City Council Agenda Packet 02-09-1971 e VILLAGE OF Monticello, Min February q Special mepting of Villap'e Council e ONTICELLO esota 55362 1971 8:30 P. M. Present: Ron Schleif, Walt Markli g, James Maus, William Sandberg, Richard Martie. Discussion on the following subjec s: 1. Engagement of Mr. lVfelcnert. M AttV. Melchert to attend all h Mr. Pringle at the hearings as Also, to send Ron SCnleif and Planning CO'1"mission to present Seconded bv Dick Martie and ca tion bv 1~ral t Markl ing to engage arings and render assistance to stated in the original document. ne representative from the the proposal to Mr. Pringle. ried unanimously. 2. Planning Commission anDointees Father Geartv and J. W. Miller, Jr. Motion by Walt Mark1ing and s conded by James Maus to accept the nominees. Carried. 3. Term of membership. The Plann ng Commission is to present a proposal to the Council. 4. Secretary to the Planning Comm ssion. The Clerk-Treasurer is to be the secretary at the mee ing as previously stated. 5. Library. Motion made by Willi Maus to investigate the librar office availability. One memb to go with a representati.ve fr serve on this committee to imp unanimously. Meeting adjourned. LCG_ Acting Secretary. m Sandberg and seconded by James situation and also to check into r of the Council -- W. Sandberg, m the Planning Commission to ove library facilities. Carried