City Council Minutes 06-08-1971VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
June 8. 1971
Regular meeting of Village Council called to order June 8, 1071 at 7:35 PA
by Mayor Schleif. Councilmen present: James Maus, Richard Martie, Walter
Markling and William Sandberg.
Mayor Schleif requested that the chair be approached and speaker be re-
cognized to make for a more orderly meeting.
Motion by Richard Martie that May 25th meeting minutes be approved as
mailed. Seconded by James Maus. Carried -- all councilmen voting in favor.
Dick Brooks reported that park plumbing had. been repaired, street patching
was going on and that park maintenance was under control.
Walt Mack reported that rubbish cleanup at sewer plant had not been done yet.
Ronald Michaelis reported that smoke ejector and oxygen equipment had arrived
and would be installed on fire equipment. He raised question on authority
to abate fire hazards.
Council to review state and local fire ordinances and determine present
,powers. Letter to be sent to L. R. Fair and Roy Lauring regarding fire
hazard created by burning practices.
Ron Michaelis reported that Civil Defense had four shelters set up. Not
all are stocked as supplies are not available.
Dick Hesley reported that a small boy was hurt by swinging door on east side
of Liquor Store. Discussion of installing barrier or rehanging of door.-.
no action taken.
Thore Meyer reported that bid opening for storm sewer to drain from I-9425
interchange is 2:00 P.M. Thursday, June 10, 1471.
Robert Westerman reported the present police car is in bad shape and village
in need of new car. Council to investim-ate rental on temporary basis and
also leasing agencies for leasing procedures. Patrolman Westerman also ad-
vised that state law requires that police car should carry emergency first
aid supplies. These sunplies would cost about $50.00. Walter Markling made
motion that police department proceed with procuring necessary first aid
sunulies. seconded by James Maus. All Councilmen in favor.
Mr. Marcus Woell, State Highway Dept., requested aDnroval of plans and spec-
ifications for I-94 section by-passing Monticello. Motion by William Sand-
berg, seconded by James Maus, to approve plans and specs. In favor: Maus,
Markling, Schleif, Martie, Sandberg. Against: none.
J. Miller and Irwin Stelton appeared before council to discuss forthcoming
change in sewer rate and the effect they will have on laundromat operations.
Concensus of council that further study might be necessary and consideration
for these and other high users. Jim Maus and Clerk to study.
Amendment to present Dutch Elm Disease Ordinance was introduced. Dis_
cussion resulted in amending ordinance 1311.080 paragraph "b" to read
"10 days from date of notice." Motion to adopt ordinance amendment as
amended made by Richard Martie, seconded by 141ter Markling. In favor:
Martie, Maus, Markling, Schleif and Sandberg.
Assessment hearing to be held June 22nd as hart of next regular meeting.
Snecial meeting; to be set for hearing on water & sewer assessments on West
3rd St. for Jul.v 6th, 5:00 P.M. Council to consider changes in tvne of
government at same time.
Mavor Schleif to draft letter to private well owners regarding water/sewage
metering and alternatives. Mavor Schleif to draft letter to Mid-America
Dairymen regarding water/ meterinv, and alternatives.
Request for building permit for building enclosed patio on north side of
home made by Gene Walters. Motion to approve subject to inspection by
Clerk to meet ordinance space requirements made by James Maus, seconded
by R. Martie. Motion carried with all in favor.
Discussion regardingking lot at liquor store resulted in motion by
James Maus to direct ore Meyer to plan for upgrading and paving of parking
lot. Seconded by Richard Martie. In favor: Schleif, Martie, Maus, Sandberg
and. Markling.
Thore Meyer presented cooperative agreement of State Highway Dept. and Village
of Monticello to install storm sewer system from I-94 to the Mississippi
River. Motion by Walter Markling, seconded by James Maus that we adopt re-
solution for cooperative agreement. In favor: Sandberg, Schleif, Maus,
Markling and Martie.
(See attached copy of Resolution)
Noted that there had been complaints of three properties in town that are not
maintained in an orderly manner and should be abated under nuisance ordinance.
Restudy of nuisance ordinance to be part of next meeting agenda.
Moticn by Walter Markling to approve bills as nreser_ted. Seconded by Richard
Martie. Carried...... all in favor. Administrative 531.13; Police
$383.53; Fire -.. 1650.06; Park -.. $682.77; Street -- t367R.11; Service _-
$1330.40; Water _- $9881068; Selger -_ 12011.83; Liquor -- 121295.99.
Motion to adjourn at 11:20 P.M,
Martie. So or ed.
Don Gran d, Clerk
DG /1,L7
by YTilliam Sandberg, seconded by Richard