HRA Minutes 02-04-1993 . . . MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Thursday, February 4, 1993 - 7:00 p.m. City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Al Larson, Vice President Ben Smith, Everette Ellison, and Tom St. Hilaire. MEMBERS ABSENT: Lowell Schrupp. STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak. STAFF ABSENT: Rick Wolfsteller and Jeff O'Neill. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Larson called the HRA meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. 2. CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE THE JANUARY 6, 1993 HRA MINUTES. Tom St. Hilaire made a motion to approve the January 6, 1993 HRA minutes. Seconded by Ben Smith and with no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as written. 3. CONSIDERATION TO ELECT 1993 HRA OFFICERS: VICE-CHAIRPERSON. CHAIRPERSON AND Tom St. Hilaire made a motion nominating Al Larson and Ben Smi th as 1993 HRA Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, respectively. The motion was seconded by Everette Ellison and wi th no addi tional nominations or discussion, the motion passed unanimously. 4. CONSIDERATION OF A SENIOR HOUSING UPDATE: a) Letter of Pat McCullough - The letter named the Guardian Angels Foundation and Elim Care, Inc. as parties interested in senior housing development and ownership. b) Schwientek Plans - Mr. Brad Larson, a local developer with senior housing development experience, has expressed an interest in the HRA's concept for congregrate or assisted- living housing. With the combined above referrals, Barb Schwientek sees no need to advertise for a developer wi th senior housing expertise. At an upcoming meeting, the Hospital Board will consider their role in the development of a senior project: management/services. c) Discuss potential sites - As the HRA may be involved in the acquisition and demolition of existing property for a senior housing project, the HRA briefly discussed the areas along Broadway to the east and west of the hospital and the Cedar Crest area. The HRA concluded that the site location may best be determined by the market study or the developer. . . . HRA MINUTES FEBRUARY 4, 1993 Next, members discussed the need for the HRA to authorize Phase I of the market study at $5,600, as this cost could be recovered through the project funding. A current market study is part of the project funding application requirement. Some members fel t the HRA' s role was complete as two excellent interested developers had been identified and the HRA primary purpose now is to encourage either developer to proceed and get the project rolling. Some members saw the need to authorize the market study and others felt a study may already be completed. To encourage project follow-through, the HRA members agreed to invite Mr. Larson and Ms. Mills to make a presentation to the HRA on or prior to March 3. 5. CONSIDERATION OF A REPORT AND FOLLOWUP TO THE NAHRO CONFERENCE. a) Minnesota Housing Finance Agency - Koropchak reported that this program provides dollars for loans to first-time home buyers. The program has more liberal limi ts on household income and acquisi tion costs than the Farmers Home Administration program, and the HRA can set additional requirements. NAHRO Executive Director Scott Knutson sees the program as an excellent public relations tool for a city or HRA and the program requires Ii ttle administrative time. Koropchak informed the HRA that a couple of local banks expressed interest in the program; however, she had no idea if a need exist in Monticello for such a program. It was recommended to acquire additional information on the program. b) Section 8 - Koropchak informed HRA members that this rental housing assistance program is available to Monticello residents through the St. Cloud HRA. Applications are taken the first of each month and a waiting list does exist. The program is not marketed by the St. Cloud HRA because of the high demand and 1 imi ted dollars avai lable. Section 8 is a "spot" rental assistance program. The program is for low and moderate household incomes and is popular because it allows renters an option to rent outside a mul ti-housing project.Dollars are only allocated to HRA's with an established eredi tabili ty for administrating the program which requires an administrative staff. This an informational item only. c) Richfield Rediscover - The Richf ield HRA markets and offers to purchase a substandard homes at fair market value, demolishs the homes, and sells the land at fair market value to an interested developer. The developer agrees to construct a new home based on Richfield's HRA requirements and the home is made available to first-time home buyers. HRA members were interested in this program and requested Koropchak obtain additional information. Page 2 . HRA MINUTES FEBRUARY 4, 1993 d) Wright County HRA - Koropchak reported that the Wright County HRA which had been established through a resolution adopted by the previous County Commissioners has now been relinquished by the newly elected commissioners. 6. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW RESULTS OF THE ELIMINATION OF OTHER FINANCIAL PACKAGING FROM THE BDSjHRA CONTRACT. First, Koropchak provided HRA members with a copy of the letter mailed to Mr. Pelstring acknowledging the HRA's desire to delete "other financial packaging" from the contract between the HRA and BDS, Inc. . Secondly, Koropchak informed members upon the HRA's direct inquiry of whether "other financial packaging" BDS charges were a legal expenditures under the 10% administrative allowance, Koropchak again contacted Mr. John Dean of Holmes and Graven. Koropchak apologized for the error stating financial consultant fees were legal expenditures and asked the HRA to reconsider and suggested amending the January HRA motion authorizing the transfer of $8,180.51 (SMM) and $14,951.30 (Aroplax) to authorization to transfer $4,123.71 (SMM) and $9,185.27 (Aroplax) from the Surplus Fund into a HRA Development Fund. The HRA still saw the BDS charges associated with other financial packaging as extreme and out- of-line and reaffirmed their desire to delete "other financial packaging" from the contract. Tom St. Hiliare made a motion to amend the January motion and authorized the transfer of $4,123.71 (SMM) and $9,185.27 (Aroplax) from the Surplus Fund into an HRA Development Fund. The motion was seconded by Everette Ellison and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. The HRA wished retain the option to consider paying for "other financial packaging" for a real plum company. 7. CONSIDERATION TO AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION FOR AROPLAX AND SMM. As per the Development Contract, the HRA is to furnish the developer with Certificate of Completion upon the completion of minimum improvements and upon the final occupancy certificate issued by the City Building Official. Koropchak provided a copy of the issued Certificate of Occupancy and attached "items to be escrowed" letter for the Aroplax and SMM projects. Ben Smith made a motion authorizing the execution of the Certificate of Completion for the Aroplax and SMM projects. Seconded by Tom St. Hilaire and with no further . Page 3 . . . HRA MINUTES FEBRUARY 4, 1993 discussion, the motion passed unanimously. The Certificate of Completion is to be recorded at the Wright County Recorders Office by the developer. 8. CONSIDERATION OF PROSPECT UPDATES: a) Wilson Tool International - HRA members received a copy of the letter acknowledging the IDC visi t to Wilson Tool on January 26, proposed project summary, the estimated TIF dollars available for direct assistance, and the two financial packaging options offered to Wilson Tool. Direct assistance based on tax increment generated over eight years for a 40,000 sq ft concrete mfg facility with the TIF Penalty reduction is $155,000. Koropchak submitted to HRA members the Wilson Tool marketing pieces which depicts the similiari ty to Remmele Engineering. The HRA was very supportive of the project and TIF level of assistance offered. Mr. Emery informed Koropchak that he had visited the Monticello industrial sites on Saturday and found Monticello's location excellent; however, other communities were being visited with data and financial proposals being reviewed and analyzed wi thin the next few weeks. b) All-Temp Distribution - City staff continues to meet with Mr. John Holman for development of the public improvements and to secure a future rail availablity commitment. Forth coming plans are to meet with the developer, Hoglund Family, City Engineer, BDS, and City Staff. c) Custom Canopy - With a misunderstanding of the land price from the Oakwood Partnership, the company has contacted Mr. Pheffer regarding acreage within the Monticello Commerce Center. The Letter of Intent has not been received nor has a visit by the IDC been made. The HRA remains supportive of the annual $5,000 TIF pay-as-you-go assistance subject to development approvals. d) Recreational Parts and Equipment - Koropchak reported to HRA members, as per their request, that the company projects 50% sales from retail and 50% sales from catalog with a faster growth in the catalog area. The company at this time will not be selling snowmobiles or motorcycles; however, would not commit to never selling snowmobiles or motorcycles in the future. The company requested TIF assistance and the HRA was requested to make a policy decision. Members considered the direct retail competition with existing businesses, unskilled labor wages associated wi th the proposed project, and the similiarity to the Martie project. The HRA liked the concept of many small developments and agreed to TIF pay-as-you-go financial assistance for the recreational parts and equipment company based on the tax increment generated from the warehouse/catalog area only. Page 4 . . . HRA MINUTES FEBRUARY 4, 1993 9. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW AND ACCEPT THE 1993 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WORK PLAN. Tom St. Hilaire made a motion acknowledging HRA acceptance of the 1993 Economic Development Work Plan and IDC Budget. Seconded by Everette Ellison and without further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. 10. OTHER BUSINESS. Koropchak informed HRA members that inorder to reschedule a public meeting by Law a 72-hour notice must be posted. Through HRA Bylaws the first Wednesday of each month is designated as the regular meeting date at 7:30 p.m. Chairperson Larson and Koropchak encouraged regular attendance or sufficient notice of planned absentee. Everette Ellison acknowledged he would be out-of-town February 13 through March 18. In addition, Mr. Schrupp is out-of~town through March. Chairperson Larson informed members that the Monticello HRA was established through a City Council resolution adopted in November 1970 and first commissioners were appointed in March 1971. Chairperson Larson made a motion to amend the HRA Bylaws changing the regular meeting time from 7:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Seconded by Everette Ellison and without further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. 11. ADJOURNMENT. The HRA meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. G 9-9~ ~ \<./1 ~D~ Ollie Koropchak, HRA Executive Director Page 5