City Council Minutes 06-22-1971VILLAGE OF 7ELL
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
June 22, 1971
Regular meeting of Village Council in meeting June 22nd, 1971 --
7:30 P. M. in the village hall.
Councilmen attending: Mayor Ron Schleif, Walter Markling, Dick Martie,
Jim Maus and Bill.Sandberg. Absent: None.
Bob Davis reported that Charles Tooker, village planner, would have
report ready for the special meeting called for June 29th at 7:00 P.M.
Meeting called to order at 8 P.M. by Mayor Schleif. The first order
was the meeting of Board of Review for purpose of hdaring complaints
on assessment of village property. Bernard Mattson, County Assessor,
was present to answer any questions. No one presented any complaints.
Motion by Richard Martie to accent the statement of assessment. Se-
conded by Walter Markling. Carried with all councilmen in favor.
Certificate signed by Mayor Schleif, Williar Sandberg and Richard Martie.
Harry Bebo requested that ball club be granted a short term beer license
for tournament July 17 & 18. Motion to permit by Walter Markling, seconded
by James Maus. In favor: Martie, Markling, Maus, Sandberg, ScTleif.
Against: None. -,
Action on a Police Commission deferred pending completion of study by
Request for building permit by Perry halters to build house on adjacent
to existing house on lot on Block E, lower Monticello deferred until
plot plan and measurements are submitted showing location of buildings
on lot.
Walter Markling reported that leased police car would not be available be-
fore 1972 models came out through leasing agencies. Dick Martie to check
local agencies to determine if leasing arrangements are available.
Ron Schleif & Jim Maus reported that Hillside Cemetery needs general up-
grading and firing of depressions. General consensus that maintenance
crew continue upgrading as time permits.
Bill Elliott and Dave Clough of Engineering office and Phil Chenoweth
of Ehlers & Associates reviewed results of hearing on June 17t1h.
Charles Stumpf presented the following petition: `AAs taxpayers in
the village of Monticello we are signing this petition against the
proposed street program:
"The inflation at this time demands that only the critical improvements
be made until the economy allows home -owners a chance to keen their homes.
We feel that only the critical water and storm sewer inDrovem&nts and
street repair should be made at this time and are definitely against
curbs and gutters." 291 signatures were affixed to the petition.
Twelve residents of the villa7e were in attendance to sneak on the petition.
Lotion by Walter Markling, seconded by Richard Martie that village adopt
a resolution to.go ahead with storm sewer program in conjunction with
State highway Department. In favor: Markling, Martie, Maus, Sandberg,
Schleif. Against: None.
Motion by James Maus, seconded by Walter Markling to accept low bid of
$137457.Wsubnitted by Standard Contracting Co. of Duluth for storm
sewer program. In favor: Martie, Maus, Markling, Sandberg and Schleif.
Engineering firm directed to make further study and come up with a re-
vised program for water and sanitary sewer work. Auxiliary storm sewer
and emergency street work needed. What to be done, how much cost,
how long a project.
J. Miller Construction presented request for partial payment of $159300.00
on pump house. Motion by Walter Markling to transfer $15,300.00 from
liquor fund to contract fund reserve, seconded by James Maus. Carried.
All councilmen approved. Motion by Richard Martie, seconded by Walter
Markling to pay Jay Miller $15,300.00 on contract. All councilmen in
favor. Carried.
Bill Elliott presented change order to contract with Jay Miller for re-
duction of ti,106.80 to electrical work on Dump house contract. Motion
by Richard Martie, -seconded by Jim Maus to accept change. Carried
all in favor.
Change order presented for increase in contract for $1,845.00 for addition
of power take -off =-it on Dump. Motion by James Maus, seconded by Richard
Martie to accept change. All councilmen in favor .._ carried.
Motion by Jim Maus, seconded by Richard Martie that Elms on village pro..
perty with Dutch Elm Disease be identified and proceed to have them
removed at once. All in favor __ carried.
James Maus made motion that Cliff Soltau's request to enclose existing
patio be approved. Seconded by Dick Martie. In favor: Sandberg, Maus,
Schleif, Martie, Markling. Carried.
Motion for adjournment at 11:20 P. M. by William Sandberg, seconded by
Richard Martie.
So ordered.
Don Q
anlund, Clerk