City Council Minutes 06-07-1971 SpecialVILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 June �, 1971 Special meeting of Village Council called to order by Mayor Ronald Schleif at 7:30 P. M. Council members present: Ron Schleif, Walt Markling, William Sand. berg, James Maus. Absent: Richard Martie, Philip Chenowith, financial consultant and Thore Meyer, engineer also present. Mr. Chenowith presented three alternative methods for financing the proposed $982,839 improvement program. Total costs including financing and service charges will run about $1,015,000. $1019500 of this will be collectible from revenues leaving $913,500 to be collected by assessment and general taxation. After some discussion Walter Markling recommended adoption of a plan calling for 80% assessment td property owners and 20% general levy. This plan provides for 100% front footage assessment and 50% side footage assessment. Motion requested to direct Ehlers & Associates (Philip Chenowith) to vrenare planning on this program. Motion made by Walter Markling, seconded by James Maus. Voting in favor: Walt Markling, James Maus, Ron Schleif. Against: William Sandberg, Mr. Chenowith introduced a sample news release that would lay out work to be done and cost to property owner. Motion to adjourn made by James Maus at 9:30 P.M., seconded by Walt-'Markling. So ordered.