City Council Minutes 10-26-1971r VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 October 26, 1971 Regular meeting of Village Council -- 7:30 P,M- -- Tuesday, Oct. 26, 1971 Present: James Maus, Richard Martie, William Sandberg. Absent: Ron Schleif, ill; Walter T�iarkling. Meeting called to order by James Maus. Mrs. Irene Lund requested permit to build garage. Motion to issue permit made by William Sandberg, seconded by Dick Martie. Carried. Request for building permit for house and. garage by Eugene Franzman tabled. Don Granlund to check site an6nnort to next council meeting. Minutes of October 12 and October 21 meetings presented. No action taken. Budget action deferred upon ouestion by W. Sandberg of l.er-,ality of re- classifving General. Obligation Bonds to Pevenue Bonds. Bob Davis renorted on behalf of the planning Commission the recoynnendation of annointzna Con Johnson to the Planning Commission to fill vacancy left by Father p. GeartTr. Act:i.on tabled unt.l.. next meeting when whole council can act. Thirty five nersons rerresenting I? property owners using wells appeared before council nrotestin7 seTger rate hen7 levied on well owners. Les Finn spoke for the group — "-------majority of families who have wells are one and two member families. $18.58 is an increase of 150.32 a year. It's outrageous.............. Hurting people on a fixed income----" Alberta Hill "-----why pay anything more, it's our water. $6.00 ner quarter is ample for sewer service." Further discussion requested that Clerk prepare questionnaire to well owners to determine number in household. Council will review to deter- mine if rate change is in order. Current bills wi1.1 be held until survey is in. Clerk directed to follow up letters on nuisca.nce situations in village. Thore Meyer presented information that water line is needed between Broad- way and River on Cedar and between '?roadway and River on Linn. These changes would create little change in contract. Council to act at next meeting after fl.arther study. ' "'' C�andberg, seconded by Dick Martie. So ordered. DCG /lsa