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City Council Minutes 11-23-1971VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
November 23, 19?1
Regular meeting of VilTage Council. called to order at 7:40 P.'%, Tuesda r,
November 2. in Council. Chambers by Pon Schleif, Mayor.
Councilmen Bill Sandberg, James Tfaus , Walt Markl_ing, and Richard Martie
were present. Absent-: 'Jon e. Col_a.ncilmen-elect Jeff Rowan and Daniel.
B1oni�an Trere also nreser.t.
October bills were d.iscjissed for nayment T, follolAding excentirns:
permit to Burlington Nort'rern to tunnel under railroad tracks for storm
sewer -- tt00.00; recreation director costs to Monticello Public
Schools _- `2550.00. These checks to be held for further cn.nsa.dera—
tion. Annroved on motion by `4alter '�'arklinq and seconded. by Richard
Martie. Carried -- al.l in favor.
Marie Powers reoliested building permit for a 24 x 24 double garage on
Lot 5 & 7 Block 38 adjacent to existing car port. 'lotion by James
Maus, seconded by falter Ylarkling to anprove. Carried -- all in favor.
Richard �Tesley presented request for salary increase for two Liquor Store
employees. Action deferred until annual wale review under new council
Village clerk presented revised sewer rate schedule for well owners.
Walter Darkling made motion, seconded by James Maus to adopt revised
rate schedule. Carried.
Council refers to Thorp, Meyer, engineer, to draft ordinance amendment
to reouire any new wells installed to be metered.
Vivian's Lriundromat, Stelton's Laundromat and Monticello Nu--r-sing Home
registered complaints that their set,,rer bi".ls TtvTere too high. Village
clerk to research to determine net after tax reduction.
°'`eetina set for Becpmber 2nd to resolve.
James Lun *It? and Con ''hilbrook anpeared before council_ to seek control
of snowmobile traffic in back of Fosnita.l. Areas of control to be con-
sidered are noise level, streAt safety, i.zse on nrillate property, use in
n,..ahlic parks, hours, egress rolztes out of town.
Clerk to check new state statutes, I-eagiie of Minnesota Yu.nicinalities
and neighboring conmunitzes' ordinances for su,g7ested controls.
Noted that eycavations in village streets are poorly marked and barricaded.
Contractors should be rerrimanded by `ril.Tacre engineer.
Villase clerk to check with vil_lao-e er7ineer to determine ty-oe of insur-
ance reouired for excavation contractors. Also clear with insurance agent.
Council discussed nending liability of McGraw car that fell into open
excavation at Cedar & Broadway. Liability not determined vet. Insur_
ance company to be advised..
Tonka Kennels presented their contract for 1972 services on same basis
as 1971. Action deferred.
Dick gooks reported. that some trees are being; removed that are ouestion-
able as to whether or not t?ley are infected with Dutch Elm Disease. It
was sug7ested that Tjriversity of T4inr_esota be contacted for verification
on some doubtful cases.
Discussion on reimr>>.rsing nick Brooks for work done while on sick leave
after accident without .jeopardizing workman's cornensation coverage;
also re7ardinz two days time off during Octorer. Action deferred.
TI -ore Yever requested to rolice contractors to put streets in smooth
condition so snow plowing can be done s2Fely. Yeyer to work with `Falter
M ck to hrinp, all sewer and water maps up to date.
Council. deferred action on hiring man under Fmer7ency Emvlovment Act
pending Further information.
Motion to adjourn by Dick Martie, seconded. by James So ordered.
Don Gr Lund, Clerk