City Council Agenda Packet 01-12-1971 Special VILLAGE OF ONTICELLO Monticello, Minn sota 55362 January 12, 1971 Ron Schleif Feichard Martie James us William Sandberg Walter Markling Special meeting of Village Council Tuesday -- January 19 -- 7:30 P.M. To consider: x 1. Salaries and Wages. ,,,./ 2. North Central rate increas Reports supnlied to Anoka ttached. Anoka allowed a 4~ increase. / 3. Gus Hitter request for Hom stead in Monticello. Is eligible for 1971, as I ves in Monticello now. Not eligible for 1970 as Homestead allo ,d by Sherburne County for 1970. / 4. Fourth Stre~t closing. State aid status. Ron Sch eif to research. 5. Confirming H. R. A. aonoin ments. Held up to d~termine Georg Phillips eligibHity. 6. Action on paying bills. Bracketed number behind ch ck number indicates that cneck pays costs distributed to more han one dept. Example: (3) Business Men's Assurance -- Group insurance -- Admin., Police, Water and Sewer. x / ~.~ J' /~~ J:-U~ //3-c-~(