City Council Minutes 08-04-1971 SpecialVILLAGE OF MONTICELLO
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
August 4, 1971
Special meeting of Village Council -- August 4, 7:30 P. M.
Attending: Ron Schleif., Dick Martie, James Maus, Bill Sandberg. Absent:
Walter Markling.
Also attending: Thore Mever, Bill Elliott, Hugo Hillstrom, R. E. 1461fe and
Dick Lange, State Highway Department.
Meeting called to order by Ron Schleif, Mayor.
R. F. 14olfe, State Highwav Dent., explained desire to locate Maintenance
Headquarters in Monticello that will employ about 18 men. Area maintenance
xril_l serve `^Tright County norti on of I-94, uighway 25 from Big Lake to Buffalo,
Nighwav 241, Hi�hwav 24 and others. The State Highway Dent. is lookin7 for
suitable location of about 7 acres to trade for nronerty now okmed on High-
way 152 nresently zoned residential. Plans call for a 1.50' x 40' maintenance
buildinp,. Several possible locations su7ryested. To be referred to planning
Commission to work TArith State and recommend.
Thore ?Never and Bill Elli^tt presented revised plans for street, sewer and
water work needed in Monticello. Trater system uDgrading to lay water lines
to tie into dead ends to prevent water stagnation; setting of several shut-
off valves to control water by sections of town in event of emergency. Esti-
mated cost is 1599000.00.
Paving curb and gutters on Walnut and Cedar between 3rd and River, 3rd and
River '^etween 4alnut and Cedar. Estimated cost -- $87,300.00
Storm sewer upgrading from Liquor Store parking lot, bank lots, 3rd and
Locust, etc. Estimated cost -- $229700.00
Third Street overlay -- Patching holes and 2" blacktop overlay on 'gest
Third Street -- Walnut to Elm. Estimated cost -- $13,200.00. (Patching
and 2" overlay $5.00 Der lineal foot; complete job with curb and gutter $8.00
per lineal foot -- recommended between Walnut and Locust. $5.00 per lineal
foot is $2000.00 per block, at $8.00 per foot is $3200.00 per block).
Proposed by Mayor Schleif that this information be given to Planning Com-
mission and planner for study and recommendation.
Motion by James Maus, seconded by Richard Mlartie to order plans and specs
on water imDrovements as nresented. Carried all in favor.
Motion to djourn by Richard Martie, seconded by James .Maus. So ordered.
Don nlund, Clerk
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