City Council Minutes 05-11-1971VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO
Monticello, Minnesota 55362
Regular meeting of Village Council -- May 11, 1971
Present: Ron Schleif, Richard Martie, I/falter Markling, 74illiam
Sandberg, James Maus. Dick Brooks, Ron Michaelis, Bob Davis, Bill
Elliott, Arve Grimsmo were in attendance.
Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Ron Schleif, Mayor.
Minutes of the previous meeting approved as mailed.
Ron Michaelis resorted on the Civil Defense program. Pick Yartie
to work with Ron Michaelis to prepare a record of facilities, shelters,
etc. for Hospital, Police Dent. and other public outlets. Clerk
requested to write letter to School Board requesting serious con-
sideration of shelter area in new Junior High School.
Ron Michaelis and Gene Jensen attended fire school and reported
that it was a fine and worthwhile experience. Mr. Michaelis further
raised question if the Fire Department or Chief had the power to
condemn villapre buildings that are a fire hazard. Present village
ordinance does not provide this power. Clerk to investigate and
provide sample ordinance for study. Also to investigate further
the village legal powers to control fires, incinerators, etc.
Ron Michaelis advised Council. that there is a need for a new water
tanker truck. Cost runs about 15 to 20 dollars a thousand. Dis-
cussion resulted in suggestion of proposing joint support of Town-
ship and Village or of negotiating long term fire service contracts
with Townships.
Richard Brooks reported that Rillsi6e Cemetery is in poor shape
and should be upgraded. Motion by J. 14aus to clean up cemetery at
this time and do emergency work needed but to defer major work at
this time. Walter Markling seconded. All councilmen voted in favor.
Ron Schleif and Jim Maus to inspect cemetery and determine extent
of major upgrading necessary.
Robert Davis reported that Charles Tooker, planner, would be ready
to give report on planning progress on 701 program in June. Date
to be determined and council will schedule special meeting.
Motion by James Maus, seconded by Richard Martie to issue building
permit to Arve Grimsmo to build enclosed porch on north side of his
It was noted that council policy that department people should attend
at least one regular meeting a month be emphasized.
Council to meet with P. Chenowith to oroceed with scheduling hearings
and bidding on storm sewer installation to strive for June 10th
Maus, Markling and Walt Mack to meet with Bill Elliott at sewer
plant Saturday morning to determine best method for removal of
Discussion of providing auxiliary power for water pumping iii event
of power o»tage. Walter T°Tarkling made motion that P.T.O. unit with
gear ratio. at approximately cost of $1400.00 be provided for new
pump to allow hook up to tractor for pumping. Seconded by Jim
Maus. In favor: Maus, Markling, Schleif, Martie. Sandberg "no"
unless hos7pital bear part of cost.
Motion by William Sandberg that clerk write to Hospital Board and
request partial assistance on cost of P.T.O. unit for pump. Motion
lost for lack of a second.
Motion by Walter Markling to approve application for building permit
to build house on Earl Lindenfelser's lots. Seconded by James Maus.
Carried. In favor: Maus, Miarkling, Martie, Schleif. Abstain: Sandberg.
Thore Meyer, engineer, to work with Lindenfelser and Mack to deter-
mine sewer and water hook up as apparently outlets not provided
when mains laid.
Motion by James Maus, seconded by Walter Markling to issue permit
to Larry Hartzler to install garage on his lot. In favor: Maus,
Markling, Martie, Schleif, Sandberg.
James Maus moved, seconded by Richard T4artie to authorize purchase
of chemicals for water treatment 10 bottles chlorine, 7 barrels poly-
phosphates. In favor: Maus, Markling, Martie, Schleif. Sandberg "no."
Brooks advised that the tractor mower and driver could be hired at
$4.00 per hour in lieu of buying new mower. equipment. Motion by
Richard Martie, seconded by Walter Markling to hire this Service
when needed. In favor: Schleif, Maus, Martie, Markling, andberg.
Halt Mack to set up schedule of hydrant flushing --schedule to be pub-
Motion by Jim Maus, seconded by Walter Markling to apnrove bills
presented. Administrative - $583.99; Police - $537.84; Fire _ $1467.62;
Water - 1651.20; Park - $430.55; Sewer - $1146.80; Street - $1292.79;
Senior Citizens - $556.14; General Services - $3710.33; Salaries -
$4816.50; Liquor - $30474.750
Report that chimney at Sen. Cit. Center needs to be anchored. Motion
by Walter Markling, seconded by Richard Martie that this be done -- all
in favor.
Motion to ad' urn at 11:10 P. M.
N u So dered.
r �7
Don G anlund, Clerk
by Bill Sandberg, seconded by James