City Council Minutes 09-23-1971 Special e e VILLAGE OF ONTICELLO Monticello, Minn sota 55362 September Special meeting of the Village Cou cil on Wednesday, Seutember 22, 1971, at 7=30 P.M. 'Meeting: called to order by Ron Sch eif, Mayor. Councilmen oresent: Ron Schleif, James Haus, Richard M rtie, Bill Sandberg:, ',."ral ter Markling. Three men were interviewed as cand'dates for the oosition of villaQ:e administrator. About 45 m nutes was nevoted to each inter- view. No decision lATas ma.rle at thi.s time. Various councilmen will follow up on references f'or discussion at next meeting. Motion to an iourn bv Sill Sandberg: seconded bv 'ITal ter }ll'arkling. So orrlered. . . DG/lg