City Council Minutes 07-13-1971VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
July 13, 1971
Regular meeting of village council, July 13, 1971, 7:30 P.I.
Councilmen present: Ron Schleif, William Sandberg, James Maus, Richard
Martie and. Walter Markling. Absent: none. Also present: Ronald
Michaelis, Robert Davis, Art McIntire, Robert Westerman, Richard
Brooks, Thore Meyer.
Meeting called to order at 7:40 P.M. by Ron Schleif, mayor.
Minutes of previous meetings approved with following correction to
third paragraph: 'Action on minutes of previous meeting dispensed
with on motion by Richard Martie and seconded by James Maus." Clerk
to send copies of June 22nd minutes to councilmen again, on motion
by James Maus, seconded by Richard Yartie. Carried.
Reported that ouarterly audit of Liouor Store is in progress.
Ron Schleif reported on new law regarding Justice of Peace duties and
transmitting of funds to County. Art McIntire reported he had been
informed that one half of fines collected would be returned to village.
Clerk instructed to contact district court and get clarification.
Dick Martie reported on Civil Defense activities and status. Report
Erwin Stelton and Jay Miller, Jr. appeared before council to question
if any adjustments have been considered on sewer rates. No changes
have been made yet.
Robert Davis questioned what action had been taken regarding extended
planning program. Davis explained that Planning Commission recommended
continuation of planning program under Charles Tooker with zoning, sub'
division planning, downtown planning, street layout and housing as
priority areas. Also recommended that Village apply for additional 701
Planning funds from State Planning Commission.
Dick Martie made motion, seconded by James Maus that village retain
Charles Tooker and Associates as Planner. Carried -- all in favor.
Walter Darkling made motion that we formulate resolution and make app-
lication for 701 Planning funds as recommended by Planning Commission.
Downtown plan to coordinate with plan of Chamber of Commerce. W.
Sandberg wants to delay any acti6n until Municipal Commission makes
decision re: annexation. Voting in favor of motion: Schleif, Markling,
Maus, I-artie. Against: Sandberg. Carried.
Dick Brooks directAd to contact Clarence Roadfeldt and identify trees
that are infected by Dutch Elm Disease on village Dropertv.
Complaints of trucks traveling South Sixth and West Minnesota Streets
raising dust. Clerk to send letter to organization asking to re-route
Elwood Haaland and Mel Walberg, J. C.'s, appeared before council to
request short term beer license for beer concession for
by dance
for Saturday nite of the Carnival, August 21. approve
R. Martie, seconded by James Maus. Carried.
J. C's request short term beer license for weekend
dtof Auo at or
August 28 for tournament at 4th St. Ball Parko o approve
R. Martie, seconded by W. Markling. Carried.
Motion by James Maus seconded by Richard Martie to allow building
permit for Junior High School. Motion carried. In favor: Schleif,
Sandberg, Maus, Martie, Markling.
Clerk directed to write letter to contractor or school board to
application in for water and sewer hookup. Also cited need for fire
hydrant near site of new school.
Discussion of State Highway consideration of a maintenance
Monticello, -just -,west of town. R. Schleif to call Highway Dept.
and express encouragement to locate in Monticello.
Discussion of providing a barricade at east door ofLiouor Store
prevent further injury. No action. Proposed that
Thore situation with plan for narking lot at Liquor Store.
A resolu ion presented by William Sandberg to request Minnesota
Highway ept. to upgrade the traffic signal system a traffic
S. H. 152 and S. H. 25 in the village of Monticello. Numerous
accidents have occurred at this intersection ecently. We attention. seconded by
quest that this matter be given ,your immediate
R. Martie. Carried. All in favor.
Much time spent discussing police policy and natrol time McIntirewith 6 and?
Westermann. Presently about 11 hours street patrol
Twenty four
hours spent on call follow court time. -up, record keening, Discussion
hour patrol time desir able, 20 hour patrol tins forMcIntireand
regarding added patrolman, present on call ho Clerk to
Westermann, added part time patrol, countyorfurtherdiscussion of County
check with Jim Powers to determine time
Police system.
Thore Meyer discussed with Council some of the.needslof the
and sewer system. To do necessary looping of water , install
essary gate valves, install catch basinsgetc. would t leave
of the
streets cut up. Overlay matting of 1Sthickness chleif suggested that sections of
cost about $5.00 lineal foot. Mayor
town be done well on a staggered basis. No action taken at this time.
Thore Meyer further advised that thought must be iven to providl for ing '
service conduits through Interstate Highway 94. Plans
sewer conduit at east end of town and three 18" steel water condustlaid
through,highway. Approximate cost - $18,000 for the
four in. No action taken at this time.
Motion by Walter Markling, seconded by James Maus to approve hemge order
on contract for well house to add $1845.00 for P.T.O. unitg
power. Carried.
Walter Markling reported repeated basement flooding of homes on Front
Street during storms. Determined that storm basins emptying into sani.
tary sewer create the problem. Motion by Markling, second by Maus, to
close storm basins to alleviate problem. In favor: Maus, Markling,
Martie, Schleif, Abstaining: Sandberg.
Motion by Walter Markling, seconded by Richard Martie to permit building
a 30 x 40.ft. addition to Moon Motors building. Carried.
Motion by Richard Martie, seconded by J. Maus to reimburse Dave Kranz
for out of pocket expense for ball park equipment.
Motion by Walter Markling, seconded by James Maus to approve bills as
presented. Liquor Fund - $41 725.71; .Admin. - $569.26; Police - $641.02;
Fire Dept. - $797.40; Park - 1364.18; Water Fund - $281.69; Sewer Fund -
$695.71; Street Fund - $1054.27; Service - $12.73.29; Miscellaneous - $15366.70;
Salaries _ $4813.50.
Motion by Walter Markling seconded by James Maus to approve Thore
Meyer's interim bill for 17577.94 for engineering on storm sewer program,
and to approve for payment to Standard Contracting partial billing for
$23015.87. Carried.
Motion to adjourn at 11:45 P.M. by Richard Martie, second by James
Maus. So ordered.
Don Granlund, Clerk
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