City Council Agenda Packet 07-13-1971 From the disk of: DON GRANLUND Re~ular l'Ileetine; of V 11ae;e Council at 7:30 P.M., Tuesda evenine;, July 13. Q.!.... C~) AGENDA Call to order. l .",:~ .r."'; ;! I i\ Minutes of previ us meeting. 3. Report of Police Dept. - A. McIntire. 8) .~. G Report of Liquor Store - D. Hesley. Report on Justie of Peace - R. Schleif. Reoort on Police ear - D. Martie. Report on Civil efense - D. ~.artie. 8. Review Buildin~ nspeetor applications. q. Other. 10. Approval of bi1l . j/~ v' ;2 -.efl j ~ fJ-e f) If""'-- ~ {(~17)1 . \'~~ j~b-uJv. , ~ q;/ ;JJ.-) '~ L-IV\JJ./I'-~ J '" / / /" / / /- / / " ',~ ,."., ~ "-' ." ,'--' / \::,~c "-,r , ,...,.' . 1"7 . I" ' ," .......-" ,.... .. ~,.....' .......~ .,,- . " ...../ ;~, I .'~ "'".' "..,;... II' i .....,' '.. :,,""'''-' -/--~~. .'.' ft';, _............~..J./'r..~~ Pt:4.'U/Je/-:~ - f .. ~'''''''';i /" "';- U'J- 11 / I'" 1- ,..... /0 L4..- of 2;........ ,\ i' , \....-'"~ /~ . '..'VI ' .f? ,/ ']-7 ./,,,.~ ;;i-li'l,(j <-- /,., -' l.' c.. '....- ..;, ,..r- /~.//::'.J 1';- "/,,,r"'" /:"" I ;,:l,,- I I --;:.,.. It,. //i"" I ,:..,",,( --.,.~~. ~..........-~.", ~f j2.. ~:::.S s /} ~ / . /',..,...."t ,Ie:: /;. ;t",,' <.. .... /(,./ ""(".....''''' --...' --' . -/ ",-'-j <) i '"./ , (\ '-1.) .....P. ;"'., //h I ~- r:C' /) 12 ) . :.::::-....;}.;.... l/ /1/ 'Ck./ Ll. /"v-':"'- /) /(/ ),?/J /~)::} ,,'" ";:"C,."i.,.A./ c::-.-//....,'~..- '/""''''' /~_.,/,.!;;:,." .:.:;./ --"J'" " v (....t.J / ...........-, ,:,~,""H'..i ;' /'" ;::';;",[) ,J ,:::A~:.l- -" }o.:? ,,~ ,.. ,'" '" ,.-; Ii. TZ}- tI; C-4<J/$ /}~/., ,. -,/. , " ,. ,'; 'I,,~'~''''i'~,".:''' ...-.,.,.. /'-.i.... " . .... , /: .- .LI$:~ J ;... .....~~-- " /., ..:;, '(,),.;(l,o{,'- .' ,htr/;0 l "'" .".... "') .-" I ~ .~ ..-;::'/) ,or ,I...~. r,. ~ -f'~ f., I,.- '-Y .:.-." ~;../. ."''- -- /2 .... ..'- ~.':":) ),') ,"/.. . '.t?<-j'V...,., I,-~I .~,- ....... ~/......... ./))/(.~-;-- dUV'.uS . uLVSTl / / / UfL/.2.::7- S. VOL,U /)) :.~S {) ',l- :]" I' I ..-,.,,1/ I' /~';",-:""'.-'ii'-"" ........A;,.o... .,;;,..; ,...-, 1-.' . "'--./ ."."-- ~.,.",.,.,./ "~r~"""",,:.:.,,~ ~"-"'" it c'~^"vf.A;? & .....; / I :"' .-'" ':' " ...- ~ ____. ...tii"', .1) "- _ I J11", I ol.~1 /; ';:"1./,-' ~., "'.,'" "/ '- _ fJ~ l/ ~,.;- , .<......, .., I /i" 0';'-''--- ,~ ,['-" A-., ':""; '__o.,;t' V ;2/ V. /2 0~ -" &.,.~. \' ,'''' j--- 'f i - '_ '-'-"" "~..:.I'/"' ,,1 ~...~ / -".' .......... ! . .'. .,.' ~.. '-. ~ ..-" - ,"""..>.-' -.......:, I> .,..... tl ; V [J-(I/ It .. Ie JI J ,. I..,"j . 'V...r...; .....l/ f -1'-- I " c 7:}1l12 ."- ~ 1 "" -~ ..,.......> ..,.,.,~ / 7..1".."':':';'> I-'-" i" . I f I,.;' ,.t~'-'.' _"'''J~ '; ............." ~._./'ijJ ... ____.1'\'/\, )A"-"e9c1.!{'S. , ...... ...,.,....:::.::~', ~...;;;....;'_L....:'.;:,:;.'~ ~