City Council Minutes 09-28-1971VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 September 28, 1971 Regular meeting of Village Council -- Tuesday, September 28, 1971 -- 7:30 P. M. in the Village Hall. James Maus, acting mayor, called meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. Council- men Richard jarti.e, Pill Sandberg and Walter Markling in attendance. Ron Schleif, mavor, was delayed daze to an earlier time conflict. Walter "hack reported on se7Arer plant operations and preparation_ for winter season. Attorney Pringl-e reported that Palm St. between East 4th and Railroad is a dedicated street and could be vacated. He added that some streets are dedicated, some are owned, depending on what plot they are in. A public hearing is rea»ired to vacate a street. Pringle to check plots and advise what streets are dedicated and owned by the Village. Details of the Blight Ordinance #1306 were discussed. rr,Falter vlarkling moved that Ordinance be approved. Richard Martie seconded. In favor: Maus, Martie, Markling. Sandberg. Pringle interpreted the new state law that the Justice of Peace position is still elective each year. This position will be added to ballot. Discussion of request for building permit for Tom Chock to build garage on his lot behind apartment house resulted in directive to Pringle to determine regulations of zoning ordinance and interpretation of space requirements for multiple dwellings. Clerk to query League of Municipalities for source of information on Monticello Dutch Elm Disease Ordinance printed in their magazine. Clerk directed to direct letter to property owners creating a nuisance or blight condition. Application for building permit by Texaco, Inc. to construct service station on Highwav 25 South approved. Estimate construction costs 1609000.00. Motion by Dick Martie, seconded by `4alter Tflarkling to approve X25.00 payment to Perry Walters for services. Village and engineer to get copies of service maps that Perry has. Motion by exalter TIarkl ing, seconded by Richard *Iartie that council. authorize Mayor to enter into contract with Wright Countv for assessor services for 1972 with costs to eauate to .2 mills of assessed valuation. Clerk to clear with Col_anty Assessor and. Village !auditor status of reim- bursement for 1971 assessin7 services, Motion by halter Markling, second by Richard Martie to approve minutes of meetings of September 14, 169 21, 22 as mailed. Ron Schleif assumed chair upon arrival. Motion by Richard Martie, seconded by 14alter Markling to renew liability insurance at an annual premium of $1523.00. All in favor -- carried. Ronald Michaelis appeared before council advising that the present tank truck is almost unusable and dangerous to operate. Fire department in need of new fire truck -- estimated cost 120,000 to $25,000. James Maus made motion that warrant for $60,662.12 be issued for third payment to Standard Contracting for storm sewer work contingent on ac- ceptance by bank. Seconded by Walter Markling, carried -- all in favor. James Foster reported on present insurance coverage and possible con- solidation coverage to save nremium costs. Motion by 14alter Markling, seconded by Richard Y, rtie to auth^rite mayor to sign statement of con- solidation and proceed with consolidation of fire insrrance coverage. Carried -- all in favor. Discussion to authorize seal-cot_ng of city narking lot. Final action to be taken upon receipt of types of coating and costs. Jim powers, Deputy Sheriff, rera^rted on County police Service bep-,inring nn October 1 will be 16 hours daily coverage plus backup coverage. $1,000 credit is allowed for p41onticello police eouipment being transferred to the County Dept. Motion by Walter Yarkl ing, second by James Yaus to accept this credit. Clerk directed to set un meeting with James Merriam, Bridgewater Telephone, and engineer for council to discuss laving of telephone conduit on Third St, Discussion on 1972 proposed budget deferred until next meeting. Don G anlund, Clerk DG/1g