City Council Minutes 10-21-1971 SpecialI
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
October 21, 1971
Snecial meeting of Villap-e Council __ October 21, 1071 __ 7:30 P.r"T,
Councilmen present: Ronald Schleif, „Richard T',Tarti.e, James T,"anis,
William Sandberg, 1'jalter "arkling. Xbsent: none.
Ron Schleif called meeting to order for purpose of discussing
1972 operating budget.
Don Granlund, clerk, presented the budget by denartment and council
reviewed each. item.
Budgeted costs were held in close relationship to 1971 budget and
operating costs with one exception. It is estimated that sufficient
funds will be received as a result of the increased sewer rates
to transfer enough funds to the General Sinking Fund to cover
bond payment, therefore removing this item from tax levy for
The 1972 assessed valuation for T,!onticell.o is $P67,000. Ax .090
mill levy is tentatively set for a ta.x levy of $7P9000. 1971
levy was .122 mill for a 1102,000.
The revised budget will be acted on at the regular meeting
October 26th.
Motion to adjourn at 10:45 P.M. tendered by Richard vartie,
seccnded by James "aus. So ordered.
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