City Council Agenda Packet 02-24-1971
Monticello, Minn sota 55362
Regular Council meeting
Tuesday, February 24, 1971
7:3 P. M.
Ron Schleif
William Sandberg
Richard Martie
Walter Marklin
James Maus
Thore Meyer
1. Call to order.
2. Minutes of previous meeting (mai ed).
3. Approve additional bills not rea y at last meeting.
4. Consider Thore Heyer's contract or 1971.
5. Consider Thore Neyer's final bil ing on 3rd Street.
6. Consider Thore l~eyer' s final bil_ing on well.
7. Consider Thore Meyer's recom~end tion of $1740.00 as cost for
water line on 1~. 1rd Street. Ne,otiate with School Board.
8. Consider State Hif!:hway Dent. reQ est for fill easement. "ve have
letter stating trey will leave a ea clean and seeded.
G. Electrician advises that water twer light circuit is shorted out
and should be rewired.
10. Time clock should be insta11ed 0 siren.
11. Consider reoresentative at Clerk & Finance Officers Conference --
March 11 & 12.
12. Thore Meyer report on strept imo ovement program.
13. Other.