ily. � gub��c b��� �arp�orat� and ��liti� u��l� tl��; ia��
c�f Mi�o��c�t�_ c�n t�half+�f che Auth€��t��.
_ r �f�" v
. . . r . /r# ,� ' +.,p j k�Jr
. . i�� f �f � .Y f ' J� . �:' V � f + L
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�ii1S DC��'IJh�E�1�' �R�TEi� sY: ��,�ntr�r,� r. �tt�r
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�[JA�I�AL'"�T'3� ��REEI�9F,i�i�'
'Thi� Guxran#y A�r�ecrn�nt is rr�a�e �nd er�terec� int� #his 31st da}P +�f' f]ct��er, 2(��7, by
William F, Bt�rt a�td Penny Burt (""Gu�rrantc�rs") fn� t�ic i�ea�efit of the C i#y �f IVfan#ic�l�ci
E�oraom�c Dev�el�pm�r�t �uth+�city {"'Lender"}, a pub�i� l�c+dy �rp�r�te �n�d ��litic.
V4�HEI�E��, Rustech Br�vvi�� C;am�an� �,LC, a IViinne�ta limit+ed lia�ility o�r�pany� (tY��
'�B�srr�uver'"j 1�`�pc��es tca �orrow t�� sum of �75,L�C?0 from L�,�der for �q�ip,lxlent acc�uisition f+or a
rrr�lcrobr�wery �,nd tap r�orn facia�t�r lca�ted in the �'i#y �fMc,nti�llo; �n�t
V�H�R�AS, �ur�taant tc� the 1� a�r�ment ��tv��e�e� Borrvw� an� 1.en�er dated as c�f,lul�
1�, ��}17 �ti�e ``T�arr �►�reern�nt"� B4rrc�u.P+�r has agr�� tc� r�p�y° tp T.en�er �75,{��� tc�geth�r ►�lith
int�re�t th�r�n a# the r�te and �tF�in th�: rirn� �tated 'ua �3�rr�uwer's pr�mi�s�ry t�at� �f e���n da#e
here��ith {"�i�atc"); a��E
W'i��,RE�►54 tv secur� p���r,t csf th�c �lc�te, Lender h�s r�quire�€i, �d �a�azantcrrs }�a�e
a�'eed tv pr�vide, ���rsc�r3a1 �uaranty r�f �he indebt�+dne�s �����e de��be.�i betw�Pecn Berer�w�c�r and
Lend�r; an<i
GVH�[�EEI��, �u�r�ntor� v�{i�l r,�+c�:i�R�. a�dir�ct financial t��efit frcam the lc�� tc, Horra�'er ��r
L�nde� �u�uant to the h�€►te.
�?f�V4', 'i��1�FC1R�., t� ��iuce �,�tder to r�ake the loan #o ��rra�ver, �an.�atae�tar� h�reby
cr��F�na�t ��i $grec �wFith �der, fvr the %nefit of �3] wl�� at anv time i�Tne hv�ders vfth� 1'��te,
�s f������s:
S�ct��n 1.1. ��rarrtors h�reby x�n�nditi�r�al�� �uas�nte� t� Lcnd� �'or th� benefi� a�' the
H�al�ier �as �de�in� in t�r� 1�1c�te� fi�rn iim� #a tirn� �f the I�lcrte; ��� the full arid prcwrnp� pa�yrr,�ant af
the p�incip� of t�� �a�te v�'t��en an+� �.s t�e sa�e ��h�ll be.�orne �ue, wheth�er a� kh� state� rr�akurity
t��r�of, b}� acccleratic�rr or otherw�i��; �b) the full and prc�mpt pa�rtent c�f any �nfe:rest �n the T^��te
r�vher� ar�d as the same sha11 be�m� due; �nd {�} any oth�r am��,r,t� c�ue I.er�der ur���r t}re %..o�-r
Agrecrnent �r the �c��e, Ala pavme�ts s�ta�! b� �aid it� �ar�•ful rnane;y c�f t1�� Unitesl S#azes of
�meri�a. �ac� ar�d every d��`a�alt ir� pay�t�en# a� th� pr��,cipal c�f` �r inter�st on th� TJai� �hall �ive
ri�� to a s��sar�t� �� of �ctian h�reun�d�.x, anc� s�spa�ra#� �uit� �a� l�e brou�# hcreunc�er a� �ach
c���,.se ofa�tion �rri��s.
'�ectic�� 1_�. The ohli�atic�ns c�f Guarant�rs ua�der this ��arant� shx1I k� absol�a�e �nd
un�n�iti�r�,al an�l sh�i] retraain in fu11 forc� ar�d ef�ect zu�t�l tl�� entif�e ptir�ci��3 �af and int�r�t c�n th�e
1�T,nte �h�l� hav� �e�n p�id, and sucl� obliga#ions shaxl not be a�F`e�tc�, mcadi�`�ed �r impair�d upv� th�
hax►p�eni�� frc�an tirr�e to tixn� of ar�� e�cnt, inc�udir�g5 �W�ddlViFl JLIJli�4�4l1J' a�,y s��`the f�liov��ing:
�_ Th�e cx��prom�se, set#lcm��t, or r�le�e of �ess than all of t�ye abligati�t�s,
cravenar�#s �r ��reeme�t� of Bor�crwer und�r tltie Iv'c�te;
sao���ti�� r�r�i r�r,�x�.�3
b. °f �e fai lure tc� �;s'��e r�c�ti�� �+� �zn�,� ��~r�t�r� cai- th� ce�uu-re�ce �f- ���e�rlt c�f
d�fautt u��� ��e �e�rr�s a�� �r���is�o�s of �i� [luaranty ��r t.�e I��tr� exec�tc� �iy'�c�rcow�r_
�.. 7'he ea�tensio� �f xhe ii�+� ft�r p��rne�t c�i pr�n�:t�al 01' �r ir��erest rar� tt�e 1�nte
��r uraclex �l�is �ra�sar�ty;
�i. Ar�y ��ilure, r�mi��i��, c�cl�.��, �r la�.� �r� tt�c �r�t �rf L�d�es to �force. �.�sert
�r ex��'c��sc ��� righ#, p�wcF, or rerneciy �n�'erse�d on ��des ir� t�i� �usra�ty �sr c}t�er
in�tr�ar�+�r�t� ��cut� �n� �elir�er+ed r� c�ru��c#ic�r� �i�}� t�� 1�� c+�r�e�rrpI�l� ther�eby. �+r
�r��+ [�4her ��t ur acts on the p�rt c�f I.ender ��� of i�e hoi�ers fr�rrm tim� tn �ime af the
�. The �ie€'ault or �'aia�ire of` �'x�arari�vr� to g�rf�rn any of the ob�ig�tic�fls set
f�rth irr fhis �"auaranty-
���.ion 1.�. �Ic� �t�r►�", ,�:our�t�°�.���r�, �ue�ti�nw +�r ��rr�ss���ic�� c�f ���y csbii�bt�c���, �r �n�
d�f�nse c�f ��� kinti �xr ��t���; t#��t k�t�r��wc� h�s c�r �x���r 7ts�+� �n��s sh�l� b�e �vt�als�de 11er�ur��e� ��,�
Gua�artto�; ;�gtti�sl �.�r�de�r_ �
��ti�n 1_�. Lrx t�e �v�� cit" a d�cFr�ult ity thc �ytt�crrt c�f ��inc°�p�� c►f th� '�c�t+� wvh�a�. a�t� �
't�� ��le �h�.11 he�c�rne �,��, �vl3�t.her �� t!'u. �-���i rnaturit}� tF�c�f, �� sc:�:eperat�o� �r �tl�i,r���is�,, or
� t#�e cuer�t ir� � c��#�ult �n ti�� ��yrne�# ��' ar�y ir���e� vn ��c :�f�otc u��eurr ��ti as th� satn�e s1}alf
�eu�mc ��e_ nr �s�nr� �the �cc.urre��� arna� �c.x�ralin���t�c�� c�f �ny Er�r'�t �sF T]e£a�lt ur�c��r the �''t�rn�e�t,
i�,�i�et a�ws�• �arr►c:��:c� h�rcutacl�.�t-; �ttu.i L,�e.ncie�r, �� its �ni� ���r��c���w �ta�ll ���v� th� r���s ��r �rs��.���i
tirst ar�� �iir��.tl�r a�s�iszs� eitEu� ��ua��n��r c�r hntl� �4�at��r�toa� t��� ih� �u�� ��as€�u�rt �s,� w�t����
�Src�c�er�i��, a�ain�t �r e��au�tan� ��� c�tf�� ��ne�tes i� rr��y h�r+e ��s �� �1€smnv�+er_
�ecti���� 1.5, �uc�t�r h�r-el�y� ��pre�ly� v��aiv� nc��ose #ro��� L�rr�r� �r t�-�e hu��ker� Tr�,�
li�a� t� tim� r�f t�e i'�'�r#e �f ��,c�}�t��+�e �� {-�.r �rey r+e���ac.� �p4>rr t�,i� �rua�n�_ CYua�tr�r� ���-ce #€�
�ay ��1 t�e�s�s, �pe�}s�, as�d fces, ir�ciuc�tn� �tx:�rn�" �ee�y w�i+,,�, may he iticuus�c� by L�r�d�' in
cs�fa3•�:in� ��r att�sa�,t�n�; t� �nfss,�.e st�i� +�r�arax�ty �=�c��her the �a�i�e sl�a�l �t �n#'ar� ta� �aat sar
5��:�ic�n f.b. '�'his ��,�ntv �s �t�red in�� t�y ��ar�i�ars witil Lc:r,c1€� ��+r th� taer�e�it o�'
Lend� ar,d th� hnld�rs �m �r�� �n tirne �sf" t;�� Note, a11 �f t���,4rr� s�al! �� entixi� i� �nf�r��
per�omt�nc� �d obscxvanc� c�f t�s �uarar�,ty.
�ect��i� �.7. G��`ank�rs �r� d��y ��t���ri;�� and ��nw�raad t� �c�u�e, deli���, s��d
p�r�`orrty �"ss A,�r�etr,�1 �an�i �a ht�rr�ww �c,n�y fri�� '�.,�ies.
���on I,�. Td�c p�'#`ia�nksr��g ��r nh��n+aric:e nf �rry �r'�+��r��e {,t c:�c�r��ikic�r� �s f�rtl� in �'a�S
�a�r�a-���y m�y �e ursauexi, ,gs'n���d, �t r�acx3ifi�t� �,t���� by � writin� si��eci i�y Ciusr�nt��s t���[i
Lender. ?�o �el�v its �he �etcise �fif� any �xe�v��cr, ri�t, c�r ��i�� ��eral�s �s � v��a��uer t�gc���r1a r��ar
sh�ll any �in�;l e car �ritr#ia1 exerc��e �f a�t��r other pow+�', right, or r�me�dy.
��o�,�w� �a� r�r�:�z�.�a
1�T�1 '�i+'I� IVF�S �'��3E�C]F, ��ranta� ha��� caused thi� �u�a�tv lc� bc �.x�at�d �s ot` tl��
date firs� �b�ve vY,7-itt�. �
4 _ v ��,
}� r� ..j� L ~�.._
�illiarr� F'r��i� Bu�t
:�� _ y�� ��.
Pervi� I.�yne Bzuk
sa[����3�� h.ta;a M1�3��-�3
��iion 1.�. 7�i� �ru�xr�r�t�� �� r�adc� �ti�i xh�il h� �,��ve€�ed yr� ail rc��ects �a� she l�,w� c�f �ii�
a��►t� c�f ��fir���+at�. Anv cii�pu�es_ ccpr��rr�v�.���x. �r �:S�i���s �risit�� c�ut �# ttr�s C'r�a�r�tv ��i�all �e
��� i� t�a� �t�t� �r €�e���l �.��r�n� ��' 1vii�n��f�, �a,�aci �� �ris���: t�� tl�i� G��nty w$�v� ��� cphj�cti�.��
ti � the �uris�ic��.�� �nt t�� �r,urt�, �r��#h�c �a�ecf �n �a�n�r���� �n�r or �t2�erwx��.,
�e��c�n ]_��}. [f �n}� prv�i�ican ��r i�P��$�t��r� �ai th�� �u�rar�ty �� �c�d �o��s�v�ul �r
��nfurcc�Ute in �ny ra�pt�t. �;�.kch i1�e��i�t� d:ar ut�exx�i�r�:�a#�ilti��r s���!! r��t a�'c�i ot��e �rn������� ��t�
��li���ni3,� �i�t �-an �ae �tiv� ��e.�z, �nd t����. �u�r�t�� �1ra]l ta� c�s���Et�1c:�f �� i� tl�w� �u��iwful c�r
r�n�s�#`�rceahle pr��isi�n f�� �pp���:�st��>n I�a+3 t�c.�ucr ia�en ��a��iirr�i 1��r�i�� �r �r�c�il�� i3ere�s�s
��ti�n �_�i, A1I r�e�t�� t�q�,ire� h�.�,`i:aande,r s�h��1 bc �iven �i}� �cposit���g in �i�,r Li.�, [�ai�,
�c��fi��c pr�aai�. +��;ttifieci m�ai�. c�cturn re�i�t reyr�t+.�, tc� t�e follc�v��irt� �t��ir��s,� ��r suclz �t�ier
ad�r�saw�s a�� eith�r pa�r�� vnay r�o�i�}� th� i+t}oerl=
To L�ndef: S0� �4�a�n�t ��.. �utte 1
1�ionti+�i1�?,1vft� 5����
�tin: Exec�tiv� I3ir�ct�sr
Tn �i�arantor�: �!i]liarn �r�,ci� ��rC an�3 P�nny� L���ne ��rt
f���8 �is°h �tri.ci �F:
lv�oz�t3�ello, 1+�iN 5�:�6�
�eetto,� �, i� T��is �u�ar�ant� �:�rw;�tiih�t�.s ��tr cx�rnplete �ic� ��ccluu:�i���: �t����n� c,� � ��,�
ui���°:�ian�in�� E�er+�vc��n #h� par�j�, wrt�t t�sp�c.� t� ���� t_��nl�, su�se�r����� atil ��ti�+r s��
�:urjt�.�,-r�,s��r�e��r� ��i�cr�xas�ls, ����runi�.acic�r�s3 ��nc� �,r�t3�rst�,t��iy��s, �rh�.h7��r c�r,a.� �Fr r�+ritf�,
l�sflC�fT4��3� �1� .�.ri�AP�tI"�C�� 1���11a.irt� c'c���#�it�od f»r�cir9 �}��$1 �fii�I ��� i�'�p�.dr L�n�i��'� t��it� und�r �Se
L.c��sr� �,}�rer�r�cn�. ti�e i�c�ic. car ti�e S��unr�� ��rttea�t.
�ection i.i;. 'the v��ig�tic��n ��`ea�F� {auar�n���r un�ier t#us �r��r�ky shal� �e ja�rtt �d
s�ver�l �ir� ihe ahligati�+n� c�� e-�++�hh cather C�u��t��r. x1��11 h�� �u��in�, ���rn t�c t��irs and e�t�t� o#°
bcrtl� �us�antor� a�ty,€i s���l� sLnn+iv�e t�� dea#�i9 tF#T�#4�•p ��� s�� c,ther ������ ��� s�tl.�ation or
c�latic�+�ha�+ c�f any or �11 ���tors.
SUt19(rTa�3 h�f1�� ?�i�3�5-33
and ��SFf��'I
I-'t�.Bo�x�d1 AA�;rrltr,lo,?41N �53{��
wsv,�.��r,�j;Fy.��m 763��9�.�3�73 ��es�gn���rnajir�.€an�
Bilf T�
['il�� c�f';1�ivritr�,ellc�
�'1�.cc�unt:� F'�y�a�le
5�5 1?4Falnut ��re�t
I1�or�ticellc�. lt��;` �� ��'?
I C�rrw
4uanEi�y� i)e�riptie�rs
��FII jam thar�.w ��ur�i.ti
f}�1� Inv4lce #
ltl.+[�.�'IJt? l•��`�F�
��r ��
Rate � �lrnoun•p
i �
. ,. �
T�h:�nk 4{�.0 t'srf 4r���rhu�incs�.
� rn�FnlMlx� lakc tc� fFj �. ]°iF 44'1II �?4 �}I;if�6;{� CdSC If4b'til��'� �(� �4��.�� n:�st d�c k�t�h n
r�;inin3ur�s �r�{}r�G r�r S«J .
��1���� ���
Julie Cheney
From: Jim Thares
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2017 9:49 AM
To: Julie Cheney
Subject: RE: Majirs Inv# 1468 $52.00
Yes, this is okay. Code to 213-46301-421990
From: Julie Cheney
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 11:56 AM
To: Jim Thares
Subject: Majirs Inv# 1468 $52.00
Attached is Inv# 1468 from Majirs for business cards for you. Okay to pay $52.00?
Please provide coding.
_Tulie C(�eney
Finance Assistant
City of Monticello
Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us
APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us
��' ���'1���;��.�'
EmQil correspondence to and from the City of Monticella government offices is subject to the
Minnesotn Government Dntn Prnctices Act nnd mny be disclosed to third parties.
- � .,. � .. ., .... .. �,... r� .
• . . . .�. . . . I�_. .... ,.. ._... .. . ... ... . , .
�ity of h+1or��ir�llo [�c�,�bar ��. �{]17
+'�t��Y' WAj+ng O�l�f�, Fkf��11C@ DIf�CtOf �rc�j�c� Nc�: Q�47�4����-34{�
�G5 Ul,'alnut �tree[, �ui4e 1 Inv�oi�e No: 1�
Mor�licelfo.ls+l�! 5�..�362���'�
�61h���917 11�arkek Pr1�l�F�.ing �.�' �_ � f'- r I i�,°��, '`� I
�"a� Aoct #�13 4���,1 �3199Q �
swity ,�taff R�v�ewer Jim Thare� j� �
Prniess���al �enu^ices ���n 5��tember }. ��1T #u Sea�err���r ��]. 2fM�� +I i� f
Ph�sP �1 �fl1fa-2t�17 �ark�t i�+l�i�hin� Retai�er Fe� � 3 �
Fea — ---�---�-- - .
T�,t.al Fee 9,4C�C7_{�D
Percent �[amp�ete 1{l�.Q�} To#�I ��rned S 400 OC1
�'rewipus Fee �illing
�Curr�n# Fee B:ilpinc�
Total �ee
'Tot$I this �hase S7i�q,Ofl
�#illMngs tc� date
�urrent F'rior Total
Fee �DD.�O �,740.�Q 8,400 00
Tokaf� 7{F!}_O�p 7,7�dd�.p�} �,4d�0.04
F'Mase 02 Fiourly
Pra�iu�tior� Design Proj�c1
I�roj�� Mgmt
Arlaass, �r�e
Indus#ri�� R�rk f+�1ap Upd�le
Total Labor
Bil�ings i� Q�#e
�I�IIFI�S �fJ �$��
H�4�rs R�te A�rlount
91�$J��117 ,�Q $4.Q[} d2.{�0
-�� �4�.f]�l
Tokal khis Task �d�,0p
�t�rr-�nt P�i�r
�2.(�� 1�,43fi.7s
d�.0i� 10,436,T5
T�tal this Phas�e �42_0@ �
..�-� ",,�, i
�ofal �� � � � �
1U,478.7� � � �
TCI�� ��115 �11YDIG� �i��i.��
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Fe+e 7(��].�70 7,704.��1 8,4�1(� Db
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�c�A ��vcrcun��, =�"r�;c� � .a5�h�;,�� �cr*r
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��b�sr 4�_(�{� 10,d�f,7� 10,47$,l�
7otala T�t�.0�1 7g,i3�i.7'� ��,$7$_F�
4__-= �
Approved �y; �
� __ _ =-
Review�d by; �rei Vti+eiss
Pr�ject Mar�ag�r. Jarrqes Gromberg
Page 2
CHECK AMOUNT: �` �� • �'
Check to: Harry T. Lantto
907 — 2°d Ave S
Baffalo, MN 55313
Meetin� Worked:
Planning Commission
EDA Meeting
City Council
City C+aa�nci[
Total Due: � �' � • ��
Date I � 3 ! `1
llate D ! � 1
Date o �'1 p
Date �7 Z
PlanningCorx�missic�n: f�C.�{-!q I�.+{-3���-D
City Council
2t3. �#-r�3r�f.�31�t�1�
��� .��--t�r b. �-3i�„� a
REQUEST DATE; I a � �--�' ' ��
Venr�or #
Time � Amount Due � �.P�
Time Z • �a Amaunt Due � (�b
Timc � - -�� Amount Due � I,1��
Time ,j. -7 � Amou�t Due � (,�'1. �-Z]
� C� ts
l 2`7. �
�� �' ,r
AuthnrizQd by: ',� ' Date I�� 2-'-�' - I
Employee N�me HARRY LANTT(�
nAT� TIME �'IME Hours Meeting
�N OUT Worked
l � � ��. � � �l. s C�
��L� ���� �' ��1 � � �, � ,{�
f O�t i �"'1 -';� a'^ 2.� '��'}.
''c� ��1 �lN�, `F 5 ��/`'l � ��� �c � � Cc:; ��
Meetin:; Pay�nent $6� fc�r first 3 hours
A��reeinent; � 10 per hour for every hour after
MEETING REC�RDER: Harry 'P�. L�ntto ��
��Jr�: lU�'Z��-,f ��
AU'I,� IOR�7.,ED BY:
DA'1`�;: �� �� � 1
Accounts Payable
Transactions by Account
User: Julie.Cheney
Printed: ll/22/2017- 1_SSPM
Batch: 00204.112017
Accuunt Number
AP-TransactionsbyAccount(11/22/2017- 1_SSPl�
�IT� � F
�' �
� ��1��� � �
Vendor Descriptian CL llate Check �o
KENNEDYAND GRAVEN CHAR'I GMEF Loan - Microbrewery thru Oct 11/28/2(l17 118368
KENNEDYAND GRAVEN CHAR'I Services for 220 W Broadwa} thru Oc 11/28/2(l17 ll8368
KENNEDYAND GRAVEN CHAR'I General EDA Matters thru Oct 2017 11/28/2017 118368
Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301
CiJNNINGHAM GROUPARCHITE Small Area Plan thru Oct 2017 11/28/2(l17 118353
Vendor Subtotal far Dept:46301
ECM PUBLISHERS INC Digital Nlanufacturing Mag - Ad #756 I I/28/2017 0
Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301
NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC TIF Management #19 11/28/2017 ll8374
Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46519
NORTHLAND SECUP�ITIES INC TIF Manaaement #ZO 11/28/2(l17 118374
Vendor Subtotal for Dept46520
WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS TIF I-20 (Prairie West) -Excess Tax in I I/28/2017 I 18393
Amount PO No
Pa�e 1
Accuunt Number Vendor Descriptiun GL Date Check 1�'u
Vendor Subtotal for Dept46520
213-46�22-430400 KENNEDY.AND GRAVEN CHAR'T General EDA Matters thru Oet 2017 I I/28/2o 17 I I 8368
Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46522
213-46�22-43 1 99 0 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC TIF Management #22 11/28/2017 ll8374
Vendor Subtotal for DepC46522
213-46�24-431990 NORTHLAND SECUP�ITIES INC TIF Manaaement #24 11/28/2017 118374
Vendor Subtotal for Dept46524
213-46�29-431990 NORTHLAND SECURITIES �NC TIF Management #29 I I/28/2o 17 I I 8374
Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46529
213-46�30-431990 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC TIF Management #30 11/28/2017 ll8374
Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46530
213-46�35-430400 KENNEDYAND GRAVEN CHAR'I General EDA Matters tluu Oct 2017 11/28/2017 118368
Vendor Subtotal for Dept46535
Subtotal for Fund: 213
Amuunt PO Nu
I 60.4 I
AP-Transactions by Account (11/22/2017 - 1_55 Pl� Page 2
Accuunt Number
The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment.
Date: 12/13/2017 Approved by
Steve Johnson - Treasurer
GL Date
Report Total:
Check Pu
Amuunt PO Nu
AP-Transactions by Account (11/22/2017 - 1_55 Pl� Page 3
Page: 1
}��nr�edy� � �r��ren, Chart�re�
�a� s��,�r ���t�, �t���t, s�,�re a�o
�inneapoiis, h�N 554�02
M�r�t��env EOA
OC#c���r 31, 2017
MN32�-�f7�33 GfW1EF L€�ar - �licroLrew��+
ihrough O�to�er 31, 2017
F�r All Legal 5ctvic�s As Fr�ll�w�
, -�
� s . , �
1�';2�f�L�17 4�TiVl �Fipr� !;r�r�+�ers�Yion with J Tnares reg�rdin� ��camir��
I��r� ci�s�ng far f�ust�ch
1s��3C1r2�17 Fvlhll fVlontic�lic7 fir�l�Ze Rus"�c.h Ir�n d0�.s wa�th s��ttnty
a�r��rnent s;�b�rdmati[an langu��� �r.d �,pd�ted t2rr,�s
7at�1 Servi�es
Hours Amoun�
� 20 �5.0�
i.{]C] 1�O SJ�7
T°atal Services arrd C�i$bursemenks: $
Julie Cheney
Jim Thares
Tuesday, November 21, 2017 9:40 AM
Julie Cheney
FW: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3)
SKM BT_C75417112110490.pdf
Julie, these are all okay, please see instructions below for coding.
From: Julie Cheney
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2017 1:56 PM
To: Jim Thares
Subject: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3)
Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven:
MN190-00101 — General EDA $380 See attached for coding; divided three ways.
MN325-00034 — 220 W Broadway $1,694.19 - Code to: 213-46301-430400
MN325-00033 —GMEF Loan $228.00 - Code to: 213-46301-430400
Okay to pay? Please provide coding for each.
If possible, please return by end of day tomorrow, Tuesday, to be included in the check run on Wednesday.
JuCie CFceney
Finance Assistant
City of Monticello
Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us
APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us
_� � �r} �;�F
� =�} � ���i����C�
EmQil correspondence to and from the City of Monticella government offices is subject to the
Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties.
�a�e �
I��nnedy & +�raven� �h�r�ered
20� Sauth S�xth Skree[, �uike �4x�
Minr�e�polis. M�I 5�402
h�lantrcello ECJA
����b�r 31. 2� 1 T
f�N��S-OQ4}34 2�(� �F'J Brc��dv�r�y
;�- `�������r �
� _
Throu�h Qctober 31 2D17
F�or f�:: L�gal Ser�i��s �+s ��iU��vs: �iours
1(7?91209 7 ��R Int�r�ffrce cs�nf�ren��; dr�ft cla�ing r�p�umen#s Q. r u
. G;cl2Q17 Mh#I �rn&�� �orr�s��nd�nce wit� J Thar�s �cgar��nq cl4s�°n� or � 5C�
C�nueyanc� af �r�}��rty �nd r���e�t for ti�le c�r�r:Ci off�Ge
u,�,�feren�� ,rriCt+ � Ro�kfiiz rz�ar�in� s�me
1 QJ1312�'�7 �r1Nl Revi�+Nv s�ttlement s#�ke�ent �nd m�ke c+�irecta�ns +� 3+�
1��i7�2�1�� �BF� Re�iew e�4s�ng �t�t�rrrer�t ern�i� ta �f��er
1��1��201 �r �Ih�lf Pvt�nCi��ll� r��rie�v setFl��n�nk si�C��n�nt� for 2�� �f
@ro�dway ��r� �rr7�il to J Thares ragardin� rrr2in[en�r���
1��1�}2C}17 �2R ��ui��+ ciosing statem��l�s ��[� doc��m�n:s from kitae;
inter€�ffice a�+�f�re�tee; r�vist? oEoc�rrTen[s
i019�1�d'7 M11��J1 Montdc�llo ���J IN �roadv�+ay �I�o�ing matters
taJ23J2Ci7 MNI �2� 1�'Vest Broa�w�y ,�air�t�na�ce issue�, re�+i�w revised '��
�I�s�n� dacumentS
1�1l��1�Dii CB� R�vie+,v corre5pc��oen�,�, drdit e5�u�ow �or�em��t: '.�5
�nter�ifie� �or��fY��rce with M I���r�rr
1�l25J�01 i CBR F�evie�v �ikl�e docu�er,ts; interpffi�e cvnfer�n�� wi�l� M 1.f70
I�r�r�m, errz�rl [o cli€��t
1�l�5�2�i17 MNi Re++�ew lett�r aE in,�tr��ki�r� �nd �I�sing �h�cklis[; c4osing 1..3D
'natter� +n�ltF� � Roc�cld#�
14,`2�1�C11� ��R �r�t�ra�ffice conference w+th Nl fr�gr�m regarding esera°+�+� '� �5
i0f2�:�2Q'I� M�f'J'I F�nal closir�g ques#i�ns frem t��le {1.��
+� C 4
'�5. v0
57 00
�3 �0
5� �0
1 �8 7�
C�� �JD
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2d 7. �f�
P�g�� �
��rtn�d�r & t;raven, CHarter�r�
2(7o acutn S�xt� str�eet, 5uire�7�
Minn�apalis. MhJ �54p2
MortiCello E�,q
C?�t�rber 3�. 2017
�'0;30,+2C�1 r ��R Dr�#[ Ie#tet
��d������7 NPfVI i�onticaeJ�a pc�st-�;Ic�sr�� m�tters for �2t] V'�l. �rt�aduir�y
�or ,411 �]isburs�m�r#s As Follos�+�s:
Tota� �erv��c��
7otal �}is�urserrient�:
�1.�5 31 7�
[1.5� 95.0�
S 7,���,�4
�at�l Ser+�ic�s and Di�burs�mertts: $
`1, fi 94.'! 9
Julie Cheney
Jim Thares
Tuesday, November 21, 2017 9:40 AM
Julie Cheney
FW: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3)
SKM BT_C75417112110490.pdf
Julie, these are all okay, please see instructions below for coding.
From: Julie Cheney
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2017 1:56 PM
To: Jim Thares
Subject: Kennedy & Graven Invoices (3)
Attached are the following invoices from Kennedy & Graven:
MN190-00101 — General EDA $380 See attached for coding; divided three ways.
MN325-00034 — 220 W Broadway $1,694.19 - Code to: 213-46301-430400
MN325-00033 —GMEF Loan $228.00 - Code to: 213-46301-430400
Okay to pay? Please provide coding for each.
If possible, please return by end of day tomorrow, Tuesday, to be included in the check run on Wednesday.
JuCie CFceney
Finance Assistant
City of Monticello
Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us
APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us
_� � �r} �;�F
� =�} � ���i����C�
EmQil correspondence to and from the City of Monticella government offices is subject to the
Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and may be disclosed to third parties.
C,ty �af ftrionticeuo
�ctober�l, �097
���g' �
4��nne�ly � {�rav�n, Charte��d
20Q �outh 5ixth �treet. 5;�ite 47@
Minneapolis. Mf+l 5�4C12
�r � � � 4' ' ,5 '
_ F� ��� ' k�
� � �
N1N1��-�41�1 Cen�raiE�3f�Nl�tters
Thr�u€�h [��t�6er 31, 2��17
For A�' Leg�l �ervi�es ,45 F�Ilaws:
Fiours Arr�o�r�t
10?�J2J1? MN� Pf��nt. C�inv��-s�t��n �+witn J T��'�S re��rd�'�g �ot�nti�l ��rtid C� �C�
syva� L�t+rr�en E[].A and private oar�y, �r.� vrhat khe
paremetef� tv�uld be
i0+12;�u"7 M�Ji Draf[ Fifth A.man�mentand a�pr�uin� r�so[uti�n f�r G�.6[}
N1�Sk2�5 F�f#tr a�u�l��rrnen�
1�+16r���'� � M�li MC)fl�i��llq �]I1pfS2 C0�'�I�J'�r��10�1 V�fY��1 ,� Th�f�S ff°��PCjlfl� D:�4
qu�stia�s an Ru�ast�rs Fifth Arn�ndm�nt ana approving
r�so I u#+�n
1411��2(}17 h+11V1 I'UC�snIrC+�tIC� C�i�lfer�rlC� C211 �ri#� ED,4 3�1d �ity �t�tf D 80
Total Ser�rices
` r' ii�
1 1 g DO
�7 4Q
' S2 4�l
5 380.0�1
7ot�C Services and Ciist�ursern�nts: 5 �BQ.(iQ
I�enn�dy & ��°,�v�n� �harter�d!
�Q�1 S��tf� 5ixth S#r��k. Sur#� �7p
Mann�a�olis, N1hJ 554:}2
��12j 337-��0�7
�Jpvember 1�, 201�
Statemenl Na. 740t 17
�it� pf MonticellQ
Ac�ou�7[s Paya�le
505 'srValnu! Av�nue, Sui�� 1
M�.�tic�llo f�fN 5�5362
Through �ctol2r 3�, 20'17
hJIN'I�p-�01G`1 ��ner�l EQP� M�tters
' r�e�l�r� und�e pen�lt�+ �f I�y�, tha± lhi5
�CC[]un�, �12irn ar de�rl�nd +S jlisl �n�
correcl a�+d C��ai ,�v p�rt �t it has been
� � � � *i _,_ -
Signature of Cl��r�ar�t
�at�l Current B�I�inc�; �$�.p�
� �� �� �� �
-J��� `� � ���# �Z+� [�
����. �
K�nn�dy � �Gr���n, Charter�d
��D Sau,Y� Six&h �#r�et, 5uite 4 r�
Minneapcalis. N1�! 55d��
�°fy of McnticelEcs
C]cfob�r 31, 2{J� 7
Fw+1f� � F�D-UD141 �eneraf F�A Maiter�
ihraugn Dct�be� 31. 2J77
F'or A,ii L�g�l S�rui�c�s As Follaws.
°1 J�91��1 � MN9 PhCa�te C�nv�as�tion v��ith J Tha�es regarding p�at�nti�l i�nd {3.3fi�
s�vap bet�veen EDf� and privaie party, and what tY�e
pararnet�:�s wo�xld be
1�� 12�G' 7 hhN! Df2f[ FiFF3 AfT7�flC]f7}@flf r'3!lt] 2p�31'4VIR� f�54fUX1/,}fl 4CSr 0.6D
PJlasters �i�tt� c#evelt��men3
1�1;1 �;2� � 7 MNI �,rl�nt+�el�a p��nc wanversatia� wit+� .f Ti�ares r�gardin� a 3D
quest�€�ns o� �lasters �ifith A°x��ndm�nt and approving
r�5ol ut� cr,
1(�r17i2{}�I + IsANI h�Eonticctlp Cpnf�r�nv� cal� wit'1 EDA �nd City st�ff. Q.�D
� l,� � ���] i '��-� V �`� V
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57 ��
"52 ��
����i�� Cuningharn�sruupRrchltecture,lnc.
St Ar�rhony f4'.oin rv, F.'.a�:n Street 5E, 5w[e 3�5 R+4inn€���c�Gis, hyN SSd14
T�I o'� 379 i4;;�] Fax 612 3iJ•1446
Gity �of Mt7rati�ello No+�ePribe� 15. 2L117
505 �4V21nu# Street �n+rni�e hJa: d$7��
�Wi1� � Cli�nl No:
Mor�ticello, Minn��ota 553�2-��31
Projec# PR�fi-C��63,D(3 Gity ai MQn#i�ellq �mall Area F'lan
�'[�f�gsl�r�al Ser�ices ior the �r_i��de� Dc!€s�er 27, 2017
Blf�inc� Ph�s�
Pro�e�sr�n�� S�rvi�es
T�t�l �e�
��e �rra�lete
50.�a�, Dc, T (}0,{'i�
�vt�l Fe�e
Total Pretriaus
�il�ed Bi1le�
�o,���.�o a�,���,ao
5�7,Of3(�.[�� 4�.S�f].DC]
Total this lnvaice
�iflings ta Dat�
�urrent R�ivr Tafal
Fee 5[}O.bQ 49,�O�,�fJ SD,��ID,OD
Totals 541}.OI1 49,��0.00 6��OO�U.II[l
This invoic� �ras r�eviewed �.n� 3ppr�ived b�r Andre�v [�r�es�ner.
Invoi�� due up�rt re��ipt, Int�T�sl avill �c�rue ��cording to �s7ntr��L
� 4' _ : � �� � �'`�' r}�� +�` �'��
� �� � �
� �
G R � 41 P
50Q. CC1
Julie Cheney
From: Jim Thares
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2017 8:28 AM
To: Julie Cheney
Subject: RE: Cunningham Inv# 48795 $500.00
Julie, this is okay. Please code to: 213-46301-431990.
From: Julie Cheney
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2017 1:59 PM
To: Jim Thares
Subject: Cunningham Inv# 48795 $500.00
Attached is Inv# 48795 from the Cunningham Group. Okay to pay $500.00?
Please provide coding.
If possible, please return by end of day tomorrow, Tuesday, to be included in the check run on Wednesday.
JuCie Ch,eney
Finance Assistant
City of Monticello
Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us
APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us
_� � �d'r i'�F
��} ��'�"1�����C�
EmQil correspondence to and from the City of Monticella government offices is subject to the
Minnesotn Government Dntn Prnctices Act nnd mny be disclosed to third parties.
- � �����l��l���, ��.
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Net 3�7
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�IT�' OF M�hJT��ELLO �
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� �
Julie Cheney
From: Jim Thares
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2017 3:49 PM
To: Julie Cheney
Subject: RE: ECM Inv# 549047 $250.00
Julie, this is okay. Please code to: 213-46301-434600
From: Julie Cheney
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2017 3:11 PM
To: Jim Thares
Subject: FW: ECM Inv# 549047 $250.00
See my email to Rachel below. Okay to pay $250.00? Please provide coding.
From: Rachel Leonard
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2017 3:10 PM
To: Julie Cheney <Julie.Chenev@ci.manticello.mn.us>
Subject: Re: ECM Inv# 549047 $250.00
Hi Julie,
I was a part of this project, but the actual approval should come from Jim. The EDA authorized the purchase.
Communications Coordinator
City of Monticello
Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticello government offices is subject to the Minnesota
Government Data Practices Act and rnay be disclosed to third parties.
From: Julie Cheney
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2017 3:08 PM
To: Rachel Leonard
Subject: ECM Inv# 549047 $250.00
Attached is ECM inv# 549047. Okay to pay $250.00?
I called on this invoice for more details. Terry at the Monticello Times said last year we were a part of a large
commercial printing job for advertising and this year the city elected only for the electronic ad. He said you were the
contact. Is this familiar to you?
If so, please approve for payment.
JuCie Ch,eriey
Finance Assistant
City of Monticello
Julie.CheneyC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us
APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us
r ��� ra�
�� �������C�
Email correspondence to and from the City of Monticella government offices is subject to the
Minnesotn Government Dntn Prnctices Act nnd mny be disclosed to third parties.
�;�rt�iLaY�t� Se�s.�r:Ci�s. IC�c.
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Client: �ity o# Pv��rnkic�ila�
pr$jec#: TIF C'viartagerrvet�t
Contact: Jim��hares
�;ctant�r�ic DevelopCnenk Manag�r
(�itv s�f ;Vivnticello
��MS �r�`alriut 5tr�t St�ite 1
M�ntic�e�le�. M[�! 5536�
Eillin� Feriod: Octuber �017
S�rvi<�s Ferfnrmed
• Assist with. }�re�para#inn ��t �taff repaPt tn LL�A
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Prc�jeek Surnm�ry Tt�tal8ut�get"
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T�1a�rklnlanci �e€�urG#ies. Ir�wC_
�'age � �f �
Julie Cheney
Jim Thares
Wednesday, November 15, 2017 8:42 AM
Julie Cheney
RE: Northland Securities Inv# 5089 $962.50
Yes, this is okay. Please code as follows:
From: Julie Cheney
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 3:13 PM
To: Jim Thares
Subject: Northland Securities Inv# 5089 $962.50
Attached is inv # 5089 from Northland Securities for October services. Okay to pay $962.50?
Please provide coding.
_Tulie C(�eney
Finance Assistant
City of Monticello
Julie.CheneyC`�ci.monticel lo.mn.us
APC�ci.monticel lo.mn.us
i'iTti d�F
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General Ledger
Detailed Trial $alance
Uscr. Sarah.Raihlfsberger
Yrinted_ 11/IS/2017-12;12PM
Penod� 01 to L5, 201C
Account NumUer Descriptinn
� � 3 Leonamic Dcvclopment
213-4Ci520 T�F k20-Prairic Wcst
213-46520-3105(!Q Tax Increment
6/21/2016 CR 6 l45 TaaSettlementRcvenue WrightCountyAuditor-Tr�tt 123fi9J
Cash Rcceipts 13atch 121-G-2U16
12/1l2(17G Cli I2 I{1 FIP Revcnuc - I�pA Wrighi County AudiiorTre�sui N 131Hb1
Cush Receipts �imch 101-R-2016
213-46�20-310500 Totals: Var: -419_ 10
213-4G520 RGVHNUG To�als:
2 � 3 TU[e �5:
Report Totals:
GL - bctail�d Trial BaEa��cc ( I V I S/2017 - 12� 12 PM)
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17. [ 73.00
17.173.00 0.00
17,173-OQ 0.00
17,173.U0 0,00
17.173.00 0_00
V.173.pU 0,0O
2 �o
O.UU II,'_8A.11
OA9 C,303.99
Q00 17,i92. I 0
R.OU ]7,592_10
O.OLI 17,592. I 0
0.00 17,592,10
Q00 17,592J 0
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Tax increment revenue
Interest and investment earnings
Market Value Homestead Gedit
Loan/edvance repaymenls
Lease proceeds
Repayment / return of tax increment
Total Revenues
Land/building acquisition
Site improvempnt/preparatipn costs
Other public improvements
Construction of affordable housing
Temporary economic development
Authority administrative costs
Total Project Expenditures
Bond principal payments on all other bonds
Bond principal payments for paygo
Band interest payments on all other bonds
Bond interest payments for paygo
Interest payment on interfund loans
� Tax increment returned to the munty
Total Expenditures
Ravenues Over (Under) Expenditures
Other Financing Sources and Uses
Tra nsfer out
Bond issued (other than refunding bonds)
Refunding bonds iesued
Bonds refunded
Bnnd discount
Bond premium
Sales of property
Total Other Financing Sourtes and Uses
Net Change in Fund Balance
Beginning Fund 8alance
Ending Fund Balance
� � 1 • / 1 1 . 1 1 5!' . _ .:.'�.�°Y��.� �44i:iC!i� �
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628.300 31Z,886 17,b53 17,653 I7,653 355,844
61,906 2,556 2,061 2,190 2,093 2,135 2,177 2,221 2,265 Z,265 83,802
20.753 - -
- 20.753
-- �.. � . -- _ 0
- -- 0
- - ---- 0
628,300 395,545 20,208 19,586 19,713 2,190 2,093 2,135 2,177 2,221 2,265 2,265 A70,400
2�D,000 65,600
_ 65,UOU
-- 0
, 0
81,975 0
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0 0 0 0 0 n n
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 918
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io.s,iyy_ a,ia[ 6,182 6,182 0 0 0 D 0 0 121745
70,768--- � __Y�(�M�� -- 70.768
45,12 7,058 7,058 7,058 0 0 0 0 0 66,299
628,3p0 267,760 51,308 13,240 13,240 7,958 0 0 0 0 O 0 352,605
0 127,785 �31,100) 6,347 6,474 (4,867} 2,093 2,135 2,177 2,221 2,265 2,265 117.795
� 0
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0 427,785 �31,104) 6,347 6,474 (4,867) 2,093 2,135 2,177 2,2�1 2,265 2,265 ill,745
0 127,785 96,685 103,032 109,506 104,639 106,73Z 108,566 1ll,043 113,264 115,530 0
0 127,785 96,685 103.032 109,506 104,634 106,732 108,86fi 111,043 113,264 115,530 117,795 117,795
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C,ty �af ftrionticeuo
�ctober�l, �097
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4��nne�ly � {�rav�n, Charte��d
20Q �outh 5ixth �treet. 5;�ite 47@
Minneapolis. Mf+l 5�4C12
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For A�' Leg�l �ervi�es ,45 F�Ilaws:
Fiours Arr�o�r�t
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1 1 g DO
�7 4Q
' S2 4�l
5 380.0�1
7ot�C Services and Ciist�ursern�nts: 5 �BQ.(iQ
I�enn�dy & ��°,�v�n� �harter�d!
�Q�1 S��tf� 5ixth S#r��k. Sur#� �7p
Mann�a�olis, N1hJ 554:}2
��12j 337-��0�7
�Jpvember 1�, 201�
Statemenl Na. 740t 17
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Ac�ou�7[s Paya�le
505 'srValnu! Av�nue, Sui�� 1
M�.�tic�llo f�fN 5�5362
Through �ctol2r 3�, 20'17
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F'or A,ii L�g�l S�rui�c�s As Follaws.
°1 J�91��1 � MN9 PhCa�te C�nv�as�tion v��ith J Tha�es regarding p�at�nti�l i�nd {3.3fi�
s�vap bet�veen EDf� and privaie party, and what tY�e
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57 ��
"52 ��
Accounts Payable
Transactions by Account
User: Julie.Cheney
Printed: ll/15/2017 - ll:56AM
Batch: 00201.112017
�IT� � F
�' �
� ��1��� � �
Accuunt Number Vendor Descriptian CL llate
2li-46301-443990 US B_ANK CORPORATE PMT SYS ACatered Event - IEDC Breakfast 11/28/2(l17
213-46301-443990 US B_ANK CORPORATE PMT SYS Target - EDA Special Meeting Food 11/28/2(l17
Vendor Subtotal for Dept:46301
The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment.
Date: 12/13/17 Approved by
Steve Johnson - Treasurer
Subtotal for Fund: 213
Report Total:
Check �o
Amount PO No
AP-Transactions by Account (11/1 �/2017 - 11:56 AIv� Page 1
�' �nd�or
Date of'Tr�sa�rion � � '� ��
C�TY O� M{��lT��ELLC}
Clty Fl��1 C�ra� Tr�ns��tdon
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�o ��e ��rnpleted b�r,p�rchaaer:
Arrr�ou�t $
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Mant�G�llo. f��1fW 5�.3��
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�Qus��tity C�e�craption
I If�4��try of th� Y�.ar �yrlard Bre�ki�sk
��] M�r+��ng l�lory �uii�:t� Harn, ��g & C�he�s� Bake. Fr�esh Fr��it, ,Ja1��e�o
�iasl�b���Yns 4uiiYt Onions A,so�#e� H��nn�r�ad� Sw��l �rea�s - Ginnamvrs
i Streus.�f. f��n�r�a Chcae�al�te �Chi�,. �[ueberry. As�nrtee.k Juic:�. Gr��fe� wi�h
�.r�arn ar�tt �uq�r ServiC�
$0 L+ner+. hJap�lns ivarnptirt+�er+l�ry
1[�ry '�'leaning _�r�en � L�r�ett ��i�leeloths Ten (14� Ivr C�uesk T�kl4�5, TYwJ -12 �
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u �;�rts;e +,', i1i�5
Crue5:5 5�:+f�d � ��G �rn - ��+errt � :4C1 �m - �.30 �im
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Sa1f� �35 �e��iw�d �awn �ayar�ent ��lan�e �9U� 9T ���ri�iled in+�❑ic�
Vicki's �rer�it G�r� En4�n� # r��i.5
Authc�esz�����e r� 4+OG[]5 -Ern�if��i oawoare ��14 a�1s
':�Vright L`�ui�b� Tr��sel T��e �b.�S Uiekr� (;r�dit i.:ar�i Erid�n� �?C3�6
ktU#�csr��a9i�r� $0��623
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1 C1,�;� �r'ts
E�at� � J4mounk
t 1.�39 I 958.20 r �
Vieki ��erhof#
Fr�sm; A �at�re� ��e�t c���tefed�vent���o�m.net=
Sent: Thsursda�+: �]ct��er 5, �a �� 1:�3 Pfv1
T�: �li�ki Le�rh�ff
Sui7ject: Re= Invcri�� ��B�E fr€�m A Catered Event
No I forgc�t all �bout th�t� Can 1�h�rge $6.�� t� �our cafd?�
Tl���rk �ro�u!
(�r� �C�f4J2Q17' 3:13 PM, 1�i�ki Le�rfioff wr�te_
� Thanl�s Mary. Ar�e y�u �uv�re that Wright County 5�1e5 tax w�nt up t� 7.37596 c�r� ��tober l�t?
> Vicki L�erhaff
� �ity of ��or��icei&c� - Ree��tia�ist
� {i�3}�95-�71i
? Vi�it us an t�c�boQk
� htip:f fwww_[i.moerticellq.mr��u�
� Fm�i� �t�rr���Qndenc�tc, an� #Fom 7he City �f Pvianti��flo ����r�ment �affi��s �s �t�k�j��t t[s the fvlit�nesot�. G��u�ernm�nt
�3�t� �rartites A�t and r�nay b�: diselv�e� te, third �artse5.
> The t�ent�ties of andiu+duaGs +�eh+� r�gister t�mplaints v�rii4� s��t2 �agen�i�� vr pv�it�t�A �s�'��ivi��ons t�ne��ning vFc�lat�nns
pfi �t�t� I�a�vs �I Ic�c�� of�in�rr��� ��r�c�rniaig 11�e us� nt re�� ;��r�perty dr� �kas�ife�[� ys ct��ntGd�entr�+ �dat�, �ur5�l�nf ta
�e{��an 1�3,�2� ;��I��iu�si�r� �.
> 7his ern�Ql �e�nt �y M�r�ticell� Fib�rN�C internet, �t ��]{� mb spe�d!
a -----�figinal h+i��s,�g�---._
> Fre�rr�; ;� Cat��red Euent �Tr'Y�ilta.a�at�re��v�nt�itC�orn,net]
> S��t; 1+"�edr�esday, �et�b�er 4, 2��7 �°41 �M
� Tc�: +�icki L�erhoff �Vic�i.Le+�rt�off�ci,rn�nticell�_mn.�as>
� �ub�ect: Invt�i�� 618�6 �rorv� �4 �at�rt� Ev�nC
� Q�ar lfi�ki '
> Y�ur in�+oiee i5 �ttached for yc�ur ev�nt [r da�r.
> Th�n� y�su fo� y�a ur bus9raess -�e ��pre�i�t� it very r�,ueh_
� H��+e � f�bulou5 �fternpon�
� SirrcereN�r,
L�ate of Transa�ti+�n I
CIT'I' Ci� MO�t�'i�E1�b
�it�y �I�II �:ard Tr�r�s�cti�n
Pfease attach the �n�r�i�e{r��eCpt �nd �r�y other �v��lak�le d�cumentation t+� th�s ft�r�t.
to be cornpl�ted by purcha�er�
#�m�71�1�t � .��
Gfrc�e p�rch�s�e► narne;
Jeff {?'�d��l!
Kerry� Bur�i
An ela Schu�nann
11ickE L�er%o;
�� �
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EDA Agenda: 12/13/17
5. Consideration of approvin� 2018 Membership Dues to Wri�ht Countv Economic
Development Partnership (JT)
This item is for consideration of approving the 2018 Membership Dues for Wright
County Economic Development Partnership (WCEDP). The proposed 2018 annual dues
are $2,529. This is 3.4 percent increase (+$83.10) over the 2017 amount of $2,445.90.
The EDA has been involved with the WCEDP as a member for many years. In
collaborating with and supporting the WCEDP, it brings the potential to leverage
additional economic development funding for proj ects through the WCEDP Loan
Program and also strengthens the local economy. The WCEDP also pays membership
fees to organizations that allow the EDA-City to gain access to events such as MNCAR
and CMMA. Collaboration on economic development efforts is a key strategy in
achieving local progress.
Al. Staff Impact: There is minimal staff time involved in preparing the staff report
for consideration of the 2018 Annual WCEDP Membership Dues.
A2. Budget Impact: Funds for the 2018 Membership Dues in the WCEDP amount to
$2,529. These projected expenses were budgeted in the 2018 Dues, Membership
and Subscriptions budget line approved by the EDA and City Council.
Motion to approve the 2018 Annual WCEDP Membership Dues in the amount of
2. Motion to deny approval of the 2018 Annual WCEDP Membership Dues in the
amount of $2,529.00.
Motion to table the approval of the 2018 Annual WCEDP Membership Dues in
the amount of $2,529.00 for further research and review.
Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1 wherein the 2018 Annual WCEDP
Membership Dues are approved in the amount of $2,529.00. By participating in the
WCEDP, the EDA benefits through marketing and networking (broker events)
opportunities, information sharing and collaborating in funding for development projects.
The 2017 Broker Event is a great example of marketing collaboration. Wright County
sponsored the half day event and provide information to brokers and developers about
the Monticello market and development opportunities. Duane Northagen, WCEDP, will
attend the meeting and provide specific tangible benefits of the EDA's membership in the
A. 2018 WCEDP Dues Statement and list of 2017 Activities and Events
� � �
Wright County
Economic Deveia�ra��nt IPariners�ip
Pormering for Oppoilunilies
July 21, 2017
Dear Jeff - City of Monticello,
Thank you for your continued support of the Wright County Economic Development Partnership. In
order to assist you in budget planning for your community, I am sending this notice in advance for
the year of 2018. This is not an invoice, but rather a thank you and a request to remember the
Partnership and its efforts when navigating your budget process.
Municipalities' dues are calculated based on the recent State Demographer's population estimates
figures. Actual dues will be based on the most recent statistics. The ever-changing profile of Wright
County and the increased demand for the Partnerships' services helped determine this policy.
Member investor payment for FY 2018: $2529.90
The Partnership has worked hard to increase the visibility of Wright County and its cities for
business development. We have generated and disseminated numerous businesses leads thus far,
have conducted business retention and expansion visits, frequently answer business development
questions generated from our website and referrals, created a new Marketing Committee dedicated
to marketing our communities and county, worked to become a Small Business Development
Center through SCSU, and continue to provide support to the communities and businesses whom
we serve. Feel free to call to chat as many other projects are underway that will directly benefit
your community.
With your continued support, the Partnership will be better able to provide service in these areas
and bring a solid return on your investment. If you'd like a presentation by the Partnership to your
city council we'd be happy to do so.
Thank you. We sincerely appreciate your commitment to supporting economic development efforts
in Wright County. I look forward to working with you in 2018!
Duane Northagen, Executive Director
dnorthagenC�wrightpartnership or_g
EDA: 12/13/17
6. Consideration to authorize enterin� into an business recruitment a�reement with
Tan�ible Consultin� Services to attract a destination business to Block 52 in an
amount not to exceed $3,000. (JT)
This item is to ask the EDA to consider entering into an agreement with Tangible
Consulting Services to identify and engage a set of destination businesses that are
appropriate fits for a Block 52 redevelopment proj ect. Tangible Consulting staff recently
indicated an interest in assisting the City in identifying potential great fits for downtown
redevelopment. They already know restaurant operators that might be a good fit for the
Block 52 site and are interested in providing assistance to the City as per the proposed
agreement. The estimated costs for the proposed services are between $2,000 to $3,000.
The attached proposal details the scope of work and the fees involved in the recruitment
effort. The potential benefit in engaging Tangible Consulting for this effort is efficiency
of time. Tangible staff, while not able to fully guarantee a successful outcome to this
effort, do strongly believe they can be effective in engaging and enlightening a
destination business regarding the Monticello market opportunities. The fact that they
already know of various prospective businesses and have relationships with them should
save time and effort in this endeavor and boost the chances for a positive outcome.
Al. STAFF IMPACT: There is a limited staff impact in considering entering into a
business recruitment agreement with Tangible Consulting Services to identify and engage
with destination businesses that may be a good fit for Block 52. To date, staff time
involves discussing the concept, reviewing the proposed contract and preparing the staff
report. By entering into the agreement it can possibly save time and efficiently utilize
existing resources and networks to pursue the effort of attracting destination businesses to
Block 52.
A2. BUDGET IMPACT: Per the Tangible Consulting Services proposal, there will be
a budgetary impact of between $2,000 and $3,000 (not to exceed $3,000). If the EDA
approves entering into the proposed business recruitment agreement with Tangible
Consulting, the funding would be provided from the 2018 EDA miscellaneous
professional services budget line, budgeted at $24,707.
Motion to authorize entering into a business recruitment agreement with Tangible
Consulting Services to identify and engage destination businesses as potential fits
for Block 52 in an amount not to exceed $3,000.
2. Motion to deny authorization to enter into a business recruitment agreement with
Tangible Consulting Services to identify and engage destination businesses as
potential fits for Block 52.
Motion to modify the proposed agreement to guarantee payment of half the
$3,000 fee with the other half being paid as a finder's fee-commission upon a
destination business entering into a development agreement or tenant contract.
EDA: 12/13/17
4. Motion to table consideration of entering into a business recruitment agreement
with Tangible Consulting Services to identify and engage destination businesses
as potential fits for Block 52.
Staff recommends alternative 1. Utilizing existing resources and networks will be far
more efficient in the use of staff time and resources than by engaging in a wide-ranging
business search effort by in-house staf£ If the EDA wants to link payment with
accountable performance, then Alternative 3 or some similar version of this format may
be appropriate.
a. Proposed Tangible Consulting Services Business Recruitment Agreement Letter
Consulting Services
November 22, 2017
RE: Identifying an Anchor Commercial Tenant for a Mixed Use Development on
Monticello's "Block 52"
Dear Mr. Thares:
The purpose of this letter is to document the terms of our agreement with respect to identifying a
signature anchor tenant for the desired mixed-use development project on Monticello's "Block 52".
Proactive identification of an exciting prospective tenant can help the City to attract a high-quality
developer partner for the project.
This letter, if you agree to its terms and conditions, will represent our contract. Our respective
signatures will signify our agreement.
Scope of Services
Tangible Consulting Services (Tangible) will perform the following tasks.
1. Clarify the type and characteristics of the desired anchor tenant
2. Identify a set of existing successful and dynamic destination businesses that could be
contacted about a Monticello location
3. Meet with candidate businesses to:
o Make them aware of the unique development setting, and its strong market
o Gauge their interest in opening a new business that would anchor the new
o Probe their first thoughts about suitable floor area and rent level
The goal would be to generate interest in the development from one or more premium
restaurateurs or brewpub operators.
We would maintain close communication with City staff, including a full verbal report at each stage,
and a written report at the conclusion of the project, to document the status of the outreach and
communication. Further staff direction would be welcome throughout the process. We would also
brief the EDA as requested.
The City of Monticello would be billed monthly, based on actual hourly worked, at the following
hourly rates. These billing rates are discounted from our standard planning project billing rates.
1 of 3
Thomas Leighton $100
Julia Paulsen Mullin $75
The anticipated total project fee is $2,000 to $3,000. Tangible will not proceed with each new task
without authorization from the City of Monticello.
Work is expected to begin in January 2018.
The parties agree that the liability of Tangible Consulting Services, and the Client's remedy under
this Agreement, shall be limited to claims for monetary damages, and that any liability arising out of
or relating to this Agreement shall not exceed the total amount actually paid for the services
provided by Tangible Consulting Services under this Agreement
In the event of any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this
Agreement, including any questions regarding its existence, enforceability, interpretation or
validity, the parties shall meet and confer in good faith to attempt to resolve such dispute,
controversy or claim without initiating an adversarial proceeding. Should such attempts at
resolution prove unsuccessful within a reasonable period after the meeting of the parties, any
dispute, controversy, or claim arising under this Agreement shall be: (1) first, submitted to
mandatory formal mediation. The Parties will agree upon a mediator and share equally in the
mediator's cost (2) If inediation fails to resolve the matter, the dispute shall be submitted to
arbitration conducted in Minneapolis, Minnesota, by a single arbitrator selected by the parties in
accordance with the then effective arbitration rules of the American Arbitration Association and
judgment upon the award rendered pursuant to such arbitration may be entered in any court
having jurisdiction thereo£ The fees and expenses of the arbitration shall be borne equally by the
parties. The decision of the arbitrator shall be binding and may be confirmed and enforced in any
court having proper jurisdiction. All facts and other information relating to any arbitration arising
under this Agreement shall be kept confidential to the fullest extent permitted by law.
Either party may terminate this Agreement for any reason, or no reason. Upon termination,
Tangible Consulting Services shall be entitled to compensation for services rendered up to the date
of termination.
2 of 3
We believe in the potential of development on Block 52, and are very excited to work with you on
this project. If you find this proposal acceptable, please sign and return a copy for our records. My
signature represents the commitment of Tangible Consulting Services to this agreement, and its
terms and conditions.
--�,� ��.���,� =---
Thomas Leighton, AICP, EDFP
Tangible Consulting Services
planning • development • feasibility • implementation
Printed Name:
3 of 3
Jim Thares
To: Thomas Leighton
Subject: RE: Anchor tenant recruitrnent on Block 5�
Fram: Thornas Leightan [mailta:tom �-tan iblecQnsultin .com]
Sent: Friday, december 08, 2pf7 12:3� PM
To: 7im Thares
Subject: RE: A�chor tenant recruitment on Block 52
I'd certainly be wiEling to look at an alternati�e cos# structu�e for #he project. If you decide to move forward, why dan't
you propose something?
With regard to references, I haven't done this specific task for a retail district before, so f can't provide you specific
references for it. I've got lots af satisfied customers for my planning and de�elopment consulting, but I think you
already know that.
If that means you and the Monticello EDA want to handke the work in anotF�er way, I'll campletely under5tand and won't
carry hard feelings. [ think a real estate brokerthat has a big picture outlook on things would be a more traditi�nal way
to approach it, and that could work. Sut you'll need to manage expectations carefufly because most will tend to
gravitate to a national restaurant franchise, since that's where mast of their contacts and background will be. A r�ational
restaurant anchor could potentially work out for you, but I don't think will generate as much buzz as a more tailored and
unique destination restaurant or brewpub—which I think you're more likely to get if one of the state's successful and
�reative restaurant/brewpub entrepreneurs wants to open up a new cancept in this special location. Also, the time that
m6ght need to go into this for a traditional retail broker could go beyond what he or she would want to do if paid purefy
on the basis of a future cammission. So an additional fee cauld also be required in that scenarip.
If you decide to hire me for this work, my credentiais for pursuing this are:
• My mad networking and people skills. (I'm super-approachable, and can usually get meetings with almost
• A strang sense af the kind af anchor tenant that wauld put Monticello on the map
• An enthusiasm for what you're doing, and the special location you ha�e, which I can convey to restaurateurs
Let me kr�ow what you want to do. I'I� be fine, and I'I! wish you the best on your signature praject, hawe�er it turns out.
EDA Agenda: 12/13/17
7. Consideration of 2018 EDA Workplan (JT)
The 2017 EDA Workplan is essentially a carryover of the 2016 Workplan. It is now a
point in time wherein the EDA is being asked to provide feedback to assist staff in
preparation of a draft 2018 Workplan for further review and discussion. Attached to this
report is the 2017 Workplan, the City's Strategic Goals and Objectives (compiled in
2017), the summary of the recent Downtown Small Area Study Implementation
Workshop, the priority ranking of downtown implementation tasks-activities and a 2018
Workplan Worksheet. Staff is asking the EDA members to discuss this during the
meeting and then take home these materials and provide feedback in the ensuing month
so that suggestions can be incorporated into the 2018 Draft.
Al. Staff Impact: There is minimal staff time involved in preparing the staff report
for consideration of the 2018 EDA Workplan.
A2. Budget Impact: For this particular step in considering the 2018 EDA Workplan,
there is very limited budget impact. The small impact is primarily staff time
involved in preparing the report and prepping for the discussion of the 2018
1. No motion needed at this time. This 2018 Workplan is to be adopted in January
2. Motion of other if so determined by the EDA.
There is no motion needed at this time. The goal is to engage the EDA in discussion and
ask the members to provide feedback via email or dropping off goal suggestions at the
office before the end of December, so that they can be incorporated into a Draft 2018
Workplan for review and further discussion in January 2018.
A. 2017 EDA Workplan
B. 2017 City of Monticello Strategic Plan Goals
C. Downtown Small Area Study Implementation Workshop Summary
D. Small Area Study Prioritization Exercise
E. 2018 Workplan Worksheet
WITH STA T US UPDA TE, Decembe� 2017
EDA Purpose:
The EDA is charged with coordinating and administering the City of Monticello's economic
development and redevelopment plans and programs. The EDA is also responsible for housing
and housing redevelopment.
EDA Work Plan Mission Statement:
The EDA's work plan is adopted in support of achieving the goals of the Monticello
Comprehensive Plan. The EDA will be proactive by developing and undertaking actions for
achievement of the Comprehensive Plan's Economic Development goals and will be reactive in
responding to economic development opportunities as they arise in the most timely and effective
manner possible. The EDA shall utilize the economic development strategies of the
Comprehensive Plan as a guide for action.
Comprehensive Plan Goals:
Attracting & Retaining Jobs
Expanding Tax Base
Enhancing Downtown
Facilitating Redevelopment
Housing Choice for Life-Cycle
EDA Objectives:
1. Continue to support redevelopment efforts for publicly-owned properties on Block
a. Focus on site control for targeted redevelopment area on the block [Focus shifted
to Block 52J
b. Evaluate the opportunities for the future sale of properties on Block 34 and the
value of engaging a partner to expedite redevelopment on Block 34. [OngoingJ
d. Support as needed the completion of intersection improvements at TH 25/CSAH
75 in order to understand development envelope and access. [Ist Phase is DoneJ
2. Engage as a partner in other redevelopment and revitalization opportunities as they
arise, actively encouraging redevelopment within the TH25/CSAH 75 area.
a. Build funding base for other acquisitions in targeted redevelopment areas.
[Ongoing vis EDA LevyJ
b. Fund studies similar to the hospitality study for other desired land uses in the
downtown and for other programs, such as housing. [Housing Study CompletedJ
c. Continue discussion on use of tax reimbursement/abatement, including
development of criteria. [Incomplete; priority is lower at this timeJ
d. Implement a fa�ade improvement program for desired revitalization areas. [In
review by staff at this time; expect to bring ideas forward to EDA in 2018J
e. Meet with property owners downtown individually to understand their situation in
terms of willingness to sell, partner, price, etc. [OngoingJ
£ Reexamine the Embracing Downtown Plan for possible amendment based on
recent revitalization activity in the downtown. [DoneJ
g. Develop a conceptual street layout for access and parking for the entire CCD
including parks and trails. [Done - Parking and trails included in the SAS Plan]
h. Support opportunities for park and trail development with TH 25/CSAH 75
intersection and as consistent with the Embracing Downtown Plan.
3. Market industrial development at the Monticello Business Center (Otter Creek
Business Park) to a broad variety of prospects.
a. As guided by the Comprehensive Plan, target the following prospect areas:
i. Businesses which will be a supplier, customer or collaborative partner to
existing businesses within the community. [See Prospect ListJ
ii. Businesses which would benefit from Monticello's utility and
communications infrastructure. [See Prospect ListJ
iii. Work with the CentraCare Health System to ensure the retention and to
promote the expansion of health care services in Monticella [OngoingJ
b. Focus on prospects which serve or rely on the St. Cloud and Twin Cities markets.
[Ongoing — see prospect ZistJ
c. Actively participate/network with current businesses to help establish external
relationships. [Ongoing via attending Chamber Meetings and involvement in
Rotary and through BR&E program]
4. Market EDA incentive programs in a more proactive manner, both within the
community and beyond, beginning with the education on these resources at the EDA
a. Continue to foster external networking opportunities. [OngoingJ
b. Present existing and new incentive programs to smaller community groups, local
banks, realtors, and local businesses. [Ongoing in mostly one and one situationsJ
c. Develop and communicate a"complete" development package program which
provides support and assistance to prospects and developers from inquiry to
construction. [Ongoing - tailor made several prospect packetsJ
d. Prepare a multi-format (print, digital) summary resource piece. [Complete in both
formats with help from Monticello TimesJ
e. Explore the opportunity to develop an incubator building or pre-designed building
shell plans with contractors ready for development. [Incomplete; lower priority
at this timeJ
5. Actively (aggressively) market for sale for development the EDA-owned properties
at Cedar Street, 349 West Broadway and 413 W. 4th Street.
a. Market 4th St. to known Monticello residential builders. [Done — New Home
b. Identify types of businesses sought for specific properties and market to these
sectors accordingly. [OngoingJ
c. Identify commercial properties which should be held for larger redevelopment
potentiaL [Ongoing continuous fluid evaluationJ
6. Encourage more proactive lead development and response in all market segments to
support a diversified tax base.
a. Develop relationships with local realtors and banks. [OngoingJ
b. Explore agent/broker relationships; evaluate the opportunity to engage a
development facilitator. [OngoingJ
c. Develop a list of target properties and share with realtors and bankers. [OngoingJ
d. Foster an accommodating approach to prospective development (see item 4d
above). [OngoingJ
e. Research and communicate state and federal incentive programs for bringing
businesses into community. [Complete — Financial Assistance Programs
Summary Information Sheet is the end productJ
7. Examine housing stock for aging or blighted properties and research development
of programs for redevelopment and/or revitalization.
a. Understand the state of the current housing stock/inventory and areas of need.
[Research began on this by staff recentlyJ
b. Develop sub-committee to identify potential programs, such as: [IncompleteJ
i. Program for acquisition for redevelopment
ii. Program for revitalization
iii. Program to encourage new development in in-fill areas
c. Establish clear criteria for "blight" and "cluster areas" for focus of programs.
d. Identify and communicate state and regional programs which could be leveraged
to support identified properties; identify programs applicable to each property.
[Initial work started on this; more work to do yet involving communications
with MN-DEED and CMHPJ
8. Support the development of the Destination for Innovation brand and implement in
economic development activities.
a. Migrate website to City site for more thorough and current site maintenance. [In
Process — work continues with Communications DirectorJ
b. Work with Communications Manager to develop coordinated economic
development marketing plan [In processJ
c. Build value in development resources. [OngoingJ
d. Market amenities (including technology and recreation) in a more coordinated
way. [In process; working with Communications Director and other staffJ
9. Consider housing increment resource in terms of strategic project goals.
a. Tie in with item #7 above as a multi-prong approach — examine opportunities and
needs for use of these funds. [Extra available TIF Dollars Policy Statement
adopted by EDA on October 11, 2017]
10. Re-engage in business retention and expansion efforts.
a. Engage the IEDC as the primary partner and lead in this effort. [Occurring;
BR&E Program restarted in spring of 2017J
Appendix: Monticello Comprehensive Plan, 2008 — Economic Development
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�', connected to place, and connected to each other. We can accomplish this by connecting through engagement
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Livability is a little word with a big meaning; it includes everything that contributes to quality of life. We will
implement a variety of ideas to create and preserve livability within our community.
� Work to attract and develop a healthy mix of housing options.
� Develop a Parks and Recreation Department and programs.
i� Develop and maintain a community beautification program.
�� � Develop Monticello as a walkable and bikeable community.
� Remodel & expand the current fire station.
� Update the assessment policy for the City of Monticello.
� Select future management of the Waste Water Treatment Plant.
_ __ _ _ __ _
--� Build a new website for enhanced citizen engagement and greater consolidation of information.
� � Implement a Laserfiche Public Portal for easier public access to city records.
Monticello already has amenities that attract visitors. We have beautiful parks, miles of pathways, a fabulous
community center, and a thriving commercial economy. We will promote what's here and incorporate new
features to strengthen our image as a destination.
-� Use the Mississippi River as a destination resource—develop activities, events, and uses which create
additional connections to the river.
—� Prioritize capital improvements throughout the city to enhance resident & visitor experiences.
� Continue to invest in facilities by establishing a preventative maintenance program for current assets.
The vitality of a city is directly related to the health of its economy. We will support a strong, diverse economy
in our community.
� Expand City/EDA owned industrial land inventory in targeted areas.
� Support development & redevelopment efforts for publicly owned property.
Success isn't achievable alone. We will build and strengthen relationships with other cities and organizations.
We strive to lead by example and offer innovative ideas to our partners.
� Continue to foster partnerships with adjacent communities for regional planning.
� Cooperate with Wright County on common projects, including: Fenning Ave, intersection of CR 39 and
Gillard Ave, Intersection of CR 39 and Hart Blvd, and trail connections.
People are the heart of a community, and we will show our commitment by investing in them. We will work to
meet the needs of citizens, and we will provide training and opportunities for staff to grow and utilize their
talents here.
� Invest in technology to support the Human Resources Department in recruitment, selection, and
performance management.
� Complete security adjustments to city buildings.
� Invest in resources to prevent firefighter gear contamination.
� Initiate and complete a needs study for all city facilities to enhance citizen access and best use of space.
� Complete succession planning for city staff. ,�,;
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. City departments will review their work plans to incorporate projects and
tasks associated with the objectives identified through strategic planning.
• The strategic objectives and their associated projects will be discussed during
the budget process for 2018.
. At the end of 2017, staff will review the year and identify progress made
toward the strategic goals and objectives.
• At the beginning of 2018, City Council and staff will review the strategic
planning document and make any necessary adjustments for the coming year.
Ultimately, our strategic plan is dependent on the conditions and resources in our com-
munity. Objectives may be added or removed throughout the year, but we'll make these
changes using the framework provided by our mission, values, and goals. Together, these
elernents will guide us toward the future we envision for our community.
CITI' 01=
_� Monticello
Have a question or comment?
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Monticello City Hall
www.ci. monticel lo. m n. us
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a Monticello is continuously evolving. As a city, it's
'� essential for us to periodically evaluate where we
; are, where we want to go, and determine the best
'i way to get there. This year City Council and city
; staff participated in a strategic planning process
linking our mission and values with our goals and
` priorities for the next several years.
���;�atso,�;�,,,���,oaRea�r��%�ra���,�rt�N;ac�,�: Strategic planning encourages us to prioritize, to
examine ideas and possible projects, and to plan
ahead. It offers a connection between the immediacy of a budget and the distance of a Comprehensive Plan
that spans more than a decade into the future. It focuses on medium range projects that we can accomplish in
the next 3 to 5 years.
Our hope is this document is strong enough to provide unity and guidance but flexible enough to adjust to
changing circumstances in our community.
Starting the process...
Before identifying our goals and priorities, city staff wrote a mission statement for the City of Monticello.
While most departments have individual mission statements guiding their work, staff wanted to create a
shared mission that would highlight our unity and afFirm our purpose in the community. We also identified the
shared values that guide our actions as we execute our mission.
The 1111SS10�1 of the City of Monticello is to responsibly use our resources to provide
quality services and programs that foster a dynamic community rooted in history and
preparing for a vibrant future.
Leadership � Steward�hip � Responsiveness � Inte�rity � innovation
The mission and values created the framework the city needed to move on to the
next steps of the strategic planning process: Creating our goals and objecfives.
�'�� �-� � � =� Downtown Snnall Area Stud
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;�� �; *�� ,.�N.�,. - _. , ; Ir�plementat�on Workshop
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November 16, 2017
Participants -�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-
Cit}� �:� ._: `° Brian Stumpf, Bill Fair, Jim Davidson, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart
EDA: Tracy Hinz, Steve Johnson, Jon Morphew, Bill Tapper
Parks �. t�����������=����n Nancy McCaffrey, Larry Nolan
PlanningCommissic$�. Katie Peterson
Guests: Clay Sawatzke, Michele Hertwig
Staffe Jeff 0'Neill, Angela Schumann, Jim Thares, Jacob Thunander, Tom Pawelk, Rachel Leonard,
Jennifer Schreiber
Warkshop Purpcase
Set a foundation for realizing the downtown plan by encouraging the various commissions to
cooperatively review the elements of the plan, prioritize the components, and strategize implementation.
Pricarifization Exercise
Organized by Highest Ranked Projects:
����:i���el�p����: Pursue signature redevelopment on Block 52 with market rate housing and a destination
restaurant that overlooks the park.
R�bl�� Re�lr� Irr�pr��������a`��a Redesign riverfront parks to include more active events and programming in
West Bridge Park (amphitheater, water feature, concessions) and passive uses in East Bridge Park.
Broadway Street Commerciai 1li��
��'��d��v�� St�'�e� �����'�a�r�e�fi° Develop small pocket parks on vacant properties along Broadway,
offering outdoor seating, and pedestrian connections to parking. Curb extensions at Walnut and
Broadway to provide space for landscaping, seating, and gathering.
1����t i�> �� P�� ;., Build Downtown's brand and identity by identifying the downtown core as the
Broadway Walnut area, and naming it. Pursue marketing initiatives to build the new brand.
�. :° � .��� '� ��_ w� Establish fa�ade improvement programs that offer financial support
for improving building appearance and district identity.
Organized by Survey Category
°�p��. ;;
Pursue signature redevelopment on Block 52
_ , Redesign riverfront parks...
Establish fa�ade improvement programs...
, Improve bridge underpass...
, Develop small pocket parks...
Curb extensions at Walnut & Broadway
Redesign riverfront parks...
Pursue Signature redevelopment on Block 52
Reconnected Walnut Street to River Street...
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Project Implementation Exercise
East & West Bridge Park Improvements
r. ... .. Location on the river, high visibility, varied
topography, existing assets, capable parks staff, dedi-
cated volunteers, popular community events.
-�:; Limited automobile & pedestrian access,
perception of noise and actual noise, potential river
island flooding, limitations of adjacent land uses, ma-
ture trees can block views, hard to change what's al-
ready popular.
.:.� Acquire surrounding land to allow redevelop-
ment and growth, connect Walnut Street to River
Street, use signage and rebranding to encourage ex-
ploring downtown and connecting with the parks, en-
hance underutilized assets like the southeast stairs and
bridge underpass.
Lead�rs�r'�.:�s Parks staff, Park & Recreation Commission,
City Council, and EDA with redevelopment.
K�y Decisi�r�s_ Park design, connection of Walnut St. to
River St, reconstruction of River St, redevelopment of
Block 52.
s r�:° ��:. ����_; Park Design, remove understory plants for
visibility to the river, programming & events, connect
Walnut St. to River St.
Block 52 Redevel�pment
r=:`�` ' City owns a portion, another property for
sale, high visibility, beautiful view, parks complement,
EDA is engaged in acquisition.
�_��° °;° Cost of acquiring property, getting the right
developer, potential contamination, community confu-
sion of public purpose, competition with completing
Block 34, relocation costs.
:; ;: Continue acquiring land and empower eco-
nomic development manager to meet with developers.
_. EDA for site control and incentives, staff for
recruitment and negotiating, additional city staff from
planning, public works, Wright County, etc.
, s x, �.. ..� Preliminary development agreement,
zoning ordinance changes, incentives.
'� ��:, �r:.�� Design for Walnut Street connection to
River St., redesign West Bridge Park parking, acquire
properties, reach out to developers to find the right
partner, continue building relationships and communi-
cating with property owners.
Downtown Housing Development
.„.° Strong market, location has regional and
local amenities, demographics, walkability, accessibility,
site control, lender and council support, developers
interested, jobs nearby.
_`��Q����,�.��� Relocation development costs, water table,
cost of quality construction, noise, trafFic access, size of
block divisions, developers have many options, zoning
not currently aligned with plan, existing property &
business owners.
�, ; Gather better information on water table,
shared equity solutions, create one TIF district, buying
��., �;; EDA to lead land acquisition, TIF program,
coordination with lenders & developers. Planning Com-
mission for zoning review. City Council for final approv-
a Is.
��� V����s����a Determining one site or many, zoning
approved that balances flexibility with predictability.
:��`� �°a�: Create package or feasibility for several
sites so the city knows its limits and capacity, include
aesthetic design expectations, get a more detailed un-
derstanding of the downtown market, engage in out-
reach to developers with marketing materials.
Activating Broadway Street's Commercial Vitality
�. �, _ e_ ��� Proximity to parks and river, some business-
es already making positive changes, changes will en-
courage people to visit, opportunity to build relation-
ships, high trafFic area.
��r���: Not all buildings up to code, cost of rehabili-
tation, Iack of space for outdoor seating, lack of con-
centration, need to agree on fa�ade style, trafFic, busi-
ness mix.
� �� ���i°�_: Assess the state of properties, survey and
encourage stakeholder participation, offer financial in-
centives, help 1-2 businesses start to encourage others.
Survey property owners to guide the focus.
��§k �'�:.. Existing business group, Chamber, City
Council, EDA, and city staff.
��'����, w.,��: Determine ownership of every parcel with
contact information, reach out to property and busi-
ness owners for their ideas, identify and build alliances,
determine design standards.
xt ..9��. Encourage EDA build relationship.
Downtown Monticello - Prioritization Exercise
High Hanging Personal
Impact Fruit Interest Notes
1. Pursue signature redevelopment on Block 52 with
market rate housing and a destination restaurant that 16 7
overlooks the park
2. Foster new housing surrounding the riverfront
1 1 1
parks on vacant/underutilized parcels
3. Encourage new housing facing Walnut and Cedar
Streets, with multiple doors facing the street
4. Pursue infill apartments/townhomes downtown 1 1
on vacant/underutilized property
Public Realm Improvements
1. Reconnect Walnut Street to River Street with a
design that allows Walnut Street to be used for events 4 4 6
and park expansion.
2. Create a pedestrian promenade along Walnut
Street to the Riverfront with wide continuous 2 1 5
sidewalks and well marked crosswalks
3. Add parking and sidewalks to River Street 1 2 1
4. Fill the gaps in the downtown sidewalk system 1 3
5. Maintain and improve the intersection at River
2 1
Street and Pine Street.
6. Redesign riverFront parks to include more active
events and programming in West Bridge Park
11 1 12
(amphitheater, water feature, concessions) and
assive uses in East Brid e Park.
7. Improve the bridge underpass between east and
west bridge park
8. Consider a seasonal bridge to the island to provide
additional recreational activity to east and west 1
Bridge Park.
Page 1
Downtown Monticello - Prioritization Exercise
High Hanging Personal
Impact Fruit Interest Notes
Broadway Street Commercial Vitality
1. Develop small pocket parks on vacant properties
along Broadway, offering outdoor seating, and 7 1
pedestrian connections to parking
2. Curb extensions at Walnut and Broadway to
7 1
provide space for landscaping, seating, and gathering
3. Improve the pedestrian crossing at Broadway and
Walnut, including adding curb extensions, stopsigns 3 3 2
and crosswalks
4. Modernize and upgrade streetscaping along
1 2 3
Broadway Street
5. Modify striping and median on Broadway to create
a safer pedestrian environment
1. Build Downtown's brand and identity through
identifying the downtown core as the Broadway
3 4 3
Walnut area, and naming it. Pursue marketing
initiatives to build the new brand.
2. Improve the store mix through a targeted retail
recruitment program for the district
3. Build an organizational identity and collective
sense of purpose among Broadway Street business 2 2
and property owners
4. Activate sidewalks and plaza areas through
outdoor seating, engaging public spaces, events, and 2 1
so forth.
1. Establish a program that offers architectural
assessment of buildings, and financial support for 3 1 1
rehabilitation investments
2. Establish a fa�ade improvement programs that
offers financial support for improving building 6 4 2
appearance and district identity
3. Offer merchandising consultations to business
owners, to improve the attractiveness of window 1
displays and store interiors
1. Modify existing zoning to permit / encourage
development patterns as described in the Plan
Page 2
Monticello Economic Development Authority
2018 Goals & Obj ectives Worksheet
2017 Workplan
Please list below any incomplete or in-progress objectives from the 2017 EDA Workplan
which should be considered to carry forward.
2017 Cit� ofMonticello Strategic Plan
Please list below any activities related to supporting 2017 Strategic Plan goals and objectives
for workplan consideration.
Comprehensive Plan
An update to the Land Use Chapter of the 2008 Comprehensive Plan is anticipated for 2018.
Please list below items which are of specific interest or concern which you would like
addressed in the pending update. Although the update will be focused on the Land Use
Chapter, feel free to include questions or feedback on the Transportation, Economic
Development, or Parks & Pathways section of the plan.
Link to Comprehensive Plan: htt�://www.ci.monticello.mn.us/index.as�?SEC=7E69C402-
ED23-4BF2-8D63-B77887B3BC71&T�e=B BASIC
1 � It����
Research Topics
Please list below any economic development related topics for which you would like
additional information or other policy development.
To ic
Industrial Land Absor tion Stud in NE Wri ht Count
Feasibilit Stud of ex andin Otter Creek Business Park
Identification of industrial land develo ment o ortunities Cit -wide
Identification of redevelo ment site o ortunities
Technolo center incubator in downtown area
Downtown Housin Review-Stud
Fa�ade Loan Program (variation of)
Survey of Employer and Workforce needs vis a vis daycare, housing, etc.
Other (list):
Other (list):
Other (list):
2 � It����
EDA Agenda — 12/13/17
Consideration of Recommendation for 2018 EDA Appointment and 2018 EDA
Officers (JaT)
The EDA is asked to take action related to the expiring member term and to appoint
officers for 2018.
City records indicate that Commissioner Steve Johnson's term on the EDA will expire
December, 2017. EDA members are appointed by the City Council for six year terms.
Economic Development Authority
(6-year staggered terms)
Bill Demeules
John Morphew
Bill Tapper
Tracy Hinz
Steve Johnson
Jim Davidson
Lloyd Hilgart (voting)
6 yr
6 yr
6 yr
6 yr
6 yr
Council rep
Council rep
Mr. Demueles will be resigning after many years of service on the EDA. Staff is
appreciative of the time and energy that he served on the commission and wish him the
best on his future endeavors. Staff will post for the open position on the EDA following
the December 13th meeting.
The EDA is also asked to take action to elect officers for the coming year. Mr. Demueles
is the current President, with Mr. Tapper as the Vice President. Staff will continue as
secretary unless otherwise directed.
The City Council will ratify appointments to the EDA at their regular meeting on January
8tn 2018.
Decision 1: Recommendation of Appointment of Commissioner
L Motion to recommend to the City Council the appointment Steve Johnson for a new
six-year term on the EDA.
2. Motion of other.
Decision 2: Consider Resignation of Bill Demueles
L Motion to accept
2. Motion of other
EDA Agenda — 12/13/17
Decision 2: Election of Officers
Motion to recommend the appointment of Commissioner as Chair
for 2018 and Commissioner as Vice Chair for 2018, with staff
representatives appointed as Secretary.
2. Motion of other.
Staff defers to the EDA on matters of appointment.
A. Bill Demueles Resignation Letter
Bill Demeules
8661 Acacia Ave NE
IVlonticello, MN 55362
� 1/30/2017
Brian Stumpf
City of Manticello
505 Walnut St
Monticello, MN 55362
Jim Thares
Executive Director
City af Monticello Ecoz�omic Develppment Autllarity
505 Walnut St
Monticello, MN 55362
Dear Brian and Jin�,
It is with regret tha� I at7i writing ta infor�n yau of cny decision to resign my position on the
Monticello Economic Development Authority, effective lIlI2(}18.
I liave decided to sell iny in��rest in the business and properties located in the City of
MOI�fi1C��10, this will make me ine�igible to serve as a Commissioner per the Reso1L►tion NO.
20U-010 Amend�d and Restated Resol�ation EnaE�lin� the Creatiai� afthe City of
Monticello Ecotlo�z��c Development Autl�arity
Sectian 2.5 All of'tlie coiriinissioners wh� are ��ot �neanbers of the City Coa�i�cii must be eitiler
resielents of t11e Gity, business-aw�le��s in the City, or �roperty-owners in the City.
I know that the resolution can be cha�lged, bltt wilen we draftecl this sectian myself and athers
felt strongly that tlze coinil�issioners need to have a stake and pay taxes i�� Monticello sir�ce th�y
are the stewards of the taxp�yer's inaney for eco��oi��ic developinent activities.
It has been a pleasure bein� a part of tl�� Mor�ticello Economic Developnnent Authority and
working with so maiay talented people. I am proud of all we 17ave accomplished over the pa�t 2I
years, and I have no doubt t�1e EDA will contiilue the5e successes in the future.
If I can be of any assistance dur�ng the time it will tak� to fill the pasition, please dan't hesitate to
Best Regards,,�;-,� �
r- r" i �� _��-�
r - - ' �C.�
� �.. �
Bill Demeu�s
EDA Agenda: 12/13/17
9. Economic Development Report (JT)
A. Small Area Study Implementation Process Update
A joint meeting of the City Council, EDA, Parks Commission and Planning Commission
was held on November 16, 2017. The summary discussion notes are attached.
B. Otter Creek Business Park Sign Update
Staff will provide additional information to the EDA at the regular meeting about the sign.
C. Industrial Land Survey and Results
The survey results are being reviewed and initial analysis is beginning. A report will be
compiled and presented to the EDA at a future meeting.
D. 2018 EDA Property Tax Levy
Staff will provide an update on the City Council's final decision on the proposed EDA
property tax levy for 2018. The EDA earlier in the year, August 2017, motioned and
approved adoption of the levy at the full statutorily allowed amount of $323,000.
E. Prospects — See attached
A spread sheet with the active prospects is attached.
Date of Contact Company Name Business Category Project Description Building-Facility
11/12/2016 MN DEED Prospect Metal Mfg. Exist Facility+ Equip 65,000 sq. ft.
11/17/2016 Project Novus Precision Machining New Facility Constr. + Equip 105,000 sq. ft.
3/14/2017 Rustech Brewing, LLC Micro Brew-Tap Rm Exist Facility+ Equip 2,000 sq. ft. +/-
6/22/2017 Project #6580 Metal Mfg. New Facility Constr. 80,000 to 100,000 sq. ft.
6/26/2017 Project Basil Bio-Ag. New Facility Constr. + Equip 165,000 sq. ft.
8/29/2017 Bondhus Tool Mfg. Facility Expansion + Equip. 16,000 sq. ft.
10/4/2017 Project Shepherd Tool Mfg. Facility Expansion 18000 sq. ft.
10/17/2017 Project Ted Equipment Mfg. New Equipment N/A
11/7/2017 Data Center #1 Data Center w LM New Construction + Equip. Bldg.? - Needs 15 ac.
12/8/2017 Project Cookie Distribution Center New Construction 30 ac. 250,000 sq. ft.
Jobs New Jobs Total Investment Project Status
55 - 100 $2,500,000 Active Search
99 - 105 $10,000,000 Active Search
3 $423,000 Site Secured
80 $6,500,000 Active Search
77 $11,000,000 Active Search
10 $2,000,000 Active Prop.
? $1,350,000 ConceptStage
? $650,000 ConceptStage
? ? Active Search
300 $30,000,000 Active Search